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Brief Knowledge
Rajat Bang
Student, Pune Institute Of Business Management
Chapter 1.......................................................................................................................................................3
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................3
Importance of Retailing ...........................................................................................................................4
Economic Justification for retailing .........................................................................................................4
GENERAL SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................5
Facilitating Services:..................................................................................................................................6
Overview of Retail Sector..........................................................................................................................8
Chapter 2.....................................................................................................................................................10
TYPES OF STORES....................................................................................................................................10
Major Types of Retail Stores...................................................................................................................10
Department Stores..................................................................................................................................10
Classification of Department Stores ...................................................................................................11
Location of Department Stores...........................................................................................................12
Future of Department Stores..............................................................................................................14
Super Markets:.......................................................................................................................................14
Advantages of supermarkets ..............................................................................................................15
Limitations of Supermarkets...............................................................................................................15
Discount Houses......................................................................................................................................16
Chain Stores or Multiple Shops..............................................................................................................16
Advantages of chain stores or multiple shops....................................................................................17
Limitations of chain stores or multiple shops.....................................................................................17
Non-Store Retailing................................................................................................................................18
Direct Selling ...........................................................................................................................................18
Advantages of Direct Selling ...............................................................................................................19
Limitations of Direct Selling ................................................................................................................19
Online Retailing:......................................................................................................................................21
Automatic vending..................................................................................................................................22
Direct Marketing.....................................................................................................................................23
Chapter 3.....................................................................................................................................................26
RETAIL STRATEGY........................................................................................................................................26
Function of a strategy .............................................................................................................................26
Retailers classified by marketing Strategies .......................................................................................26
OPERATING EXPENSES AND PROFITS..................................................................................................28
LAYOUT ...............................................................................................................................................29
ASSESSING COMPETITORS CURENT STRATEGIES................................................................................29
TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY.....................................................................................................................31
Chapter 1
The word 'Retail' is derived from a French word with the prefix re and the verb tailer
meaning "to cut again". Evidently, retail trade is one that cuts off smaller portions
from large lumps of goods. It is a process through which goods are transported to
final consumers. In other words, retailing consists of the activities involved in selling
directly to the ultimate consumer for personal, non-business use. It embraces the
direct-to-customer sales activities of the producer, whether through his own stores
by house-to-house canvassing or by mail-order business.
Manufacturers engage in retailing when they make direct-to-consumer sales of their
products through their own stores (as Bata and Carona shoe companies, D.C.M.
Stores, Mafat lals and Bombay Dyeing) by door-to-door canvass, or mail order or
even on telephone. Even a wholesaler engages in retailing when sells directly to an
ultimate consumer, although his main business may still be wholesaling.
A retailer is a merchant or occasionally an agent or a business enterprise, whose
main business is selling directly to ultimate consumers for non-business use. He
performs many marketing activities such as buying, selling, grading, risk-trading,
and developing information about customer's wants. A retailer may sell infrequently
to industrial users, but these are wholesale transactions, not retail sales. If over one
half of the amount of volume of business comes from sales to ultimate consumers,
i.e. sales at retail, he is classified as a retailer. Retailing occurs in all marketing
channels for consumer products.
Importance of Retailing
The retailer is an intermediary in the marketing channel because he is both marketer
and customer, who sells to the last man to consume. He is a specialist who maintains
contact with the consumer and the producer; and is an important connecting link in
a complex mechanism of marketing. Though producers may sell directly to
consumers, such method of distributing goods to ultimate users is inconvenient,
expensive and time consuming as compared to the job performed by a specialist in
the line. Therefore, frequently the manufacturers depend on the retailers to sell their
products to the ultimate consumers. The retailer, who is able to provide appropriate
amenities without an excessive advance in prices of goods is rewarded by larger or
more loyal patronage.
Economic Justification for retailing
All middlemen basically serve as purchasing agents for their customers and as sales
specialists for their suppliers. To carry out those roles, retailers perform many
activities, including anticipating customer's wants, developing assortments of
products, acquiring market information and financing.
It is relatively easy to become a retailer. No large investment in production
equipment is required, merchandise can often be purchased on credit and store space
can be leased with no 'down payment' or a simple website can be set up at relatively
little cost. Considering these factors, perhaps it's not surprising that there are just
over a 6 million retail outlets operating across the Indian cities from north to south
and from east to west. This large number of outlets, many of which are trying to
serve and satisfy the same market segments, results in fierce competition and better
values for shoppers.
To enter retailing is easy; to fail is even easier! To survive in retailing, a firm must
do a satisfactory job in its primary role - catering to consumers. Rama Subramaniam
the former head - retail segment Spensors described a successful retailer as a
"merchant who sells goods that won't come back to customers who will". Of course,
a retail firm also must fulfill its other role - serving producers and wholesalers. This
dual role is both the justification for retailing and the key to success in retailing.
The general services which a retailer provides are:
1. The retailer anticipates the wants of the consumers and then supplies them the
right kind of goods at reasonable price. His job is to make the consumers buying as
easy and convenient as possible i.e. he acts as a consumers' agent.
2. He performs the service of bulk-breaking i.e. dividing large quantities into small
units, such as individual cans, bottles, boxes, wrappers, packages, appropriate for
consumer use.
3. He offers a large assortment of merchandise, of suitable size, colour, design, style
and seasonal items-ranging from domestic utensils, household requisites to
speciality goods.
4. He creates time and place utility by storing the products in off season and by
transporting these goods to the places where they can be readily available as and
when needed by the consumer.
5. He also assumes risks by guaranteeing the goods he sells to the consumer.
6. He also offers free delivery of goods, credit on open accounts, free alteration,
liberal exchange facilities, instructions in the use of goods, revolving credit plans,
and long term installment programmes.
7. He adds to the convenience and ease of consumer purchasing by offering
convenient shopping locations, market informations and other services such as free
parking privileges, lessons on product use and a multitude of other facilities may be
offered and found sufficiently desired to result in increased patronage.
8. He helps the producers in distributing their products by using advertisement
display and personal selling.
9. The level of retail sales is one of the most useful barometers of the nations
economic health. For example when sales of cycles pick-up, sales of steel and
components also increase, as does employment and thus increasing purchasing
power. But when sales go down, manufacturers cut back production, unemployment
increases and retail sales also goes down.
Facilitating Services:
In order to carry out functions involving transfer of ownership and physical supply
effectively retailers perform a number of facilitating functions i.e. functions relating
to standardization and grading, financing, risk-taking and market information.
A retailer of fresh fruits and vegetables has to standardize and grade these to make
these acceptable to customers. They establish standards, inspect goods they receive,
and sort them in various classifications.
Quite often they purchase in large quantities and then divide them and repack them
before selling. When the retailer sells goods on credit he performs finance function.
From the moment he sells and collects the last rupee from the customer, when goods
are sold on credit, he is said to be performing a financing function. Another function
performed by retailers is that of risk-taking. During the entire time a retailer holds
title to particular goods, he must inevitably bear a wide variety of risks. Not only the
goods may be destroyed through fire or flood, but also, there is often the danger of
theft, deterioration or spoilage.
Furthermore, such merchants are also faced with the threat that consumers will not
accept their product or will purchase them only at unprofitable prices. He also
undertakes risk in handling of fashion goods and other items for which consumer
demand varies greatly from time to time.
Since the retailer knows about the wishes of his customers the price, quality and the
kind of merchandise available in the market as well as the existing and anticipated
style trends, he keeps in stock the goods usually required by customers.
Overview of Retail Sector
All over the world, retailing is undergoing a process of evolution and is poised to
undergo dramatic transformation. With special reference to India, the retail sector
employs over 10 percent of the national work force but is characterised by a high
degree of fragmentation with over 5 million outlets, 96 percent of whom are very
small with an area of less than 50 m2. The retail universe doubled between 1986 and
2006 and the number of outlets per 1000 people at an All India Level increased from
4.9 in 1988 to 14.8 in 2006. Because of their small size, the Indian Retailers have
very little bargaining power with manufacturers and perform only a
few of the flows in marketing channels unlike in the case of retailers in developed
countries. The corner grocer or the 'Kirana' Store is a key element in the retail in
India due to the house wifes unwillingness to go long distances for purchasing daily
needs. Although convenience and merchandise were the two most important reasons
for choosing a store, the choice interia varied across product categories.
Convenience was indicated by consumers as the most important reason in the choice
of groceries and fruit outlets, chemists and life style items while merchandise was
indicated as the most important in durables, books and apparel.
