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Jörg Keil
Haan, Germany
Power Germany / EU / World with Hydrogen
Inspiered by:
• Friday for Future
• KIT, TU Dresden, PKI, BUND
• Netzwerk Brennstoffzelle und Wasserstoff - Elektromobilität EnergieAgentur.NRW
• Shell Energie-Dialog
• Siemens
• Ingenieure retten die Erde
Carbon Dioxide
June 2019 412 ppm
Earth's Climate is Warming during faling solar Activity
Earth's Climate is Warming
Projektionen 2100
Arctic Sea Ice Minimum
Carbon Dioxide 2019 412 ppm
Global Temperature +0.8 °C
Land ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland
Global Mean Sea Level
Verbleibendes CO2-Budget CO2 Uhr des Mercator Research Institute
Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung http://www.pik-
Wir können noch 420 Gt CO2 in die Atmosphäre abgeben und das 1,5-Grad-
Ziel nicht zu verfehlen. Da die Welt jedoch jedes Jahr circa 42 Gt an CO2
ausstößt dürfte dieses Budget in gut neun Jahren aufgebraucht sein. Das
Budget von circa 1170 Gt für das Zwei-Grad-Ziel wird in etwa 26 Jahren
erschöpft sein.
Earth's Climate is Warming during faling Solar Activity
Weltweiter Klimaschutz
Kyoto-Protokoll verpflichtend 191 Staaten (ohne
USA, Kanada)
2008 - 2012 5% Minderung gegenüber 1990
EU: 8% Minderungvgegenüber 1990
Kyoto-Protokoll verpflichtend 191 Staaten (ohne
USA, Kanada,
Neuseeland, Japan
Russland )
2013 - 2020 18% Minderung gegenüber 1990
EU: 20% Minderung gegenüber 1990
Pariser Klimaschutz-
197 Länder Erderwärmung auf deutlich unter 2°C
begrenzen (Ziel 1,5°C)
Pariser Klimaschutz-
197 Länder Bis 2100 Klimaneutralität
Klimaschutz der EU
Klima- und Energiepaket
EU 20% Minderung gegenüber 1990
alle 28 EU-Länder
Islan, Liechtenstein
2020: 21 % unter dem Niveau von 2005
2030: 43 % unter dem Niveau von 2005
(nur noch EU Obergrenzen)
Klimaschutz in Deutschland
BRD: Klima Ziel 2020 rechtlichs-
21% Minderungen gegenüber 2005
in den Sektoren Energie, Industrie
10% Minderungen gegenüber 2005
in den übrigen Bereichen
Wachstumsprognose und zusätzliche CO2 Emissionen sind nicht berücksichtigt. Folgende Prognosen fallen auf:
• Seeschifffahrt von und in BRD ( +50% bis +250 % )
• internationalen Luftfahrt von und in BRD (statt einer deutlichen Reduktion bis 2040 Anstieg um 20 % )
Als Basis für die CO2 Reduktionen über IMO wurden die Daten aus 2015 angesetzt, da diese für 2008 nicht verfügbar
Nach eigenen Berechnungen werden 2020, 2030 und 2050 die Emissionsziele nicht erreicht
Detalierte Zahlen für den Klimaschutz in Deutschland
Eigene Berechnungen auf Datenbasisdes AGEB
Die H2 Transporte via LH2 Tanker und Pipelines decken das erforderliche Speicherpotential ab
Wir brauchen in Deutschland in den nächsten 9 plus X bis Jahren eine Umstellung der fossilen
Energieträger auf Strom und Wasserstoff
Strompotentiale in Deutschland - Energieimporte
Erforderliche Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien und Power to Hydrogen
Fossile Energieträger in den einzelnen Sektoren (BRD)
Erneuerbare Energieträger in den einzelnen Sektoren (BRD)
Development of FCEV Market in Germany
related to EU CO2 Targets and Shell H2 Scenario
for 748 Mrd road traffic km/a
In 2030 we have to reach in the road traffic sector the CO2 emissions reduction from 165 to 95 Mio t by
fossil fuel replacement from 65 GL to 38 GL to avoid EU penalties. This means 42% of al vehicles types has
to be replaced by zero emission vehicles until 2030. A low distribution of H2 vehicles could be expected.
95 Mio t CO2
Vehicles in Mio. Mio. t CO2
According to Forschungszentrum Jülich infrastructure beyond 20 Mio BEV are
more costly for BEV than for FCEV. This results in higher FCEV marked
distribution after 2030.
Development of FCEV Marked and H2 Demand
Scenario for the time between 2030 and 2050:
max 20Mio Battery Electrical Vehicles (PKW, Buss, LKW)
Development of FCEV Marked for Passenger Cars
based on Shell Hydrogen Study and
iea Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Hydrogen demand for FC vehicles in Germany
2030: 568.000 t/a ( 44 – 73 150 MW P2G)
2050: 6.857.000 t/a (529 – 882 150 MW P2G)
Eigene Berechnung
3600 D-Loco (Diesel Lokomotiven)
2600 DMU (Dieseltriebwagen)
2700 E-Loco (Elektrik-Lokomotiven) Fuel cell trains could potentially replace up to
30% of DMUs by 2030
The replacement of 30% of 3.600 D-Locos and
2600 DMUs by BZ vehicles until 2030 will create a
H2 demand of 334 t/day and a 100%
replacement until 2050 a H2 demand of 1.450
The Alstom H2 train Coradia iLint has a range
of 600km and tank capacity of 180kg H2.
BRD Market for Hydrogen Trains and Hydrogen Fuel until 2030 / 2050
EU Market for Hydrogen Trains and Hydrogen Fuel until 2030
Quelle: shift2rail Report 1 Study for the use of Hydrogen in thr RailwayEnviromental
Hydrogen Roadmap Europe
European joint venture „Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking“ FCH JU
Hydrogen production from renewable energies Hydrogen from natural gas via steam reforming
closed to gas fields with CO2 reinjection
The EU can get gasified compressed H2 via
pipeline from gas fields in Norway or Jamal.
H2 could be produced via steam reforming
from natural gas. The by product CO2
(10kgCO2/1kgH2) could be reinjected in
empty gas fields (CCS: Carbon Capture &
Storage). This allows countries wit NG
sources to sell their resources in a clean
way in future.
Wasserstoffgas entsteht an der Kathode (negativen Ende ) und Sauerstoff an der Anode ( positives Ende). Eine Membran
trennt die Elektroden voneinander. Sie muss für Gase undurchlässig und gut durchlässig für Ionen sein.
alkalische Wasserelektrolyse
Membran / Gas Seperator
1993 löst poröses Kompositmaterial Asbest ab
Zirfon® Mit Zirkoniumdioxid (ZrO2) beschichtetes Polysulfongewebeder Firma Agfa,
hydrophil, feinporig)
Flächen ca. 3 m² für drucklosen, 2m² für Druck-Betrieb
Elektrolytzufuhr auf Kathoden- u. Anodenseite
Elektrolyt 30% Kaliumhydroxid Lösung (KOH), Wasser
PEM Elektrolyse
Streckmetallbleche Metallgestrickeund dünne Drahtgewebe
Sinterdiaphragmenaus NickeloxidPolybenzimidazole (PBI)
Nickelsulfid Beschichtung auf Nickel-Eisen-Hydroxid Schaum für Meerwasserbetrieb.
Die Beschichtung wirkt negativ und stößt Chlorid ab. Der Elektrolysevorgangläuft im
Schaum ab.
