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Special Edition

  Weight Loss, Fitness, Bodybuilding, Health and Beauty

       How to choose the best Weight Loss
         Supplements that works for you

 What is the                              Read the
 difference                               highest and
 between Fat                              lowest rating
 Binder, Fat                              comments from
 Burner, Appetite                         own
 Suppressants and                         experiences
 Carb Blocker?                            users (no
                                          from weightloss
Which one                                 forum data.
Is the best
for me?

     The complete guide including: how these
  supplements works, ingredients, clinical studies,
                 overall rating.

                        Join in the
                        conversation; get
                        the best tips & deals
                        on weight loss,
                        bodybuilding and

 What is the difference between Fat Binder, Fat Burner,
 Appetite Suppressants and Carb Blocker?

                 Appetite Suppressants
               Fat Binder or Fat Blockers
                        Fat Burner
                      Carb Blocker

 Capsicum, tomato and chilli soup

Six Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Read our recent posts!
What is the difference between Fat Binder, Fat Burner,
   Appetite Suppressants and Carb Blocker?

 Maybe you are totally confused with so       Hopefully after you read this special
 many terms of weight or fat loss             edition you can take a closer look at
 products, but all of them have a single      these properties and choose the best pill
 main purpose: to help you lose weight!       to complement your weight loss
 o what is the right kind of pills for you?   programme.

 Having the right knowledge about every On always look for
 diet pill properties will help you choose the new tendencies, best products on
 the best product that will fit your needs. the market, we rank them base on own
                                            experience of 2203 users, no on
 The objective of this special edition aims advertising using weight loss forums
 to identify the differences between the data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
 most effective weight loss supplements
 on the market that you may stumble
 with online.
Appetite Suppressants

 Appetite suppressants pills are a effective          Hoodia by 30% when used with UniqueHoodia™.
 way to restrict yourself from overeating and         This can lead you to experiencing the hoodia's
 mindless munching. It generally promotes weight      appetite suppression effect quicker and therefore
 loss simply by telling the body that is not hungry   helping you to have even greater control over your
 and its perfectly full.                              appetite.
                                                      Is It Recommended?
 How it works? Appetite suppressants increases        Suitable if you: Want to lose some fat and have
 serotonin and catecholamine, two brain chemicals     already healthy eating habits.
 that regulates mood and appetite. The result         Not suitable if you: Are overwhelmed by your
 weight loss!                                         weight - or are more than 75 pounds overweight.

 Are they safe? These are generally safe and cost-    Customer Rating:
 effective and give you numerous other health         The best/worst rating on weightloss forum:
 benefits as well. However, due to wide variety       “My cravings for fat and sugar were GONE! I lost
 available in the market, it’s relatively tough to    weight throughout my whole body, even the hardest
 choose one that will suit you the best.              spots. I can't say enough about it. It gave me my
                                                      active life back, Im not sure i could have done it on
 What is the best on the market?                      my own. Thanks UniqueHoodia!” – Nicole from
 The most effective, safest over the counter          Boston USA.
 appetite suppressants on the market is:
 UniqueHoodia™.                                       I tried uniquehoodia for 4 weeks but sorry, it
                                                      doesn't work at all !!! -
 The Hoodia Gordonii is type of cacti which is        Anonymous from Netherlands
 indigenous to areas of the South African desert.

 For generations, the nomadic Sans tribe have used
 Hoodia Gordonii to suppress their appetite, thus                    Overall Rating* 4.6 of 5.0
 allowing them to go on long hunting trips without
 being distracted by hunger.
                                                        *Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on
 Improve formula: Bioperine is a new ingredient ,       advertising Using weightloss forum data.
 arevolutionary extract from the Piper Nigrum           Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
 plant that can help increase the absorption of

