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Poland is located in the middle of Europe. Poland is bordered by Germany to the West, the Czech Republic and
Slovakia to the south, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east, Russia and the Baltic Sea to the north. The Polish
flag is white-reddish. The Polish emblem is a white eagle. Poland has a population of over 38 million people. The total
area of Poland is 312 thousands square kilometers, making ninth largest country in Europe.
Warsaw by night
The central square in
Warsaw is located on the Vistula River
It’s population about 1.700.000!
Symbol of Warsaw
Poland has a very long history.
It is over 1000 year!
Long time ago POLAND
was a big kingdom
with great dynasties of kings.Boleslaus I the Brave
Ladislaus Jagiello
Casimir the Great
Winter is
cold, white
and snowy…
Autumn is colorful
and rainy…
Spring is green and
wonderfully fragrant…
Summer is mild and warm…
Great Mountains: Karpaty, Sudety, Tatry, Beskidy, Bieszczady And
Beautiful Valleys…
Great Rivers : Vistula, Odra, Warta And Very Clean Lakes
Polish sea: THE BALTYK SEA
Poland exports: helicopters, ships, tanks
and buses…
Frederick Chopin
Frederick Chopin – composer and pianist
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
Copernicus’ house in
Maria Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934)
physicist and chemist
Paris Sorbonne University
Oncology Centre in Warsaw
Sir Paul Edmund
Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817)
military leader
Monument of Strzelecki in Jindabyne
Roman Polanski – director of
Hollywood movies, Oscar winner
Justyna Kowalczyk
– a skier
Pope John Paul II
„Freedom consists not in doing what we
like, but in having the right to do what
we ought”
Lech Wałęsa leader of
Solidarity Movement
Gdansk Shipyard
Monument of the Fallen
Shipyard Workers
The Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland with 3.5 kilometers underground route for
visitors that includes historic statues, sculptures, crystal chandeliers, unusual lake.
Warszawa - Łazienki
Kraków Żelazowa Wola
Zakopane Kraków
Mountain people
Polish Miss
World 1990
Cynkow is a part of the Jura Krakowsko-Czestochowska. This
amazing upland region (usually called Jura) is situated in the
south and central part of Poland (tight strand between
Czestochowa in the north and Krakow in the south). The lie of
the land is enormously varied.
Krakowska Upland is the undulating land with numerous rocks cut by a big amount of
valleys with steep, rocky faces. In the central part of Jura we see numerous ranges of
hills covered with picturesque calcareous rocks (inselbergs) having unusual shapes.
Those inselbergs - single rocks or sometimes whole ranges are most characteristic for
Jura. They are usually seen as the tops of high and steep hills.
In such places people built their castles and watchtowers, making use of walls of the rocks,
steep slopes and their inaccessibility. One of the example of such strongholds is Eagle Foretop.
Because of its unusual landscape and defense advantages Jura was appreciated in the course of
history. The process of building the system of fortifications had already started in early middle
ages. Under the rule of Kazimierz the Great a system of fortifications was built between
Krakow and Czestochowa, which for three centuries successfully protected Poland. At that time
many castles were built on the top of inaccessible peaks. Nowadays scenic ruins of the castles
are one of the symbols of Jura.
The biggest castle is in Ogrodzieniec and the other - a bit smaller - is in Olsztyn.
Especially popular are twin castles – Mirów and Bobolice – connected by rocky
Castle in Mirów
Castle in Olsztyn
Castle in Bobolice
Castle in Rzędkowice
Along the line of castles and towers 2 fantastic trails have been marked : Eagle’s Foretops Trail (Szlak
Orlich Gniazd, with: Piaskowa Skala castle, palaces in Pilica and Zloty Potok, and ruins of Ojców, Rabsztyn,
Bydlin, Smoleń, Ogrodzieniec, Morsko, Bobolice, Mirów, Ostrężnik i Olsztyn castles) and Jura’s Fortresses
Trail (Szlak Warowni Jurajskich).
