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Pythonwas conceived byGuidovanRossumin thelate1980s. Python 2.0was releasedin
2000and Python3.0in 2008.Pythonis amulti-paradigm programming language, meaning
thatitfullysupports bothobject-oriented programming and structuredprogramming.
Many otherparadigms, including logic programming, aresupported using extensions.These
paradigms arecovered in Chapters 26,27and 29.
ThePythonprograms in this book have beenpreparedusing Python 3(
forafreedownload)and Python’s Integrated DeveLopment Environment (IDLE).
KeycharacteristicsofPython includethefollowing.
• Every statementmustbeon a separateline.
• Indentation is significant.Thisis known as the‘off-siderule’.
• Keywords arewritten in lowercase.
• Python is case sensitive:theidentifierNumber1 is seen as differentfromnumber1 or
• Everything in Python is an object(seeChapter27).
• Code makesextensive use ofaconcept called‘slicing’(seeSection 14.07).
• Programs areinterpreted(seeChapter8,Section 8.05forinformationon interpretedand
Youcan typea statement intothePython Shelland thePythoninterpreterwillrun it
14.01Programming languages
Chapters 12and 13introducedtheconceptofsolvinga problemand representingasolution
using a flowchart or pseudocode. Weexpressed our solutions using the basic constructs:
assignment,sequence, selection, iteration,input and output.
To writea computer program, we need to know the syntax (thecorrect structure of
statements) ofthese basicconstructs in ourchosen programming language. Thischapter
introduces syntaxforPython, VisualBasic console mode and Java.
Note thatforconvenienceand easyreference, definitivepseudocodesyntaxis repeatedin
You only need learn to program in one of the threelanguages covered in this book.
Programming language is only examined at A Levelbut itis important to start learning
itfrom AS Leveltoensure you arewell-prepared.For theAS Levelexams you should use
pseudocoderatherthan programming language.
Theonly way ofknowing whetherthealgorithm you have designed is a suitable solution to the
problem you are trying to solve,is to implement your pseudocodein your chosen programming
languageand testtheprogram by running it.
CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
DECLARE Number1 : INTEGER // this declares Number1 to store a whole number
DECLARE YourName : STRING // this declares YourName to store a
// sequence of characters
DECLARE N1, N2, N3 : INTEGER // declares 3 integer variables
DECLARE Name1, Name2 : STRING // declares 2 string variables
Thesyntaxofvariable declarations inlanguage code is as follows:
Python Python does not have variabledeclarations
Python # Number1 of type Integer
# YourName of type String
# N1, N2, N3 of type integer;
# Name1, Name2 of type string;
There are no declarations, but
comments should be made at the
beginning of a module (see the
section about comments at the
end of Section 14.02).
Sometimes we use a value in a solution thatnever changes, for example, the value of the
mathematical constantpi (π).Insteadofusing theactualvalue in program statements,itis
good practice and helps readability,ifwegive aconstantvalue a nameand declareitatthe
In pseudocode,constantdeclarations arewrittenas:
CONSTANT <identifier> = <value>
CONSTANT Pi = 3.14
Python <identifier> = <value>
Python PI = 3.14 Python convention is to write constant identifiers using
uppercase only. The values can be changed, although
you should treatconstants as not changeable.
Once wehave declaredavariable, wecan assigna value toit(SeeChapter12,Section 12.05).
In pseudocode,assignment statementsarewrittenas:
<identifier> ← <expression>
A ← 34
B ← B + 1
Python <identifier> = <expression> A = 34
B = B + 1
The assignment operator is =
VB.NET allows you toinitialisea variable as part ofthedeclarationstatement,forexample:
Dim Number1 As Integer = 0
Javaallows you toinitialiseavariable as part ofthedeclarationstatement,forexample:
int number1 = 0;
VB.NET and Pythonallow increment statements suchas B = B + 1 tobewrittenas B += 1.
Javaallows increment statementssuch as b = b + 1 tobewrittenas b++;
Assignments don’t just give initial values to variables. Wealso use an assignment when we
need to store the result of a calculation. The arithmetic operators used for calculations are
shown inTable14.01.
Table 14.01 Arithmetic operators
Operation Pseudocode Python
Addition + +
Subtraction - -
Multiplication * *
Division / /
Exponent ^ **
Integer division DIV //
Modulus MOD %
Theresult ofintegerdivision is thewhole number part ofthedivision. For example, 7 DIV 2 gives 3.
Theresultof themodulus operation is theremainder ofa division. For example, 7 MOD 2 gives1.
Whenmore than one operator appears in an expression,theorderofevaluationdepends
on the mathematical rules of precedence:parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication,
division, addition, subtraction.
Rules of precedence: definetheorder of thecalculationsto be performed
Question 14.01
Evaluateeachofthefollowing expressions:
4* 3– 3^2
(4* 3– 3)^2
4* (3– 3)^2
4* (3– 3^2)
In pseudocode,outputstatementsarewrittenas:
OUTPUT <string>
OUTPUT <identifier(s)>
Whenoutputtingtextand datatotheconsole screen,wecan lista mixtureofoutputstrings
and variable values in theprint list.
Python print(<printlist>)
print(<printlist>, end ='')
Print list items are separated by
commas (,). To avoid moving onto the
nextlineafterthe output, use end ='')
In theexamples below,theprintlistconsistsoffourseparateitems:
“Hello ”and “
.Yournumberis ”arestrings and
YourName and Number1 arevariables,forwhichweprint thevalue.
In pseudocode,wecan indicate whethera newlineshould be outputattheend bya
commentattheend ofthestatement.
OUTPUT "Hello ", YourName, ". Your number is ", Number1 // newline
OUTPUT "Hello " // no new line
Python print("Hello ", YourName,
". Your number is ", Number1)
print("Hello ", end= '')
VB.NET Console.WriteLine("Hello " & YourName &
". Your number is " & Number1)
Java System.out.println("Hello " + yourName +
". Your number is " + number1);
In thecode examples aboveyou can seehow outputstatementscan bespreadovermore
than one linewhen theyarevery long. Youmust break thelinebetweentwo print listitems.
You cannot break in the middle of a string, unless you make the string into two separate
In Python and VB.NET you can also use theplaceholdermethod foroutput: thevariables
tobeprintedarerepresentedbysequential numbers in {}in themessage stringand the
variablesarelistedinthecorrect orderafterthestring, separated bycommas:
Python print ("Hello {0}. Your number is {1}".format(YourName,
VB.NET Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}. Your number is {1}",
YourName, Number1)
Getting inputfromtheuser
Whencoding an input statement,itis good practice toprompttheuseras towhattheyare
INPUT "Enter a number: " A
Note thespacebetweenthecolon and theclosingquote.This is significant.Itgivesa space
beforetheusertypes theirinput.
Python A = input("Enter a number: ") The prompt is provided as a
parameter to the input function.
Single quotes are also accepted. All
inputis taken tobe
a string; if you want to use the
input as a number the input string
has to be
converted using a function (see
Section 14.07).
Itis good programming practice toadd comments toexplain code wherenecessary.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Python # this is a comment
# this is another comment
VB.NET ' this is a comment
' this is another comment
Java // this is a comment
// this is another comment
/* this is a multi-line
TASK 14.01
Use the IDE of your chosen programming language (in future just referred to as ‘your
language’). Type the program statements equivalent to the following pseudocode
(you may need to declare the variable YourName first):
INPUT "What is your name? " YourName
OUTPUT "Have a nice day ", YourName
Save your program as Example1 and then run it. Is the output as you expected?
Every programming language has built-in data types. Table 14.02gives a subset of those
available.Thenumberofbytesofmemory allocatedtoa variable ofthegiven typeis givenin
brackets forVB.NET and Java.
Description of data Pseudocode Python
Whole signed numbers INTEGER int
Signed numbers with
a decimal point
REAL float
A single character CHAR
Use single (')
marks to
delimit a
Not available
A sequence of
characters (a string)
Use double (")
marks to
delimit a
(stored as
strings are
Use single
('), double
(") or triple
(''' or
marks to
delimit a
Logical values:
True (represented as
1) and
False (represented as 0)
values: True
In Python,asingle character is representedas astring oflength1.
In VB.NET, each character in a string requires two bytes of memory and each character is
representedin memory as Unicode(inwhich,thevalues from 1to127correspond toASCII).
Datehas variousinternalrepresentations but is outputin conventional format.
of data
Pseudocode Python VB.NET Java
Date value DATE Use the
e class
Date (8 bytes) Date is a class in Java. To
make use of it use:
import java.util.Date;
Table 14.03 The Date data types
In Python and Java, date is not available as a built-in data type. Date is provided as a class
VB.NET stores dates and times from 1.1.0001 (0 hours) to 31.12.9999 (23:59:59 hours) with a
resolution of 100 nanoseconds (this unit is called a ‘tick’).Floating-point (decimal) numbers
arestoredinbinary-coded decimalformat(seeSection 1.02).
There are many more data types. Programmers can also design and declaretheir own data
types (seeChapter16(Section16.01)and Chapter 26(Section26.01).
TASK 14.02
1 Look at the identifier tables in Chapter 12 (Tables 12.02 and 12.04 to 12.12). Decide
which data type from your language is appropriate for each variable listed.
2 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 12.01
in Chapter 12.
In Chapter12(Section12.06),wecoveredlogic statements.Thesewerestatementsthat
includedacondition.Conditions arealsoknown as Boolean expressions and evaluateto
eitherTrueorFalse.Trueand Falseareknown as Boolean values.
SimpleBoolean expressions involve comparison operators(seeTable14.04).Complex
Boolean expressions also involve Boolean operators(seeTable14.05).
