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Poetry Dedication
          -Rylee Shaw
I’ve decided to dedicate this project to my mother, Jennyfer Shaw. I want
to do this for her to show some sort of appreciation because I know that I
don’t do it often. My mom is my best friend. This doesn’t even begin to
show all of the thanks that she deserves, but I hope that this will stand for
something. My mother has stood beside me through thick and thin, and
even though we have our differences like every mother and daughter in
this world, there is no one else that I could count on more than I can
count on her. When I’m happy, she is happy. When I’m sad, she is sad but
no matter what emotion I’m feeling and no matter what situation in life
that I’m growing through, my mother is right there. She never lets me
down. She has done so many things for me and still to this day, 18 years
later, goes out of her way to try to please me, even if I don’t deserve it.
She’s a hero in my eyes and she’s a warrior because she has conquered
things that I don’t know if I would ever be able to handle it but it almost
gives me a hope. A hope that reassures me that one day, when life throws
a curveball at me, I’ll get though it because she is my mother and she
taught me how to. My mother held my hand for years but she will hold my
heart for the rest of my life. I believe that mothers and daughters have a
special bond and I truly pity the girls who’ve had to grow up without their
mother because I’d be lost without mine and I’m so truly thankful that
God has given me an amazing life with an amazing family. I can only hope
to be the kind of woman that my mom has become. She is my hope. She
is my inspiration. Thank you, mom. For everything.
My 5 original poems

   My Gram and my mother are the most radiant, beautiful and intelligent women that I
 know. Without them, I can’t even begin to contemplate where I’d be in my life. It seems
  as if in each stage of my life, I need them both to help pull me through something new
and difficult that I’m facing. Each time is different and each time they know exactly what
       to do and how to handle it. Each year as I get older, I need their guidance with
  something. They are so wise and I hope to one day be able to hold on to each piece of
advice that they’ve given me and give it to my daughter or son and then onto my grand-
 daughter or grand-son. When I was younger, I didn’t realize how much God had blessed
     me. Each season I’ve named after my gram and my mom because it truly fits their
personality, how I see them and how special they are to me. They are two very important
    people to me and they mean more than words can possibly express. When I look at
 them, they inspire me. They make me want to be a better person than what I am. They
    stand beside me, they support me, they are always there for advice, and because of
   that, I’m thankful because I know that not everyone is granted such a wonderful gift.
                 That’s what they are to me, and I don’t intend on wasting it.


                            We are three generations
                                    My Gram
                                 My mom and I
                           We also are three seasons
                           That are passing gently by
                            My Gram is early Autumn
                             And I myself am Spring
                          My mom, well she is Summer
                     We possess the good those seasons bring
   I wrote this poem about myself. I’m sure it also fits the lives of many other teenagers
    who have grown up in small towns or one small hometown all their lives. Everyday I
    dream of seeing the place where I grew up in my rearview mirror because I wish to
achieve greater things than my area has to offer. I’d love to live on my own in a far away
  city, go to college and start a life of my own that is completely different from what I’ve
  ever known. It’s a scary thought, but it’s also an exciting thought just because I know
 that it’s a possibility for me and I want to go far. I know that one day when I’m packing
my bags, getting ready to leave my home, my family, my friends and my neighbors, that
 a feeling of grief will wash over me. As much as I dread my town, I know that I will end
   up missing it because it’s my home and it’s where I’ve always felt comfortable. Years
 from now, after I’ve experienced more things, I hope to be married with kids. I’m going
to eventually settle down with my family in a safe, small neighborhood just like the one I
                                           grew up in.


                             When you live in a little town
                              You dream of bigger places
                                 Of high-rise buildings
                                    Big bright lights
                               And even different faces
                                 I love my little family
                               They're faces that I love
                                      But one day
                                       Some day
                      I will see the things that I've dreamed of
From the time I was able to attend school, which was around four years old, I was told
that my time from pre-school to 12th grade would fly past. I never believed anyone. I
dreaded school with a passion, all I’ve ever wanted to do since I started was to graduate.
I know for a fact that I have wished away my childhood like it was nothing because it
didn’t mean a lot to me when I was young and now here I am, a senior in high school at
PAVCS. I never dreamed my life would have taken the route that it has or that my youth
would speed past faster than anything I’ve ever experienced but it has. This year as I
filled out a college application to one of my favorite colleges, I couldn’t help but stop to
think that I can’t believe I’m 18 years old and applying to Penn State University. I
couldn’t possibly be this old already. Wasn’t I just 10 the other day playing with my
friends from next door? I don’t exactly know where I’m going with my life and it’s a fear
of mine. I know that I want to go places and meet all kinds of new people but I’m not
sure when. I was accepted into PSU but right now I’m deciding whether I want to go
straight away or maybe work for a year to save up money and then proceed my dreams.
I have my entire life ahead of me and I know we aren’t promised tomorrow but
everything happens for a reason and things will come to me as they are supposed to.

