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Perl 5.16 and Beyond

Friday, July 29, 11
Jesse Vincent

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
Former Perl 6
                      Project Manager

Friday, July 29, 11
What's a Pumpking?

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
I make decisions

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m a manager

Friday, July 29, 11
I don’t do “real work”

Friday, July 29, 11
So, who makes Perl?

Friday, July 29, 11
Many awesome people

Friday, July 29, 11
I just stand around
                        looking pretty...

Friday, July 29, 11
...while other people do
                       awesome stuff

Friday, July 29, 11
Is your name in Perl’s
                         AUTHORS file?

Friday, July 29, 11
Are you a
                      CPAN author?

Friday, July 29, 11
You rock
Friday, July 29, 11
You make Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
The Release Process

Friday, July 29, 11
Releases in the last
                       12-or-so months:

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl 5.14.1 is the
                       current release
                          of Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11
It came out 6ish
                          weeks ago

Friday, July 29, 11
As did Perl 5.12.4

Friday, July 29, 11
As did Perl 5.15.0

Friday, July 29, 11
It used to take us 3
                       weeks to prepare
                            a release

Friday, July 29, 11
And we made the
                      Pumpking do it

Friday, July 29, 11
Now it takes
                      less than a day

Friday, July 29, 11
The 43 step process is

Friday, July 29, 11
Releases are still a
                      chore if you do them
                          every month

Friday, July 29, 11
Now we have rotating
                       release engineers

Friday, July 29, 11
Most of them are
                      new committers

Friday, July 29, 11
Nice side effect:
                       release engineers
                      need commit bits

Friday, July 29, 11
Since the move to git,
                      we’ve nearly doubled
                        our committer list

Friday, July 29, 11
The world hasn’t ended

Friday, July 29, 11
Some of those release
                      engineers have become
                       prolific contributors

Friday, July 29, 11
I just make decisions

Friday, July 29, 11
I try to get them right

Friday, July 29, 11
                      they’re wrong

Friday, July 29, 11
I have a little
                       bit of cover

Friday, July 29, 11
Rule 1

Friday, July 29, 11
Larry is always right

Friday, July 29, 11
Rule 2

Friday, July 29, 11
Larry is allowed to
                       change his mind

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m not Larry

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m nowhere
                      near as clever

Friday, July 29, 11
My shirts are nowhere
                          near as loud

Friday, July 29, 11
At YAPC::NA, Larry
                       said that the time of
                      hero-pumpkings is over

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
Thankfully, Larry’s rules
                       set me up to succeed

Friday, July 29, 11
Rule 1 definitely
                      doesn’t apply to
                      the Perl 5 runtime

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
The core needs more
                       support for Rule 2

Friday, July 29, 11
I haven’t heard this
                           in a while:

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl is Dead!

Friday, July 29, 11
What I’ve been
                      hearing lately:

Friday, July 29, 11
Where are we going?

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s changing too fast.
                       Can you slow down?

Friday, July 29, 11
You made regexes

Friday, July 29, 11
smartmatch isn’t
                      named correctly...

Friday, July 29, 11
...can we rename it to

Friday, July 29, 11
The future

Friday, July 29, 11
I’ve been accused of
                      lacking a vision for Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
What I lack is a
                      flame-proof suit.

Friday, July 29, 11
If I’d talked about my
                       vision 2 years ago...

Friday, July 29, 11
You would have
                       laughed at me

Friday, July 29, 11 that we can do
                           do releases...

Friday, July 29, 11
A Vision

Friday, July 29, 11
New versions of Perl
                      shouldn’t break your
                        existing software

Friday, July 29, 11
Old syntax and
                      semantics can’t stop
                      Perl 5 from evolving

Friday, July 29, 11
We need to be able to
                          make mistakes
                       as we rebuild Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11
We will
                         make mistakes
                      as we rebuild Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
We have
                         made mistakes
                      as we’ve rebuilt Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
We need to be able to
                      recover from mistakes
                        as we rebuild Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
The runtime footprint
                      is too big and must be
                           slimmed down

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl should have
                      sane defaults

Friday, July 29, 11
It should be possible
                      to build more of Perl
                             in Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl should run

Friday, July 29, 11
Not just on every kind
                           of hardware

Friday, July 29, 11
or every OS

Friday, July 29, 11
Every VM

Friday, July 29, 11
Every Browser

Friday, July 29, 11
Every Phone

Friday, July 29, 11
How do we get there?

