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      Q2 2012
      By Roger Matus, Executive Vice President, Ann Carver, Analyst and
         Maria Tricca, Marketing Manager, Nellymoser, Inc.

                                           The number of mobile action codes, such as QR codes, Microsoft
                                           Tags and digital watermarks, in the Top 100 U.S. magazines jumped
                                           dramatically in Q2 2012. A total of 2200 codes were printed during the
                                           quarter, up from 1365 in Q1 (61% growth). This is more than double
                                           the 1062 codes printed one year earlier in Q2 2011 (107%).
      A total of 2200
                                           To understand how these mobile action codes are being used in
      codes were printed
                                           magazines, Nellymoser surveyed every issue of the top 100 U.S.
      during the quarter,                  magazines by circulation in 2011 and the first six months of 2012. The
      up from 1365 in Q1                   study is limited to national titles readily available on newsstands. This
      (61% growth).                        eliminated publications that require a membership, such as AARP

                                                                               Action Codes By Quarter

                                                                         2011                                                 2012
                                                   A c t i on C od e s

                                           2000                                                              1899

                                           1500                                                                          1365

                                                                                       1062       1155

                                            500                          352

                                               0                                                                              Source: Nellymoser
                                                                         Q1    ⁄        Q2    ⁄   Q3     ⁄   Q4      ⁄   Q1        ⁄    Q2
                                                                                       To p 10 0 M a g a z i n e s

Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476                        |     t: 1-781-645-1515    |
Action Codes Per Month
                                                                            810                               2011
                          700                                                           686

                               A ct i o n C o d es
                          600                                   598
in our study              500                                                                                   507
printed at
least one                 400                                                 394
mobile action                                   318
code during               300                                         295

the quarter.                                                                                  278
                          200                                   170

                          100                              94
                                                                                                                 Source: Nellymoser
                                                          Jan ⁄ Feb ⁄ Mar ⁄ Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun ⁄ Jul ⁄ Aug ⁄ Sep ⁄ Oct ⁄ Nov ⁄ Dec
                                                                         Top 1 0 0 M aga z i n es
       P2                magazine and regional titles. For the                             Most months in 2012 showed a continuing
                         purposes of this study, we refer to this list                     upward trend from month to month, as
                         as the Top 100 magazines.                                         the graph above illustrates. In addition,
                                                                                           the lines for 2011 and 2012 appear to
                         To compile the data, Nellymoser analyzed                          be parallel, indicating that interest and
                         every page in each issue within the Top 100                       investment in mobile activation codes
                         magazines. In Q2 2012, we counted:                                continues at a rapid rate.

                         •	   46,132 total magazine pages, up from                         A year-over-year analysis shows that the
                              38,719 in Q1 2012.                                           number of action codes rose more than
                                                                                           150% in the first half of each year (3565 vs.
                         •	   19,976 total advertising pages, up from                      1414). If this trend continues, more than
                              15,691 in Q1 2012.                                           11,000 codes will be printed in 2012 with
                         Nellymoser activated every QR Code,                               more than 1000 codes printed per month
                         Microsoft Tag, Digimarc watermark,                                starting in September or October.
                         SpyderLynk SnapTag, JagTag, recognizable
                         image and any other code we found with                            The projected growth pattern for Q3 may
                         an iPhone or Android device. We ran every                         well be exceeded. Two magazines have
                         campaign, watched every video and visited                         already announced record breaking code
                         every web page.                                                   use for September. Seventeen’s September
                                                                                           2012 issue will contain more than 250
                         Action Code Growth                                                activated images. GQ announced that
                                                                                           their September issue will activate every
                         For the first time in Q2 2012, every                              advertising page with image recognition.
                         magazine in our study printed at least
                         one mobile action code. All but ten of the                        The code count growth rate tells only part
                         magazine titles printed 10 or more codes in                       of the story.
                         the quarter.

 Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476                  |     t: 1-781-645-1515   |
Percentage of Ad Pages With An Action Code
                        10                      2011                                                                  2012                    9.77%

                           A c ti o n Co de s
                          9                                                                                                   8.30%
                                                                                                  7.42%                               8.05%
                                                           5.02%                               5.76%
More than 10%             5
of magazine                                        4.02%                   4.96%
ad pages                  3                     3.55%
contained a                                                                                                                                    Source: Nellymoser
                                                Mar ⁄ Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun ⁄ Jul ⁄ Aug ⁄ Sep ⁄ Oct ⁄ Nov ⁄ Dec ⁄ Jan ⁄ Feb ⁄ Mar ⁄ Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun
code in Q2
                                                                                     To p 1 0 0 M ag az i n es
2012, up from
5% just one             The most revealing way to understand the                                          Fitting a trend line to this data projects
                        impact of action codes on a month-to-                                             that the percentage of advertising pages
year ago.
                        month basis is to look at the percentage                                          containing an action code will reach or
                        of advertising pages with an action code.                                         exceed 12% in September 2012.
                        This is because the percentage calculation
                        normalizes for the number of issues printed                                       The average and median number of codes
                        and the number of ad pages per issue.                                             in Q2 2012 were the highest we have seen,
       P3                                                                                                 except for Q4 2011, which was helped by
                        Reasons for focusing on percentage                                                holiday season promotions. The greatest
                        numbers for month-to-month comparisons                                            number of codes in a magazine issue was
                        include: (1) weekly magazines print more                                          51.
                        issues in some months than others, (2)
                        some magazines skip or combine issues for                                         QR Codes Lead Market
                        certain months or weeks during the year
                        -- especially in the summer and around the                                        As the graph on the next page shows,
                        year-end and (3) certain months, especially                                       QR codes and Microsoft Tags continue to
                        during the holiday season, tend to have                                           dominate the mobile activation market.
                        more advertisements.)                                                             However, QR now has a significant lead
                                                                                                          with more than an 80% market share.
                        As the chart above indicates, more than                                           This is a significant change from Q2 and
                        10% of magazine ad pages contained a                                              Q3 of last year when the market was split
                        code in Q2, up from 5% just one year ago.                                         between QR and Microsoft Tags.

