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Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划
地址 Prinsengracht 253, 1016 GV Amsterdam, 荷兰
电话 +31 (0)20 622 44 31 传真 +31 (0)20 639 38 07 电子信箱 网址
Landscape architecture and urban development                          景观和城市发展
Vista is a studio for landscape architecture and urban planning,      Vista位于阿姆斯特丹,是一个主要方向为景观设计和城市规划的
located in Amsterdam. Our enthusiastic, international team            工作室。我们是一个由景观设计师,城市规划师,工业设计师,生
consists of landscape architects, urban planners, industrial          物学家和平面设计师组成的热情的国际化的团队。我们的客户是政
designers, ecologists and graphic designers. Our clients are the      府,公共机构,社会组织和项目开发者。我们致力于解决复杂的空
public sector, social organizations and project developers. We        间和社会问题,并制定城市和乡村地区的发展战略计划。此外,我
work on complex spatial and social tasks and develop strategic        们还为新的公共空间,如:公园,广场,码头和桥梁等,做出具体
plans for urban and rural regions. In addition, we develop design     的设计方案。
plans for concrete landscape interventions and for new public
spaces such as parks, plazas, harbors and bridges.                    我们在景观设计上的优势
The strength of the landscape                                         些力量可以是水系统的平衡或是自然植被多样性,亦或是经济和文
At Vista, we are inspired by the powerful forces that shape the       化变迁。对于我们而言,过程与最终目标具有同等重要的意义。荷
landscape. These forces can be the water balance or the natural       兰的传统水管理和围海造田是我们灵感的重要来源。 Vista是寻找
vegetation dynamics but also changes in the economy and               具有可持续性的和创新性的解决方案,从而实现别出心裁的功能组
culture. The process is just as important to us as the ultimate       合和不拘一格的空间特质。我们开发创新性的概念并加以实施。例
goal. The Dutch tradition of water management and land                如,我们在化学废物荒地尝试泥炭再生(荷兰佛荷米尔圩田);以
reclamation is an important source of inspiration. Vista is looking   及用抽取的矿井水,创造一个不寻常的水上花园(德国格鲁贝煤矿
for sustainable, innovative solutions that result in surprising       厂)。 Vista是一个在荷兰的空间创新领域的领导者。
utilitarian combinations and distinct spatial qualities. We develop
innovative concepts and implement them. For example, we               新的地形
are experimenting with peat regeneration at a chemical waste          我们并不惧怕创造全新的景观,如果这是实际情况所需要的。在荷
dumpsite (Volgermeerpolder) and using pumped up mine water            兰,由于大规模的城市化地区坐落于具有的脆弱的土壤和不稳定水
to create an unusual water garden (Grube Reden). Vista is a           资源的低洼地区 ,创造全新的景观系统通常是唯一可持续的解决
leader in The Netherlands in the area of spatial innovation.          办法。为此,我们淹没了圩田从而发展自然保护区和娱乐功能,或

New topography                                                     提高地势用于房屋和地下蓄水。在各种各样的规划中,我们都执行
We are not afraid to create entirely new landscapes if that        着我们“景观城市发展” (landscape urban development)的概
is what is called for. In The Netherlands, where large-scale       念,如将住所设立在新建的分水河河畔(荷兰德芬特和祖特芬地区
urbanization is taking place in low-lying areas with vulnerable    的分水河景观)或设立在新的沿海沙丘上的理念(鹿特丹的Kaap
water management and unstable soil, this is often the only         de Goede Hoek)。
sustainable solution. We do this by submerging polders in water
for the development of nature reserves and recreational areas      协同合作
or by raising hills for housing and underground water storage.     我们希望关注于人们在公共空间,景观和居住环境中的体验。作为
In various plans we implement our concept of “landscape urban      我们的设计过程中的一部分,我们会将未来的居民和使用者纳入到
development,” such as living on the banks of new river arms        我们的设计和建设的过程中。我们还与客户以及其他开发商和专家
(bypass landscape for Deventer and Zutphen) and living on new      都有着密切的合作。这样我们就可以创造出得到广泛支持的和真正
dunes on the coast (Kaap de Goede Hoek in Rotterdam).              博采众议的具有整体性的设计方案,这种方法将会随着时间的推移
We want to align the design of public spaces, the landscape        注册机构成员
and the living environment with the manner in which people live    Vista是“荷兰园艺和景观建筑师协会”成员。全部景观设计师和
and experience space. As a part of our procedural approach,        城市规划师均注册在荷兰注册建筑师协会。
we involve future residents and users in the formation of our
plans. We also work closely together with our clients and with
other developers and specialists. This way we can create widely
supported and truly integral designs which will only gain in
strength with the passing of time.

Vista is a member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin-
en Landschapsachitecten (Dutch Association of Garden and
Landscape Architects). All of our landscape architects and urban
development planners are registered with the Dutch Register of

Toxic wasteland regeneration Volgermeerpolder

Bypass Landscape design study

Masterplan Garten Reden
废弃煤矿场改造——德国萨尔州 雷顿花园总体规划

Masterplan Park 21

Floodplain design Rijnwaarden
Volgermeerpolder Birdview 佛荷米尔圩田鸟瞰

Toxic wasteland regeneration                                          有毒荒地的自然景观再生
Volgermeerpolder Amsterdam                                            荷兰阿姆斯特丹“佛荷米尔圩田”

Location: Waterland, the Netherlands                                  地点:荷兰沃特兰德地区

Client: Milieudienst Amsterdam                                        客户:荷兰阿姆斯特丹环境部门

In collaboration with: ACV (Witteveen+Bos en Tauw)                    合作单位:ACV

Year: 2002-2003                                                       年份:2002年-2003年

Status: Realization 2003-2010                                         状态:已建成

The Volgermeerpolder is situated just north of Amsterdam, in          佛荷米尔圩田坐落在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹的北部的“沃特兰德”,一
the middle of ‘Waterland’, a well-known pastoral peat land area.      个众所周知的泥炭土壤质的乡村地区。一千年来的耕种和水资源人工
1000 years of cultivation and artificial water management caused      管理导致这里的地表面积下降达5米。在20世纪初期,这里的泥炭被
the surface level of the area to sink about 5 meters. In the early    挖出作为燃料来使用,所留下的是一片壮观的涝田景观。在接下来的
20th century, the peat was dug out to serve as fuel leaving           半个世纪中,这100公顷的涝田因为一直被作为垃圾废弃场使用,最终
behind a marvelous waterlogged landscape. For the following           成为了全荷兰化学污染最为严重的“臭名昭著”的垃圾填埋场。1981
half century, this 100ha water landscape was used as a waste          年,佛荷米尔圩田因民愤而被关闭。30年后,它终于得到了机会而获
dump and became notorious as the most extensive chemically            得重生。
polluted landfill in The Netherlands. In 1981, following public
outrage, the landfill was closed. 30 years later, this area is now    在对这块地的处理上,我们决定不将化学废物全部移除,取而代之的
finally to be given a new future.                                     是将其覆盖并加以控制。由此,这个项目的焦点便停留在“如何处理
It was decided that the chemical waste would not be removed,          方?”一系列问题上。我们选择了一条强调当地文化和历史的思路:
but would be covered and controlled. The focus of the project         通过加入功能和景观设计,这个地区的非物质遗产以及非同寻常的历
then shifted towards how to deal with the landscape? How to           史被积极地表达了出来。
serve nature best and transform such a polluted place into a
place for recreation? An approach was chosen which refers to          佛荷米尔项目的基础是用防水工程薄膜将有毒的填埋场罩住,并在其
the cultural and natural history of the site. Through function and    上覆盖土壤和水形成的保护层。土壤和水的使用不仅节省了开支,而
design the invisible heritage and remarkable history of the area is   且使其景观融入“沃特兰德”的大环境中。与通常低洼的圩田不同,
positively expressed.                                                 佛荷米尔圩田的构造使这块地高出地面,因而变的格外显著。我们在

