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Organizational Change Essay
Change Management
A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and
cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform
itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross
income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network
development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature more content...
The Sales/Delivery and Marketing departments have shown the most need for improvement, developing a learning culture and promoting innovation
can help an organization sustain change. Maintaining a learning culture by identifying possible resistance, implementing behavioral action plans, and
evaluating implemented behavior is essential for smooth transitions. CrysTel has come to a point where change is needed in order to continue and
maintain success. After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization based on behavioral parameters, Change is constant.
Change Model
In developing an organization and preparing for the changes necessary a reliable change management plan is often required to overcome workplace
resistance when employees are presented with a new way of doing things. Change management is a strategy designed to transition from the status quo
to some new ideal way of doing business. CrysTel, a growing telecommunications company, finds itself in a very dynamic industry that along with
frequent advances in technology will dictate that it adapt to rapid and persistent changes. Developing a successful change management plan for CrysTel
will have distinct goals: optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. Change management at CrysTel will involve identifying the
strengths and weaknesses of departments within the
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A Perspective on Organizational Changes
An organization goes through many barriers when implementing changes to restructure the daily routines when the foundation is surrounded by a
person in charge changing on a recurring basis. Let's take a look at a variety of levels a company endure when making changes to shaping and
anticipating the future of an organization. The company will need to assess their weaknesses and strengths to possibly move into opportunities to
improve the mission and goals while an organization goes through changes. The next level is to define the mission with expectations by attempting to
create a strategic plan to put into action when making changes in an organization. And then, more content...
The key stakeholders that reach the top of the
ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE3 list and that are the obvious are executives, mid level managers, and employees. Some of the stakeholders that are
usually behind the scenes would be government head, elected officials, the media, business people, and those who hold powerful positions. Now we
have identified who are the stakeholders, the next step is how we assist them with viewing the vision to meet everyone's interest. It is important to
realize every stakeholder will not envision the goal the same while a company goes through changes, so it is best to persuade those who is least likely
to see the outcome as management vision the future prediction of an organization. In order to sell an idea to support changes a company will need to
examine everyone's difficulties by offering ideas and attract people who want to contribute to the vision. The next step is start to strategically think
what your stakeholders would want and target on their desires by evaluating their requirements, values, and interests. Managing organizational change
will be more successful if management entails planning and implementation, consulting with the people who will be affected by the changes. The
questions that management wants to get accomplished with changes in an organization is who is affected by the change and
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Organizational Change Essay
Module #6: Critical Thinking Assignment
At the core of every successful organization lies that specific organization's application of the basic principles of organization development. In the book
written by Carter (2004) entitled Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change, the concept of organization development was
defined as an organizationā€“wide effort and conceptual initiative intended to increase an organization's viability and effectiveness. In most cases,
organization development is described as a change initiative and educational strategy aimed at changing the values, beliefs, attitudes, as well as the
structure of an organization for the betterment and improvement of the overall firm' more content...
Based on the studies conducted by Hellriegel and Slocum (2007) regarding the importance and crucial role of diagnosis in starting and implementing
organizational change programs, it was identified that through diagnosis, the organization's information collecting process is accomplished. This makes
the organization more aware of the need for such changes in their business process or system. The reality is that sometimes, the implementation of
change plans in an organization may create confusion among the members of the firm. Thus, this could lead to various different approaches to
implement the change needed in the firm. Another reason why diagnosis is important to be accomplished in organizations is that it importantly guides
an organization in terms of making decisions on what specific changes must be implemented in the organization, and how such changes must be
executed (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007).
Explain the concept of organization intervention and why any particular management or organizational change can be considered an intervention. In the
book published by Richard Arvid Johnson (1976) entitled Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction, the concept of organization intervention
was defined as the principal learning process in the soā€“called action stage of the entire organization development. In simple terms, organization
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Organizational Change Essay
INTRODUCTION Organizational Development (OD) has become more and more important for today's organizations because the world is moving so
fast that organizations have to find ways to be more effective, more innovation, more customerā€“driven, and more agile. Cumming and Worley (1997)
define organizational development as "a process that applies a broad range of behaviour science knowledge and practices to help organizations build
their capacity to change and to achieve greater effectiveness". Therefore, OD will help organizations understand how people act to change and which
change methods can work with the resistance to change that usually occurs in organizations undergoing change. In the study of organizational
development, it more content...
4. Taskā€“Job Design: The way work is performed in the organization can be changed with new procedures and methods for performing work. 5.
Organizational Structure: Organizations can change the way they are structured in order to be more responsive to their external environment. Again to
be more responsive to the marketplace, this also includes where decisions should be made in the organization (centralized or decentralized). 6.
Organizational Culture: Entities can attempt to change their culture, including management and leadership styles, values and beliefs. Of all the things
organizations can change, this is by far the most difficult to undertake. These are the major elements in the organizations for the change process. It is
that changes in one of the elements will usually effect or impact on another element. For example, changing technology may require changes in the
humanā€“behavioural area, changes in taskā€“job design may require changes in organization structure, etc. WHY ORGANIZATION FAIL IN CHANGE?
