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• Rapelle is an Australian supplier of surface sprays that has been
in operation since 1992.
• Rapelle’s products are primarily concerned with safe & effective
ways to protect surfaces from bacteria and other contaminants.
• More recently, Rapelle has diversified into pest control. In
partnership with Spraypack, Rapelle have created a natural,
innovative way of treating pest control.
Rapelle’s Background
• Spraypack is an aerosol and liquid contract packer located in
Ingleburn NSW. Spraypack has been operating since 1991.
• We have a dedicated team who specialize in creating unique
formulations to suit our customer’s specific needs.
• We also contract pack for customer’s who already have there
own formulations and cans.
• For instance, we only contract pack for WD-40.
• On the other hand, we provide the total manufacturing
process for Pet Safe.
Spraypack’s Background
Spraypack’s Customers Include
• Bushman Insect Repellent
• Pet Safe
• TrueBlue Insect Spray
• Raid
• Hopstop
• 3M
• Nulon
• Data Dot
• Tabu
• Winesave
Winners of three 2011 Australasian
Aerosol Industry Awards
Product of the Year Award went to HOPSTOP
Award for Innovation went to HOPSTOP
Highly Commended Award went to WINESAVE
What’s Missing In Bug Prevention?
Traditional methods of Bug prevention have two major underlying issues:
• The toxic chemicals used in traditional Bug control are hazardous to humans (this includes pyrethrins).
• Many Bugs build up a tolerance to these toxic chemicals making treatment difficult. The most prolific Bug to
build up a resilience to chemical treatments are Bed Bugs.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is the natural, non-toxic alternative.
• DE is currently applied by hand as a powder.
• DE in powder form is difficult to apply to hard to reach areas.
• This method is messy and leaves residue on surfaces.
If only Diatomaceous Earth was easier to apply without the mess.
We have successfully created a Dry Powdered Diatomaceous Earth Aerosol.
Rapelle Bugs
Rapelle Bugs 330g Aerosol is:
• 100% Non Toxic & Natural. Rapelle Bugs Contains food grade Diatomaceous Earth,
Alcohol and Eucalyptus Oil.
• 100% Australian Made & Owned.
• Bugs bodies become dehydrated and die when Diatomaceous Earth scratches their bodies.
• Effective at reaching bed corners, cupboards and penetrate cracks and crevices.
• Safe on soft and hard furnishings with little to no visual residue.
• A 20 square meter room can be treated in 10 seconds.
• A Cost Effective solution at 10c per square meter*.
• RRP $29.95 List Price $20.00 Inc GST
* Based on list price of $20.00 Inc GST
• Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized skeletons of siliceous marine and fresh water organisms. These skeletons are
made up of hydrated amorphous silica or opal.
• When these are crushed, they break up into tiny pieces of glass (so tiny that the material feels like talcum powder).
• The powder attaches itself to the bodies of most insects, whereupon it scratches through their protective wax layers
causing the insect to lose water rapidly, until it dries up and dies.
• Diatomaceous Earth is effective as long as it is kept dry and undisturbed.
• Unlike other pesticides, insects never build up an immunity to Diatomaceous Earth; so it is always 100% effective in
pest control and prevention.
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Is A
Safe, Non Toxic Bug Preventative
TESTING OFFICER: Michael Till (Senior Mineralogist)
REPORT DATE: 19 November 2013
Please note that the results contained in this report relate only to the sample(s) submitted for testing
A sample of Diatomaceous Earth was received from Kelvin Keatley of ALS-Ammtec-South Australia with a
request for determination of its cristobalite content. The sample was labeled “A” and was from Job No P0546
A representative portion of the sample was pulverized then analyzed by X-ray diffraction to identify the
minerals present. Cristobalite was not detected in the sample. Its detection limit was determined by
reference to measurements on a prepared cristobalite powder. The X-ray absorbency of the sample was
considered to be similar to that of cristobalite and hence no correction was applied
Sample Estimated Wt% of Cristobalite
Diatomaceous Earth “A”
from P0546
Not detected (<0.1%)
• There are different grades of Diatomaceous Earth available;
however not all are safe for human consumption.
• Diatomaceous Earth that contains high levels of Crystalline Silica
has been linked to respiratory and other serious health problems.
