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Report of the Second WANA Forum
Pursuing Supranational Solutions to
the Challenges of Carrying Capacity

               16 - 18 MAY 2010
               AMMAN, JORDAN
Copyright © 2010 by the WANA Forum
No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior written permission from the WANA Forum.

Deposit No. 2010 / 7 / 2768

ISBN: 978 - 9957 - 419 - 10 - 3

Publisher: WANA Forum
Editors:   Laura Haddad, Nour Qabba’ah,
           Baker al-Hiyari and Martti Antola
Designer: Ihsan Hussein
Printing:  National Press
           Amman, Jordan

The West Asia–North Africa Forum garetfully acknowledges the support of The Nippon Foundation.
Building Trust Together

     Report of the Second WANA Forum
Pursuing Supranational Solutions to
the Challenges of Carrying Capacity

               16 - 18 MAY 2010
               AMMAN, JORDAN
2   WANA Forum Report 2010

Foreword                                                                 5

Post-Forum reFlections                                                   8

executive summary                                                       11
1. Overview of the WANA Forum                                           15
2. Opening Remarks                                                      18
3. Transcending Regional Carrying Capacity                              21
4. Regional Themes and Priorities of the WANA Forum                     24
5. Launch of the Arabic Report of the Legal Empowerment of the Poor:
   Making the Law Work for Everyone                                     29
6. Displacement and Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Recovery           32
7. Social Cohesion in the WANA Region                                   39
8. Our Common Future: Water, Environment and Energy Community           43
9. Environment and Green Economy                                        47
10. Mobilising the Third Sphere for Collective Action                   51
11. Dinner Remarks by Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of the
   Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)                       55
12. Break-Out Groups                                                    56
   12.1 Social Cohesion                                                 56
   12.2 Green Economy                                                   62
   12.3 Environment                                                     64
   12.4 Reconstruction and Recovery                                     70
13. Conclusions of WANA Forum 2010                                      73

Annexes                                                                 77
   A1.   Agenda                                                         79
   A2.   Participants                                                   89
   A3.   Speaker Bios                                                   95
   A4.   Break-Out Session Participants                                115
   A5.   Background Paper: Beyond WANA Forum 2010                      117
   A6.   WANA Forum Secretariat                                        127
Photo credit: AP/EMPICS

                                                                Foreword           by
                                        HrH Prince el Hassan bin talal,
                                             Chairman             oF the      wana Forum

                          T       he West Asia-North Africa (WANA)
                                  region continues to face many
                                  challenges, some of them untold;
                          most of them tragic and sadly, man-made.
                          After taking part in three days of discussions
                                                                              where regional cooperation could bring
                                                                              added value: reconstruction and recovery,
                                                                              green economy, water and energy, education
                                                                              for sustainable development (ESD), the
                                                                              revival of hima and social cohesion.
                          and deliberations during WANA Forum 2010                This year, poverty as one source of
                          I remain optimistic. This optimism is not           social fragmentation, was one of the areas
                          ‘rose-tinted’ nor does it jar with the reality of   addressed with the launch of the Arabic
                          these ongoing tragedies; rather, listening to       version of the Report of the Commission
                          the stories of those WANA participants who          on Legal Empowerment of the Poor (LEP),
                          have lived through such adversity, gives me         in collaboration with the United Nations
                          hope and faith in the possibility of greater        Development Programme (UNDP) and the
                          things to come for the peoples of this region.      Arab Thought Forum (ATF). The Report,
                              These participants from all over the WANA       Making the Law Work for Everyone, states
                          region come together to form a community            that poverty is not merely about a lack of
                          of individuals comprised of the Third Sphere        material resources, but also about a lack
                          – government, private sector and civil society      of property rights, labour and business rights
                          – of WANA and beyond. These concerned               as well as access to justice and the rule
                          WANA citizens – some of them ‘witnesses’            of law. Seventy per cent of the world’s
                          from crisis areas – are motivated by a sense        population is unable to improve their
                          of responsibility to combat the structures of       livelihood regardless of how hard they work
                          injustice wherever they exist.                      because of blatant exclusion. What seems
                              Inspired by the Helsinki Process of 1975,       yet to be understood by many in our society
                          which is based on three ‘baskets’ – economy,        is that all of humanity stands to lose if four
                          security and humanitarian issues, the WANA          billion human beings remain outside an
                          Forum in 2009 identified priority issues            inclusive societal structure.

                                                                                                    WANA Forum Report 2010   5
We are now only five years away from        scarcity and drought, as no single state can
2015 – the year in which the Millennium        effectively achieve this on its own. This is
Development Goals (MDGs) are supposed          where the concept of a Community of Water
to be realised. Yet, in the LEP session, I was and Energy for the Human Environment, a
reminded of how much we have to do in          concept I have been advocating for many
order to get there. Did we set the benchmark   years, comes into its own. It takes a regional
too high? Or did we fail as a community        approach to water, hunger, climate, health
to do our best and try our hardest to make     and poverty which is encompassing and
the MDGs a reality? The UNDP gently            consultative, with a view to averting future
                                                           conflict or as we have recently
         Until uprooted communities are seen inwars’. media reports,

afforded autonomy over their lives,                            During the WANA Forum
                                                           2010 we discussed the notion of
regional and global human security the ‘uprooted’ (a term originally
will be threatened by a growing hatred introduced by the Independent
industry borne of human suffering and Commission on International
                                                           Humanitarian Affairs in the
our collective failure to act                              early 1980s) in the context
                                                           of Territoriality, Identity and
warned us that with regard to the MDGs,        Movement/Migration (TIM), a concept that
there are three on which the WANA region       challenges the current discourse around
is failing: (1) Poverty, Employment and        mandates – mandates for Palestinians;
Hunger; (3) Women’s Empowerment and            mandates for Iraqis and so on. The theory
(7) Environmental Sustainability. This is      behind the uprooted is that all peoples who
an opportunity for the WANA community          have been forced to leave their homeland are
to mobilise and to look at the underlying      equally vulnerable and their needs are often
reasons as to why we are not on track to       grossly misunderstood. People uprooted by
meet these Goals.                              war, violence, environmental devastation and
    One of the highlights of this year’s       persecution do not just need bags of flour
Forum was the Strategic Foresight Group’s      and rice, or cement to rebuild houses, albeit
session on water, ‘Our Common Future:          these items are important in themselves.
Water, Environment and Energy Community’       Retaining dignity in their lives is what lies at
where the concept of concentric circles of     the root of all human aspiration and identity,
cooperation to break political deadlocks and   and until uprooted communities, irrespective
generate ideas that can be implemented at      of labels are afforded autonomy over their
the policy level was discussed. Water must     lives, regional (and global) human security
be treated as an instrument of partnership, or will be threatened by a growing hatred
there is every chance it will reach a critical industry borne of human suffering and our
impasse which will threaten our security       collective failure to act.
and survival in the coming decades, such           The WANA Forum is here to ask the
as we have seen with Weapons of Mass           difficult questions and to suggest alternatives
Destruction. Of the 15 most water-poor         that are sustainable and situated in the
countries in the world, ten are in the WANA    context of the WANA region. As our
region. All states must take responsibility    resources continue to dwindle, it is evident
for finding regional solutions to water        that we should invest more in a resource of

6    WANA Forum Report 2010
which we have plenty – people. We have to       moment during the Forum, when I was told
conserve our physical resources and develop     that the sessions were being simultaneously
our social and human capital with respect       webcast to viewers all over the globe. Given
to human dignity because the true wealth        the high number of young people who use
of nations relies on social cohesion, not       the Internet to access information, I can only
just on indicators such as GDP. A Regional      hope we reached some of them, as it is this
Cohesion Fund would be an important             group we most need to engage, listen to and
step toward establishing a more productive      encourage.
mechanism for enabling inter-regional               This is not my Forum or your Forum. It
and intra-independent action to enhance         is a shared, inclusive space where we can all
regional social cohesion. This will need to     come together to consolidate our efforts and
be based on a ‘code of conduct’ outlined in     resources, through regional multidisciplinary,
a social charter and informed by a cohesion     multi-sectoral approaches, to legitimate
index that is developed with the help of        and motivate collective action to influence
constructive consultations across WANA. An      decision-makers and change agents. The
empirical, apolitical database which can be     challenge now is to turn ideas into a
easily accessed by policymakers, community      practical framework which is inclusive and
leaders, advocates, the public and the media    accessible, bridging the gaps between theory
will be an important tool in this process.      and practice; between the local, regional
    The WANA region would also do well          and global; and to devise strategies to
to listen and learn from the rest of Asia.      influence political structures in ways that are
As was clear from the presentations by          meaningful and relevant to the communities
our speakers from China, Japan and the          on which we ultimately want to have an
Association of Southeast Asian Nations          impact. We now have an opportunity to
(ASEAN), Asian states have proved they can      infuse the entire policy debate (a debate
adjust to the challenges of development         where our voices need to be heard) with
(and in some cases thrive) in an era of         solid research that will undoubtedly improve
volatile global markets and continued           the quality and effectiveness of policy
Western domination. Since WANA is, after        actions.
all, part of Asia, it should complement its         I hope you will join me and the
cooperation with Europe and North America       greater WANA Forum community, with
with stronger links to these Asian nations      the continued support of The Nippon
whose ‘Roadmap for an ASEAN Community           Foundation, in building partnerships for
2009 - 2015’ comprises the three pillars of a   regional cooperation around thematic
Political-Security Community, an Economic       priorities in the pursuit of a strong, stable
Community and a Socio-Cultural Community        and sustainable WANA.
to ensure durable peace, stability and shared
prosperity in the region.
    This second annual WANA meeting has
built on the work of the past year and now
I trust that you, based on the summary of       El Hassan bin Talal
themes, conclusions and recommendations         Amman, August 2010
outlined in this report, will continue the
‘WANA conversation’ either virtually or when
your paths cross again.
    This brings me to another satisfying

                                                                      WANA Forum Report 2010   7
Post-Forum reFlections

I   t was truly encouraging to see so
    many prominent individuals from
    across and beyond the WANA region
come together again in Amman this
year with the shared commitment of
                                               discussions, which demonstrated participants’
                                               profound commitment to the welfare of the
                                               entire human family. From climate change
                                               to water consumption, from freedom of
                                               expression to social solidarity, from food
working towards a better future for the        security to education and health, all these
region. I was particularly impressed at        topics require committed action based on
how the members of the Forum were              common purpose. We can build the kind of
taking concrete steps towards addressing       societies we want for our children when we
urgent challenges facing the region            dare to dream and dare to be bold. There is
through their participation in the various     so much we can do for a whole generation
working groups. I have no doubt that           and for the whole world.
this Forum of likeminded individuals will                    Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of
continue to grow and play a vital role,                        Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
not only in helping policymakers across
the region develop policies, but also          At every stage in the evolution of world
in aiding civil society organisations in       economy, certain drivers determine the
their work. I consider it a true privilege     future. In this century, water, environment,
to be a member of this community and           and human intellect are the most significant
very much look forward to taking part in       driving forces. Therefore, it must be our
future meetings.                               priority to transform water and environment
          Mr.Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The   from potential risks to instruments of peace
                    Nippon Foundation, Japan   and progress.
                                                   In the entire landmass from Vietnam
Under the banner of Pursuing Supranational     and Cambodia in East Asia to Turkey in
Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying        West Asia and from Egypt in North Africa
Capacity, we shared our knowledge and our      to Republic of South Africa, a mega arch of
experience at WANA Forum 2010 and have         hydro insecurity exists. West Asia is at the
taken a commitment to act on the issues        epicentre of this mega-arch. Experts have
we raised. I believe that we left the Forum    been debating for years the problems of
enriched by the thoughtful presentations and   water security but always from short-term

8    WANA Forum Report 2010
and nationalistic perspectives. HRH Prince        are expected to be achieved by 2013, it
El Hassan made a conceptual breakthrough          would be necessary and wise to concentrate
at the WANA Forum 2010 plenary on Our             only on the few already selected themes.
Common Future: Water, Environment and             Therefore, the challenge remains as to how
Energy by proposing Concentric Circles of         best to ensure that the next Forum may focus
Cooperation. This idea makes it possible for      and deepen the discussion on those themes
countries facing similar challenges to come       in order to give guidance and direction for
together to develop a shared vision of a          the remaining period.
water and environment community, without             Wishing all WANA Forum participants a
being hampered by protracted conflicts.           great deal of enthusiasm and success in this
Peace and cooperation need to be built            noble endeavour!
carefully and gradually. At this year’s WANA             Ambassador Ilari Rantakari, Ministry for
Forum in Amman, we saw the first building                               Foreign Affairs of Finland
block of our common future.
         Mr. Sundeep Waslekar, President of the   The region of WANA is a strategic area of
               Strategic Foresight Group, India   energy resources, about half of the world’s
                                                  population resides here and the young
The second WANA Forum clearly indicated           population, to the degree that it is educated
that the WANA Process is shaping up and           and cultivated, can act as a vessel of
motivating relevant individuals and through       development and progress.
them institutions in the region to participate       I am happy to learn of Prince El Hassan
and contribute to the preparation of policy       and other participants’ positive reaction
proposals as well as concrete action steps in     to Turkey’s recent regional policy of ‘zero
the areas of the selected process themes.         problems with its neighbours’, understanding
    I have had the privilege to witness the       the importance of unity and friendship.
active and committed participation and               The WANA initiative is still in its
guidance of His Royal Highness over               beginning stages – like a seed that falls to
the past years in the Helsinki Process            the ground, a baby who takes his or her first
on Globalisation and Democracy. His               steps or the first stages of a joyous voyage.
inspirational leadership and establishment        Seeds develop, babies grow up and joyous
of the capable WANA Secretariat are already       voyages reach their destination. Just as the
yielding results in mobilising necessary          European Coal and Steel Community formed
partnerships and linkages to enhance desired      the beginnings of the European Union, the
and much needed collaboration and actions         WANA region, if it can emerge from today’s
among and by different stakeholders for the       short-sighted politics, has as much potential.
benefit of the WANA region and beyond.                      Mr. Cemal Usak, Vice President of the
    As I have had the opportunity to follow            Journalists and Writers Foundation,Turkey
the work on Social Cohesion, I would like
to commend the initial preparation and            I am inspired by Prince El Hassan who,
commitments made in the Forum. This               after having listened to the adverse stories
would suggest that the work will continue         narrated by individuals at WANA Forum
and advance significantly through the             2010, could derive hope and faith in the
established working groups and partnerships.      future rather than hopelessness and despair.
    It is only natural that many important        His Royal Highness’ opening remarks at
issues would deserve to be included in this       the Forum boosted my usually optimistic
kind of process. However, as tangible results     disposition so much that I see light beyond