People in organization resists to change. There are much reasons for resisting to change. Some of the facts shown in below. Loss of control: Change
interferes with autonomy and can make people feel that they've lost control over their territory. It's not just political, as in who has the power. Our
sense of selfā€“determination is often the first things to
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Organizational Changes Essay
Organizational Changes Organizational changes take place when the force field that counterbalances change is overcome. Different power base
utilization facilitates these types of changes. Change could be a topic in and by itself but we have chosen to incorporate the use of different power
bases and their effects on change. Power, in organizational change, is having the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events,
to overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do.(1) Understanding when to use a particular type of power base
can ease more content...
The follower's would need to be inspired and convinced that all efforts that are to be put forth are worth the outcome. After the thawing the efforts put
forth occur in the changing stage. The changing stage was further broken down after the initial introduction of the three stages; commonly referred to
as the eightā€“stage model when the additional steps are included. After the changes are implemented it has to be institutionalized into the culture to
prevent regression into the old ways. Since this model was covered in the text, I will generalize the other models and then integrate the power bases
into a few of them. Lewin's Change Model.gif (6660 bytes) The Gap Model (3) is used when a clear mental picture exists of what is desired to
happen. It has two stages: one is the present state and the second is the future desired state. The strategy that is to be determined to attain the future
state is laid out with the understanding that resistance will be encountered. If the change is to be implemented with minimal resistance then the
coercive power, information power, and expert power bases are best. The person with the vision must be possess the skills and knowledge to see what
the future will hold with the suggested change and if user's
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Organizational Change
Change Management Introduction A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just
like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an
organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company
with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables,
wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature of more content...
There is a problem with the organization that involving communication. To eliminate any type of rumor about how and what type of change is
going to occur within the organization, meetings will need to be held. To assist in this type of meeting the company can incorporate Town Hall
meetings and teleconferences to ensure that all employees can be apart of the meeting. The next phase of organization will include the split of
Sales and Delivery sections of the company. These departments have very different focuses, and it will be easier to focus on needs with separate
sections. Opening the lines of communications will also be an essential for developing sustained change. Once each department is split, a conference
will need to be conducted to solicit ideas of goals and performance based incentives so that each employee understand the need to grow along with
what they can do to further themselves within the organization and other incentives. Some types of incentives that may be need would include sales
based incentives for but the Marketing and Sales departments and a benchmark performance based incentive for the Delivery section of the company.
Once these types of changes are in place a new program with the organization will be needed to ensure a continued growth for CrysTel. A Leadership
Counsel comprised of 2 to 3 members from each department will be selected to meet once a month to discuss challenges and needs
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Essay on Organizational Change Management
Organizational Change Management
Significant organizational change occurs when an organization changes its overall strategy for success, adds or removes a major section or practice,
and/or wants to change the very nature by which it operates. It also occurs when an organization evolves through various life cycles, just like people
must successfully evolve through life cycles. For organizations to develop, they often must undergo significant change at various points in their
development; hence the topic of organizational change and development has become widespread in communications about business, organizations,
leadership and management.
Find and idea that fits the business needs.
Every process should increase organizational more content...
In support of principle one, the practice that must accompany it is to align the goals of a change effort with organizational strategy. An organization's
strategic plan identifies the products and services it delivers and the core business and key supporting processes that help deliver these products and
services. It also identifies the organization's special competencies and how they enhance the core and key supporting organizational processes. If the
goals of the change effort do not support the organizational strategy then the change effort will not yield significant value to the organization.
The Epic EHR supports the business goals of Legacy by promoting preventative medicine through integrative communication and access, better record
keeping, and improved coordination of health care services, as well as by reducing waste, inefficiency, and miscommunication. These efforts will
reduce the national cost of health care and lower outā€“ofā€“pocket expenses, which are two big aims of Legacy Health.
Therefore, by aligning the goals of a change effort with the business strategy of an organization, the change effort will have a greater chance of
succeeding because the change effort will receive greater executive commitment than if the goals were not aligned. In sum, the commitment of
executive level management
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Managing Organizational Change Essay
Daniel LeBlanc Managing Organizational Change BUS600 Management Communication with Tech Tools Professor Emmanuel Lewis November 16,
2009 Organizational change is any action or set of actions resulting in a shift in direction or process that affects the way an organization works. Change
can be deliberate and planned by leaders within the organization (i.e., migrating from legacy technology to new improved Internet Protocol
infrastructure), or change can originate outside the organization (i.e., new government regulatory process) and be beyond its control. Change may
affect the strategies an organization uses to carry out its mission, the processes for implementing those strategies, the tasks and functions performed by more content...