• It is very important that an inferior grade of Diatomaceous Earth
isn’t used in bug prevention.
• Each batch of our Diatomaceous Earth is independently tested
for Crystalline Silica content.
• For Diatomaceous Earth to be considered a safe food grade
ingredient the Crystalline silica content must be less than 2%.
• Our Diatomaceous Earth has a Crystalline Silica content that is
almost undetectable at <0.1%*.
* See Cristobalite Analysis Report.
TESTING OFFICER: Michael Till (Senior Mineralogist)
REPORT DATE: 19 November 2013
A sample of Diatomaceous Earth was received from Kelvin Keatley of ALS-Ammtec-South A
request for determination of its cristobalite content. The sample was labeled “A” and was f
A representative portion of the sample was pulverized then analyzed by X-ray diffraction to
minerals present. Cristobalite was not detected in the sample. Its detection limit was deter
reference to measurements on a prepared cristobalite powder. The X-ray absorbency of th
considered to be similar to that of cristobalite and hence no correction was applied
Sample Estimated Wt% of Cristobalite
Diatomaceous Earth “A”
from P0546
Not detected (<0.1%)
• Diatomaceous Earth: A Non Toxic Pesticide Macdonald J. 47(2):
14, 42 (May 1986)
Probably the most effective naturally occurring protective powder is
diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth will control the pests as
long as the powder remains. In this respect diatomaceous earth is
an ideal pesticide; it is residual but non-toxic.
Studies on Diatomaceous Earth
For Bug Prevention
• Entomologists promote
prevention as a defense against
bed bugs First published on: May
26, 2013. Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Dodson Urban Pest
Management Laboratory began
investigating bed bugs in 2004 by
studying pesticide resistance and
new approaches to their control.
Molly Stedfast a master’s student
in entomology shows the
effectiveness of diatomaceous
earth on bed bugs. “When bed
bugs walk through the dust, it
clings to their exoskeleton and
absorbs their wax layer, causing
them to die of dehydration".
• Horizontal Transfer of Diatomaceous Earth and Botanical
Insecticides in the Common Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius L.;
Hemiptera: Cimicidae Yasmin Akhtar, Murray B. Isman mail. Published:
September 25, 2013. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075626 Plos One
“Mortality data clearly demonstrates that diatomaceous earth was
actively transferred from a single exposed bug to unexposed bugs in a
concentration dependent manner”.
The Resurgence of Bed Bugs in Australia: With Notes on Their Ecology and Control
Stephen L.Doggett, Merilyn J.Geary and Richard C. Russell
Department of Medical Entomology, University of Sydney and the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR), Westmead Hospital, Westmead,
New South Wales
The Department of Medical Entomology, Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR), Westmead
Hospital, Sydney, has recorded an increase of over 400% in the number of bed bug samples submitted to its
pathology service, since the beginning of 2001. Over the last four years, the pest control industry has noted a major
resurgence in the number of bed bug treatments, with one company reporting an increase of almost 700%. The
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service has also recorded a similar trend, with a large increase in interceptions
over Recent years, and the majority of interceptions have been from the luggage of travellers. The resurgence of bed
bugs is part of a worldwide trend, although the reasons for the increase have not been scientifically resolved. Many
factors are probably contributing to the upsurge, with increasing world travel being suggested as the main cause as
the insects are transferred through the movements of travellers.
Bed Bugs Population Sores In Australia
• Your hotel should have A Bug Prevention Plan to Risk Protect your most valuable asset.
Your Reputation.
• The costs of a Bug infestation can be severely damaging once a guest takes their complaint online. Bug reviews
on sites such as About.Com Hotels or Trip Advisor are accessible to the world and more importantly potential
guests reviewing your hotel. Once an individual believes your hotel is infested with Bugs they will more than likely
seek alternative accommodation.
Anna says, "I stayed at Beachcomber Island in Fiji in February with my boyfriend and we both received
terrible bed bug bites. They were painful and meant that we were unable to sleep due to itching and worrying that
we would continue to get bitten. The bites took over a week to heal.
The Necessity for A
Bug Prevention Plan
Bug Lawsuits Can Be
Financially Crippling
• It is estimated Bed Bug reports cost the Australian tourism industry $75 million every year. Most cases do not
receive public attention and often are settled out of court due to unwanted publicity.
