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Out and About
   Getting Ready for Camp

Girl Scouts of Kentucky’s Wilderness
            Road Council
Course Objectives
   Describe the value of outdoor experience in Girl Scouting
   Taking appropriate progressional steps
   Readiness indicators for girls
   Describe planning aids to organize your camping
The objective of this course is to help walk you
      through the steps to begin outdoor
          experiences in Girl Scouting.
Outdoor Education
Outdoor education in Girl Scouting is designed
  to be a gradual learning experience for girls
  of all program grade levels. It occurs when
      Girl Scout program activities are held
     outdoors. These activities provide the
  opportunity for girls to grow as individuals.
 Outdoor education can improve self-esteem,
  enhance how girls relate to others, develop
   awareness of conservation and encourage
               community service.
Outdoor Education in Girl
 Girls discover something new about the world of the
 Girls improve in at least one outdoor living skill
 Girls learn the joy of preserving simple things
 Girls gain new interests and skills
Outdoor Education in Girl
 Girls have opportunities to increase their ability to
  relate to others in a new setting
 Girls participate in making decisions as an individual
  and by participating in group decisions
 Girls have opportunities for practice in democratic
Outdoor Education in Girl
                    Take Action

 Girls develop a sense of responsibility for group living
 Girls develop a sense of responsibility for making a
  minimal impact
 Girls develop an individual sense of responsibility for
  conserving the natural world
How do you know when girls are ready to camp?
Here’s a list of questions you want to answer before you
  plan a trip to camp with girls.
1. Have the girls spent the night away from home and
   family before or is this their first trip?
2. How well do you know the girls and how comfortable
   are they with you?
3. Are the parents willing to let their daughters go on an
   overnight without them?
4. Is each girl able to cope with the new circumstances
   that camp will offer?
Let’s Look at Each Question in
1. Have the girls spent the night away from home
   and family before or is this their first trip?
Communication with parents is very important in
   determining readiness. If girls have never spent
   the night away from home then you would need
   to do a simple sleep over before planning a big
   trip to camp. Keep it simple and close to home
   in case you have issues during the night.
Let’s Look at Each Question in
2. How well do you know the girls and how comfortable are
     they with you?
If you have just started your troop, you will need to get to
     know the girls before you plan an overnight with them.
     Girls should have several troop meetings, take some short
     day-time trips and then plan a simple sleep over. This
     gives the adults in the troop the opportunity to decide if
     additional supervision will be needed or what special
     issues may arise. This is an opportunity to make sure that
     girls know and will obey troop safety rules.

