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This paper takes a peak within the criminal justice system,
where organizational conflict is covered in this essay. The
potential for organizational conflict to arise within the
framework of the criminal justice system is the focus of the
discussion in this article. This article presents a comprehensive
overview and analysis of each of the five stages of conflict,
beginning with the pre-conflict phase. An example scenario
inside the correctional system explains the stages of conflict.
This scenario involves officials working within the system.
Three scenarios are examples of circumstances in which an
immediate supervisor would not be able to settle a dispute
between workers. These scenarios are examples of the
circumstances in which an immediate supervisor would not be
able to resolve a dispute.
Conflict is an inevitable part of working in any company. On
the one hand, it fosters creative thinking and strengthens the
ability to find solutions to problems. On the other hand, it might
render problem-solving ineffective, intensify defensiveness and
unhappiness among members, and cultivate a toxic working
environment. Conflict is an ongoing process that may have
various repercussions on various individuals.
Keywords: conflict
Problem Resolution
Conflict is described as a dynamic process in which two or more
people engage in an organization to cause conflict that may or
may not result in aggressive actions. Workers' emotional states,
such as stress, hatred, or worry, may be produced by conflict in
organizations. Additionally, management may investigate the
conflict in organizations by looking at the conflict behavior,
whether it be quiet resistance or overtly hostile or aggressive
conduct. Two prisoners fighting each other in a fistfight
exemplify violence within a jail. The correctional officials
have to deescalate the situation to prevent the disagreement
from leading to a dysfunctional organization. Maintaining
consensus among everyone in a company is not always
straightforward. Nevertheless, businesses may encourage
conflict management abilities via training.
The Five Conflict Styles
The five styles of conflict management is conflict avoidance,
accommodation, collaboration, compromise, and competition.
Organizational and environmental variables both have an impact
on the phases of conflict. Conflict in organizations must be
understood by the parties involved beyond the current
circumstance since all disputes are tied to one another and have
a degree of continuity. In this instance, a fight breaks out
between two prisoners who share a cell. Up to the point that the
prisoners start fighting in their cells, the argument keeps getting
The problem illustrated in this essay is the penal correction
system, which is used to explain the stages of conflict. This
scenario involves officials working within the system. Three
scenarios are examples of circumstances in which an immediate
supervisor could not settle a dispute between workers. These
scenarios will determine how conflict is managed within the
organization by the staff.
Conflict is an inevitable part of working in any company. On
the one hand, it fosters creative thinking and strengthens the
ability to find solutions to problems. Conflict is an ongoing
process that may have various repercussions on various
individuals. When it rises within the company, some ways need
to be used to prevent it from escalating. If the proper channels
are not followed, then the conflict may affect the normal
working of the organization.
It's crucial to understand what causes disputes while addressing
conflict management. Conflicts may go beyond verbal and
physical arguments. An incorrectly handled disagreement in a
criminal justice business where most employees are armed may
lead to workplace violence and death. Social scientists have
identified five variables that might cause conflict: needs,
perceptions, power, values, and emotions.
Individual needs are crucial to understanding disputes, mainly
when Individual and group requirements vary. We all have vital
requirements. These intrinsic demands include food, drink, and
sleep. These bodily demands are considered fundamental and
unlearned. Secondary psychological conditions are gained via
experience and are vital for conflict management. Secondary
requirements might alter over time. Needs include belonging,
power, success, and love. As I've said, these requirements are
vital to an individual's well-being, and ignoring them may lead
to conflict. As supervisors, we must consider our subordinates'
needs, particularly secondary needs, since they affect behavior.
A supervisor may better understand what drives a subordinate
by understanding their requirements.
The second is perception. This and personal values are the
hardest to control and cause the most significant disputes.
Everyone's perception is unique. There will always be slight
variances in people's perceptions of the same event. People's
impressions of what happened to depend on their beliefs,
expectations, experience, and history. Conflicts emerge when
people view reality or a situation differently. These
misperceptions might be caused by varied upbringings,
education levels, and traditional beliefs. As I've said, this
aspect of the conflict is hard to handle, but a supervisor can
establish a manageable situation. Success or failure will rely on
how understanding and willing the supervisor is to modify
Third, I'd want to explain how individuals define and use
power. Power and status impact the severity of organizational
disputes In the military, position means authority, which is
frequently abused. How we interpret and wield power may
affect the frequency and sorts of conflict. How we define and
deploy rank-based authority may alter our conflict management
abilities. A dispute arises when energy is used to manipulate
others for personal advantage.
Avoidance conflict is at its earliest stage. This stage occurs
when the circumstances that constitute the fundamental causes
of the competition are in place. "According to Pondy,
avoidance of organizational conflict is the precursor or
underlying factors that lead to subsequent perceptions of
conflict. This term is in line with Aubert's notion of "conflict
potential," which may be regarded as the "base of conflict,"
denoting a social environment between related parties that lays
the groundwork for the later development of overt animosity
(Leckie, 2017). This includes degrees of rivalry between
distinct subunits, attempts by intermediate supervisors to
manage officers' conduct, and instances in which two parties
that must work on a joint activity cannot agree on a cooperative
project. This would be the starting point of their clash in the
hypothetical conflict between the two prisoners. One of the
inmates started the fight by neglecting to pick up their stale,
partially consumed meal off the cell floor. At this point, the
prisoner has spoken their viewpoint to ensure the other person
is aware of the possible dispute.
Conflict accommodation is the subsequent phase of the conflict.
At least one of the two parties must acknowledge a
disagreement before the problem moves to this level. Conflicts
may sometimes occur when the ingredients for avoiding conflict
are absent. This is the negotiation stage when one side believes
the other is likely to obstruct or frustrate their aims. It is
believed that the parties misunderstood each other's genuine
open positions in cases when conflict is felt, even if there is no
underlying conflict. Such a dispute may be resolved by
fostering better communication between the parties. When this
is realized, the person can either escalate the situation or choose
to defuse it. One crucial element is that if someone is cognizant
of their conflict with another person, they influence whether the
conflict episode moves on to the next level. This is the point in
the example scenario when the prisoner who leaves their food
lying about realizes there is a problem. They now have the
option to resolve the dispute by coming to an understanding and
ceasing to leave their food lying about, or they may decide to
intensify the conflict and argue. The prisoner decides to dispute
and exacerbate the issue in this case.
The next level is collaboration, which happens when one of the
parties personalizes the conflict situation. When a disagreement
becomes personal, it affects the individuals involved and
potentially adversely affects the organization. Conflict at this
level is quite essential, particularly inside an institution. The
organization's long-term stability depends on how well the
disagreement is handled. The conflict that is sensed is a
conflict that is not only perceived but also felt and recognized.
The mechanism that makes many individuals worried about
conflict dysfunctions is the personalizing of competition.
To put it another way, it causes people to experience conflict.
Referring back to the previous situation, one of the prisoners
had escalated their argument beyond the meal to the point where
they were attacking the other person personally. The
correctional personnel can spot the problem since the convicts
loudly shout complaints.
Next comes the stage of conflict competition. Once a party has
sensed and experienced the conflict scenario, it may start to
express conflict. To elicit this type of conflict, this stage is
characterized by overt or covert actions. Most often, overt
conflict involves one side purposefully obstructing the
objectives of the other. When a disagreement reaches this
point, managers usually have to intervene to settle it before it
escalates into an organizational problem.
As a result, direct managers must be able to see overt
disagreement amongst employees. The convicts in the
hypothetical situation start to act physically, so the disciplinary
authorities open the cell and separate the inmates. The officers
must settle potential disputes amongst prisoners as soon as they
are identified. The convicts may believe they can get away with
this kind of conduct if other prisoners see the altercation and
the guards are slow to intervene. "Pondy defines apparent
conflict (conflictful conduct) as behavior that intentionally
impedes the accomplishment of another person's goals and is
seen as such by at least one party. Overt actions that prevent
relationship partners from accomplishing their objectives are
the hallmark of evident conflict in inter-organizational
environments (Leckie, 2017).
Conflict compromise is the last step. At this stage in the
dispute, if the circumstances are resolved satisfactorily, the war
will end. Conflict will persist if the underlying causes are not
addressed but rather repressed for a quick fix. The stage of
conflict aftermath is then entered if the battle continues. At this
point, the dispute can potentially worsen or damage the two
people's relationship irreparably. This would be an example of
conflict aftermath if the two prisoners in the scenario were
returned to the same cell and continued arguing. Conflict
aftermath also includes additional prisoners acting this way
after seeing the first altercation between cellmates.
The management of conflict has been recommended in a variety
of ways or ways. Based on the degree of cohesion (the degree
to which one wants to see the other party's problems addressed)
and assertiveness (the degree to which one's objectives are
accomplished). There might be two methods for handling the
disagreement inside the company. Both therapeutic and
preventative methods are part of these strategies. The
management seeks to create a scenario or atmosphere where the
dysfunctional aspects of disputes do not occur while taking
preventive actions. Conflict should be handled as soon as it
develops, as is the case in most situations, but every effort
should be made to avoid conflict in the first place.
Large, generally violent riots are an example of a disagreement
with our police officers that is beyond the immediate
supervisor's control. The immediate supervisor can only affect
their officers and jurisdiction since this problem affects the
whole country instead of just the department. The police
officers cannot resolve the disagreement alone since it affects
many people (Raines, 2020).
Another instance where the immediate supervisor may not have
any control is when an email criticizing another officer goes out
to the whole state's law enforcement community by mistake. If
the email had just been sent to their department, the person's
direct boss might have punished them or let them off lightly,
but it was forwarded to everyone.
Efforts of Resolution
Supervisors have a variety of options for dealing with these
conflict-related traits. Five techniques for supervisors to resolve
conflicts have been discovered by social scientists. While some
of these tactics help manage conflict, others make it worse.
Teamwork. All parties consent to working together to settle a
disagreement. Everyone may be able to accomplish personal
objectives via collaboration while still retaining solid
Cooperation involves reconciling divergent viewpoints to
satisfy all demands. When there is a high level of trust and a
desire to change, and the manager wants the staff to take
ownership of their ideas, they may choose to take a
collaborative approach to handle conflicts. Collaboration
requires much work. Some group members abuse the openness
and confidence of others.
