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           BrainJuicer © 2006

                    De rol van emotie in
                    communicatie campagnes


Month Yr
What do we believe in at BrainJuicer®?

          “Market research at its best is mind expanding & profit
         enhancing, not just risk reducing. At best, it’s full of insight &
     illumination that informs & inspires great marketing. At worst, it’s a
     120 page insurance policy heavy on numbers, light on insight and
                            usually dead-on-arrival.

    BrainJuicer’s mission is simple. To significantly improve research,
        by translating a generation of breakthroughs in psychology,
       behaviourial economics & social sciences into Juicy tools that
                 better explain & predict human behaviour.

     Great researchers, applying Juicy tools on behalf of brave clients
       makes for better marketing, bigger brands & a rapidly growing
        business with potential to change the way research is done.

                         John Kearon, Chief Juicer

Who is BrainJuicer® and who is Carola?

              BrainJuicer® Group PLC is a thriving international marketing
              consultancy founded in 1999. The company provides fresh, validated,
              consumer-driven insight, to 11 of the worlds' top 20 consumer companies
              and their creative agencies, and other marquee clients in FMCG, food and
              beverage, retail, financial services, electronics, health and beauty, and
              entertainment. BrainJuicer® specializes in helping clients with their
              innovation programmes, focusing on insights, concepts,
              communications and customer satisfaction. The company’s innovative
              solutions have gained notice in the industry, which has come to regard
              BrainJuicer® as a true thought leader and change agent.

              Carola Verschoor is the managing director of BrainJuicer® Netherlands.
              She’s an experienced innovator and passionate marketer who has
              worked for more than 15 years on brand identity, portfolio architecture and
              innovation issues within the food and beverage industry. Carola loves
              challenges, is passionate about innovation and growth and believes that
              great marketing is the right mix between structured thinking, creative
              energy and juicy insights.

Het belang van emotie

             met betrekking tot

Month Yr
Het menselijk doel is het maximaliseren van…   & minimaliseren van


Month Yr
BrainJuicer®’s visie met betrekking tot emotie in communicatie

                 Emotie leidt tot actie - gebrek aan emotie leidt tot apathie.

           Emotionele, creatieve campagnes zijn effectiever dan informationele,
                     op overredingskracht gebaseerde campagnes.

            De primaire emotionele respons is het belangrijkste en meest nuttige
               instrument voor het herkennen van zeer effectieve campagnes -
           traditionele evaluatieve meetinstrumenten discrimineren juist tegen de
                                 meest effectieve campagnes.

                 Emotie is niet alleen een middel, maar een doel op zich –
           Emotionele campagnes zijn succesvoller, niet omdat ze de boodschap
              beter zouden brengen, maar juist omdat ze emotie oproepen.


Month Yr
Waarom het meten van emotie zo
                    belangrijk is

                         BrainJuicer © 2006

           bij het verklaren van succesvolle


Month Yr
Heineken Walk-In Fridge

                            -Click to watch advertisement –



Month Yr
Standard rating norms

   3   Zeer positief
                                                                                         UK Norm




           Hoeveel het je   Hoe overtuigend je Hoe relevant het is Hoe makkelijk het   In welke mate je
           over het merk        het vond            voor jou       te begrijpen was       het product
             vertelde                                                                    erdoor wilde


  -3   Zeer negatief


Month Yr
De Heineken Walk-In Fridge reclame scoort niet bijzonder goed op
 de traditionele standard ratings

   3   Zeer positief                                                            Heineken Walk-In Closet
                                                                                UK Norm




       Hoeveel het je over Hoe overtuigend je Hoe relevant het is   Hoe makkelijk het In welke mate je het
        het merk vertelde       het vond           voor jou         te begrijpen was     product erdoor
  -1                                                                                      wilde kopen


  -3   Zeer negatief


Month Yr
…maar was toch extreem succesvol op internet. Waarom?


Month Yr
Omdat mensen er blij van worden!

                     Het zien van deze reclame maakte VEEL mensen ERG blij.
                     Hoge Happiness score (63%) en hoge intensiteitsscore (2.1)
  Intensiteit          1.3        2.1    As a woman I was amused by
  van 0 tot +3           3         3     the shoes but the fridge was   It was
                         2         1
                         4               funny and unexpected           stereotypical and
       Minachting                                                       because of that it
                                                    Typical Heineken    was amusing
       Walging                                      advert. It was
                        40                          funny



       Neutraal         43


       Verrassing                 12

                      Finished                                                          12
                     TV-ad Norm
Month Yr
Meer voorbeelden van communicatie effectiviteit en omzet succes

                                  Cadbury’s meest effectieve reclame allertijden
                                  (bracht ruim 9% omzet groei door het assortiment)
                                  Miljoenen hits op YouTube

              Heineken Walk-in Fridge heeft ruim 10
                   miljoen hits op YouTube bereikt,
               ondanks dat het in het Nederlands is.