Membran mit 5% (BPPQ) - 70% (Nafion) Fluor Anteil
Nafion® (ca. 2,3 t/GW Fluor)
Blockcopolyphenylquinoxaline(BPPQs) (ca 0,1t Fluor/GW)
Kathode Platin 2 – 5 mg/cm² Membran (66-303kg/GW)
Anode Iridium 2 - 6 mg/cm2 Membran (66-909kg/GW)
Es kann zur Abgabe von Fluor in die Umwelt kommen.
Flächen von ca. 0,1 m²
Treibhauswirksamkeit Kohlenwasserstoffe mit Fluor
bis zu 24.000-mal höher als CO₂
Wasserzufuhrauf Anodenseite
Graphitfaser-gewebe oder Graphit-Lochplatten
Elektrolyseuren mit zugehörigen Membranen für die Wasserstoffproduktion
Future Hydrogen Compression Concept for Single Shaft Turbo Compressor
H2 im Turbokompressor – Eigene BerechnungenH2 im Turbokompressor – Eigene Berechnungen
(new compression concept – idea)
H2 Reciprocating Compressors
Gasressourcen, Importmengen, Verfügbarkeit und Zukunftsstrategien unserer Nachbarländer
Erdgas Ressourcen reichen über 2050 hinaus und können klimaneutral genutzt werden wenn man CO2 vom Erdgas
abgeschieden und gespeichert wird. Zum Beispiel hat Seit 1996 hat die Sleipner Plattformbereits mehr als 16 Millionen
Tonnen CO2 aus gefördertem Gas in der Utsira-Formation gespeichert. Aufgrund der kurzen Verfügbarkeit wird
Norwegen verstärkt auf erneuerbare Energien und P2H2 und Russland aufgrund der deutlich längeren Verfügbarkeit auf
Reforming oder Pyrolyse zur Umwandlung von Erdgas in Wasserstoff inklusive CO2 Speicherung setzen müssen. Pipeline
H2 eignet sich gut für Anwendungen mit weniger hohen Ansprüchen an die Reinheit. Ein Drittel der weltweiten
Erdgasvorkommen werden inzwischen unter dem östlichen Mittelmeer vermutet. Um die Quellen zu erschließen,
haben sich sieben Staaten zum „Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum“ zusammengeschlossen.
Green H2 Production from Renewables and Liquefying Costs are driven by operating hours. C. Breyer,
Lappeenranta University pointed out regions with high full load hours
H2 transportation routes
liquefied hydrogen carrier
with a capacity of around 160.000 m3
Melbourne-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots via Suez Canal 19 days
Melbourne-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots via Cape of Good Hope 20 days
Antofagasta Chiele-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots 12 days
Hammerfest Norway-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots 2 days
Akrotiri Cyprus-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots 6 days
H2 liquefaction uses helium, mixtures or hydrogen as a coolant. References >3000 L/h (>212,4 kg) : Magog,
Canada; Osaka, Japan; Leuna, D; Iwatani, Japan
The -253°C are generated by a hydrogen Claude process. At start point of the process, generated H2 feed gas with
app. 20 bar and compressed H2 from the refrigeration loop could be combined. Piston compressors and raw gas
compressors are used for this process.
Capital recovery for the liquefaction process alone is expected to exceed $1/kg of product and require 8-10 kWh of
energy per kilogram of hydrogen for future large scale liquefaction plants.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries is working at Hydrogen Liquefier
The EU project demonstrated liquefaction
concepts for industrial applications.
Shell Hydrogen, Linde Cryotechnik, WEKA, TU
Dresden and Kawasaki Heavy Industries were
key industrial participants in the project.
CHEMCAD Calcination for 150 MW / 3000kg/h Liquefier with our Turbo Compressors
T normal T tief kalt
Deep Temperature H2 Compression Concept for Industrial Scale Liquefier
The vessel will have a cargo capacity of 2,500 m3, equivalent to
that of coastal trading LNG vessels. Liquefied hydrogen
evaporates at a rate 10 times greater than LNG. To accommodate
this, the pioneering test vessel will employ a cargo containment
system of a double shell structure for vacuum insulation, offering
support that demonstrates excellent insulation performance and
Liquefied hydrogen transportation Pioneering test vessel
Liquefied hydrogen carrier
In the near future, when hydrogen comes into wide use
in society, hydrogen produced overseas at a low cost
will need to be transported in large amounts. To help
support this global distribution of hydrogen, Kawasaki is
aiming to develop a large liquefied hydrogen carrier
with a capacity of around 160,000 m3.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mitsui OSK Lines
are working at H2 Transportation Solutions and develop Infrastructure in BRD (Wilhelmshaven)
Design and engineering services
company Moss Maritime has, in cooperation
with Equinor, Wilhelmsen and DNV GL,
developed a design for a liquefied hydrogen
(LH2) bunker vessel.
• 40 t truck, payload 27 t, 36.120 liter gasoline
• Car consumption 7,8 l/100 km
• Range per truck 463.082 km
• Truck, payload 946 kg GH2
• Car consumption 0,86 kg H2/100 km
• Range per truck 110.643 km
• Truck, payload 4.000 kg LH2
• Car consumption 0,86 kg H2/100 km
• Range per truck 467.836 km
Hydrogen road transport to distribute to retailers
Linde Hydrogen Station with Cryo Pump
to convert liquefied into pressurized Hydrogen
1.Stage LH2:6bar; 2.Stage: 900bar > LH2 > GH2; Gas tank: 1000bar
Hydrogen Hotspots
Crossing points of high frequented
streets and railway lines for
• FC Trains
• FC Long Haul Trucks
Railway stations with H2 Stations for
• FC Trains
• FC Distribution Trucks
• FC Service & Craftsmen Trucks
• FC Delivery Trucks
• FC Busses
• FC Taxis fleets
Can DB provide electrical power via
overhead line grid for local electrolyze?
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Pre-production models of the new GLC F-CELL IAA Frankfurt 2017.
Mercedes plans to introduce the Hydrogen SUV by 2018.
Toyota Mirai surpassed 3000 sales in California. Mirai make up more than
80% of all hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the United States
Nexo fuel cell crossover. Hyundai says it will spearhead its plans to
"accelerate development of low emission vehicles. Hyundai Motor Group
plans to introduce 38 eco-friendly models by 2025 and Hyundai Motor Co.
plans to introduce 18 models by 2025.
Audi promised a new fuel-cell prototype by the
end of the year and series production of a
hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle by 2021.
BMW committed to produce a low-volume fuel-cell car in 2021, with
wider availability in 2025. Fuel-cell won’t be ready until 2025 because of
the cost of the fuel-cell stacks. The fuel-cell [X5] costs 80,000 Euro. It
makes sense to scale when it’s 10,000 Euro.
Struktur der Konsumausgaben privater Haushalte nach dem monatlichen Haushaltsnettoeinkommen 2017
Sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigte (April 2019): 33.378.000
Verteilung der sozialversicherungspflichtigen Vollzeitbeschäftigten in BRD nach Einkommens-gruppen (Bruttoeinkommen/Monat)
Mobilitätswende und Investitionspotential von Käufergruppen
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
VW - IAA Hannover 2018
Mercedes eDrive@VANs strategy with fuel-cell drive offers a long-distance
operation. The Concept Sprinter F-CELL delivers an electric output of around
147 kW and torque of 350 Nm. Three tanks in the substructure can store a total
of 4.5 kilograms of hydrogen, enough for a range of around 300 kilometers. If a
longer range is required for a specific use, another tank can be added in the rear
of the fuel cell vehicle for a range of up to 500 kilometers.