                                                                        WANA Forum Report 2010   9
the cumulus that has engulfed our region for      Prince El Hassan said, we need “to devise
nearly three decades.                             strategies to influence political structures in
    I reiterate Prince El Hassan’s statement      ways that are meaningful and relevant to the
that poverty doesn’t mean only the lack of        communities on which we ultimately want to
material resources. Now it is time we all find    have an impact.”
the faith and commitment to take actionable            Mr. Mohsen Marzouk, Secretary-General of
steps toward fighting poverty and creating                the Arab Democracy Foundation, Qatar
social justice in the region. Men, women and
children should be afforded their rightful        I deeply admire HRH Prince El Hassan for
place in society with full legal protection.      his visionary initiative – the WANA Forum
    I thank the WANA Forum for inviting me        recognises the fundamental role of education
to participate in this commendable initiative.    in personal and social development and
                  Ms. Khadija Hussein, Founding   its principle means of fostering human
      Chairperson, Sudanese Mothers for Peace     development as a tool for poverty alleviation
        and UNESCO’s Specialist in Community      and social inclusion and a cornerstone in
                 Development in the Arab World    building a culture of peace.
                                                      International education embodies the
One of the demands of civil society in the        priorities of the WANA Forum as it has the
WANA region has, for years, been the call         potential to contribute to reconstruction and
to create a new working space to rise above       peace-building in conflict-affected parts of
two kinds of unfavourable divisions.              the region, to the enhancement of social
    The first separates the three main agents     cohesion and to sustainable environmental,
of development (government, private sector,       social, economic and cultural development.
civil society) so they operate in isolation           I encourage the Forum to consider setting
from one another, hence depriving the             up a WANA Chapter or Society of UNESCO-
reform movement of the extraordinary              APNIEVE, to develop WANA networks
opportunity that mutual cooperation brings.       in international education in partnership
    The second division concerns the various      with China-based UNESCO International
dimensions of development. Each area              Institute of Education for Rural Development
of expertise focuses on its own specialty:        (INRULED), to facilitate curriculum
women’s rights, environment, the fight            innovation and teacher/student exchange
against poverty, democracy and so forth           for learning to live together in conflict-
whereas all of these are interrelated.            affected parts of the region, and to promote
    The most important value added of             joint projects in international education
the WANA Forum is that it is built upon           for sustainable development in the region
the idea of rethinking and unifying the           with links between WANA’s and East Asian
divided components of development as              universities’ high-tech parks and education-
inter-dependent, multi-disciplinary and           business partnerships.
interconnected.                                         Dr. Zhou Nan-Zhao, President of UNESCO
    At WANA Forum 2010, I had the privilege                 Asia-Pacific Network for International
of moderating the Social Cohesion sessions            Education and Values Education (APNIEVE)
where I saw considerable headway made                 and President of Chinese Council of Private
in progressing the Social Cohesion Index,                                 Higher Education, China
Social Charter and Regional Cohesion Fund. I
look forward to joining the WANA Forum in
moving from dialogue to action, for as HRH

10   WANA Forum Report 2010
executive summary
                   by   ProFessor sultan barakat,
                       wana Forum moderator

T       he West Asia-North Africa Forum
        2010 gathered 130 individuals
        in Amman, from the region and
elsewhere, in order to address the theme
of Pursuing Supranational Solutions to
                                               WANA and to
                                               complement Euro-
                                               Mediterranean and
                                               Atlantic initiatives.
                                               Countries in WANA
the Challenges of Carrying Capacity.           are beginning
    Building on the work of the First Annual   to recognise
WANA Forum in April of 2009, the 2010          that nations are
Forum focused on advancing the priority        empowered
issues of reconstruction and recovery, green   through regional
economy, water and energy, education           cooperation.
for sustainable development, the revival       Progress on
of hima, and social cohesion, including        cooperation and
the legal empowerment of the poor. The         integration within WANA and across Asia
principle aim of the three-day meeting was     would enhance connectivity, the leveraging
to create partnerships for collaboration       of resources and the region’s bargaining
towards concrete policy proposals by 2011.     power on the world stage so that WANA’s
    WANA Forum 2010 recognised the             cultural diversity could become a source of
need for people across the region to begin     strength rather than an obstacle to progress.
to transcend national carrying capacity        After all, the true wealth of nations lies in
through regional thinking and a regional       their human and social capital. For WANA to
policy framework that overcomes the            build upon this capital, regional cooperation
multi-layered choke-points within WANA.        is needed to mobilise resources, exchange
The establishment of regional entities of      lessons and best practices, promote
governance for the various cross-cutting       knowledge production and dissemination,
priorities of the WANA Forum could serve       educate for citizenship and sustainable
to monitor, oversee and implement regional     development and produce home-grown
cooperation. The Forum also welcomed           solutions to the region’s challenges.
exploring linkages between West Asia and           The WANA region, a mosaic of ethnic,
North Africa to the rest of Asia as a wake-    religious and cultural diversity, stretches from
up call to stimulate multilateralism within    Morocco to Pakistan and is home to some

                                                                     WANA Forum Report 2010   11
of the world’s earliest and most advanced
                                  the Index or refine the dimensions selected
civilisations. Yet, it is also a region that
                                  to measure social cohesion. Partnering with
faces monumental challenges, marred with
                                  research institutions, think tanks, universities
conflict, war and the intense movement of
                                  and UN agencies from across the region
people who flee their countries by force or
                                  would be helpful in the data collection phase
in the pursuit of a better life. The gradual
                                  as well as in developing the Index.
‘brain drain’ that has ensued is exacerbated
                                      The need for a social contract was also
by a lack of effective policies and an absence
                                  proposed by Forum participants last year.
of incentives for people to stay and enhance
                                  A charter has the potential to further the
the region’s carrying capacity.   aims of advancing social development by
    Millions of people across WANApromoting the concept of citizenship and
today experience multi-faceted poverty,
                                  equity, stimulating a process of dialogue
extending beyond material needs to include
                                  within civil society groups and between
infringement on basic human rights. They
                                  civil society and governments. The current
live on the outskirts of society under multiple
                                  draft of the WANA Social Charter should,
forms of exclusion and marginalisation,
                                  therefore, be widely disseminated to garner
without any access to legal protection.
                                  feedback, and be made available in the
Following the First Annual WANA Forum in
                                  form of an executive summary (in Arabic,
2009, a working group of Forum members
                                  Farsi, Turkish and Urdu) as well as a full
embarked on an attempt to create a Social
                                  draft on the WANA Forum website. Media
Cohesion Index that measures cohesion
                                  and advocacy strategies will also need to be
and factors that contribute to it in WANA
                                  developed for different target audiences.
countries, such as security and state capacity,
                                      Finally, a Regional Cohesion Fund rooted
equality, participation and engagement,
                                  in a code of conduct outlined in the Social
displacement, civic culture, mutual trust,
                                  Charter and informed by data from the Social
social networks, tolerance to diversity and
                                  Cohesion Index, would advance social,
inclusion, material and emotional wellbeing,
                                  environmental and economic development
health and social security. The Index
                                  in the region. The nature of the governing
could offer state and non-state actors an
                                  body, eligibility criteria for the allocation of
analytical tool to guide the establishment of
                                  funds, management structures, monitoring
developmental priorities. WANA Forum 2010
                                  and evaluation processes, and sources of
agreed to pursue qualitative and quantitative
                                  funding and partners, will be addressed in
research in select WANA countries to validate
                                  the policy proposal that will be developed.
                                                  The challenges posed
     Progress on cooperation and              by demographic pressures,
                                              environmental stresses,
integration within WANA and across widespread inequalities,
Asia would enhance connectivity, the entrenched pockets of poverty,
                                              chronic unemployment, deeply
leveraging of resources and the region’s rooted division and numerous
bargaining power on the world stage political, sectarian and religious
                                              conflicts present a serious threat
so that WANA’s cultural diversity could to local, national and regional
become a source of strength rather than stability. Those who suffer
                                              the consequences are most
an obstacle to progress                       often women, children and the

12   WANA Forum Report 2010
the establishment of an
      Those who suffer the consequences                             electronic public forum for
are most often women, children and the                              the sharing of lessons and
                                                                    good practices on all of
uprooted, the silenced majority in urgent                           the WANA Forum priority
need of a coherent regional voice to raise                          issues. A comparative
                                                                    research project detailing
its status in international relations                               the relationship between
                                                                    reconstruction, reconciliation
uprooted, the silenced majority in urgent         and peace building is needed to produce
need of a coherent regional voice to raise its    models and methodologies or tool kits for
status in international relations. To this end,   countries in the region. The Forum also
WANA Forum 2010 agreed on a regional              agreed to draft a concept paper that would
donorship consultation in the near future         examine five key sectors: energy, water,
and to advocate for full WANA participation       transport, waste and cities. New initiatives
in global conventions on aid effectiveness,       for renewable power generation and water
such as the Paris Declaration and the Accra       management must be carried out soon,
Agenda for Action.                                informed by best practices. Lastly, a working
    A regional voluntary organisation             report on water security by the Forum
similar to the United States Peace Corps          members will be finalised to propose the
could help instil a sense of service and          establishment of a WANA water scarcity and
civic responsibility to the cause of peace        drought information system, highlight the
with volunteers living in conflict affected       need to facilitate relevant training sessions
or socially fragmented communities of             across the region by WANA experts and
WANA and working on issues ranging from           promote a region-wide television and
food security, education and health to            Internet campaign to push governments and
environment, business and information and         the general public to consider WANA’s high
communication technology.                         rate of water consumption and respond to
    The Forum also agreed to develop              the challenges of carrying capacity. One
a proposal for a regional reconstruction          of these challenges include the effects of
training institute which could foster a           climate change, which will also be addressed
generation of leaders from within WANA            in a WANA report, in the context of uprooted
who could tackle issues from conflict             populations, food security, biodiversity,
management and prevention to post-                water, energy and education.
conflict reconstruction and economic                  Members of the WANA Forum agree that
development. Rather than reconstructing the       instruments of regional cooperation must be
status-quo-ante, the Forum highlighted the        grounded in the principles of sustainability –
potential of green housing developments,          of both natural and human resources – while
which are affordable and environmentally          the human element must be placed at the
sound, as well as the creation of a green         centre of efforts to advance supranational
modern industrial base and mass transport         solutions to shared regional concerns. All-
infrastructure – all central to developing        inclusive sustainable development embraces
state systems, revitalising economies and         freedom, justice, participation and respect for
promoting social cohesion.                        human dignity.
    Capacity building requires solid                  Hima is one example of an indigenous
research, the consolidation of data and           system of conservation management

                                                                        WANA Forum Report 2010   13
that empowers local communities. The               setting the groundwork for a WANA model
establishment of a hima revolving fund             of ESD in select pilot schools. It would focus
for the legal empowerment of the poor              on administrators and teachers to ensure that
would help build the capacities of local           they are trained in providing children with
communities to manage, monitor and                 the needed tools and skills for experiential,
conserve sustainable use of natural                interactive learning and would also engage
resources. The Forum agreed to compile a           university students from WANA and other
database of existing traditional himas, create     regions in the process of developing and
a Wikipedia web-page for hima where                assessing ESD, thereby translating research
scholars from around the world would be            into practical applications.
invited to contribute, and to document                 In an era where technology plays an
through film the oral history of tribal men        important role in connecting people across
and women whose knowledge of hima was              the globe, e-learning, institutional twinning,
acquired and maintained for over 1400 years.       cyber media and virtual communities provide
This would not only contribute to regional         opportunities for WANA to galvanise the
knowledge of WANA history, but would               Third Sphere of partnership into concerted
also raise the profile of the region among         action. Progressing from dialogue to
both academic and non-academic circles             action requires increased collaboration
elsewhere in the world.                            with civil society, business partners, media
    Integrating indigenous knowledge,              and government actors around thematic
on hima for example, into the school               issues. It also requires outreach to youth,
curriculum is also integral in altering regional   who comprise up to 60 per cent of the
resource consumption patterns through              population in many WANA countries, and the
education for sustainable development              involvement of local communities as genuine
(ESD). Interactive courses, extracurricular        stakeholders.
activities and community service learning              The following report attempts to provide
are effective tools for emphasising the            a comprehensive overview of these regional
connection between people and their                themes and recommendations for concerted
environment and encouraging lifelong               action.
civic engagement for the common good.
The Forum aims to promote a community              For full-text presentations, reports and
of practice around ESD with government,            updates, visit
private sector and media partnerships in

     In an era where technology plays an important role in
connecting people across the globe, e-learning, institutional
twinning, cyber media and virtual communities provide
opportunities for WANA to galvanise the Third Sphere of
partnership into concerted action

14   WANA Forum Report 2010

                overview oF tHe wana Forum

S      ultan Barakat, WANA Forum Moderator,
       Advisor to Prince El Hassan bin Talal and
       Director of the Post-war Reconstruction
and Development Unit, University of York,
welcomed participants to the second annual
                                                   how this discussion could be brought to the
                                                   people, leaders and institutions of the WANA
                                                   region, both independently and through the
                                                   mobilisation of partnerships.
                                                       Professor Barakat reminded participants
meeting of the West Asia - North Africa            of the motivations that led to the launch of
Forum, entitled Pursuing Supranational             the WANA Forum. It emerged, in part, from
Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying            the recognition that, despite the increasing
Capacity.                                          global movement towards supranational
    He noted that the discussions initiated        solutions, many countries in the WANA
at the first annual meeting in April 2009          region remain focused solely on national
have continued, not only through numerous          agendas. As a result, they are less able to
thematic consultations, but also within            advocate for their shared interests upon the
each of the members’ home countries, and           global stage. Rather than a unified WANA,
highlighted that such discussion is at the core    with a regional voice on the world stage,
of the WANA Forum process and represents           they have tended to view themselves as
its greatest tool. Every movement and great        Gulf States, Arab countries, Central Asian
historical change begins with a conversation       republics and so on.
in which those involved realise that they are          Despite similar priorities – from
facing the same challenges, and that they          economic growth to conflict and ecologically
have the will and the capacity to address          sustainable development – WANA countries
them effectively.                                  far too often define themselves by their
    Over the three days of the second annual       cultural, historical, linguistic and ideological
meeting, participants were presented the           differences. Paradoxically, the WANA
opportunity to continue the dialogue, with         Forum itself, which tries to overcome such
the added responsibility of determining            divisions, may be viewed as creating another

