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Review Study of Business Intelligence to Support
Strategic Decision Making
Astari Retnowardhani
Information Systems Management
Department, BINUS Graduate Program –
Master of Information Systems
Bina Nusantara University Jakarta,
Wahyu Sardjono
Information Systems Management
Department, BINUS Graduate Program –
Master of Information Systems
Bina Nusantara University Jakarta,
Yaya Sudarya Triana
Faculty of Computer Science Universitas
Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract —In this era the business competition between
regions and countries will be more stringent. One way to survive
and improve its performance is through the management of
information, it is necessary to be able to see and assess the
company from a variety of perspectives. One of the keys to
surviving and playing a role is to manage complete, fast and
precise information. Data analysis will be easy if the required
data is available. Business intelligence techniques (BI) can be
used to assist in the decision-making process. Many organization
and educational institution have implemented BI as the support
system. Therefore, we make a comparison study about BI
research finding from several articles. From the comparison
study it can be seen the research in the BI field is continues to
grow and also following the technology trend. This can be seen
from the topics discussed in the journal articles in the period
2010-2017. This study is conducted to see the spread and trend
of business intelligence research in various forms of
organization. Also can be seen the advantages of BI in the
decision-making process.
Keywords—Business Intelligence, decision-making, review
Competition of the business between regions and
countries will be more stringent in this era. Therefore, both
business and education institutions should strive to maintain
and develop their existence in order to grow and have
competitive power. One way to survive and improve the
performance is through the management of information, it is
necessary to be able to see and assess the company from a
variety of perspectives. Keys to survive and play a role are
manage complete, fast and precise information.
This information will be used as material by decision-
makers (DM). According [1] to Business Intelligence (BI) is
an umbrella term consisting of technologies and processes for
gathering, storing and analyzing data into information to
improve decision-making process. BI techniques can support
this decision-making process [2]. With BI, DM can more
easily and improve the quality of decision-making. Refer to
[3] BI systems typically employ 3 different technologies for
supporting DM in an organization, comprise: a data
warehouse for the gathering of business data, data mining,
and online analytical processing (OLAP) for data analysis.
Research in this area has been done by several researchers.
They implement the BI in the various organization. The
growth of the use of BI as a part of the decision-making
support system become increase. Many studies have been
conducted on the use of BI for the benefit of various forms of
organization. In this era, the use of new technology in BI is
increase, such as Big Data analytics.
In the process of decision-making can be supported by
business intelligence (BI) techniques [2]. One of the main
purposes of Decision Support System is to improve the
quality of a decision. BI techniques can be used to get quality
decisions [4] . With BI, decision makers can more easily and
improve the quality of decision-making.
Business Intelligence (BI) is a system and application that
serves to analyze data of a company or organization
(operational data, transactional data, or other data)
historically to gain the necessary knowledge in decision
making [5]. Various advantages in the application of BI,
among others, to collect, store, analyze and provide access to
data to help users make decisions accurately by doing various
activities including: decision support system, query,
reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical
analysis, forecasting, and data mining for data analysis.
For complicated BI applications running on large
databases, there may be difficult reading directly from the
operational database. In addition to slowing down the DBMS
and its applications, errors may occur when values are
missing or in the wrong format. Therefore, separate
databases, extraction from the operational database, need to
be set and prepared to use BI. The process of data
warehousing is done in 3 main steps, also known as
extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) [6] .
Reporting technology in BI contains more function than
information distribution. Reporting is applied in business
processes to generate reports for applications such as logistics
and financial management. Based on user skills, BI
distinguishes 3 main types of reporting tools, namely the
production of reporting tools, desktop report writers and
managed query tools. Producing reporting tools used to
produce operational reports or highly piled tasks such as
calculating and printing salaries. Generating reports requires
support to form an IT department. As these reports include
large amounts of data, the queries are processed in the
aggregate model.
The managed query tool allows users to access complex
data sources in a fairly simple way. This combination requires
an interface between the data source and the user, which
defines the relationship between the physical data in the
database and the user's language. This interface contains a
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI)
July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia
978-1-7281-2418-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 19
graphical SQL environment generating SQL code according
to the graphical commands. Standard Language Questions
(SQL) are standard database languages for data access (read,
insert, update, delete) and manipulations in relational
database management systems [7] . SQL allows users also to
perform some simple calculations on data such as generating
trends from the past, current, and future possible business
activities. The architecture of a business intelligence system
consists of six main components [8], they are Data Source,
Data Warehouse, Data Exploration, Data Mining,
Optimization, Decisions. Business intelligence is divided into
five types or categories [7], they are Enterprise Reporting,
Cube Analysis, Ad Hoc Query and Analysis, Statistical
Analysis and Data Mining, Delivery Report and Alert.
BI and its role can increase the company's competitive
advantage through the utilization of various data, information
and knowledge owned by the company as raw material in
decision making process. Some researchers propose the BI
framework to help organizations / companies in order to help
improve efficiency, the accuracy of decision making, and
achieve the desired goals [9] .
Then, we review several research articles that discussed
about BI in the last 8 years. This review can provide an
overview the growth of the research in BI have covered
various fields, and to know the trend of technology use for
BI. The objectives to be achieved in this study is to conduct
the comparison of the use and implementation of BI in the
various organization. Also, the use of BI in the decision-
making process. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) isused
in the process of review in this study.