• Bed Bug Bites on Sai Kim who filed a 5 million dollar lawsuit against The Hilton, Ohio.
• The claim reads like this: “As a direct result of exposure to bed bugs, she was left physically scarred and
emotionally damaged and that these consequences were a direct result of the defendant’s negligence and that the
hotel breached its duty to provide reasonably safe accommodations that eventually led to “embarrassing injury
and tremendous emotional distress”.
Educate Employees
• All hospitality employees should receive some Bug identification training.
• If everybody knows how to identify Bugs, there is a greater chance that you will discover problem bugs quickly;
before the bugs population soar.
• Keep in mind that guests aren’t the only people who can bring Bugs into your facility.
• Be mindful of service areas and locker rooms, as Bugs can infest these locations just as easily as a guests room.
Bed Bug Identification
2nd Stage Larva
(2mm long)
Takes blood
then molts
1st Stage Larva
(1.5mm long)
Takes blood
then molts
(1mm long)
3rd Stage Larva
(2.5mm long)
Takes blood
then molts
4th Stage Larva
(3mm long)
Takes blood
then molts
5th Stage Larva
(4.5mm long)
Takes blood
then molts
(5.5mm long)
Takes repeated
blood over
several weeks.
Adult Female
(6.5mm long)
Females lay up to 5 eggs
per day, continuously.
Evidence of Bed Bugs on Box Spring & Mattress
Hospitality Front of House
Preventing Bugs
Daily Maintenance Procedure
• Bugs have created an infamous name for themselves, as the unwanted traveller. They
readily transport themselves worldwide via luggage and clothing.
• By the time an individual is aware that they have picked up Bugs, the infestation may
have already begun.
How Your Front of House Staff Can Greatly Reduce A Bug Infestation.
• Before delivering guests bags to their rooms; have your baggage porters* discreetly
spray the guests suitcase with Rapelle Bugs to kill off any Bugs that may have attached
themselves to the exterior of the suitcase. If Bugs are inside the suitcase; the chances of
the Bugs surviving an exit from the luggage has been greatly decreased.
• Make sure the bags are sprayed from a distance of 1m so no visible residue is left on
the luggage, before delivering to the guests room.
• Always wear a mask when using Rapelle Bugs.
Implementing A Bug Prevention Plan
Weekly maintenance Procedure
• Step 1. Steam* & Vacuum all areas thoroughly. Immediately empty the vacuum contents into a sealed rubbish bag.
• Step 2. Shake can before use and wear a face mask to prevent inhaling Rapelle Bugs**.
• Step 3. After cleaning surfaces, spray area from 1-2m away for a light fogging.
• Step 4. Spray the entire carpeted area (including under furniture), making sure you reach all edges of the room.
• Step 5. Spray the base of furniture, including the base of a bed on all sides, if applicable.
• Step 6. Spray all cupboards and drawers, including any luggage racks, if applicable.
• Step 7. If there are any cracks or crevices in the floor or walls make sure this area is sprayed & ideally repaired.
• Step 8. Ensure any adjoining doorways are sprayed, including the carpet underneath the doorway.
• Step 9. Spray all soft surfaces such as sofa’s & curtains; however do not spray the top of any mattresses.
*Heat can kill bugs including bugs eggs. However, heat has no residual activity. This means heat alone isn’t effective, because bugs can re-infest areas the day
after a steam treatment.
**As our product is non toxic, this is purely so you don’t inhale large amounts of powder. Much like inhaling large amounts of flour or talcum powder.
When You Suspect A
Bug Outbreak
• Bugs like to hide. Because they are so good at hiding, an outbreak might go undetected for several weeks before
you receive your first complaint.
• After you receive a complaint, and your in-house inspector finds Bug evidence you should take the room out of
service immediately. This may also include rooms adjacent to the outbreak and the rooms directly above and below
(inspect each room and evaluate).
• Do not remove anything out of the infested room until you proceed with treatment.
• If you do not find any evidence, evaluate the original complaint. Did the guest show a member of your staff
evidence of bugs? Or are they complaining about bites?
