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                                                  CLEAR CREEK COMMUNITY COUNCIL PTAS
                                              SPACE CENTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PTA
                                                   SPACE CENTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PTA
                                              17400 17400 SATURN LANE, HOUSTON, TX 77058
                                                    SATURN LANE, HOUSTON, TX 77058

                                      SYNC UP WITH SPACE CENTER
                                                                                                    Volume 17 Issue 1
                                                                                                     September 2009

A Message from the PTA President
Greetings, Space Center Parents! Welcome to          volunteers for doing a great job getting the
the very first issue of the new “Sync Up with        school store ready and operational for the start
Space Center ” newsletter. This will be the only     of school. Also, a big ‘thank you’ to Sonja
paper copy mailed out of the newsletter to the       Johnson and Celita Woerner for providing our
parents of SCIS, starting in October the news-       amazing SCIS staff with a tasty back-to-school
letter is going electronic. The newsletter will      breakfast. T.Q. Bui also did a great job getting
now be a monthly publication that will be            the first issue of the newsletter together and out
e-mailed directly to all members of SCIS PTA. It     to print. LuAnn Turley and Robbie Kimbrough
will also be on our website:         have also done a great job kicking off our
We hope this will lead to a more timely distribu-    membership campaign. I would also like to
tion of news as well being green.                    thank all the volunteers who helped with new
I am so excited about the many activities and        student orientation and the 3 days of textbook
programs that PTA will be involved in at the         pick up.
school. The executive board is a great group of      Finally congratulations to all our students and
people dedicated to serving the students of          staff, Space Center Intermediate is the only
Space Center. We are so thrilled to have an          intermediate school in CCISD to earn the
amazing staff to work with headed by Mrs.            exemplary rating. This is the 2nd year in a row
Carpenter, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Rogers. Please          our students have achieved this. This is a credit      Every child, one voice
consider joining the PTA, your $8 dues truly         to the hard work of both our faculty and stu-
helps support the programs and activities that
we do on campus as well as the great work that
                                                     dents. It is something to be proud of.               Inside this issue:
the Texas and National PTAs do.                      Darlene Selmarten
I would like to thank Karen Dluzniewski,             SCIS PTA President
Jacqueline Carver and the other school store
                                                                                                          PTA President / Principal    1-2

                                                                                                          New Faculty and Staff        2
        A Message from the Principal                                                                      PTA Activities / News        3-6

                                                                                                          Booster Clubs                7-8
Welcome to Space Center Intermediate                 Newsletter will be e-mailed to you on a
                                                                                                          Cardinal Sports Page         9
School! Our 2009-2010 school year is                 regular basis.     Another way, for
destined to be an amazing year filled                everyone to stay informed about the                  Notes from Librarian         10
with astronomical success. We have                   happenings at SCIS is for you to follow              Faculty and Staff           11-13
many exciting opportunities for you to               us on @ SCISchool.                       Contact Information
become intricately involved as a partner                                                                  Other News                   14
during this educational journey. Parents             For those of you that are new this year,
                                                                                                          Deadlines, Dates,            15
and staff can stay “up-to-speed” with                you may not be aware of some of our                  Birthdays
what’s going on around SCIS, by simply               many campus strengths:
joining our incredible SCIS PTA. Our
PTA President, Darlene Selmarten, does               * Amazingly multi-talented students
an amazing job of uniting people to do               * Committed, as well as supportive,
great things for the overall benefit of our            parents and community partners
students (AKA our future). As SCIS                   * Compassionate, dedicated and student-
PTA Members, our electronic PTA                        centered staff

                                                    (Principal’s Message Continued on page 2)
Page 2                                                                  Sync Up With Space Center

               Accomplishing the Rating of Exemplary!
     Congratulations to Space Center Intermediate School staff, students,
     and parents! SCIS has earned the Texas Education Agency’s top rating
     of Exemplary for the 2009-2010 school year. The rating is based upon
     our students’ outstanding performance on the TAKS tests. Way to go

                (Principal’s Message Concluded)

              * Competitive and highly successful Fine This is certainly not an exhaustive list. It
                Arts Department                          is, however, what makes us love to jump
              * Creating/developing global connec-       out of bed in the morning to be a part of
                tions/relationships through the use of   this “something bigger” for a better
                cutting-edge technology                  world of the future.
              * Focus on maximizing the latest Web
                2.0 Tools for learning                   Sincerely,
              * TEA Academically Exemplary Campus        Susan Carpenter
              * Vivacious athletics program

                           Welcome New Teachers and Staff
      We are pleased to welcome the following new teachers and staff to SCIS:
*   Assistant Principal (8th & 6th; M-Z) - Tim Rogers      *   Math Specialist - Lisa Dillon
*   Band - Stanley Zavala                                  *   Science - Jenna Smith
*   Choir - Carolyn Barksdale                              *   Science Specialist - Jan Grout
*   Counselor (7th and 6th; A - L) - Tami Fuqua            *   Spanish - Vilma Laracuente
*   Custodian (day) - Clint Grossman                       *   Special Education - Diane Busch
*   ESL - Elizabeth Laurence                               *   Special Education Aid - Sherry Domokos
*   Math - Allison Hunter                                  *   Tech Ed & EMT - Bick Gibbs
*   Math - Jennifer Walter                                 *   Teen Leadership - Natasha Hargraves

          Would you like to have each new issue of the Sync Up With Space Center newsletter emailed
          to you when they are hot off the presses??? Just join the SCIS PTA and you will be added to a
          mass email list that will receive the newsletter via email. We hope this will lead to a more
          timely distribution of news as well as being green!
Page 3                                                             Sync Up With Space Center

      Mondays:              Lunches
      Tuesdays:             Lunches
      Wednesdays:           Lunches
      Thursdays:            Lunches
      Fridays:              Lunches

      Mornings: 8:20 - 9:00 am
      Lunches: 11:40 am - 1:00 pm

 Please check us out for your spiral notebooks and composition books. Your Cardinal School
 Store will try to have all the essentials you need throughout the school years including pencils,
 pens, rulers, protractors, or a variety of erasers, markers, map pencils, Kleenex, or notebook

 Science boards will be offered through the school store and information will be sent home through
 the science teachers.

 If you are interested in volunteering at the School Store, please contact Jacqueline Carver or
 Karen Dluzniewski (

                       Newsletter Article Submittal

  If you would like to submit an article for a future newsletter, please email
  the article to T.Q. Bui at Here are the tenta-
  tive deadlines:

                                     9/27 for October Issue
                                   10/25 for November Issue
                                    11/29 for December Issue
                                      1/3 for January Issue
                                     1/31 for February Issue
                                      2/28 for March Issue
                                       3/28 for April Issue
                                    4/25 for May/June Issue
Page 4                                                                  Sync Up With Space Center

                                     Academic Recognition
        SCIS PTA will continue its Academic Recognition program this year.
Plans are underway to again reward our students for their academic excellence.

