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The award-winning Museum of Scottish Country Life in
East Kilbride is now open and attracting visitors in encour-
aging numbers. The facility gives visitors a rare opportunity
to visit a historic working farm comprising Farmhouse,
Steading and 180 acres of land, including an events area
and a new Exhibition Building. The Museum is the result
of a unique collaboration between the National Museums
of Scotland (NMS) and the National Trust for Scotland (NTS),
and is home to the National Country Life Collection, as well
as the NTS collection from the Reid family of Kittochside.
The completed exhibition building is the result of an
innovative harmonization of client thinking, architectural form
and environmental engineering. From the outset, the NMS
recognized that the costs of running a fully air-conditioned
building, in order to meet the environmental requirements
laid down in current guidelines, would be prohibitive.
Both Page & Park, the architects, and Harley Haddow
Partnership, the M&E consulting engineers, embraced the
project brief and began to work together with the NMS
to design a building which would combine architectural
inspiration with environmental function.
The first task was to conduct research on the existing
environmental guidelines. Research on conservation conditions
for museum objects is by no means conclusive, and opinions
on these standards differ around the world. To complicate
matters, it soon became clear that the temperature and
humidity values required in order to reduce the deterioration
of objects also vary considerably for different materials. Inter-
preting all of the current research on the subject indicated
that there was no single environment which would provide
“satisfactory conditions” for all materials. The most widely
referred-to guideline in the U.K. is BS5454:2000, which is
NUMBER 3 2002
continued on page 2
Grand Prix Winner for Architecture in
Scottish Design Awards 2002
Engineering the Sustainable Museum Environment at the
Museum of Scottish Country Life
by Alastair Cunningham and Chris Mclaren
Letter from the President . . 4
Regional Chapters —
September 11 . . . . . . . . . 6
Pull-Out Members
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Installations at the
Guggenheim Bilbao . . . 13
Facilities Maintenance
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Best Practices . . . . . . . . . . 19
From the Editor's Desk . . 20The new Museum of Scottish Country Life in East Kilbride, just outside of Glasgow, is situated
at the edge of an urban area, and conducts the visitor towards the land and the countryside.
for archived documents. This guideline
notes environmental values of 21˚C
and 50% RH as optimal conditions.
It could have been assumed that
the Country Life collection is primarily
comprised of robust objects used in
rugged agricultural environments.
However, there are also many objects
which combine disparate materials such
as metal, leather and wood, and each
of these would require different conser-
vation conditions. Further research
indicated that the effects of temperature
and humidity changes are more prob-
lematic than absolute values maintained
within limits — even if those values
aren’t optimal. Discussion with the NMS
Conservation Department resulted in a
pragmatic brief, which required stable
conditions within a temperature and
humidity band of 15˚C to 25˚C and 45%
to 60% RH. Importantly, the brief noted
the maximum rate of change of temp-
erature as 4˚C in 12 hours and 2˚C in
one hour. The humidity rate of change
was 10% in 12 hours and 6% in 3 hours.
The architecture of the building
evolved to accommodate its function,
resulting in a heavy mass construction
with the mass exposed internally. The
building’s fenestration includes the main
glazed elements on the north side to
minimize solar gain. The ratio of public
areas, accessible storage and closed
storage meant that the internal influ-
ences within the building as a whole
were minimized.
The internal spaces are generally
large and spacious, with high ceilings.
Most spaces do not have suspended
ceilings, and the exposed concrete
finishes help to stabilize the temperature
in the space by absorbing and releasing
moisture and heat. One result of the
building’s form and function is that the
influences of internal temperature and
humidity gains are negligible, and the
opportunity for utilizing the ambient
conditions to maintain the designed
environment is greater than it would be
with a lightweight construction which
utilizes insulating internal finishes.
The ethos of the environmental
services design was to utilize modular
plant arrangements, which followed
the natural occupancy and physical
building zoning. This resulted in a
proposal to install 10 small air hand-
ling units (AHUs) to serve the various
distinct zones of the building. Attention
to detail was important in sealing the
fabric between zones, as well as in
the outer envelope.
A large-scale computational fluid
dynamic (CFD) study of the building
was undertaken to assess and refine
the ventilation proposals. The computer
model took into account all the physical
properties of the building. The model-
ling included a full simulation of a
“weather year” and also analyzed the
individual zones for the peak design
days, to assess the rate of change in
humidity and temperature over time.
The CFD model predicted that, by
utilizing the chimney structure and
an exposed concrete labyrinth in
the common intake duct, up to 2˚C
additional cooling could be gained.
Each of the ventilation installations is
configured to serve areas of the building
with similar gains and uses. Internal
stores are served from a common sys-
tem, whereas stores with external walls,
or on the same elevation of the building,
are served from another system. The
aim of the ventilation configuration
philosophy is to create the most envi-
ronmentally stable spaces possible.
A fully integrated Building Manage-
ment System is installed in the building,
with temperature and humidity sensors
in all stores. The stores have air-quality
sensors which detect CO2 levels. These
The Museum of Scottish Country Life is also a working farm.
Another view of the Museum building. Air handling units in the Museum’s plant.
Scottish Design Awards — continued
from page 1
sensors override any thermal controls
if the internal air quality requires the
introduction of fresh air. The environ-
mental control strategy reverts only
when air quality is satisfied, and
switches the ventilation on only if the
conditions for doing so are satisfied.
The ventilation plant is controlled
using algorithms that sense the rate and
direction of changes in room conditions
within the required range. The controls
then use the available plant and/or
ambient conditions to bring the room’s
condition back to acceptable levels. The
controls installation ensures that there
is no plant intervention until the room
condition is beyond the required range,
and then only if plant operation is able
to adjust the conditions back appropriate
levels. The environmental building
control philosophy is based on no plant
activity if the conditions are satisfied,
and minimal plant activity only if
required on a zone-by-zone basis.
The Museum has now been in oper-
ation for a number of months, and
conditions in the stores have been
regularly monitored. The temperature
and humidity profiles indicate that
conditions in the stores remain stable
even when the ambient conditions
vary considerably from day to night,
and also as the weather changes over
days and weeks. It has been noted that,
in the first few months of operation,
the AHU installations remained off for
significant periods, due to the inherent
passive thermal stability of the building.
Running costs are currently being
calculated, based on the data received to
date. It is anticipated that the running
costs will be a fraction of those for a
“conventional” museum or gallery
By adopting the approach described,
the National Museums of Scotland are
taking a farsighted approach to the
problem of storing artifacts in a manner
that will reduce their degradation, while
ensuring that the plant will be able to
run without incurring unsustainable
running costs.
Alastair Cunningham is Project Devel-
opment Manager for the National
Museums of Scotland. He has over
25 years’ experience in the fields of
architecture, construction, procurement
and delivery. In his past 12 years with
the NMS, he has been involved in the
delivery of major projects and has been
involved in the areas of collection storage
and accessible storage, as well as more
pragmatic aspects of environmental
controls. Chris Mclaren, consulting M&E
engineer, also contributed to this piece.
Looking out towards the main entrance of the Museum.
The display cases in the exhibition courtyard area feature
a variety of agricultural tools. The cases themselves have
been designed as “trailers” which can be joined up and
towed away. This in turn creates a functional rental
venue, which generates revenue for the facility.
External Ambient Conditions October 2001.
Internal Space Conditions October 2001.
Very little time seems to have passed
since I last sat down to write to you
all. Despite this, things have continued
to progress, and there are a number of
developments to report.
The Board met in Amsterdam over
the weekend of April 12 to 14, and we
were generously entertained by Jan
Abrahamse at the Rijksmuseum and
Jan Kruls at the Van Gogh Museum. Staff
at both museums were wonderfully
helpful and friendly, and I would like
to thank them once again on behalf of
the Board for their hospitality. As ever,
we had a full agenda, and spent the
whole of Saturday in discussion in a
beautiful gothic chapel in the heart of
the Rijksmuseum.
Reports from Board members con-
firmed that as an organization we are
in reasonable health. Bill Caddick was
able to confirm that our finances are
stable, and that membership take-up
has been good, although we are missing
a few familiar names whom we hope
have just been slow in signing up. As
an inducement to encourage early pay-
ment, we have decided to charge a late
fee of $25 for inclusion in the annual
Directory that is published.
Pierre Lepage has done a great job
with our Papyrus newsletter, and I hope
that you have all now received three
new editions full of relevant articles. I
can testify to his vigour as I fend of his
demands for copy by the agreed dead-
line — he is not one to be deflected or
to let things slide! It is certainly worth
it, however: I have used the recent
editions as marketing material, and
they have obviously impressed both
potential members and likely sponsors.
On the administrative side, Marla
Chanin-Tobar has agreed to push
forward a new handbook, detailing job
descriptions for the Board, and generally
clarifying procedures set out in our
by-laws. The intention is to create a
handbook that will form a sort of cor-
porate memory, guiding future Boards
— although it remains open, as ever,
to adaptation and development as we
grow. The Board also discussed the
vacancies that will be open to the mem-
bership in September; these will be the
posts of President and Vice-President
of Administration, and I would like to
formally ask for any nominations to
these posts prior to the London con-
ference. We will, of course, have a
ballot at the business meeting, and I
will remind you all again when you
arrive in London.
All of which leads me to the London
conference and arrangements to date.
The organizing committee has finalized
venues and themes for the three days,
and we are now concentrating on details.
I hope that the programme for both
the conference and spouses will be up
on our Web site by the time you read
this, so check it out at
I urge you to make an early booking
— if we run out of rooms, it will be
extremely difficult to find more in the
centre of London close to the event.
It comes as a blow to the committee
and the organization as a whole that
Karen Plouviez has been offered a job
in the education sector, and is leaving
the British Library. In a relatively short
period, she has had a big impact on
IAMFA affairs in the United Kingdom,
and her leadership has set the London
conference on course to being another
great event. I can only say thank you
and best wishes from us all. We have
also had confirmation from Joe Brennan
that San Francisco will be hosting
the event in 2003, again probably in
September. We will ask him to give
us more details in London.
I have recently corresponded with
Vinny Magorrian, who tells me that his
health problems have meant that he is
leaving MoMA. He would be delighted
to hear from his friends within the orga-
nization, and if you e-mail me, I will
pass on messages or put you in touch.
He has a vast resource of experience
and may be a fruitful contact for
anyone with an operational problem.
Vinny was a founding member of this
organization, and is someone I have
often turned to for advice. His short
history of the organization was distrib-
uted at the Chicago conference, and is
part of an archive we should not lose.
I hope we will be able to find a way
for past members to continue to partic-
ipate within the organization, perhaps
with some form of retired membership
category. I wish him well for the future,
and look forward to seeing him at
future IAMFA events.
I look forward to seeing you in
London — and please confirm your
booking as soon as possible to make
life easier for those organizing venues,
meals and trips!
All the best,
Peter Fotheringham
National Gallery, London
June 2002
Letter from the President
IAMFA Board of
Peter Fotheringham
The National Gallery
London, England
V.P., Administration
Marla Chanin-Tobar
Meridian International Center
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
V.P., Regional Affairs
Carole Beauvais
National Archives of Canada and
National Library of Canada
Ottawa, Canada
William Caddick
Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, U.S.A.
Secretary and Papyrus Editor
Pierre Lepage
Canadian Museum of Civilization and
Canadian War Museum
Hull, Canada
Chairman — Conference 2002
Karen Plouviez
The British Library
London, England
Chairman — Conference 2003
Joe Brennan
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, U.S.A.
For additional contact information,
please visit our website at
September 22–25, 2002
Ⅺ YES! Sign me up to attend the 2002 IAMFA Annual Conference in
London, England.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ Postal/Zip Code: _________________
State/Province/County: ______________________ Country: _________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________
Special dietary requirements:____________________________________________________
Ⅺ Member Fee: $350
Ⅺ Non-member
conference fee: $400
Ⅺ Sign me up as a new
IAMFA member: $150
Ⅺ Guest Programme: $250 Guest Name: _________________________________
Ⅺ Day Attendance: $150 per day Ⅺ MON Ⅺ TUE Ⅺ WED
Please remit to: International Association of Museum Facility Administrators
c/o Karen Plouviez
The British Museum
96 Euston Road
London, NW1 2DB
United Kingdom
I require an invoice: Ⅺ Yes Ⅺ No
A limited number of twin/double rooms has been reserved in two high-grade
hotels (the Thistle Piccadilly and the Thistle Trafalgar) in the heart of London,
within easy walking distance of the three conference venues. The hotels
have recently been refurbished to high standards, and all rooms are air-
conditioned. A special rate of £150 per night has been negotiated for IAMFA
delegates for the period of September 21–28, 2002. The rooms have already
been reserved, and delegates must confirm their rooms by contacting the
hotels directly. Please ask for “in-house reservations” and quote booking
reference “TRAF 02”. In order to avoid disappointment, please note that
rooms should be reserved as soon as possible.
Thistle Trafalgar + 44 (0) 20 7930 4477
Thistle Piccadilly + 44 (0) 20 7930 4033
Please check the IAMFA website for updates at:
For months, there were reports that
September 11, 2001 would be a momen-
tous day in New York City history. Term
limits were in effect, and almost every
city government official was slated to
leave his or her position. It was an
unseasonably warm and sunny day. I
thought that I should vote early, before
the long lines formed. I drove my
youngest daughter to school and
headed to my polling site, when I heard
the news flash that an airplane had just
hit the World Trade Center. I imagined
it was the result of a misguided or
malfunctioning plane that must have
hit the antenna on one of the towers,
and that damage would be minimal.