In recent years, there has been a slow spread of retail chains in some formats like
super markets, department stores, malls and discount stores. Factors facilitating the
spread of chains are the availability of quality products at lower prices, improved
shopping standards, convenient shopping and display and blending of shopping with
entertainment and the entry to industrial houses like Goenkas and Tatas into
Thailand is one of the countries whose economy has developed rapidly in recent
years. There has been a tradition of independently owned outlets called shop houses.
These outlets are run by families, with the shop located on the ground floor and the
family's living quarters on upper floors. Thailand's first departmental store opened
in 1956 and the first shopping centre in (1967). Discounts and super stores were
introduced in 1989. However, the presence of super market format has been low due
to ingrained habit of buying fresh produce. Speciality stores were just emerging in
Thailand in mid 1990s.
Another country where the development of the retail sector has also followed an
interesting path is Brazil. The concept of self service in shopping was introduced to
Brazil in 1953 but until 1972, there was no foreign influence in the Brazilian retail
sector. Food retailing especially, contained to be Brazilian owned and managed
although international innovations were adopted. The number of intermediaries in
marketing channels is decreasing as the operation of wholesalers is under threat from
the direct contact between retailers and suppliers, although few specialised
distributors have emerged who provide value added services such as distribution of
frozen and chilled food.
Retailing is the sale of goods and services to ultimate consumers for personal, non-
business use. Any institution may engage in retailing, but a firm engage primarily in
retailing is called a retailer. Retailers serve as purchasing agents for consumer and
as sales specialists for producers and wholesaling middleman. They perform many
specific activities such as anticipating consumers' wants, developing product
assortments and financing.
Chapter 2
It is in retailing that very drastic changes have occurred during the last two decades.
Some institutions have disappeared whereas newer ones have been added. This
process of deletion / addition still continues in newer forms. There are large scale
retailing shops together with very small units, both working simultaneously. They
have from hawkers and peddlers, who have no permanent place, to well organised,
settled retail shops like chain stores, departmental stores, etc. The institutions
carrying on the retail business can be classified as under
Major Types of Retail Stores
In store-Retailing Non-Store Retailing Franchising
Department Stores Direct Selling
Super Markets Telemarketing
Discount Houses Online Retailing
Chain Stores Automatic vending
Multiple Shops Direct Marketing.
Department Stores
These are large scale retail stores selling under one roof and one control a variety of
goods divided into different departments, each of which specializes in an individual
merchandise. Converse is of the opinion that a department store is a retail shop
handling several classes of goods including fast moving consumer goods, each class
being separated from others in management, accounting and location. It is viewed
by Clarke as that type of retail institution which handle a wide verity of merchandise
under one roof which the merchandise grouped into well-defined departments which
is centrally controlled and which caters primarily to women shoppers.
Thus a department store is a retailing business unit that handles a wide variety of
shopping and specialty goods and is organized into separate departments for
purposes of sales promotion, accounting control and store operation.
Recent trends are to add departments for automotive, recreational and sports
equipment, as well a services such as insurance, travel advice and income-tax
preparation. Department stores are distinctive in that they usually are oriented
towards service. They are usually shopping centers.
Classification of Department Stores
These stores may be classified either according to ownership or income groups to
which they appeal.
a) On the basis of ownership these are :
i. The independent;
ii. The ownership group; and
iii. Chain department Stores.
Independent stores are owned by a financial interest which does not own other
similar stores Ownership group stores are those stores which were formerly
dependent but now have been combined.
Chain department stores are those stores which are centrally owned and operated.
b) On the basis of income groups:
These stores cater to the middle and high income groups. They usually handle good
quality merchandise and offer maximum service to the customers. Other stores cater
to the needs of the lower income group people.
c) Sometimes there is also to be found what are called leased department stores.
Although it appears to most customers that all departments in a department store are
owned and operated by the store, that is not always the case. The operations of
certain departments are sometimes turned over to leases and such departments are
called leased departments. Characteristic Features of Department Stores The chief
features of these stores are:
(i) These are integrated stores performing operations in addition to other retail stores
such as wholesaling.
(ii) Goods are divided into different classes with different locations and management
within the store itself.
(iii) These stores are distinguished by the nature of goods they self and not by the
varieties they keep for example, drug and variety stores carry a wide variety of
(iv) The store is a horizontally integrated institution. It brings together under one
roof a range of merchandise offerings comparable to the combined offerings of many
stores specializing in single or fewer merchandise lines.
Location of Department Stores
The success of a department store depends much on its location, availability of space,
the area and community to be served and ability to attract customers are the
important factors to be considered before establishing a store at a particular place.
Special Consideration should be given to accommodation so as to allow every
possible amusement facilities. Considerable space should also be allotted for show
room displaying stores merchandise.
Merits of Department Stores
1. Large department stores buy in large quantities and receive special concession or
discount in their purchases. Many of them purchase direct form manufactures and
hence, middleman's charges are eliminated.
2. Department stores are in a position to pay cash on all or most of their purchases
and this gives them an additional advantage of picking up
quality goods at cheaper rates and at the same time stocking the latest style and fads.
3. Customers can do all their purchases under one roof and it appeals to people of all
walks of life.
4. The organization is too large to provide expert supervision of various departments
for the adoption of a liberal credit and delivery service for large-scale advertising.
5. When customers enter the store to deal with one department they are frequently
induced by the advertisement which the display of goods offers to make purchases
in other departments as well. Limitations of Department Stores
Department business organizations are not free from abuses. There are certain
specific limitations from which such institutions suffer such as:
1. The cost of doing business is very high due to heavy overhead expenses.
2. Because of their location in a central shopping area they are of not much advantage
to the public because goods required at short notice are always purchased from the
nearest traders.
3. There is lack of personal touch and personal supervision which is to be found in
single line.
4. When hired diligence is substituted for the diligence of ownership, loss and leaks
are likely to occur.
5. Many customers abuse the liberal services extended and take advantage of the
policy of the 'customers is always right'.
6. The type of salesmanship found in many stores is very poor because of low
payments and lack of supervision.
Future of Department Stores
Nothing definite can be predicted whether these department organizations will
continue to carry on and will progress in face of overgrowing competition of chain
stores, mail order business and other smaller independent dealers. Stores with
overhead burdens which cannot be reduced may have to go, but the department
stores as an institution are bound to go on with a future. The department store which
is properly equipped in plant, stock and personnel to carry on a reasonable sales
volume and then does a better job in giving values and services, then its competitors
are entitled to, and will receive its business profit.
Department Stores are now opening branches in many new areas and making
concerted efforts to meet new competition. They have been modernized, redecorated
and better services are being developed; and they are being converted to self-service.
Super Markets:
These are large, self service stores that carry a broad and complete line of food and
non-food products. They have central check out facilities.
Kotler defines supermarket as 'a departmentalised retail establishment having four
basic departments viz. self-service grocery, meat, produce and diary plus other
household departments, and doing a maximum business. It may be entirely owner
operated or have some of the departments leased on a concession basis.'
Characteristic Features of Super Markets Chief characteristic features of
supermarkets include the following:
i. They are usually located in or near primary or secondary shopping areas
but always in a place where parking facilities are available.
ii. They use mass displays of merchandise.
iii. They normally operate as cash and carry store.
iv. They make their appeal on the basis of low price, wide selection of
merchandise, nationally advertised brands and convenient parking.
v. They operate largely on a self-service basis with a minimum number of
customer services. Supermarkets came into existence during the
depression in U.S.A. At that time they sold only food products, and their
principal attraction was the low price of their merchandise. As super
markets increased in number day by day they also expanded into other
lines of merchandise.
Advantages of supermarkets
i. Super markets have the advantage of convenient shopping, permitting the
buyer to purchase all his requirements at one place.
ii. Super markets also stock a wide variety of items.
iii. These markets can sell at low prices because of their limited service feature,
combined with large buying power and the willingness to take low percent of profit
iv. Shopping time is considerably reduced.
Limitations of Supermarkets
i. The large and extensive area required for a super market is not available cheaply
in important places.
ii. The products which require explanation for their proper use can not be dealt in
through the super markets.
iii. Customer services are practically absent.
iv. Another limitation of the super market is the exorbitantly high administrative
Discount Houses
These are large stores, freely open to the public and advertising widely. They are
self-service and general merchandising stores. They carry a wide assortment of
products of well known brands, appliances, housewares, home furnishings, sporting
goods, clothing, toy and automotive services. They complete on low price basis and
operate on a relatively low mark-up and a minimum number of customer service.
They range from small open showroom to catalogue type order offices to full line
limited service, and promotional stores. They buy their merchandise stocks both
from wholesale distributors and directly from manufacturers.