       Last year over 700 students were recognized for their hard work with treats such as brownies and
cookies. Three iPods iTouches were given away in a drawing held for all students making straight A’s all

        Guidelines and dates for academic recognition days will be posted in the next issue of the   news-
letter. We hope to be able to offer similar rewards this year but we need your help!

        Please consider becoming a sponsor. Sponsors will be acknowledged in future newsletters and on a
sign during academic recognition days. For additional information on sponsorship, please contact Suzie
Wilson, Academic Recognition Chair, phone (281) 486-1511, email

        JOIN the 2009-2010 Space Center Intermediate School PTA!
 SCIS PTA hosts programs and activities that benefit our school, such as:
        * School Store
        * Academic Recognition
        * Socials and 8th Grade Dance
        * Programs for Students and Parents
        * Workroom and Science Lab help for Faculty
        * Teacher Appreciation
        * Marquee and Electronic School Newsletter “Sync Up With Space Center”

 So JOIN SCIS PTA TODAY and help ensure that these benefits continue this year. A form is
 available on the website ( to download and fill out. Volunteering
 is appreciated, but not mandatory. We always welcome your ideas and input. Please fill out the
 envelope your student has received in his/her first period class and return to school. Membership
 is $8 per person. The homeroom class in each grade with the highest participation will win a
 party, so invite everyone in the family to join--anyone over age 14 can join.
         * If you have more than one child at SCIS, list each child’s name, grade, and 4th period
            teacher, and each child will receive credit.
         * If you joined PTA at another school, it does not apply to Space Center PTA.

 For more information, please feel free to contact Membership Co-Chairs:
                Robbie Kimbrough                              LuAnn Turley
Page 5                                                           Sync Up With Space Center

                                         Save the Date
                                       For the Fall Social

                                     “Take Me Out to
                                     The Ball Game!”
                                      Friday, October 30th

                                          More Details
                                          Coming Soon!

        There will be many different types of volunteers needed for this event! If you are
        interested in helping, please contact Lisa O'Brien at
           Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Thank you for your support!

                          Cardinals Spirit Shirts
The PTA is selling girl's spirit shirts for $10.00. Support the Cardinals at school and at the
games. Shirts are also available for the moms to wear to all of the games and sporting
events, they are $12.00. Standard T-shirts are available in youth and adult sizes. Look for
them at September 8th Open House.

Any questions, please e-mail Rikie Bowker at

              “New” Spirit Shirt design                  Standard T-Shirt
Page 6                                                              Sync Up With Space Center

                Space Center Intermediate PTA Executive
                                          Elected Officers

         President                       Darlene Selmarten
         1st VP/Volunteers               Sheryl Williams
         2nd VP/Pgms. & Legis.           Kecia Held   
         Secretary                       Julie Lovelace
         Treasurer                       Carole Stecker

                                Appointed Officers and Committee Chairs

         Academic Recognition           Suzie Wilson 
         Arts in Education              Angela Schroeder
         Environmental                  Elizabeth Arceneaux
         Fundraising                    Rikie Bowker 
         Historian                      Theresa Gardner
         Hospitality                    Kim Scofield 
         Membership co-chair            Luann Turley 
         Membership co-chair            Robbie Kimbrough
         Monthly Calendar               Kesha Sobotik
         Newsletter Editor              T. Q. Bui    
         Parliamentarian                Donna Jacobs 
         Red Ribbon                     Justine Powell
         School Store Finance           Jacqueline Carver
         Sch. Store Volunteers          Karen Dluzniewski
         Science Lab                    Susan DeChellis
         Special Purchases              Tracy Bush   
         Student Socials co-chair*      Lisa O’Brien 
         Student Socials co-chair*      Renee Ditta
         Teacher Appreciation           Sonja Johnson
         Teacher Appreciation Asst. *   Celita Woerner
         Website                        Michelle Krueger
         8th Grade Dance                TBA          
Page 7                                                                        Sync Up With Space Center

                                      Orchestra Notes
           The Space Center Intermediate school            September 25th. Students will literally be rocking
  orchestra is one of the largest public school            out – in a rocking chair, that is. They will be
  orchestra programs in the state of Texas and             accepting pledges to support their efforts at
  includes approximately 200 string players. Many          rocking the night away. Students will bring their
  social events are planned as well as concerts and        own chairs to sit around in while the dollars roll in!
  competitions in order to help the students make                   On Tuesday, October 20th the orchestra
  lasting friendships and have fun as they develop a       will team up with the Theatre department for a
  life-long appreciation for music.                        magical night.      You won’t want to miss this
           The orchestra was hard at work before           entertaining spoof on our beloved Harry Potter
  school even began! Students dusted off their             presented by the SCIS orchestras and Theater
  bows and things got a little wet and wild at the         Arts. This will be a “Peter And The Wolf” style
  back to school check-up and rehearsal. Students          production with costumes, lights, actors, and
  brought super soakers and filled water balloons for      music. This time Harry will be much more than a
  an all out Water War! Some students even                 student of magic – he’s a student of music. Harry
  brought extra gallons of water to refill their super     will learn about the power of music, how to
  soakers and many buckets of water balloons.              develop his talent on his Stradivarius 2006 violin,
  What a great time we all had “rehearsing”!               and how to avoid the evil Voldemort who tries to
           Rehearsals and sectionals are now under-        break his strings and foil Harry’s performance
  way for the advanced students who are                    during the big contest.       Even our beginning
  auditioning for Region Orchestra. Our students           students will be able to wow you with their quick
  are already working hard on their music for the          progress in the musical world! Invite your friends
  audition on Saturday, October 24th. If the student       and neighbors for a night of spooky music and fun.
  passes the audition, he/she is invited to perform in     It will be event that everyone can enjoy! Young
  the All Region weekend on January 22-23. When            children can wear a costume and be treated with
  a student is accepted into the region orchestra it       candy while they enjoy the production. Volunteers
  is the highest honor that an individual student can      for costumes and stage decorations are needed.
  achieve during the school year. It says that this        Please call Mrs. Black immediately if you can help.
  student competed against 50 – 200 other                  Look for our orchestra students around town
  students and was chosen to be among the best.            sharing their gifts of music with the public. SCIS
  Please wish our advanced orchestra students the          students can be seen playing at weddings and
  best of luck with their preparation and                  other events in the area. Please check out the
  performances.                                            orchestra website for additional information
           We will be having our annual Rock-a-Thon
  to raise money for our         programs on Friday,

                                             Useful Websites
 Space Center Intermediate (SCIS):
 SCIS Athletics Calendar:
 Cafeteria Menu:
 CCISD Campus Map:
 CCISD Campus Directory:
 CCISD Communicator Newsletter:
Page 8                                                              Sync Up With Space Center