The early reports were sketchy and
unconfirmed. I was in Brooklyn, where
I could see smoke trailing from the
tower. I parked my vehicle and watched
in disbelief. I could see that the tower
had actually been hit on one of the
upper floors, and not at the antenna
as I’d imagined. The magnitude of this
tragedy was just beginning to set in
when I witnessed the second plane hit.
It was like watching a movie, until a
radio announcer said the Pentagon had
also been hit and that another plane,
although unconfirmed, was headed
off-course towards the White House.
I looked and I listened for what
seemed to be forever, and asked myself
how all these incidents could be coin-
cidental. My military, security and anti-
terrorism training forced me to shake off
the shock of it and acknowledge that
America was under attack. I knew that
I would be activated and had to report
for military duty. It was time to act!
Not knowing what would happen
next, priority dictated that I secure my
family. I called my wife at work to
inform her of what was happening, and
to let her know how much I loved her.
She in turn was concerned about our
three children. I assured her that I would
get them all safely home, and that every-
thing would be all right. I knew I had
just made a promise that only God
could keep, so I began to pray.
As the First Sergeant of C. Co 204th
Engineers New York Army National
Guard, I next contacted my commander,
who was also monitoring the disaster
from work. We planned to stay tuned
and stand by for orders from the
My next call was to the Brooklyn
Children’s Museum, where I have
worked in Operations and Security
for over 10 years. We were fortunate
that the hundreds of schoolchildren
we serve on weekdays were not at the
Museum on September 11, 2001. The
Museum is closed to the public on
Tuesdays, and the security supervisors
on duty reported that all was secure,
and that they were in the process of
implementing the Museum’s disaster
plan. Our plan has been in place for
many years, and we had had mock
evacuations and response tests in the
recent past. The plan’s directives are
to ensure:
• Safety of our staff and visitors.
• Safety of our collection.
• Protection of the facility.
Every bag and package was
inspected, and a head count was
taken of everyone entering or exiting
the building. Although it wasn’t
mandated, some staff began to leave
work spontaneously to be with their
families. There is an elementary school
next door to the Museum, and dedi-
cated staff members went to help
comfort the children waiting to be
picked up by their parents.
On Duty at Ground Zero
As expected, the Governor activated my
unit that day. There were thousands
of volunteers and neighbours who
lined the streets, cheering and wel-
coming us to the area. It was a moving
experience. Uncertainty, chaos, despair
and pandemonium are words that
describe my feelings as we secured
our sector of responsibility, providing
security at Ground Zero within the
first few days of the disaster. With the
level of devastation surrounding the
area, the site was like something out
of a war movie.
Regional Chapters
It Began Just Like any Ordinary Day —
A Museum Facility Manager’s View of
September 11
Lloyd O. Headley
by Lloyd O. Headley
During that time, three things
brought calm and consolation to
my mind, body and soul:
• First was my constant prayer for the
people trapped under the rubble,
the people who lost their lives,
their families, and the many lives
that were spared.
• Second, knowing that I was pro-
viding a needed service to help
• Lastly, watching the many agencies
work tirelessly around the clock to
save lives, guard facilities and give
help so generously.
Creating a “Safe Zone”
I returned to work at the Brooklyn
Children’s Museum on Tuesday
September 25, 2001, after working
twelve-hour shifts at Ground Zero for
fourteen days. The monthly all-staff
meeting was very informative, and
served as a way to bond and keep
staff updated of changes and issues
we needed to address following
September 11.
I listened to the supervisors of the
Security and Facilities Departments as
they reported on the safety and deter-
rent measures we had implemented:
• Barriers on the exterior of the
building to prohibit individuals
from parking close to the exits
or entrance of the building.
• Checking all staff and visitors bags/
packages (including school classes)
at the front entrance, prior to their
entering the facility.
• Providing threat level and transpor-
tation updates of road, bridge, tunnel
and subway closings and detours
from the Police Department.
• Enhanced mail handling to deal with
potential anthrax, bomb scares, etc.
It quickly became clear that all
staff had an important role to play
in dealing with a crisis such as this.
Training, Training, Training
In the seven months since September 11,
the common thread that ran through
museums was the importance of train-
ing, training and more training. It was
important to have updated Emergency
Evacuation Plans in place. I made sure
that the necessary safety measures were
put in place and utilized to the fullest
extent, providing the atmosphere of a
“Safe Zone” in the Brooklyn Children’s
Museum for staff and visitors.
The reason training became key was
that many facility managers without
enough security personnel, barriers,
magnetometers and handheld wands
had to evaluate their needs and fill in
the gaps immediately. Through network-
ing, seminars, meetings and updating
manuals, all areas that were vulnerable
to terrorists were strengthened.
Because of the threat of anthrax
arriving through the postal system, our
highest alert went to monitoring the
mail for unmarked packages. Again,
training in new ways of handling the
mail was undertaken, and enhanced
calm was brought to this once volatile
area of concern.
Keeping staff informed and equipped
during these past months has helped
to create balance in dealing with life at
the Museum following September 11.
Things will never return to business
as usual for most people, of course.
Fear will continue to master some
lives, while others will keep rising to
the challenge.
The New York Chapter Committee
members responded very well to the
crisis. Through meetings and network-
ing, a special task force was created,
with support from the Mayor’s Office,
to develop shared responses during an
emergency. A core group was formed,
and the decision was made to first
design a document that would help
facilities of all sizes to create their
own disaster plans. The second step
will be developing shared responses
between institutions.
In communicating with chapter
members about the effects of Septem-
ber 11 on visitation at their institutions,
the overwhelming consensus was that
school groups were particularly visible
by their absence in the months following
the terrorist attacks. An article in the
New York City Council Department
of Cultural Affairs by Kate D. Levin,
Commissioner May 14, 2002 read,
“According to a survey we recently
undertook of the 34 members of the
Cultural Institutions Group (CIG),
between October 1 and December 31,
2001, the CIG collectively suffered
an income loss of $42.6 million; this
figure includes earned income as well
as contributions from corporations,
foundations and individuals. Additionally,
attendance was down by 1.1 million
visitors and school group visits were
down by 35 percent.”
Institutions within three miles
of Ground Zero had a difficult time
receiving services, because they were
closed for at least six to eight weeks.
Other institutions not in the “frozen
zone” were able to utilize their service
suppliers only after identification checks
of the driver and vehicle wanting to
enter our buildings.
The institution closest to Ground
Zero belonged to Myro Riznyk, Facilities
Manager of the Smithsonian Institution,
which is located at 1 Bowling Green.
He stated, “I had no contamination
inside my building, because we closed
our outside air dampers. However, the
outside of the building had three to
four inches of dust and debris.” Other
institutions — in addition to shutting
down their fresh air intake in particular,
depending on the direction the wind
was blowing — decided to change
their filters more often to maintain a
clean environment.
continued on page 8
The situation was not so grim for
the Brooklyn Children’s Museum. Visi-
tation was down by 40–50% for the first
three months following September 11,
due primarily to transportation issues
for school classes, closing of bridges
and tunnels, and parental concerns.
While some institutions are still below
their average attendance numbers for
this year, our visitation has slowly
increased within the last four months
to about 75% our normal attendance.
We have been very fortunate.
I know when you dwell on tragedy
and live in the past, memories of
all the pain and hurt can overwhelm
you, to the point where leaving home
can become a strain. Also, thinking of
the future can become a bad dream
or nightmare because of negative self-
talk and fear of what could happen
tomorrow. I find myself now living
more in the present, and enjoying
the simple things in life, instead of
living in the past or worrying about
the future.
Lloyd Headley has a degree in Security
Management, and is currently Director
of Operations and Security at the
Brooklyn Children’s Museum. He has
been listed in the International Who’s
Who of Professionals, and has been
awarded a New York State Senate
Citation for Distinguished Community
Service. He has served as Chairman of
the Museum, Library, Cultural Property
Protection Committee, and is Chairman
of the Museum, Library, Cultural
Property Facilities Committee. He is
currently the Chair of the New York
Chapter of the IAMFA.
of Regional Chapters
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
James Surwillo
Japanese American National Museum
New York, U.S.A.
Lloyd Headley
The Brooklyn Children’s Museum
Ottawa-Hull, Canada
Toby Greenbaum
Public Works & Government Services
San Francisco, U.S.A.
Joe Brennan
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
London, England
Karen Plouviez
The British Library
Washington-Baltimore, U.S.A.
Fletcher Johnston
Hirshorn Museum & Sculpture Garden
of Future Chapters
Atlanta, U.S.A.
Kevin Streiter
High Museum of Art
Bilbao, Spain
Rogelio Diez
Guggenheim Museum
Chicago, U.S.A.
William Caddick
Art Institute of Chicago
Houston-San Antonio, U.S.A.
Gary Morrison
McNay Art Museum
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Victor T. Razze
Brandywine River Museum and
Seattle, U.S.A.
Patrick Dowling
Whatcom Museum of History and Art
Cleveland, U.S.A.
Tom Catalioti
Cleveland Museum of Art
Sydney, Australia
Bob Scott
The Powerhouse Museum
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jan Abrahamse
The Rijksmuseum
The International Association of Museum Facility
Administrators is pleased to welcome the following
new members:
Regular Members
Tom Catalioti
— Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.
Glen Hodges
— Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia
New IAMFA Members
Regional Chapters — continued from page 7
Glen Hodges
Australian Museum
6 College Street
Phil Rees
National Gallery of Australia
GPO Box 1150
Canberra, ACT
Carole Beauvais
National Archives of Canada
395 Wellington
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N3
Dale Cameron
National Archives of Canada
National Library of Canada
344 Wellington Street, Rm. 5076
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N3
Bob Chartrand
National Museum of Science
and Technology
2421 Lancaster Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 5A3
Ian Follett
Facility Management Services
45 Maryland Place, SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2V 2E6
Gerry Potoczny
Canadian Museum of Nature
P.O. Box 3443 Stn. D
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6P4
Lynn Row
Ontario Science Centre
770 Don Mills Road
North York, Ontario
M3C 1T3
Guy Larocque
Canadian Museum of
100 Laurier Street
Hull, Quebec
J8X 4H2
Pierre Lepage
Canadian Museum of
100 Laurier Street
Hull, Quebec
J8X 4H2
José Luis Oliveros
Centre canadien d’Architecture
1920, rue Baille
Montréal, Quebec
H3H 2S6
Leslie Brantingham
Parliamentary Works
1 Cannon Row
London, England
Peter Fotheringham
National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London, England
Graham Pellow
Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London, England
Karen Plouviez
British Museum
96 Euston Road
London, England
Jan Abrahamse
Stadhouderskade 42
1071 ZD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Robert Galbraith
National Galleries of Scotland
13 Heriot Row
Edinburgh, Scotland
Rogelio Diez
Guggenheim Museum
Abandoibarra 2
48001 Bilbao
Shirley A. Woods
Montgomerey Museum of
Fine Arts
P.O. Box 230819
Montgomerey, AL
John Pagan
Arkansas Art Center
P.O. Box 2137
Little Rock, AR
Donald Battjes
Los Angeles County Museum
of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Joe Brennan
San Francisco Museum of
Modern Art
151 Third St.
San Francisco, CA
Jim Bullock
Getty Center (Getty Museum)
1200 Getty Center Dr., Ste. 1000
Los Angeles, CA
John Coplin
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
1130 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA
John Donohoe
J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA
Steven Green
Cantor Center for the Visual Arts
Cantor Center
Stanford, CA
Oren Gray
J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA
Jim Hartman
Fine Arts Museums
233 Post St., 6th Flr.
San Francisco, CA
David Hillbrand
Yerba Buena Center for the Art
701 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA
Randy Murphy
Museum of Contemporary Art
250 S. Grand Ave., California
Los Angeles, CA
Mary Omoto
Japanese American National
369 East First St.
Los Angeles, CA
IAMFA Members Directory 2002
Michael Orth
J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA
Ronald Romo
J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA
Brenda Sheridan
Long Island Beach Museum
2300 East Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA
Sarah Shulman
California Historical Society
678 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA
Will Spencer
J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA
James A. Surwillo
Japanese American National
369 East First St.
Los Angeles, CA
Ernest Conrad
Landmark Facilities Group Inc.
252 East Avenue
Norwalk, CT
George J. Conte
Yale Center for British Art
29 Oakhill Drive, PO Box
North Haven, CT
Eugene Brown
U.S. Holocaust Memorial
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC
Marla Chanin-Tobar
Meridian International Center
1630 Crescent Place, NW
Washington, DC
Daniel D. Davies
National Museum of American
Art and Portrait Gallery
Victor Building 9th & G Street,
750 Ninth St. N.W.
Washington, DC
Richard Day
National Museum of Natural
10th St. & Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC
Ron Hawkins
Smithsonian Institution-
1100 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC
Fletcher Johnston
Hirshorn Museum
Independence Ave at 7th
Street, SW
Washington, DC
Richard Kowalczyk
National Air and Space
601 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC
Eugene F. Ramatowski
U.S. Holocaust Memorial
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC
Kurt Sisson
National Gallery of Art
6th St. & Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC
Michael Solfield
Smithsonian Institution
750 Ninth Street, NW
Room 5200 MRC 908
Washington, DC
Debbie Towers
Morikami Museum & Japanese
4000 Morikami Park Road
Delray Beach, FL
Kevin Streiter
High Museum of Art
1280 Peachtree NE
Atlanta, GA
Robert White
Honolulu Academy of Arts
900 S. Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI
Brendan Berry
Advantage Operations, Art
125 E. Monroe
Chicago, IL
Bill Caddick
Art Institute of Chicago
111 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL
Paul Huber
Advantage Operations
3906 N. Monticello Avenue
Chicago, IL
Don Meckley
Museum of Contemporary Art
220 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL
Jackie Sullivan
New Orleans Museum of Art
P.O. Box 19123
New Orleans, LA
David Geldart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
465 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA
James S. Labeck
Isabella Stewart Gardner
2 Palace Road
Boston, MA
David Roth
Children Museum Inc.