This study adoption a Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) for the article review process. SLR is a concept of
identifying, evaluating and interpreting all available
researches related to a specific research query, topic area or
phenomenon of interest [10][11]. In this study SLR is used to
perform a comprehensive study of research in Business
Intelligence area. The stages of the SLR are selection process
of sources/articles, criteria selection such as keywords, article
classification [12]. Then, the research methodology of this
thesis is follow the stages of the SLR. The research a
methodology in this study has 4 Phases, as describe in the Fig.
1 :
Figure 1. Research Methodology of This Study
The methodology of this study begins with Phase 1 is
Selection of appropriate paper in BI areas. This phase has 2
steps. The first step is search in online index journal database
Scopus and ScienceDirect which are depicted in Table 1.
Some keywords are used to find relevant articles in the online
index journal database. The keywords have been used are
Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence for decision-
making, Business Intelligence techniques, and Business
Intelligence analytic. Journal articles and conference papers
have been selected in this searching. In Second step is sorting
out the articles in order to extract with the relevant BI topic
areas. Afterwards, the articles selected have been ordering by
year of issues with range of the year between 2010 until 2017.
The scope of BI areas in this study is the use of BI in the
development of IT/IS system, with the aim of enhancing
corporate or organization activities. It is done intend to see
the trend that occurred. Thereafter, in Phase 2 we take a
review of the cases on those articles to see the variation and
changes of BI research area. Classifying methods or
technology will be done in Phase 3. Then, Phase 4 perform
the finding of advantage and disadvantages of the BI
implementation in each article.
Online Index Journal
The use of BI at this time is increasingly widespread and
growing. This is due to the need for support systems for
strategic decision making. Therefore, to see the growth of the
use of BI, then this comparison study is made. In Phase 1 has
found as many as 14 papers related to BI in the period 2010
until 2017.
The next phase, Phase 2, review of the 14 papers have
been done. The reviews are present as follows in this paper.
In period 2010 there are studies from [13] and [14]. [13]
described the BI role’s in Thailand’s Higher Education
Resources Management (HERM). There are covers the
implementation, the technology, and its key success factors.
The aims of BI, in this case, are to make an effective and
efficient of education management. The objective of this
research is to develop a standard data set used by every
institution under the Higher Education Commission. This
paper also discussed the use of information technology for
university student database management. The database
covers such as a number of graduate students, scholarship,
job opportunity, social welfare, strategic planning.
Kleesuwan, et. al. presented about the infrastructure of Office
of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) where it
includes OHEC-Database, OHEC-Decision Support System
(DSS), and OHEC-Executive Information System (EIS).
They concluded in this paper that the implementation of BI in
the Thailand’s HERM can be said to be successful.
[14] has proposed an architecture for the e-learning
system. The proposed architecture used to monitor and
analyze the learner’s behaviour and performance in the e-
learning environment. Also, to evaluate the structure of the
course content and its effectiveness in the learning process. It
is for solving the lack of analytical and subjective reporting
tools in a widely spread, open-source, learning management
system. Also provide instructors with detailed reports about
the progression of students and give them the ability to track
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI)
July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia
and assess the student performance and evaluate the design
of their virtual courses, in order to take suitable managerial
decisions. From the use of this BI and OLAP in e-learning
environment for a case study, they found the students who
take the e-learning course program prefer to use collaborative
activities, instead of just viewing the learning material.
In 2012 there was research from [15] and [16]. [15]
proposed an operational BI system for call centers. They used
data collected from US insurance company. This system used
for helping the company achieve excellence through
improved service levels. They created a decision tree for
predicting service level. They found the use of decision tree
is useful for predictions of future service levels based on a set
of the variable in this case. The system they proposed uses a
sliding window for continually reconstructing decisions tree
and highlighting the factors impacting service levels. The
results have shown the operation of Business Intelligence
(BI) can indeed increase the chance of an insurance
organization in a competitive advantage.
[16] were introduced a practical framework toimplement
BI. It is conducted to help organizations in directions oftheir
goals. Especially when the organizations need to analyze the
market to stay stable in facing market variant changes and
eventually to be able to handle market management. The
proposed framework consists of Business Skills,
Organizational Skills, and IT Skills. For each of that skills, a
significant impact is in the process of implementing BI. The
result of their studies was shown measured value or the
amount of BI and its impact on the organizations is not
carefully possible. However, they also found at the same time
there are also simple and practical ways that the financial
performance and market to BI organizations. They used
investment return (ROI) in determining the value of BI. The
used of ROI is to set priorities for exacting for IT projects
inside the organizations by managers.
In 2013, research on BI also conducted by [17]. [17] have
been discussed about BI and Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP). Because in their opinion BI and ERP became a key
strategic tool in this era. They reviewed and evaluate articles
in range 2000 and 2012 regarding this integration. In their
findings explained based on the articles published on 2000
until 2012 majority of the research focused on investigating
ERP and BI but only a few attempts to integrate them.
In 2014, research about BI conducted by some researchers
such as [18], [2], and [19]. [18] have discussed development
of Resident Practice Profile application which used BI
application framework. The used of this framework to gain
the flexibility integrates user interfaces and reporting while
minimizing the labor required for application coding. A
practice profile is a type of BI application used to collect data
in order to monitor and measure performance. There is
increasing pressure on healthcare organizations to deploy
such applications to measure performance related to quality
care goals. The different between Chamney, et. al., study with
other BI application study is the use of collect data method.
