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Personal Statement For National Honor Society
It is an honor to be chosen as a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Academics, leadership skills, service abilities, and character
are four principal parts of a superior student. I believe that I am inclusive of all these aspects needed to become a part of this prestigious group.
Becoming a member of this organization is important to me, because it will help me get into an excellent college and push me to work harder in school.
My academic drive and diligence as a student are manifested in my scholastic achievements. I was presented with the Most Outstanding Student
Achievement Award when I graduated 8thgrade from Mountain Home School. I currently have a grade point average of 4.0, which has been sustained
throughout my years of high school thus far. Last year, as a sophomore, I received three Academic Achievement Awards for Religion, Chemistry, and
Spanish 1. I also took three senior classes, and I was on the Principal's List for every quarter. This year, I am taking two dual–credit classes and
excelling in both. I believe that the main reasons I am a straight–A student are because I am self–disciplined, I have a strong work ethic, and I strive for
academic excellence. Mediocrity is never an option for me.
Being a leader is a valuable skill, not just for the National Honor Society, but also for life. Leaders must take initiative and make hard decisions, even
when it is difficult. I am one of the leaders of a praise team group for my
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Personal Narrative: National Honor Society
"What defines you as a person is not the life you were born into, but what you made of it" Shahid Kapoor said. This quote can mean many things,
but to me, it means that the things that are given to you are not as important as the things you have to work for. The things I have had to work for
over the last 17 years of my life have shaped the person I am today. One of the hardest things I have ever done is balance my school, sports, and
organizations. Throughout my life I have been pushed to be the greatest and in result, never settled for anything less than perfect. This is true for
both school work and athletics. Since my freshman year I have worked for good grades and ended up with nearly perfect grades, which resulted in a
grade point average of a 3.927. I have earned this GPA while balancing volleyball, basketball, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) , Yearbook,
National Honor Society (NHS), Honor Roll, the Drama Department, Math Team,Student Council, Class officer and Students Against Destructive
Decisions (SADD) more content...
In volleyball and basketball, I have been selected as team captains and awarded all league 1st team honors. Also in basketball, I have led the state in
3–pointers, broken the school record for 3–pointers in a game, and received Honorable Mention all–state. I am Student Council Activities Chair, the
class of 2018 treasurer, three–time yearbook editor and FBLA public relations officer. The past three years I have competed in District and State
FBLA competitions where I received 3rd in Journalism, and 1st place in Word Processing my junior year at districts, as well as getting 5th at state in
Publication Designs. By not only being involved in various organizations, but holding leadership positions in them has taught me leadership skills and
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National Honor Society Personal Statement Essay
National Honor Society Personal Statement
I have always had an interest in improving the community around us, and would like to be involved in this role by helping out in the community. By
joining NHS, I aspire to enhance some of my skills, such as ambition, collaboration, and leadership. I hope to increase my initiative to provide service
in the community and to take chances out of my comfort zone. By helping out in the community more with service projects I hope to improve my
collaborative, management and people skills. In addition, I hope to improve my leadership skills through public service projects. These projects will
not only give me more experience with leadership, but they will also motivate me to help my community and my peers with their endeavors. I believe
that joining the National Honor Society at River Hill will teach me essential skills for my future, and improve my community.
Learning is the single most important aspect of any school education. Being able to retain the content and apply the information is much more
important than simply memorizing facts. Earlier this year, I had initially started to take a certain class that would not benefit me in the future, and
instead create an abundance amount of stress for me, as I had no interest in taking that course and was merely taking it to fit the norms of other
students. Soon after, I realized that taking a different class that actually interested me would be more beneficial, and thus I would be able to focus
on my other courses of high levels. This switch genuinely allows me to develop a much higher level of commitment for my other classes and help
me retain the information for future purposes. A leader takes diligent time in considering the ability to adhere to other people's interests and presents
their followers with a positive mindset. This summer, I accepted an invitation to participate in the Dale Carnegie Young Adult Leadership Program.
Attendees of this program learned several skills that can be applied to future experiences, especially on how to become an effective leader. Everyday,
the attendees acted as leaders by accomplishing various tasks that forced them to reach out of their comfort zones. We acted as leaders by leading group
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Throughout my four years here at Virginia High School, I have multiple positive contributions. One of the bigger contributions that I have made was
being a leader through National Honor Society. This has given me the opportunity to set up the blood drives that happens every couple of months. It
has also allowed me to participate at the food pantry. All of these activities have made me the person I am today and also allowed me to help the school
look better in the community.
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National Honor Society: A Character Analysis
According to google, the definition of character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. As much as I agree with the general
perspective of the word, I see it as much broader. I see character as what makes up a whole person. Character is different for everyone, it's what
makes us diverse. Maintaining good character will preserve the good qualities and attributes an individual acquires. Throughout my life and my
still growing experience, I have possessed and gained many characteristics that have shaped who I am today. I believe that I have many strong
characteristics as to how I could be a potential member of the Nation Honor Society. From day one I was always taught a good sense of morality. I've
always been seen as an independent person, however I'd always be open armed to work with other people as well. As a more content...