                                                                          WANA Forum Report 2010   15
exclusionary framework by separating the              The work of the WANA Forum is guided
WANA region from its neighbours. This is not      by a three-phase process. The first annual
the intention.                                    meeting in April 2009 launched the first
    In fact, it may be better not to project      phase, which focused on the identification
the WANA region as a geographical area            of priorities and issues. Informed by the
but rather as a conceptual meeting place          technical expertise and experience of
for those peoples and places which are            all those involved, the process began by
perceived as “in between” and at times on         identifying a number of cross-cutting themes
the margins of international dialogue and         around which a series of expert consultations
progress. As such, WANA is not a map, and         took place throughout the year: a) the
the WANA Forum also includes voices and           reconstruction and recovery of war-torn or
perspectives from Europe, Africa, Asia and        conflict-affected parts of the region; b) the
beyond, including if not particularly from        enhancement of social cohesion between the
India and China, two countries with which         region’s diverse peoples, c) the promotion
the WANA region has a long history.               of environmental education for sustainable
    The WANA Forum is a demonstration             development and d) the development of
of the saying that ‘only the tent pitched by      ‘green’ industries and infrastructure. Concept
one’s own hands will stand’. The Forum            papers were later revised and accompanied
is thus motivated by a keen desire for the        by more focused research agendas and draft
people of the region to pitch their own           policy proposals for presentation at the
tents or, more literally, to drive their own      second annual meeting for Forum members
processes of growth, development and              to consider, refine and approve.
change, whether these changes relate to               During the remainder of 2010 and the
the recovery of war-torn societies, the           beginning of 2011, the challenge will be to
conjoining of prosperity and environmental        ensure that these ideas are presented in a
responsibility or the strengthening of ties and   manner which lends itself to policy debate
bonds between all peoples and cultures of         within major international bodies and
the region.                                       national institutions throughout and beyond
                                                                   WANA. By the WANA Forum’s
                                                                   third annual meeting, again
                                                                   following a series of technical
                                                                   consultations and meetings of
                                                                   working groups, participants
                                                                   will be presented a set of
                                                                   tangible policy proposals
                                                                   which they will be able to
                                                                   finalise before preparing for
                                                                   a process of advocacy to last
                                                                   through the following years
                                                                   of the WANA Forum process.
                                                                       Professor Barakat noted
                                                                   that a range of key priorities
                                                                   emerged from the social,
                                                                   economic and environmental
                                                                   ‘tracks’ of the first meeting
                                                                   of the WANA Forum. Social

16   WANA Forum Report 2010
cohesion – defined as the intangible bond           and give rise to governmental as well as
that holds members of society together              private-sector-led initiatives that will foster
and facilitates coexistence, development,           sustainable models of economic growth
progress and prosperity – was identified            which could restore the quality of land and
as a major cross-cutting concern. Within            water while diminishing the negative effects
the social cohesion group, the emphasis             of climate change.
has been on the development of an index,                Finally, reconstruction and recovery,
which would allow for rigorous monitoring           particularly in the aftermath of conflict and
of social cohesions levels in order to identify     violence, were identified as cross-cutting
problems before they turn destructive and to        issues. Reconstruction and recovery are, at
support evidence-based policies. The group          their core, concerned with the development
also suggested the development of a social          of social cohesion as a means to prevent
charter to guide region-wide efforts aimed          future conflict, build peace and foster
at promoting social cohesion. Finally, the          greater levels of justice and equity. A key
social cohesion working group, building             means of doing so is economic growth,
upon the foundational guidance of Prince            from small-scale livelihoods and micro-
El Hassan, proposed the establishment               finance entrepreneurs to macro-economic
of a cohesion fund to enable resources              reforms and large-scale investments driven
to be pooled from across the region and             by institutions such as the Arab Fund for
distributed in such a manner as to diminish         Economic and Social Development, the
material inequalities and attitudinal hostilities   Saudi Fund for Development and the Asia
through humanitarian and developmental              Development Bank. Reconstruction and
interventions, the creation of key regional         recovery also requires greater attention to
infrastructure, and the promotion of dialogue       environmentally conscientious approaches.
as well as political and technical cooperation.         The reconstruction and recovery working
    The economic working group developed            group proposed a mapping of regional
synergies with all tracks and has particularly      reconstruction initiatives and developing
focused upon the development of regional            a statement of principles for post-conflict
green industries and green infrastructure.          recovery and international development
In doing so, members of the track                   efforts within the WANA region. Such a
highlighted the need for WANA to “leapfrog”         statement could guide international actors
development and bypass “old” industries in          with a presence in the region. The group
favour of those which are environmentally           also emphasised the need to engage more
sustainable and represent the economy               fully with donor institutions from within
of tomorrow rather than the economy of              WANA, which are increasingly becoming
yesterday.                                          the driving forces in war-torn contexts, in
    The environmental working group                 order to ensure that they continue to engage
emphasised the need for environmental               effectively and in a manner which fosters
education for sustainable development as            region-wide cohesion.
a means to build an appreciation for and                While not yet a formal policy proposal,
commitment to ecologically responsible              the reconstruction and recovery group noted
practices across the WANA region. Through           the need for a regional training centre on
education and advocacy, the knowledge,              conflict and recovery that could ensure the
skills and attitudinal shift necessary for          creation of a cadre of national and regional
the development of green industries can             experts in order to foster more appropriate
emerge. Progress in this area will support          and effective means of assistance.

                                                                          WANA Forum Report 2010   17

                                                                                                   Photo credit: UAE Red Crescent
                              oPening remarks

I    n his opening remarks, El Hassan bin
     Talal, Chairman of the WANA Forum,
     spoke of the importance of carrying
capacity in the context of human, natural and
economic resources and called for a regional
                                                 since WANA is part of Asia. An important
                                                 development is the Roadmap for an ASEAN
                                                 Community 2009 - 2015 adopted in March
                                                 2009. It sets the goal to build a community of
                                                 Southeast Asian nations by 2015, comprising
voice from WANA at the United Nations            the three pillars of a Political-Security
General Assembly and the Millennium              Community, an Economic Community and a
Development Goals Summit in 2010. He             Socio-Cultural Community to ensure durable
stressed the importance of building bridges      peace, stability and shared prosperity in the
between the haves and have nots, since           region. The Chiang Mai Initiative among
exclusion both in terms of the state and good    ASEAN +3 is another concept for the WANA
governance has been exacerbated by the           Forum to study. Some consider this US$120
deteriorating situation of the uprooted in the   billion swap facility a first step towards an
region.                                          Asian Monetary Fund. A stable South Asia
    Prince El Hassan also spoke of human         and East Asia could be complemented by
and social chokepoints within the nexus          stability in West Asia and North Africa.
of territoriality, identity and migration/           Building on the historic silk route, His
movement (TIM) as well as the rich and very      Royal Highness noted that it would be
rich and the poor and very poor. The vast        necessary to develop a Pan-Asian route of
resources of the WANA region are not up to       ideas and intra-regional policies. Today,
meeting the challenges of carrying capacity.     unlike during ancient periods of prosperity,
The changing nature of war and conflict are      the Middle East is not part of the vision of an
impacting TIM in the opposite direction to       interconnected Asia and Europe. Through a
what is happening in other parts of Asia.        coordinated research agenda with partners
    His Royal Highness stressed the need to      from East and South East Asia and elsewhere,
learn from the experiences of the rest of Asia   the WANA Forum could contribute to

18   WANA Forum Report 2010
existing studies and research to provide an                                of investing dwindling income from energy
impulse to reshape the territorial expanses in                             into social cohesion and collaborative efforts
the hinterlands of WANA. In short, to rethink                              for human security, developing an economy
WANA from within.                                                          with a human face and emphasising cultural
    Prince El Hassan spoke about businesses                                affinity, which should not be seen merely
needing to focus on building human                                         as an afterthought. Throughout, Prince
dignity as a response to the alienation of                                 El Hassan highlighted that the WANA
the majority of people in WANA from their                                  Forum has no hidden agenda. Rather, it
societies. He cited the World Bank estimate                                is a partnership based on ad hominem
that in order to keep up with the growing                                  participation.
population, the WANA region would have to                                       His Royal Highness concluded that
create 55 to 70 million new jobs by 2020 –                                 God helps those who help themselves. It
55 million just to keep up and 70 million to                               is time that people in the WANA region
bring the employment rate up to the global                                 start considering changing themselves, their
norm. If the region fails to achieve this, it                              perceptions, shouldering their responsibilities,
will only fuel the hatred industry.                                        and stop considering themselves as a
    One purpose of the WANA Forum is                                       positional elite. The people who count are
to sow the seeds of a semi permanent                                       the future generations. Efforts should be
conference that recognises the importance                                  taken to make their world a better place.

                                      Territoriality, Identity and Movement (TIM)
 Prince El Hassan said that a trans-disciplinary                     new form of social cohesion among diverse groups
 conversation is needed that looks at WANA                           to replace tribal solidarity. He considered the
 as if people matter.The transformation in                           values of Islam as a basis for the solidarity to form
 security goes well beyond technological                             a new civil society.The new wars in WANA aim at
 change. It involves a transformation of the                         the opposite.
 social relations of warfare.These ‘new wars’,                           There is an urgent need to understand the social
 where battles are rare and where violence                           relations that have been nurtured by the extended
 is mostly aimed at civilians, construct new                         conflicts and injustices in WANA, to examine the
 sectarian identities at the religious, ethical and                  fabric of what appears as the disorder in the region
 tribal levels to undermine the sense of shared                      and to discover images of alternative orders and
 political community*. Through the creation                          break-out from the binary relations constraining
 of memories of hate and fear, they                                  WANA.
 produce divisive sectarian identities in
 mixed urban settings.These trends are                                                  Epistemological Tensions
 seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, the West Bank                        Conditionality of territorial               vs Inclusion & Exclusion
 and Gaza, Lebanon and Sudan.The link                            framing of politics
                                                                 Coherence of order and disorder vs Inconclusive change
 between identity formation and memory
                                                                 Movement as progress                        vs Ethnic persistence
 is assuming new proportions.
    This perspective of interrogating TIM                                                       Binary Relations
 requires a focus on two different, but            Inclusion/Exclusion                                             The State
 interconnected issues: what is new and            Deterritoralisation/Reterritoralisation                         Sovereignty
 who is rewriting history. Over 600 years          Territory, Identity and Conflict                                Politics of Social Relations
 ago, Ibn Khaldun defined government as            Movements of People Broadly Defined                             Nexus of Identity and Territory
                                                   Mass Movement of Population                                     State Carrying Capacity
 the institution which prevents injustice          Memory                                                          Identity Formation
 other than such as it commits itself. Ibn         New Wars                                                        Transformation of Society
 Khaldun understood the need in the new Injustice                                                                  Privatisation of War
 cities that were being established for a       * Mary Kaldor, Human Security, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2008

                                                                                                             WANA Forum Report 2010          19
Lack of access to education and                                voices to share a collective
                                                                    vision for the region and
healthcare means that children are not able                         provide them with the
to stay in school or get the treatment they                         means to identify their
                                                                    most important challenges
need when they are ill. The economic divide                         and address them
means that parents are not able to provide                          effectively.
                                                                         Something needs to be
for their families. Environmental problems                          done in the WANA region,
mean they will not have access to energy                            Mr. Sasakawa said, about
                                                                    the lack of access to quality
for heating or cooling their homes, and                             education and healthcare,
their children will not have access to safe                         the economic divide, and
                                                                    environmental degradation.
drinking water                                                      In addressing these issues,
                                                                    it is important to keep in
Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon           mind that lack of access to education and
Foundation and member of the WANA Forum          healthcare means that children are not able
International Senior Advisory Board, began       to stay in school or get the treatment they
by noting that, like any part of the world,      need when they are ill. The economic divide
the WANA region faces many challenges,           means that fathers and mothers are not able
ranging from education, health and the           to provide for their families. Environmental
economy to the environment and security. In      problems mean they will not have access to
today’s complex, interdependent world, most      energy for heating or cooling their homes,
of these challenges cannot be addressed          and that their children will not have access
effectively by one nation, institution or        to safe drinking water.
individual acting alone. They require a long-        What makes the WANA Forum truly
term, collective vision.                         unique is its focus on the human element.
    A framework for bringing different voices    Mr. Sasakawa stressed that he has no doubt
together is needed, but this framework           that the Forum can make real contributions
must also allow participants to transcend        toward encouraging policymaking that will
individual, local, and national interests, and   put the future of the people in the region
embrace a larger goal. It must allow those       first.

                                                              Pan-Asia and Europe Framework
                                                              HRH Prince El Hassan explained how
                                                              the current Pan-Asian network to Europe
                                                              bypasses WANA and the Euro-Mediterranean
                                                              network covers only part of WANA. The red
                                                              and green lines represent the transportation
                                                              linkages of ESCAP map. The blue highlights
                                                              European Union member states while the
                                                              green shows the Non-EU member states of
                                                              Union for the Mediterranean. The yellow
                                                              and green illustrates the missing link
                                                              between Europe and Asia.

20   WANA Forum Report 2010
Photo credit: Child Fund New Zealand

                                                              transcending regional
                                                                carrying caPacity

                                       I    n his presentation, Ismail Serageldin,
                                            member of the WANA Forum
                                            International Senior Advisory Board and
                                       Director of the Library of Alexandria, gave an
                                       in depth comprehensive overview of carrying
                                                                                        equity and inclusion, participation and
                                                                                            With regard to tackling climate change,
                                                                                        he stressed the need to work simultaneously
                                                                                        on mitigation and adaptation strategies to
                                       capacity.                                        address the threat of climate change to
                                           He noted that historically, while Malthus    economic stability, ecological sustainability,
                                       predicted that the population growth rate        health and social cohesion. Humankind’s
                                       would exceed the growth of the food supply,      failure to prevent excessive greenhouse gas
                                       Marquis de Condorcet saw the human mind          emissions in the 20th century has resulted in
                                       as capable of removing all obstacles to          today’s need to prepare for inevitable climate
                                       human progress, and that human ingenuity         change. By extension, today’s ongoing failure
                                       would devise the means of feeding growing        to cease excessive greenhouse gas emissions
                                       populations. Amartya Sen, however, realised      will necessitate more extensive adaptation to
                                       that famines still occur even when food is       even greater climate change in the future.
                                       plentiful. Development is much more about            Developing adaptation strategies to
                                       freedom, justice and participation than about    deal with impending climate change will
                                       physical resources.                              be vital, and Dr. Serageldin offered the
                                           Dr. Serageldin demonstrated to               example of the Nile Delta as one of the most
                                       participants the “human face” of suffering       heavily populated and intensely cultivated
                                       in the region with the aid of numerous           areas on Earth. Despite covering only 2.5
                                       slides – ranging from images of devastation      per cent of Egypt’s total land area, the
                                       caused by war to the effects of water scarcity   Nile Delta harbours over one-third of the
                                       and food insecurity. He proposed solutions       national population and nearly half of all
                                       to ending this suffering, rooted in the          crops. Standing less than two metres above
                                       interconnections of security, peace, justice,    sea level, however, it is also extremely

