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someone has to charge a person with a crime. And the                removed, this count of this indictment is true for all of us.       With our tongues we both curse people and flatter them at
charged that he gives here is I've previously done it. And          Charged number three: There is no one who seeks                     the same time. What comes out of our mouth tends to be
where I did it was in chapter 1, verse 18, "For the wrath of        God. Verse11. Now Paul is quoting here from Psalm 53:2-3.           totally inappropriate to God.
God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and             "God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if        Charged number eight: "with their tongues they have
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in                   there are any who understand, who seek after God. They              practiced deceit" (NKJV). verse13. In other words what
unrighteousness" (NKJV). Notice in verse 9, he doesn't say          have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt;            he's saying is, left to ourselves we will try to take advantage of
that all have sinned; he says all are "under" sin. That means       there is none who does good, not even one." Did you notice          people with our tongues. We're deceitful in the way we use
we are under the penalty of our sin that we have sinned is a        the universal words there: all fallen away; No one who does         our tongues because we want to use our tongues to our
given. That we pay for it. So Paul's charge is that we are all      good; all have become corrupt. Naturally, we do not seek God.       advantage, not to the benefit of others.
under the penalty for our sin. Well that moves him right into       In fact, the Bible tells us very clearly, unless the Spirit draws   Charged number nine: "the poison of [snakes or]
the second phase of his legal presentation here, and that is the    us, we never come to Him.                                           asps is under their lips" (NKJV). verse13. It's like we
indictment. Look at verse 10. “As it is written . . .” Now an       Charged number four: "They have all gone out of the                 have poisonous tongues. The things we do, the things we say
indictment has to be a written charge, a formal accusation          way" (NKJV). Verse 12. People like you and me have gotten           that destroy peoples' lives, we are equally guilty just as a cobra
that a person has committed a criminal offense. He says, "As        off the path to God. We've created our own paths. We've             would be. Psalm 140:3 "They make their tongues sharp as
it is written." Now he's probably quoting mainly from Psalm         listened to the path of someone else, and so we're traveling        serpents; and under their lips is the venom of asps."
14, from Psalm 53, and again from the Book of Isaiah. Now           around on our own journey, our own way, going our own               Tenth count of the indictment: "whose mouth is full
ordinarily, you have a one count indictment, two and maybe          destination, and not finding God in the process.                    of cursing and bitterness" (NKJV). verse14. Psalm
three counts. There are three occasions where the law                                                                                   10:7 says that, "The mouths of the wicked are full of cursing
enforcement people can say you did this on three different          The                                                                 and deceit and oppression; under his tongue is trouble and
times, or you did three different things. Paul is so detailed in
his looking at humanity, standing before God knowing that we
                                                                               Wrath                                                    iniquity" (NKJV). Well, Paul says, "Look, left to ourselves, we
                                                                                                                                        will curse; we will be bitter; we will say things that we wish we
need a Saviour, that we are guilty for our sin; Paul was so
thorough, he lists no less than 14 counts to the indictment.                      Of                                                    hadn't said." And that happens to all of us. Sometimes we just
                                                                                                                                        have a sharp word to a child or a sharp word to a friend, and
We're going to see all 14 charges that Paul brings against all of                                                                       oh, we wish we could take that word back. But it's indicative
humanity which he has to prove that charges.
Charged number one: there is no one righteous, "no,
                                                                     Romans 1:18   God
                                                                    Charged number five: "they have together become
                                                                                                                                        of the entire human race.