Chain Stores or Multiple Shops
A chain store system consists of four or more stores which carry the same kind of
merchandise are centrally owned and managed and usually are supplied from one or
more central warehouses. A chain store is one of the retail units in chain store system.
Chains have been interpreted as a group of two or more reasonably similar stores in
the same kind or field of business under one ownership and management,
merchandised wholly or largely from central merchandising head quarters and
supplied from the manufacturer or orders placed by the central buyers.
In Europe, this system is called as Multiple Shops and the American call it as "Chain
Stores". Under the multiple or chain shop arrangement, the main idea is to approach
the customers and not to draw the customers as it as is practiced in the case of
department store. In order to draw more customers, attempts are made to open a large
number of shops in the same city at different places. In India apt example for this
retail system are offered by 'Bata Shoes', 'Usha Sewing Machines' etc., such multiple
shops have 'centralised buying with deCentralized selling". Fundamentally, they
specialize in one product but with all its varieties or models. Chief Features of Chain
Stores The chief features of chain stores are:
i. One or more units may constitute a chain,
ii. They are centrally owned with some degree of Centralized control of
iii. They are horizontally 'integrated' that is, they operate multiple stores. With
addition of each new store, the system extends the reach to another group
of customers.
iv. Many stores are also 'vertically integrated'. They maintain large
distribution centres where they buy from producers, do their own
warehousing and then distribute their own stores.
Advantages of chain stores or multiple shops
i. Lower selling prices. This is mainly possible due to economy in buying
ii. Economy and advertising. Common advertisements covering all the units
are feasible and this reduces advertisement expenditure.
iii. Ability to spread risks. Unlike the department store the principle here is
not to "lay all the eggs in one basket". By trail and error, a unit sustaining
losses may be shifted to some other place or even dropped.
iv. There is flexibility in working.
v. Since it works only on cash basis, bad debts as well as detailed accounting
processes are avoided.
vi. Central and costly locations are not essential.
Limitations of chain stores or multiple shops
i. Lower price is a false claim. According to Stanton "Price Comparison is
not possible, as such stores are handling only limited items".
ii. Inflexible in practice. Multiple shops deal in standardised products onlywhich
creates inflexibility in offering wide varieties.
iii. Personnel Problems. Being a large organization, it is always susceptible to
problems associated with large scale business.
iv. Poor public image. Various consumer services such as credit facility, door
delivery etc. are completely absent in chain store. The present day consumers prefer
to have more services than quality in addition to desiring low prices.
Non-Store Retailing
A large majority - about - 80% - of retail transactions are made in stores. However,
a growing volume of sales is taking place away from stores. Retailing activities
resulting in transactions that occur away from a physical store are called non-store
retailing. It is estimated that non-store sales account for almost 20% of total retail
trade. Following are the five types of non store retailing: direct selling, tele
marketing, online retailing, automatic vending and direct marketing. Each type may
be used not just by retailers but by other types of organizations as well.
Direct Selling
In the context of retailing, direct selling is defined as personal contact between a
sales person and a consumer away from a retail store. This type of retailing has also
been called in home selling. Annual volume of direct selling in India is growing fast
from the beginning of the 21st century.
Like other forms of non-store retailing, direct selling is utilized in most countries. It
is particularly widespread in Japan, which accounts for about 35% of the worldwide
volume of direct selling. The U.S. represents almost 30% of the total and all other
countries the rest.
The two kinds of direct selling are door to door and party plan. There are many well
known direct-selling companies including Amway, Creative memories and Excel
communications. Diverse products are marketed through direct selling. This channel
is particularly well suited for products that require extensive demonstration.
Advantages of Direct Selling
i. Consumers have the opportunity to buy at home or at another convenient non
store location that provides the opportunity for personal contact with a sales
ii. For the seller, direct selling offers the boldest method of trying to persuade
ultimate consumers to make a purchase.
iii. The seller takes the product to the shoppers home or work place and
demonstrates them for the consumer.
Limitations of Direct Selling
i. Sales commissions run as high as 40 to 50% of the retail price; of course,
they are paid only when a sale is made.
ii. Recruiting sales people - most of whom are part timers are difficult tasks,
iii. Some sales representatives use high pressure tactics or are fradulent.
Sometimes called telephone selling, telemarketing refers to a sales person initiating
contact with a shopper and closing a sale over the telephone. Telemarketing many
entail cold canvassing from the phone directory. Many products that can be bought
without being seen are sold over the telephone. Examples are pest control devices,
magazine subscriptions, credit cards and cub memberships.
Telemarketing is not problem free. Often encountering hostile people on the other
end of the line and experiencing many more rejections than closed sales, few
telephone sales representatives last very long in the job. Further some telemarketers
rely on questionable or unethical practices. For instance firms may place calls at
almost any hour of the day or night. This tactic is criticised as violating consumers'
right to privacy. To prevent this, some states have enacted rules to constrain
telemarketers' activities.
Despite these problems, telemarketing sales have increased in recent years.
Fundamentally, some people appreciate the convenience of making a purchase by
phone. Costs have been reduced by computers that automatically dial telephone
number, even deliver a taped message and record information the buyer gives to
complete the sale. The future of telemarketing is sure to be affected by the degree to
which the problems above can be addressed and by the surge of online retailing.
Online Retailing:
When a firm uses its website to offer products for sale and then individuals or
organizations use their computers to make purchases from this company, the parties
have engaged in electronic transactions (also called
on line selling or internet marketing). Many electronic transactions involve two
businesses which focuses on sales by firms to ultimate consumers. Thus online
retailing is one which consists of electronic transactions in which the purchaser is an
ultimate consumer.
Online retailing is being carried out only by a rapidly increasing number of new
firms, such as, Pets Mart and CD Some websites feature broad
assortments, especially those launched by general merchandise retailers such as
Wai-mart and Target. Some Internet only firms, notably are using
various methods to broaden their offerings.
Whatever their differences, e-retailers are likely to share an attribute. They are
unprofitable or best, barely profitable. Of course, there are substantial costs in
establishing an online operation. Aggressive efforts to attract shoppers and retain
customers through extensive advertising and low prices are also expensive. The
substantial losses racked by online enterprises used to be accepted, perhaps even
encouraged by investors and analysts. The rationale was that all available funds
should be used to gain a foothold in this growing market. Despite these challenges,
online retailing is expected to grow, rapidly and significantly for the foreseable
future. Online sales represented about 1% of retail spending in 2005, but one
research firm estimates that consumer purchases on the Internet with triple by the
year 2010.
Which product categories are consumers most likely to buy on the Internet in the
future? Consumers' shopping intentions in 2005 placed the following goods and
services at the tope of the list: books, music and videos, computer hardware and
software, travel and apparel. Of course, given that change on the Internet occurs,
these categories soon may be surpassed by others - perhaps groceries, toys, health
and beauty aids, auto parts or pet supplies.
Automatic vending
The sale of products through a machine with no personal contact between buyer and
seller is called automatic vending. The appeal of automatic vending is convenient
purchase. Products sold by automatic vending are usually well-known presold
brands with a high rate of turnover. The large majority of automatic vending sales
comes from the "4 c's" : cold drinks, coffee, candy and cigarettes.
Vending machines can expand a firm's market by reaching customers where and
when they cannot come to a store. Thus vending equipment is found almost
everywhere, particularly in schools, work places and public facilities. Automatic
vending has high operating costs because of the need to replenish inventories
frequently. The machines also require maintenance and repairs.
The outlook for automatic vending is uncertain. The difficulties mentioned above
may hinder future growth. Further, occasional vending-related scams may scare
some entrepreneurs away from this business. Vending innovations give reason for
some optimism. Debit cards that can be used at vending machines are becoming
more common. When this card is inserted into the machine, the purchase amount is
deducted from the credit balance. Technological advances also allow operators to
monitor vending machines from a distance, thereby reducing the number of out-of-
stock or out-of-order machines.
Direct Marketing
There is no consumers on the exact nature of direct marketing. In effect, it comprises
all types of non-store retailing other than direct selling, telemarketing, automatic
vending and online retailing. In the context of retailing, it has been defined as direct
marketing as using print or broadcast advertising to contact consumers who in turn,
buy products without visiting a retail store.
Direct marketers contact consumers through one or more of the following media:
radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, catalogs and mailing (direct mail). Consumer
order by telephone or mail. Direct marketers can be classified as either general -
merchandise firms, which offer a variety of product lines, or specialty firms which
carry - only one or two lines such as books or fresh fruit.