                                                                                                             WANA Forum Report 2010   21
or pass through plants and
     The wars of the 21st century will be                            thus are not captured as
                                                                     surface water. Of the 41,000
fought over water. People are out on the                             cubic kilometres that are
knife’s edge of starvation and there is likely                       potentially available to
                                                                     people as surface water –
to be a significant number of environmental                          lakes, rivers, melting glaciers
refugees, particularly in the WANA region                            – some 20 per cent are in
                                                                     areas too remote for people.
and in Sub-Sahara Africa. In many cases,                             That leaves about 33,000
rural women walk four hours a day in                                 cubic kilometres, of which
                                                                     nearly three-quarters come
search of water for their families                                   in monsoons and floods.
                                                                     This is counted in the
vulnerable to the effects of climate change.      total amount of water available, but only a
    The population of the Arab world              fraction of that is collected by dams and thus
constitutes five per cent of the world’s          useful. People can now sustainably access
population, but its share of the world’s water    12,500 cubic kilometres.
is only one per cent. This small fraction is          The main issue in the future will be how
threatened by population growth that is the       to better manage the flow of freshwater.
highest in the world, as well as pollution and    Climate change is making rainfall more
the failure of the region to establish proper     erratic, bringing periods of drought
water management.                                 and flood. Meanwhile, poor farmers in
    Dr. Serageldin highlighted how food           developing countries are the least capable
eaten daily in the region consumes about          of withstanding years of drought. People
2,700 litres a day, per person, which amounts     are out on the knife’s edge of starvation and
to almost a litre per calorie. He connected       there is likely to be a significant number of
water scarcity with food security: for many       environmental refugees, particular in the
people, access to water is as important as        WANA region and in Sub-Sahara Africa. In
access to oil in more advanced economies.         many cases, rural women walk four hours a
He predicted that the wars of the 21st            day in search of water for their families.
century will be fought over water.                    Coupled with this, the global population
    According to UNDP estimates, Arab             is growing and incomes are rising, which
countries will be home to some 385 million        in turn leads to changing diets. Livestock is
people in 2015. However, there have been          becoming more important because animal
few indications that Arab governments are         proteins are increasingly a part of the global
developing the means to better manage the         diet, but growing livestock requires much
region’s precious one per cent share of the       more grain and hence much more water,
world’s water resources.                          thus impacting water resources as the world
    Freshwater, however, makes up only 2.5        strives to provide the diets of 21st century
per cent of the Earth’s total water available,    populations.
while 97.5 per cent is saltwater. Of that 2.5         To address these challenges, Dr.
per cent, two-thirds are locked in the glaciers   Serageldin stressed the need to rethink
and ice caps which are currently melting          current paradigms. When talking about
into the ocean. Of the remaining two-thirds,      a knowledge based society, knowledge
another two-thirds are lost as they evaporate     has to be understood as more than mere

22   WANA Forum Report 2010
information – information does not            People have a strong sense of identity and
necessarily lead to wisdom. The true wealth   solidarity which is of considerable value.
of nations relies on social cohesion and          Tackling such problems requires
human capital, not just macroeconomic         dialogue, an open exchange of views and
indicators. Japan and Korea, for example,     strategies to manage social risks, such as
are not endowed with natural resources, but   employment and systematic marginalisation.
their cohesion has succeeded in generating    In his last years of exile, even Napoleon
great wealth.                                 Bonaparte came to the conclusion that in the
     Dr. Serageldin spoke of the difficulty   long run, the sword is always beaten by the
of confronting situations where there is      mind. Social and human capital is the glue
no right answer, and quoted Amartya Sen       that holds societies together.
who showed that the
issue of justice is very
much at the heart of
development. The
dilemma is summed
up in a story told
by Sen in which he
suggests that we
meet three children,
and between them,
they have but one
flute. The flute can
justifiably be given
to the one with the
greatest need, the
one who produced
it, or the one who
can put it to best
use. These three
perceptions of the
issue of fairness touch
upon the principles
of equity, utility,
and entitlement,
within certain
capability domains.
But whatever the
case, whether or not
a definitive answer
can be found is
less important than
recognising that these
problems need to be
engaged with; they
cannot be ignored.

                                                                   WANA Forum Report 2010   23

                                                                                                    Photo credit: The Yemen Times
                      regional tHemes and
                 Priorities oF tHe wana Forum

L      akhdar Brahimi, Former Special Advisor
       to the UN Secretary General and
       Foreign Minister of Algeria, opened
the session by noting that the previous
session had been very substantive and given
                                                 vulnerabilities, and issues such as
                                                 unemployment and poverty, food security
                                                 and nutrition, as well as health and human
                                                 security. This is because there is a prevalent
                                                 misunderstanding regarding the nature of
all participants plenty of food for thought.     money and credit in the world. The prevalent
Participants were challenged to wake up          idea is that markets provide the funding
not only to the serious problems faced by        needed and that money or credit is subject
the region, but also to the opportunities that   to market forces of supply and demand like
exist, as long as people in the region are       a commodity. However, it is not the result
determined to work together sooner rather        of market exchange. In fact it is the very
than later. He expressed his hope that the       existence of credit prior to having money
panelists in this second session would take      that makes it possible to engage in market
the morning’s discussions one step further by    activity: credit creates economic activity.
considering the regional priorities for WANA         Ms. Pettifor explained how “fountain pen
in their respective fields.                      money” – some US$160 billion of it – were
                                                 created by the Federal Reserve to bail out the
Ann Pettifor, Director of Advocacy               American International Group (AIG). Money
International and Fellow of the New              in banks is not tangible or visible, it is not a
Economics Foundation (NEF), opened her           commodity like gold, tulips or oil, and there
presentation by noting she will try to answer    is no limit to the availability of bank money
Ismail Serageldin’s earlier question as to       due to the unlimited ability to create credit.
where the region would get the money             People already use less and less tangible
from to address several of the challenges        money, such as coins and notes, in their
identified. She stressed that the region can     daily transactions: only two per cent of total
afford to tackle economic and environmental      money used is cash.

24   WANA Forum Report 2010
It has been said that the purpose of          is by effectively borrowing from the future.
banks is to allow people to save money,               WANA countries will require above-
which others can then borrow, whereas in          average level policy changes to bring their
fact there has for a long time already been a     ecological footprint to a sustainable level,
negative correlation between net saving and       whilst keeping in mind that in the long term,
net borrowing. John Maynard Keynes once           physical laws always prevail over political
said, “We can afford what we can create.”         goals. As an example, Professor Meadows
In other words, economic activity generates       cited the growing Carbon Dioxide emissions.
saving; it is not constrained by savings.         The basic formula for calculating the volume
There is no constraint on finance; the only       of those emissions in terms of natural capital
constraint is potential economic activity. This   is multiplying the number of people by
is because inflation would result in the event    their capital and by the energy required
of more finance than potential economic           per capital unit by the fraction of energy
activity. Money is a social construct, invented   used from fossil fuels. This basically shows
to make transactions easier, and the money        that as long as the size of a population
system is created on a foundation of trust in     and their ambition to a higher standard of
the banking system.                               living continue, emissions will grow since
                                                  improved efficiency and alternative fuels
Dennis Meadows, President of the Laboratory       alone will not be able to balance out those
for Interactive learning and Professor            increases. He argued that the time of greatest
Emeritus for Policy Systems, University of        stress for the world will be between the
New Hampshire and co-author of The Limits         years 2000 and 2030, and that the coming 15
to Growth, noted that, put simplistically,        years will see more changes in all aspects of
solving problems in the WANA region is            human life than have been seen in the past
dependent on the ability of governments in        100 years. In conclusion, Professor Meadows
the region to meet people’s demands. He           noted that actions are much more important
argued that there are two solutions: either       than words.
people need to get more of what they want,
or they need to want less. There is a need       Zafar Adeel, Director of the United Nations
to think about the relationship between          University Institute for Water, Environment
politics and physical reality: global society is and Health in Canada, made a case for using
using energy and raw materials at above the      water as a development lever to bring about
sustainable levels, in particular in the WANA    some of the changes called for by previous
region. There is a need to make a transition     speakers. The entire WANA region suffers
back below the level of sustainability,          from water scarcity. An examination of
which in turn requires different goals, new      water consumption in the region clearly
technologies and revised ethics.
The ecological footprint is a way
to measure the impact of people                WANA countries will require above-
on the environment: in 1972, the
average human footprint was            average level policy changes to bring
roughly 80 per cent of what can        their ecological footprint to a sustainable
be sustainably used, whereas
today it is at about 140 per cent.     level. In the long term, physical laws
The only way in which it is            always prevail over political goals
possible to go above 100 per cent

                                                                        WANA Forum Report 2010   25
in the broadest sense are in the
     People are over-exploiting the                        fields of maternal and childcare,
capacity of their natural systems to                       school attendance and education,
                                                           and poverty elimination. None of
provide water. People are behaving                         the Millennium Development Goals
like teenagers with credit cards,                          can be met without water.

spending money they do not have and                         Habiba Al-Marashi, Chairperson of
expecting someone to pay the bill                           the Emirates Environmental Group,
                                                            presented the work of the Emirates
shows that people are over-exploiting the                   Environmental Group, which is
capacity of their natural systems to provide     a civil society organisation, established in
water. People are behaving like teenagers        1991, with the aim of raising environmental
with credit cards, spending money they do        awareness through education for sustainable
not have and expecting someone to pay the        development. She noted that education for
bill. He also noted that climate change will     sustainable development includes learning
make the situation in the WANA region even       about what is needed to maintain and
worse. By the end of the 21st century, parts     improve the quality of life for generations
of WANA will be up to 40 per cent drier than     to come, equipping stakeholders to live
they are today, which will have a significant    and act sustainably and understanding the
impact on sustainability. Dr. Adeel argued       environmental, social and economic issues
that the main drivers in the region are: 1)      involved.
population growth – almost all countries in          Education for sustainable development
the region will experience significant growth    has become a well known and widely
in size of population (up to double or triple    accepted concept, and is considered an
current levels); 2) demographic problems         important way to guarantee the wellbeing
– a young population with some 50 per            of humankind and nature alike. Although
cent of the population under 20; and 3)          the WANA region faces challenges, such as
unemployment – persistent unemployment           conflicts, scarce resources, infertile land, low
levels of up to 25 per cent. The reason that     water quality and supply, population growth,
water is an important factor in addressing       climate change and loss of biodiversity,
these drivers is due to the interrelationship    engaging the region’s youth, which constitute
between water security, food security and        a large percentage of the population, poses
energy security: a large part of food consists   an opportunity to address these challenges.
of water, and water is also an important         Education that nurtures a strong sense of
source of energy. Biofuels are a particularly    environmental awareness can facilitate the
important concern, because of the way they       transition to a low-carbon economy.
impact food security and water security.             Ms. Al-Marashi stressed that creating a
    Investment in better management of           new green generation will not transpire
water resources and the provision of safe        overnight, but that sustained efforts are
water and adequate sanitation is needed.         required. The Emirates Environmental Group
The economic development lever of water          is taking several steps to promote education
is threefold: 1) mobilising the economic         for sustainable development, but involving
empowerment of communities; 2) demand            educational institutions and promoting the
management; and 3) enabling policies. The        environment as a fundamental subject in
links of water security to human wellbeing       both academic and extra-curricular activities

26   WANA Forum Report 2010
are a top priority. The Group runs numerous    social networking sites in particular, leaving
educational projects, such as workshops        them vulnerable to extreme and negative
for teachers, students, inter-school and       elements. They are exposed to the struggles,
inter-college public speaking competitions,    abuse and injustices that exist around the
and environmental drawing competitions.        world. They also see their parents, and
Future WANA needs not only the collective      society at large, deal with injustices at home,
synergy of smart and wise people, but also     class divides, persecution, discrimination,
people with a strong sense of social and       corruption, hypocrisy, and most of all, non-
environmental responsibility.                  action’ by leaders. This leaves many of them
                                               disillusioned, desperately looking for hope,
Salma Abbasi, Chairperson and CEO of           and searching for a shared identity and sense
e Worldwide Group, emphasised the              of belonging for a common cause. Through
importance of engaging youth, the digital      the Internet, they find role models, making
community and innovative strategic             friends with people in the digital world,
partnerships with business communities         which often leaves them vulnerable and
while also creating integrated and             susceptible to unknown risks.
interlocked policies.                              Ms. Abbasi stressed the importance
    She suggested that one aim of the WANA     of providing youth access to positive
Forum is to benefit and address the issues,    role models and leaders who are actively
concerns and frustrations of youth in the      engaged in turning around the injustices of
region. Therefore, the youth need to be        the world. She suggested that work needs
engaged in designing solutions and building    to be done to create a united borderless
the roadmap for WANA as they are the           global digital community that promotes
drivers of change.                             understanding, ethics, respect, peace,
    Ms. Abbasi noted that youth are spending   harmony and humanity across the WANA
more and more time on the Internet and on      region and beyond.

                                                                     WANA Forum Report 2010   27
They see their parents deal with injustices at home, class
divides, persecution, discrimination, corruption, hypocrisy and
non-action by leaders. This leaves many of them disillusioned,
desperately looking for hope and searching for a shared identity
and sense of belonging for a common cause
    The digital community is a vehicle for      to wait for new solutions to be developed.
mobilising social cohesion. It gives access     It would be important to start developing
to the excluded and a voice to the voiceless    policies now and make best use of existing
and marginalised. It can also be used to        technologies.
mobilise the next generation in a positive          Participants also noted that technology
manner to give them hope, inspiration and       alone would not be sufficient for addressing
motivation that will help foster a global       environmental degradation in the region,
behavioural change. Thus, she emphasised        and that the environment should be seen as
the need to join forces across the globe on     a cross-cutting theme that affects all areas of
common issues and grievances by engaging        development.
women and youth as part of the solution,            Social workers are responsible for
since they are currently untapped.              bringing about change in people’s behaviour,
    Technology today supports the               and it was suggested that the WANA Forum
knowledge economy and leverages best            develop a strategy for empowering social
practices to allow for the creation of a        workers to teach new generations to behave
fair and better society that can build the      more responsibly.
foundation for sustainable social cohesion.         The potential of employing nuclear
    Ms. Abbasi concluded by emphasising         technology for addressing energy and water
the importance of strategic partnerships with   problems in the WANA region was discussed.
business communities for out-of-the-box         It was noted that realising projects such as
thinking for job creation and innovation.       employing nuclear power to desalinate sea
She also stressed the need for a holistic       water at the coast and pumping it further
framework of policy development to help         inland would require the resolution of
translate rhetoric into action. To do so,       conflicts in the region.
she said, policy development needs to be            Pricing water was identified as a
strategic, practical and inter-linked, inter-   politically sensitive issue: it would be
locked and interwoven with the economy,         important to come to grips with the real cost
environment and society and continuously        of water but access to water for the poor
measured and monitored. She also                would need to be guaranteed.
highlighted the need to create achievable           Finally, the need for society to reclaim the
targets that yield progress and provide a       system for creating credit from the private
sense of accomplishment.                        sector was acknowledged as a way to ensure
                                                it would be used to promote sustainable
Comments and Recommendations                    development, such as developing decent
It was noted that there are already many        urban living environments instead of just
technologies that could be employed to          large urban construction projects.
address carbon footprint; it is not necessary

