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                STATEMENTS IN

Augusto Rocha
Outliers Professional Language School ®
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Este curso tem como finalidade, familiarizar os profissionais das áreas de contabilidade, auditoria,
planejamento financeiro / orçamentário e impostos com relatórios financeiros e contábeis em inglês,
proporcionando um conhecimento de extrema importância no contexto empresarial atual.

Durante seu curso será utilizada esta apostila. O curso tem duração de 3 horas.
O conteúdo em planilhas de Excel será distribuído por e-mail aos participantes do curso.

Tópicos Abordados
1.   Balanço Patrimonial / Balance Sheet
2.   Demonstração dos Resultados / Income Statement or Profit and Loss Account
3.   Plano de Contas Detalhado / Detailed Chart of Accounts
4.   Indicadores Financeiros / Financial Ratios
5.   Fluxo de Caixa / Cash Flow
6.   Orçamento Empresarial / Budget
7.   Outros Relatórios Financeiros (KPI’s) / Other Reports
8.   Vocabulário Adicional (departamentos, cargos) / Additional Vocabulary

Os relatórios mencionados são abordados na íntegra em inglês e trabalharemos além do
vocabulário, a pronúncia correta e precisa dos termos mencionados. Apresentaremos os balanços e
relatórios financeiros de empresas reais e praticaremos através de exercícios.

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 I.    Introdução / Introduction:
Antes de partirmos para a análise de um balanço patrimonial em inglês, alguns termos contábeis
devem ser esclarecidos:
Bookkepping: Antigamente o Contador era conhecido como Guarda-Livros, em português este
termos já caiu no esquecimento ha muito tempo. Em inglês, no entanto, o termo ainda pode ser
utlizado para se referir ao ato de realizar uma contabilização.
Example: I’m doing the bookkeeping now, I’m registering debit in Banks and credit on Sales

Accounting or Accountancy: Contabilidade.
Example: I work in the accounting department

Accountant: Contador. Algumas literaturas ainda utilizam o termo bookkepper, (o famoso guarda-
livros) mas é muito ultrapassado.
Algumas funções relacionadas:
Controlling Manager / Controller: algumas empresas européias e americanas chamam todos seus
analistas de controladoria de Financial Controllers, por isso recomendamos o uso do termo
Controlling Manager, para se referir ao Gerente de Controladoria / Controller.
Accontant / Accounting Manager: Contador / Gerente Contábil
Controlling Analyst / Accounting Analyst: Analista de Controladoria / Analista Contábil
Finance Manager: Gerente Financeiro
Finance Analyst: Analista Financeiro
Finance Director: Diretor Financeiro
CFO (Chief Financial Officer): na maioria das empresas é o próprio Diretor Financeiro

Assistant: Assistente
Coordinator: Coordenador
Supervisor: Supervisor
Deputy Manager: Gerente Adjunto
Head of Finance: este termo pode ser dado ao profissional de Finanças no mais alto grau

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Accounts Payables: Contas a Pagar
Accounts Receivables: Contas a Receber
Accounting: Contabilidade
Controlling: Controladoria
Financial Planning: Planejamento Financeiro
Treasury: Tesouraria
Internal / External Audit: Auditoria Interna / Externa
Tax: Impostos

Quebrando o gelo: faça uma introdução profissional em inglês, baseando-se na estrutura a
My name is Fausto Silva, I’m 34 years old. I’m Accounting Manager at Mappin Stores, being
responsible for the Accounting and Tax departments. I have been working for Mappin for 3 years.

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Primeiro vamos verificar um balanço patrimonial simplificado, reparem que diferente do nosso
Balanço em Português, um Balanço Patrimonial em inglês começa pelo Ativo Imobilizado.
Iniciando pelos ativo de menor liquidez. Isso acontece na maioria dos casos, mas vocês podem
verificar excessões.

BALANCE SHEET                                   BALANÇO PATRIMONIAL

ASSETS                                          ATIVOS
Non Current Assets                              Ativos Permanentes
Intangible Assets                               Ativos Intangíveis
Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE)               Ativo Imobilizado
Accumulated Depreciation                        Depreciação Acumulada

Current Assets                                  Ativo Circulante
Inventories                                     Estoques
Trade Receivables                               Contas a Receber
Cash and Cash Equivalents                       Caixa e Bancos

LIABILITIES                                     PASSIVO
Current Liabilities                             Passivo Circulante
Borrowings                                      Empréstimo de Curto Prazo
Provision for Liabilities and Charges           Provisão para Devedores Duvidosos
Trade and Other Payables                        Contas a Pagar
Tax liabilities                                 Impostos a Pagar

Long-Term Liabilities                           Passivo Exigível de Longo Prazo
Borrowings (long-term debt)                     Empréstimo de Longo Prazo

EQUITY                                          PATRIMÔNIO LÍQUIDO
Share Capital                                   Capital
Retained Earnings                               Lucros Acumulados

*American English: Estoque = Inventory
British English: Estoque = Stocks

*American English: Ações = Shares
British English: Ações = Shares

Vamos verificar o Balanço Patrimonial de uma empresa real, no caso a Unilever e as peculiaridades
que podem aparecer.

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Company accounts

Consolidated balance sheet - Unilever - Annual Report 2009

                         Financial statements Unilever Group
                         Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December
          Consolidated balance sheet
                  Add to / View print basket
          as at Email page
                31 December
              3 of 6                                                                                        € million            € million   18/01/11 19:05

            Search                                                                                             2009                 2008
          Goodwill 9                                                                                           12.464              11.665
          Intangible assets 9                                                                                   4.583               4.426
          Property, plant and equipment, net 10                                                                6.644               5.957
          Land 19                                                                                                759                 425
          Deferred tax assets 17                                                                                 738               1.068
          Other non-current assets 11                                                                          1.017               1.426
          Total non-current assets                                                                             26.205              24.967

          Inventories                                                                                           3.578               3.889
          Trade and other current receivables 13                                                                3.429               3.823
          Current tax assets                                                                                      173                 234
               Our strategy
          CashPerformanceequivalents 14
                and cash 2009                                                                                   2.642               2.561
          OtherOur company
                financial assets 14                                                                               972                 632
               Financial statements for sale 27
          Non-current assets held                                                                                  17                  36
                  Shareholder information
          Total current assets                                                                                 10.811              11.175

          Financial liabilities 14                                                                      (2.279)
          Find out about our vision, brands, operational highlights and strategy, and read the Chairman's statement              (4.842)
          and CEO review and other current liabilities 16
          Trade payables                                                                                (8.413)                  (7.824)
          Current tax liabilities                                                                                (487)             (377)
          Provisions 18                                                                                          (420)             (757)
               Our vision
          Total current liabilities                                                                          (11.599)           (13.800)
               Our brands
               Operational highlights
          Net current assets/(liabilities)                                                                       (788)            (2.625)
          TotalChairman's statement
                assets less current liabilities                                                                25.417              22.342
                  Chief Executive Officer's review
          Financial liabilities due after one year 14                                                            7.692               6.363
          Close                                                                                                    107                 189
          Non-current tax liabilities
          Pensions and post-retirement healthcare liabilities:
          Find out about our strategy
            Funded schemes in deficit 19                                                                         1.519           1.820
            Unfunded schemes 19                                                                                  1.822           1.987
1 of 6
          Provisions 18                                                                                            72918/01/11 19:05646
          Deferred tax liabilities 17                                                                              764              790
          Other non-current liabilities 16                                                                         248              175
          Total non-current liabilities                                                                        12.881              11.970

          Share capital 21                                                                                         484                484
          Share premium 21                                                                                         131                121
          Other reserves 21                                                                                    (5.900)            (6.469)
          Retained profit 21                                                                                   17.350             15.812
          Shareholders’ equity                                                                                 12.065                9.948
          Minority interests 21                                                                                     471                424
          Total equity                                                                                         12.536              10.372
          Total capital employed                                                                               25.417              22.342

