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• Introduction:
• Python is a general purpose high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-
oriented scripting language.
It uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation,
and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other languages.
• Python is recommended as first programming language for beginners.
• Python is object oriented, high level, open source, interpreter based
programming language.
• It is very simple and easy to use.
• Python supports multiple programming pattern, including object
oriented programming.
Eg: To print Helloworld:
public class HelloWorld
p s v main(String[] args)
SOP("Hello world");
In C:
void main()
{printf("Hello world");}
In python
print("Hello World")
• History of Python
• Python was developed by Guido Van Rossam in 1989 while working at National Research
Institute at Netherlands.
• But officially Python was made available to public in 1991. The official Date of Birth for
Python is : Feb 20th 1991.
• Python is derived from many other languages, including ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, SmallTalk,
Unix shell, and other scripting languages.
• In Python:
• The name Python was selected from the TV Show"The Complete
Monty Python’s Circus", which was broadcasted in BBC from 1969 to
• Guido developed Python language by taking almost all programming
features from different languages
1. Functional Programming Features from C
2. Object Oriented Programming Features from C++
3. Scripting Language Features from Perl and Shell Script
4. Modular Programming Features from Modula-3
• Most of syntax in Python Derived from C and ABC languages.
Where we can use Python:
We can use everywhere. The most common important application areas
1. For developing Desktop Applications
2. For developing web Applications
3. For developing database Applications
4. For Network Programming
5. For developing games
6. For Data Analysis Applications
7. For Machine Learning
8. For developing Artificial Intelligence Applications
9. For IOT
• Disadvantages of Python
• Python is not as fast as C and C++, It means it is slower than C/C++:
• Does not check variable type at compile time. It use dynamic type so
flexible that Python interpreter cannot check the type for mismatch
at the compile time.
Who Uses Python Today?
1. Google makes extensive use of Python in its web search systems.
2. The popular YouTube video sharing service is largely written in Python.
3. The Dropbox storage service codes both its server and desktop client
software primarily in Python.
4. The Raspberry Pi single-board computer promotes Python as its
educational language.
5. The widespread BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing system began its life
as a Python program.
6. Google‘s App Engine web development framework uses Python as an
application language.
7. Maya, a powerful integrated 3D modeling and animation system,
provides a Python scripting API.
8. Intel, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, Seagate, Qualcomm, and IBM use Python
for hardware testing.
9. NASA, Los Alamos, Fermilab, JPL, and others use Python for scientific
programming tasks.
Features of Python
•Python is an object-oriented, high level language,
interpreted, dynamic and multipurpose programming
• There are a lot of features provided by python
programming language. Some features of python are given
1. Simple and easy to learn:
• Python is a simple programming language. When we read
Python program, we can feel like reading english
• The syntaxes are very simple and only 30+ keywords are
• When compared with other languages, we can write
programs with very less number of lines. Hence more
readability and simplicity.
• We can reduce development and cost of the project.
2. Freeware and Open Source:
• We can use Python software without any licence and it is
• Its source code is open,so that we can we can customize based
on our requirement.
• Eg: Jython is customized version of Python to work with Java
• Python language is freely available at
• The source-code is also available. Therefore it is open source.
3. High Level Programming language:
• Python is high level programming language and hence it is
programmer friendly language. Being a programmer we are not
required to concentrate low level activities like memory
management and security etc..
4. Platform Independent:
• Once we write a Python program,it can run on any platform
without rewriting once again.
• Internally PVM is responsible to convert into machine
understandable form.
5. Portability:
• Python programs are portable. ie we can migrate from one platform
to another platform very easily. Python programs will provide same
results on any platform.
6. Dynamically Typed:
In Python we are not required to declare type for variables.
Whenever we are assigning the value, based on value, type will be
allocated automatically. Hence Python is considered as dynamically
typed language.
• But Java, C etc are Statically Typed Languages b'z we have to provide
type at the beginning only.
• This dynamic typing nature will provide more flexibility to the
7.Both Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented:
• Python language supports both Procedure oriented (like C,
pascal etc) and object oriented (like C++,Java) features.
Hence we can get benefits of both like security and
reusability etc
8. Interpreted:
• We are not required to compile Python programs explcitly.
Internally Python interpreter will take care that
• If compilation fails interpreter raised syntax errors. Once
compilation success then PVM (Python Virtual Machine) is
responsible to execute.
9. Embedded:
• We can use Python programs in any other language
• i.e we can embedd Python programs anywhere.
10. Extensive Library:
• Python has a rich inbuilt library.
• Being a programmer we can use this library directly and we
are not responsible to implement the functionality.
Limitations of Python(Disadvantages of Python):
1. Performance wise not up to the mark because it is interpreted
2. Not using for mobile Applications.
3. Python is not as fast as C and C++, It means it is slower than C/C++:
4. Does not check variable type at compile time. It use dynamic type
so flexible that Python interpreter cannot check the type for
mismatch at the compile time.
Flavors of Python:
• It is the standard flavor of Python. It can be used to work with C language
2.Jython or JPython:
• It is for Java Applications. It can run on JVM.
3. IronPython:
• It is for C#.Net platform.
• The main advantage of PyPy is performance will be improved because JIT
compiler is available inside PVM.
5.Ruby Python:
• For Ruby Platforms.
6. Anaconda Python :
• It is specially designed for handling large volume of data processing.
Python Versions:
• Python 1.0V introduced in Jan 1994.
• Python 2.0V introduced in October 2000.
• Python 3.0V introduced in December 2008.
Note: Python 3 won't provide backward compatibility to Python2 i.e. there is no
guarantee that Python2 programs will run in Python3.
Current versions:
• Python 3.7.4 July 8, 2019
• Python 2.7.16 March 4, 2019
Other Versions:
• Python 3.6.9 July 2, 2019
• Python 2.7.15 May 1, 2018
• Python 3.6.1 March 21, 2017
• Python 2.7.13 April 9, 2012
Difference between Python 2 and Python 3
The two versions Python 2 and Python 3 are very much different from each other.
• A list of differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are given below:
• Python 2 uses print as a statement and used as print "something" to print some
string on the console.
• On the other hand, Python 3 uses print as a function and used as
print("something") to print something on the console.
• Python 2 uses the function raw_input() to accept the user's input. It
returns the string representing the value, which is typed by the user.
• To convert it into the integer, we need to use the int() function in
• Python 3 uses input() function to accept the user’s input().
• In Python 2, the implicit string type is ASCII, whereas, in Python 3, the
implicit string type is Unicode.
• How to Run Python Programs
• There are three way to execute python code they are given below;
• 1)Interactive Mode
• 2)Script Mode
• 3)Using IDE
1.Interactive interpreter prompt
• Python provides us the feature to execute the python statement one
by one at the interactive prompt. It is preferable in the case where we
are concerned about the output of each line of our python program.
• To open the interactive mode, open the terminal (or command
prompt) and type python (python3 in case if you have python2 and
python3 both installed on your system).
1.Interactive interpreter prompt
• Python provides us the feature to execute the python statement
one by one at the interactive prompt. It is preferable in the case
where we are concerned about the output of each line of our
python program.
• To open the interactive mode, open the terminal (or command
prompt) and type python (python3 in case if you have python2
and python3 both installed on your system).
• It will open the following prompt where we can execute the
python statement and check their impact on the console.
2.Using a script file
• Interpreter prompt is good to run the individual statements of the
code. However, we can not write the code every-time on the
• We need to write our code into a file which can be executed later.
For this purpose, open an editor like notepad, create a file named (python used .py extension) and write the following code in
• Print ("hello world"); #here, we have used print() function to print th
e message on the console.
• To run this file named as, we need to run the following
command on the terminal.
• $ python3
• 3.General Editors and IDEs with Python Support
• Eclipse + PyDev
• Sublime Text
• Atom
• GNU Emacs
• Vi / Vim
• Visual Studio
• Visual Studio Code
• Python-Specific Editors and IDEs
• PyCharm
• Spyder
• Thonny
Byte code Compilation:
• Python first compiles your source code (the statements in your
file) into a format known as byte code.
• Compilation is simply a translation step, and byte code is a
lower-level, platform independent representation of your source
• Roughly, Python translates each of your source statements into a
group of byte code instructions by decomposing them into
individual steps.
• This byte code translation is performed to speed execution —byte
code can be run much more quickly than the original source code
statements in your text file.
The Python Virtual Machine:
• Once your program has been compiled to byte code (or the
byte code has been loaded from existing .pyc file), it is
shipped off for execution to something generally known as the
python virtual machine (PVM).
Print Hello World in Python
Python code save with .py extension.
Print hello world in python
a="Hello World!"
Hello World!
A name in Python program is called identifier.
It can be class name or function name or module name or variable
a = 10
Rules to define identifiers in Python:
1. The only allowed characters in Python are
alphabet symbols(either lower case or upper case)
digits(0 to 9)
underscore symbol(_)
By mistake if we are using any other symbol like $ then we will get
syntax error.
cash = 10
ca$h =20
2. Identifier should not starts with digit
3. Identifiers are case sensitive. Of course Python language is
case sensitive language.
print(total) #10
print(TOTAL) #999
1.Alphabet Symbols (Either Upper case OR Lower case)
2. If Identifier is start with Underscore (_) then it indicates it is
3. Identifier should not start with Digits.
4. Identifiers are case sensitive.
5. We cannot use reserved words as identifiers
Eg: def=10
6. There is no length limit for Python identifiers. Bu no recommended
to use too lengthy identifiers.
7. Dollor ($) Symbol is not allowed in Python
Variables in Python
• Variables are used for store data on memory location
• Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations to store
values. This means that when you create a variable you
reserve some space in memory.
• Based on the data type of a variable, the interpreter allocates
memory and decides what can be stored in the reserved
memory. Therefore, by assigning different data types to
variables, you can store integers, decimals or characters in
these variables.
• Variable names can be a group of both letters and digits, but they
have to begin with a letter or an underscore.
• It is recomended to use lowercase letters for variable name. Rahul
and rahul both are two different variables.
Declaring Variable and Assigning Values
• Python does not bound us to declare variable before using in the
application. It allows us to create variable at required time.
• We don't need to declare explicitly variable in Python. When we assign
any value to the variable that variable is declared automatically.
• The equal (=) operator is used to assign value to a variable.
Multiple Assignment
• Python allows us to assign a value to multiple variables in a single
statement which is also known as multiple assignment.
• We can apply multiple assignments in two ways either by assigning
a single value to multiple variables or assigning multiple values to
multiple variables. Lets see given examples.
Multiple Assignments to variables:
• Python allows you to assign a single value to several variables
• For example –
• a = b = c = 1
• Here, an integer object is created with the value 1, and all three
variables are assigned to the same memory location. You can
also assign multiple objects to multiple variables.
• For example –
• a, b, c = 1, 2.5, ”mothi”
• Here, two integer objects with values 1 and 2 are assigned to
variables a and b respectively, and one string object with the
value "john" is assigned to the variable c.
print a
print b
print c
Keywords in Python(Reserved Words)
• The following list shows the Python keywords.
• These are reserved words and you cannot use them as constant
or variable or any other identifier names.
• In Python some words are reserved to represent some meaning or
functionality. Such type of words are called Reserved words.
• There are 33 reserved words available in Python.
1. True,False,None
2. and, or ,not,is
3. if,elif,else while,for,break,continue,return,in,yield
4. try,except,finally,raise,assert
5. import,from,as,class,def,pass,global,nonlocal,lambda,del,with
If want see the keyword list type the following
import keyword
All Reserved words in Python contain only alphabet symbols.
Except the following 3 reserved words, all contain only lower case
alphabet symbols.
True, False,None
Input And Output Statements
Reading dynamic input from the keyboard:
• In Python 2 the following 2 functions are available to read dynamic
input from the keyboard.
• This function always reads the data from the keyboard in the form
of String Format. We have to convert that string type to our
required type by using the corresponding type casting methods.
• x=raw_input("Enter First Number:")
• print(type(x)) It will always print str type only for any input type
2. input():
• input() function can be used to read data directly in our required
• We are not required to perform type casting.
• x=input("Enter Value)
• type(x)
• 10 ===> int
• “siva"===>str
• 10.5===>float
• True==>bool
• Note: But in Python 3 we have only input() method and raw_input()
method is not available.
Python3 input() function behaviour exactly same as raw_input() method
of Python2. i.e every input value is treated as str type only.
• raw_input() function of Python 2 is renamed as input() function in
type(input("Enter value:"))
Enter value:10
<class 'str'>
• x=input('Enter your name:')
• print('Hello,'+ x)
print("enter your name:")
print('Hello,'+ x)
x=input("Enter First Number:")
y=input("Enter Second Number:")
i = int(x)
j = int(y)
print("The Sum:",i+j)
Enter First Number:100
Enter Second Number:200
The Sum: 300
x=int(input("Enter First Number:"))
y=int(input("Enter Second Number:"))
print("The Sum:",x+y)
print("The Sum:",int(input("Enter First Number:"))+int(input("Enter Second Number:")))
How to read multiple values from the keyboard in a single line:
a,b= [int(x) for x in input("Enter 2 numbers :").split()]
print("Product is :", a*b)
Enter 2 numbers :10 20
Product is : 200
• split() function can take space as seperator by default. But we can
pass anything as separator.
• Write a program to read 3 float numbers from the keyboard with ,
seperator and print their sum
a,b,c= [float(x) for x in input("Enter 3 float numbers :").split(',’)]
print("The Sum is :", a+b+c)
Enter 3 float numbers :10.5,20.6,20.1
The Sum is : 51.2
output statements:
• We can use print() function to display output.
Form-1: print() without any argument
• Just it prints new line character
•Form-2: print(String):
•print("Hello World")
•We can use escape characters also
•print("Hello n World")
•We can use repetetion operator (*) in the string
•We can use + operator also
• If both arguments are String type then + operator acts as
concatenation operator.
• If one argument is string type and second is any other type like int
then we will get Error If both arguments are number type then +
operator acts as arithmetic addition operator.
Hello World
Form-3: print() with variable number of arguments:
print("The Values are :",a,b,c)
Output:The Values are : 10 20 30
By default output values are seperated by space.If we want we can specify seperator
by using "sep" attribute
• Form-4: print() with end attribute:
The default value for end attribute is n,which is nothing but new line
• If we want output in the same line with space
print("Hello“,end=‘ ‘)
print(“shiva“,end=‘ ‘)
Hello Shiva Welcome
• Form-5: print(object) statement:
We can pass any object (like list,tuple,set etc)as argument to the
print() statement
Form-6: print(formatted string):
%s======>String type
print("formatted string" %(variable list))
print("a value is %i" %a)
print("b value is %d and c value is %d" %(b,c))
a value is 10
b value is 20 and c value is 30
print("Hello %s ...The List of Items are %s" %(s,list))
• Hello shiva ...The List of Items are [10, 20, 30, 40]
• Note: Python contains several inbuilt functions and In Python
everything is object
to check the type of variable
2. id()
to get address of object
3. range() :
The range() function returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 by default,
and increments by 1 (by default), and ends at a specified number
range(start, stop, step)
Parameter Description
Optional. An integer number
specifying at which position to start.
Default is 0
Optional. An integer number
specifying at which position to end.
Optional. An integer number
specifying the incrementation.
Default is 1
• generate numbers from 0 to 9
r = range(10,20)
for i in r : print(i) 10 to 19
r = range(10,20,2)
for i in r : print(i) 2 means increment value
We can access elements present in the range Data Type by using index.
r[15]==>IndexError: range object index out of range
We cannot modify the values of range data type
TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment
Data types
• A variable can hold different types of values. For example, a person's
name must be stored as a string whereas its id must be stored as an
• Python provides various standard data types that define the storage
method on each of them. The data types defined in Python are given
1. Numbers
2. String
3. List
4. Tuple
5. set
6. Dictionary
• In Python the following data types are considered as Fundamental
Data types
• int
• float
• complex
• bool
• str
• int data type:
We can use int data type to represent whole numbers (integral values)
type(a) #int
C:UsersMy Name>python
<class ‘int'>
Note: In Python2 we have long data type to represent very large integral values. But
in Python3 there is no long type explicitly and we can represent long values also by
using int type only.
• Float: Float, or "floating point number" is a number, positive or negative,
containing one or more decimals.
• Example:
x = 1.10
y = 1.0
z = -35.59
C:UsersMy Name>python
<class 'float'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'float'>
Complex: Numbers are written with a "j" as the imaginary part:
• x = 3+5j
y = 5j
z = -5j
C:UsersMy Name>python
<class 'complex'>
<class 'complex'>
<class 'complex'>
Python Strings
• str represents String data type.
• A String is a sequence of characters enclosed within single quotes or
double quotes.
s1=‘geetha govindam'
• By using single quotes or double quotes we cannot represent multi
line string literals.
For this requirement we should go for triple single quotes(''') or triple double
We can also use triple quotes to use single quote or double quote in our String.
''' This is " character'''
' This i " Character '
We can embed one string in another string
'''This "Python class very helpful" for java students'''
Slicing of Strings:
• slice means a piece [ : ] operator is called slice operator, which can be
used to retrieve parts of String.
• In Python Strings follows zero based index.
• The index can be either +ve or -ve.
• +ve index means forward direction from Left to Right
• -ve index means backward direction from Right to Left
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5
len() in-built function:
We can use len() function to find the
number of characters present in the
• In Python, we can represent char values also by using str type and
explicitly char type is not available.
• Eg:
>>> c='a‘
>>> type(c)
<class 'str'>
bool data type:
• We can use this data type to represent boolean values.
• The only allowed values for this data type are:
True and False
• Internally Python represents True as 1 and False as 0
type(b) =>bool
list data type
• A list can be defined as a collection of values or items of different
• The items in the list are separated with the comma (,) and enclosed
with the square brackets [].
• An ordered, mutable, heterogeneous collection of elements is
nothing but list, where duplicates also allowed.