Beside that there are plenty of interesting and worth seeing attractions, like: Museum of Fire-fighters
(Alwernia), Jura’s Museum (Smolen), Regional Museum (Iwanowice), Nature History Museum (Ogrodzieniec),
Ojcowski National Park Museum, Region of Krzeszowice Museum (Krzeszowice) and Open – air Ethnographic
Museum (Wygielzow). While being there you cannot miss beautiful palaces in Balice (from the end of the
17th century), in Wola Gustowska (from the middle of the 16th century) and Potockich Palace in
Krzeszowice (from the end of the 19th century) with amazing park (about 1500 tree species you will find
Muzeum in Janów
Church in Czestochowa
The most characteristic part of that area are “Kras” (the process of erosion of rocks
caused by water and carbon dioxide, weathering) forms created by Jurassic limestone
dissolved in water. One of the typical “Kras” forms are “Kras” caves where archeologists
found Neolithic objects.
The most famous is Lokietek’s Cave. According to the legends this is the place
where Wladyslaw Lokietek found his shelter during fights over Polish throne.
This is the place where a lot of rivers
have their sources: Warta, Czarna
Przemsza, Pilica, Szreniawa.
The last most important element of the
Jurassic landscape are large sandy soils
being the remains of rivers and glacier.
At the edges of Jura, between Bledow
and Klucze there’s Bledowska Desert
called Polish Sahara. It’s surrounded by
pine forest and the dunes are being
slowly overgrown by grass.
Kras elements of the landscape have
had a great influence on the variety and
development of flora and fauna.
Leached soil constitutes about 60% of
the Upland. This area is grown mostly by
pine forests but single deciduous trees
are also seen in that area.
There are many species of plants which are hardly seen
anywhere else in our country. Those are: bladdernut and
blooming ivy growing only in very hot places.
bladdernut blooming ivy
Endemic species that are growing only on the area of Krakowsko-
Czestochowka Upland are: scurvy-grass and bedstraw growing only
on shadowy and steep faces of rocky inselbergs.
scurvy-grass bedstraw
Other plants like birches are also common in this area but they
are not endemic species.
Characteristic for Jura are protected plants like: English yew,
mezereum, bladdernut, ivy, wind flower, silver thistle and germander.
English yew
wind flower
silver thistle
Fauna of the Jura is very rich and varied. We can find there species typical of mixed forests, dry
rocky hills and landscapes cultivated by the human. Mammals are represented by about 50 species
among which there are: martens (protected), squirrels, weasel (protected), hazel dormouse, mouse,
edible dormouse, hamsters and the others. In bigger forests deer, foxes, badgers and boars live.
hazel dormouse
edible dormouse
The most interesting mammals are bats mainly lesser horseshoe bat and
greater mouse-eared bat.
200 species of birds are recognized on the area of the Upland. There are a few
species of owls, thrush, yellow wagtail and the others. There are not many hawks.
Very interesting but rare is Stone Curlew which lives on sandy soils.
Among 7 species of reptiles protected are: smooth snake
(which likes sunny areas) and sand lizard.
There are 16 species of amphibians living on the Jura. To this
group belong: smooth newt, the common toad and common frog.
Cynkow is a village in Kozieglowy district.
History of Kozieglowy dates back to
middle ages. The name of the village
comes from its establisher who had
three grey goat heads in his emblem.
Probably it looked like this:
One of the later owners of the grounds –
Nicolas of the noble clan of Foxes, to
protect himself from invaders started
building fortified castle. Probably it had
already existed in XIII-XIV century.
