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White paper on prophet’s reward with applications in
digital publishing and FOREX market investing
Galatians 6:6; Matthew 10:41; Matthew 20:8-9; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Mark 16:20; Hebrews 6:10
Daniel Oherein – Founder
What is the prophet’s reward? Who gives and receives prophet’s rewards? How
can we apply this instruction of Christ to run online digital
evangelisms/ministries or investment website?
What is the prophet’s reward?
Matthew 10:41 Jesus Christ refers to a prophet’s reward as follows: “He who receives a
prophet in {the} name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a
righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward”.
The prophet’s reward is given to those who receives prophets or welcome them to their homes.
If a prophet is serving God, and spreading the message of the Gospel, the above passage
explains that the sender of the prophet is God himself. Of course, the prophet comes to testify
(evangelised) about Jesus therefore, receiving a prophet who is doing the work of God is
likewise closely associated with receiving Jesus who sent the prophet in the first place.
Such a person who receives prophets and their messages is rewarded both spiritually and
materially because he or she now has Christ – The WORD OF GOD. When the receiver applies
the message they received to his or her everyday challenges or businesses or investments, they
shall have breakthroughs. In turn, they also become prophets that is, carriers of the message
that brought them their breakthroughs (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, or Pastors/Teachers of
the Gospel of Christ).
When you become a true massager, prophet, teacher of the Gospel, you too will be received by
others that is, your testimonies/ministries will be received and accepted by others you are
preaching the message to; and you will be welcome into their homes, businesses, ministries,
and you shall become the receiver of prophet’s reward. This promise is real as Jesus Christ
emphasises in the Book of Matthew 19:28-29.
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me,
in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also
shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one
that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or
children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall
inherit everlasting life.
Who receives prophet’s rewards?
Both the senders and receivers of the message of Christ should give and receive prophet’s
reward by faith. As it is a message of faith given to the disciples by Jesus Christ himself.
Clearly, Jesus was explaining to His disciples (and to us today) not to be afraid of going out to
do evangelisms and share our testimonies of His good works in our life with other people. This
is because we will surely find those who by faith will receive the message from us. As they
receive the message from us, they too are bound to minister to us – financially and materially
for sharing with them the testimonies of what Christ has done for us.
This makes everyone who has receives helps or at least a major breakthrough in his or her life
from our Lord Jesus to become a massager (testifier) and as well as receiver of prophet’s
reward. Even when they have not yet received their expectations, when they hear what the Lord
has done in the life of others, and they share such testimonies by faith with other people they
too shall also receive answers to their own prayers and also become receiver of prophet’s
When they receive our message, and us, they will be doing so by faith on behalf of Him
(JESUS CHRIST) who sent us to share His message. It’s a show of honour to the
“SENDER”, in this case, an indirect honour to Jesus Christ, our sender that we must
share with others the good things He has done for us. People receive us and the message
we carry not because we are good but because of their respect and honour for Jesus
Christ. Therefore, there are great rewards both for those sending or sharing their
testimonies of the Gospel and as well for those receiving it.
This why Jesus Christ gave us this assurance by saying, “Verily I say unto you”, which means,
“Now listen carefully and mark My words; this will most certainly come to pass”. Then further
specified to whom He was talking, “ye which have followed me”, which means, “You the
twelve Apostles shall sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel”. Also in verse
29 Jesus then included every one who has forsaken all that he has for sharing the Gospel, and
for the sake of the furtherance of the Kingdom of Christ shall be blessed.
Is Prophet’s reward not only for pastors, missionaries,
apostles, prophets, evangelists or for pastors?
NO! It is for all the saints, including you, me and anyone who is not ashamed to talk and share
what Christ has done for them using their businesses or resources at their disposals to do so
and draw more crowds to Christ. In verse 29 of Matthew 19, the Lord Jesus described the
normal lifestyle of anyone who has been saved, transformed from a sinner to a saint; and is
willing to abide in His teaching as we became His workmanship ( Ephesians 2:10).
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which
God hath before ordained (prepared) that we should walk in them.
By designed, we are created as workmanship of Christ unto good works before the foundations
of the world. In other word, God has ALREADY PREPARED SET OF GOOD WORKS long
before we would come into existence, before were born so that we would walk in them
automatically in order to earn His rewards.
What are the good works that God has prepared from His foundation of the earth, even before
we were born?
Good works can be looked from the angle of Philippians 2:11 and they make every man to
confess Jesus Christ as the Lord.
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of
God the Father.