Like the GLC F-CELL, the Concept Sprinter F-CELL also combines fuel cell and
battery technology to create a plug-in hybrid. This means it can also run on
electricity, raising the range by up to 30 kilometers.
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Mercedes-Benz Vans presents fuel cell Sprinter concept
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
The drive of the Hyundai H350 Fuel Cell in the bus variant was
mounted in the underfloor to save space. The volume of the
hydrogen tank unit lying between the vehicle axles is 175 liters. The
high-pressure tanks can be completely filled with 700 bar in less
than 4 minutes. With a tank capacity of 7.05 kilograms and efficient
drive, the concept vehicle reaches a range of 422 kilometers. The
electric motor of the Hyundai H350 Fuel Cell delivers 100 kW (136
hp) and accelerates the vehicle with almost no drive noise to a top
speed of 150 km / h.
Hyundai plans to launch the Fuel Cell Electric Truck 2019. It
will have a cargo area. It is almost ten meters long and
weighs only 18 tons, with trailer it is 34 tons. The vehicle is
powered by an electric motor with a maximum output of
350 kW and a maximum torque of 3,400 Nm. The drive is
powered by a fuel cell that delivers 190 kW and provides a
range of around 400 km. The refueling takes seven minutes.
The truck has eight hydrogen tanks housed in the chassis. Its
capacity is 33 kg at a pressure of 350 bar.
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Renault IAA Hannover 2018 - Special Conversation Hydrogen
The third generation of Hyundai FCEV will enter mass
production in 2018
Toyota will begin selling fuel-cell buses in Japan next year.
Deliveries will ramp up in 2018. Toyota plans to build 100 fuel-
cell buses for the 2020 Olympics.
Hydrogen Bus VDL Pulsar LJ13JWP
(VDL develops with DAF CF Electric heavy load truck)
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Shell H2 Study until 2020 300 to 400 FC busses
27 ton rigid truck run on hydrogen from VDL. North
West Europe NWE will become a leader in Europe for
zero-emission heavy-duty transport. Concrete targets
include: a 5% market share by 2030 (10.000 heavy-
duty vehicles).
Toyota’s Heavy-Duty Fuel Cell Truck Finally Hits the
Road. (New zero-emissions hydrogen fuel-cell-
electric Class 8 on-road trucks on the Kenworth T680
platform will be developed through a collaboration
between Kenworth and Toyota )
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Kenworth a PACCAR company (US) designed with US
Department of Energy and other partners a Class 6
medium-duty delivery truck that meets the same route
and range requirements of UPS’s existing conventional
fuel vehicles. The trucks will be deployed in California due
to that state’s on-going investment in zero tailpipe
emissions transport.
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Scania start with an electric powertrain with fuel cells.
The trucks run in distribution service with distances of
500 km and a gross weight of 27 t.
Commercial truck partners Navistar International Corp
and Volkswagen AG’s Truck and Bus will launch an
electric medium-duty truck in North America by late
2019. At the 2017 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition,
Navistar equipped the battery-electric system with a
range-extending fuel cell by Hydrogenic Corp.
AVL Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)
System for electric vehicles - from passenger car,
trucks and buses to marine application
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
The US manufacturer Cummins was previously known for its diesel
engines. Know Cummins investing in fuel cell technologies. Cummins
also exploring fuel cell powertrains, fuel cell range-extender
powertrains, and stationary fuel cell systems.
Cummins acquired the former electric motorcycle manufacturer and
current battery specialist Brammo, followed by the acquisition of
Johnson Matthey’s UK division specialising in electric and hybrid
vehicles, acquired Efficient Drivetrains as well as Hydrogenics.
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
DAF is a PACCAR company (US). DAF LF Electric is a 19t
electric truck for city distribution. The truck features
Cummins technology with 195 kW/250kW peak motor and
a battery pack for 220km. The modular battery capacity can
be scaled to the range required by customers.
DAF LF Electric Innovation Truck is a 37t electric truck for
urban distribution requiring higher payload and volume. .
The truck has a 210 kW/240kW peak motor and a 170kWh
battery pack for 100km. The battery capacity can be scaled
to the range required by customers.
Nikola to Start Fuel Cell Truck Field Tests in Late 2018Full
production is expected to start in 2021 with 1000 heavy-duty
The eAxle developed by Bosch is part of the solution.
Bosch focuses on the further development of fuel cell systems.
The technology is still not competitive due to the high costs.
The costs are currently "twice as high as the diesel". However,
Bosch expects a halving in the next few years.
Nel deliver the electrolyze and dispenser.
The hydrogen-electric Nikola TRE (means three in Norwegian)
has 500 to 1,000 HP, 6x4 or 6x2 configurations and a range of
500 to 1,200 kilometers depending on options. The TRE will fit
within the current size and length restrictions for Europe.
Nikola 3 test vehicle with Powercell S3 from Powercell
Sweden AB. Powercell Sweden AB builds fuel cell stacks
Steel plates. This makes the stacks for the automotive
industry durable
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
DEUTZ Wasserstoffmotor mit „KEYOU-inside“
Der Wasserstoffmotor mit „KEYOU-inside“ war eines der
Highlights auf dem Shell Energie-Dialog 2018 in München
Die CO2-freien Wasserstoffmotoren für den Off- und On-
Road-Bereich sollen eine Alternative zur
Brennstoffzellentechnologie schaffen
Prototypfahrzeuge sollen in 2020 an den Start gehen. Die
Serienreife des Wasserstoff-Verbrennungsmotors streben
Deutz und Keyou für 2021 / 2022 an.
Siemens has introduced hydrogen co-firing capability of up to
60% for various models. The general geometry of the burners
are identical for the SGT-600,-700 & -800 that have hydrogen
co-firing capability. The next step for Siemens is 100% H2
based on continuous improvement of standard DLE burner
design with additive manufacturing,
Siemens build a 3 MW P2G plant for energy storage and
energy reconversion based in Mainz
Kawasaki is planning to implement a small-scale pilot chain
around 2020, and a large-scale demonstration chain between
2025 and 2030. When importing hydrogen gas, it will be
converted into liquefied hydrogen suitable for large-scale
transport and storage.
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
By 2021, 14 Coradia iLint fuel cell trains will operate
on non-electrified routes in Niedersachsen. The
planned filling station in Bremervörde comes from
the Linde Group and costs for 10 million euros. 50
FC trains in D until 2021 (Shell H2 Study)
Fuel cell train Mireo planned by Siemens for 2021.
Ballard Power will develop a 200 kilowatt fuel cell
drive for integration into the new Mireo train
platform from Siemens. The Mireo train is
scheduled for 2021.
Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
The Korea Railroad Research Institute is developing a
hydrogen hybrid railway vehicle based on a hydrogen
fuel cell. The train will be capable of traveling at a
maximum speed of 110 km / hour and travel more
than 600 km on one refueling. Performance
verification tests is dated 2022.
The hydrogen fuel cell trams have a capacity for 285
passengers and a maximum speed of 70 km/h. In 2015
seven hydrogen fuel cell trams assembled by CRRC
Qingdao Sifang under licence from Škoda Transportation.