According to archeologists it looked like
In XIII century the castle was attacked by Tatars retreating from
Czestochowa. Despite being besieged for the whole day the people didn’t give
up. Invaders decided to besiege the castle as long as the people in the castle
had nothing to eat. At that time by the cover of night the owner of the castle
managed to escape to Wozniki. In the dungeon of the castle there had been
numerous treasures which were buried under the debris. According to the
legend they have been protected by the guardian who doesn’t let anybody to
take them. Finally the castle was destroyed by retreating Swedish troops in
1655. Today we can see only the remains of the castle.
As a result of the partition of Poland in XVIII century this district was
annexed to Russia. In 1914 those grounds were taken by Prussia and were ruled
by them until 1918. As WWII began Kozieglowy and surrounding areas got
under the rule of the Reich until 19 February 1945 when Red Army started
occupying those grounds. In 1975 administrative reform determined present
borders of the district. The head of the district is a mayor, at present this
function is held by Mr Jacek Sleczka.
Cynkow is situated near such villages like: Markowice, Winowno, Huta Stara,
Rzeniszow, Wojslawice, Zabijak.
The earliest information about Cynkow is dated to XIV century.
„Czinków has a tumultuous history. In 1444 Zbigniew Oleśnicki –
Bishop of Krakow bought this land from the Prince of Cieszyn. From
1443 to 1790 the goods of the hair of Kozieglowy land (including
Cynkow) belonged to the Krakow’s bishops. Thanks to the Four Years’
Sejm’s act the Siewierz Dutchy and Cynkow were recognised as
Polish grounds.
First information about the village was to be found in the document
from 1372. Later Barlomiej – the first village leader - bought more
ground from Krystyn I on 12.11.1409. In XV century Jan Dlugosz
wrote that Cynkow village belonged to Kozieglowy parish. People
cultivated the ground and paid predial tithe to the church and the
parish priest. There wasn’t any inns, any gardens or any manors.
The area of the village covers about 1176 hectare of land.
There are about 1290 men and women.
fire station
The most interesting Cynkow’s monument is St. Lawrence Church from
XVII century which is recognised as grade A building. It was built by
Walenty Ruraj in 1631. the church stands alone 600 metres from the
village. In 1977 a parish in Cynkow was established, separating those
grounds from the Kozieglowy parish. The first parish priest was Zygmunt
Pilarczyk. Later in 1983 the chapel was built next to the presbytery. From
1995 the masses have been celebrated in new God’s Mother the Queen of
Poland Church which was blessed in 1991. However the villagers still
celebrate St. Lawrence day.
According to the legend a noble man almost lost his life when
travelling near Cynkow. The horses which pulled his carriage
turned aside from the main road and became mired down. The
man started praying and begging St. Lawrence for help. He
promised to build the church devoted to the Saint if he saved
his life. Horses managed to free and left marshy land. The
noble man kept his promise and built the church which until this
day commemorates this event.
Our Primary School is situated in Cynkow village which is to the West from
the Warszawa-Katowice highway , 8km from Koziegłowy.
Most of the citizens are owners of little farms. The main source of their
income is production and trade of artificial Christmas trees and seasonal
trade of homemade products.
„(…)in 1885 the old building was bought from the border guards. People has built school from
wood, but the weak dark and thin building is decaying.”
There was usually one teacher in the school. It’s hard to say how many children attened to the
school at that time because their number depended on the season of the year. The distance to
the school was very long and the children had to work on the field. The Russian government
promised to build new school but the start of World War I prevented them from doing so. On
18.01.1936 the resolution which stated that new school had to be built was passed on. The
finishing works over the school building were carried out really slowly because of the lack of
money. Finally only 3 classrooms, a class for practical activities and household were available.
On 20.11.1938 all citizens of the village were the witnesses of a great event which was the
blessing of new building. At that ceremony the teachers from Rudnik Wielki and the people from
surrounding areas were present. The artistic performance included: poems recited by the
students, songs sang by the school’s choir created by Czesław Skowinski, music played by fire
fighters’ orchestra and scenical performance.
The school is surrounded by the green. There are trees and bushes round the place among
which there are a sports field with the green and a playground for younger children.
In our school each student has the possibility to learn, make progress and
cultivate his/her interests.
