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A collaborative
document to follow
how brands behave
during the crisis.
Another deck
on Coronavirus?
Not just another one. The objective with this document is to build a collaborative
live resource that is always up to date and evolves along with the situation. Our
goal is both to inspire with examples and help make decisions from our analysis,
sharing learnings that help us all navigate the uncertain of a context so difficult
to anticipate.
Behaviours are changing,
and it’s key to be adaptive.
Traditional marketing rules are just not enough in the context we live in. We must
be empathetic with a consumer that has seen their lifestyle changing completely all
of a sudden. We all now face an uncertain scenario, with a huge emotional load that
has reframed our priorities, needs, and way of consuming. We must embrace an agile
strategic mindset to adapt to these changes and be able to add value.
It’s time to be strategic,
even in the short term.
The urgency of this crisis shouldn’t push us to act tactically, or even paralyze
us, thinking only in the short term. Because the choices we make today, will have a
great impact in how society sees our companies in the future. That’s why it’s more
important than ever to think strategically, even in the short term. We must also
think about our plan for when the situation evolves and we enter the next phase,
and how will this change us.
This is a global crisis,
not a communication brief.
Society needs now more than ever companies that are up to the challenge. Companies
willing to change their priorities in an adverse business context, putting people
first. This is not about finding an opportunity in crisis, but changing our mindset
to “what can I do, with my business and my products to help the ones affected by
this situation”. It’s time to be generous in order to be generous and give back, if
we want to have a place in society tomorrow.
From which
angles are
and Fake News.
and Safety.
Life in
Helping to
moderate impact.
Towards the
New Normal.
One of the most defining characteristics
and never seen before components of this
crisis is the overexposure we have to
information. In an emergency like this,
avoiding fake information and being
correctly informed is key to avoid rumors
and know the measures we need to take to
stop the virus spread. That’s why some
brands are amplifying these messages and
official recommendations, as well as
fighting against fake news directly.
1. Information
and Fake News.
Lanza una plataforma para frenar el
colapso de emergencias.
#aplanalacurva es una iniciativa colaborativa para
responder ante el colapso de centros de salud y
teléfonos de emergencias. La plataforma
proporciona información, prácticas y medidas
contrastadas provenientes de fuentes oficiales,
utilizando la tecnología para dar respuestas a las
distintas consultas a través de inteligencia
Aunque parezca contradictorio en una situación de
aislamiento, proliferan los proyectos
colaborativos. Una situación en la que de forma
natural da un paso al frente la revolución de los
sistemas de voz.
Several companies develop an app to free
the emergency system’s contact lines.
What’s happening
The Community of Madrid announced the launch of an
app to relieve the pressure from the health
services saturated contact channels. To develop it
in record breaking time, several companies of
different areas collaborated, such as Telefonica,
Google, Carto or Mendesaltaren. With this app
users can autoevaluate their symptoms, receive
recommendations, or even be redirected to the
sanitary system when needed.
What can we learn
Access to quality official information is vital to
stop the spread of the virus. Collaboration between
companies appears as the most efficient new
standard to react in a fast and agile way in order
to support emergency services.
Blocks hashtag #coronavirus to redirect
to official information sources
What’s happening
If we try to search for “coronavirus” in
Instagram, this is the message we will find
redirecting us to the Ministry of Health website.
An exercise of responsibility to stop the spread
of fake information or social alarm messages.
What can we learn
Simple gestures such as helping contain misleading
information are more useful than ever in the fight
against the virus, and companies that channel and
handle this messages should act responsibly.
Blocks search for AR filters related
with Coronavirus.
What’s happening
Since the expansion of the illness started,
Instagram has fought against misinformation and
alarm spreading messages. Now, it also blocked the
access to AR filters that used coronavirus as a
theme in order to be respectful with the infected
and stop banalization.
What can we learn
It’s key to make people understand that the
situation in serious, and not something to joke
about when people are dying. It’s not that every
filter is dangerous, but given the situation,
it’s better to act early and avoid a further
reputational crisis.
Unite to fight against Coronavirus
related fake news.
What’s happening
The White House asked tech giants to help fight
misinformation about the virus, help with the
transition to work from home and remote education.
In order to fight fake news, several platforms
have developed collaborative measures such as
redirecting to official sources, or eliminating
coronavirus related apps from their marketplaces.
What can we learn
Beyond simple gestures, the context requires a
deep commitment from the new channels where people
access information to ensure that this information
is credible, truthful and official.
Informa en sus pantallas de los
pacientes curados en tiempo real
Super 8 anunciaba que mostraría la información en
directo de los casos de pacientes recuperados de
coronavirus en España (aunque la imagen es un
mockup). Además, afirmaban compartir información
sobre las recomendaciones sanitarias para evitar
contagios y protegerse de la enfermedad. A pesar
de la prohibición de salir a la calle, el
pensamiento da muestras de la necesidad social de
información positiva frente a la saturación de
malas noticias.
La crisis tiene un componente emocional muy
marcado, y más con la situación de aislamiento.
Estar también expuestos a información positiva es
clave para ayudar a soportar y superar la
and safety.
Educating in health safety measures and
habits to avoid the spread of the disease,
is also one of the priority areas where
some brands are acting. Be it from an
information point of view, by using their
communications to raise awareness, or even
putting in place measures and actions to
protect both their consumers and
employees, event the most functional
actions are useful in the phase we are
currently in.
Lets their customers wash their hands
in all of their shops.
What’s happening
At the beginning of the crisis, Lush announced
that they would let anyone wash their hands in
their shops in a gesture to help stop the virus
from spreading. Posters in the shop also showed
the correct way to wash your hand in order to
clean them effectively.
What can we learn
Sometimes even small gestures are more effective
than big positioning campaigns. At least, in a pre
confinement scenario. But this kind of actions are
something to take into account for when state of
alarm and confinement ends.
Uses machine learning to prevent
people from touching their face.
What’s happening
This collaborative web tool has been developed
using a learning algorithm that’s able to detect
the image of a person and their movements,
notifying them if it detects that the person in
front of the camera is going to touch its face.
What can we learn
We can create useful simple solutions that help us
develop new habits or stop old ones. Technology
can become a powerful tool to do so, even without
implying complex developments.
Decides to cancel it’s UK campaign
It’s … good because of the context.
What’s happening
KFC cancelled the new campaign that was airing in
the UK focusing in the tagline and habit of
licking your fingers. They decided to do so
anticipating the possible reactions, and given the
need of keeping strict safety and hygiene habits.
What can we learn
Several brands are having to reconsider, and even
stop their running campaigns given the current
context of health measures, social distancing and
confinement. In this cases it’s better to be
cautious and reframe communication in the current
Helps detect the probability to have
been exposed to the virus.
What’s happening
In China, different health and technology
companies united to develop an app that through a
QR code and telephone number, accesses data from
government agencies to determine if the user has
been in contact with infected patients.