They are as simple as bringing people to the knowledge of God through;
1) Praying and standing in the gap on behalf of others for God’s mercies upon them;
See example of prayer work you can join today at:
2) Sharing with others testimonies of what the Lord has done in your life; or in the life of
3) Lending to the poor and helping them to overcome poverty, financial lack; debts; or all
manner of afflictions; according to the principles of God in the Holy Bible;
4) Paying your firstfruits and tithes to support the works of God on Earth;
5) Giving to charities;
6) Receiving prophets, and ministering to their needs materially and financially;
7) Sharing rewards you receives with your co-workers in the Gospel;
8) Teaching and baptising people in all of the above good works, and helping them to do
You can also set up business service(s) devoted to doing the above good works without having
a physical church or becoming a pastor. For example, if you published Gospel books, music,
or digital goods about how God prospered you so that others can learn the ways of God from
such works, then, you are doing the good and righteous works – that of winning souls to the
kingdom of God through your publishing. When people read your works they too will come to
the knowledge of God and why He is famous for blessing people that loves Him.
In addition, if you set up crowd funding websites devoted to helping other people raise funds
for good works, or you use such websites and platforms in fundraising for God’s works, you
are also doing righteous works in the eyes of God. According to Jesus Christ in the Book
Matthew 10:41 those who are engaged in such righteous works are worthy to receives prophets’
rewards from Him.
“And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive
a righteous man’s reward.”
Within the above context of what our Lord Jesus Christ said, you too can also be applying the
same wisdom in rewarding people who are helping you in your ministry or business services.
The wisdom is profitable both for building your preliminary crowds for future works and as
incentives for other people to donate to your current project(s). There are different ways project
promoters or fundraisers can give prophets’ rewards as incentives to people helping them to
promote and do fundraising for their projects or products or services.
How you can implement good works as business altars for honouring God is what I discussed
in my eBook I called –“Declaring an end to your financial debts”.
The prologue is available for free download from the web link below:
Will God really reward us if we are walking in the good
works that He has already prepared, and not by our own
My answer is yes. He does exceedingly great and beyond our expectations. This is because
walking into the good works of God and inheriting them gives God great delights. This one of
the main reason for our redemption, and reconciliation back to Him through Christ our Lord
and Saviour.
We can call such rewards e.g., the prophet’s reward as a reward of grace. Even though we were
not the ones that prepared the good works; when we walk into them and replicate them for
others to see, we earn more rewards from Christ. For example, it is God that prepared those
works before us e.g. our testimonies, so that we have something to share with others. He is the
One that also prepared our hearts to be able to share by faith our testimonies with others. He is
also the One that prepares the hearts of other people to receive our testimonies; and so that they
are able to minister to us financially or materially or both.
This is why prophet’s rewards that we receive here on earth are rewards entirely of grace.
Through mercies and helps from God, and His Holy Spirit who prepared the hearts of other
people to sow and minister to our ministries, we receives rewards/gifts from other people here
on Earth. The rewards come to us not because of our own ingenuity or innovations or wisdom
but because of God’s mercies. Without the involvement of the Holy Spirit both in the hearts of
the giver and the receiver of prophet’s rewards, there will be no one supporting and financing
the expansion of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of other people here on earth.
Abuses of application of prophet’s rewards
Many people and ministries by faith have used the promise of the God’s rewards (Prophet’s
rewards) to start their own ministries from a very humble beginning and have grown
tremendously both in the share number of faithful followers, and in the amount of wealth –
materials and financial gifts they have received because they are sharing the works of God with
others. Therefore, let no man deceives you that you cannot be blessed or receive prophet’s
rewards when you are doing the works of God. This is our inheritance. When you share the
works of God with others, through whatever medium, you will be blessed by those receiving
the message from you.
It is not a contradiction to be prospered exceedingly great and beyond our wildest dreams if we
are sharing the message of the Gospel with other people but rather a fulfilment of the teachings
of Christ on rewards in the Book of Matthew 19:28-29 that I have made reference to in previous
paragraphs. It is from this perspective too, that Apostle Paul wrote in the Book of Galatians
6:1-9 which is dubbed as “Doing Good to All.”
6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good
things. 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he
that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be
weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10 As we have
therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the
household of faith.
By faith, many people sharing the Gospel of Christ ask their followers/people to go into
financial partnership with them (apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastors/teachers) and their
ministries in sharing the message of Christ. Such partnerships usually include asking people to
financially support the work of God that they are doing.