                                  Evian Roller Babies : ruim 20 miljoen
                                  YouTube hits en een versterkte merk
                                  awareness en trouw


Month Yr
Men kijkt vrijwillig en graag naar deze commercials…


                                                                                                      T-mobile Dance Liverpool
                                                                                                               Street     Evian roller babies

                                                                                                                     Cadbury Gorilla
                                                                                           Heineken Walk in Fridge
                                                                                                                                R = 0.79
                                                                   Brains from Thunderbirds
                                                                         in Drench ad
     YouTube Hits

                                                                                                    Guinness Evolution

                                                                                        VW Golf
                                           Halifax ad

                     HSBC Family Member                                       McVities Digestives

                                                        Kettle Chips

                                      Command strip products
                                  1               1.25                  1.5            1.75              2               2.25              2.5
                                                                       FaceTrace Emotional Intensity Score
                                                                              Emotional Engagement                                               14

Month Yr
Traditioneel onderzoek had succesvolle reclame niet gevalideerd

                                                                 - Cadbury ‘Gorilla’ ad -

                                                                                      - Click -
                                                                               to watch advertisement

           Would have been progressed on emotional                                                          Would not have been progressed on usual
                    engagement measures                                                                              information measures
                                                        Finished                                                         Finished
                                                       TV-ad Norm                                                       TV-ad Norm
           I n t e n s i t y Sc o r e me a s u r e d
           o n a s c a l e f r o m 0 t o +3               1.33      2.17
                     Contempt                              3
                                                           2         5
                                                           0         1                              Very Positive
                     Disgust                                                                                                               UK TV ad test norm


                     Sadness                                                                            0


                     Happiness                             43

                     Surprise                                                                                Relevant   Persuasive    Made you       How m uch it
                                                                                                                                     w ant buy the    told about
                                                                     12                                                                 product         brand
                                                           7                                        Very Negative


Month Yr
Evian’s succes was nooit bereikt als het aan conventionele meetmethodes lag

                             - Evian ‘Live Young’ ad -

                                                                                  - Click -
                                                                           to watch advertisement

           Would have been progressed on emotional                                                      Would not have been progressed on usual
                    engagement measures                                                                          information measures
                                                        Finished                                                     Finished
                                                       TV-ad Norm                                                   TV-ad Norm
           I n t e n s i t y Sc o r e me a s u r e d
           o n a s c a l e f r o m 0 t o +3               1.33      2.21
                     Contempt                              3         5
                                                           2                                    Very Positive
                                                           0         4
                                                           4         1
                     Disgust                                         3                                                                 UK TV ad test norm

                     Neutral                                         60

                     Happiness                             43

                     Surprise                                                                            Relevant   Persuasive    Made you       How m uch it
                                                                                                                                 w ant buy the    told about
                                                                     12                                                             product         brand
                                                           7                                    Very Negative


Month Yr
Traditionele, cognitieve pre-testing kan de beste creatievitet doden…

                                 Traditional Cognitive

                                Emotional Measurement

           Extremely Weak Ads                            Highly Effective Ads


Month Yr
Ratio is niet de enige noch de juiste weg

       “Traditional pre-testing is very helpful for advertising that seeks to impart a product
       message and link it to the brand. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that
       there are other styles of advertising that deliver higher levels of effectiveness and
       efficiency for their brands that do not work in this same way.”
         – Orlando Wood, Managing Director BrainJuicer® Labs                                 19

Month Yr
Emotionele besluitvorming

           De Neurowetenschappen en Psychologie hebben recentelijk
           aangetoond dat er twee denksystemen zijn welke de
           besluitvorming ondersteunen.
            – Het eerste leert langzaam, intuitief en zeer snel qua reactief
               vermogen – buikgevoel. Dit systeem is zeer afhankelijk van
            – Het 2e systeem leert snel, is bewust in het maknb van
               overwegingen en is dus langzamer. Dit systeem word
               beheerst door onze centrale bewustzijn en werkgeheugen.

           Traditionele pre-testing gaat ervan uit dat alle communicatie
           werkt op basis van het 2e systeem – overreding, informatie,
           overtuigende boodschappen.
           Onze experimenten in BrainJuicer® Labs hebben
           wetenshappelijk aangetoond dat meten op basis van deze
           rationele metingen actief discrimineert tegen emotionele
           communicatie welke aanspreken op de besluitvorming volgens
           het 1ste systeem.
           Echter, goed scorende communicatie volgens de emotionele
           meting is in staat om hoge effectiviteit te behalen in de markt,
           vaker ook met een verminderde prijs sensitiviteit tegenover het


Month Yr
IPA: “Emotional Campaigns Outperform Rational ones.”

                                                 Campagnes welke focussen op emotie tonen meer en
                                               grotere winst groei dan campagnes die focussen op ratio.

    V large profit gains (% reporting)





                                                         Emotional                               Combined                                 Rational
                                                                                             Campaign strategy

                                                                        IPA: institute of Practitioners in Advertising.( UK.)                         21

Month Yr                                   TV reclames met IPA campagneinzendingen vanaf 2006 tot 2009, waarvan TV tenminste 50% gewicht had.
Gezichtsuitdrukkingen gebruiken

                       BrainJuicer © 2006

           Het in kaart brengen van emoties
           En de basis achter FaceTrace™

Month Yr
Paul Ekman heeft vastgesteld dat emotionele gezichtsuitdrukkingen niet cultureel
 bepaald zijn, maar universeel zijn over culturen heen

           Ekman’s onderzoek naar hoe emoties worden uitgedragen en
           begrepen via het gezicht leert ons:

            1. Begrijpen welke emoties we in kaart moeten brengen.

            2. En manier om emoties te interpreteren dmv eigen rapportage met
               een minimum aan cognitieve vertaling


Month Yr
De 7 universele basis emoties


             Droefheid                                    Verrassing

           Blijdschap                                          Woede

                        Angst                        Walging
                                BrainJuicer © 2006


Month Yr
Emotionele Meetmethode FaceTrace®

           Welke van deze gezichten geeft het beste weer hoe je
                   je voelt tegenover de advertentie?


