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22 July 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
I have known Mr Ross Woodward since mid-2010. At that time I was considering launching
a national media campaign to raise awareness about threats to Australia’s unique rock art
heritage and the need for Australia to set up a national rock art institute, database and archive.
Rock art consists of paintings, stencils, drawings and engravings in rock shelters and caves, as
well as on rock platforms and boulders. It has high cultural and scientific significance,
informing us a great deal about many aspects of Australia’s Indigenous and natural past.
Australia has more sites than any other country in the world but is far behind other countries
in terms of managing this important resource. Australia’s rock art is threatened by a wide
range of natural and cultural forces and if we don’t act now much of it will be gone forever
within 50 years.
This is the message I wished to convey in order to get the attention of government officials,
business leaders and philanthropists, as well as the general public. Ross and his excellent
team at Media Key approached me after hearing about this and soon convinced me they had
the necessary skills and resources to achieve my goal. On 31 May we launched our campaign
in Sydney with a full day of interviews and help from celebrity Jack Thompson. Media Key
choreographed the whole event, a very complex task, but it went off without a hitch as Ross
was by our side juggling several phones, camera crews, enthusiastic journalists and several
other things with the ease of a seasoned performer. I was extremely impressed with his
professionalism, organisational skills and media connections, all of which contributed to a
very long day running smoothly.
In the months leading up to the campaign Ross helped me prepare by asking all the right
questions. He has an incredible ability in this regard, able to draw out all the necessary
information, key messages clients wish to convey and other important things from clients
even when they are not really sure of these things themselves. With his highly dedicated and
hard-working staff he then helped organise a website, a low cost television advertisement, a
superb media release, celebrity involvement, footage for television to be used on the day of
the campaign and, of course, a wide range and lengthy set of interviews with the media. The
result was absolutely wonderful and far more than expected.
Telephone +61 (07) 5552 9074
Facsimile +61 (07) 5552 8141
Gold Coast campus,
Griffith University
Queensland 4222, Australia
I highly recommend Ross Woodward and Media Key to anyone needing assistance with any
form of media campaign. The team at Media Key get outstanding results. You will not be
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Paul S.C. Tacon PhD FAHA FSA
Chair in Rock Art Research PERAHU, School of Humanities Gold Coast Campus
Dear Ross
On behalf of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) I am pleased to be able to
confirm that Media Key has been an integral part of many successful campaigns and media
initiatives conducted by the Council.
Media Key has provided a level of expertise, dedication and professionalism that has been
welcomed by all members of the ANCD over the many years of our work together.
It has been our experience for Media Key to quite often exceed our best expectations in terms
of media coverage and taking on board the messages that the ANCD hoped to have conveyed
via the media for our work.
We continue to work closely with Media Key on many and varied initiatives and continue to
be impressed by their energy and ability.
Best wishes
Gino Vumbaca
Executive Director
Australian National Council on Drugs
July 2011
P: 02 6166 9600
F: 02 6162 2611
M: 0408 244 552
To Whom it May Concern
22 July 2011
Reference for Ross Woodward and Media Key
My public health work requires an enormous amount of public education and
advocacy; I am therefore constantly engaged in developing and running educational
and advocacy campaigns involving all forms of the media – print, online, televisual
and radio. I have done a very large amount of such work over a thirty-year career; I
have therefore clearly worked with many media consultants over that time.
I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that Ross Woodward and Media Key stand
head and shoulders above every other consultant and firm with whom I have worked.
He and his group are hugely focused and attentive, with great consideration of the
needs of the client, much attention to detail and to getting the understanding of the
client’s needs exact … and that is just the starting point – but an absolutely
fundamental starting point which he never neglects.
His comprehensive but strategic approach then to relevant media is based on
enormous experience and the widest range of personal contacts – and his hallmark,
persistence. I think in the long run it is this persistence, built on dedication to getting
the groundwork right, which brings the results he has every right to be proud of – and
which have helped me in my work so much.
He has also demonstrated to me one more than one occasion his resourcefulness and
resilience in handling a PR crisis – he is constantly available, and constantly thinking.
I have no hesitation in recommending Ross and Media Key to anyone seeking
assistance with public relations or other work with any form of media.