They used the application framework to develop browser-
based applications to collect directly into a reporting
database, rather than use Extracting Transforming and
Loading (ETL) data from existing operational systems into a
specialized reporting database optimized for reporting. They
use the framework to bypass the complexity, effort, and
processing delays associated with ETL.
[2] applied a design science research paradigm. They are
also demonstrate the applicability and utility of an integrated
framework of BI Product and Metacontent Map (BIP-Map).
The purpose of this integration is to produce a comprehensive
framework which is able to enhance the traceability and
accountability of BI products. Then, the end-users can make
more informed and timely decisions in their business. This
paper presented the result of the development of two
artefacts. Where the first artefact was an integrated
framework of BIP-Map. The second was a BIP-Map
informed prototype. They concluded the BIP-Map could
serve as a framework for BI practitioners to identify business
and information phases that may create data quality problems.
[19] examined the use of ERP systems by small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They give special
attention to the critical factors affecting adoption of ERPs by
SMEs and the BI potential of implementing and using ERP
during a period of crisis. This is done because most SMEs
still underestimate the application and the dynamic of BI in
their decision-making process. They have sample consisted
of 37 firms and respondents. The result of their examination
is the BI capabilities of ERP systems is still underutilized by
SMEs. As managers do not take advantage of the knowledge
and experience gained from using ERP.
In 2015, [20] and [21] also presented BI approached in
their research. [20] have discussed about improving
efficiency within BI systems. They argue the efficiency
improvement of BI can be achieved by providing a software
support embedded system, the integration of mobile devices,
and the integration of the technology for the processing of
various data. Based on the analysis have been done, they also
stated the improvement efficiency of BI were established in
relation to the new trends in processing, analyzing and
presenting data. The example of trend technology as likeBig
Data analytics.
[21] explored about the BI solutions used in the
Norwegian industry. This is motivated by the average of
academics and practitioners note that BI is complex and
difficult to manage. They analyze from 5 case companies.
They found the majority of companies had technology from
the “Leaders” of technology, such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP.
However, there are 2 companies had built their own
solution(s) in addition. After analyzed from several case
study they concluded two findings. First, building upon
concepts derived from the Digital Infrastructure Theory, they
found that while the Norwegian industry still has a traditional,
complex BI architecture, it is scalable in the sense that the
industry can add or remove elements, or even scrap the whole
BI solution. The companies demonstrate innovation and
adoption through their use of dashboards and real-time data.
Based on these findings, then [21] proposed a future research
agenda for BI. Second, they offered three lessons for
managers of BI in organizations.
In 2016, there a research conducted by [22] and[23].
[22] were discussed Pervasive BI systems in critical
healthcare. Pervasive BI concept is based on the Ubiquity.
Ubiquity means is existence or apparent existence
everywhere at the same time; omnipresence and in the
omnipresence; present everywhere simultaneously. From the
understanding of the concept of Pervasive, Pervasive BI
Systems and their connection to Pervasive Healthcare, they
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI)
July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia
found this system eventually help to reduce medical errors,
implementing pervasive characteristics in critical health
systems. It can happen among others due to the data can be
access from anywhere at any time, which it can reduce the
number of the medical error.
[23] make a study about implications of Big Data analytics
on BI. Based on the capabilities of Big Data in analytics and
expected to handle many challenges business face today,
then, the authors interest to study the implications of Big Data
analytics in enhancing BI. The case study is data collected
from Social Media for enhanced BI in China businesses.
Because the growth of Social Media use and online business
in China are exponential. The authors use interviews method,
involved CIOs, IT managers, IT consultant, Seniormanagers
with involvement in BI, and Business Development
managers. They concluded the Big Data analytics offer
multitude of opportunities to enhance business value and
In 2017, there are [24] and [25] have a study about BI.
[24] discussed consolidation of cloud computing technology
and big data analytics. This consolidation can enhance the
process of big data mining enabling a business to improve
decision-making processes. They concluded the of used cloud
computing in BI also capable of keeping businesses stay
competitive by providing many benefits such as cost-
effectiveness, resource pooling, on-demand service, rapid
elasticity, and ease of management.
[25] presented an evaluation of the implementation of
BI to increase the effectiveness of Decision-Making (DM)
process. They used BI-FDSS (Fuzzy Decision Support
System) to analyze. They have categorized variables such as
BI techniques to facilitate DM, strategic level of BI, tactical
level of BI, operational level of BI, and quality of BI
implementation. Based on the correlation analysis results
between the variables from BI-DSS the authors concluded the
BI can increase the effectiveness in the decision-making
process of managers in Saman Fish Electronic Payment
Based on the review from several studies in above the
Phase 3 is carried out. The result of Phase 3 has shown in
Table 2. From Table 2 can see the BI research also follows
the trend of technology, such as Big Data analytics, cloud
computing, and the use of fuzzy logic in BI system.
Authors Year Scope of BI Method use Findings
an et al.
2010 BI role’s in
, star
The success
of the
on leads tothe
of a full scale
behavior on
sir et al.