However, there are also many ministries and apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastors/teachers
who are using the same principle to be defrauding their followers endlessly or using the
prophets reward corruptly to enrich themselves and forsake the works of Christ. They have
used the instruction wrongly to amass wealth in millions of dollars to themselves.
They do this by telling their followers that such partnership requires their involvement in
buying and supporting every book that they publish. And as well as sowing continuously to
support as many of their tapes, CD/DVD series as they can, and even going to as many events
where they are speaking that they can get to. They asked people to continuously be showering
financial gifts unto them. While they ask for support by making references to Matthew 10:41
or Galatians 6:1-9 however, they do not share what they receives with those who are labouring
with them in sharing the Gospel.
By designed and default, doing the work of Christ obviously attracts potential crowds of
faithful followers who give to support it. However, those who starts ministries are also expected
to share rewards they receive from such works with those labouring with them or on their behalf
(1 Corinthians 3:9).
“Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward
according to his own labour. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field,
God's building”.
As representation of Christ here on earth, we also ought to spiritually and financially support
others who are coming into the ministry or businesses set up to spread the Gospel or
partnering with us as demonstrated by Jesus Christ Himself in Mark 16:20.
Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them
and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
First, Christ never left those His early disciples alone or even for them to go hungry. He was
always with them, providing and caring for them. Therefore, if we are His workmanship, we
should not leave those who are partnering with us empty handed or work on empty stomachs.
In this aspects, many mega-churches of today that built their wealth on the prophet’s rewards
of Christ, are failing to share like Christ with those helping them in their ministries or use the
rewards to help fight poverty, debts and financial lacks of their followers.
Imitating Christ the Good Employer
Christ is also the Good Employer. He advocates for equality among all those who are willing
to exchange their secular skills for employment in His Kingdom as He demonstrated in the
Book of Matthew 20:8-9:
So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the
labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when
they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
The lord of the vineyard used in this parable did not cheat out on those he hired, or told them
that their rewards are with him in heaven. Rather, he paid them each according to their
employment agreement or covenant or condition of service they accepted. Before they were
hired, each agreed to be paid a penny irrespective of the hours they worked. Therefore, God
himself recognises fair labour practices and negotiations between employers of labour and
those who have agreed to work in His vineyard.
Hebrews 6:10: For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and labour of
love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints,
and do minister.
In these few words, we can see that the Bible speaks everywhere of prophet’s rewards. In the
minds of some church leaders or Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, or Pastors/Teachers, they go
with the wrong doctrine that gives the impression that prophet’s rewards are only met for them,
while their ordinary followers should wait for their rewards in heaven. We have seen from
Matthew 19:27-30, Mark 10:28-31 and Galatians 6:1-9 that this is not to be so.
God gives both spiritual and financial/material rewards for works done on His behalf, and He
gives those kinds of rewards abundantly and exceedingly great in this life to those who by faith
takes on the challenge to be sharing and giving testimonies of the works He has already
prepared even before we became born-again Christians.
How can we be under the employment of Christ the Good
I work in a Statistical Agency in Namibia and I am responsible for the country’s Labour Force
Surveys and analysis of labour statistics. As in all other countries of the world, many people
are unemployed because people cannot think of how to work for Christ by exchanging their
skills for services in His Kingdom. Even those who are born-again only think of work inside
the church.
Meanwhile, they can write about their own testimonies; publish them digitally online, or make
CD/DVD story series out of them and send them out massively using social media. Like the
good sowers such works will surely land on good hearts that the Holy Spirit will minister to so
that they can buy such good works from you.
Alternatively, they can even make films, software, etc. out of their own testimonies or
craftsmanship or witty inventions and send them out to other people. Those receiving such
messages will be blessed and will give prophet’s rewards if the sender asked them to do so;
even the heathen ones who will be blessed through such works, will come to minister prophet’s
rewards to the senders of such digitally produced goods and services.
Applying prophet’s reward to web-based
With advancement in Internet technology, you too can start your own evangelisms and
ministries. You can use the same technology to reach out to millions of hearts across the world;
asked them to sow financially in supporting your ministries. You do not need to spend money
to start a Mega Tele-Evangelism to be blessed by millions of other people if you are sharing
the Word of God with them.
This is how I started. In my case, I am using the wisdom to drive more subscriptions to my
web-based digital publications. When I started to receive breakthroughs or financial blessings
after praying for them, the first thing I did was to document the favours and blessings that I
received from God as testimonies in the form of published eBooks. I have written quite a few
of them as shown below.