• Regardless of the validity of the guests complaint it would be wise to implement a Bug Remediation Plan of the
room and move the guests into other lodging.
• Record the complaint, the result of the inspection and the treatment provided; showing that you acted with the
guests best interests, even if their complaint wasn’t validated.
Bug Remediation
• Step 1. Steam* the room thoroughly, including curtains, lamps, sofa, carpet, bed frame, mattress and base.
• Step 2. Vacuum all areas thoroughly. Immediately empty the vacuum contents into a sealed rubbish bag.
• Step 3. Strip all linen and place in a linen bag that has been sprayed with Rapelle Bugs. Immediately launder the
linen, including the laundry bag in a hot wash that reaches a minimum of 48.8C. Place freshly laundered linen in
the dryer on a medium to hot cycle.
• Step 4. Shake can before use and wear a face mask to prevent inhaling Rapelle Bugs**.
• Step 5. Immediately spray entrance carpet way and doorway to prevent Bugs infesting surrounding rooms.
• Step 6. If the infested room has an adjoining room, immediately spray the adjoining doorway and carpet. The
adjoining rooms entrance should also be treated, as this room may be infested. Any rooms directly above or below
the infestation should also be inspected and if required, treated accordingly.
*Heat can kill bugs including bugs eggs. However, heat has no residual activity. This means heat alone isn’t effective, because bugs can re-infest areas the day
after a steam treatment.
**As our product is non toxic, this is purely so you don’t inhale large amounts of powder. Much like inhaling large amounts of flour or talcum powder.
•  Step 7. Dismantle the Bed frame and stand the components on their ends. Then spray every surface of the bed,
taking special care to spray cracks and crevices in the bed frame. Make sure the bed frame is removed from the
wall and the back of the frame is thoroughly sprayed.
• Step 8. Spray the mattress and base thoroughly. Remove the gauze fabric underlying the box spring on the base
and spray. A Mattress Encasement should be secured onto the base of the bed for 18 months to trap any dormant
• Step 9. Spray the Carpet making sure the entire surface has been covered, including the edges of the carpet
against the walls; this is a favourite spot for bed bugs.
• Step 10. Spray any soft surfaces, including curtains, lamps and sofa’s. Make sure you take cushions off sofa’s
and spray the underside of the cushions. It is important that the underside of all furniture is sprayed.
• Step 11. Spray all cupboards and drawers, turning drawers out and spraying the underneath surface. Remove
any pictures from walls and also spray thoroughly.
• Step 12. Spray any cracks or crevices on the walls or floors. Also spray where the wall meets the ceiling.
Bug Remediation Continued
•  Step 13. The treated room should be inspected after 72 hours to determine if there are any surviving Bugs. If
there are no living Bugs the room can be re-cleaned (including thorough steam and vacuum) and re-sprayed
following our Prevention Instructions, ready for occupancy. If live Bugs are found, the following steps should be
• Step 14. The room should be re-cleaned and sprayed following the Infestation Instructions and remain empty for a
further 72 hours.
• Step 15. At the second inspection, if there are no living Bugs; the room can be re-cleaned (including thorough
steam and vacuum) and re-sprayed following our Prevention Instructions, ready for occupancy.
• Step 16. If live Bugs are present, repeat this process until the room is free from signs of living Bugs.
• Once the room has been treated; a weekly maintenance program should be established.
Bug Remediation Continued
Rapelle Bugs Does Not Require APVMA
• Diatomaceous Earth doesn’t require APVMA approval unless specific claims
are being made on the pack.
• To allow us to go straight to market, we have decided to avoid using specific
claims on packaging.
• Because we are making NO specific claims; we do not require registration as
Rapelle Bugs does not breach any regulation.
• We have our own research to support the efficacy of our product as a Bug
eliminator and field trials are proving positive.
• We sell individual Cartons as well as Pallets.
• Pallet orders start at 15 Cartons per layer, with a full Pallet containing 90 Cartons.
* Net Price excludes freight. We are happy to provide FIS and FOB quotes for all domestic and international orders.