2010 Proposed an
for the e-
BI and
for e-learning
n use to
monitor the
behavior and
in e-learning
Authors Year Scope of
Method use Findings
(Kyper et
al. 2012)
2012 Operati
onal BI
for call
Increase the
chance of an
in a
et al. 2012)
2012 Practical
rk to
nt BI
nal skills,
IT skills
value or the
amount of BI
and its impact
on the
organization is
not carefully
(Nofal &
Yusof 2013)
2013 Integrati
on of BI
and ERP
Majority of the
focused on
ERP and BI but
only a few
attempts to
integrate them
et al. 2014)
2014 Develop
ment of
on used
to collect
into a
The framework
reduced the effort
in building an
application, and
improved the
and use the
experience for
both data
collection as
compared with
Hoong et al.
2014 Appl
ied a
of BI
product and
t map (BIP-
could serve as a
framework for
practitioners to
business and
phases that
may create
data quality
et al. 2015)
2014 Evaluat
e the
use of
ERP on
g and
res to
and users of
They are
finding that
SMEs have
only recently
began adopting
ERP systems in
their daily
Also found
the ERP
systems and
their BI
capabilities are
incorporated in
SMEs in order
to fully exploit
the benefits
deriving from
their usage.
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI)
July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia
Authors Year Scope of BI
M., et
2015 Improving
within BI
The improvement
efficiency of BI
were established
in relation to the
new trends in
analysing and
example of trend
technology as
like Big Data
& Stian
2015 The BI
used in the
from 5
While the
industry still has
a traditional,
complex BI
architecture, it is
scalable in the
sense that the
industry can add
or remove
elements, or
even scrap the
whole BI
(Pereira et
al. 2016)
2016 Pervasive BI
systems in
Can reduce the
number of
medical error
(Ram et
al. 2016)
2016 Big Data
analytics on
e study
Big Data analytics
offer multitude of
opportunities to
enhance business
value and
ran and S.
2017 The used of
and big data
analytics for
The used of cloud
computing inBI
also capable of
businesses stay
competitive by
providing many
et. al.
2017 Evaluating of
on of BI to
increase the
of Decision-
Based on the
analysis results
between the
variables from BI-
DSS the authors
concluded the BI
can increase the
effectiveness in
DM process of
Saman Fish
The next phase is Phase 3. The result of Phase 3 hasbeen
present in Table 3. Table 3 shows the advantages and
limitation of that research articles.
Authors Year Advantages Limitations
et al. 2010)
2010 The
and technology of
BI in Thailand’s
Higher Education
Management can
leads to the
development of a
scale information
system. Then can
governs the
Thailand Higher
In this articles the BI
role’s for Thailand
Higher Education
Management is not
yet evaluate. Then,
not yet known of the
eligibility result of
the implementation.
(Falakmasir et
al. 2010)
2010 This research can
improve the use of
traditional e-
environment. The
use of BI and
Data Warehousing
can help making
Limitation in the
period and number
of students involved
in analytical study.
Hopefully, in the
next research can
use more data.
(Kyper et al.
2012 With the decision
tree method used
in this research
could help the
company knowing
which factors are
most critical for
service level
helps. Therefore,
the decision
maker can make a
solution and an
The research data
collection from one
insurance company.
It would be better to
use some data from
several company or
service type. In
order to get more
(Bahrami et al.
2012 Can help the
company to
understand their
Need to evaluate the
framework by used
a real data..
(Nofal &
Yusof 2013)
2013 Can help a
companies to
know their
Discussion about BI
and ERP integration
in this research just
taking 4 articles.
Need to search and
collect more
research articles in
this topic area.
(Chamney et al.
2014 This articles
presented a
knowledge about
the ability of the
BI application
Requires more
variations of the
framework to test.
et al. 2014)
2014 BIP-Map is an
from IP-Map.
Then, BIP-Map
can be used by BI
practitioners to
BIP-Map is tested
against one type of
business. It is
expected to be tested
with different types
of business.
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI)
July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia
Authors Year Advantages Limitations
identify business
and information
phases that may
create data quality
(Antoniadis et
al. 2015)
2014 From this study
we can know
acceptance of the
use of ERP and BI
on SMEs scale.
The limitation is the
small sample used.
(Kubina et al.
2015 This study
knowledge about
the potentiality of
Big Data in BI
This articles only
includes 14 citation.
(Wanda &
Stian 2015)
2015 Know the level of
BI usage in
The study is make
an analysis for one
point of view. In the
future can extend
the perspective.
(Pereira et al.
2016 Connecting
between the
Pervasive BI
Systems and
This study only uses
SWOT to analysis
the pervasive
concept in BI
(Ram et al.
2016 Presented the
growth of online
business in China
with the used of
Big Data
Limitation in
number of
& Prasad 2017)
2017 Raised the issue
about the use of
cloud computing
in Big Data in
order to help a
business company
improve their
Need more data in
discussion section.
2017 Proof the effect of
the use a BI
techniques to
facilitate decision-
making can
increase the
This study use 1
case study. It would
be better to use more
than one case study.
The purpose of this study was to provide a general
overview of the development of Business Intelligence
research. Research in the BI field is continuous to grow and
the use of technology for supporting BI also following the
technology trend. The implementation of BI research is
spread in various fields. Furthermore, it is required support
from the organization or company to be able to continue the
research and implementation of BI in accordance with the
business organization needs.
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Business Intelligence: A new trend in Critical Healthcare,” Procedia
- Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 98, no. Icth, pp. 362–367, 2016.
[23] J. Ram, C. Zhang, and A. Koronios, “The implications of Big Data
analytics on Business Intelligence: A qualitative study in China,”
Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 87, pp. 221–226, 2016.