Under the broad definition, the many forms of direct marketing include:
• Direct mail - in which firms mail letters, brochures and even product samples
to consumers, and ask them to purchase by mail or telephone.
• Catalog retailing - in which companies mail catalogs to consumers or make them
available at retail stores.
• Televised shopping - in which various categories of products are promoted on
dedicated TV channels and through infomercials, which are TV commercials that
run for 30 minutes or even longer on an entertainment channel.
On the plus side, direct marketing provides shopping convenience. In addition, direct
marketers enjoy comparatively low operating expenses because they do not have the
overhead of physical stores.
Direct marketing has drawbacks. Consumers must place orders without seeing or
touching the actual merchandise. To off-set this, direct marketers must offer liberal
return policies. Furthermore, catalogs and to some extent, direct mail pieces are
costly and must be prepared long before they are issued. Price changes and new
products can be announced only through supplementary catalogs or brochures.
Direct marketing's future is difficult to forecast, given the rise of the Internet. The
issue is whether or not firms relying on direct marketing can achieve and sustain a
differential advantage in a growing competition with online enterprises.
A franchising operation is legal contractual relationship between a franchiser (the
company offering the franchise) and the franchisee (the individual who will own the
The terms and conditions of the contract vary widely but usually the franchiser offers
to maintain a continuing interest in the business of the franchisee in such areas as
the site selection, location, management, training, financing, marketing, record-
keeping and promotion. He also offers the use of a trade name, store motif
standardized operating procedure and a prescribed territory. In return the franchisee
agrees to operate under conditions set forth by the franchiser. For the manufacturers,
the franchising is beneficial in these directions:
i. it allows them to conserve capital.
ii. the distribution system is established in the shortest possible time,
iii. Marketing costs are lowest and
iv. Expenses of fixed overhead such as administrative expenses of the personnel
of the company owned units are cut down substantially.
Franchising exists in such products as soft drinks, automobiles and parts, business
services, dry cleaning etc. The franchisee should also:
i. make reference check from the financial institutions.
ii. make inquiries about the product, its quality, appeal, exclusiveness,
competitiveness and effectiveness in bringing in repeat customers.
iii. have enough capital to buy the franchise,
iv. be capable of taking supervision work.
v. consult the professionals and seek their guidance in legal matters,
vi. take risks and invest sufficient time.
Retailers may be classified by form of ownership and key marketing strategies.
Also, types of retailers distinguished according to product assortment, price and
customer service levels. Mature institutions such as department stores, discount
houses and super markets face strong challenges from new competitors, particularly
chain stores or multiple shops in various product categories.
Five major forms of non store retailing such as direct selling, telemarketing,
automatic vending, on line retailing and direct marketing are discussed in detail.
Each type has advantages as well as drawbacks. Franchising in particular, is growing
dramatically. In this lesson, all these are explained in detail.
Chapter 3
In the last two lessons, we have seen the meaning of retailing, functions and
importance, and the overview of retailing. Further we have also seen various types
of In - store and non store retailing in general and department stores chain stores and
franchise in particular.
In this lesson we will look into the function of strategy, elements of retail strategy,
and achieving competitive advantage and positioning.
Function of a strategy
The primary purpose of a strategy is to provide a method, route, way or channel with
the clean direction to follow in managing a business over the planning period. A
successful strategy should satisfy three requirements.
(i) First, a strategy must help to achieve coordination among various functional areas
to the organization.
(ii) Second, strategy must clearly define how resources are to be allocated. At any
level of the organization, resources are limited. Strategy entails allocating resources
to achieve the goals set with in the time frame.
(iii) Third strategy must show how it can lead to a superior market position. A good
strategy takes cognizance of existing and potential competitors and their strengths
and weaknesses.
Retailers classified by marketing Strategies
Whatever its form of ownership, a retailer must develop marketing mix strategies to
succeed in its chosen target markets. In retailing, the marketing mix, emphasizes
product assortment, price, location, promotion and customer services designed to aid
in the sale of a product. They include credit, delivery, gift wrapping, product
installation, merchandise returns, store hours, parking and- very important personal
We will now describe the classification of retail stores, paying particular attention
to the following three elements of their marketing mixes: • Breadth and Depth of
Product assortment • Price Level • Amount of customer services.
Stores of different sizes face distinct challenges and opportunities. Buying,
Promotion, Staffing and expense control are influenced significantly by whether
store's sales volume is large or small. Size of a retail business creates certain merits
and demerits which we have already discussed. Considering these factors, large
stores ordinarily - but not always - have a competitive advantage over small stores.
Small retailers face a variety of difficulties and many fail. The strong economy
during the second half of the 1990s helped small merchants hold their own, however.
In fact the number of failures was lower than last decade and just below the level at
the start of the decade.
How do small retailers succeed? They understand their target markets very well.
Then, in seeking to satisfy their consumers, they need to differentiate themselves
from large retailers. Here are two possible avenues not just to survival but to success.
Many consumers seek benefits that small stores often provide better than large
stores. For instance, some people seek high levels of shopping convenience. Small
outlets located near residential areas offer much convenience. Other consumers
desire abundant personal service. A small store's highly motivated owner-manager
and customer-oriented sales staff may surpass a large store on this important
Numerous small retailers have formed or joined contractual vertical marketing
systems. These entities called voluntary chains or franchise systems - give members
some of the advantages of large stores, such as specialised management, buying
power and a well-known name.
Total operating expenses for retailers average 28% of retail sales. In comparison
wholesaling expenses run about 11% of wholesale sales or 8% of retail sales. Thus
roughly speaking, retailing costs are about 2 l/2 times of the costs of wholesaling
when both are stated as a percentage of the sales of the specific type of middlemen.
Higher retailing costs are the result of dealing directly with ultimate consumers-
answering their questions, showing them different products and so on. Compared to
wholesale customers, ultimate consumers typically expect more convenient
locations with nicer decor, both of which drive up retailers' costs. Also relative to
wholesalers, retailers typically have lower total sales and lower rates of merchandise
Retailers buy smaller quantities of merchandise, again compared to wholesalers, so
their overhead costs are spread over a smaller base of operations. Furthermore, retail
sales people often cannot be used efficiently because customers do not come into
stores at a steady rate.
Another competitive advantage of retailers will be how they create physical facilities
which represent the distribution element of a retailer's marketing mix.
Some firms engage in non-store retailing by selling on hire or through catalogs or
door to door, for example-but many more firms rely on retail stores. Firms that
operate retail stores must consider four aspects of physical facilities.
It is frequently stated that there are three keys to success in retailing: Location,
Location, Location! Although overstated, this axiom does suggest the importance
that retailers attach to location. Thus a stores site should be the first decision made
about facilities. Considerations such as surrounding population, traffic and cost
determine where a store should be located. SIZE
This factor means the total square footage of the physical store, not the magnitude
of the firm operating the store. These are much different factors. A firm may be quite
large with respect to total sales, but each of its outlets may be only several thousand
square feet in size.
This factor refers to a stores appearance, both interior and exterior over its
The amount of space allocated to various product lines, specific locations of products
and a floor plan of display tables and racks comprise the store's layout.
As would be expected, the location, size, design and layout of retail stores are based
on where consumers live and how they like to go about their shopping.
Consequently, the bulk of retail sales occur in urban, rather than rural, areas. And
suburban shopping areas have become more and more popular, where as many down
town areas have declined.
The first part in competitor analysis is to determine how competitors are attempting
to achieve their objectives. This question is addressed by examining their past and
current marketing strategies. MARKETING STRATEGY
Many authors have attempted to explain the concept of strategy. At the retail level,
a marketing strategy can be thought of three major components: target selection of
customers, core strategy (i.e. positioning and differential advantage), and
implementation (i.e. supporting marketing mix).
The first major component is the description of the market segment(s) to which
competing brands are being marketed. Market segments can be described in various
ways. Since few brands are truly mass marketed, the key is to determine which group
each competitor has targeted
The second strategy component is what is called the core strategy. This is the basis
on which the rival is competing, that is its key claimed differential advantage(s).
Differential advantage is a critical component of strategy because it usually forms
the basic selling proposition around which the brand's communications are formed.
It is also called the brand's positioning.
The final strategy component of competitors that must be assessed in the supporting
marketing mix. The mix provides insight into the basic strategy of the competitor
and specific tactical decisions. These decisions are what customers actually see in
the market place. In fact, customers are exposed to price, advertising, promotion and
other marketing mix elements.
An important task is to access the technological strategies of the major competitors.
This can be done by using the following framework of six criteria.