What can we learn
The health crisis is bringing in a debate
regarding the need to choose between health and
privacy. More and more governments are considering
to access private information from citizens, in
order to keep them safe. Is it really something we
have to choose from?
Helps the chinese community fight
against prejudice.
What’s happening
Canadian Chinese National Social Justice council
(CCNSJ), based in Toronto, created a campaign to
address ratial discrimination to the chinese
community regarding covid-19. They distributed
disinfectant gel with the message "Stop the Spread
of Racism" and included information about the
virus and racist behaviour.
What can we learn
In an extreme health situation, we have seen
antisocial racist behaviour arise. This is now a
global crisis, but we need to address the social
and cultural component, fighting prejudice and
racist behaviours, which are not caused by the
3. Life in
Isolation and confinement are some of the
most life disruptive components of the
crisis. We’ve had to change our way to
live and work completely. Confinement does
not only raise problems about supply, but
major shifts in emotional, entertainment
and consumption habits and needs. This
opens new situations that companies and
brands need to address, adapting their
products and services to a new temporary
way of living for everyone.
Helps to address “panic shopping”
What’s happening
A group of volunteer engineers and developers has
created Shortage Tracker: a collaborative online
map to help fight impulsive buying induce by fear.
This open source tool tracks product supply info
from Hong Kong’s shops, updating regularly the
information on product availability and price.
What can we learn
A new reality comes with new product and service
needs, in which collaborative development and
management becomes a new normal.
Several companies reduce or
eliminate delivery fees.
What’s happening
After the Government announced the order to close
bars and restaurants, different delivery platforms
have made their service free and also activated
zero contact delivery protocols. This service
could help local restaurant keep some income, and
also help people with difficulties to cook, but
also some people criticise these measures.
What can we learn
The opinion on this measures and the act of
ordering delivery is divided. Uber Eats or
Deliveroo say they do this to support local
restaurants and communicate safety measures for
their riders. JustEat also announced that it would
offer 600.000€ to help their restaurant associates.
Make their remote work tools
What’s happening
Facing the lack of preparation to work from home
for lots of companies, both Microsoft and Google
are offering their remote working tools and
platforms free of charge for the duration of the
crisis. This would help companies transition to
the new model, along the video tutorials and
support to get this new system going.
What can we learn
The forced transition to a new way to work and
live meets the need for new tools to do it. These
two companies decide not to benefit from the
crisis, and lend a hand to make the new model
easier for everyone.
Offers free technical assistance to
employees working from home.
What’s happening
From the last 13th march, the company is running a
free technical assistance service, available for
any worker forced to work from home. An initiative
that helps mitigate the impact in people that were
not prepared to work remotely, and need to
transition even if they don’t have the computer
skills to do so.
What can we learn
Being able to identify and act fast to resolve the
potential problems of our new contextual way of
life is a great opportunity for brands from
different backgrounds to add value in a supportive
and non opportunistic way, that will be likely to
come around positively.
Upgrades customers data plans and
offers free entertainment for everyone.
What’s happening
Telefónica upgraded it’s clients data plans for
free, and opened its entertainment platform
Movistar+ Lite for everyone during confinement,
adding even more content for children. Other
companies have reacted in a similar way, upgrading
data plans and offering free entertainment
What can we learn
Brands that are not taking advantage of the
situation, but rather are offering most needed
services free of charge will be remembered as the
ones who helped and didn’t try to benefit directly
from the crisis.
Offer free access to all their
What’s happening
Both companies decided to offer their april
publications digital access for free and in
advance, without even asking to register or sign
up. And also to support the sector they guarantee
kiosk owners, at least the same income for selling
their magazines than the previous month.
What can we learn
Offering free entertainment shouldn’t mean to harm
the rest of the elements on your distribution
chain. In this case, both their partners and
consumers get value from the editorials.
Opens “confinement stories”
What’s happening
Blackie Books opened its first “confinement
stories” call for content, to keep people
connected and entertained. Participants need to
send stories that happen entirely outside, and
Blackie Books will share them in their social
media for free.
What can we learn
There comes a time when talking and writing about
confinement is not new or positive anymore. With
this initiative, Blackie Books looks to help
people evade and not be overexposed to isolation
Music festivals without going out.
What’s happening
These two independent festivals which streamed
from Instagram and Youtube respectively, began as
self-managed initiatives from over one hundred
artists that joined selflessly with the only goal
of entertaining people locked in their homes. this
way they joined other similar initiatives riven by
bookshops and museums.
What can we learn
Typical live entertainment offerings adapt to the
new consumption and lockdown habits. Nevertheless,
just the first days of confinement have seen an
enormous amount of content. Maybe we should spread
the initiatives in time, given the possibility of
a prolonged quarantine.
Offers virtual museum tours through
Instagram TV
What’s happening
After being forced to close their doors, lots of
museums are offering virtual tours to their
collections for free. In the case of Museo del
Prado, they share live tours from Instagram TV,
that they later archive as a permanent collection
of video tours that can be consulted anytime.
What can we learn
Channels such as Instagram TV are gaining
popularity in this lockdown context, that has
everyone looking after new windows to access
entertainment, information and culture.
Shares live training sessions with the
team via Twitch.
What’s happening
Leganés football club, with his physical trainer
Pol Lorente, is opening it’s home training
sessions to all their followers through
This also lets the fans interact both with the
coach and some of the players of the first team of
the club.
What can we learn
Adapting and opening their own former private
resources (such as team training sessions in this
case) lets brands and companies add value without
additional costs, as well as being perceived as
more close and human by society.
4. Repurposing
resources. The health and social crisis we are living
has made companies reevaluate their
resources, products, services, and talent,
to reconfigure them in order to make the
most helpful and positive impact possible.
This way, they have repurposed their
production lines and factories, put their
assets at the service of the Government
and emergency services, or even created
new collaborative platforms in order to
bring in other companies to combine
efforts to make a positive impact and help
the society they live in.
Several hotel brands put their hotels
to work for the medical services.
What’s happening
Shortly after the Government announce their
intention to turn hotels into medical facilities,
Several hotel chain owners such as Kike Sarasola
(Room Mate) or Abel Matutes (Ayre Group) made some
of their hotel buildings available for the task.
Today, more than 40 hotels from different brands
are already repurposed for this emergency.
What can we learn
Hotel business owners were some of the first to
answer the call for solidarity between business.
Now several other industries have taken example
and repurposed their assets to help solve the
health crisis.
Uses their factories to produce
hydroalcoholic gel.
What’s happening
LVMH group prepared their perfume production
facilities from their different brands to produce
hand sanitizer gels. The product will be made
available to the french authorities via the
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux, one of Europe’s
biggest hospital complexes
What can we learn
One of the first examples of repurposing resources
at an industrial level, shifting production and
facing the productivity loss related to the shifts
in consumption habits.
Makes its production lines available to
produce hydroalcoholic hand sanitizers.