• If we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single
entity where insertion order preserved and duplicates are allowed,
then we should go for List.
• List is dynamic because based on our requirement we can increase
the size and decrease the size.
• We can differentiate duplicate elements by using index and we can
preserve insertion order by using index. Hence index will play very
important role.
• Python supports both positive and negative indexes. +ve index
means from left to right where as negative index means right to left
. List objects are mutable.i.e we can change the content.
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
10 A B 20 30 10
0 1 2 3 4 5
[10,"A","B",20, 30, 10]
Creation of List Objects:
⦁ We can create empty list object as follows...
<class 'list'>
• Example
2) >>> list[0]
3) 10
4) >>> list[-1]
5) 40
6) >>> list[1:3]
7) [20, 30]
8) >>> list[0]=100
9) >>> for i in list:print(i)
10) ...
11) 100
12) 20
13) 30
• With dynamic input:
list=input("Enter List:")
Enter List:[10,20,30,40]
[10, 20, 30, 40]
<class 'list'>
• With list() function:
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
<class 'list'>
Accessing elements of List:
• We can access elements of the list either by using index or by using slice
1. By using index:
• List follows zero based index. ie index of first element is zero.
• List supports both +ve and -ve indexes.
• +ve index meant for Left to Right
• -ve index meant for Right to Left
• list=[10,20,30,40]
• print(list[0]) ==>10
• print(list[-1]) ==>40
• print(list[10]) ==>IndexError: list index out of range
2. By using slice operator:
list2= list1[start:stop:step]
start ==>it indicates the index where slice has to start default
value is 0
stop ===>It indicates the index where slice has to end
default value is max allowed index of list ie length of the list
step ==>increment value
default value is 1
Syntax: list2= list1[start:stop:step]
[3, 5, 7]
[5, 7, 9]
[4, 5, 6, 7]
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
• Important functions of List:
• To get information about list:
• len(): Returns the number of elements present in the list
Eg: n=[10,20,30,40]
2. count():
It returns the number of occurrences of specified item in the list
3. index() function: Returns the index of first occurrence of the specified item.
• Eg:
print(n.index(1)) ==>0
print(n.index(2)) ==>1
print(n.index(3)) ==>5
print(n.index(4)) ==> ValueError: 4 is not in list.
• Note: If the specified element not present in the list then we will get Value
Error. Hence before index() method we have to check whether item present
in the list or not by using in operator.
• print( 4 in n)==>False
Manipulating elements of List:
1. append() function:
We can use append() function to add item at the end of the list.
o/p['A', 'B', 'C']
Eg: To add all elements to list upto 100 which are divisible by 10
for i in range(101):
if i%10==0:
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
2.insert() function:
To insert item at specified index position
[1, 888, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[999, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 777]
• Note: If the specified index is greater than max index then element will be
inserted at last position. If the specified index is smaller than min index then
element will be inserted at first position.
Differences between append() and insert()
• In List when we add any element it will come in last i.e. it will be last
• In List we can insert any element in particular index number
3. extend() function:
To add all items of one list to another list
all items present in l2 will be added to l1
['Chicken', 'Mutton', 'Fish', 'RC', 'KF', 'FO']
4. remove() function:
We can use this function to remove specified item from the list. If the item
present multiple times then only first occurrence will be removed.
[20, 10, 30]
5. pop() function:
• It removes and returns the last element of the list.
• This is only function which manipulates list and returns some element.
[10, 20]
If the list is empty then pop() function raises IndexError
• In general we can use pop() function to remove last element of the list.
But we can use to
• remove elements based on index.
• n.pop(index)===>To remove and return element present at specified
• n.pop()==>To remove and return last element of the list
print(n.pop()) #60
print(n.pop(1)) #20
print(n.pop(10)) ==>IndexError: pop index out of range
• List objects are dynamic. i.e based on our requirement we can
increase and decrease the size.
• append(),insert() ,extend() ===>for increasing the size/growable
• remove(), pop() ======>for decreasing the size /shrinking nature
clear() function:
• We can use clear() function to remove all elements of List.
[10, 20, 30, 40]
III. Ordering elements of List:
1. reverse():
We can use to reverse() order of elements of list.
[40, 30, 20, 10]
2. sorted() function:
The sort function sort the list in ascending order by default.
• For numbers ==>default natural sorting order is Ascending Order
• For Strings ==> default natural sorting order is Alphabetical Order
• Syntax
Reverse is Optional.
reverse=True will sort the list descending.
Default is reverse=False(ascending order)
print(n) #[0,5,10,15,20]
a=["Siva", "santosh", "Bhargav", "Prashanth", "GNRamesh"]
a. sort()
print(a) # ['Bhargav', 'GNRamesh', 'Prashanth', 'Siva', 'santosh']
To sort in reverse of default natural sorting order:
We can sort according to reverse of default natural sorting order by using
reverse=True argument.
print(n) ==>[10,20,30,40]
print(n) ===>[40,30,20,10]
print(n) ==>[10,20,30,40]
Example: (Descending order)
a=["Siva", "santosh", "Bhargav", "Prashanth", "GNRamesh"]
['santosh', 'Siva', 'Prashanth', 'GNRamesh', 'Bhargav']
• Note: To use sort() function, compulsory list should contain only
homogeneous elements.otherwise we will get TypeError
TypeError: '<' not supported between
instances of 'str' and 'int'
Nested Lists:
• Sometimes we can take one list inside another list.
Such type of lists are called nested lists.
• We can access nested list elements by using index
just like accessing multidimensional array elements
[10, 20, [30, 40]]
[30, 40]
# creating an empty list
lst = []
# number of elemetns as input
n = int(input("Enter number of elements : "))
# iterating till the range
for i in range(0, n):
ele = int(input())
lst.append(ele) # adding the element
Python List Operations
• The concatenation (+) and repetition (*) operator work in the same
way as they were working with the strings.
Consider a List l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4], and
l2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
Operator Description Example
The repetition operator
enables the list elements
to be repeated multiple
L1*2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
It concatenates the list
mentioned on either side
of the operator.
l1+l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
It returns true if a
particular item exists in a
particular list otherwise
print(2 in l1) prints True.
The for loop is used to
iterate over the list
for i in l1: print(i) Output1
2 3 4
1. tuple data type is exactly same as list data type except that it is
immutable.i.e we cannot change values.
2.Tuple is exactly same as List except that it is immutable. i.e, once we
creates Tuple object, we cannot perform any changes in that object. Hence
Tuple is Read Only version of List.
3.Tuple elements can be represented within parenthesis
4. If our data is fixed and never changes then we should go for Tuple.
5. Insertion Order is preserved
6. Duplicates are allowed
7. Heterogeneous objects are allowed.
8. We can preserve insertion order and we can differentiate duplicate
objects by using index. Hence index will play very important role in
Tuple also.
9. Tuple support both +ve and -ve index. +ve index means forward
direction(from left to right) and -ve index means backward
direction(from right to left)
10. We can represent Tuple elements within Parenthesis and with
comma seperator.Parenethesis are optional but recommended to use.
(10, 20, 30, 40)
<class 'tuple'>
print(type(t)) # tuple
T1 = (201, "Aishwarya", 20)
T2 = ("Akhila", "Anusha", "Kavya")
Tuple creation:
1. t=()
creation of empty tuple
2. t=(10,)
creation of single valued tuple ,parenthesis are optional,should ends
with comma
3. t=10,20,30
creation of multi values tuples & parenthesis are optional
4. By using tuple() function:
5.By using range() function:
Accessing elements of tuple:
• We can access either by index or by slice operator.
print(t[0]) #10
print(t[-1]) #60
print(t[100]) IndexError: tuple index out of range
2. By using slice operator:
(30, 40, 50)
(30, 40, 50, 60)
(10, 30, 50)
Tuple vs immutability:
Once we creates tuple,we cannot change its content.
Hence tuple objects are immutable.
t[1]=70 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Important functions of Tuple:
1. len()
To return number of elements present in the tuple
print(len(t)) #4
2. count()
To return number of occurrences of given element in the
print(t.count(10)) #3
3. index()
• returns index of first occurrence of the given element.
• If the specified element is not available then we will get ValueError.
print(t.index(10)) #0
print(t.index(30)) ValueError: tuple.index(x): x not in tuple
4. sorted()
• To sort elements based on default natural sorting order
[10, 20, 30, 40]
(40, 10, 30, 20)
We can sort according to reverse of
default natural sorting order as follows
print(t1) [40, 30, 20, 10]
5. min() and max() functions:
• These functions return min and max values according to default
natural sorting order.
print(min(t)) #10
print(max(t)) #40
6. cmp():
• It compares the elements of both tuples.
• If both tuples are equal then returns 0
• If the first tuple is less than second tuple then it returns -1
• If the first tuple is greater than second tuple then it returns +1
print(cmp(t1,t2)) # -1
print(cmp(t1,t3)) # 0
print(cmp(t2,t3)) # +1
Note: cmp() function is available only in Python2 but not in Python 3
• Differences between List and Tuple:
• List and Tuple are exactly same except small difference: List objects
are mutable where as
• Tuple objects are immutable.
• In both cases insertion order is preserved, duplicate objects are
allowed, heterogenous
• objects are allowed, index and slicing are supported
• If we want to represent a group of values without duplicates where
order is not important then we should go for set Data Type.
• If we want to represent a group of unique values as a single entity
then we should go
for set.
• Duplicates are not allowed.
• Insertion order is not preserved. But we can sort the elements.
• Indexing and slicing not allowed for the set.
• Heterogeneous elements are allowed.
• Set objects are mutable i.e once we creates set object we can perform any
changes in that object based on our requirement.
• We can represent set elements within curly braces and with comma separation
• Creation of Set objects:
{40, 10, 20, 30}
<class 'set'>
• We can create set objects by using set() function
• s=set(any sequence)
• We can create set objects by using set() function
s=set(any sequence)
Eg 1:
l = [10,20,30,40,10,20,10]
print(s) # {40, 10, 20, 30}
Eg 2:
print(s) #{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
Note: While creating empty set we have to take special care.
Compulsory we should use set() function.
Note: While creating empty set we have to take special care.
• Compulsory we should use set() function.
s={} ==>It is treated as dictionary but not empty set.
<class 'dict'>
<class 'set'>
Important functions of set:
Adds item x to the set
print(s) #{40, 10, 20, 30}
2. update([x,y,z]):
To add multiple items to the set.
• Note: We can use add() to add individual item to the Set, where as we can use
update() function to add multiple items to Set.
• add() function can take only one argument where as update() function can
take any number of arguments.
• 3. copy(): Returns copy of the set. It is cloned object.
• 4. pop():It removes and returns some random element from the set.
{40, 10, 20, 30}
{10, 20, 30}
5. remove(x):It removes specified element from the set. If the specified element not
present in the Set then we will get Key Error.
print(s) # {40, 10, 20}
s.remove(50) ==>KeyError: 50
6. discard(x): It removes the specified element from the set. If the specified element
not present in the set then we won't get any error.
print(s) ===> {20, 30}
print(s) ==> {20, 30}
7.clear(): To remove all elements from the Set.
{10, 20, 30}
• Mathematical operations on the Set:
x.union(y) ==>We can use this function to return all elements present in both
x.union(y) or x|y
print(x.union(y)) #{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
print(x|y) #{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
• 2. intersection():
x.intersection(y) or x&y
• Returns common elements present in both x and y
print(x.intersection(y)) #{40, 30}
print(x&y) #{40, 30}
3. difference():
• x.difference(y) or x-y
• returns the elements present in x but not in y
print(x.difference(y)) #{10, 20}
print(x-y) #{10, 20}
print(y-x) #{50, 60}
x.symmetric_difference(y) or x^y
Returns elements present in either x or y but not in both.
print(x.symmetric_difference(y)) #{10, 50, 20, 60}
print(x^y) #{10, 50, 20, 60}
Write a program to eliminate duplicates present in the list?
l=eval(input("Enter List of values: "))
Enter List of values: [10,20,30,10,20,40]
{40, 10, 20, 30}
• Set Comprehension:
Set comprehension is possible.
s={x*x for x in range(5)}
print(s) #{0, 1, 4, 9, 16}
frozenset Data Type:
• It is exactly same as set except that it is immutable.
• Hence we cannot use add or remove functions.
>>> fs=frozenset(s)
>>> type(fs)
<class 'frozenset‘>
AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'add'
>>> fs.remove(10)
AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'remove'
# Python program to understand
# use of frozenset function
# creating a list
favourite_subject = [“python", "DBMS",
# making it frozenset type
f_subject = frozenset(favourite_subject)
# below line will generate error
f_subject[1] = "Networking" Output:
Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 12, in f_subject[1] = "Networking"
TypeError: 'frozenset' object does not
support item assignment
• We can use List,Tuple and Set to represent a group of
individual objects as a single entity.
If we want to represent a group of objects as key-value pairs
then we should go for Dictionary.
phone number--address
ipaddress---domain name
• Duplicate keys are not allowed but values can be
duplicated. Hetrogeneous objects are allowed for both key
and values. insertion order is not preserved Dictionaries are
•Dictionaries are dynamic
•indexing and slicing concepts are not applicable
Note: In C++ and Java Dictionaries are known as
"Map" where as in Perl and Ruby it is known as
How to create Dictionary?
d={} or d=dict()
we are creating empty dictionary. We can add entries as follows
print(d) #{100: ‘ananthapur ', 200: ‘srikakulam ', 300: ‘prakasam '}
• If we know data in advance then we can create dictionary as follows
d= {100: ‘ananthapur ', 200: ‘srikakulam ', 300: ‘prakasam '}
d={key:value, key:value}
• How to access data from the dictionary?
• We can access data by using keys.
d= {100: ‘ananthapur ', 200: ‘srikakulam ', 300: ‘prakasam '}
print(d[100]) # ananthapur
print(d[300]) # prakasam
If the specified key is not available then we will get KeyError
print(d[400]) # KeyError: 400
• We can prevent this by checking whether key is already available or
not by using has_key() function or by using in operator.
d.has_key(400) ==> returns 1 if key is available otherwise returns 0
• But has_key() function is available only in Python 2 but not in
Python 3. Hence compulsory we have to use in operator.
if 400 in d:
How to update dictionaries?
if the key is not available then a new entry will be added to the
dictionary with the specified key-value pair
If the key is already available then old value will be replaced with new
• Eg:
• Output:
{100: ‘pavan', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva'}
{100: ‘pavan', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva', 400: 'Bhargav'}
{100: ‘Prashanth', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva', 400: ‘Bhargav'}
delete elements from dictionary:
• It deletes entry associated with the specified key. If the key is not available
then we will get Key Error.
• Syntax: del d[key]
del d[100]
del d[400]
{100: 'Nota', 200: 'Taxiwala', 300: 'geetagov'}
{200: 'Taxiwala', 300: 'geetagov'}
KeyError: 400
• d.clear() : To remove all entries from the dictionary
{100: 'pavan', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva'}
• del d
To delete total dictionary. Now we cannot access d
del d
{100: 'ohbaby', 200: 'Issmart ', 300: 'Maharshi'}
Name Error: name 'd' is not defined
• Important functions of dictionary:
1. dict():
• To create a dictionary
• d=dict() ===>It creates empty dictionary
• d=dict({100:"sita",200:"geeta"}) ==>It creates dictionary with specified
• d=dict([(100,"Ram"),(200,"laxman"),(300,"RaceGurram")])==>It creates
dictionary with the given list of tuple elements.
2. len()
• Returns the number of items in the dictionary
3. clear():
To remove all elements from the dictionary
4. get():
To get the value associated with the key
• d.get(key)
If the key is available then returns the corresponding value otherwise returns None.
It wont raise any error.
• d.get(key,defaultvalue)
If the key is available then returns the corresponding value otherwise returns
default value.
• 4. popitem():
• It removes an arbitrary item(key-value) from the dictionary and returns it.
{100: 'Mahesh', 200: 'raviteja', 300: 'charan'}
(300, 'charan')
{100: 'Mahesh', 200: 'raviteja‘}
If the dictionary is empty then we will get KeyError
print(d.popitem()) ==>KeyError: 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'
• Eg:
KeyError: 400
• 5. keys():
• It returns all keys associated with dictionary
for k in d.keys():
dict_keys([100, 200, 300])
6. values():
• It returns all values associated with the dictionary.
for v in d.values():
dict_values(['Orbiter', 'Lander', 'Rover'])
• 7. items():
• It returns list of tuples representing key-value pairs.
for k,v in d.items():
100 -- Orbiter
200 -- Lander
300 -- Rover
8. copy():
• To create exactly duplicate dictionary(cloned copy)
Syntax: d1=d.copy();
9. setdefault():
Syntax: d.setdefault(k,v)
• If the key is already available then this function returns the corresponding
• If the key is not available then the specified key-value will be added as new
item to the dictionary.
• Eg:
{100: 'Ganguly', 200: 'Sehwag', 300: 'Dhoni', 400: 'Kohli'}
{100: 'Ganguly', 200: 'Sehwag', 300: 'Dhoni', 400: 'Kohli'}
10. update():
• All items present in the dictionary x will be added to dictionary d.
d = {1: “whatsapp", 2: “facebook"}
d1 = {2: “instagram"}# updates the value of key 2
d1 = {3: “faceapp"}# adds element with key 3
{1: ‘whatsapp', 2: ‘instagram'}
{1: ‘whatsapp', 2: ‘instagram', 3: ‘faceapp'}
None Data Type:
• None means Nothing or No value associated.
• If the value is not available,then to handle such type of cases None
• It is something like null value in Java.
def m1():
• Standard Types
1. Numbers (separate subtypes; three are integer types)
a) Integer
ii.Long integer
b.Floating point real number
c. Complex number
Other Built-in Types
• Type
• Null object (None)
• File
• Set/Frozenset
• Function/Method
• Module
• Class
• Unsupported Types: list of types that are not supported by Python.