Viking Cruises unveiled plans for a liquid hydrogen-
fueled cruise ship in an effort to develop the world’s
first cruise ship with zero-emission technology. ABB
and Ballard Power Systems to jointly develop zero-
emission fuel cell power plant for shipping industry
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Siemens and the Swedish fuel cell producer Power Cell
Sweden AB start a partnership to combine fuel cell
modules with SISHIP BlueDrive energy and propulsion
systems in ferries, yachts, cruise ships and research
Electra with 200kW fuel cell unit, 2*1250kWh +230
kWh batteries and 12 500bar GH2 tanks for 1,4t H2
Moss Maritime, in cooperation with Equinor,
Wilhelmsen and DNV-GL, has developed a design for
a Liquefied Hydrogen (LH2) bunker vessel.
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
GE’s Power Conversion business and Nedstack, a
leading Dutch fuel cell manufacturer, are
collaborating on developing hydrogen fuel cell
systems for powering zero-emission cruise vessels.
Fuel cells technology replace traditional diesel
engines and heavy fuel oil (HFO) with hydrogen fuel
cell is expected to operate a ship it needs to go over
20,000 hours. GE’s variable speed drive technology
manages power generated to supply electricity to
propulsion and onboard systems
MAN Cryo owned subsidiary of MAN Energy
Solutions develop a marine liquid hydrogen
fuel-gas system.
MAN Energy Solutions is acquiring 40% of the
shares of the electrolysis technology company
H-Tec Systems
The Siqens Ecoport 800 FC system provide quiet and
clean electricity on construction sites. Construction
companies can use it to expand their capabilities, as
they can also work at night, in residential areas or in
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
The Danish manufacturer H2-Logic produces fuel cells for
towing vehicles and electric forklifts. Companies like STILL
integrated these electrical engines in their equipment. The
trucks are available at all times as they are refueled with
hydrogen at the company's own gas station within a few
GenCell fuel cell solutions
can replace diesel
POWIDIAN's MobHylPower M30, a
30kW hydrogen gen-set designed
in partnership with BALLARD and
Fuel cell heater (Viessmann) simultaneously generates electricity and heat for homes. The
system generate in an integrated reformer hydrogen from natural gas. Closed to H2
infrastructure / filling stations H2 could used directly.
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
The HPS system Picea is energy storage, heating and ventilation in one unit. It
completely covers the need for a single-family house of electrical energy. The
energy produced on sunny days with a photovoltaic system can either be used
immediately or be converted into hydrogen and stored. This energy is
retrievable at night or in the low-sunshine winter time. A fuel cell of the HPS
system transforms the energy stored in hydrogen back into electrical energy
and heat when needed..
Daimler's CO₂-free energy supply system covers the basic electricity needs of a
consumer via solar and wind power plants. In situations in which the generated
solar and wind energy exceeds the power demand, the excess energy can be
used via electrolysis to generate hydrogen. In the case of wind / PV electricity
shortage, it is possible to produce electricity via fuel cell from the stored
Hörmann hydrogen house in Zusmarshausen operate without electricity from
outside. Solar modules on the roof, an electrolyser, a fuel cell unit in the
basement and a storage unit with 32 full-height H2 bottles supply power
around the clock.
Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
Urban district of the future. On 100.000 m²,
Esslingen wants to build a city district of the
future together with the energy provider
Polarstern, Stadtwerke Esslingen and Professor
Norbert Fisch including more than 600
apartments, office and commercial space and
the new university. The partners have founded
the Green Hydrogen Esslingen Society. In
Weststadt 50 % of the required energy will come
from wind power and photovoltaic systems of
the surrounding area. The climate-neutral
balance based on the hydrogen production.
During H2 production generated heat will be
used in a district heating network. Every day,
400 kg of hydrogen will be produced in the New
Niedersachsen baut seinen Spitzenplatz bei Windenergie weiter aus.
Wasserstoff ist gut speicher- sowie transportierbar und für die Industrie als auch für die
Mobilität interessant. Wasserstoff könnte direkt an Windanlagen auf hoher See aus
Strom generiert und per Schiff an Land gebracht werden. „Niedersachsen kann ein
Vorzeigeland in Sachen Wasserstoff und Cuxhaven ein Modellstandort werden.
Flüssigwasserstoff aus Elektrolyse bietet sich aufgrund der hohen Reinheit gut als
Kraftstoff für BZ Fahrzeuge an.
Flüssigwasserstoff Tankstellen können auf kleiner Fläche große Mengen LH2 lagern.
Flüssigwasserstoff Tankstellen nach dem Linde Cryo Pumpen Verfahren können große
Mengen in kurzer Zeit abgeben und eignen sich für die Betankung von BZ Zügen, BZ LKWs
und BZ Bussen.,energiewende554.html
Anlagen zur Wasserstofftechnologie
• H2 Tankstellen: Laatzen, Wolfsburg, Osnabrück, Kassel, Bremen, Stuhr,Hamburg
• Power-to-Gas-Pilotanlage mit 100 Megawatt in 2022
Erdgasspeicher als Speicher für grünen Wasserstoff
• Umrüstung der Huntorfer KaWindkraftanlagen auf Wasserstoff durch EWE Gasspeicher
Alstom Wasserstoffzug Coradia iLint Salzgitter
• Alstom unterstützut die Wasserstoffgewinnung aus Windkraft
Wasserstoff als Reduktionsmittel in Stahlproduktion Salzgitter
Erzeugung von EE-Kerosin aus Wind-Wasserstoff
Wasserstoffstrategie Niedersachsen von Umweltminister Olaf Lies und Uwe Santjer
Niedersachsens Umweltminister Olaf Lies (SPD) will die Wasserstoff-Technologie ausbauen und 40 Millionen investieren,wasserstoff148.html
Connecting Renewables to Power-to-Gas to Achieve Climate Goals
Shell and TenneT are planning a 30 GW wind park and 6 km² energy island as a hub in the Doggerbank area. The
plan is to connect UK and the Netherlands via a long-haul cable, later Belgium, Germany and Denmark.
The companies jointly commissioned a study produced by consultancy group E-Bridge that found 900MW of
power-to-gas. 900MW could converted to 22,5 tH2/h. In a pipeline with a diameter of 0,5 m (5m/s) and a start
pressure of 80bar, there will be after 200km still 60 bar.
North Sea Wind Power Hub-and-Spoke concept with 10 to 15 gigawatts hubs is the next step towards a large
offshore wind build-out to reach 70 to 150 gigawatts by the year 2040 and up to 180 gigawatts by 2045.
Royal Dutch Shell is aiming to become the largest electricity company by the 2030s.
They prepare the fundamental shift in global energy supplies towards lower-carbon
Shell plans to invest $1bn-$2bn a year in new energy technologies including electricity.
The acceptable return on capital of 8-12% will be the basis for the scaling of a new
energy technology.
Shell sees major opportunities in the decentralized power market, where it believes it has an advantage over established
power utilities that own conventional coal and nuclear power plants. Shell believes it is well-placed to deploy advanced
technologies and trading services in decentralized networks.
Shell recently entered the U.S. offshore wind market and is developing floating wind technologies. Other recent
investments include the acquisition of German energy storage group Sonnen and UK power supplier First Utility.
By 2020, Shell plans to invest $1 to $2 billion a year in new energy technologies including electricity.
