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Chapter 1



Well you done me and you bet I felt it                            But I won't hesitate no more, no more
好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切                                            我绝不,绝不再犹豫

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted               It cannot wait, I'm yours
想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情                                                   一刻也不能再等,我会是你的

I feel right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back
这感觉如同蹦            般奇妙,而我现在                始尝试着回归现实                Well open up your mind and see like me
                                                                  好吧,敞        心扉像我一样的注视(对方)

Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest         Open up your plans and damn you're free
在我的冲动尚未冷却之前,我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心)                                         忘记该死的计           吧,(从现在起)你自由了

And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention            Look into your heart and you'll find love X 4
(我发誓)除非天生             象否则绝不停止                                     在你的内心深处,你会发现那里充满了爱

I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some             Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing
估计这正是我证明自己的机会吧                                                    当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和

We're just one big family ( 这段安静的旋律 )
                                                                  Look into your heart and you'll find sky is yours
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved X 5
                                                                  So please don't, please don’t, please don’t,
                                                                  there's no need to complicate
   I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in
                                                                  请    将事情        杂化
   the mirror
我已经花了太多太多的时间对着镜子练习(热吻)                                            'Cause our time is short
And bending over backwards just to try it to see it clearer
站得远一点尝试能               看得更清楚                                      This o' this o' this is our faith
                                                                  I'm yours
  But my breath fogged up the glass

  And so I drew a new face and I laughed

I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason

To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
请丢     心中的杂念(让它)随着季节改变而流逝

It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue


	   Divine :   占卜 [di'vain]

    of, form, or like God or a god.
	   Intervention : 干涉 [intә'venʃ(ә)n]

    The action or process of intervening.
	   Vanity : 虛     ['væniti]

	    Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own     ap-
pearance or achievements
	   Virtue : 优势,美德 ['vә:tju:]

     Behavior showing high moral standards
	   Complicate : 超       杂的 ['kɔmplikeit]

      Make something more difficult or confusing by caus-
ing it to be more complex


         So...that... 太...以至于...

         My(one’s) turn: 自己的机会

         Run out: 用尽,在这里表示冷却

         Fogged up: 模糊

         Open up: 打     ,在这里表示敞

         Aim to do something: 树立目标去做一些事情

         Look into: 浏览,观察,在这里表示在...的内心


•I tired to be chill but you are so hot to be melted.
Here, in the phrase, chill means calm down. The actual
meaning of chill means : un unpleasant feeling of coldness.
Chill 在歌词中的意思是冷静,但它的实际含义是寒冷

•Well open up your mind and see like me.
Here, in the phrase, like means have same characteristics.
Here’s also some other meanings, have a feeling for some-
body; such as, for example.

Guitar Notes

Chapter 2


         I’m at a payphone trying to call home

            All of my change I spent on you

              Where have have times gone
                那些时光都到            里去了

Baby it’s all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?
宝贝这些都是错的,那些我们为二人所作的计                              在那里?

         Yeah, I, I know it’s hard to remember

           The people we used to be

    It’s even herder to picture
          更    说去想象

 That you’re not here next to me
You say it’s too late to make it

                      But is it too late to try?
                       但难道尝试会太               ?

                 And in our time that you wasted

                 All of our bridges burned down

                       I’ve wasted my nights
                        我的夜           都徒劳了

                     You turned out the lights

              Now I’m paralyzed

Still stuck in that time when we called
                 it love
  But even the sun sets in paradise

All those fairytales are full of it

 One more stupid love song I’ll be sick

  You turned your back on tomorrow

        Cause you forgot yesterday

      I gave you my love to borrow

          But you just gave it away

      I gave you my love to borrow

          But you just gave it away

    You can' t expect me to be fine


  I don' t expect you to care

    I know i said it before


Payphone : 电话亭

A public telephone that is operated coins or by a credit
Remember : 记得 |riˈmembər|

have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of.
Paralyzed : 使麻痹 |ˈparəˌlīz|

Cause ( a person or part of the body) to become partly or wholly incapable of movement.
Paradise : 天堂 |ˈparəˌdīs|

And ideal of idyllic place or state
Fairytales : 童话故事 |ˈfɛri teɪl|

A children’s story about magical and imaginary begins and lands.
Expect : 预料,期待 |ikˈspekt|

Regard (something) as likely to happen


All of my change I spent on you
Here, in the phrase, change means money. The actual meaning of change means: make or become different.

All of our bridges burned down
Here, in the phrase, bridges means everything. The actual meaning of bridges means : a structure carrying a
road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, road, railroad, or other obstacle.

Words Chain

Try to do something : 尝试着去做某事

Used to do something : 曾经习惯做某事

Too late to do something: 太迟去做某事

Burn down: 烧为平地

Turn out:   掉

Stuck in: 困在

Expect somebody to do something: 期待某人去做某事

Guitar Notes

Chapter 3

           If you ever leave me, baby
           宝贝 如果你已决意离去
       Leave some morphine at my door
            请留下吗 让我麻醉
 Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
        To realize what we used to have,
           We don’t have it anymore.

     There’s no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor, oh
  So keep in mind all the sacrifices I’m making
           Will keep you by my side

Will keep you from walking out the door
             为了不让你走出危险的 外

              Cause there’ll be no sunlights
                   If I lose you, baby
                  失去你, 光不在
                There’ll be no clear skies
                  If I lose you, baby
                   Just like the clouds,
       my eyes will do the same if you walk away
                      当你离 我
              Everyday, it will rain,
                   rain, rain

           I’ll never be your mother’s favorite
      ah, Your daddy can’t even look me in the eye
Oooh if I were in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing

Saying there goes my little girl
         Walking with that troublesome guy

But they’re afraid of something they can’t understand
Oooh well little darling watch me change their minds
       Yeah for you I’ll try, I’ll try, I’ll try
   I’ll pick up these broken pieces ‘til I’m bleeding
                If that’ll make it right

                Oooh Don’t just say
           goodbye, don’t just say, goodbye
    I’ll pick these broken pieces’ til I’m bleeding
                If that’ll make it right


Morphine : 吗       ['mɔ:fi:n]

An analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain.

Sacrifice : 牺牲 ['sækrifais]

An act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to
a divine or supernatural figure.

Troublesome : 讨厌的,惹麻烦的 ['trʌb(ә)lsәm]

Causing difficulty or annoyance.

