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Proven Strategies
for B2B Demand Generation
B2B White Paper Series
© 2016-2019 InsideUp. All Rights Reserved.
What’s Inside
1. Background
2. Return on Investment for Lead Generation
3. Lead Generation Survey Research
4. Effective Lead Generation Strategies
5. Outsourcing Online Lead Generation
6. Lead Generation Essentials
7. Finding Quality Lead Suppliers
8. Achieving Your Best ROI
Five Things a Good Lead Supplier Will Offer
Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Lead
Table of Content
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Quality leads are the lifeblood of every successful business. In a recent InsideUp
survey of successful B2B marketers, participants listed access to quality leads among
the top five factors that had contributed to their success.
According to a study by the Direct Marketing Association, lead generation activities
account for about 65 percent of most marketing budgets. But maintaining a constant
stream of high-quality leads can be challenging. How do successful companies
confront this challenge? We'll be addressing this, along with several other vital
concerns affecting the lead marketplace today, such as:
How to ensure the leads you acquire are of the highest quality
How lead acquisition practices are evolving, and
Why it's so important to keep up with the changes
Companies have traditionally employed a variety of methods such as print, TV, radio,
trade shows, referrals, networking, and buying prospect lists in an effort to maintain a
steady flow of leads. Typically, the two most popular forms of business services
marketing have been trade shows/event marketing and direct marketing using
purchased lists.
Trade Shows/
Event Marketing
Trade shows and events have traditionally
been a major component of B2B advertising
spend. Trade shows can be a good source of
in the very early stages of information
gathering. That, combined with the
Direct Marketing/
Purchased Prospect Lists
Companies can purchase lists based on
industry category and basic demographic
criteria, but list providers do not offer
marketers the ability to target leads based
on the specific needs of a business service
provider.These“leads”are nothing more
than wholly un-targeted lists of businesses
that may or may not have an interest in
your services.
Executive Summary
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2. Return on Investment for
Lead Generation
Why do companies continue to use traditional methods for lead generation?
One reason is that they do see some results. Many marketing executives admit that
they do not regularly quantify the results of their lead acquisition efforts in order to
calculate their true ROI. While traditional methods of acquiring leads still have some
merit, they are often less than effective, and may result in a disappointing return on
your investment.
Quantifying the value of marketing programs was cited as a top priority for 53
percent of participants in a recent survey by CMO Council. But when asked how they
tracked and measured return on marketing expenditures, nearly 20 percent revealed
that they had no means in place to do so. Thirty-four percent, however, said that
they do plan to introduce a formal ROI tracking system.
Typical metrics proposed included revenue, profits and market share; and lead
volume, caliber and conversion, as well as direct response metrics. In fact, 42% of
companies from Hubspot's 2018 Global Report say that proving the ROI of marketing
activities is the top marketing priority over the next 12 months.
Measurability Matters
By tracking the results of various marketing and lead generation efforts—comparing
all methods against one another—companies can better allocate marketing dollars
for optimum ROI. For example, if the cost of each lead from a trade show is $500, but
it only takes $100 to generate an online lead, that $500 expenditure would be
acceptable only if your ROI on trade show leads is five times higher than that of leads
acquired online.
Even companies whose average customer purchase is about $20 typically spend
much more than that to acquire each new customer, realizing that over a period of
several years, that customer will likely spend between two to three thousand dollars
or more.
Your Customer’s Lifetime Value
Calculating the lifetime value of a single customer reveals the true value of the
investment in leads to acquire that customer. Factoring in the repeat purchases a
company receives from each customer reveals how that $250 profit can turn into
several thousands of dollars over the years of their business relationship.
Customer lifetime value reflects the present total value of a customer to the company
over his or her lifetime. When we discuss CLV, we typically refer to the value of a single
customer, using the average sales of such a customer.
Using these elements, the customer lifetime value would be CLV = TP X CL. The total
can then be multiplied by the TC for the lifetime value of your entire customer base.
Companies such as Amazon, whose average customer purchase is about $20,
typically spend much more than that in marketing dollars to acquire each customer,
because they look beyond the initial buying cycle to realize that over a period of
several years, that customer will likely spend between two to three thousand dollars
or more.
The model of CLV can be broken down as a function of three elements:
Total Annual Profit
Total Customers
(Total Sales – Cost)
CL: Average Customer Life (in years)
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Return on Investment for
Lead Generation
Customer Base
B2B Lead Generation Survey for Business Services
Research Findings
InsideUp recently developed and conducted an online survey covering a variety of
key topics related to lead generation. The survey was taken by 220 marketing
professionals representing
business services firms with at
least $1 million in annual
revenues. Of the firms
represented in this survey, 80%
had annual revenues above $25
million. IT/Telecom at 20% and
Financial Services at 19%
comprised the biggest group of
respondent firms
According to this survey, a large
percentage of marketers
expressed dissatisfaction with
the results of their lead
generation efforts, reporting
that the leads were either not
targeted enough or
represented people who were
clearly not in the market to buy.