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Rapelle naturally bugs

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  • 3. • Rapelle is an Australian supplier of surface sprays that has been in operation since 1992. • Rapelle’s products are primarily concerned with safe & effective ways to protect surfaces from bacteria and other contaminants. • More recently, Rapelle has diversified into pest control. In partnership with Spraypack, Rapelle have created a natural, innovative way of treating pest control. Rapelle’s Background
  • 4. • Spraypack is an aerosol and liquid contract packer located in Ingleburn NSW. Spraypack has been operating since 1991. • We have a dedicated team who specialize in creating unique formulations to suit our customer’s specific needs. • We also contract pack for customer’s who already have there own formulations and cans. • For instance, we only contract pack for WD-40. • On the other hand, we provide the total manufacturing process for Pet Safe. Spraypack’s Background
  • 5. Spraypack’s Customers Include • Bushman Insect Repellent • Pet Safe • TrueBlue Insect Spray • Raid • Hopstop • 3M • Nulon • Data Dot • Tabu • Winesave
  • 6. Winners of three 2011 Australasian Aerosol Industry Awards Product of the Year Award went to HOPSTOP Award for Innovation went to HOPSTOP Highly Commended Award went to WINESAVE
  • 7. What’s  MISSING  in  Bug   Preven6on?    
  • 8. What’s Missing In Bug Prevention? Traditional methods of Bug prevention have two major underlying issues: • The toxic chemicals used in traditional Bug control are hazardous to humans (this includes pyrethrins). • Many Bugs build up a tolerance to these toxic chemicals making treatment difficult. The most prolific Bug to build up a resilience to chemical treatments are Bed Bugs. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is the natural, non-toxic alternative. • DE is currently applied by hand as a powder. • DE in powder form is difficult to apply to hard to reach areas. • This method is messy and leaves residue on surfaces. If only Diatomaceous Earth was easier to apply without the mess. Solution: We have successfully created a Dry Powdered Diatomaceous Earth Aerosol.
  • 9. Rapelle Bugs Rapelle Bugs 330g Aerosol is: • 100% Non Toxic & Natural. Rapelle Bugs Contains food grade Diatomaceous Earth, Alcohol and Eucalyptus Oil. • 100% Australian Made & Owned. • Bugs bodies become dehydrated and die when Diatomaceous Earth scratches their bodies. • Effective at reaching bed corners, cupboards and penetrate cracks and crevices. • Safe on soft and hard furnishings with little to no visual residue. • A 20 square meter room can be treated in 10 seconds. • A Cost Effective solution at 10c per square meter*. • RRP $29.95 List Price $20.00 Inc GST * Based on list price of $20.00 Inc GST
  • 10. HOW DOES DIATOMACEOUS EARTH WORK? • Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized skeletons of siliceous marine and fresh water organisms. These skeletons are made up of hydrated amorphous silica or opal. • When these are crushed, they break up into tiny pieces of glass (so tiny that the material feels like talcum powder). • The powder attaches itself to the bodies of most insects, whereupon it scratches through their protective wax layers causing the insect to lose water rapidly, until it dries up and dies. • Diatomaceous Earth is effective as long as it is kept dry and undisturbed. • Unlike other pesticides, insects never build up an immunity to Diatomaceous Earth; so it is always 100% effective in pest control and prevention.