                                                                       In welke mate voel je [geselecteerde
                                                                        emotie] tegenover de advertentie?
           Droefheid                                      Verrassing

                                                                    Wat zorgde er in deze advertentie voor
     Blijdschap                                               Woede          dat je je zo voelde?

                       Angst                        Walging                             2007

                               BrainJuicer © 2006                                       2007
                                                                                       Winner         26

Month Yr
CommScan in de Praktijk

           Het meten van emotionele betrokkenheid
                Met behulp van FaceTrace™


Month Yr
Emotion-into-ActionTM score – Predicting Business Effectiveness

                                         Intensity Score
                                         measured on a             1.70
   Some emotions more conducive          scale from 0 to +3
   to positive commercial action                           90%
   than others                               Contempt

                                                           80%      8

   IPA experiment shows emotions             Disgust
   are best predictor of very large
   business effects                          Anger                  8

   We have created an emotional                            50%      20     into-
   model predictive of business                                           ActionTM
   effectiveness by weighting each           Sadness

   emotion based on its likelihood
   to lead to action (see illustration       Neutral
   to the left)

   The result is an
                                             Surprise               10
   Emotion-into-ActionTM score

‘Emotion-into-Action’ goede voorspeller van Reclame Efficientie

 Extent to which variation in each measure explains
 variation in efficiency (R-squared values)







            Key              Emotion-into-         Persuasion      Established Industry   Brand Linkage
         Message on            Action™                                 Cut-through
          Message                                                  Measure Equivalent

       Base: 10 ads for which SOM and ESOV data is available from the IPA
Fame Ads: Definitie

 “Building ‘Fame’ of the brand or perceptions of its strength or authority – that
                        is, the brand defines the category”
            (Marketing in the Era of Accountability, IPA DataMine, WARC, 2007)

Fame Ads:
    – Maken grote emotionele responsen los

    – Generen hoge niveaus van blijdschap, in het bijzonder

    – Ze kunnen zeer lage scores tonen op rationele metingen zoals ‘ik wil het
      product kopen’, ‘relevantie’, ‘overtuiging’

    – Vaak brengen een dubbele golf van blijdschap: Gorilla, Heineken Fridge

    – Hebben zeer grote hoeveelheden visueel detail hetgeen uitnodigt om
      opnieuw te willen kijken

    – Hebben een creatief idee zoals Axe ‘verleiding’ welke multimediaal     32
      ingezet kan worden
‘Fame’ ads:
scoren bovengemiddeld op Emotion-into-ActionTM
% of Cases
(UK finished film norm)

                   = Great ads
                   = Good ads
 40%               = Mediocre ads                         81

                                                 31%                   84
 30%                                28%


             1%                                                               1%

             <65            66-70   71-75        76-80           81-85        >86
                                    Emotion-into-Action™ Score
Cadbury Gorilla – Reasons for Emotions

Intensity Score                         100%   2.17   Cannot see what the connection was between
measured on a                                   5
scale from 0 to +3                              1
                                                      Phil Collins, Gorilla & Chocolate
Contempt                                              Don't understand the connection between a
                                                16    gorilla and chocolate
                                                      Good filming, but what has it to do with
                                        70%           Excellent ad, not quite sure what gorilla
Anger                                                 represents, but who cares. Fantastic
                     % of respondents

                                                      Ad is brilliant and gorilla makes me laugh, its
Fear                                                  very clever and easy to remember
                                                      The best ad around! I just love it!!!! it is different
                                                65    and memorable
                                                      Great ad, gets people talking about it,
Neutral                                 30%
                                                      First time I saw it I was really surprised it was for
Happy                                   20%           What does a gorilla playing the drums have to do
                                                      with chocolate?
                                        10%           Not what I was expecting. Trying to work out
                                                12    whether the gorilla was real...
                                         0%           Bizarre and unique. Makes you watch          34

                                                      the whole ad to find the tagline.
FaceTrace & Reasons Why
 Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert/idea for an advert you saw?

 Intensity Score
 measured on a                      2.10
 scale from 0 to +3                   3
                                      1      Childish playing to stereotypes

                                             Didn't mean anything to me

                                             Its just a fridge

   Disgust                                   Do people really behave like that? It seemed unrealistic
                % of respondents

   Fear                                      It was right up my street and made me laugh
                                             It was stereotypical and because of that it was amusing
   Neutral                           63

                                             Typical Heineken advert. It was funny

                                             It made me giggle

                                             As a woman I was amused by the shoes but the fridge was funny and unexpected
                                             For women not surprised but then when it came to men surprised and funny
                                   Fridge                                                                               35