Museum Wharf
308 Congress St.
Boston, MA
Alan Dirican
Baltimore Museum of Art
10 Art Museum Drive
Baltimore, MD
Jeffery H. Greene
Banneker-Douglas Museum
84 Franklin Street
Annapolis, MD
IAMFA Members Directory 2002
USA (cont’d)
Reed Lillard
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
4525 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO
Brij Anand
Guggenheim Museum
1071 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY
Ciro Bottacavoli
IEN Magazine
5 Penn Plaza
New York, NY
Martin Cavanaugh
Pierpont Morgan Library
29 East 36th Street
New York, NY
William Esposito Jr.
Ambient Labs, Inc.
55 West 39th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY
Vincent Magorrian
Museum of Modern Art –
New York
11 West 53rd Street
New York, NY
Myro Riznyk
Smithsonian Institution-
National Museum of the
American Indian
One Bowling Green Drive
New York, NY
Tom Scally
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Communication Department
100 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Harry Soldati
Brooklyn Museum of Art
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY
Dennis F. Sweeney
Frick Collection
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY
Stan Zwiren
Brooklyn Museum of Art
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY
Paul Bernard
Toledo Museum
2445 Monroe Street,
Scottwood Avenue
Toledo, OH
Tom Catalioti
Cleveland Museum
11150 East Blvd.
Cleveland, OH
David Nawrocki
Columbus Art Museum
400 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH
Dave Gearding
Cincinnati Art Museum
953 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati, OH
Larry Armstrong
Carnegie Museums
4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA
Douglas Bowerman
Allentown Art Museum
5th and Court Streets
P.O. Box 388
Allentown, PA
Terri L. Chapman
Frick Art and Historical and
7227 Reynolds Street
Pittsburgh, PA
Walt Crimm
Ewing Cole Cherry Brott
100 North Sixth Street, 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA
Rad Delaney
Ewing Cole Cherry Brott
100 North Sixth Street, 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA
Bob Morrone
Philadelphia Museum of Art
26th & Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.
P.O. Box 7646
Philadelphia, PA
Tom L. Peck
Colonial Williamsburg
P.O. Box 1776
Williamsburg, PA
Victor T. Razze
Brandywine River Museum and
P.O. Box 141
Chaddis Ford, PA
Richard J. Reinert
Affiliated Building Systems
2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.
Philadelphia, PA
James Sutton
Philadelphia Museum of Art
26th & Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.
P.O. Box 7646
Philadelphia, PA
Michael Roh
Columbia Museum of Art
P.O. Box 2068
Columbia, SC
Henry Griffin
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
1001 Bissonnet
Houston, TX
Gary L. Morrison
McNay Art Museum
P.O. Box 6069
San Antonio, TX
Jeffery Ryan
Jackson and Ryan Architects
2370 Rice Boulevard, Suite 210
Houston, TX
John Cannup
Mariner’s Museum
100 Museum Drive
Newport News, VA
Richard Swainston
Milwaukee Public Museum
800 Wells St.
Milwaukee, WI
IAMFA Members Directory 2002
Although we do our best to
ensure that our Directory
information is as up-to-date
as possible, errors
and omissions can always
occur. If you would like
to make any changes to your
listing, please contact
Julie Coderre at
Thanks very much.
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join with other museums and cultural organizations through-
out the world in becoming a member of the only organization
exclusively devoted to museum and cultural facility admin-
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planning, development and design, construction, operation
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any full-time employee of a member institution who is not
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Inaugurated in October 1997, following
five years of construction, the Guggen-
heim Museum Bilbao of Modern and
Contemporary Art is a unique and
remarkable feat of engineering.
Designed by renowned architect
Frank O. Gehry, the museum runs down
to the banks of the river Nervión, and
seems to slide beneath the Puente de la
Salve bridge — one of the main points
of access to the city of Bilbao in the
Basque region of northern Spain.
The main entrance leads directly into
the heart of the Museum. As visitors
stand in the central atrium, they are
immediately struck by how well this
building — which is over 50 metres
(160 feet) in height and commands a
32,500-square-metre site in the centre
of the city — can fit into the urban
landscape without towering over
neighboring buildings.
The museum offers 11,000 square
metres of exhibition space, distributed
among 19 galleries. Ten of these, clad
externally in limestone blocks, have a
classical orthogonal appearance, while
the remaining nine have irregularly-
shaped interiors clad externally with
titanium plates. Organized on three
levels around the atrium, the galleries
are connected by curving walkways
suspended from the roof, complemented
by glass-fronted elevators and towers.
During the design and construction
stages, the Los Angeles-based Gehry
collaborated with American and inter-
national consultants in HVAC, electrical
and general installations, lighting, noise
control, audiovisual equipment, fire-
prevention equipment, security, etc.,
while also benefiting from the exper-
tise of the Guggenheim Museum in
New York City. This approach led
to the creation of a multidisciplinary
team capable of designing a complex
structure — including management
of the engineering feats required for
the realization of Gehry’s stunning
architectural concept. In Bilbao, the
Guggenheim Museum Consortium,
which was entrusted with the building’s
construction, collaborated with a team
of engineers and architects. The team
was responsible for performing and
supervising construction of the build-
ing, while also managing all aspects of
the project requiring compliance with
local standards and working methods.
Work continued virtually around the
clock: while one set of engineers and
architects worked on one continent,
the other rested.
The main installations in this museum
were as follows: HVAC, lighting and
electricity, fire-prevention, security,
communications systems, elevators,
plumbing and sanitary systems. This
article provides a brief summary of the
most salient aspects of some of these.
The function of the HVAC system is to
maintain pre-established environmental
conditions inside the building, 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year. The air-condi-
tioning system has two basic aims: the
conservation of works of art contained
in the Museum, and the comfort of
visitors and staff.
On the one hand, the project required
strict atmospheric conditions of between
48–52% RH and 21–22ºC. On the other,
The Installations of the
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
A Dialogue Between Engineering and Architecture
by Rogelio Diez and Luis Pablo Elvira
The ceiling of the central atrium soars to a height of 50 metres (160 feet).
Rogelio Diez
continued on page 14
the climate-control system had to be
integrated into the singular architecture
of the building. The volume — with
standard heights of between 5 and
7 metres (16 to 22 feet) and a height
of 50 metres (160 feet) in the case
of the central atrium, as well as the
presence of curtain walls — required
meticulous engineering to obtain an
optimal distribution of the air in the
Museum’s various spaces.
The Guggenheim’s system is based
on the production of hot water and
water vapour in gas-fired boilers, the
production of cold water by means
of centrifuge coolers, and distribution
to the air handling units (AHUs). The
AHUs filter, dry, heat, cool or moisten
air which has been recirculated from
the air-conditioned spaces. The entire
system is managed by a distributed
digital control system. This system,
in accordance with readings from the
temperature and relative humidity
sensors installed in the galleries, and in
accordance with the software created
for this purpose, provides precise
control of conditions required inside
the building.
With regards to the distribution
of air in the building, the uniformity
and low speeds of the air — and the
system’s integration into the architecture
of the building — were the main factors.
Linear slot air diffusers were chosen.
These were placed at the tops of walls,
with air returned via a set of different
slots at the bases of the walls. Noise
control was guaranteed with the use
of silencers in the mechanical rooms,
ductwork fitted with acoustic insulation,
and with low air-speed criteria in
the gallery environment. The energy-
saving criteria — such as volume
control through the use of frequency
variators — were extremely important.
The installation has a heating capacity
of 3500 kW, a refrigerating capacity of
5100 kW, and about 1 million cubic
meters of air are circulated every hour.
Lighting for the spaces inside the
Museum combines artificial light and
controlled contributions of natural light
through skylights placed at the top
of the building. The interior lighting
system had be flexible, in order to avoid
overwhelming the ceilings with track
lighting, or other elements which might
disrupt the architectural aesthetics of
the building. This was achieved with
the design of a system consisting of
“power point/power bars”.
Special recessed structural outlet
boxes with split-wired receptacles
occur in a regular pattern on the
gallery ceilings, and are regarded as
power points. An individual fixture
can be directly installed at these points
on special clamping bars (power bars)
which have built-in receptacles. These
can be secured to hold between two
and six fixtures, depending on the
length of the power bar. Retractable
magnetic covers conceal power points
that are not in use, thus minimizing visual
clutter and scarring of the ceiling plane.
On the other hand, the Museum’s
lighting system had to allow adjustment
of the light intensity of several lighting
fixtures, in accordance with the require-
ments and designs of the different exhi-
Before arriving at the Museum’s main entrance, visitors encounter the flower sculpture
Puppy by artist Jeff Koons.
In the Museum, there
are more than 20 air-
handling units, moving
nearly 1 million cubic
metres per hour. This
is one of them. In the
main mechanical
room, there are three
centrifugal chillers,
with a total capacity
of 5100 kW.
To avoid overwhelming the ceilings with
track lighting, a system consisting of
“power point/power bars” was designed.
bitions. To do this, a control system
was installed consisting of dimmers,
thus allowing the lighting of spaces
to be re-programmed easily, and
enabling the control of more than
2,000 independent light fixtures.
The communications system is based
on star topology on optical fibre, and
uses Class 5 structured cable on plant
distribution. The plant switches and
the data servers are connected to the
central switch, and the user equipment
is connected to the plant switches. The
network is designed around the concept
of collapsing the various wiring closets
into a central Gigabit Ethernet switch,
via the relevant application servers over
fibre optic cable. From the heart of the
installation, the trunk lines run to the
100 Mbps connection for each server.
The network is then distributed to
smaller cabinets, housing modular, stack-
able switching devices at 10/100 Mbps
to the desktop, according to individual
user needs. This infrastructure ensures
the high availability of bandwidth-
intensive marketing, design, ticketing,
finance and general administrative
applications for more than 200 users.
Fire Protection
The fire alarm system is based on a
distributed system, meaning that the
installation is supervised from four
alarm panels connected by a bus. The
optical heat signals that reach the fire
panels from the fire detection devices
are analyzed not only for their intensity,
but also for their development in time.
Following this analysis, the system
diagnoses the fire threat. With regard to
the fire protection systems, it is necessary
to point out that a preaction double-
interlock sprinkler system was chosen,
which covers all the spaces containing
works of art. For the remaining areas
of the Museum, a wet sprinkler system
was chosen.
The Museum presented us with some
unusual engineering challenges, re-
quiring us to find installations which
would be effective, without marring the
building’s extraordinary architecture. We
believe we’ve succeeded. By combining
the best in engineering and architectural
expertise, the teams responsible for
the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao have
created a hardworking facility which
is also considered one of the world’s
architectural icons.
Rogelio Diez is a Senior Industrial
Engineer, and was the engineer
responsible for installations at the
Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao,
beginning at the design stage in 1992.
He is currently Director of Maintenance
and Installations at the Museum.
He would also like to acknowledge the
assistance of Luis Pablo Elvira, Director
of Information Technology of the
Guggenheim Museum, who helped
in the writing of this article.
Fire-protection preaction panels and valves. A double-interlock preaction system was
installed to protect works of art.
East side of the Museum — a beautiful combination of titanium, glass, stone and water.
In 1980, Black & McDonald (B&M) recognized the need for
a computerized maintenance management system, as a tool
for managing the fast-growing facility management portion
of their business. The lack of an “off the shelf” product at
the time led B&M to commit the funds and personnel to
develop an in-house proprietary solution to fill this need,
and the CMM system was born. This is a Windows®-com-
patible, FoxPro-based software that was meant to be a
powerful but intuitive program that would have a fast
learning curve and feature simplicity of use.
The software
was developed
to provide accu-
rate database
of electrical and
mechanical sys-
tems, equipment
files, equipment history files, preventative maintenance
schedules, orders for repair work, subcontractor work
orders and inventory control.
Today, development of the CMM software has been
extended to encompass all areas of building maintenance and
operations, from structural to landscaping. Major enhance-
ments have been made in management and operations
reporting, to enable current information to be utilized in all
areas of the program, from inventory control to installation
and maintenance scheduling.
B&M is proud to share with readers of Papyrus how
the application is used in a museum environment for the
Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC). This
Crown Corporation was established in 1990 to manage the
Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC), the Canadian War
Museum (CWM) and two other museum storage facilities.
At that time, the premises were maintained by staff from the
Federal Government’s Public Works Department (PWGSC).
At the opening of the CMC, PWGSC installed a computerized
facility management system that would come to be known
as the PMMS system. This entry-level, but groundbreaking,
software listed most of the building systems, complete with
pertinent equipment information, and described the preven-
tative maintenance to be carried out, as well as its frequency.
In 1996, the CMCC decided to go to the private sector
with a “Request for Proposal” to assume the operation and
maintenance of all of their assets. Following a rigorous selec-
tion process, Black & McDonald was selected as the successful
contractor, and a four-year contract was signed, which has
come to be known as the “Plant Services Contract”.