1.char or byte: Python does not have a char or byte type to hold either single
character or 8-bit integers. It uses Strings for character type and integer type to
represent 8 bit number.
• Python manages memory automatically, there is no need to access pointer
• The closest to an address that you can get in Python is by looking at an
object's identity using the id() BIF.
3.short and long
• Python's integers are the universal "standard" integer type, obviating the need
for three different integer types, e.g., C's int, short, and long.
• Python use a single type integer ,even when the size of an integer is exceed.So
python not uses short and long types.
• It uses integer only instead of short and long.
• C has both a single precision float type and double-precision double
type. Python's float type is actually a C double.
• So python float is double-precision type.
• Standard Types
1. Numbers (separate subtypes; three are integer types)
a) Integer
ii.Long integer
b.Floating point real number
c. Complex number
Categorizing the Standard Types
• There are three different models to help categorize the standard types, with
each model showing us the interrelationships between the types.
• These models help us obtain a better understanding of how the types are
related, as well as how they work.
1.Storage Model
2.Update Model
3.Access Model
Storage Model:
• Categorization of the types is described by how many objects can be
stored in an object of this type.
• Most other languages can hold either single or multiple values.
• In python a type which holds a single literal object we will call atomic or
scalar storage.
• A type which can hold multiple objects we will refer to as container
storage. Container objects are also referred to as composite or
compound objects.
• All of Python's container types can hold objects of different types
Update Model:
• Python types early on indicated that certain types allow their values to
be updated and others do not.
• This model describes about the objects which can be changed, or can
their values be updated or not.
• Mutable objects are those whose values can be changed, and
immutable objects are those whose values cannot be changed.
# Python code to test that
# tuples are immutable
tuple1 = (0, 1, 2, 3)
tuple1[0] = 4
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 3, in tuple1[0]=4
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
• # Python code to test that
# strings are immutable
message = "Welcome to python programming"
message[0] = 'p'
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"/home/", line 3, in
message[0] = 'p' TypeError: 'str' object does not support
item assignment
# Python code to test that
# lists are mutable
color = ["red", "blue", "green"]
color[0] = "pink"
color[-1] = "orange"
['red', 'blue', 'green']
['pink', 'blue', 'orange']
Access Model: previous two models of categorizing the types are useful when
being introduced to Python.
• They are not the primary models for differentiating the types.
• In order to access the stored values we use access model.
• Acess Model is categorized in 3 types:
1.Direct : Direct types indicate single-element, non-container types. All numeric
types fit into this category.
2.Sequence: Sequence types are those whose elements are sequentially
accessible via index values starting at 0.
• Accessed items can be either single elements or in groups, better known as
slices. Types that fall into this category include strings, lists, and tuples.
3.Mapping: Mapping types are similar to the indexing properties of sequences,
except instead of indexing on a sequential numeric offset, elements (values) are
unordered and accessed with a key, thus making
mapping types a set of hashed key-value pairs.
Operator is a symbol that performs certain operations.
Python provides the following set of operators
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Relational Operators
3. Equality Operators
4. Logical Operators
5. Assignment Operators
6. Bitwise Operators
7.Ternary Operator
8. Special operators
1. Arithmetic Operators:
+ ==>Addition
- ==>Subtraction
* ==>Multiplication
/ ==>Division operator
% ===>Modulo operator
// ==>Floor Division operator
** ==>Exponent operator or power operator
Python or py
a+b= 12
a-b= 8
a*b= 20
a/b= 5.0
a//b= 5
a%b= 0
a**b= 100
• Division operator (/) always performs floating point arithmetic. Hence it will
always returns float value.
• Floor division (//) can perform both floating point and integral arithmetic.
We can use + operator for str concat also.
>>> “Python"+123
Output :TypeError: must be str, not int
>>> “Python"+"123"
Output: Python123
2.Relational Operators:
Eg 1:
>>>print("a > b is ",a>b)
>>>print("a >= b is ",a>=b)
>>>print("a < b is ",a<b)
>>>print("a <= b is ",a<=b)
a > b is False
a >= b is False
a < b is True
a <= b is True
Eg 2:
print("a is greater than b")
print("a is not greater than b")
• Output :a is not greater than b
3.Equality operators:
== , !=
We can apply these operators for any type even for incompatible types also
>>> 10==20
>>> 10!= 20
>>> 10==True
>>> False==False
>>> “Siva”!=“Bhargav"
>>> 10==“python"
4.Logical Operators:
and, or ,not
We can apply for all types.
For boolean types behaviour:
and ==>If both arguments are True then only result is True
or ====>If atleast one arugemnt is True then result is True
not ==>complement
True and False ==>False
True or False ===>True
not False ==>True
5.Assignment Operators:
• The following is the list of all possible compound assignment operators in Python
+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, //=, **=, &=, |=, ^=
Eg:1 x=10,
x+=10 ====> x = x+10
print(x) ==>30
Eg: 3
print(x) ==>0
6.Bitwise Operators:
• We can apply these operators bitwise.
• These operators are applicable only for int and boolean types.
• By mistake if we are trying to apply for any other type then we will get
OPERATORS ARE: &,|,^,~,<<,>>
print(4&5) ==>4
print(10.5 & 5.6) ==>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'float' and 'float'
print(True & True) ==>True
print(4&5) ==>4
print(4|5) ==>5
print(4^5) ==>1
• bitwise complement operator(~):
We have to apply complement for total bits.
Eg: print(~5) ==>-6.
• << Left shift operator
After shifting the empty cells we have to fill with zero
• print(10<<2)==>40
• >> Right Shift operator
• After shifting the empty cells we have to fill with sign bit.( 0 for +ve and
1 for -ve)
print(10>>2) ==>2
7.Ternary Operator:
x = firstValue if condition else secondValue
If condition is True then firstValue will be considered else secondValue will
be considered.
Eg 1:
x=30 if a<b else 40
print(x) #30
Eg 2: Read two numbers from the keyboard and print minimum value
a=int(input("Enter First Number:"))
b=int(input("Enter Second Number:"))
min=a if a<b else b
print("Minimum Value:",min)
Enter First Number:10
Enter Second Number:30
Minimum Value: 10
Eg3: Program for minimum of 3 numbers
a=int(input("Enter First Number:"))
b=int(input("Enter Second Number:"))
c=int(input("Enter Third Number:"))
min=a if a<b and a<c else b if b<c else c
print("Minimum Value:",min)
Eg4: Program for maximum of 3 numbers
a=int(input("Enter First Number:"))
b=int(input("Enter Second Number:"))
c=int(input("Enter Third Number:"))
max=a if a>b and a>c else b if b>c else c
print("Maximum Value:",max)
8.Special operators:
• Python defines the following 2 special operators
1. Identity Operators
2. Membership operators
1. Identity Operators
We can use identity operators for address comparison. Two identity
operators are available:
1. is
2. is not
r1 is r2 returns True if both r1 and r2 are pointing to the same object
r1 is not r2 returns True if both r1 and r2 are not pointing to the same
>>>print(a is b) True
print(x is y) True
2.Membership operators:
• We can use Membership operators to check whether the given object present
in the given collection(String,List,Set,Tuple or Dict).
• in -> Returns True if the given object present in the specified Collection
• not in -> Returns True if the given object not present in the specified
x="hello learning Python is very easy!!!"
print('h' in x) True
print('d' in x) False
print('d' not in x) True
print('Python' in x) True
Eg: 2
print("sunny" in list1) True
print("tunny" in list1) False
print("tunny" not in list1) True
Standard Type Built-in Functions:
• The functions which are coming along with Python software automatically,
are called built in functions or pre defined functions.
• cmp(),repr(),str(),type(), id(),input(),eval().
• Function Operation
• cmp(obj1, obj2) Compares obj1 and obj2, returns integer i where:
i < 0 if obj1 < obj2
i > 0 if obj1 > obj2
i == 0 if obj1 == obj2
• repr(obj) or `obj` Returns evaluatable string representation of obj
• str(obj) Returns printable string representation of obj
• type(obj) Determines type of obj and return type object
• In Python versions earlier than 2.2, type() is a BIF. It is also known as "factory
function .
• The syntax for type() is:
type() takes an object and returns its type. The return value is a type object.
>>> type(4) # int type
<type 'int'>
>>> type('Hello World!') # string type
<type 'string'>
>>> type(type(4)) # type type
<type 'type'>
• The cmp() BIF CoMPares two objects, say, obj1 and obj2, and returns a
negative number (integer) if obj1 is less than obj2, a positive number if obj1 is
greater than obj2, and zero if obj1 is equal to obj2.
• Notice the similarity in return values as C's strcmp().
>>> a, b = -4, 12
>>> cmp(a,b)
>>> cmp(b,a)
>>> b = -4
>>> cmp(a,b)
>>> a, b = 'abc', 'xyz'
>>> cmp(a,b)
>>> cmp(b,a)
>>> b = 'abc'
>>> cmp(a,b)
str() and repr() (and `` Operator)
The str() STRing and repr() REPResentation BIFs or the single back or reverse quote operator ( `` )
Str() used to convert other type values to str type.
>>> str(4.53-2j)
>>> str(1)
>>> str(2e10)
>>> str([0, 5, 9, 9])
'[0, 5, 9, 9]'
repr() returns a string containing a printable representation of object.
>>> repr([0, 5, 9, 9])
'[0, 5, 9, 9]'
>>> `[0, 5, 9, 9]`
'[0, 5, 9, 9]'
• s = 'Hello, World.'
• print str(s)
• print str(2.0/11.0)
‘Hello, World.’
s = 'Hello, World.'
print repr(s)
print repr(2.0/11.0)
‘Hello, World.’
string using repr() function then it prints with a
pair of quotes and if we calculate a value we get
more precise value than str() function
eval Function take a String and evaluate the Result.
Eg: x = eval(“10+20+30”)
Output: 60
Eg: x = eval(input(“Enter Expression”))
Enter Expression: 10+2*3/4
Write a Program to accept list from the keyboard on the display
>>> x=eval(input("enter list"))
enter list[10,20,30]
>>> print(type(x))
<class 'list'>
>>> print(x)
[10, 20, 30]
Type Factory Functions
• The "conversion" built-in functions like int(), type(), list(), etc., are
now factory functions.
• They are actually classnames, and when you call one, you are actually
instantiating an instance of that type.
• The following familiar factory functions were used to create function
int(), long(), float(), complex()
str(), list(), tuple(), type()
File Handling:
• To store our data permanently for future purpose. For this requirement we
should go for files.
There are 2 types of files:
1. Text Files:
Usually we can use text files to store character data
eg: abc.txt
2. Binary Files:
Usually we can use binary files to store binary data like images,video files,
audio files etc...
• File Built-in functions:
• Before performing any operation (like read or write) on the file, first we
have to open that file. For this we should use Python's inbuilt function
• But at the time of open, we have to specify mode, which represents the
purpose of opening file.
• Syntax :handle = open(file_name, access_mode = 'r’)
f = open(filename, mode)
Opening a file example:
f = open("abc.txt","w")
We are opening abc.txt file for writing data.
Closing a File:
• After completing our operations on the file, it is highly recommended to
close the file. For this we have to use close() function.
Syntax : handle.close()
for ex: f.close()
The allowed modes in Python are:
1) r ->open an existing file for read operation. The file pointer is positioned
at the beginning of the file. If the specified file does not exist then we will
get FileNotFoundError. This is default mode.
2) w -> open an existing file for write operation. If the file already contains
some data then it will be overridden. If the specified file is not already
available then this mode will create that file.
3) a -> open an existing file for append operation. It won't override existing
data. If the specified file is not already available then this mode will create a
new file.
4) r+ ->To read and write data into the file. The previous data in the file will not
be deleted. The file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file.
5) w+ ->To write and read data. It will override existing data.
6) a+ ->To append and read data from the file. It wont override existing data.
7) x ->To open a file in exclusive creation mode for write operation. If the file
already exists then we will get FileExistsError.
• Note: All the above modes are applicable for text files. If the above modes
suffixed with 'b' then these represents for binary files.
• Eg: rb, wb, ab, r+b, w+b, a+b, xb
Various File Attributes (properties) of File Object:
• Once we open a file and we got file object, we can get various details related
to that file by using its properties.
name : Name of opened file
mode : Mode in which the file is opened
Closed : Returns boolean value indicates that file is closed or not
readable() : Returns boolean value indicates that whether file is readable or not
writable() : Returns boolean value indicates that whether file is writable or not.
Example program for file properties:
print("File Name: ",
print("File Mode: ",f.mode)
print("Is File Readable: ",f.readable())
print("Is File Writable: ",f.writable())
print("Is File Closed : ",f.closed)
print("Is File Closed : ",f.closed)
File Name: abc.txt
File Mode: w
Is File Readable: False
Is File Writable: True
Is File Closed : False
Is File Closed : True
File Methods:
File methods are 2 types: 1) Input method 2) Output method
1. Input methods (Reading Character Data from text files):
• We can read character data from text file by using the following read methods.
read()->To read total data from the file
read(n) -> To read 'n' characters from the file
readline()->To read only one line
readlines()->To read all lines into a list
Eg 1: To read total data from the file
Eg 2: To read only first 10 characters:
Eg 3: To read data line by line:
Eg 4: To read all lines into list:
for line in lines:
Eg 5:
print("Remaining data")
Remaining data
• 2. Output functions:
• The write() built-in method has the opposite functionality as read() and
readline(). It takes a string that can consist of one or more lines of text data or
a block of bytes and writes the data to the file.
• The writelines() method operates on a list just like readlines(), but takes a list
of strings and writes them out to a file.
• Line termination characters are not inserted between each line, so if desired,
they must be added to the end of each line before writelines() is called.
Note: There is no "writeline()" method since it would be equivalent to calling
write() with a single line string terminated with a NEWLINE character.
Writing data to text files:
We can write character data to the text files by using the following 2
writelines(list of lines)
print("Data written to the file successfully")
• Note: In the above program, data present in the file will be overridden every
time if we run the program. Instead of overriding if we want append
operation then we should open the file as follows.
print("List of lines written to the file successfully")
Note: while writing data by using write() methods, compulsory we have to
provide line separator(n),otherwise total data should be written to a single
• Standard Files:
• There are generally three standard files that are made available to you when
your program starts.
• These are standard input (usually the keyboard), standard output (buffered
output to the monitor or display),and standard error (unbuffered output to
the screen).
• These files are named stdin, stdout, and stderr and take their names from
the C language.
• Python makes these file handles available to you from the sys module. Once
you import sys, you have access to these files as sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and
• The print statement normally outputs to sys.stdout while the raw_input() or
input() built-in function receives its input from sys.stdin.
• sys.* are files, you have to manage the line separation characters.
• The print statement has the built-in feature of automatically adding one to the
end of a string to output.
• Command-Line Arguments:
• The Argument which are passing at the time of execution are called
Command Line Arguments.
• The sys module also provides access to any command-line arguments via
• argv is not Array it is a List. It is available in sys Module.
• Eg: D:Python_classes py 10 20 30
Command Line Arguments
• argv[0] represents name of Program. But not first Command Line Argument.
• argv[1] represent First Command Line Argument.
• len(argv) returns no of arguments passed, which is available in sys module.
Program to check type of argv from sys:
import argv
<class 'module'>
<class 'module'>
Program to display Command Line Arguments
from sys import argv
print(“The Number of Command Line Arguments:”, len(argv))
print(“The List of Command Line Arguments:”, argv)
print(“Command Line Arguments one by one:”)
for x in argv:
D:Python_classes>py 10 20 30
The Number of Command Line Arguments: 4 10 20 30
The List of Command Line Arguments: [‘’, ‘10’,’20’,’30’]
Command Line Arguments one by one:
Program to add all the Command Line Arguments and display sum:
from sys import argv
for x in args :
print("The Sum:",sum)
D:Python_classes>py 10 20 30 40
The Sum: 100
from sys import argv
D:Python_classes>py Python Programming
D:Python_classes>py 'Narendra Damodardas Modi'
D:Python_classes>py "Article 35A"
Article 35A
• space is separator between command line arguments. If our command line
argument itself contains space then we should enclose within double
quotes(but not single quotes).
• Based on our requirement, we can convert into corresponding type by using
type casting methods.
• Eg:
from sys import argv
D:Python_classes>py 10 20
File System:
• Access to file system occurs mostly through the Python os module.
• The os module is actually a front-end real module that is loaded, a module that
is clearly operating system dependent.
• This"real" module may be one of the following: posix (Unix-based, i.e., Linux,
MacOS X, *BSD, Solaris,etc.), nt (Win32), mac (old MacOS), dos (DOS), os2
(OS/2), etc.
Working with Directories:
• It is very common requirement to perform operations for directories like
1. To know current working directory
2. To create a new directory
3. To remove an existing directory
4. To rename a directory
5. To list contents of the directory
• To perform these operations, Python provides inbuilt module os, which
contains several functions to perform directory related operations.
To Know Current Working Directory:
import os
print("Current Working Directory:",cwd)
To create a sub directory in the current working directory:
import os
print("mysub directory created in cwd")
Current Working Directory:
Creates a sub directory called my sub
mysub directory created in cwd
To create a sub directory in mysub directory:
import os
print("mysub2 created inside mysub")
• To create multiple directories like sub1 in that sub2 in that sub3:
import os
print("sub1 and in that sub2 and in that sub3 directories created")
To remove a directory:
import os
print("mysub2 directory deleted")
• To remove multiple directories in the path:
import os
print("All 3 directories sub1,sub2 and sub3 removed")
To rename a directory:
import os
print("mysub directory renamed to newdir")
• To know contents of directory:
• os module provides listdir() to list out the contents of the specified directory.
It won’t display the contents of sub directory.
• Eg:
import os
['DLLs', 'Doc', 'include', 'Lib', 'libs', 'LICENSE.txt', 'NEWS.txt', 'python.exe',
'python3.dll', 'python37.dll', 'pythonw.exe', 'Scripts', 'tcl', 'Tools',
• The above program display contents of current working directory but not
contents of sub directories.
