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DEFINING the most obvious service design problems
wes done in the beginning. The main problem was defini-
tion of the service style from the customers point of view.
RESEARCH was done by using empathic probe, perso-
nal interviews and group workshops with potential 15-29
year old Ohjaamo sevice users from Helsinki.
IDEATION was done in the Co-design workshops were
held with potential users and Ohjaamo Helsinki person-
nel. Task was to develop target user personas and their ser-
vice journey maps based on user reseach.
PROTOTYPE of the service was presented in a form of a
Service manual for Ohjaamo Helsinki personnel. Co-ide-
ation workshops were held with the Ohjaamo personnel
and potential users considering the Ohjaamo Helsinki
spatial design.
BEFORE OPENING was the presentation of Servive
Blueprint tool for Ohjaamo personnel. Discusions about
organizational goals and service delivery hopes and beliefs
for future were held.
AFTER OPENING the organizational risks and service
delivery problems were visualized by using the Service
blueprinting tool. Stakeholder mapping was made by Oh-
jaamo Helsinki personnel. Systems thinking was used in
visualizing the most relevant pros and cons of the service
at the moment.
IN THE FUTURE Ohjaamo Helsinki personnel will be
using the Service blueprinting and gigamapping and ot-
her systems oriented design tools for service development,
visualizing the system, and noticing the underlyinging
THE AIM OF THE PROJECT is the integration of the
service design approach in every Ohjaamo service in fin-
land by communicating actively about the practicing and
the benefits of using the tools with other Ohjaamo units.
The channel for communication is the roof organization
of Ohjaamo projects around the Finland called Kohtaa-
LARGE SCALE IMPACT will be that systems oriented
service design approach will be integrated to the decision
making process as well in municipality level as in the go-
vernmental and political level in Finland.
Systems oriented design thinking is helping designers and their customers to understand and visualize the system as a whole, as a sum of its parts. Systems oriented design is helping on solving unstructured, large scale, complex, social
and human centered problems. Understanding and using the systems oriented design approach for service design process is important when dealing with large complex systems like cities and governments. In this reseach my questions
are; How can a designers have a better understanding of their clients service system? How can clients beadvised more effectively in using service design tools on service development?
Understanding systems is crucial for designing smarter Cities.
Nora Elstelä Lahti Institute of Design and Fine Arts - Master of Design program
Key words: Service Design, Systems oriented design, Public services, Service Blueprint, Ohjaamo Helsinki, Smart City / 0400 606 486
Ohjaamo Helsinki - Service Blueprint ja ensikertalaisen palvelupolku katutason tilassa Nora Elstelä 30.10.2015
Nuoren toiminta
Vuorovaikutus raja
Näkyvän toiminnan raja
Sisäisen toiminnan raja
Ohjaajan toiminta
nuoren kanssa,
myös verkossa
Ohjaamon ulkoa
näkymätön toiminta
esim. verkostot ja
ulkoistetut palvelut
Miten nuori saa
tiedon Ohjaamosta?
Nuori kuulee palvelusta.
Nuori lukee lisää netistä ja
Nuori ottaa yhteyttä
somen/s-postin avulla
Havainnoi tilassa,
tutustuu materiaalei-
hin, kokee ilmapiirin
ja tunnelman
Käyttää päätettä, lukee
lehtiä, lataa puhelinta,
juttelee kavereille tai
Tulee huomatuksi
Nuori lähestyy ohjaajaa/
ohjaaja lähestyy nuorta
Nuoren tulisi kokea
olonsa turvalliseksi
Nuori kertoo tarpeensa
ja asiansa
Nuori tietää mitä tehdä
Nuorelle jäänyt
positiivinen kokemus ja
eteenpäin menon tunne
Ohjaja vastaa nuoren
yhteydenottoon ja
kutsuu Ohjaamoon
Tervehtii ystävällisesti,
kysyy voiko auttaa.
Havainnoi, arvioi,
huomaa nuoren hänen
tullessaan tilaan, avaa
Ohjaaja on läsnä ja
liikkuu tilassa
Ottaa kontaktia.
sopivassa tilanteessa.
Small talk.
Ohjaaja tervehtii ja
esittelee itsensä, palvelut
ja tilat.
Alkukeskustelu ja tarpe-
iden kartoitus.
Sovitan nuoren kanssa
minkälainen tila tarvita-
an tapaamiselle.
Voidaan myös joustavas-
ti siirtyä tilasta toiseen.