Friday, July 29, 11
New versions of Perl
                        shouldn’t break
                       existing software

Friday, July 29, 11
Old syntax and semantics
               must not stop Perl 5
                   from evolving

Friday, July 29, 11
When your code runs,
                       you have no idea
                      what semantics it’ll see

Friday, July 29, 11
You need to jump
                      through defensive

Friday, July 29, 11
Lots of defensive hoops

Friday, July 29, 11
use v5.14;

Friday, July 29, 11
“Can I have a Perl that’s
                         5.14 or newer?”

Friday, July 29, 11
“Anything newer than
                      5.14.0 would be great!”

Friday, July 29, 11
“Ok. I’m 5.30.
                       Have fun!”

Friday, July 29, 11
That’s not useful

Friday, July 29, 11
It needs to change

Friday, July 29, 11
Declare the version of
                       Perl 5 you expect

Friday, July 29, 11
use v5.16;

Friday, July 29, 11
“I want a Perl that
                       works like 5.16”

Friday, July 29, 11
The runtime should
                      honor that request

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl should give you
                      semantics as close as
                      possible to what you

Friday, July 29, 11
New features
                      should not work
                      under ‘use v5.$older;’

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s critical that we be
                           able to evolve

Friday, July 29, 11
We need an
                      escape hatch

Friday, July 29, 11
We don’t have one

Friday, July 29, 11
We need
                      Rule 2

Friday, July 29, 11
Changes to syntax or
                        semantics break
                         existing code

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
They conflict with
                       existing syntax

Friday, July 29, 11
They change the
                      meaning of existing

Friday, July 29, 11
They conflict with
                       things users do

Friday, July 29, 11
What do we do?

Friday, July 29, 11
If you declare an old
                       version, you get old
                      syntax and semantics

Friday, July 29, 11 least to the
                      best of our abilities

Friday, July 29, 11
Perfection isn’t possible

Friday, July 29, 11
We can get far closer
                       than we do now

Friday, July 29, 11
Breaking existing code
                      should be a last resort

Friday, July 29, 11
We will break
                   backward compatibility
                  in limited circumstances

Friday, July 29, 11
Some craziness can’t be
                       fixed in an “optional”
                          or lexical way

Friday, July 29, 11
This is going to be
                        hard work

Friday, July 29, 11
A lot of hard work

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s not impossible

Friday, July 29, 11
I have proof

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
Our current
                      deprecation cycle
                         is 1 year

Friday, July 29, 11
“It warns in 5.16.0”

Friday, July 29, 11
“It’s gone in 5.18.0”

Friday, July 29, 11
That’s turning out
                       to be too short

Friday, July 29, 11
Very few operating
                      systems release that

Friday, July 29, 11
“Declare by default”
                       means we can make
                      some changes sooner

Friday, July 29, 11
If it still works in old
             code, we can change it
            with no deprecation cycle

Friday, July 29, 11
Some old misfeatures
                      need to come out lest
                       they block significant

Friday, July 29, 11
If we can’t emulate the
                         old feature for old
                      code, we need a longer
                         deprecation cycle

Friday, July 29, 11
“It dies in code that
                      declares ‘use v5.16’”

Friday, July 29, 11
“It warns in older
                        code on 5.16.0”

Friday, July 29, 11
“It still warns in old
                         code on 5.18.0”

Friday, July 29, 11
“It’s gone in 5.20.0”

Friday, July 29, 11
Old Modules

Friday, July 29, 11
We haven’t just been
                      deprecating and yanking
                        broken old features

Friday, July 29, 11
We’ve been doing the
                      same to old modules

Friday, July 29, 11
They all end up
                        on CPAN

Friday, July 29, 11
This has started to hurt
                 users who wrote code
                with “no non-core deps”

Friday, July 29, 11
We need to make it
                      easier to ship two
                       flavors of Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11
Hotel California

Friday, July 29, 11
aka Traditional Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
The Times,They
                      Are A-Changin’

Friday, July 29, 11
aka Bootstrappable Perl

Friday, July 29, 11
There’s work going on
                       to make this easier

Friday, July 29, 11
Cleaning up
                      the language

Friday, July 29, 11
The runtime footprint
                      is too big and must be
                           slimmed down

Friday, July 29, 11
One of the points of
                        doing this is to
                       clean up the core

Friday, July 29, 11
How does this
                      clean up the core?