                                                                    Number of Action Codes Per Issue
                                                                      Q1 2011          Q2 2011            Q3 2011     Q4 2011         Q1 2012         Q2 2012
                          Average number of                               2.33             4.23               4.83        6.50            4.88            6.07
                          codes per issue
                          Median number of                2             3           4            5           4          5
                          codes per issue
                          Greatest number of             12           29          54           70          32          51
                          codes in an issue
                        Number of action codes per issue for issues that contained at least one action code. Each weekly
                        issue of a weekly magazine counted as a separate issue.

Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476                                |      t: 1-781-645-1515    |
Action Code Market Share By Month

                                                          2011                                                                    2012
                                                                                   QR Code

                                   % of Acti o n Co des
                                                                               Microsoft Tag
                             90                                                       Other                                       85%           85%
                                                                                                  80%               80%    82%
                             80                                                                              77%                         76%
                             70                                          68%             65%
                             60                                 55%
Two new
technologies                                                    41%
                             30                           32%
made their first                                                         21%             33%
                             20                                                25%                                                       17%     14%
appearance in                                                                                               23%     13%    12%    13%
                             10                                                                    17%
2012.                                                                    11%
                               0                          5%     4%                                 4%              7%      6%           7%
                                                                               2%        2%                   1%                  2%            1%
                         Type of Code                     Jul ⁄ Aug ⁄ Sep ⁄ Oct ⁄ Nov ⁄ Dec ⁄ Jan ⁄ Feb ⁄ Mar / Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun
                         Aug. Reality                                                                                         1
                           Digimarc                                                                  5               29       8     8     46      5
                             JagTag                         7     14      10     9        10         3         2      3       3     3      3      4
                           MSFT Tag                        88    152     109   145       226       105        72     57      69    88    139     96
                                NFC                                                                                                 1

                               Other                                                                                                1             1
                                   QR                     175    202     346   433       440       502       244    359     494   599    615    576
   P4                    SpyderLynk                         7      1      40               5        14                1      24     1      7      2
                              WIMO                          1      1       2                        2                               2             2

                        Digimarc watermarks now lead the “Other”                                         used with augmented reality, appeared on
                        category, having risen from just five codes                                      the cover of the Sports Illustrated in March
                        in all of 2011 to 96 codes in the first half                                     2012. Image recognition is attracting
                        of 2012. Digimarc watermarks enable                                              interest in magazines as they do not
                        publishers to create custom branded icons                                        require any change in the image itself
                        which match the look and feel of the brand                                       or the pre-production process, as other
                        instead of QR codes. This makes them                                             mobile action codes do.
                        popular with many designers.
                                                                                                         The first Near Field Communications (NFC)
                        Two new technologies made their first                                            campaign appeared in Wired, which is
                        appearance in 2012. Image recognition,                                           not one of the Top 100 magazines. NFC

                                               Demonstration of New Mobile Activation Technologies

                        Image recognition with augmented reality (left) and Near Field Communications are two new
                        technologies that appeared in 2012. Short video demonstrations (about 90 seconds) of these
                        technologies may be seen at

Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476                          |         t: 1-781-645-1515      |
Uses for Action Codes Q2 2012
                                                                        Video:    40%
                                          Opt-in/Subscribe/Sweeps:                19%         $
                                                            Social Media:         18%
                                                               Buy Online         14%                       $
                                                           Store Locator:         12%
Video is by far
                                                                  Coupon:          7%
the most widely
used mobile                                                Photo Gallery:          5%
experience (40%).                                             Downloads:           4%
                                                                  Recipes:         4%
                                                                     Voting:       1%
                                                                                                            Source: Nellymoser
                                     NOTE: Columns total more than 100% because each action code may lead to more than one
                                     engagement. For example, it may show a video and then offer to share the video.

                         enables a phone to be activated just by                  •	   Data Capture and List Building (Opt-
                         placing the device on an ad. However, it                      ins / Subscriptions / Sweepstakes):
       P5                adds the expense of embedding an NFC                          Action codes are effective for building
                         chip into the advertisement. We believe                       databases because readers can
                         that cost will slow NFC adoption in the near                  respond immediately and wherever
                         term.                                                         they are reading the magazine.

                         How Action Codes Were Used                                    Sweepstakes were, by far, the largest
                                                                                       contributor in this category. While a
                         As shown in the chart above for Q2 2012,                      sweeps can be run with just one action
                         video is by far the most widely used mobile                   code, there is a growing trend towards
                         experience (40%). Sweepstakes and social                      sweepstakes that use multiple codes
                         media are the next most common uses,                          and span an entire issue with multiple
                         with each being around 20%.                                   advertisers and editorial sections
                         Nellymoser scanned every code, activated
                         each campaign, watched each video and                    •	   Commerce (On-line Store, Brick-
                         completed actions requested for the                           and-Mortar Store Locator / Coupon):
                         mobile campaigns. Our qualitative analysis                    Readers can immediately scan and
                         is that most action codes were used for one                   act on a desire to purchase. Links to a
                         or more of the following four purposes:                       corporate e-commerce store led the
                                                                                       category at 14% followed by in-app
                         •	   Branding and Demonstrations: By                          store locators at 12%. Some store
                              far, the largest usage for action codes                  locators used the phone’s built-in GPS
                              was to showcase a video. These videos                    to find the nearest location.
                              are often created specifically for mobile           •	   Social Media: Action codes were also
                              use. Examples include:                                   used for sharing via Facebook, Twitter,
                              •	 A behind-the-scenes look                              Pinterest and email. In Q2, 18% of
                              •	 A product demonstration                               codes enabled readers to share a video
                              •	 A how-to video                                        link or product information via social
                              •	 An entertaining video

 Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476        |     t: 1-781-645-1515       |
media. (NOTE: Only social sharing that                        As Nellymoser tallied each action code for
                                                was part of the mobile campaign was                           this study, our team took notes about the
                                                included. Some video campaigns led                            scanning experience. While our notes do
                                                to a YouTube Channel, which in turn                           not lead to precise counts, as the other
                                                has a social sharing feature. These                           statistics do, Nellymoser is able to identify
                                                were not counted.)                                            general trends. We learned the following:

                         Mobile-Capable Sites                                                                 •	          Approximately 10% of all action
                                                                                                                          codes went to “web content,” such as
                         Almost all scans resulted in an experience                                                       company home pages, a web form or a
                         that was technically viewable on a mobile                                                        desktop-style e-commerce site.
Nearly half of           phone. However, a quarter of these mobile
all action codes         experiences appear not to be designed or                                             •	          About 10% went directly to a YouTube
                         optimized specifically for mobile use.                                                           video or a YouTube Channel mobile
(49%) came from
                                                                                                                          page. While they showed videos, they
companies in just        Nellymoser classifies mobile experiences                                                         were not optimized with experiences
four industries:         into the following categories:                                                                   after the scan, such as a sign-up form.
beauty, home,                                                                                                 •	          Roughly 1.5% went directly to a
                         •	                     Web Content A web site that is
health and auto-                                technically viewable on a smartphone,                                     Facebook page.
motive.                                         but mobile was not a consideration in                         •	          Another 1.5% would not scan or
                                                site design.                                                              contained bad links, including
                         •	                     Mobile Capable: Technically viewable                                      eight codes that linked to a QR
                                                on the phone (e.g., written in HTML5)                                     code generator site. (Nellymoser
                                                but not optimized for conversion,                                         categorizes these as “Does Not Work.”)
        P6                                      campaign goals, etc.                                          Top Industries and Brands
                         •	                     Mobile Optimized: Both Mobile
                                                Capable and optimized to achieve                              Nearly half of all action codes in Q2 2012
                                                campaign objectives. It is fast and                           (49%) came from companies in just four
                                                easy to use on a wide range of mobile                         industries: beauty, home, health and auto-
                                                devices.                                                      motive.

                                                                          Top 10 Industries and Brands Q2 2012
                                                                               Ac t i o n C o de s                                                                         Act i o n C o des

                                                         1    Beauty                                                                  1   Sally Hansen
                                                                                              360                                                                                        64


                                                         2    Home                                                                    2   John Frieda


                                                         3    Health                                                                      Infiniti

                              To p I n d u s t r i e s


                                                                                                                   To p B r a n d s

                                                                                                                                      4   Nivea


                                                         5    Food/Bev
                                                                                107                                                   5   Cuisinart, Tyson

                                                         6                                                                                                    25

                                                                                105                                                   7   Progressive

                                                         7    Pets                                                                                            23

                                                                              77                                                      8

                                                                                                                                          Restart Fitness

                                                         8                                                                                                  21

                                                              Pharmaceutical, Travel
                                                                                                                                      9   Essure


                                                         10   Financial
                                                                                                                                      10 Blue Buffalo, Botox Migraine,
                                                                             58                                                           Tide Pods

                                                                               Source: Nellymoser                                                        18                Source: Nellymoser

 Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476                                       |   t: 1-781-645-1515                      |
Automotive joins the top four industries list                                          Top Magazines Q2 2012
                         for the first time. There was a big jump in                                                                       Act i o n C o des
                         the use of codes by the automotive indus-                                              1        Better Homes and Gardens
                         try, from 81 codes in Q1 2012 to 195 codes                                                                                                   75

                         this quarter.

                                                                             To p M a g a z i n e T i t l e s
                                                                                                                2        InStyle
                         The number of advertising codes used by

                                                                                                                3        Popular Mechanics
                         the fashion industry has remained relative-                                                                                           65

                         ly constant since Q1 (105 versus 90). How-
                         ever, due to the growth in other categories,                                           4        People
                         fashion fell from fourth place to sixth place

The number of            in the list (from 15.7% in Q1 to 4.1% in Q2).                                          5        Bloomberg Businessweek
brands using

                                                                                                                         Traditional Home,
                         The number of brands using action codes                                                6
action codes                                                                                                             Car and Driver
                         jumped by one-third from 451 in Q1 to 598

jumped by one-                                                                                                  8        Shape
                         in Q2. This shows increased adoption.
third from 451 in                                                                                                                              51

Q1 to 598 in Q2.         Most of the 12 brands on the top 10 list this                                          9        Marie Claire, Allure
                         quarter were not on the top 10 list in Q1.                                                                      46

                                                                                                                                              Source: Nellymoser
                         Only Tyson, Restart Fitness and Blue Buffalo
                         repeated.                                                          Top Magazines By
                                                                                         Number of Codes Per Issue
                         Top 10 Magazine Titles
                                                                                                                              Ac t i o n C o d es P er Issu e