 Girls need to know that they can approach you during the
                       night if needed.
Let’s Look at Each Question in
3. Are the parents willing to let their daughters go
   on an overnight without them?
An occasional trip that includes a parent or
   guardian for each girl can be a fun experience
   your girls and their families. However, one of
   the main goals in camping with Girl Scouts is to
   build independent living skills. If parents are
   unwilling to allow their daughters to go camping
   without them, then either the girl may not be
   ready or the families may feel that they don’t
   know the adults well enough.
Let’s Look at Each Question in
4.   Are each of the girls able to cope with the new circumstances
     that camping with offer?
Girls should be able to cope with new circumstances such as:
 Meeting new people
 Visiting strange places
 Darkness and strange night noises
 Sleeping in a strange place
 Bugs
 Functioning as a member of a group
 Willingness to sleep, eat, and play with all girls, not just her best
 Being flexible, not always having their own way
 Limited space and managing with little privacy
Use Skits!
Skits are a fun and easy way to see if girls know how
  to handle themselves in situations. Present the
  girls with some scenarios and see what they do.
  You will want to look at the following:
 Staying with a buddy (the buddy system)
 Keeping up with their personal belongings
 Working well as a group
 What to do if they get separated from the group
 Talking care of personal hygiene
 Cleaning up after themselves
                          Troop Meeting
A key concept in girl     Short day-time trip
activities is             Longer day-time trip
                          Simple overnight in the community
progression. Girls        1 night in cabin/lodge with complete
should be emotionally     facilities
                          2 nights in cabin/lodge with
and physically ready to   complete facilities
                          1 night in cabin without indoor
take the next steps. A    facilities
normal pattern of         2 night in cabin without indoor
progression with a        Tent camping
troop would be:           Primitive tent camping
                          Back packing
Progression in Programming
GSUSA has designed the program           Example:
materials we use to fit the              Your Girl Scout Brownie troop decides
development of girls’ physical, mental   to go on a hike.
and behavioral abilities.                At a troop meeting, you do activities
                                         exploring nature.
                                         You discuss proper shoes to wear
                                         when hiking.
                                         Then you take a short walk at a
                                         nature trail in your area.
                                         Talk with the girls about the nature
                                         hike. What will they do differently on
                                         a longer hike?
                                         What supplies do they need to carry?
                                         (Snacks, water bottle, etc.)
                                         Then you go hiking.
Outdoor Manners
How many times have you been in a park or
 forest and seen garbage? Or been disturbed
 by noise from other campers or picnickers? As
 Girl Scouts, we want to leave a place looking
 better than we found it and we don’t want to
 disturb other people around us. These things
 are considered “Leave No Trace” ethics.
7 Principles of Leave No Trace
1.   Plan ahead and prepare
2.   Travel and camp on durable surfaces
3.   Dispose of waste properly
4.   Leave what you find
5.   Minimize campfire impact
6.   Respect wildlife
7.   Be considerate of other visitors
Leave No Trace
 Use only established trails
 Use only established campfire circles
 Don’t pick wild flowers or other plants
 When collecting firewood, use wood that is
  “dead, down and dinky”
 Don’t disturb wildlife
 Don’t disturb other people
Respect Wildlife
 Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not follow
  or approach them.
 Never feed animals.
 Protect wildlife and your food by storing rations
  and trash securely.
 When in the out of doors, do not put your hands
  where you can’t see.
 Food is the number one thing that attracts
  animals to your camp. Never leave food or
  garbage where wildlife can find it. NEVER take
  food into tents or cabins.
Be Safe!

We manage risk in almost every aspect of our
 lives. There is risk involved in stepping out of
      our homes in the morning, but we go
  anyway. There are risks in crossing a street,
  catching a bus, taking part in sports, but we
      find ways to minimize these risk and
       maximize our safety and well-being.
Be Safe!

 The following slides are a few of the risk you
  need to be aware of when camping or hiking.
Make sure that you have a First Aider with your
  troop whenever you camp, hike or play in the
Poisonous Plants

Poison Ivy grows abundantly in Kentucky. Help
   girls learn to recognize it or follow the adage:
            “Leaves of three, let it be!”
Also be aware of “hairy vines”. Touching poison
   ivy vines can also cause a reaction
           Poison oak is less common than poison ivy and
                grows as a small shrub. The leaves
                resemble oak leaves
Poisonous Plants

Prevention: Wear protective clothing; tuck pant
   legs in socks when hiking. The best preventive is
   to recognize the plant and avoid it.
Symptoms: Intense itching, rash with tiny red
   bumps that tend to run in lines. The rash usually
   begins 24-48 hours after exposure
Care: Wash the skin alcohol, flush with cold water
   and wash with soap and water. Rashes can be
   treated with cold cloths, oatmeal baths or with
   the parent’s permission, calamine lotion.
Insects Bites, Stings

When it comes to insects, accept the fact that
  there are lots more of them than there are of
  us! Reduce the likelihood of being bit or
  stung by applying repellents, wearing long
  pants tucked into socks. A scarf or hat also
  offers some head protection. Here’s some
  critters you should be aware of and prepare
  for when in the out of doors.
Poisonous Spiders
The black widow spider is shy and nocturnal and usually
   not aggressive. It is shiny black, usually with a reddish
   hourglass shape on the underside.
Prevention: Don’t put hands where you can’t see.
Symptoms: Sweating, nausea and vomiting, stomach
   pain and cramps, severe muscle pain and spasms,
   breathing might become difficult.
Care: Clean with soap and water. Apply a cool compress
   and keep affected limb elevated to about heart level.
   See doctor immediately and/or call the Poison Control
Poisonous Spiders
The brown recluse has a well defined dark violin marking.
   It is not aggressive and bites only when crushed,
   handled or disturbed.
Prevention: Don’t put hands where you can’t see.
Symptoms: Initially the bite might not hurt but within 2-
   8 hours there will be pain, redness and swelling at the
   wound. An open sore is likely to develop. The victim
   might suffer fever, chills, nausea, joint pain and a faint
Care: Apply ice pack. Try to take spider with you, if
   possible, to the doctor for positive identification..
Chiggers, Bees & Ticks

