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fran poh
freelance writer
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 the differences between your brand and your product
 what is performance marketing?
 the ecosystem of start-up hubs: growing your business
 marketing your site’s content
 how to apply for a Singapore visa in 7 easy steps
 hiring a fishing guide in alaska?
 exploring the offbeat trails of myanmar
 bangkok’s rowdy khao san road
 taking your first step into programming languages
 cybersecurity guide for employees: phishing 101
 putting the zing into wedding photography
 beauty retouch: the devil is in the details
 how much should your workout hurt?
 weightlifting misconceptions: fact or fiction?
 the truth about going light on gluten and dairy
 combating night-time cravings
about me
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My name is Fran Poh, a 29-year-old freelancer from Singapore. A one-stop shop for all of your
content creation needs, and a passion for writing about anything and everything!
I have a decade of professional experience in the writing industry, dealing with diverse topics. I have
extensive personal experience with:
Travel: Unconventional travel methods / Off the beaten track / Expat Living
Food: International cooking / Food tourism
Healthy Living: Exercise / Nutrition
Technology: Mobile / Windows PC / PC Peripherals
Gaming: PC / Console / Tabletop
I specialise in easy-to-digest content and search engine optimization. Informative articles and guides
are also well within my capabilities.
I have an in-depth understanding of:
Digital Marketing
Content Marketing
I utilize these skills to assist businesses and entrepreneurs with lead generation, increasing online
traffic and visibility, and audience retention.
I am also competent in:
Image Editing
Video Editing
I am great at taking direction and working with clients to bring their vision to life. I also work well
independently and can brainstorm suitable content for your website or publication. You name it, I’ll
write it!
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exploring the offbeat trails of myanmar
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Myanmar, ancient Burma – a pristine land just breaking into the tourism scene, drawing in the
adventurous with its rich history, captivating scenery and unique cultural diversity. Left untouched for
decades, Myanmar is now opening its borders to an influx of eager tourists, resulting in the growth of
a tourism industry that emphasize the protection and conservation of its tropical environs and ethnic
communities. Come with us as we take the plunge and explore the mystique that surrounds this
fascinating country!
If You are a City Slicker
Image by Wikimedia
Touch down in Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar and the largest city in the country. An offbeat
mix of both old and new, it is a compelling look into a country which is still finding its way into the 21st
century. Condominiums tower over their numerous colonial neighbours, golden pagodas rub
shoulders with sleek hotels, with nary a skyscraper to be seen. As you wander under the lush trees
that earned Yangon its moniker of ‘The Garden City of the East’, allow yourself to get swept away by
the heady bustle of life and meander through the markets and parks scattered throughout the city.
If You are a History Buff
Image by Paul Arps
Venture beyond the confines of Yangon and head northwards to Bagan, the capital of the first
Myanmar Empire. It is a highly significant archaeological site which features the largest and densest
concentration of Buddhist architecture and ruins in the world. In the weighty presence of temples
dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries, you may find yourself falling into an awed silence in
reverence of enduring history. From Bagan, follow the history trail west to Mrauk U. A picturesque
town which lies far off the beaten path, it was the capital of the powerful Arakanese kingdom from the
15th to 18th century. The main draw of this town are its venerable pagodas and temples, remnants of
its glorious past.
exploring the offbeat trails of myanmar
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If You are a Forest Child
Image by Wikimedia
Leave the slumbering ruins behind and climb upwards into the cool greenery of Inle Lake, situated
over 900 metres above sea level in the mountains. Getting around is easy - hire a boat and you will
find plenty to marvel at on and around the lake, such as pagodas, villages, gardens and even a
floating market! Relax in a lakeside restaurant and admire the quaint tableau of Intha fishermen
mirrored in the serene waters of the lake, poised in their unique one-legged rowing pose.
If You are a Beach Baby
Image by Shaun Dunphy
Myanmar is not just all pagodas and forests – this country has some of the most stunning coastlines
in the world. Journey to Western Myanmar and visit Ngapali Beach, home to tranquil stretches of
white sand unmarred by crowds of beachgoers. Watch the fishermen unload their catch in the
morning, then break your fast with some of the freshest seafood that you can get from the local
markets. If you are an outdoorsy type, you will find your time fully occupied with water sports, hiking
and sailing tours.
Myanmar is an unpolished gem in Southeast Asia – embodying a vibrant and genuine character that
cannot be found in sterile ‘touristy’ hotspots. Beat the crowds and come to Myanmar while it is still hot
off the press, and bring away an experience of a lifetime!
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bangkok’s rowdy khao san road
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A backpacking mecca best seen at night, Khao San Road is populated by an eclectic mix of
businesses. Swanky clubs adjoin gift shops, clothing racks encroach on dining areas, and numerous
budget accommodations attract the clientele that the area is famous for.
Despite its reputation as a stomping ground for the young, it is still friendly towards family-orientated
groups. It is a very crowded area, so be wary of pickpockets. Exercise discretion with small children,
as there may be some sights unsuitable for the very young at night.
Before hurling yourself into the heaving crowds, you may want to stop by the Bangkok Tourist
Information Office, situated on Phra Athit Road. It is open from 0900 to 1900 daily, so take the
opportunity to stock up on maps and directions!
Time to Explore
Image by Robert Brands
Get caught up in the infectious vibe of Khao San Road, the street that never sleeps. Appearing to be
mere kilometre-long stretch of road, this bohemian nook has something for everyone. Are you an
avid bookworm? Lose yourself in a second-hand bookstore. Want to work off the holiday paunch?
Sign up for a gruelling session with a Muay Thai gym. Preparing for a camping trip? Army surplus
stores are just around the corner. ATMs and money changers are scattered liberally throughout the
stretch, making it all too easy to indulge yourself in the captivating little stalls.
A paradise for budget travellers, it has become a great melting pot of cultures. Blond surfers rub
shoulders with Rastafarian types, as they exchange travel tales over a cold Chang beer.
Bespectacled hipsters trawl the clothing shops for a unique vintage find, and internet cafes do brisk
business with backpackers far away from home. Grab a coffee at a roadside café, and watch world
go by.
Unsurprisingly, Khao San Road is a major nexus for travellers seeking their next adventure. Many
hostels are partnered with tour coaches, which leave daily for tourist destinations in Thailand, from
Chiang Mai to the beaches of the Andaman Sea. If you prefer to leave arrangements to someone
else, there are many travel agencies which can organize everything for a relatively modest fee.
If you happen to be hanging around Bangkok from the 13th to 15th of April, head over here to
celebrate Songkran (The traditional Thai New Year). The street is internationally famous for being
the epicentre of partying, with water splashing that usually turns into a huge water fight. Leave your
electronics at home and bring your biggest water guns!
bangkok’s rowdy khao san road
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Eating and Drinking
Image by Jeffrey Beall
Soon, you may feel a rumbling in your stomach - a natural reaction to the pervasive aroma of
freshly-cooked food. If you are squeamish about spiciness, rejoice in the fact that most of the food
sold here have been adjusted for Western palates. A pastiche of international cuisine, the homesick
may find a familiar comfort dish. For the gutsy, go for broke with a skewer of crispy crickets, or a
snack bag of silkworm larvae!
Tucked into a side alley is Tom Yum Kung, where food is slightly pricier, but for a good reason. A
solid restaurant, it serves up classic Thai dishes prepared with the freshest ingredients. The outdoor
sitting is particularly nice at night, with a peaceful air that allows you to unwind from the chaos of the
main strip.
Near the restaurant is The Fabulous, a retro café with an extensive dessert menu. Their signature
item is Fabulous Toast, a quirky twist on the classic French toast. Wash everything down with a cup
of their famed Illy coffee.
A visit to Khao San Road is not complete without swinging by a bar. Visit The Brick Bar, popular
among the fun-loving locals. Upbeat without being raucous, it features a house band that will blow
you away with their exuberant covers of ska-style pop songs. Entry is free on weekdays, but costs
300 baht on the busy weekends.
Bangkok is infamous for its seedy underworld, which may not be to everyone’s taste. Khao San
Road makes for a safe step into its neon-drenched nightlife, and is zesty without venturing too much
into the sleazy. Explore with a bold step, and embrace the new experiences!