School’s Vision:
„our school gives the opportunity and helps
in every possible way the child to learn that
what is essential for him/her and whatever
he/she would like . We assure the access to
information and useful tips, we respect
student’s decisions, we organize the school
life so that it gives the children the sense
and possibility of taking part in common
effort, not forgetting that there is a sound
mind in a sound body”
The children from Cynkow and
Wojslawice attend to our school.
The average amount of children in class is 15 students.
Class 0
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Class V
Class VI
The Teachers
Special interests classes and additional activities.
The students have possibility to cultivate their
There are many various special interests classes:
•drama classes
•flute classes
•charity organization - Caritas
•sports club
New Year’s Feast
New Year’s Feast which is combined with the Grandpa and Grandma’s Day is one
of school’s traditions. For this special day the students prepare interesting
performance after which the feast begins at which three Cynkow’s generations
have a great fun.
Students learn to live ecologically and to take care of the
Ceremonies for the
Each year the school organizes
performances during which not only
the students but their parents and
grandparents as well as the villagers
of Cynkow and surrounding villages
but also representatives of local
authorities take part. During these
celebrations you can: watch
professional performance of the
students, have a good time during
competitions between parents and
their children or between whole
families and have the opportunity to
have a good time.
School’s Christmas Eve
In the week preceding
Christmas the whole school
experiences School’s
Christmas Eve, which is
proceeded by the Nativity
Play performed by the
students. Apart from the
students and local
community also local
authorities are invited for
the Eve.
Other celebrations
Easter baskets
Independence day
Taking part in school’s trips
students can visit interesting
places and see the
monuments around Poland.
Appointing children to students
Children form class 1 who begin their education at school have to take an oath and
the Headmaster appoints them students. Parents prepare “the horns of plenty” which
are full of sweets and are to sweeten their children’s further school life .
Greeting the Spring
On 21 of March students welcome the spring joyfully
and colourfully.
Foreign cooperation
From 2007 – 2009 our school took part in Comenius Project entitled
“ Different lives, one Europe”.
We cooperated with the following countries: England, Italy ,Romania,
Sweden, Turkey.
Poland   polska2

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Poland polska2

  • 1.
  • 2. Poland is located in the middle of Europe. Poland is bordered by Germany to the West, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east, Russia and the Baltic Sea to the north. The Polish flag is white-reddish. The Polish emblem is a white eagle. Poland has a population of over 38 million people. The total area of Poland is 312 thousands square kilometers, making ninth largest country in Europe.
  • 3. Warsaw by night The central square in Warsaw Warsaw is located on the Vistula River It’s population about 1.700.000! Symbol of Warsaw
  • 4. Poland has a very long history. It is over 1000 year! Long time ago POLAND was a big kingdom with great dynasties of kings.Boleslaus I the Brave Ladislaus Jagiello Casimir the Great
  • 5.
  • 6. Winter is cold, white and snowy… Autumn is colorful and rainy… Spring is green and wonderfully fragrant… Summer is mild and warm…
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Great Mountains: Karpaty, Sudety, Tatry, Beskidy, Bieszczady And Beautiful Valleys…
  • 14.
  • 15. Great Rivers : Vistula, Odra, Warta And Very Clean Lakes
  • 16. Polish sea: THE BALTYK SEA
  • 19.
  • 20. Poland exports: helicopters, ships, tanks and buses…
  • 23. Maria Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934) physicist and chemist Paris Sorbonne University Oncology Centre in Warsaw
  • 24. Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki (1797-1873) explorer Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817) military leader Monument of Strzelecki in Jindabyne
  • 25. Roman Polanski – director of Hollywood movies, Oscar winner Justyna Kowalczyk – a skier
  • 26. Pope John Paul II „Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought”
  • 27. Lech Wałęsa leader of Solidarity Movement Gdansk Shipyard Monument of the Fallen Shipyard Workers
  • 28.
  • 29. Wawel
  • 30. The Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland with 3.5 kilometers underground route for visitors that includes historic statues, sculptures, crystal chandeliers, unusual lake.
  • 31. Warszawa - Łazienki Kraków Żelazowa Wola Częstochowa
  • 34.