Finding online marketing talent
was seen as the biggest
obstacle to using an effective
and successful online marketing
campaign for lead generation.
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*InsideUp's Survey of 220 Marketing Professionals Representing Business Services
Lead Generation Survey Research3.
3% Financial Services
Respondents By Industry*
Dissatisfaction with Lead Generation*
220 RespondentsTotal
Finding talented people
to do the work
Lack of expertise within
the firms
Too many choices
Too expensive
Too time intensive
Less than $25
Between $25 and $50
Between $50 and $100
Between $50 and $100
Between $100 and $250
More than $250
Don't know
Not Willing to Disclose
Don’t Know
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*InsideUp's Survey of 220 Marketing Professionals Representing Business Services
Lead Generation Survey Research3.
The closure rate of leads generated
from marketing campaigns was less
20% for 64% of the firms.
Having the lead qualified (34%)
received the highest value rating
when using an external source for
leads, although having the lead
verified (18%) and the reduction of
in-house marketing efforts (17%)
were considered pluses for using
external lead generation sources.
About 70% of the responding firms
are spending $50 per lead generated
through marketing and 30% are
spending less than $50.
Less 5%
Value of External Lead*
Marketing Campaign Closure Rate*
Amount Spent Per Lead*
Research Findings (cont.)
Less 5%
Between 5% and 10%
Between 10% and 20%
More than 20%
Don't Know
Lead Information Was
Lead Was Qualfied
Reduction in Marketing
Online Lead Management
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Effective Lead Generation Strategies4.
Top Quality Leads Produce the Best Results
Frustrated with traditional methods of generating leads, B2B marketers are funneling
more and more dollars toward online marketing and lead generation. Many such
businesses rely on the services of lead generation companies to supply high quality
A caveat to consider when purchasing leads: some lead suppliers employ unrefined,
generic lead-gathering methods, resulting in low quality, unqualified leads. Such
companies have a history of providing un-targeted leads and offering only a single
price level, giving their customers virtually no control over lead selection.
Be assured; there are ways to be certain you're getting top quality, targeted leads for
your business. Today's B2B lead gen companies leverage Web 2.0 technologies, social
networking and innovative online business-matching platforms to connect with a
multitude of business service seekers.
Online lead generation solutions that utilize social media and the immense online
community of business service buyers are able to place service providers in front of
qualified prospects in a very cost-effective manner. Advances in online technology
enable B2B lead suppliers to educate prospects, build trust and create brand
recognition for their clients while generating quality, ready-to-buy leads.
Search Intent
According to a 2018 B2B Buyer's Survey Report by DemandGen, during the 1-3 month
mark 41 percent of B2B buyers are conducting annonymous research on potential
solutions in comparison to 38 percent who are already developing an informal list of
potential providers. 
A study by GlobalSpec found that 83 percent of buyers who researched purchases
under $1,000 had read three or fewer pieces of content. For purchases greater than
$10,000 however, 70 percent of buyers had considered four or more pieces of content
in making their decision.
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Effective Lead Generation Strategies4.
Conversion Tactics
The 2018 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey Report does reveal a continued
movement toward online marketing strategies, as shown in the chart below. In terms of
tactics driving conversions later in the funnel, search dropped 8% from 26% in 2017 to
18% in 2018. In contrast, telemarketing, direct mail and retargeting made a big jump.
Although these tactics have been used as a method to generate leads for years, the
report goes on to say that 73% of B2B marketers are focusing on the quality of
leadsthat come in from these sources rather than quantity. 
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Effective Lead Generation Strategies4.
Resources in the Complex Purchase Process
The sources of information relied on for making large and complex purchases like
business technology are changing at a rapid pace. Lead buyers can leverage
emerging online lead generation platforms to educate their prospects, engage in
regular communication and build trust.
Social networking tools such as interactive
wiki articles, business blogs, search-
optimized white papers and active
participation in discussion forums allow
business service vendors to consistently
communicate with prospects. In essence,
these tools provide a one-stop shop for
online marketing, social networking and
high-quality lead generation.
This free flow of information builds a level
of trust between the seeker and buyer.
Once engaged, business buyers provide information directly related to their category
as well as information about their particular needs. This information is then scored
and matched in real time with service providers that are uniquely qualified to deliver
the solution.
This approach allows close matches between the needs of the prospect and
capabilities of the business service provider. As a result, buyers are able to source
more qualified service providers based on their needs and lead buyers capture
valuable, detailed information about the buyer that helps to qualify the opportunity,
ultimately improving sales conversion rates.