• If we want the contents of a directory including sub directories, then we
should go for walk() function.
• To know contents of directory including sub directories:
• We have to use walk() function [walk in the directory so that we can aware
all contents of that directory].
• os.walk(path,topdown=True,onerror=None,followlinks=False)
• It returns an Iterator object whose contents can be displayed by using for
• path-->Directory path means cwd.
• topdown =True --->Travel from top to bottom
• onerror=None --->on error detected which function has to execute.
• followlinks=True -->To visit directories pointed by symbolic links
To display all contents of Current working directory including sub directories:
import os
for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk('.’):
print("Current Directory Path:",dirpath)
Current Directory Path: .
Directories: ['Custom Office Templates', 'My
Music', 'My Pictures', 'My Videos']
Files: ['desktop.ini', '']
Current Directory Path: .Custom Office
Directories: []
Files: []
• Note: To display contents of particular directory, we have to provide that
directory name as argument to walk() function.
• os.walk("directoryname")
import os
for file in os.walk("softwares"):
('softwares', ['data-integration', 'ibm rational rose', 'Oracle 10
G', 'Wamp Server', 'weka'], ['apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M9.exe',
'', 'jdk-8u144-
windows-x64.exe', 'mysql-5.5.46-win32.msi', 'mysql-connector-
java-8.0.12.jar', 'netbeans-7.1-ml-javaee-windows.exe',
'npp.7.2.2.Installer.exe', 'putty.exe', 'python-3.7.2.exe', 'R-3.5.2-
win.exe', 'staruml-5.0-with-cm.exe', 'turboc.exe', 'WampServer-
• File Execution: (Using a script file)
• Interpreter prompt is good to run the individual statements of the code.
However, we can not write the code every-time on the terminal.
• We need to write our code into a file which can be executed later. For this
purpose, open an editor like notepad, create a file named (python
used .py extension) and write the following code in it.
• Print ("hello world"); #here, we have used print() function to print the mess
age on the console.
• To run this file named as, we need to run the following command
on the terminal.
• $ python3
• Modules and Files
• A module is a logical way to physically organize and distinguish related pieces
of Python code into individual files. (Or)
• A group of functions, variables and classes saved to a file, which is nothing but
module. Every Python file (.py) acts as a module.
• Once a module is created, you may import that module for use from another
module using the import statement.
To Import a Module:
import module_name
Ex: import sys
import os
def add(a,b):
print("The Sum:",a+b)
def product(a,b):
print("The Product:",a*b)
mathop module contains one variable and 2 functions.
If we want to use members of module in our program then we should import
that module.
Access a Module Function or Module Variable:
• Once imported, a module's attributes (functions and variables) can be
accessed using the familiar dotted.
Attribute notation:
Ex :
import mathop
• whenever we are using a module in our program, for that module compiled
file will be generated and stored in the hard disk permanently.
The Sum: 30
The Product: 200
Renaming a module at the time of import (module aliasing):
Syntax: import module_name as alias_name
>>>import mathop as mo
Here mathop is original module name and mo is alias name. We can access
members by using alias name mo
import mathop as mo
The Sum: 30
The Product: 200
Second way of import from ... import:
We can import particular members of module by using from ... import .
The main advantage of this is we can access members directly without using
module name.
Syn: from module_name import module_members
from mathop import x, add
We can import all members of a module by using *
Syn: from module_name import *
from mathop import *
Built-in modules:
Working with math module:
• Python provides inbuilt module math.
• This module defines several functions which can be used for mathematical operations.
• The main important functions are
1. sqrt(x)
2. ceil(x)
3. floor(x)
4. fabs(x)
6. sin(x)
7. tan(x)
from math import *
Working with random module:
• This module defines several functions to generate random numbers.
• We can use these functions while developing games,in cryptography
and to generate random numbers on fly for authentication
1.random() function:
• This function always generate some float value between 0 and 1
( not inclusive) 0<x<1
from random import *
for i in range(10):
2.randint() function:
To generate random integer beween two given numbers(inclusive)
from random import *
for i in range(10):
3.choice() function:
It wont return random number.
It will return a random object from the given list or tuple.
from random import *
for i in range(10):
2. Platform module:
• Provides various details about the particular operating system in use.
• It has a in built function called system which specifies the name of os.
import platform
x = platform.system()
Importing Modules:
• Various possibilities of import:
1. import modulename
2. import module1,module2,module3
3. import module1 as m
4. import module1 as m1,module2 as m2,module3
5. from module import member
6. from module import member1,member2,memebr3
7. from module import memeber1 as x
8. from module import *
member aliasing:
from mathop import x as y,add as sum
• Once we defined as alias name , we should use alias name only and we
should not use original name.
from mathop import x as y
print(x)==>NameError: name 'x' is not defined
• Reloading a Module:
• By default module will be loaded only once even though we are importing
multiple times. For example .
print("This is from module1")
import module1
import module1
import module1
import module1
print("This is test module")
This is from module1
This is test module
• Note: The problem in this approach is after loading a module if it is updated
outside then updated version of module1 is not available to our program.
• To solve this problem by reloading module explicitly i.e by using reload()
function of imp module.
from imp import reload
• The main advantage of explicit module reloading is we can ensure that
updated version is always available to our program.
Example program for reloading module:
import module1
import module1
from imp import reload
print("This is test module")
• In the above program module1 will be loaded 4 times in that 1 time by default
and 3 times explicitly.
this is from module 1:
this is from module 1:
this is from module 1:
This is test module
• It is an encapsulation mechanism to group related modules into a single
• Package is nothing but folder or directory which represents collection of
Python modules.
• Any folder or directory contains file, is considered as a Python
package. This file can be empty.
• A package can contain sub packages also.
The file can contain the same Python code that any other module can contain, and Python will add
some additional attributes to the module when it is imported.
• The main advantages of package statement are:
1. We can resolve naming conflicts
2. We can identify our components uniquely
3. It improves modularity of the application
• Eg 1:
| file in the above path
|-pack1------ folder name
| it is empty file.
Files inside the pack1 folder as a part of
def f1():
print("Hello this is from module1 present in pack1")
import pack1.module1
Hello this is from module1 present in pack1
Second way of accessing :
from pack1.module1 import f1
Hello this is from module1 present in pack1
• Eg 2:
• C:UsersDellDesktop>
| empty file
def f1():
print("Hello this is from module1 present in com")
def f2():
print("Hello this is from module2 present in com.python")
from com.module1 import f1
from com.python.module2 import f2
Hello this is from module1 present in com
Hello this is from module2 present in com.python
• Ex:3
| empty file
def a():
import sys
import pckg1.A
• Diagram of library, packages, modules which contains functions, classes and
Exception Handling:
In any programming language there are 2 types of errors are possible.
1. Syntax Errors
2. Runtime Errors
1.Syntax Errors:
The errors which occurs because of invalid syntax are called syntax errors.
Eg 1:
if x==10
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Eg 2:
print "Hello“
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print’ not valid in python 3.0.
• “Programmer is responsible to correct these syntax errors”. Once all syntax
errors are corrected then only program execution will be started.
2. Runtime Errors: (Also known as exceptions)
• While executing the program if something goes wrong because of end user
input or programming logic or memory problems etc., then we will get
Runtime Errors.
Eg:1 print(10/0) ==> ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
print(10/"ten") ==> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and
x=int(input("Enter Number:"))
Enter Number: ten
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ten’.
Note: Exception Handling concept applicable for Runtime errors but not for
syntax errors.
• An unwanted and unexpected event that disturbs normal flow of program is
called exception.
Stmt 1
Stmt 2
Stmt 3
Stmt 4  Exception or Run time error at line 4
Stmt 5
Stmt 6
Stmt 7
Stmt 8
Statements which are executed
Statements which are not executed
• It is highly recommended to handle exceptions.
• The main objective of exception handling is Graceful Termination of the
Exception Handling:
• It does not mean repairing an exception.
• Defining a alternative way to continue rest of the program normally.
Default Exception Handing:
• Every exception in Python is an object. For every exception type the
corresponding classes are available.
• Whenever an exception occurs PVM will create the corresponding exception
object and will check for handling code.
• If handling code is not available then Python interpreter terminates the
program abnormally and prints corresponding exception information to the
• The rest of the program won't be executed.
• Eg:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
Exception Handling by using try-except:
• It is highly recommended to handle exceptions.
• The code which may raise exception is called risky code.
• we have to take risky code inside try block. The corresponding handling code
we have to take inside except block i.e., similar to catch block in java.
try-except block:
<Risky Code or error code>
except XXX: //XXX exception
<Handling code/Alternative Code>
Exception without try-except block:
print("Hi ")
Exception with try-except block:
except ZeroDivisionError:
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
Abnormal termination/Non-Graceful Termination
Ex 2: using try-except block:
f = open("testfile", "w")
f.write("This is my test file for exception handling!!")
except IOError:
print("Error: can't find file or read data")
print("Written content in the file successfully")
To know exception information:
except ZeroDivisionError as msg:
print("exception raised and its description is:",msg)
exception raised and its description is: division by zero
• Here exception data is stored in a exception object i.e. msg.
• In the next statement we are printing the exception object to print the
exception details.
try with multiple except blocks:
stmt 1
stmt 2
except Exception1:
stmt 3
stmt 4
except Exception2:
stmt 5
stmt 6
If try with multiple except blocks available then
based on raised exception the corresponding
except block will be executed.
• Example program for try with multiple except blocks:
x=int(input("Enter First Number: "))
y=int(input("Enter Second Number: "))
except ZeroDivisionError :
print("Can't Divide with Zero")
except ValueError:
print("please provide int value only")
Enter First Number: 10
Enter Second Number: 2
Enter First Number: 10
Enter Second Number: 0
Can't Divide with Zero
Enter First Number: 10
Enter Second Number: ten
please provide int value only
Eg: 2
x=int(input("Enter First Number: "))
y=int(input("Enter Second Number: "))
except ArithmeticError :
except ZeroDivisionError:
Enter First Number: 10
Enter Second Number: 0
• Note: If try with multiple except blocks available then the order of
these except blocks is important .
• Python interpreter will always consider from top to bottom until
matched except block identified.
Note: If try with multiple except blocks available then default except block
should be last, otherwise we will get SyntaxError.
print("Default Except")
except ZeroDivisionError:
SyntaxError: default 'except:' must be last
• The following are various possible combinations of except blocks
1. except ZeroDivisionError:
2. except ZeroDivisionError as msg:
3. except (ZeroDivisionError,ValueError) :
4. except (ZeroDivisionError,ValueError) as msg:
5. except :
finally block:
• It is not recommended to maintain clean up code(Resource Deallocating
Code or Resource Releasing code) inside try block because there is no
guarantee for the execution of every statement inside try block always.
2. It is not recommended to maintain clean up code inside except block,
because if there is no exception then except block won't be executed.
3.To maintain clean up code which should be executed always irrespective of
whether exception raised or not raised and whether exception handled or
not handled. Such type of best place is nothing but finally block.
Risky Code
Handling Code
Cleanup code
• The speciality of finally block is it will be executed always whether
exception raised or not raised and whether exception handled or
not handled.
Case-1: If there is no exception
Case-2: If there is an exception raised but
except ZeroDivisionError:
Case-3: If there is an exception raised but not handled:
except NameError:
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero(Abnormal Termination)
Note: If try with multiple except blocks available then default except block
should be last,otherwise we will get SyntaxError.
print("Default Except")
except ZeroDivisionError:
SyntaxError: default 'except:' must be last
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Python for students step by step guidance

  • 2. • Introduction: • Python is a general purpose high-level, interpreted, interactive and object- oriented scripting language. It uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other languages. • Python is recommended as first programming language for beginners.
  • 3. • Python is object oriented, high level, open source, interpreter based programming language. • It is very simple and easy to use. • Python supports multiple programming pattern, including object oriented programming.
  • 4. Eg: To print Helloworld: Java: public class HelloWorld { p s v main(String[] args) { SOP("Hello world"); }} In C: #include<stdio.h> void main() {printf("Hello world");} In python print("Hello World")
  • 5. • History of Python • Python was developed by Guido Van Rossam in 1989 while working at National Research Institute at Netherlands. • But officially Python was made available to public in 1991. The official Date of Birth for Python is : Feb 20th 1991. • Python is derived from many other languages, including ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, SmallTalk, Unix shell, and other scripting languages.
  • 6. • In Python: • The name Python was selected from the TV Show"The Complete Monty Python’s Circus", which was broadcasted in BBC from 1969 to 1974. • Guido developed Python language by taking almost all programming features from different languages 1. Functional Programming Features from C 2. Object Oriented Programming Features from C++ 3. Scripting Language Features from Perl and Shell Script 4. Modular Programming Features from Modula-3 • Most of syntax in Python Derived from C and ABC languages.
  • 7. Where we can use Python: We can use everywhere. The most common important application areas are 1. For developing Desktop Applications 2. For developing web Applications 3. For developing database Applications 4. For Network Programming 5. For developing games 6. For Data Analysis Applications 7. For Machine Learning 8. For developing Artificial Intelligence Applications 9. For IOT
  • 8. • Disadvantages of Python • Python is not as fast as C and C++, It means it is slower than C/C++: • Does not check variable type at compile time. It use dynamic type so flexible that Python interpreter cannot check the type for mismatch at the compile time.
  • 9. Who Uses Python Today? 1. Google makes extensive use of Python in its web search systems. 2. The popular YouTube video sharing service is largely written in Python. 3. The Dropbox storage service codes both its server and desktop client software primarily in Python. 4. The Raspberry Pi single-board computer promotes Python as its educational language. 5. The widespread BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing system began its life as a Python program.
  • 10. 6. Google‘s App Engine web development framework uses Python as an application language. 7. Maya, a powerful integrated 3D modeling and animation system, provides a Python scripting API. 8. Intel, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, Seagate, Qualcomm, and IBM use Python for hardware testing. 9. NASA, Los Alamos, Fermilab, JPL, and others use Python for scientific programming tasks.
  • 11. Features of Python •Python is an object-oriented, high level language, interpreted, dynamic and multipurpose programming language. • There are a lot of features provided by python programming language. Some features of python are given below;
  • 12. 1. Simple and easy to learn: • Python is a simple programming language. When we read Python program, we can feel like reading english statements. • The syntaxes are very simple and only 30+ keywords are available. • When compared with other languages, we can write programs with very less number of lines. Hence more readability and simplicity. • We can reduce development and cost of the project.
  • 13. 2. Freeware and Open Source: • We can use Python software without any licence and it is freeware. • Its source code is open,so that we can we can customize based on our requirement. • Eg: Jython is customized version of Python to work with Java Applications. • Python language is freely available at • The source-code is also available. Therefore it is open source.
  • 14. 3. High Level Programming language: • Python is high level programming language and hence it is programmer friendly language. Being a programmer we are not required to concentrate low level activities like memory management and security etc.. 4. Platform Independent: • Once we write a Python program,it can run on any platform without rewriting once again. • Internally PVM is responsible to convert into machine understandable form.
  • 15. 5. Portability: • Python programs are portable. ie we can migrate from one platform to another platform very easily. Python programs will provide same results on any platform. 6. Dynamically Typed: In Python we are not required to declare type for variables. Whenever we are assigning the value, based on value, type will be allocated automatically. Hence Python is considered as dynamically typed language. • But Java, C etc are Statically Typed Languages b'z we have to provide type at the beginning only. • This dynamic typing nature will provide more flexibility to the programmer.
  • 16. 7.Both Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented: • Python language supports both Procedure oriented (like C, pascal etc) and object oriented (like C++,Java) features. Hence we can get benefits of both like security and reusability etc 8. Interpreted: • We are not required to compile Python programs explcitly. Internally Python interpreter will take care that compilation. • If compilation fails interpreter raised syntax errors. Once compilation success then PVM (Python Virtual Machine) is responsible to execute.
  • 17. 9. Embedded: • We can use Python programs in any other language programs. • i.e we can embedd Python programs anywhere. 10. Extensive Library: • Python has a rich inbuilt library. • Being a programmer we can use this library directly and we are not responsible to implement the functionality.
  • 18. Limitations of Python(Disadvantages of Python): 1. Performance wise not up to the mark because it is interpreted language. 2. Not using for mobile Applications. 3. Python is not as fast as C and C++, It means it is slower than C/C++: 4. Does not check variable type at compile time. It use dynamic type so flexible that Python interpreter cannot check the type for mismatch at the compile time.
  • 19. Flavors of Python: 1.CPython: • It is the standard flavor of Python. It can be used to work with C language Applications. 2.Jython or JPython: • It is for Java Applications. It can run on JVM. 3. IronPython: • It is for C#.Net platform.
  • 20. 4.PyPy: • The main advantage of PyPy is performance will be improved because JIT compiler is available inside PVM. 5.Ruby Python: • For Ruby Platforms. 6. Anaconda Python : • It is specially designed for handling large volume of data processing.
  • 21. Python Versions: • Python 1.0V introduced in Jan 1994. • Python 2.0V introduced in October 2000. • Python 3.0V introduced in December 2008. Note: Python 3 won't provide backward compatibility to Python2 i.e. there is no guarantee that Python2 programs will run in Python3. Current versions: • Python 3.7.4 July 8, 2019 • Python 2.7.16 March 4, 2019 Other Versions: • Python 3.6.9 July 2, 2019 • Python 2.7.15 May 1, 2018 • Python 3.6.1 March 21, 2017 • Python 2.7.13 April 9, 2012
  • 22. Difference between Python 2 and Python 3 The two versions Python 2 and Python 3 are very much different from each other. • A list of differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are given below: • Python 2 uses print as a statement and used as print "something" to print some string on the console. • On the other hand, Python 3 uses print as a function and used as print("something") to print something on the console.
  • 23. • Python 2 uses the function raw_input() to accept the user's input. It returns the string representing the value, which is typed by the user. • To convert it into the integer, we need to use the int() function in Python. • Python 3 uses input() function to accept the user’s input(). • In Python 2, the implicit string type is ASCII, whereas, in Python 3, the implicit string type is Unicode.