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Outras contas no Ativo Fixo / Other Fixed Asset Accounts:
Fixed Asset                        Ativo Fixo
Hardware /Software                 Hardware/Software
(-) Software Amortization          (-) Amortização de Software
PPE                                * Ativo Imobilizado
(-) Accumulated Depreciation       (-) Accumulated Depreciation
(-) Impairment                     (-) Impairment
EXERCÍCIO: Sem consultar as páginas anteriores, complete o Balanço Patrimonial abaixo,
colocando o nome das contas não preenchidas, marcadas em amarelo:
VERSION                                       ENGLISH VERSION



Software                                      Software
(-) Amortização de Sofware

Ativo Imobilizado                             PPE
Terrenos                                      Land
(-) Depreciação Acumulada

                                              NON CURRENT ASSETS
Recebíveis de longo prazo

Caixa Pequeno
                                              Trade Receivables
                                              Prepaid Expenses


                                              CURRENT LIABILITIES
Fornecedores (Contas a Pagar)
Salários a Pagar
Impostos sobre Vendas
Empréstimos de Curto Prazo

                                              NON CURRENT LIABILITIES
                                              Bank Loans Payables

                                              Retained Earnings
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Primeiramente vamos analisar uma demonstração de resultados simplificada:
Expenses – Despesas
Income - Receitas

 INCOME STATEMENT                                     DEMONSTRAÇÃO DE RESULTADOS

 Net Sales (Net Revenue)                              Faturamento / Vendas
 (-)Cost of Sales                                     (-) Custo da Mercadoria Vendida (CMV)
 (=) Gross Profit                                     (=) Lucro Bruto

 (-) Selling Expenses                                 (-) Despesas de Venda
 (-) Marketing Expenses                               (-) Despesas de Marketing
 (-) Administrative Expenses                          (-) Despesas Administrativa
 (-) Despesa de Depreciação                           (-) Despesas de Depraciação
 (=) Operating Profit                                 (=) Lucro Operacional

 (-) Financial Expenses                               (-) Despesas FInanceiras
 (+) Financial Income                                 (+) Receitas Financeiras
 (-) Royalty                                          (-) Royalty
 (=) Income Before Taxes                              (=) Lucro Antes dos Impostos

 (-) Income Taxes                                     (-) Imposto de Renda / Contribuição Social (IRPJ/CS)
 (=) Net Income / Net Profit                          (=) Lucro Líquido

O termo “net” sempre significa “líquido” e “gross” significa bruto.

Gross Revenues (-) Taxes = Net revenue
Net Revenue (-) Cost of Sales = Gross Profit
Gross Profit (-) Operational Expenses = Operating Profit
Operating Profit (-) Financial Expenses = Income Before Taxes
Income (-) Corporate Tax = Net Income or Net Profit

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Vamos analisar outro caso real: DRE da Reckitt Benckiser para 2009:
Let’s analyze another real case: Reckitt Benckiser 2009’s Income Statement


                                                                                      2009         2008
   For the year ended 31 December                                         Notes        £m            £m
   Net revenues                                                              2       7,753        6,563
   Cost of sales                                                             3      (3,089)      (2,673)
   Gross profit                                                                       4,664        3,890
   Net operating expenses                                                    3      (2,773)      (2,385)
   Operating profit                                                           2      1,891        1,505
   Operating profit before exceptional items                                         1,891        1,535
   Exceptional items                                                         3          -          (30)
   Operating profit                                                                  1,891        1,505
   Finance income                                                                       17           31
   Finance expense                                                                     (16)         (62)
   Net finance income / (expense)                                             6           1          (31)
   Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                     1,892        1,474
   Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                       7       (474)        (354)
   Net income                                                                       1,418        1,120

   Attributable to equity minority interests                                            –            –
   Attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent                            1,418        1,120
   Net income                                                                       1,418        1,120

   Earnings per ordinary share
   On net income, basic                                                      8      198.9p       157.6p
   On net income, diluted                                                    8      194.7p       154.7p

Agora vamos analisar a DRE de uma empresa de serviços.. Reparem que os relatórios apresentados
   resumidos, para não abrir muitas informações a competidores, por exemplo.

                                                                                      2009         2008
Now let’syear endeda service company (AP Moller Maersk Group) Income Statement. The reports
    For the analyze 31 December                                              Notes     £m            £m
    Net income                                                                      1,418        1,120
are Other comprehensive income avoid giving valuable information to competitors.
    summarized in order to
   Net exchange adjustments on foreign currency translation, net of tax      7       (191)         479
   Actuarial gains and losses, net of tax                                    7        (68)         (74)
   Available for sale reserve, net of tax                                    7          8            (8)
   (Losses) / gains on cash flow hedges, net of tax                           7        (15)          19
   Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax                               (266)         416
   Total comprehensive income for the year                                          1,152        1,536
   Attributable to equity minority interests                                            –            –
   Attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of the parent                       1,152        1,536
                                                                                    1,152        1,536

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  A.P. Møller - STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH                                          Annual report 2009      118

  Income statement
  Amounts in DKK million

  Note                                                                                2009           2008

         Revenue                                                                   108,228      145,591
  3      Operational costs                                                         107,067      122,936
         Other income                                                                  983          696
         Other costs                                                                   175          100
         Profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses, etc.         1,969          23,251
  7,8    Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses                            6,783           4,793
  4      Gain/loss on sale of companies, ships, rigs, etc.                          -1,346           2,573
         Profit/loss before financial items                                           -6,160          21,031
  5      Dividends                                                                   9,531           8,155
  5      Financial income                                                            1,611           3,544
  5      Financial expenses                                                          6,640           8,804
         Profit/loss before tax                                                      -1,658          23,926
  6      Tax                                                                         7,919          14,234
         Profit/loss for the year                                                    -9,577           9,692

         Dividend                                                                    1,429           2,857
         Retained earnings                                                         -11,006           6,835
                                                                                    -9,577           9,692
         Dividend per share, DKK                                                       325             650

Revenue has decreased a lot.
The company had a huge loss.
Even with loss, the company paid dividend.

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Agora complere a DRE abaixo, sem consultar os quadros anteriores

 PORTUGUESE VERSION                                  ENGLISH VERSION

                                                     (-) Sales Discounts
                                                     (-) Sales' Taxes
 (=) Receita Bruta

 (-) Custo da Mercadoria Vendida
 Mão-de-Obra Direta
                                                     Raw Material Cost
                                                     Indirect Labor Cost
 (=) Receita Líquida

 (-) Despesas Operacionais
 Despesas de Marketing
 Despesas Administrativas
 Despesas de Aluguel
 Despesas de Papelaria
 Despesas de Salários
 Despesas de Viagens
 Despesas de Depreciação
 Despesas de Distribuição

 (=) Lucro Operacional
 (-) Despesas Financeiras
 (+) Receitas Financeiras

 (=) Lucro Antes do IR/CSLL
                                                     (-) Corporate Tax
 (=) Lucro Líquido

The chart of accounts is a listing of all the accounts in the general ledger, each account accompanied
by a reference number. To set up a chart of accounts, one first needs to define the various accounts
to be used by the business. Each account should have a number to identify it. With more digits, new
accounts can be added while maintaining the logical order.

O plano de contas é uma listagem de todas as contas do razão, cada conta, acompanhada por um
número de referência. Para definir um plano de contas, é preciso definir as várias contas utilizadas
pelo negócio. Cada conta deve ter um número para identíficá-la. Com mais número, novas contas
podem ser adicionadas, mantendo uma ordem lógica. Veja o exemplo abaixo:

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1000 - 1999: asset accounts / Contas de Ativo
2000 - 2999: liability accounts / Contas de Passivo
3000 - 3999: equity accounts / Contas de PL
4000 - 4999: revenue accounts / Contas de Receitas
5000 - 5999: cost of goods sold / Contas de Custos
6000 - 6999: expense accounts / Contas de Despesas
7000 - 7999: other revenue (for example, interest income) / outras receitas
8000 - 8999: other expense (for example, income taxes) / outras despesas
Veja exemplos de contas:
 Asset Accounts

 Current Assets

                1000   Petty Cash
                1010   Cash / Banks
                1040   Savings Account
                1060   Investments - Money Market
                1070   Investments - Certificates of Deposit
                1100   Accounts Receivable
                1140   Other Receivables
                1150   Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
                1200   Raw Materials Inventory
                1205   Supplies Inventory
                1210   Work in Progress Inventory
                1215   Finished Goods Inventory - Product #1
                1220   Finished Goods Inventory - Product #2
                1230   Finished Goods Inventory - Product #3
                1400   Prepaid Expenses
                1410   Employee Advances
                1420   Notes Receivable - Current
                1430   Prepaid Interest
                1470   Other Current Assets