                                                                                                                                        Charged number eleven. "Their feet are swift to shed
not one." Verse 10. Righteousness is to have a right                unprofitable" (NKJV). Verse12. So what he's saying here is          blood” (NKJV). Verse 15. Paul is likely quoting here from
relationship with God. And he says, "God looks around the           we have created in our own lives a certain un-profitability         Isaiah 59:7-8, "Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to
universe and He doesn't find a single person who has a right        toward God because of our own sin. God has designed us to be        shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity;
relationship with Him. He finds lots of moral people; He finds      useful to Him to bring praise to Him, bring glory to Him, to        desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of
lots of religious people; He finds lots of other kind of people;    help others come to Him. But our own sin keeps us from              peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths;
but nobody who is righteous." So the first count to his             doing that, so we're kind of like soured milk to God. We're         they have made their roads crooked; no one who treads on
indictment is none of us possesses God's righteousness.             good, but unprofitable. Therefore, he says in this indictment,      them knows peace." Did you notice the expression in there,
Charged number two: There is no one who                             we're not good at all, because sour milk is of no good to us.       that their thoughts are the thoughts of wickedness? Now you
understands. Also in verse 10. Now he's not talking about           Charged number six: "there is none who does good,                   can say, "Hey, that's not true," unless, of course you pick up
mental understanding here, he's talking about spiritual             no, not one" (NKJV), verse12 again. What he's meaning               the morning newspaper. All the kinds of senseless violent
understanding. It's not that we don't have the mental power         here is that we can't do anything spiritually good that buys us     crime we see every day is just an absolute depiction of
to understand what God says in His Word, most of it. We             any chips that gives us any stock with God. There is nothing        what is being said here. In this year alone, Abbotsford is
don't have the spiritual discernment to understand what God         we can do spiritually that will take away the stain of our sin.     elevated as the murder capital of Canada. In the mind of the
says in His Word. In fact Ephesians 4:18 speaks about               Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'”         average individual today is the potential to devise a plan to
people "having their understanding darkened, being                  They are        corrupt;      they do abominable deeds,             kill a lot of people. So what he says in his indictment here is
alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that       there is none who does good. None of us left to ourselves can       absolutely true today, as it was in Paul's day.
is in them, because of the hardening of their heart" (NKJV).        make it to Heaven on our own.                                       Charged number 12: "destruction and misery are in
There is just this veil that comes over people's faces that they    Charged number seven: "Their throat is an open                      their ways" (NKJV). Verse 16. Now I think we have to
do not understand what God has to say to them. They don't           tomb" He says, "Their throat is like an open graveyard." They       understand this in the active sense. These people that he's
even understand they need a Saviour. And until that veil       is   have graveyard throats. We sweet-talk with our tongues.             talking about, and that's you and me, these people that he's

                  The Essentials                                                         August 2009                                                      The Essentials
                                           August                                                                                                                                  August
talking about actively try to find a way to ruin the lives of       ourselves. And that's what the person who doesn't know the
other people. I mean we go out of our way to make things
difficult for our neighbour, our parents; sometimes our
                                                                    Lord Jesus is trying to do. That's what the moral person has
                                                                    tried to do. That's what our religious friends tried to do. The
friends.                                                            things of the Law, and Paul comes to the conclusion, by no
Charged number thirteen: "and the way of peace they
have not known" (NKJV). Verse 17. Now we have the
                                                                    deeds of any law can anyone ever be justified. Now what Paul
                                                                    is saying here is pretty clear. If we needed educated, God
United Nations. One of the sole goals of the United Nations is      would've sent us a teacher. If we need to have our heads on                             )6-1:51 snaihtniroC 1(
                                                                                                                                                              -     snaihtniroC 1(
to perpetuate peace in the world. And yet, in over 3,600 years      straight, God would've sent us a therapist. If we needed a
                                                                                                                                                 TSIRHC FO HCRUHC YTINUMMOC EHT
of recorded history, we have had only a total of 292 years          mansion, God would've sent us an engineer. If we needed a
without a war. And that goes on today. Wars are being fought        companion, God would've sent us a caregiver. But what we                      )HCRUHC NAITSIRHC YTINUMMOC(
on almost multiple fronts today because the way of peace,           needed was forgiveness. And so God sent us a Saviour. We
                                                                                                                                                            ENIZAGAM NOMRES
                                                                                                                                                            ENIZAGAM NOMRES
                                                                                                                                                            ENIZAGAM NOMRES
these people, these human beings, you and I have not known.         needed a defence, and also God sent us an attorney. The first
We just don't know how to get along with each other because         3 chapters of Romans tell just how very desperate we are and
of the sin that is in our lives.                                    how needy we are for a Saviour. #
Last count of this indictment: "There is no fear of                                                                                         VOLUME 1                                      ISSUE 3
God before their eyes" (NKJV). Verse 18. Now, this is the
basis for all the other counts of the indictment. The reason all                                                                                Life Lessons from the Book of Romans
the 13 things he says are true is because number 14 is true.