  • 24. • How to Run Python Programs • There are three way to execute python code they are given below; • 1)Interactive Mode • 2)Script Mode • 3)Using IDE
  • 25. 1.Interactive interpreter prompt • Python provides us the feature to execute the python statement one by one at the interactive prompt. It is preferable in the case where we are concerned about the output of each line of our python program. • To open the interactive mode, open the terminal (or command prompt) and type python (python3 in case if you have python2 and python3 both installed on your system).
  • 26. 1.Interactive interpreter prompt • Python provides us the feature to execute the python statement one by one at the interactive prompt. It is preferable in the case where we are concerned about the output of each line of our python program. • To open the interactive mode, open the terminal (or command prompt) and type python (python3 in case if you have python2 and python3 both installed on your system). • It will open the following prompt where we can execute the python statement and check their impact on the console.
  • 27. 2.Using a script file • Interpreter prompt is good to run the individual statements of the code. However, we can not write the code every-time on the terminal. • We need to write our code into a file which can be executed later. For this purpose, open an editor like notepad, create a file named (python used .py extension) and write the following code in it. • Print ("hello world"); #here, we have used print() function to print th e message on the console. • To run this file named as, we need to run the following command on the terminal. • $ python3
  • 28. • 3.General Editors and IDEs with Python Support • Eclipse + PyDev • Sublime Text • Atom • GNU Emacs • Vi / Vim • Visual Studio • Visual Studio Code • Python-Specific Editors and IDEs • PyCharm • Spyder • Thonny
  • 29. Byte code Compilation: • Python first compiles your source code (the statements in your file) into a format known as byte code. • Compilation is simply a translation step, and byte code is a lower-level, platform independent representation of your source code. • Roughly, Python translates each of your source statements into a group of byte code instructions by decomposing them into individual steps. • This byte code translation is performed to speed execution —byte code can be run much more quickly than the original source code statements in your text file.
  • 30. The Python Virtual Machine: • Once your program has been compiled to byte code (or the byte code has been loaded from existing .pyc file), it is shipped off for execution to something generally known as the python virtual machine (PVM).
  • 31. Print Hello World in Python Python code save with .py extension. Print hello world in python a="Hello World!" print(a) Output Hello World!
  • 32. Identifiers A name in Python program is called identifier. It can be class name or function name or module name or variable name. a = 10 Rules to define identifiers in Python: 1. The only allowed characters in Python are alphabet symbols(either lower case or upper case) digits(0 to 9) underscore symbol(_) By mistake if we are using any other symbol like $ then we will get syntax error. cash = 10 ca$h =20
  • 33. 2. Identifier should not starts with digit 123total total123 3. Identifiers are case sensitive. Of course Python language is case sensitive language. total=10 TOTAL=999 print(total) #10 print(TOTAL) #999
  • 34. 1.Alphabet Symbols (Either Upper case OR Lower case) 2. If Identifier is start with Underscore (_) then it indicates it is private. 3. Identifier should not start with Digits. 4. Identifiers are case sensitive. 5. We cannot use reserved words as identifiers Eg: def=10 6. There is no length limit for Python identifiers. Bu no recommended to use too lengthy identifiers. 7. Dollor ($) Symbol is not allowed in Python
  • 35. Variables in Python • Variables are used for store data on memory location • Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations to store values. This means that when you create a variable you reserve some space in memory. • Based on the data type of a variable, the interpreter allocates memory and decides what can be stored in the reserved memory. Therefore, by assigning different data types to variables, you can store integers, decimals or characters in these variables.
  • 36. • Variable names can be a group of both letters and digits, but they have to begin with a letter or an underscore. • It is recomended to use lowercase letters for variable name. Rahul and rahul both are two different variables.
  • 37. Declaring Variable and Assigning Values • Python does not bound us to declare variable before using in the application. It allows us to create variable at required time. • We don't need to declare explicitly variable in Python. When we assign any value to the variable that variable is declared automatically. • The equal (=) operator is used to assign value to a variable.
  • 38.
  • 39. Multiple Assignment • Python allows us to assign a value to multiple variables in a single statement which is also known as multiple assignment. • We can apply multiple assignments in two ways either by assigning a single value to multiple variables or assigning multiple values to multiple variables. Lets see given examples.
  • 40. Multiple Assignments to variables: • Python allows you to assign a single value to several variables simultaneously. • For example – • a = b = c = 1 • Here, an integer object is created with the value 1, and all three variables are assigned to the same memory location. You can also assign multiple objects to multiple variables. • For example – • a, b, c = 1, 2.5, ”mothi” • Here, two integer objects with values 1 and 2 are assigned to variables a and b respectively, and one string object with the value "john" is assigned to the variable c.
  • 42. Keywords in Python(Reserved Words) • The following list shows the Python keywords. • These are reserved words and you cannot use them as constant or variable or any other identifier names.
  • 43. • In Python some words are reserved to represent some meaning or functionality. Such type of words are called Reserved words. • There are 33 reserved words available in Python. 1. True,False,None 2. and, or ,not,is 3. if,elif,else while,for,break,continue,return,in,yield 4. try,except,finally,raise,assert 5. import,from,as,class,def,pass,global,nonlocal,lambda,del,with If want see the keyword list type the following import keyword keyword.kwlist
  • 44. All Reserved words in Python contain only alphabet symbols. Except the following 3 reserved words, all contain only lower case alphabet symbols. True, False,None
  • 45. Input And Output Statements Reading dynamic input from the keyboard: • In Python 2 the following 2 functions are available to read dynamic input from the keyboard. •raw_input() •input()
  • 46. 1.raw_input(): • This function always reads the data from the keyboard in the form of String Format. We have to convert that string type to our required type by using the corresponding type casting methods. Eg: • x=raw_input("Enter First Number:") • print(type(x)) It will always print str type only for any input type
  • 47. 2. input(): • input() function can be used to read data directly in our required format. • We are not required to perform type casting. • x=input("Enter Value) • type(x) • 10 ===> int • “siva"===>str • 10.5===>float • True==>bool
  • 48. • Note: But in Python 3 we have only input() method and raw_input() method is not available. Python3 input() function behaviour exactly same as raw_input() method of Python2. i.e every input value is treated as str type only. • raw_input() function of Python 2 is renamed as input() function in Python3 Example: type(input("Enter value:")) Enter value:10 <class 'str'>
  • 49. • EXAMPLE : A1.PY • x=input('Enter your name:') • print('Hello,'+ x) EXAMPLE :A2.PY print("enter your name:") x=input() print('Hello,'+ x)
  • 50. Example: x=input("Enter First Number:") y=input("Enter Second Number:") i = int(x) j = int(y) print("The Sum:",i+j) Enter First Number:100 Enter Second Number:200 The Sum: 300
  • 51. x=int(input("Enter First Number:")) y=int(input("Enter Second Number:")) print("The Sum:",x+y) (OR) print("The Sum:",int(input("Enter First Number:"))+int(input("Enter Second Number:")))
  • 52. How to read multiple values from the keyboard in a single line: a,b= [int(x) for x in input("Enter 2 numbers :").split()] print("Product is :", a*b) D:Python_classes>py Enter 2 numbers :10 20 Product is : 200
  • 53. • split() function can take space as seperator by default. But we can pass anything as separator. • Write a program to read 3 float numbers from the keyboard with , seperator and print their sum a,b,c= [float(x) for x in input("Enter 3 float numbers :").split(',’)] print("The Sum is :", a+b+c) D:Python_classes>py Enter 3 float numbers :10.5,20.6,20.1 The Sum is : 51.2
  • 54. output statements: • We can use print() function to display output. Form-1: print() without any argument • Just it prints new line character
  • 55. •Form-2: print(String): •print("Hello World") •We can use escape characters also •print("Hello n World") •print("HellotWorld") •We can use repetetion operator (*) in the string •print(10*"Hello") •print("Hello"*10) •We can use + operator also •print("Hello"+"World")
  • 56. Note: • If both arguments are String type then + operator acts as concatenation operator. • If one argument is string type and second is any other type like int then we will get Error If both arguments are number type then + operator acts as arithmetic addition operator. print("Hello"+"World") print("Hello","World") HelloWorld Hello World
  • 57. Form-3: print() with variable number of arguments: a,b,c=10,20,30 print("The Values are :",a,b,c) Output:The Values are : 10 20 30 By default output values are seperated by space.If we want we can specify seperator by using "sep" attribute a,b,c=10,20,30 print(a,b,c,sep=',') print(a,b,c,sep=':’) D:Python_classes>py 10,20,30 10:20:30
  • 58. • Form-4: print() with end attribute: Example: print("Hello") print(“shiva") print(“welcome") Output: Hello Shiva Welcome The default value for end attribute is n,which is nothing but new line character.
  • 59. • If we want output in the same line with space Example: print("Hello“,end=‘ ‘) print(“shiva“,end=‘ ‘) print(“welcome“) Output: Hello Shiva Welcome
  • 60. • Form-5: print(object) statement: We can pass any object (like list,tuple,set etc)as argument to the print() statement l=[10,20,30,40] t=(10,20,30,40) print(l) print(t)
  • 61. Form-6: print(formatted string): %i====>int %d====>int %f=====>float %s======>String type Syntax: print("formatted string" %(variable list))
  • 62. Example:1 a=10 b=20 c=30 print("a value is %i" %a) print("b value is %d and c value is %d" %(b,c)) Output a value is 10 b value is 20 and c value is 30
  • 63. Example-2 s=“shiva" list=[10,20,30,40] print("Hello %s ...The List of Items are %s" %(s,list)) Output: • Hello shiva ...The List of Items are [10, 20, 30, 40]
  • 64. • Note: Python contains several inbuilt functions and In Python everything is object 1.type() to check the type of variable 2. id() to get address of object
  • 65. 3. range() : The range() function returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 by default, and increments by 1 (by default), and ends at a specified number Syntax: range(start, stop, step) Parameter Description start Optional. An integer number specifying at which position to start. Default is 0 stop Optional. An integer number specifying at which position to end. step Optional. An integer number specifying the incrementation. Default is 1
  • 66. Example1: range(10) • generate numbers from 0 to 9 Example2: r = range(10,20) for i in r : print(i) 10 to 19 Example3: r = range(10,20,2) for i in r : print(i) 2 means increment value 10,12,14,16,18
  • 67. We can access elements present in the range Data Type by using index. r=range(10,20) r[0]==>10 r[15]==>IndexError: range object index out of range We cannot modify the values of range data type Eg: r[0]=100 TypeError: 'range' object does not support item assignment
  • 68. Data types • A variable can hold different types of values. For example, a person's name must be stored as a string whereas its id must be stored as an integer. • Python provides various standard data types that define the storage method on each of them. The data types defined in Python are given below. 1. Numbers 2. String 3. List 4. Tuple 5. set 6. Dictionary
  • 69. • In Python the following data types are considered as Fundamental Data types • int • float • complex • bool • str
  • 70. • int data type: We can use int data type to represent whole numbers (integral values) Eg: a=10 type(a) #int Output: C:UsersMy Name>python <class ‘int'> Note: In Python2 we have long data type to represent very large integral values. But in Python3 there is no long type explicitly and we can represent long values also by using int type only.
  • 71. • Float: Float, or "floating point number" is a number, positive or negative, containing one or more decimals. • Example: x = 1.10 y = 1.0 z = -35.59 print(type(x)) print(type(y)) print(type(z)) Output: C:UsersMy Name>python <class 'float'> <class 'float'> <class 'float'>
  • 72. Complex: Numbers are written with a "j" as the imaginary part: Example: • x = 3+5j y = 5j z = -5j print(type(x)) print(type(y)) print(type(z)) Output: C:UsersMy Name>python <class 'complex'> <class 'complex'> <class 'complex'>
  • 73. Python Strings • str represents String data type. • A String is a sequence of characters enclosed within single quotes or double quotes. s1=‘geetha govindam' s1=“vijayadevarakonda" • By using single quotes or double quotes we cannot represent multi line string literals. s1=“siva bhargav”
  • 74. For this requirement we should go for triple single quotes(''') or triple double quotes(""") s1=''‘siva bhargav''' s1=""“siva bhargav""“ We can also use triple quotes to use single quote or double quote in our String. ''' This is " character''' ' This i " Character ' We can embed one string in another string '''This "Python class very helpful" for java students'''
  • 75. Slicing of Strings: • slice means a piece [ : ] operator is called slice operator, which can be used to retrieve parts of String. • In Python Strings follows zero based index. • The index can be either +ve or -ve. • +ve index means forward direction from Left to Right • -ve index means backward direction from Right to Left P Y T H O N -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • 76. >>>s=“PYTHON” >>>s[0] P >>>s[-1] N >>>s[0:5] PYTHO >>>s[0:] PYTHON >>>s[:] PYTHON >>>S[:5] PYTHO >>>s*3 PYTHON PYTHON PYTHON >>>len(s) 6 len() in-built function: We can use len() function to find the number of characters present in the string.
  • 77. • In Python, we can represent char values also by using str type and explicitly char type is not available. • Eg: >>> c='a‘ >>> type(c) <class 'str'>
  • 78. bool data type: • We can use this data type to represent boolean values. • The only allowed values for this data type are: True and False • Internally Python represents True as 1 and False as 0 b=True type(b) =>bool
  • 80. list data type • A list can be defined as a collection of values or items of different types. • The items in the list are separated with the comma (,) and enclosed with the square brackets []. • An ordered, mutable, heterogeneous collection of elements is nothing but list, where duplicates also allowed.
  • 81. • If we want to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity where insertion order preserved and duplicates are allowed, then we should go for List. • List is dynamic because based on our requirement we can increase the size and decrease the size. • We can differentiate duplicate elements by using index and we can preserve insertion order by using index. Hence index will play very important role. • Python supports both positive and negative indexes. +ve index means from left to right where as negative index means right to left . List objects are mutable.i.e we can change the content.
  • 82. -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 A B 20 30 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 [10,"A","B",20, 30, 10]
  • 83. Creation of List Objects: ⦁ We can create empty list object as follows... list=[] print(list) print(type(list)) Output [] <class 'list'>
  • 84. • Example list=[10,20,30,40] 2) >>> list[0] 3) 10 4) >>> list[-1] 5) 40 6) >>> list[1:3] 7) [20, 30] 8) >>> list[0]=100 9) >>> for i in list:print(i) 10) ... 11) 100 12) 20 13) 30
  • 85. • With dynamic input: list=input("Enter List:") print(list) print(type(list)) Python_classes>py Enter List:[10,20,30,40] [10, 20, 30, 40] <class 'list'>
  • 86. • With list() function: l=list(range(0,10,2)) print(l) print(type(l)) Python_classes>py [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] <class 'list'>
  • 87. Accessing elements of List: • We can access elements of the list either by using index or by using slice operator(:) 1. By using index: • List follows zero based index. ie index of first element is zero. • List supports both +ve and -ve indexes. • +ve index meant for Left to Right • -ve index meant for Right to Left • list=[10,20,30,40]
  • 88. list=[10,20,30,40] • print(list[0]) ==>10 • print(list[-1]) ==>40 • print(list[10]) ==>IndexError: list index out of range
  • 89. 2. By using slice operator: Syntax: list2= list1[start:stop:step] start ==>it indicates the index where slice has to start default value is 0 stop ===>It indicates the index where slice has to end default value is max allowed index of list ie length of the list step ==>increment value default value is 1
  • 91. • Important functions of List: • To get information about list: • len(): Returns the number of elements present in the list Eg: n=[10,20,30,40] print(len(n))==>4
  • 92. 2. count(): It returns the number of occurrences of specified item in the list n=[1,2,2,2,2,3,3] print(n.count(1)) print(n.count(2)) print(n.count(3)) print(n.count(4)) Output D:Python_classes>py 1 4 2 0
  • 93. 3. index() function: Returns the index of first occurrence of the specified item. • Eg: n=[1,2,2,2,2,3,3] print(n.index(1)) ==>0 print(n.index(2)) ==>1 print(n.index(3)) ==>5 print(n.index(4)) ==> ValueError: 4 is not in list. • Note: If the specified element not present in the list then we will get Value Error. Hence before index() method we have to check whether item present in the list or not by using in operator. • print( 4 in n)==>False
  • 94. Manipulating elements of List: 1. append() function: We can use append() function to add item at the end of the list. Eg: list=[] list.append("A") list.append("B") list.append("C") print(list) D:Python_classes>py o/p['A', 'B', 'C']
  • 95. Eg: To add all elements to list upto 100 which are divisible by 10 list=[] for i in range(101): if i%10==0: list.append(i) print(list) D:Python_classes>py [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
  • 96. 2.insert() function: To insert item at specified index position n=[1,2,3,4,5] n.insert(1,888) print(n) D:Python_classes>py [1, 888, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • 97. Eg: n=[1,2,3,4,5] n.insert(10,777) n.insert(-10,999) print(n) D:Python_classes>py [999, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 777] • Note: If the specified index is greater than max index then element will be inserted at last position. If the specified index is smaller than min index then element will be inserted at first position.
