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NUMBER 3        PAPYRUS                                                                                                                                                                 FALL/WINTER

Earth Gallery at the Natural History Museum in London. See page 11 for more on the 18th Annual IAMFA Conference.

 Washington is Worth the Wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           2   The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London . . . . . . . .                                    11
 Letter from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3   Boiler Replacement at the Natural History Museum
 Message from the President / Mot du président /                                                  in London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   20
 Mensaje del Presidente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4   Regional Updates and Member News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          22
 National Museums Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7   The National Portrait Gallery: A Plant Replacement Strategy . . .                                   25
 Urban Bird Control: A Green Alternative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                9   IAMFA Members Directory 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  28
Washington is Worth the Wait
                                                       By Dan Davies

Washington is worth the wait. What
wait? Your next Annual IAMFA Con-
ference will be held November 1–4,
2009, in Washington, D.C.—a full 131/   2
months after the London Conference,
and just about eight full years since the
last D.C. conference. The conference
committee is working hard to prepare
a program that you will not want to
miss. We have learned a lot from our
London, Ottawa and Los Angeles
predecessors, and we are planning
a unique and dynamic experience.
   When you last came to D.C. for an
IAMFA Conference, the Newseum had
                                            Smithsonian Castle
not yet moved to Pennsylvania Avenue,
next door to the Canadian Embassy.
You visited the Old Patent Office Build-    the Gala Dinner at the National Gallery     hosted by Alan Dirican and the
ing housing the National Portrait Gallery   of Art was the pièce de résistance. That    Baltimore Museum of Art. Members
and the Smithsonian American Art            bit of history may conjure up dozens        will get there early in the morning by
Museum, which had been closed for           of memories from your last trip to          motor coach, and guests will follow
renovations, with demolition well           Washington, if you were among the           an hour or two later. We’ll all return to
underway. The new National Museum           lucky ones to attend IAMFA D.C. 2001.       D.C. from Baltimore after dark. There-
of the American Indian had not yet          Let’s look forward, now, to November.       after, buses will be rare. We’ll do a lot
broken ground on the National Mall,            Much has changed in the Nation’s         of walking and—if the weather turns
and the Udvar Hazy Center in the            Capital. The Capitol Building has a new     sour—we’ll use the Metro the way we
shadow of Dulles Airport had not yet        $600-million visitor center—yes, it is      used the Tube in London, but there will
opened to rave reviews. George Bush         on the agenda. Udvar Hazy and the           always be alternatives for those who
was President of the United States,         Museum of the American Indian both          need assistance. Many of our venues
dealing with the aftermath of terrorist     open. Renovations have been com-            are within fifteen scenic square blocks
attacks on New York City and on the         pleted at the National Archives Building,   along Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.,
Pentagon, just across the Potomac           and at The Old Patent Office Building,      America’s Main Street. Easy walking,
River from Washington’s Lincoln and         now renamed the Donald W. Reynolds          and great sightseeing. As always, the
Jefferson Memorials. Marla Chanon           Center for American Art and Portraiture.                        continued on page 3
Tobar hosted us at Meridien House, and      Barack Obama will be sitting in the
                                            White House, tackling issues from
                                            war to the economy to stem cells.
                                            New leadership abounds, with a new
                                            President at IAMFA, John De Lucy, and
                                            a new Secretary at the Smithsonian,
                                            Wayne Clough. Nancy Bechtol, Com-
                                            mittee Chair, and Tiffany Myers, her
                                            dedicated Administrative Specialist,
                                            are honing a program second to none.
                                            You will be educated and entertained,
                                            informed and inspired—in short, you
                                            will be amazed.
                                               The program starts off on Sunday
                                            with the now-customary Benchmarking
Baltimore Museum of Art                     Workshop led by Keith McClanahan,           National Museum of the American Indian

Letter from the Editor

Joe May — Editor, Papyrus

Greetings from Los Angeles!                       Despite the economic troubles, it’s
As I write this letter, it is the week after   interesting to note that the world’s cul-             IAMFA/ Papyrus
the U.S. holiday called Thanksgiving.          tural institutions are probably the best                FALL/WINTER 2008–2009
Many of our international members              example of how we can sustain our-
have heard of this American and                selves during troubled times. Our cul-         Joe May
Canadian holiday: a day originally set         tural institutions are filled with artifacts
                                                                                              Papyrus Correspondents
aside to give thanks for the harvest.          that are hundreds and thousands of             Glynnan Barham
Today, we all celebrate this holiday           years old. These artifacts have sur-           Joe Brennan
                                               vived countless challenges, and still          John Crane
with a broader meaning, giving thanks                                                         Dan Davies
for everything that we have in our lives.      they emerge intact. My hope is that all        John De Lucy
   This year has been a very difficult         those who read this edition of Papyrus         André Kirouac
                                               have a wonderful year-end, and emerge          Guy Larocque
one for many people around the world.                                                         Joe May
Economies have suffered; many have             in 2009 stronger, healthier, and happier
                                                                                              Dean Marshall
lost their jobs; many have lost a signif-      as we begin a fresh new year.                  Jim Moisson
icant portion of their savings and retire-        I would like to finish by thanking all      Patricia Morgan
                                               of you who contributed to this edition         Jane Pangborn
ment accounts as the world’s markets                                                          Allan Tyrrell
have tumbled to levels that no one ever        of Papyrus. Your imagination and the           Stacey Wittig
thought were possible. As we close in          new ideas that you share through
                                                                                              Design and Layout
on the year’s end, we see a glimmer            Papyrus are shaping how twenty-first-          Phredd Grafix
of hope that the worst is over. We             century cultural institutions emerge.
hope that next year will bring new             Joe May                                        Dominique Fortier (French)
opportunities for all.                         Editor                                         Jeanne Pascal (Spanish)

                                                                                              Artistic License (English)
                                                                                              Fernando Pascal (Spanish)
Washington is Worth the Wait — continued from page 2
                                                                                              Printed in the U.S.A. by
Guest Program will be so spectacular           in Manassas, Virginia. So, your calen-         Lake Litho
that members will be enticed to play           dar should already be marked and               ISSN 1682-5241
hooky from the regular program! Mem-           your travel plans penciled-in, making
bers’ days will be full, and evenings          Washington your destination for
will be capped off with the networking         IAMFA D.C. 2009, November 1–4.
opportunities we have all come to rec-            And now, a challenge to you: invite
ognize as an IAMFA best practice. We’ll        a new attendee from your area to join
polish off the conference with a Gala          us in D.C. for their first IAMFA Confer-
Dinner at the Great Hall of the Library        ence. It will be one they—and you—              Statements of fact and opinion are made
                                                                                               on the responsibility of authors alone and
of Congress.                                   will never forget. Watch this space for        do not imply an opinion on the part of the
                                                                                              editors, officers, or members of IAMFA. The
    Then, as if we learned a neat new          announcements as conference plans              editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the right
trick in London, we’ll provide an              are finalized in the next few months.              to accept or to reject any Article or
                                                                                               advertisement submitted for publication.
optional (but not-to-be-missed) post-
                                                                                              While we have made every attempt to ensure
conference tour to the new Hazy Air            Dan Davies is Facility Manager at the           that reproduction rights have been acquired
& Space Museum Annex next to                   National Zoo in Washington, D.C.,                for the illustrations used in this newsletter,
                                                                                                please let us know if we have inadvertently
Dulles Airport, and to the new Library         and is a former Secretary of IAMFA             overlooked your copyright, and we will rectify
                                                                                                        the matter in a future issue.
of Congress collection storage facility        and Editor of Papyrus.

Message from the President
                                    Mot du président
                                 Mensaje del Presidente

                     John de Lucy
                     President / Président / Presidente, IAMFA

Thank you for electing me as your              Merci de m’avoir élu président lors de        Gracias por elegirme su nuevo Presi-
President at our recent Annual General         notre récente assemblée générale annu-        dente durante la Reunión General
Meeting, and for the many “Thank you”          elle et pour les nombreux messages            Anual y por todos los mensajes espe-
messages telling us how much you all           de remerciements nous mentionnant à           cialmente cuanto disfrutaron todos de
enjoyed the London conference—I                quel point vous tous avez apprécié le         la conferencia en Londres - ! me parece
think Merida received more praise than         congrès de Londres – je pense que             que Merida recibió más elogios que
anyone else! Memories of great times           Merida a reçu plus d’éloges que qui-          nadie! Los recuerdos de momentos
abound, and I hope you visit the photo         conque! Les souvenirs de bons moments         fabulosos abundan y espero que visiten
website (details below) to remind your-        abondent, et j’espère que vous irez           el sitio de Web de fotos (los detalles
selves what everyone got up to. The            voir les photos sur le site Web (détails      están a continuación) para acordarse
gala dinner photo certainly looks like         ci-dessous) pour vous rappeler ce que         de lo que hicieron todos. En la foto
everyone was having a good time. Is            chacune et chacun a fait de beau. La          de la cena de gala se ve que se están
Joe Brennan really that tall or is it the      photo du souper de gala témoigne à            divirtiendo. ¿Es realmente tan alto Joe
California sunshine that has made him          n’en pas douter que tout le monde a           Brennan o lo convirtió en gigante el
grow into a giant?                             eu du plaisir. Est-ce que Joe Brennan         sol de California?
    Many thanks must go to the London          est si grand? ou serait-ce plutôt le soleil      Hay que agradecerles mucho a los
organising committee (British Museum,          de Californie qui en aurait fait un géant.    miembros del comité organizador de
National Gallery, Natural History                 Mille mercis doivent être adressés         Londres (El Museo Británico, la Galería
Museum and British Library) who put            aux membres du comité organisateur            Nacional, el Museo de Historia Natural,
on a great show at each of their venues,       de Londres (British Museum, National          y la Biblioteca Británica) los cuales
and contributed to an excellent learn-         Gallery, Natural History Museum et            realizaron una obra espectacular en
ing experience as well as a lot of fun—        British Library), qui ont mis sur pied        cada uno de sus puntos de encuentro
weren’t those Gospel singers at the            de merveilleuses activités à chacun de        y contribuyeron a una oportunidad
British Museum on the Sunday night             ces endroits et contribué à une excel-        excelente de aprendizaje al igual que
opening ceremony just great? The boat          lente expérience d’apprentissage assortie     una oportunidad de sana diversión –
trip to Greenwich to see the Queen’s           de beaucoup de plaisir – les chanteurs        ¿no eran fabulosos esos cantantes
House and the new Royal Observatory            de gospel, lors de la cérémonie d’ouver-      evangélicos quienes nos acompañaron
at the National Maritime Museum, and           ture au British Museum, le dimanche           durante la ceremonia de apertura en
the dinner on the way back, were most          soir, n’étaient-ils pas simplement            la noche del domingo en el Museo
memorable. Everyone stood astride              fabuleux? L’excursion en bateau vers          Británico? Vale la pena recordarse, el
the Meridian Line to be in both the            Greenwich pour voir la Queen’s House          crucero a Greenwich donde pudimos
eastern and western hemispheres at             et le nouveau Royal Observatory du            ver la Casa de la Reina y el nuevo
the same time—we facility managers             National Maritime Museum de même              Observatorio Real del Museo Marítimo
like a challenge!                              que le repas pris sur le chemin du retour
                                                                                                 Sitio de Web de fotos de la
                                                                                                  Reunión General Anual :
    Annual General Meeting photo                       Site Web des photos de
                                                                                              Website (dirección de Internet):
              website:                            l’assemblée générale annuelle :   
 URL:            URL :        pictures.jsp
      pictures.jsp                                     pictures.jsp                           Vayan al “Member Sign in” y escriban:
 Go to Member Sign in and enter:                 Aller à Member sign in et entrer             Email (dirección de correo de Internet):
 E-mail:                    Courriel :    
 Password: IAMFA                                 Mot de passe : IAMFA                         Pass Word (palabra de clave): IAMFA