February 2010
FaceTrace: Evian Roller Babies UK
Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert/idea
for an advert you saw?
   Intensity Score
   measured on a                   1.33         2.21
   scale from 0 to +3                 3
                                                  5         Amusing, yes, but gimmicks can be dangerous.
                                      0           4
                                                            The babies were freaky
                                                            Not sure what it has to do with mineral water
                       Contempt                             Seen clip before doesn't say anything about the product
                       Disgust       40
                                                            Its too cute for me
                                                            It was an excellent advert that was cleverly made and very
    % of respondents

                                                            Definitely one that will be remembered - clever and comical

                       Happiness                            Happy Vibe, Funny
                                     43                     I find the babies very cute and appealing - clever advert

                                                            Wasn't expecting to see rollerskating babies! I wondered
                                                            how they did it?
                                                            I thought it was a rather weird way of expressing feeling
                                                            Was just so good
                                   UK Norm   Evian Roller
February 2010                                                      Total Sample: 153
         a                                                                                                                      100%
      2 rt
      4 c

      6 ec
      8 ec
     10 sec
     12 se c
     14 se c
     16 se c
     18 se c
     20 se c
                                                                                                                                       5 Seconds

     22 se c
     24 se c
     26 se c
     28 se c
     30 se c
     32 se c
     34 se c
                                                                                                                                       10 Seconds

     36 se c
     38 se c
     40 se c
     42 se c
     44 se c
     46 se c
                                                                                                                                       15 Seconds

     48 se c
     50 se c
     52 se c
     54 se c
     56 se c
     58 se c
                                                                                                                                       20 Seconds

     60 se c
     62 se c
     64 se c
     66 se c
     68 se c
     70 se c
     72 se c
                                                                                                                                       25 Seconds

     74 se c
                                                                                                                                                    FaceTracing Output: Cadbury Dairy Milk (Phil Collins)

     76 se c
     78 se c
     80 se c

     82 se c
     84 se c
     86 se c
     88 se c
     90 se c



FaceTracing – Tracing the Emotional Journey

   Intensity Score
   measured on a
                                    0   0   1
                                            0   1
                                                0    1
                                                     0    3    3   3   3    3    3                                                                      3
                                                          0    0   0
                                                                   1   0
                                                                       1    0
                                                                            1    1    6                                          5    5    5   5   5         5    5   5   6    6
   scale from 0 to +3                                                            0
                                                                                 1         10   11                  11 11   10                          2
                                                                                      1              12   12   13                3    3    3   3   3    1
                                                                                                                                                        1    2    3   3   3    1
                                                                                                                                 0    1
                                                                                                                                      0    1
                                                                                                                                           0   1
                                                                                                                                               0   1         2    2   2        2
                                                                                           1                                     2    1    1   2   1
                                                                                                                                                   2         1
                                                                                                                                                             1    0
                                                                                                                                                                  1   0
                                                                                                                                                                      1   2
                                                                                                                                                                          0    1
                                                                                           1    1
                                                                                                1    2                  3   3                                             1
                                                                                                1    1    3         4       2
                                                                                                     1    1
                                                                                                          0    4    2   2
                                                                                                                        0   0
                                                                                                          1         0
                                                                                                                    1   1
                       Contempt                                                                                2
                                                                                                                                                        29   27   26 26   24   27
                                                                                                                                      32   29 29   29
    % of respondents

                                                                                                54        46        44 44
                                                                                      69 59          52        43
                                   100 100 99   99   97   95   94 93   92   90

                                                                                                                                      36   39 40   40   44        48 49
                       Neutral                                                                                                                               47           52   50
                                                                                                          24   25   25 25
                       Surprise                                                                 18   20
                                                                                                                                      22   21 20   20
                                                                                 7                                          16   19                     18   16   16 15
                                                                                      10 12     12   12   12   11   12 13                                                 13   13
                                                                            3    6
                                                0    1    1    2   2   3    3
                                    0   0   0   1    1    1    1   1   1
                                   Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
                                        sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec


February 2010
FaceTracing: Evian Roller Babies UK

 Intensity Score
                                       0   0
                                           0    1    1    1    1
 measured on a                                  1
                                                0    1
                                                     0    3    3     3    4    5    5    5          5    5    4    4    5    6    5    6         6              6    6    6         5    5
                                                          0    0                              6                                             7         7    6                   6
 scale from 0 to +3                                                  5    6
                                                                     0              8    8          8    7    8    8    8         8
                                                                          1    9              8                              8         7    7    8    7    8    9         9    9    9    9
                                                                          0                                                                                          10
                                                                                    1    2          1    2    2    2
                                                                                                                   0    2         1
                                                                                                                                  0    1
                                                                               1    1
                                                                                    1    1    1
                                                                                              1     1
                                                                                                    0    1
                                                                                                         0    1
                                                                                                              0    1    0
                                                                                                                        1    2    1    1
                                                                                                                                       1    2    2    3    3                        3    3
                                                                               1         1    0                              0
                                                                                                                             1              1
                                                                                                                                            1    2              3    3    3    3
                     Contempt                                                                                                                    1    3    3    3         2    2    2
                                                                                                                                                                                    0    2
                                               The babies are scary!                                                                                  1    0    0    3
                                                                                                                                                                          0    0

                     Disgust                                                                                  29                                                                    21   20
                                                                     46   37                  29    29   30        30   28
                                                               58                   32                                                 33   30                            23   22
                                                                               31        33                                  33   37             29   26   25   25   23
  % of respondents