Make a compromise. To win, we must reduce losses. Quick
dispute resolution is used when no long-term solution has been
found. A short-term remedy is to stop discussion until the
problem is fixed. It's not flawless. It's a stopgap measure to
allow people to keep working. This approach can disregard the
company's objectives. It could promote cynicism and ignorance
of the seriousness of the problem. We must go back soon to deal
with disputes in a cooperative manner.
Competitiveness. It implies a struggle between rivals. When we
are in the right about a quarrel, this tactic works. We utilize it
to make snap judgments or stand up for our rights. We may use
this strategy when a more powerful person tries to overwhelm
us. This could end a fight at the moment, but it has
repercussions. First off, it could make things worse and trigger
losers' retaliation. Conflicts are not handled effectively in this
(Raines, 2020).
Working for a single goal comes before everything else.
People prioritize their relationships above their beliefs as a
conflict resolution technique. By downplaying differences of
opinion, it maintains positive working relationships. Use this
tactic when there isn't much at stake, we're in the wrong and
can't win, and group cohesion is more essential than individual
convictions. Temporary solution Ideas may not get enough
attention, and the speaker could become less credible and
As a result, the immediate supervisor will be held accountable
to their superiors, imposing a heavier penalty that the
immediate supervisor must carry out. The last instance of a
problem that the immediate supervisor may be unable to manage
involves sexual harassment. A settlement must be reached, and
depending on the matter's seriousness, an immediate supervisor
is not expected to finish the disagreement and move on.
Usually, parties who are not both parties' direct supervisors
decide how to resolve sexual harassment disputes.
Overcrowding may generate inmate-staff tensions. It would
make handling criminals more challenging and increase inmate-
on-inmate violence. Inadequate law enforcement equipment may
lead to conflict and risk to public safety. Say a police
department can't afford bulletproof vests for all officers.
Without protective gear, cops may be hesitant to react to
firearms violence. The situation can deteriorate if the policeman
doesn't respond swiftly to other officers' aid calls. Laws
dictating how law enforcement conducts situations could
provoke debate.
In conclusion, the conflict will always arise in organizations.
On the one hand, it encourages innovation and improves
problem-solving. On the other hand, it may make problem-
solving ineffective, heighten defensiveness and member
unhappiness, and foster a toxic workplace (Nguyen, 2019).
Conflict is a dynamic process that has varied effects on
different people. Avoidance conflict, perceived conflict, felt
conflict, visible conflict, and conflict aftermath are the five
phases of conflict. Even though a disagreement could end
before it reaches any of these phases, it's crucial to comprehend
them all and recognize when it needs to be halted at the
immediate supervisor level. As it will only help the business
evolve and adapt to potential future conflict scenarios that may
happen inside the organization, conflict management is a
critical ability that organizations must master. The Bible says
in Hebrews 11:6 that "But without faith, it is impossible to
please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
(King James Bible)
King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online.
(Original work published 1769)
Leckie, C. Widing, R. E., Whitwell, G. J. (2017). Manifest
conflict, customer orientation and
performance outcomes in international buyer-seller
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(8),
Nguyen, T. (2019). Resolving conflict in organizations –
achieving results through a
harmonization process.
Development and Learning in Organizations: An
International Journal, 33(5) 4-7.
Raines, S. (2020). Conflict Management for Managers:
Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy
Disputes (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN:
A conflict usually occurs when two or more parties in an
organization experience different opinions regarding a process
or event. They may experience or hold different views and
beliefs and one party may recognize the problem and view it as
a problem to an organization. Positive Conflicts in
organizations are always perceived to be normal as they always
contribute to changes within organizations, increase trust
between the parties, and even make an organization to be more
creative and innovative. However, negative conflicts in
organizations always lead to more problems as they widen the
gap between employees, may cause divisions, and may also lead
to employee turnover. Conflict resolution refers to all the
processes that are undertaken to bring the parties in conflict
together without altering the self-esteem and the morale of the
employees. This paper aims at evaluating conflict resolution
processes including the causes, principles, and stages of conflict
resolution in an organization.
Keywords: conflict
A conflict is a disagreement that may occur between two
interdependent people or parties. Raines (2020) affirms that
differences between the two parties often characterize conflicts
and that the parties usually view the differences as unfavorable.
Therefore, conflicts usually make employees or teams have
negative emotional states and may also alter how they relate or
work together. As Polkinghorn and McDermott (2017) state,
organizational conflicts are sometimes inevitable because it’s
typical for employees within organizations to have different
ideas and thoughts. Although conflicts may bring problems to
an organization and the managers, they also make organizations
and their leaders more efficient and effective, increase
employee trust and push organizations to achieve their goals
(Abd-Elrhaman and Ghoneimy, 2018). The purpose of this
report is not to remove conflicts within organizations. It aims at
helping businesses to manage disputes more ethically and
effectively to increase their performance and achieve their
goals. This paper will present the stages of conflict resolution
that will evaluate the causes and effects of conflicts and how to
solve them. The strategies mentioned in this paper will offer
managers and organizational leaders to absorb the conflicts and
solve them without affecting the harmony of their working
The meaning and dimensions of a conflict
Polkinghorn and McDermott (2017) state that a conflict is a
disagreement between two or more interdependent employees.
The parties in a conflict may have different ideas, emotions, and
beliefs about a particular situation, creating a conflict. In a
conflict, the parties may hold incompatible outcomes, and one
party may recognize this incompatibility and perceive it to be a
problem for an organization (Raines, 2020). On the other hand,
conflicts may also be driven by the needs and beliefs of
employees or organizational teams. A need refers to a feeling
that makes people behave in a particular manner. Therefore, a
belief is a priority that the parties in conflict choose, and when
the leaders solve it, it is thought to improve the quality of
service. According to Woodrow and Guest (2017), individuals’
view or beliefs in a conflict is usually their efforts to solve the
dispute, create a solution and satisfy their interests in the issues
they face. Hence, conflicts result from differences in opinions
regarding events in organizations, the aspirations of the
conflicting parties, and their goals.
Consequences of Conflicts
Positive Consequences
Conflicts are neither good nor bad. Conflicts have either
positive or negative outcomes for organizations in short-term
and long-term operations. On the positive side, conflicts can
bring growth in organizations when members argue about
reforms or strategies that their respective organizations need to
undertake in their business. As Raines (2020) states, during
conflict resolution, leaders need to listen to both parties in
conflicts. During this conflict resolution process, managers can
pick the best ideas for the future.
Moreover, conflicts can bring coherence and trust among
employees and organizational teams. In most cases, members of
the same organization may clash because they lack the support
from their leaders, lack the confidence of their colleagues, and
also opaqueness in the daily operations of a company
(Hershcovis et al., 2018). During conflict resolution processes,
the leaders and the employees usually have the chance to sit
together and solve their conflicts. Every aspect of the conflict is
aired out, and policies may be set to promote transparency and
accountability of all the members of an organization. This may
increase the members’ trust and make them work together as a
On the other hand, Rana et al. (2017) also state that conflicts
can improve the overall performance of an organization. For
example, if the leaders poorly communicate to their employees
or an organization does not solve their employees' challenges, it
may result in conflicts. However, during conflict resolution
processes, such issues may be corrected, an organization can
improve its communication strategies, and policies can be
implemented to improve the employees’ welfare, thereby
improving the organization's performance.
Negative Consequences
Consequences can also be overshadowed by harmful outcomes
when the parties in dispute fail to agree or reach a common
understanding. In such cases, Bădiţoiua and Stănescu (2018)
note that the situation may escalate into a problematic situation
that organizations may find challenging to reverse. One of the
negative consequences of a conflict is that a slight
misunderstanding among the employees can result in a
significant conflict if an organization favors or supports one
party. This may destroy the whole working culture and the
system of an organization resulting in loss of growth,
performance, and high employment turnovers (Toussaint et al.,
2018). On the other hand, conflicts can also lead to shifts in
power positions or dominance of power in an organization. In a
win-lose situation, the winning party may have a more
substantial influence on the affairs of an organization than the
party that lost. This may further widen the gap between the
conflicting parties in the company. According to Lai et al.
(2017), such a situation can create more problems as it may
become challenging to develop a positive working atmosphere
within the organization. Moreover, harmful conflicts can lead to
an increase in the number of conflicting parties. Employees may
join the winning or the losing parties, making it difficult to de-
escalate the problem.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is how an organization manages a
conflict by bringing the grieving parties together to get a
solution. However, Rahim and Katz (2019) note that conflict
resolution has two dimensions. They are conflict management
and negotiation. Conflict management is the process of
communicating the conflict to change the beliefs and the
emotional states of the parties in conflict. On the other hand,
conflict negotiation is the process of sharing with grieving
parties to enable them to solve the dispute and work together
(Héliot et al., 2020).
In any conflict, organizations always aim to get a win/win
situation. However, a win/win situation usually requires a very
tactical and excellent approach to satisfy the interest of both
parties. An organization must use conflict management and
negotiation to resolve a conflict and bring it to an agreement.
As Cowan et al. (2021) state, conflict management is mainly
concerned with the negative attitudes of the conflicting parties.
It mainly involves the leaders of the effort put in place to divert
the anger or negative emotional energy of the parties in conflict
to create a mutual understanding. Leaders must always deal with
and eliminate the conflicting parties' destructive behavior and
hostile attitudes when using conflict management. Once the
negative attitude is removed, the negotiation process may create
peace among conflicting parties (Jacobs et al., 2018).
On the other hand, Conflict management often aims at settling
the dispute by directly evaluating the cause of the conflict. In
conflict management, aspects like negative attitudes are often
ignored. Once the source of the problem has been identified, the
process of creating a mutual understanding between the two
parties begins.
Principles of conflict resolution
Conflict resolution is always a challenging process that requires
an organization to create a mutual understanding amongst the
employees without ruining its reputation and the morale of its
employees. Magee et al. (2017) note that before an organization
begins to settle any conflict, it needs to create a plan of how the
process will be undertaken in an orderly manner. Moreover,
conflict resolution should be aimed at bringing long-term
solutions that will not only create a positive work culture but
also improve the performance of an organization. On the other
hand, Bambi et al. (2017) also note that conflict resolution
needs to bring the employees or organizational teams together
to bring the lost trust. Therefore, this process needs to be
undertaken based on several principles.