[24] M. Balachandran and S. Prasad, “Challenges and Benefits of Deploying
Big Data Analytics in in the Cloud for Business Intelligence,”
Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 112, pp. 1112–1122, 2017.
2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI)
July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia

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  • 1. Review Study of Business Intelligence to Support Strategic Decision Making Astari Retnowardhani Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia,11480 Wahyu Sardjono Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia,11480 Yaya Sudarya Triana Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract —In this era the business competition between regions and countries will be more stringent. One way to survive and improve its performance is through the management of information, it is necessary to be able to see and assess the company from a variety of perspectives. One of the keys to surviving and playing a role is to manage complete, fast and precise information. Data analysis will be easy if the required data is available. Business intelligence techniques (BI) can be used to assist in the decision-making process. Many organization and educational institution have implemented BI as the support system. Therefore, we make a comparison study about BI research finding from several articles. From the comparison study it can be seen the research in the BI field is continues to grow and also following the technology trend. This can be seen from the topics discussed in the journal articles in the period 2010-2017. This study is conducted to see the spread and trend of business intelligence research in various forms of organization. Also can be seen the advantages of BI in the decision-making process. Keywords—Business Intelligence, decision-making, review I. INTRODUCTION Competition of the business between regions and countries will be more stringent in this era. Therefore, both business and education institutions should strive to maintain and develop their existence in order to grow and have competitive power. One way to survive and improve the performance is through the management of information, it is necessary to be able to see and assess the company from a variety of perspectives. Keys to survive and play a role are manage complete, fast and precise information. This information will be used as material by decision- makers (DM). According [1] to Business Intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term consisting of technologies and processes for gathering, storing and analyzing data into information to improve decision-making process. BI techniques can support this decision-making process [2]. With BI, DM can more easily and improve the quality of decision-making. Refer to [3] BI systems typically employ 3 different technologies for supporting DM in an organization, comprise: a data warehouse for the gathering of business data, data mining, and online analytical processing (OLAP) for data analysis. Research in this area has been done by several researchers. They implement the BI in the various organization. The growth of the use of BI as a part of the decision-making support system become increase. Many studies have been conducted on the use of BI for the benefit of various forms of organization. In this era, the use of new technology in BI is increase, such as Big Data analytics. In the process of decision-making can be supported by business intelligence (BI) techniques [2]. One of the main purposes of Decision Support System is to improve the quality of a decision. BI techniques can be used to get quality decisions [4] . With BI, decision makers can more easily and improve the quality of decision-making. Business Intelligence (BI) is a system and application that serves to analyze data of a company or organization (operational data, transactional data, or other data) historically to gain the necessary knowledge in decision making [5]. Various advantages in the application of BI, among others, to collect, store, analyze and provide access to data to help users make decisions accurately by doing various activities including: decision support system, query, reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining for data analysis. For complicated BI applications running on large databases, there may be difficult reading directly from the operational database. In addition to slowing down the DBMS and its applications, errors may occur when values are missing or in the wrong format. Therefore, separate databases, extraction from the operational database, need to be set and prepared to use BI. The process of data warehousing is done in 3 main steps, also known as extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) [6] . Reporting technology in BI contains more function than information distribution. Reporting is applied in business processes to generate reports for applications such as logistics and financial management. Based on user skills, BI distinguishes 3 main types of reporting tools, namely the production of reporting tools, desktop report writers and managed query tools. Producing reporting tools used to produce operational reports or highly piled tasks such as calculating and printing salaries. Generating reports requires support to form an IT department. As these reports include large amounts of data, the queries are processed in the aggregate model. The managed query tool allows users to access complex data sources in a fairly simple way. This combination requires an interface between the data source and the user, which defines the relationship between the physical data in the database and the user's language. This interface contains a 2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia 978-1-7281-2418-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 19
  • 2. graphical SQL environment generating SQL code according to the graphical commands. Standard Language Questions (SQL) are standard database languages for data access (read, insert, update, delete) and manipulations in relational database management systems [7] . SQL allows users also to perform some simple calculations on data such as generating trends from the past, current, and future possible business activities. The architecture of a business intelligence system consists of six main components [8], they are Data Source, Data Warehouse, Data Exploration, Data Mining, Optimization, Decisions. Business intelligence is divided into five types or categories [7], they are Enterprise Reporting, Cube Analysis, Ad Hoc Query and Analysis, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Delivery Report and Alert. BI and its role can increase the company's competitive advantage through the utilization of various data, information and knowledge owned by the company as raw material in decision making process. Some researchers propose the BI framework to help organizations / companies in order to help improve efficiency, the accuracy of decision making, and achieve the desired goals [9] . Then, we review several research articles that discussed about BI in the last 8 years. This review can provide an overview the growth of the research in BI have covered various fields, and to know the trend of technology use for BI. The objectives to be achieved in this study is to conduct the comparison of the use and implementation of BI in the various organization. Also, the use of BI in the decision- making process. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) isused in the process of review in this study. II. RESEARCH METHOD This study adoption a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) for the article review process. SLR is a concept of identifying, evaluating and interpreting all available researches related to a specific research query, topic area or phenomenon of interest [10][11]. In this study SLR is used to perform a comprehensive study of research in Business Intelligence area. The stages of the SLR are selection process of sources/articles, criteria selection such as keywords, article classification [12]. Then, the research methodology of this thesis is follow the stages of the SLR. The research a methodology in this study has 4 Phases, as describe in the Fig. 1 : Figure 1. Research Methodology of This Study The methodology of this study begins with Phase 1 is Selection of appropriate paper in BI areas. This phase has 2 steps. The first step is search in online index journal database Scopus and ScienceDirect which are depicted in Table 1. Some keywords are used to find relevant articles in the online index journal database. The keywords have been used are Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence for decision- making, Business Intelligence techniques, and Business Intelligence analytic. Journal articles and conference papers have been selected in this searching. In Second step is sorting out the articles in order to extract with the relevant BI topic areas. Afterwards, the articles selected have been ordering by year of issues with range of the year between 2010 until 2017. The scope of BI areas in this study is the use of BI in the development of IT/IS system, with the aim of enhancing corporate or organization activities. It is done intend to see the trend that occurred. Thereafter, in Phase 2 we take a review of the cases on those articles to see the variation and changes of BI research area. Classifying methods or technology will be done in Phase 3. Then, Phase 4 perform the finding of advantage and disadvantages of the BI implementation in each article. TABLE 1. ELECTRONIC DATABASE USED Online Index Journal Database URL Scopus ScienceDirect III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The use of BI at this time is increasingly widespread and growing. This is due to the need for support systems for strategic decision making. Therefore, to see the growth of the use of BI, then this comparison study is made. In Phase 1 has found as many as 14 papers related to BI in the period 2010 until 2017. The next phase, Phase 2, review of the 14 papers have been done. The reviews are present as follows in this paper. In period 2010 there are studies from [13] and [14]. [13] described the BI role’s in Thailand’s Higher Education Resources Management (HERM). There are covers the implementation, the technology, and its key success factors. The aims of BI, in this case, are to make an effective and efficient of education management. The objective of this research is to develop a standard data set used by every institution under the Higher Education Commission. This paper also discussed the use of information technology for university student database management. The database covers such as a number of graduate students, scholarship, job opportunity, social welfare, strategic planning. Kleesuwan, et. al. presented about the infrastructure of Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) where it includes OHEC-Database, OHEC-Decision Support System (DSS), and OHEC-Executive Information System (EIS). They concluded in this paper that the implementation of BI in the Thailand’s HERM can be said to be successful. [14] has proposed an architecture for the e-learning system. The proposed architecture used to monitor and analyze the learner’s behaviour and performance in the e- learning environment. Also, to evaluate the structure of the course content and its effectiveness in the learning process. It is for solving the lack of analytical and subjective reporting tools in a widely spread, open-source, learning management system. Also provide instructors with detailed reports about the progression of students and give them the ability to track 2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia 20
  • 3. and assess the student performance and evaluate the design of their virtual courses, in order to take suitable managerial decisions. From the use of this BI and OLAP in e-learning environment for a case study, they found the students who take the e-learning course program prefer to use collaborative activities, instead of just viewing the learning material. In 2012 there was research from [15] and [16]. [15] proposed an operational BI system for call centers. They used data collected from US insurance company. This system used for helping the company achieve excellence through improved service levels. They created a decision tree for predicting service level. They found the use of decision tree is useful for predictions of future service levels based on a set of the variable in this case. The system they proposed uses a sliding window for continually reconstructing decisions tree and highlighting the factors impacting service levels. The results have shown the operation of Business Intelligence (BI) can indeed increase the chance of an insurance organization in a competitive advantage. [16] were introduced a practical framework toimplement BI. It is conducted to help organizations in directions oftheir goals. Especially when the organizations need to analyze the market to stay stable in facing market variant changes and eventually to be able to handle market management. The proposed framework consists of Business Skills, Organizational Skills, and IT Skills. For each of that skills, a significant impact is in the process of implementing BI. The result of their studies was shown measured value or the amount of BI and its impact on the organizations is not carefully possible. However, they also found at the same time there are also simple and practical ways that the financial performance and market to BI organizations. They used investment return (ROI) in determining the value of BI. The used of ROI is to set priorities for exacting for IT projects inside the organizations by managers. In 2013, research on BI also conducted by [17]. [17] have been discussed about BI and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Because in their opinion BI and ERP became a key strategic tool in this era. They reviewed and evaluate articles in range 2000 and 2012 regarding this integration. In their findings explained based on the articles published on 2000 until 2012 majority of the research focused on investigating ERP and BI but only a few attempts to integrate them. In 2014, research about BI conducted by some researchers such as [18], [2], and [19]. [18] have discussed development of Resident Practice Profile application which used BI application framework. The used of this framework to gain the flexibility integrates user