28   WANA Forum Report 2010
Photo credit: Adam Pattıson

                                   launcH oF tHe arabic rePort oF tHe legal
                                         emPowerment oF tHe Poor:
                                     making tHe law work For everyone
                              E       l Hassan bin Talal, Chairman of the
                                      WANA Forum and Commissioner on
                                      Legal Empowerment of the Poor,
                              chaired the launch of the Arabic Report
                              of the Legal Empowerment of the Poor
                                                                               often the greatest victims of poverty. Surely,
                                                                               zakat, in its broader understanding could
                                                                               help, but solutions are needed that empower
                                                                               people to break the cycle of poverty and all
                                                                               forms of exclusion that come with it.
                              (LEP): Making the Law Work for Everyone.             Four billion inhabitants of today’s
                              In his opening remarks, he confirmed             world are statistically poor. They have
                              that human capital is the most important         been left out from any economic scheme
                              pillar on which countries depend for their       and development agenda, rendering them
                              continuity and survival. If this human capital   without any contribution to their societies.
                              is grounded or depleted, it will be reflected    The effect of such exclusion and its
                              in the advancement of society or render any      implications on the stability and security of
                              development an illusion.                         societies is very clear. All of humanity stands
                                  His Royal Highness also stated that          to lose if four billion human beings remain
                              poverty does not only mean material              outside any inclusive formula. No society can
                              poverty. Everything that limits the power        prosper, or even progress, if people are not
                              of humanity – psychologically, physically        effective stakeholders of their own futures. It
                              and spiritually – is part of poverty. Any        is the essence of citizenship.
                              infringement on anyone’s rights by restraint,        Only practical considerations will allow
                              oppression and denial is poverty. It extends     society to move from words to actions and
                              beyond hunger, thirst, famine, epidemics,        this is the core of the principle of Making
                              desertification and so on.                       the Law Work for Everyone, and the concept
                                  The uprooted (refugees, displaced            of the Legal Empowerment of the Poor. The
                              persons, migrants and people uprooted            report contains practical and implementable
                              from their land due to climate change, wars,     mechanisms, tables and strategies that could
                              conflicts and different forms of tyranny) are    lead to access to justice, property rights,

                                                                                                     WANA Forum Report 2010   29
and policies governing
                                                                   the economic, social and
                                                                   political affairs in many
                                                                   countries prevent sufficient
                                                                   access to a large part of the
                                                                   community. The rules of the
                                                                   game themselves are not
                                                                   fair. This, of course, is not
                                                                   only morally unacceptable
                                                                   but also impedes economic
                                                                   development and can lead
                                                                   to instability and insecurity.
                                                                       The LEP report focuses
                                                                   on the process of changing
                                                                   the methodology through
                                                                   which the poor are
labour and business rights. A bottom up         excluded and marginalised so they may
approach coupled with unconventional            benefit from the rule of law and the legal
innovative approaches is the solution to this   system and services to protect their rights
dilemma. Prince El Hassan concluded that        and interests and increase economic activity
our challenges are supranational and so         in their capacity as citizens and actors in
should the solutions be.                        their communities. Rights protected by
                                                law include the right to vote, the right to
Medhat Hassenein, Professor of Finance          freedom of expression and the right to
and Banking at the American University of       trial in accordance with due legal process.
Cairo, stressed that in this day and age,       The report found that when the poor are
the available body of knowledge should          protected and have access to opportunities
be able to provide the opportunities of         through the legal system, the practical
economic growth for everyone. The fortunes      benefits become a reality. When the informal
generated globally over the past few years      economy becomes legalised, the tax base
are unprecedented. Yet, the overwhelming        will expand and widen, and the state
majority of the world’s population is still     revenues for national development will result
deprived, and lack of income is only one        in further economic gains, which lead to the
dimension of the problem. Poverty-stricken      expansion of domestic markets and increase
communities have been excluded outside the      financial activity at all levels.
scope of the rule of law. Whether they live         Based on the four essential pillars of the
below the poverty line or slightly above it,    Legal Empowerment of the Poor (access to
they are men, women and children who lack       justice and the rule of law; property rights;
access to any rights or protection under the    labour rights and business rights), citizens
law. Although they are considered citizens      and grassroots organisations are able to
of their countries, the modest resources        create momentum for significant change,
they have – at best – cannot be protected or    through public awareness and mobilisation
increased appropriately.                        to support the main themes in the process of
    The report places the greatest              legal empowerment.
responsibility of widespread poverty on             The report identifies those who could
society and proves that laws, institutions      be in a position to assist governments,

30   WANA Forum Report 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010
Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010

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Report of the Second WANA Forum 2010