Words Chain

Used to do something : 过去习惯做什么

No Matter : 无论

On the floor : 在地板上

Keep in mind: 记住,牢记

Keep you by my side : 把你留在我身边

Be afraid of: 怕

Pick up : 拣起

Leave some morphine at my door
In the lyrics, it actually means ‘Leave some morphine to got his head screwed on.
从表面表面上看,它的意思是,在我的                             口留些吗         ;在歌词中的意思是, 请留下吗          让我麻醉 。

Oooh if I were in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing
In the lyrics, it actually means ‘If I were them, I’d be doing the same thing.’
从表面表面上看,它的意思是,如果我                             他们的鞋,也会做同样的事情;在歌词中的意思是,假如我是

Guitar Notes

Chapter 4


                 My heart’s a stereo
            It beats for you, so listen close
               为你跳动 请靠近我倾听
          Hear my thoughts in every note
         你将在每一个音符 听到我的心声
               Make me your radio
          And turn me up when you feel low
            当你情绪低落 打 我听听 
           This melody was meant for you
             Just sing along to my stereo

    If I was just another dusty record on the shelf
Would you blow me off and play me like everybody else
    你能否垂钓灰尘 将它像其他唱片一样播放

If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that
          如果我要求你播放 你能耐心听听吗
      Like it, check it Travie, I can handle that
     检查一下 Travie 让它流畅播放 我可以 定
    Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks
            此外我很抱歉 因为它有点卡
   It’s just the last girl to play me left a couple cracks
   I used to used to used to used to, now I’m over that
      我经常 经常 经常 经常 现在我跳过那些话
   Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts
       因为对爱的怨恨 已经成为古老的传言
   If I could only find a note to make you understand
           如果能找到一段歌词 让你理解我
  I’d sing it softy in your ear and grab you by the hand
        我会紧紧握住你的手 在你耳边轻声吟唱
Keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune
    就像最爱的旋律 让我的歌声在你脑海回荡
   And know my heart’s stereo that only plays for you
        我的心就像立体声 永远只为你播放

     If I was an old school, fifty pound boombox

    如果我是怀旧派 是个五十磅的立体声扬声器

Would you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walk
      你能否将我抗在你的肩膀 无论你走到
    Would you turn my volume up in front of the cops
    And crank it higher everytime they told you to stop
       就算他们命令你 掉 你却反而调得更大
       And all I ask is that you don’t get mad at me
               我只希望你 因我而疯狂
       When you have to purchase mad D batteries
       Appreciate every mixtape your friends make
You never know we come and go like we’re on the interstate
      你无法想像我们像在州际公路 行的车辆

   I think Finally found a note to make you understand
  If you can hear it, Sing along and take me by the hands
           如果你能听见 请握着我的手跟我唱
   Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune
      就像最爱的旋律 让我的歌声在你脑海回荡
   And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you
         我的心就像立体声 永远只为你播放

I only pray you never leave me behind
                     Never leave me
             我只祈求你永远不要离 我
       Because good music can be so hard to find
       I take your hand and pull it closer to mine
             我会紧握你的手 拉你靠近我
Thought love was dead, but now you’re changing my mind
    总以为不存在真爱 但你现在改变了我的想法


Stereo : 立体声 [steriәʋ, 'stiәr]

Sound that is directed through two or more speakers so that it seems to surround that listener and to come from more than one
Melody : 旋律 ['melәdi]

A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.
Scratch : 抓,抓痕[skrætʃ]

Score or mark the surface of something with a sharp or pointed object.
A mark or wound made by scratching
Furthermore : 而且,此外[fә:ðә'mɔ:(r)]

In addition; besides ( used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument)
Apologize : 道歉[ә'pɔlәdʒaiz]

Express regret for something that one has done wrong
Crack : 裂痕 [kræk]

A line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking into sepa-
rate parts
Grudge : 怀恨,怨恨[ɡrʌdʒ]

A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult of injury.
Ancient : 古代的['einʃәnt]

Belonging to the very distatn past and no longer in existence.
Artifact : 人工制品;制造误['ɑ:tifækt]

An object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
Boombox: 内置扬声器,内置立体声系统

A portable sound system, typically including radio and cassette or CD player, capable of powerful sound
Interstate : 州与州之间的,州际的['intәsteit]

Existing or carried on between states.

Words Chain

Turn up: 把声音      打;找到

Sing along:跟着一块儿唱

On the shelf : 在书架上

Blow me off : 取消和我的约会

By the hand : 用手

Stuck inside your head : 一直在你的脑海里挥之不去

Old school : 怀旧派

In front of : 在......面前

Be mad at : 生某人的气

On the interstate : 在洲际间

Take you hand : 握紧你的手


If I was an old school, fifty pound boombox
Here, in the lyrics, Old school means Old fashioned
Old school的意思是就的学校,可是它还有另一                            含义,就是怀旧派的意思,像old-

Guitar Notes

Chapter 5


 I threw a wish in the well

 Don’t ask me, I’ll never tell

   i looked to you as it fell

 And now you’re in my way

I’d trade my soul for a wish
 用我的       魂换取一个愿望

Pennies and dimes for a kiss

  I wasn’t looking for this

 But now you’re in my way


      Yours stare was holdin’

   Ripped jeans, skin was showin

    Hot night, wind was blwoin

Where you think you’re going, baby?
      你想去       里,宝贝?

        Hey, I just met you,

         And this is crazy

      But here’s my number

        So call me, maybe?

It’s hard to look right, ( And all the other boys)

        At you baby( Try to chase me)

             But here’s my number

              So call me, maybe?

        You took your time with the call
           I took no time with the fall
           You gave me nothing at all
          But still, you’re in my way

          I beg, and borrow and steal
          Have foresight and it’s real

I didn’t know I would feel it
             我不 定我的感觉
           But it’s in my way

         Before you came into my life
             I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad( And you should know that)
           I missed you so, so bad


Well : 泉,井。 [wel]

A shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, or gas
Stare : 凝视 [stєә]

A long fixed or vacant look
Beg : 乞求 [beɡ]

Ask (someone) earnestly or humbly for something
Foresight : 先见,预见['fɔ:sait]

The ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed
in the

Words Chain

In the well: 在许愿池里

In my way : 在我面前

Is hard to do something :很难去做某事

Take time:花些时间

Nothing at all:什么也没有

Come into:进入


I threw a wish in the well.
Here, in the phrase, well means a shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, and another mean-
ing of Well is good, more like emotions or physical.

i looked to you as it fell
Here, in the phrase, as means when, it also has more than one meaning, such as, like; same, etc.

Yours stare was holdin‘ Ripped jeans, skin was showin Hot night, wind was blwoin
In the lyrics, the lyrics composer usually abbreviates word to make rhyme with the whole lyrics
and tune.

Guitar Notes

Chapter 6

我的歌声里( You Exist In My Heart)


              Without any precaution, and without a trace of apprehension

 You appeared in my world as yo did, bringing me pleasant surprise, that I couldn’t resist

                            But like this, without me knowing

    You quietly disappeared, from my world, without a word, leaving behind only my


      You exist, deep in my mind, in my dreams, in my heart, and in my song (X2)

                  还记得我们曾经,肩并肩一起走过,那段繁华                                口

       Still remember us once walking side by side together past that bustling alley

Even though we were strangers, just passing by each other, we still felt each

                      One look, one beat of the heart
                      一    意想不到的快乐,好像是

                     One unexpected delight. It’s like

                        a dream, that was destined.

                  The world is so big, why did we meet?

                        Could it have been chance?

                        Could it have been destiny?

防备(fáng bèi): precaution


顾虑(gù lǜ): apprehension


回忆(huí yì):Memory


脑海(nǎo hǎi):Mind


繁华   口(fán huá xiàng kǒu) : bustling alley


意想不到(yì xiǎng bù dào):Unexpected


梦境(mèng jìng):Dream


天意(tiān yì): Density

词组Words Chain

我的世界: My world

深深的脑海里: Deep in my mind

我的梦里:My dread

我的心里:My heart

我的歌声里:My song

意想不到的快乐:Unexpected delight




好像,Here in the lyrics means Just Like, another meaning of 好像 is same, similar.

我的世界里 de

•的,有3中发音,第一个是,dí,比如,的                              ,


•第三个是,de,用在词或词组后表明形容词性:美丽。在这里的读音就是 de

•的, it has 3 different pronunciations, the first one is dí, like 的   , the meaning of 的   is real.

•The second pronunciation is dì, like 中的

•The last pronunciation is de, like beautiful, it often uses after a word and word chain as an adjective to describe something or

Guitar Notes

Chapter 7


      又是你的面孔 带给我是笑容

      And your face makes me smile
在我哭泣的时候, 又是你的问候 带给我是感动

When I cry,It is your greeting to me moved


             In my lonely time

            Although not born.

     But on the earth we are the same

   Despite the pain suffering did not say
       但   有一路走来都是顺风的

 But where have all along the way the wind


         Because we are no different

     Dark when we look at the same sky
        没有追求和付出             来的成功

        No pursuit and pay no success
        谁说我们一定要走              人的路

  Who says we have to go the way of others

 Who said that behind the glory without pain

  For as long as the dream does not concede

     Again painstakingly also do not stop

    每一天 每一年 都可以是新的起                     线

Every day every year can be a new starting line
         也可以是终点 看你怎么选

Can also be the end to see how you choose

    Looking at the boundless horizon
             里会是你的         限

           Where is your limit


面孔(miàn kǒng):Face


哭泣(kū qì):Cry


孤寂(gū jì):Lonely


地球(dì qiú):Earth
人类所居住的这个行星,太         系九大行星之一
星空(xīng kōng):Sky
 限(jí xiàn):Limit

词组Words Chain

             你的面孔:Your face

             孤寂的时候: My lonely time

             一路走来:All along the way

             没有什么不同: No Differences

             新的起    线:New starting line

             同一片天空:At the same sky

             无边无际遥远的地平线 : At the boundless horizon


但    有一路走来都是顺风的


顺风的, in the lyrics implies all the best luck, there’s no obstacles on the way to the success. The format of this words is ad-

没有追求和付出             来的成功




追求, in the lyrics means work hard on something. Actually, it has 2 meanings.

•Trying to get somebody's attention in order to let him falling love with you.
•Working hard

Guitar Notes

Chapter 8



Please allow me to the dust settles
       用    默埋葬了过去

     Use silence to bury past

    And I came from the sea

   Hiding in the desert before


    The secret of total clarity

           All were only

    Love is being superstition

Oh that you are here
        啊      一个人

       What a man!

   There is only a dream

Why do I use all my strength

   But for half memories

    If not for your eyes

If I hadn’t redeemed mood

 In the mountains and sea

   Oh that you are here


尘埃(chén āi): Dust


 默(chén mò):Silence


埋葬(mái zàng):Bury


隐居(yǐn jū):Hide


清晰(qīng xī):Clarity


迷信 (mí xìn):Superstition


救赎( jiù shú):Redeem


词组 Words Chain

天时地利的迷信 : Is being superstitions.

救赎心情 : Redeemed mood

在千山万水 : In the mountains and seas

半生回忆:half memories

尽全身力气: use all my strength

注释 Notes

用    默埋葬了过去 le

了,有2个发音,(了, it has 2 different pronunciation)



•One is liǎo, such as, 了解, it means understanding.

•Another one is le, it often uses to use after verb or adjectives to show the actions to changes have already

Guitar Notes

Chapter 9

歌词 Lyrics

   Suppose that this world and I are different, then that makes us different

      To me, holding fast means once unyielding, ever more unyielding

           If I were so compromise my principles or lie to myself
                       即使      人原諒/我也不能原諒

            Others might forgive me, but I’d never forgive myself

                The most perfect wish has got be the craziest

                 I am my own god at the place where I live
                  我和我最後的倔強/握緊雙手                     對不放

I have my last bit of stubbornness grasped tightly in my two hands, absolutely
                                not letting go

                  下一站是不是天堂/就算失望不能                        望

The next stop may be paradise, granted that disappointments can’t destroy hope

                My proud stubbornness and I sing loudly into the wind
                       一次爲自己瘋狂/就               一次我和我的倔強

      This time, I’m crazy fro my own sake, just this time me and my stubbornness
                        對/愛我的人           緊張/我的固執很善良

        People who love me needn’t be nervous, my obstinacy is good and honest
                            我的手越肮          /眼神越是發光

                  The dirtier my hands become, the clearer I can see


            You don’t mind my past mistakes because you can see my wings

  And you remind me that only after being burned in the fire can a phoenix be reborn

                Traveling against the wind is the best way to take flight
                          我不怕千萬人阻             /隻怕自己投降

Countless people throwing obstacles my way can’t scare me, I only fear my own surrender

词汇 Words

妥协 (tuǒ xié): Compromise


说谎(shuō huǎng): Lie


原谅 (yuán liàng):forgive


愿望(yuàn wàng) :Wish


天堂(tiān táng):Paradise

某些宗教指正直者死后的           魂居住的美好的地方

绝望(jué wàng):Disappoint


凤凰(fèng huáng):Phoenix

具有鲜艳羽毛和优美体型和动作的一           鸟,从前中国皇宫里将它驯   ,并与神话中的凤凰相联系,作为好运

词组Words Chain

以刚克刚:Even more unyielding
最美的愿望:The most perfect wish
在我活的地方:At the place where I live
最后的倔强:Last bid of stubbornness
骄傲的倔强:Proud stubbornness
我的过往: My past mistakes
我的翅膀:My wings
逆风的方向:Traveling against the wind



You don’t mind my past mistakes

過往, 过去的往事,它可以用做名词或者动词。在这里,用的是名

過往 means past mistakes, it can be used as noun or verb. In the lyrics
here, it was used as noun.

我的手越肮          /眼神越是發光

The dirtier my hands become, the clearer I can see

越, 就是在相对比的情况下,形容一个物体。

越,It is like more+sth.

For example, The dirtier my hands become, the clearer I can see.

Guitar Notes

Chapter 10


                      Oh, love is a strange thing
           我開始全身不受控制 (你的笑容是唯一宗旨)

I've begun to lose control over my own body( Your smile is my only

                     Oh, love is a skill, an ability

I've started to no longer be myself... (What is the place I hold in your
                       為你我做了太多的                事

              For you, I've done too many foolish things

                 The first is writing poems for you...