The basis for the project is the covering for the toxic landfill with            此之上构建了适合独特自然环境的湿地以及娱乐功能,将其打造成这
a watertight engineered membrane. This is then protected with a                  个地区的代表性地段。
layer of soil and water. The soil and water layer reduce expenses,
but also fits the project into the landscape of Waterland. A                     大量垃圾的堆积是佛荷米尔圩田被抬高的原因。由于较高的地势它的
new landscape is designed as a unique inverse polder in                          水系统与其周边地带的地下水系统相对隔绝,从而也只能被雨水补
the flat landscape, a constructed wet area for unique nature                     给。这种特定环境为只能依靠雨水生存的泥炭藓沼泽地创造了仿佛量
development and recreation. The design makes the Volgermeer                      身定做的天然条件,而这种沼泽也正是佛荷米尔圩田历史上的面貌。
stand out as a subtle icon for the region.                                       这种巧妙的结合成为了这个设计的焦点。为了收集和保存雨水,我们
The site is elevated above the surrounding land due to the bulk                  盆地”组成的系统。系统样貌的灵感来源于佛荷米尔圩田在历史上的
of waste underneath. This makes it possible to create an isolated                景观肌理。这个景观也展现出了很高的生态价值:在项目进行的第一
system solely fed with rainwater. Here it is possible to develop                 阶段,芦苇水景会吸引大量的鸟类生物;在之后阶段中,稀有的植被
a new sphagnum-bog, which forms the focus for the design. In                     会茂盛生长。如此的生态发展也会对有毒物质的可持续保持做出积极
order to collect and hold the rainwater a series of small levee                  的贡献。
banks is laid over the irregular surface forming a network of
green basins. The shape is inspired by the historic landscape                    从阿姆斯特丹穿过的一条重要的游憩线路如今也会抵达并穿过佛荷米
pattern. The ecological value of this landscape is very high. In the             尔圩田。对于一些历史元素(比如桥和河道阀门)的恢复以及建造一
first stages of development a landscape of water and reeds will                  座介绍佛荷米尔圩田的信息中心是现在我们完成整个项目之前最后的
exist with extensive birdlife. Late, rare vegetation will bloom here.            工作。在本土,佛荷米尔圩田为阿姆斯特丹周边地区带来了生态的进
This ecological development can also add to the sustainable                      步,游憩项目和高质量的景观;在国际上,这个项目成为了结合解决
maintenance of the toxins.                                                       垃圾填埋场问题和自然休闲娱乐发展这个课题的典范。

An important recreational route towards Amsterdam will now run
through the middle of the site. Restoration of old elements like
a bridge and a lock and the introduction of a central information
point complete the plan. On a local scale the Volgermeer project
results in improving the ecological, recreational and landscape
qualities around Amsterdam. Internationally, the project serves as
a pilot for how to deal with polluted landfills in combination with
nature and recreational development.

                                                                                                                     Levee 堤坝

The sanitation principle of isolation and monitoring                                                                 Gas escape 通气层
                                                                                                                     Water 水层

                                                                                                                     Earth 土层

                                                                                                                     Covering 覆盖层

                                                                                                                     Fill 填充层

                                                                                                                     Waste 废弃物

                                                                                                                     Clay layer 黏土层

                                                                                                                     Inspection pit


Rainwater is collected in basins which are not in contact with the groundwater   Layers of the containment process
雨水被收集在不受于地下水影响的盆地里                                                               隔离有害物质过程需要的层级

Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划                                                                     7
Bypass Deventer 荷兰德芬特地区的分水河

Bypass Landscape Design Study                                          分水河景观的设计研究

Location: Deventer, Zutphen, the Netherlands                           地点:荷兰阿普多恩,德芬特,祖特芬地区

Client: Stedendriehoek, Stuurgroep Fysieke Pijler Stedelijk netwerk    客户:Stedendriehoek, Stuurgroep Fysieke Pijler Stedelijk netwerk Stedendrie-

Stedendriehoek                                                         hoek

In collaboration: Nieuwe Gracht, Projectorganisatie Ruimte voor de     合作单位:Nieuwe Gracht, Projectorganisatie Ruimte voor de Rivier Bureau

Rivier Bureau Bovenrivieren, DHV Management Consultants, RIZA          Bovenrivieren, DHV Management Consultants, RIZA

Year: 2004                                                             年份:2004年

Many modern cities and urban developments lack a relationship          许多现代城市及其发展都缺乏对与其周边河流的关系的考虑。我们一
to their rivers. Vista landscape and urban design looks for            直致力于探寻能够将城市发展,自然环境,水资源管理和景观综合考
concepts, which focus on the integration of urban development,         虑的设计理念。
nature, water management and landscape.
In 1993 and 1995, the Dutch rivers encountered excessively high        题,致使洪灾的风险大幅提高,堤坝的安全也受到威胁。由于气候的
drainage with water levels rising to extreme heights, increasing       变化,这类的事件被预计在未来会变的更加频繁。
the risk of levees bursting and potential flooding. This type of
event is predicted to occur more frequently in future as a result of   我们组织了“分水河景观设计研究”,目的在于确立一套方法用于拓
climate change.                                                        宽艾塞尔河经过德芬特和祖特芬两个城市的河段,同时将新居住区的
In response, the Dutch government has invested in establishing
preventative measures to better protect the Netherlands from           高的堤坝和密集建造的河岸对艾塞尔河产生着压迫,从而形成了河流
rising river water levels. As an alternative to simply raising and     的瓶颈并使得该地区面对洪水时十分脆弱。为了保证安全性,这个地
reinforcing the existing dikes, Vista is exploring solutions that      区需要一些强有力的的手段。
include manipulating the levees and allowing excess water to
flow through newly created channels.                                   我们建议在两个城市中建造艾塞尔河的“分水河地带”,即能够在高

The ‘Bypass Landscape Design Study’ was organized to develop          议的核心内容是将“分水河地带”建造成综合的景观发展地区。我们
measures for widening portions of the IJssel River adjacent to        称之为“分水河景观”。在此之中,我们把提升安全性与鼓励自然发
the towns of Deventer and Zutphen in combination with the             展,居住性,经济和旅游结合在一起。这个发展的初始驱动是在两个
development of new residential environments.                          城市中3000套住房的建造。

High levees and densely built-up banks constrict the IJssel River     为河流创造出新的河汊是整个景观发展中最主要的部分,它为更广泛
here. These areas form bottlenecks in the river and make the          的栖息地和住房类型提供了与众不同的机遇。我们发展了基于地块条
area vulnerable to flooding. Radical measures are necessary here      件量身打造的自然环境和房屋类型,它们可以组合出很多种不同种类
to guarantee safety.                                                  并满足实际居住需求的建筑地段。自然环境的类型包括硬木和软木树
Vista proposed the building of a “bypass” for the IJssel in both      类型基于房子和水的关系而确立,包括城市沿河地带,公园房屋,船
cities, an additional river arm over which water can discharge        坞,住房岛屿,水城堡,沙丘住房和漂浮住房。
when the level is high. The river arm can flow permanently or
periodically. However, the bypass is much more than just a            我们在做每个城市的设计模型时都会紧记当地特有的河流情况,并且
technical solution to a river-related problem. The core of Vista’s    满足荷兰水道与公共工程部相关规定中的要求。我们已经完成了一个
proposal was that the construction of the bypass is seen as           全球性预算。虽然这个项目需要不小的投资,但它给这个地区带来的
an integral landscape development. We call this the “bypass           居住,自然和娱乐上的公共利益可以使之收支平衡。
landscape.” Increasing safety is combined with a quality impulse
for nature, livability, economy and tourism. The driver of this
development is the construction of about 3,000 houses for both

The creation of new arms of rivers is a major intervention in the
landscape, offering unique opportunities for a wide range of
habitat types and housing options. Vista developed site-specific
nature and housing types which can be combined in various
ways to provide practical building blocks. The nature types
include hardwood and softwood forests, marshes, floodplain
grasslands, river dunes and various water environments. The
housing types are based on the relationship of the house to
the water and include urban riverfronts, park housing, marinas,
housing islands, water castles, dune houses and floating houses.

Design models for each city were developed with the specific
river situation in mind and satisfy the requirements stipulated
by the Ministry of Waterways and Public Works. A global cost
estimate was also completed. It is clear that this requires a major
investment, but this is balanced out by great public benefits in
the area of living, nature and recreation.

Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划                                      9
Geothermal Canyon 地热谷

Masterplan Garten Reden                                                           废弃煤矿场改造
                                                                                  德国萨尔州 雷顿花园总体规划
Location: Am Bergwerk Reden, Saarland, Germany                                    地点:德国萨尔州
Client: IndustrieKultur Saar (IKS)                                                客户:IKS
Incollaboration with: BK Baukunst, CAD Werkstatt, Hegelmann & Dutt & Kist, KEN,   合作单位:BK Baukunst, CAD Werkstatt, Hegelmann & Dutt & Kist, KEN, Kuhn &
Kuhn & Partner, Kohns Plan, Planungsteam PJG, Raumkonzept, WPW Ingenieure         Partner, Kohns Plan, Planungsteam PJG, Raumkonzept, WPW Ingenieure
Year: 2002-present                                                                年份:2002年-今
Size: 125 ha.
Status: Under construction

Vista developed a master plan and detailed construction                           中独特的建筑和氛围,赋予了它各种各样新的文化和经济功能。在这
drawings for the former coal mine ‘Grube Reden’. The site will                    个项目中,我们承担了从总体规划到细部设计的全部工作。
attract diverse cultural and economic activities in an ambience
inspired by the architecture of the mining landscape.                             这个地块里被污染了的土地是亟待解决问题中的关键。在总体规划
The contaminated ground of the site was one the key issue to                      开发出广泛的新的功能。
be solved. In the master plan, specific landforms, structures and
sub-surface conditions are used as a starting point for a broad                   以下几部分改造为这个项目带来了杰出的贡献:
range of new functions.
The following transformations are distinguished:                                  们将这些设施组织在一条主路和三个广场的周围;中心广场周边是被
The former industrial site is transformed into an urban campus                    赋予了新的功能的风格迥异的矿场建筑。我们用当地典型的矿岩石材
with offices and cultural functions, organized around a central                   将广场和道路之间污染了的地表覆盖住,使之与行人隔离,因而也让
road and three squares; the central square is bounded by                          这里成为了一个干燥的花园景观,使得濒危的昆虫和两栖动物可以大
distinct old mine buildings, that are given new functions. The                    量存活。这个景观一直延续到校园南部的一座80米高的挖矿留下的岩
contaminated surface between the squares and infrastructure                       石堆积成的山。一条中央水渠将山上干燥的岩石与这块地最低处的植
is covered by typical mine-rock-material which restricts direct                   被丛生的水花园相连接。一条九米高的石笼墙形成了水花园和校园之
contact between people and the subsurface. The result is an arid                  间的过渡。

garden landscape, were endangered insects and amphibians can             水花园被建在矿场一个老的火车调度坪之上,是整个地块中地势最低
flourish. A central water channel connects the dry rock garden           的区域。我们通过用黏土将地表层密封的方法,创造出了完美的条件
of the pit heap with the green water gardens on the lowest part          使这里变成可以收集来自整个125公顷地块的水的收集器,因而这里也
of the site. A nine-meter-high gabion wall forms the transition          成为了新建校园的入口花园。水花园中一些小块区域由于不同的水深
between the water garden and the urban campus.                           和土质让它看上去如同马赛克一般。我们在花园的中心建造了一个长
The water garden is build on top of the former rail yard of the          收集。
mining site. By sealing the subsurface with clay, a perfect
condition was created to collect all the water from the 125 ha site      水花园中一个很特别的部分是地热谷系统。从地下800米抽出的含盐矿
and turn it into a front garden for the new campus. The garden           水会以30度温度作为新建校园的热能来源。基于此原因我们也种植了
forms a mosaic of wet biotopes defined by water depth and                一种地热植物。在为建筑提供热能后,矿水还会在地热谷系统中通过
substrates. In the center of the garden a long buffer basin and          暴露于空气而进一步被冷却,之后汇入附近的溪流。
Taxodium forest was created to store water from the site when
heavy rainfall occurs.                                                   矿上淤泥盆曾经被用来沉降冲洗矿物的水中的杂质。在新的规划中,
A special element is the garden is the geothermal canyon. Salty          够大量产出燃料物植被的种植场。从这里产出的生物燃料将在寒冷的
mine water, pumped from a depth of 800 meters and with a                 冬季为建筑提供热能。我们的目标使将这个地区的碳排放量降到最低
temperature of 30°C is used as a source to heat the buildings            可能。
on the campus. For this reason a geothermal plant was build.
After heating the buildings the water is further cooled down in          校园南部80米高的矿石堆积山曾经非常陡峭和危险。我们在山腰处与
the canyon before running through the water garden and into a            人工湖齐平的高度上制造了一条水平切口并将其上的矿石填补在它下
nearby natural creek.                                                    方的山脚处以此来使矿山变的更加平缓稳固。同时这个水平切口被建
The old slip basin was historically used to let sediment subside         里的旱冰道。沿这条线路的景色各处不同,令人兴奋。旱冰道水平工
from the washing water of the coal mine. In the new plan it is           整的形象与环绕它的山地景观形成了鲜明的对比因此成为了这个地区
partially transformed into a new lake that functions as a water          一道独特的景色。
reservoir for the water garden, and partially into a soil depot that
will become a biomass production area. The bio fuel that comes
from this site is used to further heat the buildings on the site
during harsh winters. The goal is to reduce the carbon footprint
of the site as much as possible.

The 80 meter high pit heap in the south of the campus had
dangerously steep slopes. By making a horizontal cut in the
terrain the hill was stabilised. This incision is used to build a path
around the hill. By continuing the track around the lake, a divers
and exiting 4 kilometer skate track is created. The circuit is in
great contrast with the hilly landscape around it and is unique in
the region.

Furniture 家具

Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划                                      11
Park21 Birdview 公园21鸟瞰

Masterplan Park 21                                                      公园21总体规划

Location: Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands                               地点:荷兰哈勒姆米尔地区

Client: Haarlemmermeer Municipality                                     客户:荷兰哈勒姆米尔地区政府

Year: 2008-2011                                                         年份:2008年-2011年

Size: 1000 ha.                                                          占地:1000公顷

Status: Winning competition design, completed masterplan                状态:竞赛获胜,完成总体规划

The concept for Park21 centers around the interplay between             公园21的理念是拥有自己独树一帜的个性,并且在一年四季服务于
three layers: the polder layer, the park layer and the leisure layer.   每一个游客。总体规划融合了安静的自然环境,游憩以及室内室外的
The three layers are overlaid in an intimate interaction, in some       各种活动。公园21的理念主要围绕着三个层之间的互动而存在:圩
places coming together in a highlight or focal point. The layers        田层,公园层和休闲娱乐层。这三层之间有着密切的交叠和互动,这
are complementary, but with clear differences. Strolling on a           带来了公园中的高潮和焦点。这三层之间是互补的,但同时也各自分
boulevard, or with boots through a nature area, the encounter           明。在林荫道上散步,或是徒步穿越自然区域,当经历这些不同区域
between those worlds intensifies the experience and stimulates          的连接和交叠时,人们会获得更多的经历和灵感。在这个21世纪的公
desire. It is never dull in the park of the 21st century. And you       园中,人们永远不会有厌倦感而且可以任意选择要去经历环境。正是
can always choose in which world you wich to interact. It is            这种地域间的模糊性以及可选择性使得公园21成为了一个当代的公
precisely this ambiguity and choice which makes Park21 a                园。
modern park.
The polder layer consists largely of agrarian polder landscape          自然保护区。历史上的水系统和农业遗产仍然可被识别出来。横穿地
which will be gradually transformed into urban agriculture or           块的繁忙的道路将被降级但仍保持完好。其中的一些农场会逐渐被其
nature reserve. The historical water system and agricultural            他功能取代,比如骑术学校,看护中心,露营地或茶园。
heritage is still recognizable, and the busy roads traversing the
site will remain intact although downgraded. Some of the farms          逶迤的树林肌理打破了质朴无华的圩田层,从而形成了公园层。这里
can gradually adopt a different function such as a riding school        提供了具有吸引力的各种活动,如休憩,徒步,骑自行车或骑马。树
or care facility, campsite or tea garden.                               林肌理被开敞的公共空间打破,这些空间可用作日光浴场,运动场和

