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         A compilation of poems
         Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Page 1                 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Copyright © 1998.

Page 2               Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Table of Contents
   Poetic Journey ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Birth of an Artist ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
   Abduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
   Fresh Start ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
   Thanks Giving .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Growth of a Star .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Bats... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
   The Exam ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
   Untitled ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
   Confused Clarity .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
   Predator & Prey ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
   Eclipse .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
   I Write .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
   If .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
   Shipwrecked.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
   Marooned........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
   Free .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Love of a Poet...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
   Mother’s Day ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
   Searching for Inspiration ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
   Gazing On Beauty ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
   Valentine ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
   True Love ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
   The Girl Next Door ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
   Quest ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
   My Heart’s Key ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
   Love Apart ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
   Sensation......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
   Eve...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Death from a Far................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
   Confined .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
   Washed Up ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
   Denounce ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
   Death’s Dream .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
   Drowning Soul.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
   Poet’s Sorrow................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
   Apocalypse ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
   Afterlife - After Death ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Cosmos ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
   Non Existent .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
   Winding Stairway ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
   Creation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
   Earth’s Anger ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Author’s Note ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Page 3                                                                                                                            Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Poetic Journey
   Formed by the collision
   of two souls,
   I’m sent forth into this world to fulfill
   all my goals.

   Divided between
   darkness and light
   I’m plunged into a world where
   to survive I must fight.

   With rhythm and song
   in everything I hear and see,
   I am sent forth on this
   Poetic Journey.

Page 4                                         Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Birth of an

Page 5        Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   Engulfed by darkness
   incredibly warm,
   the silence is broken
   by the raging of a storm.

   The sea around me
   is torn apart.
   I am propelled from my world
   like a raging dart.

   I see a bright light ahead of me
   at the end of the tunnel I travel
   I am exiled into another world;
   my slavers kick me in the ass.

   A strange gas invades my lungs.
   This place has a peculiar smell.
   I feel as though I’ve been torn from heaven
   and plunged into hell.

   I’ve been taken from my world
   and brought to this place called Earth,
   as I stare down at my proud mother
   who’s just given birth.

Page 6                                               Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Fresh Start
   Whole week rhymes have been flowing out my head,
   So I said...
   I’d better make haste
   for a mind’s a terrible thing to waste.

   So I took a piece of paper,
   got my pen filled with ink.
   I sat,
   and slowly began to think.

   I usually write of depression,
   suffering and dying.
   A new approach
   is what I’m now trying.

   I’ll write of life,
   the birds and the bees.
   I’ll write about nature,
   the eagles and the trees.

   I’ve been poetically dead
   for two years more or less.
   My mind was jumbled;
   my life was a mess.

   So now I make a fresh start;
   A new beginning, not an end.
   Reformed my poetry, this poet, myself,
   my new found friend.

Page 7                                      Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Thanks Giving
   This mind that creates,
   and hands that duplicate,
   are but tools of his majesty,
   His Imperial Divinity.

   Lord God,
   Master Accord,
   My repay to you
   I cannot afford.

   As God as my witness
   and God as my guide,
   I ask you lord
   to be at my side.

   To help me
   do what I must do.
   To perform the job
   for which I was born to do.

Page 8                             Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Growth of
a Star

Page 9      Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   Bats are like rats.
   But have wings
   and a few other things.

   They fly high, in the sky
   at night.
   And another thing,
   they have perfect sight.

Page 10                        Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
The Exam
   ‘Twas the night before C.X.C.
   not a sound in the house;
   so silent was it
   you could hear the crawling of a

   While in his bedroom
   the student did stay,
   his head buried in his books
   like a needle in hay.

   He was totally engulfed
   by the syllabus he read:
   how a cell reproduces
   how amoebae feed.

   And when the student could
   study no more
   he fell asleep
   and began to snore.

   And then the next day
   he awoke refreshed,
   he packed up and went off
   to do his test.

Page 11                               Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   Like a rhythm-less poem
   with no sound or rhyme;
   like a song off beat
   or a clock with no time,

   This senseless poem
   lacks a name;
   like an empty cup spilling
   an invisible stain.

Page 12                         Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Confused Clarity
   I open my eyes,
   I see no light.
   My companion is afraid,
   I feel delight.

   I look up to the sky,
   I see the ground.
   I realize now
   that something’s wrong.

   I turn my head right,
   I see left.
   I think about life,
   I see death.

   I’m active at night,
   tired in the day.
   I ask myself
   am I OK?

   I’m wide awake,
   yet see images of a dream.
   I must be hallucinating
   it must seem.

   When out in the snow
   I feel so warm.
   Not a cloud in the sky
   yet I hear the storm.

   I see the end of the world
   while the angels are singing;
   yet to me
   it seems a new beginning.