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taking your first step into programming languages
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Web and app development is a booming industry– and it comes with a lucrative pay. Over the years,
the demand for talented engineers has grown significantly, creating interest in the field of computer
programming. But for others, their motivation is in the thrill and enjoyment of developing their own
programs. Regardless of your reason for wanting to learn a computer language, you should realize
that it can be a long and tedious process.
Taking your first steps into the coding world would not happen overnight. Like any new skill, it is
often difficult to start. In fact, the first question posed before you is already a difficult one:
What Language Should I Learn First?
Image by Pixnio
With a dizzying array of programming languages to choose from, you could easily find yourself in
limbo, especially if you are a complete outsider in the world of computer science. In order to come
up with the best answer, you have to first know your goals. Ask yourself:
• What app do I want to develop: mobile, desktop or web-based application?
• What are the requirements of the app I want to build?
• What are my personal interests: open source or commercial technologies?
• What job market am I targeting? Is it just for hobby?
Some experts recommend that you start with practical languages that allow you to attain your goals.
As you get a hang of the computer language and begin development on your pet project, you will be
motivated to acquire intermediate skills. No one language is the ‘best’ language – each language
has their own unique functions, pros and cons. Whichever language you end up learning, it will instill
within you the basic form and structure of computer languages, and it will be generally be easier to
pick up new ones from then onwards.
Basically, you want to choose a language that is not only useful, but also fun and simple. By simple,
we mean that the computer language should not require you to learn complex tools or decipher IDE
interface at the beginning. Additionally, it should be easy to install and run. Some programming
software suites are already pre-installed with your computer OS. Do consider learning the same
computer language that your friends are currently using, if it is suitable. Learning with friends can
lighten the tedium and their support will be invaluable.
taking your first step into programming languages
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The Top 5 Programming Languages for Beginners
Image by Libreshot
Python: The Easiest
If you have no previous background in coding language, Python is probably the easiest to learn.
Unlike other programming languages, Python is not very strict on syntax. If you misplaced a
semicolon or left out a parenthesis, it wouldn’t hurt your app as much as it would if you have used
other coding language. Aside from being easy to learn and use, it can be used for a range of
Javascript: The Most Useful
As a developer, you will want to learn a useful and powerful coding language. JavaScript is not as
easy to learn as Python, but it can be utilized on multiple platforms – Windows, Mac, Android, and
iOS. Majority of web browsers and even mobile devices run JavaScript. If you are interested in web
development, JavaScript is the best choice.
Java: The Most Portable
Built for portability and usability, Java is an object-oriented, class-based language. Java runs a wide
range of web-based apps across different operating systems, platforms, and devices. However,
learning this coding language is a bit tricky, and writing effective applications in Java even trickier.
Ruby: The Simplest Syntax
Once you’ve learned the basics of computer programming through Java, you’ll find Ruby much easier
to manipulate. It uses simple syntax that is easily readable for programmers, but translates well into
computer instructions. The language includes functional, object-oriented, imperative, and procedural
elements, and thus can be used for a wide variety of applications.
taking your first step into programming languages
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C And C++: The Highly Recommended
Among the five computer languages, C and C++ are more complicated and not quite as practical.
However, many pros highly recommend starting with C and C++ as its foundation and structure are
considered the basis of many other coding languages. If you have cracked this scripting language,
you can maneuver through the other languages with ease. C and C++ are arguably the most
important languages to learn. Majority of operating systems and basic, essential facilities run on this
language. For most programmers, both of these languages are considered irreplaceable and a must-
Which Language Is Best For First-Time Programmers?
Image by Pexels
Picking where to start is all about what you are trying to achieve. Research more about each
language. Try them on for size. Once you’ve found a language that is fun and challenging, the rest will
follow. It’s easy to feel intimated or disheartened by such a major learning feat, but as you go through
one step at a time, you’ll eventually gain more skills. What is important is that you take the first dive
and don’t let your hunger for knowledge wane.
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cybersecurity guide for employees: phishing 101
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Image by Pexels
Forget about Anonymous or Lizard Squad, when it comes to protecting your company’s data, you
should take a look inwards – at your employees. While information technology is advancing at a
blistering rate today, many companies are not recognizing the importance of keeping up with the
latest in data protection, which includes training employees in good cybersecurity habits.
Employees spend much of their time sending emails or conducting internet research. If they are
irresponsible or poorly-trained in cybersecurity practices, these actions can leave them vulnerable to
security threats like phishing.
Phishing is one of the most effective online cons, and works by masquerading as a trustworthy
website/email asking for sensitive information, such as your credit card details, usernames, security
codes and passwords. In the case of phishing scams targeting companies, these emails will be
digging for classified company information such as customer and security details. Phishing scams
are proficient at impersonating the genuine article, and can appear as services that you or your
company use, requiring you to provide them with confidential data for ‘verification’.
There are several characteristics of a phishing email that you can look out for, which includes bad
grammar or spelling, generic salutations, requesting submission of sensitive information via email,
demand for immediate action, and misspelled URLs.
Even if the email appears to be from a trustworthy person or service, it is always important to verify
that the email is legitimate – contact the sender via phone if you have to. This is especially true
when dealing with emails that are asking for your personal information, or directing you to a
webpage link which they have provided.
There are various ways to hide the actual URLs, such as masking it with HTML or disguising it with
an image of a fake URL. To reveal the real URL, simply hover your mouse over the link. If you really
have to access the website, do not trust the hyperlinks in the email and use a dependable URL that
you know can be trusted. Remember, genuine websites will use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to
protect your information – just look out for URLs that start with https:// instead of http://.
The most effective type phishing is spear phishing – your personal information will be gathered and
used against you to further increase the appearance of legitimacy when attempting to scam you of
your sensitive information. As always, err on the side of caution and contact the sender before
providing any information.
cybersecurity guide for employees: phishing 101
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Image by Wikimedia
To remedy this situation, several solutions can be utilized. First and foremost, the best form of
defence will be to educate employees about best practices when sending and receiving emails.
Employees should be required to participate in online information security training, and be taught
about how to identify and protect themselves against phishing scams.
However, there will always be lapses and human error, and that is when you look to your company’s
security framework. The minimum standards that a company should meet are email encryption,
multiple firewalls, antivirus software, and keeping computer systems updated. Companies can also
look to hiring a secure email service or another outside resource.
When building up your cybersecurity defence, always prepare for the worst-case scenario.
Remember that the cost of a security breach is not only monetary, but also involves loss of sensitive
data and customer confidence!
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putting the zing into wedding photography
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There comes a time in every photographer’s life when he is recruited to take wedding photographs.
Even if you are an amateur hobbyist photographer, friends and family will be swarming ‘that guy with
the big camera’. Instead of rolling your eyes and asking them what’s wrong with their camera, why
not embrace this opportunity to augment your portfolio with excellent samples of your work? In this
article, we will be touching on a few techniques to give wedding photographs that extra ‘oomph’,
turning a special day into something magical.
Keeping it Classy
Image by Picryl
Weddings are usually elegant affairs. To give your photographs a romantic feel, try experimenting
with different filters. Black and white and sepia tone are two classic filters that will impart an old-world
feel to the photos, making it perfect for quiet moments between the bride and groom. This effect can
be achieved through pre-set filters, or by manually adjusting the saturation and contrast of the
For a more ethereal atmosphere, soft focus will add romance. First, defocus the image by applying
the Gaussian Blur filter to a duplicate background layer, and adjust the opacity value to desired level
of blurriness. Next, add a layer mask and paint over the points of interest with a lowered opacity
using the Brush tool, and the foreground color set to black.
Having a Focus
Image by Pexels
Don’t clutter your photographs; give the viewers something to focus on! Cropping is a tried-and-true
method of erasing unwanted peripheral elements, and centring upon the point of interest.
Vignetting draws viewers’ attention into the photo, by lightening or darkening the edges of the photo;
however, it is a controversial effect that may appear cheesy and even amateurish, if utilized in
excessive amounts.
putting the zing into wedding photography
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Color popping is a contemporary take on the classic greyscale – they are black and white photos,
with only a selected item/portion appearing in a vivid color. This effect can be easily created by
adding a B&W adjustment layer to desaturate the image. Afterwards, select the Brush tool, set the
foreground colour to black and paint over the points of interest.