 Fixed Assets

          1500     Furniture and Fixtures
          1510     Equipment
          1520     Vehicles
          1530     Other Depreciable Property
          1540     Leasehold Improvements
          1550     Buildings
          1560     Building Improvements
          1690     Land
          1700     Accumulated Depreciation, Furniture and Fixtures
          1710     Accumulated Depreciation, Equipment
          1720     Accumulated Depreciation, Vehicles
          1730     Accumulated Depreciation, Other
          1740     Accumulated Depreciation, Leasehold
          1750     Accumulated Depreciation, Buildings
          1760     Accumulated Depreciation, Building Improvements

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Liability Accounts

Current Liabilities

               2000     Accounts Payable
               2300     Accrued Expenses
               2310     Sales Tax Payable
               2320     Wages Payable
               2330     401-K Deductions Payable
               2335     Health Insurance Payable
               2340     Federal Payroll Taxes Payable
               2350     FUTA Tax Payable
               2360     State Payroll Taxes Payable
               2370     SUTA Payable
               2380     Local Payroll Taxes Payable
               2390     Income Taxes Payable
               2400     Other Taxes Payable
               2410     Employee Benefits Payable
               2420     Current Portion of Long-term Debt
               2440     Deposits from Customers
               2480     Other Current Liabilities

Long-term Liabilities

                2700    Notes Payable
                2702    Land Payable
                2704    Equipment Payable
                2706    Vehicles Payable
                2708    Bank Loans Payable
                2710    Deferred Revenue
                2740    Other Long-term Liabilities

Equity Accounts

                3010    Stated Capital
                3030    Retained Earnings

Revenue Accounts

              4000      Product #1 Sales
              4020      Product #2 Sales
              4040      Product #3 Sales
              4060      Interest Income
              4080      Other Income
              4540      Finance Charge Income
              4550      Shipping Charges Reimbursed
              4800      Sales Returns and Allowances
              4900      Sales Discounts
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Cost of Goods Sold

            5000   Product #1 Cost
            5010   Product #2 Cost
            5020   Product #3 Cost
            5050   Raw Material Purchases
            5100   Direct Labor Costs
            5150   Indirect Labor Costs
            5200   Heat and Power
            5250   Commissions
            5300   Miscellaneous Factory Costs
            5700   Cost of Goods Sold, Salaries and Wages
            5730   Cost of Goods Sold, Contract Labor
            5750   Cost of Goods Sold, Freight
            5800   Cost of Goods Sold, Other
            5850   Inventory Adjustments
            5900   Purchase Returns and Allowances
            5950   Purchase Discounts


        6010    Advertising Expense
        6050    Amortization Expense
        6150    Bad Debt Expense
        6200    Bank Fees
        6300    Charitable Contributions Expense
        6350    Commissions and Fees Expense
        6400    Depreciation Expense
        6450    Subscriptions Expense
        6500    Employee Benefit Expense, Health Insurance
        6510    Employee Benefit Expense, Pension Plans
        6520    Employee Benefit Expense, Profit Sharing Plan
        6530    Employee Benefit Expense, Other
        6550    Freight Expense
        6600    Gifts Expense
        6650    Income Tax Expense, Federal
        6660    Income Tax Expense, State
        6670    Income Tax Expense, Local
        6700    Insurance Expense, Product Liability
        6710    Insurance Expense, Vehicle
        6750    Interest Expense
        6800    Laundry and Dry Cleaning Expense
        6850    Legal and Professional Expense
        6900    Licenses Expense
        7000    Maintenance Expense
        7050    Meals and Entertainment Expense
        7100    Office Expense
        7200    Payroll Tax Expense
        7250    Penalties and Fines Expense
        7300    Other Taxes
        7350    Postage Expense
        7400    Rent or Lease Expense
        7450    Repair and Maintenance Expense, Office
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          7460   Repair and Maintenance Expense, Vehicle
          7550   Supplies Expense, Office
          7600   Telephone Expense
          7620   Training Expense
          7650   Travel Expense
          7700   Salaries Expense, Officers
          7750   Wages Expense
          7800   Utilities Expense
          8900   Other Expense
          9000   Gain/Loss on Sale of Assets

Vamos verificar a tradução de alguns indicadores financeiros.
Let’s check some financial rations translations:

Working Capital - Capital de Giro
Giro de Estoque – Inventory Turnover
Idade do Estoque – Days of Inventory Outstanding (DIO)
Prazo Médio de Recebimento – Days of Sales Outstanding (DSO)
Prazo Médio de Pagamento – Days of Payables Outstanding (DPO)
Retorno sobre Investimento – Return on Investment (ROI)
Lucro por Ações – Earnings per Share (EPS)
Retorno sobre o total do Ativo – Return on Total Assets (ROTA)

Outras Nomenclaturas:
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) – Lucro Antes dos
Juros, Impostos, Depreciação e Amortização
EBIT (Earning Before Interst and Taxes) – Lucro Antes dos Juros e Impostos
PBT (Profit Before Taxes) – Lucro Antes do IR
Leverage – Alavancagem
Liquidity – Liquidez
EVA (Economic Value Added) – Valor Econômico Agregado
Financial Analysis – Análise Financeira

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 (a) Indirect Method                                   (a) Método Indireto
 CASH FLOW                                             FLUXO DE CAIXA

 Operating Profit (EBIT)                               Lucro Operacional
 Adjustments to reconcile with cash                    Ajustes para Reconciliar com o Caixa
 Depreciation                                          Depreciação
 Decrease in trade receivables                         Redução no contas a receber
 Decrease in Inventory                                 Redução em Estoques
 Increase in prepaid expenses                          Redução em Despesas Antecipadas
 Decrease in trade payables                            Redução no contas a pagar
 Decrease in accrued expenses                          Redução nas provisões de despesas

 Net cash provided by operating activities             Caixa gerado pelas operações

                 (b) Direct Method                                   (b) Método direto
                 CASH FLOW                                           FLUXO DE CAIXA

 note1           Cash Receipt from Customers                         Caixa Recebido de Clientes
                 Cash Payments:                                      Pagamentos (caixa)
 note 2          To trade suppliers                                  A fornecedores
 note3           For operating expenses                              Para despesas operacionais

                 Net cash provided by operating activities           Caixa gerado pelas operações

 Note 1          Cash receipt from customers:
                 Add: Decresase in trade receivables

 Note 2          Cash Payments to Trade Suppliers:
                 Deduct: decrease in invetories
                 Cost of Purchases
                 Add: Decrease in Trade payables

 Note 3          Cash Payments to Operating expenses
                 Operating expenses (excl. Depreciation)
                 Add: increase in prepaid expenses
                 Add: decrease in accrued expenses

Agora, vamos verificar um exemplo real:

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                                                                                                      2009                  2008
  For the year ended 31 December                                                                       £m                     £m
  Cash generated from operations
  Operating profit                                                                                   1,891                  1,505
  Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, amortisation and impairment of intangible assets     139                    107
  Fair value gains                                                                                    (15)                      –
  Gains on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets                                  –                       5
  Other non-cash movements                                                                              2                       –
  Decrease / (increase) in inventories                                                                 39                     (65)
  (Increase) in trade and other receivables                                                           (12)                   (32)
  Increase in payables and provisions                                                                 220                      61
  Share award expense                                                                                  59                      59
  Cash generated from operations                                                                    2,323                  1,640
  Interest paid                                                                                       (23)                   (58)
  Interest received                                                                                    19                     31
  Tax paid                                                                                           (371)                  (280)
  Net cash generated from operating activities                                                      1,948                  1,333

  Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets                                    (158)                  (216)
  Disposal of property, plant and equipment                                                            11                      9
  Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired                                                       –                 (1,081)
  Maturity of short-term investments                                                                    1                     34
  Maturity of long-term investments                                                                    18                      -
  Net cash used in investing activities                                                              (128)                (1,254)

  Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares                                                               131                    63
  Share purchases                                                                                        –                  (300)
  Proceeds from borrowings                                                                               –                 1,146
  Repayments of borrowings                                                                          (1,359)                 (506)
  Dividends paid to the Company’s shareholders                                                        (648)                 (441)
  Net cash used in financing activities                                                              (1,876)                  (38)

  Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents                                              (56)                    41
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                    398                    311
  Exchange (losses) / gains                                                                            (8)                    46
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                                            334                    398
  Cash and cash equivalents comprise
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                                           351                    417
  Overdrafts                                                                                          (17)                   (19)
                                                                                                      334                    398

  Net cash generated from operating activities                                                      1,948                  1,333
  Net purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                     (145)                  (156)
  Net cash flow from operations                                                                      1,803                  1,177

  Management uses net cash flow from operations as a performance measure.