Chiggers: Almost invisible, they burrow into skin
   pores when they cause small welts and
   itching. Try not to scratch. Some relief by
   covering bite with hydrocortisone cream or
   by dabbing them with clear fingernail polish.
Chiggers, Bees & Ticks
Bees, Yellow Jackets, Hornets: Most common of
   any of the animals listed are stings from bees.
   Scrape away bee stinger with the edge of a knife
   blade or even a credit card. Don’t squeeze the
   sac attached to the stinger – it might force more
   venom into the skin. An ice pack might reduce
   pain and swelling. Watch for trouble breathing
   or severe swelling. Allergies can develop over
   time, so always monitor someone who has been
   stung, even if their health history does not
   indicate they are allergic to stings.
Chiggers, Bees & Ticks
Tick Bites: A bite from a tick can infect you with
    one of several diseases. Protect yourself by
    wearing long pants tucked in. Encourage all
    campers to do a thorough daily tick check of
    themselves and each other. If a tick is attached,
    grasp it with tweezers close to the skin and
    gently pull until it comes out. Wash the area
    with soap and water, and apply antibiotic
If the tick has been embedded more than 24 hours,
    see a physician.

Snakes are found everywhere, even in your back
   yard. Most are harmless and try to avoid
   humans. Bites are very rare.
There are two types of poisonous snakes found
   in council area:

Prevention: Stay on trails and roadways when in camp.
   Do not put your hands where you can not see. Use a
   hiking stick to poke among stones and brush ahead of
   you when you walk through areas where snakes are
   common. Watch where you put your hands as you
   collect firewood or climb over rocks and logs.
Care: Try to keep the victim calm. Remove rings and
   other jewelry that might cause problems if the area
   around the bite swells. Keep the wound lower then
   the level of the victim’s heart. Get to victim under
   medical care as soon as possible.

Black Bears are beginning to find their way back
   into the wooded mountain areas of the state.
   Although black bears are generally shy and
   avoid contact with humans, it is important to
   remember that bears must be respected for
   their size and strength. When in areas where
   there is a bear population, do everything you
   can to prevent close encounters and conflicts
   with bears.
   Do not deliberately approach a bear or try to become
    chummy with one, especially one that appears
    unafraid of you. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.
   Travel quietly and do not pursue, feed or force
    animals to flee. ONE EXCEPTION is in bear country
    where it is good to make noise so as not to startle the
   Do not have food in tents and cabins.
   Keep food in secured containers.
   Do not keep trash in your camp site – dispose of it
    each evening.
   Report any bear sightings to the site manager.
Dressing for the
Prepare girls for the out of doors by making sure
   that clothing is right for the weather and
   what you plan to do. Clothes should protect
   individuals from things like poison ivy, thorny
   bushes and sunburn.
Check the weather forecast before you go.
Bring clothing for unexpected weather changes.
Second hand stores are great for getting clothes
   for camping and getting dirty!
Think Layers
Because of the large amount of heat that is lost through
   your head be sure to wear a camp or hat to keep
   warm. You may even wish to sleep in a cap.
Here’s an example of layering clothing in the winter:
 Underwear
 Long Johns
 Light wear followed by heavy socks, long pants, t-shirt
   and a long sleeve shirt
 Add a coat, wind breaker or poncho
 Mittens, warm shoes/boots and hat
 Wool is a good fabric choice for winter
Dressing for Summer
When it’s hot outside, you need to dress properly to avoid over
   exposure to the sun, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
   Clothing made of cotton is best – it will breathe and absorb moisture
   Light weight long sleeved shirts and long pants to protect from the sun
   Loose fitting clothing so you move more freely
   Bandana or broad brim hat to protect the head
   Sun block
   Sunglasses or visor
   Closed toes and heeled shoes should be worn in camp at all times.
   Poncho for rain