Principle 1: Create a culture of respect and integrity
This is the first principle of conflict resolution. Leaders must
understand that all employees are equal regardless of their
status within the company. In some cases, leaders usually take
stern action against the party that may be on the wrong side
without evaluating the long-term consequences. Baillien et al.
(2017) state that conflict resolution needs to begin from a
neutral point of view regardless of the mistakes that may have
been committed. At the negotiation table, each party needs to be
treated equally and concerning cool down the tempers and
reduce the negative emotional energy.
Moreover, leaders also need to use the rule of democracy in
which all the parties are given equal chances to express
themselves. Jerng et al. (2017) affirm that creating a culture of
respect and integrity is the first step in ensuring that employees
and all the organizational teams respect each other, even in their
daily work. It helps them understand that the organization's
interests are more significant than their beliefs, attitudes, and
what they want.
Principle 2: Create a rapport
Organizations are institutions that are run by culture and the
policies that have been set in place. Raines (2020) states that it
is always crucial for all employees and organizational teams to
understand that they need each other to make their organization
more functional. However, this does not occur in most cases, as
conflicting parties may lose their values and ethical standards
that guide their work. In any conflict resolution process, leaders
and managers must ensure that they create a rapport in which
the organizational teams can listen to each other more
attentively and respond to each other in a more respectful,
peaceful, and ethical manner (Jones et al., 2018). Creating a
rapport means that employees will have time to listen to each
other, argue their points, and make peace amongst themselves in
the future. These are some of the issues that leaders must raise
during conflict resolution. Building a rapport will develop a
protocol that employees will be using in the future to raise their
concerns without necessarily going into a conflict.
Principle 3: Create a culture of resourcefulness
Resourcefulness is the process in which the employees use their
experience to solve problems without necessarily escalating into
conflicts. Magee et al. (2017) note that organizations must
create team leaders. However, they need to be people with a
vast experience in the organization’s culture and the policies
that guide how their respective institutions work. Moreover,
leaders and managers also need to give their team leaders the
chance to quickly address the issues that arise among their
employees. The team leaders should be mandated to address
minor problems unless they are more critical (Bambi et al.,
2017). Creating a culture of resourcefulness is crucial in
ensuring that employees and organizational teams can manage
their interests and reduce the frequency in which conflicts occur
within organizations. Before solving any conflict, leaders need
to create this culture of resourcefulness by allowing their teams
to solve minor cases.
Principle 4: Create a culture of constructive attitude
In any situation, attitude is the main factor determining the
success of the employees and their respective organizations. In
all cases, leaders must make their employees understand that
regardless of what their colleagues do or believe, they must
ensure that their actions do not create enmity or destroy the
organizational culture. Jacobs et al. (2018) note that in any
organization, some employees or groups may act in ways that
satisfy their needs. Even in situations where colleagues do not
work or behave in ethical manners, all the parties need to adopt
a positive attitude to prevent escalating conflicts. This proces s
effectively ensures that all the parties in a conflict attain the
win/win situation to the conflict.
The Conflict Resolution Process/Model
The conflict resolution model or process is divided into four
main processes; awareness, self-preparation, conflict reduction,
and negotiation.
Stage 1: Self-awareness
This is the first and the most challenging stage of the conflict
resolution process. It involves the process by which the
conflicting parties are brought together at the negotiation table
(Cletus et al., 2018). In this process, the leaders usually start
the negotiation by recognizing a conflict between two parties.
Moreover, the problem or the cause of conflict is generally
highlighted during this stage. Baillien et al. (2017) state that
this stage involves communication, feedback, and resistance. In
communication, the party that feels aggrieved is given a chance
to speak and express themselves. During this stage, the leaders
must ensure that all interpersonal skills, such as empathy and
active listening, are followed. They are essential for ensuring
that ideas are communicated effectively without interference. In
the feedback phase, the party on the defense often tries to
defend itself against the accusations by counter-reacting to the
allegations made by the grieving party. However, Jerng et al.
(2017) note that this is usually followed by resistance from the
grieving party, who may feel that their arguments are valid.
Therefore, the whole process usually makes all the stakeholders
in an organization understand that a problem exists.
Stage 2: Self-Preparation
This stage usually involves breaking down the case and
planning how to manage the interests of all the parties. It has
three main steps; Emotional management, taking the position in
the case and managing the interests of all the parties (Currie et
al., 2017). In emotional management, the leaders usually try to
cool down the tension by ensuring that all the parties respond to
each other in ethical and respectful manners. In any negotiation
process, both parties must take charge of their inner emotions as
it is crucial to create peace and allow the conflict to be broken
down. In emotional management, the managers or the leaders in
charge are always required to remind the conflicting parties that
they work for the interest of the whole organization (Currie et
al., 2017). Hence, aspects like positive feedback and emotional
intelligence need to be prioritized by both parties. Dynamic
management usually makes the conflicting teams have self-
awareness in their inner self, which allows the case to be
handled effectively by their leaders. Secondly, the leaders need
to take a position in the case. Jones et al. (2018) note that
taking the case means they need to listen to both parties and
their grievances to understand who may be right and wrong.
Through discernment, the leaders need to take a position in the
case but not give a verdict at this stage. Thirdly, interest
management is also crucial during this stage. Cowan et al.
(2021) affirm that regardless of the position the leaders may
take, they must put the company's interest first. Moreover, they
need to determine the good of all the parties to determine the
teams that may have the organization’s interests at heart.
Stage 3: Conflict Reduction
This is the second last stage before the final negotiation
process. By this time, the leaders and managers will have
understood the conflicts and differences between the conflicting
parties. Héliot et al. (2020) note that in this case, the leader
needs to help the parties to eliminate their negative behavior
and agree to resolve their conflicts. However, determining the
conflicts does not necessarily mean that the parties must agree
to a particular conclusion. It means that the parties will have
understood the source of their conflicts and also develop mutual
understanding and respect for each other’s ideas. This process
allows the parties in dispute to rectify their conflicts and their
ill-feeling toward each other and probably identify the party
that may be wrong.
On the other hand, Rahim and Katz (2019) state that the parties
must practice reflective listening. This means we need to listen
to each other’s ideas with more focus and enhanced
concentration. At this point, it is expected that all the negative
emotions and feelings toward each other may have been reduced
or eliminated. Reflective listening helps the parties to
understand each other’s demands and find a way to create a
long-lasting solution.
Moreover, leaders must also ensure they summarize both
parties’ words (Lai et al., 2017). This will help them outline the
demands from both parties against the company’s interest. It
will also help them to decide which markets are realistic and
can be achieved against those that may be too difficult to
compete in the short term. Furthermore, Toussaint et al. (2018)
also observe that the leaders or the negotiators must make the
two opposite parties listen to them. At this point, the leaders
must express their views and concerns about the case.
Therefore, they will have to point out the differences between
the arguments of both parties. This will help them clearly
outline the strengths and weaknesses of both parties in conflict.
During this stage, Bădiţoiua and Stănescu (2018) note that the
leaders need to communicate effectively so that every party
understands what will benefit them and their organization and
what will not benefit them.
Stage 4: Negotiation
This is the last and the most critical stage in the conflict
negotiation process. According to Rana et al. (2017), the leaders
should have removed all the barriers, and both parties in
conflict should be ready to strike a deal and end the conflict.
Furthermore, each party needs to try as much as possible to
influence their colleagues to take the direction that will benefit
all the stakeholders, including the company. Since this is a
crucial process, various steps will help them conclude. First, the
leaders or the negotiators need to listen and determine the
position of both parties (Abd-Elrhaman and Ghoneimy, 2018).
This will help the leaders understand what each party wants and
whether or not the demands are achievable.
On the other hand, both parties should be ready to accept the
decision from their leaders as the one that will be of great
benefit to each of them and also improve the organization’s
growth. As skilled people and leaders of the organization, they
need to use their leadership skills to summarize their position to
both parties. According to Hershcovis et al. (2018), they need to
use their analytical and communication skills to explain the part
of the company regarding the situation. This should be
undertaken in a manner that satisfies both parties and also
eliminates their initial misunderstandings.
The second step is to underline the interests of all the parties.
This step involves asking both parties some of the reasons they
held to their initial views or positions. According to Woodrow
and Guest (2017), explaining to the parties may not effectively
remove the subconscious ideas and beliefs. Leaders also need to
ensure that all the parties are left with a clear mind and get their
minds off the conflict. By asking them about the position they
initially took, the leaders will demonstrate their care for both
teams' interests.
Moreover, it may also give the leaders a chance to alter the
solution to fit both parties and bring peace to their
organizations (Raines, 2020). After ensuring that all the parties
are at ease, the leaders must bring written documentation for
both teams to sign. This will indicate that they are satisfied with
the decision and are ready to work as a team. Lastly, leaders
need to ensure that both parties show respect to each other
through greetings and having a meal together, if any.
In summary, Conflict resolution is a step-by-step process that
requires organizations to bring both parties in conflict together.
However, as stated in the paper, conflict can either be good or
bad depending on how conflicting parties handle it.
Positive/constructive conflicts help organizations change their
strategies to improve their performance and stay ahead of
competitors. Positive conflicts help to increase creativity in
organizations by making the leaders, employees, and all
organizational stakeholders more innovative. On the other hand,
harmful conflicts bring divisions within organizations. This is a
conflict that mainly arises out of employees’ selfishness or self-
interests. In this case, it may destroy the morale of employees
and reduce the performance of an organization. Organizational
leaders must bring their employees together and listen to their
ideas regardless of the type of conflict.
Moreover, leaders also need to ensure that they eliminate the
negative emotional energy from their employees. This is done
by allowing the employees to express their ideas. Leaders must
then evaluate all the opinions from both sides before deciding
on the best solution for both parties. However, the decision
taken by the leaders needs to be fair and just to all the parties.