Many people are seeking for ways to gaining endless favours from God or overcome their debts
and financial lack. By documenting what I and my family went through to overcome six years
of unemployment (praying, fasting and obedient to honouring God with our firstfruits and
tithes) I believe that people who will read our testimonies and do them, will also have their
financial breakthroughs. Instead of doing just self-publishing of them, God gave me ideas on
how to use them to be drawing crowds to my website; and by faith we believe that one day the
Holy Spirit will water the souls of our visitors to become born-again Christians.
Through a web-based subscription model that I designed according to His nature, (God who
breaks His workload into steps of 7s), I now offers all my published digital works for a-once-
off annual flat fee of $88.8.
Out of my zeal to share our testimonies with other people, a mega-online digital publishing
business was born. Though our digital publishing of testimonies is relatively unknown to many
people, but with my faith in the principle of mustard seed, I believe the business shall grow
into a mega-business in the future as we continue to pray and ask God to drive customers with
good hearts to come and do business with us.
Unlike other ministries who ask for endless financial supports, we only ask people to pay a
once off annual subscription fee of $88.8 to gain access to all my publications and business
concepts based on Biblical principles that can lift many people out of poverty and
unemployment. Some of the publications like this one are complete, others are yet to be
finalised as I await for more testimonies from God to confirm some business wisdom that He
want my readers to grab from my eBooks and run with them.
Where does the prophet reward comes from in this?
Many Christian publishers have written great books on testimonies of what God has done for
them that became bestsellers across the globe. However, when they receive sales from these
books they do not go and share the profits with their partners and followers.
When you subscribe to access all my eBooks at a cost of $88.8, you will be given affiliate link
to also be sharing our annual subscription plan with other people who might be interested in
publishing their own works; or looking for Biblical business concepts that they want to be
investing into.
When your affiliate link generate sales, that is another paid subscriber, you will earn 50% of
the subscription plan. This incentive will make you feel empowered and belong to our
ministries (Sharing the Bread of Life Ministries), and to be inviting and sharing our website
and testimonies with other people. Knowing that the harvest is ripe but there are few labourers,
I believe you will generate few hundreds to thousands of leads and subscribers to share your
affiliate link with.
Crowd Building and Social Investments in FOREX
As I have described in the eBook; “Declaring an end to your financial debts,” that Jesus Christ
is the Master Crowd Builder. In one instance He start attracting His own crowd initially by
borrowing the boat of Peter by the lakeside. In a digital age, you do not need to start your
ministry from the scratch. You can rely on crowds who are already socialising in different
social media platform like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc; to build your own
crowd provided you are willing to provide rewards and incentives to people helping you to
build your crowd.
First by investing in a social fund managed strictly on Biblical principles, the fund manager
helps you to make small (fractal) returns on your investment based on mustard seed parable
(Matthew 13:31–32)
“He set another man before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain
of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than
all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that
the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches."
The fund manager realised that despites his or intelligence in making profits he will make more
profit by rewarding other people who helps him or her to bring new clients to his or her
If the manager only have one client, they could only make a gross profits of $1,853.12 in a year
assuming the client only started with $1000.00 see table below.
However, the manager could make if he or she also allow the client to bring 7 more people and
share of 50% with his first client. Instead of the client to only earn just $1,297.18, he or she
also earns a generous 50% prophet’s reward of $1,945.77 thus earning a total of $3,804.95 per
If the fund manager can 50% also to generation of the first client, and the followers of their
followers up to 7 degree or level of connections or generations, through that once client there
will be a crowd of 5.7million followers.
Through one client, the fund manager can raise up to $5.7billion in FOREX trading equity by
been generous in rewarding followers of his or her investment strategy.
The fund manager further be more generous with his first client by offering 1% of his profits
earns from the followers down up to 7th
level or generations – this is after he or she shared 50%
of performance fees.
Unlike other ministries who asked people to sow unto them and wait for their rewards to come
from heaven, we are actually practicing the above prophet’s rewards with people investing
alongside our Biblical Fractal Fund Management with SwissMarkets. With this type of
generous giving in the manner of Jesus Christ, people experiencing real profits and growth in
financial prosperity becomes our
When people share our eBooks and businesses with other people, they are also helping us to
be fulfilling the good works of Christ according His commandment in Acts 8:4; 1Th 1:8;
Romans 10:17-18.
Acts 8:4: Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the
1Th 1:8: For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia
and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say
Romans 10:17-18: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of
God. But I say, have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and
their words unto the ends of the world.