             Space Center Intermediate Boys Athletic Booster Club
   The Space Center Intermediate Boys Athletic        The Booster Club currently has a small group
   Booster Club is looking forward to another         of volunteers working to sell memberships and
   great year and we would love for you to join us.   sports spirit merchandise. We support every
   The Booster Club is three years old now and        boy’s sports team at Space Center. We have
   going strong to support the boys athletic          many opportunities for people to volunteer
   program at Space Center.                           selling concessions at home games (this is a
                                                      great way for 6t h grade parents to get involved)
   The purpose of the Booster Club is to support,     and banquet committees. To volunteer, email
   encourage and promote the boy’s athletic           Heather Blackmar at
   programs at SCIS for the benefit of the
   students, school and community. We provide         Membership fees are $25 for the school year
   positive     encouragement, promote school         and all proceeds go directly to the school’s Boys
   spirit and sponsor fundraising activities to       Athletic Coordinator to be used for additional
   provide financial support.                         sports equipment, supplies, improvements to
                                                      the school’s athletic facilities, etc. If you did not
   So far, the Booster club has raised funds that     get the chance to pick up a membership form,
   contributed to the purchase of new football        just email Heather and she will get one to you.
   helmets, hosted Fall and Spring sports
   banquets, purchased a new basketball scoring       I would like to take this opportunity to
   table and water coolers to keep the boys           encourage you to become a member of the
   hydrated during hot practices.                     Space Center Intermediate Boy Athletic Booster
                                                      Club and to get involved as a volunteer to make
   The Boys Athletic Booster Club Officers for the    this an outstanding year.
   2009-10 school year are:
                                                      Doug Kosmo
         Doug Kosmo, President                        President
         Heather Blackmar, Vice President             SCI Boys Athletic Booster Club
         Cindy Bishop, Treasurer
         Erin Kosmo, Secretary

                              National Junior Honor Society
     The Cardinal Chapter of National Junior Honor Society has already begun its year. Members
     assisted at new student orientation by giving incoming students tours of the school.
     Members also aided teachers and office staff on the Monday prior to the start of classes.

     Officers for the 2009-2010 school year are:
             President: Sydney Schroeder
             Vice President: Megan Scofield
             Secretary: Sydney Wilson
             Treasurer: Megan Rose

     We look forward to many other service projects to help the students and staff of
     SCIS this year.

     Elizabeth Selmarten
     NJHS Correspondent
Page 9                                                                      Sync Up With Space Center

                                      The Cardinal Sports Page

                    Space Center Football Schedule 2009
              7th Grade Football                                            8th Grade Football
    Sep 10           Scrimmage vs. League City                    Sep 9            Scrimmage vs. League City
    Sep 15           Westbrook (B -Home)                          Sep 16           Westbrook (Memorial Stad.)
    Sep 22           Clear Lake (A -Home)                         Sep 23           Clear Lake (A -Home)
    Sep 29           League City (B -Home)                        Sep 30           League City (Memorial Stad.)
    Oct 13           Seabrook (A -Home)                           Oct. 14          Seabrook (A -Home)
    Oct 20           Brookside (B-Home)                           Oct. 21          Brookside (B-Home)
    Oct 27           Clear Creek (A -Home)                        Oct 28           Clear Creek (A -Home)
    Nov 3            Victory Lakes (B-Home)                       Nov 4            Victory Lakes (B-Home)
    Nov 10           Creekside (A -Home)                          Nov 11           Creekside (A -Home)

    All games will be on Tuesdays and start at                    All games will be on Wednesdays and start at
    5:00pm.                                                       5:00pm.

                         Space Center Volleyball Schedule 2009

                  September 16, 2009        7th - Westbrook at Home            8th - SCIS at WIS

                                            7th - WIS at Home                  8th - SCIS at WIS
                  September 17

                  September 24              7th - SCIS at Clear Lake           8th - CLIS at SCIS

                  September 25 & 26         7B Tournament at Creekside

                  October 1                 7th - League City at Home          8th - SCIS at LCIS

                  October 2 & 3             7A Tournament at Victoria Lakes

                  October 15                7th - SCIS at Seabrook             8th - SIS at Home

                  October 22                7th - Brookside at Home            8th - SCIS at BIS

                  October 29                7th - SCIS at Clear Creek          8th - CCIS at Home

                  November 5                7th - Victoria Lakes at Home       8th - SCIS at VLIS

                  November 12               7th - SCIS at Creekside            8th - CIS at Home

                  November 14               8A Tournament at Clear Lake; 8B Tournament at Brookside

                               *   B team games start at 5:00 pm.
                               *   A team games will start immediately after B games
Page 10                                                            Sync Up With Space Center

                           Notes from the Librarian
   Library times: 8:15 a.m. - 4:15p.m.
   Checkout duration: 2 weeks
   Fine for overdue books: 5 cents a day per book

   Author Visit: On December 11, 2009, we will be hosting author Tim Tingle for our 7th graders
   through their Texas history classes. Mr. Tingle is the author of Walking the Choctaw Road,
   Crossing Bok Chitto, Spooky Texas Tales , and other books steeped in Texas Native American

   Databases: Did you know that your tax dollars pay for home access of database
   subscriptions? You and your child can access information from the same type of databases
   used on college campuses. In addition, you have home access to videostreaming of
   educational videos.

   To get to these databases, go to; in the box at the bottom labled “for
   Students”, go to Library Resources; once there, choose Intermediate level. You or you child
   can also get there through e4 Blackboard using the Library tab. There you will find the links to
   the following databases:

   Encyclopedia Britannica: Username: spacecenter Password: cardinals

   EBSCO: Numerous encyclopedias and reference sources. Username: scis
   Password: cardinals

   Facts on File: When you get to this site, click on the DATABASES tab, and then select
   subscription. The username will be ccisd and the password will be nasa. This database
   contains resources for history, science, geography, literature, health, career, and much more.
   The password changes every October 1st, so ask your child for the new one then.

   NetTrekker: Username scisstudent -- Password: spacecenter           This site is like a kid-safe
   search engine. Links to online sites are available.

   Discovery Streaming: Formerly called Unitedstreaming is MORE than just videos. There are
   articles, photos, clip art, and more at this site. The username is scisstudent (remember to use
   the two s’s in the middle of that username) and the password is scis.

   Gale: A collection of 17 databases including newspapers, magazines and reference books.
   You will need to choose our campus, and then the password is cardinals. provides original, in-studio movies of authors and illustrators and a
   wealth of multimedia resources on K-12 books that generate enthusiasm for books and
   reading. If it asks for a password, it is ClearCreek.

   Have fun exploring these sites. They are useful to both you and your children. If you have any
   questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 281-284-3315.