Colour and Contrast
Image by Pixnio
Of course, the most important thing about the photos is making them pop! Sharpness and colors can
be used to great effect with lively scenes. You can adjust the tone of your images by using
adjustment layers and tweaking the color balance, levels and hue/saturation.
Cross processing is a popular method of producing a highly-stylized image, generating stunning
photos which feature distorted colors and contrast. Add a Curves adjustment layer, then play around
with the red, blue, green and RGB channels by adding handles and dragging them around till the
desired result is achieved.
Dodge and burn can be used to remedy areas that are either underexposed or overexposed. Create
a new layer, change the Layer Blend Mode to Overlay and select the option for ‘Fill with Overlay-
neutral color (50% gray)’. Proceed to paint over selected areas with the Brush tool with the opacity
lowered, and the foreground color set to white or black to lighten or darken respectively.
With these few simple techniques, you will be able to up the ante on wedding photography and bring
something really memorable to the table!
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beauty retouch: the devil is in the details
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Image by Pexels
It could be a bad case of the breakouts, or simply a smudge of dirt. Whatever it is, the person that
you are photographing is not looking their best and needs your magic touch during post processing.
In this article, we will teach you how to give your images an in-depth facelift, focusing on the nitty-
gritty details. It’s always a good idea to start by creating blank layers above your image to avoid
destructive editing.
Your Tools of Trade
Image by Pexels
Clone Stamp: A reliable standby for retouching, the Clone Stamp tool samples pixels from a source
area with Alt+Click (or Option+Click) and copies them to your selected location. When using this tool
with blank layers, ensure that the sampling option is set to Current and Below and the Aligned
Sample box is checked. The Clone Stamp tool is suitable for retouching areas featuring a variety of
textures or colors.
Healing Brush: The Healing Brush will match the transparency, texture, lighting, and shading of the
sampled area to the area that is being healed, resulting in a seamless blend. Like the Clone Stamp,
you will have to select a source area with Alt+Click (or Option+Click). When using this tool with blank
layers, choose the Sample All Layers option. The Healing Brush is ideal for dealing with blemishes
and lines.
Spot Healing Brush: Unlike the previous two tools, the Spot Healing Brush doesn’t require you to
sample a source area, and works by automatically sampling texture, lighting, transparency, and
shading from around the area being retouched. When using this tool with blank layers, select the
Sample All Layers and Content-Aware option. The Spot Healing Brush is great for blemishes in
areas with consistent texture like the forehead, cheeks or chin.
beauty retouch: the devil is in the details
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Eliminate Blemishes and Imperfections
Image by Pexels
There’s no one technique for retouching the face – you will have to adapt to the situation, using a
variety of tools and experimenting with clicks, brushes and opacity to attain the result that you want.
A great tip is to start with a small brush at 50 or 75% hardness, as a softer brush tends to impart an
artificial ‘airbrushed’ look. Work on the image at 100% magnification and use multiple clicks or small
brushstrokes to smooth away the imperfections – your editing should be invisible, even to you.
For blemishes like acne, the Spot Healing Brush is your friend. Adjust the brush size to be slightly
bigger than the spot, then click it away. After eliminating all isolated spots, approach the larger areas
of blemishes with small brush strokes that begin from the outside and head inwards. Acne is usually
darker than the surrounding skin, and you will get good results with the Lighten blend mode.
When you are working with eyes, it’s always much easier if you create a separate layer to edit away
the wrinkles, shadows and folds, then lower the opacity till a natural result is achieved. For deep
lines and shadows, try using the Clone Stamp tool; for fine lines, head for the Healing Brush. The
Healing Brush is also suitable for smile lines around the mouth. Use short, light brushstrokes for
more precise control over the amount of editing that you wish to achieve.
Eradicate Stray Hair
Image by Libreshot
Clone Stamp is awesome at getting rid of stray hair – when you are working with background that
has an even gradient and texture. Use the Lighten blend mode to retouch darker hair against a
lighter background, and vice versa with the Darken blend mode. For complex backgrounds, the
Healing Brush is ideal for cleaning up stray hairs on skin or clothes. However, this tool does not work
well with hard edges and will result in blurred bleed. In this case, go back to the Clone Stamp and
fine-tune the brush’s hardness to match the transition.
Always remember that less is more – unless your client specifically requests an extensive makeover,
we should always aim for a natural end result!
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how much should your workout hurt?
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Image by Pixnio
You are sweating your way through an intense workout, and every muscle in your body is
complaining. Have you inadvertently thrown your back out? Or is this what your body is supposed to
feel like after all those crunches and pull-ups? This article will answer those questions, and dispel the
misconception behind pain = result.
Why do you hurt during a workout? Contrary to popular opinion, lactic acid build-up is not the reason
for the muscle soreness that you get after a bout of strenuous exercise. Extreme exertion can trigger
a metabolic process, which enables the body to break down stored fuel for energy. This results in the
generation of lactate and other metabolites, raising the acidity levels of our cells and producing a
burning sensation in the active muscles. This is a natural, but painful signal to stop overworking your
body, inducing a rest period in which the body recovers from the lactate and other metabolites.
We often believe that if we don’t ache during and after a workout, then there won’t be any tangible
results at all. It is true to a certain extent – but exercising excessively can cripple your subsequent
workouts due to extreme muscle pain. You may even sustain a serious injury from overtraining. If the
recovery period from muscle soreness is severely interfering with your workout schedule, it’s a good
sign that you are overdoing it.
Image by Wikimedia
What you can do, is to progressively overload your body. The gradual stimulus will improve your
strength and endurance, resulting in enhanced fitness over time. When your body adapts to your
current workout, you must place a greater demand on it. Challenge yourself by increasing the
intensity of your training, or perhaps try a different exercise. You will feel a burning in your muscles,
and a slight ache during the exertion. Immediately after your workout, the soreness will really kick in.
This should lessen over the course of 2 to 4 days, and do remember to keep your muscles moving –
the movement will loosen you up and reduce the tenderness.
how much should your workout hurt?
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Image by Pxhere
Now let’s talk about the bad aches, the warning sirens for your body. If you experience localized
pain, it signals muscular or joint damage. When you exercise, you are supposed to feel a uniform
burn in all your active muscles, and not discomfort in just one area. Improperly-performed exercises
and bad form may cause these kind of aches. This localized pain may also appear in the form of
sudden, stabbing agony – there is no mistaking it, and you should stop your workout and see a
doctor about it immediately. Undiagnosed and untreated pains like these can develop into long-term
or permanent injuries. Pre-existing pains, or old injuries may also affect your body. Exertion can
aggravate these conditions, leading to flare-ups and new damage. It is recommended to consult your
doctor and a fitness trainer before you try any new exercises.
Exercising is meant to enhance your health and fitness, and it is crucial to listen to your body at all
times. It is not ‘tough’ to push through intense pain – don’t wear it as a badge of honour, because
taking care of yourself comes first. Now that you understand your body better, your workouts will be
safer and worry-free!
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weightlifting misconceptions: fact or fiction?
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For many people, their knowledge of weightlifting don’t stretch beyond a mental image of sweaty
dudes grunting loudly as they do their repetitions. But weightlifting is more than just grabbing heavy
things and lifting them up and down. It is an excellent training regime which focuses on specific
muscle groups, resulting in increased muscle mass and body strength.
There are a lot of conflicting information about weightlifting out there – fellow gym enthusiasts can
sometimes be the worst promoters of such misconceptions, when they helpfully dispense their own
brand of training wisdom. We are here to dispel the common myths and clear the air for you.
Busting the Myths
Image by Pxhere
Misconception #1 – Weightlifting will bulk you up
While it is true that there is a potential to increase muscle mass, weightlifting alone is not enough to
promote muscle growth. The huge men that you see on the covers of bodybuilding magazines are
usually taking supplements that will enhance muscle building. To get bulky, you will have to gain
weight by eating more – just weightlifting won’t do that for you.
Women are usually concerned with bulking up when weightlifting. Fortunately, women don’t actually
produce as much muscle-building testosterone as men do. Unless you are consuming a lot of
calories and protein, you will only enhance your muscular endurance and increase your metabolic
Misconception #2 – Muscle turns into fat when you stop weightlifting
This is very important: it is impossible for muscles to turn into fat cells and vice versa, as they are
two different types of tissue. When you stop weightlifting, your muscles will atrophy – your muscle
fibres will shrink. With less muscles to burn calories, it is definitely recommended to eat less when
you stop lifting weights.