                               UH1010 - $10 off

                            This code will work with
                                all order options
Fat Binder or Fat Blockers
    The term of “Fat binder” is often misled as   For example, the non-soluble fibre binds
    “fat burner”. But these two types of          with over quarter of dietary fats in your
    supplements do have big differences with      stomach and prevents these fats from
    regards to weight loss functions. Fat         getting absorbed into your body by
    binders can help you lose weight by           forming a fluid gel around fats. These fats
    binding the fat in the food you eat.          become too large to be absorbed by your
                                                  body. Meaning, you could still be able to
    A fat binder is a food supplement that        eat the food (in moderation) you love and
    actually prevents saturated fats from         still lose weight.
    being absorbed by the digestive system, so
    fewer calories need to be burned off in       Similarly, the soluble fibre can help slow
    order to lose weight fast.                    down your digestion, as well as the glucose
                                                  absorption abilities of your body, helping
    What is the best on the market?               you to feel fuller for a longer period of
                                                  time after you have eaten. This way, your
    Proactol Plus™ – is a patented fibre          food cravings will be reduced and your
    complex that is a 100% organic. The           appetite will be suppressed.
    Mexican cactus Opuntia ficus-indica is
    the key raw material in Proactol. It is a     See the figure below to explain how it
    strong fat binder, besides from being a       works:
    powerful appetite suppressant. As it
    includes both soluble fibre and non-
    soluble fibres, it acts as a double-edged
    weapon in both managing and controlling
    your weight.
Fat Binder or Fat Blockers

 What are the benefits of taking the Proactol Plus           Customer Rating:
 for you to lose weight?                                     The best/worst rating from weightloss forum:
 1)Proactol Plus can block up to 27.4% more fat in
 people who are taking this weight loss pill that those      “I'm on Proactol it works great for me, no side effects
 who are not using the product.                              and I've lost 18 kg in 6 months now I want to take a
 2)May help you manage your weight effectively.              little pause. I exercise daily, drink a lot of water and
 3)You can lose up to 2lb per week.                          eat only healthy food.. thx Proactol!” – Anonymous
 4)It helps you calming your cravings.                       from Chicago.
 5)It is a natural product with no artificial ingredients.
 6)It is suitable for vegetarians.                           “After 3 weeks using the proactol, I actually weighed
 7)Clinically proven fat binder                              only 2 pounds less than when I started, I have to admit
 8)Deliver worldwide with quick delivery from the UK         i have not been doing any exercise at all, plus
 depot.                                                      although I am not eating too bad”. Anonymous from
 9)180 days money back guarantee.                            Chester

 If you really want to see some great weight loss
 results, then you need to combine Proactol Plus with
 a steady exercise program and diet!                                           Overall Rating 4.8 of 5.0
 In fact, some of the best results we’ve seen so far, are
 from customers who have successfully combined
                                                                 Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on advertising
 Proactol with a exercise and diet strategy, as this can         using weightloss forum data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
 lead to you maintaining good lifestyle habits during
 and AFTER you have reach your target weight.

 Is It Recommended?
 Suitable if you: Are overwhelmed by your weight -
 or are more than 75 pounds overweight and looking
 for something with a proven track record.
 Not suitable if you: are only a little overweight.
                        Free Bonus:
                         PureAcaiBerry Max
                         “My Weight Management Goals” Ebook
                         60 Low Fat Recipe Cards
                         After Sale Support
                         $100 Weight Loss Voucher