Kalenteri esillä sekä
henkilöstölle että
asiakkaalle, ketä paikalla
Tehdään tarvekartoitus,
ja esittellään vaihtoeh-
Ohjaaminen ohjaamon
sisäisesti tai ohjaaminen
muihin palveluihin.
Selkeän suunnitelman
luominen yhdessä nuoren
kanssa ja kirjataan ylös
tavoite ja askelmerkit.
Sovitaan yhdessä miten
nuori muistaa sovitut asiat.
Mahdollisuus tehdä video
esittely esim. cv:n liitteeksi
Käydään läpi vielä mitä
ollaan sovittu ja
varmistetaan että on
hyvä tunne molemmilla
jatkon suhteen.
Hyvästellään toivotetaan
tervetulleeksi uudelleen
Nettisivujen päivittämi-
nen, tieojen päivittämi-
nen nettiin ja ilmoitu-
stauluille, ilmoitustaulu-
jen sisällön tuottamin-
Useampi työntekijä
samaa aikaa tilassa.
Muut ohjaajat tavoitetta-
vissa, kysytään neuvoa tai
ohjataan heille.
Ajan varaus toisen
ohjaajan kalenteriin
Viestintä ulospäin: nuorille
ja medialle.
Ohjaamon verkostoille
suunnatun tietopankin ja
Sisäinen viestintä omalle-
organisaatiolle ja
Verkosto yhteistyö,
“päälinjat”-> tavoitteet
Turvallisuus suunnitelma
-tietoturva ja asiakasti-
-työaika kysymykset
-tietoturva paperit
Työn ohjaus Ilmaislippuja
rekry-messuille ja next
step messuille tai
muihin vastaaviin?
Katutason ylläpito
Esitteiden ja ilmoitusten
Hankinnat oleskelutilaan
esim. lehdet, musiikki,
Varmistetaan että
järjestelmissä on tieto
nuoren seuraavasta
Fyysiset elementit
esim. tilassa
Tiedon vienti:
-tiedon vienti materiaalit
-Houkutteleva, selkeä ja
turvallinen tila.
-Palveluista viestitty
selkeästi tilassa.
-Isot näytöt sekä sisällä että
ulospäin näkyvä.
-Yhdenvertaisuus näkyväk-
-Työntekijöiden esittelyt
Itsenäiseen tiedonhaku-
un rittävän yksity-
isyyden mahdollistava
tietokone ja muu
Tietokoneet tai muu
materiaali josta voidaan
yhdessä etsiä tietoa ja
kirjata ylös tietoja.
Info deski
Erilaisia helppokulkui-
sia tiloja mihin siirtyä.
Teetä ja kahvia tarjolla.
Monipuolisia tiloja joissa
voi jutella sekä yleisesti
että yksityisesti, isolla ja
pienellä porukalla ja voi
kohdata myös esim
nuoren vanhemmat.
Sms-viesti, älylait-
esovellus, ohjaamolta
saatu kalenteri tai muu
systeemi joihin sovitut
jutut merkitään ylös.
Helppo palautejärjest-
Mukaan otettavia
esitteitä Ohjaamon ja
muiden verkostojen
palveluista ja tulevista
Varainkeruu järjestelmä
esim. rahapossu jolla
kerätään rahaa johonkin
nuorten omaan juttuun
Ajanvaraus järjestelmä
We are living in a age of service economy since the im-
portance of service sector has increased in industria-
lized economies. Meaning of design has broaden from
design for aesthetics and ergonomics to service design
and with it also organizational and transformation de-
sign are tools used for building smart city services.
One of the most important qualities of a designer is
to see new possibilities and to sense the true needs of
people. The movement of human-centered design has
emerged from marginal to mainstream. This process of
designers being emphatic and optimistic helpers and
fixers is called Design Thinking. Service Design means
using the design thinking ideology in service develop-
ment. This paper presents a thesis project where I have
worked as a impartial service designer with a team of
two design agencies Rune & Berg and Praktik.
Helsinki city started a new Ohjaamo Helsinki guidance
service for young adults in the end of year 2015. This
service is a collaboration of five different departments
of Helsinki city, Youth Department, Employment De-
partment, Social and Healthcare Department, Emplo-
yment services and Education Department (graph 2).
The aim for this service is to provide all services from
one place that a young adult could need for finding a
better direction for their life. User data was gathered
by our team and a service manual was made by de-
sign agency Praktik for Ohjaamo before opening the
service. The research about the systemic composition
in Ohjaamo Helsinki continued with the personnel of
Ohjaamo Helsinki after the design agencies left, and a
concept tool for developing the service is prototyped
and developed within this thesis project.