I see myself as very committed when it comes to something that means alot to me and NHS fits perfectly in that category. Helping others and
bettering the community makes me feel better as a whole and that's what moral I'm trying to achieve. Volunteering makes me want to do
something for the experience and the great outcome. If i can put a smile on someone's face for helping them, I feel as if I'm doing the right thing
not only for them but for myself. How I can be valuable to NHS is simply to be dedicated and show characteristics that stand out from everyone
else. Proving not only to the society but to myself that I can persevere and challenge myself to new opportunities is something I strive for. Lastly, a
good well rounded student is another reason I can be valuable to NHS. Keeping my grades up and participating in the topics I'm learning is a key
aspect of a person with good character. Therefore staying committed and maintaining a high grade point average is only a few reasons as to how I can
be valuable to the National Honor
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National Honor Society Personal Statement
I am genuinely honored to be one of the few students considered for acceptance to the State College Area High School chapter of the National Honor
Society. I feel that my hard work and dedication in academics is beginning to show through. Throughout my life, I have shown drive and devotion for
everything in which I have been involved, ranging from athletics to academics. My mentality has always been focused on helping others. For this
reason, I aspire to become an orthopedic surgeon so that my career will evolve around helping others to get the most out of their lives. My summer
will be spent volunteering at Phoenix Rehab for fourteen hours each week as it will allow me to begin providing care to the community. Currently
holding an unweighted
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It is an honor to be considered for membership for the National Honor Society. The service that I have done throughout my high school career will
benefit me later in life. If I get accepted I will do more service with the school, classmates, and community. So far, I have joined Band and am part
of the News Crew. In Band as upperclassmen we are expected to be good leaders and show good character. As a senior this year the underclassmen
look up to me, so if I was wild and rambunctious during class the underclassmen would act wild and rambunctious. I am neither of those things. I am
Savannah Howard, I may be humorous at times but I do all of my work and don't act out. I am hardworking, devoted and always willing to help
anyone in need. When
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Personal Narrative: National Honor Society
My high school requires twenty–five service hours each year of high school in order to graduate, plus an additional fifteen to be involved in National
Honor Society. While this may make all of the community services I have participated in sound like a mere school requirement, it is actually the
complete opposite of that. Without those school requirements, I am not sure how involved I would be in my community. But due to them, I am
always involved in some way. I attend my church's fifth and sixth grade summer camp as a teen counselor, and have done so for three summers.
This experience is very special every year because as I grow in my own faith and knowledge, the experiences I see my campers undergoing in just a
weekend means more and more
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National Honor Society: Personal Statement
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" is the most frequently asked yet daunting question. As a child I gave trivial answers like a grocery
packer or shoe shiner. As I matured my answers always included positions in the medical field including a psychiatrist, physical therapist, and x–ray
technician. While all of these careers involve helping others they failed to suit my personality. They were either to involved or not involved enough
with the patient.
My niece, currently six was diagnosed with epilepsy at age three. There were many doctors and specialists that came in and out as they struggled to
figure out the reason for her constant collapses. The nurses were truly amazing. In a room full of unfamiliarity the nurses were able to provide
reassurance and make her forget about the machines she was hooked up to and the shots she had to be administered. This direct connection that the
nurses were able to build with her in such a short amount of time left an impact on me. Their ability to effortlessly provide comfort to her and take
care of her needs was more content...
I give her the insulin shots, prepare her mix of medicine and test her blood sugar levels daily. Although lacking direct experience in the field I am
willing to learn. I have great leadership and discipline skills as displayed by my membership in the National Honor Society. I also have experience
with interacting and communicating with people especially children from working in
Claremont Neighborhood Centers, Inc. These skills will help me throughout my nursing career.
Nursing will allow me to give back to my community by working at local hospitals or schools. After about five years or so I plan to take my
knowledge and experience worldwide by delivering care to underserved nations worldwide. Nursing will be challenging. But my struggles will be
nothing compared to those that I'll be helping. The benefits outweigh the
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National Honor Society Personal Statement
I am pleased and honored to have the opportunity to forego with the process of becoming a National Honor Society member. The National Honor
Society's main goal is be involved and to better the community in various ways. For example, the organization works to serve the community, tutor
students, and be leaders within the school. The members put their self interests aside and work to better the lives of everyday people in their
community. I believe I am ready to join and help with the endless opportunities that the National Honor Society has to offer. Becoming a member of
NHS has been a goal of mine since I entered the halls of Brick Township High School. I fully understand that it takes hard work and dedication in
order to become a member but I know that I greatly exhibit those traits not only in school but also in my outside activities. This is a rare opportunity
that can only happen in high school and I know that I am ready to be apart of something more content...
