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Course title: Games Year: 1
Term: 1
Teacher: Katie and Marc
Lesson no. Learning Activities and Assessment Cross curr. Resources
Topic objective differentiation opportunities links
That being active is good for
To be confident and safe in the
spaces used to play games
To explore and use skills,
actions and ideas individually
and in combination to suit the
Start to move into space
Move at different speeds around
into space.
Warm up: Ask children to find a space
and sit down.
How do their bodies feel – are they cold,
warm, hot?
Is their heart beating slowly or quickly?
Explain that we are going to warm up our
bodies by playing
W.U. Game
‘Top Gear’. In this activity children
pretend they are driving a car and listen
to the teacher’s instructions. First gear is
a slow walk. Second gear is a brisk walk.
Third gear a jog. Fourth gear is a run.
Reverse is moving slowly backwards.
Crash is freezing on the spot. Gradually
move from one gear to another so bodies
warm up and joints loosen
Explore as many different ways of moving
on their feet as they can. Stop the children
and share some of the ways they have
been moving. Ask children to describe
their movements.
Challenge children to copy some of the
movements. If possible pick out running
for this lesson. Encourage children to turn
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Bean bags
St. Stephen’s International School
Scheme of Work
and move away if someone comes too
close. Challenge them to run with small
steps, large steps, high knees, on tiptoes.
Ask them to jog on the spot for 30 seconds
Explain that in some games we need to
run but we also need to dodge other
children so that we are not caught. Give
each child a coloured band to tuck into
their shorts at the back and teach them
how to play Rabbits. (See TOP Play
card). Encourage them to use all the
spaces, to dodge and not bump into
Recap Key points of the lesson
Cool down Ask children to sit in a large
circle. Get them to pass a bean bag
around the circle in time to the teacher
counting the beat – 1,2,3,4. When the
teacher calls ‘change direction’ children
pass the beanbag round the other way.
To be confident and safe in the
spaces used to play games
To explore and use skills,
actions and ideas individually
and in combination to suit the
Move confidently into space,
using different speeds to get
away from another person.
Use skills in different ways in
different games and try and win
by changing the way they use
skills in response to their
opponents actions
Warm up: Ask children to find a space
and sit down.
How do their bodies feel – are they cold,
warm, hot?
Is their heart beating slowly or quickly?
Explain that we are going to warm up our
bodies by playing
W.U. Game: Top Gear
Explore moving while carrying it in
different ways (TOP Start Sticky Bits).
Ask children to share some of the ways
with the class – in their hands, on heads,
between legs etc. Can children think of
any different ways?
Game: Rainbow
Tell the children they are going to play a
game where they have to work together as
a small group to make a Rainbow. Scatter
beanbags around the space. Put children
into groups of 4. One child from each
group travels to collect a bean bag and
brings it back to group. Next child runs
out to collect a different colour and
returns carrying bean bag in a different
way. Continue until each group has a
bean bag of each colour. Whilst playing
this game encourage children to develop
skills learnt earlier in the lesson e.g.
dodging, travelling etc.
Recap the key points
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Bean Bags
Cool down Get them to pass a bean bag
around the circle in time to the teacher
counting the beat – 1,2,3,4. When the
teacher calls ‘change direction’ children
pass the beanbag round the other ways
To explore and use skills,
actions and ideas individually
and in combination to suit the
How to choose and use skills
effectively for particular games
Understand the concept of
tracking and get in line with the
ball to receive it
Show control and accuracy with
the basic actions for rolling,
underarm throwing
Warm up Sharks and Fishes.
Explore Ask children to find as many
ways of moving the large ball around their
bodies as they can. Share the different
ways and the skills they used. Ask children
what they needed to do to make sure they
didn't lose the ball - keep their eyes on it!
Ask children to experiment with other
ways of moving the ball - still in a static
position. Again let children share their
activities. Get them to describe if the ball
was rolled, bounced, thrown etc. Ask
children what they need to do to make
sure they catch the ball and do not drop it.
Talk about keeping their eyes on the ball,
cupping their hands around it and
drawing it into their bodies.