The concern has emerged in the field of service de-
sign that the designers often lack the knowledge of
the system they are working with. Another concern is
that the client is in many cases left alone with too little
knowledge about developing the service on their own
(Kurronen Jarkko 2013, Vienamo Tatu 2014).
The solution in these cases would be better preparation
in studying the organizations internal as well as exter-
nal interactions and stakeholders and to guide clients
more properly. Understanding the interdependencies
of a system can help prepare for the future situations.
or education
•	In addition to governmental actors and employers in
the region the project creates and closer cooperation
with the third sector
•	specialized in helping customers with no place for
work or study
•	Ohjaamo Helsinki gives individual support and ser-
vices for education, employment and rehabilitation
•	Ohjaamo Helsinki is a low treshold advisory center
where young people can come by their own desire,
with out the admission of employment department
•	Youth can be guided to Ohjaamo from the Outreach
Youth Work or from the Health Care Center
(Ohjaamo Helsinki project application for European
Social Fund 2015)
Systems Oriented Design is a relatively new field. Sys-
tems thinking can solve some of the difficulties that
occur in service design projects. If the whole system is
understood by the stakeholders the processes can also
be understood better and the bottlenecks of the service
can be detected earlier and the services can be impro-
ved more effectively.
In this case study at the Ohjaamo Helsinki the service
design methods are used when collecting user data
from end users and from service personnel. In this
case my focus is in working with the Ohjaamo Hel-
sinki personnel by introducing them several tools and
methods for developing and visualizing the Ohjaamo
Helsinki service system.
For example all the processes around the service can
be explained by Service blueprinting (graph 3). It is a
visualized map explaining the relationships in the ex-
ternal and internal actions. Service blueprint is sho-
wing what happens when the customer is using the
service as well as what happens before and after using
the service.
In my thesis work the aim is to teach the personnel
to use several service design tools for evidencing the
challenges in the service use. By understanding the
system of Ohjaamo Helsinki and visualizing it to all
the stakeholders a new perspective is given about the
complexity and the interdependencies inside the sys-
tem of the Ohjaamo Helsinki service. This helps the
personnel to understand the system as a whole, the
collaborators in it and the actions between them.
These kind of system tools are useful when re-orga-
nizing smartly city services. Tools should be provided
not only for one off service re-design but also for the
service providers to continuously check and find an-
swers for challenges that demand renewing the service
production system.
•	Duration 3 years 1.3.2015-28.2.2018
•	Budget 4,17 M€: 75 % from European Social Fund,
25 % from the City of Helsinki
•	25 employees in ohjaamo helsinki office
•	 4 500 young people having the service
•	Rescources and outsource service budget for develo-
ping novel services
•	Being a part of the National Youth Guarantee measu-
•	A part of a Sustainable Growth and jobs 2014 - 2020
•	A new service model and approach to work
•	Multidisciplinary expertise of five departments of
Helsinki City
•	Serves young people better according to their indivi-
dual needs
•	Measures are: service development, cooperation de-
velopment, competence development and informati-
on system development, youth coaching and guidan-
•	A service model which will work across administra-
tive boundaries and a better way to serve young
people under the age 30 who are not in employment
Social and
health care
and business
Government administration
Local companies
Private organiz
City of Helsinki
Graph 2 Operating environment of Ohjaamo Helsinki
Graph 3 Service Blueprint, Ohjaamo Helsinki
Graph 1 Design process and methodologies