Winding forest structures break through the starkness of the              一个针对人们休闲娱乐时间的研究显示出这个地区对各种娱乐设施都
polder forming the park layer. This provides for an attractive            存在巨大的需求,同时也显示出投资者对在这个公园发展娱乐项目存在
experience for relaxing, hiking, bike riding or horse riding. The         巨大兴趣,尤其是密集性的娱乐景点。因为这个公园具有1000公顷的
forest structure is punctured with open fields for sunbathing,            庞大尺寸,娱乐功能(约200公顷)可以在自身不被影响的情况下很容
sports fields and event terrains.                                         易的找到合适的地点,并且类型多样的设施保证了人们在公园21中总
A study of leisure time showed there is great demand for all sorts
of leisure facilities in the region. It also appears that investors are   休闲娱乐层有一系列核心娱乐区域提供密集的娱乐活动。“快乐城”
very interested in developing attractions in this park, in particular     和“荷兰花园”是公园21中最繁忙的景点,毗邻商业区和道路。“公
the more intensive leisure facilities. Because the park is so large       园村落”坐落在相对安静的新建的湖的湖畔,拥有着最佳的公共交通
– 1,000 hectares, leisure functions (about 200 hectares) can              可达性。公园西部的大湖,岛屿,草地和树林与拥有宁静,自然和文
find their place without disturbing the more extensive facilities.        化历史的哈勒姆米尔绿地,沙丘地带和乡村庄园有着很好的共鸣。
Together the various facilities ensure there is always something
to experience in the park.                                                公园21的愿景规划并不是一个最终的设计,而是一个发展和投资策
The leisure layer has a series of core leisure areas of intense           进行发展。只有休闲娱乐层需要额外的投资,但同时也会得到高额回
recreational activites. Happy City and Holland Garden are the             报。休闲娱乐层和公园层的发展受到哈勒姆米尔地区历史上土地划分
busiest attractions in the park and are located near business             的限定,因此这两个层的布局有可能会被调整,取决于土地使用权的
districts and infrastructure. Park Village is located in a quieter        获得。基于此原因,公园21规划中功能布局的灵活性定会大幅度降低
location near the new lake, and has optimal access by public              收购土地的价格。
transport. The western part of the park with its large lake,
islands, meadowlands and grasslands and park forests is nicely
aligned with the world of tranquility, nature and cultural history:
the green of the Haarlemmermeer, the dune zone and the zone of
country estates.

The vision for Park21 is a development and an investment
strategy, not a final design plan. The nature layer need not be too
expensive and the park layer can be developed with a realistic
budget. The leisure layer however requires extra investment,
but there are returns to be made. The development of leisure
layer and the park layer are defined by the historical subdivision
patern the Haarlemmermeer. Depending on the acquirment of
land parcels, the layout of these layers will need to be adjusted.
Being flexible in the location of activites can significantly reduce
the acquisition costs.

Parkvillage and the New Lake 公园村落和新人工湖

Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划                                          13
Master lan Rijnwaarden 莱茵河泄洪区总体规划

Floodplain design Rijnwaarden                                       莱茵河生态泄洪区总体规划

Location: Rijnwaardensche uiterwaarden, the Netherlands             地点:荷兰莱茵河地区

Client: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency                 客户:荷兰环境评估机构

In collaboration: Alterra, Deltaris                                 合作单位: Alterra, Deltaris

Year: 2010                                                          年份:2010年

The Netherlands is preparing for a changing climate. Where          荷兰正在为气候变化做着准备。在莱茵河进入荷兰的地方,坐落着莱
the river Rhine enters the country, lays the Rijnwaardensche        茵河泄洪平原。这是一个在河流和冬季堤坝之间占地1200公顷的区
Uiterwaarden, a 1.200 ha floodplain between the river and the       域。由于河流排放量预计会升高,因此这个泄洪区需要被重新设计。
winter levee bank. Higher river discharges are expected so this     我们为这个项目做了景观设计,其中涵盖了几个地段从最开始的平面
area had to be reshaped. Vista made the landscape plan for this     布局研究直到最终的细部设计。
project, starting with a general study of possible layouts and
ending with detailed plans for all areas.                           莱茵河当前的泄洪平原不足以应对未来的水量,因此周边的景观处于
The current floodplains of the Rhine are not sufficiently able      河水阻挡在泄洪区范围之外,使得这个地区已经存在的一些依赖水流
to handle future high river flows. The safety of the surrounding    多变的自然环境受到威胁。简言之,河流在高峰期水量不足,通常流
landscape is thus endangered. In combination with this problem,     量时河流受到压迫,不利于自然环境。调整莱茵河泄洪平原并不是一
during periods of normal flow, small summer levee banks keep        件简单的工作,因为改进河流所需要的条件是复杂的。
the river from the floodplains. This places special nature types
along the river in danger. Adjusting the Rhine Floodplains is not   我们最主要的目标是为像“洪水”和“侵蚀”这样的自然过程创造更
easy. The river improvement conditions are complex.                 好的条件,它们从而可以帮助我们营造出合适的景观。通过降低地面
The main goal was to create better conditions for natural           大的提升。与此同时,历史性建筑和肌理也得到了尊重并被赋予了新
processes like flooding and erosion, so that these can help form    的游憩功能。这个方案也具备很大的经济价值。方案的实施进展被设
a more sustainable landscape. By lowering the ground level,         计成与当地的砖场生产过程保持节奏一致,因此泄洪平原大部分的挖
connecting different bodies of water and introducing grazing        掘工作由当地的公司来完成。

cattle, ecological dynamics have been enormously enhanced.              我们列出了七条纲要为起始点,并作为此后设计和发展的衡量标准。
At the same time historical buildings and structures have been
respected and given new recreational functions. The plan was            - 将安全性和自然保护相结合
also of great economic value. The design is also in tune with           在需要度量安全性的地区,比如被降低了的泄洪区域,易受河流影响
the production process of existing brick factories, so local            的新的活跃的自然环境将被创造出来。
companies did most of the flood plain excavations.
                                                                        - 保存已有的自然环境
Seven main guidelines where developed as starting points for            那些有价值的依赖稳定水环境的自然类型将不会被转变成依赖多变水
any further design and development measures.                            环境的自然类型。这些地区的地势将会被降低。

-   Combine safety and nature conservation                              - 保护历史性景观
Where safety measures such as lowering the floodplains are              风景区以及具有历史价值的堤坝,道路,水体和考古遗址应得到保护
required, new dynamic nature, influenced by the river is to be          和加强。
-   Conserve existing nature                                            - 通过密集放牧创造半开放景观
Existing nature of high value is not to be transformed into             除了提升河流对景观的影响之外,泄洪平原上的自然放牧也应被作为
dynamic nature types. The surface in these areas should be              对景观的影响手段。在未来,景观类型将由全开放转变为半开放类
lowered.                                                                型。
-   Preserve historic landscapes
Scenic and historically valuable levees, roads, water and               - 发展多样的水体类型
archaeological sites should be preserved or strengthened.               莱茵河泄洪平原为发展多样水体类型提供了机遇:如快速水流和缓慢
-   Create semi open landscapes through extensive grazing               水流,水位保持不变或是受到河水流动影响的不同类型。
In addition to the increasing influence of the river, natural grazing
of the floodplains should be used to influence the landscape. In        - 保持可达性
the future, the present open landscape will be transformed into a       砖场,住户和游憩区域的可达性应当保持不变。道路将不会像现在一
half-open landscape type.                                               样经常被淹没。所有的财产将得到保护。
-   Develop various water types
The Rhine river floodplains provide opportunities for the               - 为户外游憩体供机会
development of various water types: fast and slow moving,               新的规划应当提供机遇创造基于自然的游憩活动,比如徒步,垂钓,
stagnant, isolated with a stable level or influenced by the moving      自行车运动和皮划艇运动等。
-   Maintain accessibility and occupation
The accessibility of the brick factories, homes and recreation
areas should remain unchanged. The roads will not flood more
frequently than at present. All properties should be preserved.
-   Provide opportunities for outdoor recreation
New plans should offer nature based recreational opportunities
such as hiking, fishing, cycling and canoeing.