What’s happening
The multinational french brand made available to
the authorities its human, technical, and
productive capacities to produce hand sanitizers
in their production lines in Spain in order to
fight the shortage of a product so important to
help stop the spread of Coronavirus.
What can we learn
Pernod adopted the same measure as LVMH, as
several brands and companies did later. A sign
that these are not the times to look for
differentiation, but rather add efforts and
collaborate to help mitigate the crisis.
Use 3d printing to help fight the shortage
of mechanical ventilators.
What’s happening
An hospital from Brescia (Lombardia) warned that
they were running short of spare parts for their
mechanical ventilators needed to treat the most
severe coronavirus patients. The help came from
local engineers, that used their 3d printers and
skills to build the replacement parts needed to
keep the machines running in a record breaking
What can we learn
Local networking and alternative thinking is
helping to act fast and adapt to the emerging
needs of the sanitary crisis.
Renault factory employees help build
products to fight coronavirus.
What’s happening
More than 50 Renault factory employees and
engineers used their creativity and ingenuity to
help society and health services through their
initiative “Renault to the rescue” collaborating
with other engineers, designers and makers to
build most needed supplies to protect health
workers for hospitals and retirement homes.
What can we learn
Companies shouldn’t think just about production
capabilities, but also their talent as one of the
most useful resources they can put to work to help
society in this context.
Restaurants collaborate to bring food to
health service workers.
What’s happening
Grosso Napoletano, a pizza parlor chain started a
movement to bring food to hospital workers in an
act of emotional support. Soon other such as
Goiko, Honest Greens, Tasty Poke, Empanadas Malvon
or Manolo Bakes joined; as also did riders, and
even Correos to help get the food delivered. They
contact directly with the health workers via
whatsapp, and deliver the food outside the
What can we learn
This is not just about giant productive
transformations, but thinking what can you do to
help in this fight, and also being open to bring
others along to make your impact as big as
Makes their vehicles available
for the public service.
What’s happening
From the start of the crisis, mobility services
have opened different ways to collaborate in the
emergency, such as free rides for health workers
from Uber, Cabify and Freenow, and also making
their vehicles available for the government to be
used for any need related with the context.
What can we learn
Beyond discounts, mobility services are rethinking
the role of their assets to deliver medicines,
help volunteer health workers, or patients.
What’s happening
Different car brands are also making their
corporate fleets and carsharing services available
to hospitals for personal and medicine transport.
The initiative was born from Taxi and VTC sector,
but soon the automakers joined, as their fleets
were inactive and available.
What can we learn
More and more we are seeing competitors
collaborate and joining shared platforms. In this
times, collaboration is more important than
protagonism and differentiation, and sometimes
it’s the best way to add as much value as
possible, creating movements more powerful thn
5. Helping to
moderate impact.
The health emergency doesn’t come alone,
and we are starting to see the economic,
employment and social consequences that
the pandemic brings along. It’s here where
companies can now step up to protect the
most vulnerable to the side effects of
this situation, mitigating the impact as
much as possible in the short term, and
working already in the way to recovery for
both society and companies.
Offers loans for companies most
affected by the crisis.
What’s happening
The Chinese ecommerce giant announced that though
it’s financial tech associated company Ant
Financial, they would offer 2.86 billions in loans
for the regions hit harder by the epidemic. they
will offer year long loans interest free for the
first three months, and with discounted rates for
the rest of the duration.
What can we learn
Beyond governments, the biggest companies are
expected to play a key role in mitigating the
financial impact of the coronavirus outbreak. It’s
time to be helpful and step up.
Puts their logistics and factories at the
service of sanitary material needs.
What’s happening
the first week of confinement, Inditex announced
that they would produce sanitary mateeials in
their factories, in addition to putting all their
logistics and management resources available for
the authorities to facilitate shipments from
China. The first shipments have already arrived,
with almost 1,5 millones face masks and 74.000
protective suits.
What can we learn
The biggest companies should face higher
expectations from consumers. It’s the case of
Inditex, which is already being recognised for
their approach to helping in this adverse context.
Puts in place a plan to help bars and
restaurants during the state of alarm
What’s happening
The first initiative in the plan developed by
Heineken help bars, restaurants and distribution
partners is the “Heineken guide for restaurants
and bars”. They also implemented strict health and
safety measures to ensure the wellbeing of their
workers, and will announce new measures as the
situation evolves.
What can we learn
Helping also means to support, counsel, and use
every internal information and talent available
to help others make decisions and navigate the
Allows freelancers and small and
medium business to delay payments
What’s happening
11th of March, Naturgy announced their measure
that will let some of their clients to postpone
the payment of their electricity and gas bills
from that day on. This measure will let them pay
in the second half of the year, giving small
businesses a break in a moment where their income
will be very limited by the confinement measures.
What can we learn
Business with financial muscle should help keep
small businesses alive. It’s a helpful measure,
but also a wise business decision in the long
Starts delivering free food to
quarantined families.
What’s happening
The ready to eat food brand announced that it will
begin delivering food for families in need in
Madrid (for now), with an special packaged menu
that will cover the nutritional needs in frozen
format. They will prioritize families with several
children outside Madrid Central, but hope to
expand the service in the short term.
What can we learn
Brands that understand that in this context, the
priority is to add value and not just capture it,
will come out of it reinforced. This emergency
calls for generosity, solidarity and
Builds a 100K million small business
grants program
What’s happening
Facebook announced they were creating a 100k
million dollar grants program to support small
businesses. It will include both advertising
credits and effective subsidies to cover operative
costs (worker pays and rents). It will be
available for more than 30k companies and 30
What can we learn
It’s time to give back the support that you
received from clients that drove your growth in
more favourable times, in order to keep them alive
for when things change again.
Puerto de Indias donates 50.000€ to
What’s happening
With the current situation for bars and
restaurants, Puerto de Indias decided to focus on
helping bartenders. 277.000 bars and restaurants
were forced to close, and their workers, the faces
of this business, now are living times of
uncertainty and fear. That’s why they are donating
to support their cause.
What can we learn
Every industry is becoming more aware of the
importance of every element in their value chain.
This kind of support initiatives, are most
impactful when they include competitors and other
industry actors.
Donates 1 million euros and opens
learning platforms in Spain and Portugal.
What’s happening
In line with Puerto de Indias measures, Diageo
announced that they would donate 1 million €
through their whisky brand J&B to support the
restaurant sector in Spain and Portugal. They will
also make available for bartenders their Learning
for Life and Diageo Bar Academy programs online.
What can we learn
More and more brands are starting to support their
activity sectors to keep them going and help their
recovery. Beyond donations, education, development
programs and guides are key to help them navigate
the new reality after Covid-19.
6. Towards
New Normal.The next question we need to face is, what
comes next? How will we come back after
this shock as a society, as individuals,
as businesses? We have never faced a
crisis such as this one. The context is
putting our values, needs, beliefs and
purposes to test. Today, it’s still early
to evaluate the social and cultural
transformational effects of this
Coronavirus crisis, but the sure thing, is
that we won’t come out of it as we all
were before it happened.