These new strategies have taken lead acquisition to an entirely new level, and
companies are scrambling to take advantage of the new opportunities to target high-
quality decision makers for their services. Lead generation companies that utilize
these methods have raised the bar for the quality of purchased leads.
Social Media
& Blogs
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5. Third-Party Online Lead Generation
1. They Capture Leads You Would Otherwise Miss
2. You Access Leads Gathered from a Wider Variety of Sources
3. There is No Such Thing as an Exclusive Lead
4. Results are Guaranteed
Many of your potential customers simply will not submit their contact information to an
individual vendor. These customers find it more efficient to utilize a service that offers
pricing and feature comparisons of several vendors simultaneously. Many such services
have a platform that allows seekers to be matched ONLY to vendors that meet their specific
needs and business profile, and to receive competitive bids from each vendor. The lead
company acts as a neutral source for businesses to compare pre-screened vendors.
If your business is like most, you probably have one or two methods that are working well
for you and are producing some leads. Lead vendors, however, have a diverse repertoire of
lead-gathering methods. These comprehensive systems bring in leads from a broad range
of online sources such as opt-in email, video advertising, white paper syndication, social
media marketing and contextual advertising that complement or exceed your own lead
generation tactics. You get access to a wide variety of possible buyers for your service on a
cost-per-lead basis.
When visitors to your site are comparison shopping, you can be sure that yours is not the
only vendor form they will fill out. In fact, the average person who is seriously considering
purchasing a service for their company will leave contact information with at least three or
four other vendors during the course of their online research.
If you have been reluctant to purchase leads from a lead generation company, believing
that there is more competition for these buyers, you could be doing your business a
disservice by missing out on one of the richest sources of leads available.
Lead generation companies are the only source of leads that come with a performance
guarantee: you will only pay for qualified leads that have verified contact information. No
wasting of expensive clicks or having your sales reps deal with non-qualified leads.
Four Major Benefits of Using a Lead Generation Company
How can you find these avant-garde lead generation companies?
Respondents ranked these qualities in order of importance as follows:
First, it will help to
have a working knowledge of how lead generation companies acquire and qualify leads.
InsideUp, in its survey of business service professionals, found that the four most essential
aspects of a quality lead are motivation, financial qualification, lead source and lead age.
Lead Generation Essentials6.
Leads purchased from a lead supplier should meet these four criteria as a minimum basic
requirement, although top lead generation companies will go beyond these four key
factors to qualify leads even further through a detailed system of lead scoring.
Lead Quality Ensures Optimal Responses
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4 Lead Quality
Prospect Motivation 1% 12% 45% 41% 1%
Financial Qualification 2% 10% 42% 45% 1%
Lead Source 3% 17% 40% 38% 2%
Lead Age 3% 15% 47% 34% 1%
Important Important
Important Don't KnowQuality Lead Indicator
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Finding Quality Lead Suppliers7.
Five Things a Good Lead Supplier Will Offer
1. An Online System that Targets Business Prospects
2. Bidding on Leads, so Market Determines Prices
3. Leads that are Ready to Buy
Many service firms don't think their business audience is reachable using a variety
of online marketing, including search marketing. On the contrary, a good lead
generating system will use a variety of strategies to gather valuable details about
service seekers.
These new media marketing tactics are very effective in generating a pipeline of
prospects that are open to two way communications, are willing to provide detailed
information about their needs, are highly profiled by innovative lead scoring
technology, and are ready to buy.
Rather than the lead generation provider defining a static price for all leads, the
lead buyer and the open market drive the value of the lead based on criteria they
deem as important indicators of a quality prospect. The value of the lead is
determined by how closely it matches parameters specified by the lead buyer.
Also, different business filters should be worth a different lead price e.g., companies
of a 50+ employee size are worth more than those of a 5+ employee size. You
should be able to use as many filters as you choose, with different price points, to
find what works best.
When a prospect is ready to receive a quote for a project, they can submit a
"request for quote" based on category-specific information about the prospect's
needs. The lead generation company then funnels these ready to buy leads directly
to the lead buyer's CRM systems or delivers them by email.
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Finding Quality Lead Suppliers7.
Five Things a Good Lead Supplier Will Offer
4. Lead Scoring that Shows Propensity to Purchase
5. Verified Business Data and Contact Information for Each Lead
In-depth information gathered from a prospect's online behavior will help to
accurately gauge their level of interest, or engagement, and to assess the
prospect's BANT qualifications (Budget, Authority, Need, Time frame). Lead buyers
are then responding to prospects that have expressed an immediate need for and
interest in their service and are qualified to make the decision.