Operation Pseudocode Python
equal = ==
not equal <> !=
greater than > >
less than < <
greater than or equal to >= >=
less than or equal to <= <=
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Table 14.05 Boolean operators
In pseudocodetheIF...THENconstructis writtenas:
IF <Boolean expression>
Python if <Boolean expression>:
Note that the THEN keyword is replaced
by a colon (:). Indentation is used to
show which statements form part of the
conditional statement.
IF x < 0
OUTPUT "Negative"
Python if x < 0:
VB.NET If x < 0 Then
End If
Java if (x < 0)
Operation Pseudocode Python VB.NET Java
AND (logical conjunction) AND and And &&
OR (logical inclusion) OR or Or ||
NOT (logical negation) NOT not Not !
TASK 14.03
Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 12.03 in
Chapter 12.
In pseudocode,theIF...THEN...ELSE constructis writtenas:
IF <Boolean expression>
Python if <Boolean expression>:
Indentation is used to show which
statements form part of the conditional
the else keyword must line up with
the corresponding if keyword.
IF x < 0
OUTPUT "Negative"
OUTPUT "Positive"
Python if x < 0:
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
In pseudocode,thenestedIFstatementis writtenas:
IF <Boolean expression>
IF <Boolean expression>
Python if <Boolean expression>:
elif <Boolean expression>:
Note the keyword elif (an
abbreviation of else if). This
keyword must line up with the
corresponding if.
There can be as many elif parts to
this construct as required.
IF x < 0
OUTPUT "Negative"
IF x = 0
OUTPUT "Positive"
Python if x < 0:
elif x == 0:
An alternativeselection constructis theCASE statement.Each consideredCASE condition
• asinglevalue
• singlevalues separated bycommas
• arange.
In pseudocode,theCASE statement is writtenas:
CASE OF <expression>
: <statement(s)>
: <statement(s)>
: <statement(s)>
<value4> TO <value5>
OTHERWISE <statement(s)>
Thevalue of<expression> determineswhichstatements areexecuted.Therecan be as
manyseparatecases as required.TheOTHERWISE clause is optionaland usefulforerror
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Pythonse 3.10 match term: case pattern-1: action-1 case pattern-2: action-2
case pattern-3: action-3 case _: action-default
In pseudocode,an example CASE statementis:
"A" : OUTPUT "Top grade"
"F", "U" : OUTPUT "Fail"
"B".."E" : OUTPUT "Pass"
OTHERWISE OUTPUT "Invalid grade"
Python if Grade == "A":
print("Top grade")
elif Grade == "F" or Grade == "U":
elif Grade in ("B", "C", "D", "E"):
print("Invalid grade")
The problem to be solved: the user enters the number of the month and year. The
output is the number of days in that month. The program has to check if the year is a
leap year for February.
The pseudocode solution is:
INPUT MonthNumber
Days ← 0
CASE OF MonthNumber
CASE 1,3,5,7,8,10,12 : Days ← 31
CASE 4,6,9,11 : Days ← 30
CASE 2 : Days ← 28
If Year MOD 400 = 0
THEN // it is a leap year
Days ← 29
IF (Year MOD 4 = 0) AND (Year MOD 100 > 0)
THEN // it is a leap year
Days ← 29
OTHERWISE OUTPUT "Invalid month number"
Write program code to implement the pseudocode above.
In pseudocode,a count-controlledloop is writtenas:
FOR <control variable> ← s TO e STEP i // STEP is optional
NEXT <control variable>
The control variable startswithvalue s,incrementsby valuei eachtimeround theloop and
finishes when thecontrol variable reachesthevaluee.
Python for <control variable> in
range(s, e, i):
The values s, e and i must be of type integer.
The loop finishes when the control
variable is just below e. The values
for s and i can be omitted and they
default to 0 and 1, respectively.
In pseudcode,examples are:
FOR x ← 1 TO 5
FOR x = 2 TO 14 STEP 3
FOR x = 5 TO 1 STEP -1
Python for x in range(5):
print(x, end=' ')
The start value of x is 0 and it increases
by 1 on each iteration. Output: 0 1 2
3 4
for x in range(2, 14, 3):
print(x, end=' ')
Output: 2 5 8 11
for x in range(5, 1, -1):
print(x, end=' ')
The start value of x is 5 and it decreases
by 1 on each iteration.
Output: 5 4 3 2
for x in ["a", "b", "c"]:
print(x, end='')
The control variabletakes the valueofeach
of the group elements in turn.
Output: abc
A post-condition loop, as the name suggests, executes the statements within the loop at
least once.When the condition is encountered,itis evaluated.As long as the condition
evaluates toFalse,thestatementswithin theloop areexecutedagain.Whenthecondition
evaluates toTrue,execution willgo tothenextstatementaftertheloop.
Whencoding a post-conditionloop, you must ensure thatthereis a statementwithin the
loop thatwill at some point change the end condition to True.Otherwise the loop will
In pseudocode,thepost-conditionloop is writtenas:
UNTIL <condition>
Python Post-condition loops arenot availablein Python. Use a
pre-condition loop instead.
INPUT "Enter Y or N: " Answer
UNTIL Answer = "Y"
Console.Write("Enter Y or N: ")
Answer = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until Answer = "Y"
Java do
System.out.print("Enter Y or N: ");
answer =;
} while (!(answer.equals("Y")));
TASK 14.07
1 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 12.04
in Chapter 12.
2 Write program code to implement the first algorithm from Worked Example 12.06
in Chapter 12.
Pre-condition loops, as the name suggests, evaluate the condition before the statements
within theloop areexecuted.Pre-conditionloops willexecutethestatements within theloop
as long as the condition evaluates to True. When the condition evaluates to False, execution
willgo tothenextstatement aftertheloop.Note thatanyvariable used intheconditionmust
notbeundefined when theloop structureis firstencountered.
When coding a pre-condition loop, you must ensure thatthere is a statement within the loop
that will at some point change the value of the controlling condition. Otherwise the loop will
In pseudocodethepre-condition loop is written as:
WHILE <condition> DO
Python while <condition>:
Note that statements within the loop must be
indented by a set number of spaces. The
first statementafterthe loop must be
Answer ← ""
WHILE Answer <> "Y" DO
INPUT "Enter Y or N: " Answer
Python Answer = ''
while Answer != 'Y':
Answer = input("Enter Y or N: ")
Whichloop structuretouse?
Ifyou know how manytimesaround theloop you need togo when theprogram execution
gets to the loop statements, use a count-controlled loop. Ifthe termination of the loop
depends on some condition determined by what happens within the loop, then use a
conditional loop. A pre-condition loop has the added benefit that the loop may not be
enteredatall,iftheconditiondoes notrequireit.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Description Pseudocode Python
Access a single character
using its position P in a
string ThisString
Counts from 1
Counts from 0
Returns the character
whose ASCII value is i
Returns the ASCII value
of character ch
Returns the integer
value representing the
length of string S
Returns leftmost L
characters from S
See the next
section, on slicing
Returns rightmost L
characters from S
See the next
section, on slicing
Returns a string of length
L starting at position P
from S
S[P : P + L]
See the next
section, on slicing
Returns the character
value representing the
lower case equivalent of
Returns the character
value representing the
upper case equivalent of
Returns a string formed by
converting all alphabetic
characters of S to upper
Returns a string formed by
converting all alphabetic
characters of S to lower
Concatenate (join) two
S1 & S2 s = S1 + S2
Computer Scientists likeefficient code. Choosing themost suitable types ofselection statements
and loop structuresis an important step along theway to design efficient code.
Programmingenvironments provide manybuilt-infunctions.Some ofthemarealways
available touse;some need tobeimportedfromspecialistmodule libraries.
Discussion Point:
Investigate your own programming environmentand researchother libraryroutines.
Table14.06containssome usefulfunctionsformanipulating strings.
Slicing inPython
For example,togetasubstring oflength L from positionP in string S wewriteS[P :P +L].
Figure13.05shows a representationofThisString.Ifwewanttoreturna sliceoflength 3
startingatposition 3,weuse ThisString[3 : 6] togive ‘DEF’.Position is counted from0
and thepositionattheupperbound ofthesliceis notincludedin thesubstring.
[0] [2]
[3] [4] [5] [6]
Figure 14.05 A representation of ThisString
Ifyouimaginethenumberingofeachelementtostartattheleft-handend(asshown inFigure
element(theupperbound)isexcluded.Table14.07shows some otherusefulslicesinPython.
Expression Result Explanation
ThisString[2:] CDEFG Ifyou do not statethe upper bound, the sliceincludes all
characters to the end of the string.
ThisString[:2] AB Ifyou do not statethe lowerbound, the sliceincludes all
characters from the beginning of the string.
ThisString[-2:] FG Anegative lower bound meansthat ittakes the slicestarting
from the end of the string.
ThisString[:-2] ABCDE Anegative upper bound meansthat itterminates the string
at that position.
Table 14.07 Someuseful slices in Python
runcating numbers
Insteadofrounding, sometimeswejustwant thewhole numberpart ofarealnumber.
Thisis known as ‘truncation’.
Pseudocode INT(x : REAL) RETURNS INTEGER Returns the integer part of x.
Python int(x) If x is a floating-point number,
the conversion truncates
towards zero.
Converting astring toanumber
Sometimes a whole numbermaybe held as a string.Touse sucha numberin a calculation,
wefirstneed toconvertittoan integer.For example,these functionsreturntheintegervalue
Python int(S)
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Sometimes a number witha decimal point may be held as a string. Touse such a number in a
calculation, wefirst need toconvert itto a real (float).For example, these functions return the
Pseudocode STRING _ TO _ NUM(x :
Returns a numeric representation
of a string.
The returned value is a floating-
point number.