There is no fear of God. Fear of God here means the                                                                                                       Romans Overview
                                                                                                                                          Chapters    Chapters    Chapters     Chapter    Chapters
appreciation, the reverence for Who God is. We treat God as if                                                                              1-3a        3b-5        6-7          8          9-16
He didn't exist, and then we wonder why people act like                                                                                   CONDEM       JUSTIFI    SANCTIFI     GLORIFI      APPLI
                                                                                                                                          NATION       CATION      CATION      CATION      CATIONS
animals. Now what Paul is saying here is, "I have shown you
14 different occasions, 14 different ways in which it's true that   The Essentials is a monthly publication of the Community
we are all under the penalty of sin." Now he's pretty thorough      Church of Christ (Christian Church) at Surrey. The
on this. Did you notice verses 10-12; he says that man is           intention of which is to serve as one of the means of aid in the
                                                                    spiritual walk of believers in Christ.
depraved in his character. Our characters are depraved,                             FOR MORE INFORMATION
sinful. And then in verses 13 and 14, our conversation, what               # 101-13443-78th Ave. Surrey, BC V3W 0A8                    ON this issue, we will discuss on “our condemnation”. The
we say is sinful and depraved. And then 15-18, it's our conduct      Take a Bus # 321 @ Surrey Central Station then stop               Apostle Paul begins his message in Romans 1:2-6 explaining
that's depraved. And theologians have a word for that. The                  at 78 Ave. corner King George Highway.                     the Gospel; and then he immediately goes to our need for the
word is we are depraved (that makes it an essential doctrine).            Tel.604 583-5877.604951-9543.604518-9742                     Gospel that we are condemned. He's proving what is said in
Every area of our life is touched by our own sin. verse 19                   
                                                                                                                                       chapter 1, verse 18 that the "wrath of God resides on all of us
"Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those                      WORSHIP CELEBRATION                                     who have suppressed the truth of God." The wrath of God
who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped,                                                                                is His holy hatred to all that is evil. EXODUS 15:11; 1
and all the world may become guilty before God" . The                                                                                  SAMUEL 2:2; ISAIAH 6:3; 1 PETER 1:16.
opportunity is given for a defence, but every mouth is              ::eciiivreS esiiirnuS
                                                                       ec vreS es rnuS
                                                                    :ec vreS es rnuS                              NN21-MA9
                                                                                                                  NN21-MA9             In Romans 3:9-20, Paul is going to put all of us in the
stopped. That means it's plugged right up. We are mute                  ec vreS esnuS
                                                                      ::ec vreS ttesnuS
                                                                      ::eciiiivreS ttesnuS
                                                                        ec vreS esnuS                             MP6-MP5
                                                                                                                  MP6-MP5              courtroom and he's going to follow the traditional courtroom
before God. There is no defence that we can offer in the                                                                               procedures used in the Roman Empire. There will be a
courtroom of God for our actions. It was the great French                                                                              charge; there will be some indictments; the counts that tell
                                                                      “Please join us this Sunday as we continue our series:
writer/philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau who said "I will                                                                              you your charge is correct. Then there will be an opportunity
stand before God and defend my actions." When he stands
                                                                     “LIFE LESSONS FROM THE BOOK OF ROMANS”
                                                                                                                                       for defence. Finally, there will be a verdict. And since we're all
before God, he won't have a thing to say. The mouth will be                         If you are a new immigrant?
                                                                                        If you are homesick?