Throughout my high school career I have worked assiduously by packing my schedule with rigorous classes in which I pushed myself in order to
become the student I am today. Being able to not only challenge myself but succeed in such demanding classes has shown me what I am truly
capable of. I strive to fulfil my most prodigious dream to someday be apart of the National Honor Society at my hometown school. Now, I am one
step closer in achieving that goal. Knowing that I am more than capable enough to challenge myself will push me to strive for excellence while being
a member. I plan on dedicating myself to the National Honor Society as much as I dedicate myself to my scholastic
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Personal Statement For National Honor Society
I am honor to be a part of National Honor Society, I believe that I contributed to my community by helping other and being kind. I am very focused
and hardworking individual because I know that I worked my way up top in very little time. I am very happy to get opportunity to be a member of
NHS society, that means that I have fulfill all the qualities such as character, service and scholarship, as well as leadership. I am very excited to be
a member because it will help me as a person to grow as a individual, I am looking forward to that. Leadership comes with great responsibility, I
personally have never experience being a leader. However, I believe that I don't need to be a leader to be successful, instead I am always willing to
work hard with other people and achieve any goal as a whole(team). Although, I consider myself as a great problem solver, and also very responsible
according to the effort I put in every little thing that I do. In the past, I have helped the leaders organize and help them to achieve a goal. I gave my
hundred percent in anything I more content...
I am currently volunteering at Atlantic Care Hospital, I have learned a lot ever since I began volunteering from November. During volunteering I meet
different people, I talk to them and have learned new things from them. I stay after school very thursday and help tutor for math. I think that I have
take a step forward and help others in any way I can . I consider volunteering as gaining experience, learning new things and most importantly helping
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National Honor Society
NHS I am honored to be among the many students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. I believe that this organization does
amazing things not just for the students at Harrison Community Schools but for everyone in the community and the surrounding communities. I hope
to be a part of furthering the impressions that this organization has set among the public. I strive to be apart of NHS and the positive changes they
inflict on many lives because I have worked hard to get to this point. Leadership, Character and Service have brought me far in life therefore they are
my strength to evolve into positive changes that better everyone. Leadership isn't just about one person being in charge, it's about a group of people
who strive
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Application Essay For National Honors Society
I am truly honored to be considered for such an exemplary opportunity like such of qualifying for National Honors Society. Knowing that is it the
highest honor that you could possibly receive in your highschool career is a rather surreal feeling. I have worked hard all throughout highschool,
pushing myself to achieve the high academic standpoint that I could attain. My whole life I have always been rather a perfectionist so receiving a
hundred percent on each and every assignment is always the goal I strive for. I find National Honors Society to be an amazing organization and it
would be a dream to become a part of such an organization, and to have it open up numerous amounts of doors in my life. Having a strong leadership
quality is an exceedingly important component for not only NHS, but in life in general. Being a leader is something that more content...
I believe I have a very durable character and it allows me to be who I am. I possess strong determination and perseverance qualities. When a goal is
set, I don't ever stop trying to attain it, despite how long it might take. Reaching a goal that you have put so much hard work into makes it all the
more gratifying. I also like being very organized and efficient so I am able to complete all of my tasks in a timely and effective fashion. My true
character showcases best when someone is in need of nurturing. It is at that point where I set my own personal dilemmas aside to be their shoulder
to lean on. This really went into effect when a little over two years ago my best friend of ten years experienced the sudden and tragic loss of her
father. Since I was one of the closest people to her, I was always there comforting and reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. That
tragedy brought out my true, selfless character because it did not matter where I was, or what I was doing, if she needed me, I was there to support her
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Personal Essay: The National Honor Society
I am honored to be among the commendable students whom are being considered to be a part of such a prestigious organization, The National
Honor Society. I have been wanting to be a part of this organization the second I stepped into this school. Of course I have worked vigorously for it,
there has not been one year here at Lone Star where I have not been in less than 3 Pre–AP or AP classes with averages frequently resulting in an A. I
work hard everyday and night in order to ensure my success now and in the future. National Honor Society is an exceptional group brimmed with
bright young men and women who create the world of tomorrow. I, Jadzia Sanchez, Class of 2017, yearn to be a part of such a group. I have been a
part of theatre in both middle school and high school, I am a very active thespian and have branched out by joining acting classes outside of school. more content...