  • 1. Report of the Second WANA Forum Pursuing Supranational Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying Capacity 16 - 18 MAY 2010 AMMAN, JORDAN
  • 2. Copyright © 2010 by the WANA Forum No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the WANA Forum. Deposit No. 2010 / 7 / 2768 ISBN: 978 - 9957 - 419 - 10 - 3 Publisher: WANA Forum Editors: Laura Haddad, Nour Qabba’ah, Baker al-Hiyari and Martti Antola Designer: Ihsan Hussein Printing: National Press Amman, Jordan The West Asia–North Africa Forum garetfully acknowledges the support of The Nippon Foundation.
  • 3. Building Trust Together Report of the Second WANA Forum Pursuing Supranational Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying Capacity 16 - 18 MAY 2010 AMMAN, JORDAN
  • 4. 2 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 5 Post-Forum reFlections 8 executive summary 11 1. Overview of the WANA Forum 15 2. Opening Remarks 18 3. Transcending Regional Carrying Capacity 21 4. Regional Themes and Priorities of the WANA Forum 24 5. Launch of the Arabic Report of the Legal Empowerment of the Poor: Making the Law Work for Everyone 29 6. Displacement and Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Recovery 32 7. Social Cohesion in the WANA Region 39 8. Our Common Future: Water, Environment and Energy Community 43 9. Environment and Green Economy 47 10. Mobilising the Third Sphere for Collective Action 51 11. Dinner Remarks by Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 55 12. Break-Out Groups 56 12.1 Social Cohesion 56 12.2 Green Economy 62 12.3 Environment 64 12.4 Reconstruction and Recovery 70 13. Conclusions of WANA Forum 2010 73 Annexes 77 A1. Agenda 79 A2. Participants 89 A3. Speaker Bios 95 A4. Break-Out Session Participants 115 A5. Background Paper: Beyond WANA Forum 2010 117 A6. WANA Forum Secretariat 127
  • 6.
  • 7. Photo credit: AP/EMPICS Foreword by HrH Prince el Hassan bin talal, Chairman oF the wana Forum T he West Asia-North Africa (WANA) region continues to face many challenges, some of them untold; most of them tragic and sadly, man-made. After taking part in three days of discussions where regional cooperation could bring added value: reconstruction and recovery, green economy, water and energy, education for sustainable development (ESD), the revival of hima and social cohesion. and deliberations during WANA Forum 2010 This year, poverty as one source of I remain optimistic. This optimism is not social fragmentation, was one of the areas ‘rose-tinted’ nor does it jar with the reality of addressed with the launch of the Arabic these ongoing tragedies; rather, listening to version of the Report of the Commission the stories of those WANA participants who on Legal Empowerment of the Poor (LEP), have lived through such adversity, gives me in collaboration with the United Nations hope and faith in the possibility of greater Development Programme (UNDP) and the things to come for the peoples of this region. Arab Thought Forum (ATF). The Report, These participants from all over the WANA Making the Law Work for Everyone, states region come together to form a community that poverty is not merely about a lack of of individuals comprised of the Third Sphere material resources, but also about a lack – government, private sector and civil society of property rights, labour and business rights – of WANA and beyond. These concerned as well as access to justice and the rule WANA citizens – some of them ‘witnesses’ of law. Seventy per cent of the world’s from crisis areas – are motivated by a sense population is unable to improve their of responsibility to combat the structures of livelihood regardless of how hard they work injustice wherever they exist. because of blatant exclusion. What seems Inspired by the Helsinki Process of 1975, yet to be understood by many in our society which is based on three ‘baskets’ – economy, is that all of humanity stands to lose if four security and humanitarian issues, the WANA billion human beings remain outside an Forum in 2009 identified priority issues inclusive societal structure. WANA Forum Report 2010 5
  • 8. We are now only five years away from scarcity and drought, as no single state can 2015 – the year in which the Millennium effectively achieve this on its own. This is Development Goals (MDGs) are supposed where the concept of a Community of Water to be realised. Yet, in the LEP session, I was and Energy for the Human Environment, a reminded of how much we have to do in concept I have been advocating for many order to get there. Did we set the benchmark years, comes into its own. It takes a regional too high? Or did we fail as a community approach to water, hunger, climate, health to do our best and try our hardest to make and poverty which is encompassing and the MDGs a reality? The UNDP gently consultative, with a view to averting future conflict or as we have recently Until uprooted communities are seen inwars’. media reports, ‘water some afforded autonomy over their lives, During the WANA Forum 2010 we discussed the notion of regional and global human security the ‘uprooted’ (a term originally will be threatened by a growing hatred introduced by the Independent industry borne of human suffering and Commission on International Humanitarian Affairs in the our collective failure to act early 1980s) in the context of Territoriality, Identity and warned us that with regard to the MDGs, Movement/Migration (TIM), a concept that there are three on which the WANA region challenges the current discourse around is failing: (1) Poverty, Employment and mandates – mandates for Palestinians; Hunger; (3) Women’s Empowerment and mandates for Iraqis and so on. The theory (7) Environmental Sustainability. This is behind the uprooted is that all peoples who an opportunity for the WANA community have been forced to leave their homeland are to mobilise and to look at the underlying equally vulnerable and their needs are often reasons as to why we are not on track to grossly misunderstood. People uprooted by meet these Goals. war, violence, environmental devastation and One of the highlights of this year’s persecution do not just need bags of flour Forum was the Strategic Foresight Group’s and rice, or cement to rebuild houses, albeit session on water, ‘Our Common Future: these items are important in themselves. Water, Environment and Energy Community’ Retaining dignity in their lives is what lies at where the concept of concentric circles of the root of all human aspiration and identity, cooperation to break political deadlocks and and until uprooted communities, irrespective generate ideas that can be implemented at of labels are afforded autonomy over their the policy level was discussed. Water must lives, regional (and global) human security be treated as an instrument of partnership, or will be threatened by a growing hatred there is every chance it will reach a critical industry borne of human suffering and our impasse which will threaten our security collective failure to act. and survival in the coming decades, such The WANA Forum is here to ask the as we have seen with Weapons of Mass difficult questions and to suggest alternatives Destruction. Of the 15 most water-poor that are sustainable and situated in the countries in the world, ten are in the WANA context of the WANA region. As our region. All states must take responsibility resources continue to dwindle, it is evident for finding regional solutions to water that we should invest more in a resource of 6 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 9. which we have plenty – people. We have to moment during the Forum, when I was told conserve our physical resources and develop that the sessions were being simultaneously our social and human capital with respect webcast to viewers all over the globe. Given to human dignity because the true wealth the high number of young people who use of nations relies on social cohesion, not the Internet to access information, I can only just on indicators such as GDP. A Regional hope we reached some of them, as it is this Cohesion Fund would be an important group we most need to engage, listen to and step toward establishing a more productive encourage. mechanism for enabling inter-regional This is not my Forum or your Forum. It and intra-independent action to enhance is a shared, inclusive space where we can all regional social cohesion. This will need to come together to consolidate our efforts and be based on a ‘code of conduct’ outlined in resources, through regional multidisciplinary, a social charter and informed by a cohesion multi-sectoral approaches, to legitimate index that is developed with the help of and motivate collective action to influence constructive consultations across WANA. An decision-makers and change agents. The empirical, apolitical database which can be challenge now is to turn ideas into a easily accessed by policymakers, community practical framework which is inclusive and leaders, advocates, the public and the media accessible, bridging the gaps between theory will be an important tool in this process. and practice; between the local, regional The WANA region would also do well and global; and to devise strategies to to listen and learn from the rest of Asia. influence political structures in ways that are As was clear from the presentations by meaningful and relevant to the communities our speakers from China, Japan and the on which we ultimately want to have an Association of Southeast Asian Nations impact. We now have an opportunity to (ASEAN), Asian states have proved they can infuse the entire policy debate (a debate adjust to the challenges of development where our voices need to be heard) with (and in some cases thrive) in an era of solid research that will undoubtedly improve volatile global markets and continued the quality and effectiveness of policy Western domination. Since WANA is, after actions. all, part of Asia, it should complement its I hope you will join me and the cooperation with Europe and North America greater WANA Forum community, with with stronger links to these Asian nations the continued support of The Nippon whose ‘Roadmap for an ASEAN Community Foundation, in building partnerships for 2009 - 2015’ comprises the three pillars of a regional cooperation around thematic Political-Security Community, an Economic priorities in the pursuit of a strong, stable Community and a Socio-Cultural Community and sustainable WANA. to ensure durable peace, stability and shared prosperity in the region. This second annual WANA meeting has built on the work of the past year and now I trust that you, based on the summary of El Hassan bin Talal themes, conclusions and recommendations Amman, August 2010 outlined in this report, will continue the ‘WANA conversation’ either virtually or when your paths cross again. This brings me to another satisfying WANA Forum Report 2010 7
  • 10. Post-Forum reFlections I t was truly encouraging to see so many prominent individuals from across and beyond the WANA region come together again in Amman this year with the shared commitment of discussions, which demonstrated participants’ profound commitment to the welfare of the entire human family. From climate change to water consumption, from freedom of expression to social solidarity, from food working towards a better future for the security to education and health, all these region. I was particularly impressed at topics require committed action based on how the members of the Forum were common purpose. We can build the kind of taking concrete steps towards addressing societies we want for our children when we urgent challenges facing the region dare to dream and dare to be bold. There is through their participation in the various so much we can do for a whole generation working groups. I have no doubt that and for the whole world. this Forum of likeminded individuals will Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of continue to grow and play a vital role, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt not only in helping policymakers across the region develop policies, but also At every stage in the evolution of world in aiding civil society organisations in economy, certain drivers determine the their work. I consider it a true privilege future. In this century, water, environment, to be a member of this community and and human intellect are the most significant very much look forward to taking part in driving forces. Therefore, it must be our future meetings. priority to transform water and environment Mr.Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The from potential risks to instruments of peace Nippon Foundation, Japan and progress. In the entire landmass from Vietnam Under the banner of Pursuing Supranational and Cambodia in East Asia to Turkey in Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying West Asia and from Egypt in North Africa Capacity, we shared our knowledge and our to Republic of South Africa, a mega arch of experience at WANA Forum 2010 and have hydro insecurity exists. West Asia is at the taken a commitment to act on the issues epicentre of this mega-arch. Experts have we raised. I believe that we left the Forum been debating for years the problems of enriched by the thoughtful presentations and water security but always from short-term 8 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 11. and nationalistic perspectives. HRH Prince are expected to be achieved by 2013, it El Hassan made a conceptual breakthrough would be necessary and wise to concentrate at the WANA Forum 2010 plenary on Our only on the few already selected themes. Common Future: Water, Environment and Therefore, the challenge remains as to how Energy by proposing Concentric Circles of best to ensure that the next Forum may focus Cooperation. This idea makes it possible for and deepen the discussion on those themes countries facing similar challenges to come in order to give guidance and direction for together to develop a shared vision of a the remaining period. water and environment community, without Wishing all WANA Forum participants a being hampered by protracted conflicts. great deal of enthusiasm and success in this Peace and cooperation need to be built noble endeavour! carefully and gradually. At this year’s WANA Ambassador Ilari Rantakari, Ministry for Forum in Amman, we saw the first building Foreign Affairs of Finland block of our common future. Mr. Sundeep Waslekar, President of the The region of WANA is a strategic area of Strategic Foresight Group, India energy resources, about half of the world’s population resides here and the young The second WANA Forum clearly indicated population, to the degree that it is educated that the WANA Process is shaping up and and cultivated, can act as a vessel of motivating relevant individuals and through development and progress. them institutions in the region to participate I am happy to learn of Prince El Hassan and contribute to the preparation of policy and other participants’ positive reaction proposals as well as concrete action steps in to Turkey’s recent regional policy of ‘zero the areas of the selected process themes. problems with its neighbours’, understanding I have had the privilege to witness the the importance of unity and friendship. active and committed participation and The WANA initiative is still in its guidance of His Royal Highness over beginning stages – like a seed that falls to the past years in the Helsinki Process the ground, a baby who takes his or her first on Globalisation and Democracy. His steps or the first stages of a joyous voyage. inspirational leadership and establishment Seeds develop, babies grow up and joyous of the capable WANA Secretariat are already voyages reach their destination. Just as the yielding results in mobilising necessary European Coal and Steel Community formed partnerships and linkages to enhance desired the beginnings of the European Union, the and much needed collaboration and actions WANA region, if it can emerge from today’s among and by different stakeholders for the short-sighted politics, has as much potential. benefit of the WANA region and beyond. Mr. Cemal Usak, Vice President of the As I have had the opportunity to follow Journalists and Writers Foundation,Turkey the work on Social Cohesion, I would like to commend the initial preparation and I am inspired by Prince El Hassan who, commitments made in the Forum. This after having listened to the adverse stories would suggest that the work will continue narrated by individuals at WANA Forum and advance significantly through the 2010, could derive hope and faith in the established working groups and partnerships. future rather than hopelessness and despair. It is only natural that many important His Royal Highness’ opening remarks at issues would deserve to be included in this the Forum boosted my usually optimistic kind of process. However, as tangible results disposition so much that I see light beyond WANA Forum Report 2010 9
  • 12. the cumulus that has engulfed our region for Prince El Hassan said, we need “to devise nearly three decades. strategies to influence political structures in I reiterate Prince El Hassan’s statement ways that are meaningful and relevant to the that poverty doesn’t mean only the lack of communities on which we ultimately want to material resources. Now it is time we all find have an impact.” the faith and commitment to take actionable Mr. Mohsen Marzouk, Secretary-General of steps toward fighting poverty and creating the Arab Democracy Foundation, Qatar social justice in the region. Men, women and children should be afforded their rightful I deeply admire HRH Prince El Hassan for place in society with full legal protection. his visionary initiative – the WANA Forum I thank the WANA Forum for inviting me recognises the fundamental role of education to participate in this commendable initiative. in personal and social development and Ms. Khadija Hussein, Founding its principle means of fostering human Chairperson, Sudanese Mothers for Peace development as a tool for poverty alleviation and UNESCO’s Specialist in Community and social inclusion and a cornerstone in Development in the Arab World building a culture of peace. International education embodies the One of the demands of civil society in the priorities of the WANA Forum as it has the WANA region has, for years, been the call potential to contribute to reconstruction and to create a new working space to rise above peace-building in conflict-affected parts of two kinds of unfavourable divisions. the region, to the enhancement of social The first separates the three main agents cohesion and to sustainable environmental, of development (government, private sector, social, economic and cultural development. civil society) so they operate in isolation I encourage the Forum to consider setting from one another, hence depriving the up a WANA Chapter or Society of UNESCO- reform movement of the extraordinary APNIEVE, to develop WANA networks opportunity that mutual cooperation brings. in international education in partnership The second division concerns the various with China-based UNESCO International dimensions of development. Each area Institute of Education for Rural Development of expertise focuses on its own specialty: (INRULED), to facilitate curriculum women’s rights, environment, the fight innovation and teacher/student exchange against poverty, democracy and so forth for learning to live together in conflict- whereas all of these are interrelated. affected parts of the region, and to promote The most important value added of joint projects in international education the WANA Forum is that it is built upon for sustainable development in the region the idea of rethinking and unifying the with links between WANA’s and East Asian divided components of development as universities’ high-tech parks and education- inter-dependent, multi-disciplinary and business partnerships. interconnected. Dr. Zhou Nan-Zhao, President of UNESCO At WANA Forum 2010, I had the privilege Asia-Pacific Network for International of moderating the Social Cohesion sessions Education and Values Education (APNIEVE) where I saw considerable headway made and President of Chinese Council of Private in progressing the Social Cohesion Index, Higher Education, China Social Charter and Regional Cohesion Fund. I look forward to joining the WANA Forum in moving from dialogue to action, for as HRH 10 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 13. executive summary by ProFessor sultan barakat, wana Forum moderator T he West Asia-North Africa Forum 2010 gathered 130 individuals in Amman, from the region and elsewhere, in order to address the theme of Pursuing Supranational Solutions to WANA and to complement Euro- Mediterranean and Atlantic initiatives. Countries in WANA the Challenges of Carrying Capacity. are beginning Building on the work of the First Annual to recognise WANA Forum in April of 2009, the 2010 that nations are Forum focused on advancing the priority empowered issues of reconstruction and recovery, green through regional economy, water and energy, education cooperation. for sustainable development, the revival Progress on of hima, and social cohesion, including cooperation and the legal empowerment of the poor. The integration within WANA and across Asia principle aim of the three-day meeting was would enhance connectivity, the leveraging to create partnerships for collaboration of resources and the region’s bargaining towards concrete policy proposals by 2011. power on the world stage so that WANA’s WANA Forum 2010 recognised the cultural diversity could become a source of need for people across the region to begin strength rather than an obstacle to progress. to transcend national carrying capacity After all, the true wealth of nations lies in through regional thinking and a regional their human and social capital. For WANA to policy framework that overcomes the build upon this capital, regional cooperation multi-layered choke-points within WANA. is needed to mobilise resources, exchange The establishment of regional entities of lessons and best practices, promote governance for the various cross-cutting knowledge production and dissemination, priorities of the WANA Forum could serve educate for citizenship and sustainable to monitor, oversee and implement regional development and produce home-grown cooperation. The Forum also welcomed solutions to the region’s challenges. exploring linkages between West Asia and The WANA region, a mosaic of ethnic, North Africa to the rest of Asia as a wake- religious and cultural diversity, stretches from up call to stimulate multilateralism within Morocco to Pakistan and is home to some WANA Forum Report 2010 11
