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A Publication of Hillsdale College

Imprimis                                 Over 1,900,000 Reader s Monthly
                                                     April 2011 • Volume 40, Number 4

Reasserting Federalism
in Defense of Liberty
Ken Cuccinelli
Attorney General of Virginia

  Ken Cuccinelli was elected the Attorney General of Virginia in November
           2009. From 2002-2009 he was a member of the Virginia State
           Senate. Prior to that he was a partner in the law firm of Cuccinelli
           and Day, where he specialized in business law. A graduate of the
           University of Virginia, he has an M.A. in international relations
           from George Mason University and a J.D from the George Mason
           University School of Law and Economics.

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on April 1, 2011, in the “First Principles
on First Fridays” lecture series sponsored by Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center for
Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C.

Some favorite Virginians of mine who inspired and crafted our federal
Constitution—Mason, Madison, Jefferson, and Henry—also drafted the Constitution
of Virginia. And in the latter, they included a critical statement that said, “No
free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved . . . but by frequent
recurrence to fundamental principles.”
	 Our founders well understood that our liberty could not be preserved without
frequently referring back to first principles. But while they pledged their lives, their
fortunes, and their sacred honor to defend those principles, we have often taken
them for granted, as we have become complacent in thinking that government will
take care of every problem.
	 We have asked government to do more for us, and all the government asks for in
return is a little bit more of our liberty. Over the decades, we kept asking. And because
the courts and the politicians were all too happy to oblige, regardless of what the
Constitution said, we no longer have a federal government of limited powers. We have
an overreaching central government—a government that seeks to plan and control vir-
tually every aspect of our lives and our economy, from health care, to energy, to auto-
mobile manufacturing, to banking and insurance.

Hillsdale College: Pursuing Truth • Defending Libert y since 1844

    	 Thankfully, though, in the last sev-              Shades of King
    eral years, people have woken up and are
    pushing back. With this pushback, we are            George III
    seeing the idea of federalism reemerge.
    People want to return to a government                    Let me explain a bit about our lawsuit.
    of limited, enumerated powers, and an                    Our first legal argument is that the gov-
    arrangement in which states serve as a                   ernment’s attempt to use the Commerce
    check when the federal government over-                  Clause of the Constitution to mandate
    steps its constitutional bounds.                         the purchase of a private product—in
    	 In the current lawsuits brought by                     this case, health insurance—goes beyond
    the states over health care and against                  Congress’s power. The reason there has
    the EPA, state governments are pushing                   never been a mandate like this in all of
    back and reasserting federalism as the                   American history is because, up until
    Founders intended them to do. Indeed,                    now, everyone knew Congress lacked the
    I am not aware of a time in history when power to impose one.
    this many states have sued the federal                   	 I often give the example of the
    government to rein in its power: Today,                  colonial period, when the colonists
    more than half are parties to lawsuits                   were boycotting British goods while
    against the new health care act and its                  demanding that King George III and
    individual health insurance mandate.                     Parliament repeal the Stamp Act and
    	 Virginia was the first state to argue                  the Intolerable Acts. I am sure it was to
    in federal court that the new health                     the king’s dismay, but his own lawyer—
    care law is unconstitutional. When we                    the solicitor general—told Parliament
    brought the suit in March 2010, most                     that the boycott was legal under British
    media outlets and                                                            law. In other words,
    many legal experts           	−´                                             the colonists could
                                            Imprimis (im-pri-mis),
    said we stood no                       [Latin]: in the first place           not be forced to buy
    chance. One law                                                              British goods.
    professor said our                        Douglas A. Jeffrey                 	 Yet in 2010, we
    argument about con-                        Deputy Editor                     had a president and a
    stitutionality was, if                   Timothy W. Caspar                   Congress who believed
                                                Copy Editors
    not frivolous, close                         Emily Thiessen                  they could compel
    to it. Another legal                    Monica VanDerWeide                   Americans to buy a pri-
                                                Art Director
    expert said our case                       Angela Lashaway
                                                                                 vate product even when
    relied on a “contro-                   Marketing Director                    the king of England,
    versial reading of                            Fred Hadra                     whom we rebelled
                                          Production Manager                     against, knew he did
    the Constitution.”                          Lucinda Grimm
    Apparently, it is con-                Circulation Manager                    not have that power.
    troversial to apply                        Wanda Oxenger                     And back then, we were
    the Constitution as it                    Staff Assistants
                                                  Robin Curtis
                                                                                 merely subjects!
    was written.                                 Kim Ellsworth                   	 The federal govern-
                                                  Kathy Smith
    	 But back in                            Mary Jo Von Ewegen                  ment has argued in
    December, when a                                                             court that not buying
    federal judge ruled               Copyright © 2011 Hillsdale College         health insurance is as
                                   The opinions expressed in Imprimis are not
    in Virginia’s favor             necessarily the views of Hillsdale College.  much of an economic
    that the mandate is            Permission to reprint in whole or in part is  activity as buying it,
                                 hereby granted, provided the following credit
    unconstitutional,             line is used: “Reprinted by permission from    and therefore that it
    assertions that we           Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.”  can regulate a citizen’s
                                  Subscription free upon request.
    did not stand a                                                              decision not to buy
                                                ISSN 0277-8432
    chance faded fast.               Imprimis trademark registered in U.S.       government-approved
                                   Patent and Trademark Office #1563325.         health insurance under
                                                                                 the Commerce Clause.
                                                                                 Nonactivity is the same
April 2011 • Volume 40, Number 4