   Mary Kate O’Grady
   Space Center Intermediate School Librarian
Page 11                                                         Sync Up With Space Center

      Space Center Intermediate Faculty and Staff
          Susan Carpenter, Principal              
          Brad Hayes, Assistant Principal         
          Tim Rogers, Assistant Principal (8th & 6th M-Z)
          Tami Fuqua, Counselor (7th & 6th A - L) 
          Donna Johnson, Counselor (6th M-Z & 8th)
          Karen Nelson, Secretary to Principal    
          Nancy Grant, Secretary to Asst. Principals
          Karen Holiday, Attendance Clerk         
          Lydia Ramirez, Bookkeeper               
          Roxanne Casas, Data Specialist          
          Jerri Stepp, Nurse                      
          Linda Lugo, Special Ed Team Leader      
          Holly Demuynck, Technology Integration Spec.
          Lee Ann Yanda, Technology Liaison       
          Reyes Hernandez, Liaison Officer        
          Shanna Aranda, Receptionist             

          Mary Kate O’Grady                       

          Lynn Carpenter, Inclusion Aide          
          Sherry Domokos, Inclusion Aide          
          Phillip Hosey, AA Aide                  
          Patricia Izaguirre-Swift, AA Aide       
          Patricia McDowell, SD Aide              
          Sybil Oliver, Library Aide              
          Tessa Ross, AA Aide                     
          Regenia Stephens, Inclusion Aide        

          Anna Adcock, Content Mastery            
          Peggy Buse-Wolfe, Alternative Academics 
          Jeane Ann Cagle, Math Pull Outs         
          Stephanie DeForke, ESL LA               
          Elizabeth Laurence, ESL                 
          Paula Gallagher, Resources - Lang. Arts/SS
          Natasha Hargraves, Teen Leadership      
          Lisa Hendricks, Speech                  
          Lea Hiburn, Diagnostician               
          Giles Lamont, Social Development        
          Deb O’Hara, Resource - Lang. Arts       
          Sherry Rector, Resource - Math & Science
          Eileen Rohan, Dyslexia Reading          
          Rebecca Dahl, In School Suspension Aid  
          Diane Busch, Alternative Academics      
Page 12                                                       Sync Up With Space Center

Space Center Intermediate Faculty and Staff (continued)
          Carolyn Barksdale, Choir              
          Matt Barnhardt, Assistant Band Director
          Lisa Black, Orchestra                 
          Jeannie Brown, Skills for Living/Pers Fam Dev
          Bick Gibbs, Ind Tech/Tech Ed          
          Susan Hadley, Journalism              
          Jennifer Kidwell, Orchestra           
          Vilma Laracuente, Spanish/Cultural Spanish
          Donald McCandless, Band Director      
          Lisette McClung, Art                  
          Janice Pfeiffenberger, Career Connections
          Shalimar Rice, Target Reading         
          Jessica Richards, Theatre Arts        
          Kent Sullivan, Radio/TV I & Radio/TV II
          Christy Taylor, Target Math/Math Study Hall
          Stanley Zavala, Assistant Band Director

          Tom Chandler, Phys. Ed./Coach         
          Jennifer Ford, Phys. Ed./Coach        
          Scott Harjo, Phys. Ed./Coach          
          Jim Pellowski, Phys. Ed./Coach        
          Jennifer Stevenson, Phys. Ed./Coach   
          Marc Wondergem, Phys. Ed./Coach       

          SIXTH GRADE
          Kelly Dimmick, Math                   
          Diana Armitage, Language Arts         
          Lauren Berry, Language Arts           
          Allison Brand, Language Arts          
          Rhonda Dearmond, Language Arts        
          Crystal Delaney, Science              
          Julie Dittman, Language Arts          
          Callie Harmon, Science                
          Allison Hunter, Math                  
          Kathryn Vitek, Language Arts          
          Laura Pearce-Ozinga, Social Studies   
          Charlyn Porter-Williams, Social Studies
          Matt Rauch, Math                      
          Shalimar Rice, Language Arts          
          Anthony Williams, Social Studies      
          Amy Zapp, Science                     
Page 13                                           Sync Up With Space Center

Space Center Intermediate Faculty and Staff (continued)
          Diana Armitage, Language Arts
          Jennifer Walter, Math    
          Lanelle Broussard, Language Arts
          Susan Elder, Science     
          Kelly Francis, Language Arts
          Pam Grimes, Texas History
          Susan Hadley, Texas History
          Denise Hall, Language Arts
          Lisa Hicks, Language Arts
          Kirt Larsen, Science     
          Jennafer Smith, Science  
          Katherine Mays, Math     
          Sue Noggle, Language Arts
          Lori Otto, Math          
          Courtney Thomas Texas History

          EIGHTH GRADE
          Clay Barnett, U.S. History
          Brenda Bondy, Language Arts
          Linda Brack, Science     
          Julie Carnes, US History 
          Nancy Fiegel, Science    
          Nicholas Fishback, Math  
          Maxine Guidry, Math      
          Ralph Hixson, Science    
          Colleen. MacKenna, Language Arts
          Shannon Miller, Language Arts
          Sheila Schubert, Math    
          Vince Slatton, U.S. History
          Matthew Walz, Math       
Page 14                                                 Sync Up With Space Center

          Award Winning Cheerleaders Hold Cheerleading

      The award winning, NCA 5A Texas State Champion and NCA Big Apple
      Grand Champion, Cheerleaders from Clear Lake High School will hold
      their annual Cheerleading Clinic on Saturday, September 26th, 2009 at
      the high school's main gym. Students in grades K through eighth grade
      are invited to attend.
      Registration begins at 12:30p.m. The clinic will be held from 1:00 p.m.
      to 4:00 p.m. and will conclude with a Cheer Exhibition performance for
      families, along with a performance by the CLHS cheerleaders. Clinic
      participants will receive an invitation to appear with the cheerleaders in
      the high school's Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, September
      30th. The cost is $35 for pre-registration and $40 at the door.
      Visit or call Debbie Kloetzer at 281-236-7961 for
      more information.

                         Clear Lake High School’s
                             Fabulous Falcon

                              Proudly Present Their Annual
                                  Dance Clinic
                        Saturday, October 17th, 2009
                  Clear Lake High School Ninth Grade Center
                             9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

     Students aged 4 years through 9th Grade are invited to attend. No dance
     experience is required and all levels are welcome. The cost is $30 for pre-
     registration by October 2nd. The price includes dance instruction, t-shirt,
     ribbon and a mid-morning snack.
     Registration at the door is $35. Registration forms are available at the
     front office. For more information contact, Kathy Akins at 281-486-5729.
Nonprofit Org.
Clear Creek Community Council of PTAS
Space Center Intermediate School PTA                                         U.S. Postage Paid
17400 Saturn Lane, Houston, TX 77058                                           Permit #295
                                                                               Webster, TX
         Sync Up With Space Center
     is published monthly by SCIS PTA.