O vocabulário para o Orçamento é bem parecido com o da DRE, no entanto o nível de detalhe
pode ser maior, demonstraremos um esquema de vendas regionais e gastos por centros de custos

The budget vocabulary is similar to the income statement, but the level of details can be higher, we’ll
show a spreadsheet considering regional sales and expenses by cost centers.

                                                                                                        Reckitt Benckiser 2009 29

 PAGE 17 OF 24

 Sales Per Region - Volume

 Product               South         East          North        West
 Sandals                    100             200         300         400
 Shoes                       20              40          60          80
 Tennis Shoes              1000             500         750         900
 Total                     1120             740       1110        1380

 Sales Per Region - Price

 Product               South         East          North        West
 Sandals                  20,00        18,00          16,00       15,00
 Shoes                    40,00        36,00          32,00       30,00
 Tennis Shoes             60,00        50,00          55,00       58,00

 Sales Per Region - Revenue

 Product               South         East          North        West
 Sandals                2.000,00     3.600,00      4.800,00     6.000,00
 Shoes                    800,00     1.440,00      1.920,00     2.400,00
 Tennis Shoes          60.000,00    25.000,00     41.250,00    52.200,00
 Total                 62.800,00    30.040,00     47.970,00    60.600,00


 Expense             Marketing       HR           Finance       Legal        Sales         Total
 Salaries               300,00        100,00         200,00        50,00       400,00      1.050,00
 Telephone               30,00         20,00           5,00        10,00        50,00        115,00
 Travel                  40,00         15,00          10,00         5,00       150,00        220,00
 Representation            0,00         0,00           0,00         0,00        80,00         80,00
 Consultants             60,00         40,00          40,00        20,00         0,00        160,00
 Auditors                  0,00         0,00          60,00         0,00         0,00         60,00
 Rent                    55,00         55,00          55,00        55,00        55,00        275,00
 Total                  485,00        230,00         370,00       140,00       735,00      1.960,00

KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) são os indicadores de performance, definidos pela organização,
os quais ela irá acompanhar para avaliar o desempenho da empresa.
Vamos fazer esta atividade em forma de exercício, quais seriam os principais indicadores para sua
empresa, como eles ficariam em inglês? Algumas sugestões:

Key Performance Indicatores, KPI’s are defined by the organization, and it will track them, in order
to evaluate the company’s performance.
Let’s do this activity as an exercise, what would by important KPI’s for your company. How would
you call them in English. Some suggestions:

 PAGE 18 OF 24

  -   Customer Satisfaction
  -   Punctuality on Deliveries
  -   ROI
  -   Gross Margin %
  -   Number of Lauches per Month
  -   Client Retaintion
  -   Employees Turnover
  -   Number of Books Sold

PAGE 19 OF 24

1. Lista de profissões: Inglês - Português
Inglês                               Português
Accountant                           Contador
Architect                            Arquiteto
Biologist                            Biólogo
Business Administrator               Administrador
Chemist                              Químico
Consultant                           Consultor
Doctor                               Médico
Economist                            Economista
Engineer                             Engenheiro
Entrepreneur                         Empreendedor
Insurance Broker                     Corretor de Seguros
Journalist                           Jornalista
Lawyer                               Advogado
Marketer                             Publicitário
Nurse                                Enfermeira
Pharmacist                           Farmacêutico
Physician                            Físico
Procurement Buyer                    Comprar
Professor                            Professor Universitário
Psychologist                         Psicólogo
Public Relations                     Relações Públicas ou Assessor de Imprensa
Real Estate Broker                   Corretor de Imóveis
Researcher                           Pesquisador
Salesperson                          Vendedor
Teacher                              Professor
Treasurer                            Tesoureiro

III. 2. Portugês – Inglês
Português                          Inglês
Administrador                      Business Administrator
Advogado                           Lawyer
Arquiteto                          Architect
Biólogo                            Biologist
Comprar                            Procurement Buyer
Consultor                          Consultant
Contador                           Accountant
Corretor de Imóveis                Real Estate Broker
Corretor de Seguros                Insurance Broker
Economista                         Economist
Empreendedor                       Entrepreneur
Enfermeira                         Nurse
Engenheiro                         Engineer
Farmacêutico                       Pharmacist
Físico                             Physician
Jornalista                         Journalist
 PAGE 20 OF 24

Médico                             Doctor
Pesquisador                        Researcher
Professor                          Teacher
Professor Universitário            Professor
Psicólogo                          Psychologist
Publicitário                       Marketer
Químico                            Chemist
Relações Públicas ou Assessor      Public Relations
de Imprensa
Tesoureiro                         Treasurer
Vendedor                           Salesperson

IV. 1. Lista de cargos: Inglês – Português
Inglês                     Português
Analyst                    Analista
Apprentice                 Aprendiz
Assistant                  Assistente
Assistant Manager          Gerente Adjunto
CEO / President            Presidente
CFO / Finance Director     Diretor Financeiro
Chief                      Chefe
Coordinator                Coordenador
Director                   Diretor
Intern                     Estagiário
Manager                    Gerente
Supervisor                 Supervisor
Trainee                    Trainee
General Manager            Gerente Geral
Relationship Manager       Gerente de Relacionamento
Vice President (VP)        Vice presidente
Partner                    Sócio

IV.2. Português – Inglês
Português                          Inglês
Analista                           Analyst
Aprendiz                           Apprentice
Assistente                         Assistant
Chefe                              Chief
Coordenador                        Coordinator
Diretor                            Director
Diretor Financeiro                 CFO / Finance Director
Estagiário                         Intern
Gerente                            Manager
Gerente Adjunto                    Assistant Manager
Gerente de Relacionamento          Relationship Manager

 PAGE 21 OF 24

Gerente Geral                      General Manager
Presidente                         CEO / President
Sócio                              Partner
Supervisor                         Supervisor
Trainee                            Trainee
Vice presidente                    Vice President (VP)

1. Lista de Departamentos: Inglês – Português
Inglês                                 Português
Accounting                             Contabilidade
Accounts Payable                       Contas a Pagar
Accounts Receivable                    Contas a Receber
Administration                         Administrativo
Audit                                  Auditoria
Business Development                   Desenvolvimento de negócios
Commercial                             Comercial
Communication                          Comunicação
Controlling                            Controladoria
Crédito                                Credit
Customer Service                       Atendimento ao cliente
Exportação                             Exports
Finance                                Financeiro
Financial Planning                     Planejamento Financeiro
Human Resources                        Recursos Humanos
Importação                             Imports
Insurance                              Seguros
IT - Information Technology            TI - Tecnologia da Informação
Legal                                  Legal
Logistics                              Logística
Maintenance                            Manutenção
Market Inteligence                     Inteligência de Mercado
Marketing                              Marketing
Merger & Acquisition (M&A)             Fusão e Aquisição
Oil & Gas                              Petróleo e Gás
Operations                             Operações
Planning                               Planejamento
Process                                Processos
Procurement                            Compras
Production                             Produção
Projects                               Projetos
Quality Assurance                      Garantia de Qualidade
Research & Development (R&D)           Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
Retail                                 Varejo
Risk Management                        Gerenciamento de Risco
Sales                                  Vendas

Strategy                               Estratégia
Supply Chain                           Suprimentos
Tax                                    Tributário, Fiscal

 PAGE 22 OF 24

Training and Development             Treinamento e Desenvolvimento
Treasury                             Tesouraria
Wholesale                            Atacado