View from Lobberdensche road 沿Lobberdensche 路看到的泄洪区景色

Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划                                       15

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Portfolio荷兰Vista景观设计与城市规划作品集 150

  • 1. 荷兰VISTA 景观设计与城市规划 作品集 OFFICE PROFILE / 公司简介 2 PROJECTS / 作品 5 Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划 地址 Prinsengracht 253, 1016 GV Amsterdam, 荷兰 电话 +31 (0)20 622 44 31 传真 +31 (0)20 639 38 07 电子信箱 网址
  • 2. OFFICE PROFILE 公司简介 Landscape architecture and urban development 景观和城市发展 Vista is a studio for landscape architecture and urban planning, Vista位于阿姆斯特丹,是一个主要方向为景观设计和城市规划的 located in Amsterdam. Our enthusiastic, international team 工作室。我们是一个由景观设计师,城市规划师,工业设计师,生 consists of landscape architects, urban planners, industrial 物学家和平面设计师组成的热情的国际化的团队。我们的客户是政 designers, ecologists and graphic designers. Our clients are the 府,公共机构,社会组织和项目开发者。我们致力于解决复杂的空 public sector, social organizations and project developers. We 间和社会问题,并制定城市和乡村地区的发展战略计划。此外,我 work on complex spatial and social tasks and develop strategic 们还为新的公共空间,如:公园,广场,码头和桥梁等,做出具体 plans for urban and rural regions. In addition, we develop design 的设计方案。 plans for concrete landscape interventions and for new public spaces such as parks, plazas, harbors and bridges. 我们在景观设计上的优势 在Vista,我们的灵感来自于各种景观形成背后的强大作用力。这 The strength of the landscape 些力量可以是水系统的平衡或是自然植被多样性,亦或是经济和文 At Vista, we are inspired by the powerful forces that shape the 化变迁。对于我们而言,过程与最终目标具有同等重要的意义。荷 landscape. These forces can be the water balance or the natural 兰的传统水管理和围海造田是我们灵感的重要来源。 Vista是寻找 vegetation dynamics but also changes in the economy and 具有可持续性的和创新性的解决方案,从而实现别出心裁的功能组 culture. The process is just as important to us as the ultimate 合和不拘一格的空间特质。我们开发创新性的概念并加以实施。例 goal. The Dutch tradition of water management and land 如,我们在化学废物荒地尝试泥炭再生(荷兰佛荷米尔圩田);以 reclamation is an important source of inspiration. Vista is looking 及用抽取的矿井水,创造一个不寻常的水上花园(德国格鲁贝煤矿 for sustainable, innovative solutions that result in surprising 厂)。 Vista是一个在荷兰的空间创新领域的领导者。 utilitarian combinations and distinct spatial qualities. We develop innovative concepts and implement them. For example, we 新的地形 are experimenting with peat regeneration at a chemical waste 我们并不惧怕创造全新的景观,如果这是实际情况所需要的。在荷 dumpsite (Volgermeerpolder) and using pumped up mine water 兰,由于大规模的城市化地区坐落于具有的脆弱的土壤和不稳定水 to create an unusual water garden (Grube Reden). Vista is a 资源的低洼地区 ,创造全新的景观系统通常是唯一可持续的解决 leader in The Netherlands in the area of spatial innovation. 办法。为此,我们淹没了圩田从而发展自然保护区和娱乐功能,或 2
  • 3. New topography 提高地势用于房屋和地下蓄水。在各种各样的规划中,我们都执行 We are not afraid to create entirely new landscapes if that 着我们“景观城市发展” (landscape urban development)的概 is what is called for. In The Netherlands, where large-scale 念,如将住所设立在新建的分水河河畔(荷兰德芬特和祖特芬地区 urbanization is taking place in low-lying areas with vulnerable 的分水河景观)或设立在新的沿海沙丘上的理念(鹿特丹的Kaap water management and unstable soil, this is often the only de Goede Hoek)。 sustainable solution. We do this by submerging polders in water for the development of nature reserves and recreational areas 协同合作 or by raising hills for housing and underground water storage. 我们希望关注于人们在公共空间,景观和居住环境中的体验。作为 In various plans we implement our concept of “landscape urban 我们的设计过程中的一部分,我们会将未来的居民和使用者纳入到 development,” such as living on the banks of new river arms 我们的设计和建设的过程中。我们还与客户以及其他开发商和专家 (bypass landscape for Deventer and Zutphen) and living on new 都有着密切的合作。这样我们就可以创造出得到广泛支持的和真正 dunes on the coast (Kaap de Goede Hoek in Rotterdam). 博采众议的具有整体性的设计方案,这种方法将会随着时间的推移 愈发彰显出它的优势。 Collaboration We want to align the design of public spaces, the landscape 注册机构成员 and the living environment with the manner in which people live Vista是“荷兰园艺和景观建筑师协会”成员。全部景观设计师和 and experience space. As a part of our procedural approach, 城市规划师均注册在荷兰注册建筑师协会。 we involve future residents and users in the formation of our plans. We also work closely together with our clients and with other developers and specialists. This way we can create widely supported and truly integral designs which will only gain in strength with the passing of time. Memberships Vista is a member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin- en Landschapsachitecten (Dutch Association of Garden and Landscape Architects). All of our landscape architects and urban development planners are registered with the Dutch Register of Architects.
  • 4.
  • 5. PROJECTS 项目 Toxic wasteland regeneration Volgermeerpolder 有毒荒地的自然景观再生——荷兰阿姆斯特丹“佛荷米尔圩田” Bypass Landscape design study 分水河景观的设计研究 Masterplan Garten Reden 废弃煤矿场改造——德国萨尔州 雷顿花园总体规划 Masterplan Park 21 公园21总体规划 Floodplain design Rijnwaarden 莱茵河生态泄洪区总体规划
  • 6. Volgermeerpolder Birdview 佛荷米尔圩田鸟瞰 Toxic wasteland regeneration 有毒荒地的自然景观再生 Volgermeerpolder Amsterdam 荷兰阿姆斯特丹“佛荷米尔圩田” Location: Waterland, the Netherlands 地点:荷兰沃特兰德地区 Client: Milieudienst Amsterdam 客户:荷兰阿姆斯特丹环境部门 In collaboration with: ACV (Witteveen+Bos en Tauw) 合作单位:ACV Year: 2002-2003 年份:2002年-2003年 Status: Realization 2003-2010 状态:已建成 The Volgermeerpolder is situated just north of Amsterdam, in 佛荷米尔圩田坐落在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹的北部的“沃特兰德”,一 the middle of ‘Waterland’, a well-known pastoral peat land area. 个众所周知的泥炭土壤质的乡村地区。一千年来的耕种和水资源人工 1000 years of cultivation and artificial water management caused 管理导致这里的地表面积下降达5米。在20世纪初期,这里的泥炭被 the surface level of the area to sink about 5 meters. In the early 挖出作为燃料来使用,所留下的是一片壮观的涝田景观。在接下来的 20th century, the peat was dug out to serve as fuel leaving 半个世纪中,这100公顷的涝田因为一直被作为垃圾废弃场使用,最终 behind a marvelous waterlogged landscape. For the following 成为了全荷兰化学污染最为严重的“臭名昭著”的垃圾填埋场。1981 half century, this 100ha water landscape was used as a waste 年,佛荷米尔圩田因民愤而被关闭。30年后,它终于得到了机会而获 dump and became notorious as the most extensive chemically 得重生。 polluted landfill in The Netherlands. In 1981, following public outrage, the landfill was closed. 30 years later, this area is now 在对这块地的处理上,我们决定不将化学废物全部移除,取而代之的 finally to be given a new future. 是将其覆盖并加以控制。由此,这个项目的焦点便停留在“如何处理 景观?”“如何使它对自然最有利的同时也成为可供人们娱乐的地 It was decided that the chemical waste would not be removed, 方?”一系列问题上。我们选择了一条强调当地文化和历史的思路: but would be covered and controlled. The focus of the project 通过加入功能和景观设计,这个地区的非物质遗产以及非同寻常的历 then shifted towards how to deal with the landscape? How to 史被积极地表达了出来。 serve nature best and transform such a polluted place into a place for recreation? An approach was chosen which refers to 佛荷米尔项目的基础是用防水工程薄膜将有毒的填埋场罩住,并在其 the cultural and natural history of the site. Through function and 上覆盖土壤和水形成的保护层。土壤和水的使用不仅节省了开支,而 design the invisible heritage and remarkable history of the area is 且使其景观融入“沃特兰德”的大环境中。与通常低洼的圩田不同, positively expressed. 佛荷米尔圩田的构造使这块地高出地面,因而变的格外显著。我们在 6