  • 37.
  • 38. Cynkow is a part of the Jura Krakowsko-Czestochowska. This amazing upland region (usually called Jura) is situated in the south and central part of Poland (tight strand between Czestochowa in the north and Krakow in the south). The lie of the land is enormously varied.
  • 39. Krakowska Upland is the undulating land with numerous rocks cut by a big amount of valleys with steep, rocky faces. In the central part of Jura we see numerous ranges of hills covered with picturesque calcareous rocks (inselbergs) having unusual shapes. Those inselbergs - single rocks or sometimes whole ranges are most characteristic for Jura. They are usually seen as the tops of high and steep hills. In such places people built their castles and watchtowers, making use of walls of the rocks, steep slopes and their inaccessibility. One of the example of such strongholds is Eagle Foretop. Because of its unusual landscape and defense advantages Jura was appreciated in the course of history. The process of building the system of fortifications had already started in early middle ages. Under the rule of Kazimierz the Great a system of fortifications was built between Krakow and Czestochowa, which for three centuries successfully protected Poland. At that time many castles were built on the top of inaccessible peaks. Nowadays scenic ruins of the castles are one of the symbols of Jura.
  • 40. The biggest castle is in Ogrodzieniec and the other - a bit smaller - is in Olsztyn. Especially popular are twin castles – Mirów and Bobolice – connected by rocky ridge. Castle in Mirów Castle in Olsztyn Castle in Bobolice Castle in Rzędkowice
  • 41. Along the line of castles and towers 2 fantastic trails have been marked : Eagle’s Foretops Trail (Szlak Orlich Gniazd, with: Piaskowa Skala castle, palaces in Pilica and Zloty Potok, and ruins of Ojców, Rabsztyn, Bydlin, Smoleń, Ogrodzieniec, Morsko, Bobolice, Mirów, Ostrężnik i Olsztyn castles) and Jura’s Fortresses Trail (Szlak Warowni Jurajskich). Beside that there are plenty of interesting and worth seeing attractions, like: Museum of Fire-fighters (Alwernia), Jura’s Museum (Smolen), Regional Museum (Iwanowice), Nature History Museum (Ogrodzieniec), Ojcowski National Park Museum, Region of Krzeszowice Museum (Krzeszowice) and Open – air Ethnographic Museum (Wygielzow). While being there you cannot miss beautiful palaces in Balice (from the end of the 17th century), in Wola Gustowska (from the middle of the 16th century) and Potockich Palace in Krzeszowice (from the end of the 19th century) with amazing park (about 1500 tree species you will find there). Muzeum in Janów Church in Czestochowa
  • 42.
  • 43. The most characteristic part of that area are “Kras” (the process of erosion of rocks caused by water and carbon dioxide, weathering) forms created by Jurassic limestone dissolved in water. One of the typical “Kras” forms are “Kras” caves where archeologists found Neolithic objects. The most famous is Lokietek’s Cave. According to the legends this is the place where Wladyslaw Lokietek found his shelter during fights over Polish throne.
  • 44. This is the place where a lot of rivers have their sources: Warta, Czarna Przemsza, Pilica, Szreniawa. The last most important element of the Jurassic landscape are large sandy soils being the remains of rivers and glacier. At the edges of Jura, between Bledow and Klucze there’s Bledowska Desert called Polish Sahara. It’s surrounded by pine forest and the dunes are being slowly overgrown by grass. Kras elements of the landscape have had a great influence on the variety and development of flora and fauna. Leached soil constitutes about 60% of the Upland. This area is grown mostly by pine forests but single deciduous trees are also seen in that area.