   2009— 2010 Editor: Tu-Quynh (T.Q.) Bui

    Future Newsletter Deadlines:                        Be sure to visit our SCI PTA website
                                                        Be sure to visit our SCI PTA website
           9/27 for October Issue                           for updates and information
                                                            for updates and information
         10/25 for November Issue                           throughout the school year!
         11/29 for December Issue
                                                             throughout the school year!
           1/3 for January Issue                        
          1/31 for February Issue
            2/28 for March Issue
             3/28 for April Issue
          4/25 for May/June Issue

    Please e-mail articles to T.Q. Bui at

                   Some Important Dates for the 2009-2010 School Year
9 Weeks Tests                                        Upcoming Events
1st Nine Weeks - October 19-23, All Subjects         September 14 Fundraiser $/Order Due
2nd Nine Weeks - January 11-15, All Subjects         October 13    Life touch School Picture Retakes
                                                     October 19-23 Red Ribbon Week
                                                     October 23    End of 1st Nine Weeks; Early Release
                                                     October 26-27 Student Holidays
                                                     October 28    Start of 2nd Nine Weeks

                      Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday go to…

  August:                            September:                        October:
  11 – Christy Taylor                 5 – Karen Nelson                  2 – Colleen MacKenna
  18 – Lucy Fogarty                  16 – Callie Harmon                11 – Kelly Dimmick
  20 – Matt Barnhart, Lauren Berry   19 – Phil Hosey                   12 – Allison Brand
  29 – Nancy Grant                   21 – Nicholas Fishback, Dung      13 – Susan Hadley
  31 – Brenda Bondy                       Huynh, Jennifer Stevenson,   16 – Crystal Delaney, Lea Hilburn
                                          Stanley Zavala               28 – Gary Harjo, Giles Lamont
                                     23 – Diane Armitage, Lanelle      31 – Lydia Ramirez
                                     26 – Matt Rauch
                                     29 – Linda Brack

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Pta Newsletter September 2009