Movistar produces an original content about
the world after coronavirus.
What’s happening
Looking to reflect on how will humanity be when
the health crisis is over, Movistar has produced
an original content series called Volver para ser
otros (Return to become others). In it, the
journalist Iñaki Gabilondo will connect with both
local and international experts to think and
understand what changes could this crisis produce
in our society in the mid and long term. It will
air in Movistar+.
What can we learn
One of our biggest concerns, to understand how this
crisis will change us as individuals and as a
society, takes form as an audiovisual content. A
point of contact with the possible new realities to
reflect, analyse, and think about the future.
Launches a dragonfruit bread burger
to sell excess fruit due to coronavirus.
What’s happening
KFC in Vietnam launched a limited time burger made
with dragon fruit bun given the struggles the
country is having in selling the excess of the
fruit produced by the coronavirus outbreak. The
recipe was invented by a bakery, and then it has
been replicated across the whole country.
What can we learn
Reinventing yourself and making the problem part
of the solution will be a key mindset to help us
tackle the challenges that will arise during the
eSports caster creates a FIFA20
tournament with LaLiga team stars.
What’s happening
The most famous spanish eports caster challenged
20 teams of the first division of the spanish
football league to compete in a FIFA tournament,
represented by one of their players. The teams and
players responded in less than 24 hours, and the
tournament took place and was live streamed via
Twitch between 20th and 22nd March, reuniting more
than 15M viewers across the globe and, getting
more than 180.000€ in donations to fight
What can we learn
Ingenuity and new entertainment formats collide
with a context that’s completely out of the
normal, giving birth to initiatives such as this
one, looking to cope with the lack of sports
competitions. Surely, it won’t be the last one.
An initiative that evaluates how
brands behaved in the crisis.
What’s happening
This initiative asks people to evaluate the
behaviour of brands and companies during
coronavirus, with supporting evidence. No doubt
this crisis will leave a lot of brands exposed and
their purposes and statements will be put to test.
What can we learn
We are living a tough situation that sometimes
asks for impopular measures, but we are also
seeing how some brands are acting out of
solidarity and compassion. The bigger brands will
be scrutinized, as people expect a lot from them
during this emergency. It will be crucial to look
for the business effects once this phase is over.
Creates an interactive map to facilitate
collaboration between neighbors.
What’s happening
After watching how the traffic on their servers
went up by 80% linked to new usage patterns,
Nextdoor developed new collaborative maps to
facilitate the help offerings between neighbors in
need. the challenge will be to coordinate this
help offerings with the safety recommendations and
limitations during the state of alarm.
What can we learn
The crisis has given birth to a community
belonging feeling and collaborative solidarity
like never before. Tools and brands that celebrate
and facilitate this movements could find a very
relevant role in the scenario after confinement.
Helping small local business through
buying anticipated plans.
What’s happening
Cuandovolvamos is a non for profit initiative that
lets small business sell their products and
services in advance to be consumed when the
confinement phase ends. This way, they can tackle
the short term liquidity problems, and survive
through the quarantine, while giving consumers
some tangible reward.
What can we learn
The situation is creating a wave of social
collaborative business solutions, specially
towards local business and independent
professionals. It will be interesting to follow
the change in consumption habits that it produces
in the mid to long term.
Today, we can’t know how all of this will turn up, what’s the perfect way to communicate,
and the scenario is so unstable that it can change in a matter of hours. Embrace this
uncertainty, plan for the instability and act strategically in the short term. Adopt an agile
mindset, and assume you can be wrong. If act for people, you will be more likely to be in
the right side.
Embrace the uncertain.
Dial up your empathy, and care about understanding the change of mindset, needs and
pains of society in a situation never experienced before, and where nobody has direct
control. Today our priorities shift towards the most basic security and belonging needs,
and we shift radically our media and products consumption. Use your personal
experience, and think about how others are living this. And as a brand, be able to step
aside and don’t be the protagonist, leave space for what needs to be prioritised now.
Understand the behavioural changes
people are going through.
In an emergency situation, is key to put ourselves at the service of the society, and never
be opportunistic. It’s a fine line easy to cross, but here intentions makes the difference.
Your purpose and sustainability strategies will be put to test. We must rethink our value
propositions. But be sure, brands that decide to act and support people in need, will
come out of this reinforced with people’s trust and respect. What you decide to do today,
will define how you are seen tomorrow.
Think about how can you help.
As historical data from the 2008 crisis from KantarMillwardBrown tells us, strong brands
are able to recover 9 times faster from recession scenarios. The situation is tough, and
it’s easy to be tempted to cut marketing budgets. But that’s an error that comes hard on
the business, not just in the short, but in the long term.
That’s why it’s also key to start thinking in how to approach the next phase after
confinement, to be ready to start the way to recovery.
Be ready to be back up again.
Start planning your strategies
for the next phase, now.
To read the manifesto and see all the companies participating in the platform, visit:
Ps21 ·  brand actions coronavirus

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Ps21 · brand actions coronavirus

  • 1. A collaborative document to follow how brands behave during the crisis.
  • 2. Another deck on Coronavirus? Not just another one. The objective with this document is to build a collaborative live resource that is always up to date and evolves along with the situation. Our goal is both to inspire with examples and help make decisions from our analysis, sharing learnings that help us all navigate the uncertain of a context so difficult to anticipate.
  • 3. Behaviours are changing, and it’s key to be adaptive. Traditional marketing rules are just not enough in the context we live in. We must be empathetic with a consumer that has seen their lifestyle changing completely all of a sudden. We all now face an uncertain scenario, with a huge emotional load that has reframed our priorities, needs, and way of consuming. We must embrace an agile strategic mindset to adapt to these changes and be able to add value.
  • 4. It’s time to be strategic, even in the short term. The urgency of this crisis shouldn’t push us to act tactically, or even paralyze us, thinking only in the short term. Because the choices we make today, will have a great impact in how society sees our companies in the future. That’s why it’s more important than ever to think strategically, even in the short term. We must also think about our plan for when the situation evolves and we enter the next phase, and how will this change us.
  • 5. This is a global crisis, not a communication brief. Society needs now more than ever companies that are up to the challenge. Companies willing to change their priorities in an adverse business context, putting people first. This is not about finding an opportunity in crisis, but changing our mindset to “what can I do, with my business and my products to help the ones affected by this situation”. It’s time to be generous in order to be generous and give back, if we want to have a place in society tomorrow.
  • 7. Information and Fake News. Health and Safety. Life in isolation. Repurposing resources. Helping to moderate impact. Towards the New Normal.
  • 8. One of the most defining characteristics and never seen before components of this crisis is the overexposure we have to information. In an emergency like this, avoiding fake information and being correctly informed is key to avoid rumors and know the measures we need to take to stop the virus spread. That’s why some brands are amplifying these messages and official recommendations, as well as fighting against fake news directly. 1. Information and Fake News.