Furthermore, both parties in conflicts need to come to a mutual
understanding to make their organizations grow and become
more competitive. Generally, conflict resolution is about
differences in ideas and the ability to evaluate all the
conflicting ideas and get one mutual solution.
To conclude, a conflict is a long and complex process requiring
leaders to develop a proper plan to help them break down the
problematic situation into a solution. This paper has
demonstrated that a conflict always contains negative emotions
from parties, conflicting ideas and thoughts, and perceived
differences between all the parties in conflict. Moreover, a
match may result in a pessimistic or optimistic end, depending
on how the organization’s leaders handle it. To manage any
dispute, organizational leaders must evaluate the causes of the
competition. Furthermore, they also need to eliminate the
negative feelings from both parties, bring them to a mutual
understanding, and reduce the tension. This will promote
acceptance from both sides, induce positive feedback and
increase the chances of both parties getting a solution. The
conflict resolution process also allows members and teams
within organizations to freely express their ideas that will
benefit the organization in the long run. The Bible says in 2
Corinthians 5:17; Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new
creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are
become new. (King James Bible)
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The last phase of this conflict resolution plan aims to evaluate
the intervention plans that can be used to settle conflicts
identified in the previous chapters. In the last three chapters,
the paper has identified the concept of conflict, causes, and
effects within organizations. Moreover, the previous papers
have identified some of the strategies that could be used to
settle conflicts within organizations. Conflict resolution has
become a core business in the daily management of businesses
or organizations. In most cases, conflicts have always been
viewed as disruptors to the progress, growth, and achievements
of organizations. However, conflicts can also help organizations
work on their weaknesses, bring employees together, and
become more creative. This paper will evaluate the action plans
that organizations can undertake to settle conflicts and bring
long-term mutual understanding between the employees in an
organization. The main conflict identified in the previous
chapters has been the broken team dynamics that often exist
within organizations. Broken team dynamics often create toxic
working environments that result in conflicts. This paper aims
at evaluating the intervention plans that can help to solve the
conflicts of broken team dynamics. However, this paper will
evaluate the intervention plans through the lens of the Christian
bible. Moreover, this paper will also evaluate how the criminal
justice system can use alternative methods to solve conflicts.
Keywords: intervention
Conflict Resolution: The Intervention Plan
A conflict resolution plan is an intervention method that aims to
identify the causes of conflicts, bring the conflicting parties
together and provide a solution that will address the needs of all
the parties in conflict. Broken team dynamics are among the
factors that often result in conflicts in organizations. Copeland
(2020) states that broken team dynamics often result from
power imbalance when one party or one team in an organization
is given more priority than others. For more than two decades,
organizations have failed to deal with the challenge of broken
team dynamics. This has resulted in high employee turnover,
toxic work environments, lack of growth, and underperformance
by most organizations (Copeland, 2020). This paper will address
the issue of broken team dynamics, the effects, and the
intervention plans that can help to break down the negative
work synergy that leads to conflicts.
The Broken Team Dynamics: How serious is it?
Team dynamics are crucial in creating organizational bonds and
creating positive work synergy in organizations. It helps
employees to work together, solve problems, and complete tasks
within the required periods (Eyo, 2019). However, the main
problem that is always associated with team dynamics is a
power imbalance. When organizations give more power to one
group at the expense of other groups within organizations, it
often creates anxiety and confusion among the staff members or
employees. Oppenshaw et al. (2018) state that this may result in
negative team synergies that result in conflicts and
disagreements among the team members. If this problem is not
addressed at the initial stages, it may result in employee
turnovers and poor outputs from the organizational team
members. This creates a situation called broken team dynamics
that creates divisions among the organizational members.
Broken team dynamics is a very serious matter that requires
urgent intervention plans. Apart from poor performance, the
organizational leaders may spend a lot of time bringing the team
members together at the expense of other important matters in
the organization. Moreover, Turk (2018) states that broken team
dynamics may also give the competitors a chance to overtake an
organization and establish a competitive advantage.
Furthermore, broken team dynamics can also destroy an
organization’s image or brand in the market. In most cases,
consumers always wish to be associated with organizations that
perform but also those with a good reputation. Therefore,
organizational conflicts due to broken team dynamics may send
a wrong image to customers. This may result in customers
seeking services from other companies.
Therefore, broken team dynamics are a very serious issue that
may need urgent intervention plans by the organizational
The Intervention Plans: What are they and how should they be?
Creating intervention plans to address broken team dynamics is
not easy. Leaders always have to implement plans or policies
that address the needs of both conflicting parties. Moreover,
Eyo (2019) states that intervention plans should provide both
short-term and long-term solutions to the issues that affect the
employees of a particular organization.
However, the first intervention plan is to identify the causes of
the negative work synergy. Oppenshaw et al. (2018) state that
negative work synergy means identifying the stressors or the
factors that lead to the conflict. This strategy can also be
evaluated through the lens of the scripture. The book of Mathew
6:23-24 highlights this strategy. Jesus notes, “so if you are
about to offer your gift to God at the altar and there you
remember that your brother has something against you, leave
your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace
with your brother and then come back and offer your gift to
God.” This bible verse is clear that a good working environment
is even more important than the tasks that employees can
execute for an organization. This is because organization duties
may become futile when the employees are not in harmony.
The first strategy for organizational leaders is to undertake a
close survey within the organization and identify the problem
that affects their employees. Gol-Guven (2017) states that
during the initial stages, the leaders should not inform their
employees but they should keep the survey to themselves.
However, this close survey needs to be undertaken by a special
conflict resolution council. These are groups of experts that will
have been chosen by the organization to investigate the conflict
and provide a report to the organizational leaders. In this case,
the inclusion council needs to undertake a thorough report that
will provide the leaders with all the information about the
sources of conflict. In Mathew 18:15-17 Jesus states, “If your
brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between
the two of you. If he listens, then you have won over your
brother. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along,
so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two
or other along, so that every matter may be established by the
testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to
them, tell it to the church.” In this case, the church is like the
inclusion council that investigates and oversees the conflict
resolution process. By listening to both parties, the church, as
mentioned in the bible is crucial in listening and providing a
full report on the conflict and also providing their verdict.
The second intervention plan is retreating. After the
organizational leaders get the full report from the inclusion
council about the causes of the broken team dynamics, leaders
need to listen to the grievances and discuss the matter within
themselves (Eyo, 2019). During this stage, the leaders should
not involve the employees or any party in their discussions.
They need to use various skills such as critical thinking skills to
evaluate the conflict and determine who might be wrong and
who might be right. Moreover, the organizational leaders may
also involve external consultants or experts from other
companies or retired scholars, or former businessmen. Turk
(2018) notes that involving external consultants is crucial in
helping the organization to develop better solutions that can
help the organization in the future.
The third intervention plan is for the organizational leaders to
summon all the conflicting parties in front of all the leaders and
experts drawn from other organizations. In the book of
Philippians 2:4, the bible states, “let each of you not look not
only to his own interest but also the interests of others.” Broken
team dynamics often result in negative work synergy where the
members may have negative feelings toward each other.”
However, the bible states that during conflict resolution
processes, every party needs to bury their hatches and sit
together to try and find a solution. During the summoning of all
the two conflicting parties, the organizational leaders need to
help the two parties to get rid of their negative emotional
energies (Nese et al., 2020). The negative emotional energies
refer to the hatred or the negative ideas that conflicting parties
have for each other. The leaders need to take charge and inform
the conflicting parties to ease their tension. Before embarking
on the conflict resolution processes, leaders need to inform the
members that though they may have contrasting ideas, they still
work for the same organization, and hence, they need to listen
to each other. Gol-Guven (2017) states that getting rid of
negative emotional energy is crucial in creating peace among
the conflicting parties and hence, setting a positive pace for
solving all the conflicts.
The next step that leaders need to take is to communicate the
problem to all the parties in conflict. The leaders need to give
the two parties in conflict the chance to express their ideas or
conflicts. However, in this stage, Gol-Guven (2017) states that
leaders need to practice democracy and ask both parties to
provide ideas that can provide solutions to both parties and help
to end the conflict. The organizational leaders need to act as the
final referees and chose the best strategy that can help to create
peace for both parties. The solution needs to be comprehensive
in order to create a long-lasting solution within the
organization. Furthermore, the organizational leaders also need
to draft policies that will help to create peace and cohesion
within the organizational teams. Furthermore, Turk (2018)
states that during such meetings, the organizational leaders also
need to address the small issues that build up to conflicts. They
include power imbalance, equal promotions, and equal treatment
by the organization. During the communication phase, the
organizational leaders need to ensure that they create a
democratic and equal balance of powers to prevent future
Lastly, the organization needs to put the solutions drafted into
writing and then into policies that will help the organization and
the employees in the future.
The criminal justice system and the alternative conflict
resolution processes
The criminal justice system is crucial in maintaining peace and
cohesion in society. However, there are various alternative
processes that can help to manage conflicts. In less serious
cases, Oppenshaw et al. (2018) state that out-of-court
settlements may be crucial in creating peace among the people
in conflict. In Mathews 5:25, the bible states, “if someone
brings a lawsuit against you and takes you to court, settle the
dispute with him while there is time before you get to court.
Once you are there, he will hand you over to the police, and you
will be put in jail.” The Bible provides a direct solution to
alternative conflict resolution processes of ‘out of court
settlement.’ In non-criminal cases, it is always wise for the
parties in conflict to meet in private and settle the matter in
peace. The Bible is clear that court cases are expensive and may
lead to more problems for both parties. Moreover, Copeland
(2020) states that the justice systems must also be ready to
allow parties to solve cases from outside cases if there are no
criminal related cases.
In conclusion, a conflict resolution plan often aims at breaking
the negative team dynamics that affect the spirit and working
atmosphere of organizations. This paper has established that
broken team dynamics are the main factors that lead to
employees having contrasting ideas that lead to conflicts. As
stated in this paper, the intervention plans need to have
inclusion councils that undertake a close survey to determine
the causes of conflicts. Furthermore, the organizational leaders
need to communicate with the parties in conflict and develop
long-lasting solutions that need to be implemented as laws as
stated in this paper. This will help to prevent future conflicts
within organizations. The Bible says in Proverbs 15:19, “The
way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the
upright is a highway.”(King James Bible)
Copeland, R. L. (2020). Econometric Interpretation:
Ascertainment, Identification, and Dialogue
in Matthew 6: 25–34. Biblical Interpretation, 29(1), 67-89.