  • 7. The basis for the project is the covering for the toxic landfill with 此之上构建了适合独特自然环境的湿地以及娱乐功能,将其打造成这 a watertight engineered membrane. This is then protected with a 个地区的代表性地段。 layer of soil and water. The soil and water layer reduce expenses, but also fits the project into the landscape of Waterland. A 大量垃圾的堆积是佛荷米尔圩田被抬高的原因。由于较高的地势它的 new landscape is designed as a unique inverse polder in 水系统与其周边地带的地下水系统相对隔绝,从而也只能被雨水补 the flat landscape, a constructed wet area for unique nature 给。这种特定环境为只能依靠雨水生存的泥炭藓沼泽地创造了仿佛量 development and recreation. The design makes the Volgermeer 身定做的天然条件,而这种沼泽也正是佛荷米尔圩田历史上的面貌。 stand out as a subtle icon for the region. 这种巧妙的结合成为了这个设计的焦点。为了收集和保存雨水,我们 在佛荷米尔圩田之上设计了一系列小型堤坝,形成了由一个个“绿色 The site is elevated above the surrounding land due to the bulk 盆地”组成的系统。系统样貌的灵感来源于佛荷米尔圩田在历史上的 of waste underneath. This makes it possible to create an isolated 景观肌理。这个景观也展现出了很高的生态价值:在项目进行的第一 system solely fed with rainwater. Here it is possible to develop 阶段,芦苇水景会吸引大量的鸟类生物;在之后阶段中,稀有的植被 a new sphagnum-bog, which forms the focus for the design. In 会茂盛生长。如此的生态发展也会对有毒物质的可持续保持做出积极 order to collect and hold the rainwater a series of small levee 的贡献。 banks is laid over the irregular surface forming a network of green basins. The shape is inspired by the historic landscape 从阿姆斯特丹穿过的一条重要的游憩线路如今也会抵达并穿过佛荷米 pattern. The ecological value of this landscape is very high. In the 尔圩田。对于一些历史元素(比如桥和河道阀门)的恢复以及建造一 first stages of development a landscape of water and reeds will 座介绍佛荷米尔圩田的信息中心是现在我们完成整个项目之前最后的 exist with extensive birdlife. Late, rare vegetation will bloom here. 工作。在本土,佛荷米尔圩田为阿姆斯特丹周边地区带来了生态的进 This ecological development can also add to the sustainable 步,游憩项目和高质量的景观;在国际上,这个项目成为了结合解决 maintenance of the toxins. 垃圾填埋场问题和自然休闲娱乐发展这个课题的典范。 An important recreational route towards Amsterdam will now run through the middle of the site. Restoration of old elements like a bridge and a lock and the introduction of a central information point complete the plan. On a local scale the Volgermeer project results in improving the ecological, recreational and landscape qualities around Amsterdam. Internationally, the project serves as a pilot for how to deal with polluted landfills in combination with nature and recreational development. Levee 堤坝 The sanitation principle of isolation and monitoring Gas escape 通气层 通过隔离和监控而达到净化目的的原则 Water 水层 Earth 土层 Covering 覆盖层 Fill 填充层 Waste 废弃物 Clay layer 黏土层 Inspection pit 泥碳土壤层 Rainwater is collected in basins which are not in contact with the groundwater Layers of the containment process 雨水被收集在不受于地下水影响的盆地里 隔离有害物质过程需要的层级 Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划 7
  • 8. Bypass Deventer 荷兰德芬特地区的分水河 Bypass Landscape Design Study 分水河景观的设计研究 Location: Deventer, Zutphen, the Netherlands 地点:荷兰阿普多恩,德芬特,祖特芬地区 Client: Stedendriehoek, Stuurgroep Fysieke Pijler Stedelijk netwerk 客户:Stedendriehoek, Stuurgroep Fysieke Pijler Stedelijk netwerk Stedendrie- Stedendriehoek hoek In collaboration: Nieuwe Gracht, Projectorganisatie Ruimte voor de 合作单位:Nieuwe Gracht, Projectorganisatie Ruimte voor de Rivier Bureau Rivier Bureau Bovenrivieren, DHV Management Consultants, RIZA Bovenrivieren, DHV Management Consultants, RIZA Year: 2004 年份:2004年 Many modern cities and urban developments lack a relationship 许多现代城市及其发展都缺乏对与其周边河流的关系的考虑。我们一 to their rivers. Vista landscape and urban design looks for 直致力于探寻能够将城市发展,自然环境,水资源管理和景观综合考 concepts, which focus on the integration of urban development, 虑的设计理念。 nature, water management and landscape. 在1993年和1995年,荷兰的河流经历了过渡引流和水位极度升高的问 In 1993 and 1995, the Dutch rivers encountered excessively high 题,致使洪灾的风险大幅提高,堤坝的安全也受到威胁。由于气候的 drainage with water levels rising to extreme heights, increasing 变化,这类的事件被预计在未来会变的更加频繁。 the risk of levees bursting and potential flooding. This type of event is predicted to occur more frequently in future as a result of 我们组织了“分水河景观设计研究”,目的在于确立一套方法用于拓 climate change. 宽艾塞尔河经过德芬特和祖特芬两个城市的河段,同时将新居住区的 环境发展结合进来。 In response, the Dutch government has invested in establishing preventative measures to better protect the Netherlands from 高的堤坝和密集建造的河岸对艾塞尔河产生着压迫,从而形成了河流 rising river water levels. As an alternative to simply raising and 的瓶颈并使得该地区面对洪水时十分脆弱。为了保证安全性,这个地 reinforcing the existing dikes, Vista is exploring solutions that 区需要一些强有力的的手段。 include manipulating the levees and allowing excess water to flow through newly created channels. 我们建议在两个城市中建造艾塞尔河的“分水河地带”,即能够在高 水位时使河流泄洪的河汊地区。河汊可以使长期河流或间歇性河流。 然而这个“分水河地带”远远不只是为解决河流本身的问题。我们建 8
  • 9. The ‘Bypass Landscape Design Study’ was organized to develop 议的核心内容是将“分水河地带”建造成综合的景观发展地区。我们 measures for widening portions of the IJssel River adjacent to 称之为“分水河景观”。在此之中,我们把提升安全性与鼓励自然发 the towns of Deventer and Zutphen in combination with the 展,居住性,经济和旅游结合在一起。这个发展的初始驱动是在两个 development of new residential environments. 城市中3000套住房的建造。 High levees and densely built-up banks constrict the IJssel River 为河流创造出新的河汊是整个景观发展中最主要的部分,它为更广泛 here. These areas form bottlenecks in the river and make the 的栖息地和住房类型提供了与众不同的机遇。我们发展了基于地块条 area vulnerable to flooding. Radical measures are necessary here 件量身打造的自然环境和房屋类型,它们可以组合出很多种不同种类 to guarantee safety. 并满足实际居住需求的建筑地段。自然环境的类型包括硬木和软木树 林,沼泽地,泄洪平原草地,河岸沙丘和种类多样的水环境。房屋 Vista proposed the building of a “bypass” for the IJssel in both 类型基于房子和水的关系而确立,包括城市沿河地带,公园房屋,船 cities, an additional river arm over which water can discharge 坞,住房岛屿,水城堡,沙丘住房和漂浮住房。 when the level is high. The river arm can flow permanently or periodically. However, the bypass is much more than just a 我们在做每个城市的设计模型时都会紧记当地特有的河流情况,并且 technical solution to a river-related problem. The core of Vista’s 满足荷兰水道与公共工程部相关规定中的要求。我们已经完成了一个 proposal was that the construction of the bypass is seen as 全球性预算。虽然这个项目需要不小的投资,但它给这个地区带来的 an integral landscape development. We call this the “bypass 居住,自然和娱乐上的公共利益可以使之收支平衡。 landscape.” Increasing safety is combined with a quality impulse for nature, livability, economy and tourism. The driver of this development is the construction of about 3,000 houses for both cities. The creation of new arms of rivers is a major intervention in the landscape, offering unique opportunities for a wide range of habitat types and housing options. Vista developed site-specific nature and housing types which can be combined in various ways to provide practical building blocks. The nature types include hardwood and softwood forests, marshes, floodplain grasslands, river dunes and various water environments. The housing types are based on the relationship of the house to the water and include urban riverfronts, park housing, marinas, housing islands, water castles, dune houses and floating houses. Design models for each city were developed with the specific river situation in mind and satisfy the requirements stipulated by the Ministry of Waterways and Public Works. A global cost estimate was also completed. It is clear that this requires a major investment, but this is balanced out by great public benefits in the area of living, nature and recreation. Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划 9