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl is a big language

Friday, July 29, 11
There are bigger

Friday, July 29, 11
It's harder to manage
                           a big language

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s harder to learn
                          a big language

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s harder to fix bugs in
                            a big language

Friday, July 29, 11
We’re ok, but not
                      amazing at core
                       language dev

Friday, July 29, 11
As a community, we’re
                      awesome at modules

Friday, July 29, 11
How do we make Perl
                       a smaller language?

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s possible to load
                      modules that inject
                           new builtins

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s possible to load
                      modules that inject
                            old builtins

Friday, July 29, 11
Time to start...

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
Lots of stuff in perl isn't
                         necessarily part of
                        Perl 5 the Language

Friday, July 29, 11
This stuff is part of
                      Perl 5 the chainsaw

Friday, July 29, 11
I like our chainsaw

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m not talking about
                       deprecating this stuff

Friday, July 29, 11
...just about
                      decoupling it

Friday, July 29, 11
SysV IPC functions

Friday, July 29, 11
Socket IO functions

Friday, July 29, 11
Unix user & group
                      information functions

Friday, July 29, 11
Unix network
                      information functions

Friday, July 29, 11
Process and process
                        group functions

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
...and probably a bunch
                            of other stuff

Friday, July 29, 11
That bit about “forcing
                      a version declaration”

Friday, July 29, 11
If you don’t, you’ll get
                      whatever was in 5.14.

Friday, July 29, 11
The implementation of
                  SysV might be a module

Friday, July 29, 11
As a developer writing
                          code in Perl 5,
                      you won’t need to care

Friday, July 29, 11
..and shouldn’t
                       be able to tell

Friday, July 29, 11
In the future we might
                      fix a bug or two in the
                         modularized code

Friday, July 29, 11
You could take the
                      update without having
                      to upgrade all of Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11
Someday we might
                      remove things from the
                         default runtime

Friday, July 29, 11
Every feature we
                      externalize reclaims
                       precious memory

Friday, July 29, 11
Every feature we
                      externalize reclaims
                        precious sanity

Friday, July 29, 11
That just means you’ll
                       need to declare you
                      want an older feature

Friday, July 29, 11
...but only if you ask for

Friday, July 29, 11
...but only if you ask for

Friday, July 29, 11
...but only if you ask for

Friday, July 29, 11
Existing code
                       won’t break

Friday, July 29, 11
There are many, many
                      unanswered questions

Friday, July 29, 11
But it’s doable

Friday, July 29, 11
I have proof!

Friday, July 29, 11
Case study:

Friday, July 29, 11
After YAPC::NA rjbs
                      (and others) raised the
                        issue of smartmatch

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl has a history of
                       theft from other

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl has a history of
                      borrowing from other

Friday, July 29, 11
We stole
                      from Perl 6

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s very clever

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s nearly
                       to explain

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s nearly
                      to understand

Friday, July 29, 11
RJBS (the previous
                       speaker) proposed a
                      saner, much less clever,
                           smart match

Friday, July 29, 11
I don’t want to break
                      existing code that uses

Friday, July 29, 11
Jesse Luehrs (DOY)
                      was sitting in the back
                         of my YAPC talk

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
...threw himself
                      at the problem

Friday, July 29, 11
He extracted
                      smartmatch into
                       an XS module

Friday, July 29, 11
He reimplemented it
                      entirely in pure perl

Friday, July 29, 11
It’s slower, but it’s
                      understandable and

Friday, July 29, 11
He implemented
                      Ricardo’s saner smart
                      match as an alternative

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m hoping that 5.16
                          ships DOY’s

Friday, July 29, 11
'use v5.16;' should load
                        the new one in your

Friday, July 29, 11
'use v5.14;' should load
                        the old one in your

Friday, July 29, 11
no “use v5.x;” line
                      should load the old one
                          in your scope.