Shell aims to become world's largest electricity company

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Power Germany / EU / World with Hydrogen

  • 1. Restricted Jörg Keil Haan, Germany Power Germany / EU / World with Hydrogen Inspiered by: • Friday for Future • KIT, TU Dresden, PKI, BUND • FCH JU • Netzwerk Brennstoffzelle und Wasserstoff - Elektromobilität EnergieAgentur.NRW • Shell Energie-Dialog • Siemens • Ingenieure retten die Erde
  • 2. Carbon Dioxide LATEST ANNUAL AVERAGE ANOMALY: June 2019 412 ppm signs/carbon-dioxide/ Earth's Climate is Warming during faling solar Activity Earth's Climate is Warming Projektionen 2100 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Carbon Dioxide 2019 412 ppm Global Temperature +0.8 °C Land ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland Global Mean Sea Level Sea Level LATEST ANNUAL AVERAGE ANOMALY: 91 (± 4) mm Verbleibendes CO2-Budget CO2 Uhr des Mercator Research Institute Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung http://www.pik- Wir können noch 420 Gt CO2 in die Atmosphäre abgeben und das 1,5-Grad- Ziel nicht zu verfehlen. Da die Welt jedoch jedes Jahr circa 42 Gt an CO2 ausstößt dürfte dieses Budget in gut neun Jahren aufgebraucht sein. Das Budget von circa 1170 Gt für das Zwei-Grad-Ziel wird in etwa 26 Jahren erschöpft sein.
  • 3. Earth's Climate is Warming during faling Solar Activity
  • 4. Weltweiter Klimaschutz Kyoto-Protokoll verpflichtend 191 Staaten (ohne USA, Kanada) 2008 - 2012 5% Minderung gegenüber 1990 EU: 8% Minderungvgegenüber 1990 Kyoto-Protokoll verpflichtend 191 Staaten (ohne USA, Kanada, Neuseeland, Japan Russland ) 2013 - 2020 18% Minderung gegenüber 1990 EU: 20% Minderung gegenüber 1990 Pariser Klimaschutz- übereinkommen rechtlichs- verbindlich 197 Länder Erderwärmung auf deutlich unter 2°C begrenzen (Ziel 1,5°C) Pariser Klimaschutz- übereinkommen rechtlichs- verbindlich 197 Länder Bis 2100 Klimaneutralität Klimaschutz der EU Klima- und Energiepaket 2020 rechtlichs- verbindlich EU 20% Minderung gegenüber 1990 Emissionshandelssystem (EU-EHS) rechtlichs- verbindlich alle 28 EU-Länder Islan, Liechtenstein Norwegen 2020: 21 % unter dem Niveau von 2005 2030: 43 % unter dem Niveau von 2005 (nur noch EU Obergrenzen) Klimaschutz in Deutschland BRD: Klima Ziel 2020 rechtlichs- verbindlich 21% Minderungen gegenüber 2005 in den Sektoren Energie, Industrie 10% Minderungen gegenüber 2005 in den übrigen Bereichen
  • 5. Wachstumsprognose und zusätzliche CO2 Emissionen sind nicht berücksichtigt. Folgende Prognosen fallen auf: • Seeschifffahrt von und in BRD ( +50% bis +250 % ) • internationalen Luftfahrt von und in BRD (statt einer deutlichen Reduktion bis 2040 Anstieg um 20 % ) Als Basis für die CO2 Reduktionen über IMO wurden die Daten aus 2015 angesetzt, da diese für 2008 nicht verfügbar waren Nach eigenen Berechnungen werden 2020, 2030 und 2050 die Emissionsziele nicht erreicht Detalierte Zahlen für den Klimaschutz in Deutschland
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  • 11. Development of FCEV Market in Germany related to EU CO2 Targets and Shell H2 Scenario for 748 Mrd road traffic km/a In 2030 we have to reach in the road traffic sector the CO2 emissions reduction from 165 to 95 Mio t by fossil fuel replacement from 65 GL to 38 GL to avoid EU penalties. This means 42% of al vehicles types has to be replaced by zero emission vehicles until 2030. A low distribution of H2 vehicles could be expected. 95 Mio t CO2 Vehicles in Mio. Mio. t CO2 Vehicles
  • 13. According to Forschungszentrum Jülich infrastructure beyond 20 Mio BEV are more costly for BEV than for FCEV. This results in higher FCEV marked distribution after 2030. Development of FCEV Marked and H2 Demand Scenario for the time between 2030 and 2050: max 20Mio Battery Electrical Vehicles (PKW, Buss, LKW)
  • 14. Development of FCEV Marked for Passenger Cars based on Shell Hydrogen Study and iea Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells study/_jcr_content/par/ a92310091498ed5c3d8424/shell-wasserstoff-studie-2017.pdf
  • 15. Hydrogen demand for FC vehicles in Germany 2030: 568.000 t/a ( 44 – 73 150 MW P2G) 2050: 6.857.000 t/a (529 – 882 150 MW P2G) Eigene Berechnung
  • 16. 3600 D-Loco (Diesel Lokomotiven) 2600 DMU (Dieseltriebwagen) 2700 E-Loco (Elektrik-Lokomotiven) Fuel cell trains could potentially replace up to 30% of DMUs by 2030 The replacement of 30% of 3.600 D-Locos and 2600 DMUs by BZ vehicles until 2030 will create a H2 demand of 334 t/day and a 100% replacement until 2050 a H2 demand of 1.450 t/day. The Alstom H2 train Coradia iLint has a range of 600km and tank capacity of 180kg H2. BRD Market for Hydrogen Trains and Hydrogen Fuel until 2030 / 2050
  • 17. EU Market for Hydrogen Trains and Hydrogen Fuel until 2030 Quelle: shift2rail Report 1 Study for the use of Hydrogen in thr RailwayEnviromental
  • 18. Hydrogen Roadmap Europe European joint venture „Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking“ FCH JU Hydrogen production from renewable energies Hydrogen from natural gas via steam reforming closed to gas fields with CO2 reinjection The EU can get gasified compressed H2 via pipeline from gas fields in Norway or Jamal. H2 could be produced via steam reforming from natural gas. The by product CO2 (10kgCO2/1kgH2) could be reinjected in empty gas fields (CCS: Carbon Capture & Storage). This allows countries wit NG sources to sell their resources in a clean way in future.