interfaces and reporting while minimizing the labor required for application coding. A practice profile is a type of BI application used to collect data in order to monitor and measure performance. There is increasing pressure on healthcare organizations to deploy such applications to measure performance related to quality care goals. The different between Chamney, et. al., study with other BI application study is the use of collect data method. They used the application framework to develop browser- based applications to collect directly into a reporting database, rather than use Extracting Transforming and Loading (ETL) data from existing operational systems into a specialized reporting database optimized for reporting. They use the framework to bypass the complexity, effort, and processing delays associated with ETL. [2] applied a design science research paradigm. They are also demonstrate the applicability and utility of an integrated framework of BI Product and Metacontent Map (BIP-Map). The purpose of this integration is to produce a comprehensive framework which is able to enhance the traceability and accountability of BI products. Then, the end-users can make more informed and timely decisions in their business. This paper presented the result of the development of two artefacts. Where the first artefact was an integrated framework of BIP-Map. The second was a BIP-Map informed prototype. They concluded the BIP-Map could serve as a framework for BI practitioners to identify business and information phases that may create data quality problems. [19] examined the use of ERP systems by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They give special attention to the critical factors affecting adoption of ERPs by SMEs and the BI potential of implementing and using ERP during a period of crisis. This is done because most SMEs still underestimate the application and the dynamic of BI in their decision-making process. They have sample consisted of 37 firms and respondents. The result of their examination is the BI capabilities of ERP systems is still underutilized by SMEs. As managers do not take advantage of the knowledge and experience gained from using ERP. In 2015, [20] and [21] also presented BI approached in their research. [20] have discussed about improving efficiency within BI systems. They argue the efficiency improvement of BI can be achieved by providing a software support embedded system, the integration of mobile devices, and the integration of the technology for the processing of various data. Based on the analysis have been done, they also stated the improvement efficiency of BI were established in relation to the new trends in processing, analyzing and presenting data. The example of trend technology as likeBig Data analytics. [21] explored about the BI solutions used in the Norwegian industry. This is motivated by the average of academics and practitioners note that BI is complex and difficult to manage. They analyze from 5 case companies. They found the majority of companies had technology from the “Leaders” of technology, such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP. However, there are 2 companies had built their own solution(s) in addition. After analyzed from several case study they concluded two findings. First, building upon concepts derived from the Digital Infrastructure Theory, they found that while the Norwegian industry still has a traditional, complex BI architecture, it is scalable in the sense that the industry can add or remove elements, or even scrap the whole BI solution. The companies demonstrate innovation and adoption through their use of dashboards and real-time data. Based on these findings, then [21] proposed a future research agenda for BI. Second, they offered three lessons for managers of BI in organizations. In 2016, there a research conducted by [22] and[23]. [22] were discussed Pervasive BI systems in critical healthcare. Pervasive BI concept is based on the Ubiquity. Ubiquity means is existence or apparent existence everywhere at the same time; omnipresence and in the omnipresence; present everywhere simultaneously. From the understanding of the concept of Pervasive, Pervasive BI Systems and their connection to Pervasive Healthcare, they 2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia 21
  • 4. found this system eventually help to reduce medical errors, implementing pervasive characteristics in critical health systems. It can happen among others due to the data can be access from anywhere at any time, which it can reduce the number of the medical error. [23] make a study about implications of Big Data analytics on BI. Based on the capabilities of Big Data in analytics and expected to handle many challenges business face today, then, the authors interest to study the implications of Big Data analytics in enhancing BI. The case study is data collected from Social Media for enhanced BI in China businesses. Because the growth of Social Media use and online business in China are exponential. The authors use interviews method, involved CIOs, IT managers, IT consultant, Seniormanagers with involvement in BI, and Business Development managers. They concluded the Big Data analytics offer multitude of opportunities to enhance business value and productivity. In 2017, there are [24] and [25] have a study about BI. [24] discussed consolidation of cloud computing technology and big data analytics. This consolidation can enhance the process of big data mining enabling a business to improve decision-making processes. They concluded the of used cloud computing in BI also capable of keeping businesses stay competitive by providing many benefits such as cost- effectiveness, resource pooling, on-demand service, rapid elasticity, and ease of management. [25] presented an evaluation of the implementation of BI to increase the effectiveness of Decision-Making (DM) process. They used BI-FDSS (Fuzzy Decision Support System) to analyze. They have categorized variables such as BI techniques to facilitate DM, strategic level of BI, tactical level of BI, operational level of BI, and quality of BI implementation. Based on the correlation analysis results between the variables from BI-DSS the authors concluded the BI can increase the effectiveness in the decision-making process of managers in Saman Fish Electronic Payment Company. Based on the review from several studies in above the Phase 3 is carried out. The result of Phase 3 has shown in Table 2. From Table 2 can see the BI research also follows the trend of technology, such as Big Data analytics, cloud computing, and the use of fuzzy logic in BI system. TABLE 2. A REVIEW FINDING Authors Year Scope of BI Method use Findings (Kleesuw an et al. 2010) 2010 BI role’s in Thailand Higher Education Resources Management System architecture , star schema The success of the implementati on leads tothe development of a full scale behavior on system (Falakma sir et al. 2010) 2010 Proposed an architecture for the e- learning system BI and OLAP BI architecture for e-learning system ca n use to monitor the learner’s behavior and performance in e-learning environment Authors Year Scope of BI Method use Findings (Kyper et al. 2012) 2012 Operati onal BI for call center Decision tree