                                PRIV5 - 5% discount
                                Works with 1 month
Fat Burner
 A fat burner boosts the metabolism and focuses the
 body’s energy burners on fat rather than other          Pure Acai Berry only contains 100% pure (not an
 sources of fuel. They can be further subdivided into    extract), unaltered, unhampered with, most potent
 the following types:                                    Acai on the market. Which means fast results and
                                                         REAL value for your money. Pure Acai Berry
 1- Thermogenics: They enhance the metabolic rate        provides you with 1500mg per day of 100% Pure
 and body’s temperature. Often these will contain        Acai Berry.
 ingredients such as ephedra (banned and now
 withdrawn from the market), yohimbe, and caffeine.      Pure Acai Berry has a certificate of analysis and
 The most noticeable side effects with the above         purity, the highest ORAC content, is certified
 mentioned ingredients include an increased heart        ORGANIC, is quality assured AND produced in
 rate, feelings of jitteriness and nervousness and       CGMP facilities. The test shows that Pure Acai
 anxiety. But improve formula on currently products      Berry exceeded the standard amount of Acai in the
 on the market use natural ingredients without these     tests ran, and multiple times more than in non
 side effects. Common ingredients are niacin,            freeze dried Acai products. So not only are you
 thiamin, l-carnitine, other ingredients depends on      getting more Acai per pill and more pills per box, but
 the product manufacturer.                               the quality of the Acai is better than the majority of
                                                         other Acai products available.
 What is the best on the market? Capsiplex and
 Pure Acai Berry Max.                                    How both products where ranking according to
                                                         consumers at weightloss forum (best / worst)?
 Capsiplex made with Capsimax Plus Blend is a
 proprietary blend containing patent pending             Capsiplex:
 Capsimax Capsicum Extract, Caffeine, Piperine
 (Black pepper Extract) and Niacin.                      “I really lose weight with Capsiplex, not very quickly,
 In a double bind, randomised, placebo controlled        but I do!” - Ilija from Romania
 cross-over study undertaken at the University of
 Oklahoma in the USA, 25 subject exercised on a          “lost 5 lb in 4 months!! Isn't too slow???” -
 treadmill on two occasions.                             Anonymous from Capsiplex Forum
 On one occasion, subjects took Capsiplex Plus 60-
 minutes before exercise and the second occasion         Acai Berry Max
 they took a placebo. When the subjects took             “I am often constipated, and taking pure acai berry
 Capsimax Plus, they burned an average cumulative        supplements really helps me control my weight and
 total of 278 more calories before, during and after     bowel every day.” - Cherry from MI
 exercise compared to placebo.
 The clinically proven, proprietary thermogenic          “My waist is not getting smaller! “-
 Capsiplex Plus Blend helps increase metabolism          Liz from TX
 before, during and after exercise, helping burn up to
                                                           Overall Rating:
 278 more calories cumulatively.
                                                           Capsiplex 3.5 (45%) Acai Berry Max 4.2
 Pure Acai Berry contains Acai Berry, which has
 been used for years throughout the Brazilian rain
 forests as a premium natural energy supplement.            Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on advertising
                                                            using weightloss forum data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
                        Running Excellent Offers Now!
Carb Blocker
 Carb blockers supplements simply block              weight you will lose but there is no need to starve
 carbohydrates from your meal instead of fat.        yourself. You will feel satisfied with a small
 Carb blockers become more popular than fat          portion of food.
 blockers because these products are from
 organic ingredients which are safer to use .        Meratol may also reduce calorie intake, block
 Ingredients from plant extract, capsicum and        carbohydrate intake, burn calories and reduce
 many others all work to block carb absorption in    food cravings.
 the digestive tract.
                                                     Meratol's Ingredients Are backed Up By Clinical
 Carb blocker are usually taken before or after      Studies (click to access the studies):
 meal which also result to the reduction of          CLINICAL STUDY 1: Evaluation Of Cacti-
 calories                                            Nea™’s Diuretic Effect In Women Showing
                                                     Water Retention.
 What is the best on the market? Meratol.            CLINICAL STUDY 2: Evaluation Of ID-Alg™s
                                                     Weight-Management Effect On Overweight
 Meratol is a food supplement designed to be         Women.
 taken as part of a healthy diet and exercise        CLINICAL STUDY 3: Capsaicinoids and Red
 regime. It's not designed to replace a good diet    Pepper Human Studies Review.
 and exercise, it's designed to help and enhance
 it.                                                 How it is ranking according to consumers at
                                                     weightloss forum (best / worst)?
 Meratol contains capsicum (chilli), prickly pear,
 brown algae and caffeine. Which means it can        “I would recommend the Meratol to anyone who
 help increase attention and alertness, support      is serious about his or her weight loss!” - BB from
 performance and capacity, exercise endurance        Ohio
 and can help increase metabolism.
                                                     “nothing happened???” - Anonymous from Meratol
 There is no need to deprive yourself of anything    Forum
 as long as you are sensible and eat in                                  Overall Rating: 2.8
 moderation, the less food you consume the more              Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on advertising
                                                             using weightloss forum data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
Capsicum, tomato and chilli soup
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
4 medium (800g) red capsicum, chopped
4 medium (520g) tomatoes, chopped
1 medium (350g) leek, sliced
2 small (160g) onions, chopped
2 small fresh red chillies, chopped
1.5 litres (6 cups) chicken stock
Coriander pesto
1/4 cup lightly packed fresh coriander leaves
3/4 Cup (180ml) olive oil
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2/3 cup (50g) grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup (30g) packaged ground almonds
1 tablespoon lime juice

Heat oil in pan, add garlic, capsicum, tomatoes,
leek, onions and chillies, cook, stirring, until
onions are soft. Stir in stock, simmer, uncovered,
about 40 minutes or until capsicum is very soft.
Blend or process soup until smooth, return to
pan, stir until hot. Serve soup drizzled with
coriander pesto.