                                                                                                                                  The babies have gone
                                   100 99       97   95

                     Neutral                                              30                                            41                                                43   43   46
                                                                     25        35             40    42   40   42   42                                      41   41   42                  52
                                                                                    38                                       33   33   37   39   39   41
                     Happiness                                 21
                                                                    I can see a baby
                     Surprise                                       about to start dancing

                                                                     22   22
                                                               18              16                        15             15   17   16
                                                                                    14   13   14    12        14   14                  14   14   14   13   13   14   14   14   14   14
                                                          7                                                                                                                              8
                                       0   0    1
                                                0    1




















































February 2010                                                                                      Total Sample: 153
Not all types of happiness are created equal…

                                                        Happiness Types: Business vs Intermediate Effects

  No. of very large intermediate effects


                                           2.50                                        Excited
                                                              Proud         Sensorially Relieved                           Joyful over
                                           1.50                             pleased                                        others’ misfortune
                                               1.00                1.50                     2.00                    2.50                 3.00
                                                                            No. of very large business effects


                                     Base: 18 ads for which business effectiveness data is available from the IPA
Finale opmerkingen

   Om zowel efficientie als effectiviteit te behalen, zet emotie centraal
   in de reclame uitingen en hun campagnes.

   Emotie is geen middel maar een doel an sich.

   Campagnes gebaseerd op een ‘Reclame Boodchap’ kunnen wel
   omzet verhogend werken maar wel met lagere efficientie niveaus
   dan emotionele campagnes.

   Sommige emotionele lijnen (journeys) en bepaalde soorten
   blijdschap kunnen meer effectiviteit opleveren dan anderen. Maar al
   met al zijn positieve emoties goede voorspellers van reclame