                         Better Homes and Gardens, InStyle and                                                  1    Better Homes and Gardens
       P7                Popular Mechanics topped both the list of

                         magazines with the most number of action                                               2    InStyle
                         codes and the highest average number of             To p M a g a z i n e T i t l e s
                         action codes per issue during Q2 2012.                                                 ⁄
                                                                                                                3    Popular Mechanics

                         We believe that the average number                                                          Traditional Home,
                                                                                                                     Car and Driver
                         of codes per issue is the best way to                                                                                            18.7

                         determine the Top Magazines because the                                                6    Shape
                         calculation puts weeklies, monthlies and                                                                                17.0

                         those that skipped an issue on the same                                                7
                                                                                                                     Marie Claire, Allure
                         basis of comparison.                                                                                                  15.3

                         All of titles on the Top Magazines By                                                       Cosmopolitan

                         Number of Codes Per Issue list, except                                                 10
                         for Better Homes and Gardens and Popular                                                    Woman’s Day

                         Mechanics, appeared in the Q1 list. Better
                                                                                                                11   Redbook
                         Homes and Gardens jumped to the top of
                         the list with two issues containing nearly                                                                        Source: Nellymoser

                         30 codes each. Popular Mechanics rose to
                         third place with two issues with 20 or more       practice and follows the pattern of many
                         codes.                                            other calls to action.

                         Action Code Text                                  There is a clear trend moving away from
                                                                           having other content around the QR code,
                         In Q2 2012, 58% of all action codes               which is an indication of wider acceptance.
                         were accompanied by information that              Only 13% of codes were customized and
                         described what happens after the scan.            only 6% were accompanied by an icon.
                         This is considered by many to be a best           Few codes were accompanied by an SMS

 Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476    |   t: 1-781-645-1515                                |
Action Codes In Print Q2 2012

                                                           58%                                               13%
                                                Describes destination                                 Are customized

                                                                       Scan to Shop
                                             6%                        Get the Free App                            26%
                                           Have icon                   From Nellymoser                         Use color
                                                                        Go To:
                                                              Or text SCAN to 800-555-1234

There is a
                                                  3%                                                     16%
clear trend                                Choice to use SMS                                  Have instructions to get app
moving away                                                                                                        Source: Nellymoser, Inc.

from having
                         Action Code Page Location                                              magazines. The number of codes,
other content                                                                                   2200, exceeded even the 1899 codes
around the QR            More than 85% of action codes are placed                               printed during the 2011 holiday season.
code, which is           on the bottom half of the page, the
                         traditional location for a call to action.                       •	    One out of every ten advertisements
an indication                                                                                   contained a QR code or other action
of wider                 The diagram below divides a magazine                                   code. The peak month was May with
                         page into quadrants and shows by                                       10.4% of advertising pages containing
acceptance.                                                                                     an action code.
                         percentage where the codes appeared.
                         Numbers that overlap quadrants indicate                          •	    The rate of growth in the percentage
        P8               that a code crossed quadrant boundaries.                               of advertising pages is growing fairly
                                                                                                steadily. If the trend continues, the
                         Conclusion and Key Findings                                            percentage of advertising pages with a
                                                                                                mobile action code should exceed 12%
                         For Q2 2012, Nellymoser analyzed                                       by September 2012.
                         46,132 pages in the top 100 U.S. national
                         magazines. We reached the following key                          •	    QR codes are the clear market leader
                         conclusions:                                                           with more than three-quarters of the
                                                                                                market since December 2011. Microsoft
                         •	   A record number of mobile action                                  Tag remains in second place with a 12%
                              codes appeared in the top 100                                     to 17% share.

                                     Action Code                                          •	    Digimarc watermarks have become
                                   Location on Page                                             the leader in the “Other” category.
                                                                                                New technologies, such as image
                                                                                                recognition with augmented reality
                                                                                                and NFC have entered the market.
                                            0.5% 6.9%
                                                                                          •	    A significant number of campaigns that
                                                                                                lead to desktop web sites have broken
                                                                                                links or do not scan at all.
                                           0.3 %
                                      0.5%                                                •	    Four types of campaigns dominate the
                                                                                                use of action codes:
                                       40.4%                                                    •	   Video demonstrations and
                                                2.6%                                                 branding

                                                                                                •	   Data capture and list building
                                                         Source: Nellymoser, Inc.

 Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476           |      t: 1-781-645-1515          |
•	     Links to e-commerce sites and                                        number of brands jumped to 598 in Q2,
                                     store locators for brick-and-mortar                                  up from 451 in Q1.
                                                                                                    •	    More than 85% of action codes are
                              •	     Social media sharing with links to                                   placed on the bottom half of the page.
                                     Facebook and Twitter
                                                                                                    Nellymoser intends to update this report
                         •	   About half of all action codes used in                                on a regular basis to identify trends.
                              magazines came from companies in
                              just four industries: beauty, health,                                 Get notifications of future updates by
                              home and automotive.                                                  following Nellymoser on Facebook at
A significant                                                                             
                         •	   More brands have adopted mobile
number of                     action codes than ever before. The
campaigns that
lead to desktop
web sites have
broken links or
do not scan at


                         About Nellymoser                                                           Nellymoser’s customers include leading
                                                                                                    publishers, advertisers, retailers and
                         Nellymoser, Inc., (http://www.nellymoser.                                  consumer packaged goods companies.
                         com), is a mobile marketing and
                         technology services company founded in                                     Scan To See Nellymoser In Action:
                         2000 and headquartered in Arlington, MA.
                         Nellymoser creates interactive consumer
                         experiences on mobile phones and tablets.