Page 13                            Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Predator & Prey
   She sits in the dark.                   She thinks of the victory,
   Her emerald eyes glistering in the      and of the feast,
   night.                                  of capturing the small,
   He hides in the shadows.                tasty beast.
   His heart beats in fright.
                                           Coward little mouse
   Camouflaged in the darkness             afraid as he may be,
   by her silhouetted black coat.          yet too scared
   His blood begins to boil,               to attempt to flee.
   the air thins in his throat.
                                           She purrs to herself;
   She comes closer,                       she prepares to pounce.
   she tastes his fear.                    She can taste his blood.
   He fells her presence,                  She’ll sip every ounce.
   he knew she is near.
                                           And as she comes for him,
   As the predator                         he looks for a place to hide.
   stalks her prey,                        She runs straight forward;
   his mind wonders;                       he ducks to the side.
   his thoughts begin to stray.
                                           She turns into the side alley,
   He thinks of times of past              running with all her might.
   and times that could be.                And then her thrill of the chase
   He’d have a chance to escape            becomes sudden fright.
   if only he could see.
                                           For before her she sees no mouse;
   He is blinded by the darkness,          but a beast, a hound; large, fearsome,
   paralyzed by his fright.                and gray.
   She smiles to herself,                  For this poor feline,
   capturing him will be a delight.        the predator becomes the prey.

Page 14                                 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   The sun rises out                      The sun was darkened.
   from its nightly grave,                Something was blocking our light.
   scorching the backs of every man,      Our world collapsed.
   master or slave.                       We could not fight.

   From the dawn of time                  For centuries,
   we conquered land and sea.             we’ve lived in a world of darkness;
   Across every nation,                   wondering how,
   we marched proudly.                    to get out of this madness.

   We laid the roots                      We’ve been slaves and servants,
   of civilization.                       seen misery and hell.
   We set the path                        We’re like a great oak tree,
   for every nation.                      who, like us, fell.

   By high noon                           The sun is blocked out;
   we conquered the earth.                we see no light.
   With our seeds,                        We struggle every day;
   to great nations we gave birth.        cry out every night.

   Then from the corner of our eyes,      But slowly we see
   the sun began to dim.                  the darkness begins to fade away.
   Our great civilization                 we know that soon,
   was dying from within.                 we’ll see a brighter day.

   We had invited                         we await patiently
   aliens to our table,                   as our ancestors did.
   and now our world                      But stand tall,
   was becoming unstable.                 while they hid.

   We were tricked                        We see a flickering candle.
   into selling our soul.                 We march towards the light.
   Our leaders traded                     We know that all wrongs
   our people for gold.                   will soon be made right.

Page 15                                Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
I Write
   I see the seeds of violence,
   and I write.

   I hear the cry of bloodshed,
   and I write.

   I feel their pain and suffering,
   and I write.

   And as I write,
   they fight.

   They fight for power, for money, for
   They kill each other, child, woman,
   and man.

   And as they fight,
   I watch and write.

   And as they kill rape and plunder,
   I wonder what kind of laws we are
   that discard the victim and protect
   the criminal’s rites.
   I see this, and I write.

   And the ones sworn to protect,
   are the ones to be feared the most,
   cause they act like creatures of
   they attack like demons and ghosts.

   And I see all this injustice,
   I see all that is not right,
   so now I stop writing,
   I join the battle and fight.

Page 16                                   Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   If the world ended today,
   what can you say you accomplished?
   If you died today,
   what can you say you achieved?

   If the end came upon you
   what evil can you say you abolished?
   If God came calling
   what lost souls can you say you

   If the end was today, and judgment
   as you stand to be judged what would
   you say?
   Would your eyes be filled with pain
   and sorrow,
   or would you be happy and rejoice in
   the Lords way?

Page 17                                   Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   I step off the plank and onto the ship,      We set sail on a Sunday
   my new home.                                 a day sacred to God.
   On my back is my sac,                        The menu: bread, water,
   contains everything I own.                   smoked herring and cod.

   Son of a shoemaker,                          We sail the high seas
   born and breed.                              for weeks without end.
   Raised on nothing but water                  My brush and pail with which I scrub
   and stale dry bread.                         the deck
                                                have been my only friends.
   My uncle a school teacher,
   taught me a lot.                             The rain begins to drizzle,
   Everything he taught me                      the wind begins to pour,
   I soon forgot.                               the waves grow higher,
                                                the main sail just tore.
   As rich as church mice,
   draining our blood for the queen,            The ship rocks on the water,
   struggle my whole life                       like a cradle at night.
   is all I’ve ever seen.                       The sails sway in the wind,
                                                like an uncontrolled kite.
   So I step on the ship,
   leave England behind.                        The ship crashes on an island,
   A fortune I seek,                            my life seems doomed.
   many riches I’ll find.                       Far away from home
                                                I am marooned.

Page 18                                      Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   A man dreams...
   away in the clouds,
   together with the angels;
   singing their songs.

   He hears a distant noise
   disrupting the peace and harmony.
   A cock crows.
   Why couldn’t they let him be?

   Summoned to live another day,
   awoken at an early hour.
   Crawls out of the hole he calls home.
   The early morning breeze tastes sour.

   The waves crash on the shore.
   A log floats in the endless sea.
   Trapped on this pathetic little island.
   Waiting to be set free.

Page 19                                      Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   Sitting by the seashore
   paper in lap, pen in hand,
   wind in my hair,
   toes in the sand;

   baked by the sun,
   refreshed by the sea,
   quenched by coconut water,
   shaded by a palm tree.