Hopefully it was a seamless confer-      sont inoubliables. Chaque personne            Nacional y la cena de vuelta. Todo el
ence for you all, and you did not notice     s’est tenue sur la ligne méridienne, un       mundo se paró encima del Meridiano
any panic behind the scenes—no mat-          pied dans l’hémisphère occidental et          de Greenwich para estar en los hemis-
ter how much planning goes into the          l’autre dans l’hémisphère oriental –          ferio este y oeste al mismo tiempo – a
two-year preparation, there are always       nous, les administrateurs d’installations,    nosotros los profesionales de instala-
last-minute changes.                         on aime le défi!                              ciones nos gustan los retos.
    Everyone seemed to throw them-              On espère que cela a été un congrès            Espero que haya sido una confer-
selves into having a good time, rene-        sans anicroche pour vous et que vous          encia sin contratiempos para Ustedes
wing friendships and learning—yes,           n’avez décelé aucune panique en               y esperamos que no se hayan dado
it is possible to do both at the same        coulisses – peu importe le degré de           cuenta de ningun panico tras basti-
time—and I know many of you went             planification nécessaire à la préparation     dores - no importa cuanto se planifica
home with good ideas for your own            de deux ans, il survient toujours des         los dos anos de preparativos, siempre
institutions, fully justifying your atten-   changements de dernière minute.               hay cambios de ultima hora.
dance. We were particularly pleased             Tout le monde a semblé s’être                  Me pareció que todo el mundo se
that so many people came all the way         promis d’avoir du plaisir, de renouer         esforzó en disfrutar del aprendizaje y
from New Zealand and Australia—five          avec des amis et d’apprendre – oui,           la renovación de viejas amistades – si
in all—it was great meeting you all.         c’est possible de faire les deux à la         es posible hacer las dos cosas a la vez
Nothing to do with Merida being              fois –, et je sais que plusieurs d’entre      - y se que las buenas ideas que muchos
Australian, of course!                       vous êtes retournés chez vous avec de         de Ustedes se llevaron a casa para
    The optional extra day on Thursday,      bonnes idées pour vos propres établis-        utilizar en sus propias organizaciones
visiting an important new project at         sements, ce qui justifie pleinement votre     justificaron completamente su partici-
the British Library site near York, was      participation. Nous nous sommes par-          pación. Nos agrado en especial la gran
certainly worthwhile (we were delighted      ticulièrement réjouis du fait que tant        cantidad de participantes que viajaron
that over 80 people chose to come)—          de personnes soient venues d’aussi            desde Nueva Zelanda y Australia – 5
so much so, that Washington plans to         loin que d’Australie et de Nouvelle-          en total – oigan, fue una gran reunión.
do the same with an off-site visit on        Zélande – cinq en tout; cela a été un         ¡Por supuesto esto no tenia nada que
the Thursday after their conference.         plaisir de vous rencontrer tous. Rien à       ver con el hecho de que Merida fuere
    As usual, the British weather proved     voir, bien sûr, avec le fait que Merida       australiana!
you sceptics all wrong—no one needed         vient d’Australie!                                Fue valioso el día extra opcional
their umbrellas or ponchos—and we               La journée supplémentaire du jeudi,        el jueves cuando se visito un nuevo
provided a week of lovely sunshine           offerte en option et qui proposait la         proyecto importante de la Biblioteca
to top-up your tans.                         visite d’un nouvel ouvrage important          Británica cerca de York (nos encantó
    The Executive Director of one            de la British Library près de York, a         que mas de 80 personas eligieran ir).
London host told me he had not               valu à coup sûr le déplacement (plus          Fue tan exitoso que los de Washington
realised how large IAMFA was, and            de 80 personnes y ont participé, à            planean hacer lo mismo con un viaje
what illustrious organisations were          notre grand plaisir) – à tel point que        fuera del punto de encuentro principal
members, and he was delighted that           Washington projette de faire la même          el jueves después de su conferencia.
his organisation was represented. It is      chose comme visite hors les murs le               Como de siempre, el tiempo
the support of our own executives to         jeudi après le congrès qui s’y tiendra.       británico se encargó de demostrar que
our membership of this organisation             Comme d’habitude, la météo britan-         todos Ustedes los escépticos se habían
that will enable us to continue to grow.     nique a confondu tous les sceptiques –        equivocado - nadie necesitó de sus
Let’s hope the success of the London         personne n’a eu besoin de parapluie           paraguas o de abrigos para lluvia – y
conference will form the bedrock             ni de poncho – et nous avons profité          proveemos una semana de sol precioso
for yet another superb conference            d’une semaine de soleil radieux pour          para perfeccionar sus bronceados.
gathering in Washington, D.C. on             parfaire notre bronzage.                          Un director ejecutivo de uno de
November 1–4, 2009.                             Le directeur administratif d’un établis-   nuestros anfitriones en Londres dijo
    Going forward, I am keen we              sement hôte de Londres m’a confié qu’il       que no se había dado cuenta de cuan
maintain the high standards we have          n’avait pas réalisé l’envergure de l’IAMFA    grande era IAMFA y de cuantas orga-
already achieved in the three most           et quels organismes illustres en étaient      nizaciones prestigiosas fueran miem-
important aspects of your membership:        membres, et il était ravi que le sien         bros y que se sentía encantado de que
Papyrus, the benchmarking exercise,          soit représenté. C’est le soutien de nos      su organización fuese representada. Es
and the learning and networking oppor-       propres dirigeants à nos membres de           el apoyo que nuestros propios ejecu-
tunities at our annual conference. I am      l’organisme qui nous permettra de             tivos brindan a nuestra membresía que
                    continued on page 6                               suite à la page 6                       sigue en la página 6

Message from the President —             Mot du président –                          Mensaje del Presidente –
continued from page 5                    suite de la page 5                          viene de la página 5

concerned that there are not enough      continuer à croître. Espérons que le        nos permitirá a crecer. Esperemos que
local chapter meetings to encourage      succès du congrès de Londres con-           el éxito de la conferencia en Londres
membership and events in the regions,    stituera le fondement d’un autre ras-       nos sirva de base para otra conferencia
and I hope you will all help John        semblement exceptionnel à Washington        sobresaliente en Washington del 1 al
Castle in his new role on the board,     D.C. du 1er au 4 novembre 2009.             4 de Noviembre 2009.
by inviting members to tours of your         Pour ce qui s’en vient, je tiens à ce      Para continuar el camino, me es
buildings, and then sending some         que nous maintenions la grande qualité      esencial que mantengamos las altas
photos to Joe May for Papyrus. What      que nous avons déjà atteinte en ce qui      normas ya logradas en los tres aspectos
is so good about our group is the free   concerne les trois aspects les plus         mas importantes de su membresía –
exchange of information, helping each    importants de notre adhésion : Papyrus,     Papyrus, la Encuesta Anual de Evalu-
other solve problems so that we do not   l’exercice d’étalonnage ainsi que les       ación Comparativa (Benchmarking) y
have to reinvent the wheel. Do please    occasions d’apprentissage et de réseau-     las oportunidades para aprender y
e-mail each other more often whenever    tage à notre congrès annuel. Cela me        desarrollar sus redes de contactos
you have a question to solve.            préoccupe qu’il n’y ait pas assez de        durante la conferencia anual. Me
    Our membership in ICOM has           réunions des sections régionales pour       preocupa que no haya suficientes
already led to enquiries from Russia,    encourager les adhésions et les activités   reuniones de los capítulos locales para
Ireland and Poland, so hopefully with    dans les régions, et j’espère que vous      fomentar la membresía y los eventos
Guy Larocque now heading up our          aiderez tous John Castle dans son           regionales y espero que todos le ayuden
international relationships, we will     nouveau rôle au conseil en invitant les     a John Castle en su nuevo papel en la
see a growth in new countries joining    membres à des visites de vos édifices,      Junta a través de invitaciones a otros
IAMFA.                                   puis en en faisant parvenir des photos      miembros para visitar a sus instalaciones
    I look forward to seeing you all     à Joe May pour Papyrus. Ce qu’il y a        y luego que envíen fotos de las visitas
again next November at the Washington    de bien par rapport à notre groupe,         a Joe May para incluir en Papyrus. Lo
conference; in the meantime, please      c’est l’échange d’information à titre       bueno de nuestro grupo es el libre
don’t hesitate to contact me, or other   gracieux, l’aide apportée aux autres        intercambio de información para ayu-
members of the IAMFA board and           pour résoudre des problèmes de sorte        darnos a resolver problemas para que
membership with any ideas or concerns    qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de réinventer    no tengamos que volver a empezar
you may have.                            la roue. N’hésitez pas à courrieller plus   de cero siempre. Por favor mándense
                                         souvent les uns avec les autres lorsque     mensajes a través del Internet más a
John de Lucy                             vous avez besoin d’une réponse à vos        menudo cuando tengan una incógnita
President of IAMFA                       questions.                                  para resolver.
                                             Notre adhésion à l’ICOM a déjà             Nuestra membresía en el Consejo
                                         donné lieu à des demandes de ren-           Internacional de Museos (ICOM) ya ha
                                         seignements provenant de la Russie,         traído peticiones para información de
                                         de l’Irlande et de la Pologne, alors        Rusia, Irlanda y Polonia; estoy seguro
                                         souhaitons-le, avec Guy Larocque            que con Guy Larocque a cargo de
                                         maintenant à la barre de nos relations      nuestras relaciones internacionales,
                                         internationales, nous verrons une           veremos un aumento en el número
                                         croissance dans l’adhésion de               de nuevos países que se afilien.
                                         nouveaux pays à l’IAMFA.                       Estoy con ganas de volver a verlos a
                                             Je me réjouis de vous revoir tous à     todos en la conferencia de Washington
                                         nouveau en novembre prochain au             el próximo noviembre; mientras tanto,
                                         congrès de Washington; entre-temps,         no duden en ponerse en contacto
                                         n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi        conmigo, o con otros miembros de la
                                         ou avec d’autres membres de l’IAMFA         Directiva de IAMFA o con la membresía
                                         ou du conseil pour toute question ou        en general para manifestar las ideas o
                                         idée qui vous viendrait.                    preocupaciones que les surjan.

                                         John de Lucy                                John de Lucy
                                         Président, IAMFA                            Presidente, IAMFA

National Museums Liverpool
                                                                                                   By Ian Williams

                                         National Museums Liverpool’s origins
                                         date back to 1851 and the founding
                                         of Liverpool Museum. In 1986, the
                                         Liverpool Museum was given official
                                         institutional status, due in part to the
                                         outstanding quality of its collections.
                                         Its estate currently consists of seven
                                         public venues, which together attract
                                         over two million visitors each year.
                                         These are:
                                         • The World Museum Liverpool
                                           (founded in 1851, formerly known
                                           as the Liverpool Museum)
                                         • The Walker Art Gallery (opened in
                                         • The Lady Lever Art Gallery (opened
                                           in 1922)
                                         • Sudley House (built in the early            Artist’s rendering of the proposed Museum of Liverpool.
                                           nineteenth century)
                                         • The Merseyside Maritime Museum
                                           (opened in 1980)                            public in 2010. The old Museum of               during which the team determined that
                                                                                       Liverpool Life, with its limited floor          the £71-million waterfront building
                                         • The National Conservation Centre            space, could no longer accommodate              posed no threat to the World Heritage
                                           (opened in 1996)                            the more than 300,000 visits a year it          Site. Building work began in April
                                         • The International Slavery Museum            was receiving. With a greater amount            2007 on the site, construction being
                                           (opened in 2007)                            of space, the new museum will be able           constrained by three significant issues:
                                                                                       to better represent the history of the          • The building is located on the site
                                            In 2006, the Museum of Liverpool           city, and can place Liverpool within a            of the previously in-filled historic
                                         Life, located on Liverpool’s historic         wider British urban context.                      Manchester Dock, which required
                                         waterfront, closed to allow building             In November 2006, UNESCO gave                  significant archaeological investiga-
                                         work to start on the new Museum of            the all-clear to the Museum of Liverpool          tion before work could commence.
                                         Liverpool, which will open to the             following a special mission to the city,
                                                                                                                                                          continued on page 8

                                         Aerial photograph of the Museum of Liverpool under construction,    Museum of Liverpool in May 2008.
                                         July 2007.

National Museums Liverpool — continued from page 7

• There is a railway tunnel running                                                         • 5,700 m2 of natural Jura stone
  beneath the site, which required                                                            is being used to clad the museum
  that excavation and construction of                                                         which, if laid out flat, would cover
  the substructure and steelwork had                                                          an entire football pitch.
  to be carefully planned, in order to
                                                                                            • 1,500 m2 of glazing will be installed,
  ensure that the loads in the area over
                                                                                              mainly in two large picture windows,
  the tunnel did not impose unequal
                                                                                              one at each end of the building.
  forces on the structure beneath.
                                                                                              These windows will be 8 metres
• The site is bounded by three                                                                high by 28 metres wide, and will
  other major construction projects:                                                          offer striking views of the Pier Head
                                              Profile of limestone cladding panels.
  a £120 million commercial mixed                                                             and the River Mersey
  use development, the construction
                                                                                            • A spectacular atrium, containing a
  of a £20 million extension to the           cultural legacy of 2008: Liverpool’s            unique elliptical staircase, will be
  Leeds-Liverpool canal linking the           year as European Capital of Culture.            lit by natural light from a skylight
  North and South dock system, and                The Museum is based on a striking           in the centre of the building.
  the re-landscaping of Liverpool’s Pier      geometrical design and is clad in natural
  Head. Co-ordination and co-opera-                                                         • The Museum is striving for strong
                                              Jura stone. Beneath the surface is a            environmental credentials. It will
  tion between the sites is essential to      cutting-edge, complex steel frame that
  the delivery of each project.                                                               feature a rainwater harvesting sys-
                                              sits on a cellular concrete raft founda-        tem and will be powered by an
                                              tion. The steel structure allows the            energy centre with a combined
    Housed in a landmark building at          Museum’s largest exhibition spaces—
the core of Liverpool’s World Heritage                                                        heat and power plant.
                                              which are 40 metres long by 28 metres
Site, the new Museum will provide             wide, to be column-free, ensuring that        • Total cost of the project from base
8,000 m 2 of public space across three        the galleries and public spaces are             build to fit-out is around £71 million.
floors, and visitors will have access to      maximised. Some construction facts
over 6,000 objects that are currently in      for the new Museum:                              To find out more about the new
storage, many of which have never                                                           Museum of Liverpool project or
been on public display before. As a           • 20,000 m3 of soil, equivalent to the        National Museums Liverpool, please
major boost to the Liverpool economy,           volume of eight Olympic-sized swim-         visit our website at http://www.
it is estimated the Museum of Liverpool         ming pools, have been excavated   
will attract more than 750,000 visitors         from the site.
per year, providing at least 500 con-         • The steel frame is constructed with         Ian Williams is Director of Estate
struction jobs and 73 direct permanent          2,100 tonnes of steel, equivalent to        Management at National Museums
jobs. It is also a major physical and           the steel in 270 double-decker buses.       Liverpool.

Progress at Museum of Liverpool as of September 2008.                  Museum of Liverpool by November 2008.