In addition, these leaders frequently control resources and rewards within the organization. These core believers need to involve a larger group of
"initial participators" who don't necessarily have the same level of commitment to change as do the core believers, but they participate in the initiative
out of loyalty to the organization. The change process takes hold and its successes are publicized, support will spread to others who typically wait and
see whether they should commit to the initiative. Last to commit to the efforts are the "hardā€“core resisters," some of whom will never support the
change process because of personal agendas. A clear and concise motivating vision is needed to "inspire" a large number of employees to change.
People need to know why change is desirable, why they should make the effort to support it, and what it will achieve. The change can be very painful
to some employees whose jobs may require new skills, transfers or even elimination. The motivating vision should be sufficiently concrete so that
people can understand what it means and why the change is necessary, but not so rigid that it has no room to evolve. A motivating vision is one that
enables people to imagine new possibilities for the organization as a whole and for themselves as members of the organization. That motivating vision
is an advanced leading edge technology
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Organizational Change
Organizational Change Organizational Change Management is "all of the actions required for an organization to understand, prepare for, implement
and take full advantage of significant change". The goals of Change Management are: * The successful design, implementation, measurement and
maintenance of an organization's change initiative * Enhancement of their onā€“going capacity for managing change Lewin's force field analysis model
states that all systems have driving and restraining forces. Change occurs through the process of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. One side of the
force field model represents the driving forces that push organizations toward a new state of affairs. These might include new more
Creating an Urgency for Change * Inform employees about driving forces * Most difficult when organization is doing well * Must be real, not
contrived * Customerā€“driven change * Adverse consequences for firm * Human element energizes employees Minimizing Resistance to Change 1.
Communication * Communication is the highest priority and first strategy required for any organizational change. * Top strategy for engaging
employees in the change process * Improves urgency to change * Reduces uncertainty (fear of unknown) * Problems ā€“ā€“ time consuming and costly 2.
Learning * Provides new knowledge and skills * Includes coaching and action learning * Helps break old routines and adopt new roles * Problems ā€“ā€“
potentially time consuming and costly 3. Employee Involvement * Increases ownership of change * Helps saving face and reducing fear of unknown
* Includes task forces, search conferences * Problems ā€“ā€“ timeā€“consuming, potential conflict 4. Stress Management * When communication, training,
and involvement do not resolve stress * Potential benefits * More motivation to change * Less fear of unknown * Fewer direct costs * Problems ā€“ā€“
timeā€“consuming, expensive, doesn't help everyone 5. Negotiation * When people clearly lose something and won't otherwise support change *
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Leading Organizational Change Essay
Process vs. Content 1 Week 2 ā€“ Process vs. Content Amanda Anderson LDRā€“625ā€“1634ā€“Leading Organizational Changeā€“ March 16, 2015 Robert
Miller Process vs. Content 2 Working with children takes a certain level of adaptability in itself, but, working with children in a company that has
absolutely no structure is a framework for disaster. However, planning for a process or a processā€“driven change intervention and task alignment for
many companies have yielded successful results. For example, Jon Meliones, the hospital's chief medical director, was intricate in the three year
turnaround and transformation at Duke University Children's more content...
ProcessŠ²Š‚Ń’driven change seeks to create a context and environment in which employees at all levels of Process vs. Content 3 the organization engage
in a collaborative way to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Approaches geared and focused on collaborative, participative, and
problemŠ²Š‚Ń’solving efforts work to align behaviors with strategic requirements (Spector, 2013). In processā€“driven change, content is used to support
rather than initiate ( Spector, 2013). Examples of successfully used change programs are Six Sigma, business process reā€“engineering, the balanced
scorecard, lean enterprise, and Agile ( Spector, 2013). These processes may be utilized to reinforce as opposed to drive new behaviors and leadership
roles are directed on solidifying purpose and strategic directions for the organization. As a result of unfreezing and creating new focus new patterns of
behavior may emerge ( Spector, 2013). ProcessŠ²Š‚Ń’driven change seeks to create an organizational context in which employees will be motivated to
adopt new behaviors consistent with the strategic direction of the organization. Content Driven Change Intervention By definition, contentŠ²Š‚Ń’driven
change is programmatic change in which
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Forces of Organizational Change Essay examples
"Your success in life isn't based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and
business" (Sanborn). People can be involved in an organizational change in many different ways. Change is occurring in organization's techniques in
ways such as training, management development programs, team building and survey feedback as well as culture, and work relationships. In order to
be successful, people will have to be adaptable to new situations while sustaining productivity under the existing system. Training is designed to
improve and develop an employee's job skills. Employees may be trained for many different things such as running certain machines, taught new skills,
or more content...