                                                                                                                                       in the courtroom, this becomes very important for you and me
closed. And that means the only thing left is the verdict. You                                                                         as well, Verse 9, he says, "What then? Are we better than
                                                                                        If you are in hurting?
see the verdict in verse 20. "Therefore [as the result of this                                                                         they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews
                                                                                        If you need a friend?
courtroom procedure] by the deeds of the law no flesh will be                                                                          and Greeks, that they are all under sin" (NKJV). Now the
                                                                             Your friends at Community Church of Christ
justified in His sight" (NKJV). The verdict here is guilty, and               (Christian Church) are waiting for you.                  word charge is the key word there because, remember, the
it has to be guilty because by doing things we can never justify               Kaibigan, bukas po ang aming mga puso!                  very first thing that happens in the courtroom procedure       is

                  The Essentials                                                             August 2009                                                 The Essentials
                                           August                                                                                                                                 August

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Our condemnation

  • 1. someone has to charge a person with a crime. And the removed, this count of this indictment is true for all of us. With our tongues we both curse people and flatter them at charged that he gives here is I've previously done it. And Charged number three: There is no one who seeks the same time. What comes out of our mouth tends to be where I did it was in chapter 1, verse 18, "For the wrath of God. Verse11. Now Paul is quoting here from Psalm 53:2-3. totally inappropriate to God. God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and "God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if Charged number eight: "with their tongues they have unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in there are any who understand, who seek after God. They practiced deceit" (NKJV). verse13. In other words what unrighteousness" (NKJV). Notice in verse 9, he doesn't say have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt; he's saying is, left to ourselves we will try to take advantage of that all have sinned; he says all are "under" sin. That means there is none who does good, not even one." Did you notice people with our tongues. We're deceitful in the way we use we are under the penalty of our sin that we have sinned is a the universal words there: all fallen away; No one who does our tongues because we want to use our tongues to our given. That we pay for it. So Paul's charge is that we are all good; all have become corrupt. Naturally, we do not seek God. advantage, not to the benefit of others. under the penalty for our sin. Well that moves him right into In fact, the Bible tells us very clearly, unless the Spirit draws Charged number nine: "the poison of [snakes or] the second phase of his legal presentation here, and that is the us, we never come to Him. asps is under their lips" (NKJV). verse13. It's like we indictment. Look at verse 10. “As it is written . . .” Now an Charged number four: "They have all gone out of the have poisonous tongues. The things we do, the things we say indictment has to be a written charge, a formal accusation way" (NKJV). Verse 12. People like you and me have gotten that destroy peoples' lives, we are equally guilty just as a cobra that a person has committed a criminal offense. He says, "As off the path to God. We've created our own paths. We've would be. Psalm 140:3 "They make their tongues sharp as it is written." Now he's probably quoting mainly from Psalm listened to the path of someone else, and so we're traveling serpents; and under their lips is the venom of asps." 14, from Psalm 53, and again from the Book of Isaiah. Now around on our own journey, our own way, going our own Tenth count of the indictment: "whose mouth is full ordinarily, you have a one count indictment, two and maybe destination, and not finding God in the process. of cursing and bitterness" (NKJV). verse14. Psalm three counts. There are three occasions where the law 10:7 says that, "The mouths of the wicked are full of cursing enforcement people can say you did this on three different The and deceit and oppression; under his tongue is trouble and times, or you did three different things. Paul is so detailed in his looking at humanity, standing before God knowing that we Wrath iniquity" (NKJV). Well, Paul says, "Look, left to ourselves, we will curse; we will be bitter; we will say things that we wish we need a Saviour, that we are guilty for our sin; Paul was so thorough, he lists no less than 14 counts to the indictment. Of hadn't said." And that happens to all of us. Sometimes we just have a sharp word to a child or a sharp word to a friend, and We're going to see all 14 charges that Paul brings against all of oh, we wish we could take that word back. But it's indicative humanity which he has to prove that charges. Charged number one: there is no one righteous, "no, Romans 1:18 God Charged number five: "they have together become of the entire human race. Charged number eleven. "Their feet are swift to shed not one." Verse 10. Righteousness is to have a right unprofitable" (NKJV). Verse12. So what he's saying here is blood” (NKJV). Verse 15. Paul is likely quoting here from relationship with God. And he says, "God looks around the we have created in our own lives a certain un-profitability Isaiah 59:7-8, "Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to universe and He doesn't find a single person who has a right toward God because of our own sin. God has designed us to be shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; relationship with Him. He finds lots of moral people; He finds useful to Him to bring praise to Him, bring glory to Him, to desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of lots of religious people; He finds lots of other kind of people; help others come to Him. But our own sin keeps us from peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths; but nobody who is righteous." So the first count to his doing that, so we're kind of like soured milk to God. We're they have made their roads crooked; no one who treads on indictment is none of us possesses God's righteousness. good, but unprofitable. Therefore, he says in this indictment, them knows peace." Did you notice the expression in there, Charged number two: There is no one who we're not good at all, because sour milk is of no good to us. that their thoughts are the thoughts of wickedness? Now you understands. Also in verse 10. Now he's not talking about Charged number six: "there is none who does good, can say, "Hey, that's not true," unless, of course you pick up mental understanding here, he's talking about spiritual no, not one" (NKJV), verse12 again. What he's meaning the morning newspaper. All the kinds of senseless violent understanding. It's not that we don't have the mental power here is that we can't do anything spiritually good that buys us crime we see every day is just an absolute depiction of to understand what God says in His Word, most of it. We any chips that gives us any stock with God. There is nothing what is being said here. In this year alone, Abbotsford is don't have the spiritual discernment to understand what God we can do spiritually that will take away the stain of our sin. elevated as the murder capital of Canada. In the mind of the says in His Word. In fact Ephesians 4:18 speaks about Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'” average individual today is the potential to devise a plan to people "having their understanding darkened, being They are corrupt; they do abominable deeds, kill a lot of people. So what he says in his indictment here is alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that there is none who does good. None of us left to ourselves can absolutely true today, as it was in Paul's day. is in them, because of the hardening of their heart" (NKJV). make it to Heaven on our own. Charged number 12: "destruction and misery are in There is just this veil that comes over people's faces that they Charged number seven: "Their throat is an open their ways" (NKJV). Verse 16. Now I think we have to do not understand what God has to say to them. They don't tomb" He says, "Their throat is like an open graveyard." They understand this in the active sense. These people that he's even understand they need a Saviour. And until that veil is have graveyard throats. We sweet-talk with our tongues. talking about, and that's you and me, these people that he's The Essentials August 2009 The Essentials August August
  • 2. talking about actively try to find a way to ruin the lives of ourselves. And that's what the person who doesn't know the other people. I mean we go out of our way to make things difficult for our neighbour, our parents; sometimes our Lord Jesus is trying to do. That's what the moral person has tried to do. That's what our religious friends tried to do. The The friends. things of the Law, and Paul comes to the conclusion, by no Charged number thirteen: "and the way of peace they have not known" (NKJV). Verse 17. Now we have the deeds of any law can anyone ever be justified. Now what Paul is saying here is pretty clear. If we needed educated, God ESSENTIALS United Nations. One of the sole goals of the United Nations is would've sent us a teacher. If we need to have our heads on )6-1:51 snaihtniroC 1( - snaihtniroC 1( to perpetuate peace in the world. And