Increase the chance of an insurance organization in a competitive advantage (Bahrami et al. 2012) 2012 Practical framewo rk to impleme nt BI Business skills, organizatio nal skills, IT skills Measured value or the amount of BI and its impact on the organization is not carefully possible (Nofal & Yusof 2013) 2013 Integrati on of BI and ERP Qualitative study Majority of the research focused on investigating ERP and BI but only a few attempts to integrate them (Chamney et al. 2014) 2014 Develop ment of Resident Practice Profile applicati on used BI applicati on framewo rk (healthca re organiza tion) Application framework, to collect data directly into a reporting database The framework reduced the effort in building an application, and improved the configurability and use the experience for both data collection as reporting compared with traditional application. (Chin- Hoong et al. 2014) 2014 Appl ied a desig n scien ce resea rch para digm Integrated framework of BI product and metaconten t map (BIP- Map) BIP-Map could serve as a framework for BI practitioners to identify business and information phases that may create data quality problems (Antoniadis et al. 2015) 2014 Evaluat e the use of ERP on SMEs Interviewin g and distributing questionnai res to managers and users of ERP They are finding that SMEs have only recently began adopting ERP systems in their daily operations. Also found the ERP systems and their BI capabilities are not incorporated in SMEs in order to fully exploit the benefits deriving from their usage. 2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia 22
  • 5. Authors Year Scope of BI research Method use Findings (Kubina M., et al. 2015) 2015 Improving efficiency within BI systems Analytical study The improvement efficiency of BI were established in relation to the new trends in processing, analysing and presenting data.The example of trend technology as like Big Data analytics. (Wanda & Stian 2015) 2015 The BI solutions used in the Norwegian industry Case studies from 5 companie s While the Norwegian industry still has a traditional, complex BI architecture, it is scalable in the sense that the industry can add or remove elements, or even scrap the whole BI solution. (Pereira et al. 2016) 2016 Pervasive BI systems in critical healthcare Pervasive Business Intelligent , SWOT Can reduce the number of medical error (Ram et al. 2016) 2016 Big Data analytics on BI Qualitativ e study Big Data analytics offer multitude of opportunities to enhance business value and productivity. (M. Balachand ran and S. Prasad, 2017) 2017 The used of cloud computing technology and big data analytics for BI Cloud computin g architectu re The used of cloud computing inBI also capable of keeping businesses stay competitive by providing many benefits (Zamani, et. al. 2017) 2017 Evaluating of the implementati on of BI to increase the effectiveness of Decision- Making process Fuzzy Logic Based on the correlation analysis results between the variables from BI- DSS the authors concluded the BI can increase the effectiveness in DM process of managersin Saman Fish Electronic Payment Company . The next phase is Phase 3. The result of Phase 3 hasbeen present in Table 3. Table 3 shows the advantages and limitation of that research articles. TABLE 3. AN OVERVIEW OF THE BI ARTICLES Authors Year Advantages Limitations (Kleesuwan et al. 2010) 2010 The implementation and technology of BI in Thailand’s Higher Education Resources Management can leads to the development of a scale information system. Then can governs the Thailand Higher Education Institutions. In this articles the BI role’s for Thailand Higher Education Resources Management is not yet evaluate. Then, not yet known of the eligibility result of the implementation. (Falakmasir et al. 2010) 2010 This research can improve the use of traditional e- learning environment. The use of BI and Data Warehousing can help making appropriate decisions. Limitation in the period and number of students involved in analytical study. Hopefully, in the next research can use more data. (Kyper et al. 2012) 2012 With the decision tree method used in this research could help the company knowing which factors are most critical for service level helps. Therefore, the decision maker can make a solution and an improvement programs. The research data collection from one insurance company. It would be better to use some data from several company or service type. In order to get more proportionate results. (Bahrami et al. 2012) 2012 Can help the company to understand their performance. Need to evaluate the framework by used a real data.. (Nofal & Yusof 2013) 2013 Can help a companies to know their competitive environment. Discussion about BI and ERP integration in this research just taking 4 articles. Need to search and collect more research articles in this topic area. (Chamney et al. 2014) 2014 This articles presented a knowledge about the ability of the BI application framework. Requires more variations of the framework to test. (Chin-Hoong et al. 2014) 2014 BIP-Map is an improvement from IP-Map. Then, BIP-Map can be used by BI practitioners to BIP-Map is tested against one type of business. It is expected to be tested with different types of business. 2019 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) July 2019, 9 - 10, Bandung, Indonesia 23
  • 6. Authors Year Advantages Limitations identify business and information phases that may create data quality problems. (Antoniadis et al. 2015) 2014 From this study we can know acceptance of the use of ERP and BI on SMEs scale. The limitation is the small sample used. (Kubina et al. 2015) 2015 This study delivers knowledge about the potentiality of Big Data in BI system. This articles only includes 14 citation. (Wanda & Stian 2015) 2015 Know the level of BI usage in Norwegian industry. The study is make an analysis for one point of view. In the future can extend the perspective. (Pereira et al. 2016) 2016 Connecting between the Pervasive BI Systems and Pervasive Healthcare This study only uses SWOT to analysis the pervasive concept in BI system. (Ram et al. 2016) 2016 Presented the growth of online business in China with the used of Big Data analytics. Limitation in number of respondents interviewed. (Balachandran & Prasad 2017) 2017 Raised the issue about the use of cloud computing in Big Data in order to help a business company improve their strategy. Need more data in discussion section. (Zamani 2017) 2017 Proof the effect of the use a BI techniques to facilitate decision- making can increase the decision-making effectiveness. This study use 1 case study. It would be better to use more than one case study. IV. CONCLUSION The purpose of this study was to provide a general overview of the development of Business Intelligence research. Research in the BI field is continuous to grow and the use of technology for supporting BI also following the technology trend. The implementation of BI research is spread in various fields. Furthermore, it is required support from the organization or company to be able to continue the research and implementation of BI in accordance with the business organization needs. V. REFERENCES [1] E. Turban, J. E. Aronson, and T. 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