Coriander pesto: Process coriander, oil and
garlic until smooth. Add remaining ingredients
and process until combined.

Serves 4 to 6.
Six Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
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Proactol weight loss dietary supplement1

  • 1. Special Edition Weight Loss, Fitness, Bodybuilding, Health and Beauty How to choose the best Weight Loss Supplements that works for you What is the Read the difference highest and between Fat lowest rating Binder, Fat comments from Burner, Appetite own Suppressants and experiences Carb Blocker? users (no advertising) from weightloss Which one forum data. Is the best for me? The complete guide including: how these supplements works, ingredients, clinical studies, overall rating.
  • 2. facebook/weightlossworlduk @loseweightshop pinterest/weightlossworld Join in the conversation; get the best tips & deals on weight loss, bodybuilding and nutrition supplements
  • 3. CONTENTS What is the difference between Fat Binder, Fat Burner, Appetite Suppressants and Carb Blocker? Appetite Suppressants Fat Binder or Fat Blockers Fat Burner Carb Blocker Recipe: Capsicum, tomato and chilli soup Six Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Read our recent posts!
  • 4. What is the difference between Fat Binder, Fat Burner, Appetite Suppressants and Carb Blocker? Maybe you are totally confused with so Hopefully after you read this special many terms of weight or fat loss edition you can take a closer look at products, but all of them have a single these properties and choose the best pill main purpose: to help you lose weight! to complement your weight loss o what is the right kind of pills for you? programme. Having the right knowledge about every On always look for diet pill properties will help you choose the new tendencies, best products on the best product that will fit your needs. the market, we rank them base on own experience of 2203 users, no on The objective of this special edition aims advertising using weight loss forums to identify the differences between the data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best. most effective weight loss supplements on the market that you may stumble with online.
  • 5. Appetite Suppressants Appetite suppressants pills are a effective Hoodia by 30% when used with UniqueHoodia™. way to restrict yourself from overeating and This can lead you to experiencing the hoodia's mindless munching. It generally promotes weight appetite suppression effect quicker and therefore loss simply by telling the body that is not hungry helping you to have even greater control over your and its perfectly full. appetite. Is It Recommended? How it works? Appetite suppressants increases Suitable if you: Want to lose some fat and have serotonin and catecholamine, two brain chemicals already healthy eating habits. that regulates mood and appetite. The result Not suitable if you: Are overwhelmed by your weight loss! weight - or are more than 75 pounds overweight. Are they safe? These are generally safe and cost- Customer Rating: effective and give you numerous other health The best/worst rating on weightloss forum: benefits as well. However, due to wide variety “My cravings for fat and sugar were GONE! I lost available in the market, it’s relatively tough to weight throughout my whole body, even the hardest choose one that will suit you the best. spots. I can't say enough about it. It gave me my active life back, Im not sure i could have done it on What is the best on the market? my own. Thanks UniqueHoodia!” – Nicole from The most effective, safest over the counter Boston USA. appetite suppressants on the market is: UniqueHoodia™. I tried uniquehoodia for 4 weeks but sorry, it doesn't work at all !!! - The Hoodia Gordonii is type of cacti which is Anonymous from Netherlands indigenous to areas of the South African desert. For generations, the nomadic Sans tribe have used Hoodia Gordonii to suppress their appetite, thus Overall Rating* 4.6 of 5.0 allowing them to go on long hunting trips without being distracted by hunger. *Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on Improve formula: Bioperine is a new ingredient , advertising Using weightloss forum data. arevolutionary extract from the Piper Nigrum Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best. plant that can help increase the absorption of
  • 6. SHOP ONLINE WORLDWIDE c UH1010 - $10 off This code will work with all order options