  • 9. SNGULAR Lanza una plataforma para frenar el colapso de emergencias. QUÉ ESTÁ PASANDO #aplanalacurva es una iniciativa colaborativa para responder ante el colapso de centros de salud y teléfonos de emergencias. La plataforma proporciona información, prácticas y medidas contrastadas provenientes de fuentes oficiales, utilizando la tecnología para dar respuestas a las distintas consultas a través de inteligencia artificial. QUÉ PODEMOS APRENDER Aunque parezca contradictorio en una situación de aislamiento, proliferan los proyectos colaborativos. Una situación en la que de forma natural da un paso al frente la revolución de los sistemas de voz. LINK:
  • 10. CORONAMADRID Several companies develop an app to free the emergency system’s contact lines. What’s happening The Community of Madrid announced the launch of an app to relieve the pressure from the health services saturated contact channels. To develop it in record breaking time, several companies of different areas collaborated, such as Telefonica, Google, Carto or Mendesaltaren. With this app users can autoevaluate their symptoms, receive recommendations, or even be redirected to the sanitary system when needed. What can we learn Access to quality official information is vital to stop the spread of the virus. Collaboration between companies appears as the most efficient new standard to react in a fast and agile way in order to support emergency services. LINK: d-ya-tiene-su-primera-app-para-controlar-el-coronavirus_ 20045133_102.html
  • 11. INSTAGRAM Blocks hashtag #coronavirus to redirect to official information sources What’s happening If we try to search for “coronavirus” in Instagram, this is the message we will find redirecting us to the Ministry of Health website. An exercise of responsibility to stop the spread of fake information or social alarm messages. What can we learn Simple gestures such as helping contain misleading information are more useful than ever in the fight against the virus, and companies that channel and handle this messages should act responsibly.
  • 12. INSTAGRAM Blocks search for AR filters related with Coronavirus. What’s happening Since the expansion of the illness started, Instagram has fought against misinformation and alarm spreading messages. Now, it also blocked the access to AR filters that used coronavirus as a theme in order to be respectful with the infected and stop banalization. What can we learn It’s key to make people understand that the situation in serious, and not something to joke about when people are dying. It’s not that every filter is dangerous, but given the situation, it’s better to act early and avoid a further reputational crisis. LINK: vid-19-ar-effects/
  • 13. FB / TW /REDDIT Unite to fight against Coronavirus related fake news. What’s happening The White House asked tech giants to help fight misinformation about the virus, help with the transition to work from home and remote education. In order to fight fake news, several platforms have developed collaborative measures such as redirecting to official sources, or eliminating coronavirus related apps from their marketplaces. What can we learn Beyond simple gestures, the context requires a deep commitment from the new channels where people access information to ensure that this information is credible, truthful and official. LINK: 2020/03/17/5e709ef4e5fdea42598b465c.html
  • 14. PALACIO DE LA PRENSA Informa en sus pantallas de los pacientes curados en tiempo real QUÉ ESTÁ PASANDO Super 8 anunciaba que mostraría la información en directo de los casos de pacientes recuperados de coronavirus en España (aunque la imagen es un mockup). Además, afirmaban compartir información sobre las recomendaciones sanitarias para evitar contagios y protegerse de la enfermedad. A pesar de la prohibición de salir a la calle, el pensamiento da muestras de la necesidad social de información positiva frente a la saturación de malas noticias. QUÉ PODEMOS APRENDER La crisis tiene un componente emocional muy marcado, y más con la situación de aislamiento. Estar también expuestos a información positiva es clave para ayudar a soportar y superar la situación LINK: rus-quedateencasa-activity-6645289731624103937-fDrm/
  • 15. 2.Health and safety. Educating in health safety measures and habits to avoid the spread of the disease, is also one of the priority areas where some brands are acting. Be it from an information point of view, by using their communications to raise awareness, or even putting in place measures and actions to protect both their consumers and employees, event the most functional actions are useful in the phase we are currently in.
  • 16. LUSH Lets their customers wash their hands in all of their shops. What’s happening At the beginning of the crisis, Lush announced that they would let anyone wash their hands in their shops in a gesture to help stop the virus from spreading. Posters in the shop also showed the correct way to wash your hand in order to clean them effectively. What can we learn Sometimes even small gestures are more effective than big positioning campaigns. At least, in a pre confinement scenario. But this kind of actions are something to take into account for when state of alarm and confinement ends. LINK: ies/coronavirus-news-lush-hand-washing-free-spread-uk-a936 9101.html
  • 17. Uses machine learning to prevent people from touching their face. What’s happening This collaborative web tool has been developed using a learning algorithm that’s able to detect the image of a person and their movements, notifying them if it detects that the person in front of the camera is going to touch its face. What can we learn We can create useful simple solutions that help us develop new habits or stop old ones. Technology can become a powerful tool to do so, even without implying complex developments. LINK: uch-your-face-website-tracks-you-to-help-you-avoid-covid-19
  • 18. KFC Decides to cancel it’s UK campaign It’s … good because of the context. What’s happening KFC cancelled the new campaign that was airing in the UK focusing in the tagline and habit of licking your fingers. They decided to do so anticipating the possible reactions, and given the need of keeping strict safety and hygiene habits. What can we learn Several brands are having to reconsider, and even stop their running campaigns given the current context of health measures, social distancing and confinement. In this cases it’s better to be cautious and reframe communication in the current situation. LINK: ger-lickin-good-campaign-after-coronavirus-related-comp laints/2244206
  • 19. NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION Helps detect the probability to have been exposed to the virus. What’s happening In China, different health and technology companies united to develop an app that through a QR code and telephone number, accesses data from government agencies to determine if the user has been in contact with infected patients. What can we learn The health crisis is bringing in a debate regarding the need to choose between health and privacy. More and more governments are considering to access private information from citizens, in order to keep them safe. Is it really something we have to choose from? LINK: avirus-app-to-detect-whether-users-have-come-in-close-conta ct-with-the-sick.html
  • 20. CCNSJ Helps the chinese community fight against prejudice. What’s happening Canadian Chinese National Social Justice council (CCNSJ), based in Toronto, created a campaign to address ratial discrimination to the chinese community regarding covid-19. They distributed disinfectant gel with the message "Stop the Spread of Racism" and included information about the virus and racist behaviour. What can we learn In an extreme health situation, we have seen antisocial racist behaviour arise. This is now a global crisis, but we need to address the social and cultural component, fighting prejudice and racist behaviours, which are not caused by the virus. LINK: read-racism-covid-19-coronavirus-outbreak
  • 21. 3. Life in isolation. Isolation and confinement are some of the most life disruptive components of the crisis. We’ve had to change our way to live and work completely. Confinement does not only raise problems about supply, but major shifts in emotional, entertainment and consumption habits and needs. This opens new situations that companies and brands need to address, adapting their products and services to a new temporary way of living for everyone.