                         The company is expert in producing
                         mobile-activated print campaigns,
                         companion apps and mobile-optimized
                         web sites that engage consumers, foster
                         brand loyalty and drive revenue for clients.
                                                                       Copyright 2012 by Nellymoser, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
                                   Not responsible for errors and all information is subject to change without notice. Nellymoser and the Nellymoser logo are
                                                  trademarks of Nellymoser, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

 Nellymoser, Inc.   |   11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476                      |     t: 1-781-645-1515              |
Bring Your Pages To Life
With Mobile Engagement

Video Demonstrations, Branding
                                                                                                                                                      Social Sharing

  Commerce, Find A Store,                                                                                                                     Comments, Feedback, Ratings
  Coupons, Deals, Special
                                         Up-to-the Minute, Expanded                              Sweeps, Subscriptions,
                                                Print Content                                          Opt-ins

Nellymoser builds and delivers highly effective and
complete print-to-mobile and print-to-social solutions
for advertisers and publishers. You will engage readers
and shoppers so that they will spend more time with
                                                                                         We are mobile user experience (UX) experts. Our high impact
                                                                                          mobile experiences are dynamic and immediately accessible.

your brand.                                                                               Our cloud-based Mobile Engagement Platform increases mo-

We will help you be successful the first time. Our                                       bile performance, provides high availability and assures the
                                                                                          highest quality on the widest range of mobile devices.
experience with more than 500 mobile campaigns
                                                                                          Nellymoser’s Companion App offers a completely branded
means better results and faster delivery. We know what
                                                                                         mobile experience that enables advanced features such as
                                                                                          branded icons, augmented reality and shoppable video.
Nellymoser mobile engagements can range from
                                                                                          Videos look better. Nellymoser HQ Videos are configured and
a simple video that is launched by a QR code to
a completely branded mobile experience with
                                                                                         optimized in real-time to deliver the best for any phone type,
                                                                                          display size and network.
augmented reality using our mobile Companion App.

Get better results when your pages come to life with
                                                                                         Detailed analytics provide a complete understanding regard-
                                                                                          ing the effectiveness of your mobile campaign.

Nellymoser, Inc., 11 Water Street, Arlington, Massachusetts 02476 USA                                                            +1.781.645.1515
                    Copyright 2012 Nellymoser, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not responsible for errors and all information is subject to change without notice.
                                 NELLYMOSER is a trademark of Nellymoser, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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Qr Codes in Magazine Advertising Q2 2012