Friday, July 29, 11
We need a module
                      hierarchy for such
                        things in core

Friday, July 29, 11
The Test Suite

Friday, July 29, 11
(Keeping us honest)

Friday, July 29, 11
We have an
                       test suite

Friday, July 29, 11
Over time, we need to
                       tease apart (at least)
                          3 kinds of tests

Friday, July 29, 11
Language tests

Friday, July 29, 11
Bug-fix tests

Friday, July 29, 11
Implementation tests

Friday, July 29, 11
To hold us to the
                      compatibility promises
                       we make, we need a
                        new test harness

Friday, July 29, 11
“Run the test suites we
                       shipped with previous

Friday, July 29, 11
...all of em

Friday, July 29, 11
We've been moving
                          pretty fast

Friday, July 29, 11
We’ve done some
                          things I...

Friday, July 29, 11
...wouldn’t do again

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m going to be a lot
                      more skeptical about
                          new features

Friday, July 29, 11 least ones that
                      don’t make it easier to
                       have fewer features

Friday, July 29, 11
We should have sane

Friday, July 29, 11
There’s lots of crazy
                            in Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11
Syntactic Crazy

Friday, July 29, 11
Semantic Crazy

Friday, July 29, 11
Internal Crazy

Friday, July 29, 11
Module Crazy

Friday, July 29, 11
It may be time to
                      consider doing away
                       with some of that

Friday, July 29, 11
But ONLY if you
                      declare “use v5.16”

Friday, July 29, 11
But ONLY if you
                      declare “use v5.18”

Friday, July 29, 11
But ONLY if you
                      declare “use v5.20”

Friday, July 29, 11
We’ve started down
                           this road

Friday, July 29, 11
“use v5.12” includes
                          “use strict;”

Friday, July 29, 11
Where do we go next?

Friday, July 29, 11
warnings on by default

Friday, July 29, 11
autodie-esque defaults

Friday, July 29, 11
autodie does good for
                            your code

Friday, July 29, 11
using deep, scary evil

Friday, July 29, 11
I will not show
                        you the evil

Friday, July 29, 11
Ask Paul Fenwick

Friday, July 29, 11
The guy with the

Friday, July 29, 11
In the hat

Friday, July 29, 11
We should throw
                      exceptions rather than
                       just return on failure

Friday, July 29, 11
I don’t want us to
                      bikeshed an exception

Friday, July 29, 11
Heck, I’d be happy if we
                      started with dying with
                        well-defined strings

Friday, July 29, 11
(I’d love an exception hierarchy)

Friday, July 29, 11
2-arg open()
                      gone by default

Friday, July 29, 11
1-arg open()
                      gone by default?

Friday, July 29, 11
Latin-1 autopromote
                          off by default

Friday, July 29, 11
utf-8 everything
                         by default

Friday, July 29, 11
A clean, simple
                      meta-model with basic
                       classes and methods

Friday, July 29, 11
No indirect object syntax
                             by default

Friday, July 29, 11
But only if you declare
                           “use v5.16”

Friday, July 29, 11
But only if you declare
                           “use v5.18”

Friday, July 29, 11
But only if you declare
                           “use v5.20”

Friday, July 29, 11
So, Why?

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl needs to be
                      cleaner, simpler and
                      easier to work with

Friday, July 29, 11
For users...

Friday, July 29, 11
...and for implementers

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl should run

Friday, July 29, 11
Why isn’t Perl 5 on
                       other Runtimes?

Friday, July 29, 11
“There’s no spec”

Friday, July 29, 11
That didn’t stop Ruby

Friday, July 29, 11
“Only Perl 5 can
                        parse Perl 5”

Friday, July 29, 11
That didn't stop PPI

Friday, July 29, 11
To survive, a desperate
                      hacker needs to be able
                       to reimplement Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
How do we make this
                        happen faster?

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl 5 Maint Fund

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11

Friday, July 29, 11
About the name

Friday, July 29, 11
Our language is called
                             Perl 5

Friday, July 29, 11
Perl 6 is our
                        kid sister

Friday, July 29, 11
I’m happy to talk about
                         renaming Perl 5...

Friday, July 29, 11
...if you write me a
                second implementation
               that passes the test suite

Friday, July 29, 11

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