Management development programs like employee training programs, attempt to encourage certain skills, abilities and perspectives. Often times, when
a qualified person is promoted to managerial position, the person needs training in how to manage and deal with people. Management development
program rely most heavily on participative methods such as case studies and roleā€“playing. Participative methods allow a manager to experience real
life problems that will teach them how to handle it in the future allowing them to be successful. "No matter how this change is defined, the challenge
to the organization is inevitable"(Holder). Changes in the environment can make managerial skills obsolete in a very short time. Because of that, some
companies are developing a management team as a career long process, which requires managers to attend refresher courses. General Electric (GE)
created a training facility to develop a group of change leaders, putting more than 10,000 managers a year through a workshop series called the Change
Acceleration Program. (Moorhead) The workshop taught their direct reports on how to change the way they did their jobs, in order to be more
successful. With time, corporate America is investing millions of dollars in management development with evolving principles. Another important role
involved in organization change is team building. When it comes to interaction among
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Organizational Change: A Reflection
Organizational Change
Statistical analysis
Data for this assessment originated from the responses of the sample population. The respondents answered a series of questions that aimed at capturing
their qualitative values. Other data sources include secondary sources like the police register and notice boards.
Change management professionals have emphasized the need to establish organizational readiness for change. The experts recommend numerous
strategies for their design. The recommendation appears to be reasonable, with limited scientific base. The subject of organizational readiness for
change has not received extensive research, unlike the topic of individual readiness for change (Great Britain Home Office institute, 2004). This paper
tackles the issue of organizational change and readiness for that change, through an assessment of the current culture of the police department. The
assessment would lead to the recommendations extracted from the field of organizational change. This paper employs the current situation of the
police department to stress on the importance of organizational change. The focus on the subject of organizational change features because of my new
assignment. The city manager picked me from a pool of competent senior officers because of my track record of implementing organizational change.
This paper looks into the current culture of the police and suggests possible ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the police agency.
My first
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Organizational Change Essay
Organizational Change
Organizations today are going through constant change brought about by competition, economics, business innovation and a realization that remaining
stagnant may mean organizational death. As the business environment increases in complexity and changes rapidly, organization and management
consequently experiences significant transformation to cope with these changes. On a micro level (company level), these changes would include the
transformation of the internal corporate culture as well as enhancements in the management of human resources in response to increasing workplace
diversity and the evolving needs of the workforce. Therefore, the ability to change is an more content...
It is all about human behaviour and understanding the way people and organizations behave; creating relationships; building commitment; adapting
behaviours to lead in a creative and motivating way (Kets DeVries, 2001). Hence, I do believe that a radical change in leadership is essential to turn the
organisation around.
Assessment of Nelson Pilay's leadership competencies
Having said about the importance of leadership in a changing environment, I will now assess the leadership competencies of Nelson Pilay (myself),
who had been recently appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wood's Departmental Store. My task here is to effect a positive change in
the company's performance.
Assessing my own strengths and limitations is not an easy task. Yet, this assessment is important as it provides an evaluation of my strengths and
limitations that would allow for the necessary reflections in making adjustments to my leadership styles (Myers, 2002). My background experience
which includes twenty one years of working up from an audit clerk to the Head of Audit and Head of Credit had allowed me the privilege to manage
the loan's department as well as the audit department of a foreign bank with international status. These vast management experiences from a banking
environment have now
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Organizational Change Essays
Organizational change can be intimidating for business leaders. The internet hosts several sites for small consulting firms that specialize in helping
corporate leaders initiative positive change in their organizational culture. One such firm, Change Management Solutions, Inc., (CMS) uses a fiveā€“step
change model, which encompasses contemporary collective and collaborative theories and models of change and change leadership. The firm considers
culture, organizational leadership, and change planning as essential tools to prevent "becoming one of the 75% of businesses who fail at change."
(Puelo, n.d.)
Similar to the design of the chapters in Hickman's book, the CMS website promotes "Effective (change) plans answer the critical who, more
Change leadership, defined as, "the ability to energize groups who will be implements change projects that they may or may not fully embrace, or, the
ability to understand the need for change and demonstrate a high tolerance for ambiguity and a positive attitude in the midst of change." (class lecture)
CMS coaches leaders to use transformational change as well as transactional leadership to accomplish change.
CMS starts sustainable change by using a fiveā€“step model similar to Schwartz or Koetter's models for change ((Hickman, 2010) The five steps of the
CMS change model are planning, leading, evaluating, handling change resistance, and avoiding and overcoming burnout. CMS states, "Planning
change that becomes a part of the corporate culture requires planning that considers the effects of the change to all levels of employees." (Puelo, n.d.)
This is an example of empowerment and shared power concepts. Part of having shared power is creating a clear vision, developing others, and making
empowerment systemic, all things CMS coaches their client organizations to embrace. (Hickman, 2010) Once change is planned, CMS implements a
strategic change plan. This plan requires leaders, formal or informal, who will be trained and supported during change implementation. This type of
leadership falls under the teleological theory of planned leadership with transformational leadership and collective/collaborative leadership styles where
power is shared by multiple
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Reflection Paper On Organizational Change
Personal Growth Reflection
As a student in the course EDDC: 618: Leading Organizational Change, I have learned a great deal of information moving forward in my career and
life. I can remember first starting this course of study, and not knowing what to expect. As I continued my journal throughout this course I have learned
that leading an organization is not just a job, but a skill that must be obtained. I have learned how to examine major school theories, translate knowledge
into a personal synthesis, create an organization development plan, applied consistency of understanding of what is ethical, while learning leadership
and management practices. As I examine the framework for diagnosing organizations and analyzing change strategies for implementation of and
instructional change I found the case study of Robert F. Kennedy High School interesting. The makeā€“up of the organization was complex and
challenging that needed to be carefully analyze to gain successful outcomes. The method of applying practical strategies, models and methods help me
understand the concept of changes in Interpersonal group on an organizational level.