Random numbers areoftenrequired forsimulations.Most programming languages have
various random number generators available.As the random numbers are generated
througha program,theyarereferredtoas ‘pseudo-random’ numbers. Aselection ofthe
mostusefulrandom numbergenerators areshown inthefollowing code examples.
Python # in the random library:
randint(1, 6)
This code produces a random
number between 1 and 6
Discussion Point:
Whatother usefulfunctionscan you find?Which module libraries haveyou searched?
In Chapter 12(Section12.09),weused proceduresas a means ofgiving a group ofstatements
a name. When we want to program a procedure we need to define itbefore the main
program.Wecallitin themain program when wewant thestatementsintheprocedure body
In pseudocode,a procedure definition is writtenas:
PROCEDURE <procedureIdentifier> // this is the procedure header
<statement(s)> // these statements are the procedure body
This procedureis called using thepseudocodestatement:
CALL <procedureIdentifier>
Python def <identifier>():
Whenprogramming a procedure,notewherethedefinition is writtenand how theprocedure
is calledfromthemainprogram.
Hereis an examplepseudocodeproceduredefinition:
PROCEDURE InputOddNumber
INPUT "Enter an odd number: " Number
UNTIL Number MOD 2 = 1
OUTPUT "Valid number entered"
This procedureis called using the CALL statement:
CALL InputOddNumber
Figure 14.06 The Python editor with a procedure
The Python editor colour-codes the differentparts of a statement.This helps when you aretypingyour own code. The
indentation shows which statements arepartofthe loop.
The built-in function input returns a string, which must be converted to an integerbefore itcan be used as a number.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
In Section 14.07we used built-in functions. These are useful subroutines writtenby other
programmers and madeavailable in module libraries.Themost-usedones areusuallyin the
systemlibrary,so areavailable withoutyou having toimportthem.
Youcan writeyour own functions.Anyfunction you havewrittencan be used in another
program ifyou build up yourown modulelibrary.
A function is used as part of an expression. When program execution gets to the statement
that includes a function call as part of the expression, the function is executed. The return
valuefromthis functioncallis thenusedin theexpression.
Whenwritingyour own function,ensure you always returnavalue as part ofthestatements
thatmake up the function (thefunction body).You can have more than one RETURN
statementiftherearedifferentpaths throughthefunctionbody.
In pseudocode,a functiondefinition is writtenas:
FUNCTION <functionIdentifier> RETURNS <dataType> // function header
<statement(s)> // function body
RETURN <value>
Return value: thevaluereplacingthefunctioncallused in theexpression
Python def <functionIdentifier>():
return <value>
Whenprogramming a function,thedefinition is writtenin thesame placeas a procedure.The
functionis calledfromwithin an expressioninthemain program,or inaprocedure.
Differentprogramming languages use differentterminology fortheirsubroutines, as listedin
Python void function fruitful function
Table 14.08 Programming language terminology for subroutines
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Voidmeans ‘nothing’.Both Python and Javause this termtoshow thattheirprocedure-type
subroutinedoes notreturna value.Pythonreferstoboth types ofsubroutines as functions.
Thefruitfulfunction returns oneormorevalues.
Wecan writetheexample procedure from Section 14.09as a function.In pseudocode,this is:
INPUT "Enter an odd number: " Number
UNTIL Number MOD 2 = 1
OUTPUT "Valid number entered"
Figure 14.09 The Python editor with a function and local variable
The variable Number in Figure 14.09 is not accessiblein the main program.Python’s variables are local unless
declaredto be global.
Aglobalvariableis availablein anypartoftheprogram code.Itis good programming
practice todeclarea variable thatis onlyused within asubroutineas a local variable.
In Python,every variable is local,unless itis overridden witha global declaration.
In VB.NET you need to writethe declaration statement for a local variable within the
subroutine. Java does notsupport globalvariables.However,static variablesdeclaredin a
class areaccessible throughouttheclass.
TASK 14.11
Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.05 in
Chapter 13. Which variables are global and which are local?
Argument: the actual input expression or value with which the subroutine is being called
Parameter: thevariable(s)used inside a subroutine which will takevaluespassed into a subroutine at
Subroutine interface: theparameters being passed betweenthesubroutine and thecalling program
Function / Procedure header: the first line of a function or procedure definition showing the
identifier and parameter list
14.10Passing parameters to subroutines
When a subroutine requires one or more values from the main program, we supply these
as argumentstothesubroutineatcalltime.Thisis how weuse built-infunctions.Wedon’t
need toknow theidentifiersused within thefunctionwhen wecall a built-infunction.
Whenwedefinea subroutinethatrequiresvalues tobepassed tothesubroutinebody, we
use a parameter list in the subroutine header.When the subroutine is called, we supply
theargumentsinbrackets. Theargumentssuppliedareassignedtothecorresponding
parameterofthesubroutine(notetheorderoftheparametersin theparameter listmust be
thesame as theorderin thelistofarguments).This is known as thesubroutine interface.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
14.11Passing parameters to functions
Thefunction headeris written in pseudocodeas:
FUNCTION <functionIdentifier> (<parameterList>) RETURNS <dataType>
where<parameterList> is a listofidentifiersand theirdatatypes, separated bycommas.
Hereis an example pseudocode functiondefinition thatuses parameters:
Sum ← 0
FOR ThisValue ← FirstValue TO LastValue
Sum ← Sum + ThisValue
NEXT ThisValue
Figure 14.12 The SumRange() function in Python
Figure 14.14 The SumRange() function in Java
TASK 14.12
Write a function to implement the following pseudocode:
Product ← 1
FOR n ← 2 TO Number
Product ← Product * n
RETURN Product
14.12Passing parameters to procedures
Ifa parameter is passed by value, at call timethe argument can be an actual value (as we
showed inSection 14.04).Iftheargument is a variable,thenacopy ofthecurrentvalueofthe
variable is passed intothesubroutine. Thevalueofthevariable in thecallingprogram is not
affectedbywhathappens in thesubroutine.
For procedures,a parameter can bepassed by reference.Atcalltime,theargument must be
a variable. A pointer to the memory location (theaddress) of thatvariable is passed into the
procedure. Any changes thatare applied to the variable’scontents will be effectiveoutside
theprocedure inthecallingprogram/module.
By value: theactual value is passed into theprocedure
By reference: theaddress of thevariable is passed into theprocedure
Note thatneither of these methods of parameter passing applies to Python. In Python or
Java,themethodis calledpass byobjectreference.Thisis basicallyan object-oriented way
of passing parameters and is beyond the scope of this chapter (objects are dealt with in
Chapter 27).Theimportant pointis tounderstandhow toprogram in Python and Java toget
thedesired effect.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Thefullprocedureheaderis writtenin pseudocode,ina very similar fashiontothatfor
functionheaders, as:
PROCEDURE <ProcedureIdentifier> (<parameterList>)
Theparameter listneeds more informationfora procedure definition.In pseudocode,a
parameterin thelistis represented in oneofthefollowing formats:
BYREF <identifier1> : <dataType>
BYVALUE <identifier2> : <dataType>
Passing parametersbyvalue
Thepseudocodeforthepyramid example inChapter 12(Section12.09)includesa procedure
definition thatuses two parameterspassed byvalue.Wecan now makethatexplicit:
PROCEDURE OutputSymbols(BYVALUE NumberOfSymbols : INTEGER, Symbol : CHAR)
FOR Count ← 1 TO NumberOfSymbols
OUTPUT Symbol // without moving to next line
NEXT Count
In Python (seeFigure14.15),allparametersbehavelikelocal variablesand theireffectis as
though theyarepassed byvalue.
Passing parametersbyreference
Whenparametersarepassed byreference, when thevalues insidethesubroutinechange,
this affectsthevalues ofthevariablesin thecallingprogram.
Considerthepseudocodeprocedure AdjustValuesForNextRow below.
Thepseudocodeforthepyramid example generatedin Chapter 12(Section12.09)includesa
procedure definition thatuses two parameters passed by reference. Wecan now make that
PROCEDURE AdjustValuesForNextRow(BYREF Spaces : INTEGER, Symbols : INTEGER)
Spaces ← Spaces - 1
Symbols ← Symbols + 2
Thepseudocodestatementto calltheprocedureis:
CALL AdjustValuesForNextRow(NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols)
Thevalues oftheparametersSpaces and Symbols arechanged within theprocedure when
this is called.The variables NumberOfSpaces and NumberOfSymbols in the program
code afterthecall willstoretheupdatedvalues thatwerepassed backfromtheprocedure.
Python does not have a facilityto pass parameters by reference. Instead the subroutine
behavesas a function and returnsmultiple values (seeFigure14.18).Note theorderofthe
variablesas theyreceivethesevalues in themain part oftheprogram.
Figure 14.19 Parameters passed by reference to a VB.NETprocedure
Javadoes nothavea facilitytopass simple variable parametersbyreference.Only objects
can bepassed byreference.Arraysareobjects inJava,so thesearepassed byreference.
If only one value needs to be returned, the subroutine can be written as a function. If more than
one value needs to be returned, a work-around is to declare a class and return it as an object
(Figure 14.20). If the values to be returned are of the same type, they can be grouped into an
array and the array is passed as a referenceparameter.
Apreferablesolution is to amend thealgorithm and write several functions (Figure14.21).
14.13Putting it alltogether
Theprograms inthis sectionarefullsolutions tothepyramid-drawing program developedin
Section 14.12.