A good lead company obtains this higher level of data through progressive
profiling, which utilizes smart forms that can recognize a prospect and update their
profile according to their activity on each subsequent visit. Activities such as
reviewing blogs, articles, and other types of content will indicate, not only their
interest in particular services, but also where the prospect is in the purchase cycle.
Each of these activities is assigned a score, and each lead is given a score based on
which and how many of these activities they perform. A total of 20 points might
indicate a "warm" lead, whereas a company or individual with a score of 50 would
be considered a "hot" lead. If several people from the same company visit the site,
their data should be combined to create a company score, which will give you an
insightful overview of that company.
Ideally, the lead supplier will use a third-party verification system to ensure that
each lead is contactable and the data is correct.
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Achieving Your Best ROI8.
Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Lead Generation Supplier
If you're ready to take that step and begin purchasing leads for your business, you will
want to start by doing some of your own research to be sure you'll be getting leads of the
highest quality. Here are some questions to ask:
Feel free to ask for details about the company's lead gathering methods. Reputable lead
generation companies will use a variety of strategies for producing qualified leads and
should be willing to explain each method to you.
Has the prospect's data been verified using both third-party verification and phone
verification? A good lead vendor will validate the information given with each lead and
guarantee all leads to be contactable. Innovative lead generation sources go the extra
step to verify the list or online lead information using their own proprietary sources, or by
using a third party dedicated to maintaining accurate, up-to-date contact information.
Do they have a detailed rating system in place to assess each lead's readiness to buy?
New lead generation sources are able to capture category and project specific information
about the prospect and score the information based on a lead buyer's criteria.
Also, rather than the lead provider defining a static price for all leads, the company should
offer different prices based upon different filters. This gives the purchaser more control,
enabling them to value leads based on criteria that they deem as important indicators of a
quality prospect. The value of the lead is therefore determined by how closely it matches
parameters specified by the lead buyer.
How does the company generate leads?
What methods do they use to verify leads?
What measures does the company use to qualify leads?
Does the platform allow me to profile my prospects based on industry-
specific criteria?
© Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Lead Generation Supplier
Does it provide easy two-way communication with my prospects?
Am I able to pay for leads based on the value to my business?
Are the prospects I am receiving ready to buy, and are they highly qualified
for my service?
Generating a quality lead is largely dependent on your ability to have meaningful
interaction with your prospects. It is critical to be able to interact with your prospects
to learn about business needs, pain points and deadlines, and match those needs with
your service offerings.
The best lead suppliers will offer leads at various pricing levels: you can buy premium
real-time leads, slightly older leads at a bulk rate, or a combination of the two.
Online business-matching communities provide a forum for service providers to
interact on a daily basis with potential prospects.
When a prospect is ready to receive a quote for a project, they can submit a request for
quote that captures category specific information about the prospect's needs. As a
lead buyer, you are then responding to prospects that have expressed an immediate
need for your service, and are ready to buy. These leads will be funneled to your
desktop in real time.
InsideUp connects businesses with vendors by offering a unique, dynamic online community where businesses can
get matched to high-quality vendors using our proprietary matching system. Plus community members can rate
vendors, provide references and answer questions from other members.
Achieving Your Best ROI
About InsideUp
High-Quality Leads
Easy to Set Up
Optimized Lead Generation
Pay-Per-LeadQualified Business Network
Real-time Delivery
Live Phone Transfer
Online Access
- We use only high
quality business traffic and media
- No campaigns to
manage. Account setup takes just a few
- Using
proprietary technology and lead scoring
- You only pay for
qualified leads. No set-up and no
monthly fees.
- Leverage
our community of buyers who actively
use our service when making business
- Leads posted to
your CRM, delivered by email or
accessed from dashboard for quick sales
- Free automated
live transfer of leads to your sales
- View analytics, reports,
billing, credits, leads and more.
InsideUp was founded to solve a critical
market need – to help firms effortlessly
connect with a community of businesses
actively looking to purchase services.
What We Provide
Ready to Learn More?
Contact UsToday
(800) 910-7638
As the leading platform to acquire new business customers, InsideUp has
pioneered new ways of connecting service providers with buyers.
Our unique and proprietary platform, designed specifically for business services
firms, allows our customers to be matched with and provide custom quotes to
targeted, ready-to-buy decision makers. InsideUp also offers a lead clearinghouse,
which lets lead buyers pre-select the type of leads they wish to purchase
© Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved
The leading platform to
For additional information
(800) 910-7638

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Proven Strategies for B2B Demand Gen

  • 1. ® InsideUP Proven Strategies for B2B Demand Generation B2B White Paper Series © 2016-2019 InsideUp. All Rights Reserved.