On the other hand, muscles can potentially help you lose that fat. Your body burns more calories
maintaining muscle than it does maintaining fat, which means the more muscle you build, the more
calories your body will naturally burn each day on its own.
weightlifting misconceptions: fact or fiction?
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Image by Good FreePhotos
Misconception #3 – Weightlifting damage the joints
If your posture and exercise form are poor, you can damage your joints by lifting weights incorrectly.
This is true for any exercise that you perform. When done correctly, weightlifting actually places less
stress on your joints, compared to high-impact exercises like running. A study published the Journal
of Rheumatology observed that when joint pain sufferers performed weight bearing exercises, they
experienced a 43 percent reduction in pain after four months.
The controlled, non-impact movements of weightlifting can actually improve the health of your joints
by strengthening the muscles and ligaments that connects them. By developing strength in the
muscles around your joints, the increased support will enable them to absorb shock better.
Misconception #4 – Weightlifting decreases flexibility
Weightlifting can actually result in the exact opposite. The resistance training provided by lifting
weights can result in improvements to flexibility that are comparable to static stretching. To develop
flexibility, it is crucial to work through a full range of motion while lifting. Lifting dumbbells all the way
up and down during a chest press will make use of the full potential of your shoulders and chest.
Squatting is also a great full-range exercise will give your hip muscles a stretch.
Misconception #5 - Weightlifting causes high blood pressure
Your blood pressure rises when you lift heavy weights, but it returns to normal after finishing your
session. That is the basis of developing cardiovascular endurance. Weightlifting is actually beneficial
for people with high blood pressure – it can actually lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
— by two and four percent respectively. According to the American Heart Association, 2 or 3
sessions a week is enough to start seeing positive results.
Once you dissipate the fog of misunderstanding around weightlifting, its many benefits come to light.
Too many people are put off by what they see as a tough exercise, when it is actually extremely
versatile and adaptable. The weights are there for a reason – you can add and remove them to
accommodate your body endurance. Try it for yourself, and maybe weightlifting will become your
new training jam!
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the truth about going light on gluten and dairy
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Image by Pxhere
There are many reasons for reduced consumption of certain food categories, such as allergies and
sensitivities. Flying in the face of the ubiquitous food pyramid, many are turning to the light option as
a healthy alternative. But is this the right choice for you?
This current fad is derived from the elimination diet, which used to be only for sufferers of food
allergies. This regime exploded in popularity in the past few years, and is now the vogue choice for
discerning people who wish to improve their health. However, restrictive food intake is not without its
dangers. Total exclusion of gluten and dairy from your diet can have adverse effects, which is why
moderation is the key here.
The gluten-free diet is often touted as a fantastical catchall solution to many illnesses, which includes
migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome and even mental diseases. Some may have found relief, but
this does not indicate that it will work in all situations. Also, the diet must be undertaken with care, or
you may run the risk of nutritional deficiencies. While gluten have no real value to health, many
cereal grains that contain gluten are rich in a whole plethora of vitamins and minerals. They include
fibre, B vitamins and iron – all of which are essential to maintaining good cardiovascular and
intestinal health.
Chowing down on gluten-free food might not be the solution either. Gluten is the ‘glue’ that binds
food together and help baked goods keep their shape. In its absence, manufacturers will substitute
with more fat and sugar. Eating these calorie-dense products may actually result in weight gain! It is
recommended to avoid empty-calorie products made with refined cereal grains and white flour.
Instead, reach for whole grain bread and steel cut oats. By cutting down on the ultra-processed fare,
you are already doing your health a favour.
The stance on going dairy-lite is more ambiguous. 75% of the human population have some degree
of lactose intolerance, and going dairy-free might seem like the only choice. Also, consumption of
dairy products has also been linked to obesity and diabetes. Nonetheless, milk is an excellent source
of protein, and is packed full of essential vitamins that promotes bone health. Going dairy-lite is not
as restrictive as avoiding gluten. By making smart choices, you can have your milk and drink it too!
the truth about going light on gluten and dairy
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If you are merely sensitive to lactose, try cheese and yogurt – after being processed, they contain
less lactose and will generally go down better. Fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir
contains probiotic bacteria, which will aid in digestive problems. For the truly intolerant, you can swap
your regular milk for reduced-lactose and lactose-free alternatives. By adding lactase to the milk, the
levels of lactose will be reduced while still retaining the same amount of vitamins and minerals.
To combat the risk of obesity and diabetes, reduce consumption of full-fat dairy products. Go for
healthier alternatives, such as low-fat and skimmed milk. Cut down on butter and cheese, which are
high in saturated fats. However, those same fats are actually good fatty acids that will help promote
the feeling of satiety! Ingesting full-fat dairy products in prudent amounts will reduce hunger pangs
and keep you away from unhealthy snacking.
While it is not healthful to severely restrict your diet, it is also important not to overindulge. A great
rule of thumb will be to focus on eliminating processed foods from your table – a positive step
towards enhancing your overall health!
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combating night-time cravings
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You are kicking back in comfy pyjamas, watching your favourite late-night soap operas. Your hand
creeps insidiously towards the snacks; before you know it, you are stuffing your face with chips and
Dinner was just an hour or two ago, and you are not hungry. So why are you still reaching for the
snacks? Let us delve into the mystery behind getting the late night munchies, and find out how to
fight off your nocturnal cravings.
Why does it Taste So Good?
Image by bark
While the reasons behind night-time snacking are complex, there is an evolutionary trait that is a
major factor in this problem. A researcher from the Oregon Health & Science University collaborated
with colleagues at Harvard on a study which explains what triggers those late-night snack cravings.
The study, which was published in the journal Obesity, explains that the body’s internal clock
increases hunger in the evenings, causing cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods. We don’t
expend much energy after an evening meal, predisposing our body to store the food we eat as
energy – which means padding our body with fats. This trait helped our ancestors to store energy
efficiently to survive periods of food scarcity. In our modern environment of empty-calorie snacking,
this leads to unhealthy weight gain.
“So, all this weight gain is not my fault, it’s an uncontrollable body function?”
Not really. Our bodies may have evolved to act in this manner, but there are many other factors in
this equation. Staying up late at night, nutritional imbalance, and environmental stimulations are just
some of the many ways you can affect your late-night cravings.
Staying up Late
Artificial light has enabled the modern person to stay up later than our ancestors ever did. The study,
as described above, found that we feel the most hungry in the evening, around 8:00 p.m. This
naturally leads to an increased likelihood of eating high-calorie food during that time period. Going to
bed earlier and choosing lower-calorie foods in the evening can help with losing weight. Shutting off
all artificial light and switching off electronics, such as the television and your mobile phone, will help
reduce the environmental distractions that stimulates people to keep awake at night.
combating night-time cravings
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Nutritional Imbalance
In a world of fast food and processed snacks, it is easy to eat too much empty calories with no real
nutritional value. When your nutrient intake is insufficient, your body will let you know it is not getting
what it needs, and you will still feel hungry no matter how much you eat. This can exacerbate your
night-time cravings. Eat well-balanced meals that have non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole
grains, and lean meat. Your body will get the nutrients it needs, and a constant input of glucose to
maintain energy levels throughout the day.
Environmental Stimulations
Studies have found that even just thinking about favourite foods can lead to an intense hankering for
food. Watching advertisements and programmes about food on the television can trigger your
snacking hand to start walking for the crisp packet. And that is not the only danger – the monotony of
watching television can lull you into complacency, shutting off your active mind and snacking just to
give your mouth and hands something to do. Shut off that television and go do something interesting
and productive – read a book, play video games or go for a refreshing evening stroll.
Train Your Brain
Image by Max Pixel
Combating night-time cravings is a mind game – making intelligent choices about food, keeping
yourself busy, and most importantly, training your willpower. To stop yourself from snacking, you
have to take the first step, and make a conscious decision to stop the munchies. Start by keeping a
journal on your daily routine, and weed out the harmful patterns. It can be a tough fight – but it is for
a new, healthier you!