                                 I don't like to admit it
                                But I have a hidden fear
                             I think that being on my own
                                 May take another year

This year on May 1st, 2012, I lost one of my best friends. My dog, Bella. I had her since I
   was 13 years old and just in the 7th grade. She recently became sick and wouldn’t eat
      and seemed to be in a lot of pain. We made countless visits to the vet and spent
  hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what the problem was. Eventually, I decided to
 get a second opinion. The moment I walked her into the veterinary office, the Dr. looked
 at her and knew right away what the problem was. He said that he had felt a mass built
up into her stomach and told me that he thought for sure that it was a tumor but asked if
    he could run some x-rays to be sure. I knew then at that moment that my dog most
  likely wasn’t going to make that trip home with me. A few minutes later, he carries her
 back in as she looks over to me with sad eyes. The vet told me that Bella was diagnosed
  with Lymphoma and that she was also in a lot of pain because her spleen was enlarged
and that the only way we could save her was to give her a bone marrow transplant which
would cost around $900 and even then, it was not guaranteed to work. The only choice I
 had was to put her to sleep. I held her as the vet injected the needle and I talked to her
  until I felt her breath slow and her heart come to a stop. After I came home, my heart
was broken and I couldn’t bare to be home without her, it felt so empty and so to help fill
that void that I felt, I adopted a puppy and named him Luka. He’s a sweetheart and even
      though he has helped stop the sadness that I felt, no one will ever replace Bella.


                                      I have a dog
                                    My dog is great
                                   He's always there
                                     And never late
                              At least not late for supper
                                Nor ever late for snack
                                    And if by chance
                                      That I forget
                                         I think
                                    He might attack

         This poem that I wrote is about a girl who is adjusting from childhood into
adulthood, someone like myself. You’re not a girl, yet you’re not a woman and to me, it’s
sort of a difficult stage. You’re expected to act like an adult, but you’re still treated like a
   child(in most cases). As I’m leaving my teen years, I’m figuring myself out just like
  everyone else my age. I definitely feel like I’m opening new doors in my life and I’m
   searching for what I want to do and who I want to be or just how I want to live my
   life, and it isn’t an easy task. I look back on all the years as I’ve grown up and I’m
    wondering where the time has gone. I love to sit back with friends and family and
reminisce on the old times and then we gather around to sit and talk about the new and
 what our future holds. I believe everyone leaving their teenage years, turning into their
 early 20’s feels like this, at some point in their time. I’m not positive on what my future
  holds or what my destiny is, but I put faith in the idea that God has a plan for me. A
 great plan. He won’t give me something that I can’t handle. I’m ready to take on what
                                  life has next in store for me!


                                        Away, away
                                        My early life
                               Has passed away too soon
                                I feel like I have entered
                               In a door that takes me far
                               Perhaps not far in distance
                                 I'm not living on a star
                              But I am not the child I was
                             And not the woman I WILL be..
                              I'm just upon the threshold
                                      Of my destiny
5 Published Poems
“Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of
        Dante Alighieri wrote the poem         always.
 “Remember Tonight”. It has always been        A promise. Like a reward for persisting through
one of my favorites and I first heard it on    life so long alone.
 a television show. This poem talks about      A belief in each other and the possibility of
  a marriage and how you will remember
tonight because a marriage should be the       love.
     beginning of always. No matter what       A decision to ignore, simply rise above the pain
  you’ve been through before, no matter        of the past.
what pain you’ve felt, you have a belief in    A covenant, which at once binds two souls and
each other and a love that is ever lasting.
        The speaker was Dante, himself         yet severs prior ties.
     addressing any reader, to give them       A celebration of the chance taken and the
            advice to not take life for        challenge that lies ahead.
 granted, because so many people do so.        For two will always be stronger than one, like a
 You realize what you do today will affect
 your life tomorrow so you remember the        team braced against the tempest civil world.
  important things in life and you cherish     And love will always be the guiding force in our
 them, such as a marriage because once         lives. For tonight is mere formality.
   you bind those two ties, you’ve mad a       Only an announcement to the world of feelings
promise to God to be with that person for
 the rest of your life. In this poem, you’ll   long held. Promises made long ago.
        find symbolism and hopeful and         In the sacred spaces of our hearts”
    loving, innocent and real images. The
   tone in this poem to me is hopeful and      -Dante Alighieri
inspiring, full of adoration and realization
     for the things ahead in your life that
you’re about to face. The kind of tone and      Title: Remember Tonight
    images that run through your head at        Dramatic Situation: A marriage that rises above all else
     night, not allowing you to fall asleep.    Speaker: Dante Alighieri
  “Remember Tonight” is a 10 line stanza        Addressee: The reader, to give advice to anyone to not take life for
with a theme of a love that will always be      granted.
      your guiding force throughout your        Occasion: To give advice to anyone to not take life for granted
lifetime, rising above all else in the world    Subject: Realizing that what you do today, will affect your life
  because you have that one person, you         tomorrow so remember the things you do tonight because it is and will
  have a love and a belief in one another.      always be the beginning of your forever.
 The diction of this poem is engaging and       Images: Symbolism, allusion, innocence, hopeful
  optimistic and entirely full of passion. I    Tone: Inspiring, hopeful, adoration, realization
chose this poem for my reader because it        Structure: 10 line stanza
  reminds me of a love that she has with        Theme: A love will always be your guiding force, a marriage that is so
     my father, and the kind of love that I     beautiful it rises above everything else, a belief in one another.
                                                Diction; Passion, engaging, optimistic
             want to have some day.
Title: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
                                            Dramatic Situation: Dealing with a death
                                            Speaker: Mary Elizabeth Frye
                                            Addressee: To those of who are close to Mary after she passes, or to
                                            anyone dealing with the death of a loved one.
                                            Occasion: Learning to deal with a death of someone close, to not cry
“Do not stand at my grave and weep          but to cherish memories.
                                            Images: Symbolism, metaphors, calming, serene, winds, diamond
                                            on snow, ripened grain, gentle autumn rain, morning’s
I am not there; I do not sleep.             hush, uplifting rush.
                                            Tone: Uplifting, encouraging, inspirational
I am a thousand winds that blow,            Structure:
                                            Rhyme Scheme: ababcdcd
                                            Title Symbolism: Do not weep for the departed, for the are happy
I am the diamond glints on snow,            and will meet again.
                                            Theme: Keeping those passed loved ones in your heart, but to be
                                            happy for them and to know that you will be with them again
I am the sun on ripened grain,              someday, do not cry.
                                            Diction: Straight-forward, calming, hopeful.