  • 1. MOBILE ACTIVATED PRINT IN MAGAZINE ADVERTISING INCLUDING QR CODES AND WATERMARKS Q2 2012 By Roger Matus, Executive Vice President, Ann Carver, Analyst and Maria Tricca, Marketing Manager, Nellymoser, Inc. P1 The number of mobile action codes, such as QR codes, Microsoft Tags and digital watermarks, in the Top 100 U.S. magazines jumped dramatically in Q2 2012. A total of 2200 codes were printed during the quarter, up from 1365 in Q1 (61% growth). This is more than double the 1062 codes printed one year earlier in Q2 2011 (107%). A total of 2200 To understand how these mobile action codes are being used in codes were printed magazines, Nellymoser surveyed every issue of the top 100 U.S. during the quarter, magazines by circulation in 2011 and the first six months of 2012. The up from 1365 in Q1 study is limited to national titles readily available on newsstands. This (61% growth). eliminated publications that require a membership, such as AARP Action Codes By Quarter 2011 2012 2500 A c t i on C od e s 2200 2000 1899 1500 1365 1062 1155 1000 500 352 0 Source: Nellymoser Q1 ⁄ Q2 ⁄ Q3 ⁄ Q4 ⁄ Q1 ⁄ Q2 To p 10 0 M a g a z i n e s Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 2. Action Codes Per Month 810 2011 800 2012 704 700 686 A ct i o n C o d es 681 631 600 598 Every 587 magazine in our study 500 507 449 printed at least one 400 394 373 370 mobile action 318 code during 300 295 the quarter. 278 200 170 100 94 88 Source: Nellymoser Jan ⁄ Feb ⁄ Mar ⁄ Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun ⁄ Jul ⁄ Aug ⁄ Sep ⁄ Oct ⁄ Nov ⁄ Dec Top 1 0 0 M aga z i n es P2 magazine and regional titles. For the Most months in 2012 showed a continuing purposes of this study, we refer to this list upward trend from month to month, as as the Top 100 magazines. the graph above illustrates. In addition, the lines for 2011 and 2012 appear to To compile the data, Nellymoser analyzed be parallel, indicating that interest and every page in each issue within the Top 100 investment in mobile activation codes magazines. In Q2 2012, we counted: continues at a rapid rate. • 46,132 total magazine pages, up from A year-over-year analysis shows that the 38,719 in Q1 2012. number of action codes rose more than 150% in the first half of each year (3565 vs. • 19,976 total advertising pages, up from 1414). If this trend continues, more than 15,691 in Q1 2012. 11,000 codes will be printed in 2012 with Nellymoser activated every QR Code, more than 1000 codes printed per month Microsoft Tag, Digimarc watermark, starting in September or October. SpyderLynk SnapTag, JagTag, recognizable image and any other code we found with The projected growth pattern for Q3 may an iPhone or Android device. We ran every well be exceeded. Two magazines have campaign, watched every video and visited already announced record breaking code every web page. use for September. Seventeen’s September 2012 issue will contain more than 250 Action Code Growth activated images. GQ announced that their September issue will activate every For the first time in Q2 2012, every advertising page with image recognition. magazine in our study printed at least one mobile action code. All but ten of the The code count growth rate tells only part magazine titles printed 10 or more codes in of the story. the quarter. Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 3. Percentage of Ad Pages With An Action Code 11 10 2011 2012 9.77% 10.40% A c ti o n Co de s 10.19% 9 8.30% 8.36% 8.90% 8 7.42% 8.05% 7.96% 7 6.48% 6 5.16% 5.02% 5.76% More than 10% 5 of magazine 4.02% 4.96% 4 ad pages 3 3.55% contained a Source: Nellymoser Mar ⁄ Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun ⁄ Jul ⁄ Aug ⁄ Sep ⁄ Oct ⁄ Nov ⁄ Dec ⁄ Jan ⁄ Feb ⁄ Mar ⁄ Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun code in Q2 To p 1 0 0 M ag az i n es 2012, up from 5% just one The most revealing way to understand the Fitting a trend line to this data projects impact of action codes on a month-to- that the percentage of advertising pages year ago. month basis is to look at the percentage containing an action code will reach or of advertising pages with an action code. exceed 12% in September 2012. This is because the percentage calculation normalizes for the number of issues printed The average and median number of codes and the number of ad pages per issue. in Q2 2012 were the highest we have seen, P3 except for Q4 2011, which was helped by Reasons for focusing on percentage holiday season promotions. The greatest numbers for month-to-month comparisons number of codes in a magazine issue was include: (1) weekly magazines print more 51. issues in some months than others, (2) some magazines skip or combine issues for QR Codes Lead Market certain months or weeks during the year -- especially in the summer and around the As the graph on the next page shows, year-end and (3) certain months, especially QR codes and Microsoft Tags continue to during the holiday season, tend to have dominate the mobile activation market. more advertisements.) However, QR now has a significant lead with more than an 80% market share. As the chart above indicates, more than This is a significant change from Q2 and 10% of magazine ad pages contained a Q3 of last year when the market was split code in Q2, up from 5% just one year ago. between QR and Microsoft Tags. Number of Action Codes Per Issue Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Average number of 2.33 4.23 4.83 6.50 4.88 6.07 codes per issue Median number of 2 3 4 5 4 5 codes per issue Greatest number of 12 29 54 70 32 51 codes in an issue Number of action codes per issue for issues that contained at least one action code. Each weekly issue of a weekly magazine counted as a separate issue. Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 4. Action Code Market Share By Month 2011 2012 QR Code % of Acti o n Co des 100 Microsoft Tag 90 Other 85% 85% 80% 80% 82% 80 77% 76% 74% 70 68% 65% 63% 60 55% 50 Two new 40 technologies 41% 30 32% made their first 21% 33% 20 25% 17% 14% appearance in 23% 13% 12% 13% 10 17% 2012. 