  • 10. Geothermal Canyon 地热谷 Masterplan Garten Reden 废弃煤矿场改造 德国萨尔州 雷顿花园总体规划 Location: Am Bergwerk Reden, Saarland, Germany 地点:德国萨尔州 Client: IndustrieKultur Saar (IKS) 客户:IKS Incollaboration with: BK Baukunst, CAD Werkstatt, Hegelmann & Dutt & Kist, KEN, 合作单位:BK Baukunst, CAD Werkstatt, Hegelmann & Dutt & Kist, KEN, Kuhn & Kuhn & Partner, Kohns Plan, Planungsteam PJG, Raumkonzept, WPW Ingenieure Partner, Kohns Plan, Planungsteam PJG, Raumkonzept, WPW Ingenieure Year: 2002-present 年份:2002年-今 Size: 125 ha. 占地:125公顷 Status: Under construction 状态:建设中 位于德国的‘格鲁贝’是一个废弃了的煤矿场。Vista利用了矿场景观 Vista developed a master plan and detailed construction 中独特的建筑和氛围,赋予了它各种各样新的文化和经济功能。在这 drawings for the former coal mine ‘Grube Reden’. The site will 个项目中,我们承担了从总体规划到细部设计的全部工作。 attract diverse cultural and economic activities in an ambience inspired by the architecture of the mining landscape. 这个地块里被污染了的土地是亟待解决问题中的关键。在总体规划 中,我们将当地特有的地势,肌理和地质作为整个项目的起点,从中 The contaminated ground of the site was one the key issue to 开发出广泛的新的功能。 be solved. In the master plan, specific landforms, structures and sub-surface conditions are used as a starting point for a broad 以下几部分改造为这个项目带来了杰出的贡献: range of new functions. 地块中老的工业区被改造成一个校园,配备了办公室和文化设施。我 The following transformations are distinguished: 们将这些设施组织在一条主路和三个广场的周围;中心广场周边是被 The former industrial site is transformed into an urban campus 赋予了新的功能的风格迥异的矿场建筑。我们用当地典型的矿岩石材 with offices and cultural functions, organized around a central 将广场和道路之间污染了的地表覆盖住,使之与行人隔离,因而也让 road and three squares; the central square is bounded by 这里成为了一个干燥的花园景观,使得濒危的昆虫和两栖动物可以大 distinct old mine buildings, that are given new functions. The 量存活。这个景观一直延续到校园南部的一座80米高的挖矿留下的岩 contaminated surface between the squares and infrastructure 石堆积成的山。一条中央水渠将山上干燥的岩石与这块地最低处的植 is covered by typical mine-rock-material which restricts direct 被丛生的水花园相连接。一条九米高的石笼墙形成了水花园和校园之 contact between people and the subsurface. The result is an arid 间的过渡。 10
  • 11. garden landscape, were endangered insects and amphibians can 水花园被建在矿场一个老的火车调度坪之上,是整个地块中地势最低 flourish. A central water channel connects the dry rock garden 的区域。我们通过用黏土将地表层密封的方法,创造出了完美的条件 of the pit heap with the green water gardens on the lowest part 使这里变成可以收集来自整个125公顷地块的水的收集器,因而这里也 of the site. A nine-meter-high gabion wall forms the transition 成为了新建校园的入口花园。水花园中一些小块区域由于不同的水深 between the water garden and the urban campus. 和土质让它看上去如同马赛克一般。我们在花园的中心建造了一个长 条形水缓冲区和落羽杉树林从而应对降水量较大时对整个地块雨水的 The water garden is build on top of the former rail yard of the 收集。 mining site. By sealing the subsurface with clay, a perfect condition was created to collect all the water from the 125 ha site 水花园中一个很特别的部分是地热谷系统。从地下800米抽出的含盐矿 and turn it into a front garden for the new campus. The garden 水会以30度温度作为新建校园的热能来源。基于此原因我们也种植了 forms a mosaic of wet biotopes defined by water depth and 一种地热植物。在为建筑提供热能后,矿水还会在地热谷系统中通过 substrates. In the center of the garden a long buffer basin and 暴露于空气而进一步被冷却,之后汇入附近的溪流。 Taxodium forest was created to store water from the site when heavy rainfall occurs. 矿上淤泥盆曾经被用来沉降冲洗矿物的水中的杂质。在新的规划中, 我们特地将它转变为一个人工湖泊作为水花园的水库,并建造一个能 A special element is the garden is the geothermal canyon. Salty 够大量产出燃料物植被的种植场。从这里产出的生物燃料将在寒冷的 mine water, pumped from a depth of 800 meters and with a 冬季为建筑提供热能。我们的目标使将这个地区的碳排放量降到最低 temperature of 30°C is used as a source to heat the buildings 可能。 on the campus. For this reason a geothermal plant was build. After heating the buildings the water is further cooled down in 校园南部80米高的矿石堆积山曾经非常陡峭和危险。我们在山腰处与 the canyon before running through the water garden and into a 人工湖齐平的高度上制造了一条水平切口并将其上的矿石填补在它下 nearby natural creek. 方的山脚处以此来使矿山变的更加平缓稳固。同时这个水平切口被建 造成了一条环山的路径,并沿人工湖形成环湖路,成为一条总长达4公 The old slip basin was historically used to let sediment subside 里的旱冰道。沿这条线路的景色各处不同,令人兴奋。旱冰道水平工 from the washing water of the coal mine. In the new plan it is 整的形象与环绕它的山地景观形成了鲜明的对比因此成为了这个地区 partially transformed into a new lake that functions as a water 一道独特的景色。 reservoir for the water garden, and partially into a soil depot that will become a biomass production area. The bio fuel that comes from this site is used to further heat the buildings on the site during harsh winters. The goal is to reduce the carbon footprint of the site as much as possible. The 80 meter high pit heap in the south of the campus had dangerously steep slopes. By making a horizontal cut in the terrain the hill was stabilised. This incision is used to build a path around the hill. By continuing the track around the lake, a divers and exiting 4 kilometer skate track is created. The circuit is in great contrast with the hilly landscape around it and is unique in the region. Furniture 家具 Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划 11
  • 12. Park21 Birdview 公园21鸟瞰 Masterplan Park 21 公园21总体规划 Location: Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands 地点:荷兰哈勒姆米尔地区 Client: Haarlemmermeer Municipality 客户:荷兰哈勒姆米尔地区政府 Year: 2008-2011 年份:2008年-2011年 Size: 1000 ha. 占地:1000公顷 Status: Winning competition design, completed masterplan 状态:竞赛获胜,完成总体规划 The concept for Park21 centers around the interplay between 公园21的理念是拥有自己独树一帜的个性,并且在一年四季服务于 three layers: the polder layer, the park layer and the leisure layer. 每一个游客。总体规划融合了安静的自然环境,游憩以及室内室外的 The three layers are overlaid in an intimate interaction, in some 各种活动。公园21的理念主要围绕着三个层之间的互动而存在:圩 places coming together in a highlight or focal point. The layers 田层,公园层和休闲娱乐层。这三层之间有着密切的交叠和互动,这 are complementary, but with clear differences. Strolling on a 带来了公园中的高潮和焦点。这三层之间是互补的,但同时也各自分 boulevard, or with boots through a nature area, the encounter 明。在林荫道上散步,或是徒步穿越自然区域,当经历这些不同区域 between those worlds intensifies the experience and stimulates 的连接和交叠时,人们会获得更多的经历和灵感。在这个21世纪的公 desire. It is never dull in the park of the 21st century. And you 园中,人们永远不会有厌倦感而且可以任意选择要去经历环境。正是 can always choose in which world you wich to interact. It is 这种地域间的模糊性以及可选择性使得公园21成为了一个当代的公 precisely this ambiguity and choice which makes Park21 a 园。 modern park. 圩田层的大部分由农用圩田景观组成,它将被逐渐转变为城市农业或 The polder layer consists largely of agrarian polder landscape 自然保护区。历史上的水系统和农业遗产仍然可被识别出来。横穿地 which will be gradually transformed into urban agriculture or 块的繁忙的道路将被降级但仍保持完好。其中的一些农场会逐渐被其 nature reserve. The historical water system and agricultural 他功能取代,比如骑术学校,看护中心,露营地或茶园。 heritage is still recognizable, and the busy roads traversing the site will remain intact although downgraded. Some of the farms 逶迤的树林肌理打破了质朴无华的圩田层,从而形成了公园层。这里 can gradually adopt a different function such as a riding school 提供了具有吸引力的各种活动,如休憩,徒步,骑自行车或骑马。树 or care facility, campsite or tea garden. 林肌理被开敞的公共空间打破,这些空间可用作日光浴场,运动场和 大型活动场。 12