2. Português – Inglês
Português                          Inglês
Administrativo                     Administration
Atacado                            Wholesale
Atendimento ao cliente             Customer Service
Auditoria                          Audit
Comercial                          Commercial
Compras                            Procurement
Comunicação                        Communication
Contabilidade                      Accounting
Contas a Pagar                     Accounts Payable
Contas a Receber                   Accounts Receivable
Controladoria                      Controlling
Credit                             Crédito
Desenvolvimento de negócios        Business Development
Estratégia                         Strategy
Exports                            Exportação
Financeiro                         Finance
Fusão e Aquisição                  Merger & Acquisition (M&A)
Garantia de Qualidade              Quality Assurance
Gerenciamento de Risco             Risk Management
Imports                            Importação
Inteligência de Mercado            Market Inteligence
Legal                              Legal
Logística                          Logistics
Manutenção                         Maintenance
Marketing                          Marketing
Operações                          Operations
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento         Research & Development (R&D)
Petróleo e Gás                     Oil & Gas
Planejamento                       Planning
Planejamento Financeiro            Financial Planning
Processos                          Process
Produção                           Production
Projetos                           Projects
Recursos Humanos                   Human Resources
Seguros                            Insurance
Suprimentos                        Supply Chain
Tesouraria                         Treasury
TI - Tecnologia da Informação      IT - Information Technology
Treinamento e Desenvolvimento      Training and Development
Tributário, Fiscal                 Tax
Varejo                             Retail
Vendas                             Sales

 PAGE 23 OF 24

PAGE 24 OF 24

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Relatórios Contábeis em Inglês