   When the sun goes down
   and the full moon comes alive,
   into the sea I go
   for a deep sea dive.

   When I awake next morning
   the same routine again
   sitting by the seashore
   writing poems with paper and pen.

Page 20                                Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Love of a Poet

Page 21      Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Mother’s Day
   Here is to a mother so sweet,
   No other mother could defeat.

   No other mother could be so caring,
   Nor could any mother be so sharing.

   If it were not for you I would not be here,
   But because of you I have nothing to fear.

   So Once again I tell you all the way:
   Happy Mother’s Day!

Page 22                                          Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Searching for Inspiration
   Searching for Inspiration;
   Searching for Love.
   I plea and pray
   for guidance from above.

   Where is my Inspiration?
   Where can it be found?
   I will search everywhere.
   I’ll hunt like a hound.

   I toss in a golden coin
   in the bottom of a wishing well.
   The location of my Inspiration
   I’m hoping it will tell.

   At last I have found it
   in the form of a friend.
   My Love and Inspiration
   till the very end.

Page 23                               Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Gazing On Beauty
   I open my eyes,
   the blur fades away.
   My hands are heavy.
   My feet feel like clay.

   For the beauty before me
   astounds me; juggles my sight,
   like a shinning diamond star
   of pure blinding light.

   Her long flowing hair;
   her warm deep eyes;
   her sweet succulent lips;
   her beauty tells no lies -

   For as amazing as she is on the outside,
   she is as beautiful within.
   To blemish such beauty,
   would be the ultimate sin.

Page 24                                       Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   Roses are red,
   violets are blue,
   and there’s nothing
   I would not do for you;

   for you’re the light of my life;
   the heart of my soul.
   To love you forever,
   is my only goal.

Page 25                               Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
True Love
   Unable to find a gift suitable for you,
   I give you my heart and soul,
   everything I say and do.

   As I write this letter I reveal
   the true nature of my personality.
   What I wish to be becomes a reality.

   I am a true poet at heart
   dedicated to perpetual art.
   To you I wish to express my true love.
   A love so great, that none other is above.

   For I limitlessly love thee
   by a thousand infinities times infinity.
   Let me begin through and through
   by delightfully describing you.

   The eyes that you behold
   are like diamonds amidst a flame of gold.
   Like the sun and its warm wondrous light,
   the sight of which brings me much delight.

   If summer did take a solid form - if it would dare,
   it could only take the form of your gloriously golden hair.
   Your sweet seductive lips, I long to kiss.
   An act that could only bring me endless bliss.

   Your seductive smile and venerating voice
   leaves me with no choice,
   but to love you,
   with a love forever true.

   Your body and your face
   with radiating grace,
   resemble that of a goddess.
   But not too proud; quite modest.

   I’ll keep you in my heart until the end.
   My one true love, one true friend.

Page 26                                          Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
The Girl Next Door
   Today I got a glimpse of
   the girl next door.
   Never have I been
   so in love before.

   Every time I see
   that girl
   my heart takes a trip
   all around the world.

   She has an effect on me
   I just can’t explain.
   She arouses my heart,
   tickles my brain.

Page 27                       Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   You wonder what
   I see in you.
   You wonder if I’m playing
   or if I’m true.

   I am on a journey,
   a quest I must travel alone,
   trying to find myself
   and my true home.

   Before I answer you
   I must complete my quest,
   but for the time being,
   I’ll be there for you
   at your request.

Page 28                           Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
My Heart’s Key
   Take the key
   to my heart.
   Unlock the door,
   and promise we’ll never part.

   More beautiful than diamond,
   more precious than pearl.
   You’re the most beautiful thing
   in all the world.

   Take my hand,
   and promise me forever,
   that you’ll love me always
   and leave me never.

Page 29                              Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Love Apart
   What is this force that keeps us apart?
   Working against us,
   from the very start?

   We try to be together.
   But each time something gets in our way.
   Nothing goes the way we planned it.
   Nothing ever goes our way.

Page 30                                       Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   I wake in the morning
   and hear your name.
   When I sleep at night,
   I hear the same.

   I see your face
   everywhere I go
   what causes this
   I don’t know.

   Whenever I eat or drink,
   I taste your lips.
   It brings a smile to my face
   when I remember your kiss.

   I smell your perfume
   whenever I breath fresh air.
   I grow breathless
   whenever you are near.

   When I feel your touch
   I’m in another world.
   Day and night
   it’s you I want to hold.

Page 31                           Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   You are eve of my garden;
   the sour grapes of my vine;
   the thorn in my rose bush;
   the poison in my wine.

   Like an angel from heaven
   into my life you fell.
   I should have known
   you were a demon from hell.

   You tempted me with your fruit,
   and foolishly I ate.
   You lured me into your web
   using yourself as bait.

   And around me you spun your threads
   like a black widow spider.
   With each spin,
   your hold on me became tighter.

   But I had delusions, I was doped.
   You had me under your spell.
   I was completely unaware
   of the trap into which I fell.

   To me it seemed like heaven
   pure utter bliss.
   Little did I know
   yours was a poisonous kiss.