  • 2. What’s Inside 1. Background 2. Return on Investment for Lead Generation 3. Lead Generation Survey Research 4. Effective Lead Generation Strategies 5. Outsourcing Online Lead Generation 6. Lead Generation Essentials 7. Finding Quality Lead Suppliers 8. Achieving Your Best ROI Five Things a Good Lead Supplier Will Offer Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Lead Table of Content Ready to Learn More? Contact UsToday Call (800) 910-7638 Click Email
  • 3. Background1. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Quality leads are the lifeblood of every successful business. In a recent InsideUp survey of successful B2B marketers, participants listed access to quality leads among the top five factors that had contributed to their success. According to a study by the Direct Marketing Association, lead generation activities account for about 65 percent of most marketing budgets. But maintaining a constant stream of high-quality leads can be challenging. How do successful companies confront this challenge? We'll be addressing this, along with several other vital concerns affecting the lead marketplace today, such as: How to ensure the leads you acquire are of the highest quality How lead acquisition practices are evolving, and Why it's so important to keep up with the changes Companies have traditionally employed a variety of methods such as print, TV, radio, trade shows, referrals, networking, and buying prospect lists in an effort to maintain a steady flow of leads. Typically, the two most popular forms of business services marketing have been trade shows/event marketing and direct marketing using purchased lists. Trade Shows/ Event Marketing Trade shows and events have traditionally been a major component of B2B advertising spend. Trade shows can be a good source of leads.Howevermanytradeshowvisitorsare in the very early stages of information gathering. That, combined with the intermittentnatureoftradeshows,canmake sucheventsasporadicsourceofleads. Direct Marketing/ Purchased Prospect Lists Companies can purchase lists based on industry category and basic demographic criteria, but list providers do not offer marketers the ability to target leads based on the specific needs of a business service provider.These“leads”are nothing more than wholly un-targeted lists of businesses that may or may not have an interest in your services. Executive Summary
  • 4. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2. Return on Investment for Lead Generation Why do companies continue to use traditional methods for lead generation? One reason is that they do see some results. Many marketing executives admit that they do not regularly quantify the results of their lead acquisition efforts in order to calculate their true ROI. While traditional methods of acquiring leads still have some merit, they are often less than effective, and may result in a disappointing return on your investment. Quantifying the value of marketing programs was cited as a top priority for 53 percent of participants in a recent survey by CMO Council. But when asked how they tracked and measured return on marketing expenditures, nearly 20 percent revealed that they had no means in place to do so. Thirty-four percent, however, said that they do plan to introduce a formal ROI tracking system. Typical metrics proposed included revenue, profits and market share; and lead volume, caliber and conversion, as well as direct response metrics. In fact, 42% of companies from Hubspot's 2018 Global Report say that proving the ROI of marketing activities is the top marketing priority over the next 12 months. Measurability Matters By tracking the results of various marketing and lead generation efforts—comparing all methods against one another—companies can better allocate marketing dollars for optimum ROI. For example, if the cost of each lead from a trade show is $500, but it only takes $100 to generate an online lead, that $500 expenditure would be acceptable only if your ROI on trade show leads is five times higher than that of leads acquired online. Even companies whose average customer purchase is about $20 typically spend much more than that to acquire each new customer, realizing that over a period of several years, that customer will likely spend between two to three thousand dollars or more.
  • 5. Your Customer’s Lifetime Value Calculating the lifetime value of a single customer reveals the true value of the investment in leads to acquire that customer. Factoring in the repeat purchases a company receives from each customer reveals how that $250 profit can turn into several thousands of dollars over the years of their business relationship. Customer lifetime value reflects the present total value of a customer to the company over his or her lifetime. When we discuss CLV, we typically refer to the value of a single customer, using the average sales of such a customer. Using these elements, the customer lifetime value would be CLV = TP X CL. The total can then be multiplied by the TC for the lifetime value of your entire customer base. Companies such as Amazon, whose average customer purchase is about $20, typically spend much more than that in marketing dollars to acquire each customer, because they look beyond the initial buying cycle to realize that over a period of several years, that customer will likely spend between two to three thousand dollars or more. The model of CLV can be broken down as a function of three elements: Total Annual Profit Total Customers TP: TC: (Total Sales – Cost) CL: Average Customer Life (in years) © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Return on Investment for Lead Generation 2. CLV = TP X CL CLV X TC = Customer Base