  • 1. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Augusto Rocha Outliers Professional Language School ® PAGE 1 OF 24
  • 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Objetivo Este curso tem como finalidade, familiarizar os profissionais das áreas de contabilidade, auditoria, planejamento financeiro / orçamentário e impostos com relatórios financeiros e contábeis em inglês, proporcionando um conhecimento de extrema importância no contexto empresarial atual. Material Durante seu curso será utilizada esta apostila. O curso tem duração de 3 horas. O conteúdo em planilhas de Excel será distribuído por e-mail aos participantes do curso. Tópicos Abordados 1. Balanço Patrimonial / Balance Sheet 2. Demonstração dos Resultados / Income Statement or Profit and Loss Account 3. Plano de Contas Detalhado / Detailed Chart of Accounts 4. Indicadores Financeiros / Financial Ratios 5. Fluxo de Caixa / Cash Flow 6. Orçamento Empresarial / Budget 7. Outros Relatórios Financeiros (KPI’s) / Other Reports 8. Vocabulário Adicional (departamentos, cargos) / Additional Vocabulary Metodologia Os relatórios mencionados são abordados na íntegra em inglês e trabalharemos além do vocabulário, a pronúncia correta e precisa dos termos mencionados. Apresentaremos os balanços e relatórios financeiros de empresas reais e praticaremos através de exercícios. PAGE 2 OF 24
  • 3. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH I. Introdução / Introduction: Antes de partirmos para a análise de um balanço patrimonial em inglês, alguns termos contábeis devem ser esclarecidos: Bookkepping: Antigamente o Contador era conhecido como Guarda-Livros, em português este termos já caiu no esquecimento ha muito tempo. Em inglês, no entanto, o termo ainda pode ser utlizado para se referir ao ato de realizar uma contabilização. Example: I’m doing the bookkeeping now, I’m registering debit in Banks and credit on Sales account. Accounting or Accountancy: Contabilidade. Example: I work in the accounting department Accountant: Contador. Algumas literaturas ainda utilizam o termo bookkepper, (o famoso guarda- livros) mas é muito ultrapassado. Algumas funções relacionadas: Controlling Manager / Controller: algumas empresas européias e americanas chamam todos seus analistas de controladoria de Financial Controllers, por isso recomendamos o uso do termo Controlling Manager, para se referir ao Gerente de Controladoria / Controller. Accontant / Accounting Manager: Contador / Gerente Contábil Controlling Analyst / Accounting Analyst: Analista de Controladoria / Analista Contábil Finance Manager: Gerente Financeiro Finance Analyst: Analista Financeiro Finance Director: Diretor Financeiro CFO (Chief Financial Officer): na maioria das empresas é o próprio Diretor Financeiro OUTRAS FUNÇÕES / OTHER POSITIONS: Assistant: Assistente Coordinator: Coordenador Supervisor: Supervisor Deputy Manager: Gerente Adjunto Head of Finance: este termo pode ser dado ao profissional de Finanças no mais alto grau hierárquico. PAGE 3 OF 24
  • 4. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH PRINCIPAIS DEPARTAMENTOS / MAIN DEPARTMENTS: Accounts Payables: Contas a Pagar Accounts Receivables: Contas a Receber Accounting: Contabilidade Controlling: Controladoria Financial Planning: Planejamento Financeiro Treasury: Tesouraria Internal / External Audit: Auditoria Interna / Externa Tax: Impostos Quebrando o gelo: faça uma introdução profissional em inglês, baseando-se na estrutura a seguir: My name is Fausto Silva, I’m 34 years old. I’m Accounting Manager at Mappin Stores, being responsible for the Accounting and Tax departments. I have been working for Mappin for 3 years. PAGE 4 OF 24
  • 5. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH II. BALANÇO PATRIMONIAL / BALANCE SHEET Primeiro vamos verificar um balanço patrimonial simplificado, reparem que diferente do nosso Balanço em Português, um Balanço Patrimonial em inglês começa pelo Ativo Imobilizado. Iniciando pelos ativo de menor liquidez. Isso acontece na maioria dos casos, mas vocês podem verificar excessões. BALANCE SHEET BALANÇO PATRIMONIAL ASSETS ATIVOS Non Current Assets Ativos Permanentes Intangible Assets Ativos Intangíveis Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) Ativo Imobilizado Accumulated Depreciation Depreciação Acumulada Current Assets Ativo Circulante Inventories Estoques Trade Receivables Contas a Receber Cash and Cash Equivalents Caixa e Bancos LIABILITIES PASSIVO Current Liabilities Passivo Circulante Borrowings Empréstimo de Curto Prazo Provision for Liabilities and Charges Provisão para Devedores Duvidosos Trade and Other Payables Contas a Pagar Tax liabilities Impostos a Pagar Long-Term Liabilities Passivo Exigível de Longo Prazo Borrowings (long-term debt) Empréstimo de Longo Prazo EQUITY PATRIMÔNIO LÍQUIDO Share Capital Capital Retained Earnings Lucros Acumulados *American English: Estoque = Inventory British English: Estoque = Stocks *American English: Ações = Shares British English: Ações = Shares Vamos verificar o Balanço Patrimonial de uma empresa real, no caso a Unilever e as peculiaridades que podem aparecer. PAGE 5 OF 24
  • 6. Company accounts Consolidated balance sheet - Unilever - Annual Report 2009 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Financial statements Unilever Group Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December Downloads Consolidated balance sheet Add to / View print basket as at Email page 31 December 3 of 6 € million € million 18/01/11 19:05 Search 2009 2008 Goodwill 9 12.464 11.665 Intangible assets 9 4.583 4.426 Property, plant and equipment, net 10 6.644 5.957 Land 19 759 425 Deferred tax assets 17 738 1.068 Other non-current assets 11 1.017 1.426 Total non-current assets 26.205 24.967 12 Inventories 3.578 3.889 Trade and other current receivables 13 3.429 3.823 Overview Current tax assets 173 234 Our strategy CashPerformanceequivalents 14 and cash 2009 2.642 2.561 OtherOur company financial assets 14 972 632 Financial statements for sale 27 Non-current assets held 17 36 Shareholder information Total current assets 10.811 11.175 Close Financial liabilities 14 (2.279) Find out about our vision, brands, operational highlights and strategy, and read the Chairman's statement (4.842) and CEO review and other current liabilities 16 Trade payables (8.413) (7.824) Current tax liabilities (487) (377) Overview Provisions 18 (420) (757) Our vision Total current liabilities (11.599) (13.800) Our brands Operational highlights Net current assets/(liabilities) (788) (2.625) TotalChairman's statement assets less current liabilities 25.417 22.342 Chief Executive Officer's review Strategy Financial liabilities due after one year 14 7.692 6.363 Close 107 189 Non-current tax liabilities Pensions and post-retirement healthcare liabilities: Find out about our strategy Funded schemes in deficit 19 1.519 1.820 Unfunded schemes 19 1.822 1.987 1 of 6 Provisions 18 72918/01/11 19:05646 Deferred tax liabilities 17 764 790 Other non-current liabilities 16 248 175 Total non-current liabilities 12.881 11.970 Share capital 21 484 484 Share premium 21 131 121 Other reserves 21 (5.900) (6.469) Retained profit 21 17.350 15.812 Shareholders’ equity 12.065 9.948 Minority interests 21 471 424 Total equity 12.536 10.372 Total capital employed 25.417 22.342 PAGE 6 OF 24
  • 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Outras contas no Ativo Fixo / Other Fixed Asset Accounts: Fixed Asset Ativo Fixo Hardware /Software Hardware/Software (-) Software Amortization (-) Amortização de Software PPE * Ativo Imobilizado (-) Accumulated Depreciation (-) Accumulated Depreciation (-) Impairment (-) Impairment EXERCÍCIO: Sem consultar as páginas anteriores, complete o Balanço Patrimonial abaixo, colocando o nome das contas não preenchidas, marcadas em amarelo: PORTUGUESE VERSION ENGLISH VERSION BALANÇO PATRIMONIAL ATIVO ATIVO FIXO Software Software (-) Amortização de Sofware Ativo Imobilizado PPE Terrenos Land Veículos Edifícios (-) Depreciação Acumulada NON CURRENT ASSETS Recebíveis de longo prazo ATIVO CIRCULANTE Caixa Pequeno Caixa Bancos Trade Receivables PDD Prepaid Expenses Estoques LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Fornecedores (Contas a Pagar) Provisões Salários a Pagar Impostos sobre Vendas Empréstimos de Curto Prazo NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank Loans Payables PATRIMÔNIO LÍQUIDO Capital Retained Earnings PAGE 7 OF 24
  • 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH III. DEMONSTRAÇÃO DE RESULTADOS / INCOME STATEMENT Primeiramente vamos analisar uma demonstração de resultados simplificada: Expenses – Despesas Income - Receitas INCOME STATEMENT DEMONSTRAÇÃO DE RESULTADOS Net Sales (Net Revenue) Faturamento / Vendas (-)Cost of Sales (-) Custo da Mercadoria Vendida (CMV) (=) Gross Profit (=) Lucro Bruto (-) Selling Expenses (-) Despesas de Venda (-) Marketing Expenses (-) Despesas de Marketing (-) Administrative Expenses (-) Despesas Administrativa (-) Despesa de Depreciação (-) Despesas de Depraciação (=) Operating Profit (=) Lucro Operacional (-) Financial Expenses (-) Despesas FInanceiras (+) Financial Income (+) Receitas Financeiras (-) Royalty (-) Royalty (=) Income Before Taxes (=) Lucro Antes dos Impostos (-) Income Taxes (-) Imposto de Renda / Contribuição Social (IRPJ/CS) (=) Net Income / Net Profit (=) Lucro Líquido O termo “net” sempre significa “líquido” e “gross” significa bruto. Examples: Gross Revenues (-) Taxes = Net revenue Net Revenue (-) Cost of Sales = Gross Profit Gross Profit (-) Operational Expenses = Operating Profit Operating Profit (-) Financial Expenses = Income Before Taxes Income (-) Corporate Tax = Net Income or Net Profit PAGE 8 OF 24