                                      Carola Verschoor
                       Managing Director BrainJuicer NL


Month Yr

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Presentatie Brain Juicer

  • 1. 2005 2007 2005 2007 Award Award Winner Winner BrainJuicer © 2006 De rol van emotie in communicatie campagnes 1 Month Yr
  • 2. What do we believe in at BrainJuicer®? “Market research at its best is mind expanding & profit enhancing, not just risk reducing. At best, it’s full of insight & illumination that informs & inspires great marketing. At worst, it’s a 120 page insurance policy heavy on numbers, light on insight and usually dead-on-arrival. BrainJuicer’s mission is simple. To significantly improve research, by translating a generation of breakthroughs in psychology, behaviourial economics & social sciences into Juicy tools that better explain & predict human behaviour. Great researchers, applying Juicy tools on behalf of brave clients makes for better marketing, bigger brands & a rapidly growing business with potential to change the way research is done. John Kearon, Chief Juicer 2
  • 3. Who is BrainJuicer® and who is Carola? BrainJuicer® Group PLC is a thriving international marketing consultancy founded in 1999. The company provides fresh, validated, consumer-driven insight, to 11 of the worlds' top 20 consumer companies and their creative agencies, and other marquee clients in FMCG, food and beverage, retail, financial services, electronics, health and beauty, and entertainment. BrainJuicer® specializes in helping clients with their innovation programmes, focusing on insights, concepts, communications and customer satisfaction. The company’s innovative solutions have gained notice in the industry, which has come to regard BrainJuicer® as a true thought leader and change agent. Carola Verschoor is the managing director of BrainJuicer® Netherlands. She’s an experienced innovator and passionate marketer who has worked for more than 15 years on brand identity, portfolio architecture and innovation issues within the food and beverage industry. Carola loves challenges, is passionate about innovation and growth and believes that great marketing is the right mix between structured thinking, creative energy and juicy insights. 3
  • 4. Het belang van emotie met betrekking tot communicatie 4 Month Yr
  • 5. Het menselijk doel is het maximaliseren van… & minimaliseren van 5 Month Yr
  • 6. BrainJuicer®’s visie met betrekking tot emotie in communicatie Emotie leidt tot actie - gebrek aan emotie leidt tot apathie. Emotionele, creatieve campagnes zijn effectiever dan informationele, op overredingskracht gebaseerde campagnes. De primaire emotionele respons is het belangrijkste en meest nuttige instrument voor het herkennen van zeer effectieve campagnes - traditionele evaluatieve meetinstrumenten discrimineren juist tegen de meest effectieve campagnes. Emotie is niet alleen een middel, maar een doel op zich – Emotionele campagnes zijn succesvoller, niet omdat ze de boodschap beter zouden brengen, maar juist omdat ze emotie oproepen. 6 Month Yr
  • 7. Waarom het meten van emotie zo belangrijk is BrainJuicer © 2006 bij het verklaren van succesvolle reclamecampagnes 7 Month Yr
  • 8. Heineken Walk-In Fridge -Click to watch advertisement – 8 Month Yr
  • 9. Standard rating norms 3 Zeer positief UK Norm 2 1 0 Hoeveel het je Hoe overtuigend je Hoe relevant het is Hoe makkelijk het In welke mate je over het merk het vond voor jou te begrijpen was het product -1 vertelde erdoor wilde kopen -2 -3 Zeer negatief 9 Month Yr
  • 10. De Heineken Walk-In Fridge reclame scoort niet bijzonder goed op de traditionele standard ratings 3 Zeer positief Heineken Walk-In Closet UK Norm 2 1 0 Hoeveel het je over Hoe overtuigend je Hoe relevant het is Hoe makkelijk het In welke mate je het het merk vertelde het vond voor jou te begrijpen was product erdoor -1 wilde kopen -2 -3 Zeer negatief 10 Month Yr
  • 11. …maar was toch extreem succesvol op internet. Waarom? 11 Month Yr
  • 12. Omdat mensen er blij van worden! Het zien van deze reclame maakte VEEL mensen ERG blij. Hoge Happiness score (63%) en hoge intensiteitsscore (2.1) Intensiteit 1.3 2.1 As a woman I was amused by van 0 tot +3 3 3 the shoes but the fridge was It was 1 2 1 0 4 funny and unexpected stereotypical and Minachting because of that it 21 Typical Heineken was amusing Walging advert. It was 40 funny Woede Angst Droevigheid 63 Neutraal 43 Blijdschap Verrassing 12 7 Finished 12 TV-ad Norm Month Yr
  • 13. Meer voorbeelden van communicatie effectiviteit en omzet succes Cadbury’s meest effectieve reclame allertijden (bracht ruim 9% omzet groei door het assortiment) Miljoenen hits op YouTube Heineken Walk-in Fridge heeft ruim 10 miljoen hits op YouTube bereikt, ondanks dat het in het Nederlands is. Evian Roller Babies : ruim 20 miljoen YouTube hits en een versterkte merk awareness en trouw 13 Month Yr
  • 14. Men kijkt vrijwillig en graag naar deze commercials… 100,000,000 T-mobile Dance Liverpool Street Evian roller babies 10,000,000 Cadbury Gorilla Heineken Walk in Fridge 2 R = 0.79 Brains from Thunderbirds in Drench ad 1,000,000 YouTube Hits Guinness Evolution VW Golf 100,000 Halifax ad HSBC Family Member McVities Digestives 10,000 Kettle Chips Command strip products 1,000 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 FaceTrace Emotional Intensity Score Emotional Engagement 14 Month Yr
  • 15. Traditioneel onderzoek had succesvolle reclame niet gevalideerd - Cadbury ‘Gorilla’ ad - - Click - to watch advertisement Would have been progressed on emotional Would not have been progressed on usual engagement measures information measures Finished Finished TV-ad Norm TV-ad Norm I n t e n s i t y Sc o r e me a s u r e d o n a s c a l e f r o m 0 t o +3 1.33 2.17 Contempt 3 1 2 5 0 1 Very Positive 4 Disgust UK TV ad test norm 16 1 Anger 40 Fear Sadness 0 65 Neutral Happiness 43 -1 Surprise Relevant Persuasive Made you How m uch it w ant buy the told about 12 product brand 7 Very Negative 15 Month Yr