  • 22. OSINT HK Helps to address “panic shopping” behaviours. What’s happening A group of volunteer engineers and developers has created Shortage Tracker: a collaborative online map to help fight impulsive buying induce by fear. This open source tool tracks product supply info from Hong Kong’s shops, updating regularly the information on product availability and price. What can we learn A new reality comes with new product and service needs, in which collaborative development and management becomes a new normal. LINK: t-hk
  • 23. FOOD DELIVERY Several companies reduce or eliminate delivery fees. What’s happening After the Government announced the order to close bars and restaurants, different delivery platforms have made their service free and also activated zero contact delivery protocols. This service could help local restaurant keep some income, and also help people with difficulties to cook, but also some people criticise these measures. LINK: What can we learn The opinion on this measures and the act of ordering delivery is divided. Uber Eats or Deliveroo say they do this to support local restaurants and communicate safety measures for their riders. JustEat also announced that it would offer 600.000€ to help their restaurant associates.
  • 24. GOOGLE Y MICROSOFT Make their remote work tools free. What’s happening Facing the lack of preparation to work from home for lots of companies, both Microsoft and Google are offering their remote working tools and platforms free of charge for the duration of the crisis. This would help companies transition to the new model, along the video tutorials and support to get this new system going. What can we learn The forced transition to a new way to work and live meets the need for new tools to do it. These two companies decide not to benefit from the crisis, and lend a hand to make the new model easier for everyone. LINK: google-y-microsoft-regalan-herramientas-de-teletrabajo-por-el- covid-19_20041263_102.html
  • 25. PC COMPONENTES Offers free technical assistance to employees working from home. What’s happening From the last 13th march, the company is running a free technical assistance service, available for any worker forced to work from home. An initiative that helps mitigate the impact in people that were not prepared to work remotely, and need to transition even if they don’t have the computer skills to do so. What can we learn Being able to identify and act fast to resolve the potential problems of our new contextual way of life is a great opportunity for brands from different backgrounds to add value in a supportive and non opportunistic way, that will be likely to come around positively. LINK: n-comun-coronavirus-espana#PcComponentes%20asist e%20en%20el%20teletrabajo
  • 26. MOVISTAR Upgrades customers data plans and offers free entertainment for everyone. What’s happening Telefónica upgraded it’s clients data plans for free, and opened its entertainment platform Movistar+ Lite for everyone during confinement, adding even more content for children. Other companies have reacted in a similar way, upgrading data plans and offering free entertainment temporarily. What can we learn Brands that are not taking advantage of the situation, but rather are offering most needed services free of charge will be remembered as the ones who helped and didn’t try to benefit directly from the crisis. LINK: mo/2020/03/12/5e691b23fc6c83703b8b4583.html
  • 27. HEARST AND CONDÉ NAST GROUP Offer free access to all their publications. What’s happening Both companies decided to offer their april publications digital access for free and in advance, without even asking to register or sign up. And also to support the sector they guarantee kiosk owners, at least the same income for selling their magazines than the previous month. What can we learn Offering free entertainment shouldn’t mean to harm the rest of the elements on your distribution chain. In this case, both their partners and consumers get value from the editorials. LINK: 386028405/hearst-ofrece-acceso-digital-gratuito-todas-re vistas-crisis-del-coronavirus.1.html
  • 28. BLACKIE BOOKS Opens “confinement stories” competition. What’s happening Blackie Books opened its first “confinement stories” call for content, to keep people connected and entertained. Participants need to send stories that happen entirely outside, and Blackie Books will share them in their social media for free. What can we learn There comes a time when talking and writing about confinement is not new or positive anymore. With this initiative, Blackie Books looks to help people evade and not be overexposed to isolation stories. LINK:
  • 29. YOMEQUEDOENCASA Y CUARENTENA FEST Music festivals without going out. What’s happening These two independent festivals which streamed from Instagram and Youtube respectively, began as self-managed initiatives from over one hundred artists that joined selflessly with the only goal of entertaining people locked in their homes. this way they joined other similar initiatives riven by bookshops and museums. What can we learn Typical live entertainment offerings adapt to the new consumption and lockdown habits. Nevertheless, just the first days of confinement have seen an enormous amount of content. Maybe we should spread the initiatives in time, given the possibility of a prolonged quarantine. LINK: oencasa-y-cuarentena-fest-el-fenomeno-de-los-festivales-no-p resenciales-031520
  • 30. MUSEO DEL PRADO Offers virtual museum tours through Instagram TV What’s happening After being forced to close their doors, lots of museums are offering virtual tours to their collections for free. In the case of Museo del Prado, they share live tours from Instagram TV, that they later archive as a permanent collection of video tours that can be consulted anytime. What can we learn Channels such as Instagram TV are gaining popularity in this lockdown context, that has everyone looking after new windows to access entertainment, information and culture. LINK:
  • 31. C.D. LEGANÉS Shares live training sessions with the team via Twitch. What’s happening Leganés football club, with his physical trainer Pol Lorente, is opening it’s home training sessions to all their followers through This also lets the fans interact both with the coach and some of the players of the first team of the club. What can we learn Adapting and opening their own former private resources (such as team training sessions in this case) lets brands and companies add value without additional costs, as well as being perceived as more close and human by society. LINK: trenamiento-leganes-futbolistas-aficionados-coronavirus/
  • 32. 4. Repurposing resources. The health and social crisis we are living has made companies reevaluate their resources, products, services, and talent, to reconfigure them in order to make the most helpful and positive impact possible. This way, they have repurposed their production lines and factories, put their assets at the service of the Government and emergency services, or even created new collaborative platforms in order to bring in other companies to combine efforts to make a positive impact and help the society they live in.