The parameters ofthe subroutines have differentidentifiers from the variables in the main
Python SPACE = ' ' # constant to give a space a name
def InputMaxNumberOfSymbols():
Number = 0
while Number % 2 == 0:
print("How many symbols make the base? ")
Number = int(input("Input an odd number: "))
return Number
def SetValues():
Symbol = input("What symbol do you want to use? ")
MaxSymbols = InputMaxNumberOfSymbols()
Spaces = (MaxSymbols + 1) // 2
Symbols = 1
return Symbol, MaxSymbols, Spaces, Symbols
def OutputChars(Number, Symbol):
for Count in range (Number):
print(Symbol, end='')
def AdjustValuesForNextRow(Spaces, Symbols):
Spaces = Spaces – 1
Symbols = Symbols + 2
return Spaces, Symbols
def main():
ThisSymbol, MaxNumberOfSymbols, NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols = SetValues()
while NumberOfSymbols <= MaxNumberOfSymbols:
OutputChars(NumberOfSpaces, SPACE)
OutputChars(NumberOfSymbols, ThisSymbol)
print() # move to new line
NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols = AdjustValuesForNextRow(NumberOfSpaces,
CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
Python In Python, there areno arrays.The equivalentdatastructure is called a list. Alist is an
ordered sequence ofitems thatdo not have tobe ofthe samedatatype.
DECLARE List1 : ARRAY[1:3]
DECLARE List2 : ARRAY[0:5]
OF STRING // 3 elements in this list
OF INTEGER // 6 elements in this list
DECLARE List3 : ARRAY[1:100] OF INTEGER // 100 elements in this list
DECLARE List4 : ARRAY[0:25] OF STRING // 26 elements in this list
Discussion Point:
Can you seehow thetwo proceduresOutputSpaces and OutputSymbols havebeenreplaced
byasingle procedure OutputCharswithoutchangingtheeffectoftheprogram?
Creating 1Darrays
VB.NET,Python and Java numberarray elementsfrom 0(thelower bound).
In pseudocode,a 1Darray declarationis writtenas:
DECLARE <arrayIdentifier> : ARRAY[<lowerBound>:<upperBound>] OF <dataType>
CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
Python List1 = []
As there are no declarations, the only
way to generatea list is toinitialiseone.
You can append elements to an existing
List2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] You can enclose the elements in [ ].
List3 = [0 for i in range(100)] You can use a loop.
AList = [""] * 26 You can provide an initial value,
multiplied by number of elements
Accessing 1Darrays
NList[25] = 0 // set 25th element to zero
AList[3] = "D" // set 3rd element to letter D
Python NList[24] = 0
AList[3] = "D"
VB.NET NList(25) = 0
AList(3) = "D"
Java nList[25] = 0;
aList[3] = "D";
In Python,you can print thewhole contentsofa listusing print(List).In VB.NET and Java,
you need touse a loop toprint one elementofan array ata time.
TASK 14.13
1 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.01
in Chapter 13.
2 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.02
in Chapter 13.
3 Write program code to implement the improved algorithm from Worked Example
13.03 in Chapter 13.
When writing a solution using pseudocode, always use a loop to print thecontents ofan array.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Creating 2Darrays
In pseudocode,a 2D array declarationis writtenas:
DECLARE <identifier> : ARRAY[<lBound1>:<uBound1>,
<lBound2>:<uBound2>] OF <dataType>
Python In Python, there areno arrays.The equivalentdatastructure is a list of lists.
Todeclarea 2Darray torepresent a game board ofsixrows and sevencolumns, the
pseudocodestatement is:
Python Board = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
Board = [[0 for i in range(7)]
for j in range(6)]
Board = [[0] * 7] * 6
2D lists can be initialised in a
similar way to 1D lists.
Remember that elements are
numbered from 0.
These are alternative ways of
initialising a 6 × 7 list. The rows are
numbered 0 to 5 and the columns 0
to 6.
The upper value of the range is
not included.
Accessing 2Darrays
Aspecific elementin a tableis accessedusing an indexpair.In pseudocodethis is writtenas:
<arrayIdentifier>[x, y]
Board[3,4] ← 0 // sets the element in row 3 and column 4 to zero
Thefollowing code examples demonstrate how toaccesselementsin eachofthethree
CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
Python Board[2][3] = 0 Elementsarenumbered from0 in Python,so [3]gives
access to the fourth element.
TASK 14.14
1 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.04
in Chapter 13; first initialise the table and then output its contents.
2 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.05
in Chapter 13.
ext files
Writing toatextfile
Thefollowing pseudocodestatements provide facilitiesforwritingtoa file:
OPENFILE <filename> FOR WRITE // open the file for writing
WRITEFILE <filename>, <stringValue> // write a line of text to the file
CLOSEFILE <filename> // close file
The following code examples demonstrate how to open, writeto and close a filecalled
SampleFile.TXT ineachofthethreelanguages.Ifthefilealready exists,itis overwritten as
soon as thefilehandle is assignedbythe‘openfile’command.
Python FileHandle = open("SampleFile.TXT", "w")
You specify the filename and mode (‘w’for write) when
you callthe open function. The lineoftextto be written
tothe filemust contain the newline character "n" to
move tothe nextlineof the textfile.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
Reading fromatextfile
Anexistingfilecan beread by aprogram.Thefollowing pseudocodestatements provide
READFILE <filename>, <stringVariable>
CLOSEFILE <filename>
// open file for reading
// read a line of text from the file
// close file
Thefollowing code examples demonstrate how toopen,read fromand closea filecalled
SampleFile.TXT ineachofthethreelanguages.
Python FileHandle = open("SampleFile.TXT", "r")
LineOfText = FileHandle.readline()
FileHandle.close ()
You specify the filename and mode (‘r’ for
read) when you call the open function.
Appending toatextfile
Thefollowing pseudocode statements provide facilitiesforappending toa file:
OPENFILE <filename> FOR APPEND // open file for append
WRITEFILE <filename>, <stringValue> // write a line of text to the file
CLOSEFILE <filename> // close file
Thefollowing code examples demonstrate how toopen, append toand closea filecalled
SampleFile.TXT ineachofthethreelanguages.
CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
Python FileHandle = open("SampleFile.TXT", "a")
You specify the filename and mode (‘a’ for
append) when you call the open function.
Thefollowing pseudocodestatements reada textfileand outputitscontents:
WHILE NOT EOF("Test.txt") DO
READFILE "Test.txt", TextString
OUTPUT TextString
CLOSEFILE "Test.txt"
The following code examples demonstrate how toread and thenoutputthecontents ofafile
Python FileHandle = open("Test.txt", "r")
LineOfText = FileHandle.readline()
while len(LineOfText) > 0:
LineOfText = FileHandle.readline()
There is no explicitEOF function. However,when
a lineoftexthas beenreadthatonly consists
of the end-of-file marker, the line of
text is of length 0.
Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
TASK 14.15
Fred surveys the students at his college to find out their favourite hobby. He wants to
present the data as a tally chart.
Fred plans to enter the data into the computer as he surveys the students. After data
entry is complete, he wants to output the total for each hobby.
1 Reading books 
2Play computer games 
3 Sport 
4 Programming 
5 Watching TV 
Hestarts bywriting an algorithm:
Initialise Tally array
INPUT Choice // 1 for Reading, 2 for computer games,
// 3 for Sport, 4 for Programming, 5 for TV
// 0 to end input
Increment Tally[Choice]
UNTIL Choice = 0
FOR Index = 1 TO 5
OUTPUT Tally[Index]
NEXT Index
CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience

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Python Guide.pptx

  • 1. Python Pythonwas conceived byGuidovanRossumin thelate1980s. Python 2.0was releasedin 2000and Python3.0in 2008.Pythonis amulti-paradigm programming language, meaning thatitfullysupports bothobject-oriented programming and structuredprogramming. Many otherparadigms, including logic programming, aresupported using extensions.These paradigms arecovered in Chapters 26,27and 29. ThePythonprograms in this book have beenpreparedusing Python 3( forafreedownload)and Python’s Integrated DeveLopment Environment (IDLE). KeycharacteristicsofPython includethefollowing. • Every statementmustbeon a separateline. • Indentation is significant.Thisis known as the‘off-siderule’. • Keywords arewritten in lowercase. • Python is case sensitive:theidentifierNumber1 is seen as differentfromnumber1 or NUMBER1. • Everything in Python is an object(seeChapter27). • Code makesextensive use ofaconcept called‘slicing’(seeSection 14.07). • Programs areinterpreted(seeChapter8,Section 8.05forinformationon interpretedand compiledprograms). Youcan typea statement intothePython Shelland thePythoninterpreterwillrun it immediately(seeFigure14.01). 14.01Programming languages Chapters 12and 13introducedtheconceptofsolvinga problemand representingasolution using a flowchart or pseudocode. Weexpressed our solutions using the basic constructs: assignment,sequence, selection, iteration,input and output. To writea computer program, we need to know the syntax (thecorrect structure of statements) ofthese basicconstructs in ourchosen programming language. Thischapter introduces syntaxforPython, VisualBasic console mode and Java. Note thatforconvenienceand easyreference, definitivepseudocodesyntaxis repeatedin thischapterattheappropriatepoints. You only need learn to program in one of the threelanguages covered in this book. Programming language is only examined at A Levelbut itis important to start learning itfrom AS Leveltoensure you arewell-prepared.For theAS Levelexams you should use pseudocoderatherthan programming language. TIP Theonly way ofknowing whetherthealgorithm you have designed is a suitable solution to the problem you are trying to solve,is to implement your pseudocodein your chosen programming languageand testtheprogram by running it. 240 CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