  • 45. There are many species of plants which are hardly seen anywhere else in our country. Those are: bladdernut and blooming ivy growing only in very hot places. bladdernut blooming ivy
  • 46. Endemic species that are growing only on the area of Krakowsko- Czestochowka Upland are: scurvy-grass and bedstraw growing only on shadowy and steep faces of rocky inselbergs. scurvy-grass bedstraw
  • 47. Other plants like birches are also common in this area but they are not endemic species. birches
  • 48. Characteristic for Jura are protected plants like: English yew, mezereum, bladdernut, ivy, wind flower, silver thistle and germander. English yew mezereum wind flower silver thistle germander
  • 49. Fauna of the Jura is very rich and varied. We can find there species typical of mixed forests, dry rocky hills and landscapes cultivated by the human. Mammals are represented by about 50 species among which there are: martens (protected), squirrels, weasel (protected), hazel dormouse, mouse, edible dormouse, hamsters and the others. In bigger forests deer, foxes, badgers and boars live. weasel squirrels hazel dormouse mouse edible dormouse hamsters deer foxes boar
  • 50. The most interesting mammals are bats mainly lesser horseshoe bat and greater mouse-eared bat. 200 species of birds are recognized on the area of the Upland. There are a few species of owls, thrush, yellow wagtail and the others. There are not many hawks. thrush
  • 51. hawk yellow wagtail Very interesting but rare is Stone Curlew which lives on sandy soils. owl
  • 52. Among 7 species of reptiles protected are: smooth snake (which likes sunny areas) and sand lizard. There are 16 species of amphibians living on the Jura. To this group belong: smooth newt, the common toad and common frog.
  • 53. Cynkow is a village in Kozieglowy district. History of Kozieglowy dates back to middle ages. The name of the village comes from its establisher who had three grey goat heads in his emblem. Probably it looked like this: One of the later owners of the grounds – Nicolas of the noble clan of Foxes, to protect himself from invaders started building fortified castle. Probably it had already existed in XIII-XIV century. According to archeologists it looked like this:
  • 54. In XIII century the castle was attacked by Tatars retreating from Czestochowa. Despite being besieged for the whole day the people didn’t give up. Invaders decided to besiege the castle as long as the people in the castle had nothing to eat. At that time by the cover of night the owner of the castle managed to escape to Wozniki. In the dungeon of the castle there had been numerous treasures which were buried under the debris. According to the legend they have been protected by the guardian who doesn’t let anybody to take them. Finally the castle was destroyed by retreating Swedish troops in 1655. Today we can see only the remains of the castle. As a result of the partition of Poland in XVIII century this district was annexed to Russia. In 1914 those grounds were taken by Prussia and were ruled by them until 1918. As WWII began Kozieglowy and surrounding areas got under the rule of the Reich until 19 February 1945 when Red Army started occupying those grounds. In 1975 administrative reform determined present borders of the district. The head of the district is a mayor, at present this function is held by Mr Jacek Sleczka. Cynkow is situated near such villages like: Markowice, Winowno, Huta Stara, Rzeniszow, Wojslawice, Zabijak. The earliest information about Cynkow is dated to XIV century.
  • 55. „Czinków has a tumultuous history. In 1444 Zbigniew Oleśnicki – Bishop of Krakow bought this land from the Prince of Cieszyn. From 1443 to 1790 the goods of the hair of Kozieglowy land (including Cynkow) belonged to the Krakow’s bishops. Thanks to the Four Years’ Sejm’s act the Siewierz Dutchy and Cynkow were recognised as Polish grounds. First information about the village was to be found in the document from 1372. Later Barlomiej – the first village leader - bought more ground from Krystyn I on 12.11.1409. In XV century Jan Dlugosz wrote that Cynkow village belonged to Kozieglowy parish. People cultivated the ground and paid predial tithe to the church and the parish priest. There wasn’t any inns, any gardens or any manors.
  • 56. The area of the village covers about 1176 hectare of land. There are about 1290 men and women. forester’s lodge fire station
  • 57. The most interesting Cynkow’s monument is St. Lawrence Church from XVII century which is recognised as grade A building. It was built by Walenty Ruraj in 1631. the church stands alone 600 metres from the village. In 1977 a parish in Cynkow was established, separating those grounds from the Kozieglowy parish. The first parish priest was Zygmunt Pilarczyk. Later in 1983 the chapel was built next to the presbytery. From 1995 the masses have been celebrated in new God’s Mother the Queen of Poland Church which was blessed in 1991. However the villagers still celebrate St. Lawrence day.