I am the gentle autumn rain.
                                           Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep is one of the most
When you awaken in the morning’s hush      beautiful poems I’ve ever read. Everyone in this world dies but
                                           not everyone knows how to deal with it. One day or
                                           another, you will lose a loved one and throughout your
I am the swift uplifting rush              life, some lose many. In this poem, it teaches you how to deal
                                           with an accident such as this. It teaches you how to deal with
Of quiet birds in circled flight.          death. The speaker is coming from the point of one who has
                                           passed and moved onto the next life. They are addressing their
I am the soft stars that shine at night.   loved ones who weep over them and who miss them. This poem
                                           is showing you to not weep over a loved one, but to put them in
                                           your heart ad cherish your memories with them for the rest of
Do not stand at my grave and cry,          your life. They do not want to be remembered by you being sad
                                           and hurt. There are lovely cases of symbolism and metaphors
I am not there; I did not die.”            with calming and serene feelings to this poem. There are winds
                                           with diamonds on snow, ripened gran, with gentle autumn
                                           rain, your morning’s hush, uplifting rush. Those images are how
-Mary Elizabeth Frye                       people want to be remembered after they have died. The rhyme
                                           scheme is abab and then it changes onto c and d. The title
                                           symbolism is the main point of the entire poem. Do not weep for
                                           those who have gone onto life after death, because they are
                                           happy and know that you will one day meet again. The theme
                                           tells you to not cry, keep your loved one in the safest place of
                                           your heart and relive your wonderful memories over and over in
                                           your head so that you do not forget them. The diction of this
                                           poem is straight-forward. It tells all. It is calming and it is
                                           hopeful as it has helped many people throughout the years, deal
                                           with death. I chose this poem for my reader because she was
                                           the person who was there for me the most when I lost one of
                                           my best friends to a tragic car accident 4 years ago.
“dive for dreams                       Title: Dive for Dreams
                                       Dramatic Situation: Taking numerous risks or chances throughout life.
or a slogan may topple you
                                       Speaker: E.E. Cummings
(trees are their roots                 Addressee: The reader
                                       Occasion: Search for your own ideas, dream big
and wind is wind)                      Subject: Diving for your dreams, don’t let anyone hold you down. Do what you
trust your heart                       have to do and be you.
                                       Images: Metaphor, trees and wind, sea’s and fire, live and love
if the seas catch fire                 Tone: Cheerful, enlivening, pleasant
(and live by love
                                       Title Symbolism: Chase your dreams, don’t stop at any length
                                       Theme: Keep searching for what you want in life or you wont ever grasp it and to
though the stars walk backward)        trust in your heart and to use it to love
                                       Diction: accelerating, jaunty, vivacious, optimistic
honour the past