Eyo, E. B. (2019). Jesus Christ the philosopher: An
exposé. International Journal of Philosophy
and Theology, 7(2).
Gol-Guven, M. (2017). The effectiveness of the Lions Quest
Program: Skills for Growing on
school climate, students’ behaviors, perceptions of school, and
conflict resolution
skills. European Early Childhood Education Research
Journal, 25(4), 575-594.
King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online.
(Original work published 1769)
Nese, R. N., McDaniel, S., Meng, P., Spraggins, L., Babbs, V.,
& Girvan, E. J. (2020).
Restorative and Conflict Resolution Interventions. Grantee
Oppenshaw, D. L., Nel, M., & Louw, L. (2018). Conflict
resolution and
reconciliation within congregations. HTS: Theological
Studies, 74(2), 1-11.
Turk, F. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of conflict resolution,
peace, education and peer
mediation: A meta-analysis study. International Education
Studies, 11(1), 25-43.

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What is the impact of contextual factors on advocacy and policy Con

PAPER 1ABSTRACTThis paper takes a peak within the criminal

  • 1. PAPER 1 ABSTRACT This paper takes a peak within the criminal justice system, where organizational conflict is covered in this essay. The potential for organizational conflict to arise within the framework of the criminal justice system is the focus of the discussion in this article. This article presents a comprehensive overview and analysis of each of the five stages of conflict, beginning with the pre-conflict phase. An example scenario inside the correctional system explains the stages of conflict. This scenario involves officials working within the system. Three scenarios are examples of circumstances in which an immediate supervisor would not be able to settle a dispute between workers. These scenarios are examples of the circumstances in which an immediate supervisor would not be able to resolve a dispute. Conflict is an inevitable part of working in any company. On the one hand, it fosters creative thinking and strengthens the ability to find solutions to problems. On the other hand, it might render problem-solving ineffective, intensify defensiveness and unhappiness among members, and cultivate a toxic working environment. Conflict is an ongoing process that may have various repercussions on various individuals. Keywords: conflict Problem Resolution Conflict is described as a dynamic process in which two or more people engage in an organization to cause conflict that may or may not result in aggressive actions. Workers' emotional states,
  • 2. such as stress, hatred, or worry, may be produced by conflict in organizations. Additionally, management may investigate the conflict in organizations by looking at the conflict behavior, whether it be quiet resistance or overtly hostile or aggressive conduct. Two prisoners fighting each other in a fistfight exemplify violence within a jail. The correctional officials have to deescalate the situation to prevent the disagreement from leading to a dysfunctional organization. Maintaining consensus among everyone in a company is not always straightforward. Nevertheless, businesses may encourage conflict management abilities via training. The Five Conflict Styles The five styles of conflict management is conflict avoidance, accommodation, collaboration, compromise, and competition. Organizational and environmental variables both have an impact on the phases of conflict. Conflict in organizations must be understood by the parties involved beyond the current circumstance since all disputes are tied to one another and have a degree of continuity. In this instance, a fight breaks out between two prisoners who share a cell. Up to the point that the prisoners start fighting in their cells, the argument keeps getting worse. Problem The problem illustrated in this essay is the penal correction system, which is used to explain the stages of conflict. This scenario involves officials working within the system. Three scenarios are examples of circumstances in which an immediate supervisor could not settle a dispute between workers. These scenarios will determine how conflict is managed within the organization by the staff. Background Conflict is an inevitable part of working in any company. On the one hand, it fosters creative thinking and strengthens the ability to find solutions to problems. Conflict is an ongoing
  • 3. process that may have various repercussions on various individuals. When it rises within the company, some ways need to be used to prevent it from escalating. If the proper channels are not followed, then the conflict may affect the normal working of the organization. It's crucial to understand what causes disputes while addressing conflict management. Conflicts may go beyond verbal and physical arguments. An incorrectly handled disagreement in a criminal justice business where most employees are armed may lead to workplace violence and death. Social scientists have identified five variables that might cause conflict: needs, perceptions, power, values, and emotions. Individual needs are crucial to understanding disputes, mainly when Individual and group requirements vary. We all have vital requirements. These intrinsic demands include food, drink, and sleep. These bodily demands are considered fundamental and unlearned. Secondary psychological conditions are gained via experience and are vital for conflict management. Secondary requirements might alter over time. Needs include belonging, power, success, and love. As I've said, these requirements are vital to an individual's well-being, and ignoring them may lead to conflict. As supervisors, we must consider our subordinates' needs, particularly secondary needs, since they affect behavior. A supervisor may better understand what drives a subordinate by understanding their requirements. The second is perception. This and personal values are the hardest to control and cause the most significant disputes. Everyone's perception is unique. There will always be slight variances in people's perceptions of the same event. People's impressions of what happened to depend on their beliefs, expectations, experience, and history. Conflicts emerge when people view reality or a situation differently. These misperceptions might be caused by varied upbringings, education levels, and traditional beliefs. As I've said, this aspect of the conflict is hard to handle, but a supervisor can establish a manageable situation. Success or failure will rely on
  • 4. how understanding and willing the supervisor is to modify views. Third, I'd want to explain how individuals define and use power. Power and status impact the severity of organizational disputes In the military, position means authority, which is frequently abused. How we interpret and wield power may affect the frequency and sorts of conflict. How we define and deploy rank-based authority may alter our conflict management abilities. A dispute arises when energy is used to manipulate others for personal advantage. Avoidance conflict is at its earliest stage. This stage occurs when the circumstances that constitute the fundamental causes of the competition are in place. "According to Pondy, avoidance of organizational conflict is the precursor or underlying factors that lead to subsequent perceptions of conflict. This term is in line with Aubert's notion of "conflict potential," which may be regarded as the "base of conflict," denoting a social environment between related parties that lays the groundwork for the later development of overt animosity (Leckie, 2017). This includes degrees of rivalry between distinct subunits, attempts by intermediate supervisors to manage officers' conduct, and instances in which two parties that must work on a joint activity cannot agree on a cooperative project. This would be the starting point of their clash in the hypothetical conflict between the two prisoners. One of the inmates started the fight by neglecting to pick up their stale, partially consumed meal off the cell floor. At this point, the prisoner has spoken their viewpoint to ensure the other person is aware of the possible dispute. Conflict accommodation is the subsequent phase of the conflict. At least one of the two parties must acknowledge a disagreement before the problem moves to this level. Conflicts may sometimes occur when the ingredients for avoiding conflict are absent. This is the negotiation stage when one side believes the other is likely to obstruct or frustrate their aims. It is believed that the parties misunderstood each other's genuine
  • 5. open positions in cases when conflict is felt, even if there is no underlying conflict. Such a dispute may be resolved by fostering better communication between the parties. When this is realized, the person can either escalate the situation or choose to defuse it. One crucial element is that if someone is cognizant of their conflict with another person, they influence whether the conflict episode moves on to the next level. This is the point in the example scenario when the prisoner who leaves their food lying about realizes there is a problem. They now have the option to resolve the dispute by coming to an understanding and ceasing to leave their food lying about, or they may decide to intensify the conflict and argue. The prisoner decides to dispute and exacerbate the issue in this case. The next level is collaboration, which happens when one of the parties personalizes the conflict situation. When a disagreement becomes personal, it affects the individuals involved and potentially adversely affects the organization. Conflict at this level is quite essential, particularly inside an institution. The organization's long-term stability depends on how well the disagreement is handled. The conflict that is sensed is a conflict that is not only perceived but also felt and recognized. The mechanism that makes many individuals worried about conflict dysfunctions is the personalizing of competition. To put it another way, it causes people to experience conflict. Referring back to the previous situation, one of the prisoners had escalated their argument beyond the meal to the point where they were attacking the other person personally. The correctional personnel can spot the problem since the convicts loudly shout complaints. Next comes the stage of conflict competition. Once a party has sensed and experienced the conflict scenario, it may start to express conflict. To elicit this type of conflict, this stage is characterized by overt or covert actions. Most often, overt conflict involves one side purposefully obstructing the objectives of the other. When a disagreement reaches this point, managers usually have to intervene to settle it before it
  • 6. escalates into an organizational problem. As a result, direct managers must be able to see overt disagreement amongst employees. The convicts in the hypothetical situation start to act physically, so the disciplinary authorities open the cell and separate the inmates. The officers must settle potential disputes amongst prisoners as soon as they are identified. The convicts may believe they can get away with this kind of conduct if other prisoners see the altercation and the guards are slow to intervene. "Pondy defines apparent conflict (conflictful conduct) as behavior that intentionally impedes the accomplishment of another person's goals and is seen as such by at least one party. Overt actions that prevent relationship partners from accomplishing their objectives are the hallmark of evident conflict in inter-organizational environments (Leckie, 2017). Conflict compromise is the last step. At this stage in the dispute, if the circumstances are resolved satisfactorily, the war will end. Conflict will persist if the underlying causes are not addressed but rather repressed for a quick fix. The stage of conflict aftermath is then entered if the battle continues. At this point, the dispute can potentially worsen or damage the two people's relationship irreparably. This would be an example of conflict aftermath if the two prisoners in the scenario were returned to the same cell and continued arguing. Conflict aftermath also includes additional prisoners acting this way after seeing the first altercation between cellmates. The management of conflict has been recommended in a variety of ways or ways. Based on the degree of cohesion (the degree to which one wants to see the other party's problems addressed) and assertiveness (the degree to which one's objectives are accomplished). There might be two methods for handling the disagreement inside the company. Both therapeutic and preventative methods are part of these strategies. The management seeks to create a scenario or atmosphere where the dysfunctional aspects of disputes do not occur while taking preventive actions. Conflict should be handled as soon as it