Teach children that in some games we
need to pass the ball from one person to
another. Move around the room while
holding their ball in a way instructed by
the teacher eg. walk forwards, backwards,
sideways; run in a straight line, curved
line, quickly or slowly etc. When the
teacher shouts 'change' the children must
change their ball for one of a different
colour from another child. They must
make sure that they do not drop the ball.
Explore: Ask children to show you some
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Large soft
ways of moving on their feet that they used
in the last lesson. Share their ways of
moving, getting children to describe the
movements of their peers. If someone has
used a jumping movement get children to
develop this. If not suggest this as another
way of moving to the children. Ask them to
find different ways of jumping - jumping
on the spot, two feet to two feet, two feet to
one foot, running and jumping etc.
Can they jump in different directions?
What do they have to do to make their
jumps higher?
Challenge them to find the best way to
jump a long way.
Recap key points covered
Cool down Colour lines, shout a colour,
pupils stand on that colour on the floor of
the gym.
To be confident and safe in the
spaces used to play games
To explore and use skills,
actions and ideas individually
and in combination to suit the
Recognise space in their games
and use it to their advantage,
planning where to stand to
make it difficult for opponents.
Use skills in different ways in
different games and try and win
by changing the way they use
skills in response to their
opponents actions
Warm up
Explain that this game is an extension of
Top Gear - the warm up activity used in
previous lessons. When a particular park
and ride name is called children have to
run to that section of the hall or
playground to park and change cars.
W.U. Game: Park and Ride:
Name four sections of the hall or
playground as Park and Ride centres.
These could be the names of villages,
areas of a large town etc. Children play
the game Top Gear, as before, but when
the teacher calls out the name of a Park
and Ride centre, children must move to
that area in the gear they are in. On
arrival they park their car next to another,
change cars by swapping their ball with
another child, and move off in first gear.
Explore: (Pair)s to play Shadows:
The aim of this game is to stay as close to
your partner as possible. One person is
the Shadow and they must copy exactly
what their partner is doing. Encourage
them to use movements in previous
lessons. Take turns to be the Shadow.
Ask children to experiment with some of
the different ways of jumping that they
used in the last lesson take turns again at
being the shadow.
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Develop Explain to children that in some
games we have to try to get away from our
partners. Can the children tell the teacher
any games they have played like this?
Game: Lose my Shadow. Help them to
think of ways to lose their partner - e.g.
jumping out of the way, changing speed,
direction and dodging.
Children work in pairs and try to stay as
far away from their partner as possible. If
working outside it may be necessary to
designate areas in which children can
move. Children can change roles either on
instruction from the teacher.
Recap Key points of the lesson
Cool down Numbers Game
How to choose and use skills
effectively for particular games
To watch, copy and describe
what others are doing
To describe what they are doing
Watch others’ movements
Describe what they have done
or seen others doing
Copy what they see and say why
it is good.
Recognise space in their games
and use it to their advantage,
planning where to stand to
make it difficult for opponents.
Warm up Sharks and Fishes
Explore Few minutes to experiment with
ways of moving a ball. Demonstrate and
describe some of the ways they have used.
Ask children why it is important to stay
close to the ball (to keep it in control).
Choose a child to demonstrate bouncing
the ball and tell children that this lesson
we are concentrating on bouncing. Tell
children that whenever a ball is bounced
there is a 'magic moment'. Can they guess
what this could be? Demonstrate the
'magic moment' by bouncing the ball and
getting children to look for the moment
when the ball begins to fall after moving
upwards. Tell children you want them to
try to catch the ball on this 'magic
moment' and give them a few minutes to
practice this. Ask children to experiment
by dropping the ball, bouncing harder,
bouncing the ball a little way in front of
them so that they have to move to catch
the ball. Whatever they do the aim is still
to catch the ball on the 'magic moment'.
Game: Hoop Relays:- (4 teams)
Each team stands in a line at the end of
the working area. Opposite them, at the
other end of the working area is a hoop.
Each team member runs with a ball,
bounces it into the hoop and returns to
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
their team. They pass the ball to the next
person in line and then move to the back
of the line. When every team member has
run the winners are the first team to sit
Why is it important to keep their eyes on
the ball when bouncing it in the hoop?