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  • 1. fran poh freelance writer about me portfolio contact me business the differences between your brand and your product what is performance marketing? the ecosystem of start-up hubs: growing your business marketing your site’s content travel how to apply for a Singapore visa in 7 easy steps hiring a fishing guide in alaska? exploring the offbeat trails of myanmar bangkok’s rowdy khao san road technology taking your first step into programming languages cybersecurity guide for employees: phishing 101 putting the zing into wedding photography beauty retouch: the devil is in the details health how much should your workout hurt? weightlifting misconceptions: fact or fiction? the truth about going light on gluten and dairy combating night-time cravings
  • 2. about me about me portfolio contact me My name is Fran Poh, a 29-year-old freelancer from Singapore. A one-stop shop for all of your content creation needs, and a passion for writing about anything and everything! I have a decade of professional experience in the writing industry, dealing with diverse topics. I have extensive personal experience with: ● Travel: Unconventional travel methods / Off the beaten track / Expat Living ● Food: International cooking / Food tourism ● Healthy Living: Exercise / Nutrition ● Technology: Mobile / Windows PC / PC Peripherals ● Gaming: PC / Console / Tabletop I specialise in easy-to-digest content and search engine optimization. Informative articles and guides are also well within my capabilities. I have an in-depth understanding of: ● Digital Marketing ● Content Marketing ● Branding I utilize these skills to assist businesses and entrepreneurs with lead generation, increasing online traffic and visibility, and audience retention. I am also competent in: ● Editing ● Copywriting ● Image Editing ● Video Editing I am great at taking direction and working with clients to bring their vision to life. I also work well independently and can brainstorm suitable content for your website or publication. You name it, I’ll write it!
  • 3. contact me about me portfolio contact me Email me at Visit my LinkedIn profile
  • 4. exploring the offbeat trails of myanmar about me portfolio contact me Myanmar, ancient Burma – a pristine land just breaking into the tourism scene, drawing in the adventurous with its rich history, captivating scenery and unique cultural diversity. Left untouched for decades, Myanmar is now opening its borders to an influx of eager tourists, resulting in the growth of a tourism industry that emphasize the protection and conservation of its tropical environs and ethnic communities. Come with us as we take the plunge and explore the mystique that surrounds this fascinating country! If You are a City Slicker Image by Wikimedia Touch down in Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar and the largest city in the country. An offbeat mix of both old and new, it is a compelling look into a country which is still finding its way into the 21st century. Condominiums tower over their numerous colonial neighbours, golden pagodas rub shoulders with sleek hotels, with nary a skyscraper to be seen. As you wander under the lush trees that earned Yangon its moniker of ‘The Garden City of the East’, allow yourself to get swept away by the heady bustle of life and meander through the markets and parks scattered throughout the city. If You are a History Buff Image by Paul Arps Venture beyond the confines of Yangon and head northwards to Bagan, the capital of the first Myanmar Empire. It is a highly significant archaeological site which features the largest and densest concentration of Buddhist architecture and ruins in the world. In the weighty presence of temples dating back to the 11th and 12th centuries, you may find yourself falling into an awed silence in reverence of enduring history. From Bagan, follow the history trail west to Mrauk U. A picturesque town which lies far off the beaten path, it was the capital of the powerful Arakanese kingdom from the 15th to 18th century. The main draw of this town are its venerable pagodas and temples, remnants of its glorious past. (Cont.)
  • 5. exploring the offbeat trails of myanmar about me portfolio contact me If You are a Forest Child Image by Wikimedia Leave the slumbering ruins behind and climb upwards into the cool greenery of Inle Lake, situated over 900 metres above sea level in the mountains. Getting around is easy - hire a boat and you will find plenty to marvel at on and around the lake, such as pagodas, villages, gardens and even a floating market! Relax in a lakeside restaurant and admire the quaint tableau of Intha fishermen mirrored in the serene waters of the lake, poised in their unique one-legged rowing pose. If You are a Beach Baby Image by Shaun Dunphy Myanmar is not just all pagodas and forests – this country has some of the most stunning coastlines in the world. Journey to Western Myanmar and visit Ngapali Beach, home to tranquil stretches of white sand unmarred by crowds of beachgoers. Watch the fishermen unload their catch in the morning, then break your fast with some of the freshest seafood that you can get from the local markets. If you are an outdoorsy type, you will find your time fully occupied with water sports, hiking and sailing tours. Myanmar is an unpolished gem in Southeast Asia – embodying a vibrant and genuine character that cannot be found in sterile ‘touristy’ hotspots. Beat the crowds and come to Myanmar while it is still hot off the press, and bring away an experience of a lifetime! Return to Portfolio
  • 6. bangkok’s rowdy khao san road about me portfolio contact me A backpacking mecca best seen at night, Khao San Road is populated by an eclectic mix of businesses. Swanky clubs adjoin gift shops, clothing racks encroach on dining areas, and numerous budget accommodations attract the clientele that the area is famous for. Despite its reputation as a stomping ground for the young, it is still friendly towards family-orientated groups. It is a very crowded area, so be wary of pickpockets. Exercise discretion with small children, as there may be some sights unsuitable for the very young at night. Before hurling yourself into the heaving crowds, you may want to stop by the Bangkok Tourist Information Office, situated on Phra Athit Road. It is open from 0900 to 1900 daily, so take the opportunity to stock up on maps and directions! Time to Explore Image by Robert Brands Get caught up in the infectious vibe of Khao San Road, the street that never sleeps. Appearing to be mere kilometre-long stretch of road, this bohemian nook has something for everyone. Are you an avid bookworm? Lose yourself in a second-hand bookstore. Want to work off the holiday paunch? Sign up for a gruelling session with a Muay Thai gym. Preparing for a camping trip? Army surplus stores are just around the corner. ATMs and money changers are scattered liberally throughout the stretch, making it all too easy to indulge yourself in the captivating little stalls. A paradise for budget travellers, it has become a great melting pot of cultures. Blond surfers rub shoulders with Rastafarian types, as they exchange travel tales over a cold Chang beer. Bespectacled hipsters trawl the clothing shops for a unique vintage find, and internet cafes do brisk business with backpackers far away from home. Grab a coffee at a roadside café, and watch world go by. Unsurprisingly, Khao San Road is a major nexus for travellers seeking their next adventure. Many hostels are partnered with tour coaches, which leave daily for tourist destinations in Thailand, from Chiang Mai to the beaches of the Andaman Sea. If you prefer to leave arrangements to someone else, there are many travel agencies which can organize everything for a relatively modest fee. If you happen to be hanging around Bangkok from the 13th to 15th of April, head over here to celebrate Songkran (The traditional Thai New Year). The street is internationally famous for being the epicentre of partying, with water splashing that usually turns into a huge water fight. Leave your electronics at home and bring your biggest water guns! (Cont.)