1. Technology selection or specialization.
2. Level of competence.
3. Sources of capability: Internal vs External
4. R&D investment level.
5. Competitive timing: Initiate vs Respond
6. Retail policies
These decisions generally lead to better understanding of retailers' competitors.

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Retail detail

  • 1. RETAIL STORE Brief Knowledge This-PC Rajat Bang Student, Pune Institute Of Business Management
  • 2. Contents Chapter 1.......................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................3 Importance of Retailing ...........................................................................................................................4 Economic Justification for retailing .........................................................................................................4 GENERAL SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................5 Facilitating Services:..................................................................................................................................6 Overview of Retail Sector..........................................................................................................................8 Summary...................................................................................................................................................9 Chapter 2.....................................................................................................................................................10 TYPES OF STORES....................................................................................................................................10 Major Types of Retail Stores...................................................................................................................10 Department Stores..................................................................................................................................10 Classification of Department Stores ...................................................................................................11 Location of Department Stores...........................................................................................................12 Future of Department Stores..............................................................................................................14 Super Markets:.......................................................................................................................................14 Advantages of supermarkets ..............................................................................................................15 Limitations of Supermarkets...............................................................................................................15 Discount Houses......................................................................................................................................16 Chain Stores or Multiple Shops..............................................................................................................16 Advantages of chain stores or multiple shops....................................................................................17 Limitations of chain stores or multiple shops.....................................................................................17 Non-Store Retailing................................................................................................................................18 Direct Selling ...........................................................................................................................................18 Advantages of Direct Selling ...............................................................................................................19 Limitations of Direct Selling ................................................................................................................19 Online Retailing:......................................................................................................................................21 Automatic vending..................................................................................................................................22 Direct Marketing.....................................................................................................................................23 Franchising..............................................................................................................................................24 Summary.................................................................................................................................................25 Chapter 3.....................................................................................................................................................26
  • 3. RETAIL STRATEGY........................................................................................................................................26 Overview:................................................................................................................................................26 Function of a strategy .............................................................................................................................26 Retailers classified by marketing Strategies .......................................................................................26 OPERATING EXPENSES AND PROFITS..................................................................................................28 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PHYSICAL FACILITIES..............................28 LOCATION............................................................................................................................................29 DESIGN................................................................................................................................................29 LAYOUT ...............................................................................................................................................29 ASSESSING COMPETITORS CURENT STRATEGIES................................................................................29 TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY.....................................................................................................................31
  • 4. Chapter 1 Introduction The word 'Retail' is derived from a French word with the prefix re and the verb tailer meaning "to cut again". Evidently, retail trade is one that cuts off smaller portions from large lumps of goods. It is a process through which goods are transported to final consumers. In other words, retailing consists of the activities involved in selling directly to the ultimate consumer for personal, non-business use. It embraces the direct-to-customer sales activities of the producer, whether through his own stores by house-to-house canvassing or by mail-order business. Manufacturers engage in retailing when they make direct-to-consumer sales of their products through their own stores (as Bata and Carona shoe companies, D.C.M. Stores, Mafat lals and Bombay Dyeing) by door-to-door canvass, or mail order or even on telephone. Even a wholesaler engages in retailing when sells directly to an ultimate consumer, although his main business may still be wholesaling. A retailer is a merchant or occasionally an agent or a business enterprise, whose main business is selling directly to ultimate consumers for non-business use. He performs many marketing activities such as buying, selling, grading, risk-trading, and developing information about customer's wants. A retailer may sell infrequently to industrial users, but these are wholesale transactions, not retail sales. If over one half of the amount of volume of business comes from sales to ultimate consumers, i.e. sales at retail, he is classified as a retailer. Retailing occurs in all marketing channels for consumer products.
  • 5. Importance of Retailing The retailer is an intermediary in the marketing channel because he is both marketer and customer, who sells to the last man to consume. He is a specialist who maintains contact with the consumer and the producer; and is an important connecting link in a complex mechanism of marketing. Though producers may sell directly to consumers, such method of distributing goods to ultimate users is inconvenient, expensive and time consuming as compared to the job performed by a specialist in the line. Therefore, frequently the manufacturers depend on the retailers to sell their products to the ultimate consumers. The retailer, who is able to provide appropriate amenities without an excessive advance in prices of goods is rewarded by larger or more loyal patronage. Economic Justification for retailing All middlemen basically serve as purchasing agents for their customers and as sales specialists for their suppliers. To carry out those roles, retailers perform many activities, including anticipating customer's wants, developing assortments of products, acquiring market information and financing. It is relatively easy to become a retailer. No large investment in production equipment is required, merchandise can often be purchased on credit and store space can be leased with no 'down payment' or a simple website can be set up at relatively little cost. Considering these factors, perhaps it's not surprising that there are just over a 6 million retail outlets operating across the Indian cities from north to south and from east to west. This large number of outlets, many of which are trying to serve and satisfy the same market segments, results in fierce competition and better values for shoppers.
  • 6. To enter retailing is easy; to fail is even easier! To survive in retailing, a firm must do a satisfactory job in its primary role - catering to consumers. Rama Subramaniam the former head - retail segment Spensors described a successful retailer as a "merchant who sells goods that won't come back to customers who will". Of course, a retail firm also must fulfill its other role - serving producers and wholesalers. This dual role is both the justification for retailing and the key to success in retailing. GENERAL SERVICES The general services which a retailer provides are: 1. The retailer anticipates the wants of the consumers and then supplies them the right kind of goods at reasonable price. His job is to make the consumers buying as easy and convenient as possible i.e. he acts as a consumers' agent. 2. He performs the service of bulk-breaking i.e. dividing large quantities into small units, such as individual cans, bottles, boxes, wrappers, packages, appropriate for consumer use. 3. He offers a large assortment of merchandise, of suitable size, colour, design, style and seasonal items-ranging from domestic utensils, household requisites to speciality goods. 4. He creates time and place utility by storing the products in off season and by transporting these goods to the places where they can be readily available as and when needed by the consumer. 5. He also assumes risks by guaranteeing the goods he sells to the consumer. 6. He also offers free delivery of goods, credit on open accounts, free alteration, liberal exchange facilities, instructions in the use of goods, revolving credit plans, and long term installment programmes.
  • 7. 7. He adds to the convenience and ease of consumer purchasing by offering convenient shopping locations, market informations and other services such as free parking privileges, lessons on product use and a multitude of other facilities may be offered and found sufficiently desired to result in increased patronage. 8. He helps the producers in distributing their products by using advertisement display and personal selling. 9. The level of retail sales is one of the most useful barometers of the nations economic health. For example when sales of cycles pick-up, sales of steel and components also increase, as does employment and thus increasing purchasing power. But when sales go down, manufacturers cut back production, unemployment increases and retail sales also goes down. Facilitating Services: In order to carry out functions involving transfer of ownership and physical supply effectively retailers perform a number of facilitating functions i.e. functions relating to standardization and grading, financing, risk-taking and market information. A retailer of fresh fruits and vegetables has to standardize and grade these to make these acceptable to customers. They establish standards, inspect goods they receive, and sort them in various classifications. Quite often they purchase in large quantities and then divide them and repack them before selling. When the retailer sells goods on credit he performs finance function. From the moment he sells and collects the last rupee from the customer, when goods are sold on credit, he is said to be performing a financing function. Another function performed by retailers is that of risk-taking. During the entire time a retailer holds title to particular goods, he must inevitably bear a wide variety of risks. Not only the
  • 8. goods may be destroyed through fire or flood, but also, there is often the danger of theft, deterioration or spoilage. Furthermore, such merchants are also faced with the threat that consumers will not accept their product or will purchase them only at unprofitable prices. He also undertakes risk in handling of fashion goods and other items for which consumer demand varies greatly from time to time. Since the retailer knows about the wishes of his customers the price, quality and the kind of merchandise available in the market as well as the existing and anticipated style trends, he keeps in stock the goods usually required by customers.