  • 19. Wasserstoffgas entsteht an der Kathode (negativen Ende ) und Sauerstoff an der Anode ( positives Ende). Eine Membran trennt die Elektroden voneinander. Sie muss für Gase undurchlässig und gut durchlässig für Ionen sein. alkalische Wasserelektrolyse Membran / Gas Seperator 1993 löst poröses Kompositmaterial Asbest ab Zirfon® Mit Zirkoniumdioxid (ZrO2) beschichtetes Polysulfongewebeder Firma Agfa, hydrophil, feinporig) Flächen ca. 3 m² für drucklosen, 2m² für Druck-Betrieb Elektrolytzufuhr auf Kathoden- u. Anodenseite Elektrolyt 30% Kaliumhydroxid Lösung (KOH), Wasser PEM Elektrolyse Elektroden Streckmetallbleche Metallgestrickeund dünne Drahtgewebe Sinterdiaphragmenaus NickeloxidPolybenzimidazole (PBI) Nickelsulfid Beschichtung auf Nickel-Eisen-Hydroxid Schaum für Meerwasserbetrieb. Die Beschichtung wirkt negativ und stößt Chlorid ab. Der Elektrolysevorgangläuft im Schaum ab. Membran mit 5% (BPPQ) - 70% (Nafion) Fluor Anteil Nafion® (ca. 2,3 t/GW Fluor) Blockcopolyphenylquinoxaline(BPPQs) (ca 0,1t Fluor/GW) Kathode Platin 2 – 5 mg/cm² Membran (66-303kg/GW) Anode Iridium 2 - 6 mg/cm2 Membran (66-909kg/GW) Es kann zur Abgabe von Fluor in die Umwelt kommen. Flächen von ca. 0,1 m² Treibhauswirksamkeit Kohlenwasserstoffe mit Fluor bis zu 24.000-mal höher als CO₂ Wasserzufuhrauf Anodenseite Wasser Elektroden Graphitfaser-gewebe oder Graphit-Lochplatten Elektrolyseuren mit zugehörigen Membranen für die Wasserstoffproduktion
  • 20. Future Hydrogen Compression Concept for Single Shaft Turbo Compressor H2 im Turbokompressor – Eigene BerechnungenH2 im Turbokompressor – Eigene Berechnungen (new compression concept – idea)
  • 22. Gasressourcen, Importmengen, Verfügbarkeit und Zukunftsstrategien unserer Nachbarländer Erdgas Ressourcen reichen über 2050 hinaus und können klimaneutral genutzt werden wenn man CO2 vom Erdgas abgeschieden und gespeichert wird. Zum Beispiel hat Seit 1996 hat die Sleipner Plattformbereits mehr als 16 Millionen Tonnen CO2 aus gefördertem Gas in der Utsira-Formation gespeichert. Aufgrund der kurzen Verfügbarkeit wird Norwegen verstärkt auf erneuerbare Energien und P2H2 und Russland aufgrund der deutlich längeren Verfügbarkeit auf Reforming oder Pyrolyse zur Umwandlung von Erdgas in Wasserstoff inklusive CO2 Speicherung setzen müssen. Pipeline H2 eignet sich gut für Anwendungen mit weniger hohen Ansprüchen an die Reinheit. Ein Drittel der weltweiten Erdgasvorkommen werden inzwischen unter dem östlichen Mittelmeer vermutet. Um die Quellen zu erschließen, haben sich sieben Staaten zum „Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum“ zusammengeschlossen.
  • 23. Green H2 Production from Renewables and Liquefying Costs are driven by operating hours. C. Breyer, Lappeenranta University pointed out regions with high full load hours H2 transportation routes liquefied hydrogen carrier with a capacity of around 160.000 m3 Melbourne-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots via Suez Canal 19 days Melbourne-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots via Cape of Good Hope 20 days Antofagasta Chiele-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots 12 days Hammerfest Norway-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots 2 days Akrotiri Cyprus-Wilhelmshafen 25 knots 6 days
  • 24. H2 liquefaction uses helium, mixtures or hydrogen as a coolant. References >3000 L/h (>212,4 kg) : Magog, Canada; Osaka, Japan; Leuna, D; Iwatani, Japan verfluessigung-von-wasserstoff/ The -253°C are generated by a hydrogen Claude process. At start point of the process, generated H2 feed gas with app. 20 bar and compressed H2 from the refrigeration loop could be combined. Piston compressors and raw gas compressors are used for this process. Capital recovery for the liquefaction process alone is expected to exceed $1/kg of product and require 8-10 kWh of energy per kilogram of hydrogen for future large scale liquefaction plants. Kawasaki Heavy Industries is working at Hydrogen Liquefier The EU project demonstrated liquefaction concepts for industrial applications. Shell Hydrogen, Linde Cryotechnik, WEKA, TU Dresden and Kawasaki Heavy Industries were key industrial participants in the project. IDEALHY
  • 25. CHEMCAD Calcination for 150 MW / 3000kg/h Liquefier with our Turbo Compressors
  • 26. LPMPHP T normal T tief kalt (-180°C) Deep Temperature H2 Compression Concept for Industrial Scale Liquefier
  • 27. The vessel will have a cargo capacity of 2,500 m3, equivalent to that of coastal trading LNG vessels. Liquefied hydrogen evaporates at a rate 10 times greater than LNG. To accommodate this, the pioneering test vessel will employ a cargo containment system of a double shell structure for vacuum insulation, offering support that demonstrates excellent insulation performance and safety. Liquefied hydrogen transportation Pioneering test vessel Liquefied hydrogen carrier In the near future, when hydrogen comes into wide use in society, hydrogen produced overseas at a low cost will need to be transported in large amounts. To help support this global distribution of hydrogen, Kawasaki is aiming to develop a large liquefied hydrogen carrier with a capacity of around 160,000 m3. Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mitsui OSK Lines are working at H2 Transportation Solutions and develop Infrastructure in BRD (Wilhelmshaven) Design and engineering services company Moss Maritime has, in cooperation with Equinor, Wilhelmsen and DNV GL, developed a design for a liquefied hydrogen (LH2) bunker vessel. 023/new-liquefied-hydrogen-bunker-ship- design-unveiled/
  • 28. FROM TO • 40 t truck, payload 27 t, 36.120 liter gasoline • Car consumption 7,8 l/100 km • Range per truck 463.082 km • Truck, payload 946 kg GH2 • Car consumption 0,86 kg H2/100 km • Range per truck 110.643 km • Truck, payload 4.000 kg LH2 • Car consumption 0,86 kg H2/100 km • Range per truck 467.836 km Hydrogen road transport to distribute to retailers Gastransport-Fahrzeuge gastransportfahrzeuge.html
  • 29. Linde Hydrogen Station with Cryo Pump to convert liquefied into pressurized Hydrogen 1.Stage LH2:6bar; 2.Stage: 900bar > LH2 > GH2; Gas tank: 1000bar Hydrogen Hotspots Crossing points of high frequented streets and railway lines for • FC Trains • FC Long Haul Trucks • FC PKWs Railway stations with H2 Stations for • FC Trains • FC Distribution Trucks • FC Service & Craftsmen Trucks • FC Delivery Trucks • FC Busses • FC Taxis fleets • FC PKWs Can DB provide electrical power via overhead line grid for local electrolyze?
  • 30. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Pre-production models of the new GLC F-CELL IAA Frankfurt 2017. Mercedes plans to introduce the Hydrogen SUV by 2018. Toyota Mirai surpassed 3000 sales in California. Mirai make up more than 80% of all hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the United States Nexo fuel cell crossover. Hyundai says it will spearhead its plans to "accelerate development of low emission vehicles. Hyundai Motor Group plans to introduce 38 eco-friendly models by 2025 and Hyundai Motor Co. plans to introduce 18 models by 2025. Audi promised a new fuel-cell prototype by the end of the year and series production of a hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle by 2021. BMW committed to produce a low-volume fuel-cell car in 2021, with wider availability in 2025. Fuel-cell won’t be ready until 2025 because of the cost of the fuel-cell stacks. The fuel-cell [X5] costs 80,000 Euro. It makes sense to scale when it’s 10,000 Euro.