  • 1. CLEAR CREEK COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF OF PTAS CLEAR CREEK COMMUNITY COUNCIL PTAS SPACE CENTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PTA SPACE CENTER INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL PTA 17400 17400 SATURN LANE, HOUSTON, TX 77058 SATURN LANE, HOUSTON, TX 77058 SYNC UP WITH SPACE CENTER Volume 17 Issue 1 September 2009 A Message from the PTA President Greetings, Space Center Parents! Welcome to volunteers for doing a great job getting the the very first issue of the new “Sync Up with school store ready and operational for the start Space Center ” newsletter. This will be the only of school. Also, a big ‘thank you’ to Sonja paper copy mailed out of the newsletter to the Johnson and Celita Woerner for providing our parents of SCIS, starting in October the news- amazing SCIS staff with a tasty back-to-school letter is going electronic. The newsletter will breakfast. T.Q. Bui also did a great job getting now be a monthly publication that will be the first issue of the newsletter together and out e-mailed directly to all members of SCIS PTA. It to print. LuAnn Turley and Robbie Kimbrough will also be on our website: have also done a great job kicking off our We hope this will lead to a more timely distribu- membership campaign. I would also like to tion of news as well being green. thank all the volunteers who helped with new I am so excited about the many activities and student orientation and the 3 days of textbook programs that PTA will be involved in at the pick up. school. The executive board is a great group of Finally congratulations to all our students and people dedicated to serving the students of staff, Space Center Intermediate is the only Space Center. We are so thrilled to have an intermediate school in CCISD to earn the amazing staff to work with headed by Mrs. exemplary rating. This is the 2nd year in a row Carpenter, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Rogers. Please our students have achieved this. This is a credit Every child, one voice consider joining the PTA, your $8 dues truly to the hard work of both our faculty and stu- helps support the programs and activities that we do on campus as well as the great work that dents. It is something to be proud of. Inside this issue: the Texas and National PTAs do. Darlene Selmarten I would like to thank Karen Dluzniewski, SCIS PTA President Jacqueline Carver and the other school store PTA President / Principal 1-2 New Faculty and Staff 2 A Message from the Principal PTA Activities / News 3-6 Booster Clubs 7-8 Welcome to Space Center Intermediate Newsletter will be e-mailed to you on a Cardinal Sports Page 9 School! Our 2009-2010 school year is regular basis. Another way, for destined to be an amazing year filled everyone to stay informed about the Notes from Librarian 10 with astronomical success. We have happenings at SCIS is for you to follow Faculty and Staff 11-13 many exciting opportunities for you to us on @ SCISchool. Contact Information become intricately involved as a partner Other News 14 during this educational journey. Parents For those of you that are new this year, Deadlines, Dates, 15 and staff can stay “up-to-speed” with you may not be aware of some of our Birthdays what’s going on around SCIS, by simply many campus strengths: joining our incredible SCIS PTA. Our PTA President, Darlene Selmarten, does * Amazingly multi-talented students an amazing job of uniting people to do * Committed, as well as supportive, great things for the overall benefit of our parents and community partners students (AKA our future). As SCIS * Compassionate, dedicated and student- PTA Members, our electronic PTA centered staff (Principal’s Message Continued on page 2)
  • 2. Page 2 Sync Up With Space Center Accomplishing the Rating of Exemplary! Congratulations to Space Center Intermediate School staff, students, and parents! SCIS has earned the Texas Education Agency’s top rating of Exemplary for the 2009-2010 school year. The rating is based upon our students’ outstanding performance on the TAKS tests. Way to go SCIS! (Principal’s Message Concluded) * Competitive and highly successful Fine This is certainly not an exhaustive list. It Arts Department is, however, what makes us love to jump * Creating/developing global connec- out of bed in the morning to be a part of tions/relationships through the use of this “something bigger” for a better cutting-edge technology world of the future. * Focus on maximizing the latest Web 2.0 Tools for learning Sincerely, * TEA Academically Exemplary Campus Susan Carpenter * Vivacious athletics program Welcome New Teachers and Staff We are pleased to welcome the following new teachers and staff to SCIS: * Assistant Principal (8th & 6th; M-Z) - Tim Rogers * Math Specialist - Lisa Dillon * Band - Stanley Zavala * Science - Jenna Smith * Choir - Carolyn Barksdale * Science Specialist - Jan Grout * Counselor (7th and 6th; A - L) - Tami Fuqua * Spanish - Vilma Laracuente * Custodian (day) - Clint Grossman * Special Education - Diane Busch * ESL - Elizabeth Laurence * Special Education Aid - Sherry Domokos * Math - Allison Hunter * Tech Ed & EMT - Bick Gibbs * Math - Jennifer Walter * Teen Leadership - Natasha Hargraves Would you like to have each new issue of the Sync Up With Space Center newsletter emailed to you when they are hot off the presses??? Just join the SCIS PTA and you will be added to a mass email list that will receive the newsletter via email. We hope this will lead to a more timely distribution of news as well as being green!
  • 3. Page 3 Sync Up With Space Center CARDINAL SCHOOL STORE HOURS: Mondays: Lunches Tuesdays: Lunches Wednesdays: Lunches Thursdays: Lunches Fridays: Lunches Mornings: 8:20 - 9:00 am Lunches: 11:40 am - 1:00 pm Please check us out for your spiral notebooks and composition books. Your Cardinal School Store will try to have all the essentials you need throughout the school years including pencils, pens, rulers, protractors, or a variety of erasers, markers, map pencils, Kleenex, or notebook paper. Science boards will be offered through the school store and information will be sent home through the science teachers. If you are interested in volunteering at the School Store, please contact Jacqueline Carver or Karen Dluzniewski ( Newsletter Article Submittal If you would like to submit an article for a future newsletter, please email the article to T.Q. Bui at Here are the tenta- tive deadlines: 9/27 for October Issue 10/25 for November Issue 11/29 for December Issue 1/3 for January Issue 1/31 for February Issue 2/28 for March Issue 3/28 for April Issue 4/25 for May/June Issue
  • 4. Page 4 Sync Up With Space Center Academic Recognition SCIS PTA will continue its Academic Recognition program this year. Plans are underway to again reward our students for their academic excellence. Last year over 700 students were recognized for their hard work with treats such as brownies and cookies. Three iPods iTouches were given away in a drawing held for all students making straight A’s all year!! Guidelines and dates for academic recognition days will be posted in the next issue of the news- letter. We hope to be able to offer similar rewards this year but we need your help! Please consider becoming a sponsor. Sponsors will be acknowledged in future newsletters and on a sign during academic recognition days. For additional information on sponsorship, please contact Suzie Wilson, Academic Recognition Chair, phone (281) 486-1511, email JOIN the 2009-2010 Space Center Intermediate School PTA! SCIS PTA hosts programs and activities that benefit our school, such as: * School Store * Academic Recognition * Socials and 8th Grade Dance * Programs for Students and Parents * Workroom and Science Lab help for Faculty * Teacher Appreciation * Marquee and Electronic School Newsletter “Sync Up With Space Center” So JOIN SCIS PTA TODAY and help ensure that these benefits continue this year. A form is available on the website ( to download and fill out. Volunteering is appreciated, but not mandatory. We always welcome your ideas and input. Please fill out the envelope your student has received in his/her first period class and return to school. Membership is $8 per person. The homeroom class in each grade with the highest participation will win a party, so invite everyone in the family to join--anyone over age 14 can join. * If you have more than one child at SCIS, list each child’s name, grade, and 4th period teacher, and each child will receive credit. * If you joined PTA at another school, it does not apply to Space Center PTA. For more information, please feel free to contact Membership Co-Chairs: Robbie Kimbrough LuAnn Turley