At bedtime, have girls change all clothing from
         the skin out, including underwear.
Your body puts off moisture even in the coldest
     temperatures. When you leave on moist
  clothing you are more likely to stay hot when
   it’s warm outside and to stay cold when the
               temperatures are low.
Teaching girls to dress for
        the Out of Doors
Clip pictures of a variety of clothing items from
    magazines or catalogs. Have the girls choose
    those that would be appropriate for a given
    activity or weather type. Some examples
    are: hot summer day hike, camping in the
    fall when overnight temperatures will be
    cool, spring cook out, etc. Create collages of
    appropriate and/or inappropriate clothing for
    various outdoor activities.
Personal Gear

Once your girls understand the appropriate clothing to take on
  the camping trip, it’s time to make a personal gear list for
  each girl.
 Girls should be limited as to the amount of belongings they should
  bring to camp. For most weekend trips, girls should be able to put
  all their clothing and necessities into a typical backpack or book
  pack. The sleeping bag and pillow will be extra.
 All personal gear should be labeled with first initial and last name.
 A girl should be able to carry all her belongings from the vehicle to
  the campsite in one trip. She is then available to help with the
  troop gear.
Personal Gear List

Girls should pack their belongings themselves
  with parental supervision. That way each girl
  will be able to find the things she needs.
Try making a partial packing list for girls to use
  and have them add to the list at a troop
They may come up with things that need that
  you don’t have on the list!
Sleeping Bags

A proper sleeping bag makes a big difference in
  your comfort on any camping trip. The
  slumber party type bags that many girls own
  are not suitable for a camp setting. If girls
  don’t have appropriate sleeping bags,
  encourage them to bring an extra blanket just
  in case they need it.
Things Everyone Should
Every girl should have her own personal toiletries
  and clothing. In addition, girls should bring the
  following things to camp:
 Flashlight
 Water bottle
 Plastic bag for wet and dirty clothing
 Towel, wash cloth, shower supplies
 Shower Shoes
 Mess kit or camp dishes with utensils and a cup
What Not to Bring

Girls should understand that the camp
  environment is not the ideal setting for
  expensive electronics.
Girls should not bring jewelry, money or
Parents should understanding that the trip nor
  the council is responsible if these items are
  brought to camp and they are damaged.
Troop Gear
When making a packing list for your troop, think through
  all the activities and cooking you’ll be doing. Make a
  detailed list of items you will need to bring.
While our camps have equipment both in the lodges,
  cabins and tent sites, things sometimes accidently get
  packed with troop gear and may be in the process of
  making it back to camp. If there is a particularly item
  you can’t do without, pack it just in case.
There is a sample packing list for both girl gear and troop
  gear in the outdoor training resources on the web site.
Special Items
Most girls like to take a “warm fuzzy” to camp to
  help them feel secure. You will need to limit the
  number and size of stuff animals that decided to
  camp with your troop.
Girls should bring their own sunscreen and bug
Books, journals, board games, etc. are nice
  additions during quiet time.
Girls should not bring candy, chewing gum or snack
  foods in their personal supplies.
Rainy Day Box
One of the things most troops find useful is a
   rainy day box.
This may be a small plastic tub filled with
   activities that girls can do if it is a rainy day or
   if plans need to be changed after arriving at
Fill the box with craft items, puzzles, small
   games, etc.
There are lots of rainy day ideas on line
Evaluating with Girls
Part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience is that girls
    learn best by doing things.
Part of that is evaluating activities afterwards to see what
    could have been done better, what they didn’t like and
    what they enjoyed.
Girls should be able to honestly express their feelings
    about a camping trip in a way to improve things for the
    next trip without criticizing each other.
It takes some practice to teach how to discuss negative
    aspects without placing blame.
The more opportunities girls have to practice this skill,
    the better they will become.
Evaluation Questions
You want to ask girls questions that require more than a
  yes or no answer. Here are some questions to get you
               Did anything surprise you?
              How did you feel when . . . ?
          What was the purpose of this event?
              What did you like the most?
              What did you like the least?
   What would you do differently if we do this again?
Take notes on their answers and keep this in a notebook
        of camp ideas, recipes, etc. for future use.
Girl Scout Camp is a great place
full of fun, adventure, excitement,
       friends and memories.