  • 98. Differences between append() and insert() • In List when we add any element it will come in last i.e. it will be last element. • In List we can insert any element in particular index number
  • 99. 3. extend() function: To add all items of one list to another list l1.extend(l2) all items present in l2 will be added to l1 Eg: order1=["Chicken","Mutton","Fish"] order2=["RC","KF","FO"] order1.extend(order2) print(order1) Output: D:Python_classes>py ['Chicken', 'Mutton', 'Fish', 'RC', 'KF', 'FO']
  • 100. 4. remove() function: We can use this function to remove specified item from the list. If the item present multiple times then only first occurrence will be removed. Example: n=[10,20,10,30] n.remove(10) print(n) D:Python_classes>py [20, 10, 30]
  • 101. 5. pop() function: • It removes and returns the last element of the list. • This is only function which manipulates list and returns some element. Eaxample: n=[10,20,30,40] print(n.pop()) print(n.pop()) print(n) D:Python_classes>py 40 30 [10, 20] If the list is empty then pop() function raises IndexError
  • 102. • In general we can use pop() function to remove last element of the list. But we can use to • remove elements based on index. • n.pop(index)===>To remove and return element present at specified index. • n.pop()==>To remove and return last element of the list Example: n=[10,20,30,40,50,60] print(n.pop()) #60 print(n.pop(1)) #20 print(n.pop(10)) ==>IndexError: pop index out of range
  • 103. Note: • List objects are dynamic. i.e based on our requirement we can increase and decrease the size. • append(),insert() ,extend() ===>for increasing the size/growable nature • remove(), pop() ======>for decreasing the size /shrinking nature
  • 104. clear() function: • We can use clear() function to remove all elements of List. Eg: n=[10,20,30,40] print(n) n.clear() print(n) Output D:Python_classes>py [10, 20, 30, 40] []
  • 105. III. Ordering elements of List: 1. reverse(): We can use to reverse() order of elements of list. n=[10,20,30,40] n.reverse() print(n) Output: D:Python_classes>py [40, 30, 20, 10]
  • 106. 2. sorted() function: The sort function sort the list in ascending order by default. • For numbers ==>default natural sorting order is Ascending Order • For Strings ==> default natural sorting order is Alphabetical Order • Syntax list.sort(reverse=True|False) Reverse is Optional. reverse=True will sort the list descending. Default is reverse=False(ascending order)
  • 107. Example:1 n=[20,5,15,10,0] n.sort() print(n) #[0,5,10,15,20] Example:2 a=["Siva", "santosh", "Bhargav", "Prashanth", "GNRamesh"] a. sort() print(a) # ['Bhargav', 'GNRamesh', 'Prashanth', 'Siva', 'santosh']
  • 108. To sort in reverse of default natural sorting order: We can sort according to reverse of default natural sorting order by using reverse=True argument. Eg: n=[40,10,30,20] n.sort() print(n) ==>[10,20,30,40] n.sort(reverse=True) print(n) ===>[40,30,20,10] n.sort(reverse=False) print(n) ==>[10,20,30,40]
  • 109. Example: (Descending order) a=["Siva", "santosh", "Bhargav", "Prashanth", "GNRamesh"] a.sort(reverse=True) print(a) Output: ['santosh', 'Siva', 'Prashanth', 'GNRamesh', 'Bhargav']
  • 110. • Note: To use sort() function, compulsory list should contain only homogeneous elements.otherwise we will get TypeError Eg: n=[20,10,"A","B"] n.sort() print(n) TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
  • 111. Nested Lists: • Sometimes we can take one list inside another list. Such type of lists are called nested lists. • We can access nested list elements by using index just like accessing multidimensional array elements Eg: n=[10,20,[30,40]] print(n) print(n[0]) print(n[2]) print(n[2][0]) print(n[2][1]) Output D:Python_classes>py [10, 20, [30, 40]] 10 [30, 40] 30 40
  • 112. Example # creating an empty list lst = [] # number of elemetns as input n = int(input("Enter number of elements : ")) # iterating till the range for i in range(0, n): ele = int(input()) lst.append(ele) # adding the element print(lst)
  • 113. Python List Operations • The concatenation (+) and repetition (*) operator work in the same way as they were working with the strings. Consider a List l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4], and l2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]
  • 114. Operator Description Example Repetition The repetition operator enables the list elements to be repeated multiple times. L1*2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4] Concatenation It concatenates the list mentioned on either side of the operator. l1+l2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] Membership It returns true if a particular item exists in a particular list otherwise false. print(2 in l1) prints True. Iteration The for loop is used to iterate over the list elements. for i in l1: print(i) Output1 2 3 4
  • 115. Tuple: 1. tuple data type is exactly same as list data type except that it is immutable.i.e we cannot change values. 2.Tuple is exactly same as List except that it is immutable. i.e, once we creates Tuple object, we cannot perform any changes in that object. Hence Tuple is Read Only version of List. 3.Tuple elements can be represented within parenthesis 4. If our data is fixed and never changes then we should go for Tuple. 5. Insertion Order is preserved 6. Duplicates are allowed 7. Heterogeneous objects are allowed.
  • 116. 8. We can preserve insertion order and we can differentiate duplicate objects by using index. Hence index will play very important role in Tuple also. 9. Tuple support both +ve and -ve index. +ve index means forward direction(from left to right) and -ve index means backward direction(from right to left) 10. We can represent Tuple elements within Parenthesis and with comma seperator.Parenethesis are optional but recommended to use.
  • 117. Eg:1 t=10,20,30,40 print(t) print(type(t)) Output (10, 20, 30, 40) <class 'tuple'> Eg:2 t=() print(type(t)) # tuple T1 = (201, "Aishwarya", 20) T2 = ("Akhila", "Anusha", "Kavya")
  • 118. Tuple creation: 1. t=() creation of empty tuple 2. t=(10,) t=10, creation of single valued tuple ,parenthesis are optional,should ends with comma 3. t=10,20,30 t=(10,20,30) creation of multi values tuples & parenthesis are optional
  • 119. 4. By using tuple() function: list=[10,20,30] t=tuple(list) print(t) 5.By using range() function: t=tuple(range(10,20,2)) print(t)
  • 120. Accessing elements of tuple: • We can access either by index or by slice operator. Exmaple: t=(10,20,30,40,50,60) print(t[0]) #10 print(t[-1]) #60 print(t[100]) IndexError: tuple index out of range
  • 121. 2. By using slice operator: Example: t=(10,20,30,40,50,60) print(t[2:5]) print(t[2:100]) print(t[::2]) Output (30, 40, 50) (30, 40, 50, 60) (10, 30, 50)
  • 122. Tuple vs immutability: Once we creates tuple,we cannot change its content. Hence tuple objects are immutable. Eg: t=(10,20,30,40) t[1]=70 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
  • 123. Important functions of Tuple: 1. len() To return number of elements present in the tuple Eg: t=(10,20,30,40) print(len(t)) #4 2. count() To return number of occurrences of given element in the tuple Eg: t=(10,20,10,10,20) print(t.count(10)) #3
  • 124. 3. index() • returns index of first occurrence of the given element. • If the specified element is not available then we will get ValueError. Eg: t=(10,20,10,10,20) print(t.index(10)) #0 print(t.index(30)) ValueError: tuple.index(x): x not in tuple
  • 125. 4. sorted() • To sort elements based on default natural sorting order t=(40,10,30,20) t1=sorted(t) print(t1) print(t) Output [10, 20, 30, 40] (40, 10, 30, 20) We can sort according to reverse of default natural sorting order as follows t1=sorted(t,reverse=True) print(t1) [40, 30, 20, 10]
  • 126. 5. min() and max() functions: • These functions return min and max values according to default natural sorting order. Eg: t=(40,10,30,20) print(min(t)) #10 print(max(t)) #40
  • 127. 6. cmp(): • It compares the elements of both tuples. • If both tuples are equal then returns 0 • If the first tuple is less than second tuple then it returns -1 • If the first tuple is greater than second tuple then it returns +1 Eg: t1=(10,20,30) t2=(40,50,60) t3=(10,20,30) print(cmp(t1,t2)) # -1 print(cmp(t1,t3)) # 0 print(cmp(t2,t3)) # +1 Note: cmp() function is available only in Python2 but not in Python 3
  • 128. • Differences between List and Tuple: • List and Tuple are exactly same except small difference: List objects are mutable where as • Tuple objects are immutable. • In both cases insertion order is preserved, duplicate objects are allowed, heterogenous • objects are allowed, index and slicing are supported
  • 129.
  • 130. setDataType: • If we want to represent a group of values without duplicates where order is not important then we should go for set Data Type. • If we want to represent a group of unique values as a single entity then we should go for set. • Duplicates are not allowed. • Insertion order is not preserved. But we can sort the elements. • Indexing and slicing not allowed for the set.
  • 131. • Heterogeneous elements are allowed. • Set objects are mutable i.e once we creates set object we can perform any changes in that object based on our requirement. • We can represent set elements within curly braces and with comma separation • Creation of Set objects: Eg: s={10,20,30,40} print(s) print(type(s)) Output {40, 10, 20, 30} <class 'set'> • We can create set objects by using set() function • s=set(any sequence)
  • 132. • We can create set objects by using set() function s=set(any sequence) Eg 1: l = [10,20,30,40,10,20,10] s=set(l) print(s) # {40, 10, 20, 30} Eg 2: s=set(range(5)) print(s) #{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Note: While creating empty set we have to take special care. Compulsory we should use set() function.
  • 133. Note: While creating empty set we have to take special care. • Compulsory we should use set() function. s={} ==>It is treated as dictionary but not empty set. Eg: s={} print(s) print(type(s)) Output {} <class 'dict'> Eg: s=set() print(s) print(type(s)) Output set() <class 'set'>
  • 134. Important functions of set: add(x): Adds item x to the set Eg: s={10,20,30} s.add(40); print(s) #{40, 10, 20, 30}
  • 135. 2. update([x,y,z]): To add multiple items to the set. Eg: s={10,20,30} s.update([50,60]) print(s)
  • 136. • Note: We can use add() to add individual item to the Set, where as we can use update() function to add multiple items to Set. • add() function can take only one argument where as update() function can take any number of arguments. • 3. copy(): Returns copy of the set. It is cloned object. s={10,20,30} s1=s.copy() print(s1)
  • 137. • 4. pop():It removes and returns some random element from the set. Eg: s={40,10,30,20} print(s) print(s.pop()) print(s) Output {40, 10, 20, 30} 40 {10, 20, 30}
  • 138. 5. remove(x):It removes specified element from the set. If the specified element not present in the Set then we will get Key Error. s={40,10,30,20} s.remove(30) print(s) # {40, 10, 20} s.remove(50) ==>KeyError: 50 6. discard(x): It removes the specified element from the set. If the specified element not present in the set then we won't get any error. s={10,20,30} s.discard(10) print(s) ===> {20, 30} s.discard(50) print(s) ==> {20, 30}
  • 139. 7.clear(): To remove all elements from the Set. s={10,20,30} print(s) s.clear() print(s) Output {10, 20, 30} set()
  • 140. • Mathematical operations on the Set: 1.union(): x.union(y) ==>We can use this function to return all elements present in both sets x.union(y) or x|y Eg: x={10,20,30,40} y={30,40,50,60} print(x.union(y)) #{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60} print(x|y) #{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
  • 141. • 2. intersection(): x.intersection(y) or x&y • Returns common elements present in both x and y Eg: x={10,20,30,40} y={30,40,50,60} print(x.intersection(y)) #{40, 30} print(x&y) #{40, 30}
  • 142. 3. difference(): • x.difference(y) or x-y • returns the elements present in x but not in y Eg: x={10,20,30,40} y={30,40,50,60} print(x.difference(y)) #{10, 20} print(x-y) #{10, 20} print(y-x) #{50, 60}
  • 143. 4.symmetric_difference(): x.symmetric_difference(y) or x^y Returns elements present in either x or y but not in both. Eg: x={10,20,30,40} y={30,40,50,60} print(x.symmetric_difference(y)) #{10, 50, 20, 60} print(x^y) #{10, 50, 20, 60}
  • 144. Write a program to eliminate duplicates present in the list? l=eval(input("Enter List of values: ")) s=set(l) print(s) Output D:Python_classes>py Enter List of values: [10,20,30,10,20,40] {40, 10, 20, 30}
  • 145. • Set Comprehension: Set comprehension is possible. s={x*x for x in range(5)} print(s) #{0, 1, 4, 9, 16}
  • 146. frozenset Data Type: • It is exactly same as set except that it is immutable. • Hence we cannot use add or remove functions. s={10,20,30,40} >>> fs=frozenset(s) >>> type(fs) <class 'frozenset‘> >>>fs.add(70) AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'add' >>> fs.remove(10) AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'remove'
  • 147. # Python program to understand # use of frozenset function # creating a list favourite_subject = [“python", "DBMS", “java"] # making it frozenset type f_subject = frozenset(favourite_subject) # below line will generate error f_subject[1] = "Networking" Output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/", line 12, in f_subject[1] = "Networking" TypeError: 'frozenset' object does not support item assignment
  • 148. Dictionary • We can use List,Tuple and Set to represent a group of individual objects as a single entity. If we want to represent a group of objects as key-value pairs then we should go for Dictionary. Eg: rollno----name phone number--address ipaddress---domain name • Duplicate keys are not allowed but values can be duplicated. Hetrogeneous objects are allowed for both key and values. insertion order is not preserved Dictionaries are mutable
  • 149. •Dictionaries are dynamic •indexing and slicing concepts are not applicable Note: In C++ and Java Dictionaries are known as "Map" where as in Perl and Ruby it is known as "Hash"
  • 150. How to create Dictionary? d={} or d=dict() we are creating empty dictionary. We can add entries as follows d[100]=“ananthapur" d[200]=“srikakulam" d[300]=“prakasam" print(d) #{100: ‘ananthapur ', 200: ‘srikakulam ', 300: ‘prakasam '}
  • 151. • If we know data in advance then we can create dictionary as follows d= {100: ‘ananthapur ', 200: ‘srikakulam ', 300: ‘prakasam '} d={key:value, key:value}
  • 152. • How to access data from the dictionary? • We can access data by using keys. d= {100: ‘ananthapur ', 200: ‘srikakulam ', 300: ‘prakasam '} print(d[100]) # ananthapur print(d[300]) # prakasam If the specified key is not available then we will get KeyError print(d[400]) # KeyError: 400
  • 153. • We can prevent this by checking whether key is already available or not by using has_key() function or by using in operator. d.has_key(400) ==> returns 1 if key is available otherwise returns 0 • But has_key() function is available only in Python 2 but not in Python 3. Hence compulsory we have to use in operator. if 400 in d: print(d[400])
  • 154. How to update dictionaries? d[key]=value if the key is not available then a new entry will be added to the dictionary with the specified key-value pair If the key is already available then old value will be replaced with new value.
  • 155. • Eg: d={100:“pavan",200:"ravi",300:"shiva"} print(d) d[400]=“Bhargav" print(d) d[100]=“Prashanth" print(d) • Output: {100: ‘pavan', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva'} {100: ‘pavan', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva', 400: 'Bhargav'} {100: ‘Prashanth', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva', 400: ‘Bhargav'}
  • 156. delete elements from dictionary: • It deletes entry associated with the specified key. If the key is not available then we will get Key Error. • Syntax: del d[key] Eg: d={100:"Nota",200:"Taxiwala",300:"geetagov"} print(d) del d[100] print(d) del d[400] Output {100: 'Nota', 200: 'Taxiwala', 300: 'geetagov'} {200: 'Taxiwala', 300: 'geetagov'} KeyError: 400
  • 157. • d.clear() : To remove all entries from the dictionary Eg: d={100:"pavan",200:"ravi",300:"shiva"} print(d) d.clear() print(d) Output {100: 'pavan', 200: 'ravi', 300: 'shiva'} {}
  • 158. • del d To delete total dictionary. Now we cannot access d Eg: d={100:"ohbaby",200:"Issmart",300:"Maharshi"} print(d) del d print(d) Output: {100: 'ohbaby', 200: 'Issmart ', 300: 'Maharshi'} Name Error: name 'd' is not defined
  • 159. • Important functions of dictionary: 1. dict(): • To create a dictionary • d=dict() ===>It creates empty dictionary • d=dict({100:"sita",200:"geeta"}) ==>It creates dictionary with specified elements • d=dict([(100,"Ram"),(200,"laxman"),(300,"RaceGurram")])==>It creates dictionary with the given list of tuple elements.
  • 160. 2. len() • Returns the number of items in the dictionary 3. clear(): To remove all elements from the dictionary 4. get(): To get the value associated with the key • d.get(key) If the key is available then returns the corresponding value otherwise returns None. It wont raise any error. • d.get(key,defaultvalue) If the key is available then returns the corresponding value otherwise returns default value.
  • 161. • 4. popitem(): • It removes an arbitrary item(key-value) from the dictionary and returns it. Eg: d={100:"Mahesh",200:"raviteja",300:"charan"} print(d) print(d.popitem()) print(d) Output {100: 'Mahesh', 200: 'raviteja', 300: 'charan'} (300, 'charan') {100: 'Mahesh', 200: 'raviteja‘} If the dictionary is empty then we will get KeyError d={} print(d.popitem()) ==>KeyError: 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'
  • 163. • 5. keys(): • It returns all keys associated with dictionary Eg: d={100:"Pavan",200:"ravi",300:"shiva"} print(d.keys()) for k in d.keys(): print(k) Output dict_keys([100, 200, 300]) 100 200 300
  • 164. 6. values(): • It returns all values associated with the dictionary. Eg: d={100:"Orbiter",200:"Lander",300:"Rover"} print(d.values()) for v in d.values(): print(v) Output: dict_values(['Orbiter', 'Lander', 'Rover']) Orbiter Lander Rover
  • 165. • 7. items(): • It returns list of tuples representing key-value pairs. [(k,v),(k,v),(k,v)] Eg: d={100:"Orbiter",200:"Lander",300:"Rover"} for k,v in d.items(): print(k,"--",v) Output: 100 -- Orbiter 200 -- Lander 300 -- Rover
  • 166. 8. copy(): • To create exactly duplicate dictionary(cloned copy) Syntax: d1=d.copy(); 9. setdefault(): Syntax: d.setdefault(k,v) • If the key is already available then this function returns the corresponding value. • If the key is not available then the specified key-value will be added as new item to the dictionary.