Furthermore, I have also done quite a few acts of service to my town and school even though I realize that it is not necessary for me to do so, I
believe that by serving others without a reward is the best way to become a better person and leader. As a matter a fact I am a member of Frisco's
Teens4Green and have volunteered to play "Rufus the Recycling Dog" at local elementary schools, which was a very enjoyable and rewarding
experience. In addition, with my early release periods, rather than go home early most days, I choose to go assist some teachers if needed. By
assisting them I can learn more about following in one's footsteps to achieve a certain goal and how to aid another in a time of need. Since then, I
knew that I had to serve my school in different ways rather than just teachers. I wanted to demonstrate to my class that I could be a worthy asset, and
that I was there for them in wanting to make our senior year extravagant, yet
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Personal Narrative: National Honors Society
National Honors Society is an amazing opportunity to be chosen for. By being accepted, it shows that the hard work that I have done in the classroom,
and in the community have done well for not only the community but for myself as a person. Since I have started High–school, I have done many
volunteer hours at my church. I have done many things such as help lead game–time for the little ones during a learning program called Awana. Awana
is a program done by some churches to help raise children to love and serve God. I also help most Sundays in the sound room at church. I help to run
the sound and the computer that displays the songs that we are doing that particular Sunday. I enjoy doing these things because seeing the children's
faces, enjoying
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Personal Statement As an individual, due to my upbringing and experiences, I act in such a way that my future will be more desirable instead of
focusing on how I can act to receive instant gratification. Some of these actions include pushing myself to take classes which demand more dedication,
keeping my grades up, and taking upon myself leader–like responsibilities. I feel that one can conclude another's moral growth through their actions,
thus how one will judge me is heavily determined by my past actions. There is a multitude of influences in my life, however, the appeal of my
imminent adulthood is more persuasive to keep working on my character. From a young age, I have experienced multiple scenarios in which I have
had to make the right choice. For example, during my sixth grade year, I went to a party where others were passing around cigarettes and alcohol and
had offered them to me. I denied them and left soon after. This is more content...
This year I went through the processes of starting my new club, "Comics and Anime Club." I founded my club to create an atmosphere of
acceptance for people who deliberately indulge themselves in similar interests. Like the criteria of the National Honor Society, I want people
involved in extracurriculars to create more well rounded individuals. My approach to life is heavily impacted by a very close friend of mine named
Kyle. I have accepted others and not taken them for granted ever since Kyle's suicide. When needed, I tutor those in need of academic help during
school. This has taught me patience and understanding. Always trying to make my actions positive, I support those in need in subtle ways like simply
talking one on one with them. It is impacting to help others at school, but when I contribute to my community I feel like more of an
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Personal Statement For National Honor Society
Personal Statement: I, Deborah Destahun, believe I would be a good fit in National Honor Society because I already uphold to NHS standards; I
am: a leader, a volunteer and a dedicated person. I am committed and will show up on time in an orderly manner. Leadership Positions: A leader
should: communicate well with others, be honest & responsible and most importantly be creative; I and other would say I posses those skills. For the
2015–2016 year, I will hold a leadership position as treasurer, in Linn–Mar's faction of Key Club. I was chosen by my fellow Key Club members and
the advisor (Joy Oldfield) to uphold the responsibilities of a treasurer; to be responsible, honest and trustworthy, when handling money and the
budget. I am also very much dedicated in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), as we also do a lot of service projects including March of
Dimes throughout all factions of FBLA and in our community with Blue Zones (with the help of our advisor, Dana Lampe). In the 2014–2015 school
year, I was the 3rd most dedicated member in FBLA, which was determined be a point system throughout the year based on volunteering, going to
meetings, and more content...
I enjoy helping people who need a helping hand and is the reason why I volunteer in the nursing home facility, where I help the elderly who struggle
with daily tasks like: walking and
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Leadership, service, and character are integral traits that every member of the National Honor Society, as well as every upright and productive member
of society, must possess. Throughout my life, I have striven to embody the aforementioned characteristics, helping me to grow as a well–rounded,
high–achieving individual. In terms of leadership, I try to take it upon myself to step into a leadership role whenever I see that a situation is becoming
disorganized or indolent. For instance, my English teacher last year assigned the class a group project where she took the liberty of creating our
groups for us. As I began working with my group to plan out our project, I quickly noticed that not much was getting done due to uncertainty and a
lack of communication while the due date grew closer and closer. Instead of just sitting back and doing nothing about the issue, I steered my group
in the right direction by opening up discussions about the project where I made sure everyone had a chance to have their ideas heard. I effectively
listened to each person, offering constructive feedback and deeply considering any feedback my own ideas received, and then delegated tasks to
myself and to the others based on what was best for the group. If someone needed help with his or her part of the project, I gave them all the
assistance I could, rather than just focusing on my own personal goals. Whenever I noticed conflict among members of the group, I courteously
mediated the problem, as
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Personal Narrative: National Honor Society
To society I seem to be very talkative on the other hand I can be intelligent. For example was in National Honor Society, had above average grades,
I was very outgoing and did a lot of sports and clubs throughout the years. People would also agree that I always have been very clumsy. In general
people would say I am not an overall serious person. My parents think differently about me than I do myself, except we do agree on a few things.