  • 9. Overview of Retail Sector All over the world, retailing is undergoing a process of evolution and is poised to undergo dramatic transformation. With special reference to India, the retail sector employs over 10 percent of the national work force but is characterised by a high degree of fragmentation with over 5 million outlets, 96 percent of whom are very small with an area of less than 50 m2. The retail universe doubled between 1986 and 2006 and the number of outlets per 1000 people at an All India Level increased from 4.9 in 1988 to 14.8 in 2006. Because of their small size, the Indian Retailers have very little bargaining power with manufacturers and perform only a few of the flows in marketing channels unlike in the case of retailers in developed countries. The corner grocer or the 'Kirana' Store is a key element in the retail in India due to the house wifes unwillingness to go long distances for purchasing daily needs. Although convenience and merchandise were the two most important reasons for choosing a store, the choice interia varied across product categories. Convenience was indicated by consumers as the most important reason in the choice of groceries and fruit outlets, chemists and life style items while merchandise was indicated as the most important in durables, books and apparel. In recent years, there has been a slow spread of retail chains in some formats like super markets, department stores, malls and discount stores. Factors facilitating the spread of chains are the availability of quality products at lower prices, improved shopping standards, convenient shopping and display and blending of shopping with entertainment and the entry to industrial houses like Goenkas and Tatas into retailing. Thailand is one of the countries whose economy has developed rapidly in recent years. There has been a tradition of independently owned outlets called shop houses. These outlets are run by families, with the shop located on the ground floor and the
  • 10. family's living quarters on upper floors. Thailand's first departmental store opened in 1956 and the first shopping centre in (1967). Discounts and super stores were introduced in 1989. However, the presence of super market format has been low due to ingrained habit of buying fresh produce. Speciality stores were just emerging in Thailand in mid 1990s. Another country where the development of the retail sector has also followed an interesting path is Brazil. The concept of self service in shopping was introduced to Brazil in 1953 but until 1972, there was no foreign influence in the Brazilian retail sector. Food retailing especially, contained to be Brazilian owned and managed although international innovations were adopted. The number of intermediaries in marketing channels is decreasing as the operation of wholesalers is under threat from the direct contact between retailers and suppliers, although few specialised distributors have emerged who provide value added services such as distribution of frozen and chilled food. Summary Retailing is the sale of goods and services to ultimate consumers for personal, non- business use. Any institution may engage in retailing, but a firm engage primarily in retailing is called a retailer. Retailers serve as purchasing agents for consumer and as sales specialists for producers and wholesaling middleman. They perform many specific activities such as anticipating consumers' wants, developing product assortments and financing.
  • 11. Chapter 2 TYPES OF STORES It is in retailing that very drastic changes have occurred during the last two decades. Some institutions have disappeared whereas newer ones have been added. This process of deletion / addition still continues in newer forms. There are large scale retailing shops together with very small units, both working simultaneously. They have from hawkers and peddlers, who have no permanent place, to well organised, settled retail shops like chain stores, departmental stores, etc. The institutions carrying on the retail business can be classified as under Major Types of Retail Stores In store-Retailing Non-Store Retailing Franchising Department Stores Direct Selling Super Markets Telemarketing Discount Houses Online Retailing Chain Stores Automatic vending Multiple Shops Direct Marketing. Department Stores These are large scale retail stores selling under one roof and one control a variety of goods divided into different departments, each of which specializes in an individual merchandise. Converse is of the opinion that a department store is a retail shop handling several classes of goods including fast moving consumer goods, each class being separated from others in management, accounting and location. It is viewed by Clarke as that type of retail institution which handle a wide verity of merchandise
  • 12. under one roof which the merchandise grouped into well-defined departments which is centrally controlled and which caters primarily to women shoppers. Thus a department store is a retailing business unit that handles a wide variety of shopping and specialty goods and is organized into separate departments for purposes of sales promotion, accounting control and store operation. Recent trends are to add departments for automotive, recreational and sports equipment, as well a services such as insurance, travel advice and income-tax preparation. Department stores are distinctive in that they usually are oriented towards service. They are usually shopping centers. Classification of Department Stores These stores may be classified either according to ownership or income groups to which they appeal. a) On the basis of ownership these are : i. The independent; ii. The ownership group; and iii. Chain department Stores. Independent stores are owned by a financial interest which does not own other similar stores Ownership group stores are those stores which were formerly dependent but now have been combined. Chain department stores are those stores which are centrally owned and operated. b) On the basis of income groups: These stores cater to the middle and high income groups. They usually handle good quality merchandise and offer maximum service to the customers. Other stores cater to the needs of the lower income group people.
  • 13. c) Sometimes there is also to be found what are called leased department stores. Although it appears to most customers that all departments in a department store are owned and operated by the store, that is not always the case. The operations of certain departments are sometimes turned over to leases and such departments are called leased departments. Characteristic Features of Department Stores The chief features of these stores are: (i) These are integrated stores performing operations in addition to other retail stores such as wholesaling. (ii) Goods are divided into different classes with different locations and management within the store itself. (iii) These stores are distinguished by the nature of goods they self and not by the varieties they keep for example, drug and variety stores carry a wide variety of goods. (iv) The store is a horizontally integrated institution. It brings together under one roof a range of merchandise offerings comparable to the combined offerings of many stores specializing in single or fewer merchandise lines. Location of Department Stores The success of a department store depends much on its location, availability of space, the area and community to be served and ability to attract customers are the important factors to be considered before establishing a store at a particular place. Special Consideration should be given to accommodation so as to allow every possible amusement facilities. Considerable space should also be allotted for show room displaying stores merchandise. Merits of Department Stores
  • 14. 1. Large department stores buy in large quantities and receive special concession or discount in their purchases. Many of them purchase direct form manufactures and hence, middleman's charges are eliminated. 2. Department stores are in a position to pay cash on all or most of their purchases and this gives them an additional advantage of picking up quality goods at cheaper rates and at the same time stocking the latest style and fads. 3. Customers can do all their purchases under one roof and it appeals to people of all walks of life. 4. The organization is too large to provide expert supervision of various departments for the adoption of a liberal credit and delivery service for large-scale advertising. 5. When customers enter the store to deal with one department they are frequently induced by the advertisement which the display of goods offers to make purchases in other departments as well. Limitations of Department Stores Department business organizations are not free from abuses. There are certain specific limitations from which such institutions suffer such as: 1. The cost of doing business is very high due to heavy overhead expenses. 2. Because of their location in a central shopping area they are of not much advantage to the public because goods required at short notice are always purchased from the nearest traders. 3. There is lack of personal touch and personal supervision which is to be found in single line. 4. When hired diligence is substituted for the diligence of ownership, loss and leaks are likely to occur.
  • 15. 5. Many customers abuse the liberal services extended and take advantage of the policy of the 'customers is always right'. 6. The type of salesmanship found in many stores is very poor because of low payments and lack of supervision. Future of Department Stores Nothing definite can be predicted whether these department organizations will continue to carry on and will progress in face of overgrowing competition of chain stores, mail order business and other smaller independent dealers. Stores with overhead burdens which cannot be reduced may have to go, but the department stores as an institution are bound to go on with a future. The department store which is properly equipped in plant, stock and personnel to carry on a reasonable sales volume and then does a better job in giving values and services, then its competitors are entitled to, and will receive its business profit. Department Stores are now opening branches in many new areas and making concerted efforts to meet new competition. They have been modernized, redecorated and better services are being developed; and they are being converted to self-service. Super Markets: These are large, self service stores that carry a broad and complete line of food and non-food products. They have central check out facilities. Kotler defines supermarket as 'a departmentalised retail establishment having four basic departments viz. self-service grocery, meat, produce and diary plus other household departments, and doing a maximum business. It may be entirely owner operated or have some of the departments leased on a concession basis.' Characteristic Features of Super Markets Chief characteristic features of supermarkets include the following:
  • 16. i. They are usually located in or near primary or secondary shopping areas but always in a place where parking facilities are available. ii. They use mass displays of merchandise. iii. They normally operate as cash and carry store. iv. They make their appeal on the basis of low price, wide selection of merchandise, nationally advertised brands and convenient parking. v. They operate largely on a self-service basis with a minimum number of customer services. Supermarkets came into existence during the depression in U.S.A. At that time they sold only food products, and their principal attraction was the low price of their merchandise. As super markets increased in number day by day they also expanded into other lines of merchandise. Advantages of supermarkets i. Super markets have the advantage of convenient shopping, permitting the buyer to purchase all his requirements at one place. ii. Super markets also stock a wide variety of items. iii. These markets can sell at low prices because of their limited service feature, combined with large buying power and the willingness to take low percent of profit margins. iv. Shopping time is considerably reduced. Limitations of Supermarkets i. The large and extensive area required for a super market is not available cheaply in important places. ii. The products which require explanation for their proper use can not be dealt in through the super markets.