Urban Bird Control: A Green Alternative
                                                       By Stacey Wittig

Falconry is the Sport of Kings, with
history dating back over four thou-
sand years. Today, one of the world’s
oldest field sports is being used as a
green alternative for urban bird control.
As a “green” and “natural” method of
bird abatement, the emphasis when
using raptors is on prevention rather
than eradication. This form of pest
control minimizes impact on the
    “The aim of pest control with birds of
prey,” says Canadian Trevor Mellish—
owner of The Birdman, Nature’s Pest
Solution in Vancouver, British Columbia,
“is to offer an environmentally sensi-
tive option. The intent is basically
scare tactics.”
    A natural, genetically-coded fear
instinct is the primary reason for the
                                             Falconer Richard Polley and Emu at the British Museum in London.
effectiveness of using raptors in bird
control. The hunting birds soar over
roosting areas and the predator-prey         National Gallery on Trafalgar Square,           Two Harris hawks and a falcon
instincts of the problem birds kick in,      the Victoria and Albert Museum, and          patrol the ruins and keep the pigeons
forcing them to take flight to find safer    the British Library.                         from nesting in the excavated villas
roosting areas.                                 “Pigeons are amazingly adaptable,         that were buried by the same eruption
                                             and netting or using spikes as a deter-      that covered Pompeii in A.D. 79. The
                                             rent does not always get rid of them,”       ancient timbers that survived the inferno
A Pigeon-Free, No-Fly Zone
                                             explained David Van Vynck in an              were being deteriorated by pecking
Derek Martin, Head of Building Services      interview with London’s Evening              pigeons. Italian law prohibits pigeons
at the British Museum, uses raptors to       Standard. “Hawks work by disturbing          from being shot. In Texas, however, it
control roosting pigeons at his institu-     the pigeon’s pattern of roosting and         is a different story.
tion. He introduced Emu, a Harris            nesting. They make them feel uneasy
hawk, as “the youngest member of the         and they move on.”
Facility Management team” to attendees                                                    Bird Abatement sans
at the 2008 International Association of                                                  Poison or Gunpowder
Museum Facility Administrators Annual        Herculaneum Hawks                            In the south-central area of the United
Conference this past fall. IAMFA par-        Protect Roman Ruins                          States, Facility Administrators don’t
ticipants were welcomed to the steps         At the Roman ruins and open-air              typically have to contend with pigeons;
of the British Museum by the three-          museum of Herculaneum just south of          however, from October to March—
year-old hawk, balanced on the gloved        Naples, Italy, museum administrators         when migratory cowbirds, starlings
arm of falconer Richard Polley. The          hired falconers to protect the ancient       and grackles fly south for the winter—
young raptor works two days a week to        ruins from acidic pigeon droppings.          their nighttime social roosting behavior
keep the British Museum pigeon-free.         “Pigeons represent a serious threat to       creates problems. Attracted to lit, open
    Falconer Polley, an employee of          the conservation of the area,” reports       areas with trees (sound like your park-
VanVynck Avian Solutions, explained,         their website. “The acidity of their drop-   ing lot?), the birds congregate at night.
“We use predatory species to displace        pings seriously damages the structures       “With flocks of over 10,000 birds, you
and interrupt the behavioral patterns of     and the ancient decorated surfaces.          can imagine what parking lots look
the pigeons.” VanVynck Avian Solutions,      They are also constantly pecking at the      like after the night is over,” says fal-
which specializes in urban bird manage-      wooden beams and the carbonized              coner Roger Crandall of Fort Worth,
ment, has clients which include the          wooden fixtures.”                                                  continued on page 10

Urban Bird Control — continued from page 9

                                              Texas. “Falconry is an excellent method         number of suppliers to determine the         ers now fly off when the hawks appear
                                              for dispersing these huge nighttime             best solution to this problem.”              and begin staking out their territory.
                                              roosts,” he states. Crandall trains Harris         Ryan advises other FM adminis-            “Birds of prey are very territorial,”
                                              hawks to fly at night. “They don’t              trators: “Look at all of the bird control    explained the falconer, whose hawks
                                              naturally fly at night; it is a learned         systems available and determine which        are “trained specifically for gulls; they’ll
                                              behavior.”                                      looks to best suit your application. It      chase them right out of the Square.”
                                                 “This is as green as it gets,” adds the      may take a combination of systems to             Frankian claims that using raptors
                                              Texan, who moved 10,000 nuisance                alleviate the problem, as the birds can      is “the green and most efficient way”
                                              birds from Dallas-Fort Worth Interna-           become used to only one system.”             to get rid of problem birds, but is it
                                              tional Airport terminals and parking lots       Reportedly, the plastic device repels        effective? “You’ll see quite a reduction
                                              with 18 trained raptors, and without            most birds, including cockatoos, crows,      in numbers. Originally when we got
                                              the use of poisons or gunpowder.                corellas, starlings, jays, parrots, and      there, there were quite a few thousand.
                                                                                              mynahs. The only birds with which            Now it’s dropped to under a couple
                                              A Visual Deterrent                              100% results have not been achieved          hundred. When the systems are full
                                                                                              are the resilient house sparrow and          up and operational, you’ll see less
                                              Down Under
                                                                                              the crane.                                   than ten or 12 birds running around.”
                                              Since it is currently illegal to practice                                                        Although its roots are in medieval
                                              falconry in Australia and Tasmania,
                                                                                              Causing a Flap in Toronto                    history, using raptors for urban bird
                                              full-size replicas of hovering hawks                                                         control may be the next green initiative
                                              made of weatherproof plastic are used.          As Ryan warns, a singular method of
                                                                                                                                           for FM administrators in this new
                                              The National Museum of Australia’s              bird abatement does not always work.
                                                                                                                                           century. The IAMFA Benchmarking
                                              problem with seagulls fouling the sides         In Toronto, Canada, hawk handler
                                                                                                                                           Steering Committee is considering
                                              of their glass building was solved by           Dan Frankian adds hunting dogs to
                                                                                                                                           adding questions on “Green Initiatives”
                                              installing an imitation hawk and playing        the formula when using hawks to
                                                                                                                                           to the 2009 Benchmark Survey. If you
                                              a recording of seagull distress calls.          disperse Canadian Geese. “Our permit
                                                                                                                                           have recommendations, please call
                                                  “The program has been reasonably            says ‘scare only’,” reports Frankian,
                                                                                                                                           Stacey Wittig at 001-928-255-4943.
                                              successful,” reports John Ryan, Manager         of Hawkeye Bird Control, in a recent
                                              of Facilities and Risk Management at            CBC radio interview.
                                                                                                                                           For more information:
                                              the Museum. “We play the ‘seagull in               The City of Toronto hired Hawkeye         Roger Crandall
                                              distress’ call intermittently, because          Bird Control to clean up Nathan Phillips     Fort Worth, TX USA
                                              if you play it continuously the birds           Square, a lively public gathering place      Tel.: 1 817 238-8644
                                              become used to it and start to ignore           located in front of Toronto City Hall.
                                              it. The hawk is a kite on a pole, similar       French-fry-toting tourists were “literally   The Hawk Bird Scarer
                                              to those used to keep birds away from           overwhelmed and attacked by gulls,”          P.O. Box 36, Morpeth NSW Australia 2321
                                              fruit trees. The FM staff spoke to a            said Frankian. Gulls pestering picnick-      Tel.: 02 4934 8330

                                                                                                                                           Hawkeye Bird Control Inc.
                                                                                                                                           RR#4 — 11255 Highway #25
                                                                                                                                           Halton Hills Ontario, L7J 2M1 Canada
                                                                                                                                           Tel.: 1 416-HAWKEYE

                                                                                                                                           VanVynck Avian Solutions
                                                                                                                                           Fort Road, Tilbury
                                                                                                                                           Essex RM18 7ND UK
                                                                                                                                           Tel.: 44(0) 800 731 7462

                                                                                                                                           Stacey Wittig is the Marketing Director
                                                                                                                                           for Facility Issues. For FREE infor -
                                                                                                                                           mation on how benchmarking can
                                                                                                                                           improve your FM organization go to
                                                                                                                                           for the 2009 IAMFA Benchmark survey
                                              The National Museum of Australia in Canberra.                                                is now open.

The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference
                           in London
                     A Week of Culture, Reunion, Professional
                    Development, Networking, and the Ultimate
                           Demonstration of Hospitality
                                                          By Joe May

The 18th annual conference of the
International Association of Museum
Facility Administrators was held in
London, England from September 14
to 18, 2008, and what an amazing event
it was. The origins of London date
back to an original Roman settlement
in A.D. 46, and it is now the capital city
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland. No wonder that
London, with its nearly two thousand
years of history, captured the attention
of IAMFA conference attendees with
such distinction.
   Let me begin by expressing gratitude
to all of the conference organizers:
  John de Lucy, British Library
  Harry Wanless, British Library
  Merida Fitzgerald, British Library
                                             Participants in the 2008 benchmarking workshop.
  David Sanders, Natural History
                                             contributed to the intellectual content           Emcor Facilities Services Ltd.
  Michael Gainey, Natural History
                                             and financial support of the conference.           (Facilities Management Services)
                                             It is important to mention that member            Norland Managed Services Ltd.
  Bill Jackson, National Library of
                                             and guest conference fees cover just               (Facilities Management Services)
                                             a portion of the conference’s total
  Stephen Gill, British Museum
                                             expenses. The generous support of               As in prior years, Day One (Sunday)
  Derek Martin, British Museum
                                             sponsors allowed the organizing com-         was the benchmarking conference for
  Philippa Edwards, British Museum
                                             mittee to incorporate the spectacular        a record 60 participants in the annual
  Steve Vandyke, National Gallery
                                             venues, trips, and meals we all              benchmarking exercise. The bench-
  Charles Ross, National Gallery
                                             enjoyed during this year’s conference.       marking exercise is coordinated by
                                                 Sponsors for this year’s annual          Facilities Issues Inc., and led by Keith
   I know how much time these indi-
                                             conference were:                             McClanahan. The list of participants
viduals spent planning the conference
                                                                                          has grown by 65% over the past two
over the last two years. Welcome to            Black and McDonald Ltd. (Building
                                                                                          years, and continues to be a corner-
the fraternity of past IAMFA confer-             Service & Maintenance)
                                                                                          stone of the IAMFA organization. This
ence hosts! Everyone knows how much            Capita Symonds (Project & Cost
                                                                                          growth in participation is evidence that
you did to make this one of the truly            Management)
                                                                                          IAMFA members are sharing knowledge
great conferences our organization has         Gardiner & Theobald LLP
                                                                                          gained from operating their individual
ever held.                                       (Construction & Property
                                                                                          institutions—just as envisioned ten years
   This year’s conference was attended           Consultants)
                                                                                          ago when the annual benchmarking
by a record 146 members and guests,            Camfil Ltd. (Energy Efficiency Air
                                                                                          exercise began.
not including the many sponsors that             Filtration Solutions)                                      continued on page 12

The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London — continued from page 11

   Day One wrapped up on Sunday                  Monday morning brought the start        tion Tools for Environmental Data
evening with the opening ceremonies          of the IAMFA Conference, beginning          used at the National Gallery); Keith
for the conference at the British            with a Tube ride to Leicester Square,       McClanahan, President of Facilities
Museum. The British Museum is a              and a short walk to Trafalgar Square        Issues (2008 IAMFA Benchmarking
museum of human history and culture          and the National Gallery. The National      Summary); Steve Vandyke, Head Tech-
dating back to 1753, with more than          Gallery houses one of the finest collec-    nical Services (Chiller Plant Develop-
seven million objects in collections         tions of Western European paintings in      ment at the National Gallery), and
that are amongst the largest and most        the world, all belonging to the British     Howard Hall of Andrew Reid and
comprehensive of their kind in the           public. Founded in 1824, it houses a        Partners (Environmental & Engineer-
world, documenting the story of human        rich collection of over 2,300 paintings     ing System Audits & Improvements
culture from its beginnings to the pre-      dating from the mid-thirteenth century      at the National Gallery). Before lunch,
sent day. Our evening at the British         to 1900 in its home on Trafalgar Square.    the group chose between tours of the
Museum included a wonderful combi-           The façade by William Wilkins is the        chillers, ETFE roofs, the East Wing
nation of welcoming speeches by our          only part of his original building from     Project completed in 2006, or a tour
hosts and organization leaders, and          1832–1838 that remains essentially un-      of the collections.
refreshments of canapés and cocktails.       changed, as the structure as a whole has       Guests of conference attendees spent
   What an amazing evening it was,           been altered and expanded throughout        Monday morning touring the city by
greeting old friends and meeting so          its history.                                coach, then joined IAMFA members
many new members. The atmosphere                 The theme for the first official day    at the National Gallery for lunch.
after dark was elegant in the British        of the conference was Energy Perfor-           Following lunch, everyone walked
Museum as we assembled in the King’s         mance and Performance Audits. Fol-          from Trafalgar Square to Westminster
Library, then browsed at our leisure in      lowing opening remarks by Nicholas          Pier on the banks of the Thames
the Great Hall and Gallery 4, which          Penny, Director of the National Gallery,    River, and boarded a riverboat for the
displayed such exhibits as the Rosetta       attendees heard presentations by Laura      one-hour cruise to Greenwich. Many
Stone and Elgin Marbles.                     MacDonald, Facilities Manager (Moni-        thanks to Chris Ecob, and Camfil Ltd.,
   Many thanks go to our hosts and           toring and Targeting, Deviation Report-     who sponsored the river cruise to
the evening’s sponsor, Gardiner and          ing, Sub-metering); Joe Padfield, Senior    Greenwich.
Theobald LLP.                                Scientific Officer (Web Based Presenta-        Upon arrival at Greenwich, it was
                                                                                         just a short walk to the largest mari-
                                                                                         time museum in the world, where the
                                                                                         entire group heard remarks by Peter
                                                                                         Fotheringham, past president of IAMFA,
                                                                                         and now Head of Estates at University
                                                                                         of Greenwich. Chris Halliday, who is
                                                                                         Head of Estates at the National Mari-
                                                                                         time Museum, then arranged a tour
                                                                                         of the Queen’s House. The Queen’s
                                                                                         House, Greenwich, was commissioned
                                                                                         by Anne of Denmark, wife of James I
                                                                                         (reigned 1603–1625). James was often
                                                                                         at the Tudor Palace of Greenwich,
                                                                                         where the Old Royal Naval College
                                                                                         now stands—it was as important a
                                                                                         residence of the early Stuart dynasty
                                                                                         as it had been for the Tudors. Tradi-
                                                                                         tionally, he is said to have given the
                                                                                         manor of Greenwich to Anne in apol-
                                                                                         ogy for having sworn at her in public,
                                                                                         after she accidentally shot one of his
                                                                                         favorite dogs while hunting in 1614.
                                                                                            Next, everyone hiked up to the
Dan Davies and Mark De Mairo gaze at the Rosetta Stone during the conference’s opening   Royal Observatory, home of Greenwich
ceremonies.                                                                              Mean Time and the Prime Meridian,

institutions. Following welcoming
                                                                                          comments by Stephen Gill, Director
                                                                                          of Visitor and Building Services, we
                                                                                          heard presentations by Craig Little
                                                                                          (Gardiner & Theobald LLP), Rob Potts
                                                                                          & Jonathan Pearson (Norland Managed
                                                                                          Services), and Derek Martin, Head of
                                                                                          Building Services. Tony Wilson, Senior
                                                                                          Project Manager, Capital Projects and
                                                                                          Estates, made a presentation on the
                                                                                          Museum’s North-West Development.
                                                                                          Morning tea and a choice of tours
                                                                                          concluded our morning at the British
                                                                                              Guests spent that morning at the
                                                                                          Tower of London, where they had an
                                                                                          opportunity to view the Crown Jewels,
                                                                                          and also to meet the Queen’s personal
                                                                                          jeweler. Guests toured the Tower of
                                                                                          London, and then traveled by coach to
                                                                                          the British Library, where they joined
                                                                                          members for lunch. The British Library
Conference Attendees on the upper deck about to pass under London’s Tower Bridge.         is the national library of the United
                                                                                          Kingdom, and one of the world’s great-
one of the most important historical          visited the Trafalgar Pub, which was
                                                                                          est libraries. It receives a copy of every
scientific sites in the world. It was         the ideal location for a pint or two to
                                                                                          publication produced in the U.K. and
founded by Charles II in 1675 and is,         quench our thirst. This magnificent
                                                                                          Ireland, and collections include 150 mil-
by international decree, the official         Regency-style pub was built in 1837,
                                                                                          lion items, with three million new items
starting point for each new day, year         the year Queen Victoria came to the
                                                                                          incorporated every year. The Library
and millennium (at the stroke of mid-         throne. Durng the mid-nineteenth
                                                                                          houses manuscripts, maps, newspapers,
night, GMT, as measured from the              century this was one of several grand
                                                                                          magazines, prints and drawings, music
Prime Meridian). There, everyone had          Greenwich pubs, which became
                                                                                          scores, and patents. These collections
some free time to walk the Greenwich          famous for their Whitebait Suppers.
                                                                                          require over 625 kilometers of shelves,
Meridian Line and view Harrison’s Time           Dinner on Monday evening was
                                                                                          growing by an additional 12 kilometers
Keepers in the Time and Longitude             aboard the Naticia on our dinner cruise
                                                                                          every year.
Gallery at Flamsteed House. The laser,        back to London. What a wonderful
                                                                                              During the afternoon, following a
series of clocks and line markings            evening on the Thames with great
                                                                                          welcome by Steve Morris, Director of
indicate zero degrees longitude for           food, beautiful views of the city lights,
                                                                                          Finance & Corporate Services, members
our planet. We were then seated in            and presentations from John DeLucy
                                                                                          heard presentations on the theme of
the Peter Harrison Planetarium for            and our Sponsors for the evening.
                                                                                          Capital Projects by John DeLucy, Head
a welcome by Dr. Kevin Fewster,               Many thanks to EMCOR Facilities
                                                                                          of Estates and Facilities (Introduction to
Director of the National Maritime             Services Ltd. who sponsored the
                                                                                          the Additional Storage Building); Mark
Museum, and then a live show in the           evening dinner cruise.
                                                                                          Blake and Paul Terry (Capita Symonds),
planetarium entitled “Sky Tonight” by            A quick night’s rest brought us to
                                                                                          and Harry Wanless, Property & Con-
Astronomer Dr. Claire Bretherton. We          Day Two of the official proceedings,
                                                                                          struction Project Manager (Lessons
heard daunting facts about our universe       with events beginning at the British
                                                                                          Learnt from Construction of BL Centre
as we leaned back and gazed upward            Museum. The theme for the morning
                                                                                          for Conservation). Members then toured
while the night sky generated in the          presentations was Maximizing Per-
                                                                                          the Library’s new Conservation Centre,
dome above us brought in focus the            formance and Continuous Improve-
                                                                                          and conducted the annual IAMFA
planets, constellations, and galaxies         ment through Contract Specifications.
                                                                                          Business Meeting.
like we had never seen them before.           Several presentations by members and
                                                                                              During the business meeting,
   After the show the entire group            sponsors outlined criteria in contracts
                                                                                          John DeLucy was elected to serve as
“nipped” back to the Thames River             that can have a significant impact on
                                                                                          our IAMFA President following Guy
to sample one of England’s greatest           the performance of contractors engaged
traditions, namely the English Pub. We        to provide care and cleanliness for our                        continued on page 14

The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London — continued from page 13

Larocque’s two terms as President.            tion, before ending the afternoon at       guests “shopped London”. The Natural
John Castle from the Winterthur               the Orangery.                              History Museum is one of the world’s
Museum was elected VP, Regional                  On Tuesday evening, members and         finest and largest museums of natural
Affairs, filling John DeLucy’s open           guests had an opportunity to explore       history, with hundreds of exhibits
board position. All board members             London’s nightlife, while the IAMFA        ranging from the volcano experience
addressed the membership providing a          board met to further discuss the busi-     to the dinosaurs exhibition, creepy-
state of affairs of IAMFA with regard to      ness of the organization. Spouses and      crawlies exhibition, blue whale, earths
financial status, membership, Papyrus,        guests joined the board for a late         treasury, and central hall, with its
the website, goals and objectives, and        dinner at St. Pancras Station. Nancy       Victorian architecture and dinosaur
strategies and tactics for the near future.   Bechtol from the Smithsonian joined        skeleton. The Museum is home to life
   Dan Davies, of the National Zoo in         the board, assuming the role of host for   and earth science specimens com-
Washington, D.C., gave members an             next year’s annual conference in D.C.,     prising some 70 million items within
overview of the progress in planning          and Joe Brennan from the San Francisco     five main collections: Botany, Ento-
next year’s annual conference in              Museum of Modern Art also joined the       mology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology
Washington. The D.C. organizing               meeting as he will assume the role of      and Zoology. The museum is a world-
committee is going to have a “hard            conference host in 2010. Although we       renowned centre of research, special-
act” to follow, but preliminary plans         say farewell to Guy Larocque as our        izing in taxonomy, identification and
are spectacular. Please stay tuned to         outgoing President, Guy has graciously     conservation. Given the age of the insti-
Papyrus and for details.            agreed to continue in his role as Chair    tution, many of the collections have
Next year is sure to be another               of the International Membership Com-       great historical as well as scientific
amazing annual conference.                    mittee, further developing our asso-       value, such as specimens collected
   Guests traveled Tuesday afternoon          ciation with the International Council     by Charles Darwin.
to Kensington Palace, where they visited      of Museums (ICOM), and IAMFA’s very           Members were greeted at the
the Gardens, the Last Debutantes Exhi-        specific goal of growing international     Museum by the Director Dr. Michael
bition, the State Apartments, a tour of       membership through that affiliation.       Dixon, and heard presentations on the
the Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection            On Wednesday, members met at            theme of Sustainability. Presentations
and Diana’s Fashion and Style Exhibi-         the Natural History Museum, while          were made by Simon Tileard (London

Board Members and guests, following the Board dinner at St. Pancras Station.

Climate Change Agency, Sustainability          more breathtaking. Many of the mem-            Oxygen” Automated Storage Facility in
Policy for London, and Combined                bers arrived at this year’s gala wearing       Boston Spa. This facility is one of rela-
Heat and Power and the New Energy              dinner jackets, adding to splendor of          tively few in the world with a reduced
Centre); Nick Ray (Cynegin, The                the evening. After a wonderful dinner          oxygen atmosphere to proactively
Carbon Reduction Master Plan, and              and selection of regional wines, we            eliminate the risk of fire, instead of a
Invest to Save Initiative); Richard            heard presentations from John DeLucy           conventional reactive sprinkler system
Shennan (Fulcrum Consulting, Darwin            beginning his term as IAMFA President;         to extinguish a fire once it starts. Con-
Centre 2 Presentation), and David              Guy Larocque, our Past President; Jim          structed alongside the Library’s existing
Sanders, Director of Estates at the            Moisson, Derek Martin, and others              buildings in Boston Spa, this facility
Natural History Museum (What Do                including the evening’s sponsor,               will provide additional storage capa-
I Do?).                                        Norland Managed Services. Norland              city for seven million items from the
   Guests joined members for lunch,            graciously sponsored this year’s gala,         U.K. national collection, which is cur-
then toured the Natural History Museum,        and also made a contribution offsetting        rently expanding at a rate of 12 kilo-
the Victoria and Albert Museum, or the         the greenhouse gases created by mem-           meters of linear shelf space per year.
Science Museum. Following lunch,               bers and guests attending this year’s          The fully automated facility will house
members chose from a selection of              conference. At evening’s end, we also          low- and medium-use items from the
arranged tours, then had free time to          caught a glimpse of next year’s orga-          Library’s immense collections of books
look around the Museum prior to                nizers as they continue to plan next           and journals, helping the Library to
heading back to the Hotel Russell.             year’s Washington, D.C. conference.            meet its storage requirements over the
   A little time to rest, and then it was      The 2008 IAMFA Gala was truly an               next decade, while also providing a
time to get dressed for the IAMFA Gala,        unforgettable evening!                         storage environment that is superior to
held this year in the Earth Galleries             The final day of the 2008 IAMFA             some of the premises currently in use.
Atrium at the Natural History Museum.          Conference began with a walk to                   A guided tour and presentations
   This year’s conference gala was held        King’s Cross Station, where members            at key locations in the new facility
in a stunning venue with lighting and          and guests boarded a train to York for         explained major operating processes
surroundings that couldn’t have been           a visit to British Library’s new “Low                               continued on page 16

Conference Attendees in the Earth Galleries Atrium of the Natural History Museum at the beginning of Gala Night.

The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA
Conference in London — continued
from page 15
                                            IAMFA Board of Directors              Regional Chapters

and unique characteristics of the new       President                             Atlanta, USA
facility. Following the tour, members       John de Lucy                          Kevin Streiter, High Museum of Art
rejoined guests in the city center of       The British Library
York for lunch at the Merchant              London, United Kingdom                Australia
Adventurer’s Hall.                                     Dean Marshall, National Gallery
   The Merchant Adventurer’s Hall is                                              of Australia
the largest timber-framed building in
the city of York. Founded in 1357 as        V.P., Administration                  Bilbao, Spain
                                            Richard Kowalczyk                     Rogelio Diez, Guggenheim Museum
a religious institution known as the
                                            Smithsonian Institution
Guild of Our Lord and the Blessed
                                            Washington, D.C., USA
Virgin, the Hall was later taken over by                                          Chicago, USA
the Merchant Adventurer’s Company,                                                William Caddick, Art Institute of
which controlled foreign trade in the                                             Chicago
city. They were first given a Royal         V.P., Regional Affairs
Charter by King Edward III. The four-       John Castle                           Hawaii, USA
teenth-century great hall, undercroft       Winterthur Museum,                    Robert White, Honolulu Academy
                                            Garden and Library                    of Arts
and fifteenth-century chapel are all
open to the public and display the          Winterthur DE, USA
history of the Company, along with                Los Angeles, USA
                                                                                  Joe May
their collection of silver and portraits
of local benefactors.                       Treasurer
   After lunch, the train ride back                                               New England, USA
                                            Jim Moisson
                                                                                  John H. Lannon, Boston Athenaeum
to London was a perfect opportunity         Harvard University Art Museums
to reflect on a very busy week with         Cambridge, MA, USA
so many memorable events and                   New York, USA
                                                                                  Mark Demairo, Neue Galerie
activities. This has to be one of the
most memorable conferences in our
                                            Secretary and Papyrus Editor          New Zealand
organization’s history.
                                            Joseph May                            Patricia Morgan, Auckland Art
   I would like to finish by again thank-   Sustainability Engineer               Gallery
ing the London Conference organizers        Los Angeles, CA, USA
for all their hard work and hospitality                 Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada
toward all of the IAMFA members and
                                                                                  Ian MacLean, Canada Science and
guests who were fortunate to have                                                 Technology Museum Corporation
experienced the 2008 IAMFA Annual           Chairman — Conference 2009
Conference in London. The only              Nancy Bechtol
                                            Smithsonian Institution               Philadelphia, USA
remaining thought I have is whether                                               Richard Reinert, Philadelphia
                                            Washington, DC, USA
the Washington, D.C. Conference                                                   Museum of Art
organizers will be up to the challenge
of matching the elegance, the learn-                                              San Francisco, USA
ing, the networking opportunities, and      Head of International Affairs         Joe Brennan, San Francisco Museum
professional development witnessed          Guy Larocque                          of Modern Art
this week in London. Somehow, I             The Canadian Museum of Civilization
have a feeling that the members in          Gatineau, Quebec, Canada              United Kingdom
the U.S. Capital will have a few sur-          Bill Jackson, National Library of
prises in store for us next fall at the                                           Scotland, Edinburgh
2009 IAMFA Annual Conference in                        For additional
Washington, D.C.                                    contact information,          Washington/Baltimore, USA
                                                 please visit our website at      Robert Evans, Freer Gallery of Art/
Joe May is the Secretary of IAMFA, and                     Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Editor of Papyrus.

Become a Member of the IAMFA
                              and Get a Friend to Join
On behalf of the membership and Board, we invite you to               Membership Opportunities
join with other museums and cultural organizations through-
out the world in becoming a member of the only organization           Join the IAMFA at any of the following levels and enjoy full
exclusively devoted to museum and cultural facility admin-            benefits of membership:
istrators: the International Association of Museum Facility           Regular Member — $150 annually. A regular member
Administrators (IAMFA). As a member, you will join a growing          holds the position of principal administration in direct
list of museum and cultural facility administrators in their          charge of the management of facilities, and represents their
efforts to provide a standard of excellence and quality in            institution(s) as a member of the association.
planning, development and design, construction, operation
and maintenance of cultural facilities of all sizes and varieties     Associate Member — $50 annually. An associate member
of programming.                                                       is a full-time facilities management employee (professional,
    The Association currently has representation in several           administrative or supervisor), below the level of the facility
countries on three continents. Our goal is to increase                administrator of the member association.
membership in institutions throughout the world.                      Affiliate Member — $50 annually. An affiliate member is
    Your involvement in the IAMFA will continue the growth            any full-time employee of a member institution who is not
of the organization and provide you with excellent educational        directly involved in the facilities management department.
and networking opportunities. As your colleagues, we look
forward to welcoming you to membership in the IAMFA.                  Subscribing Member — $300 annually. A subscribing
                                                                      member is an individual, organization, manufacturer of
Cordially yours,                                                      supplier of goods services to the institutions who ascribes
The Board of the International Association                            to the policies and programmes of the Association, and
of Museum Facility Administrators                                     wishes to support the activities of the Association.

                      Send in your membership dues by using the convenient form below.
           Membership payments and conference registration can also be made online at
                               Don’t forget to make a copy to give to a colleague.

                  YES! I would like to join the IAMFA as a:
                                                                                                  Ⅺ I am interested in joining.
                  Ⅺ Regular Member        $150           Ⅺ Associate Member         $ 50            Please have a member
                  Ⅺ Affiliate Member      $ 50           Ⅺ Subscribing Member       $300            contact me.