as activity in the government’s argument.
Clearly, someone in Washington needs           An audio version of Imprimis
a dictionary.                                      is available online at
	 That same reasoning could be used to 
force us to buy cars, vegetables, or gym
memberships. If Virginia loses this suit
and the federal government is allowed to      plans, and real health care reform is on
cross this line, Congress will be granted     hold until the Supreme Court rules. If we
a virtually unlimited power to order us       do not get this suit resolved as quickly as
to buy or do anything. It would be the        possible, we impose crippling uncertainty
end of federalism—not to mention indi-        on the states, businesses, individuals, and
vidual rights—as we have known it for         our entire economy.
more than 220 years.
	 There is also a secondary argument
made by defenders of the health care          Liberty as an
act. The Obama administration’s fall-         Environmental
back position if it loses its Commerce
Clause argument is to say that the fine
for not buying government-approved
health insurance is not a penalty, but a      As bad as the federal health care law is,
tax. The administration is asserting this     the economic consequences of what the
because a tax to pay for a health care        EPA has in store for us will be equally
scheme would be constitutional under          damaging to our freedom and our econ-
Congress’s taxing authority. We argue         omy. Thus the EPA is another front in
in response that the government cannot        Virginia’s federalism fight.
all of a sudden start calling a penalty a     	 In December 2009, the EPA declared
tax to try to make the law legal. In fact,    that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
every court that has heard the govern-        gases are pollutants dangerous to public
ment’s tax argument has rejected it.          health because they are alleged to cause
	 When Congress and President                 global warming. This finding gave the
Obama debated the health care law,            agency the immense power to regulate
for political reasons, they repeatedly        CO2 emissions—and remember, this dan-
said that the fine for not buying health      gerous pollutant, carbon dioxide, is what
insurance was a penalty, not a tax. And       we exhale from our bodies every second
indeed, under the law they passed, they       of every day.
structured it as a penalty. So now the        	 For the ruling, the EPA relied primar-
administration is both flip-flopping and      ily on data from a United Nations global
misrepresenting facts.                        warming report. Emails leaked in 2009
	 We will soon see which arguments the        in the Climategate scandal showed that
appeals court agrees with, because we will    some of the world’s prominent climatolo-
be arguing the case in the U.S. Fourth        gists manipulated data to overstate the
Circuit Court of Appeals on May 10th.         effects of carbon dioxide on the environ-
Whatever that ruling, the case will end up    ment. Much of the U.N. report relied on
in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. That      that questionable data, and the EPA relied
is why we are also running a second track     on that report. Since the revelations from
and asking the Supreme Court to skip the      the leaked emails became public, some
Fourth Circuit and take the case directly.    scientists involved in the report have had
We have asked the court for this expe-        to back off some of their positions and
dited review because states are already       research. Renowned climate researcher
spending huge sums to implement their         Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, a long-
portions of the health care act, businesses   time proponent of the global warming
are already making decisions about            theory, admitted recently that there is no
whether to cut or keep employee health        question that data in the U.N. report was
Hıllsdale College Cruıse
    Rio De Janeiro to Buenos Aires
    February 20 - March 3, 2012
    Aboard the Crystal Symphony