but welcome the future

(and dance your death                  Dive for dreams was sort of difficult for me to understand at first but
                                       now I realize that what he’s saying is the truth. I appreciate E.E.
away at the wedding)
                                       Cummings’ work
never mind a world                     and I love this piece. The title is call Dive for Dreams which is pretty
with its villains or heroes            self explanatory. To get where you want to go in life, you dive for your
                                       dreams. You don’t stop for anyone or anything, you do what you have
(for good likes girls
                                       to do to get where you want to go. The dramatic situation is about
and tomorrow and the earth)            taking numerous risks or chances throughout life, don’t hold back. The
in spite of everything
                                       speaker would be E.E. Cummings giving his readers advice on how to
                                       pursue your dreams. The occasion is searching for your own
which breathes and moves, since Doom   ideas, finding out what you want to do and the type of person that you
(with white longest hands              want to be. Along with the subject, going to any length to get what you
                                       want in life, because you live once, you need to make your time
neating each crease)
                                       worthy. Dream big! Achieve great things! There are metaphors all
will smooth entirely our minds         throughout this poem, which I love: the trees and wind, the sea’s and
-before leaving my room                fire, how you live and love. It makes the tone cheerful, enlivening and
                                       mostly pleasant. When you talk about going after your
i turn, and (stooping
                                       dreams, knowing you aren’t that far, it makes you happy and cheery.
through the morning) kiss              The title is what defines the entire poem, don’t stop or give up what
this pillow, dear
                                       you are trying to reach. Everyone deserves to get their dream. The
                                       theme teaches you to keep on searching, grasp it and take it because
where our heads lived and were. “      you deserve it. You need to use your heart and use it to love. The
-E.E. Cummings
                                       diction is jaunty, vivacious and it made me feel extremely optimistic. I
                                       chose this poem for my reader because she also wants me and pushes
                                       me to dive for my dreams.
Title: Hope is the thing with feathers
                                       Dramatic Situation:
                                       Speaker: Emily Dickinson/Unknown Narrator
“HOPE is the thing with feathers       Addressee: The Reader
                                       Occasion: Learning to find hope in yourself
                                       Subject: Turning inwards and feeling safe and secure, finding the hope that has
That perches in the soul,              perched upon your soul and avoiding the outside world.
                                       Images: Imagery, metaphor, feathers, soul, gale, storm
And sings the tune without the         Tone: bittersweet, poignant
words,                                 Structure: 3 line stanza
                                       Rhyme Scheme: ABAB for the first four lines, no continuing straight-forward rhyme
And never stops at all,                scheme.
                                       Title Symbolism: Finding hope
                                       Theme: Finding hope coming from within, the only way you can. Hope is sweetest
                                       during a storm.
And sweetest in the gale is heard;     Diction: A simple poem with a simple meaning

                                       Emily Dickinson wrote this poem about hope. It shows how she
And sore must be the storm
                                       turned herself from the rest of the world, when she was going
That could abash the little bird       through tough times, “the storm” and found hope coming to her from
                                       within. Which is where most people find hope, from themselves. The
That kept so many warm.                speaker I would like to believe is Emily, herself but it could also be
                                       coming from the point of an unknown narrator. The addressee would
                                       be the reader, or to someone who is going through a “storm” and
I ’ve heard it in the chillest land,   needs to find hope, the thing with the feathers. The occasion is
                                       learning to find the hope in yourself, it’s buried in every soul. Subject
                                       is turning inwards, feeling safe and secure while searching yourself
And on the strangest sea;
                                       for the hope that is perched upon your soul, avoiding the outside
Yet, never, in extremity,              world. Dickinson used imagery a lot in this poem, along with
                                       metaphors, feathers, soul, abash and storm. To me, “Hope” was
It asked a crumb of me.”               bittersweet and poignant. Only because you are finding the hope, but
                                       you have to go through the storm and rough patches of your life
                                       before you realize it’s what you need and where you need to go to
-Emily Dickinson                       reach it. The structure is a 3 line stanza with a rhyme scheme of
                                       ABAB for the first four lines, no continuing straight-forward scheme.
                                       When you find hope is the title symbolism, it is also straight-forward.
                                       The theme and message coming from this simple poem is reaching
                                       within yourself and finding hope to go on another day, the only way
                                       you can. Hope is the sweetest during a storm. I chose this poem for
                                       my reader because she is who I hope to be like, my inspiration.
“There is a place where the sidewalk ends       Title: Where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,                   Dramatic Situation: Leaving darker streets to get to the end of the
And there the grass grows soft and white,       Speaker: Shel Silverstein
                                                Addressee: The reader
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
                                                Occasion: Getting to where the sidewalk ends
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight   Subject: Leaving past things to move on to the future.
                                                Images: before the street begins, grass grows soft and white, moon-bird
To cool in the peppermint wind.                 rests, peppermint winds, smoke blows black, asphalt flowers
                                                Tone: Happy, high-spirits, elated
                                                Structure: 3 stanza
Let us leave this place where the smoke         Rhyme Scheme: AABBBA CADDDA DDDA
blows black                                     Title Symbolism: There are brighter days ahead
                                                Theme: Leaving bad things behind and looking towards bigger and
And the dark street winds and bends.            brighter things in the future.
                                                Diction: There’s a greater place where the sidewalk ends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured      Shel Silverstein wrote “Where The Sidewalk Ends”. A poem about
and slow,                                       leaving darker streets/times to get to the end of the sidewalk.
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go       Kind of like the phrase “The grass is always greener on the other
                                                side. The addressee would be the reader/audience learning the
To the place where the sidewalk ends.           occasion of the poem which is set on getting to where the
                                                sidewalk ends. Pushing through tough times and working
                                                hard, gets you to brighter, sunny days. There are many images
Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured     used throughout: before the street begins, grass grows soft and
and slow,                                       white, moon-bird rests, peppermint winds, smoke blows
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows       black, asphalt flowers. The tone to me seemed to be
go,                                             happy, optimistic, high-spirited, elated and so forth. The structure
                                                of this poem is 3-stanza with a rhyme scheme of AABBBA
For the children, they mark, and the            CADDDA DDDA. The title symbolism is showing you that the
children, they know
                                                sidewalk does come to and end and you have to pave it correctly
The place where the sidewalk ends.”             to have brighter days after you leave the sidewalk. The theme of
                                                this poem is about leaving bad things behind and looking towards
                                                larger, more radiant things on the road ahead. There’s a greater
-Shel Silverstein
                                                place where the sidewalk ends. I chose this poem for my
                                                reader, because she used to read this poem to me a lot when I
                                                was younger.
Bibliography Page!