Through out the lesson allow children to
watch and copy each other. Occasionally
stop and show good examples. Allow
children to talk in order for them to share
ideas. Teacher to give children focus for
Cool down: Numbers Game
To be confident and safe in the
spaces used to play games
To explore and use skills,
actions and ideas individually
and in combination to suit the
Recognise space in their games
and use it to their advantage,
planning where to stand to
make it difficult for opponents.
Use skills in different ways in
different games and try and win
by changing the way they use
skills in response to their
opponents actions
Warm up Sharks and Fishes
Loose my shadow: Remind children that
they played Lose my shadow in the last
lesson and choose some children to
describe the rules.
Develop this activity by tagging their
partner with a beanbag, placing it on the
ground and then running away. The child
who has been tagged then has to pick up
the beanbag and repeat the action of
tagging and putting the beanbag on the
ground. Encourage children to discuss the
ways in which they could make it difficult
for their partner to catch them.
Ask children if they can describe the
'magic moment' when bouncing a ball.
Tell children that today we will be
working on throwing and catching. The
aim will be to catch the beanbag before it
touches the floor. Give the children a few
minutes to practice throwing and catching
a beanbag while stationary.
Choose a few children to demonstrate the
throwing and catching. Challenge
children to throw and catch the beanbags
again, varying the height of the throw,
throwing it a little in front of them,
throwing it and catching it while moving.
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Bean Bags
Ask some children to demonstrate what
they did.
Recap Key points
Cool down Numbers game
To be confident and safe in the
spaces used to play games
To explore and use skills,
actions and ideas individually
and in combination to suit the
Use skills in different ways in
different games and try and win
by changing the way they use
skills in response to their
opponents actions
Recognise space in their games
and use it to their advantage,
planning where to stand to
make it difficult for opponents
Warm up Numbers game/Letter game
Recap: Ask children to work with a
partner and to use one beanbag to throw
and catch. Ask them to vary the height to
which they throw and also the distance
between them. Does it get harder or easier
when the distance increases? Can they
repeat the activities when moving?
Develop: Give children the opportunity to
change the beanbags for balls and repeat
the activities.
Tell the children that they are going to use
the skill of throwing to play a team game
Game: Beanbag hoop relay:-
Children are divided into about six teams
and each team has four hoops placed in
position across the work area.
Children stand in a line, each with their
own beanbag, and take turns to throw
their beanbag into each hoop. They then
jump inside hoop, pick up the beanbag
and throw into the next hoop. If they miss
they must pick up the beanbag and throw
again. When they reach the last hoop they
run back to their team, touch the person at
the front of the line and then run to the
back of the line and sit. The winners are
the first team to have everyone sitting
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Bean Bags
Soft Balls
Demonstrate what each team member
needs to do. Start the relay.
Cool down Sharks and Fishes
How to choose and use skills
effectively for particular games
To watch, copy and describe
what others are doing
To describe what they are doing
Watch others’ movements
Describe what they have done
or seen others doing
Copy what they see and say why
it is good.
Recognise space in their games
and use it to their advantage,
planning where to stand to
make it difficult for opponents.
Warm up Ask children to find a space and
sit down. How do their bodies feel –
Are they cold, warm, hot?
Is their heart beating slowly or quickly?
Why do children think it is important to
warm up their bodies?
Tell children that we are going to warm
up our bodies by playing (TOP
Children respond to the name of different
beans by moving in an appropriate way:
Broad beans – children stretch out arms
and legs
Runner beans – children run around
Jelly beans – children shake all over
Chill beans – children shiver and shake
Frozen beans – children stand very still
Baked beans – lay on the floor and
Explain and demonstrate some of the
actions that children should do when
different beans are called out. If this is the
first time children have played the game
limit it to about six different beans and
choose those easy to remember. Start off
slowly, giving plenty of time for children
to practice each action. Gradually
increase the speed of changing the actions
and also give more time for the energetic
actions so that the body warms up
(Peer assessment)
(Q & A)
(splitting groups)
(key words)
(team work)
as a group/ind)
Bean bags
Recap: Remind children of games played
in past lessons where they have had to
avoid, dodge and run away from their
partners. Why did they need to do this?