  • 167. • Eg: d={100:"Ganguly",200:"Sehwag",300:"Dhoni"} print(d.setdefault(400,"Kohli")) print(d) print(d.setdefault(100,"sachin")) print(d) Output: Kohli {100: 'Ganguly', 200: 'Sehwag', 300: 'Dhoni', 400: 'Kohli'} Ganguly {100: 'Ganguly', 200: 'Sehwag', 300: 'Dhoni', 400: 'Kohli'}
  • 168. 10. update(): • All items present in the dictionary x will be added to dictionary d. d.update(x) Example: d = {1: “whatsapp", 2: “facebook"} d1 = {2: “instagram"}# updates the value of key 2 d.update(d1) print(d) d1 = {3: “faceapp"}# adds element with key 3 d.update(d1) print(d) Output: {1: ‘whatsapp', 2: ‘instagram'} {1: ‘whatsapp', 2: ‘instagram', 3: ‘faceapp'}
  • 169. None Data Type: • None means Nothing or No value associated. • If the value is not available,then to handle such type of cases None introduced. • It is something like null value in Java. Eg: def m1(): a=10 print(m1()) Output: None
  • 170. • Standard Types 1. Numbers (separate subtypes; three are integer types) a) Integer i.Boolean ii.Long integer b.Floating point real number c. Complex number 2.String 3.List 4.Tuple 5.Dictionary
  • 171. Other Built-in Types • Type • Null object (None) • File • Set/Frozenset • Function/Method • Module • Class
  • 172. • Unsupported Types: list of types that are not supported by Python. 1.char or byte: Python does not have a char or byte type to hold either single character or 8-bit integers. It uses Strings for character type and integer type to represent 8 bit number. 2.Pointer • Python manages memory automatically, there is no need to access pointer addresses. • The closest to an address that you can get in Python is by looking at an object's identity using the id() BIF.
  • 173. 3.short and long • Python's integers are the universal "standard" integer type, obviating the need for three different integer types, e.g., C's int, short, and long. • Python use a single type integer ,even when the size of an integer is exceed.So python not uses short and long types. • It uses integer only instead of short and long.
  • 174. 4.Double: • C has both a single precision float type and double-precision double type. Python's float type is actually a C double. • So python float is double-precision type.
  • 175. • Standard Types 1. Numbers (separate subtypes; three are integer types) a) Integer i.Boolean ii.Long integer b.Floating point real number c. Complex number 2.String 3.List 4.Tuple 5.Dictionary
  • 176. Categorizing the Standard Types • There are three different models to help categorize the standard types, with each model showing us the interrelationships between the types. • These models help us obtain a better understanding of how the types are related, as well as how they work. 1.Storage Model 2.Update Model 3.Access Model
  • 177. Storage Model: • Categorization of the types is described by how many objects can be stored in an object of this type. • Most other languages can hold either single or multiple values. • In python a type which holds a single literal object we will call atomic or scalar storage. • A type which can hold multiple objects we will refer to as container storage. Container objects are also referred to as composite or compound objects. • All of Python's container types can hold objects of different types
  • 178.
  • 179. Update Model: • Python types early on indicated that certain types allow their values to be updated and others do not. • This model describes about the objects which can be changed, or can their values be updated or not. • Mutable objects are those whose values can be changed, and immutable objects are those whose values cannot be changed.
  • 180. # Python code to test that # tuples are immutable tuple1 = (0, 1, 2, 3) tuple1[0] = 4 print(tuple1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in tuple1[0]=4 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
  • 181. • # Python code to test that # strings are immutable message = "Welcome to python programming" message[0] = 'p' print(message) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/", line 3, in message[0] = 'p' TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
  • 182. # Python code to test that # lists are mutable color = ["red", "blue", "green"] print(color) color[0] = "pink" color[-1] = "orange" print(color) Output: ['red', 'blue', 'green'] ['pink', 'blue', 'orange']
  • 183. Access Model: previous two models of categorizing the types are useful when being introduced to Python. • They are not the primary models for differentiating the types. • In order to access the stored values we use access model. • Acess Model is categorized in 3 types: 1.Direct : Direct types indicate single-element, non-container types. All numeric types fit into this category. 2.Sequence: Sequence types are those whose elements are sequentially accessible via index values starting at 0. • Accessed items can be either single elements or in groups, better known as slices. Types that fall into this category include strings, lists, and tuples.
  • 184. 3.Mapping: Mapping types are similar to the indexing properties of sequences, except instead of indexing on a sequential numeric offset, elements (values) are unordered and accessed with a key, thus making mapping types a set of hashed key-value pairs.
  • 185.
  • 186. Operators: Operator is a symbol that performs certain operations. Python provides the following set of operators 1. Arithmetic Operators 2. Relational Operators 3. Equality Operators 4. Logical Operators 5. Assignment Operators 6. Bitwise Operators 7.Ternary Operator 8. Special operators
  • 187. 1. Arithmetic Operators: + ==>Addition - ==>Subtraction * ==>Multiplication / ==>Division operator % ===>Modulo operator // ==>Floor Division operator ** ==>Exponent operator or power operator Eg: a=10 b=2 print('a+b=',a+b) print('a-b=',a-b) print('a*b=',a*b) print('a/b=',a/b) print('a//b=',a//b) print('a%b=',a%b) print('a**b=',a**b) Output: Python or py a+b= 12 a-b= 8 a*b= 20 a/b= 5.0 a//b= 5 a%b= 0 a**b= 100
  • 188. 10/2==>5.0 10//2==>5 10.0/2===>5.0 10.0//2===>5.0 • Division operator (/) always performs floating point arithmetic. Hence it will always returns float value. • Floor division (//) can perform both floating point and integral arithmetic. We can use + operator for str concat also. >>> “Python"+123 Output :TypeError: must be str, not int >>> “Python"+"123" Output: Python123
  • 189. 2.Relational Operators: >,>=,<,<= Eg 1: >>>a=10 >>>b=20 >>>print("a > b is ",a>b) >>>print("a >= b is ",a>=b) >>>print("a < b is ",a<b) >>>print("a <= b is ",a<=b) Output: a > b is False a >= b is False a < b is True a <= b is True
  • 190. Eg 2: a,b=10,20 if(a>b): print("a is greater than b") else: print("a is not greater than b") • Output :a is not greater than b
  • 191. 3.Equality operators: == , != We can apply these operators for any type even for incompatible types also >>> 10==20 False >>> 10!= 20 True >>> 10==True False >>> False==False True >>> “Siva”!=“Bhargav" True >>> 10==“python" False
  • 192. 4.Logical Operators: and, or ,not We can apply for all types. For boolean types behaviour: and ==>If both arguments are True then only result is True or ====>If atleast one arugemnt is True then result is True not ==>complement True and False ==>False True or False ===>True not False ==>True
  • 193. 5.Assignment Operators: • The following is the list of all possible compound assignment operators in Python +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, //=, **=, &=, |=, ^= Eg:1 x=10, x+=10 ====> x = x+10 Eg:2 x=10 x+=20 print(x) ==>30 Eg: 3 x=10 x&=5 print(x) ==>0
  • 194. 6.Bitwise Operators: • We can apply these operators bitwise. • These operators are applicable only for int and boolean types. • By mistake if we are trying to apply for any other type then we will get Error. OPERATORS ARE: &,|,^,~,<<,>> print(4&5) ==>4 print(10.5 & 5.6) ==> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'float' and 'float' print(True & True) ==>True
  • 196. • bitwise complement operator(~): We have to apply complement for total bits. Eg: print(~5) ==>-6. • << Left shift operator After shifting the empty cells we have to fill with zero • print(10<<2)==>40 • >> Right Shift operator • After shifting the empty cells we have to fill with sign bit.( 0 for +ve and 1 for -ve) print(10>>2) ==>2
  • 197. 7.Ternary Operator: Syntax: x = firstValue if condition else secondValue If condition is True then firstValue will be considered else secondValue will be considered. Eg 1: a,b=10,20 x=30 if a<b else 40 print(x) #30
  • 198. Eg 2: Read two numbers from the keyboard and print minimum value a=int(input("Enter First Number:")) b=int(input("Enter Second Number:")) min=a if a<b else b print("Minimum Value:",min) Output: Enter First Number:10 Enter Second Number:30 Minimum Value: 10
  • 199. Eg3: Program for minimum of 3 numbers a=int(input("Enter First Number:")) b=int(input("Enter Second Number:")) c=int(input("Enter Third Number:")) min=a if a<b and a<c else b if b<c else c print("Minimum Value:",min)
  • 200. Eg4: Program for maximum of 3 numbers a=int(input("Enter First Number:")) b=int(input("Enter Second Number:")) c=int(input("Enter Third Number:")) max=a if a>b and a>c else b if b>c else c print("Maximum Value:",max)
  • 201. 8.Special operators: • Python defines the following 2 special operators 1. Identity Operators 2. Membership operators 1. Identity Operators We can use identity operators for address comparison. Two identity operators are available: 1. is 2. is not r1 is r2 returns True if both r1 and r2 are pointing to the same object r1 is not r2 returns True if both r1 and r2 are not pointing to the same object
  • 202. Eg: >>>a=10 >>>b=10 >>>print(a is b) True >>>x=True >>>y=True print(x is y) True
  • 203. 2.Membership operators: • We can use Membership operators to check whether the given object present in the given collection(String,List,Set,Tuple or Dict). • in -> Returns True if the given object present in the specified Collection • not in -> Returns True if the given object not present in the specified Collection. Eg:1 x="hello learning Python is very easy!!!" print('h' in x) True print('d' in x) False print('d' not in x) True print('Python' in x) True
  • 204. Eg: 2 list1=["sunny","bunny","chinny","pinny"] print("sunny" in list1) True print("tunny" in list1) False print("tunny" not in list1) True
  • 205. Standard Type Built-in Functions: • The functions which are coming along with Python software automatically, are called built in functions or pre defined functions. • cmp(),repr(),str(),type(), id(),input(),eval(). • Function Operation • cmp(obj1, obj2) Compares obj1 and obj2, returns integer i where: i < 0 if obj1 < obj2 i > 0 if obj1 > obj2 i == 0 if obj1 == obj2 • repr(obj) or `obj` Returns evaluatable string representation of obj • str(obj) Returns printable string representation of obj • type(obj) Determines type of obj and return type object
  • 206. type() • In Python versions earlier than 2.2, type() is a BIF. It is also known as "factory function . • The syntax for type() is: type(object) type() takes an object and returns its type. The return value is a type object. >>> type(4) # int type <type 'int'> >>> >>> type('Hello World!') # string type <type 'string'> >>> >>> type(type(4)) # type type <type 'type'>
  • 207. cmp() • The cmp() BIF CoMPares two objects, say, obj1 and obj2, and returns a negative number (integer) if obj1 is less than obj2, a positive number if obj1 is greater than obj2, and zero if obj1 is equal to obj2. • Notice the similarity in return values as C's strcmp(). >>> a, b = -4, 12 >>> cmp(a,b) -1 >>> cmp(b,a) 1 >>> b = -4 >>> cmp(a,b) 0 >>> a, b = 'abc', 'xyz' >>> cmp(a,b) -23 >>> cmp(b,a) 23 >>> b = 'abc' >>> cmp(a,b) 0
  • 208. str() and repr() (and `` Operator) The str() STRing and repr() REPResentation BIFs or the single back or reverse quote operator ( `` ) Str() used to convert other type values to str type. >>> str(4.53-2j) '(4.53-2j)‘ >>> str(1) '1‘ >>> str(2e10) '20000000000.0' >>> str([0, 5, 9, 9]) '[0, 5, 9, 9]' repr() returns a string containing a printable representation of object. >>> repr([0, 5, 9, 9]) '[0, 5, 9, 9]' >>> `[0, 5, 9, 9]` '[0, 5, 9, 9]'
  • 209. • s = 'Hello, World.' • print str(s) • print str(2.0/11.0) Output: ‘Hello, World.’ 0.1818181818 s = 'Hello, World.' print repr(s) print repr(2.0/11.0) Output: ‘Hello, World.’ 0.18181818182 string using repr() function then it prints with a pair of quotes and if we calculate a value we get more precise value than str() function
  • 210. eval(): eval Function take a String and evaluate the Result. Eg: x = eval(“10+20+30”) print(x) Output: 60 Eg: x = eval(input(“Enter Expression”)) Enter Expression: 10+2*3/4 Output11.5 Write a Program to accept list from the keyboard on the display >>> x=eval(input("enter list")) enter list[10,20,30] >>> print(type(x)) <class 'list'> >>> print(x) [10, 20, 30]
  • 211. Type Factory Functions • The "conversion" built-in functions like int(), type(), list(), etc., are now factory functions. • They are actually classnames, and when you call one, you are actually instantiating an instance of that type. • The following familiar factory functions were used to create function objects. int(), long(), float(), complex() str(), list(), tuple(), type()
  • 212. File Handling: • To store our data permanently for future purpose. For this requirement we should go for files. There are 2 types of files: 1. Text Files: Usually we can use text files to store character data eg: abc.txt 2. Binary Files: Usually we can use binary files to store binary data like images,video files, audio files etc...
  • 213. • File Built-in functions: • Before performing any operation (like read or write) on the file, first we have to open that file. For this we should use Python's inbuilt function open(). • But at the time of open, we have to specify mode, which represents the purpose of opening file. • Syntax :handle = open(file_name, access_mode = 'r’) (Or) f = open(filename, mode)
  • 214. Opening a file example: f = open("abc.txt","w") We are opening abc.txt file for writing data. Closing a File: • After completing our operations on the file, it is highly recommended to close the file. For this we have to use close() function. Syntax : handle.close() for ex: f.close()
  • 215. The allowed modes in Python are: 1) r ->open an existing file for read operation. The file pointer is positioned at the beginning of the file. If the specified file does not exist then we will get FileNotFoundError. This is default mode. 2) w -> open an existing file for write operation. If the file already contains some data then it will be overridden. If the specified file is not already available then this mode will create that file. 3) a -> open an existing file for append operation. It won't override existing data. If the specified file is not already available then this mode will create a new file.
  • 216. 4) r+ ->To read and write data into the file. The previous data in the file will not be deleted. The file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file. 5) w+ ->To write and read data. It will override existing data. 6) a+ ->To append and read data from the file. It wont override existing data. 7) x ->To open a file in exclusive creation mode for write operation. If the file already exists then we will get FileExistsError. • Note: All the above modes are applicable for text files. If the above modes suffixed with 'b' then these represents for binary files. • Eg: rb, wb, ab, r+b, w+b, a+b, xb
  • 217. Various File Attributes (properties) of File Object: • Once we open a file and we got file object, we can get various details related to that file by using its properties. name : Name of opened file mode : Mode in which the file is opened Closed : Returns boolean value indicates that file is closed or not readable() : Returns boolean value indicates that whether file is readable or not writable() : Returns boolean value indicates that whether file is writable or not.
  • 218. Example program for file properties: f=open("abc.txt",'w') print("File Name: ", print("File Mode: ",f.mode) print("Is File Readable: ",f.readable()) print("Is File Writable: ",f.writable()) print("Is File Closed : ",f.closed) f.close() print("Is File Closed : ",f.closed) Output D:Python_classes>py File Name: abc.txt File Mode: w Is File Readable: False Is File Writable: True Is File Closed : False Is File Closed : True
  • 219. File Methods: File methods are 2 types: 1) Input method 2) Output method 1. Input methods (Reading Character Data from text files): • We can read character data from text file by using the following read methods. read()->To read total data from the file read(n) -> To read 'n' characters from the file readline()->To read only one line readlines()->To read all lines into a list
  • 220. Eg 1: To read total data from the file f=open("abc.txt",'r') print(data) f.close() Eg 2: To read only first 10 characters: f=open("abc.txt",'r') print(data) f.close() Output: sunny bunny chinny vinny Output: sunny bunn
  • 221. Eg 3: To read data line by line: f=open("abc.txt",'r') line1=f.readline() print(line1,end='') line2=f.readline() print(line2,end='') line3=f.readline() print(line3,end='') f.close() Output: sunny bunny chinny
  • 222. Eg 4: To read all lines into list: f=open("abc.txt",'r') lines=f.readlines() for line in lines: print(line,end='') f.close() Output sunny bunny chinny vinny
  • 224. • 2. Output functions: • The write() built-in method has the opposite functionality as read() and readline(). It takes a string that can consist of one or more lines of text data or a block of bytes and writes the data to the file. • The writelines() method operates on a list just like readlines(), but takes a list of strings and writes them out to a file. • Line termination characters are not inserted between each line, so if desired, they must be added to the end of each line before writelines() is called. Note: There is no "writeline()" method since it would be equivalent to calling write() with a single line string terminated with a NEWLINE character.
  • 225. Writing data to text files: We can write character data to the text files by using the following 2 methods. write(str) writelines(list of lines) Eg: f=open("abcd.txt",'w') f.write(“Pythonn") f.write(“Programmingn") f.write(“Languagen") print("Data written to the file successfully") f.close() abcd.txt: Python Programming Language
  • 226. • Note: In the above program, data present in the file will be overridden every time if we run the program. Instead of overriding if we want append operation then we should open the file as follows. f=open("abcd.txt",‘a') list=["sunnyn","bunnyn","vinnyn","chinny"] f.writelines(list) print("List of lines written to the file successfully") f.close() Note: while writing data by using write() methods, compulsory we have to provide line separator(n),otherwise total data should be written to a single line. abcd.txt: Python Programming Language sunny bunny vinny chinny
  • 227. • Standard Files: • There are generally three standard files that are made available to you when your program starts. • These are standard input (usually the keyboard), standard output (buffered output to the monitor or display),and standard error (unbuffered output to the screen). • These files are named stdin, stdout, and stderr and take their names from the C language.
  • 228. • Python makes these file handles available to you from the sys module. Once you import sys, you have access to these files as sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and sys.stderr. • The print statement normally outputs to sys.stdout while the raw_input() or input() built-in function receives its input from sys.stdin. • sys.* are files, you have to manage the line separation characters. • The print statement has the built-in feature of automatically adding one to the end of a string to output.