My mom thinks I have a very outgoing personality, which is true. We also agree on that I am very talkative. My dad and her would say I am smart. I
like to think personally that I am smart to the typical standards. My parents and I agree on a few things about myself. My parents seem to see me
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Personal Statement For National Honor Society

  • 1. Personal Statement For National Honor Society It is an honor to be chosen as a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Academics, leadership skills, service abilities, and character are four principal parts of a superior student. I believe that I am inclusive of all these aspects needed to become a part of this prestigious group. Becoming a member of this organization is important to me, because it will help me get into an excellent college and push me to work harder in school. My academic drive and diligence as a student are manifested in my scholastic achievements. I was presented with the Most Outstanding Student Achievement Award when I graduated 8thgrade from Mountain Home School. I currently have a grade point average of 4.0, which has been sustained throughout my years of high school thus far. Last year, as a sophomore, I received three Academic Achievement Awards for Religion, Chemistry, and Spanish 1. I also took three senior classes, and I was on the Principal's List for every quarter. This year, I am taking two dual–credit classes and excelling in both. I believe that the main reasons I am a straight–A student are because I am self–disciplined, I have a strong work ethic, and I strive for academic excellence. Mediocrity is never an option for me. Being a leader is a valuable skill, not just for the National Honor Society, but also for life. Leaders must take initiative and make hard decisions, even when it is difficult. I am one of the leaders of a praise team group for my Get more content on
  • 2. Personal Narrative: National Honor Society "What defines you as a person is not the life you were born into, but what you made of it" Shahid Kapoor said. This quote can mean many things, but to me, it means that the things that are given to you are not as important as the things you have to work for. The things I have had to work for over the last 17 years of my life have shaped the person I am today. One of the hardest things I have ever done is balance my school, sports, and organizations. Throughout my life I have been pushed to be the greatest and in result, never settled for anything less than perfect. This is true for both school work and athletics. Since my freshman year I have worked for good grades and ended up with nearly perfect grades, which resulted in a grade point average of a 3.927. I have earned this GPA while balancing volleyball, basketball, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) , Yearbook, National Honor Society (NHS), Honor Roll, the Drama Department, Math Team,Student Council, Class officer and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) more content... In volleyball and basketball, I have been selected as team captains and awarded all league 1st team honors. Also in basketball, I have led the state in 3–pointers, broken the school record for 3–pointers in a game, and received Honorable Mention all–state. I am Student Council Activities Chair, the class of 2018 treasurer, three–time yearbook editor and FBLA public relations officer. The past three years I have competed in District and State FBLA competitions where I received 3rd in Journalism, and 1st place in Word Processing my junior year at districts, as well as getting 5th at state in Publication Designs. By not only being involved in various organizations, but holding leadership positions in them has taught me leadership skills and Get more content on
  • 3. National Honor Society Personal Statement Essay National Honor Society Personal Statement I have always had an interest in improving the community around us, and would like to be involved in this role by helping out in the community. By joining NHS, I aspire to enhance some of my skills, such as ambition, collaboration, and leadership. I hope to increase my initiative to provide service in the community and to take chances out of my comfort zone. By helping out in the community more with service projects I hope to improve my collaborative, management and people skills. In addition, I hope to improve my leadership skills through public service projects. These projects will not only give me more experience with leadership, but they will also motivate me to help my community and my peers with their endeavors. I believe that joining the National Honor Society at River Hill will teach me essential skills for my future, and improve my community. Learning is the single most important aspect of any school education. Being able to retain the content and apply the information is much more important than simply memorizing facts. Earlier this year, I had initially started to take a certain class that would not benefit me in the future, and instead create an abundance amount of stress for me, as I had no interest in taking that course and was merely taking it to fit the norms of other students. Soon after, I realized that taking a different class that actually interested me would be more beneficial, and thus I would be able to focus on my other courses of high levels. This switch genuinely allows me to develop a much higher level of commitment for my other classes and help me retain the information for future purposes. A leader takes diligent time in considering the ability to adhere to other people's interests and presents their followers with a positive mindset. This summer, I accepted an invitation to participate in the Dale Carnegie Young Adult Leadership Program. Attendees of this program learned several skills that can be applied to future experiences, especially on how to become an effective leader. Everyday, the attendees acted as leaders by accomplishing various tasks that forced them to reach out of their comfort zones. We acted as leaders by leading group Get more content on
  • 4. Throughout my four years here at Virginia High School, I have multiple positive contributions. One of the bigger contributions that I have made was being a leader through National Honor Society. This has given me the opportunity to set up the blood drives that happens every couple of months. It has also allowed me to participate at the food pantry. All of these activities have made me the person I am today and also allowed me to help the school look better in the community. Get more content on