Play the game (TOP Play) Rabbits:-
Cool down Numbers/Letter Game

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  • 1. Course title: Games Year: 1 Term: 1 Teacher: Katie and Marc Lesson no. Learning Activities and Assessment Cross curr. Resources Topic objective differentiation opportunities links 1 WALT: That being active is good for them To be confident and safe in the spaces used to play games To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game WILF: Start to move into space confidently. Move at different speeds around into space. Warm up: Ask children to find a space and sit down. How do their bodies feel – are they cold, warm, hot? Is their heart beating slowly or quickly? Explain that we are going to warm up our bodies by playing W.U. Game ‘Top Gear’. In this activity children pretend they are driving a car and listen to the teacher’s instructions. First gear is a slow walk. Second gear is a brisk walk. Third gear a jog. Fourth gear is a run. Reverse is moving slowly backwards. Crash is freezing on the spot. Gradually move from one gear to another so bodies warm up and joints loosen Explore as many different ways of moving on their feet as they can. Stop the children and share some of the ways they have been moving. Ask children to describe their movements. Challenge children to copy some of the movements. If possible pick out running for this lesson. Encourage children to turn Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership) Bean bags Tags St. Stephen’s International School Scheme of Work
  • 2. and move away if someone comes too close. Challenge them to run with small steps, large steps, high knees, on tiptoes. Ask them to jog on the spot for 30 seconds etc. Develop Explain that in some games we need to run but we also need to dodge other children so that we are not caught. Give each child a coloured band to tuck into their shorts at the back and teach them how to play Rabbits. (See TOP Play card). Encourage them to use all the spaces, to dodge and not bump into people. Recap Key points of the lesson Cool down Ask children to sit in a large circle. Get them to pass a bean bag around the circle in time to the teacher counting the beat – 1,2,3,4. When the teacher calls ‘change direction’ children pass the beanbag round the other way.
  • 3. 2 WALT: To be confident and safe in the spaces used to play games To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game WILF: Move confidently into space, using different speeds to get away from another person. Use skills in different ways in different games and try and win by changing the way they use skills in response to their opponents actions Warm up: Ask children to find a space and sit down. How do their bodies feel – are they cold, warm, hot? Is their heart beating slowly or quickly? Explain that we are going to warm up our bodies by playing W.U. Game: Top Gear Explore moving while carrying it in different ways (TOP Start Sticky Bits). Ask children to share some of the ways with the class – in their hands, on heads, between legs etc. Can children think of any different ways? Game: Rainbow Tell the children they are going to play a game where they have to work together as a small group to make a Rainbow. Scatter beanbags around the space. Put children into groups of 4. One child from each group travels to collect a bean bag and brings it back to group. Next child runs out to collect a different colour and returns carrying bean bag in a different way. Continue until each group has a bean bag of each colour. Whilst playing this game encourage children to develop skills learnt earlier in the lesson e.g. dodging, travelling etc. Recap the key points Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership) Bean Bags
  • 4. Cool down Get them to pass a bean bag around the circle in time to the teacher counting the beat – 1,2,3,4. When the teacher calls ‘change direction’ children pass the beanbag round the other ways
  • 5. 3 WALT: To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game How to choose and use skills effectively for particular games WILF: Understand the concept of tracking and get in line with the ball to receive it Show control and accuracy with the basic actions for rolling, underarm throwing Warm up Sharks and Fishes. Explore Ask children to find as many ways of moving the large ball around their bodies as they can. Share the different ways and the skills they used. Ask children what they needed to do to make sure they didn't lose the ball - keep their eyes on it! Ask children to experiment with other ways of moving the ball - still in a static position. Again let children share their activities. Get them to describe if the ball was rolled, bounced, thrown etc. Ask children what they need to do to make sure they catch the ball and do not drop it. Talk about keeping their eyes on the ball, cupping their hands around it and drawing it into their bodies. Teach children that in some games we need to pass the ball from one person to another. Move around the room while holding their ball in a way instructed by the teacher eg. walk forwards, backwards, sideways; run in a straight line, curved line, quickly or slowly etc. When the teacher shouts 'change' the children must change their ball for one of a different colour from another child. They must make sure that they do not drop the ball. Explore: Ask children to show you some Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership) Large soft balls
  • 6. ways of moving on their feet that they used in the last lesson. Share their ways of moving, getting children to describe the movements of their peers. If someone has used a jumping movement get children to develop this. If not suggest this as another way of moving to the children. Ask them to find different ways of jumping - jumping on the spot, two feet to two feet, two feet to one foot, running and jumping etc. Can they jump in different directions? What do they have to do to make their jumps higher? Challenge them to find the best way to jump a long way. Recap key points covered Cool down Colour lines, shout a colour, pupils stand on that colour on the floor of the gym.