  • 31. Struktur der Konsumausgaben privater Haushalte nach dem monatlichen Haushaltsnettoeinkommen 2017 Lebenshaltungskosten/Tabellen/liste-monatlichen-haushalts-nettoeinkommen.html Sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigte (April 2019): 33.378.000 Themen/Beschaeftigung/Beschaeftigung-Nav.html Verteilung der sozialversicherungspflichtigen Vollzeitbeschäftigten in BRD nach Einkommens-gruppen (Bruttoeinkommen/Monat) Mobilitätswende und Investitionspotential von Käufergruppen
  • 32. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System VW - IAA Hannover 2018
  • 33. Mercedes eDrive@VANs strategy with fuel-cell drive offers a long-distance operation. The Concept Sprinter F-CELL delivers an electric output of around 147 kW and torque of 350 Nm. Three tanks in the substructure can store a total of 4.5 kilograms of hydrogen, enough for a range of around 300 kilometers. If a longer range is required for a specific use, another tank can be added in the rear of the fuel cell vehicle for a range of up to 500 kilometers. Like the GLC F-CELL, the Concept Sprinter F-CELL also combines fuel cell and battery technology to create a plug-in hybrid. This means it can also run on electricity, raising the range by up to 30 kilometers. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Mercedes-Benz Vans presents fuel cell Sprinter concept
  • 34. Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System The drive of the Hyundai H350 Fuel Cell in the bus variant was mounted in the underfloor to save space. The volume of the hydrogen tank unit lying between the vehicle axles is 175 liters. The high-pressure tanks can be completely filled with 700 bar in less than 4 minutes. With a tank capacity of 7.05 kilograms and efficient drive, the concept vehicle reaches a range of 422 kilometers. The electric motor of the Hyundai H350 Fuel Cell delivers 100 kW (136 hp) and accelerates the vehicle with almost no drive noise to a top speed of 150 km / h. Hyundai plans to launch the Fuel Cell Electric Truck 2019. It will have a cargo area. It is almost ten meters long and weighs only 18 tons, with trailer it is 34 tons. The vehicle is powered by an electric motor with a maximum output of 350 kW and a maximum torque of 3,400 Nm. The drive is powered by a fuel cell that delivers 190 kW and provides a range of around 400 km. The refueling takes seven minutes. The truck has eight hydrogen tanks housed in the chassis. Its capacity is 33 kg at a pressure of 350 bar.
  • 35. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Renault IAA Hannover 2018 - Special Conversation Hydrogen
  • 36. The third generation of Hyundai FCEV will enter mass production in 2018 Toyota will begin selling fuel-cell buses in Japan next year. Deliveries will ramp up in 2018. Toyota plans to build 100 fuel- cell buses for the 2020 Olympics. Hydrogen Bus VDL Pulsar LJ13JWP (VDL develops with DAF CF Electric heavy load truck) Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Shell H2 Study until 2020 300 to 400 FC busses
  • 37. IVECO HYDROGEN CONCEPT FPT – IAA Hannover 2018 HydrogenConsumerinthenextEnergySystem
  • 38. 27 ton rigid truck run on hydrogen from VDL. North West Europe NWE will become a leader in Europe for zero-emission heavy-duty transport. Concrete targets include: a 5% market share by 2030 (10.000 heavy- duty vehicles). Toyota’s Heavy-Duty Fuel Cell Truck Finally Hits the Road. (New zero-emissions hydrogen fuel-cell- electric Class 8 on-road trucks on the Kenworth T680 platform will be developed through a collaboration between Kenworth and Toyota ) Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
  • 39. Kenworth a PACCAR company (US) designed with US Department of Energy and other partners a Class 6 medium-duty delivery truck that meets the same route and range requirements of UPS’s existing conventional fuel vehicles. The trucks will be deployed in California due to that state’s on-going investment in zero tailpipe emissions transport. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Scania start with an electric powertrain with fuel cells. The trucks run in distribution service with distances of 500 km and a gross weight of 27 t. Commercial truck partners Navistar International Corp and Volkswagen AG’s Truck and Bus will launch an electric medium-duty truck in North America by late 2019. At the 2017 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition, Navistar equipped the battery-electric system with a range-extending fuel cell by Hydrogenic Corp. AVL Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) System for electric vehicles - from passenger car, trucks and buses to marine application
  • 40. Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System The US manufacturer Cummins was previously known for its diesel engines. Know Cummins investing in fuel cell technologies. Cummins also exploring fuel cell powertrains, fuel cell range-extender powertrains, and stationary fuel cell systems. Cummins acquired the former electric motorcycle manufacturer and current battery specialist Brammo, followed by the acquisition of Johnson Matthey’s UK division specialising in electric and hybrid vehicles, acquired Efficient Drivetrains as well as Hydrogenics.
  • 41. Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System DAF is a PACCAR company (US). DAF LF Electric is a 19t electric truck for city distribution. The truck features Cummins technology with 195 kW/250kW peak motor and a battery pack for 220km. The modular battery capacity can be scaled to the range required by customers. DAF LF Electric Innovation Truck is a 37t electric truck for urban distribution requiring higher payload and volume. . The truck has a 210 kW/240kW peak motor and a 170kWh battery pack for 100km. The battery capacity can be scaled to the range required by customers.
  • 42. Nikola to Start Fuel Cell Truck Field Tests in Late 2018Full production is expected to start in 2021 with 1000 heavy-duty vehicles. The eAxle developed by Bosch is part of the solution. Bosch focuses on the further development of fuel cell systems. The technology is still not competitive due to the high costs. The costs are currently "twice as high as the diesel". However, Bosch expects a halving in the next few years. Nel deliver the electrolyze and dispenser. The hydrogen-electric Nikola TRE (means three in Norwegian) has 500 to 1,000 HP, 6x4 or 6x2 configurations and a range of 500 to 1,200 kilometers depending on options. The TRE will fit within the current size and length restrictions for Europe. Nikola 3 test vehicle with Powercell S3 from Powercell Sweden AB. Powercell Sweden AB builds fuel cell stacks Steel plates. This makes the stacks for the automotive industry durable USA EU EU Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
  • 43. Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System DEUTZ Wasserstoffmotor mit „KEYOU-inside“ Der Wasserstoffmotor mit „KEYOU-inside“ war eines der Highlights auf dem Shell Energie-Dialog 2018 in München Die CO2-freien Wasserstoffmotoren für den Off- und On- Road-Bereich sollen eine Alternative zur Brennstoffzellentechnologie schaffen Prototypfahrzeuge sollen in 2020 an den Start gehen. Die Serienreife des Wasserstoff-Verbrennungsmotors streben Deutz und Keyou für 2021 / 2022 an.
  • 44. Siemens has introduced hydrogen co-firing capability of up to 60% for various models. The general geometry of the burners are identical for the SGT-600,-700 & -800 that have hydrogen co-firing capability. The next step for Siemens is 100% H2 based on continuous improvement of standard DLE burner design with additive manufacturing, Siemens build a 3 MW P2G plant for energy storage and energy reconversion based in Mainz Kawasaki is planning to implement a small-scale pilot chain around 2020, and a large-scale demonstration chain between 2025 and 2030. When importing hydrogen gas, it will be converted into liquefied hydrogen suitable for large-scale transport and storage. Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System
  • 45. By 2021, 14 Coradia iLint fuel cell trains will operate on non-electrified routes in Niedersachsen. The planned filling station in Bremervörde comes from the Linde Group and costs for 10 million euros. 50 FC trains in D until 2021 (Shell H2 Study) Fuel cell train Mireo planned by Siemens for 2021. Ballard Power will develop a 200 kilowatt fuel cell drive for integration into the new Mireo train platform from Siemens. The Mireo train is scheduled for 2021. Next Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System The Korea Railroad Research Institute is developing a hydrogen hybrid railway vehicle based on a hydrogen fuel cell. The train will be capable of traveling at a maximum speed of 110 km / hour and travel more than 600 km on one refueling. Performance verification tests is dated 2022. The hydrogen fuel cell trams have a capacity for 285 passengers and a maximum speed of 70 km/h. In 2015 seven hydrogen fuel cell trams assembled by CRRC Qingdao Sifang under licence from Škoda Transportation.