In other word, you are not just a partner supporting our ministry financially, you are also able
to fulfil the promises of Christ for you to be an Evangelist or start your own ministry or help
in sharing our testimonies with others. You will become the sender of our testimonies to other
people; and by faith, you should believe that Christ will send many people to you that you will
also receive the same message from you as well.
Click here to start your subscription our eBook
Click here to know more about how to start your own
$5.7billon Biblical FOREX fund
For more info you can contact me via
Skype: Oherein
Mobile Phone: +264-81-3036-330

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Prophet's rewards to kickstart your own $5.7billon Biblical FOREX fund

  • 1. White paper on prophet’s reward with applications in digital publishing and FOREX market investing Galatians 6:6; Matthew 10:41; Matthew 20:8-9; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Mark 16:20; Hebrews 6:10 Daniel Oherein – Founder What is the prophet’s reward? Who gives and receives prophet’s rewards? How can we apply this instruction of Christ to run online digital evangelisms/ministries or investment website? What is the prophet’s reward? Matthew 10:41 Jesus Christ refers to a prophet’s reward as follows: “He who receives a prophet in {the} name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward”. The prophet’s reward is given to those who receives prophets or welcome them to their homes. If a prophet is serving God, and spreading the message of the Gospel, the above passage explains that the sender of the prophet is God himself. Of course, the prophet comes to testify (evangelised) about Jesus therefore, receiving a prophet who is doing the work of God is likewise closely associated with receiving Jesus who sent the prophet in the first place. Such a person who receives prophets and their messages is rewarded both spiritually and materially because he or she now has Christ – The WORD OF GOD. When the receiver applies the message they received to his or her everyday challenges or businesses or investments, they shall have breakthroughs. In turn, they also become prophets that is, carriers of the message that brought them their breakthroughs (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, or Pastors/Teachers of the Gospel of Christ). When you become a true massager, prophet, teacher of the Gospel, you too will be received by others that is, your testimonies/ministries will be received and accepted by others you are preaching the message to; and you will be welcome into their homes, businesses, ministries, and you shall become the receiver of prophet’s reward. This promise is real as Jesus Christ emphasises in the Book of Matthew 19:28-29.
  • 2. And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. Who receives prophet’s rewards? Both the senders and receivers of the message of Christ should give and receive prophet’s reward by faith. As it is a message of faith given to the disciples by Jesus Christ himself. Clearly, Jesus was explaining to His disciples (and to us today) not to be afraid of going out to do evangelisms and share our testimonies of His good works in our life with other people. This is because we will surely find those who by faith will receive the message from us. As they receive the message from us, they too are bound to minister to us – financially and materially for sharing with them the testimonies of what Christ has done for us. This makes everyone who has receives helps or at least a major breakthrough in his or her life from our Lord Jesus to become a massager (testifier) and as well as receiver of prophet’s reward. Even when they have not yet received their expectations, when they hear what the Lord has done in the life of others, and they share such testimonies by faith with other people they too shall also receive answers to their own prayers and also become receiver of prophet’s reward. When they receive our message, and us, they will be doing so by faith on behalf of Him (JESUS CHRIST) who sent us to share His message. It’s a show of honour to the “SENDER”, in this case, an indirect honour to Jesus Christ, our sender that we must share with others the good things He has done for us. People receive us and the message we carry not because we are good but because of their respect and honour for Jesus Christ. Therefore, there are great rewards both for those sending or sharing their testimonies of the Gospel and as well for those receiving it. This why Jesus Christ gave us this assurance by saying, “Verily I say unto you”, which means, “Now listen carefully and mark My words; this will most certainly come to pass”. Then further specified to whom He was talking, “ye which have followed me”, which means, “You the twelve Apostles shall sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel”. Also in verse 29 Jesus then included every one who has forsaken all that he has for sharing the Gospel, and for the sake of the furtherance of the Kingdom of Christ shall be blessed. Is Prophet’s reward not only for pastors, missionaries, apostles, prophets, evangelists or for pastors? NO! It is for all the saints, including you, me and anyone who is not ashamed to talk and share what Christ has done for them using their businesses or resources at their disposals to do so and draw more crowds to Christ. In verse 29 of Matthew 19, the Lord Jesus described the normal lifestyle of anyone who has been saved, transformed from a sinner to a saint; and is willing to abide in His teaching as we became His workmanship ( Ephesians 2:10).