EDDC: 618: Leading Organizational Change, gives students an understanding of the underlying issues many organizations are facing. Being in a
leadership role is often tough, if a certain skill level is not mastered, however, this course has given me a glimpse of what I could have done better in
previous situations. It is always difficult to
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Essay on Organizational Change
Organizational Change
Change can be a difficult transition however in the world of business whether it is planned or unplanned one can expect change to happen. The
definition of change is, "the coordination of a structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve lastingchange within an
organization". (BNET Business Dictionary)
How the change is accepted and adapted to can be the difference of success or failure of an organization. There are different types of change and
various reasons as to why change may occur. This paper will discuss the factors that drive organizational change through life experiences as well as
factual information.
Types of Organizational Change
First order change more content...
The transformation of each student from each level leads up to a licensed cosmetologist changing the individual that walked in the academy with little
to no knowledge. Discontinuous change is the transformation of the core and a student beginning has changed their core of knowledge over the course
of 1800 clock hours.
The changes that occurred are not in the organization itself but in the individual students and the teaching staff that continually change from beginning
to end.
As with any unfamiliar situation there will be doubt and with change one can experience the same instinct of the unknown and unfamiliar. As humans
we become accustomed to the status quo and why change it if it is not broken reasoning. When an organization makes changes it can be unsettling
employees as the perceived conception is change is 'bad'. Change is not necessarily good or bad how change is accepted and adapted to can make it
successful or a failure.
Organizational change is a necessity without change an organization is left behind not being able to compete with the competition. There are many
aspects to change such as planning, implementation, and managing each aspect is in and of itself an important step in change.
Common reasons that an organization implements change can stem from downsizing, technological advances, mergers and or acquisitions.
Downsizing organizations is seen as a second order change because it is a change that will affect the
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Organizational Change
My company needs serious organizational change in two areas. First is improving our vendor payment processes. We have been having problems
getting the funds to our vendors on time and sometimes paid them the wrong amounts due to our current process. This problem must be fixed for the
future of our relationships with our vendors, suppliers, and contractor agencies. We must establish achange that will help repair and build the
relationships and ensure the we also receive our merchandise in a timely fashion. The other area that needs to be improved is our company culture by
means of employee evaluation. Currently, our employee evaluations are based on a numerical scale, measuring performance in a 1 to 5 basis. This
leaves almost no room for more content...
Visions set forth the expected future of the company. In regards to a specific change, a vision will tell demonstrate what the expected result of this
change is and essentially why anyone should care about this change. The initial creation of this vision could take several months to put together. This
step involves laying out the goals that this change is trying to achieve. Our goals for changing the vendor payment process is to make it more
effective. We want to ensure that our vendors are being paid on time and accurately. This in turn ensures that we receive out merchandise on time and
that are contractors are paid correctly and on time. The longā€“term goal of this change is to maintain great relationships with our vendors. Our vision for
changing the culture of the company by means of employee evaluation is to promote internal growth. We as a company pride ourselves on offering the
tools to help our employees grow and develop within the company. The vision must also be communicated in a way that is convincing and motivating.
We'll cover that a little more in the next
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Organizational Change Essay
PART ONE Understanding change Perspectives on change The ethics of organizational change Planned change and its critics Strategic change
Building and developing competitive advantage 3 39 73 11 1 147 CHAPTER 1 Perspectives on change 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Perspectives on change
1.2.1 Modernity, progress, and change 1.2.2 Pathways to change 1.3 Structuralā€“functional change: changing structures and functions 1.3.1 An
organization is a complex whole 1.3.2 Structural theory 1.4 Multiple constituencies: change by negotiation 1.4.1 Stakeholder interests 1.5
Organizational Development: the humanistic approach to change 1.5.1 Intervention strategies at the individual level 1.5.2 Intervention strategies at the
group level more content...