  • 7. 4 WALT: To be confident and safe in the spaces used to play games To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game WILF: Recognise space in their games and use it to their advantage, planning where to stand to make it difficult for opponents. Use skills in different ways in different games and try and win by changing the way they use skills in response to their opponents actions Warm up Explain that this game is an extension of Top Gear - the warm up activity used in previous lessons. When a particular park and ride name is called children have to run to that section of the hall or playground to park and change cars. W.U. Game: Park and Ride: Name four sections of the hall or playground as Park and Ride centres. These could be the names of villages, areas of a large town etc. Children play the game Top Gear, as before, but when the teacher calls out the name of a Park and Ride centre, children must move to that area in the gear they are in. On arrival they park their car next to another, change cars by swapping their ball with another child, and move off in first gear. Explore: (Pair)s to play Shadows: The aim of this game is to stay as close to your partner as possible. One person is the Shadow and they must copy exactly what their partner is doing. Encourage them to use movements in previous lessons. Take turns to be the Shadow. Ask children to experiment with some of the different ways of jumping that they used in the last lesson take turns again at being the shadow. Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership)
  • 8. Develop Explain to children that in some games we have to try to get away from our partners. Can the children tell the teacher any games they have played like this? Game: Lose my Shadow. Help them to think of ways to lose their partner - e.g. jumping out of the way, changing speed, direction and dodging. Children work in pairs and try to stay as far away from their partner as possible. If working outside it may be necessary to designate areas in which children can move. Children can change roles either on instruction from the teacher. Recap Key points of the lesson Cool down Numbers Game
  • 9. 5 WALT: How to choose and use skills effectively for particular games To watch, copy and describe what others are doing To describe what they are doing WILF: Watch others’ movements carefully Describe what they have done or seen others doing Copy what they see and say why it is good. Recognise space in their games and use it to their advantage, planning where to stand to make it difficult for opponents. Warm up Sharks and Fishes Explore Few minutes to experiment with ways of moving a ball. Demonstrate and describe some of the ways they have used. Ask children why it is important to stay close to the ball (to keep it in control). Choose a child to demonstrate bouncing the ball and tell children that this lesson we are concentrating on bouncing. Tell children that whenever a ball is bounced there is a 'magic moment'. Can they guess what this could be? Demonstrate the 'magic moment' by bouncing the ball and getting children to look for the moment when the ball begins to fall after moving upwards. Tell children you want them to try to catch the ball on this 'magic moment' and give them a few minutes to practice this. Ask children to experiment by dropping the ball, bouncing harder, bouncing the ball a little way in front of them so that they have to move to catch the ball. Whatever they do the aim is still to catch the ball on the 'magic moment'. Game: Hoop Relays:- (4 teams) Each team stands in a line at the end of the working area. Opposite them, at the other end of the working area is a hoop. Each team member runs with a ball, bounces it into the hoop and returns to Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership)
  • 10. their team. They pass the ball to the next person in line and then move to the back of the line. When every team member has run the winners are the first team to sit down. Why is it important to keep their eyes on the ball when bouncing it in the hoop? Through out the lesson allow children to watch and copy each other. Occasionally stop and show good examples. Allow children to talk in order for them to share ideas. Teacher to give children focus for success/evaluation. Cool down: Numbers Game