  • 7. develops, as is the case in most situations, but every effort should be made to avoid conflict in the first place. Large, generally violent riots are an example of a disagreement with our police officers that is beyond the immediate supervisor's control. The immediate supervisor can only affect their officers and jurisdiction since this problem affects the whole country instead of just the department. The police officers cannot resolve the disagreement alone since it affects many people (Raines, 2020). Another instance where the immediate supervisor may not have any control is when an email criticizing another officer goes out to the whole state's law enforcement community by mistake. If the email had just been sent to their department, the person's direct boss might have punished them or let them off lightly, but it was forwarded to everyone. Efforts of Resolution Supervisors have a variety of options for dealing with these conflict-related traits. Five techniques for supervisors to resolve conflicts have been discovered by social scientists. While some of these tactics help manage conflict, others make it worse. Teamwork. All parties consent to working together to settle a disagreement. Everyone may be able to accomplish personal objectives via collaboration while still retaining solid relationships. Cooperation involves reconciling divergent viewpoints to satisfy all demands. When there is a high level of trust and a desire to change, and the manager wants the staff to take ownership of their ideas, they may choose to take a collaborative approach to handle conflicts. Collaboration requires much work. Some group members abuse the openness and confidence of others. Make a compromise. To win, we must reduce losses. Quick dispute resolution is used when no long-term solution has been found. A short-term remedy is to stop discussion until the problem is fixed. It's not flawless. It's a stopgap measure to allow people to keep working. This approach can disregard the
  • 8. company's objectives. It could promote cynicism and ignorance of the seriousness of the problem. We must go back soon to deal with disputes in a cooperative manner. Competitiveness. It implies a struggle between rivals. When we are in the right about a quarrel, this tactic works. We utilize it to make snap judgments or stand up for our rights. We may use this strategy when a more powerful person tries to overwhelm us. This could end a fight at the moment, but it has repercussions. First off, it could make things worse and trigger losers' retaliation. Conflicts are not handled effectively in this (Raines, 2020). Working for a single goal comes before everything else. People prioritize their relationships above their beliefs as a conflict resolution technique. By downplaying differences of opinion, it maintains positive working relationships. Use this tactic when there isn't much at stake, we're in the wrong and can't win, and group cohesion is more essential than individual convictions. Temporary solution Ideas may not get enough attention, and the speaker could become less credible and influential. As a result, the immediate supervisor will be held accountable to their superiors, imposing a heavier penalty that the immediate supervisor must carry out. The last instance of a problem that the immediate supervisor may be unable to manage involves sexual harassment. A settlement must be reached, and depending on the matter's seriousness, an immediate supervisor is not expected to finish the disagreement and move on. Usually, parties who are not both parties' direct supervisors decide how to resolve sexual harassment disputes. Overcrowding may generate inmate-staff tensions. It would make handling criminals more challenging and increase inmate- on-inmate violence. Inadequate law enforcement equipment may lead to conflict and risk to public safety. Say a police department can't afford bulletproof vests for all officers. Without protective gear, cops may be hesitant to react to firearms violence. The situation can deteriorate if the policeman
  • 9. doesn't respond swiftly to other officers' aid calls. Laws dictating how law enforcement conducts situations could provoke debate. Conclusion In conclusion, the conflict will always arise in organizations. On the one hand, it encourages innovation and improves problem-solving. On the other hand, it may make problem- solving ineffective, heighten defensiveness and member unhappiness, and foster a toxic workplace (Nguyen, 2019). Conflict is a dynamic process that has varied effects on different people. Avoidance conflict, perceived conflict, felt conflict, visible conflict, and conflict aftermath are the five phases of conflict. Even though a disagreement could end before it reaches any of these phases, it's crucial to comprehend them all and recognize when it needs to be halted at the immediate supervisor level. As it will only help the business evolve and adapt to potential future conflict scenarios that may happen inside the organization, conflict management is a critical ability that organizations must master. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that "But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (King James Bible) References
  • 10. King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (Original work published 1769) Leckie, C. Widing, R. E., Whitwell, G. J. (2017). Manifest conflict, customer orientation and performance outcomes in international buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(8), 1062-1072. Nguyen, T. (2019). Resolving conflict in organizations – achieving results through a harmonization process. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 33(5) 4-7. Raines, S. (2020). Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN: 9781538119938 PAPER 2 ABSTRACT A conflict usually occurs when two or more parties in an organization experience different opinions regarding a process or event. They may experience or hold different views and beliefs and one party may recognize the problem and view it as a problem to an organization. Positive Conflicts in organizations are always perceived to be normal as they always contribute to changes within organizations, increase trust between the parties, and even make an organization to be more creative and innovative. However, negative conflicts in organizations always lead to more problems as they widen the gap between employees, may cause divisions, and may also lead to employee turnover. Conflict resolution refers to all the processes that are undertaken to bring the parties in conflict
  • 11. together without altering the self-esteem and the morale of the employees. This paper aims at evaluating conflict resolution processes including the causes, principles, and stages of conflict resolution in an organization. Keywords: conflict Introduction A conflict is a disagreement that may occur between two interdependent people or parties. Raines (2020) affirms that differences between the two parties often characterize conflicts and that the parties usually view the differences as unfavorable. Therefore, conflicts usually make employees or teams have negative emotional states and may also alter how they relate or work together. As Polkinghorn and McDermott (2017) state, organizational conflicts are sometimes inevitable because it’s typical for employees within organizations to have different ideas and thoughts. Although conflicts may bring problems to an organization and the managers, they also make organizations and their leaders more efficient and effective, increase employee trust and push organizations to achieve their goals (Abd-Elrhaman and Ghoneimy, 2018). The purpose of this report is not to remove conflicts within organizations. It aims at helping businesses to manage disputes more ethically and effectively to increase their performance and achieve their goals. This paper will present the stages of conflict resolution
  • 12. that will evaluate the causes and effects of conflicts and how to solve them. The strategies mentioned in this paper will offer managers and organizational leaders to absorb the conflicts and solve them without affecting the harmony of their working teams. The meaning and dimensions of a conflict Polkinghorn and McDermott (2017) state that a conflict is a disagreement between two or more interdependent employees. The parties in a conflict may have different ideas, emotions, and beliefs about a particular situation, creating a conflict. In a conflict, the parties may hold incompatible outcomes, and one party may recognize this incompatibility and perceive it to be a problem for an organization (Raines, 2020). On the other hand, conflicts may also be driven by the needs and beliefs of employees or organizational teams. A need refers to a feeling that makes people behave in a particular manner. Therefore, a belief is a priority that the parties in conflict choose, and when the leaders solve it, it is thought to improve the quality of service. According to Woodrow and Guest (2017), individuals’ view or beliefs in a conflict is usually their efforts to solve the dispute, create a solution and satisfy their interests in the issues they face. Hence, conflicts result from differences in opinions regarding events in organizations, the aspirations of the conflicting parties, and their goals. Consequences of Conflicts Positive Consequences Conflicts are neither good nor bad. Conflicts have either positive or negative outcomes for organizations in short-term and long-term operations. On the positive side, conflicts can bring growth in organizations when members argue about reforms or strategies that their respective organizations need to undertake in their business. As Raines (2020) states, during conflict resolution, leaders need to listen to both parties in conflicts. During this conflict resolution process, managers can pick the best ideas for the future.
  • 13. Moreover, conflicts can bring coherence and trust among employees and organizational teams. In most cases, members of the same organization may clash because they lack the support from their leaders, lack the confidence of their colleagues, and also opaqueness in the daily operations of a company (Hershcovis et al., 2018). During conflict resolution processes, the leaders and the employees usually have the chance to sit together and solve their conflicts. Every aspect of the conflict is aired out, and policies may be set to promote transparency and accountability of all the members of an organization. This may increase the members’ trust and make them work together as a team. On the other hand, Rana et al. (2017) also state that conflicts can improve the overall performance of an organization. For example, if the leaders poorly communicate to their employees or an organization does not solve their employees' challenges, it may result in conflicts. However, during conflict resolution processes, such issues may be corrected, an organization can improve its communication strategies, and policies can be implemented to improve the employees’ welfare, thereby improving the organization's performance. Negative Consequences Consequences can also be overshadowed by harmful outcomes when the parties in dispute fail to agree or reach a common understanding. In such cases, Bădiţoiua and Stănescu (2018) note that the situation may escalate into a problematic situation that organizations may find challenging to reverse. One of the negative consequences of a conflict is that a slight misunderstanding among the employees can result in a significant conflict if an organization favors or supports one party. This may destroy the whole working culture and the system of an organization resulting in loss of growth, performance, and high employment turnovers (Toussaint et al., 2018). On the other hand, conflicts can also lead to shifts in power positions or dominance of power in an organization. In a
  • 14. win-lose situation, the winning party may have a more substantial influence on the affairs of an organization than the party that lost. This may further widen the gap between the conflicting parties in the company. According to Lai et al. (2017), such a situation can create more problems as it may become challenging to develop a positive working atmosphere within the organization. Moreover, harmful conflicts can lead to an increase in the number of conflicting parties. Employees may join the winning or the losing parties, making it difficult to de- escalate the problem. Conflict Resolution Conflict resolution is how an organization manages a conflict by bringing the grieving parties together to get a solution. However, Rahim and Katz (2019) note that conflict resolution has two dimensions. They are conflict management and negotiation. Conflict management is the process of communicating the conflict to change the beliefs and the emotional states of the parties in conflict. On the other hand, conflict negotiation is the process of sharing with grieving parties to enable them to solve the dispute and work together (Héliot et al., 2020). In any conflict, organizations always aim to get a win/win situation. However, a win/win situation usually requires a very tactical and excellent approach to satisfy the interest of both parties. An organization must use conflict management and negotiation to resolve a conflict and bring it to an agreement. As Cowan et al. (2021) state, conflict management is mainly concerned with the negative attitudes of the conflicting parties. It mainly involves the leaders of the effort put in place to divert the anger or negative emotional energy of the parties in conflict to create a mutual understanding. Leaders must always deal with and eliminate the conflicting parties' destructive behavior and hostile attitudes when using conflict management. Once the negative attitude is removed, the negotiation process may create peace among conflicting parties (Jacobs et al., 2018).