  • 3. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained (prepared) that we should walk in them. By designed, we are created as workmanship of Christ unto good works before the foundations of the world. In other word, God has ALREADY PREPARED SET OF GOOD WORKS long before we would come into existence, before were born so that we would walk in them automatically in order to earn His rewards. What are the good works that God has prepared from His foundation of the earth, even before we were born? Good works can be looked from the angle of Philippians 2:11 and they make every man to confess Jesus Christ as the Lord. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. They are as simple as bringing people to the knowledge of God through; 1) Praying and standing in the gap on behalf of others for God’s mercies upon them; See example of prayer work you can join today at: 2) Sharing with others testimonies of what the Lord has done in your life; or in the life of others; 3) Lending to the poor and helping them to overcome poverty, financial lack; debts; or all manner of afflictions; according to the principles of God in the Holy Bible; 4) Paying your firstfruits and tithes to support the works of God on Earth; 5) Giving to charities; 6) Receiving prophets, and ministering to their needs materially and financially; 7) Sharing rewards you receives with your co-workers in the Gospel; 8) Teaching and baptising people in all of the above good works, and helping them to do them. You can also set up business service(s) devoted to doing the above good works without having a physical church or becoming a pastor. For example, if you published Gospel books, music, or digital goods about how God prospered you so that others can learn the ways of God from such works, then, you are doing the good and righteous works – that of winning souls to the kingdom of God through your publishing. When people read your works they too will come to the knowledge of God and why He is famous for blessing people that loves Him. In addition, if you set up crowd funding websites devoted to helping other people raise funds for good works, or you use such websites and platforms in fundraising for God’s works, you are also doing righteous works in the eyes of God. According to Jesus Christ in the Book Matthew 10:41 those who are engaged in such righteous works are worthy to receives prophets’ rewards from Him. “And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.”
  • 4. Within the above context of what our Lord Jesus Christ said, you too can also be applying the same wisdom in rewarding people who are helping you in your ministry or business services. The wisdom is profitable both for building your preliminary crowds for future works and as incentives for other people to donate to your current project(s). There are different ways project promoters or fundraisers can give prophets’ rewards as incentives to people helping them to promote and do fundraising for their projects or products or services. How you can implement good works as business altars for honouring God is what I discussed in my eBook I called –“Declaring an end to your financial debts”. The prologue is available for free download from the web link below: Will God really reward us if we are walking in the good works that He has already prepared, and not by our own efforts? My answer is yes. He does exceedingly great and beyond our expectations. This is because walking into the good works of God and inheriting them gives God great delights. This one of the main reason for our redemption, and reconciliation back to Him through Christ our Lord and Saviour.
  • 5. We can call such rewards e.g., the prophet’s reward as a reward of grace. Even though we were not the ones that prepared the good works; when we walk into them and replicate them for others to see, we earn more rewards from Christ. For example, it is God that prepared those works before us e.g. our testimonies, so that we have something to share with others. He is the One that also prepared our hearts to be able to share by faith our testimonies with others. He is also the One that prepares the hearts of other people to receive our testimonies; and so that they are able to minister to us financially or materially or both. This is why prophet’s rewards that we receive here on earth are rewards entirely of grace. Through mercies and helps from God, and His Holy Spirit who prepared the hearts of other people to sow and minister to our ministries, we receives rewards/gifts from other people here on Earth. The rewards come to us not because of our own ingenuity or innovations or wisdom but because of God’s mercies. Without the involvement of the Holy Spirit both in the hearts of the giver and the receiver of prophet’s rewards, there will be no one supporting and financing the expansion of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of other people here on earth. Abuses of application of prophet’s rewards Many people and ministries by faith have used the promise of the God’s rewards (Prophet’s rewards) to start their own ministries from a very humble beginning and have grown tremendously both in the share number of faithful followers, and in the amount of wealth – materials and financial gifts they have received because they are sharing the works of God with others. Therefore, let no man deceives you that you cannot be blessed or receive prophet’s rewards when you are doing the works of God. This is our inheritance. When you share the works of God with others, through whatever medium, you will be blessed by those receiving the message from you. It is not a contradiction to be prospered exceedingly great and beyond our wildest dreams if we are sharing the message of the Gospel with other people but rather a fulfilment of the teachings of Christ on rewards in the Book of Matthew 19:28-29 that I have made reference to in previous paragraphs. It is from this perspective too, that Apostle Paul wrote in the Book of Galatians 6:1-9 which is dubbed as “Doing Good to All.” 6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. By faith, many people sharing the Gospel of Christ ask their followers/people to go into financial partnership with them (apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastors/teachers) and their ministries in sharing the message of Christ. Such partnerships usually include asking people to financially support the work of God that they are doing. However, there are also many ministries and apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastors/teachers who are using the same principle to be defrauding their followers endlessly or using the