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Out and About

  • 1. Out and About Getting Ready for Camp Girl Scouts of Kentucky’s Wilderness Road Council
  • 2. Course Objectives  Describe the value of outdoor experience in Girl Scouting  Taking appropriate progressional steps  Readiness indicators for girls  Describe planning aids to organize your camping experience The objective of this course is to help walk you through the steps to begin outdoor experiences in Girl Scouting.
  • 3. Outdoor Education Outdoor education in Girl Scouting is designed to be a gradual learning experience for girls of all program grade levels. It occurs when Girl Scout program activities are held outdoors. These activities provide the opportunity for girls to grow as individuals. Outdoor education can improve self-esteem, enhance how girls relate to others, develop awareness of conservation and encourage community service.
  • 4. Outdoor Education in Girl Scouts Discover  Girls discover something new about the world of the out-of-doors  Girls improve in at least one outdoor living skill  Girls learn the joy of preserving simple things  Girls gain new interests and skills
  • 5. Outdoor Education in Girl Scouts Connect  Girls have opportunities to increase their ability to relate to others in a new setting  Girls participate in making decisions as an individual and by participating in group decisions  Girls have opportunities for practice in democratic living
  • 6. Outdoor Education in Girl Scouts Take Action  Girls develop a sense of responsibility for group living  Girls develop a sense of responsibility for making a minimal impact  Girls develop an individual sense of responsibility for conserving the natural world
  • 7. Readiness How do you know when girls are ready to camp? Here’s a list of questions you want to answer before you plan a trip to camp with girls. 1. Have the girls spent the night away from home and family before or is this their first trip? 2. How well do you know the girls and how comfortable are they with you? 3. Are the parents willing to let their daughters go on an overnight without them? 4. Is each girl able to cope with the new circumstances that camp will offer?
  • 8. Let’s Look at Each Question in Detail 1. Have the girls spent the night away from home and family before or is this their first trip? Communication with parents is very important in determining readiness. If girls have never spent the night away from home then you would need to do a simple sleep over before planning a big trip to camp. Keep it simple and close to home in case you have issues during the night.
  • 9. Let’s Look at Each Question in Detail 2. How well do you know the girls and how comfortable are they with you? If you have just started your troop, you will need to get to know the girls before you plan an overnight with them. Girls should have several troop meetings, take some short day-time trips and then plan a simple sleep over. This gives the adults in the troop the opportunity to decide if additional supervision will be needed or what special issues may arise. This is an opportunity to make sure that girls know and will obey troop safety rules. Girls need to know that they can approach you during the night if needed.
  • 10. Let’s Look at Each Question in Detail 3. Are the parents willing to let their daughters go on an overnight without them? An occasional trip that includes a parent or guardian for each girl can be a fun experience your girls and their families. However, one of the main goals in camping with Girl Scouts is to build independent living skills. If parents are unwilling to allow their daughters to go camping without them, then either the girl may not be ready or the families may feel that they don’t know the adults well enough.
  • 11. Let’s Look at Each Question in Detail 4. Are each of the girls able to cope with the new circumstances that camping with offer? Girls should be able to cope with new circumstances such as:  Meeting new people  Visiting strange places  Darkness and strange night noises  Sleeping in a strange place  Bugs  Functioning as a member of a group  Willingness to sleep, eat, and play with all girls, not just her best friend  Being flexible, not always having their own way  Limited space and managing with little privacy
  • 12. Use Skits! Skits are a fun and easy way to see if girls know how to handle themselves in situations. Present the girls with some scenarios and see what they do. You will want to look at the following:  Staying with a buddy (the buddy system)  Keeping up with their personal belongings  Working well as a group  What to do if they get separated from the group  Talking care of personal hygiene  Cleaning up after themselves