  • 5. National Honor Society: A Character Analysis According to google, the definition of character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. As much as I agree with the general perspective of the word, I see it as much broader. I see character as what makes up a whole person. Character is different for everyone, it's what makes us diverse. Maintaining good character will preserve the good qualities and attributes an individual acquires. Throughout my life and my still growing experience, I have possessed and gained many characteristics that have shaped who I am today. I believe that I have many strong characteristics as to how I could be a potential member of the Nation Honor Society. From day one I was always taught a good sense of morality. I've always been seen as an independent person, however I'd always be open armed to work with other people as well. As a more content... I see myself as very committed when it comes to something that means alot to me and NHS fits perfectly in that category. Helping others and bettering the community makes me feel better as a whole and that's what moral I'm trying to achieve. Volunteering makes me want to do something for the experience and the great outcome. If i can put a smile on someone's face for helping them, I feel as if I'm doing the right thing not only for them but for myself. How I can be valuable to NHS is simply to be dedicated and show characteristics that stand out from everyone else. Proving not only to the society but to myself that I can persevere and challenge myself to new opportunities is something I strive for. Lastly, a good well rounded student is another reason I can be valuable to NHS. Keeping my grades up and participating in the topics I'm learning is a key aspect of a person with good character. Therefore staying committed and maintaining a high grade point average is only a few reasons as to how I can be valuable to the National Honor Get more content on
  • 6. National Honor Society Personal Statement I am genuinely honored to be one of the few students considered for acceptance to the State College Area High School chapter of the National Honor Society. I feel that my hard work and dedication in academics is beginning to show through. Throughout my life, I have shown drive and devotion for everything in which I have been involved, ranging from athletics to academics. My mentality has always been focused on helping others. For this reason, I aspire to become an orthopedic surgeon so that my career will evolve around helping others to get the most out of their lives. My summer will be spent volunteering at Phoenix Rehab for fourteen hours each week as it will allow me to begin providing care to the community. Currently holding an unweighted Get more content on
  • 7. It is an honor to be considered for membership for the National Honor Society. The service that I have done throughout my high school career will benefit me later in life. If I get accepted I will do more service with the school, classmates, and community. So far, I have joined Band and am part of the News Crew. In Band as upperclassmen we are expected to be good leaders and show good character. As a senior this year the underclassmen look up to me, so if I was wild and rambunctious during class the underclassmen would act wild and rambunctious. I am neither of those things. I am Savannah Howard, I may be humorous at times but I do all of my work and don't act out. I am hardworking, devoted and always willing to help anyone in need. When Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Narrative: National Honor Society My high school requires twenty–five service hours each year of high school in order to graduate, plus an additional fifteen to be involved in National Honor Society. While this may make all of the community services I have participated in sound like a mere school requirement, it is actually the complete opposite of that. Without those school requirements, I am not sure how involved I would be in my community. But due to them, I am always involved in some way. I attend my church's fifth and sixth grade summer camp as a teen counselor, and have done so for three summers. This experience is very special every year because as I grow in my own faith and knowledge, the experiences I see my campers undergoing in just a weekend means more and more Get more content on
  • 9. National Honor Society: Personal Statement "What do you want to be when you grow up?" is the most frequently asked yet daunting question. As a child I gave trivial answers like a grocery packer or shoe shiner. As I matured my answers always included positions in the medical field including a psychiatrist, physical therapist, and x–ray technician. While all of these careers involve helping others they failed to suit my personality. They were either to involved or not involved enough with the patient. My niece, currently six was diagnosed with epilepsy at age three. There were many doctors and specialists that came in and out as they struggled to figure out the reason for her constant collapses. The nurses were truly amazing. In a room full of unfamiliarity the nurses were able to provide reassurance and make her forget about the machines she was hooked up to and the shots she had to be administered. This direct connection that the nurses were able to build with her in such a short amount of time left an impact on me. Their ability to effortlessly provide comfort to her and take care of her needs was more content... I give her the insulin shots, prepare her mix of medicine and test her blood sugar levels daily. Although lacking direct experience in the field I am willing to learn. I have great leadership and discipline skills as displayed by my membership in the National Honor Society. I also have experience with interacting and communicating with people especially children from working in Claremont Neighborhood Centers, Inc. These skills will help me throughout my nursing career. Nursing will allow me to give back to my community by working at local hospitals or schools. After about five years or so I plan to take my knowledge and experience worldwide by delivering care to underserved nations worldwide. Nursing will be challenging. But my struggles will be nothing compared to those that I'll be helping. The benefits outweigh the Get more content on