  • 6. prophets reward corruptly to enrich themselves and forsake the works of Christ. They have used the instruction wrongly to amass wealth in millions of dollars to themselves. They do this by telling their followers that such partnership requires their involvement in buying and supporting every book that they publish. And as well as sowing continuously to support as many of their tapes, CD/DVD series as they can, and even going to as many events where they are speaking that they can get to. They asked people to continuously be showering financial gifts unto them. While they ask for support by making references to Matthew 10:41 or Galatians 6:1-9 however, they do not share what they receives with those who are labouring with them in sharing the Gospel. By designed and default, doing the work of Christ obviously attracts potential crowds of faithful followers who give to support it. However, those who starts ministries are also expected to share rewards they receive from such works with those labouring with them or on their behalf (1 Corinthians 3:9). “Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building”. As representation of Christ here on earth, we also ought to spiritually and financially support others who are coming into the ministry or businesses set up to spread the Gospel or partnering with us as demonstrated by Jesus Christ Himself in Mark 16:20. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. First, Christ never left those His early disciples alone or even for them to go hungry. He was always with them, providing and caring for them. Therefore, if we are His workmanship, we should not leave those who are partnering with us empty handed or work on empty stomachs. In this aspects, many mega-churches of today that built their wealth on the prophet’s rewards of Christ, are failing to share like Christ with those helping them in their ministries or use the rewards to help fight poverty, debts and financial lacks of their followers. Imitating Christ the Good Employer Christ is also the Good Employer. He advocates for equality among all those who are willing to exchange their secular skills for employment in His Kingdom as He demonstrated in the Book of Matthew 20:8-9: So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. The lord of the vineyard used in this parable did not cheat out on those he hired, or told them that their rewards are with him in heaven. Rather, he paid them each according to their employment agreement or covenant or condition of service they accepted. Before they were hired, each agreed to be paid a penny irrespective of the hours they worked. Therefore, God
  • 7. himself recognises fair labour practices and negotiations between employers of labour and those who have agreed to work in His vineyard. Hebrews 6:10: For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. In these few words, we can see that the Bible speaks everywhere of prophet’s rewards. In the minds of some church leaders or Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, or Pastors/Teachers, they go with the wrong doctrine that gives the impression that prophet’s rewards are only met for them, while their ordinary followers should wait for their rewards in heaven. We have seen from Matthew 19:27-30, Mark 10:28-31 and Galatians 6:1-9 that this is not to be so. God gives both spiritual and financial/material rewards for works done on His behalf, and He gives those kinds of rewards abundantly and exceedingly great in this life to those who by faith takes on the challenge to be sharing and giving testimonies of the works He has already prepared even before we became born-again Christians. How can we be under the employment of Christ the Good Employer? I work in a Statistical Agency in Namibia and I am responsible for the country’s Labour Force Surveys and analysis of labour statistics. As in all other countries of the world, many people are unemployed because people cannot think of how to work for Christ by exchanging their skills for services in His Kingdom. Even those who are born-again only think of work inside the church. Meanwhile, they can write about their own testimonies; publish them digitally online, or make CD/DVD story series out of them and send them out massively using social media. Like the good sowers such works will surely land on good hearts that the Holy Spirit will minister to so that they can buy such good works from you. Alternatively, they can even make films, software, etc. out of their own testimonies or craftsmanship or witty inventions and send them out to other people. Those receiving such messages will be blessed and will give prophet’s rewards if the sender asked them to do so; even the heathen ones who will be blessed through such works, will come to minister prophet’s rewards to the senders of such digitally produced goods and services. Applying prophet’s reward to web-based evangelisms/ministries With advancement in Internet technology, you too can start your own evangelisms and ministries. You can use the same technology to reach out to millions of hearts across the world; asked them to sow financially in supporting your ministries. You do not need to spend money to start a Mega Tele-Evangelism to be blessed by millions of other people if you are sharing the Word of God with them.