  • 7. bangkok’s rowdy khao san road about me portfolio contact me Eating and Drinking Image by Jeffrey Beall Soon, you may feel a rumbling in your stomach - a natural reaction to the pervasive aroma of freshly-cooked food. If you are squeamish about spiciness, rejoice in the fact that most of the food sold here have been adjusted for Western palates. A pastiche of international cuisine, the homesick may find a familiar comfort dish. For the gutsy, go for broke with a skewer of crispy crickets, or a snack bag of silkworm larvae! Tucked into a side alley is Tom Yum Kung, where food is slightly pricier, but for a good reason. A solid restaurant, it serves up classic Thai dishes prepared with the freshest ingredients. The outdoor sitting is particularly nice at night, with a peaceful air that allows you to unwind from the chaos of the main strip. Near the restaurant is The Fabulous, a retro café with an extensive dessert menu. Their signature item is Fabulous Toast, a quirky twist on the classic French toast. Wash everything down with a cup of their famed Illy coffee. A visit to Khao San Road is not complete without swinging by a bar. Visit The Brick Bar, popular among the fun-loving locals. Upbeat without being raucous, it features a house band that will blow you away with their exuberant covers of ska-style pop songs. Entry is free on weekdays, but costs 300 baht on the busy weekends. Bangkok is infamous for its seedy underworld, which may not be to everyone’s taste. Khao San Road makes for a safe step into its neon-drenched nightlife, and is zesty without venturing too much into the sleazy. Explore with a bold step, and embrace the new experiences! Return to Portfolio
  • 8. taking your first step into programming languages about me portfolio contact me Web and app development is a booming industry– and it comes with a lucrative pay. Over the years, the demand for talented engineers has grown significantly, creating interest in the field of computer programming. But for others, their motivation is in the thrill and enjoyment of developing their own programs. Regardless of your reason for wanting to learn a computer language, you should realize that it can be a long and tedious process. Taking your first steps into the coding world would not happen overnight. Like any new skill, it is often difficult to start. In fact, the first question posed before you is already a difficult one: What Language Should I Learn First? Image by Pixnio With a dizzying array of programming languages to choose from, you could easily find yourself in limbo, especially if you are a complete outsider in the world of computer science. In order to come up with the best answer, you have to first know your goals. Ask yourself: • What app do I want to develop: mobile, desktop or web-based application? • What are the requirements of the app I want to build? • What are my personal interests: open source or commercial technologies? • What job market am I targeting? Is it just for hobby? Some experts recommend that you start with practical languages that allow you to attain your goals. As you get a hang of the computer language and begin development on your pet project, you will be motivated to acquire intermediate skills. No one language is the ‘best’ language – each language has their own unique functions, pros and cons. Whichever language you end up learning, it will instill within you the basic form and structure of computer languages, and it will be generally be easier to pick up new ones from then onwards. Basically, you want to choose a language that is not only useful, but also fun and simple. By simple, we mean that the computer language should not require you to learn complex tools or decipher IDE interface at the beginning. Additionally, it should be easy to install and run. Some programming software suites are already pre-installed with your computer OS. Do consider learning the same computer language that your friends are currently using, if it is suitable. Learning with friends can lighten the tedium and their support will be invaluable. (Cont.)
  • 9. taking your first step into programming languages about me portfolio contact me The Top 5 Programming Languages for Beginners Image by Libreshot Python: The Easiest If you have no previous background in coding language, Python is probably the easiest to learn. Unlike other programming languages, Python is not very strict on syntax. If you misplaced a semicolon or left out a parenthesis, it wouldn’t hurt your app as much as it would if you have used other coding language. Aside from being easy to learn and use, it can be used for a range of applications. Javascript: The Most Useful As a developer, you will want to learn a useful and powerful coding language. JavaScript is not as easy to learn as Python, but it can be utilized on multiple platforms – Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. Majority of web browsers and even mobile devices run JavaScript. If you are interested in web development, JavaScript is the best choice. Java: The Most Portable Built for portability and usability, Java is an object-oriented, class-based language. Java runs a wide range of web-based apps across different operating systems, platforms, and devices. However, learning this coding language is a bit tricky, and writing effective applications in Java even trickier. Ruby: The Simplest Syntax Once you’ve learned the basics of computer programming through Java, you’ll find Ruby much easier to manipulate. It uses simple syntax that is easily readable for programmers, but translates well into computer instructions. The language includes functional, object-oriented, imperative, and procedural elements, and thus can be used for a wide variety of applications. (Cont.)
  • 10. taking your first step into programming languages about me portfolio contact me C And C++: The Highly Recommended Among the five computer languages, C and C++ are more complicated and not quite as practical. However, many pros highly recommend starting with C and C++ as its foundation and structure are considered the basis of many other coding languages. If you have cracked this scripting language, you can maneuver through the other languages with ease. C and C++ are arguably the most important languages to learn. Majority of operating systems and basic, essential facilities run on this language. For most programmers, both of these languages are considered irreplaceable and a must- learn. Which Language Is Best For First-Time Programmers? Image by Pexels Picking where to start is all about what you are trying to achieve. Research more about each language. Try them on for size. Once you’ve found a language that is fun and challenging, the rest will follow. It’s easy to feel intimated or disheartened by such a major learning feat, but as you go through one step at a time, you’ll eventually gain more skills. What is important is that you take the first dive and don’t let your hunger for knowledge wane. Return to Portfolio
  • 11. cybersecurity guide for employees: phishing 101 about me portfolio contact me Image by Pexels Forget about Anonymous or Lizard Squad, when it comes to protecting your company’s data, you should take a look inwards – at your employees. While information technology is advancing at a blistering rate today, many companies are not recognizing the importance of keeping up with the latest in data protection, which includes training employees in good cybersecurity habits. Employees spend much of their time sending emails or conducting internet research. If they are irresponsible or poorly-trained in cybersecurity practices, these actions can leave them vulnerable to security threats like phishing. Phishing is one of the most effective online cons, and works by masquerading as a trustworthy website/email asking for sensitive information, such as your credit card details, usernames, security codes and passwords. In the case of phishing scams targeting companies, these emails will be digging for classified company information such as customer and security details. Phishing scams are proficient at impersonating the genuine article, and can appear as services that you or your company use, requiring you to provide them with confidential data for ‘verification’. There are several characteristics of a phishing email that you can look out for, which includes bad grammar or spelling, generic salutations, requesting submission of sensitive information via email, demand for immediate action, and misspelled URLs. Even if the email appears to be from a trustworthy person or service, it is always important to verify that the email is legitimate – contact the sender via phone if you have to. This is especially true when dealing with emails that are asking for your personal information, or directing you to a webpage link which they have provided. There are various ways to hide the actual URLs, such as masking it with HTML or disguising it with an image of a fake URL. To reveal the real URL, simply hover your mouse over the link. If you really have to access the website, do not trust the hyperlinks in the email and use a dependable URL that you know can be trusted. Remember, genuine websites will use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to protect your information – just look out for URLs that start with https:// instead of http://. The most effective type phishing is spear phishing – your personal information will be gathered and used against you to further increase the appearance of legitimacy when attempting to scam you of your sensitive information. As always, err on the side of caution and contact the sender before providing any information. (Cont.)
  • 12. cybersecurity guide for employees: phishing 101 about me portfolio contact me Image by Wikimedia To remedy this situation, several solutions can be utilized. First and foremost, the best form of defence will be to educate employees about best practices when sending and receiving emails. Employees should be required to participate in online information security training, and be taught about how to identify and protect themselves against phishing scams. However, there will always be lapses and human error, and that is when you look to your company’s security framework. The minimum standards that a company should meet are email encryption, multiple firewalls, antivirus software, and keeping computer systems updated. Companies can also look to hiring a secure email service or another outside resource. When building up your cybersecurity defence, always prepare for the worst-case scenario. Remember that the cost of a security breach is not only monetary, but also involves loss of sensitive data and customer confidence! Return to Portfolio
  • 13. putting the zing into wedding photography about me portfolio contact me There comes a time in every photographer’s life when he is recruited to take wedding photographs. Even if you are an amateur hobbyist photographer, friends and family will be swarming ‘that guy with the big camera’. Instead of rolling your eyes and asking them what’s wrong with their camera, why not embrace this opportunity to augment your portfolio with excellent samples of your work? In this article, we will be touching on a few techniques to give wedding photographs that extra ‘oomph’, turning a special day into something magical. Keeping it Classy Image by Picryl Weddings are usually elegant affairs. To give your photographs a romantic feel, try experimenting with different filters. Black and white and sepia tone are two classic filters that will impart an old-world feel to the photos, making it perfect for quiet moments between the bride and groom. This effect can be achieved through pre-set filters, or by manually adjusting the saturation and contrast of the photos. For a more ethereal atmosphere, soft focus will add romance. First, defocus the image by applying the Gaussian Blur filter to a duplicate background layer, and adjust the opacity value to desired level of blurriness. Next, add a layer mask and paint over the points of interest with a lowered opacity using the Brush tool, and the foreground color set to black. Having a Focus Image by Pexels Don’t clutter your photographs; give the viewers something to focus on! Cropping is a tried-and-true method of erasing unwanted peripheral elements, and centring upon the point of interest. Vignetting draws viewers’ attention into the photo, by lightening or darkening the edges of the photo; however, it is a controversial effect that may appear cheesy and even amateurish, if utilized in excessive amounts. (Cont.)
  • 14. putting the zing into wedding photography about me portfolio contact me Color popping is a contemporary take on the classic greyscale – they are black and white photos, with only a selected item/portion appearing in a vivid color. This effect can be easily created by adding a B&W adjustment layer to desaturate the image. Afterwards, select the Brush tool, set the foreground colour to black and paint over the points of interest. Colour and Contrast Image by Pixnio Of course, the most important thing about the photos is making them pop! Sharpness and colors can be used to great effect with lively scenes. You can adjust the tone of your images by using adjustment layers and tweaking the color balance, levels and hue/saturation. Cross processing is a popular method of producing a highly-stylized image, generating stunning photos which feature distorted colors and contrast. Add a Curves adjustment layer, then play around with the red, blue, green and RGB channels by adding handles and dragging them around till the desired result is achieved. Dodge and burn can be used to remedy areas that are either underexposed or overexposed. Create a new layer, change the Layer Blend Mode to Overlay and select the option for ‘Fill with Overlay- neutral color (50% gray)’. Proceed to paint over selected areas with the Brush tool with the opacity lowered, and the foreground color set to white or black to lighten or darken respectively. With these few simple techniques, you will be able to up the ante on wedding photography and bring something really memorable to the table! Return to Portfolio
  • 15. beauty retouch: the devil is in the details about me portfolio contact me Image by Pexels It could be a bad case of the breakouts, or simply a smudge of dirt. Whatever it is, the person that you are photographing is not looking their best and needs your magic touch during post processing. In this article, we will teach you how to give your images an in-depth facelift, focusing on the nitty- gritty details. It’s always a good idea to start by creating blank layers above your image to avoid destructive editing. Your Tools of Trade Image by Pexels Clone Stamp: A reliable standby for retouching, the Clone Stamp tool samples pixels from a source area with Alt+Click (or Option+Click) and copies them to your selected location. When using this tool with blank layers, ensure that the sampling option is set to Current and Below and the Aligned Sample box is checked. The Clone Stamp tool is suitable for retouching areas featuring a variety of textures or colors. Healing Brush: The Healing Brush will match the transparency, texture, lighting, and shading of the sampled area to the area that is being healed, resulting in a seamless blend. Like the Clone Stamp, you will have to select a source area with Alt+Click (or Option+Click). When using this tool with blank layers, choose the Sample All Layers option. The Healing Brush is ideal for dealing with blemishes and lines. Spot Healing Brush: Unlike the previous two tools, the Spot Healing Brush doesn’t require you to sample a source area, and works by automatically sampling texture, lighting, transparency, and shading from around the area being retouched. When using this tool with blank layers, select the Sample All Layers and Content-Aware option. The Spot Healing Brush is great for blemishes in areas with consistent texture like the forehead, cheeks or chin. (Cont.)
  • 16. beauty retouch: the devil is in the details about me portfolio contact me Eliminate Blemishes and Imperfections Image by Pexels There’s no one technique for retouching the face – you will have to adapt to the situation, using a variety of tools and experimenting with clicks, brushes and opacity to attain the result that you want. A great tip is to start with a small brush at 50 or 75% hardness, as a softer brush tends to impart an artificial ‘airbrushed’ look. Work on the image at 100% magnification and use multiple clicks or small brushstrokes to smooth away the imperfections – your editing should be invisible, even to you. For blemishes like acne, the Spot Healing Brush is your friend. Adjust the brush size to be slightly bigger than the spot, then click it away. After eliminating all isolated spots, approach the larger areas of blemishes with small brush strokes that begin from the outside and head inwards. Acne is usually darker than the surrounding skin, and you will get good results with the Lighten blend mode. When you are working with eyes, it’s always much easier if you create a separate layer to edit away the wrinkles, shadows and folds, then lower the opacity till a natural result is achieved. For deep lines and shadows, try using the Clone Stamp tool; for fine lines, head for the Healing Brush. The Healing Brush is also suitable for smile lines around the mouth. Use short, light brushstrokes for more precise control over the amount of editing that you wish to achieve. Eradicate Stray Hair Image by Libreshot Clone Stamp is awesome at getting rid of stray hair – when you are working with background that has an even gradient and texture. Use the Lighten blend mode to retouch darker hair against a lighter background, and vice versa with the Darken blend mode. For complex backgrounds, the Healing Brush is ideal for cleaning up stray hairs on skin or clothes. However, this tool does not work well with hard edges and will result in blurred bleed. In this case, go back to the Clone Stamp and fine-tune the brush’s hardness to match the transition. Always remember that less is more – unless your client specifically requests an extensive makeover, we should always aim for a natural end result! Return to Portfolio
  • 17. how much should your workout hurt? about me portfolio contact me Image by Pixnio You are sweating your way through an intense workout, and every muscle in your body is complaining. Have you inadvertently thrown your back out? Or is this what your body is supposed to feel like after all those crunches and pull-ups? This article will answer those questions, and dispel the misconception behind pain = result. Why do you hurt during a workout? Contrary to popular opinion, lactic acid build-up is not the reason for the muscle soreness that you get after a bout of strenuous exercise. Extreme exertion can trigger a metabolic process, which enables the body to break down stored fuel for energy. This results in the generation of lactate and other metabolites, raising the acidity levels of our cells and producing a burning sensation in the active muscles. This is a natural, but painful signal to stop overworking your body, inducing a rest period in which the body recovers from the lactate and other metabolites. We often believe that if we don’t ache during and after a workout, then there won’t be any tangible results at all. It is true to a certain extent – but exercising excessively can cripple your subsequent workouts due to extreme muscle pain. You may even sustain a serious injury from overtraining. If the recovery period from muscle soreness is severely interfering with your workout schedule, it’s a good sign that you are overdoing it. Image by Wikimedia What you can do, is to progressively overload your body. The gradual stimulus will improve your strength and endurance, resulting in enhanced fitness over time. When your body adapts to your current workout, you must place a greater demand on it. Challenge yourself by increasing the intensity of your training, or perhaps try a different exercise. You will feel a burning in your muscles, and a slight ache during the exertion. Immediately after your workout, the soreness will really kick in. This should lessen over the course of 2 to 4 days, and do remember to keep your muscles moving – the movement will loosen you up and reduce the tenderness. (Cont.)
  • 18. how much should your workout hurt? about me portfolio contact me Image by Pxhere Now let’s talk about the bad aches, the warning sirens for your body. If you experience localized pain, it signals muscular or joint damage. When you exercise, you are supposed to feel a uniform burn in all your active muscles, and not discomfort in just one area. Improperly-performed exercises and bad form may cause these kind of aches. This localized pain may also appear in the form of sudden, stabbing agony – there is no mistaking it, and you should stop your workout and see a doctor about it immediately. Undiagnosed and untreated pains like these can develop into long-term or permanent injuries. Pre-existing pains, or old injuries may also affect your body. Exertion can aggravate these conditions, leading to flare-ups and new damage. It is recommended to consult your doctor and a fitness trainer before you try any new exercises. Exercising is meant to enhance your health and fitness, and it is crucial to listen to your body at all times. It is not ‘tough’ to push through intense pain – don’t wear it as a badge of honour, because taking care of yourself comes first. Now that you understand your body better, your workouts will be safer and worry-free! Return to Portfolio
  • 19. weightlifting misconceptions: fact or fiction? about me portfolio contact me For many people, their knowledge of weightlifting don’t stretch beyond a mental image of sweaty dudes grunting loudly as they do their repetitions. But weightlifting is more than just grabbing heavy things and lifting them up and down. It is an excellent training regime which focuses on specific muscle groups, resulting in increased muscle mass and body strength. There are a lot of conflicting information about weightlifting out there – fellow gym enthusiasts can sometimes be the worst promoters of such misconceptions, when they helpfully dispense their own brand of training wisdom. We are here to dispel the common myths and clear the air for you. Busting the Myths Image by Pxhere Misconception #1 – Weightlifting will bulk you up While it is true that there is a potential to increase muscle mass, weightlifting alone is not enough to promote muscle growth. The huge men that you see on the covers of bodybuilding magazines are usually taking supplements that will enhance muscle building. To get bulky, you will have to gain weight by eating more – just weightlifting won’t do that for you. Women are usually concerned with bulking up when weightlifting. Fortunately, women don’t actually produce as much muscle-building testosterone as men do. Unless you are consuming a lot of calories and protein, you will only enhance your muscular endurance and increase your metabolic rate. Misconception #2 – Muscle turns into fat when you stop weightlifting This is very important: it is impossible for muscles to turn into fat cells and vice versa, as they are two different types of tissue. When you stop weightlifting, your muscles will atrophy – your muscle fibres will shrink. With less muscles to burn calories, it is definitely recommended to eat less when you stop lifting weights. On the other hand, muscles can potentially help you lose that fat. Your body burns more calories maintaining muscle than it does maintaining fat, which means the more muscle you build, the more calories your body will naturally burn each day on its own. (Cont.)