  • 14. of the world’s earliest and most advanced the Index or refine the dimensions selected civilisations. Yet, it is also a region that to measure social cohesion. Partnering with faces monumental challenges, marred with research institutions, think tanks, universities conflict, war and the intense movement of and UN agencies from across the region people who flee their countries by force or would be helpful in the data collection phase in the pursuit of a better life. The gradual as well as in developing the Index. ‘brain drain’ that has ensued is exacerbated The need for a social contract was also by a lack of effective policies and an absence proposed by Forum participants last year. of incentives for people to stay and enhance A charter has the potential to further the the region’s carrying capacity. aims of advancing social development by Millions of people across WANApromoting the concept of citizenship and today experience multi-faceted poverty, equity, stimulating a process of dialogue extending beyond material needs to include within civil society groups and between infringement on basic human rights. They civil society and governments. The current live on the outskirts of society under multiple draft of the WANA Social Charter should, forms of exclusion and marginalisation, therefore, be widely disseminated to garner without any access to legal protection. feedback, and be made available in the Following the First Annual WANA Forum in form of an executive summary (in Arabic, 2009, a working group of Forum members Farsi, Turkish and Urdu) as well as a full embarked on an attempt to create a Social draft on the WANA Forum website. Media Cohesion Index that measures cohesion and advocacy strategies will also need to be and factors that contribute to it in WANA developed for different target audiences. countries, such as security and state capacity, Finally, a Regional Cohesion Fund rooted equality, participation and engagement, in a code of conduct outlined in the Social displacement, civic culture, mutual trust, Charter and informed by data from the Social social networks, tolerance to diversity and Cohesion Index, would advance social, inclusion, material and emotional wellbeing, environmental and economic development health and social security. The Index in the region. The nature of the governing could offer state and non-state actors an body, eligibility criteria for the allocation of analytical tool to guide the establishment of funds, management structures, monitoring developmental priorities. WANA Forum 2010 and evaluation processes, and sources of agreed to pursue qualitative and quantitative funding and partners, will be addressed in research in select WANA countries to validate the policy proposal that will be developed. The challenges posed Progress on cooperation and by demographic pressures, environmental stresses, integration within WANA and across widespread inequalities, Asia would enhance connectivity, the entrenched pockets of poverty, chronic unemployment, deeply leveraging of resources and the region’s rooted division and numerous bargaining power on the world stage political, sectarian and religious conflicts present a serious threat so that WANA’s cultural diversity could to local, national and regional become a source of strength rather than stability. Those who suffer the consequences are most an obstacle to progress often women, children and the 12 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 15. the establishment of an Those who suffer the consequences electronic public forum for are most often women, children and the the sharing of lessons and good practices on all of uprooted, the silenced majority in urgent the WANA Forum priority need of a coherent regional voice to raise issues. A comparative research project detailing its status in international relations the relationship between reconstruction, reconciliation uprooted, the silenced majority in urgent and peace building is needed to produce need of a coherent regional voice to raise its models and methodologies or tool kits for status in international relations. To this end, countries in the region. The Forum also WANA Forum 2010 agreed on a regional agreed to draft a concept paper that would donorship consultation in the near future examine five key sectors: energy, water, and to advocate for full WANA participation transport, waste and cities. New initiatives in global conventions on aid effectiveness, for renewable power generation and water such as the Paris Declaration and the Accra management must be carried out soon, Agenda for Action. informed by best practices. Lastly, a working A regional voluntary organisation report on water security by the Forum similar to the United States Peace Corps members will be finalised to propose the could help instil a sense of service and establishment of a WANA water scarcity and civic responsibility to the cause of peace drought information system, highlight the with volunteers living in conflict affected need to facilitate relevant training sessions or socially fragmented communities of across the region by WANA experts and WANA and working on issues ranging from promote a region-wide television and food security, education and health to Internet campaign to push governments and environment, business and information and the general public to consider WANA’s high communication technology. rate of water consumption and respond to The Forum also agreed to develop the challenges of carrying capacity. One a proposal for a regional reconstruction of these challenges include the effects of training institute which could foster a climate change, which will also be addressed generation of leaders from within WANA in a WANA report, in the context of uprooted who could tackle issues from conflict populations, food security, biodiversity, management and prevention to post- water, energy and education. conflict reconstruction and economic Members of the WANA Forum agree that development. Rather than reconstructing the instruments of regional cooperation must be status-quo-ante, the Forum highlighted the grounded in the principles of sustainability – potential of green housing developments, of both natural and human resources – while which are affordable and environmentally the human element must be placed at the sound, as well as the creation of a green centre of efforts to advance supranational modern industrial base and mass transport solutions to shared regional concerns. All- infrastructure – all central to developing inclusive sustainable development embraces state systems, revitalising economies and freedom, justice, participation and respect for promoting social cohesion. human dignity. Capacity building requires solid Hima is one example of an indigenous research, the consolidation of data and system of conservation management WANA Forum Report 2010 13
  • 16. that empowers local communities. The setting the groundwork for a WANA model establishment of a hima revolving fund of ESD in select pilot schools. It would focus for the legal empowerment of the poor on administrators and teachers to ensure that would help build the capacities of local they are trained in providing children with communities to manage, monitor and the needed tools and skills for experiential, conserve sustainable use of natural interactive learning and would also engage resources. The Forum agreed to compile a university students from WANA and other database of existing traditional himas, create regions in the process of developing and a Wikipedia web-page for hima where assessing ESD, thereby translating research scholars from around the world would be into practical applications. invited to contribute, and to document In an era where technology plays an through film the oral history of tribal men important role in connecting people across and women whose knowledge of hima was the globe, e-learning, institutional twinning, acquired and maintained for over 1400 years. cyber media and virtual communities provide This would not only contribute to regional opportunities for WANA to galvanise the knowledge of WANA history, but would Third Sphere of partnership into concerted also raise the profile of the region among action. Progressing from dialogue to both academic and non-academic circles action requires increased collaboration elsewhere in the world. with civil society, business partners, media Integrating indigenous knowledge, and government actors around thematic on hima for example, into the school issues. It also requires outreach to youth, curriculum is also integral in altering regional who comprise up to 60 per cent of the resource consumption patterns through population in many WANA countries, and the education for sustainable development involvement of local communities as genuine (ESD). Interactive courses, extracurricular stakeholders. activities and community service learning The following report attempts to provide are effective tools for emphasising the a comprehensive overview of these regional connection between people and their themes and recommendations for concerted environment and encouraging lifelong action. civic engagement for the common good. The Forum aims to promote a community For full-text presentations, reports and of practice around ESD with government, updates, visit private sector and media partnerships in In an era where technology plays an important role in connecting people across the globe, e-learning, institutional twinning, cyber media and virtual communities provide opportunities for WANA to galvanise the Third Sphere of partnership into concerted action 14 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 17. 1 overview oF tHe wana Forum S ultan Barakat, WANA Forum Moderator, Advisor to Prince El Hassan bin Talal and Director of the Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit, University of York, welcomed participants to the second annual how this discussion could be brought to the people, leaders and institutions of the WANA region, both independently and through the mobilisation of partnerships. Professor Barakat reminded participants meeting of the West Asia - North Africa of the motivations that led to the launch of Forum, entitled Pursuing Supranational the WANA Forum. It emerged, in part, from Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying the recognition that, despite the increasing Capacity. global movement towards supranational He noted that the discussions initiated solutions, many countries in the WANA at the first annual meeting in April 2009 region remain focused solely on national have continued, not only through numerous agendas. As a result, they are less able to thematic consultations, but also within advocate for their shared interests upon the each of the members’ home countries, and global stage. Rather than a unified WANA, highlighted that such discussion is at the core with a regional voice on the world stage, of the WANA Forum process and represents they have tended to view themselves as its greatest tool. Every movement and great Gulf States, Arab countries, Central Asian historical change begins with a conversation republics and so on. in which those involved realise that they are Despite similar priorities – from facing the same challenges, and that they economic growth to conflict and ecologically have the will and the capacity to address sustainable development – WANA countries them effectively. far too often define themselves by their Over the three days of the second annual cultural, historical, linguistic and ideological meeting, participants were presented the differences. Paradoxically, the WANA opportunity to continue the dialogue, with Forum itself, which tries to overcome such the added responsibility of determining divisions, may be viewed as creating another WANA Forum Report 2010 15
  • 18. exclusionary framework by separating the The work of the WANA Forum is guided WANA region from its neighbours. This is not by a three-phase process. The first annual the intention. meeting in April 2009 launched the first In fact, it may be better not to project phase, which focused on the identification the WANA region as a geographical area of priorities and issues. Informed by the but rather as a conceptual meeting place technical expertise and experience of for those peoples and places which are all those involved, the process began by perceived as “in between” and at times on identifying a number of cross-cutting themes the margins of international dialogue and around which a series of expert consultations progress. As such, WANA is not a map, and took place throughout the year: a) the the WANA Forum also includes voices and reconstruction and recovery of war-torn or perspectives from Europe, Africa, Asia and conflict-affected parts of the region; b) the beyond, including if not particularly from enhancement of social cohesion between the India and China, two countries with which region’s diverse peoples, c) the promotion the WANA region has a long history. of environmental education for sustainable The WANA Forum is a demonstration development and d) the development of of the saying that ‘only the tent pitched by ‘green’ industries and infrastructure. Concept one’s own hands will stand’. The Forum papers were later revised and accompanied is thus motivated by a keen desire for the by more focused research agendas and draft people of the region to pitch their own policy proposals for presentation at the tents or, more literally, to drive their own second annual meeting for Forum members processes of growth, development and to consider, refine and approve. change, whether these changes relate to During the remainder of 2010 and the the recovery of war-torn societies, the beginning of 2011, the challenge will be to conjoining of prosperity and environmental ensure that these ideas are presented in a responsibility or the strengthening of ties and manner which lends itself to policy debate bonds between all peoples and cultures of within major international bodies and the region. national institutions throughout and beyond WANA. By the WANA Forum’s third annual meeting, again following a series of technical consultations and meetings of working groups, participants will be presented a set of tangible policy proposals which they will be able to finalise before preparing for a process of advocacy to last through the following years of the WANA Forum process. Professor Barakat noted that a range of key priorities emerged from the social, economic and environmental ‘tracks’ of the first meeting of the WANA Forum. Social 16 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 19. cohesion – defined as the intangible bond and give rise to governmental as well as that holds members of society together private-sector-led initiatives that will foster and facilitates coexistence, development, sustainable models of economic growth progress and prosperity – was identified which could restore the quality of land and as a major cross-cutting concern. Within water while diminishing the negative effects the social cohesion group, the emphasis of climate change. has been on the development of an index, Finally, reconstruction and recovery, which would allow for rigorous monitoring particularly in the aftermath of conflict and of social cohesions levels in order to identify violence, were identified as cross-cutting problems before they turn destructive and to issues. Reconstruction and recovery are, at support evidence-based policies. The group their core, concerned with the development also suggested the development of a social of social cohesion as a means to prevent charter to guide region-wide efforts aimed future conflict, build peace and foster at promoting social cohesion. Finally, the greater levels of justice and equity. A key social cohesion working group, building means of doing so is economic growth, upon the foundational guidance of Prince from small-scale livelihoods and micro- El Hassan, proposed the establishment finance entrepreneurs to macro-economic of a cohesion fund to enable resources reforms and large-scale investments driven to be pooled from across the region and by institutions such as the Arab Fund for distributed in such a manner as to diminish Economic and Social Development, the material inequalities and attitudinal hostilities Saudi Fund for Development and the Asia through humanitarian and developmental Development Bank. Reconstruction and interventions, the creation of key regional recovery also requires greater attention to infrastructure, and the promotion of dialogue environmentally conscientious approaches. as well as political and technical cooperation. The reconstruction and recovery working The economic working group developed group proposed a mapping of regional synergies with all tracks and has particularly reconstruction initiatives and developing focused upon the development of regional a statement of principles for post-conflict green industries and green infrastructure. recovery and international development In doing so, members of the track efforts within the WANA region. Such a highlighted the need for WANA to “leapfrog” statement could guide international actors development and bypass “old” industries in with a presence in the region. The group favour of those which are environmentally also emphasised the need to engage more sustainable and represent the economy fully with donor institutions from within of tomorrow rather than the economy of WANA, which are increasingly becoming yesterday. the driving forces in war-torn contexts, in The environmental working group order to ensure that they continue to engage emphasised the need for environmental effectively and in a manner which fosters education for sustainable development as region-wide cohesion. a means to build an appreciation for and While not yet a formal policy proposal, commitment to ecologically responsible the reconstruction and recovery group noted practices across the WANA region. Through the need for a regional training centre on education and advocacy, the knowledge, conflict and recovery that could ensure the skills and attitudinal shift necessary for creation of a cadre of national and regional the development of green industries can experts in order to foster more appropriate emerge. Progress in this area will support and effective means of assistance. WANA Forum Report 2010 17
  • 20. 2 Photo credit: UAE Red Crescent oPening remarks I n his opening remarks, El Hassan bin Talal, Chairman of the WANA Forum, spoke of the importance of carrying capacity in the context of human, natural and economic resources and called for a regional since WANA is part of Asia. An important development is the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community 2009 - 2015 adopted in March 2009. It sets the goal to build a community of Southeast Asian nations by 2015, comprising voice from WANA at the United Nations the three pillars of a Political-Security General Assembly and the Millennium Community, an Economic Community and a Development Goals Summit in 2010. He Socio-Cultural Community to ensure durable stressed the importance of building bridges peace, stability and shared prosperity in the between the haves and have nots, since region. The Chiang Mai Initiative among exclusion both in terms of the state and good ASEAN +3 is another concept for the WANA governance has been exacerbated by the Forum to study. Some consider this US$120 deteriorating situation of the uprooted in the billion swap facility a first step towards an region. Asian Monetary Fund. A stable South Asia Prince El Hassan also spoke of human and East Asia could be complemented by and social chokepoints within the nexus stability in West Asia and North Africa. of territoriality, identity and migration/ Building on the historic silk route, His movement (TIM) as well as the rich and very Royal Highness noted that it would be rich and the poor and very poor. The vast necessary to develop a Pan-Asian route of resources of the WANA region are not up to ideas and intra-regional policies. Today, meeting the challenges of carrying capacity. unlike during ancient periods of prosperity, The changing nature of war and conflict are the Middle East is not part of the vision of an impacting TIM in the opposite direction to interconnected Asia and Europe. Through a what is happening in other parts of Asia. coordinated research agenda with partners His Royal Highness stressed the need to from East and South East Asia and elsewhere, learn from the experiences of the rest of Asia the WANA Forum could contribute to 18 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 21. existing studies and research to provide an of investing dwindling income from energy impulse to reshape the territorial expanses in into social cohesion and collaborative efforts the hinterlands of WANA. In short, to rethink for human security, developing an economy WANA from within. with a human face and emphasising cultural Prince El Hassan spoke about businesses affinity, which should not be seen merely needing to focus on building human as an afterthought. Throughout, Prince dignity as a response to the alienation of El Hassan highlighted that the WANA the majority of people in WANA from their Forum has no hidden agenda. Rather, it societies. He cited the World Bank estimate is a partnership based on ad hominem that in order to keep up with the growing participation. population, the WANA region would have to His Royal Highness concluded that create 55 to 70 million new jobs by 2020 – God helps those who help themselves. It 55 million just to keep up and 70 million to is time that people in the WANA region bring the employment rate up to the global start considering changing themselves, their norm. If the region fails to achieve this, it perceptions, shouldering their responsibilities, will only fuel the hatred industry. and stop considering themselves as a One purpose of the WANA Forum is positional elite. The people who count are to sow the seeds of a semi permanent the future generations. Efforts should be conference that recognises the importance taken to make their world a better place. Territoriality, Identity and Movement (TIM) Prince El Hassan said that a trans-disciplinary new form of social cohesion among diverse groups conversation is needed that looks at WANA to replace tribal solidarity. He considered the as if people matter.The transformation in values of Islam as a basis for the solidarity to form security goes well beyond technological a new civil society.The new wars in WANA aim at change. It involves a transformation of the the opposite. social relations of warfare.These ‘new wars’, There is an urgent need to understand the social where battles are rare and where violence relations that have been nurtured by the extended is mostly aimed at civilians, construct new conflicts and injustices in WANA, to examine the sectarian identities at the religious, ethical and fabric of what appears as the disorder in the region tribal levels to undermine the sense of shared and to discover images of alternative orders and political community*. Through the creation break-out from the binary relations constraining of memories of hate and fear, they WANA. produce divisive sectarian identities in mixed urban settings.These trends are Epistemological Tensions seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, the West Bank Conditionality of territorial vs Inclusion & Exclusion and Gaza, Lebanon and Sudan.The link framing of politics Coherence of order and disorder vs Inconclusive change between identity formation and memory Movement as progress vs Ethnic persistence is assuming new proportions. This perspective of interrogating TIM Binary Relations requires a focus on two different, but Inclusion/Exclusion The State interconnected issues: what is new and Deterritoralisation/Reterritoralisation Sovereignty who is rewriting history. Over 600 years Territory, Identity and Conflict Politics of Social Relations ago, Ibn Khaldun defined government as Movements of People Broadly Defined Nexus of Identity and Territory Mass Movement of Population State Carrying Capacity the institution which prevents injustice Memory Identity Formation other than such as it commits itself. Ibn New Wars Transformation of Society Khaldun understood the need in the new Injustice Privatisation of War cities that were being established for a * Mary Kaldor, Human Security, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2008 WANA Forum Report 2010 19
  • 22. Lack of access to education and voices to share a collective vision for the region and healthcare means that children are not able provide them with the to stay in school or get the treatment they means to identify their most important challenges need when they are ill. The economic divide and address them means that parents are not able to provide effectively. Something needs to be for their families. Environmental problems done in the WANA region, mean they will not have access to energy Mr. Sasakawa said, about the lack of access to quality for heating or cooling their homes, and education and healthcare, their children will not have access to safe the economic divide, and environmental degradation. drinking water In addressing these issues, it is important to keep in Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon mind that lack of access to education and Foundation and member of the WANA Forum healthcare means that children are not able International Senior Advisory Board, began to stay in school or get the treatment they by noting that, like any part of the world, need when they are ill. The economic divide the WANA region faces many challenges, means that fathers and mothers are not able ranging from education, health and the to provide for their families. Environmental economy to the environment and security. In problems mean they will not have access to today’s complex, interdependent world, most energy for heating or cooling their homes, of these challenges cannot be addressed and that their children will not have access effectively by one nation, institution or to safe drinking water. individual acting alone. They require a long- What makes the WANA Forum truly term, collective vision. unique is its focus on the human element. A framework for bringing different voices Mr. Sasakawa stressed that he has no doubt together is needed, but this framework that the Forum can make real contributions must also allow participants to transcend toward encouraging policymaking that will individual, local, and national interests, and put the future of the people in the region embrace a larger goal. It must allow those first. Pan-Asia and Europe Framework HRH Prince El Hassan explained how the current Pan-Asian network to Europe bypasses WANA and the Euro-Mediterranean network covers only part of WANA. The red and green lines represent the transportation linkages of ESCAP map. The blue highlights European Union member states while the green shows the Non-EU member states of Union for the Mediterranean. The yellow and green illustrates the missing link between Europe and Asia. 20 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 23. 3 Photo credit: Child Fund New Zealand transcending regional carrying caPacity I n his presentation, Ismail Serageldin, member of the WANA Forum International Senior Advisory Board and Director of the Library of Alexandria, gave an in depth comprehensive overview of carrying equity and inclusion, participation and empowerment. With regard to tackling climate change, he stressed the need to work simultaneously on mitigation and adaptation strategies to capacity. address the threat of climate change to He noted that historically, while Malthus economic stability, ecological sustainability, predicted that the population growth rate health and social cohesion. Humankind’s would exceed the growth of the food supply, failure to prevent excessive greenhouse gas Marquis de Condorcet saw the human mind emissions in the 20th century has resulted in as capable of removing all obstacles to today’s need to prepare for inevitable climate human progress, and that human ingenuity change. By extension, today’s ongoing failure would devise the means of feeding growing to cease excessive greenhouse gas emissions populations. Amartya Sen, however, realised will necessitate more extensive adaptation to that famines still occur even when food is even greater climate change in the future. plentiful. Development is much more about Developing adaptation strategies to freedom, justice and participation than about deal with impending climate change will physical resources. be vital, and Dr. Serageldin offered the Dr. Serageldin demonstrated to example of the Nile Delta as one of the most participants the “human face” of suffering heavily populated and intensely cultivated in the region with the aid of numerous areas on Earth. Despite covering only 2.5 slides – ranging from images of devastation per cent of Egypt’s total land area, the caused by war to the effects of water scarcity Nile Delta harbours over one-third of the and food insecurity. He proposed solutions national population and nearly half of all to ending this suffering, rooted in the crops. Standing less than two metres above interconnections of security, peace, justice, sea level, however, it is also extremely WANA Forum Report 2010 21