  • 8. This is how I started. In my case, I am using the wisdom to drive more subscriptions to my web-based digital publications. When I started to receive breakthroughs or financial blessings after praying for them, the first thing I did was to document the favours and blessings that I received from God as testimonies in the form of published eBooks. I have written quite a few of them as shown below. Many people are seeking for ways to gaining endless favours from God or overcome their debts and financial lack. By documenting what I and my family went through to overcome six years of unemployment (praying, fasting and obedient to honouring God with our firstfruits and tithes) I believe that people who will read our testimonies and do them, will also have their financial breakthroughs. Instead of doing just self-publishing of them, God gave me ideas on how to use them to be drawing crowds to my website; and by faith we believe that one day the Holy Spirit will water the souls of our visitors to become born-again Christians. Through a web-based subscription model that I designed according to His nature, (God who breaks His workload into steps of 7s), I now offers all my published digital works for a-once- off annual flat fee of $88.8. Out of my zeal to share our testimonies with other people, a mega-online digital publishing business was born. Though our digital publishing of testimonies is relatively unknown to many people, but with my faith in the principle of mustard seed, I believe the business shall grow into a mega-business in the future as we continue to pray and ask God to drive customers with good hearts to come and do business with us. Unlike other ministries who ask for endless financial supports, we only ask people to pay a once off annual subscription fee of $88.8 to gain access to all my publications and business concepts based on Biblical principles that can lift many people out of poverty and
  • 9. unemployment. Some of the publications like this one are complete, others are yet to be finalised as I await for more testimonies from God to confirm some business wisdom that He want my readers to grab from my eBooks and run with them. Where does the prophet reward comes from in this? Many Christian publishers have written great books on testimonies of what God has done for them that became bestsellers across the globe. However, when they receive sales from these books they do not go and share the profits with their partners and followers. When you subscribe to access all my eBooks at a cost of $88.8, you will be given affiliate link to also be sharing our annual subscription plan with other people who might be interested in publishing their own works; or looking for Biblical business concepts that they want to be investing into. When your affiliate link generate sales, that is another paid subscriber, you will earn 50% of the subscription plan. This incentive will make you feel empowered and belong to our ministries (Sharing the Bread of Life Ministries), and to be inviting and sharing our website and testimonies with other people. Knowing that the harvest is ripe but there are few labourers, I believe you will generate few hundreds to thousands of leads and subscribers to share your affiliate link with.
  • 10. Crowd Building and Social Investments in FOREX As I have described in the eBook; “Declaring an end to your financial debts,” that Jesus Christ is the Master Crowd Builder. In one instance He start attracting His own crowd initially by borrowing the boat of Peter by the lakeside. In a digital age, you do not need to start your ministry from the scratch. You can rely on crowds who are already socialising in different social media platform like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc; to build your own crowd provided you are willing to provide rewards and incentives to people helping you to build your crowd. First by investing in a social fund managed strictly on Biblical principles, the fund manager helps you to make small (fractal) returns on your investment based on mustard seed parable (Matthew 13:31–32) “He set another man before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches." The fund manager realised that despites his or intelligence in making profits he will make more profit by rewarding other people who helps him or her to bring new clients to his or her business. If the manager only have one client, they could only make a gross profits of $1,853.12 in a year assuming the client only started with $1000.00 see table below. However, the manager could make if he or she also allow the client to bring 7 more people and share of 50% with his first client. Instead of the client to only earn just $1,297.18, he or she
  • 11. also earns a generous 50% prophet’s reward of $1,945.77 thus earning a total of $3,804.95 per year. If the fund manager can 50% also to generation of the first client, and the followers of their followers up to 7 degree or level of connections or generations, through that once client there will be a crowd of 5.7million followers. Through one client, the fund manager can raise up to $5.7billion in FOREX trading equity by been generous in rewarding followers of his or her investment strategy. The fund manager further be more generous with his first client by offering 1% of his profits earns from the followers down up to 7th level or generations – this is after he or she shared 50% of performance fees. Unlike other ministries who asked people to sow unto them and wait for their rewards to come from heaven, we are actually practicing the above prophet’s rewards with people investing alongside our Biblical Fractal Fund Management with SwissMarkets. With this type of generous giving in the manner of Jesus Christ, people experiencing real profits and growth in financial prosperity becomes our When people share our eBooks and businesses with other people, they are also helping us to be fulfilling the good works of Christ according His commandment in Acts 8:4; 1Th 1:8; Romans 10:17-18. Acts 8:4: Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word. 1Th 1:8: For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything. Romans 10:17-18: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But I say, have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. In other word, you are not just a partner supporting our ministry financially, you are also able to fulfil the promises of Christ for you to be an Evangelist or start your own ministry or help in sharing our testimonies with others. You will become the sender of our testimonies to other people; and by faith, you should believe that Christ will send many people to you that you will also receive the same message from you as well.
  • 12. Click here to start your subscription our eBook today Click here to know more about how to start your own $5.7billon Biblical FOREX fund For more info you can contact me via Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Email Skype: Oherein Mobile Phone: +264-81-3036-330