  • 9. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Vamos analisar outro caso real: DRE da Reckitt Benckiser para 2009: Let’s analyze another real case: Reckitt Benckiser 2009’s Income Statement !"#$%&'()#*+&,-.-+*+(- 2009 2008 For the year ended 31 December Notes £m £m Net revenues 2 7,753 6,563 Cost of sales 3 (3,089) (2,673) Gross profit 4,664 3,890 Net operating expenses 3 (2,773) (2,385) Operating profit 2 1,891 1,505 Operating profit before exceptional items 1,891 1,535 Exceptional items 3 - (30) Operating profit 1,891 1,505 Finance income 17 31 Finance expense (16) (62) Net finance income / (expense) 6 1 (31) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,892 1,474 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 7 (474) (354) Net income 1,418 1,120 Attributable to equity minority interests – – Attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent 1,418 1,120 Net income 1,418 1,120 Earnings per ordinary share On net income, basic 8 198.9p 157.6p On net income, diluted 8 194.7p 154.7p Agora vamos analisar a DRE de uma empresa de serviços.. Reparem que os relatórios apresentados são!"#$%&,-.-+*+(-&#/&)#*%"+0+(,'1+&'()#*+& resumidos, para não abrir muitas informações a competidores, por exemplo. 2009 2008 Now let’syear endeda service company (AP Moller Maersk Group) Income Statement. The reports For the analyze 31 December Notes £m £m Net income 1,418 1,120 are Other comprehensive income avoid giving valuable information to competitors. summarized in order to Net exchange adjustments on foreign currency translation, net of tax 7 (191) 479 Actuarial gains and losses, net of tax 7 (68) (74) Available for sale reserve, net of tax 7 8 (8) (Losses) / gains on cash flow hedges, net of tax 7 (15) 19 Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (266) 416 Total comprehensive income for the year 1,152 1,536 Attributable to equity minority interests – – Attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of the parent 1,152 1,536 1,152 1,536 PAGE 9 OF 24
  • 10. FINANCIALMærsk A/S A.P. Møller - STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Annual report 2009 118 Income statement Amounts in DKK million Note 2009 2008 Revenue 108,228 145,591 3 Operational costs 107,067 122,936 Other income 983 696 Other costs 175 100 Profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses, etc. 1,969 23,251 7,8 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses 6,783 4,793 4 Gain/loss on sale of companies, ships, rigs, etc. -1,346 2,573 Profit/loss before financial items -6,160 21,031 5 Dividends 9,531 8,155 5 Financial income 1,611 3,544 5 Financial expenses 6,640 8,804 Profit/loss before tax -1,658 23,926 6 Tax 7,919 14,234 Profit/loss for the year -9,577 9,692 Appropriation: Dividend 1,429 2,857 Retained earnings -11,006 6,835 -9,577 9,692 Dividend per share, DKK 325 650 Revenue has decreased a lot. The company had a huge loss. Even with loss, the company paid dividend. PAGE 10 OF 24
  • 11. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Agora complere a DRE abaixo, sem consultar os quadros anteriores PORTUGUESE VERSION ENGLISH VERSION DRE Faturamento (-) Sales Discounts (-) Sales' Taxes (=) Receita Bruta (-) Custo da Mercadoria Vendida Mão-de-Obra Direta Raw Material Cost Indirect Labor Cost (=) Receita Líquida (-) Despesas Operacionais Despesas de Marketing Despesas Administrativas Despesas de Aluguel Despesas de Papelaria Despesas de Salários Despesas de Viagens Despesas de Depreciação Despesas de Distribuição (=) Lucro Operacional (-) Despesas Financeiras (+) Receitas Financeiras (=) Lucro Antes do IR/CSLL (-) Corporate Tax (=) Lucro Líquido IV. PLANO DE CONTAS / CHART OF ACCOUNTS The chart of accounts is a listing of all the accounts in the general ledger, each account accompanied by a reference number. To set up a chart of accounts, one first needs to define the various accounts to be used by the business. Each account should have a number to identify it. With more digits, new accounts can be added while maintaining the logical order. O plano de contas é uma listagem de todas as contas do razão, cada conta, acompanhada por um número de referência. Para definir um plano de contas, é preciso definir as várias contas utilizadas pelo negócio. Cada conta deve ter um número para identíficá-la. Com mais número, novas contas podem ser adicionadas, mantendo uma ordem lógica. Veja o exemplo abaixo: PAGE 11 OF 24
  • 12. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH 1000 - 1999: asset accounts / Contas de Ativo 2000 - 2999: liability accounts / Contas de Passivo 3000 - 3999: equity accounts / Contas de PL 4000 - 4999: revenue accounts / Contas de Receitas 5000 - 5999: cost of goods sold / Contas de Custos 6000 - 6999: expense accounts / Contas de Despesas 7000 - 7999: other revenue (for example, interest income) / outras receitas 8000 - 8999: other expense (for example, income taxes) / outras despesas Veja exemplos de contas: Asset Accounts Current Assets 1000 Petty Cash 1010 Cash / Banks 1040 Savings Account 1060 Investments - Money Market 1070 Investments - Certificates of Deposit 1100 Accounts Receivable 1140 Other Receivables 1150 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1200 Raw Materials Inventory 1205 Supplies Inventory 1210 Work in Progress Inventory 1215 Finished Goods Inventory - Product #1 1220 Finished Goods Inventory - Product #2 1230 Finished Goods Inventory - Product #3 1400 Prepaid Expenses 1410 Employee Advances 1420 Notes Receivable - Current 1430 Prepaid Interest 1470 Other Current Assets Fixed Assets 1500 Furniture and Fixtures 1510 Equipment 1520 Vehicles 1530 Other Depreciable Property 1540 Leasehold Improvements 1550 Buildings 1560 Building Improvements 1690 Land 1700 Accumulated Depreciation, Furniture and Fixtures 1710 Accumulated Depreciation, Equipment 1720 Accumulated Depreciation, Vehicles 1730 Accumulated Depreciation, Other 1740 Accumulated Depreciation, Leasehold 1750 Accumulated Depreciation, Buildings 1760 Accumulated Depreciation, Building Improvements PAGE 12 OF 24
  • 13. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Liability Accounts Current Liabilities 2000 Accounts Payable 2300 Accrued Expenses 2310 Sales Tax Payable 2320 Wages Payable 2330 401-K Deductions Payable 2335 Health Insurance Payable 2340 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 2350 FUTA Tax Payable 2360 State Payroll Taxes Payable 2370 SUTA Payable 2380 Local Payroll Taxes Payable 2390 Income Taxes Payable 2400 Other Taxes Payable 2410 Employee Benefits Payable 2420 Current Portion of Long-term Debt 2440 Deposits from Customers 2480 Other Current Liabilities Long-term Liabilities 2700 Notes Payable 2702 Land Payable 2704 Equipment Payable 2706 Vehicles Payable 2708 Bank Loans Payable 2710 Deferred Revenue 2740 Other Long-term Liabilities Equity Accounts 3010 Stated Capital 3030 Retained Earnings Revenue Accounts 4000 Product #1 Sales 4020 Product #2 Sales 4040 Product #3 Sales 4060 Interest Income 4080 Other Income 4540 Finance Charge Income 4550 Shipping Charges Reimbursed 4800 Sales Returns and Allowances 4900 Sales Discounts PAGE 13 OF 24
  • 14. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Cost of Goods Sold 5000 Product #1 Cost 5010 Product #2 Cost 5020 Product #3 Cost 5050 Raw Material Purchases 5100 Direct Labor Costs 5150 Indirect Labor Costs 5200 Heat and Power 5250 Commissions 5300 Miscellaneous Factory Costs 5700 Cost of Goods Sold, Salaries and Wages 5730 Cost of Goods Sold, Contract Labor 5750 Cost of Goods Sold, Freight 5800 Cost of Goods Sold, Other 5850 Inventory Adjustments 5900 Purchase Returns and Allowances 5950 Purchase Discounts Expenses 6010 Advertising Expense 6050 Amortization Expense 6150 Bad Debt Expense 6200 Bank Fees 6300 Charitable Contributions Expense 6350 Commissions and Fees Expense 6400 Depreciation Expense 6450 Subscriptions Expense 6500 Employee Benefit Expense, Health Insurance 6510 Employee Benefit Expense, Pension Plans 6520 Employee Benefit Expense, Profit Sharing Plan 6530 Employee Benefit Expense, Other 6550 Freight Expense 6600 Gifts Expense 6650 Income Tax Expense, Federal 6660 Income Tax Expense, State 6670 Income Tax Expense, Local 6700 Insurance Expense, Product Liability 6710 Insurance Expense, Vehicle 6750 Interest Expense 6800 Laundry and Dry Cleaning Expense 6850 Legal and Professional Expense 6900 Licenses Expense 7000 Maintenance Expense 7050 Meals and Entertainment Expense 7100 Office Expense 7200 Payroll Tax Expense 7250 Penalties and Fines Expense 7300 Other Taxes 7350 Postage Expense 7400 Rent or Lease Expense 7450 Repair and Maintenance Expense, Office PAGE 14 OF 24
  • 15. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH 7460 Repair and Maintenance Expense, Vehicle 7550 Supplies Expense, Office 7600 Telephone Expense 7620 Training Expense 7650 Travel Expense 7700 Salaries Expense, Officers 7750 Wages Expense 7800 Utilities Expense 8900 Other Expense 9000 Gain/Loss on Sale of Assets V. INDICADORES FINANCEIROS / FINANCIAL RATIOS Vamos verificar a tradução de alguns indicadores financeiros. Let’s check some financial rations translations: Working Capital - Capital de Giro Giro de Estoque – Inventory Turnover Idade do Estoque – Days of Inventory Outstanding (DIO) Prazo Médio de Recebimento – Days of Sales Outstanding (DSO) Prazo Médio de Pagamento – Days of Payables Outstanding (DPO) Retorno sobre Investimento – Return on Investment (ROI) Lucro por Ações – Earnings per Share (EPS) Retorno sobre o total do Ativo – Return on Total Assets (ROTA) Outras Nomenclaturas: EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) – Lucro Antes dos Juros, Impostos, Depreciação e Amortização EBIT (Earning Before Interst and Taxes) – Lucro Antes dos Juros e Impostos PBT (Profit Before Taxes) – Lucro Antes do IR Leverage – Alavancagem Liquidity – Liquidez EVA (Economic Value Added) – Valor Econômico Agregado Financial Analysis – Análise Financeira PAGE 15 OF 24
  • 16. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH VI. FLUXO DE CAIXA / CASH FLOW STATEMENT (a) Indirect Method (a) Método Indireto CASH FLOW FLUXO DE CAIXA Operating Profit (EBIT) Lucro Operacional Adjustments to reconcile with cash Ajustes para Reconciliar com o Caixa Depreciation Depreciação Decrease in trade receivables Redução no contas a receber Decrease in Inventory Redução em Estoques Increase in prepaid expenses Redução em Despesas Antecipadas Decrease in trade payables Redução no contas a pagar Decrease in accrued expenses Redução nas provisões de despesas Net cash provided by operating activities Caixa gerado pelas operações (b) Direct Method (b) Método direto CASH FLOW FLUXO DE CAIXA note1 Cash Receipt from Customers Caixa Recebido de Clientes Cash Payments: Pagamentos (caixa) note 2 To trade suppliers A fornecedores note3 For operating expenses Para despesas operacionais Net cash provided by operating activities Caixa gerado pelas operações Note 1 Cash receipt from customers: Sales Add: Decresase in trade receivables Note 2 Cash Payments to Trade Suppliers: Deduct: decrease in invetories Cost of Purchases Add: Decrease in Trade payables Note 3 Cash Payments to Operating expenses Operating expenses (excl. Depreciation) Add: increase in prepaid expenses Add: decrease in accrued expenses Agora, vamos verificar um exemplo real: PAGE 16 OF 24