    Speakers to be announced!
                                                                      spaCe is liMited!
    •   buZiOs           • itaJai                                     for more information
    •   ilha grande      • punta del este                             or to reserve your cabin,
                                                                      please call Moneyshow at
    •   paraty           • MOntevideO
    •   santOs/sÃO paulO
                                                                      (800) 797-9519.

        misleading, and that “it is obvious that       Fahrenheit. Lisa Jackson, head of the
        there has been deletion of adverse data”       EPA, in testimony before Congress, called
        that would work against the theory of          this amount of temperature difference
        rapid global warming in the last century.      “immeasurable.” But that has not stopped
            Pursuant to this, in February 2010,        the agency from trying to move the new
        my office petitioned the EPA to reopen         auto regulations forward.
        its hearings on greenhouse gases and               Greenhouse gas regulations will also
        review new evidence. Instead it ignored        cost businesses hundreds of millions of
        our request—in fact, it ignored the law.       dollars in increased energy costs, and
        So we filed a federal lawsuit to force the     could price several industries out of busi-
        hearings to be reopened, and we are still      ness or force them overseas, resulting in
        awaiting our day in court.                     permanent job losses.
            If the EPA is allowed to move forward          These are serious consequences of deci-
        with its regulation of carbon dioxide,         sions made by unelected bureaucrats. All
        costs to every American household are          we are asking the EPA to do is to look at all
        projected to increase by $3,000 a year due     the data, not just the data that supports the
        to higher prices for energy, food, clothing,   pre-conceived views of the people in charge.
        and any other goods that require energy            For my challenges to these rules and
        to manufacture or transport. Talk about        to the federal government, I am accused
        taxing the poor!                               of being a flat-earther and an enemy of
            In a document the EPA published on         science. Nothing could be further from
        regulating greenhouse gas emissions in         the truth. I am not only an attorney; I was
        cars and light trucks, it admits that its      also an engineer. As a former engineer, I
        new rules would add about $950 to the          have a certain trust in science: the math,
        price of each new vehicle. And buried          the scientific method, the certainties of
        deep in the report, the EPA’s own models       the laws of physics, and the objective
        show that over the next 90 years these         quest for new answers. But when science
        regulations would only reduce tempera-         gets tainted by politics and money, and
        ture increases by less than 0.03 degrees       facts are set aside in the name of
aPril 2011 • Volume 40, number 4

advancing a political agenda, it is no lon-       designed for the very purpose of helping
ger science.                                      to preserve that liberty.
    And contrary to the image some in the             While we can derive some satisfaction
media have created, I do not have a battle        from last November’s election results as
with environmental protection. In fact,           a backlash against the centralization and
my office works in close coordination             growth of raw federal power, we cannot
with our Virginia regulatory agencies to          repeat the mistakes of the past where con-
enforce environmental laws. I also have           servative victories were followed by liberal
seven children who will be on this earth          policies. We must ensure that the newly
for the better part of this century, and I        elected officeholders have learned from
have a vested interest in seeing that they        past mistakes. We must hold the repre-
have clean air, water, and land.                  sentatives we put into office accountable
    But I also have a vested interest in see-     to first principles, and then demand from
ing that my children have the opportunity         them concrete action. For the failure of
to get good jobs and achieve at least the         conservative principles has not been due to
same standard of living we have today. That       the principles themselves, but to the failure
means we have to balance care for our envi-       to fight for them.
ronment with care for our economy.                    At a time such as this, when principled
    We also have to recognize that eco-           conservatives do not control the reins of
nomic growth underwrites environmen-              power in Washington, state attorneys gen-
tal protection. Wealthy countries pay             eral become the first line of defense against
for environmental improvement, and                federal government overreach. When I
healthy economies are critical to it. The         ran for Attorney General of Virginia,
only places on earth that have strived            I said that if the federal government
for a clean environment share two key             crossed certain lines, I would challenge it.
characteristics: free people and free mar-        Unfortunately, we have a federal govern-
kets. Economic success will help deliver          ment that is giving us more opportunities
environmental improvement far more                to challenge it than I would like. But we
effectively than any number of forcibly-          are keeping our promise. With fellow
applied regulations. Yet we are gradually         Virginians and the American people, we
suffocating our free market economy               have planted our flag and we are taking
with command-and-control regulations              a stand. And if we are successful, future
from our federal government.                      generations of Americans will have a
                                                  chance to enjoy the liberty that has made

Freedom in                                        America the envy of the world.
                                                      Success in this fight for federalism is
the Balance                                       critical, for as Ronald Reagan warned us:

    With the EPA’s attempts to regulate                  Freedom is never more than one
our lives by regulating the by-products                  generation away from extinction.
of practically everything we buy and                     We did not pass it to our children
everything we do, and with the federal                   in the bloodstream. It must be
government’s attempt to assume the power                 fought for, protected, and handed
to command us to buy its chosen health                   on for them to do the same, or
insurance, we face                                                        one day we will
some of the most sig-                                                     spend our sunset
nificant and unprece-                                                     years telling our
dented erosions of lib-                                                   children and our
erty in our lifetimes.                                                    children’s children
                                     did yOu KnOW?
And federalism—that                                                       what it was once
                             t he Hillsdale College gr aduating
tension between state        class of 2011, in conjunction with the       like in the United
sovereigns and the fed-      president’s office, has selected journalist  States where men
                             and novelist Mark Helprin to deliver
eral government—was          this year’s commencement address on          were free. I
                              saturday, May 14.
                                                                                                                                  Hillsdale College
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  • 1. A Publication of Hillsdale College Imprimis Over 1,900,000 Reader s Monthly April 2011 • Volume 40, Number 4 Reasserting Federalism in Defense of Liberty Ken Cuccinelli Attorney General of Virginia Ken Cuccinelli was elected the Attorney General of Virginia in November 2009. From 2002-2009 he was a member of the Virginia State Senate. Prior to that he was a partner in the law firm of Cuccinelli and Day, where he specialized in business law. A graduate of the University of Virginia, he has an M.A. in international relations from George Mason University and a J.D from the George Mason University School of Law and Economics. The following is adapted from a speech delivered on April 1, 2011, in the “First Principles on First Fridays” lecture series sponsored by Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C. Some favorite Virginians of mine who inspired and crafted our federal Constitution—Mason, Madison, Jefferson, and Henry—also drafted the Constitution of Virginia. And in the latter, they included a critical statement that said, “No free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved . . . but by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” Our founders well understood that our liberty could not be preserved without frequently referring back to first principles. But while they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to defend those principles, we have often taken them for granted, as we have become complacent in thinking that government will take care of every problem. We have asked government to do more for us, and all the government asks for in return is a little bit more of our liberty. Over the decades, we kept asking. And because the courts and the politicians were all too happy to oblige, regardless of what the Constitution said, we no longer have a federal government of limited powers. We have an overreaching central government—a government that seeks to plan and control vir- tually every aspect of our lives and our economy, from health care, to energy, to auto- mobile manufacturing, to banking and insurance. hill
  • 2. Hillsdale College: Pursuing Truth • Defending Libert y since 1844 Thankfully, though, in the last sev- Shades of King eral years, people have woken up and are pushing back. With this pushback, we are George III seeing the idea of federalism reemerge. People want to return to a government Let me explain a bit about our lawsuit. of limited, enumerated powers, and an Our first legal argument is that the gov- arrangement in which states serve as a ernment’s attempt to use the Commerce check when the federal government over- Clause of the Constitution to mandate steps its constitutional bounds. the purchase of a private product—in In the current lawsuits brought by this case, health insurance—goes beyond the states over health care and against Congress’s power. The reason there has the EPA, state governments are pushing never been a mandate like this in all of back and reasserting federalism as the American history is because, up until Founders intended them to do. Indeed, now, everyone knew Congress lacked the I am not aware of a time in history when power to impose one. this many states have sued the federal I often give the example of the government to rein in its power: Today, colonial period, when the colonists more than half are parties to lawsuits were boycotting British goods while against the new health care act and its demanding that King George III and individual health insurance mandate. Parliament repeal the Stamp Act and Virginia was the first state to argue the Intolerable Acts. I am sure it was to in federal court that the new health the king’s dismay, but his own lawyer— care law is unconstitutional. When we the solicitor general—told Parliament brought the suit in March 2010, most that the boycott was legal under British media outlets and law. In other words, many legal experts −´ the colonists could Imprimis (im-pri-mis), said we stood no [Latin]: in the first place not be forced to buy chance. One law British goods. Editor professor said our Douglas A. Jeffrey Yet in 2010, we argument about con- Deputy Editor had a president and a stitutionality was, if Timothy W. Caspar Congress who believed Copy Editors not frivolous, close Emily Thiessen they could compel to it. Another legal Monica VanDerWeide Americans to buy a pri- Art Director expert said our case Angela Lashaway vate product even when relied on a “contro- Marketing Director the king of England, versial reading of Fred Hadra whom we rebelled Production Manager against, knew he did the Constitution.” Lucinda Grimm Apparently, it is con- Circulation Manager not have that power. troversial to apply Wanda Oxenger And back then, we were the Constitution as it Staff Assistants Robin Curtis merely subjects! was written. Kim Ellsworth The federal govern- Kathy Smith But back in Mary Jo Von Ewegen ment has argued in December, when a court that not buying federal judge ruled Copyright © 2011 Hillsdale College health insurance is as The opinions expressed in Imprimis are not in Virginia’s favor necessarily the views of Hillsdale College. much of an economic that the mandate is Permission to reprint in whole or in part is activity as buying it, hereby granted, provided the following credit unconstitutional, line is used: “Reprinted by permission from and therefore that it assertions that we Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.” can regulate a citizen’s Subscription free upon request. did not stand a decision not to buy ISSN 0277-8432 chance faded fast. Imprimis trademark registered in U.S. government-approved Patent and Trademark Office #1563325. health insurance under the Commerce Clause. Nonactivity is the same 2
  • 3. April 2011 • Volume 40, Number 4 as activity in the government’s argument. Clearly, someone in Washington needs An audio version of Imprimis a dictionary. is available online at That same reasoning could be used to force us to buy cars, vegetables, or gym memberships. If Virginia loses this suit and the federal government is allowed to plans, and real health care reform is on cross this line, Congress will be granted hold until the Supreme Court rules. If we a virtually unlimited power to order us do not get this suit resolved as quickly as to buy or do anything. It would be the possible, we impose crippling uncertainty end of federalism—not to mention indi- on the states, businesses, individuals, and vidual rights—as we have known it for our entire economy. more than 220 years. There is also a secondary argument made by defenders of the health care Liberty as an act. The Obama administration’s fall- Environmental back position if it loses its Commerce Clause argument is to say that the fine Principle for not buying government-approved health insurance is not a penalty, but a As bad as the federal health care law is, tax. The administration is asserting this the economic consequences of what the because a tax to pay for a health care EPA has in store for us will be equally scheme would be constitutional under damaging to our freedom and our econ- Congress’s taxing authority. We argue omy. Thus the EPA is another front in in response that the government cannot Virginia’s federalism fight. all of a sudden start calling a penalty a In December 2009, the EPA declared tax to try to make the law legal. In fact, that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse every court that has heard the govern- gases are pollutants dangerous to public ment’s tax argument has rejected it. health because they are alleged to cause When Congress and President global warming. This finding gave the Obama debated the health care law, agency the immense power to regulate for political reasons, they repeatedly CO2 emissions—and remember, this dan- said that the fine for not buying health gerous pollutant, carbon dioxide, is what insurance was a penalty, not a tax. And we exhale from our bodies every second indeed, under the law they passed, they of every day. structured it as a penalty. So now the For the ruling, the EPA relied primar- administration is both flip-flopping and ily on data from a United Nations global misrepresenting facts. warming report. Emails leaked in 2009 We will soon see which arguments the in the Climategate scandal showed that appeals court agrees with, because we will some of the world’s prominent climatolo- be arguing the case in the U.S. Fourth gists manipulated data to overstate the Circuit Court of Appeals on May 10th. effects of carbon dioxide on the environ- Whatever that ruling, the case will end up ment. Much of the U.N. report relied on in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. That that questionable data, and the EPA relied is why we are also running a second track on that report. Since the revelations from and asking the Supreme Court to skip the the leaked emails became public, some Fourth Circuit and take the case directly. scientists involved in the report have had We have asked the court for this expe- to back off some of their positions and dited review because states are already research. Renowned climate researcher spending huge sums to implement their Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, a long- portions of the health care act, businesses time proponent of the global warming are already making decisions about theory, admitted recently that there is no whether to cut or keep employee health question that data in the U.N. report was 3
  • 4. Hıllsdale College Cruıse Rio De Janeiro to Buenos Aires February 20 - March 3, 2012 Aboard the Crystal Symphony Speakers to be announced! spaCe is liMited! • buZiOs • itaJai for more information • ilha grande • punta del este or to reserve your cabin, please call Moneyshow at • paraty • MOntevideO • santOs/sÃO paulO (800) 797-9519. misleading, and that “it is obvious that Fahrenheit. Lisa Jackson, head of the there has been deletion of adverse data” EPA, in testimony before Congress, called that would work against the theory of this amount of temperature difference rapid global warming in the last century. “immeasurable.” But that has not stopped Pursuant to this, in February 2010, the agency from trying to move the new my office petitioned the EPA to reopen auto regulations forward. its hearings on greenhouse gases and Greenhouse gas regulations will also review new evidence. Instead it ignored cost businesses hundreds of millions of our request—in fact, it ignored the law. dollars in increased energy costs, and So we filed a federal lawsuit to force the could price several industries out of busi- hearings to be reopened, and we are still ness or force them overseas, resulting in awaiting our day in court. permanent job losses. If the EPA is allowed to move forward These are serious consequences of deci- with its regulation of carbon dioxide, sions made by unelected bureaucrats. All costs to every American household are we are asking the EPA to do is to look at all projected to increase by $3,000 a year due the data, not just the data that supports the to higher prices for energy, food, clothing, pre-conceived views of the people in charge. and any other goods that require energy For my challenges to these rules and to manufacture or transport. Talk about to the federal government, I am accused taxing the poor! of being a flat-earther and an enemy of In a document the EPA published on science. Nothing could be further from regulating greenhouse gas emissions in the truth. I am not only an attorney; I was cars and light trucks, it admits that its also an engineer. As a former engineer, I new rules would add about $950 to the have a certain trust in science: the math, price of each new vehicle. And buried the scientific method, the certainties of deep in the report, the EPA’s own models the laws of physics, and the objective show that over the next 90 years these quest for new answers. But when science regulations would only reduce tempera- gets tainted by politics and money, and ture increases by less than 0.03 degrees facts are set aside in the name of 4
  • 5. aPril 2011 • Volume 40, number 4 advancing a political agenda, it is no lon- designed for the very purpose of helping ger science. to preserve that liberty. And contrary to the image some in the While we can derive some satisfaction media have created, I do not have a battle from last November’s election results as with environmental protection. In fact, a backlash against the centralization and my office works in close coordination growth of raw federal power, we cannot with our Virginia regulatory agencies to repeat the mistakes of the past where con- enforce environmental laws. I also have servative victories were followed by liberal seven children who will be on this earth policies. We must ensure that the newly for the better part of this century, and I elected officeholders have learned from have a vested interest in seeing that they past mistakes. We must hold the repre- have clean air, water, and land. sentatives we put into office accountable But I also have a vested interest in see- to first principles, and then demand from ing that my children have the opportunity them concrete action. For the failure of to get good jobs and achieve at least the conservative principles has not been due to same standard of living we have today. That the principles themselves, but to the failure means we have to balance care for our envi- to fight for them. ronment with care for our economy. At a time such as this, when principled We also have to recognize that eco- conservatives do not control the reins of nomic growth underwrites environmen- power in Washington, state attorneys gen- tal protection. Wealthy countries pay eral become the first line of defense against for environmental improvement, and federal government overreach. When I healthy economies are critical to it. The ran for Attorney General of Virginia, only places on earth that have strived I said that if the federal government for a clean environment share two key crossed certain lines, I would challenge it. characteristics: free people and free mar- Unfortunately, we have a federal govern- kets. Economic success will help deliver ment that is giving us more opportunities environmental improvement far more to challenge it than I would like. But we effectively than any number of forcibly- are keeping our promise. With fellow applied regulations. Yet we are gradually Virginians and the American people, we suffocating our free market economy have planted our flag and we are taking with command-and-control regulations a stand. And if we are successful, future from our federal government. generations of Americans will have a chance to enjoy the liberty that has made Freedom in America the envy of the world. Success in this fight for federalism is the Balance critical, for as Ronald Reagan warned us: With the EPA’s attempts to regulate Freedom is never more than one our lives by regulating the by-products generation away from extinction. of practically everything we buy and We did not pass it to our children everything we do, and with the federal in the bloodstream. It must be government’s attempt to assume the power fought for, protected, and handed to command us to buy its chosen health on for them to do the same, or insurance, we face one day we will some of the most sig- spend our sunset nificant and unprece- years telling our dented erosions of lib- children and our erty in our lifetimes. children’s children did yOu KnOW? And federalism—that what it was once t he Hillsdale College gr aduating tension between state class of 2011, in conjunction with the like in the United sovereigns and the fed- president’s office, has selected journalist States where men and novelist Mark Helprin to deliver eral government—was this year’s commencement address on were free. I saturday, May 14. 5
  • 6. US POSTAGE PAID Hillsdale College Non Profit Org Great Accommodations Surrounded by Nature Please use the enclosed postage paid envelope, e-mail us at or telephone (800) 437-2268. HAs YouR AddRess CHANGed? 3943 N. Skookum Road | Luther, Mıchıgan Get away to a relaxing retreat at The Rockwell Lake Lodge. Surround yourself with the natural beauty of the G.H. Gordon Biological Station, while enjoying the hospitality and 411 amenities of an elegant lodge. It’s a wilderness retreat with the comforts of home. Specıal Internet-Only Offers Avaılable! Call for reservations: (517) 437-3311
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