  • 6. B2B Lead Generation Survey for Business Services Research Findings InsideUp recently developed and conducted an online survey covering a variety of key topics related to lead generation. The survey was taken by 220 marketing professionals representing business services firms with at least $1 million in annual revenues. Of the firms represented in this survey, 80% had annual revenues above $25 million. IT/Telecom at 20% and Financial Services at 19% comprised the biggest group of respondent firms According to this survey, a large percentage of marketers expressed dissatisfaction with the results of their lead generation efforts, reporting that the leads were either not targeted enough or represented people who were clearly not in the market to buy. Finding online marketing talent was seen as the biggest obstacle to using an effective and successful online marketing campaign for lead generation. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved *InsideUp's Survey of 220 Marketing Professionals Representing Business Services Lead Generation Survey Research3. Accounting/ Payroll 3% Financial Services 19% Advertising/ Marketing 5% Legal 6% Training 3% IT/Telecom/ Computer 29% Training/ Research 4% Estate/ Construction/ Architecture 6% Management Consulting 9% HR/Recuiting 7% Design/Printing 1% Other Other 8% 4% Respondents By Industry* Dissatisfaction with Lead Generation* 220 RespondentsTotal Finding talented people to do the work Lack of expertise within the firms Too many choices Too expensive Too time intensive Other 20% 23% 18% 17% 18%
  • 7. 14% 16% 20% 17% 19% 6% 4% 4% Less than $25 Between $25 and $50 Between $50 and $100 Between $50 and $100 Between $100 and $250 More than $250 Don't know Not Willing to Disclose Don’t Know 5% 25% 34% 31% © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved *InsideUp's Survey of 220 Marketing Professionals Representing Business Services Lead Generation Survey Research3. The closure rate of leads generated from marketing campaigns was less 20% for 64% of the firms. Having the lead qualified (34%) received the highest value rating when using an external source for leads, although having the lead verified (18%) and the reduction of in-house marketing efforts (17%) were considered pluses for using external lead generation sources. About 70% of the responding firms are spending $50 per lead generated through marketing and 30% are spending less than $50. Less 5% 5% Value of External Lead* Marketing Campaign Closure Rate* Amount Spent Per Lead* Research Findings (cont.) Less 5% Between 5% and 10% Between 10% and 20% More than 20% Don't Know 20% 37% 18% 16% 9% Lead Information Was Verified Lead Was Qualfied Reduction in Marketing Efforts Online Lead Management Other
  • 8. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Effective Lead Generation Strategies4. Top Quality Leads Produce the Best Results Frustrated with traditional methods of generating leads, B2B marketers are funneling more and more dollars toward online marketing and lead generation. Many such businesses rely on the services of lead generation companies to supply high quality leads. A caveat to consider when purchasing leads: some lead suppliers employ unrefined, generic lead-gathering methods, resulting in low quality, unqualified leads. Such companies have a history of providing un-targeted leads and offering only a single price level, giving their customers virtually no control over lead selection. Be assured; there are ways to be certain you're getting top quality, targeted leads for your business. Today's B2B lead gen companies leverage Web 2.0 technologies, social networking and innovative online business-matching platforms to connect with a multitude of business service seekers. Online lead generation solutions that utilize social media and the immense online community of business service buyers are able to place service providers in front of qualified prospects in a very cost-effective manner. Advances in online technology enable B2B lead suppliers to educate prospects, build trust and create brand recognition for their clients while generating quality, ready-to-buy leads. Search Intent According to a 2018 B2B Buyer's Survey Report by DemandGen, during the 1-3 month mark 41 percent of B2B buyers are conducting annonymous research on potential solutions in comparison to 38 percent who are already developing an informal list of potential providers.  A study by GlobalSpec found that 83 percent of buyers who researched purchases under $1,000 had read three or fewer pieces of content. For purchases greater than $10,000 however, 70 percent of buyers had considered four or more pieces of content in making their decision.
  • 9. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Effective Lead Generation Strategies4. Conversion Tactics The 2018 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey Report does reveal a continued movement toward online marketing strategies, as shown in the chart below. In terms of tactics driving conversions later in the funnel, search dropped 8% from 26% in 2017 to 18% in 2018. In contrast, telemarketing, direct mail and retargeting made a big jump. Although these tactics have been used as a method to generate leads for years, the report goes on to say that 73% of B2B marketers are focusing on the quality of leadsthat come in from these sources rather than quantity. 