  • 2. DECLARE Number1 : INTEGER // this declares Number1 to store a whole number DECLARE YourName : STRING // this declares YourName to store a // sequence of characters DECLARE N1, N2, N3 : INTEGER // declares 3 integer variables DECLARE Name1, Name2 : STRING // declares 2 string variables Syntaxdefinitions Thesyntaxofvariable declarations inlanguage code is as follows: Python Python does not have variabledeclarations Codeexamples Python # Number1 of type Integer # YourName of type String # N1, N2, N3 of type integer; # Name1, Name2 of type string; There are no declarations, but comments should be made at the beginning of a module (see the section about comments at the end of Section 14.02). Declarationandassignmentofconstants Sometimes we use a value in a solution thatnever changes, for example, the value of the mathematical constantpi (π).Insteadofusing theactualvalue in program statements,itis good practice and helps readability,ifwegive aconstantvalue a nameand declareitatthe beginningoftheprogram. In pseudocode,constantdeclarations arewrittenas: CONSTANT <identifier> = <value> Forexample: CONSTANT Pi = 3.14 Syntaxdefinitions Python <identifier> = <value> 244
  • 3. Codeexamples Python PI = 3.14 Python convention is to write constant identifiers using uppercase only. The values can be changed, although you should treatconstants as not changeable. Assignmentofvariables Once wehave declaredavariable, wecan assigna value toit(SeeChapter12,Section 12.05). In pseudocode,assignment statementsarewrittenas: <identifier> ← <expression> Forexample: A ← 34 B ← B + 1 Syntaxdefinitionsandcodeexamples Python <identifier> = <expression> A = 34 B = B + 1 The assignment operator is = VB.NET allows you toinitialisea variable as part ofthedeclarationstatement,forexample: Dim Number1 As Integer = 0 Javaallows you toinitialiseavariable as part ofthedeclarationstatement,forexample: int number1 = 0; VB.NET and Pythonallow increment statements suchas B = B + 1 tobewrittenas B += 1. Javaallows increment statementssuch as b = b + 1 tobewrittenas b++; Arithmeticoperators Assignments don’t just give initial values to variables. Wealso use an assignment when we need to store the result of a calculation. The arithmetic operators used for calculations are shown inTable14.01. Table 14.01 Arithmetic operators Operation Pseudocode Python Addition + + Subtraction - - Multiplication * * Division / / Exponent ^ ** Integer division DIV // Modulus MOD % 245
  • 4. TIP Theresult ofintegerdivision is thewhole number part ofthedivision. For example, 7 DIV 2 gives 3. TIP Theresultof themodulus operation is theremainder ofa division. For example, 7 MOD 2 gives1. Whenmore than one operator appears in an expression,theorderofevaluationdepends on the mathematical rules of precedence:parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. KEYTERM Rules of precedence: definetheorder of thecalculationsto be performed Question 14.01 Evaluateeachofthefollowing expressions: 4* 3– 3^2 (4* 3– 3)^2 4* (3– 3)^2 4* (3– 3^2) Outputtinginformationtothescreen In pseudocode,outputstatementsarewrittenas: OUTPUT <string> OUTPUT <identifier(s)> Whenoutputtingtextand datatotheconsole screen,wecan lista mixtureofoutputstrings and variable values in theprint list. Syntaxdefinitions Python print(<printlist>) print(<printlist>, end ='') Print list items are separated by commas (,). To avoid moving onto the nextlineafterthe output, use end ='') In theexamples below,theprintlistconsistsoffourseparateitems: “Hello ”and “ .Yournumberis ”arestrings and YourName and Number1 arevariables,forwhichweprint thevalue. In pseudocode,wecan indicate whethera newlineshould be outputattheend bya commentattheend ofthestatement. OUTPUT "Hello ", YourName, ". Your number is ", Number1 // newline OUTPUT "Hello " // no new line 246
  • 5. Codeexamples Python print("Hello ", YourName, ". Your number is ", Number1) print("Hello ", end= '') VB.NET Console.WriteLine("Hello " & YourName & ". Your number is " & Number1) Console.Write("Hello") Java System.out.println("Hello " + yourName + ". Your number is " + number1); System.out.print("Hello"); In thecode examples aboveyou can seehow outputstatementscan bespreadovermore than one linewhen theyarevery long. Youmust break thelinebetweentwo print listitems. You cannot break in the middle of a string, unless you make the string into two separate strings. In Python and VB.NET you can also use theplaceholdermethod foroutput: thevariables tobeprintedarerepresentedbysequential numbers in {}in themessage stringand the variablesarelistedinthecorrect orderafterthestring, separated bycommas: Python print ("Hello {0}. Your number is {1}".format(YourName, Number1)) VB.NET Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}. Your number is {1}", YourName, Number1) Getting inputfromtheuser Whencoding an input statement,itis good practice toprompttheuseras towhattheyare meanttoenter.Forexample,considerthepseudocodestatement: INPUT "Enter a number: " A Note thespacebetweenthecolon and theclosingquote.This is significant.Itgivesa space beforetheusertypes theirinput. Codeexamples Python A = input("Enter a number: ") The prompt is provided as a parameter to the input function. Single quotes are also accepted. All inputis taken tobe a string; if you want to use the input as a number the input string has to be converted using a function (see Section 14.07). Comments Itis good programming practice toadd comments toexplain code wherenecessary. 247 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 6. Codeexamples Python # this is a comment # this is another comment VB.NET ' this is a comment ' this is another comment Java // this is a comment // this is another comment /* this is a multi-line comment */ TASK 14.01 Use the IDE of your chosen programming language (in future just referred to as ‘your language’). Type the program statements equivalent to the following pseudocode (you may need to declare the variable YourName first): INPUT "What is your name? " YourName OUTPUT "Have a nice day ", YourName Save your program as Example1 and then run it. Is the output as you expected? 14.03Datatypes Every programming language has built-in data types. Table 14.02gives a subset of those available.Thenumberofbytesofmemory allocatedtoa variable ofthegiven typeis givenin brackets forVB.NET and Java. Description of data Pseudocode Python Whole signed numbers INTEGER int Signed numbers with a decimal point REAL float A single character CHAR Use single (') quotation marks to delimit a character Not available A sequence of characters (a string) STRING Use double (") quotation marks to delimit a string. str (stored as ASCII but Unicode strings are also available) Use single ('), double (") or triple (''' or """) quotation marks to delimit a string. Logical values: True (represented as 1) and False (represented as 0) BOOLEAN bool possible values: True False 248
  • 7. In Python,asingle character is representedas astring oflength1. In VB.NET, each character in a string requires two bytes of memory and each character is representedin memory as Unicode(inwhich,thevalues from 1to127correspond toASCII). Datehas variousinternalrepresentations but is outputin conventional format. Description of data Pseudocode Python VB.NET Java Date value DATE Use the datetim e class Date (8 bytes) Date is a class in Java. To make use of it use: import java.util.Date; Table 14.03 The Date data types In Python and Java, date is not available as a built-in data type. Date is provided as a class (seeTable14.03). VB.NET stores dates and times from 1.1.0001 (0 hours) to 31.12.9999 (23:59:59 hours) with a resolution of 100 nanoseconds (this unit is called a ‘tick’).Floating-point (decimal) numbers arestoredinbinary-coded decimalformat(seeSection 1.02). There are many more data types. Programmers can also design and declaretheir own data types (seeChapter16(Section16.01)and Chapter 26(Section26.01). TASK 14.02 1 Look at the identifier tables in Chapter 12 (Tables 12.02 and 12.04 to 12.12). Decide which data type from your language is appropriate for each variable listed. 2 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 12.01 in Chapter 12. 14.04Booleanexpressions In Chapter12(Section12.06),wecoveredlogic statements.Thesewerestatementsthat includedacondition.Conditions arealsoknown as Boolean expressions and evaluateto eitherTrueorFalse.Trueand Falseareknown as Boolean values. SimpleBoolean expressions involve comparison operators(seeTable14.04).Complex Boolean expressions also involve Boolean operators(seeTable14.05). Operation Pseudocode Python equal = == not equal <> != greater than > > less than < < greater than or equal to >= >= less than or equal to <= <= 249 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 8. Table 14.05 Boolean operators 14.05Selection IF ...THENstatements In pseudocodetheIF...THENconstructis writtenas: IF <Boolean expression> THEN <statement(s)> ENDIF Syntaxdefinitions Python if <Boolean expression>: <statement(s)> Note that the THEN keyword is replaced by a colon (:). Indentation is used to show which statements form part of the conditional statement. Pseudocodeexample: IF x < 0 THEN OUTPUT "Negative" ENDIF Codeexamples Python if x < 0: print("Negative") VB.NET If x < 0 Then Console.WriteLine("Negative") End If Java if (x < 0) System.out.println("Negative"); Operation Pseudocode Python VB.NET Java AND (logical conjunction) AND and And && OR (logical inclusion) OR or Or || NOT (logical negation) NOT not Not ! 250
  • 9. TASK 14.03 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 12.03 in Chapter 12. IF ...THEN...ELSEstatements In pseudocode,theIF...THEN...ELSE constructis writtenas: IF <Boolean expression> THEN <statement(s)> ELSE <statement(s)> ENDIF Syntaxdefinitions Python if <Boolean expression>: <statement(s)> else: <statement(s)> Indentation is used to show which statements form part of the conditional statement; the else keyword must line up with the corresponding if keyword. Pseudocodeexample: IF x < 0 THEN OUTPUT "Negative" ELSE OUTPUT "Positive" ENDIF Codeexamples Python if x < 0: print("Negative") else: print("Positive") 251 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 10. NestedIFstatements In pseudocode,thenestedIFstatementis writtenas: IF <Boolean expression> THEN <statement(s)> ELSE IF <Boolean expression> THEN <statement(s)> ELSE <statement(s)> ENDIF ENDIF Syntaxdefinitions Python if <Boolean expression>: <statement(s)> elif <Boolean expression>: <statement(s)> else: <statement(s)> Note the keyword elif (an abbreviation of else if). This keyword must line up with the corresponding if. There can be as many elif parts to this construct as required. Pseudocodeexample: IF x < 0 THEN OUTPUT "Negative" ELSE IF x = 0 THEN OUTPUT "Zero" ELSE OUTPUT "Positive" ENDIF ENDIF 252