  • 33. MEDICALIZED HOTELS Several hotel brands put their hotels to work for the medical services. What’s happening Shortly after the Government announce their intention to turn hotels into medical facilities, Several hotel chain owners such as Kike Sarasola (Room Mate) or Abel Matutes (Ayre Group) made some of their hotel buildings available for the task. Today, more than 40 hotels from different brands are already repurposed for this emergency. What can we learn Hotel business owners were some of the first to answer the call for solidarity between business. Now several other industries have taken example and repurposed their assets to help solve the health crisis. LINK: lita-siete-hoteles-medicalizados-recuperacion-pacientes- coronavirus/
  • 34. LVMH Uses their factories to produce hydroalcoholic gel. What’s happening LVMH group prepared their perfume production facilities from their different brands to produce hand sanitizer gels. The product will be made available to the french authorities via the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux, one of Europe’s biggest hospital complexes What can we learn One of the first examples of repurposing resources at an industrial level, shifting production and facing the productivity loss related to the shifts in consumption habits. LINK: me-and-cosmetics-factories-to-manufacture-free-hand-sanitize r.html
  • 35. PERNOD RICARD Makes its production lines available to produce hydroalcoholic hand sanitizers. What’s happening The multinational french brand made available to the authorities its human, technical, and productive capacities to produce hand sanitizers in their production lines in Spain in order to fight the shortage of a product so important to help stop the spread of Coronavirus. What can we learn Pernod adopted the same measure as LVMH, as several brands and companies did later. A sign that these are not the times to look for differentiation, but rather add efforts and collaborate to help mitigate the crisis. LINK: -espana-pone-disposicion-autoridades-fabricacion-geles-hidro alcoholicos-20200316162426.html
  • 36. ISINNOVA Y LONATI SpA Use 3d printing to help fight the shortage of mechanical ventilators. What’s happening An hospital from Brescia (Lombardia) warned that they were running short of spare parts for their mechanical ventilators needed to treat the most severe coronavirus patients. The help came from local engineers, that used their 3d printers and skills to build the replacement parts needed to keep the machines running in a record breaking time. What can we learn Local networking and alternative thinking is helping to act fast and adapt to the emerging needs of the sanitary crisis. LINK: d-valve-for-reanimation-device/
  • 37. RENAULT TO THE RESCUE Renault factory employees help build products to fight coronavirus. What’s happening More than 50 Renault factory employees and engineers used their creativity and ingenuity to help society and health services through their initiative “Renault to the rescue” collaborating with other engineers, designers and makers to build most needed supplies to protect health workers for hospitals and retirement homes. What can we learn Companies shouldn’t think just about production capabilities, but also their talent as one of the most useful resources they can put to work to help society in this context. LINK: naul-rescate-idea-empresa-francesa-proporcionar-materi al-sanitario-hospitales-residencias/20200320190815376 493.html
  • 38. FOOD 4 HEROES Restaurants collaborate to bring food to health service workers. What’s happening Grosso Napoletano, a pizza parlor chain started a movement to bring food to hospital workers in an act of emotional support. Soon other such as Goiko, Honest Greens, Tasty Poke, Empanadas Malvon or Manolo Bakes joined; as also did riders, and even Correos to help get the food delivered. They contact directly with the health workers via whatsapp, and deliver the food outside the hospitals. What can we learn This is not just about giant productive transformations, but thinking what can you do to help in this fight, and also being open to bring others along to make your impact as big as possible. LINK: n-comun-coronavirus-espana#Los%20hosteleros%20de %20Madrid,%20con%20los%20sanitarios
  • 39. CABIFY Makes their vehicles available for the public service. What’s happening From the start of the crisis, mobility services have opened different ways to collaborate in the emergency, such as free rides for health workers from Uber, Cabify and Freenow, and also making their vehicles available for the government to be used for any need related with the context. What can we learn Beyond discounts, mobility services are rethinking the role of their assets to deliver medicines, help volunteer health workers, or patients. LINK: cabify-comunidad-madrid-vtc-trasladar-personal-sanitario/474 703336_0.html
  • 40. TOYOTA, HYUNDAI, SUZUKI... #Yocedomicoche What’s happening Different car brands are also making their corporate fleets and carsharing services available to hospitals for personal and medicine transport. The initiative was born from Taxi and VTC sector, but soon the automakers joined, as their fleets were inactive and available. What can we learn More and more we are seeing competitors collaborate and joining shared platforms. In this times, collaboration is more important than protagonism and differentiation, and sometimes it’s the best way to add as much value as possible, creating movements more powerful thn rivalries LINK: mun-coronavirus-espana#La%20automoci%C3%B3n%2 0internacional%20al%20servicio%20de%20la%20sanida d
  • 41. 5. Helping to moderate impact. The health emergency doesn’t come alone, and we are starting to see the economic, employment and social consequences that the pandemic brings along. It’s here where companies can now step up to protect the most vulnerable to the side effects of this situation, mitigating the impact as much as possible in the short term, and working already in the way to recovery for both society and companies.
  • 42. ALIBABA Offers loans for companies most affected by the crisis. What’s happening The Chinese ecommerce giant announced that though it’s financial tech associated company Ant Financial, they would offer 2.86 billions in loans for the regions hit harder by the epidemic. they will offer year long loans interest free for the first three months, and with discounted rates for the rest of the duration. What can we learn Beyond governments, the biggest companies are expected to play a key role in mitigating the financial impact of the coronavirus outbreak. It’s time to be helpful and step up. LINK: port-businesses-during-coronavirus-outbreak/
  • 43. INDITEX Puts their logistics and factories at the service of sanitary material needs. What’s happening the first week of confinement, Inditex announced that they would produce sanitary mateeials in their factories, in addition to putting all their logistics and management resources available for the authorities to facilitate shipments from China. The first shipments have already arrived, with almost 1,5 millones face masks and 74.000 protective suits. What can we learn The biggest companies should face higher expectations from consumers. It’s the case of Inditex, which is already being recognised for their approach to helping in this adverse context. LINK: mascarillas-y-estudia-fabricar-material-sanitario_es_5e7 24d50c5b63c3b6488fb39
  • 44. HEINEKEN Puts in place a plan to help bars and restaurants during the state of alarm What’s happening The first initiative in the plan developed by Heineken help bars, restaurants and distribution partners is the “Heineken guide for restaurants and bars”. They also implemented strict health and safety measures to ensure the wellbeing of their workers, and will announce new measures as the situation evolves. What can we learn Helping also means to support, counsel, and use every internal information and talent available to help others make decisions and navigate the crisis. LINK: 03/17/5e70a1a0e5fdea865e8b4575.html
  • 45. NATURGY Allows freelancers and small and medium business to delay payments What’s happening 11th of March, Naturgy announced their measure that will let some of their clients to postpone the payment of their electricity and gas bills from that day on. This measure will let them pay in the second half of the year, giving small businesses a break in a moment where their income will be very limited by the confinement measures. What can we learn Business with financial muscle should help keep small businesses alive. It’s a helpful measure, but also a wise business decision in the long term. LINK: anias/1583939192_786033.html
  • 46. WETACA Starts delivering free food to quarantined families. What’s happening The ready to eat food brand announced that it will begin delivering food for families in need in Madrid (for now), with an special packaged menu that will cover the nutritional needs in frozen format. They will prioritize families with several children outside Madrid Central, but hope to expand the service in the short term. What can we learn Brands that understand that in this context, the priority is to add value and not just capture it, will come out of it reinforced. This emergency calls for generosity, solidarity and collaboration. LINK: 1541376
  • 47. FACEBOOK Builds a 100K million small business grants program What’s happening Facebook announced they were creating a 100k million dollar grants program to support small businesses. It will include both advertising credits and effective subsidies to cover operative costs (worker pays and rents). It will be available for more than 30k companies and 30 countries. What can we learn It’s time to give back the support that you received from clients that drove your growth in more favourable times, in order to keep them alive for when things change again. LINK: ess-grants/
  • 48. PUERTO DE INDIAS Puerto de Indias donates 50.000€ to #QueSiganLosCamareros What’s happening With the current situation for bars and restaurants, Puerto de Indias decided to focus on helping bartenders. 277.000 bars and restaurants were forced to close, and their workers, the faces of this business, now are living times of uncertainty and fear. That’s why they are donating to support their cause. What can we learn Every industry is becoming more aware of the importance of every element in their value chain. This kind of support initiatives, are most impactful when they include competitors and other industry actors. LINK: 54305/puerto-de-indias-lanza-iniciativa-apoyar-hosteleria .1.html
  • 49. J&B Donates 1 million euros and opens learning platforms in Spain and Portugal. What’s happening In line with Puerto de Indias measures, Diageo announced that they would donate 1 million € through their whisky brand J&B to support the restaurant sector in Spain and Portugal. They will also make available for bartenders their Learning for Life and Diageo Bar Academy programs online. What can we learn More and more brands are starting to support their activity sectors to keep them going and help their recovery. Beyond donations, education, development programs and guides are key to help them navigate the new reality after Covid-19. LINK: mun-coronavirus-espana#Diageo%20y%20J&B%20apoy an%20al%20sector%20hostelero
  • 50. 6. Towards New Normal.The next question we need to face is, what comes next? How will we come back after this shock as a society, as individuals, as businesses? We have never faced a crisis such as this one. The context is putting our values, needs, beliefs and purposes to test. Today, it’s still early to evaluate the social and cultural transformational effects of this Coronavirus crisis, but the sure thing, is that we won’t come out of it as we all were before it happened.