The multiple constituencies perspective refers to the way that complex organizations have to negotiate objectives with different groups of stakeholders
who have overlapping and often conflicting needs. When we consider hospitals, health PERSPECTIVES ON CHANGE trusts, postal services, public
bodies, local government, and transnational companies, then we come to recognize that the organization's needs are inextricably linked to various
stakeholder groups. This affects how resources are managed and distributed, as well as how change might be facilitated to maximize efficiency and
effectiveness. An investigation of how multiple constituencies bring their own interests and motivations into the organizational arena will help us to
provide an informed approach to managing change by recognizing the various resource needs of different groups. We can recognize the advantage of
this perspective in drawing attention to the various stakeholder needs but we can also recognize that it is limited to a partial analysis. It is less
concerned with developing people. It also has a limited view of power. Consequently this reduces organizational change to consensual negotiation
between pluralities of groups. Those academics and practitioners that adopt the Organizational Development perspective would share much with the
two previous perspectives because it embraces both a systems approach and a focus on
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Reflection On Organizational Change
I first off would like to start by saying these past 8 weeks have been a great experience! I have been able to learn and gain new skills and tools that
will not only help me in the rest of my schooling, but will be very beneficial when it comes to my career. I have really enjoyed getting to see all
different experiences out there and a variety of perspectives on what one has done or not when in that situation. It certainly has opened my eyes up
to the world and I feel I am more aware and ready for what might come my way now. Although after reading the "Let's Drive a Stake In the Heart of
the Industrial Age!" you never really know what's going to happen next. I plan to use all the OB tools that I have been able to learn about in this term
to assist the transformational process in organizational models. Using these tools will help this process go more smoothly and make it easier not only
for the company but for the employees and customers. The transformational process in any company is hard and can be very challenging during a time
like this. I believe that change is challenging just from my experiences and that it can take more time than one thinks or wants it to. I personally
am not a fan of change, so when there is a change going on in my personal or professional life I hope it is quick and easy (which it is rarely ever). I
have learned though change is good. As much as I may hate it, it is necessary and it cannot be avoided. I learned these past weeks and have seen
examples where some individuals in a company will resist change, even leaders, and that is where I find the OB tools to help and make the change
as easy as possible for everyone in the company. I know this is something I will do to assist the transformational process in organizational models in
my future company. I will use the strategies we have learned in this course to help and be more effective. One concept in this course I have learned
and it has stuck with me is focusing on employees. Without good relationships with employees and making sure they are happy and acknowledged the
work within the company will not get done effectively and efficiently. As a manager, I will make sure that all employees are managed, able to express
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Organizational Change Essay

  • 1. Organizational Change Essay Change Management Introduction A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature more content... The Sales/Delivery and Marketing departments have shown the most need for improvement, developing a learning culture and promoting innovation can help an organization sustain change. Maintaining a learning culture by identifying possible resistance, implementing behavioral action plans, and evaluating implemented behavior is essential for smooth transitions. CrysTel has come to a point where change is needed in order to continue and maintain success. After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization based on behavioral parameters, Change is constant. Change Model In developing an organization and preparing for the changes necessary a reliable change management plan is often required to overcome workplace resistance when employees are presented with a new way of doing things. Change management is a strategy designed to transition from the status quo to some new ideal way of doing business. CrysTel, a growing telecommunications company, finds itself in a very dynamic industry that along with frequent advances in technology will dictate that it adapt to rapid and persistent changes. Developing a successful change management plan for CrysTel will have distinct goals: optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. Change management at CrysTel will involve identifying the strengths and weaknesses of departments within the Get more content on
  • 2. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE2 A Perspective on Organizational Changes An organization goes through many barriers when implementing changes to restructure the daily routines when the foundation is surrounded by a person in charge changing on a recurring basis. Let's take a look at a variety of levels a company endure when making changes to shaping and anticipating the future of an organization. The company will need to assess their weaknesses and strengths to possibly move into opportunities to improve the mission and goals while an organization goes through changes. The next level is to define the mission with expectations by attempting to create a strategic plan to put into action when making changes in an organization. And then, more content... The key stakeholders that reach the top of the ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE3 list and that are the obvious are executives, mid level managers, and employees. Some of the stakeholders that are usually behind the scenes would be government head, elected officials, the media, business people, and those who hold powerful positions. Now we have identified who are the stakeholders, the next step is how we assist them with viewing the vision to meet everyone's interest. It is important to realize every stakeholder will not envision the goal the same while a company goes through changes, so it is best to persuade those who is least likely to see the outcome as management vision the future prediction of an organization. In order to sell an idea to support changes a company will need to examine everyone's difficulties by offering ideas and attract people who want to contribute to the vision. The next step is start to strategically think what your stakeholders would want and target on their desires by evaluating their requirements, values, and interests. Managing organizational change will be more successful if management entails planning and implementation, consulting with the people who will be affected by the changes. The questions that management wants to get accomplished with changes in an organization is who is affected by the change and Get more content on