11% 0 5% 4% 4% 7% 6% 7% 2% 2% 1% 2% 1% Type of Code Jul ⁄ Aug ⁄ Sep ⁄ Oct ⁄ Nov ⁄ Dec ⁄ Jan ⁄ Feb ⁄ Mar / Apr ⁄ May ⁄ Jun Aug. Reality 1 Digimarc 5 29 8 8 46 5 JagTag 7 14 10 9 10 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 MSFT Tag 88 152 109 145 226 105 72 57 69 88 139 96 NFC 1 Other 1 1 QR 175 202 346 433 440 502 244 359 494 599 615 576 P4 SpyderLynk 7 1 40 5 14 1 24 1 7 2 WIMO 1 1 2 2 2 2 Digimarc watermarks now lead the “Other” used with augmented reality, appeared on category, having risen from just five codes the cover of the Sports Illustrated in March in all of 2011 to 96 codes in the first half 2012. Image recognition is attracting of 2012. Digimarc watermarks enable interest in magazines as they do not publishers to create custom branded icons require any change in the image itself which match the look and feel of the brand or the pre-production process, as other instead of QR codes. This makes them mobile action codes do. popular with many designers. The first Near Field Communications (NFC) Two new technologies made their first campaign appeared in Wired, which is appearance in 2012. Image recognition, not one of the Top 100 magazines. NFC Demonstration of New Mobile Activation Technologies Image recognition with augmented reality (left) and Near Field Communications are two new technologies that appeared in 2012. Short video demonstrations (about 90 seconds) of these technologies may be seen at Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 5. Uses for Action Codes Q2 2012 Video: 40% Opt-in/Subscribe/Sweeps: 19% $ Social Media: 18% Buy Online 14% $ Store Locator: 12% Video is by far Coupon: 7% the most widely used mobile Photo Gallery: 5% experience (40%). Downloads: 4% Recipes: 4% Voting: 1% Source: Nellymoser NOTE: Columns total more than 100% because each action code may lead to more than one engagement. For example, it may show a video and then offer to share the video. enables a phone to be activated just by • Data Capture and List Building (Opt- placing the device on an ad. However, it ins / Subscriptions / Sweepstakes): P5 adds the expense of embedding an NFC Action codes are effective for building chip into the advertisement. We believe databases because readers can that cost will slow NFC adoption in the near respond immediately and wherever term. they are reading the magazine. How Action Codes Were Used Sweepstakes were, by far, the largest contributor in this category. While a As shown in the chart above for Q2 2012, sweeps can be run with just one action video is by far the most widely used mobile code, there is a growing trend towards experience (40%). Sweepstakes and social sweepstakes that use multiple codes media are the next most common uses, and span an entire issue with multiple with each being around 20%. advertisers and editorial sections participating. Nellymoser scanned every code, activated each campaign, watched each video and • Commerce (On-line Store, Brick- completed actions requested for the and-Mortar Store Locator / Coupon): mobile campaigns. Our qualitative analysis Readers can immediately scan and is that most action codes were used for one act on a desire to purchase. Links to a or more of the following four purposes: corporate e-commerce store led the category at 14% followed by in-app • Branding and Demonstrations: By store locators at 12%. Some store far, the largest usage for action codes locators used the phone’s built-in GPS was to showcase a video. These videos to find the nearest location. are often created specifically for mobile • Social Media: Action codes were also use. Examples include: used for sharing via Facebook, Twitter, • A behind-the-scenes look Pinterest and email. In Q2, 18% of • A product demonstration codes enabled readers to share a video • A how-to video link or product information via social • An entertaining video Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 6. media. (NOTE: Only social sharing that As Nellymoser tallied each action code for was part of the mobile campaign was this study, our team took notes about the included. Some video campaigns led scanning experience. While our notes do to a YouTube Channel, which in turn not lead to precise counts, as the other has a social sharing feature. These statistics do, Nellymoser is able to identify were not counted.) general trends. We learned the following: Mobile-Capable Sites • Approximately 10% of all action codes went to “web content,” such as Almost all scans resulted in an experience company home pages, a web form or a that was technically viewable on a mobile desktop-style e-commerce site. Nearly half of phone. However, a quarter of these mobile all action codes experiences appear not to be designed or • About 10% went directly to a YouTube optimized specifically for mobile use. video or a YouTube Channel mobile (49%) came from page. While they showed videos, they companies in just Nellymoser classifies mobile experiences were not optimized with experiences four industries: into the following categories: after the scan, such as a sign-up form. beauty, home, • Roughly 1.5% went directly to a • Web Content A web site that is health and auto- technically viewable on a smartphone, Facebook page. motive. but mobile was not a consideration in • Another 1.5% would not scan or site design. contained bad links, including • Mobile Capable: Technically viewable eight codes that linked to a QR on the phone (e.g., written in HTML5) code generator site. (Nellymoser but not optimized for conversion, categorizes these as “Does Not Work.”) P6 campaign goals, etc. Top Industries and Brands • Mobile Optimized: Both Mobile Capable and optimized to achieve Nearly half of all action codes in Q2 2012 campaign objectives. It is fast and (49%) came from companies in just four easy to use on a wide range of mobile industries: beauty, home, health and auto- devices. motive. Top 10 Industries and Brands Q2 2012 Ac t i o n C o de s Act i o n C o des 1 Beauty 1 Sally Hansen 360 64 / ⁄ 2 Home 2 John Frieda 303 / 32 ⁄ 3 Health Infiniti 3 217 / 27 To p I n d u s t r i e s ⁄ 4 To p B r a n d s Automotive 4 Nivea 195 / 26 ⁄ 5 Food/Bev 107 5 Cuisinart, Tyson / 6 25 ⁄ Fashion 105 7 Progressive / 7 Pets 23 ⁄ 77 8 / Restart Fitness 8 21 ⁄ Pharmaceutical, Travel 9 Essure 73 / 19 ⁄ 10 Financial 10 Blue Buffalo, Botox Migraine, 58 Tide Pods / Source: Nellymoser 18 Source: Nellymoser Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 7. Automotive joins the top four industries list Top Magazines Q2 2012 for the first time. There was a big jump in Act i o n C o des the use of codes by the automotive indus- 1 Better Homes and Gardens try, from 81 codes in Q1 2012 to 195 codes 75 ⁄ this quarter. To p M a g a z i n e T i t l e s 2 InStyle 66 The number of advertising codes used by ⁄ 3 Popular Mechanics the fashion industry has remained relative- 65 ⁄ ly constant since Q1 (105 versus 90). How- ever, due to the growth in other categories, 4 People 60 fashion fell from fourth place to sixth place ⁄ The number of in the list (from 15.7% in Q1 to 4.1% in Q2). 5 Bloomberg Businessweek 59 brands using ⁄ Traditional Home, The number of brands using action codes 6 action codes Car and Driver 56 jumped by one-third from 451 in Q1 to 598 ⁄ jumped by one- 8 Shape in Q2. This shows increased adoption. third from 451 in 51 ⁄ Q1 to 598 in Q2. Most of the 12 brands on the top 10 list this 9 Marie Claire, Allure quarter were not on the top 10 list in Q1. 46 ⁄ Source: Nellymoser Only Tyson, Restart Fitness and Blue Buffalo repeated. Top Magazines By Number of Codes Per Issue Top 10 Magazine Titles Ac t i o n C o d es P er Issu e Better Homes and Gardens, InStyle and 1 Better Homes and Gardens 25.0 P7 Popular Mechanics topped both the list of ⁄ magazines with the most number of action 2 InStyle codes and the highest average number of To p M a g a z i n e T i t l e s 22.0 action codes per issue during Q2 2012. ⁄ 3 Popular Mechanics 21.7 ⁄ We believe that the average number Traditional Home, 4 Car and Driver of codes per issue is the best way to 18.7 ⁄ determine the Top Magazines because the 6 Shape calculation puts weeklies, monthlies and 17.0 ⁄ those that skipped an issue on the same 7 Marie Claire, Allure basis of comparison. 