                                                  Remember Tonight:

                                  Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep:

                                                      Dive for dreams:

HOPE is the thing with feathers:

                                           Where the sidewalk ends:

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Poetry dedication project2 rylee shaw

  • 2. I’ve decided to dedicate this project to my mother, Jennyfer Shaw. I want to do this for her to show some sort of appreciation because I know that I don’t do it often. My mom is my best friend. This doesn’t even begin to show all of the thanks that she deserves, but I hope that this will stand for something. My mother has stood beside me through thick and thin, and even though we have our differences like every mother and daughter in this world, there is no one else that I could count on more than I can count on her. When I’m happy, she is happy. When I’m sad, she is sad but no matter what emotion I’m feeling and no matter what situation in life that I’m growing through, my mother is right there. She never lets me down. She has done so many things for me and still to this day, 18 years later, goes out of her way to try to please me, even if I don’t deserve it. She’s a hero in my eyes and she’s a warrior because she has conquered things that I don’t know if I would ever be able to handle it but it almost gives me a hope. A hope that reassures me that one day, when life throws a curveball at me, I’ll get though it because she is my mother and she taught me how to. My mother held my hand for years but she will hold my heart for the rest of my life. I believe that mothers and daughters have a special bond and I truly pity the girls who’ve had to grow up without their mother because I’d be lost without mine and I’m so truly thankful that God has given me an amazing life with an amazing family. I can only hope to be the kind of woman that my mom has become. She is my hope. She is my inspiration. Thank you, mom. For everything.
  • 4. Introduction; My Gram and my mother are the most radiant, beautiful and intelligent women that I know. Without them, I can’t even begin to contemplate where I’d be in my life. It seems as if in each stage of my life, I need them both to help pull me through something new and difficult that I’m facing. Each time is different and each time they know exactly what to do and how to handle it. Each year as I get older, I need their guidance with something. They are so wise and I hope to one day be able to hold on to each piece of advice that they’ve given me and give it to my daughter or son and then onto my grand- daughter or grand-son. When I was younger, I didn’t realize how much God had blessed me. Each season I’ve named after my gram and my mom because it truly fits their personality, how I see them and how special they are to me. They are two very important people to me and they mean more than words can possibly express. When I look at them, they inspire me. They make me want to be a better person than what I am. They stand beside me, they support me, they are always there for advice, and because of that, I’m thankful because I know that not everyone is granted such a wonderful gift. That’s what they are to me, and I don’t intend on wasting it. Poem; We are three generations My Gram My mom and I We also are three seasons That are passing gently by My Gram is early Autumn And I myself am Spring My mom, well she is Summer We possess the good those seasons bring
  • 5. Introduction; I wrote this poem about myself. I’m sure it also fits the lives of many other teenagers who have grown up in small towns or one small hometown all their lives. Everyday I dream of seeing the place where I grew up in my rearview mirror because I wish to achieve greater things than my area has to offer. I’d love to live on my own in a far away city, go to college and start a life of my own that is completely different from what I’ve ever known. It’s a scary thought, but it’s also an exciting thought just because I know that it’s a possibility for me and I want to go far. I know that one day when I’m packing my bags, getting ready to leave my home, my family, my friends and my neighbors, that a feeling of grief will wash over me. As much as I dread my town, I know that I will end up missing it because it’s my home and it’s where I’ve always felt comfortable. Years from now, after I’ve experienced more things, I hope to be married with kids. I’m going to eventually settle down with my family in a safe, small neighborhood just like the one I grew up in. Poem; When you live in a little town You dream of bigger places Of high-rise buildings Big bright lights And even different faces I love my little family They're faces that I love But one day Some day I will see the things that I've dreamed of
  • 6. Introduction; From the time I was able to attend school, which was around four years old, I was told that my time from pre-school to 12th grade would fly past. I never believed anyone. I dreaded school with a passion, all I’ve ever wanted to do since I started was to graduate. I know for a fact that I have wished away my childhood like it was nothing because it didn’t mean a lot to me when I was young and now here I am, a senior in high school at PAVCS. I never dreamed my life would have taken the route that it has or that my youth would speed past faster than anything I’ve ever experienced but it has. This year as I filled out a college application to one of my favorite colleges, I couldn’t help but stop to think that I can’t believe I’m 18 years old and applying to Penn State University. I couldn’t possibly be this old already. Wasn’t I just 10 the other day playing with my friends from next door? I don’t exactly know where I’m going with my life and it’s a fear of mine. I know that I want to go places and meet all kinds of new people but I’m not sure when. I was accepted into PSU but right now I’m deciding whether I want to go straight away or maybe work for a year to save up money and then proceed my dreams. I have my entire life ahead of me and I know we aren’t promised tomorrow but everything happens for a reason and things will come to me as they are supposed to. Poem; I don't like to admit it But I have a hidden fear I think that being on my own May take another year