  • 15. On the other hand, Conflict management often aims at settling the dispute by directly evaluating the cause of the conflict. In conflict management, aspects like negative attitudes are often ignored. Once the source of the problem has been identified, the process of creating a mutual understanding between the two parties begins. Principles of conflict resolution Conflict resolution is always a challenging process that requires an organization to create a mutual understanding amongst the employees without ruining its reputation and the morale of its employees. Magee et al. (2017) note that before an organization begins to settle any conflict, it needs to create a plan of how the process will be undertaken in an orderly manner. Moreover, conflict resolution should be aimed at bringing long-term solutions that will not only create a positive work culture but also improve the performance of an organization. On the other hand, Bambi et al. (2017) also note that conflict resolution needs to bring the employees or organizational teams together to bring the lost trust. Therefore, this process needs to be undertaken based on several principles. Principle 1: Create a culture of respect and integrity This is the first principle of conflict resolution. Leaders must understand that all employees are equal regardless of their status within the company. In some cases, leaders usually take stern action against the party that may be on the wrong side without evaluating the long-term consequences. Baillien et al. (2017) state that conflict resolution needs to begin from a neutral point of view regardless of the mistakes that may have been committed. At the negotiation table, each party needs to be treated equally and concerning cool down the tempers and reduce the negative emotional energy. Moreover, leaders also need to use the rule of democracy in which all the parties are given equal chances to express themselves. Jerng et al. (2017) affirm that creating a culture of
  • 16. respect and integrity is the first step in ensuring that employees and all the organizational teams respect each other, even in their daily work. It helps them understand that the organization's interests are more significant than their beliefs, attitudes, and what they want. Principle 2: Create a rapport Organizations are institutions that are run by culture and the policies that have been set in place. Raines (2020) states that it is always crucial for all employees and organizational teams to understand that they need each other to make their organization more functional. However, this does not occur in most cases, as conflicting parties may lose their values and ethical standards that guide their work. In any conflict resolution process, leaders and managers must ensure that they create a rapport in which the organizational teams can listen to each other more attentively and respond to each other in a more respectful, peaceful, and ethical manner (Jones et al., 2018). Creating a rapport means that employees will have time to listen to each other, argue their points, and make peace amongst themselves in the future. These are some of the issues that leaders must raise during conflict resolution. Building a rapport will develop a protocol that employees will be using in the future to raise their concerns without necessarily going into a conflict. Principle 3: Create a culture of resourcefulness Resourcefulness is the process in which the employees use their experience to solve problems without necessarily escalating into conflicts. Magee et al. (2017) note that organizations must create team leaders. However, they need to be people with a vast experience in the organization’s culture and the policies that guide how their respective institutions work. Moreover, leaders and managers also need to give their team leaders the chance to quickly address the issues that arise among their employees. The team leaders should be mandated to address
  • 17. minor problems unless they are more critical (Bambi et al., 2017). Creating a culture of resourcefulness is crucial in ensuring that employees and organizational teams can manage their interests and reduce the frequency in which conflicts occur within organizations. Before solving any conflict, leaders need to create this culture of resourcefulness by allowing their teams to solve minor cases. Principle 4: Create a culture of constructive attitude In any situation, attitude is the main factor determining the success of the employees and their respective organizations. In all cases, leaders must make their employees understand that regardless of what their colleagues do or believe, they must ensure that their actions do not create enmity or destroy the organizational culture. Jacobs et al. (2018) note that in any organization, some employees or groups may act in ways that satisfy their needs. Even in situations where colleagues do not work or behave in ethical manners, all the parties need to adopt a positive attitude to prevent escalating conflicts. This proces s effectively ensures that all the parties in a conflict attain the win/win situation to the conflict. The Conflict Resolution Process/Model The conflict resolution model or process is divided into four main processes; awareness, self-preparation, conflict reduction, and negotiation. Stage 1: Self-awareness This is the first and the most challenging stage of the conflict resolution process. It involves the process by which the conflicting parties are brought together at the negotiation table (Cletus et al., 2018). In this process, the leaders usually start the negotiation by recognizing a conflict between two parties. Moreover, the problem or the cause of conflict is generally highlighted during this stage. Baillien et al. (2017) state that this stage involves communication, feedback, and resistance. In communication, the party that feels aggrieved is given a chance to speak and express themselves. During this stage, the leaders
  • 18. must ensure that all interpersonal skills, such as empathy and active listening, are followed. They are essential for ensuring that ideas are communicated effectively without interference. In the feedback phase, the party on the defense often tries to defend itself against the accusations by counter-reacting to the allegations made by the grieving party. However, Jerng et al. (2017) note that this is usually followed by resistance from the grieving party, who may feel that their arguments are valid. Therefore, the whole process usually makes all the stakeholders in an organization understand that a problem exists. Stage 2: Self-Preparation This stage usually involves breaking down the case and planning how to manage the interests of all the parties. It has three main steps; Emotional management, taking the position in the case and managing the interests of all the parties (Currie et al., 2017). In emotional management, the leaders usually try to cool down the tension by ensuring that all the parties respond to each other in ethical and respectful manners. In any negotiation process, both parties must take charge of their inner emotions as it is crucial to create peace and allow the conflict to be broken down. In emotional management, the managers or the leaders in charge are always required to remind the conflicting parties that they work for the interest of the whole organization (Currie et al., 2017). Hence, aspects like positive feedback and emotional intelligence need to be prioritized by both parties. Dynamic management usually makes the conflicting teams have self- awareness in their inner self, which allows the case to be handled effectively by their leaders. Secondly, the leaders need to take a position in the case. Jones et al. (2018) note that taking the case means they need to listen to both parties and their grievances to understand who may be right and wrong. Through discernment, the leaders need to take a position in the case but not give a verdict at this stage. Thirdly, interest management is also crucial during this stage. Cowan et al. (2021) affirm that regardless of the position the leaders may
  • 19. take, they must put the company's interest first. Moreover, they need to determine the good of all the parties to determine the teams that may have the organization’s interests at heart. Stage 3: Conflict Reduction This is the second last stage before the final negotiation process. By this time, the leaders and managers will have understood the conflicts and differences between the conflicting parties. Héliot et al. (2020) note that in this case, the leader needs to help the parties to eliminate their negative behavior and agree to resolve their conflicts. However, determining the conflicts does not necessarily mean that the parties must agree to a particular conclusion. It means that the parties will have understood the source of their conflicts and also develop mutual understanding and respect for each other’s ideas. This process allows the parties in dispute to rectify their conflicts and their ill-feeling toward each other and probably identify the party that may be wrong. On the other hand, Rahim and Katz (2019) state that the parties must practice reflective listening. This means we need to listen to each other’s ideas with more focus and enhanced concentration. At this point, it is expected that all the negative emotions and feelings toward each other may have been reduced or eliminated. Reflective listening helps the parties to understand each other’s demands and find a way to create a long-lasting solution. Moreover, leaders must also ensure they summarize both parties’ words (Lai et al., 2017). This will help them outline the demands from both parties against the company’s interest. It will also help them to decide which markets are realistic and can be achieved against those that may be too difficult to compete in the short term. Furthermore, Toussaint et al. (2018) also observe that the leaders or the negotiators must make the two opposite parties listen to them. At this point, the leaders must express their views and concerns about the case. Therefore, they will have to point out the differences between the arguments of both parties. This will help them clearly
  • 20. outline the strengths and weaknesses of both parties in conflict. During this stage, Bădiţoiua and Stănescu (2018) note that the leaders need to communicate effectively so that every party understands what will benefit them and their organization and what will not benefit them. Stage 4: Negotiation This is the last and the most critical stage in the conflict negotiation process. According to Rana et al. (2017), the leaders should have removed all the barriers, and both parties in conflict should be ready to strike a deal and end the conflict. Furthermore, each party needs to try as much as possible to influence their colleagues to take the direction that will benefit all the stakeholders, including the company. Since this is a crucial process, various steps will help them conclude. First, the leaders or the negotiators need to listen and determine the position of both parties (Abd-Elrhaman and Ghoneimy, 2018). This will help the leaders understand what each party wants and whether or not the demands are achievable. On the other hand, both parties should be ready to accept the decision from their leaders as the one that will be of great benefit to each of them and also improve the organization’s growth. As skilled people and leaders of the organization, they need to use their leadership skills to summarize their position to both parties. According to Hershcovis et al. (2018), they need to use their analytical and communication skills to explain the part of the company regarding the situation. This should be undertaken in a manner that satisfies both parties and also eliminates their initial misunderstandings. The second step is to underline the interests of all the parties. This step involves asking both parties some of the reasons they held to their initial views or positions. According to Woodrow and Guest (2017), explaining to the parties may not effectively remove the subconscious ideas and beliefs. Leaders also need to ensure that all the parties are left with a clear mind and get their minds off the conflict. By asking them about the position they initially took, the leaders will demonstrate their care for both
  • 21. teams' interests. Moreover, it may also give the leaders a chance to alter the solution to fit both parties and bring peace to their organizations (Raines, 2020). After ensuring that all the parties are at ease, the leaders must bring written documentation for both teams to sign. This will indicate that they are satisfied with the decision and are ready to work as a team. Lastly, leaders need to ensure that both parties show respect to each other through greetings and having a meal together, if any. In summary, Conflict resolution is a step-by-step process that requires organizations to bring both parties in conflict together. However, as stated in the paper, conflict can either be good or bad depending on how conflicting parties handle it. Positive/constructive conflicts help organizations change their strategies to improve their performance and stay ahead of competitors. Positive conflicts help to increase creativity in organizations by making the leaders, employees, and all organizational stakeholders more innovative. On the other hand, harmful conflicts bring divisions within organizations. This is a conflict that mainly arises out of employees’ selfishness or self- interests. In this case, it may destroy the morale of employees and reduce the performance of an organization. Organizational leaders must bring their employees together and listen to their ideas regardless of the type of conflict. Moreover, leaders also need to ensure that they eliminate the negative emotional energy from their employees. This is done by allowing the employees to express their ideas. Leaders must then evaluate all the opinions from both sides before deciding on the best solution for both parties. However, the decision taken by the leaders needs to be fair and just to all the parties. Furthermore, both parties in conflicts need to come to a mutual understanding to make their organizations grow and become more competitive. Generally, conflict resolution is about differences in ideas and the ability to evaluate all the conflicting ideas and get one mutual solution.