  • 11. Codeexamples Python if x < 0: print("Negative") elif x == 0: print("Zero") else: print("Positive") CASEstatements An alternativeselection constructis theCASE statement.Each consideredCASE condition canbe: • asinglevalue • singlevalues separated bycommas • arange. In pseudocode,theCASE statement is writtenas: CASE OF <expression> : <statement(s)> : <statement(s)> : <statement(s)> <value1> <value2>,<value3> <value4> TO <value5> . . OTHERWISE <statement(s)> ENDCASE Thevalue of<expression> determineswhichstatements areexecuted.Therecan be as manyseparatecases as required.TheOTHERWISE clause is optionaland usefulforerror trapping. 253 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 12. Syntaxdefinitions Pythonse 3.10 match term: case pattern-1: action-1 case pattern-2: action-2 case pattern-3: action-3 case _: action-default In pseudocode,an example CASE statementis: CASE OF Grade "A" : OUTPUT "Top grade" "F", "U" : OUTPUT "Fail" "B".."E" : OUTPUT "Pass" OTHERWISE OUTPUT "Invalid grade" ENDCASE Codeexamples Python if Grade == "A": print("Top grade") elif Grade == "F" or Grade == "U": print("Fail") elif Grade in ("B", "C", "D", "E"): print("Pass") else: print("Invalid grade") 254
  • 13. Java The problem to be solved: the user enters the number of the month and year. The output is the number of days in that month. The program has to check if the year is a leap year for February. The pseudocode solution is: INPUT MonthNumber INPUT Year Days ← 0 CASE OF MonthNumber CASE 1,3,5,7,8,10,12 : Days ← 31 CASE 4,6,9,11 : Days ← 30 CASE 2 : Days ← 28 If Year MOD 400 = 0 THEN // it is a leap year Days ← 29 ENDIF IF (Year MOD 4 = 0) AND (Year MOD 100 > 0) THEN // it is a leap year Days ← 29 ENDIF OTHERWISE OUTPUT "Invalid month number" ENDCASE OUTPUT Days Write program code to implement the pseudocode above. 14.06Iteration Count-controlled(FOR)loops In pseudocode,a count-controlledloop is writtenas: FOR <control variable> ← s TO e STEP i // STEP is optional <statement(s)> NEXT <control variable> The control variable startswithvalue s,incrementsby valuei eachtimeround theloop and finishes when thecontrol variable reachesthevaluee. 255
  • 14. Syntaxdefinitions Python for <control variable> in range(s, e, i): <statement(s)> The values s, e and i must be of type integer. The loop finishes when the control variable is just below e. The values for s and i can be omitted and they default to 0 and 1, respectively. In pseudcode,examples are: FOR x ← 1 TO 5 OUTPUT x NEXT x FOR x = 2 TO 14 STEP 3 OUTPUT x NEXT x FOR x = 5 TO 1 STEP -1 OUTPUT x NEXT x Codeexamples Python for x in range(5): print(x, end=' ') The start value of x is 0 and it increases by 1 on each iteration. Output: 0 1 2 3 4 for x in range(2, 14, 3): print(x, end=' ') Output: 2 5 8 11 for x in range(5, 1, -1): print(x, end=' ') The start value of x is 5 and it decreases by 1 on each iteration. Output: 5 4 3 2 for x in ["a", "b", "c"]: print(x, end='') The control variabletakes the valueofeach of the group elements in turn. Output: abc 256
  • 15. Post-conditionloops A post-condition loop, as the name suggests, executes the statements within the loop at least once.When the condition is encountered,itis evaluated.As long as the condition evaluates toFalse,thestatementswithin theloop areexecutedagain.Whenthecondition evaluates toTrue,execution willgo tothenextstatementaftertheloop. Whencoding a post-conditionloop, you must ensure thatthereis a statementwithin the loop thatwill at some point change the end condition to True.Otherwise the loop will executeforever. In pseudocode,thepost-conditionloop is writtenas: REPEAT <statement(s)> UNTIL <condition> 257
  • 16. Syntaxdefinitions Python Post-condition loops arenot availablein Python. Use a pre-condition loop instead. Pseudocodeexample: REPEAT INPUT "Enter Y or N: " Answer UNTIL Answer = "Y" Codeexamples VB.NET Do Console.Write("Enter Y or N: ") Answer = Console.ReadLine() Loop Until Answer = "Y" Java do { System.out.print("Enter Y or N: "); answer =; } while (!(answer.equals("Y"))); TASK 14.07 1 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 12.04 in Chapter 12. 2 Write program code to implement the first algorithm from Worked Example 12.06 in Chapter 12. Pre-conditionloops Pre-condition loops, as the name suggests, evaluate the condition before the statements within theloop areexecuted.Pre-conditionloops willexecutethestatements within theloop as long as the condition evaluates to True. When the condition evaluates to False, execution willgo tothenextstatement aftertheloop.Note thatanyvariable used intheconditionmust notbeundefined when theloop structureis firstencountered. When coding a pre-condition loop, you must ensure thatthere is a statement within the loop that will at some point change the value of the controlling condition. Otherwise the loop will executeforever. In pseudocodethepre-condition loop is written as: WHILE <condition> DO <statement(s)> ENDWHILE 258
  • 17. Syntaxdefinitions Python while <condition>: <statement(s)> Note that statements within the loop must be indented by a set number of spaces. The first statementafterthe loop must be indentedless. Pseudocodeexample, Answer ← "" WHILE Answer <> "Y" DO INPUT "Enter Y or N: " Answer ENDWHILE Codeexamples Python Answer = '' while Answer != 'Y': Answer = input("Enter Y or N: ") Whichloop structuretouse? Ifyou know how manytimesaround theloop you need togo when theprogram execution gets to the loop statements, use a count-controlled loop. Ifthe termination of the loop depends on some condition determined by what happens within the loop, then use a conditional loop. A pre-condition loop has the added benefit that the loop may not be enteredatall,iftheconditiondoes notrequireit. 259 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 18. Description Pseudocode Python Access a single character using its position P in a string ThisString ThisString[P] Counts from 1 ThisString[P] Counts from 0 Returns the character whose ASCII value is i CHR(i : INTEGER) RETURNS CHAR chr(i) Returns the ASCII value of character ch ASC(ch) RETURNS INTEGER ord(ch) Returns the integer value representing the length of string S LENGTH(S : STRING) RETURNS INTEGER len(S) Returns leftmost L characters from S LEFT(S : STRING, L : INTEGER) RETURNS STRING S[0:L] See the next section, on slicing Returns rightmost L characters from S RIGHT(S: STRING, L : INTEGER) RETURNS STRING S[-L:] See the next section, on slicing Returns a string of length L starting at position P from S MID(S : STRING, P : INTEGER, L : INTEGER) RETURNS STRING S[P : P + L] See the next section, on slicing Returns the character value representing the lower case equivalent of Ch LCASE(Ch : CHAR) RETURNS CHAR Ch.lower() Returns the character value representing the upper case equivalent of Ch UCASE(Ch : CHAR) RETURNS CHAR Ch.upper() Returns a string formed by converting all alphabetic characters of S to upper case TO _ UPPER(S : STRING) RETURNS STRING S.upper() Returns a string formed by converting all alphabetic characters of S to lower case TO _ LOWER(S : STRING) RETURNS STRING S.lower() Concatenate (join) two strings S1 & S2 s = S1 + S2 TIP Computer Scientists likeefficient code. Choosing themost suitable types ofselection statements and loop structuresis an important step along theway to design efficient code. 14.07Built-infunctions Programmingenvironments provide manybuilt-infunctions.Some ofthemarealways available touse;some need tobeimportedfromspecialistmodule libraries. Discussion Point: Investigate your own programming environmentand researchother libraryroutines. Stringmanipulationfunctions Table14.06containssome usefulfunctionsformanipulating strings. 260
  • 19. Slicing inPython InPythonasubsequenceofanysequencetype(e.g.listsandstrings)canbecreatedusing‘slicing’. For example,togetasubstring oflength L from positionP in string S wewriteS[P :P +L]. Figure13.05shows a representationofThisString.Ifwewanttoreturna sliceoflength 3 startingatposition 3,weuse ThisString[3 : 6] togive ‘DEF’.Position is counted from0 and thepositionattheupperbound ofthesliceis notincludedin thesubstring. A B C D E F G [0] [2] ThisString [3] [4] [5] [6] [1] Figure 14.05 A representation of ThisString Ifyouimaginethenumberingofeachelementtostartattheleft-handend(asshown inFigure 14.05),thenitiseasiertoseehowtheleftelement(thelowerbound)isincluded,buttheright element(theupperbound)isexcluded.Table14.07shows some otherusefulslicesinPython. Expression Result Explanation ThisString[2:] CDEFG Ifyou do not statethe upper bound, the sliceincludes all characters to the end of the string. ThisString[:2] AB Ifyou do not statethe lowerbound, the sliceincludes all characters from the beginning of the string. ThisString[-2:] FG Anegative lower bound meansthat ittakes the slicestarting from the end of the string. ThisString[:-2] ABCDE Anegative upper bound meansthat itterminates the string at that position. Table 14.07 Someuseful slices in Python T runcating numbers Insteadofrounding, sometimeswejustwant thewhole numberpart ofarealnumber. Thisis known as ‘truncation’. Pseudocode INT(x : REAL) RETURNS INTEGER Returns the integer part of x. Python int(x) If x is a floating-point number, the conversion truncates towards zero. Converting astring toanumber Sometimes a whole numbermaybe held as a string.Touse sucha numberin a calculation, wefirstneed toconvertittoan integer.For example,these functionsreturntheintegervalue 5fromthestring"5": Python int(S) 261 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 20. Sometimes a number witha decimal point may be held as a string. Touse such a number in a calculation, wefirst need toconvert itto a real (float).For example, these functions return the realnumber75.43fromthestring"75.43": Pseudocode STRING _ TO _ NUM(x : STRING) RETURNS REAL Returns a numeric representation of a string. Python float(x) The returned value is a floating- point number. Randomnumbergenerator Random numbers areoftenrequired forsimulations.Most programming languages have various random number generators available.As the random numbers are generated througha program,theyarereferredtoas ‘pseudo-random’ numbers. Aselection ofthe mostusefulrandom numbergenerators areshown inthefollowing code examples. Codeexamples Python # in the random library: randint(1, 6) This code produces a random number between 1 and 6 inclusive. Discussion Point: Whatother usefulfunctionscan you find?Which module libraries haveyou searched? 14.08Procedures In Chapter 12(Section12.09),weused proceduresas a means ofgiving a group ofstatements a name. When we want to program a procedure we need to define itbefore the main program.Wecallitin themain program when wewant thestatementsintheprocedure body tobeexecuted. In pseudocode,a procedure definition is writtenas: PROCEDURE <procedureIdentifier> // this is the procedure header <statement(s)> // these statements are the procedure body ENDPROCEDURE 262