  • 17. iii. Customer services are practically absent. iv. Another limitation of the super market is the exorbitantly high administrative expenses. Discount Houses These are large stores, freely open to the public and advertising widely. They are self-service and general merchandising stores. They carry a wide assortment of products of well known brands, appliances, housewares, home furnishings, sporting goods, clothing, toy and automotive services. They complete on low price basis and operate on a relatively low mark-up and a minimum number of customer service. They range from small open showroom to catalogue type order offices to full line limited service, and promotional stores. They buy their merchandise stocks both from wholesale distributors and directly from manufacturers. Chain Stores or Multiple Shops A chain store system consists of four or more stores which carry the same kind of merchandise are centrally owned and managed and usually are supplied from one or more central warehouses. A chain store is one of the retail units in chain store system. Chains have been interpreted as a group of two or more reasonably similar stores in the same kind or field of business under one ownership and management, merchandised wholly or largely from central merchandising head quarters and supplied from the manufacturer or orders placed by the central buyers. In Europe, this system is called as Multiple Shops and the American call it as "Chain Stores". Under the multiple or chain shop arrangement, the main idea is to approach the customers and not to draw the customers as it as is practiced in the case of department store. In order to draw more customers, attempts are made to open a large number of shops in the same city at different places. In India apt example for this retail system are offered by 'Bata Shoes', 'Usha Sewing Machines' etc., such multiple
  • 18. shops have 'centralised buying with deCentralized selling". Fundamentally, they specialize in one product but with all its varieties or models. Chief Features of Chain Stores The chief features of chain stores are: i. One or more units may constitute a chain, ii. They are centrally owned with some degree of Centralized control of operation. iii. They are horizontally 'integrated' that is, they operate multiple stores. With addition of each new store, the system extends the reach to another group of customers. iv. Many stores are also 'vertically integrated'. They maintain large distribution centres where they buy from producers, do their own warehousing and then distribute their own stores. Advantages of chain stores or multiple shops i. Lower selling prices. This is mainly possible due to economy in buying operation. ii. Economy and advertising. Common advertisements covering all the units are feasible and this reduces advertisement expenditure. iii. Ability to spread risks. Unlike the department store the principle here is not to "lay all the eggs in one basket". By trail and error, a unit sustaining losses may be shifted to some other place or even dropped. iv. There is flexibility in working. v. Since it works only on cash basis, bad debts as well as detailed accounting processes are avoided. vi. Central and costly locations are not essential. Limitations of chain stores or multiple shops i. Lower price is a false claim. According to Stanton "Price Comparison is
  • 19. not possible, as such stores are handling only limited items". ii. Inflexible in practice. Multiple shops deal in standardised products onlywhich creates inflexibility in offering wide varieties. iii. Personnel Problems. Being a large organization, it is always susceptible to problems associated with large scale business. iv. Poor public image. Various consumer services such as credit facility, door delivery etc. are completely absent in chain store. The present day consumers prefer to have more services than quality in addition to desiring low prices. Non-Store Retailing A large majority - about - 80% - of retail transactions are made in stores. However, a growing volume of sales is taking place away from stores. Retailing activities resulting in transactions that occur away from a physical store are called non-store retailing. It is estimated that non-store sales account for almost 20% of total retail trade. Following are the five types of non store retailing: direct selling, tele marketing, online retailing, automatic vending and direct marketing. Each type may be used not just by retailers but by other types of organizations as well. Direct Selling In the context of retailing, direct selling is defined as personal contact between a sales person and a consumer away from a retail store. This type of retailing has also been called in home selling. Annual volume of direct selling in India is growing fast from the beginning of the 21st century. Like other forms of non-store retailing, direct selling is utilized in most countries. It is particularly widespread in Japan, which accounts for about 35% of the worldwide
  • 20. volume of direct selling. The U.S. represents almost 30% of the total and all other countries the rest. The two kinds of direct selling are door to door and party plan. There are many well known direct-selling companies including Amway, Creative memories and Excel communications. Diverse products are marketed through direct selling. This channel is particularly well suited for products that require extensive demonstration. Advantages of Direct Selling i. Consumers have the opportunity to buy at home or at another convenient non store location that provides the opportunity for personal contact with a sales person. ii. For the seller, direct selling offers the boldest method of trying to persuade ultimate consumers to make a purchase. iii. The seller takes the product to the shoppers home or work place and demonstrates them for the consumer. Limitations of Direct Selling i. Sales commissions run as high as 40 to 50% of the retail price; of course, they are paid only when a sale is made. ii. Recruiting sales people - most of whom are part timers are difficult tasks, iii. Some sales representatives use high pressure tactics or are fradulent. Telemarketing. Sometimes called telephone selling, telemarketing refers to a sales person initiating contact with a shopper and closing a sale over the telephone. Telemarketing many entail cold canvassing from the phone directory. Many products that can be bought without being seen are sold over the telephone. Examples are pest control devices, magazine subscriptions, credit cards and cub memberships.
  • 21. Telemarketing is not problem free. Often encountering hostile people on the other end of the line and experiencing many more rejections than closed sales, few telephone sales representatives last very long in the job. Further some telemarketers rely on questionable or unethical practices. For instance firms may place calls at almost any hour of the day or night. This tactic is criticised as violating consumers' right to privacy. To prevent this, some states have enacted rules to constrain telemarketers' activities. Despite these problems, telemarketing sales have increased in recent years. Fundamentally, some people appreciate the convenience of making a purchase by phone. Costs have been reduced by computers that automatically dial telephone number, even deliver a taped message and record information the buyer gives to complete the sale. The future of telemarketing is sure to be affected by the degree to which the problems above can be addressed and by the surge of online retailing.
  • 22. Online Retailing: When a firm uses its website to offer products for sale and then individuals or organizations use their computers to make purchases from this company, the parties have engaged in electronic transactions (also called on line selling or internet marketing). Many electronic transactions involve two businesses which focuses on sales by firms to ultimate consumers. Thus online retailing is one which consists of electronic transactions in which the purchaser is an ultimate consumer. Online retailing is being carried out only by a rapidly increasing number of new firms, such as, Pets Mart and CD Some websites feature broad assortments, especially those launched by general merchandise retailers such as Wai-mart and Target. Some Internet only firms, notably are using various methods to broaden their offerings. Whatever their differences, e-retailers are likely to share an attribute. They are unprofitable or best, barely profitable. Of course, there are substantial costs in establishing an online operation. Aggressive efforts to attract shoppers and retain customers through extensive advertising and low prices are also expensive. The substantial losses racked by online enterprises used to be accepted, perhaps even encouraged by investors and analysts. The rationale was that all available funds should be used to gain a foothold in this growing market. Despite these challenges, online retailing is expected to grow, rapidly and significantly for the foreseable future. Online sales represented about 1% of retail spending in 2005, but one research firm estimates that consumer purchases on the Internet with triple by the year 2010.
  • 23. Which product categories are consumers most likely to buy on the Internet in the future? Consumers' shopping intentions in 2005 placed the following goods and services at the tope of the list: books, music and videos, computer hardware and software, travel and apparel. Of course, given that change on the Internet occurs, these categories soon may be surpassed by others - perhaps groceries, toys, health and beauty aids, auto parts or pet supplies. Automatic vending The sale of products through a machine with no personal contact between buyer and seller is called automatic vending. The appeal of automatic vending is convenient purchase. Products sold by automatic vending are usually well-known presold brands with a high rate of turnover. The large majority of automatic vending sales comes from the "4 c's" : cold drinks, coffee, candy and cigarettes. Vending machines can expand a firm's market by reaching customers where and when they cannot come to a store. Thus vending equipment is found almost everywhere, particularly in schools, work places and public facilities. Automatic vending has high operating costs because of the need to replenish inventories frequently. The machines also require maintenance and repairs. The outlook for automatic vending is uncertain. The difficulties mentioned above may hinder future growth. Further, occasional vending-related scams may scare some entrepreneurs away from this business. Vending innovations give reason for some optimism. Debit cards that can be used at vending machines are becoming more common. When this card is inserted into the machine, the purchase amount is deducted from the credit balance. Technological advances also allow operators to monitor vending machines from a distance, thereby reducing the number of out-of- stock or out-of-order machines.