  • 10. National Honor Society Personal Statement I am pleased and honored to have the opportunity to forego with the process of becoming a National Honor Society member. The National Honor Society's main goal is be involved and to better the community in various ways. For example, the organization works to serve the community, tutor students, and be leaders within the school. The members put their self interests aside and work to better the lives of everyday people in their community. I believe I am ready to join and help with the endless opportunities that the National Honor Society has to offer. Becoming a member of NHS has been a goal of mine since I entered the halls of Brick Township High School. I fully understand that it takes hard work and dedication in order to become a member but I know that I greatly exhibit those traits not only in school but also in my outside activities. This is a rare opportunity that can only happen in high school and I know that I am ready to be apart of something more content... Throughout my high school career I have worked assiduously by packing my schedule with rigorous classes in which I pushed myself in order to become the student I am today. Being able to not only challenge myself but succeed in such demanding classes has shown me what I am truly capable of. I strive to fulfil my most prodigious dream to someday be apart of the National Honor Society at my hometown school. Now, I am one step closer in achieving that goal. Knowing that I am more than capable enough to challenge myself will push me to strive for excellence while being a member. I plan on dedicating myself to the National Honor Society as much as I dedicate myself to my scholastic Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Statement For National Honor Society I am honor to be a part of National Honor Society, I believe that I contributed to my community by helping other and being kind. I am very focused and hardworking individual because I know that I worked my way up top in very little time. I am very happy to get opportunity to be a member of NHS society, that means that I have fulfill all the qualities such as character, service and scholarship, as well as leadership. I am very excited to be a member because it will help me as a person to grow as a individual, I am looking forward to that. Leadership comes with great responsibility, I personally have never experience being a leader. However, I believe that I don't need to be a leader to be successful, instead I am always willing to work hard with other people and achieve any goal as a whole(team). Although, I consider myself as a great problem solver, and also very responsible according to the effort I put in every little thing that I do. In the past, I have helped the leaders organize and help them to achieve a goal. I gave my hundred percent in anything I more content... I am currently volunteering at Atlantic Care Hospital, I have learned a lot ever since I began volunteering from November. During volunteering I meet different people, I talk to them and have learned new things from them. I stay after school very thursday and help tutor for math. I think that I have take a step forward and help others in any way I can . I consider volunteering as gaining experience, learning new things and most importantly helping the Get more content on
  • 12. National Honor Society NHS I am honored to be among the many students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. I believe that this organization does amazing things not just for the students at Harrison Community Schools but for everyone in the community and the surrounding communities. I hope to be a part of furthering the impressions that this organization has set among the public. I strive to be apart of NHS and the positive changes they inflict on many lives because I have worked hard to get to this point. Leadership, Character and Service have brought me far in life therefore they are my strength to evolve into positive changes that better everyone. Leadership isn't just about one person being in charge, it's about a group of people who strive Get more content on
  • 13. Application Essay For National Honors Society I am truly honored to be considered for such an exemplary opportunity like such of qualifying for National Honors Society. Knowing that is it the highest honor that you could possibly receive in your highschool career is a rather surreal feeling. I have worked hard all throughout highschool, pushing myself to achieve the high academic standpoint that I could attain. My whole life I have always been rather a perfectionist so receiving a hundred percent on each and every assignment is always the goal I strive for. I find National Honors Society to be an amazing organization and it would be a dream to become a part of such an organization, and to have it open up numerous amounts of doors in my life. Having a strong leadership quality is an exceedingly important component for not only NHS, but in life in general. Being a leader is something that more content... I believe I have a very durable character and it allows me to be who I am. I possess strong determination and perseverance qualities. When a goal is set, I don't ever stop trying to attain it, despite how long it might take. Reaching a goal that you have put so much hard work into makes it all the more gratifying. I also like being very organized and efficient so I am able to complete all of my tasks in a timely and effective fashion. My true character showcases best when someone is in need of nurturing. It is at that point where I set my own personal dilemmas aside to be their shoulder to lean on. This really went into effect when a little over two years ago my best friend of ten years experienced the sudden and tragic loss of her father. Since I was one of the closest people to her, I was always there comforting and reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. That tragedy brought out my true, selfless character because it did not matter where I was, or what I was doing, if she needed me, I was there to support her Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Essay: The National Honor Society I am honored to be among the commendable students whom are being considered to be a part of such a prestigious organization, The National Honor Society. I have been wanting to be a part of this organization the second I stepped into this school. Of course I have worked vigorously for it, there has not been one year here at Lone Star where I have not been in less than 3 Pre–AP or AP classes with averages frequently resulting in an A. I work hard everyday and night in order to ensure my success now and in the future. National Honor Society is an exceptional group brimmed with bright young men and women who create the world of tomorrow. I, Jadzia Sanchez, Class of 2017, yearn to be a part of such a group. I have been a part of theatre in both middle school and high school, I am a very active thespian and have branched out by joining acting classes outside of school. more content... Furthermore, I have also done quite a few acts of service to my town and school even though I realize that it is not necessary for me to do so, I believe that by serving others without a reward is the best way to become a better person and leader. As a matter a fact I am a member of Frisco's Teens4Green and have volunteered to play "Rufus the Recycling Dog" at local elementary schools, which was a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. In addition, with my early release periods, rather than go home early most days, I choose to go assist some