  • 16. Evian’s succes was nooit bereikt als het aan conventionele meetmethodes lag - Evian ‘Live Young’ ad - - Click - to watch advertisement Would have been progressed on emotional Would not have been progressed on usual engagement measures information measures Finished Finished TV-ad Norm TV-ad Norm I n t e n s i t y Sc o r e me a s u r e d o n a s c a l e f r o m 0 t o +3 1.33 2.21 Contempt 3 5 1 2 Very Positive 0 4 4 1 Disgust 3 UK TV ad test norm 1 1 15 Anger 40 Fear 0.01 0 Sadness Neutral 60 Happiness 43 -1 Surprise Relevant Persuasive Made you How m uch it w ant buy the told about 12 product brand 7 Very Negative 16 Month Yr
  • 17. Traditionele, cognitieve pre-testing kan de beste creatievitet doden… Traditional Cognitive Measurement Emotional Measurement Extremely Weak Ads Highly Effective Ads 17 Month Yr
  • 18. Ratio is niet de enige noch de juiste weg “Traditional pre-testing is very helpful for advertising that seeks to impart a product message and link it to the brand. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are other styles of advertising that deliver higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency for their brands that do not work in this same way.” – Orlando Wood, Managing Director BrainJuicer® Labs 19 Month Yr
  • 19. Emotionele besluitvorming De Neurowetenschappen en Psychologie hebben recentelijk aangetoond dat er twee denksystemen zijn welke de besluitvorming ondersteunen. – Het eerste leert langzaam, intuitief en zeer snel qua reactief vermogen – buikgevoel. Dit systeem is zeer afhankelijk van emoties. – Het 2e systeem leert snel, is bewust in het maknb van overwegingen en is dus langzamer. Dit systeem word beheerst door onze centrale bewustzijn en werkgeheugen. Traditionele pre-testing gaat ervan uit dat alle communicatie werkt op basis van het 2e systeem – overreding, informatie, overtuigende boodschappen. Onze experimenten in BrainJuicer® Labs hebben wetenshappelijk aangetoond dat meten op basis van deze rationele metingen actief discrimineert tegen emotionele communicatie welke aanspreken op de besluitvorming volgens het 1ste systeem. Echter, goed scorende communicatie volgens de emotionele meting is in staat om hoge effectiviteit te behalen in de markt, vaker ook met een verminderde prijs sensitiviteit tegenover het merk. 20 Month Yr
  • 20. IPA: “Emotional Campaigns Outperform Rational ones.” Campagnes welke focussen op emotie tonen meer en grotere winst groei dan campagnes die focussen op ratio. 35% V large profit gains (% reporting) 30% 31% 25% 26% 20% 15% 16% 10% 5% 0% Emotional Combined Rational Campaign strategy IPA: institute of Practitioners in Advertising.( UK.) 21 Month Yr TV reclames met IPA campagneinzendingen vanaf 2006 tot 2009, waarvan TV tenminste 50% gewicht had.
  • 21. Gezichtsuitdrukkingen gebruiken BrainJuicer © 2006 Het in kaart brengen van emoties En de basis achter FaceTrace™ 23 Month Yr
  • 22. Paul Ekman heeft vastgesteld dat emotionele gezichtsuitdrukkingen niet cultureel bepaald zijn, maar universeel zijn over culturen heen Ekman’s onderzoek naar hoe emoties worden uitgedragen en begrepen via het gezicht leert ons: 1. Begrijpen welke emoties we in kaart moeten brengen. 2. En manier om emoties te interpreteren dmv eigen rapportage met een minimum aan cognitieve vertaling 24 Month Yr
  • 23. De 7 universele basis emoties Minachting Droefheid Verrassing Blijdschap Woede Angst Walging BrainJuicer © 2006 25 Month Yr
  • 24. Emotionele Meetmethode FaceTrace® Welke van deze gezichten geeft het beste weer hoe je je voelt tegenover de advertentie? Minachting In welke mate voel je [geselecteerde emotie] tegenover de advertentie? Droefheid Verrassing Wat zorgde er in deze advertentie voor Neutraal Blijdschap Woede dat je je zo voelde? Angst Walging 2007 BrainJuicer © 2006 2007 Award Winner 26 Month Yr
  • 25. CommScan in de Praktijk Het meten van emotionele betrokkenheid Met behulp van FaceTrace™ 27 Month Yr
  • 26. Emotion-into-ActionTM score – Predicting Business Effectiveness Intensity Score measured on a 1.70 100% Some emotions more conducive scale from 0 to +3 8 to positive commercial action 90% than others Contempt 8 80% 8 IPA experiment shows emotions Disgust 8 70% are best predictor of very large business effects Anger 8 60% Emotion- Fear We have created an emotional 50% 20 into- model predictive of business ActionTM 40% effectiveness by weighting each Sadness emotion based on its likelihood 30% to lead to action (see illustration Neutral 30 to the left) 20% Happiness 10% The result is an Surprise 10 Emotion-into-ActionTM score 0% 28
  • 27. ‘Emotion-into-Action’ goede voorspeller van Reclame Efficientie Extent to which variation in each measure explains variation in efficiency (R-squared values) 0.5 0.4 0.37 0.3 0.27 0.25 0.2 0.16 0.1 0.05 0 Key Emotion-into- Persuasion Established Industry Brand Linkage Message on Action™ Cut-through Message Measure Equivalent 31 Base: 10 ads for which SOM and ESOV data is available from the IPA
  • 28. Fame Ads: Definitie “Building ‘Fame’ of the brand or perceptions of its strength or authority – that is, the brand defines the category” (Marketing in the Era of Accountability, IPA DataMine, WARC, 2007) Fame Ads: – Maken grote emotionele responsen los – Generen hoge niveaus van blijdschap, in het bijzonder ‘geinspireerd/gelukkig/aangetrokken’ – Ze kunnen zeer lage scores tonen op rationele metingen zoals ‘ik wil het product kopen’, ‘relevantie’, ‘overtuiging’ – Vaak brengen een dubbele golf van blijdschap: Gorilla, Heineken Fridge – Hebben zeer grote hoeveelheden visueel detail hetgeen uitnodigt om opnieuw te willen kijken – Hebben een creatief idee zoals Axe ‘verleiding’ welke multimediaal 32 ingezet kan worden
  • 29. ‘Fame’ ads: scoren bovengemiddeld op Emotion-into-ActionTM % of Cases (UK finished film norm) 50% = Great ads = Good ads 40% = Mediocre ads 81 31% 84 30% 28% 85 22% 20% 16% 10% 1% 1% 0% <65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 >86 33 Emotion-into-Action™ Score