  • 7. Fat Binder or Fat Blockers The term of “Fat binder” is often misled as For example, the non-soluble fibre binds “fat burner”. But these two types of with over quarter of dietary fats in your supplements do have big differences with stomach and prevents these fats from regards to weight loss functions. Fat getting absorbed into your body by binders can help you lose weight by forming a fluid gel around fats. These fats binding the fat in the food you eat. become too large to be absorbed by your body. Meaning, you could still be able to A fat binder is a food supplement that eat the food (in moderation) you love and actually prevents saturated fats from still lose weight. being absorbed by the digestive system, so fewer calories need to be burned off in Similarly, the soluble fibre can help slow order to lose weight fast. down your digestion, as well as the glucose absorption abilities of your body, helping What is the best on the market? you to feel fuller for a longer period of time after you have eaten. This way, your Proactol Plus™ – is a patented fibre food cravings will be reduced and your complex that is a 100% organic. The appetite will be suppressed. Mexican cactus Opuntia ficus-indica is the key raw material in Proactol. It is a See the figure below to explain how it strong fat binder, besides from being a works: powerful appetite suppressant. As it includes both soluble fibre and non- soluble fibres, it acts as a double-edged weapon in both managing and controlling your weight.
  • 8. Fat Binder or Fat Blockers What are the benefits of taking the Proactol Plus Customer Rating: for you to lose weight? The best/worst rating from weightloss forum: 1)Proactol Plus can block up to 27.4% more fat in people who are taking this weight loss pill that those “I'm on Proactol it works great for me, no side effects who are not using the product. and I've lost 18 kg in 6 months now I want to take a 2)May help you manage your weight effectively. little pause. I exercise daily, drink a lot of water and 3)You can lose up to 2lb per week. eat only healthy food.. thx Proactol!” – Anonymous 4)It helps you calming your cravings. from Chicago. 5)It is a natural product with no artificial ingredients. 6)It is suitable for vegetarians. “After 3 weeks using the proactol, I actually weighed 7)Clinically proven fat binder only 2 pounds less than when I started, I have to admit 8)Deliver worldwide with quick delivery from the UK i have not been doing any exercise at all, plus depot. although I am not eating too bad”. Anonymous from 9)180 days money back guarantee. Chester If you really want to see some great weight loss results, then you need to combine Proactol Plus with a steady exercise program and diet! Overall Rating 4.8 of 5.0 In fact, some of the best results we’ve seen so far, are from customers who have successfully combined Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on advertising Proactol with a exercise and diet strategy, as this can using weightloss forum data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best. lead to you maintaining good lifestyle habits during and AFTER you have reach your target weight. Is It Recommended? Suitable if you: Are overwhelmed by your weight - or are more than 75 pounds overweight and looking for something with a proven track record. Not suitable if you: are only a little overweight.
  • 9. SHOP ONLINE WORLDWIDE Free Bonus:  PureAcaiBerry Max  “My Weight Management Goals” Ebook  60 Low Fat Recipe Cards  After Sale Support  $100 Weight Loss Voucher PRIV5 - 5% discount Works with 1 month supply!
  • 10. Fat Burner A fat burner boosts the metabolism and focuses the body’s energy burners on fat rather than other Pure Acai Berry only contains 100% pure (not an sources of fuel. They can be further subdivided into extract), unaltered, unhampered with, most potent the following types: Acai on the market. Which means fast results and REAL value for your money. Pure Acai Berry 1- Thermogenics: They enhance the metabolic rate provides you with 1500mg per day of 100% Pure and body’s temperature. Often these will contain Acai Berry. ingredients such as ephedra (banned and now withdrawn from the market), yohimbe, and caffeine. Pure Acai Berry has a certificate of analysis and The most noticeable side effects with the above purity, the highest ORAC content, is certified mentioned ingredients include an increased heart ORGANIC, is quality assured AND produced in rate, feelings of jitteriness and nervousness and CGMP facilities. The test shows that Pure Acai anxiety. But improve formula on currently products Berry exceeded the standard amount of Acai in the on the market use natural ingredients without these tests ran, and multiple times more than in non side effects. Common ingredients are niacin, freeze dried Acai products. So not only are you thiamin, l-carnitine, other ingredients depends on getting more Acai per pill and more pills per box, but the product manufacturer. the quality of the Acai is better than the majority of other Acai products available. What is the best on the market? Capsiplex and Pure Acai Berry Max. How both products where ranking according to consumers at weightloss forum (best / worst)? Capsiplex made with Capsimax Plus Blend is a proprietary