  • 21. This procedureis called using thepseudocodestatement: CALL <procedureIdentifier> Syntaxdefinitions Python def <identifier>(): <statement(s)> Whenprogramming a procedure,notewherethedefinition is writtenand how theprocedure is calledfromthemainprogram. Hereis an examplepseudocodeproceduredefinition: PROCEDURE InputOddNumber REPEAT INPUT "Enter an odd number: " Number UNTIL Number MOD 2 = 1 OUTPUT "Valid number entered" ENDPROCEDURE This procedureis called using the CALL statement: CALL InputOddNumber Codeexamples Python Figure 14.06 The Python editor with a procedure The Python editor colour-codes the differentparts of a statement.This helps when you aretypingyour own code. The indentation shows which statements arepartofthe loop. The built-in function input returns a string, which must be converted to an integerbefore itcan be used as a number. 263 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 22. 14.09Functions In Section 14.07we used built-in functions. These are useful subroutines writtenby other programmers and madeavailable in module libraries.Themost-usedones areusuallyin the systemlibrary,so areavailable withoutyou having toimportthem. Youcan writeyour own functions.Anyfunction you havewrittencan be used in another program ifyou build up yourown modulelibrary. A function is used as part of an expression. When program execution gets to the statement that includes a function call as part of the expression, the function is executed. The return valuefromthis functioncallis thenusedin theexpression. Whenwritingyour own function,ensure you always returnavalue as part ofthestatements thatmake up the function (thefunction body).You can have more than one RETURN statementiftherearedifferentpaths throughthefunctionbody. In pseudocode,a functiondefinition is writtenas: FUNCTION <functionIdentifier> RETURNS <dataType> // function header <statement(s)> // function body RETURN <value> ENDFUNCTION KEYTERM Return value: thevaluereplacingthefunctioncallused in theexpression Syntaxdefinitions Python def <functionIdentifier>(): <statement(s)> return <value> Whenprogramming a function,thedefinition is writtenin thesame placeas a procedure.The functionis calledfromwithin an expressioninthemain program,or inaprocedure. Differentprogramming languages use differentterminology fortheirsubroutines, as listedin Table14.08. Pseudocode PROCEDURE FUNCTION Python void function fruitful function Table 14.08 Programming language terminology for subroutines 265 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 23. Voidmeans ‘nothing’.Both Python and Javause this termtoshow thattheirprocedure-type subroutinedoes notreturna value.Pythonreferstoboth types ofsubroutines as functions. Thefruitfulfunction returns oneormorevalues. Wecan writetheexample procedure from Section 14.09as a function.In pseudocode,this is: FUNCTION InputOddNumber RETURNS INTEGER REPEAT INPUT "Enter an odd number: " Number UNTIL Number MOD 2 = 1 OUTPUT "Valid number entered" RETURN Number ENDFUNCTION Codeexamples Python Figure 14.09 The Python editor with a function and local variable The variable Number in Figure 14.09 is not accessiblein the main program.Python’s variables are local unless declaredto be global. 266
  • 24. Java Aglobalvariableis availablein anypartoftheprogram code.Itis good programming practice todeclarea variable thatis onlyused within asubroutineas a local variable. In Python,every variable is local,unless itis overridden witha global declaration. In VB.NET you need to writethe declaration statement for a local variable within the subroutine. Java does notsupport globalvariables.However,static variablesdeclaredin a class areaccessible throughouttheclass. TASK 14.11 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.05 in Chapter 13. Which variables are global and which are local? Argument: the actual input expression or value with which the subroutine is being called Parameter: thevariable(s)used inside a subroutine which will takevaluespassed into a subroutine at calltime Subroutine interface: theparameters being passed betweenthesubroutine and thecalling program Function / Procedure header: the first line of a function or procedure definition showing the identifier and parameter list 14.10Passing parameters to subroutines When a subroutine requires one or more values from the main program, we supply these as argumentstothesubroutineatcalltime.Thisis how weuse built-infunctions.Wedon’t need toknow theidentifiersused within thefunctionwhen wecall a built-infunction. Whenwedefinea subroutinethatrequiresvalues tobepassed tothesubroutinebody, we use a parameter list in the subroutine header.When the subroutine is called, we supply theargumentsinbrackets. Theargumentssuppliedareassignedtothecorresponding parameterofthesubroutine(notetheorderoftheparametersin theparameter listmust be thesame as theorderin thelistofarguments).This is known as thesubroutine interface. KEYTERMS 267 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 25. 14.11Passing parameters to functions Thefunction headeris written in pseudocodeas: FUNCTION <functionIdentifier> (<parameterList>) RETURNS <dataType> where<parameterList> is a listofidentifiersand theirdatatypes, separated bycommas. Hereis an example pseudocode functiondefinition thatuses parameters: FUNCTION SumRange(FirstValue : INTEGER, LastValue : INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER DECLARE Sum, ThisValue : INTEGER Sum ← 0 FOR ThisValue ← FirstValue TO LastValue Sum ← Sum + ThisValue NEXT ThisValue RETURN Sum ENDFUNCTION Codeexamples Python Figure 14.12 The SumRange() function in Python 268
  • 26. Java Figure 14.14 The SumRange() function in Java TASK 14.12 Write a function to implement the following pseudocode: FUNCTION Factorial (Number : INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER DECLARE Product : INTEGER Product ← 1 FOR n ← 2 TO Number Product ← Product * n NEXT n RETURN Product ENDFUNCTION 14.12Passing parameters to procedures Ifa parameter is passed by value, at call timethe argument can be an actual value (as we showed inSection 14.04).Iftheargument is a variable,thenacopy ofthecurrentvalueofthe variable is passed intothesubroutine. Thevalueofthevariable in thecallingprogram is not affectedbywhathappens in thesubroutine. For procedures,a parameter can bepassed by reference.Atcalltime,theargument must be a variable. A pointer to the memory location (theaddress) of thatvariable is passed into the procedure. Any changes thatare applied to the variable’scontents will be effectiveoutside theprocedure inthecallingprogram/module. By value: theactual value is passed into theprocedure By reference: theaddress of thevariable is passed into theprocedure KEYTERMS Note thatneither of these methods of parameter passing applies to Python. In Python or Java,themethodis calledpass byobjectreference.Thisis basicallyan object-oriented way of passing parameters and is beyond the scope of this chapter (objects are dealt with in Chapter 27).Theimportant pointis tounderstandhow toprogram in Python and Java toget thedesired effect. 269 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 27. Thefullprocedureheaderis writtenin pseudocode,ina very similar fashiontothatfor functionheaders, as: PROCEDURE <ProcedureIdentifier> (<parameterList>) Theparameter listneeds more informationfora procedure definition.In pseudocode,a parameterin thelistis represented in oneofthefollowing formats: BYREF <identifier1> : <dataType> BYVALUE <identifier2> : <dataType> Passing parametersbyvalue Thepseudocodeforthepyramid example inChapter 12(Section12.09)includesa procedure definition thatuses two parameterspassed byvalue.Wecan now makethatexplicit: PROCEDURE OutputSymbols(BYVALUE NumberOfSymbols : INTEGER, Symbol : CHAR) DECLARE Count : INTEGER FOR Count ← 1 TO NumberOfSymbols OUTPUT Symbol // without moving to next line NEXT Count OUTPUT NewLine ENDPROCEDURE In Python (seeFigure14.15),allparametersbehavelikelocal variablesand theireffectis as though theyarepassed byvalue. 270
  • 28. Passing parametersbyreference Whenparametersarepassed byreference, when thevalues insidethesubroutinechange, this affectsthevalues ofthevariablesin thecallingprogram. Considerthepseudocodeprocedure AdjustValuesForNextRow below. Thepseudocodeforthepyramid example generatedin Chapter 12(Section12.09)includesa procedure definition thatuses two parameters passed by reference. Wecan now make that explicit: PROCEDURE AdjustValuesForNextRow(BYREF Spaces : INTEGER, Symbols : INTEGER) Spaces ← Spaces - 1 Symbols ← Symbols + 2 ENDPROCEDURE Thepseudocodestatementto calltheprocedureis: CALL AdjustValuesForNextRow(NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols) Thevalues oftheparametersSpaces and Symbols arechanged within theprocedure when this is called.The variables NumberOfSpaces and NumberOfSymbols in the program code afterthecall willstoretheupdatedvalues thatwerepassed backfromtheprocedure. Python does not have a facilityto pass parameters by reference. Instead the subroutine behavesas a function and returnsmultiple values (seeFigure14.18).Note theorderofthe variablesas theyreceivethesevalues in themain part oftheprogram. 271