  • 30. Cadbury Gorilla – Reasons for Emotions Intensity Score 100% 2.17 Cannot see what the connection was between measured on a 5 scale from 0 to +3 1 Phil Collins, Gorilla & Chocolate 1 90% Contempt Don't understand the connection between a 16 gorilla and chocolate 80% Good filming, but what has it to do with Disgust chocolate? 70% Excellent ad, not quite sure what gorilla Anger represents, but who cares. Fantastic % of respondents 60% Ad is brilliant and gorilla makes me laugh, its Fear very clever and easy to remember 50% The best ad around! I just love it!!!! it is different 65 and memorable Sadness 40% Great ad, gets people talking about it, memorable Neutral 30% First time I saw it I was really surprised it was for Happy 20% What does a gorilla playing the drums have to do with chocolate? 10% Not what I was expecting. Trying to work out Surprise 12 whether the gorilla was real... 0% Bizarre and unique. Makes you watch 34 the whole ad to find the tagline.
  • 31. FaceTrace & Reasons Why Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert/idea for an advert you saw? Intensity Score measured on a 2.10 scale from 0 to +3 3 1 Childish playing to stereotypes Didn't mean anything to me 21 Its just a fridge Contempt Disgust Do people really behave like that? It seemed unrealistic Anger % of respondents Fear It was right up my street and made me laugh Sadness It was stereotypical and because of that it was amusing Neutral 63 Happiness Typical Heineken advert. It was funny Surprise It made me giggle As a woman I was amused by the shoes but the fridge was funny and unexpected 12 For women not surprised but then when it came to men surprised and funny Walk-In Fridge 35 February 2010
  • 32. FaceTrace: Evian Roller Babies UK Which of these faces best expresses how you feel about the advert/idea for an advert you saw? Intensity Score measured on a 1.33 2.21 scale from 0 to +3 3 1 5 Amusing, yes, but gimmicks can be dangerous. 2 0 4 4 1 3 The babies were freaky 1 Not sure what it has to do with mineral water 15 Contempt Seen clip before doesn't say anything about the product Disgust 40 Its too cute for me Anger It was an excellent advert that was cleverly made and very % of respondents Fear funny Sadness Definitely one that will be remembered - clever and comical Neutral 60 Happiness Happy Vibe, Funny Surprise 43 I find the babies very cute and appealing - clever advert Wasn't expecting to see rollerskating babies! I wondered how they did it? I thought it was a rather weird way of expressing feeling 12 7 young Was just so good UK Norm Evian Roller 36 Babies February 2010 Total Sample: 153
  • 33. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% St a 100% 2 rt se 4 c Start s 6 ec s 8 ec 10 sec 12 se c 14 se c 16 se c 18 se c 20 se c 5 Seconds 22 se c 24 se c 26 se c 28 se c 30 se c 32 se c 34 se c 10 Seconds 36 se c 38 se c 40 se c 42 se c 44 se c 46 se c 15 Seconds 48 se c 50 se c 52 se c 54 se c 56 se c 58 se c 20 Seconds 60 se c 62 se c 64 se c 66 se c 68 se c 70 se c 72 se c 25 Seconds 74 se c FaceTracing Output: Cadbury Dairy Milk (Phil Collins) 76 se c 78 se c 80 se c End 82 se c 84 se c 86 se c 88 se c 90 se c se c 37 Fear Anger Happy Disgust Neutral Surprise Sadness Contempt
  • 34. FaceTracing – Tracing the Emotional Journey Intensity Score measured on a 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 scale from 0 to +3 0 1 10 11 11 11 10 2 1 1 0 1 12 12 13 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 0 1 1 3 4 2 0 1 1 0 4 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 Contempt 2 0 1 29 27 26 26 24 27 32 29 29 29 Disgust 38 Anger % of respondents 43 54 46 44 44 69 59 52 43 Fear 83 100 100 99 99 97 95 94 93 92 90 Sadness 36 39 40 40 44 48 49 Neutral 47 52 50 32 Happiness 25 24 25 25 25 Surprise 18 20 15 12 22 21 20 20 7 16 19 18 16 16 15 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 13 13 13 3 6 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec sec 38 February 2010
  • 35. FaceTracing: Evian Roller Babies UK Intensity Score 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 measured on a 1 0 1 0 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 0 0 6 7 7 6 6 scale from 0 to +3 5 6 0 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 1 9 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 1 0 10 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 Contempt 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 0 2 0 The babies are scary! 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 Disgust 29 21 20 46 37 29 29 30 30 28 58 32 33 30 23 22 31 33 33 37 29 26 25 25 23 Anger % of respondents The babies have gone 77 Fear 100 99 97 95 Sadness Neutral 30 41 43 43 46 25 35 40 42 40 42 42 41 41 42 52 38 33 33 37 39 39 41 38 Happiness 21 I can see a baby Surprise about to start dancing 12 22 22 18 16 15 15 17 16 14 13 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 7 8 2 0 0 1 0 1 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c ec ec ec ec rt se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se Sta 2s 4s 6s 8s 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 39 February 2010 Total Sample: 153
  • 36. Not all types of happiness are created equal… Happiness Types: Business vs Intermediate Effects 3.50 No. of very large intermediate effects Awe-inspired Grateful/appreciative 3.00 Ecstatic/blissful 2.50 Excited Uplifted Contented 2.00 Proud Sensorially Relieved Joyful over 1.50 pleased others’ misfortune Amused 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 No. of very large business effects 40 Base: 18 ads for which business effectiveness data is available from the IPA
  • 37. Finale opmerkingen Om zowel efficientie als effectiviteit te behalen, zet emotie centraal in de reclame uitingen en hun campagnes. Emotie is geen middel maar een doel an sich. Campagnes gebaseerd op een ‘Reclame Boodchap’ kunnen wel omzet verhogend werken maar wel met lagere efficientie niveaus dan emotionele campagnes. Sommige emotionele lijnen (journeys) en bepaalde soorten blijdschap kunnen meer effectiviteit opleveren dan anderen. Maar al met al zijn positieve emoties goede voorspellers van reclame succes. 42
  • 38. Bedankt! Carola Verschoor Managing Director BrainJuicer NL +31(0)648433201 Twitter: @carolaverschoor Web: 43 Month Yr