  • 11. 6 WALT: To be confident and safe in the spaces used to play games To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game WILF: Recognise space in their games and use it to their advantage, planning where to stand to make it difficult for opponents. Use skills in different ways in different games and try and win by changing the way they use skills in response to their opponents actions Warm up Sharks and Fishes Loose my shadow: Remind children that they played Lose my shadow in the last lesson and choose some children to describe the rules. Develop this activity by tagging their partner with a beanbag, placing it on the ground and then running away. The child who has been tagged then has to pick up the beanbag and repeat the action of tagging and putting the beanbag on the ground. Encourage children to discuss the ways in which they could make it difficult for their partner to catch them. Ask children if they can describe the 'magic moment' when bouncing a ball. Tell children that today we will be working on throwing and catching. The aim will be to catch the beanbag before it touches the floor. Give the children a few minutes to practice throwing and catching a beanbag while stationary. Choose a few children to demonstrate the throwing and catching. Challenge children to throw and catch the beanbags again, varying the height of the throw, throwing it a little in front of them, throwing it and catching it while moving. Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership) Bean Bags
  • 12. Ask some children to demonstrate what they did. Recap Key points Cool down Numbers game
  • 13. 7 WALT: To be confident and safe in the spaces used to play games To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game WILF: Use skills in different ways in different games and try and win by changing the way they use skills in response to their opponents actions Recognise space in their games and use it to their advantage, planning where to stand to make it difficult for opponents Warm up Numbers game/Letter game Recap: Ask children to work with a partner and to use one beanbag to throw and catch. Ask them to vary the height to which they throw and also the distance between them. Does it get harder or easier when the distance increases? Can they repeat the activities when moving? Develop: Give children the opportunity to change the beanbags for balls and repeat the activities. Tell the children that they are going to use the skill of throwing to play a team game called Game: Beanbag hoop relay:- Children are divided into about six teams and each team has four hoops placed in position across the work area. Children stand in a line, each with their own beanbag, and take turns to throw their beanbag into each hoop. They then jump inside hoop, pick up the beanbag and throw into the next hoop. If they miss they must pick up the beanbag and throw again. When they reach the last hoop they run back to their team, touch the person at the front of the line and then run to the back of the line and sit. The winners are the first team to have everyone sitting Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership) Bean Bags Soft Balls
  • 14. down. Demonstrate what each team member needs to do. Start the relay. Cool down Sharks and Fishes
  • 15. 8 WALT: How to choose and use skills effectively for particular games To watch, copy and describe what others are doing To describe what they are doing WILF: Watch others’ movements carefully Describe what they have done or seen others doing Copy what they see and say why it is good. Recognise space in their games and use it to their advantage, planning where to stand to make it difficult for opponents. Warm up Ask children to find a space and sit down. How do their bodies feel – Are they cold, warm, hot? Is their heart beating slowly or quickly? Why do children think it is important to warm up their bodies? Tell children that we are going to warm up our bodies by playing (TOP Start)Beans:- Children respond to the name of different beans by moving in an appropriate way: Broad beans – children stretch out arms and legs Runner beans – children run around Jelly beans – children shake all over Chill beans – children shiver and shake Frozen beans – children stand very still Baked beans – lay on the floor and sunbathe Explain and demonstrate some of the actions that children should do when different beans are called out. If this is the first time children have played the game limit it to about six different beans and choose those easy to remember. Start off slowly, giving plenty of time for children to practice each action. Gradually increase the speed of changing the actions and also give more time for the energetic actions so that the body warms up Assessment: (Peer assessment) (Observation) (Q & A) (Summary) Maths: (scoring) (splitting groups) English: (speaking) (key words) (writing) Citizenship: (team work) (communicating as a group/ind) (leadership) Bean bags Cones
  • 16. correctly. Recap: Remind children of games played in past lessons where they have had to avoid, dodge and run away from their partners. Why did they need to do this? Play the game (TOP Play) Rabbits:- Cool down Numbers/Letter Game