  • 22. Conclusion To conclude, a conflict is a long and complex process requiring leaders to develop a proper plan to help them break down the problematic situation into a solution. This paper has demonstrated that a conflict always contains negative emotions from parties, conflicting ideas and thoughts, and perceived differences between all the parties in conflict. Moreover, a match may result in a pessimistic or optimistic end, depending on how the organization’s leaders handle it. To manage any dispute, organizational leaders must evaluate the causes of the competition. Furthermore, they also need to eliminate the negative feelings from both parties, bring them to a mutual understanding, and reduce the tension. This will promote acceptance from both sides, induce positive feedback and increase the chances of both parties getting a solution. The conflict resolution process also allows members and teams within organizations to freely express their ideas that will benefit the organization in the long run. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17; Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (King James Bible) References Abd-Elrhaman, E. S. A., & Ghoneimy, A. G. H. (2018). The effect of conflict management program on quality of patient care. American Journal of Nursing Science, 7(5), 192-201. Bădiţoiu, L. A., & Stănescu, A. (2018). A strategic approach to conflict management systems. Revista de Management Comparat International, 19(5), 487-496. Baillien, E., Escartín, J., Gross, C., & Zapf, D. (2017). Towards a conceptual and empirical differentiation between workplace bullying and interpersonal conflict. European Journal
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  • 26. justice system can use alternative methods to solve conflicts. Keywords: intervention Conflict Resolution: The Intervention Plan A conflict resolution plan is an intervention method that aims to identify the causes of conflicts, bring the conflicting parties together and provide a solution that will address the needs of all the parties in conflict. Broken team dynamics are among the factors that often result in conflicts in organizations. Copeland (2020) states that broken team dynamics often result from power imbalance when one party or one team in an organization is given more priority than others. For more than two decades, organizations have failed to deal with the challenge of broken team dynamics. This has resulted in high employee turnover, toxic work environments, lack of growth, and underperformance by most organizations (Copeland, 2020). This paper will address the issue of broken team dynamics, the effects, and the intervention plans that can help to break down the negative work synergy that leads to conflicts. The Broken Team Dynamics: How serious is it? Team dynamics are crucial in creating organizational bonds and creating positive work synergy in organizations. It helps employees to work together, solve problems, and complete tasks within the required periods (Eyo, 2019). However, the main problem that is always associated with team dynamics is a power imbalance. When organizations give more power to one group at the expense of other groups within organizations, it often creates anxiety and confusion among the staff members or employees. Oppenshaw et al. (2018) state that this may result in negative team synergies that result in conflicts and
  • 27. disagreements among the team members. If this problem is not addressed at the initial stages, it may result in employee turnovers and poor outputs from the organizational team members. This creates a situation called broken team dynamics that creates divisions among the organizational members. Broken team dynamics is a very serious matter that requires urgent intervention plans. Apart from poor performance, the organizational leaders may spend a lot of time bringing the team members together at the expense of other important matters in the organization. Moreover, Turk (2018) states that broken team dynamics may also give the competitors a chance to overtake an organization and establish a competitive advantage. Furthermore, broken team dynamics can also destroy an organization’s image or brand in the market. In most cases, consumers always wish to be associated with organizations that perform but also those with a good reputation. Therefore, organizational conflicts due to broken team dynamics may send a wrong image to customers. This may result in customers seeking services from other companies. Therefore, broken team dynamics are a very serious issue that may need urgent intervention plans by the organizational leaders. The Intervention Plans: What are they and how should they be? Creating intervention plans to address broken team dynamics is not easy. Leaders always have to implement plans or policies that address the needs of both conflicting parties. Moreover, Eyo (2019) states that intervention plans should provide both short-term and long-term solutions to the issues that affect the employees of a particular organization. However, the first intervention plan is to identify the causes of the negative work synergy. Oppenshaw et al. (2018) state that negative work synergy means identifying the stressors or the factors that lead to the conflict. This strategy can also be evaluated through the lens of the scripture. The book of Mathew 6:23-24 highlights this strategy. Jesus notes, “so if you are
  • 28. about to offer your gift to God at the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with your brother and then come back and offer your gift to God.” This bible verse is clear that a good working environment is even more important than the tasks that employees can execute for an organization. This is because organization duties may become futile when the employees are not in harmony. The first strategy for organizational leaders is to undertake a close survey within the organization and identify the problem that affects their employees. Gol-Guven (2017) states that during the initial stages, the leaders should not inform their employees but they should keep the survey to themselves. However, this close survey needs to be undertaken by a special conflict resolution council. These are groups of experts that will have been chosen by the organization to investigate the conflict and provide a report to the organizational leaders. In this case, the inclusion council needs to undertake a thorough report that will provide the leaders with all the information about the sources of conflict. In Mathew 18:15-17 Jesus states, “If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens, then you have won over your brother. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or other along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church.” In this case, the church is like the inclusion council that investigates and oversees the conflict resolution process. By listening to both parties, the church, as mentioned in the bible is crucial in listening and providing a full report on the conflict and also providing their verdict. The second intervention plan is retreating. After the organizational leaders get the full report from the inclusion council about the causes of the broken team dynamics, leaders need to listen to the grievances and discuss the matter within themselves (Eyo, 2019). During this stage, the leaders should
  • 29. not involve the employees or any party in their discussions. They need to use various skills such as critical thinking skills to evaluate the conflict and determine who might be wrong and who might be right. Moreover, the organizational leaders may also involve external consultants or experts from other companies or retired scholars, or former businessmen. Turk (2018) notes that involving external consultants is crucial in helping the organization to develop better solutions that can help the organization in the future. The third intervention plan is for the organizational leaders to summon all the conflicting parties in front of all the leaders and experts drawn from other organizations. In the book of Philippians 2:4, the bible states, “let each of you not look not only to his own interest but also the interests of others.” Broken team dynamics often result in negative work synergy where the members may have negative feelings toward each other.” However, the bible states that during conflict resolution processes, every party needs to bury their hatches and sit together to try and find a solution. During the summoning of all the two conflicting parties, the organizational leaders need to help the two parties to get rid of their negative emotional energies (Nese et al., 2020). The negative emotional energies refer to the hatred or the negative ideas that conflicting parties have for each other. The leaders need to take charge and inform the conflicting parties to ease their tension. Before embarking on the conflict resolution processes, leaders need to inform the members that though they may have contrasting ideas, they still work for the same organization, and hence, they need to listen to each other. Gol-Guven (2017) states that getting rid of negative emotional energy is crucial in creating peace among the conflicting parties and hence, setting a positive pace for solving all the conflicts. The next step that leaders need to take is to communicate the problem to all the parties in conflict. The leaders need to give the two parties in conflict the chance to express their ideas or conflicts. However, in this stage, Gol-Guven (2017) states that
  • 30. leaders need to practice democracy and ask both parties to provide ideas that can provide solutions to both parties and help to end the conflict. The organizational leaders need to act as the final referees and chose the best strategy that can help to create peace for both parties. The solution needs to be comprehensive in order to create a long-lasting solution within the organization. Furthermore, the organizational leaders also need to draft policies that will help to create peace and cohesion within the organizational teams. Furthermore, Turk (2018) states that during such meetings, the organizational leaders also need to address the small issues that build up to conflicts. They include power imbalance, equal promotions, and equal treatment by the organization. During the communication phase, the organizational leaders need to ensure that they create a democratic and equal balance of powers to prevent future problems. Lastly, the organization needs to put the solutions drafted into writing and then into policies that will help the organization and the employees in the future. The criminal justice system and the alternative conflict resolution processes The criminal justice system is crucial in maintaining peace and cohesion in society. However, there are various alternative processes that can help to manage conflicts. In less serious cases, Oppenshaw et al. (2018) state that out-of-court settlements may be crucial in creating peace among the people in conflict. In Mathews 5:25, the bible states, “if someone brings a lawsuit against you and takes you to court, settle the dispute with him while there is time before you get to court. Once you are there, he will hand you over to the police, and you will be put in jail.” The Bible provides a direct solution to alternative conflict resolution processes of ‘out of court settlement.’ In non-criminal cases, it is always wise for the parties in conflict to meet in private and settle the matter in peace. The Bible is clear that court cases are expensive and may lead to more problems for both parties. Moreover, Copeland
  • 31. (2020) states that the justice systems must also be ready to allow parties to solve cases from outside cases if there are no criminal related cases. Conclusion In conclusion, a conflict resolution plan often aims at breaking the negative team dynamics that affect the spirit and working atmosphere of organizations. This paper has established that broken team dynamics are the main factors that lead to employees having contrasting ideas that lead to conflicts. As stated in this paper, the intervention plans need to have inclusion councils that undertake a close survey to determine the causes of conflicts. Furthermore, the organizational leaders need to communicate with the parties in conflict and develop long-lasting solutions that need to be implemented as laws as stated in this paper. This will help to prevent future conflicts within organizations. The Bible says in Proverbs 15:19, “The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway.”(King James Bible) References Copeland, R. L. (2020). Econometric Interpretation: Ascertainment, Identification, and Dialogue in Matthew 6: 25–34. Biblical Interpretation, 29(1), 67-89. Eyo, E. B. (2019). Jesus Christ the philosopher: An exposé. International Journal of Philosophy
  • 32. and Theology, 7(2). Gol-Guven, M. (2017). The effectiveness of the Lions Quest Program: Skills for Growing on school climate, students’ behaviors, perceptions of school, and conflict resolution skills. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(4), 575-594. King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (Original work published 1769) Nese, R. N., McDaniel, S., Meng, P., Spraggins, L., Babbs, V., & Girvan, E. J. (2020). Restorative and Conflict Resolution Interventions. Grantee Submission. Oppenshaw, D. L., Nel, M., & Louw, L. (2018). Conflict resolution and reconciliation within congregations. HTS: Theological Studies, 74(2), 1-11. Turk, F. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of conflict resolution, peace, education and peer mediation: A meta-analysis study. International Education Studies, 11(1), 25-43.