  • 58. According to the legend a noble man almost lost his life when travelling near Cynkow. The horses which pulled his carriage turned aside from the main road and became mired down. The man started praying and begging St. Lawrence for help. He promised to build the church devoted to the Saint if he saved his life. Horses managed to free and left marshy land. The noble man kept his promise and built the church which until this day commemorates this event.
  • 59. Our Primary School is situated in Cynkow village which is to the West from the Warszawa-Katowice highway , 8km from Koziegłowy. Most of the citizens are owners of little farms. The main source of their income is production and trade of artificial Christmas trees and seasonal trade of homemade products.
  • 60. „(…)in 1885 the old building was bought from the border guards. People has built school from wood, but the weak dark and thin building is decaying.” There was usually one teacher in the school. It’s hard to say how many children attened to the school at that time because their number depended on the season of the year. The distance to the school was very long and the children had to work on the field. The Russian government promised to build new school but the start of World War I prevented them from doing so. On 18.01.1936 the resolution which stated that new school had to be built was passed on. The finishing works over the school building were carried out really slowly because of the lack of money. Finally only 3 classrooms, a class for practical activities and household were available. On 20.11.1938 all citizens of the village were the witnesses of a great event which was the blessing of new building. At that ceremony the teachers from Rudnik Wielki and the people from surrounding areas were present. The artistic performance included: poems recited by the students, songs sang by the school’s choir created by Czesław Skowinski, music played by fire fighters’ orchestra and scenical performance.
  • 61. The school is surrounded by the green. There are trees and bushes round the place among which there are a sports field with the green and a playground for younger children.
  • 62. In our school each student has the possibility to learn, make progress and cultivate his/her interests. School’s Vision: „our school gives the opportunity and helps in every possible way the child to learn that what is essential for him/her and whatever he/she would like . We assure the access to information and useful tips, we respect student’s decisions, we organize the school life so that it gives the children the sense and possibility of taking part in common effort, not forgetting that there is a sound mind in a sound body”
  • 63. The children from Cynkow and Wojslawice attend to our school.
  • 64. The average amount of children in class is 15 students. Class 0
  • 73. Special interests classes and additional activities. The students have possibility to cultivate their interests. There are many various special interests classes: •Polish •Maths •German •English •drama classes •flute classes •charity organization - Caritas •sports club
  • 74. New Year’s Feast New Year’s Feast which is combined with the Grandpa and Grandma’s Day is one of school’s traditions. For this special day the students prepare interesting performance after which the feast begins at which three Cynkow’s generations have a great fun.
  • 75. Ecology. Students learn to live ecologically and to take care of the environment.
  • 76. Ceremonies for the community Each year the school organizes performances during which not only the students but their parents and grandparents as well as the villagers of Cynkow and surrounding villages but also representatives of local authorities take part. During these celebrations you can: watch professional performance of the students, have a good time during competitions between parents and their children or between whole families and have the opportunity to have a good time.
  • 77. School’s Christmas Eve In the week preceding Christmas the whole school experiences School’s Christmas Eve, which is proceeded by the Nativity Play performed by the students. Apart from the students and local community also local authorities are invited for the Eve.
  • 79. Trips Taking part in school’s trips students can visit interesting places and see the monuments around Poland.
  • 80. Appointing children to students Children form class 1 who begin their education at school have to take an oath and the Headmaster appoints them students. Parents prepare “the horns of plenty” which are full of sweets and are to sweeten their children’s further school life .
  • 81. Greeting the Spring On 21 of March students welcome the spring joyfully and colourfully.
  • 82. Foreign cooperation From 2007 – 2009 our school took part in Comenius Project entitled “ Different lives, one Europe”. We cooperated with the following countries: England, Italy ,Romania, Sweden, Turkey.