  • 20. weightlifting misconceptions: fact or fiction? about me portfolio contact me Image by Good FreePhotos Misconception #3 – Weightlifting damage the joints If your posture and exercise form are poor, you can damage your joints by lifting weights incorrectly. This is true for any exercise that you perform. When done correctly, weightlifting actually places less stress on your joints, compared to high-impact exercises like running. A study published the Journal of Rheumatology observed that when joint pain sufferers performed weight bearing exercises, they experienced a 43 percent reduction in pain after four months. The controlled, non-impact movements of weightlifting can actually improve the health of your joints by strengthening the muscles and ligaments that connects them. By developing strength in the muscles around your joints, the increased support will enable them to absorb shock better. Misconception #4 – Weightlifting decreases flexibility Weightlifting can actually result in the exact opposite. The resistance training provided by lifting weights can result in improvements to flexibility that are comparable to static stretching. To develop flexibility, it is crucial to work through a full range of motion while lifting. Lifting dumbbells all the way up and down during a chest press will make use of the full potential of your shoulders and chest. Squatting is also a great full-range exercise will give your hip muscles a stretch. Misconception #5 - Weightlifting causes high blood pressure Your blood pressure rises when you lift heavy weights, but it returns to normal after finishing your session. That is the basis of developing cardiovascular endurance. Weightlifting is actually beneficial for people with high blood pressure – it can actually lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure — by two and four percent respectively. According to the American Heart Association, 2 or 3 sessions a week is enough to start seeing positive results. Once you dissipate the fog of misunderstanding around weightlifting, its many benefits come to light. Too many people are put off by what they see as a tough exercise, when it is actually extremely versatile and adaptable. The weights are there for a reason – you can add and remove them to accommodate your body endurance. Try it for yourself, and maybe weightlifting will become your new training jam! Return to Portfolio
  • 21. the truth about going light on gluten and dairy about me portfolio contact me Image by Pxhere There are many reasons for reduced consumption of certain food categories, such as allergies and sensitivities. Flying in the face of the ubiquitous food pyramid, many are turning to the light option as a healthy alternative. But is this the right choice for you? This current fad is derived from the elimination diet, which used to be only for sufferers of food allergies. This regime exploded in popularity in the past few years, and is now the vogue choice for discerning people who wish to improve their health. However, restrictive food intake is not without its dangers. Total exclusion of gluten and dairy from your diet can have adverse effects, which is why moderation is the key here. The gluten-free diet is often touted as a fantastical catchall solution to many illnesses, which includes migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome and even mental diseases. Some may have found relief, but this does not indicate that it will work in all situations. Also, the diet must be undertaken with care, or you may run the risk of nutritional deficiencies. While gluten have no real value to health, many cereal grains that contain gluten are rich in a whole plethora of vitamins and minerals. They include fibre, B vitamins and iron – all of which are essential to maintaining good cardiovascular and intestinal health. Chowing down on gluten-free food might not be the solution either. Gluten is the ‘glue’ that binds food together and help baked goods keep their shape. In its absence, manufacturers will substitute with more fat and sugar. Eating these calorie-dense products may actually result in weight gain! It is recommended to avoid empty-calorie products made with refined cereal grains and white flour. Instead, reach for whole grain bread and steel cut oats. By cutting down on the ultra-processed fare, you are already doing your health a favour. The stance on going dairy-lite is more ambiguous. 75% of the human population have some degree of lactose intolerance, and going dairy-free might seem like the only choice. Also, consumption of dairy products has also been linked to obesity and diabetes. Nonetheless, milk is an excellent source of protein, and is packed full of essential vitamins that promotes bone health. Going dairy-lite is not as restrictive as avoiding gluten. By making smart choices, you can have your milk and drink it too! (Cont.)
  • 22. the truth about going light on gluten and dairy about me portfolio contact me Image by Libreshot If you are merely sensitive to lactose, try cheese and yogurt – after being processed, they contain less lactose and will generally go down better. Fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir contains probiotic bacteria, which will aid in digestive problems. For the truly intolerant, you can swap your regular milk for reduced-lactose and lactose-free alternatives. By adding lactase to the milk, the levels of lactose will be reduced while still retaining the same amount of vitamins and minerals. To combat the risk of obesity and diabetes, reduce consumption of full-fat dairy products. Go for healthier alternatives, such as low-fat and skimmed milk. Cut down on butter and cheese, which are high in saturated fats. However, those same fats are actually good fatty acids that will help promote the feeling of satiety! Ingesting full-fat dairy products in prudent amounts will reduce hunger pangs and keep you away from unhealthy snacking. While it is not healthful to severely restrict your diet, it is also important not to overindulge. A great rule of thumb will be to focus on eliminating processed foods from your table – a positive step towards enhancing your overall health! Return to Portfolio
  • 23. combating night-time cravings about me portfolio contact me You are kicking back in comfy pyjamas, watching your favourite late-night soap operas. Your hand creeps insidiously towards the snacks; before you know it, you are stuffing your face with chips and popcorn. Dinner was just an hour or two ago, and you are not hungry. So why are you still reaching for the snacks? Let us delve into the mystery behind getting the late night munchies, and find out how to fight off your nocturnal cravings. Why does it Taste So Good? Image by bark While the reasons behind night-time snacking are complex, there is an evolutionary trait that is a major factor in this problem. A researcher from the Oregon Health & Science University collaborated with colleagues at Harvard on a study which explains what triggers those late-night snack cravings. The study, which was published in the journal Obesity, explains that the body’s internal clock increases hunger in the evenings, causing cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods. We don’t expend much energy after an evening meal, predisposing our body to store the food we eat as energy – which means padding our body with fats. This trait helped our ancestors to store energy efficiently to survive periods of food scarcity. In our modern environment of empty-calorie snacking, this leads to unhealthy weight gain. “So, all this weight gain is not my fault, it’s an uncontrollable body function?” Not really. Our bodies may have evolved to act in this manner, but there are many other factors in this equation. Staying up late at night, nutritional imbalance, and environmental stimulations are just some of the many ways you can affect your late-night cravings. Staying up Late Artificial light has enabled the modern person to stay up later than our ancestors ever did. The study, as described above, found that we feel the most hungry in the evening, around 8:00 p.m. This naturally leads to an increased likelihood of eating high-calorie food during that time period. Going to bed earlier and choosing lower-calorie foods in the evening can help with losing weight. Shutting off all artificial light and switching off electronics, such as the television and your mobile phone, will help reduce the environmental distractions that stimulates people to keep awake at night. (Cont.)
  • 24. combating night-time cravings about me portfolio contact me Nutritional Imbalance In a world of fast food and processed snacks, it is easy to eat too much empty calories with no real nutritional value. When your nutrient intake is insufficient, your body will let you know it is not getting what it needs, and you will still feel hungry no matter how much you eat. This can exacerbate your night-time cravings. Eat well-balanced meals that have non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and lean meat. Your body will get the nutrients it needs, and a constant input of glucose to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Environmental Stimulations Studies have found that even just thinking about favourite foods can lead to an intense hankering for food. Watching advertisements and programmes about food on the television can trigger your snacking hand to start walking for the crisp packet. And that is not the only danger – the monotony of watching television can lull you into complacency, shutting off your active mind and snacking just to give your mouth and hands something to do. Shut off that television and go do something interesting and productive – read a book, play video games or go for a refreshing evening stroll. Train Your Brain Image by Max Pixel Combating night-time cravings is a mind game – making intelligent choices about food, keeping yourself busy, and most importantly, training your willpower. To stop yourself from snacking, you have to take the first step, and make a conscious decision to stop the munchies. Start by keeping a journal on your daily routine, and weed out the harmful patterns. It can be a tough fight – but it is for a new, healthier you! Return to Portfolio