  • 5. Page 5 Sync Up With Space Center Save the Date For the Fall Social “Take Me Out to The Ball Game!” Friday, October 30th More Details Coming Soon! There will be many different types of volunteers needed for this event! If you are interested in helping, please contact Lisa O'Brien at Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Thank you for your support! Cardinals Spirit Shirts The PTA is selling girl's spirit shirts for $10.00. Support the Cardinals at school and at the games. Shirts are also available for the moms to wear to all of the games and sporting events, they are $12.00. Standard T-shirts are available in youth and adult sizes. Look for them at September 8th Open House. Any questions, please e-mail Rikie Bowker at “New” Spirit Shirt design Standard T-Shirt
  • 6. Page 6 Sync Up With Space Center Space Center Intermediate PTA Executive Elected Officers President Darlene Selmarten 1st VP/Volunteers Sheryl Williams 2nd VP/Pgms. & Legis. Kecia Held Secretary Julie Lovelace Treasurer Carole Stecker Appointed Officers and Committee Chairs Academic Recognition Suzie Wilson Arts in Education Angela Schroeder Environmental Elizabeth Arceneaux Fundraising Rikie Bowker Historian Theresa Gardner Hospitality Kim Scofield Membership co-chair Luann Turley Membership co-chair Robbie Kimbrough Monthly Calendar Kesha Sobotik Newsletter Editor T. Q. Bui Parliamentarian Donna Jacobs Red Ribbon Justine Powell School Store Finance Jacqueline Carver Sch. Store Volunteers Karen Dluzniewski Science Lab Susan DeChellis Special Purchases Tracy Bush Student Socials co-chair* Lisa O’Brien Student Socials co-chair* Renee Ditta Teacher Appreciation Sonja Johnson Teacher Appreciation Asst. * Celita Woerner Website Michelle Krueger 8th Grade Dance TBA
  • 7. Page 7 Sync Up With Space Center Orchestra Notes The Space Center Intermediate school September 25th. Students will literally be rocking orchestra is one of the largest public school out – in a rocking chair, that is. They will be orchestra programs in the state of Texas and accepting pledges to support their efforts at includes approximately 200 string players. Many rocking the night away. Students will bring their social events are planned as well as concerts and own chairs to sit around in while the dollars roll in! competitions in order to help the students make On Tuesday, October 20th the orchestra lasting friendships and have fun as they develop a will team up with the Theatre department for a life-long appreciation for music. magical night. You won’t want to miss this The orchestra was hard at work before entertaining spoof on our beloved Harry Potter school even began! Students dusted off their presented by the SCIS orchestras and Theater bows and things got a little wet and wild at the Arts. This will be a “Peter And The Wolf” style back to school check-up and rehearsal. Students production with costumes, lights, actors, and brought super soakers and filled water balloons for music. This time Harry will be much more than a an all out Water War! Some students even student of magic – he’s a student of music. Harry brought extra gallons of water to refill their super will learn about the power of music, how to soakers and many buckets of water balloons. develop his talent on his Stradivarius 2006 violin, What a great time we all had “rehearsing”! and how to avoid the evil Voldemort who tries to Rehearsals and sectionals are now under- break his strings and foil Harry’s performance way for the advanced students who are during the big contest. Even our beginning auditioning for Region Orchestra. Our students students will be able to wow you with their quick are already working hard on their music for the progress in the musical world! Invite your friends audition on Saturday, October 24th. If the student and neighbors for a night of spooky music and fun. passes the audition, he/she is invited to perform in It will be event that everyone can enjoy! Young the All Region weekend on January 22-23. When children can wear a costume and be treated with a student is accepted into the region orchestra it candy while they enjoy the production. Volunteers is the highest honor that an individual student can for costumes and stage decorations are needed. achieve during the school year. It says that this Please call Mrs. Black immediately if you can help. student competed against 50 – 200 other Look for our orchestra students around town students and was chosen to be among the best. sharing their gifts of music with the public. SCIS Please wish our advanced orchestra students the students can be seen playing at weddings and best of luck with their preparation and other events in the area. Please check out the performances. orchestra website for additional information We will be having our annual Rock-a-Thon to raise money for our programs on Friday, Useful Websites Space Center Intermediate (SCIS): SCIS Athletics Calendar: SCIS PTA: Cafeteria Menu: CCISD Campus Map: CCISD Campus Directory: CCISD Communicator Newsletter:
  • 8. Page 8 Sync Up With Space Center Space Center Intermediate Boys Athletic Booster Club The Space Center Intermediate Boys Athletic The Booster Club currently has a small group Booster Club is looking forward to another of volunteers working to sell memberships and great year and we would love for you to join us. sports spirit merchandise. We support every The Booster Club is three years old now and boy’s sports team at Space Center. We have going strong to support the boys athletic many opportunities for people to volunteer program at Space Center. selling concessions at home games (this is a great way for 6t h grade parents to get involved) The purpose of the Booster Club is to support, and banquet committees. To volunteer, email encourage and promote the boy’s athletic Heather Blackmar at programs at SCIS for the benefit of the students, school and community. We provide Membership fees are $25 for the school year positive encouragement, promote school and all proceeds go directly to the school’s Boys spirit and sponsor fundraising activities to Athletic Coordinator to be used for additional provide financial support. sports equipment, supplies, improvements to the school’s athletic facilities, etc. If you did not So far, the Booster club has raised funds that get the chance to pick up a membership form, contributed to the purchase of new football just email Heather and she will get one to you. helmets, hosted Fall and Spring sports banquets, purchased a new basketball scoring I would like to take this opportunity to table and water coolers to keep the boys encourage you to become a member of the hydrated during hot practices. Space Center Intermediate Boy Athletic Booster Club and to get involved as a volunteer to make The Boys Athletic Booster Club Officers for the this an outstanding year. 2009-10 school year are: Doug Kosmo Doug Kosmo, President President Heather Blackmar, Vice President SCI Boys Athletic Booster Club Cindy Bishop, Treasurer Erin Kosmo, Secretary National Junior Honor Society The Cardinal Chapter of National Junior Honor Society has already begun its year. Members assisted at new student orientation by giving incoming students tours of the school. Members also aided teachers and office staff on the Monday prior to the start of classes. Officers for the 2009-2010 school year are: President: Sydney Schroeder Vice President: Megan Scofield Secretary: Sydney Wilson Treasurer: Megan Rose We look forward to many other service projects to help the students and staff of SCIS this year. Elizabeth Selmarten NJHS Correspondent
  • 9. Page 9 Sync Up With Space Center The Cardinal Sports Page Space Center Football Schedule 2009 7th Grade Football 8th Grade Football Sep 10 Scrimmage vs. League City Sep 9 Scrimmage vs. League City Sep 15 Westbrook (B -Home) Sep 16 Westbrook (Memorial Stad.) Sep 22 Clear Lake (A -Home) Sep 23 Clear Lake (A -Home) Sep 29 League City (B -Home) Sep 30 League City (Memorial Stad.) Oct 13 Seabrook (A -Home) Oct. 14 Seabrook (A -Home) Oct 20 Brookside (B-Home) Oct. 21 Brookside (B-Home) Oct 27 Clear Creek (A -Home) Oct 28 Clear Creek (A -Home) Nov 3 Victory Lakes (B-Home) Nov 4 Victory Lakes (B-Home) Nov 10 Creekside (A -Home) Nov 11 Creekside (A -Home) All games will be on Tuesdays and start at All games will be on Wednesdays and start at 5:00pm. 5:00pm. Space Center Volleyball Schedule 2009 September 16, 2009 7th - Westbrook at Home 8th - SCIS at WIS 7th - WIS at Home 8th - SCIS at WIS September 17 September 24 7th - SCIS at Clear Lake 8th - CLIS at SCIS September 25 & 26 7B Tournament at Creekside October 1 7th - League City at Home 8th - SCIS at LCIS October 2 & 3 7A Tournament at Victoria Lakes October 15 7th - SCIS at Seabrook 8th - SIS at Home October 22 7th - Brookside at Home 8th - SCIS at BIS October 29 7th - SCIS at Clear Creek 8th - CCIS at Home November 5 7th - Victoria Lakes at Home 8th - SCIS at VLIS November 12 7th - SCIS at Creekside 8th - CIS at Home November 14 8A Tournament at Clear Lake; 8B Tournament at Brookside * B team games start at 5:00 pm. * A team games will start immediately after B games