  • 29. Figure 14.19 Parameters passed by reference to a VB.NETprocedure Javadoes nothavea facilitytopass simple variable parametersbyreference.Only objects can bepassed byreference.Arraysareobjects inJava,so thesearepassed byreference. TIP If only one value needs to be returned, the subroutine can be written as a function. If more than one value needs to be returned, a work-around is to declare a class and return it as an object (Figure 14.20). If the values to be returned are of the same type, they can be grouped into an array and the array is passed as a referenceparameter. TIP Apreferablesolution is to amend thealgorithm and write several functions (Figure14.21). 272
  • 30. 14.13Putting it alltogether Theprograms inthis sectionarefullsolutions tothepyramid-drawing program developedin Section 14.12. The parameters ofthe subroutines have differentidentifiers from the variables in the main program.Thisisdonedeliberately,sothatitisquiteclearthattheparametersandlocalvariables withinasubroutineareseparatefromthoseinthecallingprogramormodule.Ifaparameteris passedbyreferencetoaprocedure,theparameteridentifierwithintheprocedurereferencesthe samememorylocationasthevariableidentifierpassedtotheprocedureasargument. Thepyramid-drawingprograminPython,VB.NETandJava Python SPACE = ' ' # constant to give a space a name def InputMaxNumberOfSymbols(): Number = 0 while Number % 2 == 0: print("How many symbols make the base? ") Number = int(input("Input an odd number: ")) return Number def SetValues(): Symbol = input("What symbol do you want to use? ") MaxSymbols = InputMaxNumberOfSymbols() Spaces = (MaxSymbols + 1) // 2 Symbols = 1 return Symbol, MaxSymbols, Spaces, Symbols def OutputChars(Number, Symbol): for Count in range (Number): print(Symbol, end='') def AdjustValuesForNextRow(Spaces, Symbols): Spaces = Spaces – 1 Symbols = Symbols + 2 return Spaces, Symbols def main(): ThisSymbol, MaxNumberOfSymbols, NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols = SetValues() while NumberOfSymbols <= MaxNumberOfSymbols: OutputChars(NumberOfSpaces, SPACE) OutputChars(NumberOfSymbols, ThisSymbol) print() # move to new line NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols = AdjustValuesForNextRow(NumberOfSpaces, NumberOfSymbols) main() 274 CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
  • 31. Python In Python, there areno arrays.The equivalentdatastructure is called a list. Alist is an ordered sequence ofitems thatdo not have tobe ofthe samedatatype. Pseudocodeexample: DECLARE List1 : ARRAY[1:3] DECLARE List2 : ARRAY[0:5] OF STRING // 3 elements in this list OF INTEGER // 6 elements in this list DECLARE List3 : ARRAY[1:100] OF INTEGER // 100 elements in this list DECLARE List4 : ARRAY[0:25] OF STRING // 26 elements in this list (Continued) 276 Discussion Point: Can you seehow thetwo proceduresOutputSpaces and OutputSymbols havebeenreplaced byasingle procedure OutputCharswithoutchangingtheeffectoftheprogram? 14.14Arrays Creating 1Darrays VB.NET,Python and Java numberarray elementsfrom 0(thelower bound). In pseudocode,a 1Darray declarationis writtenas: DECLARE <arrayIdentifier> : ARRAY[<lowerBound>:<upperBound>] OF <dataType> Syntaxdefinitions CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
  • 32. Codeexamples Python List1 = [] List1.append("Fred") List1.append("Jack") List1.append("Ali") As there are no declarations, the only way to generatea list is toinitialiseone. You can append elements to an existing list. List2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] You can enclose the elements in [ ]. List3 = [0 for i in range(100)] You can use a loop. AList = [""] * 26 You can provide an initial value, multiplied by number of elements required. Accessing 1Darrays Aspecificelementinanarrayisaccessedusinganindexvalue.Inpseudocode,thisiswrittenas: <arrayIdentifier>[x] Pseudocodeexample: NList[25] = 0 // set 25th element to zero AList[3] = "D" // set 3rd element to letter D Codeexamples Python NList[24] = 0 AList[3] = "D" VB.NET NList(25) = 0 AList(3) = "D" Java nList[25] = 0; aList[3] = "D"; In Python,you can print thewhole contentsofa listusing print(List).In VB.NET and Java, you need touse a loop toprint one elementofan array ata time. TASK 14.13 1 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.01 in Chapter 13. 2 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.02 in Chapter 13. 3 Write program code to implement the improved algorithm from Worked Example 13.03 in Chapter 13. TIP When writing a solution using pseudocode, always use a loop to print thecontents ofan array. 277 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 33. Creating 2Darrays In pseudocode,a 2D array declarationis writtenas: DECLARE <identifier> : ARRAY[<lBound1>:<uBound1>, <lBound2>:<uBound2>] OF <dataType> Syntaxdefinitions Python In Python, there areno arrays.The equivalentdatastructure is a list of lists. Todeclarea 2Darray torepresent a game board ofsixrows and sevencolumns, the pseudocodestatement is: DECLARE Board : ARRAY[1:6, 1:7] OF INTEGER Codeexamples Python Board = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] Board = [[0 for i in range(7)] for j in range(6)] Board = [[0] * 7] * 6 2D lists can be initialised in a similar way to 1D lists. Remember that elements are numbered from 0. These are alternative ways of initialising a 6 × 7 list. The rows are numbered 0 to 5 and the columns 0 to 6. The upper value of the range is not included. Accessing 2Darrays Aspecific elementin a tableis accessedusing an indexpair.In pseudocodethis is writtenas: <arrayIdentifier>[x, y] Pseudocodeexample: Board[3,4] ← 0 // sets the element in row 3 and column 4 to zero Thefollowing code examples demonstrate how toaccesselementsin eachofthethree languages. 278 CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
  • 34. Codeexamples Python Board[2][3] = 0 Elementsarenumbered from0 in Python,so [3]gives access to the fourth element. TASK 14.14 1 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.04 in Chapter 13; first initialise the table and then output its contents. 2 Write program code to implement the pseudocode from Worked Example 13.05 in Chapter 13. 14.15T ext files Writing toatextfile Thefollowing pseudocodestatements provide facilitiesforwritingtoa file: OPENFILE <filename> FOR WRITE // open the file for writing WRITEFILE <filename>, <stringValue> // write a line of text to the file CLOSEFILE <filename> // close file The following code examples demonstrate how to open, writeto and close a filecalled SampleFile.TXT ineachofthethreelanguages.Ifthefilealready exists,itis overwritten as soon as thefilehandle is assignedbythe‘openfile’command. Codeexamples Python FileHandle = open("SampleFile.TXT", "w") FileHandle.write(LineOfText) FileHandle.close() You specify the filename and mode (‘w’for write) when you callthe open function. The lineoftextto be written tothe filemust contain the newline character "n" to move tothe nextlineof the textfile. 279 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 35. Reading fromatextfile Anexistingfilecan beread by aprogram.Thefollowing pseudocodestatements provide facilitiesforreadingfromafile: OPENFILE <filename> FOR READ READFILE <filename>, <stringVariable> CLOSEFILE <filename> // open file for reading // read a line of text from the file // close file Thefollowing code examples demonstrate how toopen,read fromand closea filecalled SampleFile.TXT ineachofthethreelanguages. Codeexamples Python FileHandle = open("SampleFile.TXT", "r") LineOfText = FileHandle.readline() FileHandle.close () You specify the filename and mode (‘r’ for read) when you call the open function. Appending toatextfile Thefollowing pseudocode statements provide facilitiesforappending toa file: OPENFILE <filename> FOR APPEND // open file for append WRITEFILE <filename>, <stringValue> // write a line of text to the file CLOSEFILE <filename> // close file Thefollowing code examples demonstrate how toopen, append toand closea filecalled SampleFile.TXT ineachofthethreelanguages. 280 CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience
  • 36. Codeexamples Python FileHandle = open("SampleFile.TXT", "a") FileHandle.write(LineOfText) FileHandle.close() You specify the filename and mode (‘a’ for append) when you call the open function. Theend-of-file(EOF)marker Thefollowing pseudocodestatements reada textfileand outputitscontents: OPENFILE "Test.txt" FOR READ WHILE NOT EOF("Test.txt") DO READFILE "Test.txt", TextString OUTPUT TextString ENDWHILE CLOSEFILE "Test.txt" The following code examples demonstrate how toread and thenoutputthecontents ofafile ineachofthethreelanguages. Codeexamples Python FileHandle = open("Test.txt", "r") LineOfText = FileHandle.readline() while len(LineOfText) > 0: LineOfText = FileHandle.readline() print(LineOfText) FileHandle.close() There is no explicitEOF function. However,when a lineoftexthas beenreadthatonly consists of the end-of-file marker, the line of text is of length 0. (Continued) 281 Part2:Chapter14:Programming anddatarepresentation
  • 37. TASK 14.15 Fred surveys the students at his college to find out their favourite hobby. He wants to present the data as a tally chart. Fred plans to enter the data into the computer as he surveys the students. After data entry is complete, he wants to output the total for each hobby. 1 Reading books 2Play computer games 3 Sport 4 Programming 5 Watching TV Hestarts bywriting an algorithm: Initialise Tally array REPEAT INPUT Choice // 1 for Reading, 2 for computer games, // 3 for Sport, 4 for Programming, 5 for TV // 0 to end input Increment Tally[Choice] UNTIL Choice = 0 FOR Index = 1 TO 5 OUTPUT Tally[Index] NEXT Index 282 CambridgeInternationalAS &ALevel ComputerScience