  • 51. VOLVER PARA SER OTROS Movistar produces an original content about the world after coronavirus. What’s happening Looking to reflect on how will humanity be when the health crisis is over, Movistar has produced an original content series called Volver para ser otros (Return to become others). In it, the journalist Iñaki Gabilondo will connect with both local and international experts to think and understand what changes could this crisis produce in our society in the mid and long term. It will air in Movistar+. What can we learn One of our biggest concerns, to understand how this crisis will change us as individuals and as a society, takes form as an audiovisual content. A point of contact with the possible new realities to reflect, analyse, and think about the future. LINK: do-analiza-en-un-programa-especial-las-posibles-reperc usiones-que-tendra-el-covid-19-cuando-termine-esta-cris is-sanitaria/
  • 52. KFC VIETNAM Launches a dragonfruit bread burger to sell excess fruit due to coronavirus. What’s happening KFC in Vietnam launched a limited time burger made with dragon fruit bun given the struggles the country is having in selling the excess of the fruit produced by the coronavirus outbreak. The recipe was invented by a bakery, and then it has been replicated across the whole country. What can we learn Reinventing yourself and making the problem part of the solution will be a key mindset to help us tackle the challenges that will arise during the post-crisis. LINK: agon-fruit-burger-pink-bun-in-vietnam-2020-3?IR=T
  • 53. IBAI LLANOS eSports caster creates a FIFA20 tournament with LaLiga team stars. What’s happening The most famous spanish eports caster challenged 20 teams of the first division of the spanish football league to compete in a FIFA tournament, represented by one of their players. The teams and players responded in less than 24 hours, and the tournament took place and was live streamed via Twitch between 20th and 22nd March, reuniting more than 15M viewers across the globe and, getting more than 180.000€ in donations to fight coronavirus. What can we learn Ingenuity and new entertainment formats collide with a context that’s completely out of the normal, giving birth to initiatives such as this one, looking to cope with the lack of sports competitions. Surely, it won’t be the last one. LINK: 11152ca47412a738b4593.html
  • 54. VIRUSBRAND RANKING An initiative that evaluates how brands behaved in the crisis. What’s happening This initiative asks people to evaluate the behaviour of brands and companies during coronavirus, with supporting evidence. No doubt this crisis will leave a lot of brands exposed and their purposes and statements will be put to test. What can we learn We are living a tough situation that sometimes asks for impopular measures, but we are also seeing how some brands are acting out of solidarity and compassion. The bigger brands will be scrutinized, as people expect a lot from them during this emergency. It will be crucial to look for the business effects once this phase is over. LINK: 9cfcf40bda638053c7d5cdff1
  • 55. NEXTDOOR Creates an interactive map to facilitate collaboration between neighbors. What’s happening After watching how the traffic on their servers went up by 80% linked to new usage patterns, Nextdoor developed new collaborative maps to facilitate the help offerings between neighbors in need. the challenge will be to coordinate this help offerings with the safety recommendations and limitations during the state of alarm. What can we learn The crisis has given birth to a community belonging feeling and collaborative solidarity like never before. Tools and brands that celebrate and facilitate this movements could find a very relevant role in the scenario after confinement. LINK: dario-contacto-barrios-vecinos-coronavirus
  • 56. CUANDOVOLVAMOS.COM Helping small local business through buying anticipated plans. What’s happening Cuandovolvamos is a non for profit initiative that lets small business sell their products and services in advance to be consumed when the confinement phase ends. This way, they can tackle the short term liquidity problems, and survive through the quarantine, while giving consumers some tangible reward. What can we learn The situation is creating a wave of social collaborative business solutions, specially towards local business and independent professionals. It will be interesting to follow the change in consumption habits that it produces in the mid to long term. LINK:
  • 58. Today, we can’t know how all of this will turn up, what’s the perfect way to communicate, and the scenario is so unstable that it can change in a matter of hours. Embrace this uncertainty, plan for the instability and act strategically in the short term. Adopt an agile mindset, and assume you can be wrong. If act for people, you will be more likely to be in the right side. Embrace the uncertain.
  • 59. Dial up your empathy, and care about understanding the change of mindset, needs and pains of society in a situation never experienced before, and where nobody has direct control. Today our priorities shift towards the most basic security and belonging needs, and we shift radically our media and products consumption. Use your personal experience, and think about how others are living this. And as a brand, be able to step aside and don’t be the protagonist, leave space for what needs to be prioritised now. Understand the behavioural changes people are going through.
  • 60. In an emergency situation, is key to put ourselves at the service of the society, and never be opportunistic. It’s a fine line easy to cross, but here intentions makes the difference. Your purpose and sustainability strategies will be put to test. We must rethink our value propositions. But be sure, brands that decide to act and support people in need, will come out of this reinforced with people’s trust and respect. What you decide to do today, will define how you are seen tomorrow. Think about how can you help.
  • 61. As historical data from the 2008 crisis from KantarMillwardBrown tells us, strong brands are able to recover 9 times faster from recession scenarios. The situation is tough, and it’s easy to be tempted to cut marketing budgets. But that’s an error that comes hard on the business, not just in the short, but in the long term. That’s why it’s also key to start thinking in how to approach the next phase after confinement, to be ready to start the way to recovery. Be ready to be back up again. Start planning your strategies for the next phase, now.
  • 62. To read the manifesto and see all the companies participating in the platform, visit: