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Today’s Headliners:                                       Kenneth Flowers, Antonio Villaraigosa, Newt Gingrich, Howard Kohr
                                                                                                                                                                              See your program for full speaker list.

  AIPAC Policy Conference Daily Newsletter                                                                                                                                               May 3, 2009

Relationships Matter                                                                                                                                                   PC Trivia
Policy Conference 2009 Opens in Washington, D.C.                                                                                                                         	Policy Conference 2009 is the
                                                                                                                                                                          second largest Policy Conference
The stage is set, the lights are on and                                                                                                                                   in AIPAC history. The first AIPAC
the doors are open. More than 6,000                                                                                                                                       Policy Conference, held in 1960,
pro-Israel activists will fill the halls of                                                                                                                               had only 20 delegates.
the Washington Convention Center
today for the start of AIPAC Policy                                                                                                                                      	The number of people traveling
Conference 2009.                                                                                                                                                          to Washington for the
	    The theme of this year’s conference                                                                                                                                  conference has doubled over
is “Relationships Matter.” Conference
                                                                                                                                                                          the last five years. For more
programming will highlight the
                                                                                                                                                                          than one-third of community
importance of individual relationships
in strengthening the U.S.-Israel                                                                                                                                          delegates, this is their first-ever
alliance—friendships between                                                                                                                                              Policy Conference.
presidents and prime ministers,
between members of Congress and                                                                                                                                          	BizBash magazine ranked Policy
their constituents and between                                                                                                                                            Conference as number eight in
candidates and their supporters.                                                                                                                                          a list of the top political and
	    “Policy Conference is the most                                                                                                                                       press events in Washington. The
important gathering of the year for the                                                                                                                                   list was competitive: Number
pro-Israel community,” said AIPAC                                                                                                                                         one was the State of the Union
President David Victor. “Our activists                                                                                                                                    address.
come to Washington to interact with
their peers and form relationships that
will last a lifetime.”
	    Policy Conference plenary
sessions 	 ill feature the inspiring
stories of AIPAC activists who have
formed close relationships with
                                                                                                                                                                      Hassle Free
their members of Congress. From                                                                                                                                       Quick Stop Kiosks
sharing Shabbat dinners and Passover                                                                                                                                  Simplify Conference
Seders, to traveling to Israel together
and studying the Jewish state up                        More than 6,000 delegates from all 50 states are attending AIPAC Policy Conference 2009.                      At the new Quick Stop Kiosks
close, these activists have formed                                                                                                                                    located throughout the convention
relationships that affect the future of                 for cancer; software engineers are                     to affect the future of the U.S.-Israel                center, conducting some of the most
the United States and Israel.                           working around the clock to build new                  relationship. You never know what                      important AIPAC transactions is now
	    But it’s not just relationships with               programs; mayors are strengthening                     can develop from a simple “hello.”                     fast, easy and paper-free.
policymakers that matter. Over the                      ties between sister cities; and naval                  Initiate a conversation with the people                	    To get started, scan the bar code
next three days, conference delegates                   officers in the Mediterranean are                      sitting next to you, introduce yourself                on your name tag, and the computer
will have the opportunity to learn how                  sharing intelligence in order to improve               to an AIPAC staffer and exchange                       will retrieve your information, just
Americans and Israelis from all walks                   maritime security. These kinds of                      business cards before moving on to                     like an e-ticket counter at an airport.
of life are working together every day                  relationships—the ones that don’t                      your next session.                                     	    If you have changed your mind
to make the world a better place.                       always make headlines—form the                         	    Relationships matter. For                         about the breakout sessions you signed
	    Inventors from both countries                      backbone of the U.S.-Israel alliance.                  the next three days, let                               up for before the conference, you can
are teaming up to develop electric                      	    Here, too, at Policy Conference,                  AIPAC show you                                         choose new sessions. Or, if you didn’t
cars; doctors are researching cures                     every new friendship has the potential                 just how much.                                         personalize your program at all, you
                                                                                                                                                                      can still register for the sessions that

   New and Improved!
         Featuring “Foremost Fresh,”
   a new line of all-natural, freshly prepared
                                                              the Scenes
           kosher meals and snacks                         Policy Conference set-up begins
      also seen at Whole Foods Markets.                    many days before delegates arrive.
                                                           Crews work around the clock to
                                                           build the stage and install lighting,
                                                           speakers, giant screens and more.                                                                          Quick Stop Kiosks can be found throughout the
                                                           By the time doors open to the                                                                              convention center.

                                                           public, the camera crew is in place,                                                                       sound most interesting to you. When
                                                           and the director is in her chair,                                                                          you have finished with your selections,
                                                           ready to start the show.                                                                                   a new personalized program will print.
                                                                                                                                                                      	    In addition, you can register now
                                                                                                                                                                      for AIPAC Policy Conference 2010,
        Under Supervision of   the Vaad of Washington
                                                                                                                                                                      which will be held March 21-23. Pay
                                                                                                                                                                      by credit card at the kiosk by Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                                      afternoon and save 50 percent off the
                                                                                                                                                                      standard registration rate. (If you are a
       Located in the                                                                                                                                                 Capitol Club member, you can sign up
     3rd Floor Ballroom                                                                                                                                               for the 2009 AIPAC National Summit,
                                                                                                                                                                      which will be held October 18-19 at
           OPEN:                                                                                                                                                      La Costa Resort and Spa in San Diego,
   Sunday 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.                                                                                                                                            California)
   Monday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.                                                                                                                                            	    And finally, the Quick Stop Kiosks
                                                                                                                                                                      also enable you to check your AIPAC
                             er                            Halls D/E are covered with 110,000 square feet      To block external light from halls D/E, 4,000 linear
                         Dinn !                                                                                                                                       giving history, pay an open balance
                          Too                              of carpet.                                          feet of drape were hung around the room.
                                                                                                                                                                      and make a new pledge.
  A L L           N E W                M E N U
Who’s Here?                                                                                                                                                       Heard
                                                                                                                                                                     in the
Policy Conference Draws Diverse Crowd
Take a look around the Washington
Convention Center during the next
three days and you’ll see that the
pro-Israel movement in the United
States is growing more diverse each
year. Jews and non-Jews, religious
and secular, African Americans and
Latinos—all of them are here to
show their support for a strong U.S.-
Israel relationship.                                                                                                                                              	        AIPAC is a
	    At a breakout session this
afternoon called “Emerging Alliance,”
                                                                                                                                                                  leader in organizing
three African American leaders—a                                                                                                                                  faith-based communities
pastor, a businessman and a civil                                                                                                                                 across the country
rights icon—will explain how African
Americans and Jews can unite around                                                                                                                               to strengthen the
their common love of Israel.                                                                                                                                      relationship between the
	    In addition, 49 pastors are
attending the conference, which
                                                                                                                                                                  United States and Israel.”	
for the third year in a row features                                                                                                                              	           —	Rabbi Greg Harris
programming specifically designed                                                                                                                                             		
                                                                                                                                                                              	 Congregation Beth El
                                                                                                                                                                              	 Bethesda, MD
for Christian supporters of the Jewish
state. Tomorrow, a panel discussion
called “Faithful Allies: What
Motivates Pro-Israel Christians”
                                                     AIPAC Policy Conference delegates rest their feet after checking in yesterday afternoon.

                                                     will examine the roots of Christian                       more than 100 pro-Israel activists from
                                                     Zionism.                                                  Europe, Turkey, Canada, Australia,
                                                     	    Nearly 200 rabbis and cantors                        New Zealand and Central America.
                                                     from across the United States are also                    	    These delegates from abroad
                                                     in attendance. They will be treated                       will participate in the International              	       When I attend
                                                     to a special track of programming                         Visitors Program, a track of forums                Policy Conference, I
                                                     that includes a lunch with renowned                       and training sessions designed to
                                                     historian Dr. Michael Oren and other                      help international guests hone their
                                                                                                                                                                  feel so much better
                                                     networking opportunities.                                 ability to advocate for strong relations           prepared to discuss
Renee and Gerald Gerger of West Bloomfield,          	    And for the fifth year in a row,                     between their home countries and                   Israel and the Middle
Michigan, read their Policy Conference programs.     the Policy Conference is welcoming                        Israel.
                                                                                                                                                                  East with my friends
                                                                                                                                                                  back home.”	
   Who will advocate
   for a strong U.S.–Israel
                                                                                                                                                                              —	Jan Rubenstein
                                                                                                                                                                              	 Sugar Land, TX

   relationship a generation                            Student Activists
   from now?                                            Turn Out in Force
                                                        On many campuses around the                            exceptional pro-Israel students
       With your legacy gift,                           country, May 3-5 is right in the                       and campus professionals.
                                                        middle of final exams. But more than                   	    Other student-specific
               AIPAC will.                              1,000 students from all 50 states and                  events include a lunch forum bringing
                                                        the District of Columbia, including                    together African American student
                                                        193 Student Government Association                     activists and community leaders; a                 	       I’ve been coming
      B E C O M E A N A I PA C
                                                        (SGA) presidents and 200 high-                         campus leadership dinner with College              to Policy Conference
                                                        school students, are refusing to let a                 Democrats, College Republicans and
                                                                                                                                                                  since I was a student,
      Partner for                                       few tests get in the way of PC 2009.
                                                        Indeed, they have turned out in force.
                                                                                                               SGA presidents and a reception for
                                                                                                               high-school delegates. The student                 and I plan on coming
                                                        	    The 193 SGA presidents                            track also features networking
                                                        attending are a record high number,                    opportunities for AIPAC 2009
                                                                                                                                                                  here every year.
                                                        and they are the largest known                         Diamond Summer Interns, students                   AIPAC’s work is so
      For information about                             gathering of student elected officials                 selected as 2009 Friedman Scholars                 important to me.”	
      becoming a Partner for                            on any issue this year. The presidents                 and participants in AIPAC’s upcoming
                                                                                                                                                                              —	Michael Actman
      Tomorrow by making a                              hail from an eclectic array of                         Campus Allies Mission to Israel.                               	 Phoenix, AZ
                                                        campuses, including Northwestern,                      	    PC delegates interested in
      planned gift to The AIPAC
                                                        UC San Diego, Tufts, Vanderbilt,                       learning more about pro-Israel
      Tomorrow Campaign, visit                          Brigham Young, Florida International                   activism on campus can attend
      the Legacy Lounge in West                         and Morehouse College.                                 a breakout session at 1:30
      Registration or contact                           	    In addition to joining                            p.m. called “Israel on Campus:
      AIPAC’s Endowment Director                        community delegates for plenaries,                     Tomorrow’s Leaders Nurture the
      Jodi Kurtis at                                    breakout sessions and the Gala                         U.S.-Israel Alliance.” A diverse
                                                        Banquet, students will participate                     panel of students will join AIPAC’s or
                                                        in a variety of specialized sessions.                  leadership development director
      call (240) 888-2904.                              One highlight is the AIPAC Campus                      to talk about their experiences on
                                                        Awards Ceremony, which honors                          campus.                                            	       We had never
                                                                                                                                                                  heard of AIPAC when
                                                                                                                                                                  we got invited to
                                                                                                                                                                  PC, but now we are
           A will is powerful… put AIPAC in yours.

                                                                                                                                                                  excited to experience
                                                                                                                                                                  the conference and tell
                                                                                                                                                                  all our friends what
                                                                                                                                                                  we learned.”	
                                                                                                                                                                              —	Nicole Parra-Perez and
                                                                                                                                                                              Georgianne Brown
                                                                                                                                                                              Co-Presidents,New Mexico
                                                                                                                                                                              Highlands University
                                                        Campus delegates DeAndre Pickett (far right) and Jamarr Brown (second from right) check in for PC 2009.

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PC Daily

  • 1. Today’s Headliners: Kenneth Flowers, Antonio Villaraigosa, Newt Gingrich, Howard Kohr See your program for full speaker list. AIPAC Policy Conference Daily Newsletter May 3, 2009 Relationships Matter PC Trivia Policy Conference 2009 Opens in Washington, D.C. Policy Conference 2009 is the second largest Policy Conference The stage is set, the lights are on and in AIPAC history. The first AIPAC the doors are open. More than 6,000 Policy Conference, held in 1960, pro-Israel activists will fill the halls of had only 20 delegates. the Washington Convention Center today for the start of AIPAC Policy The number of people traveling Conference 2009. to Washington for the The theme of this year’s conference conference has doubled over is “Relationships Matter.” Conference the last five years. For more programming will highlight the than one-third of community importance of individual relationships in strengthening the U.S.-Israel delegates, this is their first-ever alliance—friendships between Policy Conference. presidents and prime ministers, between members of Congress and BizBash magazine ranked Policy their constituents and between Conference as number eight in candidates and their supporters. a list of the top political and “Policy Conference is the most press events in Washington. The important gathering of the year for the list was competitive: Number pro-Israel community,” said AIPAC one was the State of the Union President David Victor. “Our activists address. come to Washington to interact with their peers and form relationships that will last a lifetime.” Policy Conference plenary sessions ill feature the inspiring w stories of AIPAC activists who have formed close relationships with Hassle Free their members of Congress. From Quick Stop Kiosks sharing Shabbat dinners and Passover Simplify Conference Seders, to traveling to Israel together and studying the Jewish state up More than 6,000 delegates from all 50 states are attending AIPAC Policy Conference 2009. At the new Quick Stop Kiosks close, these activists have formed located throughout the convention relationships that affect the future of for cancer; software engineers are to affect the future of the U.S.-Israel center, conducting some of the most the United States and Israel. working around the clock to build new relationship. You never know what important AIPAC transactions is now But it’s not just relationships with programs; mayors are strengthening can develop from a simple “hello.” fast, easy and paper-free. policymakers that matter. Over the ties between sister cities; and naval Initiate a conversation with the people To get started, scan the bar code next three days, conference delegates officers in the Mediterranean are sitting next to you, introduce yourself on your name tag, and the computer will have the opportunity to learn how sharing intelligence in order to improve to an AIPAC staffer and exchange will retrieve your information, just Americans and Israelis from all walks maritime security. These kinds of business cards before moving on to like an e-ticket counter at an airport. of life are working together every day relationships—the ones that don’t your next session. If you have changed your mind to make the world a better place. always make headlines—form the Relationships matter. For about the breakout sessions you signed Inventors from both countries backbone of the U.S.-Israel alliance. the next three days, let up for before the conference, you can are teaming up to develop electric Here, too, at Policy Conference, AIPAC show you choose new sessions. Or, if you didn’t cars; doctors are researching cures every new friendship has the potential just how much. personalize your program at all, you can still register for the sessions that New and Improved! Featuring “Foremost Fresh,” a new line of all-natural, freshly prepared Behind the Scenes kosher meals and snacks Policy Conference set-up begins also seen at Whole Foods Markets. many days before delegates arrive. Crews work around the clock to build the stage and install lighting, speakers, giant screens and more. Quick Stop Kiosks can be found throughout the By the time doors open to the convention center. public, the camera crew is in place, sound most interesting to you. When and the director is in her chair, you have finished with your selections, ready to start the show. a new personalized program will print. In addition, you can register now for AIPAC Policy Conference 2010, Under Supervision of the Vaad of Washington which will be held March 21-23. Pay by credit card at the kiosk by Tuesday afternoon and save 50 percent off the standard registration rate. (If you are a Located in the Capitol Club member, you can sign up 3rd Floor Ballroom for the 2009 AIPAC National Summit, which will be held October 18-19 at OPEN: La Costa Resort and Spa in San Diego, Sunday 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. California) Monday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. And finally, the Quick Stop Kiosks also enable you to check your AIPAC er Halls D/E are covered with 110,000 square feet To block external light from halls D/E, 4,000 linear Dinn ! giving history, pay an open balance Too of carpet. feet of drape were hung around the room. and make a new pledge. A L L N E W M E N U
  • 2. Who’s Here? Heard in the Policy Conference Draws Diverse Crowd Take a look around the Washington Convention Center during the next HALLS three days and you’ll see that the pro-Israel movement in the United States is growing more diverse each year. Jews and non-Jews, religious and secular, African Americans and Latinos—all of them are here to show their support for a strong U.S.- Israel relationship. AIPAC is a At a breakout session this afternoon called “Emerging Alliance,” leader in organizing three African American leaders—a faith-based communities pastor, a businessman and a civil across the country rights icon—will explain how African Americans and Jews can unite around to strengthen the their common love of Israel. relationship between the In addition, 49 pastors are attending the conference, which United States and Israel.” for the third year in a row features — Rabbi Greg Harris programming specifically designed Congregation Beth El Bethesda, MD for Christian supporters of the Jewish state. Tomorrow, a panel discussion called “Faithful Allies: What Motivates Pro-Israel Christians” AIPAC Policy Conference delegates rest their feet after checking in yesterday afternoon. will examine the roots of Christian more than 100 pro-Israel activists from Zionism. Europe, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Nearly 200 rabbis and cantors New Zealand and Central America. from across the United States are also These delegates from abroad in attendance. They will be treated will participate in the International When I attend to a special track of programming Visitors Program, a track of forums Policy Conference, I that includes a lunch with renowned and training sessions designed to historian Dr. Michael Oren and other help international guests hone their feel so much better networking opportunities. ability to advocate for strong relations prepared to discuss Renee and Gerald Gerger of West Bloomfield, And for the fifth year in a row, between their home countries and Israel and the Middle Michigan, read their Policy Conference programs. the Policy Conference is welcoming Israel. East with my friends back home.” Who will advocate for a strong U.S.–Israel CAMPUS — Jan Rubenstein Sugar Land, TX Corner relationship a generation Student Activists from now? Turn Out in Force On many campuses around the exceptional pro-Israel students With your legacy gift, country, May 3-5 is right in the and campus professionals. middle of final exams. But more than Other student-specific AIPAC will. 1,000 students from all 50 states and events include a lunch forum bringing the District of Columbia, including together African American student 193 Student Government Association activists and community leaders; a I’ve been coming B E C O M E A N A I PA C (SGA) presidents and 200 high- campus leadership dinner with College to Policy Conference school students, are refusing to let a Democrats, College Republicans and since I was a student, Partner for few tests get in the way of PC 2009. Indeed, they have turned out in force. SGA presidents and a reception for high-school delegates. The student and I plan on coming Tomorrow The 193 SGA presidents track also features networking attending are a record high number, opportunities for AIPAC 2009 here every year. and they are the largest known Diamond Summer Interns, students AIPAC’s work is so For information about gathering of student elected officials selected as 2009 Friedman Scholars important to me.” becoming a Partner for on any issue this year. The presidents and participants in AIPAC’s upcoming — Michael Actman Tomorrow by making a hail from an eclectic array of Campus Allies Mission to Israel. Phoenix, AZ campuses, including Northwestern, PC delegates interested in planned gift to The AIPAC UC San Diego, Tufts, Vanderbilt, learning more about pro-Israel Tomorrow Campaign, visit Brigham Young, Florida International activism on campus can attend the Legacy Lounge in West and Morehouse College. a breakout session at 1:30 Registration or contact In addition to joining p.m. called “Israel on Campus: AIPAC’s Endowment Director community delegates for plenaries, Tomorrow’s Leaders Nurture the Jodi Kurtis at breakout sessions and the Gala U.S.-Israel Alliance.” A diverse Banquet, students will participate panel of students will join AIPAC’s or in a variety of specialized sessions. leadership development director call (240) 888-2904. One highlight is the AIPAC Campus to talk about their experiences on Awards Ceremony, which honors campus. We had never heard of AIPAC when we got invited to PC, but now we are A will is powerful… put AIPAC in yours. excited to experience the conference and tell all our friends what we learned.” — Nicole Parra-Perez and Georgianne Brown Co-Presidents,New Mexico Highlands University Campus delegates DeAndre Pickett (far right) and Jamarr Brown (second from right) check in for PC 2009.