  • 13. Progression Troop Meeting A key concept in girl Short day-time trip activities is Longer day-time trip Simple overnight in the community progression. Girls 1 night in cabin/lodge with complete should be emotionally facilities 2 nights in cabin/lodge with and physically ready to complete facilities 1 night in cabin without indoor take the next steps. A facilities normal pattern of 2 night in cabin without indoor facilities progression with a Tent camping troop would be: Primitive tent camping Back packing
  • 14. Progression in Programming GSUSA has designed the program Example: materials we use to fit the Your Girl Scout Brownie troop decides development of girls’ physical, mental to go on a hike. and behavioral abilities. At a troop meeting, you do activities exploring nature. You discuss proper shoes to wear when hiking. Then you take a short walk at a nature trail in your area. Talk with the girls about the nature hike. What will they do differently on a longer hike? What supplies do they need to carry? (Snacks, water bottle, etc.) Then you go hiking.
  • 15. Outdoor Manners How many times have you been in a park or forest and seen garbage? Or been disturbed by noise from other campers or picnickers? As Girl Scouts, we want to leave a place looking better than we found it and we don’t want to disturb other people around us. These things are considered “Leave No Trace” ethics.
  • 16. 7 Principles of Leave No Trace 1. Plan ahead and prepare 2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces 3. Dispose of waste properly 4. Leave what you find 5. Minimize campfire impact 6. Respect wildlife 7. Be considerate of other visitors
  • 17. Leave No Trace  Use only established trails  Use only established campfire circles  Don’t pick wild flowers or other plants  When collecting firewood, use wood that is “dead, down and dinky”  Don’t disturb wildlife  Don’t disturb other people
  • 18. Respect Wildlife  Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not follow or approach them.  Never feed animals.  Protect wildlife and your food by storing rations and trash securely.  When in the out of doors, do not put your hands where you can’t see.  Food is the number one thing that attracts animals to your camp. Never leave food or garbage where wildlife can find it. NEVER take food into tents or cabins.
  • 19. Be Safe! We manage risk in almost every aspect of our lives. There is risk involved in stepping out of our homes in the morning, but we go anyway. There are risks in crossing a street, catching a bus, taking part in sports, but we find ways to minimize these risk and maximize our safety and well-being.
  • 20. Be Safe! The following slides are a few of the risk you need to be aware of when camping or hiking. Make sure that you have a First Aider with your troop whenever you camp, hike or play in the out-of-doors.
  • 21. Poisonous Plants Poison Ivy grows abundantly in Kentucky. Help girls learn to recognize it or follow the adage: “Leaves of three, let it be!” Also be aware of “hairy vines”. Touching poison ivy vines can also cause a reaction Poison oak is less common than poison ivy and grows as a small shrub. The leaves resemble oak leaves
  • 22. Poisonous Plants Prevention: Wear protective clothing; tuck pant legs in socks when hiking. The best preventive is to recognize the plant and avoid it. Symptoms: Intense itching, rash with tiny red bumps that tend to run in lines. The rash usually begins 24-48 hours after exposure Care: Wash the skin alcohol, flush with cold water and wash with soap and water. Rashes can be treated with cold cloths, oatmeal baths or with the parent’s permission, calamine lotion.
  • 23. Insects Bites, Stings When it comes to insects, accept the fact that there are lots more of them than there are of us! Reduce the likelihood of being bit or stung by applying repellents, wearing long pants tucked into socks. A scarf or hat also offers some head protection. Here’s some critters you should be aware of and prepare for when in the out of doors.
  • 24. Poisonous Spiders The black widow spider is shy and nocturnal and usually not aggressive. It is shiny black, usually with a reddish hourglass shape on the underside. Prevention: Don’t put hands where you can’t see. Symptoms: Sweating, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain and cramps, severe muscle pain and spasms, breathing might become difficult. Care: Clean with soap and water. Apply a cool compress and keep affected limb elevated to about heart level. See doctor immediately and/or call the Poison Control Center.
  • 25. Poisonous Spiders The brown recluse has a well defined dark violin marking. It is not aggressive and bites only when crushed, handled or disturbed. Prevention: Don’t put hands where you can’t see. Symptoms: Initially the bite might not hurt but within 2- 8 hours there will be pain, redness and swelling at the wound. An open sore is likely to develop. The victim might suffer fever, chills, nausea, joint pain and a faint rash. Care: Apply ice pack. Try to take spider with you, if possible, to the doctor for positive identification..