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  • 1. DESIGN PROCESS DEFINING the most obvious service design problems wes done in the beginning. The main problem was defini- tion of the service style from the customers point of view. RESEARCH was done by using empathic probe, perso- nal interviews and group workshops with potential 15-29 year old Ohjaamo sevice users from Helsinki. IDEATION was done in the Co-design workshops were held with potential users and Ohjaamo Helsinki person- nel. Task was to develop target user personas and their ser- vice journey maps based on user reseach. PROTOTYPE of the service was presented in a form of a Service manual for Ohjaamo Helsinki personnel. Co-ide- ation workshops were held with the Ohjaamo personnel and potential users considering the Ohjaamo Helsinki spatial design. BEFORE OPENING was the presentation of Servive Blueprint tool for Ohjaamo personnel. Discusions about organizational goals and service delivery hopes and beliefs for future were held. AFTER OPENING the organizational risks and service delivery problems were visualized by using the Service blueprinting tool. Stakeholder mapping was made by Oh- jaamo Helsinki personnel. Systems thinking was used in visualizing the most relevant pros and cons of the service at the moment. IN THE FUTURE Ohjaamo Helsinki personnel will be using the Service blueprinting and gigamapping and ot- her systems oriented design tools for service development, visualizing the system, and noticing the underlyinging problems. THE AIM OF THE PROJECT is the integration of the service design approach in every Ohjaamo service in fin- land by communicating actively about the practicing and the benefits of using the tools with other Ohjaamo units. The channel for communication is the roof organization of Ohjaamo projects around the Finland called Kohtaa- mo. LARGE SCALE IMPACT will be that systems oriented service design approach will be integrated to the decision making process as well in municipality level as in the go- vernmental and political level in Finland. PERCEPTION EMPATHIC PROBE PERSONAL INTERVIEWS GROUP WORKSHOPS PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEFINING CHALLENGES FINDING THE CUSTOMER WITH SOCIALMEDIA AND PERSONAL CONTACT WORKSHOPS WITH PERSONNEL FUTURE ENVISIONING AND SERVICE PROTOTYPING WITH SERVICE BLUEPRINTING TOOL USER RESEACH METHODS INTRODUCING THE SYSTEMS DESIGN METHODS WORKSHOPS WITH PERSONNEL VISUALIZING THE EMERGING RISKS AND SERVICE DELIVERY PROBLEMSWITH SERVICE BLUEPRINTING PERSONNEL USING THE BASIC SERVICE DESIGN TOOLS 3 HORIZONS, PERSONAS, CUSTOMER JOURNEY AND UX-CURVE INTRODUCING THE SYSTEMS DESIGN APPROACH TO OH- JAAMO PERSONNEL PRACTICING SYSTEMS ORIENTED APPROACH WITH PERSONNEL INTRODUCING THE GI- GAMAPPING TOOL COMMUNICATING ABOUT THE PRACTICE AND THE BENEFITS OF USING SYSTEMS ORIENT- ED APPROACH IN PUBLIC SERVICE DESIGN SYSTEMS DESIGN METHODS IN PRACTICE RELEASE OF THE OHJAA- MO HELSINKI SERVICE MANUAL USER PERSONAS JOURNEY MAPPING SYSTEMS THINKING IN SERVICE DESIGN Systems oriented design thinking is helping designers and their customers to understand and visualize the system as a whole, as a sum of its parts. Systems oriented design is helping on solving unstructured, large scale, complex, social and human centered problems. Understanding and using the systems oriented design approach for service design process is important when dealing with large complex systems like cities and governments. In this reseach my questions are; How can a designers have a better understanding of their clients service system? How can clients beadvised more effectively in using service design tools on service development? Understanding systems is crucial for designing smarter Cities. Nora Elstelä Lahti Institute of Design and Fine Arts - Master of Design program Key words: Service Design, Systems oriented design, Public services, Service Blueprint, Ohjaamo Helsinki, Smart City / 0400 606 486 Ohjaamo Helsinki - Service Blueprint ja ensikertalaisen palvelupolku katutason tilassa Nora Elstelä 30.10.2015 Nuoren toiminta PALVELUPOLKU Vuorovaikutus raja Näkyvän toiminnan raja Sisäisen toiminnan raja Ohjaajan toiminta nuoren kanssa, myös verkossa Taustatapahtumat Ohjaamon ulkoa näkymätön toiminta Tukitoiminnat esim. verkostot ja ulkoistetut palvelut SAAPUMINEN HENGAILU KOHTAAMINEN SIIRTYMINEN JATKOTOIMENPITEET POISTUMINENKESKUSTELUHAVAHTUMINEN Miten nuori saa tiedon Ohjaamosta? Nuori kuulee palvelusta. Nuori lukee lisää netistä ja somesta. Nuori ottaa yhteyttä somen/s-postin avulla Havainnoi tilassa, tutustuu materiaalei- hin, kokee ilmapiirin ja tunnelman Käyttää päätettä, lukee lehtiä, lataa puhelinta, juttelee kavereille tai ohjaajalle. Tulee huomatuksi Nuori lähestyy ohjaajaa/ ohjaaja lähestyy nuorta Nuoren tulisi kokea olonsa turvalliseksi Nuori kertoo tarpeensa ja asiansa Nuori tietää mitä tehdä seuraavaksi Nuorelle jäänyt positiivinen kokemus ja eteenpäin menon tunne Ohjaja vastaa nuoren yhteydenottoon ja kutsuu Ohjaamoon Tervehtii ystävällisesti, kysyy voiko