  • 10. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Effective Lead Generation Strategies4. Resources in the Complex Purchase Process The sources of information relied on for making large and complex purchases like business technology are changing at a rapid pace. Lead buyers can leverage emerging online lead generation platforms to educate their prospects, engage in regular communication and build trust. Social networking tools such as interactive wiki articles, business blogs, search- optimized white papers and active participation in discussion forums allow business service vendors to consistently communicate with prospects. In essence, these tools provide a one-stop shop for online marketing, social networking and high-quality lead generation. This free flow of information builds a level of trust between the seeker and buyer. Once engaged, business buyers provide information directly related to their category as well as information about their particular needs. This information is then scored and matched in real time with service providers that are uniquely qualified to deliver the solution. This approach allows close matches between the needs of the prospect and capabilities of the business service provider. As a result, buyers are able to source more qualified service providers based on their needs and lead buyers capture valuable, detailed information about the buyer that helps to qualify the opportunity, ultimately improving sales conversion rates. These new strategies have taken lead acquisition to an entirely new level, and companies are scrambling to take advantage of the new opportunities to target high- quality decision makers for their services. Lead generation companies that utilize these methods have raised the bar for the quality of purchased leads. Online Marketing Tele- Marketing Email MobileSearch Social Media & Blogs Content Syndication Other Media WWW Active Buyer Lead Active Affiliates
  • 11. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved 5. Third-Party Online Lead Generation 1. They Capture Leads You Would Otherwise Miss 2. You Access Leads Gathered from a Wider Variety of Sources 3. There is No Such Thing as an Exclusive Lead 4. Results are Guaranteed Many of your potential customers simply will not submit their contact information to an individual vendor. These customers find it more efficient to utilize a service that offers pricing and feature comparisons of several vendors simultaneously. Many such services have a platform that allows seekers to be matched ONLY to vendors that meet their specific needs and business profile, and to receive competitive bids from each vendor. The lead company acts as a neutral source for businesses to compare pre-screened vendors. If your business is like most, you probably have one or two methods that are working well for you and are producing some leads. Lead vendors, however, have a diverse repertoire of lead-gathering methods. These comprehensive systems bring in leads from a broad range of online sources such as opt-in email, video advertising, white paper syndication, social media marketing and contextual advertising that complement or exceed your own lead generation tactics. You get access to a wide variety of possible buyers for your service on a cost-per-lead basis. When visitors to your site are comparison shopping, you can be sure that yours is not the only vendor form they will fill out. In fact, the average person who is seriously considering purchasing a service for their company will leave contact information with at least three or four other vendors during the course of their online research. If you have been reluctant to purchase leads from a lead generation company, believing that there is more competition for these buyers, you could be doing your business a disservice by missing out on one of the richest sources of leads available. Lead generation companies are the only source of leads that come with a performance guarantee: you will only pay for qualified leads that have verified contact information. No wasting of expensive clicks or having your sales reps deal with non-qualified leads. Four Major Benefits of Using a Lead Generation Company
  • 12. How can you find these avant-garde lead generation companies? Respondents ranked these qualities in order of importance as follows: First, it will help to have a working knowledge of how lead generation companies acquire and qualify leads. InsideUp, in its survey of business service professionals, found that the four most essential aspects of a quality lead are motivation, financial qualification, lead source and lead age. Lead Generation Essentials6. Leads purchased from a lead supplier should meet these four criteria as a minimum basic requirement, although top lead generation companies will go beyond these four key factors to qualify leads even further through a detailed system of lead scoring. Lead Quality Ensures Optimal Responses © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Lead Source Lead Age Prospect Motivation Financial Qualification 4 Lead Quality Essentials Prospect Motivation 1% 12% 45% 41% 1% Financial Qualification 2% 10% 42% 45% 1% Lead Source 3% 17% 40% 38% 2% Lead Age 3% 15% 47% 34% 1% Not Important Somewhat Important Important Highly Important Don't KnowQuality Lead Indicator
  • 13. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Finding Quality Lead Suppliers7. Five Things a Good Lead Supplier Will Offer 1. An Online System that Targets Business Prospects 2. Bidding on Leads, so Market Determines Prices 3. Leads that are Ready to Buy Many service firms don't think their business audience is reachable using a variety of online marketing, including search marketing. On the contrary, a good lead generating system will use a variety of strategies to gather valuable details about service seekers. These new media marketing tactics are very effective in generating a pipeline of prospects that are open to two way communications, are willing to provide detailed information about their needs, are highly profiled by innovative lead scoring technology, and are ready to buy. Rather than the lead generation provider defining a static price for all leads, the lead buyer and the open market drive the value of the lead based on criteria they deem as important indicators of a quality prospect. The value of the lead is determined by how closely it matches parameters specified by the lead buyer. Also, different business filters should be worth a different lead price e.g., companies of a 50+ employee size are worth more than those of a 5+ employee size. You should be able to use as many filters as you choose, with different price points, to find what works best. When a prospect is ready to receive a quote for a project, they can submit a "request for quote" based on category-specific information about the prospect's needs. The lead generation company then funnels these ready to buy leads directly to the lead buyer's CRM systems or delivers them by email.