  • 11. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Is A Safe, Non Toxic Bug Preventative TESTING OFFICER: Michael Till (Senior Mineralogist) REPORT DATE: 19 November 2013 Please note that the results contained in this report relate only to the sample(s) submitted for testing CRISTOBALITE ANALYSIS REPORT No. 75105 1. INTRODUCTION A sample of Diatomaceous Earth was received from Kelvin Keatley of ALS-Ammtec-South Australia with a request for determination of its cristobalite content. The sample was labeled “A” and was from Job No P0546 2. PROCEDURE A representative portion of the sample was pulverized then analyzed by X-ray diffraction to identify the minerals present. Cristobalite was not detected in the sample. Its detection limit was determined by reference to measurements on a prepared cristobalite powder. The X-ray absorbency of the sample was considered to be similar to that of cristobalite and hence no correction was applied 3. RESULT Sample Estimated Wt% of Cristobalite Diatomaceous Earth “A” from P0546 Not detected (<0.1%) • There are different grades of Diatomaceous Earth available; however not all are safe for human consumption. • Diatomaceous Earth that contains high levels of Crystalline Silica has been linked to respiratory and other serious health problems. • It is very important that an inferior grade of Diatomaceous Earth isn’t used in bug prevention. • Each batch of our Diatomaceous Earth is independently tested for Crystalline Silica content. • For Diatomaceous Earth to be considered a safe food grade ingredient the Crystalline silica content must be less than 2%. • Our Diatomaceous Earth has a Crystalline Silica content that is almost undetectable at <0.1%*. * See Cristobalite Analysis Report. TESTING OFFICER: Michael Till (Senior Mineralogist) REPORT DATE: 19 November 2013 CRISTOBALITE ANALYSIS REPORT No. 75105 1. INTRODUCTION A sample of Diatomaceous Earth was received from Kelvin Keatley of ALS-Ammtec-South A request for determination of its cristobalite content. The sample was labeled “A” and was f 2. PROCEDURE A representative portion of the sample was pulverized then analyzed by X-ray diffraction to minerals present. Cristobalite was not detected in the sample. Its detection limit was deter reference to measurements on a prepared cristobalite powder. The X-ray absorbency of th considered to be similar to that of cristobalite and hence no correction was applied 3. RESULT Sample Estimated Wt% of Cristobalite Diatomaceous Earth “A” from P0546 Not detected (<0.1%)
  • 12. • Diatomaceous Earth: A Non Toxic Pesticide Macdonald J. 47(2): 14, 42 (May 1986) Probably the most effective naturally occurring protective powder is diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth will control the pests as long as the powder remains. In this respect diatomaceous earth is an ideal pesticide; it is residual but non-toxic. Studies on Diatomaceous Earth For Bug Prevention • Entomologists promote prevention as a defense against bed bugs First published on: May 26, 2013. Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Dodson Urban Pest Management Laboratory began investigating bed bugs in 2004 by studying pesticide resistance and new approaches to their control. Molly Stedfast a master’s student in entomology shows the effectiveness of diatomaceous earth on bed bugs. “When bed bugs walk through the dust, it clings to their exoskeleton and absorbs their wax layer, causing them to die of dehydration". • Horizontal Transfer of Diatomaceous Earth and Botanical Insecticides in the Common Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius L.; Hemiptera: Cimicidae Yasmin Akhtar, Murray B. Isman mail. Published: September 25, 2013. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075626 Plos One “Mortality data clearly demonstrates that diatomaceous earth was actively transferred from a single exposed bug to unexposed bugs in a concentration dependent manner”.
  • 13. The Resurgence of Bed Bugs in Australia: With Notes on Their Ecology and Control Stephen L.Doggett, Merilyn J.Geary and Richard C. Russell Department of Medical Entomology, University of Sydney and the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR), Westmead Hospital, Westmead, New South Wales The Department of Medical Entomology, Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research (ICPMR), Westmead Hospital, Sydney, has recorded an increase of over 400% in the number of bed bug samples submitted to its pathology service, since the beginning of 2001. Over the last four years, the pest control industry has noted a major resurgence in the number of bed bug treatments, with one company reporting an increase of almost 700%. The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service has also recorded a similar trend, with a large increase in interceptions over Recent years, and the majority of interceptions have been from the luggage of travellers. The resurgence of bed bugs is part of a worldwide trend, although the reasons for the increase have not been scientifically resolved. Many factors are probably contributing to the upsurge, with increasing world travel being suggested as the main cause as the insects are transferred through the movements of travellers. Bed Bugs Population Sores In Australia
  • 14. • Your hotel should have A Bug Prevention Plan to Risk Protect your most valuable asset. Your Reputation. • The costs of a Bug infestation can be severely damaging once a guest takes their complaint online. Bug reviews on sites such as About.Com Hotels or Trip Advisor are accessible to the world and more importantly potential guests reviewing your hotel. Once an individual believes your hotel is infested with Bugs they will more than likely seek alternative accommodation. Anna says, "I stayed at Beachcomber Island in Fiji in February with my boyfriend and we both received terrible bed bug bites. They were painful and meant that we were unable to sleep due to itching and worrying that we would continue to get bitten. The bites took over a week to heal. The Necessity for A Bug Prevention Plan
  • 15. Bug Lawsuits Can Be Financially Crippling • It is estimated Bed Bug reports cost the Australian tourism industry $75 million every year. Most cases do not receive public attention and often are settled out of court due to unwanted publicity. • Bed Bug Bites on Sai Kim who filed a 5 million dollar lawsuit against The Hilton, Ohio. • The claim reads like this: “As a direct result of exposure to bed bugs, she was left physically scarred and emotionally damaged and that these consequences were a direct result of the defendant’s negligence and that the hotel breached its duty to provide reasonably safe accommodations that eventually led to “embarrassing injury and tremendous emotional distress”.
  • 16. Implemen6ng     A  Bug     Preven6on  Plan  
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  • 18. Hospitality Educate Employees • All hospitality employees should receive some Bug identification training. Why? • If everybody knows how to identify Bugs, there is a greater chance that you will discover problem bugs quickly; before the bugs population soar. • Keep in mind that guests aren’t the only people who can bring Bugs into your facility. • Be mindful of service areas and locker rooms, as Bugs can infest these locations just as easily as a guests room.
  • 19. Bed Bug Identification 2nd Stage Larva (2mm long) Takes blood then molts 1st Stage Larva (1.5mm long) Takes blood then molts Egg (1mm long) 3rd Stage Larva (2.5mm long) Takes blood then molts 4th Stage Larva (3mm long) Takes blood then molts 5th Stage Larva (4.5mm long) Takes blood then molts Adult (5.5mm long) Takes repeated blood over several weeks. Adult Female (6.5mm long) Females lay up to 5 eggs per day, continuously. Evidence of Bed Bugs on Box Spring & Mattress
  • 20. Hospitality Front of House Preventing Bugs Daily Maintenance Procedure • Bugs have created an infamous name for themselves, as the unwanted traveller. They readily transport themselves worldwide via luggage and clothing. • By the time an individual is aware that they have picked up Bugs, the infestation may have already begun. How Your Front of House Staff Can Greatly Reduce A Bug Infestation. • Before delivering guests bags to their rooms; have your baggage porters* discreetly spray the guests suitcase with Rapelle Bugs to kill off any Bugs that may have attached themselves to the exterior of the suitcase. If Bugs are inside the suitcase; the chances of the Bugs surviving an exit from the luggage has been greatly decreased. • Make sure the bags are sprayed from a distance of 1m so no visible residue is left on the luggage, before delivering to the guests room. • Always wear a mask when using Rapelle Bugs.
  • 21. Implementing A Bug Prevention Plan Weekly maintenance Procedure • Step 1. Steam* & Vacuum all areas thoroughly. Immediately empty the vacuum contents into a sealed rubbish bag. • Step 2. Shake can before use and wear a face mask to prevent inhaling Rapelle Bugs**. • Step 3. After cleaning surfaces, spray area from 1-2m away for a light fogging. • Step 4. Spray the entire carpeted area (including under furniture), making sure you reach all edges of the room. • Step 5. Spray the base of furniture, including the base of a bed on all sides, if applicable. • Step 6. Spray all cupboards and drawers, including any luggage racks, if applicable. • Step 7. If there are any cracks or crevices in the floor or walls make sure this area is sprayed & ideally repaired. • Step 8. Ensure any adjoining doorways are sprayed, including the carpet underneath the doorway. • Step 9. Spray all soft surfaces such as sofa’s & curtains; however do not spray the top of any mattresses. *Heat can kill bugs including bugs eggs. However, heat has no residual activity. This means heat alone isn’t effective, because bugs can re-infest areas the day after a steam treatment. **As our product is non toxic, this is purely so you don’t inhale large amounts of powder. Much like inhaling large amounts of flour or talcum powder.
  • 22. When You Suspect A Bug Outbreak • Bugs like to hide. Because they are so good at hiding, an outbreak might go undetected for several weeks before you receive your first complaint. • After you receive a complaint, and your in-house inspector finds Bug evidence you should take the room out of service immediately. This may also include rooms adjacent to the outbreak and the rooms directly above and below (inspect each room and evaluate). • Do not remove anything out of the infested room until you proceed with treatment. • If you do not find any evidence, evaluate the original complaint. Did the guest show a member of your staff evidence of bugs? Or are they complaining about bites? • Regardless of the validity of the guests complaint it would be wise to implement a Bug Remediation Plan of the room and move the guests into other lodging. • Record the complaint, the result of the inspection and the treatment provided; showing that you acted with the guests best interests, even if their complaint wasn’t validated.
  • 23. Bug Remediation • Step 1. Steam* the room thoroughly, including curtains, lamps, sofa, carpet, bed frame, mattress and base. • Step 2. Vacuum all areas thoroughly. Immediately empty the vacuum contents into a sealed rubbish bag. • Step 3. Strip all linen and place in a linen bag that has been sprayed with Rapelle Bugs. Immediately launder the linen, including the laundry bag in a hot wash that reaches a minimum of 48.8C. Place freshly laundered linen in the dryer on a medium to hot cycle. • Step 4. Shake can before use and wear a face mask to prevent inhaling Rapelle Bugs**. • Step 5. Immediately spray entrance carpet way and doorway to prevent Bugs infesting surrounding rooms. • Step 6. If the infested room has an adjoining room, immediately spray the adjoining doorway and carpet. The adjoining rooms entrance should also be treated, as this room may be infested. Any rooms directly above or below the infestation should also be inspected and if required, treated accordingly. *Heat can kill bugs including bugs eggs. However, heat has no residual activity. This means heat alone isn’t effective, because bugs can re-infest areas the day after a steam treatment. **As our product is non toxic, this is purely so you don’t inhale large amounts of powder. Much like inhaling large amounts of flour or talcum powder.
  • 24. •  Step 7. Dismantle the Bed frame and stand the components on their ends. Then spray every surface of the bed, taking special care to spray cracks and crevices in the bed frame. Make sure the bed frame is removed from the wall and the back of the frame is thoroughly sprayed. • Step 8. Spray the mattress and base thoroughly. Remove the gauze fabric underlying the box spring on the base and spray. A Mattress Encasement should be secured onto the base of the bed for 18 months to trap any dormant Bugs. • Step 9. Spray the Carpet making sure the entire surface has been covered, including the edges of the carpet against the walls; this is a favourite spot for bed bugs. • Step 10. Spray any soft surfaces, including curtains, lamps and sofa’s. Make sure you take cushions off sofa’s and spray the underside of the cushions. It is important that the underside of all furniture is sprayed. • Step 11. Spray all cupboards and drawers, turning drawers out and spraying the underneath surface. Remove any pictures from walls and also spray thoroughly. • Step 12. Spray any cracks or crevices on the walls or floors. Also spray where the wall meets the ceiling. Bug Remediation Continued
  • 25. •  Step 13. The treated room should be inspected after 72 hours to determine if there are any surviving Bugs. If there are no living Bugs the room can be re-cleaned (including thorough steam and vacuum) and re-sprayed following our Prevention Instructions, ready for occupancy. If live Bugs are found, the following steps should be taken. • Step 14. The room should be re-cleaned and sprayed following the Infestation Instructions and remain empty for a further 72 hours. • Step 15. At the second inspection, if there are no living Bugs; the room can be re-cleaned (including thorough steam and vacuum) and re-sprayed following our Prevention Instructions, ready for occupancy. • Step 16. If live Bugs are present, repeat this process until the room is free from signs of living Bugs. • Once the room has been treated; a weekly maintenance program should be established. Bug Remediation Continued
  • 26. Rapelle Bugs Does Not Require APVMA Registration • Diatomaceous Earth doesn’t require APVMA approval unless specific claims are being made on the pack. • To allow us to go straight to market, we have decided to avoid using specific claims on packaging. • Because we are making NO specific claims; we do not require registration as Rapelle Bugs does not breach any regulation. • We have our own research to support the efficacy of our product as a Bug eliminator and field trials are proving positive.
  • 27. Summary Range    RRP  (Inc  GST)      Net  Price  (Inc  GST)     %  Margin  (Inc  GST)   1  Carton  (12  cans)   $29.95   $20.00*   33.21%   • We sell individual Cartons as well as Pallets. • Pallet orders start at 15 Cartons per layer, with a full Pallet containing 90 Cartons. * Net Price excludes freight. We are happy to provide FIS and FOB quotes for all domestic and international orders.