teachers if needed. By assisting them I can learn more about following in one's footsteps to achieve a certain goal and how to aid another in a time of need. Since then, I knew that I had to serve my school in different ways rather than just teachers. I wanted to demonstrate to my class that I could be a worthy asset, and that I was there for them in wanting to make our senior year extravagant, yet Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Narrative: National Honors Society National Honors Society is an amazing opportunity to be chosen for. By being accepted, it shows that the hard work that I have done in the classroom, and in the community have done well for not only the community but for myself as a person. Since I have started High–school, I have done many volunteer hours at my church. I have done many things such as help lead game–time for the little ones during a learning program called Awana. Awana is a program done by some churches to help raise children to love and serve God. I also help most Sundays in the sound room at church. I help to run the sound and the computer that displays the songs that we are doing that particular Sunday. I enjoy doing these things because seeing the children's faces, enjoying Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Statement As an individual, due to my upbringing and experiences, I act in such a way that my future will be more desirable instead of focusing on how I can act to receive instant gratification. Some of these actions include pushing myself to take classes which demand more dedication, keeping my grades up, and taking upon myself leader–like responsibilities. I feel that one can conclude another's moral growth through their actions, thus how one will judge me is heavily determined by my past actions. There is a multitude of influences in my life, however, the appeal of my imminent adulthood is more persuasive to keep working on my character. From a young age, I have experienced multiple scenarios in which I have had to make the right choice. For example, during my sixth grade year, I went to a party where others were passing around cigarettes and alcohol and had offered them to me. I denied them and left soon after. This is more content... This year I went through the processes of starting my new club, "Comics and Anime Club." I founded my club to create an atmosphere of acceptance for people who deliberately indulge themselves in similar interests. Like the criteria of the National Honor Society, I want people involved in extracurriculars to create more well rounded individuals. My approach to life is heavily impacted by a very close friend of mine named Kyle. I have accepted others and not taken them for granted ever since Kyle's suicide. When needed, I tutor those in need of academic help during school. This has taught me patience and understanding. Always trying to make my actions positive, I support those in need in subtle ways like simply talking one on one with them. It is impacting to help others at school, but when I contribute to my community I feel like more of an Get more content on
  • 17. Personal Statement For National Honor Society Personal Statement: I, Deborah Destahun, believe I would be a good fit in National Honor Society because I already uphold to NHS standards; I am: a leader, a volunteer and a dedicated person. I am committed and will show up on time in an orderly manner. Leadership Positions: A leader should: communicate well with others, be honest & responsible and most importantly be creative; I and other would say I posses those skills. For the 2015–2016 year, I will hold a leadership position as treasurer, in Linn–Mar's faction of Key Club. I was chosen by my fellow Key Club members and the advisor (Joy Oldfield) to uphold the responsibilities of a treasurer; to be responsible, honest and trustworthy, when handling money and the budget. I am also very much dedicated in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), as we also do a lot of service projects including March of Dimes throughout all factions of FBLA and in our community with Blue Zones (with the help of our advisor, Dana Lampe). In the 2014–2015 school year, I was the 3rd most dedicated member in FBLA, which was determined be a point system throughout the year based on volunteering, going to meetings, and more content... I enjoy helping people who need a helping hand and is the reason why I volunteer in the nursing home facility, where I help the elderly who struggle with daily tasks like: walking and Get more content on
  • 18. Leadership, service, and character are integral traits that every member of the National Honor Society, as well as every upright and productive member of society, must possess. Throughout my life, I have striven to embody the aforementioned characteristics, helping me to grow as a well–rounded, high–achieving individual. In terms of leadership, I try to take it upon myself to step into a leadership role whenever I see that a situation is becoming disorganized or indolent. For instance, my English teacher last year assigned the class a group project where she took the liberty of creating our groups for us. As I began working with my group to plan out our project, I quickly noticed that not much was getting done due to uncertainty and a lack of communication while the due date grew closer and closer. Instead of just sitting back and doing nothing about the issue, I steered my group in the right direction by opening up discussions about the project where I made sure everyone had a chance to have their ideas heard. I effectively listened to each person, offering constructive feedback and deeply considering any feedback my own ideas received, and then delegated tasks to myself and to the others based on what was best for the group. If someone needed help with his or her part of the project, I gave them all the assistance I could, rather than just focusing on my own personal goals. Whenever I noticed conflict among members of the group, I courteously mediated the problem, as Get more content on
  • 19. Personal Narrative: National Honor Society To society I seem to be very talkative on the other hand I can be intelligent. For example was in National Honor Society, had above average grades, I was very outgoing and did a lot of sports and clubs throughout the years. People would also agree that I always have been very clumsy. In general people would say I am not an overall serious person. My parents think differently about me than I do myself, except we do agree on a few things. My mom thinks I have a very outgoing personality, which is true. We also agree on that I am very talkative. My dad and her would say I am smart. I like to think personally that I am smart to the typical standards. My parents and I agree on a few things about myself. My parents seem to see me differently Get more content on