  • 7. Introduction; This year on May 1st, 2012, I lost one of my best friends. My dog, Bella. I had her since I was 13 years old and just in the 7th grade. She recently became sick and wouldn’t eat and seemed to be in a lot of pain. We made countless visits to the vet and spent hundreds of dollars trying to figure out what the problem was. Eventually, I decided to get a second opinion. The moment I walked her into the veterinary office, the Dr. looked at her and knew right away what the problem was. He said that he had felt a mass built up into her stomach and told me that he thought for sure that it was a tumor but asked if he could run some x-rays to be sure. I knew then at that moment that my dog most likely wasn’t going to make that trip home with me. A few minutes later, he carries her back in as she looks over to me with sad eyes. The vet told me that Bella was diagnosed with Lymphoma and that she was also in a lot of pain because her spleen was enlarged and that the only way we could save her was to give her a bone marrow transplant which would cost around $900 and even then, it was not guaranteed to work. The only choice I had was to put her to sleep. I held her as the vet injected the needle and I talked to her until I felt her breath slow and her heart come to a stop. After I came home, my heart was broken and I couldn’t bare to be home without her, it felt so empty and so to help fill that void that I felt, I adopted a puppy and named him Luka. He’s a sweetheart and even though he has helped stop the sadness that I felt, no one will ever replace Bella. Poem; I have a dog My dog is great He's always there And never late At least not late for supper Nor ever late for snack And if by chance That I forget I think He might attack
  • 8. Introduction; This poem that I wrote is about a girl who is adjusting from childhood into adulthood, someone like myself. You’re not a girl, yet you’re not a woman and to me, it’s sort of a difficult stage. You’re expected to act like an adult, but you’re still treated like a child(in most cases). As I’m leaving my teen years, I’m figuring myself out just like everyone else my age. I definitely feel like I’m opening new doors in my life and I’m searching for what I want to do and who I want to be or just how I want to live my life, and it isn’t an easy task. I look back on all the years as I’ve grown up and I’m wondering where the time has gone. I love to sit back with friends and family and reminisce on the old times and then we gather around to sit and talk about the new and what our future holds. I believe everyone leaving their teenage years, turning into their early 20’s feels like this, at some point in their time. I’m not positive on what my future holds or what my destiny is, but I put faith in the idea that God has a plan for me. A great plan. He won’t give me something that I can’t handle. I’m ready to take on what life has next in store for me! Poem; Away, away My early life Has passed away too soon I feel like I have entered In a door that takes me far Perhaps not far in distance I'm not living on a star But I am not the child I was And not the woman I WILL be.. I'm just upon the threshold Of my destiny
  • 10. “Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of Dante Alighieri wrote the poem always. “Remember Tonight”. It has always been A promise. Like a reward for persisting through one of my favorites and I first heard it on life so long alone. a television show. This poem talks about A belief in each other and the possibility of a marriage and how you will remember tonight because a marriage should be the love. beginning of always. No matter what A decision to ignore, simply rise above the pain you’ve been through before, no matter of the past. what pain you’ve felt, you have a belief in A covenant, which at once binds two souls and each other and a love that is ever lasting. The speaker was Dante, himself yet severs prior ties. addressing any reader, to give them A celebration of the chance taken and the advice to not take life for challenge that lies ahead. granted, because so many people do so. For two will always be stronger than one, like a You realize what you do today will affect your life tomorrow so you remember the team braced against the tempest civil world. important things in life and you cherish And love will always be the guiding force in our them, such as a marriage because once lives. For tonight is mere formality. you bind those two ties, you’ve mad a Only an announcement to the world of feelings promise to God to be with that person for the rest of your life. In this poem, you’ll long held. Promises made long ago. find symbolism and hopeful and In the sacred spaces of our hearts” loving, innocent and real images. The tone in this poem to me is hopeful and -Dante Alighieri inspiring, full of adoration and realization for the things ahead in your life that you’re about to face. The kind of tone and Title: Remember Tonight images that run through your head at Dramatic Situation: A marriage that rises above all else night, not allowing you to fall asleep. Speaker: Dante Alighieri “Remember Tonight” is a 10 line stanza Addressee: The reader, to give advice to anyone to not take life for with a theme of a love that will always be granted. your guiding force throughout your Occasion: To give advice to anyone to not take life for granted lifetime, rising above all else in the world Subject: Realizing that what you do today, will affect your life because you have that one person, you tomorrow so remember the things you do tonight because it is and will have a love and a belief in one another. always be the beginning of your forever. The diction of this poem is engaging and Images: Symbolism, allusion, innocence, hopeful optimistic and entirely full of passion. I Tone: Inspiring, hopeful, adoration, realization chose this poem for my reader because it Structure: 10 line stanza reminds me of a love that she has with Theme: A love will always be your guiding force, a marriage that is so my father, and the kind of love that I beautiful it rises above everything else, a belief in one another. Diction; Passion, engaging, optimistic want to have some day.