  • 3. Organizational Change Essay Module #6: Critical Thinking Assignment INTRODUCTION At the core of every successful organization lies that specific organization's application of the basic principles of organization development. In the book written by Carter (2004) entitled Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change, the concept of organization development was defined as an organizationā€“wide effort and conceptual initiative intended to increase an organization's viability and effectiveness. In most cases, organization development is described as a change initiative and educational strategy aimed at changing the values, beliefs, attitudes, as well as the structure of an organization for the betterment and improvement of the overall firm' more content... Based on the studies conducted by Hellriegel and Slocum (2007) regarding the importance and crucial role of diagnosis in starting and implementing organizational change programs, it was identified that through diagnosis, the organization's information collecting process is accomplished. This makes the organization more aware of the need for such changes in their business process or system. The reality is that sometimes, the implementation of change plans in an organization may create confusion among the members of the firm. Thus, this could lead to various different approaches to implement the change needed in the firm. Another reason why diagnosis is important to be accomplished in organizations is that it importantly guides an organization in terms of making decisions on what specific changes must be implemented in the organization, and how such changes must be executed (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007). Explain the concept of organization intervention and why any particular management or organizational change can be considered an intervention. In the book published by Richard Arvid Johnson (1976) entitled Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction, the concept of organization intervention was defined as the principal learning process in the soā€“called action stage of the entire organization development. In simple terms, organization interventions Get more content on
  • 4. Organizational Change Essay INTRODUCTION Organizational Development (OD) has become more and more important for today's organizations because the world is moving so fast that organizations have to find ways to be more effective, more innovation, more customerā€“driven, and more agile. Cumming and Worley (1997) define organizational development as "a process that applies a broad range of behaviour science knowledge and practices to help organizations build their capacity to change and to achieve greater effectiveness". Therefore, OD will help organizations understand how people act to change and which change methods can work with the resistance to change that usually occurs in organizations undergoing change. In the study of organizational development, it more content... 4. Taskā€“Job Design: The way work is performed in the organization can be changed with new procedures and methods for performing work. 5. Organizational Structure: Organizations can change the way they are structured in order to be more responsive to their external environment. Again to be more responsive to the marketplace, this also includes where decisions should be made in the organization (centralized or decentralized). 6. Organizational Culture: Entities can attempt to change their culture, including management and leadership styles, values and beliefs. Of all the things organizations can change, this is by far the most difficult to undertake. These are the major elements in the organizations for the change process. It is that changes in one of the elements will usually effect or impact on another element. For example, changing technology may require changes in the humanā€“behavioural area, changes in taskā€“job design may require changes in organization structure, etc. WHY ORGANIZATION FAIL IN CHANGE? People in organization resists to change. There are much reasons for resisting to change. Some of the facts shown in below. Loss of control: Change interferes with autonomy and can make people feel that they've lost control over their territory. It's not just political, as in who has the power. Our sense of selfā€“determination is often the first things to Get more content on
  • 5. Organizational Changes Essay Organizational Changes Organizational changes take place when the force field that counterbalances change is overcome. Different power base utilization facilitates these types of changes. Change could be a topic in and by itself but we have chosen to incorporate the use of different power bases and their effects on change. Power, in organizational change, is having the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do.(1) Understanding when to use a particular type of power base can ease more content... The follower's would need to be inspired and convinced that all efforts that are to be put forth are worth the outcome. After the thawing the efforts put forth occur in the changing stage. The changing stage was further broken down after the initial introduction of the three stages; commonly referred to as the eightā€“stage model when the additional steps are included. After the changes are implemented it has to be institutionalized into the culture to prevent regression into the old ways. Since this model was covered in the text, I will generalize the other models and then integrate the power bases into a few of them. Lewin's Change Model.gif (6660 bytes) The Gap Model (3) is used when a clear mental picture exists of what is desired to happen. It has two stages: one is the present state and the second is the future desired state. The strategy that is to be determined to attain the future state is laid out with the understanding that resistance will be encountered. If the change is to be implemented with minimal resistance then the coercive power, information power, and expert power bases are best. The person with the vision must be possess the skills and knowledge to see what the future will hold with the suggested change and if user's Get more content on
  • 6. Organizational Change Change Management Introduction A need for growth in any organization to stay a viable entity must occur. Organizational change is inevitable. Just like anything in life, markets and cultures change which require constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able transform itself to the needs for the market. CrysTel is no stranger to change. CrysTel is a telecommunication company with over 2500 employees and a gross income of approximately $200 million a year. Products included in there list of services include data cables, wireless solutions, and network development. The product profile is data cables, wireless solutions and network development. Because of the nature of more content... There is a problem with the organization that involving communication. To eliminate any type of rumor about how and what type of change is going to occur within the organization, meetings will need to be held. To assist in this type of meeting the company can incorporate Town Hall meetings and teleconferences to ensure that all employees can be apart of the meeting. The next phase of organization will include the split of Sales and Delivery sections of the company. These departments have very different focuses, and it will be easier to focus on needs with separate