yet, in over 3,600 years straight, God would've sent us a therapist. If we needed a TSIRHC FO HCRUHC YTINUMMOC EHT of recorded history, we have had only a total of 292 years mansion, God would've sent us an engineer. If we needed a without a war. And that goes on today. Wars are being fought companion, God would've sent us a caregiver. But what we )HCRUHC NAITSIRHC YTINUMMOC( on almost multiple fronts today because the way of peace, needed was forgiveness. And so God sent us a Saviour. We ENIZAGAM NOMRES ENIZAGAM NOMRES ENIZAGAM NOMRES these people, these human beings, you and I have not known. needed a defence, and also God sent us an attorney. The first We just don't know how to get along with each other because 3 chapters of Romans tell just how very desperate we are and of the sin that is in our lives. how needy we are for a Saviour. # Last count of this indictment: "There is no fear of VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 God before their eyes" (NKJV). Verse 18. Now, this is the basis for all the other counts of the indictment. The reason all Life Lessons from the Book of Romans the 13 things he says are true is because number 14 is true. There is no fear of God. Fear of God here means the Romans Overview Chapters Chapters Chapters Chapter Chapters appreciation, the reverence for Who God is. We treat God as if 1-3a 3b-5 6-7 8 9-16 OUR He didn't exist, and then we wonder why people act like CONDEM JUSTIFI SANCTIFI GLORIFI APPLI NATION CATION CATION CATION CATIONS animals. Now what Paul is saying here is, "I have shown you 14 different occasions, 14 different ways in which it's true that The Essentials is a monthly publication of the Community we are all under the penalty of sin." Now he's pretty thorough Church of Christ (Christian Church) at Surrey. The on this. Did you notice verses 10-12; he says that man is intention of which is to serve as one of the means of aid in the spiritual walk of believers in Christ. depraved in his character. Our characters are depraved, FOR MORE INFORMATION sinful. And then in verses 13 and 14, our conversation, what # 101-13443-78th Ave. Surrey, BC V3W 0A8 ON this issue, we will discuss on “our condemnation”. The we say is sinful and depraved. And then 15-18, it's our conduct Take a Bus # 321 @ Surrey Central Station then stop Apostle Paul begins his message in Romans 1:2-6 explaining that's depraved. And theologians have a word for that. The at 78 Ave. corner King George Highway. the Gospel; and then he immediately goes to our need for the word is we are depraved (that makes it an essential doctrine). Tel.604 583-5877.604951-9543.604518-9742 Gospel that we are condemned. He's proving what is said in Every area of our life is touched by our own sin. verse 19 chapter 1, verse 18 that the "wrath of God resides on all of us "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those WORSHIP CELEBRATION who have suppressed the truth of God." The wrath of God who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, is His holy hatred to all that is evil. EXODUS 15:11; 1 and all the world may become guilty before God" . The SAMUEL 2:2; ISAIAH 6:3; 1 PETER 1:16. opportunity is given for a defence, but every mouth is ::eciiivreS esiiirnuS ec vreS es rnuS :ec vreS es rnuS NN21-MA9 NN21-MA9 NN21-MA9 In Romans 3:9-20, Paul is going to put all of us in the stopped. That means it's plugged right up. We are mute ec vreS esnuS ::ec vreS ttesnuS ::eciiiivreS ttesnuS ec vreS esnuS MP6-MP5 MP6-MP5 MP6-MP5 MP6-MP5 courtroom and he's going to follow the traditional courtroom before God. There is no defence that we can offer in the procedures used in the Roman Empire. There will be a courtroom of God for our actions. It was the great French charge; there will be some indictments; the counts that tell “Please join us this Sunday as we continue our series: writer/philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau who said "I will you your charge is correct. Then there will be an opportunity stand before God and defend my actions." When he stands “LIFE LESSONS FROM THE BOOK OF ROMANS” for defence. Finally, there will be a verdict. And since we're all before God, he won't have a thing to say. The mouth will be If you are a new immigrant? If you are homesick? in the courtroom, this becomes very important for you and me closed. And that means the only thing left is the verdict. You as well, Verse 9, he says, "What then? Are we better than If you are in hurting? see the verdict in verse 20. "Therefore [as the result of this they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews If you need a friend? courtroom procedure] by the deeds of the law no flesh will be and Greeks, that they are all under sin" (NKJV). Now the Your friends at Community Church of Christ justified in His sight" (NKJV). The verdict here is guilty, and (Christian Church) are waiting for you. word charge is the key word there because, remember, the it has to be guilty because by doing things we can never justify Kaibigan, bukas po ang aming mga puso! very first thing that happens in the courtroom procedure is The Essentials August 2009 The Essentials August August