15.3 ⁄ 9 All of titles on the Top Magazines By Cosmopolitan 14.7 ⁄ Number of Codes Per Issue list, except 10 for Better Homes and Gardens and Popular Woman’s Day 13.7 ⁄ Mechanics, appeared in the Q1 list. Better 11 Redbook Homes and Gardens jumped to the top of 13.3 the list with two issues containing nearly Source: Nellymoser ⁄ 30 codes each. Popular Mechanics rose to third place with two issues with 20 or more practice and follows the pattern of many codes. other calls to action. Action Code Text There is a clear trend moving away from having other content around the QR code, In Q2 2012, 58% of all action codes which is an indication of wider acceptance. were accompanied by information that Only 13% of codes were customized and described what happens after the scan. only 6% were accompanied by an icon. This is considered by many to be a best Few codes were accompanied by an SMS campaign. Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 8. Action Codes In Print Q2 2012 58% 13% Describes destination Are customized Scan to Shop 6% Get the Free App 26% Have icon From Nellymoser Use color Go To: Or text SCAN to 800-555-1234 There is a 3% 16% clear trend Choice to use SMS Have instructions to get app moving away Source: Nellymoser, Inc. from having Action Code Page Location magazines. The number of codes, other content 2200, exceeded even the 1899 codes around the QR More than 85% of action codes are placed printed during the 2011 holiday season. code, which is on the bottom half of the page, the traditional location for a call to action. • One out of every ten advertisements an indication contained a QR code or other action of wider The diagram below divides a magazine code. The peak month was May with page into quadrants and shows by 10.4% of advertising pages containing acceptance. an action code. percentage where the codes appeared. Numbers that overlap quadrants indicate • The rate of growth in the percentage P8 that a code crossed quadrant boundaries. of advertising pages is growing fairly steadily. If the trend continues, the Conclusion and Key Findings percentage of advertising pages with a mobile action code should exceed 12% For Q2 2012, Nellymoser analyzed by September 2012. 46,132 pages in the top 100 U.S. national magazines. We reached the following key • QR codes are the clear market leader conclusions: with more than three-quarters of the market since December 2011. Microsoft • A record number of mobile action Tag remains in second place with a 12% codes appeared in the top 100 to 17% share. Action Code • Digimarc watermarks have become Location on Page the leader in the “Other” category. New technologies, such as image recognition with augmented reality and NFC have entered the market. 0.5% 6.9% • A significant number of campaigns that 2.8% lead to desktop web sites have broken links or do not scan at all. 0.8% 0.3 % 0.5% • Four types of campaigns dominate the use of action codes: 45.2% 40.4% • Video demonstrations and 2.6% branding • Data capture and list building Source: Nellymoser, Inc. Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 9. Links to e-commerce sites and number of brands jumped to 598 in Q2, store locators for brick-and-mortar up from 451 in Q1. locations • More than 85% of action codes are • Social media sharing with links to placed on the bottom half of the page. Facebook and Twitter Nellymoser intends to update this report • About half of all action codes used in on a regular basis to identify trends. magazines came from companies in just four industries: beauty, health, Get notifications of future updates by home and automotive. following Nellymoser on Facebook at A significant • More brands have adopted mobile number of action codes than ever before. The campaigns that lead to desktop web sites have broken links or do not scan at all. P9 About Nellymoser Nellymoser’s customers include leading publishers, advertisers, retailers and Nellymoser, Inc., (http://www.nellymoser. consumer packaged goods companies. com), is a mobile marketing and technology services company founded in Scan To See Nellymoser In Action: 2000 and headquartered in Arlington, MA. Nellymoser creates interactive consumer experiences on mobile phones and tablets. The company is expert in producing mobile-activated print campaigns, companion apps and mobile-optimized web sites that engage consumers, foster brand loyalty and drive revenue for clients. Copyright 2012 by Nellymoser, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not responsible for errors and all information is subject to change without notice. Nellymoser and the Nellymoser logo are trademarks of Nellymoser, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Nellymoser, Inc. | 11 Water Street, Arlington, MA 02476 | t: 1-781-645-1515 |
  • 10. Bring Your Pages To Life With Mobile Engagement Video Demonstrations, Branding Social Sharing Commerce, Find A Store, Comments, Feedback, Ratings Coupons, Deals, Special Offers Up-to-the Minute, Expanded Sweeps, Subscriptions, Print Content Opt-ins Nellymoser builds and delivers highly effective and complete print-to-mobile and print-to-social solutions for advertisers and publishers. You will engage readers and shoppers so that they will spend more time with  We are mobile user experience (UX) experts. Our high impact mobile experiences are dynamic and immediately accessible. your brand. Our cloud-based Mobile Engagement Platform increases mo- We will help you be successful the first time. Our  bile performance, provides high availability and assures the highest quality on the widest range of mobile devices. experience with more than 500 mobile campaigns Nellymoser’s Companion App offers a completely branded means better results and faster delivery. We know what works.   mobile experience that enables advanced features such as branded icons, augmented reality and shoppable video. Nellymoser mobile engagements can range from Videos look better. Nellymoser HQ Videos are configured and a simple video that is launched by a QR code to a completely branded mobile experience with  optimized in real-time to deliver the best for any phone type, display size and network. augmented reality using our mobile Companion App. Get better results when your pages come to life with Nellymoser.  Detailed analytics provide a complete understanding regard- ing the effectiveness of your mobile campaign. Nellymoser, Inc., 11 Water Street, Arlington, Massachusetts 02476 USA +1.781.645.1515 Copyright 2012 Nellymoser, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not responsible for errors and all information is subject to change without notice. NELLYMOSER is a trademark of Nellymoser, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.