  • 11. Title: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep Dramatic Situation: Dealing with a death Speaker: Mary Elizabeth Frye Addressee: To those of who are close to Mary after she passes, or to anyone dealing with the death of a loved one. Occasion: Learning to deal with a death of someone close, to not cry “Do not stand at my grave and weep but to cherish memories. Images: Symbolism, metaphors, calming, serene, winds, diamond on snow, ripened grain, gentle autumn rain, morning’s I am not there; I do not sleep. hush, uplifting rush. Tone: Uplifting, encouraging, inspirational I am a thousand winds that blow, Structure: Rhyme Scheme: ababcdcd Title Symbolism: Do not weep for the departed, for the are happy I am the diamond glints on snow, and will meet again. Theme: Keeping those passed loved ones in your heart, but to be happy for them and to know that you will be with them again I am the sun on ripened grain, someday, do not cry. Diction: Straight-forward, calming, hopeful. I am the gentle autumn rain. Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep is one of the most When you awaken in the morning’s hush beautiful poems I’ve ever read. Everyone in this world dies but not everyone knows how to deal with it. One day or another, you will lose a loved one and throughout your I am the swift uplifting rush life, some lose many. In this poem, it teaches you how to deal with an accident such as this. It teaches you how to deal with Of quiet birds in circled flight. death. The speaker is coming from the point of one who has passed and moved onto the next life. They are addressing their I am the soft stars that shine at night. loved ones who weep over them and who miss them. This poem is showing you to not weep over a loved one, but to put them in your heart ad cherish your memories with them for the rest of Do not stand at my grave and cry, your life. They do not want to be remembered by you being sad and hurt. There are lovely cases of symbolism and metaphors I am not there; I did not die.” with calming and serene feelings to this poem. There are winds with diamonds on snow, ripened gran, with gentle autumn rain, your morning’s hush, uplifting rush. Those images are how -Mary Elizabeth Frye people want to be remembered after they have died. The rhyme scheme is abab and then it changes onto c and d. The title symbolism is the main point of the entire poem. Do not weep for those who have gone onto life after death, because they are happy and know that you will one day meet again. The theme tells you to not cry, keep your loved one in the safest place of your heart and relive your wonderful memories over and over in your head so that you do not forget them. The diction of this poem is straight-forward. It tells all. It is calming and it is hopeful as it has helped many people throughout the years, deal with death. I chose this poem for my reader because she was the person who was there for me the most when I lost one of my best friends to a tragic car accident 4 years ago.
  • 12. “dive for dreams Title: Dive for Dreams Dramatic Situation: Taking numerous risks or chances throughout life. or a slogan may topple you Speaker: E.E. Cummings (trees are their roots Addressee: The reader Occasion: Search for your own ideas, dream big and wind is wind) Subject: Diving for your dreams, don’t let anyone hold you down. Do what you trust your heart have to do and be you. Images: Metaphor, trees and wind, sea’s and fire, live and love if the seas catch fire Tone: Cheerful, enlivening, pleasant (and live by love Title Symbolism: Chase your dreams, don’t stop at any length Theme: Keep searching for what you want in life or you wont ever grasp it and to though the stars walk backward) trust in your heart and to use it to love Diction: accelerating, jaunty, vivacious, optimistic honour the past but welcome the future (and dance your death Dive for dreams was sort of difficult for me to understand at first but now I realize that what he’s saying is the truth. I appreciate E.E. away at the wedding) Cummings’ work never mind a world and I love this piece. The title is call Dive for Dreams which is pretty with its villains or heroes self explanatory. To get where you want to go in life, you dive for your dreams. You don’t stop for anyone or anything, you do what you have (for good likes girls to do to get where you want to go. The dramatic situation is about and tomorrow and the earth) taking numerous risks or chances throughout life, don’t hold back. The in spite of everything speaker would be E.E. Cummings giving his readers advice on how to pursue your dreams. The occasion is searching for your own which breathes and moves, since Doom ideas, finding out what you want to do and the type of person that you (with white longest hands want to be. Along with the subject, going to any length to get what you want in life, because you live once, you need to make your time neating each crease) worthy. Dream big! Achieve great things! There are metaphors all will smooth entirely our minds throughout this poem, which I love: the trees and wind, the sea’s and -before leaving my room fire, how you live and love. It makes the tone cheerful, enlivening and mostly pleasant. When you talk about going after your i turn, and (stooping dreams, knowing you aren’t that far, it makes you happy and cheery. through the morning) kiss The title is what defines the entire poem, don’t stop or give up what this pillow, dear you are trying to reach. Everyone deserves to get their dream. The theme teaches you to keep on searching, grasp it and take it because where our heads lived and were. “ you deserve it. You need to use your heart and use it to love. The -E.E. Cummings diction is jaunty, vivacious and it made me feel extremely optimistic. I chose this poem for my reader because she also wants me and pushes me to dive for my dreams.