Professor Nick Crofts
Professorial Fellow in International Health
Melbourne School of Population Health
Nossal Instittue for Global Health
SUBJECT: Reference for Ross Woodward, Media Key
FROM: David Crosbie, CEO, Community Council for Australia
DATE: July 2011
I have known Ross as a media consultant for almost a decade across three
organisations. I first worked with Ross in 2002 when I was a media spokesperson on
a specific media release put out by the Prime Minister’s Australian National Council
on Drugs (ANCD) announcing the launch of a new report. I then worked with Ross
on the release of new data about alcohol and violence in my role as a Board Director
and occasional spokesperson for the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation
Foundation (AERF).
I used Ross in my most recent media release (June 2011) as CEO of the Community
Council for Australia. This last release was tricky as it involved a Federal Budget
announcement that was being strategically leaked by the Assistant Treasurer. In
between these times, I have worked with Ross on numerous occasions. I am also very
familiar with the work has undertaken over the last decade for the ANCD, the AERF,
and other organisations where I have a role or relationship.
In every instance where I have worked with Ross, Media Key have far exceeded
initial expectations of how much media coverage might be obtained. There have been
occasions when Ross has been able to generate more than 65 media interviews across
a 48 hour period covering key media outlets. Even with the most difficult message
and relatively unexciting news, Ross works extremely hard to generate interest and
understanding within the media.
Perhaps just as importantly, Ross always ensured that both the message and the
organisation giving the message were very clearly communicated.
In summary, I have worked with Ross for over a decade and have found him to be the
most determined, focused and committed media person I know.
I have strongly recommended the services of MediaKey to at least three other
organisations, all of whom have thanked me for the referral.
I have absolutely no hesitation in commending Ross on his work and recommending
his services to anyone who may be interested in increasing and improving their media
ABN: 76 141 705 599 | Level 1, The Realm, 18 National Circuit, Barton, ACT, Australia, 2600
Contact: David Crosbie P: (02) 6198 3435 | M: 0419 624420 | F: (02) 6198 3333
Reference for Ross Woodward, Media Key
From Ms Carol Bennett
CEO, Consumers Health Forum Australia
July 2011
I was referred to Ross Woodward by a colleague and first used his services this year.
I would not usually provide a reference on the basis of one experience, but in this
instance, I feel very comfortable talking about the services Ross and his team provide.
The task I contracted Ross to perform was to co-ordinate a media release and
associated media. The media release was really the launch of a public campaign to
reverse a Federal cabinet decision on a major health issue. Our organisation had
arranged for 60 other organisations to be involved in the campaign which made the
task of finalising the media release and the messaging a little complex. Ross was also
required to negotiate a number of sensitive relationships – people who felt they should
have had a more significant role in the campaign.
Ross delivered the most impressive outcome. In one 24 hour period I was involved in
10 television interviews and 20 radio interviews as well as receiving significant
coverage in the national press. The story maintained momentum over a period of
three days and the impact continues to reverberate both in the media and at a national
policy level.
What made this unprecedented media coverage even more outstanding was the
achievement of a very clear and consistent message. This was partly due to Ross not
only having some input into the media release, but also ensuring all media outlets had
a positive understanding of the issue.
Ross made a point of using the media opportunities to increase organisational profile
– building the brand. Despite being an ‘external consultant’ Ross was very focused
on using the media to enhance the credibility and relevance of the CHF both in
interviews and in support materials.
I could talk more about how Ross works but I think the outcomes I have described
speak for themselves.
In my experience, Ross can best be described as tenacious. Once the task and
objectives are set, you can expect Ross to be relentless in pushing through the agenda.
I am completely confident that anyone choosing to use Ross to improve their media
profile will have made a very good decision. I highly recommend his services.
To Whom It May Concern
I have known Ross Woodward CEO of Media Key for the last 20years and regard
MEDIA KEY as a highly efficient promotional organization with an innovative team
who achieve outstanding results each time they undertake a project.
While I was CEO of Landcare Australia Ltd (1989-2009) MEDIA KEY played a
major role taking the national awareness(city and rural)of both the companies name
and logo to 85%(Roy Morgan Research).
MEDIA KEY’s staff have a unique ability to secure significant editorial space in
newspapers across the nation by using press releases that capture journalistic attention
and persistent follow up.