   Until at last
   out of this dream I awoke-
   realizing it was a nightmare.
   Your love was just a joke.

Page 32                                  Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Death from a Far

Page 33     Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   I sit alone
   in this little white room.
   I wake every morning
   to the same gloom.

   They locked me up
   and threw away the key.
   The walls of this little white room
   are all I ever see.

   Through a small slot
   slides in a small tray.
   On it contains
   my only meal for the day.

   But how can I know a full day has passed,
   or perhaps an entire week;
   I see no sun.
   Only the bulb in the room can speak.

   They switch it on for hours
   before they switch it off.
   I huddle by the light,
   like a poor lonely moth.

   The light comes on
   and then goes off again.
   When it comes back on, a new day begins.
   Or so they claim.

   I sit alone
   in this little white room.
   Till the ends of my days,
   I live this life of gloom.

Page 34                                        Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Washed Up
   Like a confused child
   lost between the realm of fantasy and reality,
   I’m caught between the crossfire
   of destruction and creativity.

   The ink of my pen has run dry.
   The ideas of my pen shall no longer be,
   for I have lost the magical touch
   of writing mystical poetry.

Page 35                                         Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   None of my children shall carry that name
   upon their chest;
   need they be
   so evilly blessed.

   To carry that name
   is but a curse.
   From the moment of birth
   to be drawn in a hearse.

   Sickly fame;
   grotesque misfortune;
   I detest thy name
   and thy sickly ill fortune.

   I will leave thee be
   in thy wallowing sorrow.
   Tomorrow a new name
   I’ll go out to borrow.

Page 36                                        Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Death’s Dream
   Two seconds before midnight,
   Death finally let night take over.
   At the stroke of midnight,
   he unleashed plaque in their water.

   He toured the terrain
   claiming all life,
   and marked out his territory
   with his scythe.

   At the edge of the forest,
   at the bottom of the hill,
   he glanced upon the town
   with so many to kill.

   With a chuckle and a laugh,
   the beast took flight,
   spreading over the town
   panic and fright.

Page 37                                  Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Drowning Soul
   Violence eats away at my soul.
   Is it God before me
   or the Devil I behold.

   I stretch my hand out to the light,
   but still I am falling.
   Satan drags me down
   while God’s name I am calling.

   I’m caught in a sea of despair;
   An ocean of greed, envy, and hate
   To conquer the world,
   The devil uses me as bait.

   I’m caught in the middle,
   I’m crying for help!
   When will my chains break
   When will my shackles melt?

Page 38                                  Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Poet’s Sorrow
   The wish of every poet, songwriter,
   and composer great
   is to seal for themselves
   a golden fate;

   To achieve fame and fortune,
   make Thy name do tell
   before that time
   to face the gates of hell.

   The worst fate to fall
   upon any of them,
   is to die before completing
   Thy final poem.

Page 39                                  Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   The end is upon me,
   the demons have come.
   My heart beats silently,
   my bones are numb.

   The gate has been opened.
   He feeds on my fear.
   His subjects attack me,
   the Master of Death is here.

   The gate of hell has opened.
   It’s begging for my soul
   I stand before the abyss.
   I stand above the hole.

   The fires of hell are raging.
   The demons cry out my name.
   My life and my soul
   Satan wants to claim.

   But I look up to God for courage.
   My eyes streaming with tears.
   My Lord comforts me,
   and calms all my fears.

   For in the Lord I place all my troubles.
   In God I entrust my soul,
   for love can overcome all
   and grant all that I behold.

Page 40                                       Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Afterlife - After Death
   How is it I find myself in hell?
   -Died on the forth ring of the church bell.

   A sinner great,
   but undeserving of this fate.

   A sinful life I did live;
   my sins my brother did not forgive.

   And I died by a knife, while defending my life,
   wounded in that final strife.

   A courageous battle I fought
   but was stabbed beneath my cot.

   And as the bells began to ring,
   the Angel of Death did sing.

   Although I wished to be undertaken by another,
   I was buried by my priestly brother.

   Here I am in hell suffering infinite pain
   while on earth my slayer did remain.

   Why I am here I do not understand;
   I wish to be rescued by the Lord’s hand.

   -To escape for eternity I must wait.
   But alas the end of eternity is a non-existent date!

Page 41                                          Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.

Page 42   Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Non Existent
   I am nothing;
   without senses, without sight.
   I am but darkness
   in a place without light.

   I exist nowhere;
   I have no domain.
   I am sanity
   in a world gone insane.

   I am chaos.
   Neither great nor small.
   I have no mass, or matter;
   can neither float nor fall.

   I do not exist.
   My time is yet to come.
   When I am sent forth,
   all evil I must overcome.

Page 43                             Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Winding Stairway
   I sit and wonder...
   On life I often ponder.
   When will its mystery unfold?
   When will its answers be told?

   Is life a circle
   as some people say?
   An endless loop,
   a continuous play?

   Or a straight line,
   start to end;
   from birth to death
   with no loop or bend?

   Some consider it a step.
   A climb from bottom to top.
   At the end of the step
   is where we must stop.

   Perhaps it is a stairway,
   winding straight up to the top;
   circling eternally:
   perhaps our journey shall never stop.

   Life is a continuous journey,
   like the growth of a tree.
   Forever growing and changing,

Page 44                                    Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
   In the beginning there was darkness;
   a void without light;
   no matter or energy;
   an eternal night.

   All but a being,
   powerful beyond compare.
   Infinitely majestic;
   knows all that is there.

   Then bored of isolation;
   driven by his creative thirst,
   he decided to create
   a wondrously marvelous universe.

   With a momentous explosion
   creation began.
   The universe was born
   with a mighty big bang.

   In six billion years;
   to him it seemed like six days;
   he created a cosmos,
   beautiful in all ways.

   And we, his creations
   marvel at the majesty
   and share power
   of God the divinity.

Page 45                                   Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Earth’s Anger
   The burning rage
   of all our darkest fears;
   the icy shadows
   of all mankind’s despairs;

   The vengeful hatred
   we have for each other;
   we now bear blame
   on the Earth, our mother.

   He rages in our shadows,
   breeds evil in our soul;
   promises much wealth and riches,
   much silver and gold.

Page 46                               Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
Author’s Note
   To understand my poetry
   is to understand me.
   When you read between the lines,
   that is when you’ll see...

   When you listen to the words
   that’s when you’ll hear.
   When you feel with all your soul,
   all doubt will disappear.

   For my poetry reflects my heart,
   my mind and my soul;
   it reveals my thoughts,
   my sorrows, my goals.

   This unique and powerful art form
   allows my deepest thoughts to emerge,
   surfacing to the top
   with a strong emotional serge.

   For the person who understands my poems
   but has never met me,
   knows me far better than those who have known me for years
   but don’t understand my poetry.

Page 47                                     Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.

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Poetic Journeys

  • 1. Poetic Journeys A compilation of poems by Grayson J. Stedman jr. Page 1 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 2. Copyright © 1998. Page 2 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 3. Table of Contents Poetic Journey ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Birth of an Artist ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Abduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Fresh Start ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Thanks Giving .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Growth of a Star .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Bats... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 The Exam ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Untitled ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Confused Clarity .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Predator & Prey ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Eclipse .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 I Write .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 If .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Shipwrecked.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Marooned........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Free .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Love of a Poet...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Mother’s Day ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Searching for Inspiration ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Gazing On Beauty ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Valentine ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 True Love ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 The Girl Next Door ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Quest ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 My Heart’s Key ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Love Apart ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Sensation......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Eve...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Death from a Far................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Confined .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Washed Up ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Denounce ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36 Death’s Dream .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Drowning Soul.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Poet’s Sorrow................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Apocalypse ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Afterlife - After Death ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Cosmos ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Non Existent .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Winding Stairway ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Creation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Earth’s Anger ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46 Author’s Note ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Page 3 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 4. Poetic Journey Formed by the collision of two souls, I’m sent forth into this world to fulfill all my goals. Divided between darkness and light I’m plunged into a world where to survive I must fight. With rhythm and song in everything I hear and see, I am sent forth on this Poetic Journey. Page 4 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 5. Birth of an Artist Page 5 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 6. Abduction Engulfed by darkness incredibly warm, the silence is broken by the raging of a storm. The sea around me is torn apart. I am propelled from my world like a raging dart. I see a bright light ahead of me at the end of the tunnel I travel I am exiled into another world; my slavers kick me in the ass. A strange gas invades my lungs. This place has a peculiar smell. I feel as though I’ve been torn from heaven and plunged into hell. I’ve been taken from my world and brought to this place called Earth, as I stare down at my proud mother who’s just given birth. Page 6 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 7. Fresh Start Whole week rhymes have been flowing out my head, So I said... I’d better make haste for a mind’s a terrible thing to waste. So I took a piece of paper, got my pen filled with ink. I sat, and slowly began to think. I usually write of depression, suffering and dying. A new approach is what I’m now trying. I’ll write of life, the birds and the bees. I’ll write about nature, the eagles and the trees. I’ve been poetically dead for two years more or less. My mind was jumbled; my life was a mess. So now I make a fresh start; A new beginning, not an end. Reformed my poetry, this poet, myself, my new found friend. Page 7 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 8. Thanks Giving This mind that creates, and hands that duplicate, are but tools of his majesty, His Imperial Divinity. Lord God, Master Accord, My repay to you I cannot afford. As God as my witness and God as my guide, I ask you lord to be at my side. To help me do what I must do. To perform the job for which I was born to do. Page 8 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 9. Growth of a Star Page 9 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 10. Bats... Bats are like rats. But have wings and a few other things. They fly high, in the sky at night. And another thing, they have perfect sight. Page 10 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 11. The Exam ‘Twas the night before C.X.C. not a sound in the house; so silent was it you could hear the crawling of a mouse. While in his bedroom the student did stay, his head buried in his books like a needle in hay. He was totally engulfed by the syllabus he read: how a cell reproduces how amoebae feed. And when the student could study no more he fell asleep and began to snore. And then the next day he awoke refreshed, he packed up and went off to do his test. Page 11 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 12. Untitled Like a rhythm-less poem with no sound or rhyme; like a song off beat or a clock with no time, This senseless poem lacks a name; like an empty cup spilling an invisible stain. Page 12 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 13. Confused Clarity I open my eyes, I see no light. My companion is afraid, I feel delight. I look up to the sky, I see the ground. I realize now that something’s wrong. I turn my head right, I see left. I think about life, I see death. I’m active at night, tired in the day. I ask myself am I OK? I’m wide awake, yet see images of a dream. I must be hallucinating it must seem. When out in the snow I feel so warm. Not a cloud in the sky yet I hear the storm. I see the end of the world while the angels are singing; yet to me it seems a new beginning. Page 13 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 14. Predator & Prey She sits in the dark. She thinks of the victory, Her emerald eyes glistering in the and of the feast, night. of capturing the small, He hides in the shadows. tasty beast. His heart beats in fright. Coward little mouse Camouflaged in the darkness afraid as he may be, by her silhouetted black coat. yet too scared His blood begins to boil, to attempt to flee. the air thins in his throat. She purrs to herself; She comes closer, she prepares to pounce. she tastes his fear. She can taste his blood. He fells her presence, She’ll sip every ounce. he knew she is near. And as she comes for him, As the predator he looks for a place to hide. stalks her prey, She runs straight forward; his mind wonders; he ducks to the side. his thoughts begin to stray. She turns into the side alley, He thinks of times of past running with all her might. and times that could be. And then her thrill of the chase He’d have a chance to escape becomes sudden fright. if only he could see. For before her she sees no mouse; He is blinded by the darkness, but a beast, a hound; large, fearsome, paralyzed by his fright. and gray. She smiles to herself, For this poor feline, capturing him will be a delight. the predator becomes the prey. Page 14 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 15. Eclipse The sun rises out The sun was darkened. from its nightly grave, Something was blocking our light. scorching the backs of every man, Our world collapsed. master or slave. We could not fight. From the dawn of time For centuries, we conquered land and sea. we’ve lived in a world of darkness; Across every nation, wondering how, we marched proudly. to get out of this madness. We laid the roots We’ve been slaves and servants, of civilization. seen misery and hell. We set the path We’re like a great oak tree, for every nation. who, like us, fell. By high noon The sun is blocked out; we conquered the earth. we see no light. With our seeds, We struggle every day; to great nations we gave birth. cry out every night. Then from the corner of our eyes, But slowly we see the sun began to dim. the darkness begins to fade away. Our great civilization we know that soon, was dying from within. we’ll see a brighter day. We had invited we await patiently aliens to our table, as our ancestors did. and now our world But stand tall, was becoming unstable. while they hid. We were tricked We see a flickering candle. into selling our soul. We march towards the light. Our leaders traded We know that all wrongs our people for gold. will soon be made right. Page 15 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 16. I Write I see the seeds of violence, and I write. I hear the cry of bloodshed, and I write. I feel their pain and suffering, and I write. And as I write, they fight. They fight for power, for money, for land. They kill each other, child, woman, and man. And as they fight, I watch and write. And as they kill rape and plunder, I wonder what kind of laws we are under, that discard the victim and protect the criminal’s rites. I see this, and I write. And the ones sworn to protect, are the ones to be feared the most, cause they act like creatures of darkness, they attack like demons and ghosts. And I see all this injustice, I see all that is not right, so now I stop writing, I join the battle and fight. Page 16 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 17. If If the world ended today, what can you say you accomplished? If you died today, what can you say you achieved? If the end came upon you what evil can you say you abolished? If God came calling what lost souls can you say you relieved? If the end was today, and judgment tomorrow, as you stand to be judged what would you say? Would your eyes be filled with pain and sorrow, or would you be happy and rejoice in the Lords way? Page 17 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 18. Shipwrecked I step off the plank and onto the ship, We set sail on a Sunday my new home. a day sacred to God. On my back is my sac, The menu: bread, water, contains everything I own. smoked herring and cod. Son of a shoemaker, We sail the high seas born and breed. for weeks without end. Raised on nothing but water My brush and pail with which I scrub and stale dry bread. the deck have been my only friends. My uncle a school teacher, taught me a lot. The rain begins to drizzle, Everything he taught me the wind begins to pour, I soon forgot. the waves grow higher, the main sail just tore. As rich as church mice, draining our blood for the queen, The ship rocks on the water, struggle my whole life like a cradle at night. is all I’ve ever seen. The sails sway in the wind, like an uncontrolled kite. So I step on the ship, leave England behind. The ship crashes on an island, A fortune I seek, my life seems doomed. many riches I’ll find. Far away from home I am marooned. Page 18 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 19. Marooned A man dreams... away in the clouds, together with the angels; singing their songs. He hears a distant noise disrupting the peace and harmony. A cock crows. Why couldn’t they let him be? Summoned to live another day, awoken at an early hour. Crawls out of the hole he calls home. The early morning breeze tastes sour. The waves crash on the shore. A log floats in the endless sea. Trapped on this pathetic little island. Waiting to be set free. Page 19 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 20. Free Sitting by the seashore paper in lap, pen in hand, wind in my hair, toes in the sand; baked by the sun, refreshed by the sea, quenched by coconut water, shaded by a palm tree. When the sun goes down and the full moon comes alive, into the sea I go for a deep sea dive. When I awake next morning the same routine again sitting by the seashore writing poems with paper and pen. Page 20 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 21. Love of a Poet Page 21 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 22. Mother’s Day Here is to a mother so sweet, No other mother could defeat. No other mother could be so caring, Nor could any mother be so sharing. If it were not for you I would not be here, But because of you I have nothing to fear. So Once again I tell you all the way: Happy Mother’s Day! Page 22 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 23. Searching for Inspiration Searching for Inspiration; Searching for Love. I plea and pray for guidance from above. Where is my Inspiration? Where can it be found? I will search everywhere. I’ll hunt like a hound. I toss in a golden coin in the bottom of a wishing well. The location of my Inspiration I’m hoping it will tell. At last I have found it in the form of a friend. My Love and Inspiration till the very end. Page 23 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 24. Gazing On Beauty I open my eyes, the blur fades away. My hands are heavy. My feet feel like clay. For the beauty before me astounds me; juggles my sight, like a shinning diamond star of pure blinding light. Her long flowing hair; her warm deep eyes; her sweet succulent lips; her beauty tells no lies - For as amazing as she is on the outside, she is as beautiful within. To blemish such beauty, would be the ultimate sin. Page 24 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 25. Valentine Roses are red, violets are blue, and there’s nothing I would not do for you; for you’re the light of my life; the heart of my soul. To love you forever, is my only goal. Page 25 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 26. True Love Unable to find a gift suitable for you, I give you my heart and soul, everything I say and do. As I write this letter I reveal the true nature of my personality. What I wish to be becomes a reality. I am a true poet at heart dedicated to perpetual art. To you I wish to express my true love. A love so great, that none other is above. For I limitlessly love thee by a thousand infinities times infinity. Let me begin through and through by delightfully describing you. The eyes that you behold are like diamonds amidst a flame of gold. Like the sun and its warm wondrous light, the sight of which brings me much delight. If summer did take a solid form - if it would dare, it could only take the form of your gloriously golden hair. Your sweet seductive lips, I long to kiss. An act that could only bring me endless bliss. Your seductive smile and venerating voice leaves me with no choice, but to love you, with a love forever true. Your body and your face with radiating grace, resemble that of a goddess. But not too proud; quite modest. I’ll keep you in my heart until the end. My one true love, one true friend. Page 26 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 27. The Girl Next Door Today I got a glimpse of the girl next door. Never have I been so in love before. Every time I see that girl my heart takes a trip all around the world. She has an effect on me I just can’t explain. She arouses my heart, tickles my brain. Page 27 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 28. Quest You wonder what I see in you. You wonder if I’m playing or if I’m true. I am on a journey, a quest I must travel alone, trying to find myself and my true home. Before I answer you I must complete my quest, but for the time being, I’ll be there for you at your request. Page 28 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 29. My Heart’s Key Take the key to my heart. Unlock the door, and promise we’ll never part. More beautiful than diamond, more precious than pearl. You’re the most beautiful thing in all the world. Take my hand, and promise me forever, that you’ll love me always and leave me never. Page 29 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 30. Love Apart What is this force that keeps us apart? Working against us, from the very start? We try to be together. But each time something gets in our way. Nothing goes the way we planned it. Nothing ever goes our way. Page 30 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 31. Sensation I wake in the morning and hear your name. When I sleep at night, I hear the same. I see your face everywhere I go what causes this I don’t know. Whenever I eat or drink, I taste your lips. It brings a smile to my face when I remember your kiss. I smell your perfume whenever I breath fresh air. I grow breathless whenever you are near. When I feel your touch I’m in another world. Day and night it’s you I want to hold. Page 31 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 32. Eve You are eve of my garden; the sour grapes of my vine; the thorn in my rose bush; the poison in my wine. Like an angel from heaven into my life you fell. I should have known you were a demon from hell. You tempted me with your fruit, and foolishly I ate. You lured me into your web using yourself as bait. And around me you spun your threads like a black widow spider. With each spin, your hold on me became tighter. But I had delusions, I was doped. You had me under your spell. I was completely unaware of the trap into which I fell. To me it seemed like heaven pure utter bliss. Little did I know yours was a poisonous kiss. Until at last out of this dream I awoke- realizing it was a nightmare. Your love was just a joke. Page 32 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 33. Death from a Far Page 33 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 34. Confined I sit alone in this little white room. I wake every morning to the same gloom. They locked me up and threw away the key. The walls of this little white room are all I ever see. Through a small slot slides in a small tray. On it contains my only meal for the day. But how can I know a full day has passed, or perhaps an entire week; I see no sun. Only the bulb in the room can speak. They switch it on for hours before they switch it off. I huddle by the light, like a poor lonely moth. The light comes on and then goes off again. When it comes back on, a new day begins. Or so they claim. I sit alone in this little white room. Till the ends of my days, I live this life of gloom. Page 34 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 35. Washed Up Like a confused child lost between the realm of fantasy and reality, I’m caught between the crossfire of destruction and creativity. The ink of my pen has run dry. The ideas of my pen shall no longer be, for I have lost the magical touch of writing mystical poetry. Page 35 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 36. Denounce None of my children shall carry that name upon their chest; need they be so evilly blessed. To carry that name is but a curse. From the moment of birth to be drawn in a hearse. Sickly fame; grotesque misfortune; I detest thy name and thy sickly ill fortune. I will leave thee be in thy wallowing sorrow. Tomorrow a new name I’ll go out to borrow. Page 36 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 37. Death’s Dream Two seconds before midnight, Death finally let night take over. At the stroke of midnight, he unleashed plaque in their water. He toured the terrain claiming all life, and marked out his territory with his scythe. At the edge of the forest, at the bottom of the hill, he glanced upon the town with so many to kill. With a chuckle and a laugh, the beast took flight, spreading over the town panic and fright. Page 37 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 38. Drowning Soul Violence eats away at my soul. Is it God before me or the Devil I behold. I stretch my hand out to the light, but still I am falling. Satan drags me down while God’s name I am calling. I’m caught in a sea of despair; An ocean of greed, envy, and hate To conquer the world, The devil uses me as bait. I’m caught in the middle, I’m crying for help! When will my chains break When will my shackles melt? Page 38 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 39. Poet’s Sorrow The wish of every poet, songwriter, and composer great is to seal for themselves a golden fate; To achieve fame and fortune, make Thy name do tell before that time to face the gates of hell. The worst fate to fall upon any of them, is to die before completing Thy final poem. Page 39 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 40. Apocalypse The end is upon me, the demons have come. My heart beats silently, my bones are numb. The gate has been opened. He feeds on my fear. His subjects attack me, the Master of Death is here. The gate of hell has opened. It’s begging for my soul I stand before the abyss. I stand above the hole. The fires of hell are raging. The demons cry out my name. My life and my soul Satan wants to claim. But I look up to God for courage. My eyes streaming with tears. My Lord comforts me, and calms all my fears. For in the Lord I place all my troubles. In God I entrust my soul, for love can overcome all and grant all that I behold. Page 40 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 41. Afterlife - After Death How is it I find myself in hell? -Died on the forth ring of the church bell. A sinner great, but undeserving of this fate. A sinful life I did live; my sins my brother did not forgive. And I died by a knife, while defending my life, wounded in that final strife. A courageous battle I fought but was stabbed beneath my cot. And as the bells began to ring, the Angel of Death did sing. Although I wished to be undertaken by another, I was buried by my priestly brother. Here I am in hell suffering infinite pain while on earth my slayer did remain. Why I am here I do not understand; I wish to be rescued by the Lord’s hand. -To escape for eternity I must wait. But alas the end of eternity is a non-existent date! Page 41 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 42. Cosmos Page 42 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 43. Non Existent I am nothing; without senses, without sight. I am but darkness in a place without light. I exist nowhere; I have no domain. I am sanity in a world gone insane. I am chaos. Neither great nor small. I have no mass, or matter; can neither float nor fall. I do not exist. My time is yet to come. When I am sent forth, all evil I must overcome. Page 43 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 44. Winding Stairway I sit and wonder... On life I often ponder. When will its mystery unfold? When will its answers be told? Is life a circle as some people say? An endless loop, a continuous play? Or a straight line, start to end; from birth to death with no loop or bend? Some consider it a step. A climb from bottom to top. At the end of the step is where we must stop. Perhaps it is a stairway, winding straight up to the top; circling eternally: perhaps our journey shall never stop. Life is a continuous journey, like the growth of a tree. Forever growing and changing, continually. Page 44 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 45. Creation In the beginning there was darkness; a void without light; no matter or energy; an eternal night. All but a being, powerful beyond compare. Infinitely majestic; knows all that is there. Then bored of isolation; driven by his creative thirst, he decided to create a wondrously marvelous universe. With a momentous explosion creation began. The universe was born with a mighty big bang. In six billion years; to him it seemed like six days; he created a cosmos, beautiful in all ways. And we, his creations marvel at the majesty and share power of God the divinity. Page 45 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 46. Earth’s Anger The burning rage of all our darkest fears; the icy shadows of all mankind’s despairs; The vengeful hatred we have for each other; we now bear blame on the Earth, our mother. He rages in our shadows, breeds evil in our soul; promises much wealth and riches, much silver and gold. Page 46 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.
  • 47. Author’s Note To understand my poetry is to understand me. When you read between the lines, that is when you’ll see... When you listen to the words that’s when you’ll hear. When you feel with all your soul, all doubt will disappear. For my poetry reflects my heart, my mind and my soul; it reveals my thoughts, my sorrows, my goals. This unique and powerful art form allows my deepest thoughts to emerge, surfacing to the top with a strong emotional serge. For the person who understands my poems but has never met me, knows me far better than those who have known me for years but don’t understand my poetry. Page 47 Poetic Journeys written by Grayson J. Stedman jr.