  • 26. Chiggers, Bees & Ticks Chiggers: Almost invisible, they burrow into skin pores when they cause small welts and itching. Try not to scratch. Some relief by covering bite with hydrocortisone cream or by dabbing them with clear fingernail polish.
  • 27. Chiggers, Bees & Ticks Bees, Yellow Jackets, Hornets: Most common of any of the animals listed are stings from bees. Scrape away bee stinger with the edge of a knife blade or even a credit card. Don’t squeeze the sac attached to the stinger – it might force more venom into the skin. An ice pack might reduce pain and swelling. Watch for trouble breathing or severe swelling. Allergies can develop over time, so always monitor someone who has been stung, even if their health history does not indicate they are allergic to stings.
  • 28. Chiggers, Bees & Ticks Tick Bites: A bite from a tick can infect you with one of several diseases. Protect yourself by wearing long pants tucked in. Encourage all campers to do a thorough daily tick check of themselves and each other. If a tick is attached, grasp it with tweezers close to the skin and gently pull until it comes out. Wash the area with soap and water, and apply antibiotic ointment. If the tick has been embedded more than 24 hours, see a physician.
  • 29. Snakes Snakes are found everywhere, even in your back yard. Most are harmless and try to avoid humans. Bites are very rare. There are two types of poisonous snakes found in council area: Copperheads: Rattlesnakes:
  • 30. Snakes Prevention: Stay on trails and roadways when in camp. Do not put your hands where you can not see. Use a hiking stick to poke among stones and brush ahead of you when you walk through areas where snakes are common. Watch where you put your hands as you collect firewood or climb over rocks and logs. Care: Try to keep the victim calm. Remove rings and other jewelry that might cause problems if the area around the bite swells. Keep the wound lower then the level of the victim’s heart. Get to victim under medical care as soon as possible.
  • 31. Bears Black Bears are beginning to find their way back into the wooded mountain areas of the state. Although black bears are generally shy and avoid contact with humans, it is important to remember that bears must be respected for their size and strength. When in areas where there is a bear population, do everything you can to prevent close encounters and conflicts with bears.
  • 32. Bears  Do not deliberately approach a bear or try to become chummy with one, especially one that appears unafraid of you. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.  Travel quietly and do not pursue, feed or force animals to flee. ONE EXCEPTION is in bear country where it is good to make noise so as not to startle the bears.  Do not have food in tents and cabins.  Keep food in secured containers.  Do not keep trash in your camp site – dispose of it each evening.  Report any bear sightings to the site manager.
  • 33. Dressing for the Weather Prepare girls for the out of doors by making sure that clothing is right for the weather and what you plan to do. Clothes should protect individuals from things like poison ivy, thorny bushes and sunburn. Check the weather forecast before you go. Bring clothing for unexpected weather changes. Second hand stores are great for getting clothes for camping and getting dirty!
  • 34. Think Layers Because of the large amount of heat that is lost through your head be sure to wear a camp or hat to keep warm. You may even wish to sleep in a cap. Here’s an example of layering clothing in the winter:  Underwear  Long Johns  Light wear followed by heavy socks, long pants, t-shirt and a long sleeve shirt  Add a coat, wind breaker or poncho  Mittens, warm shoes/boots and hat  Wool is a good fabric choice for winter
  • 35. Dressing for Summer When it’s hot outside, you need to dress properly to avoid over exposure to the sun, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.  Clothing made of cotton is best – it will breathe and absorb moisture  Light weight long sleeved shirts and long pants to protect from the sun  Loose fitting clothing so you move more freely  Bandana or broad brim hat to protect the head  Sun block  Sunglasses or visor  Closed toes and heeled shoes should be worn in camp at all times.  Poncho for rain
  • 36. Bedtime At bedtime, have girls change all clothing from the skin out, including underwear. Your body puts off moisture even in the coldest temperatures. When you leave on moist clothing you are more likely to stay hot when it’s warm outside and to stay cold when the temperatures are low.