Similarly, they display tenacity and ingenuity in their approach to TV and radio news
desks and program research staff, securing interviews for the CEOs and celebrity
ambassadors of” not for profit” organizations.
These unique qualities stands MEDIA KEY apart and ahead of most other
promotional organisations in engaging the media to show case a catchy theme for a
good cause.
Brian Scarsbrick AM
Director, Natural Heritage
National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Ross Woodward
Media Key
PO Box 387
Mount Eliza Vic 3930
To whom it may concern
Able Australia is an organisation that provides services to people with multiple
disabilities including deafblindness in Victoria, Tasmania, ACT and Queensland.
In promoting awareness of deafblindness in Australia we requested Ross Woodward
of Media Key to assist us with media communications specifically during Deafblind
Awareness Week held annually in June/July.
Through the connections that Media Key has we have been able to get our message
across all states of Australia via print media to radio and television audiences. Media
Key has assisted us in all phases of the communications including photographic
shoots and media briefs as well as given us exposure on ABC – 7:30 Report, Channel
7, Sky News and Channel 10 – The Circle, not to mention introductions to media
personalities over the past few years.
With a few staff changes within our organisation, Ross has given valuable training to
new employees with their presentation for television, radio and newspaper interviews.
This training is so valuable to staff not only in their professional presentation but in
their personal development.
It is with pleasure that we recommend Ross Woodward and Media Key to other
organisations that seek professional assistance with their future communication
Yours sincerely,
Celestine Hare
Chief Executive Officer
Thank you to the whole team at Media Key for the work you did on the launch of the National
Alliance Against Alcohol Related Violence.
Without doubt the work Media Key did in the lead up to, at and since the launch was first
class. Your attention to detail, your grasp of the issues, your ideas and your responsiveness
was exceptional. Coupled with the delivery on the day of the launch, these qualities ensured
the biggest one day media hit the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation has
achieved in nearly 7 years of advocating for a reduction in the harms created by alcohol
Government are now listening and responding to our demands. We could not have asked for a
better result. Sincere thanks for the fantastic work - a credit to Media Key's professionalism.
Daryl Smeaton, Chief Executive Officer, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation
Together we have re-launched Santa, opened stores, handled supermodels, CDs and new
business, enhanced sponsorships and stocktakes.
Ross, you and Christine have been a tower of strength to me in my management of issues,
people and general day to day media. I wanted to take the time to put on paper my thanks to
both of you for your publicity professionalism.
Never in my career have I met and enjoyed working with two such amazingly talented
professionals who never say die, never say no and - in a nutshell never let me down!
Christine Bookallil, National Public Relations, Promotions and Corporate Affairs
Manager, Myer
The most successful program we have ever run in Australia was the Lion King campaign and
a major contributor to this success was the publicity campaign implemented by Media Key.
The Lion King was undoubtedly a highly successful publicity program within Australia and
not only enhanced box office takings but helped to instigate consumer awareness of the
extensive range of Lion King consumer products which ultimately resulted in incremental
Through the assistance of the Media Key team, we gained massive exposure on many of
Australia's top rating television programs and received strong metropolitan radio exposure.
There was also enormous newspaper exposure and we obtained major spreads in publications
such as the Australian Women's Weekly.
Mark Scott, Licensing Manager, The Walt Disney Company Australia
Raising the product profile on a film (101 Dalmations) that was 34 years old was never going
to be an easy assignment. The end result far exceeded my expectations and this was due
largely to the profile achieved through your publicity program.
A number of our licensees sold out of stock and importantly the retail buyers were very
pleased with the sales of this product category.
Mark Coleman, Director of Sales and Retail Marketing, The Walt Disney Company
Congratulations on a highly successful PR tour with Dr Kathleen Alfano. We have calculated
the media value of the tour at approximately $250,000 which is truly a fantastic result and far
exceeds our expectations given the small investment.
Media Key were a pleasure to work with from start to finish. The media pack you put together
reflected a deep, genuine understanding of the Fisher-Price brand. The schedule you
organised covered more media than we could possibly have hoped for, with 14 radio stations,
7 TV stations, 7 magazines and 7 newspapers taking up the story. We are confident that
Kathleen's visit will provide an excellent start to our brand building strategy.