  • 13. Title: Hope is the thing with feathers Dramatic Situation: Speaker: Emily Dickinson/Unknown Narrator “HOPE is the thing with feathers Addressee: The Reader Occasion: Learning to find hope in yourself Subject: Turning inwards and feeling safe and secure, finding the hope that has That perches in the soul, perched upon your soul and avoiding the outside world. Images: Imagery, metaphor, feathers, soul, gale, storm And sings the tune without the Tone: bittersweet, poignant words, Structure: 3 line stanza Rhyme Scheme: ABAB for the first four lines, no continuing straight-forward rhyme And never stops at all, scheme. Title Symbolism: Finding hope Theme: Finding hope coming from within, the only way you can. Hope is sweetest during a storm. And sweetest in the gale is heard; Diction: A simple poem with a simple meaning Emily Dickinson wrote this poem about hope. It shows how she And sore must be the storm turned herself from the rest of the world, when she was going That could abash the little bird through tough times, “the storm” and found hope coming to her from within. Which is where most people find hope, from themselves. The That kept so many warm. speaker I would like to believe is Emily, herself but it could also be coming from the point of an unknown narrator. The addressee would be the reader, or to someone who is going through a “storm” and I ’ve heard it in the chillest land, needs to find hope, the thing with the feathers. The occasion is learning to find the hope in yourself, it’s buried in every soul. Subject is turning inwards, feeling safe and secure while searching yourself And on the strangest sea; for the hope that is perched upon your soul, avoiding the outside Yet, never, in extremity, world. Dickinson used imagery a lot in this poem, along with metaphors, feathers, soul, abash and storm. To me, “Hope” was It asked a crumb of me.” bittersweet and poignant. Only because you are finding the hope, but you have to go through the storm and rough patches of your life before you realize it’s what you need and where you need to go to -Emily Dickinson reach it. The structure is a 3 line stanza with a rhyme scheme of ABAB for the first four lines, no continuing straight-forward scheme. When you find hope is the title symbolism, it is also straight-forward. The theme and message coming from this simple poem is reaching within yourself and finding hope to go on another day, the only way you can. Hope is the sweetest during a storm. I chose this poem for my reader because she is who I hope to be like, my inspiration.
  • 14. “There is a place where the sidewalk ends Title: Where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, Dramatic Situation: Leaving darker streets to get to the end of the sidewalk. And there the grass grows soft and white, Speaker: Shel Silverstein Addressee: The reader And there the sun burns crimson bright, Occasion: Getting to where the sidewalk ends And there the moon-bird rests from his flight Subject: Leaving past things to move on to the future. Images: before the street begins, grass grows soft and white, moon-bird To cool in the peppermint wind. rests, peppermint winds, smoke blows black, asphalt flowers Tone: Happy, high-spirits, elated Structure: 3 stanza Let us leave this place where the smoke Rhyme Scheme: AABBBA CADDDA DDDA blows black Title Symbolism: There are brighter days ahead Theme: Leaving bad things behind and looking towards bigger and And the dark street winds and bends. brighter things in the future. Diction: There’s a greater place where the sidewalk ends. Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow We shall walk with a walk that is measured Shel Silverstein wrote “Where The Sidewalk Ends”. A poem about and slow, leaving darker streets/times to get to the end of the sidewalk. And watch where the chalk-white arrows go Kind of like the phrase “The grass is always greener on the other side. The addressee would be the reader/audience learning the To the place where the sidewalk ends. occasion of the poem which is set on getting to where the sidewalk ends. Pushing through tough times and working hard, gets you to brighter, sunny days. There are many images Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured used throughout: before the street begins, grass grows soft and and slow, white, moon-bird rests, peppermint winds, smoke blows And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows black, asphalt flowers. The tone to me seemed to be go, happy, optimistic, high-spirited, elated and so forth. The structure of this poem is 3-stanza with a rhyme scheme of AABBBA For the children, they mark, and the CADDDA DDDA. The title symbolism is showing you that the children, they know sidewalk does come to and end and you have to pave it correctly The place where the sidewalk ends.” to have brighter days after you leave the sidewalk. The theme of this poem is about leaving bad things behind and looking towards larger, more radiant things on the road ahead. There’s a greater -Shel Silverstein place where the sidewalk ends. I chose this poem for my reader, because she used to read this poem to me a lot when I was younger.
  • 15. Bibliography Page! Remember Tonight: beginning-of-always-poem/ Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep: weep Dive for dreams: HOPE is the thing with feathers: is-the-thing-with-feathers/ Where the sidewalk ends: