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A retrospective study of Physician profession
based on Natal Horoscope with special reference to
                   Ayurveda Vaidya


                Dr.Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad
                (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001)

      As partial fulfillment of post graduation degree M.A.(Jyotisham)
                  Under Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University,

                   Under the departmental guidance of

                  Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam
                                             M.A., M.A., Ph.D.
                       Professor and head of the department
                                Director In-Charge,

                   Gorasa Veerabhadra charyulu
                             Department of Jyotisham

       Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University
                 Department of Jyotisham
This is to certify that Dr. Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad, M.D. (Ayurveda)

Kayachikitsa, has worked for his Compilation on the topic entitled “A retrospec-

tive study of Physician profession based on Natal Horoscope with special

reference to Ayurveda Vaidya”.

      The above titled Compilation is done under my supervision and guidance.

This Compilation makes a distinct advance on scientific lines in the above sub-

ject and the findings are highly significant at the evaluation and have consider-

ably contributed to the present knowledge of the subject.

      I am fully satisfied with his original work and hereby forward the Compila-

tion for the evaluation of adjudicators.

                                             Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam
                                                                       M.A., M.A., Ph.D.
                                                      Professor and head of the department
                                                             Director In-Charge, Jyotisham
       By the grace of god Ganapathii it is pleasure to express my full respect and re-
gard to my parents Sri Kethamakka Satyanarayana and Seetaramamma who made me
mentally strong and capable to face and solve the problems in the life without any ten-
sion and fear. My father carefully and wisely gave his knowledge to me in respect of
utilization of the Astrology in my career.
       I am one out of the luckiest people to get an opportunity in Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu
University under Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam, M.A., M.A., Ph.D., as Professor and
head of the department, Director In-Charge, Jyotisham and Gorasa Veerabhadra charyulu,
M.A., Lecturer, Department of Jyotisham. They provided all type of suggestions, which
make the guideline to this Paper presentation. Their experience and views allowed me to
take new concepts for this venture and completion of this paper in time. My thanks and
respect to their dynamic personality.
       I have a deep respect for three famous Astrologers who inspired me in my life-
time. They are Sri Madhura Krishna Murthy Sastri, who met me in Nederlands, Mr. Tandra
Phani Prakash, a companion at Germany and My father Sri Kethamakka Satyanarayana.
I have a proud on the friend ship of my friend Sri Ramanacharyulu, K.P. Astrologer, who
helped me during my M.A. Jyotish (External) Course.
       I express my eternal love to my daughter Baby Harsha Kowshik and Sons Hari
Hara Prasad and Harun Kowshik for dispelling al the tension and tiredness with their talk,
love and respect.
       All the above are meaningless if I do not recollect my brilliant wife Piratla Valli
Sree for her support extended by all means from the beginning till the end of this M.A.
Jyotish course and since my wedding tie with her.
       At the end I am thankful to the Doctors, lecturers and Scholars of D.G.M. Ayurvedic
Medical College, Gadag, for their contribution of valuable Birth data which was used in
this Paper.

                                             Dr.Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad
Contents of
A retrospective study of Physician profession based on Natal
            Horoscope with special reference to
                      Ayurveda Vaidya
   By Dr.Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad, (M.A. Jyotisham (correspondence course) in 1999 -2001)

              Introduction                                Page 1

              Literary review                             Page 6

              Data and Observations                       Page 17

              Discussion and Conclusion                   Page 30

              Summary                                     Page 44

              References and Bibliography

        Jyotish is a Sanskrit term derived from two roots; Jyoti, which means light, and
Isha, which means Lord or God. Jyotish then literally means the lord of Light, with special
reference to the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets1 . It is a science of the study of heavenly
lights and their effects on human life.
        Atma jyoti parama dhama (+Éi¨É VªÉÉäÊiÉ {É®Æú vɨÉÇ) means that Atma (the soul) or pure
awareness is also the light and that one should seek to attain that light of life with the help
of Jyotish. Jyotish helps to achieve the four main goals of human life; Dharma (religious
merit), Artha (acquiring wealth), Kama (worldly enjoyment) and Moksha (liberation). It
governs not only individual life but also global affairs as well. The study of the influence of
light on every living and non-living thing is the science of Jyotish.
        The word astrology has the same roots; ‘Astro’ refers to the stars (the source of
light) and ‘logos’ science. Everything in the universe is moving and changing, and that
which is moving is bound by time. Stars are luminous bodies radiating energy into space.
The rays of light, then, come from the stars and planets, which are surrounded by their
own magnetic and gravitational fields influencing this light. The earth, then, receives this
        According to ancient Jyotish shastra (scriptures), Saturn is the most distant plan-
etary body influencing the earth, and the moon is the nearest. The sun is considered the
soul of our solar system. These light energies coming from the sun, moon, planets and
stars all separately influence the physical, environmental, mental and spiritual status of
all beings. This light also effects the dark recess of distant future. Just consider the fact
that the light from many stars began its journey millions of years ago.
         The ancient science of Jyotish uses accurate mathematical calculations to deter-
mine the position (past, present and future) of the heavenly bodies in order to foretell the
future of individuals and the fate of nations, empires, kingdoms, wars, revolutions and
other terrestrial events.
Jyotish believes that man is a creation of the cosmos. From the Ayurvedic stand
point, every human being has a unique body type, called Prakruti. Jyotish also believes
that everyone has a unique planetary constitution. This combination governs the entire
psychosomatic make-up of an individual. The unique combination of every individual de-
pends entirely upon the specific time and place of physical birth. So it is very important to
check in the kundali (astrological chart) for personal compatibility before marriage, in
order to bring clarity, communication and success in marital life. People should plan well
in advance for conception, building a house or beginning any auspicious work according
to the most favorable planetary positions.
        Just as imbalance of bodily Dosha causes disease, likewise the undesirable effect
of certain planets can become a causative factor in iii-health. According to Ayurveda,
every individual has seven bodily tissues, and according to Jyotish, the different planets
influence them. For instance, the sun influences consciousness and eyes, the moon gov-
erns the mind, mercury the intellect, and Jupiter supervises knowledge. Mars is related to
the blood and lever, Saturn rules the neuro-muscular systems. Venus governs the repro-
duction system and artistic talent.
        Jyotish can be studied under several different aspects: astro – physiology, psy-
chology, etiology, pathology, symptomatology and therapeutics. Like any other vedic dis-
cipline, the study of Jyotish needs the guidance and blessing of a guru (one who has
mastered the subject) in order to have the insight to read and interpret the Jyotish char. It
is a wonderful healing science, which can suggest certain stones, gems, crystals and
metals in order to balance the undesirable effects of the planets.
        Jyotish also advises fasting on certain days to lessen these negative effects. It can
also recommend a proper mantra, aspect of god to worship, Yagya (fire ceremony) and
certain spiritual rituals in order to neutralize karmic and planetary effects.
        In the true sense of the word, the science of Jyotish embraces the whole human
being in order to bring health, happiness and harmony in personal relationships and in
the business world. On the other hand the definition of Jyotish reefers to light in which
identification of stars in the sky is done.

                             VªÉÉäÊiɹÉÉÆ ºÉÚªÉÉÇnùÒxÉÉÆ ¤ÉÉävÉEÆò ¶ÉɺjÉÆ
       This science is referred as Nakshatra vidya, from Chandodyojyopanishat2 . Jyotish
explains about planetary movement and their impact on the earth, atmosphere, and indi-
       This science is firmly established in to the human life with all auspicious and inaus-
picious activities. This science infers the activities of individuals based on the planetary
positions and obtains the results as directed by the experts of Astrology, such as Parashara,
Jaimini, etc.
       The human life is divided into four stages, Balya, Koumara, Yavana and Vardhakya.
In the Balya and Koumara it goes in learning and knowing the surroundings where as in
Yavana as human is a being of society undergoes the land marks of life as getting married
and having the children and so on.
       To maintain the family man needs the activity of earning, the profession. The pro-
fession is either depends upon the interest of individual or may become compulsory to
work with in the situation. The profession is different from that of art. There are 64 kala
(Arts) have mentioned along with Veda, Vedanga, Upanishat, etc.
       The profession and knowledge are of two different entities. Occasionally knowl-
edge of various sciences related to one profession but always the profession exerts the
expertise of one science. The profession, now a day is different from that of ancient days.
Previously it was related to Shadanga such as Sikha, Vyakarana. Present day Macaly’s
education system changed the attitudes of Jyotish to choose and search for the new
combinations and permutations of the each and every aspect of Astrology. In this proce-
dure an elucidation of the prospective and retrospective subjective study is very much

Study design
        The present study is designed as retrospective study of the observation of handful
of Ayurvedic Physicians. It also has the prospective observation of the textual scriptures
related to the profession of Physician of different cadres of applicability.
        In this study 24 established Ayurvedic physicians are covered irrespective of the
sex incidence. All the physicians are categorized in two sections as such post graduates
and graduates. Another section of criteria is working as lecturers or practitioners. These
groups are studied widely under the instructions of the said literatures of Astrology and
rules applied for it. Apart from this the observation is made with 24 horoscopes to estab-
lish the rule to posses the qualification under the rational study.

                                   Literary review
       Out of the professions “Vaidya” the physician is having a place of supernumerary.
Thus the Ayurvedic physician profession is selected for the study, which is protecting and
safe guarding the traditional sciences of India and has linkage between Jyotish and Veda
       Whenever we look in to any aspect study in Astrology we have to consider Bhava,
Bhavadhipathi and Karaka graha.
                                    ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉä ¦ÉÉ´É{ÉÊiɶSÉ EòÉ®úEòJÉMÉ:
       This gives us immense idea to accentuate the true positions of planets with re-
spect to the determination of the facts from a horoscope.
       Out of the 12 bhava, the 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas are considered here for the evalu-
ation of the profession. The second bhava even though said in grandhantara as -

                        Ê´ÉkÉÆ xÉäjÉÆ ¨ÉÖJÉÆ Ê´ÉtÉÆ ´ÉÉCEÖò]ÖõƤÉɶÉxÉÉÊxÉSÉ
Vitta, Netra, Mukha, Vidya, Vak, Kutumba and Bhojana1 4 as the factors to be noted for the
2nd bhava, we consider 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas for the emphasizing the profession with
special reference to Ayurvedic Physician.
        5th Bhava enumerates -
                         ªÉÆjÉÆ ¨ÉÆjÉÆ iÉvÉÉÊ´ÉtÉÆ ¤ÉÖqäù¶SÉè´É |ɤÉÆvÉEÆò
yantram, mantram, vidya, buddhi and writing the books1 5. The education is always basic
and professional. Here at this juncture 4th bhava is 12th to that of 5th bhava which can be
hindrance factor for the higher education or to that of 5th bhava. That 4th bhava becomes
the Gruha and Aramadikam1 6, where the hospitals or treatment rooms are the influential
factors to that of the Physician Profession. The Doctors by virtue posses the qualification
of the (B.A.M.S.) Ayurvedic physician, he may not be doing the same work as an Ayurvedic
Physician. Thus the evaluation of the 4th bhava is also necessary while evaluating the
The job or the profession is seen from the 10th house from the natal horoscope. In
further Dadhamsha is one to look for the professional success in any natal horoscope.
10th house not only gives rise the information regarding the profession but also about the
journey or migration to the another place1 7.
Observations on Vaidya from Jyotish Sutras
        The physician has given an important place in the vedic literature. In Jyotish litera-
ture like Brihat Parashara hora and Jaimini Sutras the Vaidya are said as two catogories
as Vaidya and visha Vaidya1 8. Mainly Dhatuvadi1 9 and Rasavadi2 0 terms are used for the
Vaidya, where a physician works with metals (alchemy). Rasaaushadhi contains Parada
(Mercury) and Gandhaka (sulfur). The Dhatuvadi uses these materials. Dhatuvadi in other
terms can understand as a person who converts the lower metals to higher metals, such
as copper to Gold.
The necessary qualifications of a superintendent of the royal kitchen
        A king should appoint a physician for the royal kitchen (to superintend the prepara-
tions of the royal fare). He should be well paid and possess the following qualifications.
He should come of a respectable family, should be virtuous in conduct, fondly attached to
the person of his sovereign, and always watchful of the health of the king. He should be
greed less, straight-forwards, god-fearing, and grateful of handsome features, and de-
void of irascibility, roughness, vanity, arrogance and laziness. He should be forbearing
self-controlled, cleanly, compassionate, well-behaved, intelligent, capable of bearing fa-
tigue, well meaning devoted, of good address, cleaver, skillful, smart, artless, energetic
and marked with all the necessary qualifications (of a physician) as described before. He
should be fully provided with all kinds of medicine and be highly esteemed by the mem-
bers of his profession1 2.
Jaimini version of Visha Viadya
        If Rahu is in karakamsha the person becomes Visha Vaidya. He may become a
physician deals with poisons or may become as physician to look after king with other
yogas present in his horoscope.
Qualities of a physician (Visha Vaidya)
        A physician should have the following qualities.
        Who is well versed in the science of medicine and
        Has attended to the demonstrations of surgery and medicine
        And who himself practices the healing art, and is
        Clean, courageous, light-handed,
        Fully equipped with supplies of medicine, surgical instruments and appliances,
        And who is intelligent, well read, and is
        A man of ready resources, and one commands a decent practice,
        And is further endowed with all moral virtues, is along fit to be called a physician1 3.
Herbalists and Ayurveda
        Goatherds, shepherds cowherds and other forest-dwellers know the plants by name
and form. Nobody can comprehend fully about the plants only by knowing (their) names
or forms. He is the real knower of them who, after knowing the name and form has got
knowledge of their administration, let alone the one who knows plants in all aspects. He is
the best physician who knows administration of these (plants) according to place and
time and also keeping in view the individual constitution3 .
Pada Chatustaya (Four Quadrants) in Ayurveda
        Physician, drug, attendant and patient, this is the quadruple which, if endowed with
qualities, leads to alleviation of disorders4 .
Abnormality (disorder) is non-equilibrium of Dhatus and their equilibrium is nor-
malcy (health). Health is known, as happiness while disorder is unhappiness. Employ-
ment of all the excellent four – physician etc. – in case of disorder of Dhatus with the
object of (re-establishing) there equilibrium is said as therapeutics5 .
Qualities of a physician
        Excellence in theoretical knowledge, extensive practical experience, dexterity and
cleanliness-this is the quadruple of qualities of a physician.
Qualities of drugs
        Abundance, effectivity, various pharmaceutical forms and normal composition-these
are the four qualities of drugs.
Qualities of an attendant
        Knowledge of attendance, dexterity, loyalty and cleanliness-these are four quali-
ties of an attendant.
Qualities of a patient
        Memory, obedience, fearlessness and providing all information about the disorder
-these are the qualities of a patient.
Different planets with their Karakas in Jyotish
        Planet gives rise their karakas effects according to their individual strengths, place-
ment and Avasta. In this shadbala or vimshopaka bala is valued and effects are explained.
The individual karakas of Grahas concerned to the topic “A retrospective study of Physi-
cian profession based on Natal Horoscope with special reference to Ayurveda Vaidya”
are as follows.
   SNo         Planet          Effects (Karakatwa)
   1    Sun(Surya)          Specialist in Medicine, Vetarnary Medicine, treatment of
                            Bones (Orthopedic), Plant Study (Botany or Dravyaguna
                            Shastra In Ayurveda), Jeevashastra (Zoology), Forestry,
                            Mano Vijnana (psychiatry), Netra Chikitsa (Ophthalmology),
                            Mastishka chikitsa (Neurology), Jalajantu Vijnana
                            (Marinology), etc.
   2    Moon (Chandra) Specialist in Chikitsa Vijnanam (Mano & Hridaya Roga -
                            psychiatry & cardiology), Danta Vijnana (Dental science),
                            Oushadha Nirmana (Pharmacy), etc.
   3    Mars (Kuja)         Specialist in Khanija Vijanana (Metallurgy - Rasa shastra in
                            Ayurveda), surgery (Shalya tantra), Rati roga ( Sexually trans-
                            mitted diseases), etc.
    4   Mercury (Budha) Specialist in Samshodhana (research), Chest diseases, skin
                            diseases, Impotency, Vaidya Jyotisham, etc.
   5    Jupiter (Guru)      Specialist in Adhyapanam (teaching), tarka, memamsa,
                            nyaya (these are the fundamentals of Ayurveda - Basic Prin-
                            ciples), etc.
   6    Venus (Sukra)       Specialist in Sukha roga (STD), stree roga (gynecology),
                            Bala roga (pediatrics), etc.
   7    Saturn (Sani)       Specialist in Asti roga (bone disorders), vata prakopa (All
                            Nerve and Musculo skeletal disorders), cancer, Tuberculo-
                            sis, STD, etc.
   8    Dragons             Specialist in smashana Rakshana (Forensic science), Sarpa
        Head(Rahu)          jeevita (Toxicology), Mano Vijnana (psychiatry), yantara vadi
                            (user of electrical or electronic instruments) etc.
   9    Dragons tail (ketu) Specialist in Mano Vijnana (psychiatry), Pasu chikitsa
                            (veterinary science), etc
Importance of Physician
        This quadruple consisting of sixteen qualities is the cause of success but here also
the physician is the main because of his having specific knowledge, administrative and
managing positions. As in the act of cooking, utensils, fuel and fire and in victory of the
victorious land, army and weapons are causative factors, similarly, in the success of a
physician in treatment (of disorders) patients etc, are mentioned as causative factors.
Thus the physician is the principal cause out of drug, attendant and patient.
        As earth, stick, wheel, thread etc. do not serve the purpose (of making a pitcher)
without the potter, the other three legs (drug, attendant and patient) are in the same
position without the physician.
        That extremely severe disorders vanish like the (imaginary) city of Gandharvas
and even simplest disorders aggravate in want of quick management in spite of the three
other legs being existent, confirms that the learned and the ignorant physicians are re-
sponsible for the above two consequences respectively.
        It is better to self-immolate than to be treated by an ignorant (physician). As a blind
man moves about with the help of the movement of his hands and as a boat under storm,
the ignorant physician, due to ignorance, proceeds in the therapeutic management with
too much fear (and lack of confidence)6 .
        Such one regarding himself as physician cures by chance a diseased person whose
life span is certain but, on the other hand, kills hundreds having uncertain life span.
Hence, a physician devoted to these four-scriptures, understanding, application and prac-
tical experience is known as one who promotes life7 .

        The physician who possesses the knowledge of the four aspects-
                       · cause,
                       · symptoms,
                       · cure and
                       · prevention of diseases,
                                        - is the best one and is fit for a king.
Relative Degree of Physician
        Weapon, scripture and water depend on their recipient for consequent merits and
demerits. So, (a physician) should purify his intellect for treatment (of patients). Learning,
rationality, specific knowledge, memory, devotion and action-one that possess these six
qualities, nothing remains unachievable for him.
        Learning, wisdom, practical knowledge, experience, accomplishment and popular-
ity-out of these even one quality is sufficient to give significance to the degree of Vaidya.
The one who possesses all the auspicious qualities like learning etc. deserves to hold the
honorable degree of Vaidya who showers happiness on the living beings.
        Scriptures are like light for illumination and own intellect is like eye, endowed prop-
erly with both these factors, the physician while treating (a patient) does not commit mis-
takes. Because in treatment, the (other) three legs are dependent on the physician, hence
the physician should make all efforts to enrich his qualities.
        Friendliness and compassion towards the diseased, attachment to the remediable
and indifference to those who are moving towards end-this is the fourfold attitude of the
physician8 .
Types of therapy
        There are three types of therapy – spiritual, rational and psychological. The spiri-
tual therapy consists of recitation of mantras, wearing roots and gems, auspicious acts,
offerings, gifts, oblations, following religious precepts, atonement, fasting, invoking bless-
ings, falling on (the feet of) the gods, pilgrimage etc. the rational therapy consists of
rational administration of diet and drugs. Psychological therapy is restraint of mind from
the unwholesome objects9 .
Physicians of high descent
        The lord (Atreya) said-the physicians of high descent, well-versed in scripture,
having practical knowledge, expert, clean, skillful, self-controlled, well-equipped, having
all the sense organs (normal), knowers of constitution and course of action be regarded
as promoters of vital breath and destroyers of diseases.
        Such (physicians) are having –
        · Free from doubt in anatomy, embryology, physiology and pathology,
        · Distinct knowledge of Aetiology, prodroma,
        · Suitability in relation to curable, hardly curable, palliable and rejectable dis-
        · Interpreters of the three fold Ayurvedic principle with brevity
        · As will as details along with the three-fold group of drugs
        · Applies of thirty-five roots and fruits,
        · Four fats, five salts eight measures such as head evacuation etc.
        · Twenty eight gruels,
        · Thirty-two powder ointments,
        · Six hundred evacuative and five hundred decoctions
        · Well-acquainted with the conduct prescribed for the healthy in relation to food
        · Prescribed for the healthy in relation to and drinks,
        · Standing, walking, non-suppresion and suppression of urges,
        · Physical exercise, suitability,
        · Examination and knowledge about the sense organs and
        · The conduct of the nobles;
        · Doubtless in four-legged therapeutics with sixteen qualities,
        · Nature of disease,
        · Three desires,
        · Knowledge about merits and demerits of Vata,
        · Capable in management of four-fold unction with twenty four media and sixty
            four equipment;
        · Experts in various procedures of various types of measures,
        · Such as unction, fomentation, emesis, purgation, etc.;
        · Well versed in head-diseases etc.,
        · Diseases caused by proportional variation of Dosha,
        · Diminution, boils, abscesses, three swellings,
        · Various associations of selling, forty eight locations of diseases,
        · One hundred forty specific diseases,
        · The despicable over-obese and over-lean along with causes,
        · Symptoms and treatment, wholesome and unwholesome sleep,
        · Insomnia and over-sleep along with the causes and treatment,
        · Six measures reducing etc.;
        · Symptoms and therapeutic management of blood disorders and also of mada,
            murchha and samnyasa,
        · Well-acquainted with dietetic considerations,
        · Food items wholesome and unsholesome by nature,
·   Group of the best ones, eighty four asavas(fermented preparations),
       ·   Properties and actions of drugs according to rasa and anurasa,
       ·   Proportional variations in combination of rasas, antagonism,
       ·   Properties and actions of food and drinks classified in twelve groups,
       ·   Properties of after-drink, nine points regarding food,
       ·   Movement of food,
       ·   Wholesome and unwholesome food along with its good and bad effects,
       ·   The diseases located in Dhatus along with their treatment,
       ·   Ten seats of vital breath and the topics to be dealt with in the chapter thirty on
           ten heart-rooted vessels;
       · Accordingly well versed with brevity and details,
       · in the entire treatise and its acquisition,
       · Retention, understanding, application, measures, health, time,
       · Physician and instruments and expert,
       · While endowed with memory, intelligence,
       · Learning and rationale, in implementation not conflicting with his noble quali-
           ties and in dealing with all the living beings with friendly manner like parents,
           brothers and kinsmen.
           Endowed with such qualities, Angivesa are promoters of vital breath and de-
       stroyers of diseases1 0.
       The measure of life is known by the adventitious pathological symptoms in relation
to objects, sense organs, mind, intellect, movement etc. such as one will die after a mo-
ment, hour or day; three five, seven, ten or twelve days, a fortnight, month six months or
a year. Swabhava (becoming own self), pravrttyuparama (cessation of activities), Marana
(death) anityata (non-eternality), nirodha (annihilation)-all are synonymous. This is the
measure of life. Contrary to this is non-measure, which is described in the context of
aristas (sudden appearance of fatal signs). In Ayurveda, the measure of life has also
been described according to the body constitution1 1.
Data and Observations

Chart -01

Chart -02
Chart -03

Chart -04
Chart -05

Chart -06
Chart -07

Chart -08
Chart -09

Chart -10
Chart -11

Chart -12
Chart -13

Chart -14
Chart -15

Chart -16
Chart -17

Chart -18
Chart -19

Chart -20
Chart -21

Chart -22
Chart -23

Chart -24
Table –1

Table –2
Discussion and Conclusion
       The Astrology, since the beginning it was claimed as the science with intuitiveness. The

present study deals with the profession, especially with that of the medical profession with

special reference to that of Ayurvedic Physician. In the study it was not studied in the traditional

form but dealt under the shadow of modern scientific statistical methodology to evaluate the

significance of the possibilities to become Ayurvedic physician.

       Chiefly for declaring the profession Astrology considers the 10th bhava out of the 12

bhavas. But on the other hand the other bhavas doesn’t have less significance. Out of the

horoscope all bhavas are equally responsible to construct an equilibrated effect in the life of the

person. In such case, some times it looks absurd to study few of the aspects for the study,

where cumulative effect of the horoscope speaks the ultimate result.

       Standard textbook claims the profession through 10th bhava and its basis through the 5th

house, which is said as the study, required for the professional success. Apart from the natal

horoscope study the varga study is also required, such as Dashamsha. Many Astrologers give

out the declaration only after careful study of the many aspects such as Rasi, Navamsha,

Dashamsha, Shadvargu, Vimshopaka Bala, Bhavadhipathi, Bhavadhipathi placement, Karaka

graha, Karaka graha placement, their negativism and positivism etc.

       Here at the present study at the references of the astrological scripts 4th lord, 5th lord,

and 10th lord are considered along with the karaka graha as sun. The karakatwa of the planet

also elucidated at the present study.

Sun percentage in Natal Chart

       The graph -1 explains the sun as the karaka, explains its placement in the natal chart. In

this the study is made to the sun position, whether it is in exhalation or debilitation etc. the

detailed chart is shown in table number - 4. The sun position as positive, neutral and negative

basis when it is studied it gives 49% of the positive percentage (Moola trikona, Exalted, Own
house, Greate friend and friend house). On the other hand the negative percentage is of 25%

(Debilitated, Enemy and great enemy). The neutral percentage is of 26%. The detailed percent-

age chart is as follows.

                        Graph -1
        Graph Showing Sun percentage in Natal Chart
4th lord percentage in taken samples

       In the second graph the 4th lordship is discussed. The fourth lord is dependent upon the

lagna of the natal horoscope. The fourth lord is said as the basic education and it explains the

area of living. It is explained as matru and gruha. It also becomes the 12th placement for that of 5th

house, so it can become the retardate factors (pratibandhaka bhava) to that of 5th house. Thus it

has importance in the study of profession. The data is as follows.

                                 Graph -2
             Graph Showing of 4 Lord percentage in taken samples
5th lord percentage in taken samples

       The graph -3 discusses the 5th lord placement in the present study. The 5th lord is said to

be the chief placement in the natal horoscope to discuss the professional study. In this mercury

and Venus has shown relatively more percentage then that of the sun who is said as karaka. But

in the Sastras almost all the planets are considered for the different groups of faculties, which are

embedded, in the medical profession. There by it is difficult to attribute a single planet to that of

the Ayurvedic profession. The study shows the following data.

                                            Graph -3
           Graph Showing of 5 Lord percentage in taken samples
10th lord percentage in taken samples

       The graph -4 discusses the 10th lord placement in the present study. The 10th lord is said

to be the chief placement in the natal horoscope to discuss the professional success. In this

Saturn has shown relatively more percentage then that of the sun who is said as karaka. But in

the Sastras almost all the planets are considered for the different groups of faculties, which are

embedded, in the medical profession. There by it is difficult to attribute a single planet to that of

the Ayurvedic profession. The study shows the following data.

                                           Graph -4
          Graph showing of 10th Lord percentage in taken samples
Lagna in Natal Horoscopes

       Graph -5 shows the lagna interference to that of Ayurvedic Profession. In this different

rashis are considered in the retrospective study of the present study. When Simha and its lord

Surya are considered as the karaka for the Ayurvedic profession, the study reveals that either

as 4th, 5th and 10th lords connections to the natal Lagna, the result is as follows. In this study

major lagnas are mesha as it have simha as 5th lord’s house, Vrishabha as it have Simha as 4th

lord’s house and for the Vrischika as Simha becomes 10th house. Apart from these Makara has

shown remarkable percentage 12.5% even though simha becomes 8th house for it. Further

elucidation has to be made to rule out this confusion.
Graph - 5
  Graph Showing Lagna in Selected Horoscopes

                    Graph - 6
Graph Showing Chandra Lagna in Selected Horoscopes
Chandra Lagna in Natal Horoscopes
Graph - 6 shows the Chandra lagna interference to that of Ayurvedic Profession. In this different
rashis are considered in the retrospective study of the present study. When Simha and its lord
Surya are considered as the karaka for the Ayurvedic profession, the study reveals that either
as 4th, 5th and 10th lords connections to the natal chandra Lagna, the result is as follows. In this
study major lagnas are mesha as it have simha as 5th lord’s house, Vrishabha as it have Simha
as 4th lord’s house and for the Vrischika as Simha becomes 10th house. Apart from these Makara
has shown remarkable percentage 12.5% and Kumbha shown 16.7%, even though simha be-
comes 8th house and 7th house respectively for it. Further elucidation has to be made to rule out
this confusion.

       The over all appreciation of this study reveals that the decision of profession declaration

can not be fitted in to the modern scientific study. The science is more of intuitive and has many

rules and sub rules to declare the final result, then that of mere mathematical calculations.

       But out of the experience in the study it can be said as the interference of Sun and its

Natal sign Leo (Simha) are important to have an idea of joining in to the Ayurvedic Profession.

People those who have the sun implication more are good in the practice of Ayurveda, others are

practicing the modern medicine and could not fix themselves as Ayurvedic practitioners.
In Dashamsha the position is being examined and tabulated as under. In this for many

samples Jupiter became the highest incidence in dashamsha chart, as the lord of 10th and also

aspect to the 10th place. The next planet influenced the study is Saturn with its aspect on 10th

place and with lordship to 2 samples. The data is as follows.

         Table showing analysis of 10th lord and occupancy in 10th place in Dashamsa

       So, it can be concluded as -

           Placements such as 4th, 5th and 10th in the Natal horoscope are necessary for the

           declaring the profession.

           Karakatwa of the all planets including sun has to consider as a total.

           Sun has very specific placement in declaring the Ayurveda Profession

           Simah Rashi also has specific Placement in respect to Ayurveda Profession

       Study reveals -

           The sun is the prime planet with the Jupiter and Saturn influence on it.

           The 4th , 5th and 10th lords and occupants study is needed to state the profession

           Simha Rashi and Sun influence is there on Ayurveda Profession.

           Further elucidation is required to categorize the professions on the basis of modern

           scientific and statistical methodology.

       Jyotish then literally means the lord of Light, with special reference to the Sun, Moon,

Stars and Planets. It is a science of the study of heavenly lights and their effects on human life.

The word astrology has the same roots; ‘Astro’ refers to the stars (the source of light) and ‘logos’

science. The earth, then, receives this light.

       Jyotish helps to achieve the four main goals of human life; Dharma (religious merit), Artha

(acquiring wealth), Kama (worldly enjoyment) and Moksha (liberation). It governs not only indi-

vidual life but also global affairs as well. The study of the influence of light on every living and

non-living thing is the science of Jyotish.

       This science is firmly established in to the human life with all auspicious and inauspicious

activities. The profession and knowledge are of two different entities. Occasionally knowledge of

various sciences related to one profession but always the profession exerts the expertise of one


Study design:

       The present study is designed as retrospective study of the observation of handful of

Ayurvedic Physicians. Out of the professions “Vaidya” the physician is having a place of supernu-

merary. Thus the Ayurvedic physician profession is selected for the study, which is protecting and

safe guarding the traditional sciences of India and has linkage between Jyotish and Veda vedangas.

       Out of the 12 bhava, the 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas are considered here for the evaluation of

the profession. Vitta, Netra, Mukha, Vidya, Vak, Kutumba and Bhojana as the factors to be noted

for the 2nd bhava, we consider 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas for the emphasizing the profession with

special reference to Ayurvedic Physician.

       Here at this juncture 4th bhava is 12th to that of 5th bhava which can be hindrance factor for

the higher education or to that of 5th bhava. That 4th bhava becomes the Gruha and Aramadikam,

where the hospitals or treatment rooms are the influential factors to that of the Physician Profes-

sion. The Doctors by virtue posses the qualification of the (B.A.M.S.) Ayurvedic physician, he

may not be doing the same work as an Ayurvedic Physician.
Qualities of a physician

         Excellence in theoretical knowledge, extensive practical experience, dexterity and clean-

liness-this is the quadruple of qualities of a physician.

         The lord (Atreya) said-the physicians of high descent, well-versed in scripture, having

practical knowledge, expert, clean, skillful, self-controlled, well-equipped, having all the sense

organs (normal), knowers of constitution and course of action be regarded as promoters of vital

breath and destroyers of diseases.

         Apart from the natal horoscope study the varga study is also required, such as Dashamsha.

Here at the present study at the references of the astrological scripts 4th lord, 5th lord, and 10th

lord are considered along with the karaka graha as sun.

         When Simha and its lord Surya are considered as the karaka for the Ayurvedic profes-

sion, the study reveals that either as 4th, 5th and 10th lords connections to the natal Lagna, the

result is as follows. In this study major lagnas are mesha as it have simha as 5th lord’s house,

Vrishabha as it have Simha as 4th lord’s house and for the Vrischika as Simha becomes 10th


Study reveals -

         The 4th, 5th and 10th lords and occupants study is needed to state the profession

         Simha Rashi and Sun influence is there on Ayurveda Profession.

     Light on Life – An introduction to the Astrology of India by
   Hart Defouw and Robert Svoboda, Foreword by Dr. Vasant
      handyogyopanishat 7-12
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 1/120-123
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 9/3
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 9/3
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 15-16
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 17
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 18 -26
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 11/54
       Charaka Samhita Sutra 29/7
      Charaka Samhita Sutra 30/25
      Susruta Kalpastana 1/6 -8
       Susruta Sutra Stana 34 chapter
       Brihat Parashara Hora 12/5 footnote
       Brihat Parashara Hora 12/6
       Brihat Parashara Hora 12/5
       Brihat Parashara Hora 12/11
       Jaimini Sutra 1-2-21, 1-2-25, Bihat Parashara Hora 33/
   13-18, 20, 77, 82
       Jaimini Sutra 1-2-16
       Jaimini Sutra1-2-86
 Bhavartha Ratnakaramu, (Telugu) by Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastry, Published by
 Jyotisha vijnana Kendram, Rajamundry, 1982
 Brihajjatakam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy
 Sons, Rajamundry, 1991
 Brihat Parashara Hora shastram, (Telugu) by Kambhampati Ramagopala Krishnamurthy,
 Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991
 Charaka Samhita, (Telugu) by Sripada Krishna Murthy sastry, 3rd reprint 1977
 Charaka Samhita, Edited by Prof. Priyavat Sharma, Published by Chaukhambha
 Orientalia, Varanasi, 1981
 Fundamentals of Medical Astrology, by Tapomay Ghoshhajra, published by Vedic Publica-
 tions, Calcutta, 1989
 Goutama Samhita (Telugu), by Vemuri Dakshina Murthy, Published by Star Astrological
 research center, Hyderabad, 1934, reprint 1994
 Jaimini Sutramulu, (Telugu) by Kambhampati Ramagopala Krishnamurthy, Published by
 Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991
 Jataka Parijatam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi
 Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991
 Jyotisha Parichayam (Telugu) by Ch.V.B.Subrahmanyam, Published by Satyasai
 Grandhamala, Hyderabad
 Jyotisha Sarvaswam (Telugu), by Divakaruni Venkata Subba Rao, published by Sri
 Venkateswara Jyotisha Granthamala Madras, 1972
 Light on Life - An Introduction to the Astrology of India, by Hart Defouw & Robert Svobodo
 published by Arkana Penguin Books 1966
 Phala Depika (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy
 Sons, Rajamundry, 1991
 Purohita Darshini (Jatakalankaramu) (Telugu) by Gorasa Verabhadracharyulu, published by
 Sri Gayatri Jyotishalayam, Hyderabad, 1991
 Susruta Samhita, edited by Kaviraj Kunjalal Bhishagratna, published by Chowkhamba
 Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1991
 Vaidya Jyotisham (Telugu), by Vemuri Dakshina Murthy, Published by Star Astrological
 research center, Hyderabad, 1953, reprint 1994
 Vaidya Jyotisham, (Telugu) by Sivala Subrahmanyam, published by Sri Sai Jyothi Publica-
 tions, Hyderabad, 1997

DATE OF BIRTH      : 03-10-1960
                   (THIRD OCTOBER NINTEEN SIXTY)
SEX                : MALE
                    ENGLISH, GERMAN, SANSKRIT
                                  and YOGA
NUMBER                            : T945845
DATE OF ISSUE                     : FIRST MARCH 1995 (RENEWAL)
VALID UP TO                       : 28-02-2005
ISSUED FROM                       : R.P.A., HYDERABAD, INDIA.
TRAVEL DETAILS                    : All Europe and Croatia,
                                  Had blue card from Nederlands dated 21-8-95
ACADEMIC                          : 10+2 Grade, with Biology, Physics & chemistry
BASIC                             : B.A.M.S. in 1983 from Osmania University
ADVANCE                           : M.D. in 1989 from Osmania University.
MED. REGISTRATION                 : 301/83 in IM&H, AP Govt.,INDIA.
OTHERS                            : Certificate of German Proficiency from CIEFL, Hyderabad

PRESENT:           Dr. K. Siva Rama Prasad
                   Reader, PGARC, DGM Ayurvedic medical college,
                   Kalasapur road, Gadag, Karnataka.
                    : +91-8372-38014 (Office) Or
                      +91-8372-31922 (Residence)
PERMANENT:13-32, Alakapuri, Sri Ramakrishnapuram,
                   Dilsuk nagar, Hyderabad - 500 070,
                   Andhrapradesh, India.
                     : +91-40-4037324
My Thesis:
       “ A study of the Pippali yukta Narikelakshara (lavana) in parinama soola” That is a
study of the Piper longum with Coccus nucifera and rocksalt ashes in peptic ulcer under the
guidance of Reader, Prof. Dr. V.V.S.Sastri.

1983 to 1989
       Thesis period was a golden period for my practical development and to attain my higher
educational qualification.

January, 1995 to August 1996 :
Professor, MF International, Nederlands
       MF International having 7000 branches all around the world with a big hospital estab-
lished at Valkenburg, Nederlands. It offers treatment and prophylaxis for patients. Health through
Yoga and diet regulations is adopted in treatments.
       My responsibility at MF International was as in-charge of the hospital to see the patients
admitted at hospital and to make available knowledge for the patients who are interested in
Ayurveda. I used to tour around the Europe for consultations and courses.

August, 1996 to January, 1998 :
       At Ayurvedic medical college, Bidar and TMAE Society at Bhadravathi and Hospet served
and improved the hospitals.

February, 1998 to October, 1998
       As head of the department, uplifted the panchakarma unit by performing wide range of
treatments. Motivated students towards their goal. Initiated group discussions, seminars and
practical knowledge was shared to Ayurvedic community through ARMARC News letter, pub-
lished from ALNRMAMC, Koppa.

October, 1998 TO PRESENT:
Reader in Kayachikitsa (general medicine),
       Initiated students towards research and improved hospital standards. Modern educational
audio video techniques are introduced in curriculum. Proposed for computerized multimedia edu-
cation system in postgraduate curriculum.
       Edited the “ Essentials of Basic Ayurveda Concepts” written by
Dr.V.V.S.Sastri, my teacher, published from Postgraduate and research center,
DGM Ayurvedic medical college, Gadag.
Project Officer:
¨   Experimental and clinical study of Arsol capsule In Arshas (Hemorrhoids) for
    BAN labs ltd, Rajkot - 360004
¨   Clinical trial - TRSSE (Tentax Royal) in Erectile Dysfunction for The Himalaya
    Drug Company, Bangalore - 562 123
Guide for the desertions:
    Evaluation of the efficacy of Ojovardhini Yoga in Ojokshaya (with special
    reference to HIV infection) - 2001-2002
    Evaluation of the effect of Vajigandhadi Yoga in the management of
    Kshinasukra (Oligozoospermia) - 2001-2002
    Evaluation of the Efficacy of Narashimha Yoga in Klaibya with special refer-
    ence to Erectile Dysfunction (E.D)- 2001-2003
    An evaluation of the efficacy of Phalatrikadi Yoga in Kamala (Jaundice) 2001-
Guided the compilations -
    A compilation work on Swasa (Asthma) - 1998-1999
    A compilation work on Amlapitta (Acid peptic disorders) - 1998-1999
    A compilation work on Pravahika (Irritable bowel syndrome vis a vis Amoe-
    biasis) - 1998-1999
    A compilation work on gridhrasi (Lumbago sciatica syndrome) - 1998-1999
    A compilation work on Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) - 1999-2000
    A compilation work on Hridroga (Heart Disease)- 1999-2000
    A compilation work on Kamala (Jaundice)- 1999-2000
    A compilation work on Switra (Vitiligo)- 1999-2000
    A compilation work on Apasmara (Epilepsy)- 1999-2000
    A compilation work on Vicharchika (Eczema)- 2000-2001
    A compilation work on Vatarakta (GoutyArthritis)- 2000-2001
    A compilation work on Parinama Shoola (Peptic Ulcer)- 2000-2001
    A compilation work on Aetiopathogenesis of Manasika Rogas (Psychiatric
diseases) with special reference to Unmada (Mania)- 2000-2001
Co-guide for the desertions:
   The effect of Bhumyamalakyadi churna in Madhumeha (with special reference
   to its hypoglycemic effect)- 1998-2000
   The efficacy of Pippalyadi Guggulu in Medoroga (with special reference to its
   Hypo lipidiemic effect)- 1998-2000
   Evaluation of the effect of Vachamamsyadi yoga in Raktapeedanadhikyata
   (Hypertension)- 1999-2001
   Evaluation of the effect of Gudanagaradi Vati in Pandu (Anaemia) - 1999-
   Evaluation of the effect of Ketakyadi Taila as kativasti in Katishoola (Lum-
   bago) -1999-2001
   Evaluation of the efficacy of Dhatryadi Yoga (Internal) and Avalgujadi lepa
   (External) along with and without sodhana (Vamana) in Switra (With special
   reference to Vitiligo) - 1999-2001
   Evaluation of the efficacy of Erandadi Guggulu in Gridhrasi - 1999-2001
   Evaluation of the efficacy of Eladi Churna in Amlapitta (with special reference
   to Hyperchlorhydria) - 2001-2002
   Evaluation of the efficacy of Patoladi Compound and Yogabasti in Kitibha
   Kusta (with special reference to Psoriasis) - 2001-2003

       I look forward to our personal meeting, which would provide us with an op-
portunity to know each other, better.

                                                                      Yours friendly,
                                                    Prof. Dr. K.Siva Rama Prasad

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Physician profession ksr

  • 1. A retrospective study of Physician profession based on Natal Horoscope with special reference to Ayurveda Vaidya By Dr.Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001) As partial fulfillment of post graduation degree M.A.(Jyotisham) Under Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad Under the departmental guidance of Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor and head of the department Director In-Charge, Jyotisham Gorasa Veerabhadra charyulu M.A., Lecturer Department of Jyotisham Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University Department of Jyotisham 1999-2001
  • 2. This is to certify that Dr. Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad, M.D. (Ayurveda) Kayachikitsa, has worked for his Compilation on the topic entitled “A retrospec- tive study of Physician profession based on Natal Horoscope with special reference to Ayurveda Vaidya”. The above titled Compilation is done under my supervision and guidance. This Compilation makes a distinct advance on scientific lines in the above sub- ject and the findings are highly significant at the evaluation and have consider- ably contributed to the present knowledge of the subject. I am fully satisfied with his original work and hereby forward the Compila- tion for the evaluation of adjudicators. Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor and head of the department Director In-Charge, Jyotisham
  • 3. Acknowledgement By the grace of god Ganapathii it is pleasure to express my full respect and re- gard to my parents Sri Kethamakka Satyanarayana and Seetaramamma who made me mentally strong and capable to face and solve the problems in the life without any ten- sion and fear. My father carefully and wisely gave his knowledge to me in respect of utilization of the Astrology in my career. I am one out of the luckiest people to get an opportunity in Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University under Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam, M.A., M.A., Ph.D., as Professor and head of the department, Director In-Charge, Jyotisham and Gorasa Veerabhadra charyulu, M.A., Lecturer, Department of Jyotisham. They provided all type of suggestions, which make the guideline to this Paper presentation. Their experience and views allowed me to take new concepts for this venture and completion of this paper in time. My thanks and respect to their dynamic personality. I have a deep respect for three famous Astrologers who inspired me in my life- time. They are Sri Madhura Krishna Murthy Sastri, who met me in Nederlands, Mr. Tandra Phani Prakash, a companion at Germany and My father Sri Kethamakka Satyanarayana. I have a proud on the friend ship of my friend Sri Ramanacharyulu, K.P. Astrologer, who helped me during my M.A. Jyotish (External) Course. I express my eternal love to my daughter Baby Harsha Kowshik and Sons Hari Hara Prasad and Harun Kowshik for dispelling al the tension and tiredness with their talk, love and respect. All the above are meaningless if I do not recollect my brilliant wife Piratla Valli Sree for her support extended by all means from the beginning till the end of this M.A. Jyotish course and since my wedding tie with her. At the end I am thankful to the Doctors, lecturers and Scholars of D.G.M. Ayurvedic Medical College, Gadag, for their contribution of valuable Birth data which was used in this Paper. Dr.Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad
  • 4. Contents of A retrospective study of Physician profession based on Natal Horoscope with special reference to Ayurveda Vaidya By Dr.Kethamakka Siva Rama Prasad, (M.A. Jyotisham (correspondence course) in 1999 -2001) Introduction Page 1 Literary review Page 6 Data and Observations Page 17 Discussion and Conclusion Page 30 Summary Page 44 References and Bibliography Introduction Jyotish is a Sanskrit term derived from two roots; Jyoti, which means light, and Isha, which means Lord or God. Jyotish then literally means the lord of Light, with special reference to the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets1 . It is a science of the study of heavenly lights and their effects on human life. Atma jyoti parama dhama (+Éi¨É VªÉÉäÊiÉ {É®Æú vɨÉÇ) means that Atma (the soul) or pure awareness is also the light and that one should seek to attain that light of life with the help of Jyotish. Jyotish helps to achieve the four main goals of human life; Dharma (religious merit), Artha (acquiring wealth), Kama (worldly enjoyment) and Moksha (liberation). It governs not only individual life but also global affairs as well. The study of the influence of light on every living and non-living thing is the science of Jyotish. The word astrology has the same roots; ‘Astro’ refers to the stars (the source of light) and ‘logos’ science. Everything in the universe is moving and changing, and that which is moving is bound by time. Stars are luminous bodies radiating energy into space. The rays of light, then, come from the stars and planets, which are surrounded by their own magnetic and gravitational fields influencing this light. The earth, then, receives this light. According to ancient Jyotish shastra (scriptures), Saturn is the most distant plan- etary body influencing the earth, and the moon is the nearest. The sun is considered the soul of our solar system. These light energies coming from the sun, moon, planets and stars all separately influence the physical, environmental, mental and spiritual status of all beings. This light also effects the dark recess of distant future. Just consider the fact that the light from many stars began its journey millions of years ago. The ancient science of Jyotish uses accurate mathematical calculations to deter- mine the position (past, present and future) of the heavenly bodies in order to foretell the future of individuals and the fate of nations, empires, kingdoms, wars, revolutions and other terrestrial events.
  • 5. Jyotish believes that man is a creation of the cosmos. From the Ayurvedic stand point, every human being has a unique body type, called Prakruti. Jyotish also believes that everyone has a unique planetary constitution. This combination governs the entire psychosomatic make-up of an individual. The unique combination of every individual de- pends entirely upon the specific time and place of physical birth. So it is very important to check in the kundali (astrological chart) for personal compatibility before marriage, in order to bring clarity, communication and success in marital life. People should plan well in advance for conception, building a house or beginning any auspicious work according to the most favorable planetary positions. Just as imbalance of bodily Dosha causes disease, likewise the undesirable effect of certain planets can become a causative factor in iii-health. According to Ayurveda, every individual has seven bodily tissues, and according to Jyotish, the different planets influence them. For instance, the sun influences consciousness and eyes, the moon gov- erns the mind, mercury the intellect, and Jupiter supervises knowledge. Mars is related to the blood and lever, Saturn rules the neuro-muscular systems. Venus governs the repro- duction system and artistic talent. Jyotish can be studied under several different aspects: astro – physiology, psy- chology, etiology, pathology, symptomatology and therapeutics. Like any other vedic dis- cipline, the study of Jyotish needs the guidance and blessing of a guru (one who has mastered the subject) in order to have the insight to read and interpret the Jyotish char. It is a wonderful healing science, which can suggest certain stones, gems, crystals and metals in order to balance the undesirable effects of the planets. Jyotish also advises fasting on certain days to lessen these negative effects. It can also recommend a proper mantra, aspect of god to worship, Yagya (fire ceremony) and certain spiritual rituals in order to neutralize karmic and planetary effects. In the true sense of the word, the science of Jyotish embraces the whole human being in order to bring health, happiness and harmony in personal relationships and in the business world. On the other hand the definition of Jyotish reefers to light in which identification of stars in the sky is done. VªÉÉäÊiɹÉÉÆ ºÉÚªÉÉÇnùÒxÉÉÆ ¤ÉÉävÉEÆò ¶ÉɺjÉÆ This science is referred as Nakshatra vidya, from Chandodyojyopanishat2 . Jyotish explains about planetary movement and their impact on the earth, atmosphere, and indi- viduals. This science is firmly established in to the human life with all auspicious and inaus- picious activities. This science infers the activities of individuals based on the planetary positions and obtains the results as directed by the experts of Astrology, such as Parashara, Jaimini, etc. The human life is divided into four stages, Balya, Koumara, Yavana and Vardhakya. In the Balya and Koumara it goes in learning and knowing the surroundings where as in Yavana as human is a being of society undergoes the land marks of life as getting married and having the children and so on. To maintain the family man needs the activity of earning, the profession. The pro- fession is either depends upon the interest of individual or may become compulsory to work with in the situation. The profession is different from that of art. There are 64 kala (Arts) have mentioned along with Veda, Vedanga, Upanishat, etc. The profession and knowledge are of two different entities. Occasionally knowl-
  • 6. edge of various sciences related to one profession but always the profession exerts the expertise of one science. The profession, now a day is different from that of ancient days. Previously it was related to Shadanga such as Sikha, Vyakarana. Present day Macaly’s education system changed the attitudes of Jyotish to choose and search for the new combinations and permutations of the each and every aspect of Astrology. In this proce- dure an elucidation of the prospective and retrospective subjective study is very much necessary. Study design The present study is designed as retrospective study of the observation of handful of Ayurvedic Physicians. It also has the prospective observation of the textual scriptures related to the profession of Physician of different cadres of applicability. In this study 24 established Ayurvedic physicians are covered irrespective of the sex incidence. All the physicians are categorized in two sections as such post graduates and graduates. Another section of criteria is working as lecturers or practitioners. These groups are studied widely under the instructions of the said literatures of Astrology and rules applied for it. Apart from this the observation is made with 24 horoscopes to estab- lish the rule to posses the qualification under the rational study. Literary review Out of the professions “Vaidya” the physician is having a place of supernumerary. Thus the Ayurvedic physician profession is selected for the study, which is protecting and safe guarding the traditional sciences of India and has linkage between Jyotish and Veda vedangas. Whenever we look in to any aspect study in Astrology we have to consider Bhava, Bhavadhipathi and Karaka graha. ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉä ¦ÉÉ´É{ÉÊiɶSÉ EòÉ®úEòJÉMÉ: This gives us immense idea to accentuate the true positions of planets with re- spect to the determination of the facts from a horoscope. Out of the 12 bhava, the 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas are considered here for the evalu- ation of the profession. The second bhava even though said in grandhantara as - Ê´ÉkÉÆ xÉäjÉÆ ¨ÉÖJÉÆ Ê´ÉtÉÆ ´ÉÉCEÖò]ÖõƤÉɶÉxÉÉÊxÉSÉ Vitta, Netra, Mukha, Vidya, Vak, Kutumba and Bhojana1 4 as the factors to be noted for the 2nd bhava, we consider 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas for the emphasizing the profession with special reference to Ayurvedic Physician. 5th Bhava enumerates - ªÉÆjÉÆ ¨ÉÆjÉÆ iÉvÉÉÊ´ÉtÉÆ ¤ÉÖqäù¶SÉè´É |ɤÉÆvÉEÆò yantram, mantram, vidya, buddhi and writing the books1 5. The education is always basic and professional. Here at this juncture 4th bhava is 12th to that of 5th bhava which can be hindrance factor for the higher education or to that of 5th bhava. That 4th bhava becomes the Gruha and Aramadikam1 6, where the hospitals or treatment rooms are the influential factors to that of the Physician Profession. The Doctors by virtue posses the qualification of the (B.A.M.S.) Ayurvedic physician, he may not be doing the same work as an Ayurvedic Physician. Thus the evaluation of the 4th bhava is also necessary while evaluating the profession.
  • 7. The job or the profession is seen from the 10th house from the natal horoscope. In further Dadhamsha is one to look for the professional success in any natal horoscope. 10th house not only gives rise the information regarding the profession but also about the journey or migration to the another place1 7. Observations on Vaidya from Jyotish Sutras The physician has given an important place in the vedic literature. In Jyotish litera- ture like Brihat Parashara hora and Jaimini Sutras the Vaidya are said as two catogories as Vaidya and visha Vaidya1 8. Mainly Dhatuvadi1 9 and Rasavadi2 0 terms are used for the Vaidya, where a physician works with metals (alchemy). Rasaaushadhi contains Parada (Mercury) and Gandhaka (sulfur). The Dhatuvadi uses these materials. Dhatuvadi in other terms can understand as a person who converts the lower metals to higher metals, such as copper to Gold. The necessary qualifications of a superintendent of the royal kitchen A king should appoint a physician for the royal kitchen (to superintend the prepara- tions of the royal fare). He should be well paid and possess the following qualifications. He should come of a respectable family, should be virtuous in conduct, fondly attached to the person of his sovereign, and always watchful of the health of the king. He should be greed less, straight-forwards, god-fearing, and grateful of handsome features, and de- void of irascibility, roughness, vanity, arrogance and laziness. He should be forbearing self-controlled, cleanly, compassionate, well-behaved, intelligent, capable of bearing fa- tigue, well meaning devoted, of good address, cleaver, skillful, smart, artless, energetic and marked with all the necessary qualifications (of a physician) as described before. He should be fully provided with all kinds of medicine and be highly esteemed by the mem- bers of his profession1 2. Jaimini version of Visha Viadya If Rahu is in karakamsha the person becomes Visha Vaidya. He may become a physician deals with poisons or may become as physician to look after king with other yogas present in his horoscope. Qualities of a physician (Visha Vaidya) A physician should have the following qualities. Who is well versed in the science of medicine and Has attended to the demonstrations of surgery and medicine And who himself practices the healing art, and is Clean, courageous, light-handed, Fully equipped with supplies of medicine, surgical instruments and appliances, And who is intelligent, well read, and is A man of ready resources, and one commands a decent practice, And is further endowed with all moral virtues, is along fit to be called a physician1 3. Herbalists and Ayurveda Goatherds, shepherds cowherds and other forest-dwellers know the plants by name and form. Nobody can comprehend fully about the plants only by knowing (their) names or forms. He is the real knower of them who, after knowing the name and form has got knowledge of their administration, let alone the one who knows plants in all aspects. He is the best physician who knows administration of these (plants) according to place and time and also keeping in view the individual constitution3 . Pada Chatustaya (Four Quadrants) in Ayurveda Physician, drug, attendant and patient, this is the quadruple which, if endowed with qualities, leads to alleviation of disorders4 .
  • 8. Abnormality (disorder) is non-equilibrium of Dhatus and their equilibrium is nor- malcy (health). Health is known, as happiness while disorder is unhappiness. Employ- ment of all the excellent four – physician etc. – in case of disorder of Dhatus with the object of (re-establishing) there equilibrium is said as therapeutics5 . Qualities of a physician Excellence in theoretical knowledge, extensive practical experience, dexterity and cleanliness-this is the quadruple of qualities of a physician. Qualities of drugs Abundance, effectivity, various pharmaceutical forms and normal composition-these are the four qualities of drugs. Qualities of an attendant Knowledge of attendance, dexterity, loyalty and cleanliness-these are four quali- ties of an attendant. Qualities of a patient Memory, obedience, fearlessness and providing all information about the disorder -these are the qualities of a patient. Different planets with their Karakas in Jyotish Planet gives rise their karakas effects according to their individual strengths, place- ment and Avasta. In this shadbala or vimshopaka bala is valued and effects are explained. The individual karakas of Grahas concerned to the topic “A retrospective study of Physi- cian profession based on Natal Horoscope with special reference to Ayurveda Vaidya” are as follows. SNo Planet Effects (Karakatwa) 1 Sun(Surya) Specialist in Medicine, Vetarnary Medicine, treatment of Bones (Orthopedic), Plant Study (Botany or Dravyaguna Shastra In Ayurveda), Jeevashastra (Zoology), Forestry, Mano Vijnana (psychiatry), Netra Chikitsa (Ophthalmology), Mastishka chikitsa (Neurology), Jalajantu Vijnana (Marinology), etc. 2 Moon (Chandra) Specialist in Chikitsa Vijnanam (Mano & Hridaya Roga - psychiatry & cardiology), Danta Vijnana (Dental science), Oushadha Nirmana (Pharmacy), etc. 3 Mars (Kuja) Specialist in Khanija Vijanana (Metallurgy - Rasa shastra in Ayurveda), surgery (Shalya tantra), Rati roga ( Sexually trans- mitted diseases), etc. 4 Mercury (Budha) Specialist in Samshodhana (research), Chest diseases, skin diseases, Impotency, Vaidya Jyotisham, etc. 5 Jupiter (Guru) Specialist in Adhyapanam (teaching), tarka, memamsa, nyaya (these are the fundamentals of Ayurveda - Basic Prin- ciples), etc. 6 Venus (Sukra) Specialist in Sukha roga (STD), stree roga (gynecology), Bala roga (pediatrics), etc. 7 Saturn (Sani) Specialist in Asti roga (bone disorders), vata prakopa (All Nerve and Musculo skeletal disorders), cancer, Tuberculo- sis, STD, etc. 8 Dragons Specialist in smashana Rakshana (Forensic science), Sarpa Head(Rahu) jeevita (Toxicology), Mano Vijnana (psychiatry), yantara vadi (user of electrical or electronic instruments) etc. 9 Dragons tail (ketu) Specialist in Mano Vijnana (psychiatry), Pasu chikitsa (veterinary science), etc
  • 9. Importance of Physician This quadruple consisting of sixteen qualities is the cause of success but here also the physician is the main because of his having specific knowledge, administrative and managing positions. As in the act of cooking, utensils, fuel and fire and in victory of the victorious land, army and weapons are causative factors, similarly, in the success of a physician in treatment (of disorders) patients etc, are mentioned as causative factors. Thus the physician is the principal cause out of drug, attendant and patient. As earth, stick, wheel, thread etc. do not serve the purpose (of making a pitcher) without the potter, the other three legs (drug, attendant and patient) are in the same position without the physician. That extremely severe disorders vanish like the (imaginary) city of Gandharvas and even simplest disorders aggravate in want of quick management in spite of the three other legs being existent, confirms that the learned and the ignorant physicians are re- sponsible for the above two consequences respectively. It is better to self-immolate than to be treated by an ignorant (physician). As a blind man moves about with the help of the movement of his hands and as a boat under storm, the ignorant physician, due to ignorance, proceeds in the therapeutic management with too much fear (and lack of confidence)6 . Such one regarding himself as physician cures by chance a diseased person whose life span is certain but, on the other hand, kills hundreds having uncertain life span. Hence, a physician devoted to these four-scriptures, understanding, application and prac- tical experience is known as one who promotes life7 . The physician who possesses the knowledge of the four aspects- · cause, · symptoms, · cure and · prevention of diseases, - is the best one and is fit for a king. Relative Degree of Physician Weapon, scripture and water depend on their recipient for consequent merits and demerits. So, (a physician) should purify his intellect for treatment (of patients). Learning, rationality, specific knowledge, memory, devotion and action-one that possess these six qualities, nothing remains unachievable for him. Learning, wisdom, practical knowledge, experience, accomplishment and popular- ity-out of these even one quality is sufficient to give significance to the degree of Vaidya. The one who possesses all the auspicious qualities like learning etc. deserves to hold the honorable degree of Vaidya who showers happiness on the living beings. Scriptures are like light for illumination and own intellect is like eye, endowed prop- erly with both these factors, the physician while treating (a patient) does not commit mis- takes. Because in treatment, the (other) three legs are dependent on the physician, hence the physician should make all efforts to enrich his qualities. Friendliness and compassion towards the diseased, attachment to the remediable and indifference to those who are moving towards end-this is the fourfold attitude of the physician8 . Types of therapy There are three types of therapy – spiritual, rational and psychological. The spiri- tual therapy consists of recitation of mantras, wearing roots and gems, auspicious acts,
  • 10. offerings, gifts, oblations, following religious precepts, atonement, fasting, invoking bless- ings, falling on (the feet of) the gods, pilgrimage etc. the rational therapy consists of rational administration of diet and drugs. Psychological therapy is restraint of mind from the unwholesome objects9 . Physicians of high descent The lord (Atreya) said-the physicians of high descent, well-versed in scripture, having practical knowledge, expert, clean, skillful, self-controlled, well-equipped, having all the sense organs (normal), knowers of constitution and course of action be regarded as promoters of vital breath and destroyers of diseases. Such (physicians) are having – · Free from doubt in anatomy, embryology, physiology and pathology, · Distinct knowledge of Aetiology, prodroma, · Suitability in relation to curable, hardly curable, palliable and rejectable dis- eases · Interpreters of the three fold Ayurvedic principle with brevity · As will as details along with the three-fold group of drugs · Applies of thirty-five roots and fruits, · Four fats, five salts eight measures such as head evacuation etc. · Twenty eight gruels, · Thirty-two powder ointments, · Six hundred evacuative and five hundred decoctions · Well-acquainted with the conduct prescribed for the healthy in relation to food · Prescribed for the healthy in relation to and drinks, · Standing, walking, non-suppresion and suppression of urges, · Physical exercise, suitability, · Examination and knowledge about the sense organs and · The conduct of the nobles; · Doubtless in four-legged therapeutics with sixteen qualities, · Nature of disease, · Three desires, · Knowledge about merits and demerits of Vata, · Capable in management of four-fold unction with twenty four media and sixty four equipment; · Experts in various procedures of various types of measures, · Such as unction, fomentation, emesis, purgation, etc.; · Well versed in head-diseases etc., · Diseases caused by proportional variation of Dosha, · Diminution, boils, abscesses, three swellings, · Various associations of selling, forty eight locations of diseases, · One hundred forty specific diseases, · The despicable over-obese and over-lean along with causes, · Symptoms and treatment, wholesome and unwholesome sleep, · Insomnia and over-sleep along with the causes and treatment, · Six measures reducing etc.; · Symptoms and therapeutic management of blood disorders and also of mada, murchha and samnyasa, · Well-acquainted with dietetic considerations, · Food items wholesome and unsholesome by nature,
  • 11. · Group of the best ones, eighty four asavas(fermented preparations), · Properties and actions of drugs according to rasa and anurasa, · Proportional variations in combination of rasas, antagonism, · Properties and actions of food and drinks classified in twelve groups, · Properties of after-drink, nine points regarding food, · Movement of food, · Wholesome and unwholesome food along with its good and bad effects, · The diseases located in Dhatus along with their treatment, · Ten seats of vital breath and the topics to be dealt with in the chapter thirty on ten heart-rooted vessels; · Accordingly well versed with brevity and details, · in the entire treatise and its acquisition, · Retention, understanding, application, measures, health, time, · Physician and instruments and expert, · While endowed with memory, intelligence, · Learning and rationale, in implementation not conflicting with his noble quali- ties and in dealing with all the living beings with friendly manner like parents, brothers and kinsmen. Endowed with such qualities, Angivesa are promoters of vital breath and de- stroyers of diseases1 0. The measure of life is known by the adventitious pathological symptoms in relation to objects, sense organs, mind, intellect, movement etc. such as one will die after a mo- ment, hour or day; three five, seven, ten or twelve days, a fortnight, month six months or a year. Swabhava (becoming own self), pravrttyuparama (cessation of activities), Marana (death) anityata (non-eternality), nirodha (annihilation)-all are synonymous. This is the measure of life. Contrary to this is non-measure, which is described in the context of aristas (sudden appearance of fatal signs). In Ayurveda, the measure of life has also been described according to the body constitution1 1.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Discussion and Conclusion The Astrology, since the beginning it was claimed as the science with intuitiveness. The present study deals with the profession, especially with that of the medical profession with special reference to that of Ayurvedic Physician. In the study it was not studied in the traditional form but dealt under the shadow of modern scientific statistical methodology to evaluate the significance of the possibilities to become Ayurvedic physician. Chiefly for declaring the profession Astrology considers the 10th bhava out of the 12 bhavas. But on the other hand the other bhavas doesn’t have less significance. Out of the horoscope all bhavas are equally responsible to construct an equilibrated effect in the life of the person. In such case, some times it looks absurd to study few of the aspects for the study, where cumulative effect of the horoscope speaks the ultimate result. Standard textbook claims the profession through 10th bhava and its basis through the 5th house, which is said as the study, required for the professional success. Apart from the natal horoscope study the varga study is also required, such as Dashamsha. Many Astrologers give out the declaration only after careful study of the many aspects such as Rasi, Navamsha, Dashamsha, Shadvargu, Vimshopaka Bala, Bhavadhipathi, Bhavadhipathi placement, Karaka graha, Karaka graha placement, their negativism and positivism etc. Here at the present study at the references of the astrological scripts 4th lord, 5th lord, and 10th lord are considered along with the karaka graha as sun. The karakatwa of the planet also elucidated at the present study. Sun percentage in Natal Chart The graph -1 explains the sun as the karaka, explains its placement in the natal chart. In this the study is made to the sun position, whether it is in exhalation or debilitation etc. the detailed chart is shown in table number - 4. The sun position as positive, neutral and negative basis when it is studied it gives 49% of the positive percentage (Moola trikona, Exalted, Own
  • 28. house, Greate friend and friend house). On the other hand the negative percentage is of 25% (Debilitated, Enemy and great enemy). The neutral percentage is of 26%. The detailed percent- age chart is as follows. Graph -1 Graph Showing Sun percentage in Natal Chart
  • 29. 4th lord percentage in taken samples In the second graph the 4th lordship is discussed. The fourth lord is dependent upon the lagna of the natal horoscope. The fourth lord is said as the basic education and it explains the area of living. It is explained as matru and gruha. It also becomes the 12th placement for that of 5th house, so it can become the retardate factors (pratibandhaka bhava) to that of 5th house. Thus it has importance in the study of profession. The data is as follows. Graph -2 th Graph Showing of 4 Lord percentage in taken samples
  • 30. 5th lord percentage in taken samples The graph -3 discusses the 5th lord placement in the present study. The 5th lord is said to be the chief placement in the natal horoscope to discuss the professional study. In this mercury and Venus has shown relatively more percentage then that of the sun who is said as karaka. But in the Sastras almost all the planets are considered for the different groups of faculties, which are embedded, in the medical profession. There by it is difficult to attribute a single planet to that of the Ayurvedic profession. The study shows the following data. Graph -3 th Graph Showing of 5 Lord percentage in taken samples
  • 31. 10th lord percentage in taken samples The graph -4 discusses the 10th lord placement in the present study. The 10th lord is said to be the chief placement in the natal horoscope to discuss the professional success. In this Saturn has shown relatively more percentage then that of the sun who is said as karaka. But in the Sastras almost all the planets are considered for the different groups of faculties, which are embedded, in the medical profession. There by it is difficult to attribute a single planet to that of the Ayurvedic profession. The study shows the following data. Graph -4 Graph showing of 10th Lord percentage in taken samples
  • 32. Lagna in Natal Horoscopes Graph -5 shows the lagna interference to that of Ayurvedic Profession. In this different rashis are considered in the retrospective study of the present study. When Simha and its lord Surya are considered as the karaka for the Ayurvedic profession, the study reveals that either as 4th, 5th and 10th lords connections to the natal Lagna, the result is as follows. In this study major lagnas are mesha as it have simha as 5th lord’s house, Vrishabha as it have Simha as 4th lord’s house and for the Vrischika as Simha becomes 10th house. Apart from these Makara has shown remarkable percentage 12.5% even though simha becomes 8th house for it. Further elucidation has to be made to rule out this confusion.
  • 33. Graph - 5 Graph Showing Lagna in Selected Horoscopes Graph - 6 Graph Showing Chandra Lagna in Selected Horoscopes
  • 34. Chandra Lagna in Natal Horoscopes Graph - 6 shows the Chandra lagna interference to that of Ayurvedic Profession. In this different rashis are considered in the retrospective study of the present study. When Simha and its lord Surya are considered as the karaka for the Ayurvedic profession, the study reveals that either as 4th, 5th and 10th lords connections to the natal chandra Lagna, the result is as follows. In this study major lagnas are mesha as it have simha as 5th lord’s house, Vrishabha as it have Simha as 4th lord’s house and for the Vrischika as Simha becomes 10th house. Apart from these Makara has shown remarkable percentage 12.5% and Kumbha shown 16.7%, even though simha be- comes 8th house and 7th house respectively for it. Further elucidation has to be made to rule out this confusion. The over all appreciation of this study reveals that the decision of profession declaration can not be fitted in to the modern scientific study. The science is more of intuitive and has many rules and sub rules to declare the final result, then that of mere mathematical calculations. But out of the experience in the study it can be said as the interference of Sun and its Natal sign Leo (Simha) are important to have an idea of joining in to the Ayurvedic Profession. People those who have the sun implication more are good in the practice of Ayurveda, others are practicing the modern medicine and could not fix themselves as Ayurvedic practitioners.
  • 35. In Dashamsha the position is being examined and tabulated as under. In this for many samples Jupiter became the highest incidence in dashamsha chart, as the lord of 10th and also aspect to the 10th place. The next planet influenced the study is Saturn with its aspect on 10th place and with lordship to 2 samples. The data is as follows. Table showing analysis of 10th lord and occupancy in 10th place in Dashamsa So, it can be concluded as - Placements such as 4th, 5th and 10th in the Natal horoscope are necessary for the declaring the profession. Karakatwa of the all planets including sun has to consider as a total. Sun has very specific placement in declaring the Ayurveda Profession Simah Rashi also has specific Placement in respect to Ayurveda Profession Study reveals - The sun is the prime planet with the Jupiter and Saturn influence on it. The 4th , 5th and 10th lords and occupants study is needed to state the profession Simha Rashi and Sun influence is there on Ayurveda Profession. Further elucidation is required to categorize the professions on the basis of modern scientific and statistical methodology.
  • 36. Summary Jyotish then literally means the lord of Light, with special reference to the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets. It is a science of the study of heavenly lights and their effects on human life. The word astrology has the same roots; ‘Astro’ refers to the stars (the source of light) and ‘logos’ science. The earth, then, receives this light. Jyotish helps to achieve the four main goals of human life; Dharma (religious merit), Artha (acquiring wealth), Kama (worldly enjoyment) and Moksha (liberation). It governs not only indi- vidual life but also global affairs as well. The study of the influence of light on every living and non-living thing is the science of Jyotish. This science is firmly established in to the human life with all auspicious and inauspicious activities. The profession and knowledge are of two different entities. Occasionally knowledge of various sciences related to one profession but always the profession exerts the expertise of one science. Study design: The present study is designed as retrospective study of the observation of handful of Ayurvedic Physicians. Out of the professions “Vaidya” the physician is having a place of supernu- merary. Thus the Ayurvedic physician profession is selected for the study, which is protecting and safe guarding the traditional sciences of India and has linkage between Jyotish and Veda vedangas. Out of the 12 bhava, the 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas are considered here for the evaluation of the profession. Vitta, Netra, Mukha, Vidya, Vak, Kutumba and Bhojana as the factors to be noted for the 2nd bhava, we consider 4th, 5th, and 10th bhavas for the emphasizing the profession with special reference to Ayurvedic Physician. Here at this juncture 4th bhava is 12th to that of 5th bhava which can be hindrance factor for the higher education or to that of 5th bhava. That 4th bhava becomes the Gruha and Aramadikam, where the hospitals or treatment rooms are the influential factors to that of the Physician Profes- sion. The Doctors by virtue posses the qualification of the (B.A.M.S.) Ayurvedic physician, he may not be doing the same work as an Ayurvedic Physician.
  • 37. Qualities of a physician Excellence in theoretical knowledge, extensive practical experience, dexterity and clean- liness-this is the quadruple of qualities of a physician. The lord (Atreya) said-the physicians of high descent, well-versed in scripture, having practical knowledge, expert, clean, skillful, self-controlled, well-equipped, having all the sense organs (normal), knowers of constitution and course of action be regarded as promoters of vital breath and destroyers of diseases. Apart from the natal horoscope study the varga study is also required, such as Dashamsha. Here at the present study at the references of the astrological scripts 4th lord, 5th lord, and 10th lord are considered along with the karaka graha as sun. When Simha and its lord Surya are considered as the karaka for the Ayurvedic profes- sion, the study reveals that either as 4th, 5th and 10th lords connections to the natal Lagna, the result is as follows. In this study major lagnas are mesha as it have simha as 5th lord’s house, Vrishabha as it have Simha as 4th lord’s house and for the Vrischika as Simha becomes 10th house. Study reveals - The 4th, 5th and 10th lords and occupants study is needed to state the profession Simha Rashi and Sun influence is there on Ayurveda Profession.
  • 38. References 1 Light on Life – An introduction to the Astrology of India by Hart Defouw and Robert Svoboda, Foreword by Dr. Vasant Lad 2 handyogyopanishat 7-12 3 Charaka Samhita Sutra 1/120-123 4 Charaka Samhita Sutra 9/3 5 Charaka Samhita Sutra 9/3 6 Charaka Samhita Sutra 15-16 7 Charaka Samhita Sutra 17 8 Charaka Samhita Sutra 18 -26 9 Charaka Samhita Sutra 11/54 10 Charaka Samhita Sutra 29/7 11 Charaka Samhita Sutra 30/25 12 Susruta Kalpastana 1/6 -8 13 Susruta Sutra Stana 34 chapter 14 Brihat Parashara Hora 12/5 footnote 15 Brihat Parashara Hora 12/6 16 Brihat Parashara Hora 12/5 17 Brihat Parashara Hora 12/11 18 Jaimini Sutra 1-2-21, 1-2-25, Bihat Parashara Hora 33/ 13-18, 20, 77, 82 19 Jaimini Sutra 1-2-16 20 Jaimini Sutra1-2-86
  • 39. Bibliography Bhavartha Ratnakaramu, (Telugu) by Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastry, Published by Jyotisha vijnana Kendram, Rajamundry, 1982 Brihajjatakam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991 Brihat Parashara Hora shastram, (Telugu) by Kambhampati Ramagopala Krishnamurthy, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991 Charaka Samhita, (Telugu) by Sripada Krishna Murthy sastry, 3rd reprint 1977 Charaka Samhita, Edited by Prof. Priyavat Sharma, Published by Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1981 Fundamentals of Medical Astrology, by Tapomay Ghoshhajra, published by Vedic Publica- tions, Calcutta, 1989 Goutama Samhita (Telugu), by Vemuri Dakshina Murthy, Published by Star Astrological research center, Hyderabad, 1934, reprint 1994 Jaimini Sutramulu, (Telugu) by Kambhampati Ramagopala Krishnamurthy, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991 Jataka Parijatam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991 Jyotisha Parichayam (Telugu) by Ch.V.B.Subrahmanyam, Published by Satyasai Grandhamala, Hyderabad Jyotisha Sarvaswam (Telugu), by Divakaruni Venkata Subba Rao, published by Sri Venkateswara Jyotisha Granthamala Madras, 1972 Light on Life - An Introduction to the Astrology of India, by Hart Defouw & Robert Svobodo published by Arkana Penguin Books 1966 Phala Depika (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991 Purohita Darshini (Jatakalankaramu) (Telugu) by Gorasa Verabhadracharyulu, published by Sri Gayatri Jyotishalayam, Hyderabad, 1991 Susruta Samhita, edited by Kaviraj Kunjalal Bhishagratna, published by Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1991 Vaidya Jyotisham (Telugu), by Vemuri Dakshina Murthy, Published by Star Astrological research center, Hyderabad, 1953, reprint 1994 Vaidya Jyotisham, (Telugu) by Sivala Subrahmanyam, published by Sri Sai Jyothi Publica- tions, Hyderabad, 1997
  • 40. CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL: NAME : SIVA RAMA PRASAD KETHAMAKKA F/NAME : SATYANARAYANA.K. DATE OF BIRTH : 03-10-1960 (THIRD OCTOBER NINTEEN SIXTY) SEX : MALE NATIONALITY : INDIAN MARITAL STATUS : MARRIED LANGUAGE KNOWN: TELUGU, HINDI, KANNADA, ENGLISH, GERMAN, SANSKRIT OTHER SUBJECTS INTERESTED : JYOTISH, VASTU, and YOGA PASSPORT DETAILS: NUMBER : T945845 DATE OF ISSUE : FIRST MARCH 1995 (RENEWAL) VALID UP TO : 28-02-2005 ISSUED FROM : R.P.A., HYDERABAD, INDIA. TRAVEL DETAILS : All Europe and Croatia, Had blue card from Nederlands dated 21-8-95 QUALIFICATIONS: ACADEMIC : 10+2 Grade, with Biology, Physics & chemistry BASIC : B.A.M.S. in 1983 from Osmania University ADVANCE : M.D. in 1989 from Osmania University. MED. REGISTRATION : 301/83 in IM&H, AP Govt.,INDIA. OTHERS : Certificate of German Proficiency from CIEFL, Hyderabad ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: PRESENT: Dr. K. Siva Rama Prasad Reader, PGARC, DGM Ayurvedic medical college, Kalasapur road, Gadag, Karnataka. : +91-8372-38014 (Office) Or +91-8372-31922 (Residence) PERMANENT:13-32, Alakapuri, Sri Ramakrishnapuram, Dilsuk nagar, Hyderabad - 500 070, Andhrapradesh, India. : +91-40-4037324
  • 41. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: My Thesis: “ A study of the Pippali yukta Narikelakshara (lavana) in parinama soola” That is a study of the Piper longum with Coccus nucifera and rocksalt ashes in peptic ulcer under the guidance of Reader, Prof. Dr. V.V.S.Sastri. 1983 to 1989 Thesis period was a golden period for my practical development and to attain my higher educational qualification. January, 1995 to August 1996 : Professor, MF International, Nederlands MF International having 7000 branches all around the world with a big hospital estab- lished at Valkenburg, Nederlands. It offers treatment and prophylaxis for patients. Health through Yoga and diet regulations is adopted in treatments. My responsibility at MF International was as in-charge of the hospital to see the patients admitted at hospital and to make available knowledge for the patients who are interested in Ayurveda. I used to tour around the Europe for consultations and courses. August, 1996 to January, 1998 : Sr.Lecturer, I/c H.O.D KAYACHIKITSA At Ayurvedic medical college, Bidar and TMAE Society at Bhadravathi and Hospet served and improved the hospitals. February, 1998 to October, 1998 ASST.PROFESSOR HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, KAYACHIKITSA, ALN RAO AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, KOPPA, KARNATAKA As head of the department, uplifted the panchakarma unit by performing wide range of treatments. Motivated students towards their goal. Initiated group discussions, seminars and practical knowledge was shared to Ayurvedic community through ARMARC News letter, pub- lished from ALNRMAMC, Koppa. October, 1998 TO PRESENT: Reader in Kayachikitsa (general medicine), POST GRADUATION AND RESEARCH CENTER, D.G.M.AY. MEDICAL COLLEGE, GADAG. Initiated students towards research and improved hospital standards. Modern educational audio video techniques are introduced in curriculum. Proposed for computerized multimedia edu- cation system in postgraduate curriculum.
  • 42. Editorship: Edited the “ Essentials of Basic Ayurveda Concepts” written by Dr.V.V.S.Sastri, my teacher, published from Postgraduate and research center, DGM Ayurvedic medical college, Gadag. Project Officer: ¨ Experimental and clinical study of Arsol capsule In Arshas (Hemorrhoids) for BAN labs ltd, Rajkot - 360004 ¨ Clinical trial - TRSSE (Tentax Royal) in Erectile Dysfunction for The Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore - 562 123 Guide for the desertions: Evaluation of the efficacy of Ojovardhini Yoga in Ojokshaya (with special reference to HIV infection) - 2001-2002 Evaluation of the effect of Vajigandhadi Yoga in the management of Kshinasukra (Oligozoospermia) - 2001-2002 Evaluation of the Efficacy of Narashimha Yoga in Klaibya with special refer- ence to Erectile Dysfunction (E.D)- 2001-2003 An evaluation of the efficacy of Phalatrikadi Yoga in Kamala (Jaundice) 2001- 2003 Guided the compilations - A compilation work on Swasa (Asthma) - 1998-1999 A compilation work on Amlapitta (Acid peptic disorders) - 1998-1999 A compilation work on Pravahika (Irritable bowel syndrome vis a vis Amoe- biasis) - 1998-1999 A compilation work on gridhrasi (Lumbago sciatica syndrome) - 1998-1999 A compilation work on Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) - 1999-2000 A compilation work on Hridroga (Heart Disease)- 1999-2000 A compilation work on Kamala (Jaundice)- 1999-2000 A compilation work on Switra (Vitiligo)- 1999-2000 A compilation work on Apasmara (Epilepsy)- 1999-2000 A compilation work on Vicharchika (Eczema)- 2000-2001 A compilation work on Vatarakta (GoutyArthritis)- 2000-2001 A compilation work on Parinama Shoola (Peptic Ulcer)- 2000-2001 A compilation work on Aetiopathogenesis of Manasika Rogas (Psychiatric
  • 43. diseases) with special reference to Unmada (Mania)- 2000-2001 Co-guide for the desertions: The effect of Bhumyamalakyadi churna in Madhumeha (with special reference to its hypoglycemic effect)- 1998-2000 The efficacy of Pippalyadi Guggulu in Medoroga (with special reference to its Hypo lipidiemic effect)- 1998-2000 Evaluation of the effect of Vachamamsyadi yoga in Raktapeedanadhikyata (Hypertension)- 1999-2001 Evaluation of the effect of Gudanagaradi Vati in Pandu (Anaemia) - 1999- 2001 Evaluation of the effect of Ketakyadi Taila as kativasti in Katishoola (Lum- bago) -1999-2001 Evaluation of the efficacy of Dhatryadi Yoga (Internal) and Avalgujadi lepa (External) along with and without sodhana (Vamana) in Switra (With special reference to Vitiligo) - 1999-2001 Evaluation of the efficacy of Erandadi Guggulu in Gridhrasi - 1999-2001 Evaluation of the efficacy of Eladi Churna in Amlapitta (with special reference to Hyperchlorhydria) - 2001-2002 Evaluation of the efficacy of Patoladi Compound and Yogabasti in Kitibha Kusta (with special reference to Psoriasis) - 2001-2003 I look forward to our personal meeting, which would provide us with an op- portunity to know each other, better. Yours friendly, Prof. Dr. K.Siva Rama Prasad