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8 oz Self-raising flour
4 oz Shredded suet
8 oz Currants or
150 ml Cold Water
1 oz Sugar
1 pinch salt
Method 1: (pudding cloth)
1. Mix together the flour, sugar, salt, suet and the
currents/raisins. Keep mixing and add a little water at a time
until the whole becomes a firm dough.
2. Roll into a long cylindrical shape that is about 8 inches long.
3. Take a previously boiled pudding cloth, dry and then dust
with flour and wrap it around the dough cylinder. Tie off each
end of the cloth but take care to leave a little room between
the ends of the dough cylinder and the cloth to allow for
expansion when steaming.
4. Put into a large pan of boiling water and boil for approx 2
hours - top up the pan with boiling water and do not allow to
boil dry.
Method 1: (no pudding cloth).
1. Mix together the flour, sugar, salt, suet and the
currents/raisins. Keep mixing and add a little water at a time
until the whole becomes a firm dough.
2. Roll into a long cylindrical shape that is about 8 inches long.
3. Carefully place the rolled pastry into a small pan that is
close to 8 inches diameter as possible.
4. Place this smaller pan into a larger one then fill the larger
pan with boiling water - but do not fill so that the water spills
into the smaller pan. This is to make a steamer to 'steam' the
5. Put on the lid to the larger pan and steam for about 2¼
hours - making sure that the water is topped up in the outer
pan with boiling water.
Serve with custard.

Apples - 6 to 8, (stewed)- See
5 cloves
Sugar to taste
Self raising flour - 1 cup
Butter - 2 tablespoons
Desiccated coconut - 1/2 cup
Brown sugar - 1/2 cup
To stew apples:
Cover apples with water and add 5 cloves and sugar to taste.
Bring to the boil and simmer for about 1 minute. Remove
cloves once stewed.
Place stewed apples into a lightly buttered casserole dish.
Rub the butter into the sifted flour until crumbly like
breadcrumbs, then mix in the coconut and brown sugar.
Sprinkle this mixture on top of the apples.
Bake at 1800C for about 45 minutes or until brown on top.
3 tablespoons warm water
1 package yeast
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1/2 cup milk
4 tablespoons butter, divided
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups flour
1 egg
Combine water, yeast and sugar. Let stand until bubbly, about
5 minutes. Heat milk, 1 tablespoon of the butter and salt in a
saucepan over low heat just until warm. Add to yeast mixture.
Add 1 cup flour to yeast mixture and beat until smooth, about 2
minutes on medium speed of mixer. Beat in egg. Add
remaining flour and beat until smooth. Cover batter with
plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk,
about 1 hour.
Stir down batter and let rest for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, melt remaining butter in a saucepan over low heat.
Skim off foam and discard milky solids from bottom of
saucepan. Brush bottom of a skillet with melted butter. Brush
insides of four crumpet rings or 3-inch round cookie cutters
with butter and place rings in skillet. Heat skillet over medium
heat. Spoon about 2 tablespoons batter into each ring. Cook
until batter begins to bubble on top and is lightly browned on
bottom, about 2 minutes. Remove rings. Turn English
Crumpets over. Cook until lightly browned on bottom and done
in centers. Can be served warm or split and toasted before
SIMNEL CAKE (Associated with Easter today. Originally made for
mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent)
225g Butter, softened
225g Sugar
4 Eggs
225g plain flour
225g sultanas
110g currants
110g glacé cherries, quartered
grated zest of 2 oranges
grated zest of 2 Lemons
2 tsp ground cinnamon
450g almond paste


tbsp apricot jam, warmed
1 egg, beaten

Pre-heat oven to 150°C /gas 2.
2. Place the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, sultanas, currants, glace
cherries, orange zest, lemon zest and cinnamon in a large mixing bowl
and beat together until thoroughly blended
3. Place half the mixture in a buttered and lined 20cm deep round cake
tin and level the surface.
4. Take one-third of the almond paste and roll it out into a circle the size
of the tin. Place it on top of the cake mixture. Spoon the remaining cake
mixture over and smooth the surface.
5. Bake the cake for about 2 hours 30 minutes until well risen and firm to
the touch. Cover with foil after 1 hour if the top is browning too quickly.
Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto a
wire rack to cool completely.
6. When the cake has cooled, brush the top with the warmed apricot jam
and roll out half of the remaining almond paste to fit the top. Press firmly
on the top and crimp the edges to decorate.
7. Mark a criss-cross pattern on the almond paste with a sharp knife.
Form the remaining almond paste into 12 balls (to represent the 12
apostles). Arrange the balls around the outside.
8. Preheat the grill. Place the cake under the preheated grill to turn the
almond paste golden.
Serve these fresh with butter or whipped
double cream or clotted cream and jam.
Serves: 16-18
200 Gram Self raising flour (7 oz)
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
50 Gram Butter (2 oz)
25 Gram Caster sugar (1 oz)
50 Gram Currants (2 oz)
125 ml Milk, plus extra for brushing (4 fl oz)
Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Rub in the butter finely. Add
the sugar and currants. Add the milk all at once. Mix to a soft,
but not sticky, dough with a knife. Turn out onto a lightly
floured board. Knead quickly until smooth. Roll out to about 1
cm (1/2 inch) thickness. Cut into 16 to 18 rounds with a 4 to 5
cm (1 1/2 - 2 inch) fluted cutter.
Transfer to a greased baking tray. Brush the tops with milk.
Bake towards the top of a hot oven 230 °C / 450 °F / Gas 8 for 7
to 10 minutes or until well risen and golden. Cool on a wire
Serves: 4-6
75 Gram Butter (3 oz)
100 Gram Plain flour (3 1/2 oz)
300 ml Milk ( 1/2 pint)
3 Cardamom pods
1/2 Sticks Cinnamon
25 Gram Caster sugar (1 oz)
1/2 Teaspoon Baking powder
2 Teaspoon Cornflour
2 Eggs, separated
Pinch Ground cinnamon
Rub 50g (2 oz) butter into the flour until the mixture resembles
fine breadcrumbs. Mix to a dough with 2-3 tablespoons of the
milk. Roll out on a floured surface and use to line an 18 cm (7
inch) flan ring. Bake blind at 220 °C / 425 °F / Gas 7 for 15
Place the remaining milk and whole spices in a pan. Bring to
the boil, remove from the heat and allow to stand for 15
minutes. Remove and discard the spices. Mix together the
sugar, baking powder, cornflour, milk and egg yolks and
remaining butter and cook stirring until thickened. Cool.
Whisk egg whites until softly stiff and fold into the custard.
Pour into the pastry case. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon.
Bake at 180 °C / 350 °F / Gas 4 for 30 minutes.
Use rice when baking a fluted edge pastry case blind. The rice
fits easily into the shape of the pastry.
6 slices well buttered Bread
50g/2oz Sultanas
4 Eggs
1 teasp Vanilla Extract
25g/1oz Sugar
600ml/20fl.oz. Milk
The Juice and grated Zest of 1
1 teasp Grated Nutmeg
1 teasp Ground Cinnamon
A little extra Sugar
1. Preheat the oven to 170C, 325F, Gas mark 3. Grease
a 7.5cm/3 inch deep ovenproof dish.
2. Remove the crusts from the buttered bread and cut
into quarters (triangles or squares). Reserve 4
quarters for the top and arrange the rest in layers in
the dish, sprinkling the sultanas between each layer.
Top with the reserved quarters.
3. Place the milk in a saucepan and heat to hot but not
4. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix together the eggs,
vanilla, orange juice, zest and sugar then add the hot
milk, stirring well.
5. Slowly pour the egg mixture over the bread and fruit,
being careful not to dislodge the top layer of bread.
Leave to stand for 10 minutes.
6. Sprinkle with the nutmeg, cinnamon and a little
sugar and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes until the
top is browned and crispy.
200g/7oz Shortcrust Pastry
100g/4oz. Golden Syrup or Black
treacle or half and half
The juice of ½ a Lemon
50g/2oz Fresh White
1. Preheat the oven to 200C, 400F
2. On a floured board, roll out the pastry and use to line
a 23cm/8 inch flan tin. Line with greaseproof paper, fill
with baking beans and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, very gently heat the treacle and lemon
juice in a small saucepan.
4. Remove the beans and paper from the pastry case
and sprinkle the breadcrumbs evenly over the pastry.
5. Pour the treacle mixture over the breadcrumbs
evenly then return to the oven and bake for 20-25
minutes. Serve hot with custard.

225g short crust pastry
5-6 tbsp raspberry or strawberry or
black cherry jam
3 Eggs
115g caster sugar
115g Butter, melted
75g ground almonds
dashes of almond essence
Cream, to serve
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas 6.
2. Roll out the pastry. Use the pastry to line a 20cm flan tin,
trimming and neatening the edges.
3. Spoon the jam onto the bottom of the case and spread all
over with the back of the spoon.
4. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until frothy
using a hand whisk and then stir in the melted butter and the
almonds. Add a small dash of almond essence.
5. Spoon this mixture in the pastry case and bake for about 25
minutes or until the filling is set and golden brown.
6. Serve the bakewell tart warm with cream. If serving the tart
cool it can be topped with a layer of softly whipped cream.
175g (6oz) Shortcrust Pastry
110g (4oz) Castor Sugar
50g (2oz) Butter
25g (1oz) Ground Almonds
3 Eggs, separated
1 tbsp Castor Sugar
Milk for glazing

Pre-heat oven to 190°C: 375°F: Gas 5.
Roll the pastry out very thinly and line a baking tin with it.
Decorate the edges of the pastry and brush with as little milk.
Melt the sugar and butter in a saucepan, add the almonds.
Allow to cool slightly.
Stir in the egg yolks and one egg white.
Carefully heat, over a low heat, stirring constantly, until the
mixture thickens.
Pour into the pastry-lined baking tin.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold in the extra
tablespoon of sugar.
Spread spread the meringue on top of the pudding.
Reduce the heat of the oven to 170°C: 325°F: Gas 3.
Bake for around 20 minutes or until the meringue is firm and
light golden on the peaks.
Serve hot or cold.

allow- dejar, permitir
arrange-arreglar, fijar,ordenar
bake blind- hornear sin echar el relleno
bake- hornear,cocer al horno
beat- batir
bring to the boil-llevar a ebullición
brush- cepillar. Pintar con una brocha
cool- enfriar, refrescar, fresco
cover- cubrir
cover- cubrir
crimp-apretar, presionar
heat- calentar
melt- derretir
mix- mezclar
place-poner, colocar
pour-echar,verter, servir
press- presionar, apretar
remove- quitar
remove- sacar, quitar
rub-frotar, restregar, masajear, friccionar
sift-tamizar, espolvorear
simmer-hervir a fuego lento
skim (off)-descremar, desnatar, espumar
sprinkle-espolvorear (con azúcar, harina…). Rociar
stew-estofar,guisar. Si es fruta: hacer compota
stir- remover, agitar
transfer-pasar, transmitir

measure conversions
Food Measurements

1/4 tsp.

1 ml.

1/2 tsp.

2 ml.

1 tsp.

5 ml.

1 tbsp.

15 ml.

1/4 cup

50 ml.

1/3 cup


Metric (UK)



1 ounce

28 grams

2 ounces

55 grams

75 ml.

3 ounces

85 grams

1/2 cup

125 ml.

4 ounces

115 grams

2/3 cup

150 ml.

3/4 cup

175 ml.

8 ounces

225 grams

1 cup

250 ml.

16 ounces

455 grams

1 pint

500 ml.

1 quart

1 liter



1 ounce

28 grams

2 ounces

55 grams

3 ounces

85 grams

4 ounces

115 grams



8 ounces

225 grams



16 ounces

455 grams





































Liquid Equivalents

2 cups

1 pint *

1/2 quart

4 cups

2 pints *

1 quart

4 pints

2 quarts

1/2 gallon

8 pints

4 quarts

1 gallon

Liquid Measurements
1/2 fl. oz.

15 ml.

1 tbsp.

1 fl. oz.

30 ml.

1/8 cup

2 fl. oz.

60 ml.

1/4 cup

4 fl. oz.

120 ml.

1/2 cup

8 fl. oz.

240 ml.

1 cup

16 fl. oz.

480 ml.

1 pint *






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  • 2. SPOTTED DICK 8 oz Self-raising flour 4 oz Shredded suet 8 oz Currants or Raisins 150 ml Cold Water 1 oz Sugar 1 pinch salt Method 1: (pudding cloth) 1. Mix together the flour, sugar, salt, suet and the currents/raisins. Keep mixing and add a little water at a time until the whole becomes a firm dough. 2. Roll into a long cylindrical shape that is about 8 inches long. 3. Take a previously boiled pudding cloth, dry and then dust with flour and wrap it around the dough cylinder. Tie off each end of the cloth but take care to leave a little room between the ends of the dough cylinder and the cloth to allow for expansion when steaming. 4. Put into a large pan of boiling water and boil for approx 2 hours - top up the pan with boiling water and do not allow to boil dry. Method 1: (no pudding cloth). 1. Mix together the flour, sugar, salt, suet and the currents/raisins. Keep mixing and add a little water at a time until the whole becomes a firm dough. 2. Roll into a long cylindrical shape that is about 8 inches long. 3. Carefully place the rolled pastry into a small pan that is close to 8 inches diameter as possible. 4. Place this smaller pan into a larger one then fill the larger pan with boiling water - but do not fill so that the water spills into the smaller pan. This is to make a steamer to 'steam' the pudding. 5. Put on the lid to the larger pan and steam for about 2¼ hours - making sure that the water is topped up in the outer pan with boiling water. Serve with custard.
  • 3. APPLE CRUMBLE Ingredients: Apples - 6 to 8, (stewed)- See directions 5 cloves Sugar to taste Self raising flour - 1 cup Butter - 2 tablespoons Desiccated coconut - 1/2 cup Brown sugar - 1/2 cup Directions: To stew apples: Cover apples with water and add 5 cloves and sugar to taste. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 1 minute. Remove cloves once stewed. Place stewed apples into a lightly buttered casserole dish. Rub the butter into the sifted flour until crumbly like breadcrumbs, then mix in the coconut and brown sugar. Sprinkle this mixture on top of the apples. Bake at 1800C for about 45 minutes or until brown on top.
  • 4. ENGLISH CRUMPETS Ingredients: 3 tablespoons warm water 1 package yeast 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1/2 cup milk 4 tablespoons butter, divided 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups flour 1 egg Combine water, yeast and sugar. Let stand until bubbly, about 5 minutes. Heat milk, 1 tablespoon of the butter and salt in a saucepan over low heat just until warm. Add to yeast mixture. Add 1 cup flour to yeast mixture and beat until smooth, about 2 minutes on medium speed of mixer. Beat in egg. Add remaining flour and beat until smooth. Cover batter with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Stir down batter and let rest for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, melt remaining butter in a saucepan over low heat. Skim off foam and discard milky solids from bottom of saucepan. Brush bottom of a skillet with melted butter. Brush insides of four crumpet rings or 3-inch round cookie cutters with butter and place rings in skillet. Heat skillet over medium heat. Spoon about 2 tablespoons batter into each ring. Cook until batter begins to bubble on top and is lightly browned on bottom, about 2 minutes. Remove rings. Turn English Crumpets over. Cook until lightly browned on bottom and done in centers. Can be served warm or split and toasted before serving.
  • 5. SIMNEL CAKE (Associated with Easter today. Originally made for mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent) Ingredients 225g Butter, softened 225g Sugar 4 Eggs 225g plain flour 225g sultanas 110g currants 110g glacé cherries, quartered grated zest of 2 oranges grated zest of 2 Lemons 2 tsp ground cinnamon 450g almond paste 2 tbsp apricot jam, warmed 1 egg, beaten Method Pre-heat oven to 150°C /gas 2. 2. Place the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, sultanas, currants, glace cherries, orange zest, lemon zest and cinnamon in a large mixing bowl and beat together until thoroughly blended 3. Place half the mixture in a buttered and lined 20cm deep round cake tin and level the surface. 4. Take one-third of the almond paste and roll it out into a circle the size of the tin. Place it on top of the cake mixture. Spoon the remaining cake mixture over and smooth the surface. 5. Bake the cake for about 2 hours 30 minutes until well risen and firm to the touch. Cover with foil after 1 hour if the top is browning too quickly. Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely. 6. When the cake has cooled, brush the top with the warmed apricot jam and roll out half of the remaining almond paste to fit the top. Press firmly on the top and crimp the edges to decorate. 7. Mark a criss-cross pattern on the almond paste with a sharp knife. Form the remaining almond paste into 12 balls (to represent the 12 apostles). Arrange the balls around the outside. 8. Preheat the grill. Place the cake under the preheated grill to turn the almond paste golden.
  • 6. CURRANT SCONES Serve these fresh with butter or whipped double cream or clotted cream and jam. Ingredients Serves: 16-18 200 Gram Self raising flour (7 oz) 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 50 Gram Butter (2 oz) 25 Gram Caster sugar (1 oz) 50 Gram Currants (2 oz) 125 ml Milk, plus extra for brushing (4 fl oz) Method Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Rub in the butter finely. Add the sugar and currants. Add the milk all at once. Mix to a soft, but not sticky, dough with a knife. Turn out onto a lightly floured board. Knead quickly until smooth. Roll out to about 1 cm (1/2 inch) thickness. Cut into 16 to 18 rounds with a 4 to 5 cm (1 1/2 - 2 inch) fluted cutter. Transfer to a greased baking tray. Brush the tops with milk. Bake towards the top of a hot oven 230 °C / 450 °F / Gas 8 for 7 to 10 minutes or until well risen and golden. Cool on a wire rack.
  • 7. CARDAMOM MILK TART Ingredients Serves: 4-6 75 Gram Butter (3 oz) 100 Gram Plain flour (3 1/2 oz) 300 ml Milk ( 1/2 pint) 3 Cardamom pods 1/2 Sticks Cinnamon 25 Gram Caster sugar (1 oz) 1/2 Teaspoon Baking powder 2 Teaspoon Cornflour 2 Eggs, separated Pinch Ground cinnamon Method Rub 50g (2 oz) butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Mix to a dough with 2-3 tablespoons of the milk. Roll out on a floured surface and use to line an 18 cm (7 inch) flan ring. Bake blind at 220 °C / 425 °F / Gas 7 for 15 minutes. Place the remaining milk and whole spices in a pan. Bring to the boil, remove from the heat and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Remove and discard the spices. Mix together the sugar, baking powder, cornflour, milk and egg yolks and remaining butter and cook stirring until thickened. Cool. Whisk egg whites until softly stiff and fold into the custard. Pour into the pastry case. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Bake at 180 °C / 350 °F / Gas 4 for 30 minutes. Use rice when baking a fluted edge pastry case blind. The rice fits easily into the shape of the pastry.
  • 8. ORANGE BREAD AND BUTTER PUDDING Ingredients 6 slices well buttered Bread 50g/2oz Sultanas 4 Eggs 1 teasp Vanilla Extract 25g/1oz Sugar 600ml/20fl.oz. Milk The Juice and grated Zest of 1 orange 1 teasp Grated Nutmeg 1 teasp Ground Cinnamon A little extra Sugar Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 170C, 325F, Gas mark 3. Grease a 7.5cm/3 inch deep ovenproof dish. 2. Remove the crusts from the buttered bread and cut into quarters (triangles or squares). Reserve 4 quarters for the top and arrange the rest in layers in the dish, sprinkling the sultanas between each layer. Top with the reserved quarters. 3. Place the milk in a saucepan and heat to hot but not boiling. 4. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix together the eggs, vanilla, orange juice, zest and sugar then add the hot milk, stirring well. 5. Slowly pour the egg mixture over the bread and fruit, being careful not to dislodge the top layer of bread. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. 6. Sprinkle with the nutmeg, cinnamon and a little sugar and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes until the top is browned and crispy.
  • 9. TREACLE TART Ingredients: 200g/7oz Shortcrust Pastry 100g/4oz. Golden Syrup or Black treacle or half and half The juice of ½ a Lemon 50g/2oz Fresh White Breadcrumbs Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 200C, 400F 2. On a floured board, roll out the pastry and use to line a 23cm/8 inch flan tin. Line with greaseproof paper, fill with baking beans and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, very gently heat the treacle and lemon juice in a small saucepan. 4. Remove the beans and paper from the pastry case and sprinkle the breadcrumbs evenly over the pastry. 5. Pour the treacle mixture over the breadcrumbs evenly then return to the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve hot with custard.
  • 10. BAKEWELL PUDDING Ingredients 225g short crust pastry 5-6 tbsp raspberry or strawberry or black cherry jam 3 Eggs 115g caster sugar 115g Butter, melted 75g ground almonds dashes of almond essence Cream, to serve Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas 6. 2. Roll out the pastry. Use the pastry to line a 20cm flan tin, trimming and neatening the edges. 3. Spoon the jam onto the bottom of the case and spread all over with the back of the spoon. 4. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until frothy using a hand whisk and then stir in the melted butter and the almonds. Add a small dash of almond essence. 5. Spoon this mixture in the pastry case and bake for about 25 minutes or until the filling is set and golden brown. 6. Serve the bakewell tart warm with cream. If serving the tart cool it can be topped with a layer of softly whipped cream.
  • 11. CHESTER PUDDING INGREDIENTS: 175g (6oz) Shortcrust Pastry 110g (4oz) Castor Sugar 50g (2oz) Butter 25g (1oz) Ground Almonds 3 Eggs, separated 1 tbsp Castor Sugar Milk for glazing METHOD: Pre-heat oven to 190°C: 375°F: Gas 5. Roll the pastry out very thinly and line a baking tin with it. Decorate the edges of the pastry and brush with as little milk. Melt the sugar and butter in a saucepan, add the almonds. Allow to cool slightly. Stir in the egg yolks and one egg white. Carefully heat, over a low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Pour into the pastry-lined baking tin. Bake for 20 minutes. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold in the extra tablespoon of sugar. Spread spread the meringue on top of the pudding. Reduce the heat of the oven to 170°C: 325°F: Gas 3. Bake for around 20 minutes or until the meringue is firm and light golden on the peaks. Serve hot or cold. Glossary add-añadir allow- dejar, permitir arrange-arreglar, fijar,ordenar
  • 12. bake blind- hornear sin echar el relleno bake- hornear,cocer al horno beat- batir bring to the boil-llevar a ebullición brush- cepillar. Pintar con una brocha cool- enfriar, refrescar, fresco cover- cubrir cover- cubrir crimp-apretar, presionar dry-secar dust-espolvorear heat- calentar knead-amasar melt- derretir mix- mezclar place-poner, colocar pour-echar,verter, servir press- presionar, apretar remove- quitar remove- sacar, quitar roll-enrollar rub-frotar, restregar, masajear, friccionar serve-servir sift-tamizar, espolvorear simmer-hervir a fuego lento skim (off)-descremar, desnatar, espumar sprinkle-espolvorear (con azúcar, harina…). Rociar stew-estofar,guisar. Si es fruta: hacer compota stir- remover, agitar tie-atar transfer-pasar, transmitir whisk-batir wrap-envolver measure conversions
  • 13. Food Measurements Imperial 1/4 tsp. 1 ml. 1/2 tsp. 2 ml. 1 tsp. 5 ml. 1 tbsp. 15 ml. 1/4 cup 50 ml. 1/3 cup Weights Metric (UK) Imperial Metric 1 ounce 28 grams 2 ounces 55 grams 75 ml. 3 ounces 85 grams 1/2 cup 125 ml. 4 ounces 115 grams 2/3 cup 150 ml. 3/4 cup 175 ml. 8 ounces 225 grams 1 cup 250 ml. 16 ounces 455 grams 1 pint 500 ml. 1 quart 1 liter Weights Imperial Metric 1 ounce 28 grams 2 ounces 55 grams 3 ounces 85 grams 4 ounces 115 grams 32° 0° 8 ounces 225 grams 212° 100° 16 ounces 455 grams 250° 120° 1/2 275° 140° 1 300° 150° 2 325° 160° 3 Very Moderate 350° 180° 4 Moderate 375° 190° 5 400° 200° 6 Moderately Hot 425° 220° 7 Hot 450° 230° 8 475° 240° 9 500° 260° Liquid Equivalents 2 cups 1 pint * 1/2 quart 4 cups 2 pints * 1 quart 4 pints 2 quarts 1/2 gallon 8 pints 4 quarts 1 gallon Liquid Measurements 1/2 fl. oz. 15 ml. 1 tbsp. 1 fl. oz. 30 ml. 1/8 cup 2 fl. oz. 60 ml. 1/4 cup 4 fl. oz. 120 ml. 1/2 cup 8 fl. oz. 240 ml. 1 cup 16 fl. oz. 480 ml. 1 pint * Temperatures Fahrenh eit Celsiu s Gas Mar k Descripti on Cool Very Hot