blend containing patent pending Capsiplex: Capsimax Capsicum Extract, Caffeine, Piperine (Black pepper Extract) and Niacin. “I really lose weight with Capsiplex, not very quickly, In a double bind, randomised, placebo controlled but I do!” - Ilija from Romania cross-over study undertaken at the University of Oklahoma in the USA, 25 subject exercised on a “lost 5 lb in 4 months!! Isn't too slow???” - treadmill on two occasions. Anonymous from Capsiplex Forum On one occasion, subjects took Capsiplex Plus 60- minutes before exercise and the second occasion Acai Berry Max they took a placebo. When the subjects took “I am often constipated, and taking pure acai berry Capsimax Plus, they burned an average cumulative supplements really helps me control my weight and total of 278 more calories before, during and after bowel every day.” - Cherry from MI exercise compared to placebo. The clinically proven, proprietary thermogenic “My waist is not getting smaller! “- Capsiplex Plus Blend helps increase metabolism Liz from TX before, during and after exercise, helping burn up to Overall Rating: 278 more calories cumulatively. Capsiplex 3.5 (45%) Acai Berry Max 4.2 (55%) Pure Acai Berry contains Acai Berry, which has been used for years throughout the Brazilian rain forests as a premium natural energy supplement. Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on advertising using weightloss forum data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
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  • 12. Carb Blocker Carb blockers supplements simply block weight you will lose but there is no need to starve carbohydrates from your meal instead of fat. yourself. You will feel satisfied with a small Carb blockers become more popular than fat portion of food. blockers because these products are from organic ingredients which are safer to use . Meratol may also reduce calorie intake, block Ingredients from plant extract, capsicum and carbohydrate intake, burn calories and reduce many others all work to block carb absorption in food cravings. the digestive tract. Meratol's Ingredients Are backed Up By Clinical Carb blocker are usually taken before or after Studies (click to access the studies): meal which also result to the reduction of CLINICAL STUDY 1: Evaluation Of Cacti- calories Nea™’s Diuretic Effect In Women Showing Water Retention. What is the best on the market? Meratol. CLINICAL STUDY 2: Evaluation Of ID-Alg™s Weight-Management Effect On Overweight Meratol is a food supplement designed to be Women. taken as part of a healthy diet and exercise CLINICAL STUDY 3: Capsaicinoids and Red regime. It's not designed to replace a good diet Pepper Human Studies Review. and exercise, it's designed to help and enhance it. How it is ranking according to consumers at weightloss forum (best / worst)? Meratol contains capsicum (chilli), prickly pear, brown algae and caffeine. Which means it can “I would recommend the Meratol to anyone who help increase attention and alertness, support is serious about his or her weight loss!” - BB from performance and capacity, exercise endurance Ohio and can help increase metabolism. “nothing happened???” - Anonymous from Meratol There is no need to deprive yourself of anything Forum as long as you are sensible and eat in Overall Rating: 2.8 moderation, the less food you consume the more Rank base on own experience of 2203 users, no on advertising using weightloss forum data. Scale 1 to 5, 5 the best.
  • 13. Capsicum, tomato and chilli soup INGREDIENTS 2 teaspoons olive oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 4 medium (800g) red capsicum, chopped 4 medium (520g) tomatoes, chopped 1 medium (350g) leek, sliced 2 small (160g) onions, chopped 2 small fresh red chillies, chopped 1.5 litres (6 cups) chicken stock Coriander pesto 1/4 cup lightly packed fresh coriander leaves 3/4 Cup (180ml) olive oil 3 cloves garlic, chopped 2/3 cup (50g) grated parmesan cheese 1/4 cup (30g) packaged ground almonds 1 tablespoon lime juice METHOD Heat oil in pan, add garlic, capsicum, tomatoes, leek, onions and chillies, cook, stirring, until onions are soft. Stir in stock, simmer, uncovered, about 40 minutes or until capsicum is very soft. Blend or process soup until smooth, return to pan, stir until hot. Serve soup drizzled with coriander pesto. Coriander pesto: Process coriander, oil and garlic until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and process until combined. Serves 4 to 6.
  • 14. Six Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
  • 15. Become our Fan on Facebook! Read our recent post: How to Speed up your Metabolism: Outsmart Mother Nature! How to increase testosterone for More Muscle, Less Fat & Better Sex How to gain muscle and Size: Quick Guide Embark on the new-you project and improve your confidence and self esteem Motivation for Weight Loss Top Tips