  • 37. Teaching girls to dress for the Out of Doors Clip pictures of a variety of clothing items from magazines or catalogs. Have the girls choose those that would be appropriate for a given activity or weather type. Some examples are: hot summer day hike, camping in the fall when overnight temperatures will be cool, spring cook out, etc. Create collages of appropriate and/or inappropriate clothing for various outdoor activities.
  • 38. Personal Gear Once your girls understand the appropriate clothing to take on the camping trip, it’s time to make a personal gear list for each girl.  Girls should be limited as to the amount of belongings they should bring to camp. For most weekend trips, girls should be able to put all their clothing and necessities into a typical backpack or book pack. The sleeping bag and pillow will be extra.  All personal gear should be labeled with first initial and last name.  A girl should be able to carry all her belongings from the vehicle to the campsite in one trip. She is then available to help with the troop gear.
  • 39. Personal Gear List Girls should pack their belongings themselves with parental supervision. That way each girl will be able to find the things she needs. Try making a partial packing list for girls to use and have them add to the list at a troop meeting. They may come up with things that need that you don’t have on the list!
  • 40. Sleeping Bags A proper sleeping bag makes a big difference in your comfort on any camping trip. The slumber party type bags that many girls own are not suitable for a camp setting. If girls don’t have appropriate sleeping bags, encourage them to bring an extra blanket just in case they need it.
  • 41. Things Everyone Should Have Every girl should have her own personal toiletries and clothing. In addition, girls should bring the following things to camp:  Flashlight  Water bottle  Plastic bag for wet and dirty clothing  Towel, wash cloth, shower supplies  Shower Shoes  Mess kit or camp dishes with utensils and a cup
  • 42. What Not to Bring Girls should understand that the camp environment is not the ideal setting for expensive electronics. Girls should not bring jewelry, money or valuables. Parents should understanding that the trip nor the council is responsible if these items are brought to camp and they are damaged.
  • 43. Troop Gear When making a packing list for your troop, think through all the activities and cooking you’ll be doing. Make a detailed list of items you will need to bring. While our camps have equipment both in the lodges, cabins and tent sites, things sometimes accidently get packed with troop gear and may be in the process of making it back to camp. If there is a particularly item you can’t do without, pack it just in case. There is a sample packing list for both girl gear and troop gear in the outdoor training resources on the web site.
  • 44. Special Items Most girls like to take a “warm fuzzy” to camp to help them feel secure. You will need to limit the number and size of stuff animals that decided to camp with your troop. Girls should bring their own sunscreen and bug spray. Books, journals, board games, etc. are nice additions during quiet time. Girls should not bring candy, chewing gum or snack foods in their personal supplies.
  • 45. Rainy Day Box One of the things most troops find useful is a rainy day box. This may be a small plastic tub filled with activities that girls can do if it is a rainy day or if plans need to be changed after arriving at camp. Fill the box with craft items, puzzles, small games, etc. There are lots of rainy day ideas on line
  • 46. Evaluating with Girls Part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience is that girls learn best by doing things. Part of that is evaluating activities afterwards to see what could have been done better, what they didn’t like and what they enjoyed. Girls should be able to honestly express their feelings about a camping trip in a way to improve things for the next trip without criticizing each other. It takes some practice to teach how to discuss negative aspects without placing blame. The more opportunities girls have to practice this skill, the better they will become.
  • 47. Evaluation Questions You want to ask girls questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Here are some questions to get you started: Did anything surprise you? How did you feel when . . . ? What was the purpose of this event? What did you like the most? What did you like the least? What would you do differently if we do this again? Take notes on their answers and keep this in a notebook of camp ideas, recipes, etc. for future use.
  • 48. Girl Scout Camp is a great place full of fun, adventure, excitement, friends and memories.