  • 46. Viking Cruises unveiled plans for a liquid hydrogen- fueled cruise ship in an effort to develop the world’s first cruise ship with zero-emission technology. ABB and Ballard Power Systems to jointly develop zero- emission fuel cell power plant for shipping industry Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Siemens and the Swedish fuel cell producer Power Cell Sweden AB start a partnership to combine fuel cell modules with SISHIP BlueDrive energy and propulsion systems in ferries, yachts, cruise ships and research vessels. Electra with 200kW fuel cell unit, 2*1250kWh +230 kWh batteries and 12 500bar GH2 tanks for 1,4t H2 Moss Maritime, in cooperation with Equinor, Wilhelmsen and DNV-GL, has developed a design for a Liquefied Hydrogen (LH2) bunker vessel.
  • 47. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System GE’s Power Conversion business and Nedstack, a leading Dutch fuel cell manufacturer, are collaborating on developing hydrogen fuel cell systems for powering zero-emission cruise vessels. Fuel cells technology replace traditional diesel engines and heavy fuel oil (HFO) with hydrogen fuel cell is expected to operate a ship it needs to go over 20,000 hours. GE’s variable speed drive technology manages power generated to supply electricity to propulsion and onboard systems MAN Cryo owned subsidiary of MAN Energy Solutions develop a marine liquid hydrogen fuel-gas system. MAN Energy Solutions is acquiring 40% of the shares of the electrolysis technology company H-Tec Systems
  • 48. The Siqens Ecoport 800 FC system provide quiet and clean electricity on construction sites. Construction companies can use it to expand their capabilities, as they can also work at night, in residential areas or in tunnels. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System The Danish manufacturer H2-Logic produces fuel cells for towing vehicles and electric forklifts. Companies like STILL integrated these electrical engines in their equipment. The trucks are available at all times as they are refueled with hydrogen at the company's own gas station within a few minutes. GenCell fuel cell solutions can replace diesel generators. POWIDIAN's MobHylPower M30, a 30kW hydrogen gen-set designed in partnership with BALLARD and SIEMENS.
  • 49. Fuel cell heater (Viessmann) simultaneously generates electricity and heat for homes. The system generate in an integrated reformer hydrogen from natural gas. Closed to H2 infrastructure / filling stations H2 could used directly. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System The HPS system Picea is energy storage, heating and ventilation in one unit. It completely covers the need for a single-family house of electrical energy. The energy produced on sunny days with a photovoltaic system can either be used immediately or be converted into hydrogen and stored. This energy is retrievable at night or in the low-sunshine winter time. A fuel cell of the HPS system transforms the energy stored in hydrogen back into electrical energy and heat when needed.. Daimler's CO₂-free energy supply system covers the basic electricity needs of a consumer via solar and wind power plants. In situations in which the generated solar and wind energy exceeds the power demand, the excess energy can be used via electrolysis to generate hydrogen. In the case of wind / PV electricity shortage, it is possible to produce electricity via fuel cell from the stored hydrogen. Hörmann hydrogen house in Zusmarshausen operate without electricity from outside. Solar modules on the roof, an electrolyser, a fuel cell unit in the basement and a storage unit with 32 full-height H2 bottles supply power around the clock.
  • 50. Hydrogen Consumer in the next Energy System Urban district of the future. On 100.000 m², Esslingen wants to build a city district of the future together with the energy provider Polarstern, Stadtwerke Esslingen and Professor Norbert Fisch including more than 600 apartments, office and commercial space and the new university. The partners have founded the Green Hydrogen Esslingen Society. In Weststadt 50 % of the required energy will come from wind power and photovoltaic systems of the surrounding area. The climate-neutral balance based on the hydrogen production. During H2 production generated heat will be used in a district heating network. Every day, 400 kg of hydrogen will be produced in the New Weststadt.
  • 51. Niedersachsen baut seinen Spitzenplatz bei Windenergie weiter aus. Wasserstoff ist gut speicher- sowie transportierbar und für die Industrie als auch für die Mobilität interessant. Wasserstoff könnte direkt an Windanlagen auf hoher See aus Strom generiert und per Schiff an Land gebracht werden. „Niedersachsen kann ein Vorzeigeland in Sachen Wasserstoff und Cuxhaven ein Modellstandort werden. Flüssigwasserstoff aus Elektrolyse bietet sich aufgrund der hohen Reinheit gut als Kraftstoff für BZ Fahrzeuge an. Flüssigwasserstoff Tankstellen können auf kleiner Fläche große Mengen LH2 lagern. Flüssigwasserstoff Tankstellen nach dem Linde Cryo Pumpen Verfahren können große Mengen in kurzer Zeit abgeben und eignen sich für die Betankung von BZ Zügen, BZ LKWs und BZ Bussen.,energiewende554.html Anlagen zur Wasserstofftechnologie • H2 Tankstellen: Laatzen, Wolfsburg, Osnabrück, Kassel, Bremen, Stuhr,Hamburg • Power-to-Gas-Pilotanlage mit 100 Megawatt in 2022 Erdgasspeicher als Speicher für grünen Wasserstoff • Umrüstung der Huntorfer KaWindkraftanlagen auf Wasserstoff durch EWE Gasspeicher Alstom Wasserstoffzug Coradia iLint Salzgitter • Alstom unterstützut die Wasserstoffgewinnung aus Windkraft Wasserstoff als Reduktionsmittel in Stahlproduktion Salzgitter Erzeugung von EE-Kerosin aus Wind-Wasserstoff Wasserstoffstrategie Niedersachsen von Umweltminister Olaf Lies und Uwe Santjer Niedersachsens Umweltminister Olaf Lies (SPD) will die Wasserstoff-Technologie ausbauen und 40 Millionen investieren,wasserstoff148.html
  • 52. Connecting Renewables to Power-to-Gas to Achieve Climate Goals Shell and TenneT are planning a 30 GW wind park and 6 km² energy island as a hub in the Doggerbank area. The plan is to connect UK and the Netherlands via a long-haul cable, later Belgium, Germany and Denmark. The companies jointly commissioned a study produced by consultancy group E-Bridge that found 900MW of power-to-gas. 900MW could converted to 22,5 tH2/h. In a pipeline with a diameter of 0,5 m (5m/s) and a start pressure of 80bar, there will be after 200km still 60 bar. Gigawatt-Oekostrom-erzeugen.html North Sea Wind Power Hub-and-Spoke concept with 10 to 15 gigawatts hubs is the next step towards a large offshore wind build-out to reach 70 to 150 gigawatts by the year 2040 and up to 180 gigawatts by 2045. achievable-solution-to-meet
  • 53. Royal Dutch Shell is aiming to become the largest electricity company by the 2030s. They prepare the fundamental shift in global energy supplies towards lower-carbon sources. Shell plans to invest $1bn-$2bn a year in new energy technologies including electricity. The acceptable return on capital of 8-12% will be the basis for the scaling of a new energy technology. Shell sees major opportunities in the decentralized power market, where it believes it has an advantage over established power utilities that own conventional coal and nuclear power plants. Shell believes it is well-placed to deploy advanced technologies and trading services in decentralized networks. Shell recently entered the U.S. offshore wind market and is developing floating wind technologies. Other recent investments include the acquisition of German energy storage group Sonnen and UK power supplier First Utility. By 2020, Shell plans to invest $1 to $2 billion a year in new energy technologies including electricity. hydrogen-sales-offshore Shell aims to become world's largest electricity company