  • 17. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH 2009 2008 For the year ended 31 December £m £m CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash generated from operations Operating profit 1,891 1,505 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, amortisation and impairment of intangible assets 139 107 Fair value gains (15) – Gains on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets – 5 Other non-cash movements 2 – Decrease / (increase) in inventories 39 (65) (Increase) in trade and other receivables (12) (32) Increase in payables and provisions 220 61 Share award expense 59 59 Cash generated from operations 2,323 1,640 Interest paid (23) (58) Interest received 19 31 Tax paid (371) (280) Net cash generated from operating activities 1,948 1,333 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (158) (216) Disposal of property, plant and equipment 11 9 Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired – (1,081) Maturity of short-term investments 1 34 Maturity of long-term investments 18 - Net cash used in investing activities (128) (1,254) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares 131 63 Share purchases – (300) Proceeds from borrowings – 1,146 Repayments of borrowings (1,359) (506) Dividends paid to the Company’s shareholders (648) (441) Net cash used in financing activities (1,876) (38) Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents (56) 41 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 398 311 Exchange (losses) / gains (8) 46 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 334 398 Cash and cash equivalents comprise Cash and cash equivalents 351 417 Overdrafts (17) (19) 334 398 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS Net cash generated from operating activities 1,948 1,333 Net purchases of property, plant and equipment (145) (156) Net cash flow from operations 1,803 1,177 Management uses net cash flow from operations as a performance measure. VII. ORÇAMENTO / BUDGET O vocabulário para o Orçamento é bem parecido com o da DRE, no entanto o nível de detalhe pode ser maior, demonstraremos um esquema de vendas regionais e gastos por centros de custos The budget vocabulary is similar to the income statement, but the level of details can be higher, we’ll show a spreadsheet considering regional sales and expenses by cost centers. Reckitt Benckiser 2009 29 PAGE 17 OF 24
  • 18. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH REVENUES Sales Per Region - Volume Product South East North West Sandals 100 200 300 400 Shoes 20 40 60 80 Tennis Shoes 1000 500 750 900 Total 1120 740 1110 1380 Sales Per Region - Price Product South East North West Sandals 20,00 18,00 16,00 15,00 Shoes 40,00 36,00 32,00 30,00 Tennis Shoes 60,00 50,00 55,00 58,00 Sales Per Region - Revenue Product South East North West Sandals 2.000,00 3.600,00 4.800,00 6.000,00 Shoes 800,00 1.440,00 1.920,00 2.400,00 Tennis Shoes 60.000,00 25.000,00 41.250,00 52.200,00 Total 62.800,00 30.040,00 47.970,00 60.600,00 EXPENSES: Expense Marketing HR Finance Legal Sales Total Salaries 300,00 100,00 200,00 50,00 400,00 1.050,00 Telephone 30,00 20,00 5,00 10,00 50,00 115,00 Travel 40,00 15,00 10,00 5,00 150,00 220,00 Representation 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 80,00 80,00 Consultants 60,00 40,00 40,00 20,00 0,00 160,00 Auditors 0,00 0,00 60,00 0,00 0,00 60,00 Rent 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 55,00 275,00 Total 485,00 230,00 370,00 140,00 735,00 1.960,00 VIII. OUTROS RELATÓRIOS / OTHER REPORTS (KPI’s): KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) são os indicadores de performance, definidos pela organização, os quais ela irá acompanhar para avaliar o desempenho da empresa. Vamos fazer esta atividade em forma de exercício, quais seriam os principais indicadores para sua empresa, como eles ficariam em inglês? Algumas sugestões: Key Performance Indicatores, KPI’s are defined by the organization, and it will track them, in order to evaluate the company’s performance. Let’s do this activity as an exercise, what would by important KPI’s for your company. How would you call them in English. Some suggestions: PAGE 18 OF 24
  • 19. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH - Customer Satisfaction - Punctuality on Deliveries - ROI - Gross Margin % - Number of Lauches per Month - Client Retaintion - Employees Turnover - Number of Books Sold PAGE 19 OF 24
  • 20. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH IX. ANEXO: 1. Lista de profissões: Inglês - Português Inglês Português Accountant Contador Architect Arquiteto Biologist Biólogo Business Administrator Administrador Chemist Químico Consultant Consultor Doctor Médico Economist Economista Engineer Engenheiro Entrepreneur Empreendedor Insurance Broker Corretor de Seguros Journalist Jornalista Lawyer Advogado Marketer Publicitário Nurse Enfermeira Pharmacist Farmacêutico Physician Físico Procurement Buyer Comprar Professor Professor Universitário Psychologist Psicólogo Public Relations Relações Públicas ou Assessor de Imprensa Real Estate Broker Corretor de Imóveis Researcher Pesquisador Salesperson Vendedor Teacher Professor Treasurer Tesoureiro III. 2. Portugês – Inglês Português Inglês Administrador Business Administrator Advogado Lawyer Arquiteto Architect Biólogo Biologist Comprar Procurement Buyer Consultor Consultant Contador Accountant Corretor de Imóveis Real Estate Broker Corretor de Seguros Insurance Broker Economista Economist Empreendedor Entrepreneur Enfermeira Nurse Engenheiro Engineer Farmacêutico Pharmacist Físico Physician Jornalista Journalist PAGE 20 OF 24
  • 21. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Médico Doctor Pesquisador Researcher Professor Teacher Professor Universitário Professor Psicólogo Psychologist Publicitário Marketer Químico Chemist Relações Públicas ou Assessor Public Relations de Imprensa Tesoureiro Treasurer Vendedor Salesperson IV. 1. Lista de cargos: Inglês – Português Inglês Português Analyst Analista Apprentice Aprendiz Assistant Assistente Assistant Manager Gerente Adjunto CEO / President Presidente CFO / Finance Director Diretor Financeiro Chief Chefe Coordinator Coordenador Director Diretor Intern Estagiário Manager Gerente Supervisor Supervisor Trainee Trainee General Manager Gerente Geral Relationship Manager Gerente de Relacionamento Vice President (VP) Vice presidente Partner Sócio IV.2. Português – Inglês Português Inglês Analista Analyst Aprendiz Apprentice Assistente Assistant Chefe Chief Coordenador Coordinator Diretor Director Diretor Financeiro CFO / Finance Director Estagiário Intern Gerente Manager Gerente Adjunto Assistant Manager Gerente de Relacionamento Relationship Manager PAGE 21 OF 24
  • 22. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Gerente Geral General Manager Presidente CEO / President Sócio Partner Supervisor Supervisor Trainee Trainee Vice presidente Vice President (VP) 1. Lista de Departamentos: Inglês – Português Inglês Português Accounting Contabilidade Accounts Payable Contas a Pagar Accounts Receivable Contas a Receber Administration Administrativo Audit Auditoria Business Development Desenvolvimento de negócios Commercial Comercial Communication Comunicação Controlling Controladoria Crédito Credit Customer Service Atendimento ao cliente Exportação Exports Finance Financeiro Financial Planning Planejamento Financeiro Human Resources Recursos Humanos Importação Imports Insurance Seguros IT - Information Technology TI - Tecnologia da Informação Legal Legal Logistics Logística Maintenance Manutenção Market Inteligence Inteligência de Mercado Marketing Marketing Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Fusão e Aquisição Oil & Gas Petróleo e Gás Operations Operações Planning Planejamento Process Processos Procurement Compras Production Produção Projects Projetos Quality Assurance Garantia de Qualidade Research & Development (R&D) Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Retail Varejo Risk Management Gerenciamento de Risco Sales Vendas Strategy Estratégia Supply Chain Suprimentos Tax Tributário, Fiscal PAGE 22 OF 24
  • 23. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN ENGLISH Training and Development Treinamento e Desenvolvimento Treasury Tesouraria Wholesale Atacado 2. Português – Inglês Português Inglês Administrativo Administration Atacado Wholesale Atendimento ao cliente Customer Service Auditoria Audit Comercial Commercial Compras Procurement Comunicação Communication Contabilidade Accounting Contas a Pagar Accounts Payable Contas a Receber Accounts Receivable Controladoria Controlling Credit Crédito Desenvolvimento de negócios Business Development Estratégia Strategy Exports Exportação Financeiro Finance Fusão e Aquisição Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Garantia de Qualidade Quality Assurance Gerenciamento de Risco Risk Management Imports Importação Inteligência de Mercado Market Inteligence Legal Legal Logística Logistics Manutenção Maintenance Marketing Marketing Operações Operations Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Research & Development (R&D) Petróleo e Gás Oil & Gas Planejamento Planning Planejamento Financeiro Financial Planning Processos Process Produção Production Projetos Projects Recursos Humanos Human Resources Seguros Insurance Suprimentos Supply Chain Tesouraria Treasury TI - Tecnologia da Informação IT - Information Technology Treinamento e Desenvolvimento Training and Development Tributário, Fiscal Tax Varejo Retail Vendas Sales PAGE 23 OF 24