auttaa. Havainnoi, arvioi, huomaa nuoren hänen tullessaan tilaan, avaa keskustelun. Ohjaaja on läsnä ja liikkuu tilassa Ottaa kontaktia. sopivassa tilanteessa. Small talk. Ohjaaja tervehtii ja esittelee itsensä, palvelut ja tilat. Alkukeskustelu ja tarpe- iden kartoitus. Sovitan nuoren kanssa minkälainen tila tarvita- an tapaamiselle. Voidaan myös joustavas- ti siirtyä tilasta toiseen. Kalenteri esillä sekä henkilöstölle että asiakkaalle, ketä paikalla milloinkin. Tehdään tarvekartoitus, ja esittellään vaihtoeh- toja Ohjaaminen ohjaamon sisäisesti tai ohjaaminen muihin palveluihin. Selkeän suunnitelman luominen yhdessä nuoren kanssa ja kirjataan ylös tavoite ja askelmerkit. Sovitaan yhdessä miten nuori muistaa sovitut asiat. Mahdollisuus tehdä video esittely esim. cv:n liitteeksi Käydään läpi vielä mitä ollaan sovittu ja varmistetaan että on hyvä tunne molemmilla jatkon suhteen. Hyvästellään toivotetaan tervetulleeksi uudelleen Nettisivujen päivittämi- nen, tieojen päivittämi- nen nettiin ja ilmoitu- stauluille, ilmoitustaulu- jen sisällön tuottamin- en. Useampi työntekijä samaa aikaa tilassa. Muut ohjaajat tavoitetta- vissa, kysytään neuvoa tai ohjataan heille. Konsultointi -Potilastietojärjestelmä -Asiakastietojärjestelmä -Seuranta Ajan varaus toisen ohjaajan kalenteriin Viestintä ulospäin: nuorille ja medialle. Ohjaamon verkostoille suunnatun tietopankin ja tapahtumakalenterin ylläpitäminen. Sisäinen viestintä omalle- organisaatiolle ja verkostolle. Verkosto yhteistyö, “päälinjat”-> tavoitteet Monikulttuurisuus, tulkkipalvelut Turvallisuus suunnitelma -tila -tietoturva ja asiakasti- etoturva -työaika kysymykset Siivous: -tilat -tietoturva paperit Työn ohjaus Ilmaislippuja rekry-messuille ja next step messuille tai muihin vastaaviin? Katutason ylläpito Esitteiden ja ilmoitusten päivitys Hankinnat oleskelutilaan esim. lehdet, musiikki, esitteet. Varmistetaan että järjestelmissä on tieto nuoren seuraavasta askeleesta. Fyysiset elementit esim. tilassa nettisivut some Tiedon vienti: -kannettavat tietokoneet -puhelin -kalenteri -tiedon vienti materiaalit -kirjat -Houkutteleva, selkeä ja turvallinen tila. -Palveluista viestitty selkeästi tilassa. -Isot näytöt sekä sisällä että ulospäin näkyvä. -Yhdenvertaisuus näkyväk- si. -Työntekijöiden esittelyt seinillä. Ilmoitustaulut Lehtiä Laturit musiikki visuaalisuus Itsenäiseen tiedonhaku- un rittävän yksity- isyyden mahdollistava tietokone ja muu materiaali. Tietokoneet tai muu materiaali josta voidaan yhdessä etsiä tietoa ja kirjata ylös tietoja. Info deski Chatti? Erilaisia helppokulkui- sia tiloja mihin siirtyä. Teetä ja kahvia tarjolla. Monipuolisia tiloja joissa voi jutella sekä yleisesti että yksityisesti, isolla ja pienellä porukalla ja voi kohdata myös esim nuoren vanhemmat. Sms-viesti, älylait- esovellus, ohjaamolta saatu kalenteri tai muu systeemi joihin sovitut jutut merkitään ylös. Helppo palautejärjest- elmä. Mukaan otettavia esitteitä Ohjaamon ja muiden verkostojen palveluista ja tulevista tapahtumista. Varainkeruu järjestelmä esim. rahapossu jolla kerätään rahaa johonkin nuorten omaan juttuun Ajanvaraus järjestelmä BACKGROUND We are living in a age of service economy since the im- portance of service sector has increased in industria- lized economies. Meaning of design has broaden from design for aesthetics and ergonomics to service design and with it also organizational and transformation de- sign are tools used for building smart city services. One of the most important qualities of a designer is to see new possibilities and to sense the true needs of people. The movement of human-centered design has emerged from marginal to mainstream. This process of designers being emphatic and optimistic helpers and fixers is called Design Thinking. Service Design means using the design thinking ideology in service develop- ment. This paper presents a thesis project where I have worked as a impartial service designer with a team of two design agencies Rune & Berg and Praktik. Helsinki city started a new Ohjaamo Helsinki guidance service for young adults in the end of year 2015. This service is a collaboration of five different departments of Helsinki city, Youth Department, Employment De- partment, Social and Healthcare Department, Emplo- yment services and Education Department (graph 2). The aim for this service is to provide all services from one place that a young adult could need for finding a better direction for their life. User data was gathered by our team and a service manual was made by de- sign agency Praktik for Ohjaamo before opening the service. The research about the systemic composition in Ohjaamo Helsinki continued with the personnel of Ohjaamo Helsinki after the design agencies left, and a concept tool for developing the service is prototyped and developed within this thesis project. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS The concern has emerged in the field of service de- sign that the designers often lack the knowledge of the system they are working with. Another concern is that the client is in many cases left alone with too little knowledge about developing the service on their own (Kurronen Jarkko 2013, Vienamo Tatu 2014). The solution in these cases would be better preparation in studying the organizations internal as well as exter- nal interactions and stakeholders and to guide clients more properly. Understanding the interdependencies of a system can help prepare for the future situations. or education • In addition to governmental actors and employers in the region the project creates and closer cooperation with the third sector • specialized in helping customers with no place for work or study • Ohjaamo Helsinki gives individual support and ser- vices for education, employment and rehabilitation • Ohjaamo Helsinki is a low treshold advisory center where young people can come by their own desire, with out the admission of employment department • Youth can be guided to Ohjaamo from the Outreach Youth Work or from the Health Care Center (Ohjaamo Helsinki project application for European Social Fund 2015) THINKING IN SYSTEMS Systems Oriented Design is a relatively new field. Sys- tems thinking can solve some of the difficulties that occur in service design projects. If the whole system is understood by the stakeholders the processes can also be understood better and the bottlenecks of the service can be detected earlier and the services can be impro- ved more effectively. In this case study at the Ohjaamo Helsinki the service design methods are used when collecting user data from end users and from service personnel. In this case my focus is in working with the Ohjaamo Hel- sinki personnel by introducing them several tools and methods for developing and visualizing the Ohjaamo Helsinki service system. For example all the processes around the service can be explained by Service blueprinting (graph 3). It is a visualized map explaining the relationships in the ex- ternal and internal actions. Service blueprint is sho- wing what happens when the customer is using the service as well as what happens before and after using the service. In my thesis work the aim is to teach the personnel to use several service design tools for evidencing the challenges in the service use. By understanding the system of Ohjaamo Helsinki and visualizing it to all the stakeholders a new perspective is given about the complexity and the interdependencies inside the sys- tem of the Ohjaamo Helsinki service. This helps the personnel to understand the system as a whole, the collaborators in it and the actions between them. These kind of system tools are useful when re-orga- nizing smartly city services. Tools should be provided not only for one off service re-design but also for the service providers to continuously check and find an- swers for challenges that demand renewing the service production system. OHJAAMO HELSINKI • Duration 3 years 1.3.2015-28.2.2018 • Budget 4,17 M€: 75 % from European Social Fund, 25 % from the City of Helsinki • 25 employees in ohjaamo helsinki office • 4 500 young people having the service • Rescources and outsource service budget for develo- ping novel services • Being a part of the National Youth Guarantee measu- re • A part of a Sustainable Growth and jobs 2014 - 2020 Program • A new service model and approach to work • Multidisciplinary expertise of five departments of Helsinki City • Serves young people better according to their indivi- dual needs • Measures are: service development, cooperation de- velopment, competence development and informati- on system development, youth coaching and guidan- ce • A service model which will work across administra- tive boundaries and a better way to serve young people under the age 30 who are not in employment Youth department Social and health care services Employment services Employment and business services Education department Government administration Non-profit organizations Local companies Private organiz ations City of Helsinki OHJAAMO HELSINKI Graph 2 Operating environment of Ohjaamo Helsinki Graph 3 Service Blueprint, Ohjaamo Helsinki Graph 1 Design process and methodologies