At its opening, the CMC was a state-of-the-art facility,
and even after 13 years in operation, remains quite advanced.
The mandate of protecting the Museum’s vast and irreplace-
able collection of artifacts was realized with a series of
sophisticated maintenance and monitoring systems, tied to
a central monitoring location. At the same time, declining
financial resources demanded that such systems be efficient
and cost-effective. To deliver on these mandates, it is imper-
ative that both the owner and operator be able to monitor
preventative maintenance and gather historical data on these
systems. This is made doubly important by the need to
report such data to other institutions, as a condition for
lending artifacts for special and travelling exhibits.
In the first weeks of its mandate at the CMC, B&M’s
Corporate Response Team, in conjunction with the on-site
staff hired for this contract, saw to the installation of the
CMM software. The database was a combination of infor-
mation transported electronically from the PMMS system, and
information gathered on-site. Of special importance was
the need to capture the information on systems that were
not represented in the PWGSC system. It should be noted
that the process of data collection and verification was a
very helpful tool in familiarizing maintenance staff with the
various systems at this critical time of project implementation.
For a CMMS system to be effective, it is necessary that:
• No work is done “outside” the system. It is imperative
that as much information be collected as possible to
make historical trending as accurate as possible, and
to make sure that follow-up maintenance is carried out
and recorded.
• All information must be entered into the system on
a timely basis. This includes time sheets, unscheduled
work, modifications to systems, etc.
• The system must be kept “up-to-date”. New systems
or modifications to existing systems must be entered into
the system to keep the database current. Once the infor-
mation is compromised, it gets “easier” to fall behind,
leading to decreasing confidence in the accuracy of the
information. This can quickly spiral downwards until the
system is in place in spirit only (rather like software on
the shelf).
• The information generated by the system is used!
After all, one of the key reasons for the system is to
improve operational efficiency. To do this, one must be
constantly evaluating the information gathered by the
program. That means regular concise reporting that
allows trending and “tweaking” of the various systems.
Black & McDonald, CMM, and Museums
by Richard E. Harding and Edmond Richard
• Both parties accept the fact that the system is
important to both the client and the service
provider. That is to say that the system can not only
provide the owner with confidence that the work is
being done as required, but that the service provider
can deliver (and verify) the added value that such
procedures can deliver.
With the goal of making the system intuitive and easy
to learn, the following “road-map” is an integral part of the
CMM software, and allows for easy movement between the
various databases.
To meet the expressed mandate of allowing for simple,
precise reporting, the CMM was set up with a series of budget
modules as per the screen capture below:
This approach allows the user to create Cost Centres,
Budget Codes and Fiscal Years to track maintenance and
operational budgets. Actual operational costs are automatically
captured from the timekeeping and purchase order modules.
This gives the user up-to-date figures to help in determining
accurate costs to date and to help in budgetary projections.
Budget module reporting includes such reports as the Audit
report, Budget by Budget Code report, Budget by Cost Centre
report, and Cost Centre or Budget Code listings. A typical
Budget by Cost Centre report would combine the Material,
Labour and Subcontractor charges for each cost centre into
a summary report detailing current month charges, and
year-to-date charges as compared to budgeted amounts.
It is available for any or all specified cost centres.
The equipment database is at the heart of the CMM pro-
gram at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. All preventative
maintenance and repair tasks are performed based on this
equipment. From this database, maintenance and operations
personnel can retrieve manufacturer names, parts numbers,
and specifications without having to travel to the equipment
location. For the Plant Services Contract at present, the data-
base is monitoring over 4,000 pieces of equipment under
40 categories. It is generating approximately 2,800 PM work
orders, and 3,400 unscheduled work orders (“trouble calls”)
per year.
A generic sample report would look as follows:
The banner screen, as shown below, captures nameplate
data such as make, model, serial no., type, etc. Associated
with each type of equipment is the specifications template.
The software allows the user to customize existing equipment
templates, and to add or create new templates. As building
systems get more and more complicated, the issue of moni-
toring warranty dates gets more difficult. In the CMM system,
equipment that is currently under warranty is flagged to
the user, so that replacement costs can be minimized. This
warranty flag is also reproduced on the work order to
ensure that the technician is aware that the equipment is
under warranty and that proper procedures are followed.
continued on page 18
To control and monitor the “trouble call system”, the
operator can create a work order detailing the work to be
performed, caller name, phone number, date, time of call,
classification of work order, priority, department, and client
ID cross-reference. The banner screen used for these calls
is shown below.
A final aspect of special interest is the control of labour
hours and the appropriate allocation of hours for reporting
purposes. A sample screen is shown below. This module is
used to record labour expended by building operation and
maintenance personnel. CMM software distributes the labour
costs, and produces weekly payroll reports for each main-
tenance/operation staff member. Maintenance and operation
labour hours can be entered daily and charged to any pre-
defined cost centre and budget codes. A separate database
stores the current labour rate for each employee, which the
computer uses to calculate the up-to-date costs for all work
charged to the system. Associated with the labour rates are
user-created “paycodes” which are custom-built algorithms
used to calculate overtime charges, shift premiums, meal
allowances, etc.
The four-year contract expired in 2000, and the client went
once again to the market with an RFP. Black & McDonald
was successful in retaining the contract, and the mandate
was expanded to include facility management of the premises
(overseeing janitorial, snow removal, landscaping, and system
repairs of a non-mechanical or electrical natures such as
doors, windows, carpets, pest control etc.) and maintenance
of the building’s security systems. At the commencement of
the new contract, a new branch was opened in the CMM
system to oversee preventative maintenance and trouble call
systems under this new mandate. This seamless transition
was built upon the experience and database already in
place, and allowed the staff hired under this new contract
to quickly “get up to speed” with a minimum of effort in
set-up and implementation.
At present, B&M has 21 full-time staff operating on a
24-hour-a-day, seven-days-per-week schedule, maintaining
over 100,000 square metres (1,000,000 square feet) of premises.
The comprehensive, “real-time” CMM maintenance manage-
ment system has been a major factor in the successful
partnership that has been forged between the Canadian
Museum of Civilization Corporation and Black & McDonald
Limited. It is a partnership which marries the public-sector
mandate of protecting and displaying the country’s national
faciilties and collections with the experience and project
delivery efficiencies of the private sector.
Richard Harding is a graduate architect, and is the
Manager of Facilities, Management and Operations for
Black & McDonald. Mr. Richard is a graduate mechanical
engineer, and is the site Project Manager at the Canadian
Museum of Civilization for Black & McDonald.
Black & McDonald — continued from page 17
The Smithsonian Institution has
embarked on a new program to imple-
ment Engineering Best Practices. This
five-module program has a clearly
defined purpose: “Obtain more timely,
cost-effective, higher quality and safer
project delivery through application
of the industry’s best practices by an
integrated project team of Smithsonian
and contractor personnel from the pre-
authorization through the operations
and maintenance phase . . .”
The five modules of the program are
Pre-Project Planning, the Project Team,
Constructability, Value Management,
and Performance Management. This
article will look at an early Smithsonian
deployment of the PDRI (Project Defi-
nition Rating Index): one key tool used
in the Pre-Project Planning module.
The PDRI is a weighted list which
contains the most critical elements
defining project scope for building
projects. It has three sections, broken
into 11 categories, further broken into
64 elements. Thirty-eight pages of
descriptions support these elements.
The PDRI identifies and precisely
describes each critical element in a
scope definition package, and allows
a project team to quickly predict
factors which would have an impact
on project risk.
The PDRI is intended to evaluate
how complete the definition of scope
has been at any point before a project is
considered for authorization of detailed
design and construction. A 1,000-point
scoring system is used, with lower
scores indicating a better-defined
scope. A loose rule of thumb is that a
score under 200 suggests the project
is probably ready to proceed from
concept to design, but the creators of
this tool caution against emphasizing
the score alone. The real products of a
PDRI exercise are understanding, team-
building, identifying missing project
components, and refining the scope of
work. A significant factor in successful
administration of a PDRI is the use
of an independent objective facilitator,
who is knowledgeable about general
requirements, but who is also distinctly
unbiased. The PDRI tool was created
in 1999 by the Construction Industry
Institute of Austin, Texas.
Section I, Basis of Project Decision,
contains the following categories, and
helps to define the “right project”:
A. Business Strategy
B. Owner Philosophy
C. Project Requirements
Section II, Basis of Design, contains
the following categories, and also
helps to define the “right project”:
D. Site Information
E. Building Programming
F. Building/Project Design Parameters
G. Equipment
Section III, Execution Approach,
contains the following categories,
and defines the “right way”:
H. Procurement Strategy
J. Deliverables
S. Project Control
DA. Project Execution Plan
As an initial exercise, we applied
the PDRI tool to a project long past
scope development and well into
design: The Physical Plant Renewal
of the Old Patent Office Building in
Washington, D.C. The idea was to
check on how our project scope of
work met the PDRI test, in a case
where we proceeded into design
without a comprehensive Pre-Project
Planning phase. The outcome was
skewed slightly by the inclusion of a
very large number of “stakeholders”: we
included over 45 participants, while
the recommended group is 20 or less.
Our results were also affected by the
use of an in-house facilitator, which,
even in the most collaborative of
environments, can be perceived as
Still, although the score we derived
(186 of 1,000) suggested we were
on-track, the score was secondary
to the other outcomes. We benefited
enormously from this exercise in four
crucial areas:
• Understanding the needs and
priorities of all key stakeholders
• Teambuilding
• Identifying missing components
• Refining the scope of work
The PDRI benefits owners, designers
and builders. Owners can use it as an
assessment tool to help them establish
a comfort level from which they are
willing to move forward with projects.
Designers and builders can use it as a
method of identifying poorly defined
project elements. The PDRI provides
a means for all project participants to
communicate and reconcile differences,
using an objective tool as a common
basis for project scope evaluation.
More information about the Project
Definition Rating Index (PDRI) and the
Construction Industry Institute (CII) can
be obtained at: http://construction- the CII website. More
information about the particulars of
the PDRI exercise on the Old Patent
Office Building can be obtained by
contacting the author at
Daniel D. Davies is the Facilities
Manager at the Smithsonian
Institution, National Museum of
American Art and Portrait Gallery
in Washington, D.C.
Best Practices
by Daniel D. Davies
Summer has finally caught up with us,
and some of us are already looking
forward to well-deserved holidays;
others of us may not be lucky enough
to have that leisure just now. The
London Conference is just around the
corner, however, with a program that
will make this venue one of the best
in IAMFA history.
This Association has taken a quantum
leap in the development of its annual
conferences. The change of location
each year creates tremendous potential
for conference organizers to diversify
conference activities, making each con-
ference unique and memorable. For
the organizers, it also becomes a truly
collegial experience, giving members
of the organizing committee an oppor-
tunity to work closely with one another
during the two years it takes to prepare
for the event. The conference is also
an opportunity to showcase the best
cultural institutions in the host city. In
addition, conference participants get
an unequalled chance to learn from
colleagues about different management
approaches, to witness progress on
construction sites, and to find out about
successes with recent museum renova-
tions and museum-related construction
projects around the world.
These conferences have been the
backbone of our organization, and we
certainly value the men and women who
have taken up the challenge of putting
together an event of such international
scope and value. The members of each
conference team commit considerable
time and resources over and above
their daily work in order to achieve
these successes, and it is important to
recognize the ongoing effort required
of to structure a conference program
and bring it to fruition. The overall
responsibilities of the conference remain
with committee members, who take it
upon themselves to agree on the out-
lines of a conference program, to request
commitments from guest speakers, to
set up site visits, to negotiate for the
best hotel rates, meeting rooms and
food services, and to solicit donors and
sponsors in order to ensure financial
viability of the conference. It is also the
committee’s responsibility to develop
a spouse program — entertaining
activities that have become a tradition
of excellence with IAMFA.
In conclusion, I would like to note
how you as members contribute to the
success of a conference. Your primary
contribution is, of course, to register in
support of such an activity, but the buck
doesn’t stop there. The most significant
contribution a member can make to
this organization is to convince one
additional museum facility manage-
ment colleague to join IAMFA and to
attend the conference. The successful
growth of this Association depends,
to a great extent, on your personal
commitment to the organization, and
the ultimate success of an IAMFA
Conference is something we all, as
individual members, can share and
take pride in.
Pierre Lepage
Papyrus Editor
Pierre Lepage
Papyrus Correspondents
Peter Fotheringham
Alastair Cunningham
Lloyd O. Headley
United States
Rogelio Diez Marcos, Luis Pablo Elvira
Richard E. Harding, Edmond Richard
Daniel D. Davies
United States
Production Coordination
Julie Coderre
Deborah Brownrigg
Design and Layout
Phredd Grafix
Artistic License
Printed in Canada by
St-Joseph M.O.M. Printing
ISSN 1682-5241
Statements of fact and opinion are made
on the responsibility of authors alone
and do not imply an opinion on the part
of the editors, officers, or members of
IAMFA. The editors of IAMFA Papyrus
reserve the right to accept or to reject
any Article or advertisement submitted
for publication.
While we have made every attempt to ensure
that reproduction rights have been acquired
for the illustrations used in this newsletter,
please let us know if we have inadvertently
overlooked your copyright, and we will rectify
the matter in a future issue.
From the Editor’s Desk
The London Conference . . . Just Around the Corner

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Papyrus Summer 2002

  • 1. The award-winning Museum of Scottish Country Life in East Kilbride is now open and attracting visitors in encour- aging numbers. The facility gives visitors a rare opportunity to visit a historic working farm comprising Farmhouse, Steading and 180 acres of land, including an events area and a new Exhibition Building. The Museum is the result of a unique collaboration between the National Museums of Scotland (NMS) and the National Trust for Scotland (NTS), and is home to the National Country Life Collection, as well as the NTS collection from the Reid family of Kittochside. The completed exhibition building is the result of an innovative harmonization of client thinking, architectural form and environmental engineering. From the outset, the NMS recognized that the costs of running a fully air-conditioned building, in order to meet the environmental requirements laid down in current guidelines, would be prohibitive. Both Page & Park, the architects, and Harley Haddow Partnership, the M&E consulting engineers, embraced the project brief and began to work together with the NMS to design a building which would combine architectural inspiration with environmental function. The first task was to conduct research on the existing environmental guidelines. Research on conservation conditions for museum objects is by no means conclusive, and opinions on these standards differ around the world. To complicate matters, it soon became clear that the temperature and humidity values required in order to reduce the deterioration of objects also vary considerably for different materials. Inter- preting all of the current research on the subject indicated that there was no single environment which would provide “satisfactory conditions” for all materials. The most widely referred-to guideline in the U.K. is BS5454:2000, which is PAPYRUSVOLUME 3 SUMMER NUMBER 3 2002 continued on page 2 Grand Prix Winner for Architecture in Scottish Design Awards 2002 Engineering the Sustainable Museum Environment at the Museum of Scottish Country Life by Alastair Cunningham and Chris Mclaren INSIDE Letter from the President . . 4 Regional Chapters — September 11 . . . . . . . . . 6 Pull-Out Members Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Installations at the Guggenheim Bilbao . . . 13 Facilities Maintenance Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Best Practices . . . . . . . . . . 19 From the Editor's Desk . . 20The new Museum of Scottish Country Life in East Kilbride, just outside of Glasgow, is situated at the edge of an urban area, and conducts the visitor towards the land and the countryside. I N T E R N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F M U S E U M F A C I L I T Y A D M I N I S T R A T O R S
  • 2. 2 for archived documents. This guideline notes environmental values of 21˚C and 50% RH as optimal conditions. It could have been assumed that the Country Life collection is primarily comprised of robust objects used in rugged agricultural environments. However, there are also many objects which combine disparate materials such as metal, leather and wood, and each of these would require different conser- vation conditions. Further research indicated that the effects of temperature and humidity changes are more prob- lematic than absolute values maintained within limits — even if those values aren’t optimal. Discussion with the NMS Conservation Department resulted in a pragmatic brief, which required stable conditions within a temperature and humidity band of 15˚C to 25˚C and 45% to 60% RH. Importantly, the brief noted the maximum rate of change of temp- erature as 4˚C in 12 hours and 2˚C in one hour. The humidity rate of change was 10% in 12 hours and 6% in 3 hours. The architecture of the building evolved to accommodate its function, resulting in a heavy mass construction with the mass exposed internally. The building’s fenestration includes the main glazed elements on the north side to minimize solar gain. The ratio of public areas, accessible storage and closed storage meant that the internal influ- ences within the building as a whole were minimized. The internal spaces are generally large and spacious, with high ceilings. Most spaces do not have suspended ceilings, and the exposed concrete finishes help to stabilize the temperature in the space by absorbing and releasing moisture and heat. One result of the building’s form and function is that the influences of internal temperature and humidity gains are negligible, and the opportunity for utilizing the ambient conditions to maintain the designed environment is greater than it would be with a lightweight construction which utilizes insulating internal finishes. The ethos of the environmental services design was to utilize modular plant arrangements, which followed the natural occupancy and physical building zoning. This resulted in a proposal to install 10 small air hand- ling units (AHUs) to serve the various distinct zones of the building. Attention to detail was important in sealing the fabric between zones, as well as in the outer envelope. A large-scale computational fluid dynamic (CFD) study of the building was undertaken to assess and refine the ventilation proposals. The computer model took into account all the physical properties of the building. The model- ling included a full simulation of a “weather year” and also analyzed the individual zones for the peak design days, to assess the rate of change in humidity and temperature over time. The CFD model predicted that, by utilizing the chimney structure and an exposed concrete labyrinth in the common intake duct, up to 2˚C additional cooling could be gained. Each of the ventilation installations is configured to serve areas of the building with similar gains and uses. Internal stores are served from a common sys- tem, whereas stores with external walls, or on the same elevation of the building, are served from another system. The aim of the ventilation configuration philosophy is to create the most envi- ronmentally stable spaces possible. A fully integrated Building Manage- ment System is installed in the building, with temperature and humidity sensors in all stores. The stores have air-quality sensors which detect CO2 levels. These The Museum of Scottish Country Life is also a working farm. Another view of the Museum building. Air handling units in the Museum’s plant. Scottish Design Awards — continued from page 1
  • 3. 3 sensors override any thermal controls if the internal air quality requires the introduction of fresh air. The environ- mental control strategy reverts only when air quality is satisfied, and switches the ventilation on only if the conditions for doing so are satisfied. The ventilation plant is controlled using algorithms that sense the rate and direction of changes in room conditions within the required range. The controls then use the available plant and/or ambient conditions to bring the room’s condition back to acceptable levels. The controls installation ensures that there is no plant intervention until the room condition is beyond the required range, and then only if plant operation is able to adjust the conditions back appropriate levels. The environmental building control philosophy is based on no plant activity if the conditions are satisfied, and minimal plant activity only if required on a zone-by-zone basis. The Museum has now been in oper- ation for a number of months, and conditions in the stores have been regularly monitored. The temperature and humidity profiles indicate that conditions in the stores remain stable even when the ambient conditions vary considerably from day to night, and also as the weather changes over days and weeks. It has been noted that, in the first few months of operation, the AHU installations remained off for significant periods, due to the inherent passive thermal stability of the building. Running costs are currently being calculated, based on the data received to date. It is anticipated that the running costs will be a fraction of those for a “conventional” museum or gallery building. By adopting the approach described, the National Museums of Scotland are taking a farsighted approach to the problem of storing artifacts in a manner that will reduce their degradation, while ensuring that the plant will be able to run without incurring unsustainable running costs. Alastair Cunningham is Project Devel- opment Manager for the National Museums of Scotland. He has over 25 years’ experience in the fields of architecture, construction, procurement and delivery. In his past 12 years with the NMS, he has been involved in the delivery of major projects and has been involved in the areas of collection storage and accessible storage, as well as more pragmatic aspects of environmental controls. Chris Mclaren, consulting M&E engineer, also contributed to this piece. Looking out towards the main entrance of the Museum. The display cases in the exhibition courtyard area feature a variety of agricultural tools. The cases themselves have been designed as “trailers” which can be joined up and towed away. This in turn creates a functional rental venue, which generates revenue for the facility. External Ambient Conditions October 2001. Internal Space Conditions October 2001.
  • 4. 4 Very little time seems to have passed since I last sat down to write to you all. Despite this, things have continued to progress, and there are a number of developments to report. The Board met in Amsterdam over the weekend of April 12 to 14, and we were generously entertained by Jan Abrahamse at the Rijksmuseum and Jan Kruls at the Van Gogh Museum. Staff at both museums were wonderfully helpful and friendly, and I would like to thank them once again on behalf of the Board for their hospitality. As ever, we had a full agenda, and spent the whole of Saturday in discussion in a beautiful gothic chapel in the heart of the Rijksmuseum. Reports from Board members con- firmed that as an organization we are in reasonable health. Bill Caddick was able to confirm that our finances are stable, and that membership take-up has been good, although we are missing a few familiar names whom we hope have just been slow in signing up. As an inducement to encourage early pay- ment, we have decided to charge a late fee of $25 for inclusion in the annual Directory that is published. Pierre Lepage has done a great job with our Papyrus newsletter, and I hope that you have all now received three new editions full of relevant articles. I can testify to his vigour as I fend of his demands for copy by the agreed dead- line — he is not one to be deflected or to let things slide! It is certainly worth it, however: I have used the recent editions as marketing material, and they have obviously impressed both potential members and likely sponsors. On the administrative side, Marla Chanin-Tobar has agreed to push forward a new handbook, detailing job descriptions for the Board, and generally clarifying procedures set out in our by-laws. The intention is to create a handbook that will form a sort of cor- porate memory, guiding future Boards — although it remains open, as ever, to adaptation and development as we grow. The Board also discussed the vacancies that will be open to the mem- bership in September; these will be the posts of President and Vice-President of Administration, and I would like to formally ask for any nominations to these posts prior to the London con- ference. We will, of course, have a ballot at the business meeting, and I will remind you all again when you arrive in London. All of which leads me to the London conference and arrangements to date. The organizing committee has finalized venues and themes for the three days, and we are now concentrating on details. I hope that the programme for both the conference and spouses will be up on our Web site by the time you read this, so check it out at I urge you to make an early booking — if we run out of rooms, it will be extremely difficult to find more in the centre of London close to the event. It comes as a blow to the committee and the organization as a whole that Karen Plouviez has been offered a job in the education sector, and is leaving the British Library. In a relatively short period, she has had a big impact on IAMFA affairs in the United Kingdom, and her leadership has set the London conference on course to being another great event. I can only say thank you and best wishes from us all. We have also had confirmation from Joe Brennan that San Francisco will be hosting the event in 2003, again probably in September. We will ask him to give us more details in London. I have recently corresponded with Vinny Magorrian, who tells me that his health problems have meant that he is leaving MoMA. He would be delighted to hear from his friends within the orga- nization, and if you e-mail me, I will pass on messages or put you in touch. He has a vast resource of experience and may be a fruitful contact for anyone with an operational problem. Vinny was a founding member of this organization, and is someone I have often turned to for advice. His short history of the organization was distrib- uted at the Chicago conference, and is part of an archive we should not lose. I hope we will be able to find a way for past members to continue to partic- ipate within the organization, perhaps with some form of retired membership category. I wish him well for the future, and look forward to seeing him at future IAMFA events. I look forward to seeing you in London — and please confirm your booking as soon as possible to make life easier for those organizing venues, meals and trips! All the best, Peter Fotheringham National Gallery, London June 2002 Letter from the President IAMFA President, Peter Fotheringham
  • 5. 5 IAMFA Board of Directors President Peter Fotheringham The National Gallery London, England V.P., Administration Marla Chanin-Tobar Meridian International Center Washington, D.C., U.S.A. V.P., Regional Affairs Carole Beauvais National Archives of Canada and National Library of Canada Ottawa, Canada Treasurer William Caddick Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, U.S.A. Secretary and Papyrus Editor Pierre Lepage Canadian Museum of Civilization and Canadian War Museum Hull, Canada Chairman — Conference 2002 Karen Plouviez The British Library London, England Chairman — Conference 2003 Joe Brennan San Francisco Museum of Modern Art San Francisco, U.S.A. For additional contact information, please visit our website at @@@@@@@@e? @@@@@@@@e? @@h? @@h? @@h? @@h? @@h? @@h? @@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e @@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ ?@@ ?@@ ?@@ ?@@ ?@@ ?@@ ?@@@@@@@@ ?@@@@@@@@ ?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@ ?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@e?@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@ @@g @@g @@g @@g @@g @@g @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ THE LONDON 2002 CONFERENCE September 22–25, 2002 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUM FACILITY ADMINISTRATORS Ⅺ YES! Sign me up to attend the 2002 IAMFA Annual Conference in London, England. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________________ Institution:_______________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ Postal/Zip Code: _________________ State/Province/County: ______________________ Country: _________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________ Special dietary requirements:____________________________________________________ ALL FEES ARE PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS Ⅺ Member Fee: $350 Ⅺ Non-member conference fee: $400 Ⅺ Sign me up as a new IAMFA member: $150 Ⅺ Guest Programme: $250 Guest Name: _________________________________ Ⅺ Day Attendance: $150 per day Ⅺ MON Ⅺ TUE Ⅺ WED Please remit to: International Association of Museum Facility Administrators c/o Karen Plouviez The British Museum 96 Euston Road London, NW1 2DB United Kingdom I require an invoice: Ⅺ Yes Ⅺ No SUGGESTED ACCOMMODATION A limited number of twin/double rooms has been reserved in two high-grade hotels (the Thistle Piccadilly and the Thistle Trafalgar) in the heart of London, within easy walking distance of the three conference venues. The hotels have recently been refurbished to high standards, and all rooms are air- conditioned. A special rate of £150 per night has been negotiated for IAMFA delegates for the period of September 21–28, 2002. The rooms have already been reserved, and delegates must confirm their rooms by contacting the hotels directly. Please ask for “in-house reservations” and quote booking reference “TRAF 02”. In order to avoid disappointment, please note that rooms should be reserved as soon as possible. Thistle Trafalgar + 44 (0) 20 7930 4477 Thistle Piccadilly + 44 (0) 20 7930 4033 Please check the IAMFA website for updates at: PHOTO©MIKESLOCOMBE, ¡
  • 6. 6 For months, there were reports that September 11, 2001 would be a momen- tous day in New York City history. Term limits were in effect, and almost every city government official was slated to leave his or her position. It was an unseasonably warm and sunny day. I thought that I should vote early, before the long lines formed. I drove my youngest daughter to school and headed to my polling site, when I heard the news flash that an airplane had just hit the World Trade Center. I imagined it was the result of a misguided or malfunctioning plane that must have hit the antenna on one of the towers, and that damage would be minimal. The early reports were sketchy and unconfirmed. I was in Brooklyn, where I could see smoke trailing from the tower. I parked my vehicle and watched in disbelief. I could see that the tower had actually been hit on one of the upper floors, and not at the antenna as I’d imagined. The magnitude of this tragedy was just beginning to set in when I witnessed the second plane hit. It was like watching a movie, until a radio announcer said the Pentagon had also been hit and that another plane, although unconfirmed, was headed off-course towards the White House. I looked and I listened for what seemed to be forever, and asked myself how all these incidents could be coin- cidental. My military, security and anti- terrorism training forced me to shake off the shock of it and acknowledge that America was under attack. I knew that I would be activated and had to report for military duty. It was time to act! Not knowing what would happen next, priority dictated that I secure my family. I called my wife at work to inform her of what was happening, and to let her know how much I loved her. She in turn was concerned about our three children. I assured her that I would get them all safely home, and that every- thing would be all right. I knew I had just made a promise that only God could keep, so I began to pray. As the First Sergeant of C. Co 204th Engineers New York Army National Guard, I next contacted my commander, who was also monitoring the disaster from work. We planned to stay tuned and stand by for orders from the Governor. My next call was to the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, where I have worked in Operations and Security for over 10 years. We were fortunate that the hundreds of schoolchildren we serve on weekdays were not at the Museum on September 11, 2001. The Museum is closed to the public on Tuesdays, and the security supervisors on duty reported that all was secure, and that they were in the process of implementing the Museum’s disaster plan. Our plan has been in place for many years, and we had had mock evacuations and response tests in the recent past. The plan’s directives are to ensure: • Safety of our staff and visitors. • Safety of our collection. • Protection of the facility. Every bag and package was inspected, and a head count was taken of everyone entering or exiting the building. Although it wasn’t mandated, some staff began to leave work spontaneously to be with their families. There is an elementary school next door to the Museum, and dedi- cated staff members went to help comfort the children waiting to be picked up by their parents. On Duty at Ground Zero As expected, the Governor activated my unit that day. There were thousands of volunteers and neighbours who lined the streets, cheering and wel- coming us to the area. It was a moving experience. Uncertainty, chaos, despair and pandemonium are words that describe my feelings as we secured our sector of responsibility, providing security at Ground Zero within the first few days of the disaster. With the level of devastation surrounding the area, the site was like something out of a war movie. Regional Chapters It Began Just Like any Ordinary Day — A Museum Facility Manager’s View of September 11 Lloyd O. Headley by Lloyd O. Headley
  • 7. 7 During that time, three things brought calm and consolation to my mind, body and soul: • First was my constant prayer for the people trapped under the rubble, the people who lost their lives, their families, and the many lives that were spared. • Second, knowing that I was pro- viding a needed service to help others. • Lastly, watching the many agencies work tirelessly around the clock to save lives, guard facilities and give help so generously. Creating a “Safe Zone” I returned to work at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum on Tuesday September 25, 2001, after working twelve-hour shifts at Ground Zero for fourteen days. The monthly all-staff meeting was very informative, and served as a way to bond and keep staff updated of changes and issues we needed to address following September 11. I listened to the supervisors of the Security and Facilities Departments as they reported on the safety and deter- rent measures we had implemented: • Barriers on the exterior of the building to prohibit individuals from parking close to the exits or entrance of the building. • Checking all staff and visitors bags/ packages (including school classes) at the front entrance, prior to their entering the facility. • Providing threat level and transpor- tation updates of road, bridge, tunnel and subway closings and detours from the Police Department. • Enhanced mail handling to deal with potential anthrax, bomb scares, etc. It quickly became clear that all staff had an important role to play in dealing with a crisis such as this. Training, Training, Training In the seven months since September 11, the common thread that ran through museums was the importance of train- ing, training and more training. It was important to have updated Emergency Evacuation Plans in place. I made sure that the necessary safety measures were put in place and utilized to the fullest extent, providing the atmosphere of a “Safe Zone” in the Brooklyn Children’s Museum for staff and visitors. The reason training became key was that many facility managers without enough security personnel, barriers, magnetometers and handheld wands had to evaluate their needs and fill in the gaps immediately. Through network- ing, seminars, meetings and updating manuals, all areas that were vulnerable to terrorists were strengthened. Because of the threat of anthrax arriving through the postal system, our highest alert went to monitoring the mail for unmarked packages. Again, training in new ways of handling the mail was undertaken, and enhanced calm was brought to this once volatile area of concern. Keeping staff informed and equipped during these past months has helped to create balance in dealing with life at the Museum following September 11. Things will never return to business as usual for most people, of course. Fear will continue to master some lives, while others will keep rising to the challenge. The New York Chapter Committee members responded very well to the crisis. Through meetings and network- ing, a special task force was created, with support from the Mayor’s Office, to develop shared responses during an emergency. A core group was formed, and the decision was made to first design a document that would help facilities of all sizes to create their own disaster plans. The second step will be developing shared responses between institutions. In communicating with chapter members about the effects of Septem- ber 11 on visitation at their institutions, the overwhelming consensus was that school groups were particularly visible by their absence in the months following the terrorist attacks. An article in the New York City Council Department of Cultural Affairs by Kate D. Levin, Commissioner May 14, 2002 read, “According to a survey we recently undertook of the 34 members of the Cultural Institutions Group (CIG), between October 1 and December 31, 2001, the CIG collectively suffered an income loss of $42.6 million; this figure includes earned income as well as contributions from corporations, foundations and individuals. Additionally, attendance was down by 1.1 million visitors and school group visits were down by 35 percent.” Institutions within three miles of Ground Zero had a difficult time receiving services, because they were closed for at least six to eight weeks. Other institutions not in the “frozen zone” were able to utilize their service suppliers only after identification checks of the driver and vehicle wanting to enter our buildings. The institution closest to Ground Zero belonged to Myro Riznyk, Facilities Manager of the Smithsonian Institution, which is located at 1 Bowling Green. He stated, “I had no contamination inside my building, because we closed our outside air dampers. However, the outside of the building had three to four inches of dust and debris.” Other institutions — in addition to shutting down their fresh air intake in particular, depending on the direction the wind was blowing — decided to change their filters more often to maintain a clean environment. continued on page 8
  • 8. 8 The situation was not so grim for the Brooklyn Children’s Museum. Visi- tation was down by 40–50% for the first three months following September 11, due primarily to transportation issues for school classes, closing of bridges and tunnels, and parental concerns. While some institutions are still below their average attendance numbers for this year, our visitation has slowly increased within the last four months to about 75% our normal attendance. We have been very fortunate. I know when you dwell on tragedy and live in the past, memories of all the pain and hurt can overwhelm you, to the point where leaving home can become a strain. Also, thinking of the future can become a bad dream or nightmare because of negative self- talk and fear of what could happen tomorrow. I find myself now living more in the present, and enjoying the simple things in life, instead of living in the past or worrying about the future. Lloyd Headley has a degree in Security Management, and is currently Director of Operations and Security at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum. He has been listed in the International Who’s Who of Professionals, and has been awarded a New York State Senate Citation for Distinguished Community Service. He has served as Chairman of the Museum, Library, Cultural Property Protection Committee, and is Chairman of the Museum, Library, Cultural Property Facilities Committee. He is currently the Chair of the New York Chapter of the IAMFA. Chairpersons of Regional Chapters Los Angeles, U.S.A. James Surwillo Japanese American National Museum New York, U.S.A. Lloyd Headley The Brooklyn Children’s Museum Ottawa-Hull, Canada Toby Greenbaum Public Works & Government Services San Francisco, U.S.A. Joe Brennan San Francisco Museum of Modern Art London, England Karen Plouviez The British Library Washington-Baltimore, U.S.A. Fletcher Johnston Hirshorn Museum & Sculpture Garden Coordinators of Future Chapters Atlanta, U.S.A. Kevin Streiter High Museum of Art Bilbao, Spain Rogelio Diez Guggenheim Museum Chicago, U.S.A. William Caddick Art Institute of Chicago Houston-San Antonio, U.S.A. Gary Morrison McNay Art Museum Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Victor T. Razze Brandywine River Museum and Conservatory Seattle, U.S.A. Patrick Dowling Whatcom Museum of History and Art Cleveland, U.S.A. Tom Catalioti Cleveland Museum of Art Sydney, Australia Bob Scott The Powerhouse Museum Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jan Abrahamse The Rijksmuseum The International Association of Museum Facility Administrators is pleased to welcome the following new members: Regular Members Tom Catalioti — Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A. Glen Hodges — Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia New IAMFA Members Regional Chapters — continued from page 7
  • 9. 9 Glen Hodges Australian Museum 6 College Street Sydney Australia 2010 Phil Rees National Gallery of Australia GPO Box 1150 Canberra, ACT Australia 2601 Carole Beauvais National Archives of Canada 395 Wellington Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N3 Canada Dale Cameron National Archives of Canada National Library of Canada 344 Wellington Street, Rm. 5076 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N3 Canada Bob Chartrand National Museum of Science and Technology 2421 Lancaster Road Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5A3 Canada Ian Follett Facility Management Services Ltd. 45 Maryland Place, SW Calgary, Alberta T2V 2E6 Canada Gerry Potoczny Canadian Museum of Nature P.O. Box 3443 Stn. D Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6P4 Canada Lynn Row Ontario Science Centre 770 Don Mills Road North York, Ontario M3C 1T3 Canada CANADA AUSTRALIA Guy Larocque Canadian Museum of Civilization 100 Laurier Street Hull, Quebec J8X 4H2 Canada Pierre Lepage Canadian Museum of Civilization 100 Laurier Street Hull, Quebec J8X 4H2 Canada José Luis Oliveros Centre canadien d’Architecture 1920, rue Baille Montréal, Quebec H3H 2S6 Canada Leslie Brantingham Parliamentary Works Directorate 1 Cannon Row London, England SW1A 2JN Peter Fotheringham National Gallery Trafalgar Square London, England WC2N 5DN peter.fotheringham@ Graham Pellow Natural History Museum Cromwell Road London, England SW7 5BD Karen Plouviez British Museum 96 Euston Road London, England NW1 2DB Jan Abrahamse Rijksmuseum Stadhouderskade 42 1071 ZD Amsterdam The Netherlands THE NETHERLANDS ENGLAND Robert Galbraith National Galleries of Scotland 13 Heriot Row Edinburgh, Scotland EH4 3DS robert.galbraith@ Rogelio Diez Guggenheim Museum Abandoibarra 2 48001 Bilbao Spain ALABAMA Shirley A. Woods Montgomerey Museum of Fine Arts P.O. Box 230819 Montgomerey, AL 36123-0819 USA ARKANSAS John Pagan Arkansas Art Center P.O. Box 2137 Little Rock, AR 72203-2137 USA CALIFORNIA Donald Battjes Los Angeles County Museum of Art 5905 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA Joe Brennan San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 151 Third St. San Francisco, CA 94103-31 USA USA SPAIN SCOTLAND Jim Bullock Getty Center (Getty Museum) 1200 Getty Center Dr., Ste. 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90049-1687 USA John Coplin Santa Barbara Museum of Art 1130 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2746 USA John Donohoe J. Paul Getty Museum 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049-1678 USA Steven Green Cantor Center for the Visual Arts Cantor Center Stanford, CA 94305-5060 USA Oren Gray J. Paul Getty Museum 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049-1678 USA Jim Hartman Fine Arts Museums 233 Post St., 6th Flr. San Francisco, CA 94108 USA David Hillbrand Yerba Buena Center for the Art 701 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Randy Murphy Museum of Contemporary Art 250 S. Grand Ave., California Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA Mary Omoto Japanese American National Museum 369 East First St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA IAMFA Members Directory 2002
  • 10. 10 Michael Orth J. Paul Getty Museum 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049-1678 USA Ronald Romo J. Paul Getty Museum 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049-1678 USA Brenda Sheridan Long Island Beach Museum 2300 East Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90803 USA Sarah Shulman California Historical Society 678 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105 USA Will Spencer J. Paul Getty Museum 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049-1678 USA James A. Surwillo Japanese American National Museum 369 East First St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA CONNECTICUT Ernest Conrad Landmark Facilities Group Inc. 252 East Avenue Norwalk, CT 06855 USA George J. Conte Yale Center for British Art 29 Oakhill Drive, PO Box 208280 North Haven, CT 06520-8280 USA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Eugene Brown U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024-2126 USA Marla Chanin-Tobar Meridian International Center 1630 Crescent Place, NW Washington, DC 20009 USA Daniel D. Davies National Museum of American Art and Portrait Gallery Victor Building 9th & G Street, NW 750 Ninth St. N.W. Washington, DC 20560-0201 USA Richard Day National Museum of Natural History 10th St. & Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20056 USA Ron Hawkins Smithsonian Institution- Quadrangle 1100 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20560 USA Fletcher Johnston Hirshorn Museum Independence Ave at 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20560-0350 USA Richard Kowalczyk National Air and Space Museum 601 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20560-0303 USA Eugene F. Ramatowski U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024-2126 USA Kurt Sisson National Gallery of Art 6th St. & Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20565 USA Michael Solfield Smithsonian Institution 750 Ninth Street, NW Room 5200 MRC 908 Washington, DC Washington USA FLORIDA Debbie Towers Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens 4000 Morikami Park Road Delray Beach, FL 33446 USA GEORGIA Kevin Streiter High Museum of Art 1280 Peachtree NE Atlanta, GA 30309 USA kevin.streiter@ HAWAII Robert White Honolulu Academy of Arts 900 S. Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96814 USA ILLINOIS Brendan Berry Advantage Operations, Art Institute 125 E. Monroe Chicago, IL 60603-1073 USA Bill Caddick Art Institute of Chicago 111 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60603-6110 USA Paul Huber Advantage Operations 3906 N. Monticello Avenue Chicago, IL 60618-4128 USA Don Meckley Museum of Contemporary Art 220 E. Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611-2604 USA LOUISIANA Jackie Sullivan New Orleans Museum of Art P.O. Box 19123 New Orleans, LA 70179 USA MAINE David Geldart Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 465 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 USA James S. Labeck Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 2 Palace Road Boston, MA 02115 USA David Roth Children Museum Inc. Museum Wharf 308 Congress St. Boston, MA 02210-1034 USA MARYLAND Alan Dirican Baltimore Museum of Art 10 Art Museum Drive Baltimore, MD 21218-3898 USA Jeffery H. Greene Banneker-Douglas Museum 84 Franklin Street Annapolis, MD 21401-2738 USA IAMFA Members Directory 2002 USA (cont’d) CALIFORNIA (cont’d)
  • 11. 11 MISSOURI Reed Lillard Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 4525 Oak Street Kansas City, MO 64111-1873 USA NEW YORK Brij Anand Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10128 USA Ciro Bottacavoli IEN Magazine 5 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 USA Martin Cavanaugh Pierpont Morgan Library 29 East 36th Street New York, NY 10116 USA William Esposito Jr. Ambient Labs, Inc. 55 West 39th Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10018-3803 USA Vincent Magorrian Museum of Modern Art – New York 11 West 53rd Street New York, NY 10019 USA Myro Riznyk Smithsonian Institution- National Museum of the American Indian One Bowling Green Drive New York, NY 10004 USA Tom Scally Metropolitan Museum of Art Communication Department 100 5th Avenue New York, NY 10028-0198 USA Harry Soldati Brooklyn Museum of Art 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 USA Dennis F. Sweeney Frick Collection 1 East 70th Street New York, NY 10021 USA Stan Zwiren Brooklyn Museum of Art 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238-6052 USA OHIO Paul Bernard Toledo Museum 2445 Monroe Street, Scottwood Avenue Toledo, OH 43697 USA Tom Catalioti Cleveland Museum 11150 East Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44106 USA David Nawrocki Columbus Art Museum 400 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 USA Dave Gearding Cincinnati Art Museum 953 Eden Park Drive Cincinnati, OH 45202-1596 USA PENNSYLVANIA Larry Armstrong Carnegie Museums 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA armstrongl@ Douglas Bowerman Allentown Art Museum 5th and Court Streets P.O. Box 388 Allentown, PA 18105 USA operations@ Terri L. Chapman Frick Art and Historical and Finance 7227 Reynolds Street Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2923 USA Walt Crimm Ewing Cole Cherry Brott 100 North Sixth Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106 USA Rad Delaney Ewing Cole Cherry Brott 100 North Sixth Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106 USA Bob Morrone Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th & Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. P.O. Box 7646 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646 USA Tom L. Peck Colonial Williamsburg Foundation P.O. Box 1776 Williamsburg, PA 23187-1776 USA Victor T. Razze Brandywine River Museum and Conservatory P.O. Box 141 Chaddis Ford, PA 19317 USA Richard J. Reinert Affiliated Building Systems 2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. Philadelphia, PA 19130 USA James Sutton Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th & Benjamin Franklin Pkwy. P.O. Box 7646 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646 USA SOUTH CAROLINA Michael Roh Columbia Museum of Art P.O. Box 2068 Columbia, SC 29202 USA TEXAS Henry Griffin Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 1001 Bissonnet Houston, TX 77265-6826 USA Gary L. Morrison McNay Art Museum P.O. Box 6069 San Antonio, TX 78240 USA Jeffery Ryan Jackson and Ryan Architects 2370 Rice Boulevard, Suite 210 Houston, TX 77005 USA VIRGINIA John Cannup Mariner’s Museum 100 Museum Drive Newport News, VA 23221-2466 USA WISCONSIN Richard Swainston Milwaukee Public Museum 800 Wells St. Milwaukee, WI 53233 USA IAMFA Members Directory 2002 Although we do our best to ensure that our Directory information is as up-to-date as possible, errors and omissions can always occur. If you would like to make any changes to your listing, please contact Julie Coderre at julie.coderre@ Thanks very much.
  • 12. 12 On behalf of the membership and Board, we invite you to join with other museums and cultural organizations through- out the world in becoming a member of the only organization exclusively devoted to museum and cultural facility admin- istrators: the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators (IAMFA). As a member, you will join a growing list of museum and cultural facility administrators in their efforts to provide a standard of excellence and quality in planning, development and design, construction, operation and maintenance of cultural facilities of all sizes and varieties of programming. The Association currently has representation in several countries on three continents. Our goal is to increase membership in institutions throughout the world. Your involvement in the IAMFA will continue the growth of the organization and provide you with excellent educational and networking opportunities. As your colleagues, we look forward to welcoming you to membership in the IAMFA. Cordially yours, The Board of the International of Museum Facility Administrators Membership Opportunities Join the IAMFA at any of the following levels and enjoy full benefits of membership: Regular Member — $150 annually. A regular member holds the position of principal administration in direct charge of the management of facilities, and represents their institution(s) as a member of the association. Associate Member — $50 annually. An associate member is a full-time facilities management employee (professional, administrative or supervisor), below the level of the facility administrator of the member association. Affiliate Member — $50 annually. An affiliate member is any full-time employee of a member institution who is not directly involved in the facilities management department. Subscribing Member — $300 annually. A subscribing member is an individual, organization, manufacturer of supplier of goods services to the institutions who ascribes to the policies and programmes of the Aassociation, and wishes to support the activities of the Association. 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Please remit to: International Association of Museum Facility Administrators P.O. Box 1505, Washington, D.C. 20013-1505 U.S.A. Website: Ⅺ I am interested in joining. Please have a member contact me.
  • 13. 13 Inaugurated in October 1997, following five years of construction, the Guggen- heim Museum Bilbao of Modern and Contemporary Art is a unique and remarkable feat of engineering. Designed by renowned architect Frank O. Gehry, the museum runs down to the banks of the river Nervión, and seems to slide beneath the Puente de la Salve bridge — one of the main points of access to the city of Bilbao in the Basque region of northern Spain. The main entrance leads directly into the heart of the Museum. As visitors stand in the central atrium, they are immediately struck by how well this building — which is over 50 metres (160 feet) in height and commands a 32,500-square-metre site in the centre of the city — can fit into the urban landscape without towering over neighboring buildings. The museum offers 11,000 square metres of exhibition space, distributed among 19 galleries. Ten of these, clad externally in limestone blocks, have a classical orthogonal appearance, while the remaining nine have irregularly- shaped interiors clad externally with titanium plates. Organized on three levels around the atrium, the galleries are connected by curving walkways suspended from the roof, complemented by glass-fronted elevators and towers. During the design and construction stages, the Los Angeles-based Gehry collaborated with American and inter- national consultants in HVAC, electrical and general installations, lighting, noise control, audiovisual equipment, fire- prevention equipment, security, etc., while also benefiting from the exper- tise of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. This approach led to the creation of a multidisciplinary team capable of designing a complex structure — including management of the engineering feats required for the realization of Gehry’s stunning architectural concept. In Bilbao, the Guggenheim Museum Consortium, which was entrusted with the building’s construction, collaborated with a team of engineers and architects. The team was responsible for performing and supervising construction of the build- ing, while also managing all aspects of the project requiring compliance with local standards and working methods. Work continued virtually around the clock: while one set of engineers and architects worked on one continent, the other rested. The main installations in this museum were as follows: HVAC, lighting and electricity, fire-prevention, security, communications systems, elevators, plumbing and sanitary systems. This article provides a brief summary of the most salient aspects of some of these. HVAC The function of the HVAC system is to maintain pre-established environmental conditions inside the building, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The air-condi- tioning system has two basic aims: the conservation of works of art contained in the Museum, and the comfort of visitors and staff. On the one hand, the project required strict atmospheric conditions of between 48–52% RH and 21–22ºC. On the other, The Installations of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao A Dialogue Between Engineering and Architecture by Rogelio Diez and Luis Pablo Elvira The ceiling of the central atrium soars to a height of 50 metres (160 feet). Rogelio Diez continued on page 14
  • 14. 14 the climate-control system had to be integrated into the singular architecture of the building. The volume — with standard heights of between 5 and 7 metres (16 to 22 feet) and a height of 50 metres (160 feet) in the case of the central atrium, as well as the presence of curtain walls — required meticulous engineering to obtain an optimal distribution of the air in the Museum’s various spaces. The Guggenheim’s system is based on the production of hot water and water vapour in gas-fired boilers, the production of cold water by means of centrifuge coolers, and distribution to the air handling units (AHUs). The AHUs filter, dry, heat, cool or moisten air which has been recirculated from the air-conditioned spaces. The entire system is managed by a distributed digital control system. This system, in accordance with readings from the temperature and relative humidity sensors installed in the galleries, and in accordance with the software created for this purpose, provides precise control of conditions required inside the building. With regards to the distribution of air in the building, the uniformity and low speeds of the air — and the system’s integration into the architecture of the building — were the main factors. Linear slot air diffusers were chosen. These were placed at the tops of walls, with air returned via a set of different slots at the bases of the walls. Noise control was guaranteed with the use of silencers in the mechanical rooms, ductwork fitted with acoustic insulation, and with low air-speed criteria in the gallery environment. The energy- saving criteria — such as volume control through the use of frequency variators — were extremely important. The installation has a heating capacity of 3500 kW, a refrigerating capacity of 5100 kW, and about 1 million cubic meters of air are circulated every hour. Lighting Lighting for the spaces inside the Museum combines artificial light and controlled contributions of natural light through skylights placed at the top of the building. The interior lighting system had be flexible, in order to avoid overwhelming the ceilings with track lighting, or other elements which might disrupt the architectural aesthetics of the building. This was achieved with the design of a system consisting of “power point/power bars”. Special recessed structural outlet boxes with split-wired receptacles occur in a regular pattern on the gallery ceilings, and are regarded as power points. An individual fixture can be directly installed at these points on special clamping bars (power bars) which have built-in receptacles. These can be secured to hold between two and six fixtures, depending on the length of the power bar. Retractable magnetic covers conceal power points that are not in use, thus minimizing visual clutter and scarring of the ceiling plane. On the other hand, the Museum’s lighting system had to allow adjustment of the light intensity of several lighting fixtures, in accordance with the require- ments and designs of the different exhi- Before arriving at the Museum’s main entrance, visitors encounter the flower sculpture Puppy by artist Jeff Koons. In the Museum, there are more than 20 air- handling units, moving nearly 1 million cubic metres per hour. This is one of them. In the main mechanical room, there are three centrifugal chillers, with a total capacity of 5100 kW. To avoid overwhelming the ceilings with track lighting, a system consisting of “power point/power bars” was designed.
  • 15. 15 bitions. To do this, a control system was installed consisting of dimmers, thus allowing the lighting of spaces to be re-programmed easily, and enabling the control of more than 2,000 independent light fixtures. Communications The communications system is based on star topology on optical fibre, and uses Class 5 structured cable on plant distribution. The plant switches and the data servers are connected to the central switch, and the user equipment is connected to the plant switches. The network is designed around the concept of collapsing the various wiring closets into a central Gigabit Ethernet switch, via the relevant application servers over fibre optic cable. From the heart of the installation, the trunk lines run to the 100 Mbps connection for each server. The network is then distributed to smaller cabinets, housing modular, stack- able switching devices at 10/100 Mbps to the desktop, according to individual user needs. This infrastructure ensures the high availability of bandwidth- intensive marketing, design, ticketing, finance and general administrative applications for more than 200 users. Fire Protection The fire alarm system is based on a distributed system, meaning that the installation is supervised from four alarm panels connected by a bus. The optical heat signals that reach the fire panels from the fire detection devices are analyzed not only for their intensity, but also for their development in time. Following this analysis, the system diagnoses the fire threat. With regard to the fire protection systems, it is necessary to point out that a preaction double- interlock sprinkler system was chosen, which covers all the spaces containing works of art. For the remaining areas of the Museum, a wet sprinkler system was chosen. The Museum presented us with some unusual engineering challenges, re- quiring us to find installations which would be effective, without marring the building’s extraordinary architecture. We believe we’ve succeeded. By combining the best in engineering and architectural expertise, the teams responsible for the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao have created a hardworking facility which is also considered one of the world’s architectural icons. Rogelio Diez is a Senior Industrial Engineer, and was the engineer responsible for installations at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, beginning at the design stage in 1992. He is currently Director of Maintenance and Installations at the Museum. He would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Luis Pablo Elvira, Director of Information Technology of the Guggenheim Museum, who helped in the writing of this article. Fire-protection preaction panels and valves. A double-interlock preaction system was installed to protect works of art. East side of the Museum — a beautiful combination of titanium, glass, stone and water.
  • 16. 16 In 1980, Black & McDonald (B&M) recognized the need for a computerized maintenance management system, as a tool for managing the fast-growing facility management portion of their business. The lack of an “off the shelf” product at the time led B&M to commit the funds and personnel to develop an in-house proprietary solution to fill this need, and the CMM system was born. This is a Windows®-com- patible, FoxPro-based software that was meant to be a powerful but intuitive program that would have a fast learning curve and feature simplicity of use. The software was developed to provide accu- rate database manipulation of electrical and mechanical sys- tems, equipment specifications files, equipment history files, preventative maintenance schedules, orders for repair work, subcontractor work orders and inventory control. Today, development of the CMM software has been extended to encompass all areas of building maintenance and operations, from structural to landscaping. Major enhance- ments have been made in management and operations reporting, to enable current information to be utilized in all areas of the program, from inventory control to installation and maintenance scheduling. B&M is proud to share with readers of Papyrus how the application is used in a museum environment for the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC). This Crown Corporation was established in 1990 to manage the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC), the Canadian War Museum (CWM) and two other museum storage facilities. At that time, the premises were maintained by staff from the Federal Government’s Public Works Department (PWGSC). At the opening of the CMC, PWGSC installed a computerized facility management system that would come to be known as the PMMS system. This entry-level, but groundbreaking, software listed most of the building systems, complete with pertinent equipment information, and described the preven- tative maintenance to be carried out, as well as its frequency. In 1996, the CMCC decided to go to the private sector with a “Request for Proposal” to assume the operation and maintenance of all of their assets. Following a rigorous selec- tion process, Black & McDonald was selected as the successful contractor, and a four-year contract was signed, which has come to be known as the “Plant Services Contract”. At its opening, the CMC was a state-of-the-art facility, and even after 13 years in operation, remains quite advanced. The mandate of protecting the Museum’s vast and irreplace- able collection of artifacts was realized with a series of sophisticated maintenance and monitoring systems, tied to a central monitoring location. At the same time, declining financial resources demanded that such systems be efficient and cost-effective. To deliver on these mandates, it is imper- ative that both the owner and operator be able to monitor preventative maintenance and gather historical data on these systems. This is made doubly important by the need to report such data to other institutions, as a condition for lending artifacts for special and travelling exhibits. In the first weeks of its mandate at the CMC, B&M’s Corporate Response Team, in conjunction with the on-site staff hired for this contract, saw to the installation of the CMM software. The database was a combination of infor- mation transported electronically from the PMMS system, and information gathered on-site. Of special importance was the need to capture the information on systems that were not represented in the PWGSC system. It should be noted that the process of data collection and verification was a very helpful tool in familiarizing maintenance staff with the various systems at this critical time of project implementation. For a CMMS system to be effective, it is necessary that: • No work is done “outside” the system. It is imperative that as much information be collected as possible to make historical trending as accurate as possible, and to make sure that follow-up maintenance is carried out and recorded. • All information must be entered into the system on a timely basis. This includes time sheets, unscheduled work, modifications to systems, etc. • The system must be kept “up-to-date”. New systems or modifications to existing systems must be entered into the system to keep the database current. Once the infor- mation is compromised, it gets “easier” to fall behind, leading to decreasing confidence in the accuracy of the information. This can quickly spiral downwards until the system is in place in spirit only (rather like software on the shelf). • The information generated by the system is used! After all, one of the key reasons for the system is to improve operational efficiency. To do this, one must be constantly evaluating the information gathered by the program. That means regular concise reporting that allows trending and “tweaking” of the various systems. Black & McDonald, CMM, and Museums by Richard E. Harding and Edmond Richard
  • 17. 17 • Both parties accept the fact that the system is important to both the client and the service provider. That is to say that the system can not only provide the owner with confidence that the work is being done as required, but that the service provider can deliver (and verify) the added value that such procedures can deliver. With the goal of making the system intuitive and easy to learn, the following “road-map” is an integral part of the CMM software, and allows for easy movement between the various databases. To meet the expressed mandate of allowing for simple, precise reporting, the CMM was set up with a series of budget modules as per the screen capture below: This approach allows the user to create Cost Centres, Budget Codes and Fiscal Years to track maintenance and operational budgets. Actual operational costs are automatically captured from the timekeeping and purchase order modules. This gives the user up-to-date figures to help in determining accurate costs to date and to help in budgetary projections. Budget module reporting includes such reports as the Audit report, Budget by Budget Code report, Budget by Cost Centre report, and Cost Centre or Budget Code listings. A typical Budget by Cost Centre report would combine the Material, Labour and Subcontractor charges for each cost centre into a summary report detailing current month charges, and year-to-date charges as compared to budgeted amounts. It is available for any or all specified cost centres. The equipment database is at the heart of the CMM pro- gram at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. All preventative maintenance and repair tasks are performed based on this equipment. From this database, maintenance and operations personnel can retrieve manufacturer names, parts numbers, and specifications without having to travel to the equipment location. For the Plant Services Contract at present, the data- base is monitoring over 4,000 pieces of equipment under 40 categories. It is generating approximately 2,800 PM work orders, and 3,400 unscheduled work orders (“trouble calls”) per year. A generic sample report would look as follows: The banner screen, as shown below, captures nameplate data such as make, model, serial no., type, etc. Associated with each type of equipment is the specifications template. The software allows the user to customize existing equipment templates, and to add or create new templates. As building systems get more and more complicated, the issue of moni- toring warranty dates gets more difficult. In the CMM system, equipment that is currently under warranty is flagged to the user, so that replacement costs can be minimized. This warranty flag is also reproduced on the work order to ensure that the technician is aware that the equipment is under warranty and that proper procedures are followed. continued on page 18
  • 18. 18 To control and monitor the “trouble call system”, the operator can create a work order detailing the work to be performed, caller name, phone number, date, time of call, classification of work order, priority, department, and client ID cross-reference. The banner screen used for these calls is shown below. A final aspect of special interest is the control of labour hours and the appropriate allocation of hours for reporting purposes. A sample screen is shown below. This module is used to record labour expended by building operation and maintenance personnel. CMM software distributes the labour costs, and produces weekly payroll reports for each main- tenance/operation staff member. Maintenance and operation labour hours can be entered daily and charged to any pre- defined cost centre and budget codes. A separate database stores the current labour rate for each employee, which the computer uses to calculate the up-to-date costs for all work charged to the system. Associated with the labour rates are user-created “paycodes” which are custom-built algorithms used to calculate overtime charges, shift premiums, meal allowances, etc. The four-year contract expired in 2000, and the client went once again to the market with an RFP. Black & McDonald was successful in retaining the contract, and the mandate was expanded to include facility management of the premises (overseeing janitorial, snow removal, landscaping, and system repairs of a non-mechanical or electrical natures such as doors, windows, carpets, pest control etc.) and maintenance of the building’s security systems. At the commencement of the new contract, a new branch was opened in the CMM system to oversee preventative maintenance and trouble call systems under this new mandate. This seamless transition was built upon the experience and database already in place, and allowed the staff hired under this new contract to quickly “get up to speed” with a minimum of effort in set-up and implementation. At present, B&M has 21 full-time staff operating on a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-per-week schedule, maintaining over 100,000 square metres (1,000,000 square feet) of premises. The comprehensive, “real-time” CMM maintenance manage- ment system has been a major factor in the successful partnership that has been forged between the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation and Black & McDonald Limited. It is a partnership which marries the public-sector mandate of protecting and displaying the country’s national faciilties and collections with the experience and project delivery efficiencies of the private sector. Richard Harding is a graduate architect, and is the Manager of Facilities, Management and Operations for Black & McDonald. Mr. Richard is a graduate mechanical engineer, and is the site Project Manager at the Canadian Museum of Civilization for Black & McDonald. Black & McDonald — continued from page 17
  • 19. 19 The Smithsonian Institution has embarked on a new program to imple- ment Engineering Best Practices. This five-module program has a clearly defined purpose: “Obtain more timely, cost-effective, higher quality and safer project delivery through application of the industry’s best practices by an integrated project team of Smithsonian and contractor personnel from the pre- authorization through the operations and maintenance phase . . .” The five modules of the program are Pre-Project Planning, the Project Team, Constructability, Value Management, and Performance Management. This article will look at an early Smithsonian deployment of the PDRI (Project Defi- nition Rating Index): one key tool used in the Pre-Project Planning module. The PDRI is a weighted list which contains the most critical elements defining project scope for building projects. It has three sections, broken into 11 categories, further broken into 64 elements. Thirty-eight pages of descriptions support these elements. The PDRI identifies and precisely describes each critical element in a scope definition package, and allows a project team to quickly predict factors which would have an impact on project risk. The PDRI is intended to evaluate how complete the definition of scope has been at any point before a project is considered for authorization of detailed design and construction. A 1,000-point scoring system is used, with lower scores indicating a better-defined scope. A loose rule of thumb is that a score under 200 suggests the project is probably ready to proceed from concept to design, but the creators of this tool caution against emphasizing the score alone. The real products of a PDRI exercise are understanding, team- building, identifying missing project components, and refining the scope of work. A significant factor in successful administration of a PDRI is the use of an independent objective facilitator, who is knowledgeable about general requirements, but who is also distinctly unbiased. The PDRI tool was created in 1999 by the Construction Industry Institute of Austin, Texas. Section I, Basis of Project Decision, contains the following categories, and helps to define the “right project”: A. Business Strategy B. Owner Philosophy C. Project Requirements Section II, Basis of Design, contains the following categories, and also helps to define the “right project”: D. Site Information E. Building Programming F. Building/Project Design Parameters G. Equipment Section III, Execution Approach, contains the following categories, and defines the “right way”: H. Procurement Strategy J. Deliverables S. Project Control DA. Project Execution Plan As an initial exercise, we applied the PDRI tool to a project long past scope development and well into design: The Physical Plant Renewal of the Old Patent Office Building in Washington, D.C. The idea was to check on how our project scope of work met the PDRI test, in a case where we proceeded into design without a comprehensive Pre-Project Planning phase. The outcome was skewed slightly by the inclusion of a very large number of “stakeholders”: we included over 45 participants, while the recommended group is 20 or less. Our results were also affected by the use of an in-house facilitator, which, even in the most collaborative of environments, can be perceived as manipulation. Still, although the score we derived (186 of 1,000) suggested we were on-track, the score was secondary to the other outcomes. We benefited enormously from this exercise in four crucial areas: • Understanding the needs and priorities of all key stakeholders • Teambuilding • Identifying missing components • Refining the scope of work The PDRI benefits owners, designers and builders. Owners can use it as an assessment tool to help them establish a comfort level from which they are willing to move forward with projects. Designers and builders can use it as a method of identifying poorly defined project elements. The PDRI provides a means for all project participants to communicate and reconcile differences, using an objective tool as a common basis for project scope evaluation. More information about the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) and the Construction Industry Institute (CII) can be obtained at: http://construction- the CII website. More information about the particulars of the PDRI exercise on the Old Patent Office Building can be obtained by contacting the author at Daniel D. Davies is the Facilities Manager at the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American Art and Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. Best Practices by Daniel D. Davies
  • 20. 20 Summer has finally caught up with us, and some of us are already looking forward to well-deserved holidays; others of us may not be lucky enough to have that leisure just now. The London Conference is just around the corner, however, with a program that will make this venue one of the best in IAMFA history. This Association has taken a quantum leap in the development of its annual conferences. The change of location each year creates tremendous potential for conference organizers to diversify conference activities, making each con- ference unique and memorable. For the organizers, it also becomes a truly collegial experience, giving members of the organizing committee an oppor- tunity to work closely with one another during the two years it takes to prepare for the event. The conference is also an opportunity to showcase the best cultural institutions in the host city. In addition, conference participants get an unequalled chance to learn from colleagues about different management approaches, to witness progress on construction sites, and to find out about successes with recent museum renova- tions and museum-related construction projects around the world. These conferences have been the backbone of our organization, and we certainly value the men and women who have taken up the challenge of putting together an event of such international scope and value. The members of each conference team commit considerable time and resources over and above their daily work in order to achieve these successes, and it is important to recognize the ongoing effort required of to structure a conference program and bring it to fruition. The overall responsibilities of the conference remain with committee members, who take it upon themselves to agree on the out- lines of a conference program, to request commitments from guest speakers, to set up site visits, to negotiate for the best hotel rates, meeting rooms and food services, and to solicit donors and sponsors in order to ensure financial viability of the conference. It is also the committee’s responsibility to develop a spouse program — entertaining activities that have become a tradition of excellence with IAMFA. In conclusion, I would like to note how you as members contribute to the success of a conference. Your primary contribution is, of course, to register in support of such an activity, but the buck doesn’t stop there. The most significant contribution a member can make to this organization is to convince one additional museum facility manage- ment colleague to join IAMFA and to attend the conference. The successful growth of this Association depends, to a great extent, on your personal commitment to the organization, and the ultimate success of an IAMFA Conference is something we all, as individual members, can share and take pride in. Pierre Lepage Papyrus Editor IAMFA/Papyrus SUMMER 2002 Editor Pierre Lepage Papyrus Correspondents Peter Fotheringham England Alastair Cunningham Scotland Lloyd O. Headley United States Rogelio Diez Marcos, Luis Pablo Elvira Spain Richard E. Harding, Edmond Richard Canada Daniel D. Davies United States Production Coordination Julie Coderre Deborah Brownrigg Design and Layout Phredd Grafix Editing Artistic License Printed in Canada by St-Joseph M.O.M. Printing ISSN 1682-5241 Statements of fact and opinion are made on the responsibility of authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the editors, officers, or members of IAMFA. The editors of IAMFA Papyrus reserve the right to accept or to reject any Article or advertisement submitted for publication. While we have made every attempt to ensure that reproduction rights have been acquired for the illustrations used in this newsletter, please let us know if we have inadvertently overlooked your copyright, and we will rectify the matter in a future issue. From the Editor’s Desk The London Conference . . . Just Around the Corner