  • 229. • Command-Line Arguments: • The Argument which are passing at the time of execution are called Command Line Arguments. • The sys module also provides access to any command-line arguments via sys.argv • argv is not Array it is a List. It is available in sys Module. • Eg: D:Python_classes py 10 20 30 Command Line Arguments
  • 230. Note: • argv[0] represents name of Program. But not first Command Line Argument. • argv[1] represent First Command Line Argument. • len(argv) returns no of arguments passed, which is available in sys module. Program to check type of argv from sys: import argv print(type(argv)) Output: <class 'module'> <class 'module'>
  • 231. Program to display Command Line Arguments from sys import argv print(“The Number of Command Line Arguments:”, len(argv)) print(“The List of Command Line Arguments:”, argv) print(“Command Line Arguments one by one:”) for x in argv: print(x) Output: D:Python_classes>py 10 20 30 The Number of Command Line Arguments: 4 10 20 30 The List of Command Line Arguments: [‘’, ‘10’,’20’,’30’] Command Line Arguments one by one: 10 20 30
  • 232. Program to add all the Command Line Arguments and display sum: from sys import argv sum=0 args=argv[1:] for x in args : n=int(x) sum=sum+n print("The Sum:",sum) Output: D:Python_classes>py 10 20 30 40 The Sum: 100
  • 233. from sys import argv print(argv[1]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D:Python_classes>py Python Programming Python D:Python_classes>py 'Narendra Damodardas Modi' 'Narendra D:Python_classes>py "Article 35A" Article 35A
  • 234. • space is separator between command line arguments. If our command line argument itself contains space then we should enclose within double quotes(but not single quotes). • Based on our requirement, we can convert into corresponding type by using type casting methods. • Eg: from sys import argv print(argv[1]+argv[2]) print(int(argv[1])+int(argv[2])) Output: D:Python_classes>py 10 20 1020 30
  • 235. File System: • Access to file system occurs mostly through the Python os module. • The os module is actually a front-end real module that is loaded, a module that is clearly operating system dependent. • This"real" module may be one of the following: posix (Unix-based, i.e., Linux, MacOS X, *BSD, Solaris,etc.), nt (Win32), mac (old MacOS), dos (DOS), os2 (OS/2), etc.
  • 236. Working with Directories: • It is very common requirement to perform operations for directories like 1. To know current working directory 2. To create a new directory 3. To remove an existing directory 4. To rename a directory 5. To list contents of the directory Note: • To perform these operations, Python provides inbuilt module os, which contains several functions to perform directory related operations.
  • 237. To Know Current Working Directory: import os cwd=os.getcwd() print("Current Working Directory:",cwd) To create a sub directory in the current working directory: import os os.mkdir("mysub") print("mysub directory created in cwd") Output: Current Working Directory: C:UsersDellDesktop Output: Creates a sub directory called my sub mysub directory created in cwd
  • 238. To create a sub directory in mysub directory: cwd |-mysub |-mysub2 import os os.mkdir("mysub/mysub2") print("mysub2 created inside mysub") C:UsersDellDesktopmysubmysub2
  • 239. • To create multiple directories like sub1 in that sub2 in that sub3: import os os.makedirs("sub1/sub2/sub3") print("sub1 and in that sub2 and in that sub3 directories created") To remove a directory: import os os.rmdir("mysub/mysub2") print("mysub2 directory deleted")
  • 240. • To remove multiple directories in the path: import os os.removedirs("sub1/sub2/sub3") print("All 3 directories sub1,sub2 and sub3 removed") To rename a directory: import os os.rename("mysub","newdir") print("mysub directory renamed to newdir")
  • 241. • To know contents of directory: • os module provides listdir() to list out the contents of the specified directory. It won’t display the contents of sub directory. • Eg: import os print(os.listdir(".")) Output: D:Python_classes>py ['DLLs', 'Doc', 'include', 'Lib', 'libs', 'LICENSE.txt', 'NEWS.txt', 'python.exe', 'python3.dll', 'python37.dll', 'pythonw.exe', 'Scripts', 'tcl', 'Tools', 'vcruntime140.dll']
  • 242. • The above program display contents of current working directory but not contents of sub directories. • If we want the contents of a directory including sub directories, then we should go for walk() function.
  • 243. • To know contents of directory including sub directories: • We have to use walk() function [walk in the directory so that we can aware all contents of that directory]. • os.walk(path,topdown=True,onerror=None,followlinks=False) • It returns an Iterator object whose contents can be displayed by using for loop • path-->Directory path means cwd. • topdown =True --->Travel from top to bottom • onerror=None --->on error detected which function has to execute. • followlinks=True -->To visit directories pointed by symbolic links
  • 244. To display all contents of Current working directory including sub directories: import os for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk('.’): print("Current Directory Path:",dirpath) print("Directories:",dirnames) print("Files:",filenames) print() Output: Current Directory Path: . Directories: ['Custom Office Templates', 'My Music', 'My Pictures', 'My Videos'] Files: ['desktop.ini', ''] Current Directory Path: .Custom Office Templates Directories: [] Files: []
  • 245. • Note: To display contents of particular directory, we have to provide that directory name as argument to walk() function. • os.walk("directoryname") import os for file in os.walk("softwares"): print(file) print('finished') Output: ('softwares', ['data-integration', 'ibm rational rose', 'Oracle 10 G', 'Wamp Server', 'weka'], ['apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M9.exe', '', 'jdk-8u144- windows-x64.exe', 'mysql-5.5.46-win32.msi', 'mysql-connector- java-8.0.12.jar', 'netbeans-7.1-ml-javaee-windows.exe', 'npp.7.2.2.Installer.exe', 'putty.exe', 'python-3.7.2.exe', 'R-3.5.2- win.exe', 'staruml-5.0-with-cm.exe', 'turboc.exe', 'WampServer- 3.1.7-(32-bit).exe’]) finished
  • 246.
  • 247.
  • 248. • File Execution: (Using a script file) • Interpreter prompt is good to run the individual statements of the code. However, we can not write the code every-time on the terminal. • We need to write our code into a file which can be executed later. For this purpose, open an editor like notepad, create a file named (python used .py extension) and write the following code in it. • Print ("hello world"); #here, we have used print() function to print the mess age on the console. • To run this file named as, we need to run the following command on the terminal. • $ python3
  • 249. • Modules and Files • A module is a logical way to physically organize and distinguish related pieces of Python code into individual files. (Or) • A group of functions, variables and classes saved to a file, which is nothing but module. Every Python file (.py) acts as a module. • Once a module is created, you may import that module for use from another module using the import statement. To Import a Module: import module_name Ex: import sys import os
  • 250. Eg: x=888 def add(a,b): print("The Sum:",a+b) def product(a,b): print("The Product:",a*b) mathop module contains one variable and 2 functions. If we want to use members of module in our program then we should import that module.
  • 251. Access a Module Function or Module Variable: • Once imported, a module's attributes (functions and variables) can be accessed using the familiar dotted. Attribute notation: module.function() module.variable
  • 252. Ex : import mathop print(mathop.x) mathop.add(10,20) mathop.product(10,20) Note: • whenever we are using a module in our program, for that module compiled file will be generated and stored in the hard disk permanently. Output: 888 The Sum: 30 The Product: 200
  • 253. Renaming a module at the time of import (module aliasing): Syntax: import module_name as alias_name >>>import mathop as mo Here mathop is original module name and mo is alias name. We can access members by using alias name mo import mathop as mo print(mo.x) mo.add(10,20) mo.product(10,20) Output: 888 The Sum: 30 The Product: 200
  • 254. Second way of import from ... import: We can import particular members of module by using from ... import . The main advantage of this is we can access members directly without using module name. Syn: from module_name import module_members Eg: from mathop import x, add print(x) add(10,20)
  • 255. We can import all members of a module by using * Syn: from module_name import * from mathop import * print(x) add(10,20) product(10,20)
  • 256. Built-in modules: Working with math module: • Python provides inbuilt module math. • This module defines several functions which can be used for mathematical operations. • The main important functions are 1. sqrt(x) 2. ceil(x) 3. floor(x) 4. fabs(x) 5.log(x) 6. sin(x) 7. tan(x)
  • 257. Example: from math import * print(sqrt(4)) print(ceil(10.1)) print(floor(10.1)) print(fabs(-10.6)) print(fabs(10.6)) Output 2.0 11 10 10.6 10.6
  • 258. Working with random module: • This module defines several functions to generate random numbers. • We can use these functions while developing games,in cryptography and to generate random numbers on fly for authentication 1.random() function: • This function always generate some float value between 0 and 1 ( not inclusive) 0<x<1
  • 259. Example from random import * for i in range(10): print(random())
  • 261. 2.randint() function: To generate random integer beween two given numbers(inclusive)
  • 262. Example: from random import * for i in range(10): print(randint(1,100)) Output 51 44 39 70 49 74 52 10 40 8
  • 263. 3.choice() function: It wont return random number. It will return a random object from the given list or tuple. from random import * list=["Sunny","Bunny","Chinny","Vinny","pinny"] for i in range(10): print(choice(list))
  • 265. 2. Platform module: • Provides various details about the particular operating system in use. • It has a in built function called system which specifies the name of os. import platform x = platform.system() print(x) Output WINDOWS
  • 266. Importing Modules: • Various possibilities of import: 1. import modulename 2. import module1,module2,module3 3. import module1 as m 4. import module1 as m1,module2 as m2,module3 5. from module import member 6. from module import member1,member2,memebr3 7. from module import memeber1 as x 8. from module import *
  • 267. member aliasing: from mathop import x as y,add as sum print(y) sum(10,20) • Once we defined as alias name , we should use alias name only and we should not use original name. Eg: from mathop import x as y print(x)==>NameError: name 'x' is not defined
  • 268. • Reloading a Module: • By default module will be loaded only once even though we are importing multiple times. For example . print("This is from module1") import module1 import module1 import module1 import module1 print("This is test module") Output This is from module1 This is test module
  • 269. • Note: The problem in this approach is after loading a module if it is updated outside then updated version of module1 is not available to our program. • To solve this problem by reloading module explicitly i.e by using reload() function of imp module. from imp import reload • The main advantage of explicit module reloading is we can ensure that updated version is always available to our program.
  • 270. Example program for reloading module: import module1 import module1 from imp import reload reload(module1) reload(module1) reload(module1) print("This is test module") • In the above program module1 will be loaded 4 times in that 1 time by default and 3 times explicitly. Output this is from module 1: this is from module 1: this is from module 1: This is test module
  • 271. Packages: • It is an encapsulation mechanism to group related modules into a single unit. • Package is nothing but folder or directory which represents collection of Python modules. • Any folder or directory contains file, is considered as a Python package. This file can be empty. • A package can contain sub packages also. The file can contain the same Python code that any other module can contain, and Python will add some additional attributes to the module when it is imported.
  • 272.
  • 273. • The main advantages of package statement are: 1. We can resolve naming conflicts 2. We can identify our components uniquely 3. It improves modularity of the application • Eg 1: C:UsersDellDesktop> | file in the above path |-pack1------ folder name | | it is empty file. Files inside the pack1 folder as a part of package.
  • 274. def f1(): print("Hello this is from module1 present in pack1") import pack1.module1 pack1.module1.f1() Output: Hello this is from module1 present in pack1
  • 275. Second way of accessing : from pack1.module1 import f1 f1() Output: Hello this is from module1 present in pack1
  • 276. • Eg 2: • C:UsersDellDesktop> | |-com | | |-python | | empty file
  • 277. def f1(): print("Hello this is from module1 present in com") def f2(): print("Hello this is from module2 present in com.python")
  • 278. from com.module1 import f1 from com.python.module2 import f2 f1() f2() Output C:UsersDellDesktoppy Hello this is from module1 present in com Hello this is from module2 present in com.python
  • 281. • Diagram of library, packages, modules which contains functions, classes and variables.
  • 282. Exception Handling: In any programming language there are 2 types of errors are possible. 1. Syntax Errors 2. Runtime Errors 1.Syntax Errors: The errors which occurs because of invalid syntax are called syntax errors. Eg 1: x=10 if x==10 print("Hello") SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  • 283. Eg 2: print "Hello“ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print’ not valid in python 3.0. • “Programmer is responsible to correct these syntax errors”. Once all syntax errors are corrected then only program execution will be started. 2. Runtime Errors: (Also known as exceptions) • While executing the program if something goes wrong because of end user input or programming logic or memory problems etc., then we will get Runtime Errors.
  • 284. Eg:1 print(10/0) ==> ZeroDivisionError: division by zero print(10/"ten") ==> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'str’ Eg:2 x=int(input("Enter Number:")) print(x) Output: D:Python_classes>python Enter Number: ten ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ten’.
  • 285. Note: Exception Handling concept applicable for Runtime errors but not for syntax errors. Exception: • An unwanted and unexpected event that disturbs normal flow of program is called exception. Eg: ZeroDivisionError TypeError ValueError FileNotFoundError EOFError SleepingError TyrePuncturedError Stmt 1 Stmt 2 Stmt 3 Stmt 4  Exception or Run time error at line 4 Stmt 5 Stmt 6 Stmt 7 Stmt 8 Statements which are executed Statements which are not executed
  • 286. • It is highly recommended to handle exceptions. • The main objective of exception handling is Graceful Termination of the program. Exception Handling: • It does not mean repairing an exception. • Defining a alternative way to continue rest of the program normally.
  • 287. Default Exception Handing: • Every exception in Python is an object. For every exception type the corresponding classes are available. • Whenever an exception occurs PVM will create the corresponding exception object and will check for handling code. • If handling code is not available then Python interpreter terminates the program abnormally and prints corresponding exception information to the console. • The rest of the program won't be executed.
  • 288. • Eg: print("Hello") print(10/0) print("Hi") D:Python_classes>py Hello Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in <module> print(10/0) ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
  • 289. Exception Handling by using try-except: • It is highly recommended to handle exceptions. • The code which may raise exception is called risky code. • we have to take risky code inside try block. The corresponding handling code we have to take inside except block i.e., similar to catch block in java. try-except block: try: <Risky Code or error code> except XXX: //XXX exception <Handling code/Alternative Code>
  • 290. Exception without try-except block: print("Hi ") print(10/0) print("Hello") Exception with try-except block: print("Hi") try: print(10/0) except ZeroDivisionError: print(10/2) print("Hello") Output: Hi ZeroDivisionError: division by zero Abnormal termination/Non-Graceful Termination Output: Hi 5.0 Hello
  • 291. Ex 2: using try-except block: try: f = open("testfile", "w") f.write("This is my test file for exception handling!!") except IOError: print("Error: can't find file or read data") else: print("Written content in the file successfully") f.close()
  • 292. To know exception information: try: print(10/0) except ZeroDivisionError as msg: print("exception raised and its description is:",msg) Output: exception raised and its description is: division by zero • Here exception data is stored in a exception object i.e. msg. • In the next statement we are printing the exception object to print the exception details.
  • 293. try with multiple except blocks: try: stmt 1 stmt 2 ------- except Exception1: stmt 3 stmt 4 ---------- except Exception2: stmt 5 stmt 6 ---------- If try with multiple except blocks available then based on raised exception the corresponding except block will be executed.
  • 294. • Example program for try with multiple except blocks: try: x=int(input("Enter First Number: ")) y=int(input("Enter Second Number: ")) print(x/y) except ZeroDivisionError : print("Can't Divide with Zero") except ValueError: print("please provide int value only") D:Python_classes>prog Enter First Number: 10 Enter Second Number: 2 5.0 ----------------------------------------------------- D:Python_classes>prog Enter First Number: 10 Enter Second Number: 0 Can't Divide with Zero ----------------------------------------------------- D:Python_classes>prog Enter First Number: 10 Enter Second Number: ten please provide int value only
  • 295. Eg: 2 try: x=int(input("Enter First Number: ")) y=int(input("Enter Second Number: ")) print(x/y) except ArithmeticError : print("ArithmeticError") except ZeroDivisionError: print("ZeroDivisionError") D:Python_classes>prog Enter First Number: 10 Enter Second Number: 0 ??????????????????????
  • 296. • Note: If try with multiple except blocks available then the order of these except blocks is important . • Python interpreter will always consider from top to bottom until matched except block identified.
  • 297. Note: If try with multiple except blocks available then default except block should be last, otherwise we will get SyntaxError. Eg: try: print(10/0) except: print("Default Except") except ZeroDivisionError: print("ZeroDivisionError") SyntaxError: default 'except:' must be last
  • 298. • The following are various possible combinations of except blocks 1. except ZeroDivisionError: 2. except ZeroDivisionError as msg: 3. except (ZeroDivisionError,ValueError) : 4. except (ZeroDivisionError,ValueError) as msg: 5. except :
  • 299. finally block: • It is not recommended to maintain clean up code(Resource Deallocating Code or Resource Releasing code) inside try block because there is no guarantee for the execution of every statement inside try block always. 2. It is not recommended to maintain clean up code inside except block, because if there is no exception then except block won't be executed. 3.To maintain clean up code which should be executed always irrespective of whether exception raised or not raised and whether exception handled or not handled. Such type of best place is nothing but finally block.
  • 300. Syntax: try: Risky Code except: Handling Code finally: Cleanup code • The speciality of finally block is it will be executed always whether exception raised or not raised and whether exception handled or not handled.
  • 301. Case-1: If there is no exception try: print("try") except: print("except") finally: print("finally") Output try finally Case-2: If there is an exception raised but handled: try: print("try") print(10/0) except ZeroDivisionError: print("except") finally: print("finally") Output try except Finally
  • 302. Case-3: If there is an exception raised but not handled: try: print("try") print(10/0) except NameError: print("except") finally: print("finally") Output try finally ZeroDivisionError: division by zero(Abnormal Termination)
  • 303. Note: If try with multiple except blocks available then default except block should be last,otherwise we will get SyntaxError. Eg: try: print(10/0) except: print("Default Except") except ZeroDivisionError: print("ZeroDivisionError") SyntaxError: default 'except:' must be last