Samantha Young and Amanda O'Brien, Marketing Manager and Brand Manager,
I would like to thank you for the amount of interest you generated for SpendInfo our
geodemographic product.
We were thrilled to find that you managed to obtain for us top coverage in a wide variety of
newspapers and print across Australia such as: The Weekend Australian, Sydney Morning
Herald, Sunday Telegraph Sydney, Sunday Herald Sun Melbourne, Ad News National,
Sunday Territorian, Business Review Weekly as well as the Company Director Magazine.
Your efforts generated about $150,000 worth of print media exposure for our company.
Finally I would like to commend you on your patience and the effort you made to come to
grips with the SpendInfo product. Your persistence and professionalism was most appreciated
and we look forward to working with you again.
Dr Peter Brain, Executive Director, National Institude of Economic and Industry
I would like to congratulate you on the extremely successful PR campaign you conducted for
the 35th anniversary of Barbie. The response was staggering.
You certainly achieved our tough objective which was to gain maximum TV exposure, which
as you are more than aware can never be guaranteed.
The extensive campaign ran without a hitch due to the comprehensive work you conducted
prior to commencement. It was thoroughly researched and organised down to the finest
Louise Georgeson, Oglivy & Mather
I would like to express my complete satisfaction with your thoroughly professional
management of our recent Flood Awareness Media Campaign.
My staff and I appreciated your excellent organisational and liaison efforts with the various
media involved. I expect that the wide multi-media exposure we received due to your contacts
with the media will enhance the prospects of a successful Community Service for the Floods
aren't Funny campaign.
I personally appreciated your advice and attention to detail in regard to interview technique
and getting the message across. Media Key provided a very professional service for an
extended period of time at a reasonable price.
Alan Hodges, Chairman, International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
Australian Coordination Committee
I am writing to express my appreciation for the significant contribution which Media Key
made to the success of National Stamp Collecting Month.
From the early concept discussions right the way through the planning and detailed execution,
Media Key has been an integral part of the Australia Post team working on the project.”
The next important factor that singles out Media Key from other agencies is the way you
became part of our team and worked so effectively with our staff.
David Maiden, Manager, Philatelic Group, Australia Post

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  • 1. 22 July 2011 To Whom It May Concern: I have known Mr Ross Woodward since mid-2010. At that time I was considering launching a national media campaign to raise awareness about threats to Australia’s unique rock art heritage and the need for Australia to set up a national rock art institute, database and archive. Rock art consists of paintings, stencils, drawings and engravings in rock shelters and caves, as well as on rock platforms and boulders. It has high cultural and scientific significance, informing us a great deal about many aspects of Australia’s Indigenous and natural past. Australia has more sites than any other country in the world but is far behind other countries in terms of managing this important resource. Australia’s rock art is threatened by a wide range of natural and cultural forces and if we don’t act now much of it will be gone forever within 50 years. This is the message I wished to convey in order to get the attention of government officials, business leaders and philanthropists, as well as the general public. Ross and his excellent team at Media Key approached me after hearing about this and soon convinced me they had the necessary skills and resources to achieve my goal. On 31 May we launched our campaign in Sydney with a full day of interviews and help from celebrity Jack Thompson. Media Key choreographed the whole event, a very complex task, but it went off without a hitch as Ross was by our side juggling several phones, camera crews, enthusiastic journalists and several other things with the ease of a seasoned performer. I was extremely impressed with his professionalism, organisational skills and media connections, all of which contributed to a very long day running smoothly. In the months leading up to the campaign Ross helped me prepare by asking all the right questions. He has an incredible ability in this regard, able to draw out all the necessary information, key messages clients wish to convey and other important things from clients even when they are not really sure of these things themselves. With his highly dedicated and hard-working staff he then helped organise a website, a low cost television advertisement, a superb media release, celebrity involvement, footage for television to be used on the day of the campaign and, of course, a wide range and lengthy set of interviews with the media. The result was absolutely wonderful and far more than expected. SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES Telephone +61 (07) 5552 9074 Facsimile +61 (07) 5552 8141 Email: Gold Coast campus, Griffith University Queensland 4222, Australia
  • 2. I highly recommend Ross Woodward and Media Key to anyone needing assistance with any form of media campaign. The team at Media Key get outstanding results. You will not be disappointed! Yours sincerely, Prof. Paul S.C. Tacon PhD FAHA FSA Chair in Rock Art Research PERAHU, School of Humanities Gold Coast Campus Dear Ross On behalf of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) I am pleased to be able to confirm that Media Key has been an integral part of many successful campaigns and media initiatives conducted by the Council. Media Key has provided a level of expertise, dedication and professionalism that has been welcomed by all members of the ANCD over the many years of our work together. It has been our experience for Media Key to quite often exceed our best expectations in terms of media coverage and taking on board the messages that the ANCD hoped to have conveyed via the media for our work. We continue to work closely with Media Key on many and varied initiatives and continue to be impressed by their energy and ability. Best wishes Gino Vumbaca Executive Director Australian National Council on Drugs July 2011 P: 02 6166 9600 F: 02 6162 2611 M: 0408 244 552 E:
  • 3. To Whom it May Concern 22 July 2011 Reference for Ross Woodward and Media Key My public health work requires an enormous amount of public education and advocacy; I am therefore constantly engaged in developing and running educational and advocacy campaigns involving all forms of the media – print, online, televisual and radio. I have done a very large amount of such work over a thirty-year career; I have therefore clearly worked with many media consultants over that time. I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that Ross Woodward and Media Key stand head and shoulders above every other consultant and firm with whom I have worked. He and his group are hugely focused and attentive, with great consideration of the needs of the client, much attention to detail and to getting the understanding of the client’s needs exact … and that is just the starting point – but an absolutely fundamental starting point which he never neglects. His comprehensive but strategic approach then to relevant media is based on enormous experience and the widest range of personal contacts – and his hallmark, persistence. I think in the long run it is this persistence, built on dedication to getting the groundwork right, which brings the results he has every right to be proud of – and which have helped me in my work so much. He has also demonstrated to me one more than one occasion his resourcefulness and resilience in handling a PR crisis – he is constantly available, and constantly thinking. I have no hesitation in recommending Ross and Media Key to anyone seeking assistance with public relations or other work with any form of media. Professor Nick Crofts Professorial Fellow in International Health Melbourne School of Population Health And Nossal Instittue for Global Health
  • 4. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN SUBJECT: Reference for Ross Woodward, Media Key FROM: David Crosbie, CEO, Community Council for Australia DATE: July 2011 I have known Ross as a media consultant for almost a decade across three organisations. I first worked with Ross in 2002 when I was a media spokesperson on a specific media release put out by the Prime Minister’s Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) announcing the launch of a new report. I then worked with Ross on the release of new data about alcohol and violence in my role as a Board Director and occasional spokesperson for the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation (AERF). I used Ross in my most recent media release (June 2011) as CEO of the Community Council for Australia. This last release was tricky as it involved a Federal Budget announcement that was being strategically leaked by the Assistant Treasurer. In between these times, I have worked with Ross on numerous occasions. I am also very familiar with the work has undertaken over the last decade for the ANCD, the AERF, and other organisations where I have a role or relationship. In every instance where I have worked with Ross, Media Key have far exceeded initial expectations of how much media coverage might be obtained. There have been occasions when Ross has been able to generate more than 65 media interviews across a 48 hour period covering key media outlets. Even with the most difficult message and relatively unexciting news, Ross works extremely hard to generate interest and understanding within the media. Perhaps just as importantly, Ross always ensured that both the message and the organisation giving the message were very clearly communicated. In summary, I have worked with Ross for over a decade and have found him to be the most determined, focused and committed media person I know. I have strongly recommended the services of MediaKey to at least three other organisations, all of whom have thanked me for the referral. I have absolutely no hesitation in commending Ross on his work and recommending his services to anyone who may be interested in increasing and improving their media profile. ABN: 76 141 705 599 | Level 1, The Realm, 18 National Circuit, Barton, ACT, Australia, 2600 Contact: David Crosbie P: (02) 6198 3435 | M: 0419 624420 | F: (02) 6198 3333
  • 5. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Reference for Ross Woodward, Media Key From Ms Carol Bennett CEO, Consumers Health Forum Australia July 2011 I was referred to Ross Woodward by a colleague and first used his services this year. I would not usually provide a reference on the basis of one experience, but in this instance, I feel very comfortable talking about the services Ross and his team provide. The task I contracted Ross to perform was to co-ordinate a media release and associated media. The media release was really the launch of a public campaign to reverse a Federal cabinet decision on a major health issue. Our organisation had arranged for 60 other organisations to be involved in the campaign which made the task of finalising the media release and the messaging a little complex. Ross was also required to negotiate a number of sensitive relationships – people who felt they should have had a more significant role in the campaign. Ross delivered the most impressive outcome. In one 24 hour period I was involved in 10 television interviews and 20 radio interviews as well as receiving significant coverage in the national press. The story maintained momentum over a period of three days and the impact continues to reverberate both in the media and at a national policy level. What made this unprecedented media coverage even more outstanding was the achievement of a very clear and consistent message. This was partly due to Ross not only having some input into the media release, but also ensuring all media outlets had a positive understanding of the issue. Ross made a point of using the media opportunities to increase organisational profile – building the brand. Despite being an ‘external consultant’ Ross was very focused on using the media to enhance the credibility and relevance of the CHF both in interviews and in support materials. I could talk more about how Ross works but I think the outcomes I have described speak for themselves. In my experience, Ross can best be described as tenacious. Once the task and objectives are set, you can expect Ross to be relentless in pushing through the agenda. I am completely confident that anyone choosing to use Ross to improve their media profile will have made a very good decision. I highly recommend his services.
  • 6. To Whom It May Concern I have known Ross Woodward CEO of Media Key for the last 20years and regard MEDIA KEY as a highly efficient promotional organization with an innovative team who achieve outstanding results each time they undertake a project. While I was CEO of Landcare Australia Ltd (1989-2009) MEDIA KEY played a major role taking the national awareness(city and rural)of both the companies name and logo to 85%(Roy Morgan Research). MEDIA KEY’s staff have a unique ability to secure significant editorial space in newspapers across the nation by using press releases that capture journalistic attention and persistent follow up. Similarly, they display tenacity and ingenuity in their approach to TV and radio news desks and program research staff, securing interviews for the CEOs and celebrity ambassadors of” not for profit” organizations. These unique qualities stands MEDIA KEY apart and ahead of most other promotional organisations in engaging the media to show case a catchy theme for a good cause. Brian Scarsbrick AM Director, Natural Heritage National Trust of Australia (NSW)
  • 7. Ross Woodward Media Key PO Box 387 Mount Eliza Vic 3930 To whom it may concern Able Australia is an organisation that provides services to people with multiple disabilities including deafblindness in Victoria, Tasmania, ACT and Queensland. In promoting awareness of deafblindness in Australia we requested Ross Woodward of Media Key to assist us with media communications specifically during Deafblind Awareness Week held annually in June/July. Through the connections that Media Key has we have been able to get our message across all states of Australia via print media to radio and television audiences. Media Key has assisted us in all phases of the communications including photographic shoots and media briefs as well as given us exposure on ABC – 7:30 Report, Channel 7, Sky News and Channel 10 – The Circle, not to mention introductions to media personalities over the past few years. With a few staff changes within our organisation, Ross has given valuable training to new employees with their presentation for television, radio and newspaper interviews. This training is so valuable to staff not only in their professional presentation but in their personal development. It is with pleasure that we recommend Ross Woodward and Media Key to other organisations that seek professional assistance with their future communication requirements. Yours sincerely, Celestine Hare Chief Executive Officer
  • 8. COMMENTS ABOUT MEDIA KEY’S WORK Thank you to the whole team at Media Key for the work you did on the launch of the National Alliance Against Alcohol Related Violence. Without doubt the work Media Key did in the lead up to, at and since the launch was first class. Your attention to detail, your grasp of the issues, your ideas and your responsiveness was exceptional. Coupled with the delivery on the day of the launch, these qualities ensured the biggest one day media hit the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation has achieved in nearly 7 years of advocating for a reduction in the harms created by alcohol misuse. Government are now listening and responding to our demands. We could not have asked for a better result. Sincere thanks for the fantastic work - a credit to Media Key's professionalism. Daryl Smeaton, Chief Executive Officer, Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation Together we have re-launched Santa, opened stores, handled supermodels, CDs and new business, enhanced sponsorships and stocktakes. Ross, you and Christine have been a tower of strength to me in my management of issues, people and general day to day media. I wanted to take the time to put on paper my thanks to both of you for your publicity professionalism. Never in my career have I met and enjoyed working with two such amazingly talented professionals who never say die, never say no and - in a nutshell never let me down! Christine Bookallil, National Public Relations, Promotions and Corporate Affairs Manager, Myer The most successful program we have ever run in Australia was the Lion King campaign and a major contributor to this success was the publicity campaign implemented by Media Key. The Lion King was undoubtedly a highly successful publicity program within Australia and not only enhanced box office takings but helped to instigate consumer awareness of the extensive range of Lion King consumer products which ultimately resulted in incremental sales. Through the assistance of the Media Key team, we gained massive exposure on many of Australia's top rating television programs and received strong metropolitan radio exposure. There was also enormous newspaper exposure and we obtained major spreads in publications such as the Australian Women's Weekly. Mark Scott, Licensing Manager, The Walt Disney Company Australia
  • 9. Raising the product profile on a film (101 Dalmations) that was 34 years old was never going to be an easy assignment. The end result far exceeded my expectations and this was due largely to the profile achieved through your publicity program. A number of our licensees sold out of stock and importantly the retail buyers were very pleased with the sales of this product category. Mark Coleman, Director of Sales and Retail Marketing, The Walt Disney Company Australia Congratulations on a highly successful PR tour with Dr Kathleen Alfano. We have calculated the media value of the tour at approximately $250,000 which is truly a fantastic result and far exceeds our expectations given the small investment. Media Key were a pleasure to work with from start to finish. The media pack you put together reflected a deep, genuine understanding of the Fisher-Price brand. The schedule you organised covered more media than we could possibly have hoped for, with 14 radio stations, 7 TV stations, 7 magazines and 7 newspapers taking up the story. We are confident that Kathleen's visit will provide an excellent start to our brand building strategy. Samantha Young and Amanda O'Brien, Marketing Manager and Brand Manager, Fisher-Price I would like to thank you for the amount of interest you generated for SpendInfo our geodemographic product. We were thrilled to find that you managed to obtain for us top coverage in a wide variety of newspapers and print across Australia such as: The Weekend Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday Telegraph Sydney, Sunday Herald Sun Melbourne, Ad News National, Sunday Territorian, Business Review Weekly as well as the Company Director Magazine. Your efforts generated about $150,000 worth of print media exposure for our company. Finally I would like to commend you on your patience and the effort you made to come to grips with the SpendInfo product. Your persistence and professionalism was most appreciated and we look forward to working with you again. Dr Peter Brain, Executive Director, National Institude of Economic and Industry Research
  • 10. I would like to congratulate you on the extremely successful PR campaign you conducted for the 35th anniversary of Barbie. The response was staggering. You certainly achieved our tough objective which was to gain maximum TV exposure, which as you are more than aware can never be guaranteed. The extensive campaign ran without a hitch due to the comprehensive work you conducted prior to commencement. It was thoroughly researched and organised down to the finest details. Louise Georgeson, Oglivy & Mather I would like to express my complete satisfaction with your thoroughly professional management of our recent Flood Awareness Media Campaign. My staff and I appreciated your excellent organisational and liaison efforts with the various media involved. I expect that the wide multi-media exposure we received due to your contacts with the media will enhance the prospects of a successful Community Service for the Floods aren't Funny campaign. I personally appreciated your advice and attention to detail in regard to interview technique and getting the message across. Media Key provided a very professional service for an extended period of time at a reasonable price. Alan Hodges, Chairman, International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction Australian Coordination Committee I am writing to express my appreciation for the significant contribution which Media Key made to the success of National Stamp Collecting Month. From the early concept discussions right the way through the planning and detailed execution, Media Key has been an integral part of the Australia Post team working on the project.” The next important factor that singles out Media Key from other agencies is the way you became part of our team and worked so effectively with our staff. David Maiden, Manager, Philatelic Group, Australia Post