  • 10. Page 10 Sync Up With Space Center Notes from the Librarian Library times: 8:15 a.m. - 4:15p.m. Checkout duration: 2 weeks Fine for overdue books: 5 cents a day per book Author Visit: On December 11, 2009, we will be hosting author Tim Tingle for our 7th graders through their Texas history classes. Mr. Tingle is the author of Walking the Choctaw Road, Crossing Bok Chitto, Spooky Texas Tales , and other books steeped in Texas Native American lore. Databases: Did you know that your tax dollars pay for home access of database subscriptions? You and your child can access information from the same type of databases used on college campuses. In addition, you have home access to videostreaming of educational videos. To get to these databases, go to; in the box at the bottom labled “for Students”, go to Library Resources; once there, choose Intermediate level. You or you child can also get there through e4 Blackboard using the Library tab. There you will find the links to the following databases: Encyclopedia Britannica: Username: spacecenter Password: cardinals EBSCO: Numerous encyclopedias and reference sources. Username: scis Password: cardinals Facts on File: When you get to this site, click on the DATABASES tab, and then select subscription. The username will be ccisd and the password will be nasa. This database contains resources for history, science, geography, literature, health, career, and much more. The password changes every October 1st, so ask your child for the new one then. NetTrekker: Username scisstudent -- Password: spacecenter This site is like a kid-safe search engine. Links to online sites are available. Discovery Streaming: Formerly called Unitedstreaming is MORE than just videos. There are articles, photos, clip art, and more at this site. The username is scisstudent (remember to use the two s’s in the middle of that username) and the password is scis. Gale: A collection of 17 databases including newspapers, magazines and reference books. You will need to choose our campus, and then the password is cardinals. provides original, in-studio movies of authors and illustrators and a wealth of multimedia resources on K-12 books that generate enthusiasm for books and reading. If it asks for a password, it is ClearCreek. Have fun exploring these sites. They are useful to both you and your children. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 281-284-3315. Mary Kate O’Grady Space Center Intermediate School Librarian
  • 11. Page 11 Sync Up With Space Center Space Center Intermediate Faculty and Staff OFFICE Susan Carpenter, Principal Brad Hayes, Assistant Principal Tim Rogers, Assistant Principal (8th & 6th M-Z) Tami Fuqua, Counselor (7th & 6th A - L) Donna Johnson, Counselor (6th M-Z & 8th) Karen Nelson, Secretary to Principal Nancy Grant, Secretary to Asst. Principals Karen Holiday, Attendance Clerk Lydia Ramirez, Bookkeeper Roxanne Casas, Data Specialist Jerri Stepp, Nurse Linda Lugo, Special Ed Team Leader Holly Demuynck, Technology Integration Spec. Lee Ann Yanda, Technology Liaison Reyes Hernandez, Liaison Officer Shanna Aranda, Receptionist LIBRARIAN Mary Kate O’Grady INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES Lynn Carpenter, Inclusion Aide Sherry Domokos, Inclusion Aide Phillip Hosey, AA Aide Patricia Izaguirre-Swift, AA Aide Patricia McDowell, SD Aide Sybil Oliver, Library Aide Tessa Ross, AA Aide Regenia Stephens, Inclusion Aide SPECIAL PROGRAMS Anna Adcock, Content Mastery Peggy Buse-Wolfe, Alternative Academics Jeane Ann Cagle, Math Pull Outs Stephanie DeForke, ESL LA Elizabeth Laurence, ESL Paula Gallagher, Resources - Lang. Arts/SS Natasha Hargraves, Teen Leadership Lisa Hendricks, Speech Lea Hiburn, Diagnostician Giles Lamont, Social Development Deb O’Hara, Resource - Lang. Arts Sherry Rector, Resource - Math & Science Eileen Rohan, Dyslexia Reading Rebecca Dahl, In School Suspension Aid Diane Busch, Alternative Academics
  • 12. Page 12 Sync Up With Space Center Space Center Intermediate Faculty and Staff (continued) ELECTIVES Carolyn Barksdale, Choir Matt Barnhardt, Assistant Band Director Lisa Black, Orchestra Jeannie Brown, Skills for Living/Pers Fam Dev Bick Gibbs, Ind Tech/Tech Ed Susan Hadley, Journalism Jennifer Kidwell, Orchestra Vilma Laracuente, Spanish/Cultural Spanish Donald McCandless, Band Director Lisette McClung, Art Janice Pfeiffenberger, Career Connections Shalimar Rice, Target Reading Jessica Richards, Theatre Arts Kent Sullivan, Radio/TV I & Radio/TV II Christy Taylor, Target Math/Math Study Hall Stanley Zavala, Assistant Band Director PHYSICAL EDUCATION Tom Chandler, Phys. Ed./Coach Jennifer Ford, Phys. Ed./Coach Scott Harjo, Phys. Ed./Coach Jim Pellowski, Phys. Ed./Coach Jennifer Stevenson, Phys. Ed./Coach Marc Wondergem, Phys. Ed./Coach SIXTH GRADE Kelly Dimmick, Math Diana Armitage, Language Arts Lauren Berry, Language Arts Allison Brand, Language Arts Rhonda Dearmond, Language Arts Crystal Delaney, Science Julie Dittman, Language Arts Callie Harmon, Science Allison Hunter, Math Kathryn Vitek, Language Arts Laura Pearce-Ozinga, Social Studies Charlyn Porter-Williams, Social Studies Matt Rauch, Math Shalimar Rice, Language Arts Anthony Williams, Social Studies Amy Zapp, Science
  • 13. Page 13 Sync Up With Space Center Space Center Intermediate Faculty and Staff (continued) SEVENTH GRADE Diana Armitage, Language Arts Jennifer Walter, Math Lanelle Broussard, Language Arts Susan Elder, Science Kelly Francis, Language Arts Pam Grimes, Texas History Susan Hadley, Texas History Denise Hall, Language Arts Lisa Hicks, Language Arts Kirt Larsen, Science Jennafer Smith, Science Katherine Mays, Math Sue Noggle, Language Arts Lori Otto, Math Courtney Thomas Texas History EIGHTH GRADE Clay Barnett, U.S. History Brenda Bondy, Language Arts Linda Brack, Science Julie Carnes, US History Nancy Fiegel, Science Nicholas Fishback, Math Maxine Guidry, Math Ralph Hixson, Science Colleen. MacKenna, Language Arts Shannon Miller, Language Arts Sheila Schubert, Math Vince Slatton, U.S. History Matthew Walz, Math
  • 14. Page 14 Sync Up With Space Center Award Winning Cheerleaders Hold Cheerleading The award winning, NCA 5A Texas State Champion and NCA Big Apple Grand Champion, Cheerleaders from Clear Lake High School will hold their annual Cheerleading Clinic on Saturday, September 26th, 2009 at the high school's main gym. Students in grades K through eighth grade are invited to attend. Registration begins at 12:30p.m. The clinic will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will conclude with a Cheer Exhibition performance for families, along with a performance by the CLHS cheerleaders. Clinic participants will receive an invitation to appear with the cheerleaders in the high school's Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, September 30th. The cost is $35 for pre-registration and $40 at the door. Visit or call Debbie Kloetzer at 281-236-7961 for more information. Clear Lake High School’s Fabulous Falcon Flairs Proudly Present Their Annual Dance Clinic Saturday, October 17th, 2009 Clear Lake High School Ninth Grade Center 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Students aged 4 years through 9th Grade are invited to attend. No dance experience is required and all levels are welcome. The cost is $30 for pre- registration by October 2nd. The price includes dance instruction, t-shirt, ribbon and a mid-morning snack. Registration at the door is $35. Registration forms are available at the front office. For more information contact, Kathy Akins at 281-486-5729.
  • 15. Nonprofit Org. Clear Creek Community Council of PTAS Space Center Intermediate School PTA U.S. Postage Paid 17400 Saturn Lane, Houston, TX 77058 Permit #295 Webster, TX Sync Up With Space Center is published monthly by SCIS PTA. 2009— 2010 Editor: Tu-Quynh (T.Q.) Bui Future Newsletter Deadlines: Be sure to visit our SCI PTA website Be sure to visit our SCI PTA website 9/27 for October Issue for updates and information for updates and information 10/25 for November Issue throughout the school year! 11/29 for December Issue throughout the school year! 1/3 for January Issue 1/31 for February Issue 2/28 for March Issue 3/28 for April Issue 4/25 for May/June Issue Please e-mail articles to T.Q. Bui at Some Important Dates for the 2009-2010 School Year 9 Weeks Tests Upcoming Events 1st Nine Weeks - October 19-23, All Subjects September 14 Fundraiser $/Order Due 2nd Nine Weeks - January 11-15, All Subjects October 13 Life touch School Picture Retakes October 19-23 Red Ribbon Week October 23 End of 1st Nine Weeks; Early Release October 26-27 Student Holidays October 28 Start of 2nd Nine Weeks Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday go to… August: September: October: 11 – Christy Taylor 5 – Karen Nelson 2 – Colleen MacKenna 18 – Lucy Fogarty 16 – Callie Harmon 11 – Kelly Dimmick 20 – Matt Barnhart, Lauren Berry 19 – Phil Hosey 12 – Allison Brand 29 – Nancy Grant 21 – Nicholas Fishback, Dung 13 – Susan Hadley 31 – Brenda Bondy Huynh, Jennifer Stevenson, 16 – Crystal Delaney, Lea Hilburn Stanley Zavala 28 – Gary Harjo, Giles Lamont 23 – Diane Armitage, Lanelle 31 – Lydia Ramirez Broussard 26 – Matt Rauch 29 – Linda Brack