  • 24. Direct Marketing There is no consumers on the exact nature of direct marketing. In effect, it comprises all types of non-store retailing other than direct selling, telemarketing, automatic vending and online retailing. In the context of retailing, it has been defined as direct marketing as using print or broadcast advertising to contact consumers who in turn, buy products without visiting a retail store. Direct marketers contact consumers through one or more of the following media: radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, catalogs and mailing (direct mail). Consumer order by telephone or mail. Direct marketers can be classified as either general - merchandise firms, which offer a variety of product lines, or specialty firms which carry - only one or two lines such as books or fresh fruit. Under the broad definition, the many forms of direct marketing include: • Direct mail - in which firms mail letters, brochures and even product samples to consumers, and ask them to purchase by mail or telephone. • Catalog retailing - in which companies mail catalogs to consumers or make them available at retail stores. • Televised shopping - in which various categories of products are promoted on dedicated TV channels and through infomercials, which are TV commercials that run for 30 minutes or even longer on an entertainment channel. On the plus side, direct marketing provides shopping convenience. In addition, direct marketers enjoy comparatively low operating expenses because they do not have the overhead of physical stores. Direct marketing has drawbacks. Consumers must place orders without seeing or touching the actual merchandise. To off-set this, direct marketers must offer liberal
  • 25. return policies. Furthermore, catalogs and to some extent, direct mail pieces are costly and must be prepared long before they are issued. Price changes and new products can be announced only through supplementary catalogs or brochures. Direct marketing's future is difficult to forecast, given the rise of the Internet. The issue is whether or not firms relying on direct marketing can achieve and sustain a differential advantage in a growing competition with online enterprises. Franchising A franchising operation is legal contractual relationship between a franchiser (the company offering the franchise) and the franchisee (the individual who will own the business). The terms and conditions of the contract vary widely but usually the franchiser offers to maintain a continuing interest in the business of the franchisee in such areas as the site selection, location, management, training, financing, marketing, record- keeping and promotion. He also offers the use of a trade name, store motif standardized operating procedure and a prescribed territory. In return the franchisee agrees to operate under conditions set forth by the franchiser. For the manufacturers, the franchising is beneficial in these directions: i. it allows them to conserve capital. ii. the distribution system is established in the shortest possible time, iii. Marketing costs are lowest and iv. Expenses of fixed overhead such as administrative expenses of the personnel of the company owned units are cut down substantially. Franchising exists in such products as soft drinks, automobiles and parts, business services, dry cleaning etc. The franchisee should also: i. make reference check from the financial institutions.
  • 26. ii. make inquiries about the product, its quality, appeal, exclusiveness, competitiveness and effectiveness in bringing in repeat customers. iii. have enough capital to buy the franchise, iv. be capable of taking supervision work. v. consult the professionals and seek their guidance in legal matters, vi. take risks and invest sufficient time. Summary Retailers may be classified by form of ownership and key marketing strategies. Also, types of retailers distinguished according to product assortment, price and customer service levels. Mature institutions such as department stores, discount houses and super markets face strong challenges from new competitors, particularly chain stores or multiple shops in various product categories. Five major forms of non store retailing such as direct selling, telemarketing, automatic vending, on line retailing and direct marketing are discussed in detail. Each type has advantages as well as drawbacks. Franchising in particular, is growing dramatically. In this lesson, all these are explained in detail.
  • 27. Chapter 3 RETAIL STRATEGY Overview: In the last two lessons, we have seen the meaning of retailing, functions and importance, and the overview of retailing. Further we have also seen various types of In - store and non store retailing in general and department stores chain stores and franchise in particular. In this lesson we will look into the function of strategy, elements of retail strategy, and achieving competitive advantage and positioning. Function of a strategy The primary purpose of a strategy is to provide a method, route, way or channel with the clean direction to follow in managing a business over the planning period. A successful strategy should satisfy three requirements. (i) First, a strategy must help to achieve coordination among various functional areas to the organization. (ii) Second, strategy must clearly define how resources are to be allocated. At any level of the organization, resources are limited. Strategy entails allocating resources to achieve the goals set with in the time frame. (iii) Third strategy must show how it can lead to a superior market position. A good strategy takes cognizance of existing and potential competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. Retailers classified by marketing Strategies Whatever its form of ownership, a retailer must develop marketing mix strategies to succeed in its chosen target markets. In retailing, the marketing mix, emphasizes product assortment, price, location, promotion and customer services designed to aid
  • 28. in the sale of a product. They include credit, delivery, gift wrapping, product installation, merchandise returns, store hours, parking and- very important personal service. We will now describe the classification of retail stores, paying particular attention to the following three elements of their marketing mixes: • Breadth and Depth of Product assortment • Price Level • Amount of customer services. Stores of different sizes face distinct challenges and opportunities. Buying, Promotion, Staffing and expense control are influenced significantly by whether store's sales volume is large or small. Size of a retail business creates certain merits and demerits which we have already discussed. Considering these factors, large stores ordinarily - but not always - have a competitive advantage over small stores. Small retailers face a variety of difficulties and many fail. The strong economy during the second half of the 1990s helped small merchants hold their own, however. In fact the number of failures was lower than last decade and just below the level at the start of the decade. How do small retailers succeed? They understand their target markets very well. Then, in seeking to satisfy their consumers, they need to differentiate themselves from large retailers. Here are two possible avenues not just to survival but to success. Many consumers seek benefits that small stores often provide better than large stores. For instance, some people seek high levels of shopping convenience. Small outlets located near residential areas offer much convenience. Other consumers desire abundant personal service. A small store's highly motivated owner-manager and customer-oriented sales staff may surpass a large store on this important shoppingdimension.
  • 29. Numerous small retailers have formed or joined contractual vertical marketing systems. These entities called voluntary chains or franchise systems - give members some of the advantages of large stores, such as specialised management, buying power and a well-known name. OPERATING EXPENSES AND PROFITS Total operating expenses for retailers average 28% of retail sales. In comparison wholesaling expenses run about 11% of wholesale sales or 8% of retail sales. Thus roughly speaking, retailing costs are about 2 l/2 times of the costs of wholesaling when both are stated as a percentage of the sales of the specific type of middlemen. Higher retailing costs are the result of dealing directly with ultimate consumers- answering their questions, showing them different products and so on. Compared to wholesale customers, ultimate consumers typically expect more convenient locations with nicer decor, both of which drive up retailers' costs. Also relative to wholesalers, retailers typically have lower total sales and lower rates of merchandise turnover. Retailers buy smaller quantities of merchandise, again compared to wholesalers, so their overhead costs are spread over a smaller base of operations. Furthermore, retail sales people often cannot be used efficiently because customers do not come into stores at a steady rate. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PHYSICAL FACILITIES Another competitive advantage of retailers will be how they create physical facilities which represent the distribution element of a retailer's marketing mix. Some firms engage in non-store retailing by selling on hire or through catalogs or door to door, for example-but many more firms rely on retail stores. Firms that operate retail stores must consider four aspects of physical facilities.
  • 30. LOCATION It is frequently stated that there are three keys to success in retailing: Location, Location, Location! Although overstated, this axiom does suggest the importance that retailers attach to location. Thus a stores site should be the first decision made about facilities. Considerations such as surrounding population, traffic and cost determine where a store should be located. SIZE This factor means the total square footage of the physical store, not the magnitude of the firm operating the store. These are much different factors. A firm may be quite large with respect to total sales, but each of its outlets may be only several thousand square feet in size. DESIGN This factor refers to a stores appearance, both interior and exterior over its competitor. LAYOUT The amount of space allocated to various product lines, specific locations of products and a floor plan of display tables and racks comprise the store's layout. As would be expected, the location, size, design and layout of retail stores are based on where consumers live and how they like to go about their shopping. Consequently, the bulk of retail sales occur in urban, rather than rural, areas. And suburban shopping areas have become more and more popular, where as many down town areas have declined. ASSESSING COMPETITORS CURENT STRATEGIES The first part in competitor analysis is to determine how competitors are attempting to achieve their objectives. This question is addressed by examining their past and current marketing strategies. MARKETING STRATEGY
  • 31. Many authors have attempted to explain the concept of strategy. At the retail level, a marketing strategy can be thought of three major components: target selection of customers, core strategy (i.e. positioning and differential advantage), and implementation (i.e. supporting marketing mix). The first major component is the description of the market segment(s) to which competing brands are being marketed. Market segments can be described in various ways. Since few brands are truly mass marketed, the key is to determine which group each competitor has targeted The second strategy component is what is called the core strategy. This is the basis on which the rival is competing, that is its key claimed differential advantage(s). Differential advantage is a critical component of strategy because it usually forms the basic selling proposition around which the brand's communications are formed. It is also called the brand's positioning. The final strategy component of competitors that must be assessed in the supporting marketing mix. The mix provides insight into the basic strategy of the competitor and specific tactical decisions. These decisions are what customers actually see in the market place. In fact, customers are exposed to price, advertising, promotion and other marketing mix elements.
  • 32. TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY An important task is to access the technological strategies of the major competitors. This can be done by using the following framework of six criteria. 1. Technology selection or specialization. 2. Level of competence. 3. Sources of capability: Internal vs External 4. R&D investment level. 5. Competitive timing: Initiate vs Respond 6. Retail policies These decisions generally lead to better understanding of retailers' competitors.