                         為你寫詩 為你靜止

      Writing poems just for you, Stopping, motionless, for you
For you, I do the impossible

        For you, I've learned to play piano and write lyrics

                    For you, I've lost all reason
                        為你寫詩 為你靜止

     Writing poems just for you, Stopping, motionless, for you

                    For you, I do the impossible

            For you, I play the lines of every love song
                   我忘了說 最美的是你的名字

 I forgot to say That the most beautiful thing (of all) is your name

              我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的名字
I can forget everything But the only thing I can't forget is your name
               我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的樣子
I can forget everything But the only thing I can't forget is your face


爱情(ài qíng): Love


笑容(xiào róng):Smile



文学体裁的一     ,通过有节奏和韵律的语言反映生活,抒发情感

弹奏(tán zòu):Play


名字(míng zi):Name


样子(yàng zi):Face


词组Words Chain

怪事:Strange thing

不受控制:Lose control

唯一宗旨:Only my goal

一   本事:An ability

太多的    事:Too many foolish things

不可能的事:The impossible

情歌的句子:The lines of every love song


我忘了說 最美的是你的名字

I forgot to say That the most beautiful thing (of all) is your name
最美的是你            的名字,最美的在这里相当于一个铺垫,而不是形容词。

In the lyrics here, 最美的 is the preparation for the rest words of the line. It also can be used as adjective, such as
最美的天空(The most beautiful sky)

Guitar Notes

•"Yuepu99: [乐谱99] 曲婉         - 我的歌声里 (歌谱 歌词 吉
                    Chapter 11                         他谱 Free Guitar Chords / Tabs / Lyrics)." Yuepu99: [乐谱
                                                       99] 曲婉       - 我的歌声里 (歌谱 歌词 吉他谱 Free Guitar
                                                       Chords / Tabs / Lyrics). N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.

 WORKS CITED                                           •"原来你也在这里(图片)-吉他谱(吉他曲)-刘若英-虫虫
                                                       吉他谱免费下载." 原来你也在这里(图片)-吉他谱(吉
                                                       他曲)-刘若英-虫虫吉他谱免费下载. N.p., n.d. Web. 03
                                                       Apr. 2013.
•"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 03    •"曲婉     没有什么不同吉他谱." 没有什么不同吉他谱_
Apr. 2013.
                                                       曲婉     (六线图片)吉他谱-和弦图六线谱-弹唱谱下载-吉
•"Im Yours Chords." (ver 2) by Jason Mraz @
                                                       他吧. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.
Ultimate-Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.
                                                       •"为你写诗(吉他谱 简谱 六线谱)―                        克群." 为你写
•"Call Me Maybe Chords." By Carly Rae Jepsen @
Ultimate-Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.     诗(吉他谱 简谱 六线谱)―                   克群. N.p., n.d. Web. 03
                                                       Apr. 2013.
•"It Will Rain Chords." By Bruno Mars @ Ultimate-
Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.              •"倔强-吉他谱(吉他曲)-五月天-虫虫吉他谱免费下载." 倔

•"Stereo Hearts Chords." (ver 4) by Gym Class Heroes   强-吉他谱(吉他曲)-五月天-虫虫吉他谱免费下载. N.p.,

@ Ultimate-Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr.         n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.
2013.                                                  •

•"Payphone Chords." By Maroon 5 @ Ultimate-
Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.

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  • 1.
  • 3. SECTION 1 Lyrics Well you done me and you bet I felt it But I won't hesitate no more, no more 好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted It cannot wait, I'm yours 想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情 一刻也不能再等,我会是你的 I feel right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back 这感觉如同蹦 般奇妙,而我现在 始尝试着回归现实 Well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞 心扉像我一样的注视(对方) Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest Open up your plans and damn you're free 在我的冲动尚未冷却之前,我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心) 忘记该死的计 吧,(从现在起)你自由了 And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention Look into your heart and you'll find love X 4 (我发誓)除非天生 象否则绝不停止 在你的内心深处,你会发现那里充满了爱 I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing 估计这正是我证明自己的机会吧 当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和 2
  • 4. We're just one big family ( 这段安静的旋律 ) Look into your heart and you'll find sky is yours And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved X 5 在你的内心深处,你会发现天空都是你的 你拥有爱与被爱这被神所抛弃的权利 So please don't, please don’t, please don’t, there's no need to complicate I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in 请 将事情 杂化 the mirror 我已经花了太多太多的时间对着镜子练习(热吻) 'Cause our time is short 时日无多 And bending over backwards just to try it to see it clearer 站得远一点尝试能 看得更清楚 This o' this o' this is our faith I'm yours But my breath fogged up the glass 这是我们的命运,我会是你的 呼出的雾气模糊了镜面 And so I drew a new face and I laughed 我笑着在上面画上一个笑脸 I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason 我想说我表达的一切已经(让你)没有任何托辞 To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons 请丢 心中的杂念(让它)随着季节改变而流逝 It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue 我们的名字就是我们的优势 3
  • 5. VOCABULARY Divine :   占卜 [di'vain] of, form, or like God or a god. Intervention : 干涉 [intә'venʃ(ә)n] The action or process of intervening. Vanity : 虛 ['væniti] Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own ap- pearance or achievements Virtue : 优势,美德 ['vә:tju:] Behavior showing high moral standards Complicate : 超 杂的 ['kɔmplikeit] Make something more difficult or confusing by caus- ing it to be more complex iv
  • 6. WORDS CHAIN So...that... 太...以至于... My(one’s) turn: 自己的机会 Run out: 用尽,在这里表示冷却 Fogged up: 模糊 Ain’t=Aren’t Open up: 打 ,在这里表示敞 Aim to do something: 树立目标去做一些事情 Look into: 浏览,观察,在这里表示在...的内心 深处 v
  • 7. NOTES •I tired to be chill but you are so hot to be melted. Here, in the phrase, chill means calm down. The actual meaning of chill means : un unpleasant feeling of coldness. Chill 在歌词中的意思是冷静,但它的实际含义是寒冷 的。 •Well open up your mind and see like me. Here, in the phrase, like means have same characteristics. Here’s also some other meanings, have a feeling for some- body; such as, for example. like在歌词中的意思是像...,除此之外,还有其他的意 思,喜欢,例如。 vi
  • 10. Lyrics I’m at a payphone trying to call home 站在公用电话前试着打电话回家 All of my change I spent on you 所有的零钱都用来打给你了 Where have have times gone 那些时光都到 里去了 Baby it’s all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? 宝贝这些都是错的,那些我们为二人所作的计 在那里? Yeah, I, I know it’s hard to remember 是的,我,我知道要记起这些很困难 The people we used to be  曾经的我们 It’s even herder to picture 更 说去想象 That you’re not here next to me  你不在我身边 ix
  • 11. You say it’s too late to make it 你说现在已经太迟了 But is it too late to try? 但难道尝试会太 ? And in our time that you wasted   还有那些你浪费了的,我们的旧日时光 All of our bridges burned down  我们的一切都被毁了 I’ve wasted my nights  我的夜 都徒劳了 You turned out the lights 你把灯光都熄灭 Now I’m paralyzed 现在我寸步不前 Still stuck in that time when we called it love  仍然困在我们所谓的爱的记忆 里 But even the sun sets in paradise x
  • 12. All those fairytales are full of it  所有的童话故事都是骗人的 One more stupid love song I’ll be sick  再来多首该死的爱情歌曲我就要吐了  You turned your back on tomorrow   你为了将来转身离   Cause you forgot yesterday   因为你已忘记了过去   I gave you my love to borrow   我把我的爱给了你   But you just gave it away   但你轻易地把它放弃   I gave you my love to borrow   我把我的爱给了你   But you just gave it away   但你轻易地把它放弃   You can' t expect me to be fine xi
  • 13.   你不能期望我会没事   I don' t expect you to care   我不期望你会在乎   I know i said it before   我知道我已经说过了 xii
  • 14. Vocabulary Payphone : 电话亭 A public telephone that is operated coins or by a credit Remember : 记得 |riˈmembər| have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of. Paralyzed : 使麻痹 |ˈparəˌlīz| Cause ( a person or part of the body) to become partly or wholly incapable of movement. Paradise : 天堂 |ˈparəˌdīs| And ideal of idyllic place or state Fairytales : 童话故事 |ˈfɛri teɪl| A children’s story about magical and imaginary begins and lands. Expect : 预料,期待 |ikˈspekt| Regard (something) as likely to happen xiii
  • 15. Notes All of my change I spent on you Here, in the phrase, change means money. The actual meaning of change means: make or become different. Change在歌词中是零钱的意思,但它的实际含义是改变。 All of our bridges burned down Here, in the phrase, bridges means everything. The actual meaning of bridges means : a structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river, ravine, road, railroad, or other obstacle. Bridges在歌词中是一起的意思,但它的实际含义是桥的意思。在这句歌词中,桥表示对方过去所拥有的一 切。 xiv
  • 16. Words Chain Try to do something : 尝试着去做某事 Used to do something : 曾经习惯做某事 Too late to do something: 太迟去做某事 Burn down: 烧为平地 Turn out: 掉 Stuck in: 困在 Expect somebody to do something: 期待某人去做某事 xv
  • 19. Lyrics If you ever leave me, baby 宝贝 如果你已决意离去 Leave some morphine at my door 请留下吗 让我麻醉 Cause it would take a whole lot of medication 因为它能胜过所]有药品 To realize what we used to have, 麻痹那些我们曾经拥有 We don’t have it anymore. 却已散落在风中的回忆 There’s no religion that could save me 没有什么信仰能将我拯救 No matter how long my knees are on the floor, oh 我也不在乎这样跪了多久 So keep in mind all the sacrifices I’m making 只求你记得这一切都是为了你 Will keep you by my side 把你留在我身边 xviii
  • 20. Will keep you from walking out the door 为了不让你走出危险的 外 Cause there’ll be no sunlights If I lose you, baby 失去你, 光不在 There’ll be no clear skies If I lose you, baby 失去你,天空暗淡 Just like the clouds, 就像那多多云 my eyes will do the same if you walk away 当你离 我 Everyday, it will rain, rain, rain 我的眼睛会像天气一样天天下雨 I’ll never be your mother’s favorite 我从来就不讨你妈妈的喜欢 ah, Your daddy can’t even look me in the eye 你爸爸也没正眼看我 Oooh if I were in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing 假如我是他们,我也这样想 xix
  • 21. Saying there goes my little girl 我的宝贝女儿 Walking with that troublesome guy 和一个麻烦小子 But they’re afraid of something they can’t understand 但他们只是不了解而害怕 Oooh well little darling watch me change their minds 我的小宝贝看我改变他们的想法 Yeah for you I’ll try, I’ll try, I’ll try 为了你,我会一而再,再而三的去试 I’ll pick up these broken pieces ‘til I’m bleeding 在留血之前,会拣起一片片的心碎 If that’ll make it right 只为拥有你 Oooh Don’t just say goodbye, don’t just say, goodbye 请不要说在见 I’ll pick these broken pieces’ til I’m bleeding 在留血之前,会拣起一片片的心碎 If that’ll make it right 弥补我犯下的错 xx
  • 22. Vocabulary Morphine : 吗 ['mɔ:fi:n] An analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain. Sacrifice : 牺牲 ['sækrifais] An act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure. Troublesome : 讨厌的,惹麻烦的 ['trʌb(ә)lsәm] Causing difficulty or annoyance. xxi
  • 23. Words Chain Used to do something : 过去习惯做什么 No Matter : 无论 On the floor : 在地板上 Keep in mind: 记住,牢记 Keep you by my side : 把你留在我身边 Be afraid of: 怕 Pick up : 拣起 xxii
  • 24. Notes Leave some morphine at my door In the lyrics, it actually means ‘Leave some morphine to got his head screwed on. 从表面表面上看,它的意思是,在我的 口留些吗 ;在歌词中的意思是, 请留下吗 让我麻醉 。 Oooh if I were in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing In the lyrics, it actually means ‘If I were them, I’d be doing the same thing.’ 从表面表面上看,它的意思是,如果我 他们的鞋,也会做同样的事情;在歌词中的意思是,假如我是 他们,我也这样想。 xxiii
  • 25. Guitar Notes xxiv
  • 27. Lyrics My heart’s a stereo 我的心像立体声 It beats for you, so listen close 为你跳动 请靠近我倾听 Hear my thoughts in every note 你将在每一个音符 听到我的心声 Make me your radio 让我成为你的收音机 And turn me up when you feel low 当你情绪低落 打 我听听  This melody was meant for you 所有旋律只为你吟唱  Just sing along to my stereo 只要跟着我的节奏一起唱 If I was just another dusty record on the shelf 若我只是书架上那脏脏的旧唱片 Would you blow me off and play me like everybody else 你能否垂钓灰尘 将它像其他唱片一样播放 xxvi
  • 28. If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that 如果我要求你播放 你能耐心听听吗 Like it, check it Travie, I can handle that 检查一下 Travie 让它流畅播放 我可以 定 Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks 此外我很抱歉 因为它有点卡 It’s just the last girl to play me left a couple cracks 你是最终播放这张裂痕唱片的女孩 I used to used to used to used to, now I’m over that 我经常 经常 经常 经常 现在我跳过那些话 Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts 因为对爱的怨恨 已经成为古老的传言 If I could only find a note to make you understand 如果能找到一段歌词 让你理解我 I’d sing it softy in your ear and grab you by the hand 我会紧紧握住你的手 在你耳边轻声吟唱 Keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune 就像最爱的旋律 让我的歌声在你脑海回荡 And know my heart’s stereo that only plays for you 我的心就像立体声 永远只为你播放 If I was an old school, fifty pound boombox
 如果我是怀旧派 是个五十磅的立体声扬声器 xxvii
  • 29. Would you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walk 你能否将我抗在你的肩膀 无论你走到 Would you turn my volume up in front of the cops 你能否在警察面前将我的音量调大 And crank it higher everytime they told you to stop 就算他们命令你 掉 你却反而调得更大 And all I ask is that you don’t get mad at me 我只希望你 因我而疯狂 When you have to purchase mad D batteries 当你得去疯狂购买D电池 Appreciate every mixtape your friends make 感谢你朋友做的每一张混音带 You never know we come and go like we’re on the interstate 你无法想像我们像在州际公路 行的车辆 I think Finally found a note to make you understand 我想我最终找到了合适的歌词让你明白 If you can hear it, Sing along and take me by the hands 如果你能听见 请握着我的手跟我唱 Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune   就像最爱的旋律 让我的歌声在你脑海回荡 And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you 我的心就像立体声 永远只为你播放 xxviii
  • 30. I only pray you never leave me behind Never leave me 我只祈求你永远不要离 我 Because good music can be so hard to find 因为好音乐难以寻求 I take your hand and pull it closer to mine 我会紧握你的手 拉你靠近我 Thought love was dead, but now you’re changing my mind 总以为不存在真爱 但你现在改变了我的想法 xxix
  • 31. Vocabulary Stereo : 立体声 [steriәʋ, 'stiәr] Sound that is directed through two or more speakers so that it seems to surround that listener and to come from more than one source. Melody : 旋律 ['melәdi] A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying. Scratch : 抓,抓痕[skrætʃ] Score or mark the surface of something with a sharp or pointed object. A mark or wound made by scratching Furthermore : 而且,此外[fә:ðә'mɔ:(r)] In addition; besides ( used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument) Apologize : 道歉[ә'pɔlәdʒaiz] Express regret for something that one has done wrong Crack : 裂痕 [kræk] A line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking into sepa- rate parts Grudge : 怀恨,怨恨[ɡrʌdʒ] xxx
  • 32. A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult of injury. Ancient : 古代的['einʃәnt] Belonging to the very distatn past and no longer in existence. Artifact : 人工制品;制造误['ɑ:tifækt] An object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest. Boombox: 内置扬声器,内置立体声系统 A portable sound system, typically including radio and cassette or CD player, capable of powerful sound Interstate : 州与州之间的,州际的['intәsteit] Existing or carried on between states. xxxi
  • 33. Words Chain Turn up: 把声音 打;找到 Sing along:跟着一块儿唱 On the shelf : 在书架上 Blow me off : 取消和我的约会 By the hand : 用手 Stuck inside your head : 一直在你的脑海里挥之不去 Old school : 怀旧派 In front of : 在......面前 Be mad at : 生某人的气 On the interstate : 在洲际间 Take you hand : 握紧你的手 xxxii
  • 34. Notes If I was an old school, fifty pound boombox Here, in the lyrics, Old school means Old fashioned Old school的意思是就的学校,可是它还有另一 含义,就是怀旧派的意思,像old- fashioned. xxxiii
  • 35. Guitar Notes xxxiv
  • 36. xxxv
  • 38. Lyrics I threw a wish in the well 我在许愿池许下愿望 Don’t ask me, I’ll never tell 不要问我,永远也不会说出口 i looked to you as it fell 当我许完愿就遇见你 And now you’re in my way 现在你又出现在我面前 I’d trade my soul for a wish 用我的 魂换取一个愿望 Pennies and dimes for a kiss 用所有金钱换取一个吻 I wasn’t looking for this 我要的不是这些 But now you’re in my way xxxvii
  • 39. 现在你又出现在我面前 Yours stare was holdin’ 坚定眼神 Ripped jeans, skin was showin 破旧牛仔裤,露出健壮身材 Hot night, wind was blwoin 风吹的性感无比 Where you think you’re going, baby? 你想去 里,宝贝? Hey, I just met you, 嗨!才刚见到你 And this is crazy 听出来有点疯狂 But here’s my number 但这是我的电话号码 So call me, maybe? 也许可以打给我 xxxviii
  • 40. It’s hard to look right, ( And all the other boys) 难的见你一次(其他的男孩) At you baby( Try to chase me) (想要追我) But here’s my number 但这是我的电话号码 So call me, maybe? 也许可以打给我 You took your time with the call 你花些时间给我打电话 I took no time with the fall 很短时间我就被征服了 You gave me nothing at all 你什么也没给我 But still, you’re in my way 然而你仍然出现在我的面前 I beg, and borrow and steal Have foresight and it’s real 我千方百计的预想这是真的 xxxix
  • 41. I didn’t know I would feel it 我不 定我的感觉 But it’s in my way 现在你又出现在我面前 Before you came into my life 在你进入我的生活之前 I missed you so bad 我是多么想你 I missed you so bad( And you should know that) 我是多么想你 I missed you so, so bad 我是多么,多么想你 xl
  • 42. Vocabulary Well : 泉,井。 [wel] A shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, or gas Stare : 凝视 [stєә] A long fixed or vacant look Beg : 乞求 [beɡ] Ask (someone) earnestly or humbly for something Foresight : 先见,预见['fɔ:sait] The ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future. xli
  • 43. Words Chain In the well: 在许愿池里 In my way : 在我面前 Is hard to do something :很难去做某事 Take time:花些时间 Nothing at all:什么也没有 Come into:进入 xlii
  • 44. Notes I threw a wish in the well. Here, in the phrase, well means a shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, and another mean- ing of Well is good, more like emotions or physical. 在歌词中,Well的意思是井的意思,除此之外,它还有另外一个含义,好。 i looked to you as it fell Here, in the phrase, as means when, it also has more than one meaning, such as, like; same, etc. 在歌词中,as的意思是当,正值。它还有其他的意思,像,相同,等等。 Yours stare was holdin‘ Ripped jeans, skin was showin Hot night, wind was blwoin In the lyrics, the lyrics composer usually abbreviates word to make rhyme with the whole lyrics and tune. 一般在歌词中,写歌词者通常为了歌词,韵律的押韵,会缩短单词。 xliii
  • 45. Guitar Notes xliv
  • 47. 我的歌声里( You Exist In My Heart) 没有一点点防备,也没有一丝顾虑 Without any precaution, and without a trace of apprehension 你就这样出现在我的世界里,带给我惊喜,情不自已 You appeared in my world as yo did, bringing me pleasant surprise, that I couldn’t resist 可是你偏又这样,在我不知不觉中 But like this, without me knowing 悄悄的消失,从我的世界里,没有音讯,剩下的只是回忆 You quietly disappeared, from my world, without a word, leaving behind only my memories 你存在,我深深的脑海里,我的梦里,我的心里,我的歌声里 You exist, deep in my mind, in my dreams, in my heart, and in my song (X2) 还记得我们曾经,肩并肩一起走过,那段繁华 口 Still remember us once walking side by side together past that bustling alley 尽管你我是陌生人,是过路人,但彼此还是感觉到了对方的 xlvi
  • 48. Even though we were strangers, just passing by each other, we still felt each other 一个眼神,一个心跳…. One look, one beat of the heart 一 意想不到的快乐,好像是 One unexpected delight. It’s like 一场梦境,命中注定 a dream, that was destined. 世界之大为何我们相遇 The world is so big, why did we meet? 难道是缘分 Could it have been chance? 难道是天意… Could it have been destiny? xlvii
  • 49. 词汇Vocabulary 防备(fáng bèi): precaution 做好准备以应付攻击或避免受害 顾虑(gù lǜ): apprehension 恐怕对自己、对人或对事情不利而不敢照自己本意说话或行动 回忆(huí yì):Memory 回想 脑海(nǎo hǎi):Mind 头脑:旧事浮现在脑海|深深地印在脑海里。 繁华 口(fán huá xiàng kǒu) : bustling alley 非常热闹的街道 意想不到(yì xiǎng bù dào):Unexpected 料想不到,没有料到。 梦境(mèng jìng):Dream 梦中情境:醒来方觉是梦境。比喻美妙的境界:此地山幽人稀,令人如入梦境。 天意(tiān yì): Density 上天的意旨 xlviii
  • 50. 词组Words Chain 我的世界: My world 深深的脑海里: Deep in my mind 我的梦里:My dread 我的心里:My heart 我的歌声里:My song 意想不到的快乐:Unexpected delight xlix
  • 51. 注释Notes 好像是一场梦境,命中注定 好像,歌词中的意思是就像,是比喻的意思,它的另一个含义则是相似。 好像,Here in the lyrics means Just Like, another meaning of 好像 is same, similar. 我的世界里 de I. •的,有3中发音,第一个是,dí,比如,的 , •第二个是,dì,比如,中的 •第三个是,de,用在词或词组后表明形容词性:美丽。在这里的读音就是 de II. •的, it has 3 different pronunciations, the first one is dí, like 的 , the meaning of 的 is real. •The second pronunciation is dì, like 中的 •The last pronunciation is de, like beautiful, it often uses after a word and word chain as an adjective to describe something or somebody. l
  • 54. 歌词Lyrics 又是你的面孔 带给我是笑容 And your face makes me smile 在我哭泣的时候, 又是你的问候 带给我是感动 When I cry,It is your greeting to me moved 在我孤寂的时候 In my lonely time 虽然没有天生一样的 Although not born. 但在地球上我们是一样的 But on the earth we are the same 尽管痛的苦的没说的 Despite the pain suffering did not say 但 有一路走来都是顺风的 But where have all along the way the wind liii
  • 55. 因为我们没有什么不同 Because we are no different 天黑时我们仰望同一片星空 Dark when we look at the same sky 没有追求和付出 来的成功 No pursuit and pay no success 谁说我们一定要走 人的路 Who says we have to go the way of others 谁说辉煌背后没有痛苦 Who said that behind the glory without pain 只要为了梦想不服输 For as long as the dream does not concede 再苦也不停止脚步 Again painstakingly also do not stop 每一天 每一年 都可以是新的起 线 Every day every year can be a new starting line 也可以是终点 看你怎么选 liv
  • 56. Can also be the end to see how you choose 望着无边无际遥远的地平线 Looking at the boundless horizon 里会是你的 限 Where is your limit lv
  • 57. 词汇Words 面孔(miàn kǒng):Face 脸;面部表情 哭泣(kū qì):Cry 有声称哭,无声称泣;泛指小声地哭 孤寂(gū jì):Lonely 孤独无依,寂寞无聊 地球(dì qiú):Earth 人类所居住的这个行星,太 系九大行星之一 星空(xīng kōng):Sky 缀满星星的夜空 梦想:Dream 即做白日梦空想;妄想;梦中怀想 限(jí xiàn):Limit 最大的限度 lvi
  • 58. 词组Words Chain 你的面孔:Your face 孤寂的时候: My lonely time 一路走来:All along the way 没有什么不同: No Differences 新的起 线:New starting line 同一片天空:At the same sky 无边无际遥远的地平线 : At the boundless horizon lvii
  • 59. 注释Notes 但 有一路走来都是顺风的 顺风的:在歌中暗喻的是一路顺风,没有阻碍的意思。而它的格式却是形容词。 顺风的, in the lyrics implies all the best luck, there’s no obstacles on the way to the success. The format of this words is ad- jectives. 没有追求和付出 来的成功 追求:在歌中的意思是奋斗,实际上,追求有2个意思。 1.努力求索 2.求爱 追求, in the lyrics means work hard on something. Actually, it has 2 meanings. •Trying to get somebody's attention in order to let him falling love with you. •Working hard lviii
  • 62. 歌词lyrics 请允许我尘埃落定 Please allow me to the dust settles 用 默埋葬了过去 Use silence to bury past 满身风雨我从海上来 And I came from the sea 才隐居在这沙漠里 Hiding in the desert before 该隐瞒的事总清晰 The secret of total clarity 千言万语只能无语 All were only 爱是天时地利的迷信 Love is being superstition 原来你也在这里 lxi
  • 63. Oh that you are here 啊 一个人 What a man! 是不是只存在梦境里 There is only a dream 为什么我用尽全身力气 Why do I use all my strength 却换来半生回忆 But for half memories 若不是你渴望眼睛 If not for your eyes 若不是我救赎心情 If I hadn’t redeemed mood 在千山万水人海相遇 In the mountains and sea 原来你也在这里 Oh that you are here lxii
  • 64. 词汇Vocabulary 尘埃(chén āi): Dust 飞扬的尘土 默(chén mò):Silence 一言不发的 埋葬(mái zàng):Bury 掩埋尸体 隐居(yǐn jū):Hide 退居乡里,不肯出仕 清晰(qīng xī):Clarity 清楚明晰 迷信 (mí xìn):Superstition 信仰鬼神等不存在的事物 救赎( jiù shú):Redeem 将原先是你的但归另一个人所有的财产重新买回来 lxiii
  • 65. 词组 Words Chain 天时地利的迷信 : Is being superstitions. 救赎心情 : Redeemed mood 在千山万水 : In the mountains and seas 半生回忆:half memories 尽全身力气: use all my strength lxiv
  • 66. 注释 Notes 用 默埋葬了过去 le 了,有2个发音,(了, it has 2 different pronunciation) I •一个是liǎo,比如,了解 •另一个是le,放在动词或形容词后,表示动作或变化已经完成:写完∼。 II •One is liǎo, such as, 了解, it means understanding. •Another one is le, it often uses to use after verb or adjectives to show the actions to changes have already done. lxv
  • 67. Guitar Notes lxvi
  • 69. 歌词 Lyrics 當/我和世界不一樣/那就讓我不一樣 Suppose that this world and I are different, then that makes us different 堅持對我來說/就是以剛克剛 To me, holding fast means once unyielding, ever more unyielding 我/如果對自己妥協/如果對自己說 If I were so compromise my principles or lie to myself 即使 人原諒/我也不能原諒 Others might forgive me, but I’d never forgive myself 最美的願望/一定最瘋狂 The most perfect wish has got be the craziest 我就是我自己的神/在我活的地方 I am my own god at the place where I live 我和我最後的倔強/握緊雙手 對不放 I have my last bit of stubbornness grasped tightly in my two hands, absolutely not letting go 下一站是不是天堂/就算失望不能 望 lxviii
  • 70. The next stop may be paradise, granted that disappointments can’t destroy hope 我和我驕傲的倔強/我在風中大聲的唱 My proud stubbornness and I sing loudly into the wind 一次爲自己瘋狂/就 一次我和我的倔強 This time, I’m crazy fro my own sake, just this time me and my stubbornness  對/愛我的人 緊張/我的固執很善良 People who love me needn’t be nervous, my obstinacy is good and honest 我的手越肮 /眼神越是發光 The dirtier my hands become, the clearer I can see 你/不在乎我的過往/看到了我的翅膀 You don’t mind my past mistakes because you can see my wings 你說被火燒過/才能出現鳳凰 And you remind me that only after being burned in the fire can a phoenix be reborn 逆風的方向/更適合飛翔 Traveling against the wind is the best way to take flight 我不怕千萬人阻 /隻怕自己投降 Countless people throwing obstacles my way can’t scare me, I only fear my own surrender lxix
  • 71. 词汇 Words 妥协 (tuǒ xié): Compromise 让步以避免冲突、争执 说谎(shuō huǎng): Lie 故意说假话 原谅 (yuán liàng):forgive 对过失、错误等宽恕谅解 愿望(yuàn wàng) :Wish 心中期望实现的想法 天堂(tiān táng):Paradise 某些宗教指正直者死后的 魂居住的美好的地方 绝望(jué wàng):Disappoint 断绝希望;毫无希望 凤凰(fèng huáng):Phoenix 具有鲜艳羽毛和优美体型和动作的一 鸟,从前中国皇宫里将它驯 ,并与神话中的凤凰相联系,作为好运 的象征, lxx
  • 72. 词组Words Chain 以刚克刚:Even more unyielding 最美的愿望:The most perfect wish 在我活的地方:At the place where I live 最后的倔强:Last bid of stubbornness 骄傲的倔强:Proud stubbornness 我的过往: My past mistakes 我的翅膀:My wings 逆风的方向:Traveling against the wind lxxi
  • 73. 注释Notes 你/不在乎我的過往/ You don’t mind my past mistakes 過往, 过去的往事,它可以用做名词或者动词。在这里,用的是名 词。 過往 means past mistakes, it can be used as noun or verb. In the lyrics here, it was used as noun. 我的手越肮 /眼神越是發光 The dirtier my hands become, the clearer I can see 越, 就是在相对比的情况下,形容一个物体。 越,It is like more+sth. For example, The dirtier my hands become, the clearer I can see. lxxii
  • 74. Guitar Notes lxxiii
  • 76. 歌词Lyrics 愛情是一種怪事 Oh, love is a strange thing 我開始全身不受控制 (你的笑容是唯一宗旨) I've begun to lose control over my own body( Your smile is my only goal) 愛情是一種本事 Oh, love is a skill, an ability 我開始連自己都不是(我在你心裡什麼位子) I've started to no longer be myself... (What is the place I hold in your heart?) 為你我做了太多的 事 For you, I've done too many foolish things 第一件就是為你寫詩 The first is writing poems for you... 為你寫詩 為你靜止 Writing poems just for you, Stopping, motionless, for you 為你做不可能的事 lxxv
  • 77. For you, I do the impossible 為你我學會彈琴寫詞 For you, I've learned to play piano and write lyrics 為你失去理智 For you, I've lost all reason 為你寫詩 為你靜止 Writing poems just for you, Stopping, motionless, for you 為你做不可能的事 For you, I do the impossible 為你彈奏所有情歌的句子 For you, I play the lines of every love song 我忘了說 最美的是你的名字 I forgot to say That the most beautiful thing (of all) is your name 我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的名字 I can forget everything But the only thing I can't forget is your name 我什都能忘記 但唯一不忘是你的樣子 I can forget everything But the only thing I can't forget is your face X2 lxxvi
  • 78. 词汇Words 爱情(ài qíng): Love 男女间爱恋的感情 笑容(xiào róng):Smile 带笑的脸庞 诗(shī):Poem 文学体裁的一 ,通过有节奏和韵律的语言反映生活,抒发情感 弹奏(tán zòu):Play 弹琴演奏 名字(míng zi):Name 人的称号 样子(yàng zi):Face 形状 lxxvii
  • 79. 词组Words Chain 怪事:Strange thing 不受控制:Lose control 唯一宗旨:Only my goal 一 本事:An ability 太多的 事:Too many foolish things 不可能的事:The impossible 情歌的句子:The lines of every love song lxxviii
  • 80. 注释Notes 我忘了說 最美的是你的名字 I forgot to say That the most beautiful thing (of all) is your name 最美的是你 的名字,最美的在这里相当于一个铺垫,而不是形容词。 In the lyrics here, 最美的 is the preparation for the rest words of the line. It also can be used as adjective, such as 最美的天空(The most beautiful sky) lxxix
  • 81. Guitar Notes lxxx
  • 82. •"Yuepu99: [乐谱99] 曲婉 - 我的歌声里 (歌谱 歌词 吉 Chapter 11 他谱 Free Guitar Chords / Tabs / Lyrics)." Yuepu99: [乐谱 99] 曲婉 - 我的歌声里 (歌谱 歌词 吉他谱 Free Guitar Chords / Tabs / Lyrics). N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. WORKS CITED •"原来你也在这里(图片)-吉他谱(吉他曲)-刘若英-虫虫 吉他谱免费下载." 原来你也在这里(图片)-吉他谱(吉 他曲)-刘若英-虫虫吉他谱免费下载. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. •"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 •"曲婉 没有什么不同吉他谱." 没有什么不同吉他谱_ Apr. 2013. 曲婉 (六线图片)吉他谱-和弦图六线谱-弹唱谱下载-吉 •"Im Yours Chords." (ver 2) by Jason Mraz @ 他吧. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. Ultimate-Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. •"为你写诗(吉他谱 简谱 六线谱)― 克群." 为你写 •"Call Me Maybe Chords." By Carly Rae Jepsen @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. 诗(吉他谱 简谱 六线谱)― 克群. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. •"It Will Rain Chords." By Bruno Mars @ Ultimate- Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. •"倔强-吉他谱(吉他曲)-五月天-虫虫吉他谱免费下载." 倔 •"Stereo Hearts Chords." (ver 4) by Gym Class Heroes 强-吉他谱(吉他曲)-五月天-虫虫吉他谱免费下载. N.p., @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013. 2013. • •"Payphone Chords." By Maroon 5 @ Ultimate- Guitar.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.