    Institution: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name: ______________________________________________________________________________     Title: ________________________________

    Address: ____________________________________________________________________________    City: _________________________________

    State/Province: _______________________      Zip/Postal Code: _______________________    Country:_____________________________

    Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________   E-mail: ______________________________

    ALL FEES ARE PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS                             Please remit to:
                                                                     International Association of Museum Facility Administrators
    Ⅺ I enclose a check in the amount of $ ____________________      P.O. Box 277
                                                                     Groton, MA 01450, USA
    Ⅺ Please invoice me

London — The 18th An

nual IAMFA Conference

Boiler Replacement at the
                     Natural History Museum in London
                                                       By Glynnan Barham

When it was recognised by the Natural
History Museum (NHM) that its boiler
system would require major overhaul
or replacement, several options were
   To find the necessary technical solu-
tion, together with innovative financial
options, the NHM asked Cynergin
Consultants to invite energy service
companies to tender for a 1,400 kWe
CHP engine, and to provide alternative
solutions, including conversion from
medium-pressure hot water to low-
pressure hot water and absorption coo-
ling. Vital Energi was selected for its
experience operating several successful
plants in Denmark, where CHP has
become an accepted part of the land-
scape. Vital Energi proposed the use of
a tri-generation (heating, cooling and      Figure 1
power) plant, which would address the
issue of heat loads in summer, while        refurbishment of the boiler system to      of the purchasing of the CHP and
also meeting an increased demand for        be invested back into the Museum.          absorption chillers. Further improve-
cooling from the newly constructed             Vital Energi invested £3.5 million      ments to the Museum’s infrastructure
Darwin Centre. The whole concept be-        into the project; this included the cost   were required in order to enable it to
hind the design illustrated a clear move
towards reduction in carbon emissions
and increased energy efficiency.
   Tri-generation systems offer the envi-
ronmental benefit of reducing green-
house gas emissions resulting from
the energy we consume. Usual power
station efficiency is around 35–45%,
depending on fuel source and station
type—as compared to tri-generation
plants, which typically achieve an
overall efficiency of around 80-85%.

The Investment
Vital Energi ultimately further refined
their design and installed a CHP rated
at 1,800kWe, along with taking respon-
sibility for designing, building, financ-
ing and operating the equipment for
15 years. This allowed the £3 million
that the Museum had set aside for           Figure 2

accommodate the new scheme. A new            Museum would save £579,000 annually        Conclusions and Future
chilled water circuit had to be installed    over the course of the 15-year contract,   Prospects
to link the existing localised cooling       with savings above this minimum
                                                                                        The Museum is benefiting from a low-
system at the NHM to the energy centre.      subject to a profit-sharing scheme.
                                                                                        risk agreement that guarantees con-
The practicalities of installing this over      Recent readings from the tri-gener-     siderable annual financial savings over
a 1,000-metre network caused prob-           ation CHP plant at the NHM have shown      the lifetime of the project, with no
lems, but these were mitigated by their      that it is achieving 80–85% efficiency.    initial investment. The CHP has also
incorporation into other new develop-        This has meant that, over the first year   reduced the annual carbon dioxide
ments on site. Throughout the installa-      alone, the CHP plant has reduced NHM       emissions of the NHM by providing
tion process, two of the existing boilers    carbon emissions by 1,500 tonnes.          our energy more efficiently.
were preserved to maintain heating              Introduction of the CHP plant has
levels at the NHM: a requirement             also reduced the level of risk at the      Glynnan Barham is Energy &
for the adequate preservation of             NHM. The previous system delivered         Emissions Manager at the Natural
the Museum’s collections.                    heat at medium pressure, required a        History Museum in London,
                                             four-man team to maintain, and was         England. He can be reached at
Savings                                      subject to statutory inspections. The      020 7942 5396.
As part of its agreement with the            conversion to a low-pressure system
NHM, Vital Energi guaranteed that the        has reduced these risks and costs.

Figure 3

Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008
Papyrus Winter 2008

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Papyrus Winter 2008

  • 1. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F M U S E U M FA C I L I T Y A D M I N I S T R AT O R S VOLUME 9 NUMBER 3 PAPYRUS FALL/WINTER 2008–2009 Earth Gallery at the Natural History Museum in London. See page 11 for more on the 18th Annual IAMFA Conference. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Washington is Worth the Wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London . . . . . . . . 11 Letter from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Boiler Replacement at the Natural History Museum Message from the President / Mot du président / in London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mensaje del Presidente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Regional Updates and Member News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 National Museums Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The National Portrait Gallery: A Plant Replacement Strategy . . . 25 Urban Bird Control: A Green Alternative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 IAMFA Members Directory 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
  • 2. Washington is Worth the Wait By Dan Davies Washington is worth the wait. What wait? Your next Annual IAMFA Con- ference will be held November 1–4, 2009, in Washington, D.C.—a full 131/ 2 months after the London Conference, and just about eight full years since the last D.C. conference. The conference committee is working hard to prepare a program that you will not want to miss. We have learned a lot from our London, Ottawa and Los Angeles predecessors, and we are planning a unique and dynamic experience. When you last came to D.C. for an IAMFA Conference, the Newseum had Smithsonian Castle not yet moved to Pennsylvania Avenue, next door to the Canadian Embassy. You visited the Old Patent Office Build- the Gala Dinner at the National Gallery hosted by Alan Dirican and the ing housing the National Portrait Gallery of Art was the pièce de résistance. That Baltimore Museum of Art. Members and the Smithsonian American Art bit of history may conjure up dozens will get there early in the morning by Museum, which had been closed for of memories from your last trip to motor coach, and guests will follow renovations, with demolition well Washington, if you were among the an hour or two later. We’ll all return to underway. The new National Museum lucky ones to attend IAMFA D.C. 2001. D.C. from Baltimore after dark. There- of the American Indian had not yet Let’s look forward, now, to November. after, buses will be rare. We’ll do a lot broken ground on the National Mall, Much has changed in the Nation’s of walking and—if the weather turns and the Udvar Hazy Center in the Capital. The Capitol Building has a new sour—we’ll use the Metro the way we shadow of Dulles Airport had not yet $600-million visitor center—yes, it is used the Tube in London, but there will opened to rave reviews. George Bush on the agenda. Udvar Hazy and the always be alternatives for those who was President of the United States, Museum of the American Indian both need assistance. Many of our venues dealing with the aftermath of terrorist open. Renovations have been com- are within fifteen scenic square blocks attacks on New York City and on the pleted at the National Archives Building, along Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Pentagon, just across the Potomac and at The Old Patent Office Building, America’s Main Street. Easy walking, River from Washington’s Lincoln and now renamed the Donald W. Reynolds and great sightseeing. As always, the Jefferson Memorials. Marla Chanon Center for American Art and Portraiture. continued on page 3 Tobar hosted us at Meridien House, and Barack Obama will be sitting in the White House, tackling issues from war to the economy to stem cells. New leadership abounds, with a new President at IAMFA, John De Lucy, and a new Secretary at the Smithsonian, Wayne Clough. Nancy Bechtol, Com- mittee Chair, and Tiffany Myers, her dedicated Administrative Specialist, are honing a program second to none. You will be educated and entertained, informed and inspired—in short, you will be amazed. The program starts off on Sunday with the now-customary Benchmarking Baltimore Museum of Art Workshop led by Keith McClanahan, National Museum of the American Indian 2
  • 3. Letter from the Editor Joe May — Editor, Papyrus Greetings from Los Angeles! Despite the economic troubles, it’s As I write this letter, it is the week after interesting to note that the world’s cul- IAMFA/ Papyrus the U.S. holiday called Thanksgiving. tural institutions are probably the best FALL/WINTER 2008–2009 Many of our international members example of how we can sustain our- Editor have heard of this American and selves during troubled times. Our cul- Joe May Canadian holiday: a day originally set tural institutions are filled with artifacts Papyrus Correspondents aside to give thanks for the harvest. that are hundreds and thousands of Glynnan Barham Today, we all celebrate this holiday years old. These artifacts have sur- Joe Brennan vived countless challenges, and still John Crane with a broader meaning, giving thanks Dan Davies for everything that we have in our lives. they emerge intact. My hope is that all John De Lucy This year has been a very difficult those who read this edition of Papyrus André Kirouac have a wonderful year-end, and emerge Guy Larocque one for many people around the world. Joe May Economies have suffered; many have in 2009 stronger, healthier, and happier Dean Marshall lost their jobs; many have lost a signif- as we begin a fresh new year. Jim Moisson icant portion of their savings and retire- I would like to finish by thanking all Patricia Morgan of you who contributed to this edition Jane Pangborn ment accounts as the world’s markets Allan Tyrrell have tumbled to levels that no one ever of Papyrus. Your imagination and the Stacey Wittig thought were possible. As we close in new ideas that you share through Design and Layout on the year’s end, we see a glimmer Papyrus are shaping how twenty-first- Phredd Grafix of hope that the worst is over. We century cultural institutions emerge. Translation hope that next year will bring new Joe May Dominique Fortier (French) opportunities for all. Editor Jeanne Pascal (Spanish) Editing Artistic License (English) Fernando Pascal (Spanish) Washington is Worth the Wait — continued from page 2 Printed in the U.S.A. by Guest Program will be so spectacular in Manassas, Virginia. So, your calen- Lake Litho that members will be enticed to play dar should already be marked and ISSN 1682-5241 hooky from the regular program! Mem- your travel plans penciled-in, making bers’ days will be full, and evenings Washington your destination for will be capped off with the networking IAMFA D.C. 2009, November 1–4. opportunities we have all come to rec- And now, a challenge to you: invite ognize as an IAMFA best practice. We’ll a new attendee from your area to join polish off the conference with a Gala us in D.C. for their first IAMFA Confer- Dinner at the Great Hall of the Library ence. It will be one they—and you— Statements of fact and opinion are made on the responsibility of authors alone and of Congress. will never forget. Watch this space for do not imply an opinion on the part of the editors, officers, or members of IAMFA. The Then, as if we learned a neat new announcements as conference plans editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the right trick in London, we’ll provide an are finalized in the next few months. to accept or to reject any Article or advertisement submitted for publication. optional (but not-to-be-missed) post- While we have made every attempt to ensure conference tour to the new Hazy Air Dan Davies is Facility Manager at the that reproduction rights have been acquired & Space Museum Annex next to National Zoo in Washington, D.C., for the illustrations used in this newsletter, please let us know if we have inadvertently Dulles Airport, and to the new Library and is a former Secretary of IAMFA overlooked your copyright, and we will rectify the matter in a future issue. of Congress collection storage facility and Editor of Papyrus. 3
  • 4. Message from the President Mot du président Mensaje del Presidente John de Lucy President / Président / Presidente, IAMFA Thank you for electing me as your Merci de m’avoir élu président lors de Gracias por elegirme su nuevo Presi- President at our recent Annual General notre récente assemblée générale annu- dente durante la Reunión General Meeting, and for the many “Thank you” elle et pour les nombreux messages Anual y por todos los mensajes espe- messages telling us how much you all de remerciements nous mentionnant à cialmente cuanto disfrutaron todos de enjoyed the London conference—I quel point vous tous avez apprécié le la conferencia en Londres - ! me parece think Merida received more praise than congrès de Londres – je pense que que Merida recibió más elogios que anyone else! Memories of great times Merida a reçu plus d’éloges que qui- nadie! Los recuerdos de momentos abound, and I hope you visit the photo conque! Les souvenirs de bons moments fabulosos abundan y espero que visiten website (details below) to remind your- abondent, et j’espère que vous irez el sitio de Web de fotos (los detalles selves what everyone got up to. The voir les photos sur le site Web (détails están a continuación) para acordarse gala dinner photo certainly looks like ci-dessous) pour vous rappeler ce que de lo que hicieron todos. En la foto everyone was having a good time. Is chacune et chacun a fait de beau. La de la cena de gala se ve que se están Joe Brennan really that tall or is it the photo du souper de gala témoigne à divirtiendo. ¿Es realmente tan alto Joe California sunshine that has made him n’en pas douter que tout le monde a Brennan o lo convirtió en gigante el grow into a giant? eu du plaisir. Est-ce que Joe Brennan sol de California? Many thanks must go to the London est si grand? ou serait-ce plutôt le soleil Hay que agradecerles mucho a los organising committee (British Museum, de Californie qui en aurait fait un géant. miembros del comité organizador de National Gallery, Natural History Mille mercis doivent être adressés Londres (El Museo Británico, la Galería Museum and British Library) who put aux membres du comité organisateur Nacional, el Museo de Historia Natural, on a great show at each of their venues, de Londres (British Museum, National y la Biblioteca Británica) los cuales and contributed to an excellent learn- Gallery, Natural History Museum et realizaron una obra espectacular en ing experience as well as a lot of fun— British Library), qui ont mis sur pied cada uno de sus puntos de encuentro weren’t those Gospel singers at the de merveilleuses activités à chacun de y contribuyeron a una oportunidad British Museum on the Sunday night ces endroits et contribué à une excel- excelente de aprendizaje al igual que opening ceremony just great? The boat lente expérience d’apprentissage assortie una oportunidad de sana diversión – trip to Greenwich to see the Queen’s de beaucoup de plaisir – les chanteurs ¿no eran fabulosos esos cantantes House and the new Royal Observatory de gospel, lors de la cérémonie d’ouver- evangélicos quienes nos acompañaron at the National Maritime Museum, and ture au British Museum, le dimanche durante la ceremonia de apertura en the dinner on the way back, were most soir, n’étaient-ils pas simplement la noche del domingo en el Museo memorable. Everyone stood astride fabuleux? L’excursion en bateau vers Británico? Vale la pena recordarse, el the Meridian Line to be in both the Greenwich pour voir la Queen’s House crucero a Greenwich donde pudimos eastern and western hemispheres at et le nouveau Royal Observatory du ver la Casa de la Reina y el nuevo the same time—we facility managers National Maritime Museum de même Observatorio Real del Museo Marítimo like a challenge! que le repas pris sur le chemin du retour Sitio de Web de fotos de la Reunión General Anual : Annual General Meeting photo Site Web des photos de Website (dirección de Internet): website: l’assemblée générale annuelle : URL: URL : pictures.jsp pictures.jsp pictures.jsp Vayan al “Member Sign in” y escriban: Go to Member Sign in and enter: Aller à Member sign in et entrer Email (dirección de correo de Internet): E-mail: Courriel : Password: IAMFA Mot de passe : IAMFA Pass Word (palabra de clave): IAMFA 4
  • 5. Hopefully it was a seamless confer- sont inoubliables. Chaque personne Nacional y la cena de vuelta. Todo el ence for you all, and you did not notice s’est tenue sur la ligne méridienne, un mundo se paró encima del Meridiano any panic behind the scenes—no mat- pied dans l’hémisphère occidental et de Greenwich para estar en los hemis- ter how much planning goes into the l’autre dans l’hémisphère oriental – ferio este y oeste al mismo tiempo – a two-year preparation, there are always nous, les administrateurs d’installations, nosotros los profesionales de instala- last-minute changes. on aime le défi! ciones nos gustan los retos. Everyone seemed to throw them- On espère que cela a été un congrès Espero que haya sido una confer- selves into having a good time, rene- sans anicroche pour vous et que vous encia sin contratiempos para Ustedes wing friendships and learning—yes, n’avez décelé aucune panique en y esperamos que no se hayan dado it is possible to do both at the same coulisses – peu importe le degré de cuenta de ningun panico tras basti- time—and I know many of you went planification nécessaire à la préparation dores - no importa cuanto se planifica home with good ideas for your own de deux ans, il survient toujours des los dos anos de preparativos, siempre institutions, fully justifying your atten- changements de dernière minute. hay cambios de ultima hora. dance. We were particularly pleased Tout le monde a semblé s’être Me pareció que todo el mundo se that so many people came all the way promis d’avoir du plaisir, de renouer esforzó en disfrutar del aprendizaje y from New Zealand and Australia—five avec des amis et d’apprendre – oui, la renovación de viejas amistades – si in all—it was great meeting you all. c’est possible de faire les deux à la es posible hacer las dos cosas a la vez Nothing to do with Merida being fois –, et je sais que plusieurs d’entre - y se que las buenas ideas que muchos Australian, of course! vous êtes retournés chez vous avec de de Ustedes se llevaron a casa para The optional extra day on Thursday, bonnes idées pour vos propres établis- utilizar en sus propias organizaciones visiting an important new project at sements, ce qui justifie pleinement votre justificaron completamente su partici- the British Library site near York, was participation. Nous nous sommes par- pación. Nos agrado en especial la gran certainly worthwhile (we were delighted ticulièrement réjouis du fait que tant cantidad de participantes que viajaron that over 80 people chose to come)— de personnes soient venues d’aussi desde Nueva Zelanda y Australia – 5 so much so, that Washington plans to loin que d’Australie et de Nouvelle- en total – oigan, fue una gran reunión. do the same with an off-site visit on Zélande – cinq en tout; cela a été un ¡Por supuesto esto no tenia nada que the Thursday after their conference. plaisir de vous rencontrer tous. Rien à ver con el hecho de que Merida fuere As usual, the British weather proved voir, bien sûr, avec le fait que Merida australiana! you sceptics all wrong—no one needed vient d’Australie! Fue valioso el día extra opcional their umbrellas or ponchos—and we La journée supplémentaire du jeudi, el jueves cuando se visito un nuevo provided a week of lovely sunshine offerte en option et qui proposait la proyecto importante de la Biblioteca to top-up your tans. visite d’un nouvel ouvrage important Británica cerca de York (nos encantó The Executive Director of one de la British Library près de York, a que mas de 80 personas eligieran ir). London host told me he had not valu à coup sûr le déplacement (plus Fue tan exitoso que los de Washington realised how large IAMFA was, and de 80 personnes y ont participé, à planean hacer lo mismo con un viaje what illustrious organisations were notre grand plaisir) – à tel point que fuera del punto de encuentro principal members, and he was delighted that Washington projette de faire la même el jueves después de su conferencia. his organisation was represented. It is chose comme visite hors les murs le Como de siempre, el tiempo the support of our own executives to jeudi après le congrès qui s’y tiendra. británico se encargó de demostrar que our membership of this organisation Comme d’habitude, la météo britan- todos Ustedes los escépticos se habían that will enable us to continue to grow. nique a confondu tous les sceptiques – equivocado - nadie necesitó de sus Let’s hope the success of the London personne n’a eu besoin de parapluie paraguas o de abrigos para lluvia – y conference will form the bedrock ni de poncho – et nous avons profité proveemos una semana de sol precioso for yet another superb conference d’une semaine de soleil radieux pour para perfeccionar sus bronceados. gathering in Washington, D.C. on parfaire notre bronzage. Un director ejecutivo de uno de November 1–4, 2009. Le directeur administratif d’un établis- nuestros anfitriones en Londres dijo Going forward, I am keen we sement hôte de Londres m’a confié qu’il que no se había dado cuenta de cuan maintain the high standards we have n’avait pas réalisé l’envergure de l’IAMFA grande era IAMFA y de cuantas orga- already achieved in the three most et quels organismes illustres en étaient nizaciones prestigiosas fueran miem- important aspects of your membership: membres, et il était ravi que le sien bros y que se sentía encantado de que Papyrus, the benchmarking exercise, soit représenté. C’est le soutien de nos su organización fuese representada. Es and the learning and networking oppor- propres dirigeants à nos membres de el apoyo que nuestros propios ejecu- tunities at our annual conference. I am l’organisme qui nous permettra de tivos brindan a nuestra membresía que continued on page 6 suite à la page 6 sigue en la página 6 5
  • 6. Message from the President — Mot du président – Mensaje del Presidente – continued from page 5 suite de la page 5 viene de la página 5 concerned that there are not enough continuer à croître. Espérons que le nos permitirá a crecer. Esperemos que local chapter meetings to encourage succès du congrès de Londres con- el éxito de la conferencia en Londres membership and events in the regions, stituera le fondement d’un autre ras- nos sirva de base para otra conferencia and I hope you will all help John semblement exceptionnel à Washington sobresaliente en Washington del 1 al Castle in his new role on the board, D.C. du 1er au 4 novembre 2009. 4 de Noviembre 2009. by inviting members to tours of your Pour ce qui s’en vient, je tiens à ce Para continuar el camino, me es buildings, and then sending some que nous maintenions la grande qualité esencial que mantengamos las altas photos to Joe May for Papyrus. What que nous avons déjà atteinte en ce qui normas ya logradas en los tres aspectos is so good about our group is the free concerne les trois aspects les plus mas importantes de su membresía – exchange of information, helping each importants de notre adhésion : Papyrus, Papyrus, la Encuesta Anual de Evalu- other solve problems so that we do not l’exercice d’étalonnage ainsi que les ación Comparativa (Benchmarking) y have to reinvent the wheel. Do please occasions d’apprentissage et de réseau- las oportunidades para aprender y e-mail each other more often whenever tage à notre congrès annuel. Cela me desarrollar sus redes de contactos you have a question to solve. préoccupe qu’il n’y ait pas assez de durante la conferencia anual. Me Our membership in ICOM has réunions des sections régionales pour preocupa que no haya suficientes already led to enquiries from Russia, encourager les adhésions et les activités reuniones de los capítulos locales para Ireland and Poland, so hopefully with dans les régions, et j’espère que vous fomentar la membresía y los eventos Guy Larocque now heading up our aiderez tous John Castle dans son regionales y espero que todos le ayuden international relationships, we will nouveau rôle au conseil en invitant les a John Castle en su nuevo papel en la see a growth in new countries joining membres à des visites de vos édifices, Junta a través de invitaciones a otros IAMFA. puis en en faisant parvenir des photos miembros para visitar a sus instalaciones I look forward to seeing you all à Joe May pour Papyrus. Ce qu’il y a y luego que envíen fotos de las visitas again next November at the Washington de bien par rapport à notre groupe, a Joe May para incluir en Papyrus. Lo conference; in the meantime, please c’est l’échange d’information à titre bueno de nuestro grupo es el libre don’t hesitate to contact me, or other gracieux, l’aide apportée aux autres intercambio de información para ayu- members of the IAMFA board and pour résoudre des problèmes de sorte darnos a resolver problemas para que membership with any ideas or concerns qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de réinventer no tengamos que volver a empezar you may have. la roue. N’hésitez pas à courrieller plus de cero siempre. Por favor mándense souvent les uns avec les autres lorsque mensajes a través del Internet más a John de Lucy vous avez besoin d’une réponse à vos menudo cuando tengan una incógnita President of IAMFA questions. para resolver. Notre adhésion à l’ICOM a déjà Nuestra membresía en el Consejo donné lieu à des demandes de ren- Internacional de Museos (ICOM) ya ha seignements provenant de la Russie, traído peticiones para información de de l’Irlande et de la Pologne, alors Rusia, Irlanda y Polonia; estoy seguro souhaitons-le, avec Guy Larocque que con Guy Larocque a cargo de maintenant à la barre de nos relations nuestras relaciones internacionales, internationales, nous verrons une veremos un aumento en el número croissance dans l’adhésion de de nuevos países que se afilien. nouveaux pays à l’IAMFA. Estoy con ganas de volver a verlos a Je me réjouis de vous revoir tous à todos en la conferencia de Washington nouveau en novembre prochain au el próximo noviembre; mientras tanto, congrès de Washington; entre-temps, no duden en ponerse en contacto n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi conmigo, o con otros miembros de la ou avec d’autres membres de l’IAMFA Directiva de IAMFA o con la membresía ou du conseil pour toute question ou en general para manifestar las ideas o idée qui vous viendrait. preocupaciones que les surjan. John de Lucy John de Lucy Président, IAMFA Presidente, IAMFA 6
  • 7. National Museums Liverpool By Ian Williams National Museums Liverpool’s origins date back to 1851 and the founding of Liverpool Museum. In 1986, the Liverpool Museum was given official institutional status, due in part to the outstanding quality of its collections. Its estate currently consists of seven public venues, which together attract over two million visitors each year. These are: • The World Museum Liverpool (founded in 1851, formerly known as the Liverpool Museum) • The Walker Art Gallery (opened in 1877) • The Lady Lever Art Gallery (opened in 1922) • Sudley House (built in the early Artist’s rendering of the proposed Museum of Liverpool. nineteenth century) • The Merseyside Maritime Museum (opened in 1980) public in 2010. The old Museum of during which the team determined that Liverpool Life, with its limited floor the £71-million waterfront building • The National Conservation Centre space, could no longer accommodate posed no threat to the World Heritage (opened in 1996) the more than 300,000 visits a year it Site. Building work began in April • The International Slavery Museum was receiving. With a greater amount 2007 on the site, construction being (opened in 2007) of space, the new museum will be able constrained by three significant issues: to better represent the history of the • The building is located on the site In 2006, the Museum of Liverpool city, and can place Liverpool within a of the previously in-filled historic Life, located on Liverpool’s historic wider British urban context. Manchester Dock, which required waterfront, closed to allow building In November 2006, UNESCO gave significant archaeological investiga- work to start on the new Museum of the all-clear to the Museum of Liverpool tion before work could commence. Liverpool, which will open to the following a special mission to the city, continued on page 8 COURTESY: ENGLIGH HERITAGE MILLS MEDIA Aerial photograph of the Museum of Liverpool under construction, Museum of Liverpool in May 2008. July 2007. 7
  • 8. National Museums Liverpool — continued from page 7 • There is a railway tunnel running • 5,700 m2 of natural Jura stone beneath the site, which required is being used to clad the museum that excavation and construction of which, if laid out flat, would cover the substructure and steelwork had an entire football pitch. to be carefully planned, in order to • 1,500 m2 of glazing will be installed, ensure that the loads in the area over mainly in two large picture windows, the tunnel did not impose unequal one at each end of the building. forces on the structure beneath. These windows will be 8 metres • The site is bounded by three high by 28 metres wide, and will other major construction projects: offer striking views of the Pier Head Profile of limestone cladding panels. a £120 million commercial mixed and the River Mersey use development, the construction • A spectacular atrium, containing a of a £20 million extension to the cultural legacy of 2008: Liverpool’s unique elliptical staircase, will be Leeds-Liverpool canal linking the year as European Capital of Culture. lit by natural light from a skylight North and South dock system, and The Museum is based on a striking in the centre of the building. the re-landscaping of Liverpool’s Pier geometrical design and is clad in natural Head. Co-ordination and co-opera- • The Museum is striving for strong Jura stone. Beneath the surface is a environmental credentials. It will tion between the sites is essential to cutting-edge, complex steel frame that the delivery of each project. feature a rainwater harvesting sys- sits on a cellular concrete raft founda- tem and will be powered by an tion. The steel structure allows the energy centre with a combined Housed in a landmark building at Museum’s largest exhibition spaces— the core of Liverpool’s World Heritage heat and power plant. which are 40 metres long by 28 metres Site, the new Museum will provide wide, to be column-free, ensuring that • Total cost of the project from base 8,000 m 2 of public space across three the galleries and public spaces are build to fit-out is around £71 million. floors, and visitors will have access to maximised. Some construction facts over 6,000 objects that are currently in for the new Museum: To find out more about the new storage, many of which have never Museum of Liverpool project or been on public display before. As a • 20,000 m3 of soil, equivalent to the National Museums Liverpool, please major boost to the Liverpool economy, volume of eight Olympic-sized swim- visit our website at http://www. it is estimated the Museum of Liverpool ming pools, have been excavated will attract more than 750,000 visitors from the site. per year, providing at least 500 con- • The steel frame is constructed with Ian Williams is Director of Estate struction jobs and 73 direct permanent 2,100 tonnes of steel, equivalent to Management at National Museums jobs. It is also a major physical and the steel in 270 double-decker buses. Liverpool. Progress at Museum of Liverpool as of September 2008. Museum of Liverpool by November 2008. 8
  • 9. Urban Bird Control: A Green Alternative By Stacey Wittig Falconry is the Sport of Kings, with history dating back over four thou- sand years. Today, one of the world’s oldest field sports is being used as a green alternative for urban bird control. As a “green” and “natural” method of bird abatement, the emphasis when using raptors is on prevention rather than eradication. This form of pest control minimizes impact on the environment. “The aim of pest control with birds of prey,” says Canadian Trevor Mellish— owner of The Birdman, Nature’s Pest Solution in Vancouver, British Columbia, “is to offer an environmentally sensi- tive option. The intent is basically scare tactics.” A natural, genetically-coded fear instinct is the primary reason for the Falconer Richard Polley and Emu at the British Museum in London. effectiveness of using raptors in bird control. The hunting birds soar over roosting areas and the predator-prey National Gallery on Trafalgar Square, Two Harris hawks and a falcon instincts of the problem birds kick in, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and patrol the ruins and keep the pigeons forcing them to take flight to find safer the British Library. from nesting in the excavated villas roosting areas. “Pigeons are amazingly adaptable, that were buried by the same eruption and netting or using spikes as a deter- that covered Pompeii in A.D. 79. The rent does not always get rid of them,” ancient timbers that survived the inferno A Pigeon-Free, No-Fly Zone explained David Van Vynck in an were being deteriorated by pecking Derek Martin, Head of Building Services interview with London’s Evening pigeons. Italian law prohibits pigeons at the British Museum, uses raptors to Standard. “Hawks work by disturbing from being shot. In Texas, however, it control roosting pigeons at his institu- the pigeon’s pattern of roosting and is a different story. tion. He introduced Emu, a Harris nesting. They make them feel uneasy hawk, as “the youngest member of the and they move on.” Facility Management team” to attendees Bird Abatement sans at the 2008 International Association of Poison or Gunpowder Museum Facility Administrators Annual Herculaneum Hawks In the south-central area of the United Conference this past fall. IAMFA par- Protect Roman Ruins States, Facility Administrators don’t ticipants were welcomed to the steps At the Roman ruins and open-air typically have to contend with pigeons; of the British Museum by the three- museum of Herculaneum just south of however, from October to March— year-old hawk, balanced on the gloved Naples, Italy, museum administrators when migratory cowbirds, starlings arm of falconer Richard Polley. The hired falconers to protect the ancient and grackles fly south for the winter— young raptor works two days a week to ruins from acidic pigeon droppings. their nighttime social roosting behavior keep the British Museum pigeon-free. “Pigeons represent a serious threat to creates problems. Attracted to lit, open Falconer Polley, an employee of the conservation of the area,” reports areas with trees (sound like your park- VanVynck Avian Solutions, explained, their website. “The acidity of their drop- ing lot?), the birds congregate at night. “We use predatory species to displace pings seriously damages the structures “With flocks of over 10,000 birds, you and interrupt the behavioral patterns of and the ancient decorated surfaces. can imagine what parking lots look the pigeons.” VanVynck Avian Solutions, They are also constantly pecking at the like after the night is over,” says fal- which specializes in urban bird manage- wooden beams and the carbonized coner Roger Crandall of Fort Worth, ment, has clients which include the wooden fixtures.” continued on page 10 9
  • 10. Urban Bird Control — continued from page 9 Texas. “Falconry is an excellent method number of suppliers to determine the ers now fly off when the hawks appear for dispersing these huge nighttime best solution to this problem.” and begin staking out their territory. roosts,” he states. Crandall trains Harris Ryan advises other FM adminis- “Birds of prey are very territorial,” hawks to fly at night. “They don’t trators: “Look at all of the bird control explained the falconer, whose hawks naturally fly at night; it is a learned systems available and determine which are “trained specifically for gulls; they’ll behavior.” looks to best suit your application. It chase them right out of the Square.” “This is as green as it gets,” adds the may take a combination of systems to Frankian claims that using raptors Texan, who moved 10,000 nuisance alleviate the problem, as the birds can is “the green and most efficient way” birds from Dallas-Fort Worth Interna- become used to only one system.” to get rid of problem birds, but is it tional Airport terminals and parking lots Reportedly, the plastic device repels effective? “You’ll see quite a reduction with 18 trained raptors, and without most birds, including cockatoos, crows, in numbers. Originally when we got the use of poisons or gunpowder. corellas, starlings, jays, parrots, and there, there were quite a few thousand. mynahs. The only birds with which Now it’s dropped to under a couple A Visual Deterrent 100% results have not been achieved hundred. When the systems are full are the resilient house sparrow and up and operational, you’ll see less Down Under the crane. than ten or 12 birds running around.” Since it is currently illegal to practice Although its roots are in medieval falconry in Australia and Tasmania, Causing a Flap in Toronto history, using raptors for urban bird full-size replicas of hovering hawks control may be the next green initiative made of weatherproof plastic are used. As Ryan warns, a singular method of for FM administrators in this new The National Museum of Australia’s bird abatement does not always work. century. The IAMFA Benchmarking problem with seagulls fouling the sides In Toronto, Canada, hawk handler Steering Committee is considering of their glass building was solved by Dan Frankian adds hunting dogs to adding questions on “Green Initiatives” installing an imitation hawk and playing the formula when using hawks to to the 2009 Benchmark Survey. If you a recording of seagull distress calls. disperse Canadian Geese. “Our permit have recommendations, please call “The program has been reasonably says ‘scare only’,” reports Frankian, Stacey Wittig at 001-928-255-4943. successful,” reports John Ryan, Manager of Hawkeye Bird Control, in a recent of Facilities and Risk Management at CBC radio interview. For more information: the Museum. “We play the ‘seagull in The City of Toronto hired Hawkeye Roger Crandall distress’ call intermittently, because Bird Control to clean up Nathan Phillips Fort Worth, TX USA if you play it continuously the birds Square, a lively public gathering place Tel.: 1 817 238-8644 become used to it and start to ignore located in front of Toronto City Hall. it. The hawk is a kite on a pole, similar French-fry-toting tourists were “literally The Hawk Bird Scarer to those used to keep birds away from overwhelmed and attacked by gulls,” P.O. Box 36, Morpeth NSW Australia 2321 fruit trees. The FM staff spoke to a said Frankian. Gulls pestering picnick- Tel.: 02 4934 8330 GEORGE SERRAS, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA Hawkeye Bird Control Inc. RR#4 — 11255 Highway #25 Halton Hills Ontario, L7J 2M1 Canada Tel.: 1 416-HAWKEYE VanVynck Avian Solutions Fort Road, Tilbury Essex RM18 7ND UK Tel.: 44(0) 800 731 7462 Stacey Wittig is the Marketing Director for Facility Issues. For FREE infor - mation on how benchmarking can improve your FM organization go to Registration for the 2009 IAMFA Benchmark survey The National Museum of Australia in Canberra. is now open. 10
  • 11. The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London A Week of Culture, Reunion, Professional Development, Networking, and the Ultimate Demonstration of Hospitality By Joe May The 18th annual conference of the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators was held in London, England from September 14 to 18, 2008, and what an amazing event it was. The origins of London date back to an original Roman settlement in A.D. 46, and it is now the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. No wonder that London, with its nearly two thousand years of history, captured the attention of IAMFA conference attendees with such distinction. Let me begin by expressing gratitude to all of the conference organizers: John de Lucy, British Library Harry Wanless, British Library Merida Fitzgerald, British Library Participants in the 2008 benchmarking workshop. David Sanders, Natural History Museum contributed to the intellectual content Emcor Facilities Services Ltd. Michael Gainey, Natural History and financial support of the conference. (Facilities Management Services) Museum It is important to mention that member Norland Managed Services Ltd. Bill Jackson, National Library of and guest conference fees cover just (Facilities Management Services) Scotland a portion of the conference’s total Stephen Gill, British Museum expenses. The generous support of As in prior years, Day One (Sunday) Derek Martin, British Museum sponsors allowed the organizing com- was the benchmarking conference for Philippa Edwards, British Museum mittee to incorporate the spectacular a record 60 participants in the annual Steve Vandyke, National Gallery venues, trips, and meals we all benchmarking exercise. The bench- Charles Ross, National Gallery enjoyed during this year’s conference. marking exercise is coordinated by Sponsors for this year’s annual Facilities Issues Inc., and led by Keith I know how much time these indi- conference were: McClanahan. The list of participants viduals spent planning the conference has grown by 65% over the past two over the last two years. Welcome to Black and McDonald Ltd. (Building years, and continues to be a corner- the fraternity of past IAMFA confer- Service & Maintenance) stone of the IAMFA organization. This ence hosts! Everyone knows how much Capita Symonds (Project & Cost growth in participation is evidence that you did to make this one of the truly Management) IAMFA members are sharing knowledge great conferences our organization has Gardiner & Theobald LLP gained from operating their individual ever held. (Construction & Property institutions—just as envisioned ten years This year’s conference was attended Consultants) ago when the annual benchmarking by a record 146 members and guests, Camfil Ltd. (Energy Efficiency Air exercise began. not including the many sponsors that Filtration Solutions) continued on page 12 11
  • 12. The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London — continued from page 11 Day One wrapped up on Sunday Monday morning brought the start tion Tools for Environmental Data evening with the opening ceremonies of the IAMFA Conference, beginning used at the National Gallery); Keith for the conference at the British with a Tube ride to Leicester Square, McClanahan, President of Facilities Museum. The British Museum is a and a short walk to Trafalgar Square Issues (2008 IAMFA Benchmarking museum of human history and culture and the National Gallery. The National Summary); Steve Vandyke, Head Tech- dating back to 1753, with more than Gallery houses one of the finest collec- nical Services (Chiller Plant Develop- seven million objects in collections tions of Western European paintings in ment at the National Gallery), and that are amongst the largest and most the world, all belonging to the British Howard Hall of Andrew Reid and comprehensive of their kind in the public. Founded in 1824, it houses a Partners (Environmental & Engineer- world, documenting the story of human rich collection of over 2,300 paintings ing System Audits & Improvements culture from its beginnings to the pre- dating from the mid-thirteenth century at the National Gallery). Before lunch, sent day. Our evening at the British to 1900 in its home on Trafalgar Square. the group chose between tours of the Museum included a wonderful combi- The façade by William Wilkins is the chillers, ETFE roofs, the East Wing nation of welcoming speeches by our only part of his original building from Project completed in 2006, or a tour hosts and organization leaders, and 1832–1838 that remains essentially un- of the collections. refreshments of canapés and cocktails. changed, as the structure as a whole has Guests of conference attendees spent What an amazing evening it was, been altered and expanded throughout Monday morning touring the city by greeting old friends and meeting so its history. coach, then joined IAMFA members many new members. The atmosphere The theme for the first official day at the National Gallery for lunch. after dark was elegant in the British of the conference was Energy Perfor- Following lunch, everyone walked Museum as we assembled in the King’s mance and Performance Audits. Fol- from Trafalgar Square to Westminster Library, then browsed at our leisure in lowing opening remarks by Nicholas Pier on the banks of the Thames the Great Hall and Gallery 4, which Penny, Director of the National Gallery, River, and boarded a riverboat for the displayed such exhibits as the Rosetta attendees heard presentations by Laura one-hour cruise to Greenwich. Many Stone and Elgin Marbles. MacDonald, Facilities Manager (Moni- thanks to Chris Ecob, and Camfil Ltd., Many thanks go to our hosts and toring and Targeting, Deviation Report- who sponsored the river cruise to the evening’s sponsor, Gardiner and ing, Sub-metering); Joe Padfield, Senior Greenwich. Theobald LLP. Scientific Officer (Web Based Presenta- Upon arrival at Greenwich, it was just a short walk to the largest mari- time museum in the world, where the entire group heard remarks by Peter Fotheringham, past president of IAMFA, and now Head of Estates at University of Greenwich. Chris Halliday, who is Head of Estates at the National Mari- time Museum, then arranged a tour of the Queen’s House. The Queen’s House, Greenwich, was commissioned by Anne of Denmark, wife of James I (reigned 1603–1625). James was often at the Tudor Palace of Greenwich, where the Old Royal Naval College now stands—it was as important a residence of the early Stuart dynasty as it had been for the Tudors. Tradi- tionally, he is said to have given the manor of Greenwich to Anne in apol- ogy for having sworn at her in public, after she accidentally shot one of his favorite dogs while hunting in 1614. Next, everyone hiked up to the Dan Davies and Mark De Mairo gaze at the Rosetta Stone during the conference’s opening Royal Observatory, home of Greenwich ceremonies. Mean Time and the Prime Meridian, 12
  • 13. institutions. Following welcoming comments by Stephen Gill, Director of Visitor and Building Services, we heard presentations by Craig Little (Gardiner & Theobald LLP), Rob Potts & Jonathan Pearson (Norland Managed Services), and Derek Martin, Head of Building Services. Tony Wilson, Senior Project Manager, Capital Projects and Estates, made a presentation on the Museum’s North-West Development. Morning tea and a choice of tours concluded our morning at the British Museum. Guests spent that morning at the Tower of London, where they had an opportunity to view the Crown Jewels, and also to meet the Queen’s personal jeweler. Guests toured the Tower of London, and then traveled by coach to the British Library, where they joined members for lunch. The British Library Conference Attendees on the upper deck about to pass under London’s Tower Bridge. is the national library of the United Kingdom, and one of the world’s great- one of the most important historical visited the Trafalgar Pub, which was est libraries. It receives a copy of every scientific sites in the world. It was the ideal location for a pint or two to publication produced in the U.K. and founded by Charles II in 1675 and is, quench our thirst. This magnificent Ireland, and collections include 150 mil- by international decree, the official Regency-style pub was built in 1837, lion items, with three million new items starting point for each new day, year the year Queen Victoria came to the incorporated every year. The Library and millennium (at the stroke of mid- throne. Durng the mid-nineteenth houses manuscripts, maps, newspapers, night, GMT, as measured from the century this was one of several grand magazines, prints and drawings, music Prime Meridian). There, everyone had Greenwich pubs, which became scores, and patents. These collections some free time to walk the Greenwich famous for their Whitebait Suppers. require over 625 kilometers of shelves, Meridian Line and view Harrison’s Time Dinner on Monday evening was growing by an additional 12 kilometers Keepers in the Time and Longitude aboard the Naticia on our dinner cruise every year. Gallery at Flamsteed House. The laser, back to London. What a wonderful During the afternoon, following a series of clocks and line markings evening on the Thames with great welcome by Steve Morris, Director of indicate zero degrees longitude for food, beautiful views of the city lights, Finance & Corporate Services, members our planet. We were then seated in and presentations from John DeLucy heard presentations on the theme of the Peter Harrison Planetarium for and our Sponsors for the evening. Capital Projects by John DeLucy, Head a welcome by Dr. Kevin Fewster, Many thanks to EMCOR Facilities of Estates and Facilities (Introduction to Director of the National Maritime Services Ltd. who sponsored the the Additional Storage Building); Mark Museum, and then a live show in the evening dinner cruise. Blake and Paul Terry (Capita Symonds), planetarium entitled “Sky Tonight” by A quick night’s rest brought us to and Harry Wanless, Property & Con- Astronomer Dr. Claire Bretherton. We Day Two of the official proceedings, struction Project Manager (Lessons heard daunting facts about our universe with events beginning at the British Learnt from Construction of BL Centre as we leaned back and gazed upward Museum. The theme for the morning for Conservation). Members then toured while the night sky generated in the presentations was Maximizing Per- the Library’s new Conservation Centre, dome above us brought in focus the formance and Continuous Improve- and conducted the annual IAMFA planets, constellations, and galaxies ment through Contract Specifications. Business Meeting. like we had never seen them before. Several presentations by members and During the business meeting, After the show the entire group sponsors outlined criteria in contracts John DeLucy was elected to serve as “nipped” back to the Thames River that can have a significant impact on our IAMFA President following Guy to sample one of England’s greatest the performance of contractors engaged traditions, namely the English Pub. We to provide care and cleanliness for our continued on page 14 13
  • 14. The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London — continued from page 13 Larocque’s two terms as President. tion, before ending the afternoon at guests “shopped London”. The Natural John Castle from the Winterthur the Orangery. History Museum is one of the world’s Museum was elected VP, Regional On Tuesday evening, members and finest and largest museums of natural Affairs, filling John DeLucy’s open guests had an opportunity to explore history, with hundreds of exhibits board position. All board members London’s nightlife, while the IAMFA ranging from the volcano experience addressed the membership providing a board met to further discuss the busi- to the dinosaurs exhibition, creepy- state of affairs of IAMFA with regard to ness of the organization. Spouses and crawlies exhibition, blue whale, earths financial status, membership, Papyrus, guests joined the board for a late treasury, and central hall, with its the website, goals and objectives, and dinner at St. Pancras Station. Nancy Victorian architecture and dinosaur strategies and tactics for the near future. Bechtol from the Smithsonian joined skeleton. The Museum is home to life Dan Davies, of the National Zoo in the board, assuming the role of host for and earth science specimens com- Washington, D.C., gave members an next year’s annual conference in D.C., prising some 70 million items within overview of the progress in planning and Joe Brennan from the San Francisco five main collections: Botany, Ento- next year’s annual conference in Museum of Modern Art also joined the mology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology Washington. The D.C. organizing meeting as he will assume the role of and Zoology. The museum is a world- committee is going to have a “hard conference host in 2010. Although we renowned centre of research, special- act” to follow, but preliminary plans say farewell to Guy Larocque as our izing in taxonomy, identification and are spectacular. Please stay tuned to outgoing President, Guy has graciously conservation. Given the age of the insti- Papyrus and for details. agreed to continue in his role as Chair tution, many of the collections have Next year is sure to be another of the International Membership Com- great historical as well as scientific amazing annual conference. mittee, further developing our asso- value, such as specimens collected Guests traveled Tuesday afternoon ciation with the International Council by Charles Darwin. to Kensington Palace, where they visited of Museums (ICOM), and IAMFA’s very Members were greeted at the the Gardens, the Last Debutantes Exhi- specific goal of growing international Museum by the Director Dr. Michael bition, the State Apartments, a tour of membership through that affiliation. Dixon, and heard presentations on the the Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection On Wednesday, members met at theme of Sustainability. Presentations and Diana’s Fashion and Style Exhibi- the Natural History Museum, while were made by Simon Tileard (London Board Members and guests, following the Board dinner at St. Pancras Station. 14
  • 15. Climate Change Agency, Sustainability more breathtaking. Many of the mem- Oxygen” Automated Storage Facility in Policy for London, and Combined bers arrived at this year’s gala wearing Boston Spa. This facility is one of rela- Heat and Power and the New Energy dinner jackets, adding to splendor of tively few in the world with a reduced Centre); Nick Ray (Cynegin, The the evening. After a wonderful dinner oxygen atmosphere to proactively Carbon Reduction Master Plan, and and selection of regional wines, we eliminate the risk of fire, instead of a Invest to Save Initiative); Richard heard presentations from John DeLucy conventional reactive sprinkler system Shennan (Fulcrum Consulting, Darwin beginning his term as IAMFA President; to extinguish a fire once it starts. Con- Centre 2 Presentation), and David Guy Larocque, our Past President; Jim structed alongside the Library’s existing Sanders, Director of Estates at the Moisson, Derek Martin, and others buildings in Boston Spa, this facility Natural History Museum (What Do including the evening’s sponsor, will provide additional storage capa- I Do?). Norland Managed Services. Norland city for seven million items from the Guests joined members for lunch, graciously sponsored this year’s gala, U.K. national collection, which is cur- then toured the Natural History Museum, and also made a contribution offsetting rently expanding at a rate of 12 kilo- the Victoria and Albert Museum, or the the greenhouse gases created by mem- meters of linear shelf space per year. Science Museum. Following lunch, bers and guests attending this year’s The fully automated facility will house members chose from a selection of conference. At evening’s end, we also low- and medium-use items from the arranged tours, then had free time to caught a glimpse of next year’s orga- Library’s immense collections of books look around the Museum prior to nizers as they continue to plan next and journals, helping the Library to heading back to the Hotel Russell. year’s Washington, D.C. conference. meet its storage requirements over the A little time to rest, and then it was The 2008 IAMFA Gala was truly an next decade, while also providing a time to get dressed for the IAMFA Gala, unforgettable evening! storage environment that is superior to held this year in the Earth Galleries The final day of the 2008 IAMFA some of the premises currently in use. Atrium at the Natural History Museum. Conference began with a walk to A guided tour and presentations This year’s conference gala was held King’s Cross Station, where members at key locations in the new facility in a stunning venue with lighting and and guests boarded a train to York for explained major operating processes surroundings that couldn’t have been a visit to British Library’s new “Low continued on page 16 Conference Attendees in the Earth Galleries Atrium of the Natural History Museum at the beginning of Gala Night. 15
  • 16. The Eighteenth Annual IAMFA Conference in London — continued from page 15 IAMFA Board of Directors Regional Chapters and unique characteristics of the new President Atlanta, USA facility. Following the tour, members John de Lucy Kevin Streiter, High Museum of Art rejoined guests in the city center of The British Library York for lunch at the Merchant London, United Kingdom Australia Adventurer’s Hall. Dean Marshall, National Gallery The Merchant Adventurer’s Hall is of Australia the largest timber-framed building in the city of York. Founded in 1357 as V.P., Administration Bilbao, Spain Richard Kowalczyk Rogelio Diez, Guggenheim Museum a religious institution known as the Smithsonian Institution Guild of Our Lord and the Blessed Washington, D.C., USA Virgin, the Hall was later taken over by Chicago, USA the Merchant Adventurer’s Company, William Caddick, Art Institute of which controlled foreign trade in the Chicago city. They were first given a Royal V.P., Regional Affairs Charter by King Edward III. The four- John Castle Hawaii, USA teenth-century great hall, undercroft Winterthur Museum, Robert White, Honolulu Academy Garden and Library of Arts and fifteenth-century chapel are all open to the public and display the Winterthur DE, USA history of the Company, along with Los Angeles, USA Joe May their collection of silver and portraits of local benefactors. Treasurer After lunch, the train ride back New England, USA Jim Moisson John H. Lannon, Boston Athenaeum to London was a perfect opportunity Harvard University Art Museums to reflect on a very busy week with Cambridge, MA, USA so many memorable events and New York, USA Mark Demairo, Neue Galerie activities. This has to be one of the most memorable conferences in our Secretary and Papyrus Editor New Zealand organization’s history. Joseph May Patricia Morgan, Auckland Art I would like to finish by again thank- Sustainability Engineer Gallery ing the London Conference organizers Los Angeles, CA, USA for all their hard work and hospitality Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada toward all of the IAMFA members and Ian MacLean, Canada Science and guests who were fortunate to have Technology Museum Corporation experienced the 2008 IAMFA Annual Chairman — Conference 2009 Conference in London. The only Nancy Bechtol Smithsonian Institution Philadelphia, USA remaining thought I have is whether Richard Reinert, Philadelphia Washington, DC, USA the Washington, D.C. Conference Museum of Art organizers will be up to the challenge of matching the elegance, the learn- San Francisco, USA ing, the networking opportunities, and Head of International Affairs Joe Brennan, San Francisco Museum professional development witnessed Guy Larocque of Modern Art this week in London. Somehow, I The Canadian Museum of Civilization have a feeling that the members in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada United Kingdom the U.S. Capital will have a few sur- Bill Jackson, National Library of prises in store for us next fall at the Scotland, Edinburgh 2009 IAMFA Annual Conference in For additional Washington, D.C. contact information, Washington/Baltimore, USA please visit our website at Robert Evans, Freer Gallery of Art/ Joe May is the Secretary of IAMFA, and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Editor of Papyrus. 16
  • 17. Become a Member of the IAMFA and Get a Friend to Join On behalf of the membership and Board, we invite you to Membership Opportunities join with other museums and cultural organizations through- out the world in becoming a member of the only organization Join the IAMFA at any of the following levels and enjoy full exclusively devoted to museum and cultural facility admin- benefits of membership: istrators: the International Association of Museum Facility Regular Member — $150 annually. A regular member Administrators (IAMFA). As a member, you will join a growing holds the position of principal administration in direct list of museum and cultural facility administrators in their charge of the management of facilities, and represents their efforts to provide a standard of excellence and quality in institution(s) as a member of the association. planning, development and design, construction, operation and maintenance of cultural facilities of all sizes and varieties Associate Member — $50 annually. An associate member of programming. is a full-time facilities management employee (professional, The Association currently has representation in several administrative or supervisor), below the level of the facility countries on three continents. Our goal is to increase administrator of the member association. membership in institutions throughout the world. Affiliate Member — $50 annually. An affiliate member is Your involvement in the IAMFA will continue the growth any full-time employee of a member institution who is not of the organization and provide you with excellent educational directly involved in the facilities management department. and networking opportunities. As your colleagues, we look forward to welcoming you to membership in the IAMFA. Subscribing Member — $300 annually. A subscribing member is an individual, organization, manufacturer of Cordially yours, supplier of goods services to the institutions who ascribes The Board of the International Association to the policies and programmes of the Association, and of Museum Facility Administrators wishes to support the activities of the Association. Send in your membership dues by using the convenient form below. Membership payments and conference registration can also be made online at Don’t forget to make a copy to give to a colleague. ¡ YES! I would like to join the IAMFA as a: Ⅺ I am interested in joining. Ⅺ Regular Member $150 Ⅺ Associate Member $ 50 Please have a member Ⅺ Affiliate Member $ 50 Ⅺ Subscribing Member $300 contact me. Institution: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State/Province: _______________________ Zip/Postal Code: _______________________ Country:_____________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________ ALL FEES ARE PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS Please remit to: International Association of Museum Facility Administrators Ⅺ I enclose a check in the amount of $ ____________________ P.O. Box 277 Groton, MA 01450, USA Ⅺ Please invoice me Website: 17
  • 18. London — The 18th An 18
  • 20. Boiler Replacement at the Natural History Museum in London By Glynnan Barham When it was recognised by the Natural History Museum (NHM) that its boiler system would require major overhaul or replacement, several options were considered. To find the necessary technical solu- tion, together with innovative financial options, the NHM asked Cynergin Consultants to invite energy service companies to tender for a 1,400 kWe CHP engine, and to provide alternative solutions, including conversion from medium-pressure hot water to low- pressure hot water and absorption coo- ling. Vital Energi was selected for its experience operating several successful plants in Denmark, where CHP has become an accepted part of the land- scape. Vital Energi proposed the use of a tri-generation (heating, cooling and Figure 1 power) plant, which would address the issue of heat loads in summer, while refurbishment of the boiler system to of the purchasing of the CHP and also meeting an increased demand for be invested back into the Museum. absorption chillers. Further improve- cooling from the newly constructed Vital Energi invested £3.5 million ments to the Museum’s infrastructure Darwin Centre. The whole concept be- into the project; this included the cost were required in order to enable it to hind the design illustrated a clear move towards reduction in carbon emissions and increased energy efficiency. Tri-generation systems offer the envi- ronmental benefit of reducing green- house gas emissions resulting from the energy we consume. Usual power station efficiency is around 35–45%, depending on fuel source and station type—as compared to tri-generation plants, which typically achieve an overall efficiency of around 80-85%. The Investment Vital Energi ultimately further refined their design and installed a CHP rated at 1,800kWe, along with taking respon- sibility for designing, building, financ- ing and operating the equipment for 15 years. This allowed the £3 million that the Museum had set aside for Figure 2 20
  • 21. accommodate the new scheme. A new Museum would save £579,000 annually Conclusions and Future chilled water circuit had to be installed over the course of the 15-year contract, Prospects to link the existing localised cooling with savings above this minimum The Museum is benefiting from a low- system at the NHM to the energy centre. subject to a profit-sharing scheme. risk agreement that guarantees con- The practicalities of installing this over Recent readings from the tri-gener- siderable annual financial savings over a 1,000-metre network caused prob- ation CHP plant at the NHM have shown the lifetime of the project, with no lems, but these were mitigated by their that it is achieving 80–85% efficiency. initial investment. The CHP has also incorporation into other new develop- This has meant that, over the first year reduced the annual carbon dioxide ments on site. Throughout the installa- alone, the CHP plant has reduced NHM emissions of the NHM by providing tion process, two of the existing boilers carbon emissions by 1,500 tonnes. our energy more efficiently. were preserved to maintain heating Introduction of the CHP plant has levels at the NHM: a requirement also reduced the level of risk at the Glynnan Barham is Energy & for the adequate preservation of NHM. The previous system delivered Emissions Manager at the Natural the Museum’s collections. heat at medium pressure, required a History Museum in London, four-man team to maintain, and was England. He can be reached at Savings subject to statutory inspections. The 020 7942 5396. As part of its agreement with the conversion to a low-pressure system NHM, Vital Energi guaranteed that the has reduced these risks and costs. Figure 3 21