  • 14. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Finding Quality Lead Suppliers7. Five Things a Good Lead Supplier Will Offer 4. Lead Scoring that Shows Propensity to Purchase 5. Verified Business Data and Contact Information for Each Lead In-depth information gathered from a prospect's online behavior will help to accurately gauge their level of interest, or engagement, and to assess the prospect's BANT qualifications (Budget, Authority, Need, Time frame). Lead buyers are then responding to prospects that have expressed an immediate need for and interest in their service and are qualified to make the decision. A good lead company obtains this higher level of data through progressive profiling, which utilizes smart forms that can recognize a prospect and update their profile according to their activity on each subsequent visit. Activities such as reviewing blogs, articles, and other types of content will indicate, not only their interest in particular services, but also where the prospect is in the purchase cycle. Each of these activities is assigned a score, and each lead is given a score based on which and how many of these activities they perform. A total of 20 points might indicate a "warm" lead, whereas a company or individual with a score of 50 would be considered a "hot" lead. If several people from the same company visit the site, their data should be combined to create a company score, which will give you an insightful overview of that company. Ideally, the lead supplier will use a third-party verification system to ensure that each lead is contactable and the data is correct.
  • 15. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved Achieving Your Best ROI8. Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Lead Generation Supplier If you're ready to take that step and begin purchasing leads for your business, you will want to start by doing some of your own research to be sure you'll be getting leads of the highest quality. Here are some questions to ask: Feel free to ask for details about the company's lead gathering methods. Reputable lead generation companies will use a variety of strategies for producing qualified leads and should be willing to explain each method to you. Has the prospect's data been verified using both third-party verification and phone verification? A good lead vendor will validate the information given with each lead and guarantee all leads to be contactable. Innovative lead generation sources go the extra step to verify the list or online lead information using their own proprietary sources, or by using a third party dedicated to maintaining accurate, up-to-date contact information. Do they have a detailed rating system in place to assess each lead's readiness to buy? New lead generation sources are able to capture category and project specific information about the prospect and score the information based on a lead buyer's criteria. Also, rather than the lead provider defining a static price for all leads, the company should offer different prices based upon different filters. This gives the purchaser more control, enabling them to value leads based on criteria that they deem as important indicators of a quality prospect. The value of the lead is therefore determined by how closely it matches parameters specified by the lead buyer. How does the company generate leads? What methods do they use to verify leads? What measures does the company use to qualify leads? Does the platform allow me to profile my prospects based on industry- specific criteria? Q: Q: Q: Q:
  • 16. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved 8. Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Lead Generation Supplier Q: Q: Q: Does it provide easy two-way communication with my prospects? Am I able to pay for leads based on the value to my business? Are the prospects I am receiving ready to buy, and are they highly qualified for my service? Generating a quality lead is largely dependent on your ability to have meaningful interaction with your prospects. It is critical to be able to interact with your prospects to learn about business needs, pain points and deadlines, and match those needs with your service offerings. The best lead suppliers will offer leads at various pricing levels: you can buy premium real-time leads, slightly older leads at a bulk rate, or a combination of the two. Online business-matching communities provide a forum for service providers to interact on a daily basis with potential prospects. When a prospect is ready to receive a quote for a project, they can submit a request for quote that captures category specific information about the prospect's needs. As a lead buyer, you are then responding to prospects that have expressed an immediate need for your service, and are ready to buy. These leads will be funneled to your desktop in real time. InsideUp connects businesses with vendors by offering a unique, dynamic online community where businesses can get matched to high-quality vendors using our proprietary matching system. Plus community members can rate vendors, provide references and answer questions from other members. Achieving Your Best ROI
  • 17. About InsideUp High-Quality Leads Easy to Set Up Optimized Lead Generation Pay-Per-LeadQualified Business Network Real-time Delivery Live Phone Transfer Online Access - We use only high quality business traffic and media partners. - No campaigns to manage. Account setup takes just a few minutes. - Using proprietary technology and lead scoring algorithms. - You only pay for qualified leads. No set-up and no monthly fees. - Leverage our community of buyers who actively use our service when making business purchases. - Leads posted to your CRM, delivered by email or accessed from dashboard for quick sales conversion. - Free automated live transfer of leads to your sales number. - View analytics, reports, billing, credits, leads and more. InsideUp was founded to solve a critical market need – to help firms effortlessly connect with a community of businesses actively looking to purchase services. What We Provide Ready to Learn More? Contact UsToday Call (800) 910-7638 Click Email As the leading platform to acquire new business customers, InsideUp has pioneered new ways of connecting service providers with buyers. Our unique and proprietary platform, designed specifically for business services firms, allows our customers to be matched with and provide custom quotes to targeted, ready-to-buy decision makers. InsideUp also offers a lead clearinghouse, which lets lead buyers pre-select the type of leads they wish to purchase
  • 18. © Copyright 2016-2019 InsideUp, Inc. All Rights Reserved The leading platform to ACOUIRE NEW BUSINESS CUSTOMERS/ For additional information Visit Email Call (800) 910-7638