  • 24. or pass through plants and The wars of the 21st century will be thus are not captured as surface water. Of the 41,000 fought over water. People are out on the cubic kilometres that are knife’s edge of starvation and there is likely potentially available to people as surface water – to be a significant number of environmental lakes, rivers, melting glaciers refugees, particularly in the WANA region – some 20 per cent are in areas too remote for people. and in Sub-Sahara Africa. In many cases, That leaves about 33,000 rural women walk four hours a day in cubic kilometres, of which nearly three-quarters come search of water for their families in monsoons and floods. This is counted in the vulnerable to the effects of climate change. total amount of water available, but only a The population of the Arab world fraction of that is collected by dams and thus constitutes five per cent of the world’s useful. People can now sustainably access population, but its share of the world’s water 12,500 cubic kilometres. is only one per cent. This small fraction is The main issue in the future will be how threatened by population growth that is the to better manage the flow of freshwater. highest in the world, as well as pollution and Climate change is making rainfall more the failure of the region to establish proper erratic, bringing periods of drought water management. and flood. Meanwhile, poor farmers in Dr. Serageldin highlighted how food developing countries are the least capable eaten daily in the region consumes about of withstanding years of drought. People 2,700 litres a day, per person, which amounts are out on the knife’s edge of starvation and to almost a litre per calorie. He connected there is likely to be a significant number of water scarcity with food security: for many environmental refugees, particular in the people, access to water is as important as WANA region and in Sub-Sahara Africa. In access to oil in more advanced economies. many cases, rural women walk four hours a He predicted that the wars of the 21st day in search of water for their families. century will be fought over water. Coupled with this, the global population According to UNDP estimates, Arab is growing and incomes are rising, which countries will be home to some 385 million in turn leads to changing diets. Livestock is people in 2015. However, there have been becoming more important because animal few indications that Arab governments are proteins are increasingly a part of the global developing the means to better manage the diet, but growing livestock requires much region’s precious one per cent share of the more grain and hence much more water, world’s water resources. thus impacting water resources as the world Freshwater, however, makes up only 2.5 strives to provide the diets of 21st century per cent of the Earth’s total water available, populations. while 97.5 per cent is saltwater. Of that 2.5 To address these challenges, Dr. per cent, two-thirds are locked in the glaciers Serageldin stressed the need to rethink and ice caps which are currently melting current paradigms. When talking about into the ocean. Of the remaining two-thirds, a knowledge based society, knowledge another two-thirds are lost as they evaporate has to be understood as more than mere 22 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 25. information – information does not People have a strong sense of identity and necessarily lead to wisdom. The true wealth solidarity which is of considerable value. of nations relies on social cohesion and Tackling such problems requires human capital, not just macroeconomic dialogue, an open exchange of views and indicators. Japan and Korea, for example, strategies to manage social risks, such as are not endowed with natural resources, but employment and systematic marginalisation. their cohesion has succeeded in generating In his last years of exile, even Napoleon great wealth. Bonaparte came to the conclusion that in the Dr. Serageldin spoke of the difficulty long run, the sword is always beaten by the of confronting situations where there is mind. Social and human capital is the glue no right answer, and quoted Amartya Sen that holds societies together. who showed that the issue of justice is very much at the heart of development. The dilemma is summed up in a story told by Sen in which he suggests that we meet three children, and between them, they have but one flute. The flute can justifiably be given to the one with the greatest need, the one who produced it, or the one who can put it to best use. These three perceptions of the issue of fairness touch upon the principles of equity, utility, and entitlement, within certain capability domains. But whatever the case, whether or not a definitive answer can be found is less important than recognising that these problems need to be engaged with; they cannot be ignored. WANA Forum Report 2010 23
  • 26. 4 Photo credit: The Yemen Times regional tHemes and Priorities oF tHe wana Forum L akhdar Brahimi, Former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General and Foreign Minister of Algeria, opened the session by noting that the previous session had been very substantive and given vulnerabilities, and issues such as unemployment and poverty, food security and nutrition, as well as health and human security. This is because there is a prevalent misunderstanding regarding the nature of all participants plenty of food for thought. money and credit in the world. The prevalent Participants were challenged to wake up idea is that markets provide the funding not only to the serious problems faced by needed and that money or credit is subject the region, but also to the opportunities that to market forces of supply and demand like exist, as long as people in the region are a commodity. However, it is not the result determined to work together sooner rather of market exchange. In fact it is the very than later. He expressed his hope that the existence of credit prior to having money panelists in this second session would take that makes it possible to engage in market the morning’s discussions one step further by activity: credit creates economic activity. considering the regional priorities for WANA Ms. Pettifor explained how “fountain pen in their respective fields. money” – some US$160 billion of it – were created by the Federal Reserve to bail out the Ann Pettifor, Director of Advocacy American International Group (AIG). Money International and Fellow of the New in banks is not tangible or visible, it is not a Economics Foundation (NEF), opened her commodity like gold, tulips or oil, and there presentation by noting she will try to answer is no limit to the availability of bank money Ismail Serageldin’s earlier question as to due to the unlimited ability to create credit. where the region would get the money People already use less and less tangible from to address several of the challenges money, such as coins and notes, in their identified. She stressed that the region can daily transactions: only two per cent of total afford to tackle economic and environmental money used is cash. 24 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 27. It has been said that the purpose of is by effectively borrowing from the future. banks is to allow people to save money, WANA countries will require above- which others can then borrow, whereas in average level policy changes to bring their fact there has for a long time already been a ecological footprint to a sustainable level, negative correlation between net saving and whilst keeping in mind that in the long term, net borrowing. John Maynard Keynes once physical laws always prevail over political said, “We can afford what we can create.” goals. As an example, Professor Meadows In other words, economic activity generates cited the growing Carbon Dioxide emissions. saving; it is not constrained by savings. The basic formula for calculating the volume There is no constraint on finance; the only of those emissions in terms of natural capital constraint is potential economic activity. This is multiplying the number of people by is because inflation would result in the event their capital and by the energy required of more finance than potential economic per capital unit by the fraction of energy activity. Money is a social construct, invented used from fossil fuels. This basically shows to make transactions easier, and the money that as long as the size of a population system is created on a foundation of trust in and their ambition to a higher standard of the banking system. living continue, emissions will grow since improved efficiency and alternative fuels Dennis Meadows, President of the Laboratory alone will not be able to balance out those for Interactive learning and Professor increases. He argued that the time of greatest Emeritus for Policy Systems, University of stress for the world will be between the New Hampshire and co-author of The Limits years 2000 and 2030, and that the coming 15 to Growth, noted that, put simplistically, years will see more changes in all aspects of solving problems in the WANA region is human life than have been seen in the past dependent on the ability of governments in 100 years. In conclusion, Professor Meadows the region to meet people’s demands. He noted that actions are much more important argued that there are two solutions: either than words. people need to get more of what they want, or they need to want less. There is a need Zafar Adeel, Director of the United Nations to think about the relationship between University Institute for Water, Environment politics and physical reality: global society is and Health in Canada, made a case for using using energy and raw materials at above the water as a development lever to bring about sustainable levels, in particular in the WANA some of the changes called for by previous region. There is a need to make a transition speakers. The entire WANA region suffers back below the level of sustainability, from water scarcity. An examination of which in turn requires different goals, new water consumption in the region clearly technologies and revised ethics. The ecological footprint is a way to measure the impact of people WANA countries will require above- on the environment: in 1972, the average human footprint was average level policy changes to bring roughly 80 per cent of what can their ecological footprint to a sustainable be sustainably used, whereas today it is at about 140 per cent. level. In the long term, physical laws The only way in which it is always prevail over political goals possible to go above 100 per cent WANA Forum Report 2010 25
  • 28. in the broadest sense are in the People are over-exploiting the fields of maternal and childcare, capacity of their natural systems to school attendance and education, and poverty elimination. None of provide water. People are behaving the Millennium Development Goals like teenagers with credit cards, can be met without water. spending money they do not have and Habiba Al-Marashi, Chairperson of expecting someone to pay the bill the Emirates Environmental Group, presented the work of the Emirates shows that people are over-exploiting the Environmental Group, which is capacity of their natural systems to provide a civil society organisation, established in water. People are behaving like teenagers 1991, with the aim of raising environmental with credit cards, spending money they do awareness through education for sustainable not have and expecting someone to pay the development. She noted that education for bill. He also noted that climate change will sustainable development includes learning make the situation in the WANA region even about what is needed to maintain and worse. By the end of the 21st century, parts improve the quality of life for generations of WANA will be up to 40 per cent drier than to come, equipping stakeholders to live they are today, which will have a significant and act sustainably and understanding the impact on sustainability. Dr. Adeel argued environmental, social and economic issues that the main drivers in the region are: 1) involved. population growth – almost all countries in Education for sustainable development the region will experience significant growth has become a well known and widely in size of population (up to double or triple accepted concept, and is considered an current levels); 2) demographic problems important way to guarantee the wellbeing – a young population with some 50 per of humankind and nature alike. Although cent of the population under 20; and 3) the WANA region faces challenges, such as unemployment – persistent unemployment conflicts, scarce resources, infertile land, low levels of up to 25 per cent. The reason that water quality and supply, population growth, water is an important factor in addressing climate change and loss of biodiversity, these drivers is due to the interrelationship engaging the region’s youth, which constitute between water security, food security and a large percentage of the population, poses energy security: a large part of food consists an opportunity to address these challenges. of water, and water is also an important Education that nurtures a strong sense of source of energy. Biofuels are a particularly environmental awareness can facilitate the important concern, because of the way they transition to a low-carbon economy. impact food security and water security. Ms. Al-Marashi stressed that creating a Investment in better management of new green generation will not transpire water resources and the provision of safe overnight, but that sustained efforts are water and adequate sanitation is needed. required. The Emirates Environmental Group The economic development lever of water is taking several steps to promote education is threefold: 1) mobilising the economic for sustainable development, but involving empowerment of communities; 2) demand educational institutions and promoting the management; and 3) enabling policies. The environment as a fundamental subject in links of water security to human wellbeing both academic and extra-curricular activities 26 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 29. are a top priority. The Group runs numerous social networking sites in particular, leaving educational projects, such as workshops them vulnerable to extreme and negative for teachers, students, inter-school and elements. They are exposed to the struggles, inter-college public speaking competitions, abuse and injustices that exist around the and environmental drawing competitions. world. They also see their parents, and Future WANA needs not only the collective society at large, deal with injustices at home, synergy of smart and wise people, but also class divides, persecution, discrimination, people with a strong sense of social and corruption, hypocrisy, and most of all, non- environmental responsibility. action’ by leaders. This leaves many of them disillusioned, desperately looking for hope, Salma Abbasi, Chairperson and CEO of and searching for a shared identity and sense e Worldwide Group, emphasised the of belonging for a common cause. Through importance of engaging youth, the digital the Internet, they find role models, making community and innovative strategic friends with people in the digital world, partnerships with business communities which often leaves them vulnerable and while also creating integrated and susceptible to unknown risks. interlocked policies. Ms. Abbasi stressed the importance She suggested that one aim of the WANA of providing youth access to positive Forum is to benefit and address the issues, role models and leaders who are actively concerns and frustrations of youth in the engaged in turning around the injustices of region. Therefore, the youth need to be the world. She suggested that work needs engaged in designing solutions and building to be done to create a united borderless the roadmap for WANA as they are the global digital community that promotes drivers of change. understanding, ethics, respect, peace, Ms. Abbasi noted that youth are spending harmony and humanity across the WANA more and more time on the Internet and on region and beyond. WANA Forum Report 2010 27
  • 30. They see their parents deal with injustices at home, class divides, persecution, discrimination, corruption, hypocrisy and non-action by leaders. This leaves many of them disillusioned, desperately looking for hope and searching for a shared identity and sense of belonging for a common cause The digital community is a vehicle for to wait for new solutions to be developed. mobilising social cohesion. It gives access It would be important to start developing to the excluded and a voice to the voiceless policies now and make best use of existing and marginalised. It can also be used to technologies. mobilise the next generation in a positive Participants also noted that technology manner to give them hope, inspiration and alone would not be sufficient for addressing motivation that will help foster a global environmental degradation in the region, behavioural change. Thus, she emphasised and that the environment should be seen as the need to join forces across the globe on a cross-cutting theme that affects all areas of common issues and grievances by engaging development. women and youth as part of the solution, Social workers are responsible for since they are currently untapped. bringing about change in people’s behaviour, Technology today supports the and it was suggested that the WANA Forum knowledge economy and leverages best develop a strategy for empowering social practices to allow for the creation of a workers to teach new generations to behave fair and better society that can build the more responsibly. foundation for sustainable social cohesion. The potential of employing nuclear Ms. Abbasi concluded by emphasising technology for addressing energy and water the importance of strategic partnerships with problems in the WANA region was discussed. business communities for out-of-the-box It was noted that realising projects such as thinking for job creation and innovation. employing nuclear power to desalinate sea She also stressed the need for a holistic water at the coast and pumping it further framework of policy development to help inland would require the resolution of translate rhetoric into action. To do so, conflicts in the region. she said, policy development needs to be Pricing water was identified as a strategic, practical and inter-linked, inter- politically sensitive issue: it would be locked and interwoven with the economy, important to come to grips with the real cost environment and society and continuously of water but access to water for the poor measured and monitored. She also would need to be guaranteed. highlighted the need to create achievable Finally, the need for society to reclaim the targets that yield progress and provide a system for creating credit from the private sense of accomplishment. sector was acknowledged as a way to ensure it would be used to promote sustainable Comments and Recommendations development, such as developing decent It was noted that there are already many urban living environments instead of just technologies that could be employed to large urban construction projects. address carbon footprint; it is not necessary 28 WANA Forum Report 2010
  • 31. 5 Photo credit: Adam Pattıson launcH oF tHe arabic rePort oF tHe legal emPowerment oF tHe Poor: making tHe law work For everyone E l Hassan bin Talal, Chairman of the WANA Forum and Commissioner on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, chaired the launch of the Arabic Report of the Legal Empowerment of the Poor often the greatest victims of poverty. Surely, zakat, in its broader understanding could help, but solutions are needed that empower people to break the cycle of poverty and all forms of exclusion that come with it. (LEP): Making the Law Work for Everyone. Four billion inhabitants of today’s In his opening remarks, he confirmed world are statistically poor. They have that human capital is the most important been left out from any economic scheme pillar on which countries depend for their and development agenda, rendering them continuity and survival. If this human capital without any contribution to their societies. is grounded or depleted, it will be reflected The effect of such exclusion and its in the advancement of society or render any implications on the stability and security of development an illusion. societies is very clear. All of humanity stands His Royal Highness also stated that to lose if four billion human beings remain poverty does not only mean material outside any inclusive formula. No society can poverty. Everything that limits the power prosper, or even progress, if people are not of humanity – psychologically, physically effective stakeholders of their own futures. It and spiritually – is part of poverty. Any is the essence of citizenship. infringement on anyone’s rights by restraint, Only practical considerations will allow oppression and denial is poverty. It extends society to move from words to actions and beyond hunger, thirst, famine, epidemics, this is the core of the principle of Making desertification and so on. the Law Work for Everyone, and the concept The uprooted (refugees, displaced of the Legal Empowerment of the Poor. The persons, migrants and people uprooted report contains practical and implementable from their land due to climate change, wars, mechanisms, tables and strategies that could conflicts and different forms of tyranny) are lead to access to justice, property rights, WANA Forum Report 2010 29
  • 32. and policies governing the economic, social and political affairs in many countries prevent sufficient access to a large part of the community. The rules of the game themselves are not fair. This, of course, is not only morally unacceptable but also impedes economic development and can lead to instability and insecurity. The LEP report focuses on the process of changing the methodology through which the poor are labour and business rights. A bottom up excluded and marginalised so they may approach coupled with unconventional benefit from the rule of law and the legal innovative approaches is the solution to this system and services to protect their rights dilemma. Prince El Hassan concluded that and interests and increase economic activity our challenges are supranational and so in their capacity as citizens and actors in should the solutions be. their communities. Rights protected by law include the right to vote, the right to Medhat Hassenein, Professor of Finance freedom of expression and the right to and Banking at the American University of trial in accordance with due legal process. Cairo, stressed that in this day and age, The report found that when the poor are the available body of knowledge should protected and have access to opportunities be able to provide the opportunities of through the legal system, the practical economic growth for everyone. The fortunes benefits become a reality. When the informal generated globally over the past few years economy becomes legalised, the tax base are unprecedented. Yet, the overwhelming will expand and widen, and the state majority of the world’s population is still revenues for national development will result deprived, and lack of income is only one in further economic gains, which lead to the dimension of the problem. Poverty-stricken expansion of domestic markets and increase communities have been excluded outside the financial activity at all levels. scope of the rule of law. Whether they live Based on the four essential pillars of the below the poverty line or slightly above it, Legal Empowerment of the Poor (access to they are men, women and children who lack justice and the rule of law; property rights; access to any rights or protection under the labour rights and business rights), citizens law. Although they are considered citizens and grassroots organisations are able to of their countries, the modest resources create momentum for significant change, they have – at best – cannot be protected or through public awareness and mobilisation increased appropriately. to support the main themes in the process of The report places the greatest legal empowerment. responsibility of widespread poverty on The report identifies those who could society and proves that laws, institutions be in a position to assist governments, 30 WANA Forum Report 2010