  • 13. Winding forest structures break through the starkness of the 一个针对人们休闲娱乐时间的研究显示出这个地区对各种娱乐设施都 polder forming the park layer. This provides for an attractive 存在巨大的需求,同时也显示出投资者对在这个公园发展娱乐项目存在 experience for relaxing, hiking, bike riding or horse riding. The 巨大兴趣,尤其是密集性的娱乐景点。因为这个公园具有1000公顷的 forest structure is punctured with open fields for sunbathing, 庞大尺寸,娱乐功能(约200公顷)可以在自身不被影响的情况下很容 sports fields and event terrains. 易的找到合适的地点,并且类型多样的设施保证了人们在公园21中总 可以找到活动。 A study of leisure time showed there is great demand for all sorts of leisure facilities in the region. It also appears that investors are 休闲娱乐层有一系列核心娱乐区域提供密集的娱乐活动。“快乐城” very interested in developing attractions in this park, in particular 和“荷兰花园”是公园21中最繁忙的景点,毗邻商业区和道路。“公 the more intensive leisure facilities. Because the park is so large 园村落”坐落在相对安静的新建的湖的湖畔,拥有着最佳的公共交通 – 1,000 hectares, leisure functions (about 200 hectares) can 可达性。公园西部的大湖,岛屿,草地和树林与拥有宁静,自然和文 find their place without disturbing the more extensive facilities. 化历史的哈勒姆米尔绿地,沙丘地带和乡村庄园有着很好的共鸣。 Together the various facilities ensure there is always something to experience in the park. 公园21的愿景规划并不是一个最终的设计,而是一个发展和投资策 略。自然层完全不需要高投资,公园层可以在一个比较实际的投资下 The leisure layer has a series of core leisure areas of intense 进行发展。只有休闲娱乐层需要额外的投资,但同时也会得到高额回 recreational activites. Happy City and Holland Garden are the 报。休闲娱乐层和公园层的发展受到哈勒姆米尔地区历史上土地划分 busiest attractions in the park and are located near business 的限定,因此这两个层的布局有可能会被调整,取决于土地使用权的 districts and infrastructure. Park Village is located in a quieter 获得。基于此原因,公园21规划中功能布局的灵活性定会大幅度降低 location near the new lake, and has optimal access by public 收购土地的价格。 transport. The western part of the park with its large lake, islands, meadowlands and grasslands and park forests is nicely aligned with the world of tranquility, nature and cultural history: the green of the Haarlemmermeer, the dune zone and the zone of country estates. The vision for Park21 is a development and an investment strategy, not a final design plan. The nature layer need not be too expensive and the park layer can be developed with a realistic budget. The leisure layer however requires extra investment, but there are returns to be made. The development of leisure layer and the park layer are defined by the historical subdivision patern the Haarlemmermeer. Depending on the acquirment of land parcels, the layout of these layers will need to be adjusted. Being flexible in the location of activites can significantly reduce the acquisition costs. Parkvillage and the New Lake 公园村落和新人工湖 Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划 13
  • 14. Master lan Rijnwaarden 莱茵河泄洪区总体规划 Floodplain design Rijnwaarden 莱茵河生态泄洪区总体规划 Location: Rijnwaardensche uiterwaarden, the Netherlands 地点:荷兰莱茵河地区 Client: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 客户:荷兰环境评估机构 In collaboration: Alterra, Deltaris 合作单位: Alterra, Deltaris Year: 2010 年份:2010年 The Netherlands is preparing for a changing climate. Where 荷兰正在为气候变化做着准备。在莱茵河进入荷兰的地方,坐落着莱 the river Rhine enters the country, lays the Rijnwaardensche 茵河泄洪平原。这是一个在河流和冬季堤坝之间占地1200公顷的区 Uiterwaarden, a 1.200 ha floodplain between the river and the 域。由于河流排放量预计会升高,因此这个泄洪区需要被重新设计。 winter levee bank. Higher river discharges are expected so this 我们为这个项目做了景观设计,其中涵盖了几个地段从最开始的平面 area had to be reshaped. Vista made the landscape plan for this 布局研究直到最终的细部设计。 project, starting with a general study of possible layouts and ending with detailed plans for all areas. 莱茵河当前的泄洪平原不足以应对未来的水量,因此周边的景观处于 威胁之中。除此之外,在河水流量处于正常范围的期间,夏季堤坝将 The current floodplains of the Rhine are not sufficiently able 河水阻挡在泄洪区范围之外,使得这个地区已经存在的一些依赖水流 to handle future high river flows. The safety of the surrounding 多变的自然环境受到威胁。简言之,河流在高峰期水量不足,通常流 landscape is thus endangered. In combination with this problem, 量时河流受到压迫,不利于自然环境。调整莱茵河泄洪平原并不是一 during periods of normal flow, small summer levee banks keep 件简单的工作,因为改进河流所需要的条件是复杂的。 the river from the floodplains. This places special nature types along the river in danger. Adjusting the Rhine Floodplains is not 我们最主要的目标是为像“洪水”和“侵蚀”这样的自然过程创造更 easy. The river improvement conditions are complex. 好的条件,它们从而可以帮助我们营造出合适的景观。通过降低地面 高度,连接不同的水体和引入放牧,这个地区的生态多样性得到了很 The main goal was to create better conditions for natural 大的提升。与此同时,历史性建筑和肌理也得到了尊重并被赋予了新 processes like flooding and erosion, so that these can help form 的游憩功能。这个方案也具备很大的经济价值。方案的实施进展被设 a more sustainable landscape. By lowering the ground level, 计成与当地的砖场生产过程保持节奏一致,因此泄洪平原大部分的挖 connecting different bodies of water and introducing grazing 掘工作由当地的公司来完成。 14
  • 15. cattle, ecological dynamics have been enormously enhanced. 我们列出了七条纲要为起始点,并作为此后设计和发展的衡量标准。 At the same time historical buildings and structures have been respected and given new recreational functions. The plan was - 将安全性和自然保护相结合 also of great economic value. The design is also in tune with 在需要度量安全性的地区,比如被降低了的泄洪区域,易受河流影响 the production process of existing brick factories, so local 的新的活跃的自然环境将被创造出来。 companies did most of the flood plain excavations. - 保存已有的自然环境 Seven main guidelines where developed as starting points for 那些有价值的依赖稳定水环境的自然类型将不会被转变成依赖多变水 any further design and development measures. 环境的自然类型。这些地区的地势将会被降低。 - Combine safety and nature conservation - 保护历史性景观 Where safety measures such as lowering the floodplains are 风景区以及具有历史价值的堤坝,道路,水体和考古遗址应得到保护 required, new dynamic nature, influenced by the river is to be 和加强。 created. - Conserve existing nature - 通过密集放牧创造半开放景观 Existing nature of high value is not to be transformed into 除了提升河流对景观的影响之外,泄洪平原上的自然放牧也应被作为 dynamic nature types. The surface in these areas should be 对景观的影响手段。在未来,景观类型将由全开放转变为半开放类 lowered. 型。 - Preserve historic landscapes Scenic and historically valuable levees, roads, water and - 发展多样的水体类型 archaeological sites should be preserved or strengthened. 莱茵河泄洪平原为发展多样水体类型提供了机遇:如快速水流和缓慢 - Create semi open landscapes through extensive grazing 水流,水位保持不变或是受到河水流动影响的不同类型。 In addition to the increasing influence of the river, natural grazing of the floodplains should be used to influence the landscape. In - 保持可达性 the future, the present open landscape will be transformed into a 砖场,住户和游憩区域的可达性应当保持不变。道路将不会像现在一 half-open landscape type. 样经常被淹没。所有的财产将得到保护。 - Develop various water types The Rhine river floodplains provide opportunities for the - 为户外游憩体供机会 development of various water types: fast and slow moving, 新的规划应当提供机遇创造基于自然的游憩活动,比如徒步,垂钓, stagnant, isolated with a stable level or influenced by the moving 自行车运动和皮划艇运动等。 river. - Maintain accessibility and occupation The accessibility of the brick factories, homes and recreation areas should remain unchanged. The roads will not flood more frequently than at present. All properties should be preserved. - Provide opportunities for outdoor recreation New plans should offer nature based recreational opportunities such as hiking, fishing, cycling and canoeing. View from Lobberdensche road 沿Lobberdensche 路看到的泄洪区景色 Vista landscape architecture and urban planning / Vista 景观设计与城市规划 15