sections. Opening the lines of communications will also be an essential for developing sustained change. Once each department is split, a conference will need to be conducted to solicit ideas of goals and performance based incentives so that each employee understand the need to grow along with what they can do to further themselves within the organization and other incentives. Some types of incentives that may be need would include sales based incentives for but the Marketing and Sales departments and a benchmark performance based incentive for the Delivery section of the company. Once these types of changes are in place a new program with the organization will be needed to ensure a continued growth for CrysTel. A Leadership Counsel comprised of 2 to 3 members from each department will be selected to meet once a month to discuss challenges and needs Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Organizational Change Management Organizational Change Management Significant organizational change occurs when an organization changes its overall strategy for success, adds or removes a major section or practice, and/or wants to change the very nature by which it operates. It also occurs when an organization evolves through various life cycles, just like people must successfully evolve through life cycles. For organizations to develop, they often must undergo significant change at various points in their development; hence the topic of organizational change and development has become widespread in communications about business, organizations, leadership and management. Find and idea that fits the business needs. Every process should increase organizational more content... In support of principle one, the practice that must accompany it is to align the goals of a change effort with organizational strategy. An organization's strategic plan identifies the products and services it delivers and the core business and key supporting processes that help deliver these products and services. It also identifies the organization's special competencies and how they enhance the core and key supporting organizational processes. If the goals of the change effort do not support the organizational strategy then the change effort will not yield significant value to the organization. The Epic EHR supports the business goals of Legacy by promoting preventative medicine through integrative communication and access, better record keeping, and improved coordination of health care services, as well as by reducing waste, inefficiency, and miscommunication. These efforts will reduce the national cost of health care and lower outā€“ofā€“pocket expenses, which are two big aims of Legacy Health. Therefore, by aligning the goals of a change effort with the business strategy of an organization, the change effort will have a greater chance of succeeding because the change effort will receive greater executive commitment than if the goals were not aligned. In sum, the commitment of executive level management Get more content on
  • 8. Managing Organizational Change Essay Daniel LeBlanc Managing Organizational Change BUS600 Management Communication with Tech Tools Professor Emmanuel Lewis November 16, 2009 Organizational change is any action or set of actions resulting in a shift in direction or process that affects the way an organization works. Change can be deliberate and planned by leaders within the organization (i.e., migrating from legacy technology to new improved Internet Protocol infrastructure), or change can originate outside the organization (i.e., new government regulatory process) and be beyond its control. Change may affect the strategies an organization uses to carry out its mission, the processes for implementing those strategies, the tasks and functions performed by more content... In addition, these leaders frequently control resources and rewards within the organization. These core believers need to involve a larger group of "initial participators" who don't necessarily have the same level of commitment to change as do the core believers, but they participate in the initiative out of loyalty to the organization. The change process takes hold and its successes are publicized, support will spread to others who typically wait and see whether they should commit to the initiative. Last to commit to the efforts are the "hardā€“core resisters," some of whom will never support the change process because of personal agendas. A clear and concise motivating vision is needed to "inspire" a large number of employees to change. People need to know why change is desirable, why they should make the effort to support it, and what it will achieve. The change can be very painful to some employees whose jobs may require new skills, transfers or even elimination. The motivating vision should be sufficiently concrete so that people can understand what it means and why the change is necessary, but not so rigid that it has no room to evolve. A motivating vision is one that enables people to imagine new possibilities for the organization as a whole and for themselves as members of the organization. That motivating vision is an advanced leading edge technology Get more content on
  • 9. Organizational Change Organizational Change Organizational Change Management is "all of the actions required for an organization to understand, prepare for, implement and take full advantage of significant change". The goals of Change Management are: * The successful design, implementation, measurement and maintenance of an organization's change initiative * Enhancement of their onā€“going capacity for managing change Lewin's force field analysis model states that all systems have driving and restraining forces. Change occurs through the process of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. One side of the force field model represents the driving forces that push organizations toward a new state of affairs. These might include new more content... Creating an Urgency for Change * Inform employees about driving forces * Most difficult when organization is doing well * Must be real, not contrived * Customerā€“driven change * Adverse consequences for firm * Human element energizes employees Minimizing Resistance to Change 1. Communication * Communication is the highest priority and first strategy required for any organizational change. * Top strategy for engaging employees in the change process * Improves urgency to change * Reduces uncertainty (fear of unknown) * Problems ā€“ā€“ time consuming and costly 2. Learning * Provides new knowledge and skills * Includes coaching and action learning * Helps break old routines and adopt new roles * Problems ā€“ā€“ potentially time consuming and costly 3. Employee Involvement * Increases ownership of change * Helps saving face and reducing fear of unknown * Includes task forces, search conferences * Problems ā€“ā€“ timeā€“consuming, potential conflict 4. Stress Management * When communication, training, and involvement do not resolve stress * Potential benefits * More motivation to change * Less fear of unknown * Fewer direct costs * Problems ā€“ā€“ timeā€“consuming, expensive, doesn't help everyone 5. Negotiation * When people clearly lose something and won't otherwise support change * Get more content on
  • 10. Leading Organizational Change Essay Process vs. Content 1 Week 2 ā€“ Process vs. Content Amanda Anderson LDRā€“625ā€“1634ā€“Leading Organizational Changeā€“ March 16, 2015 Robert Miller Process vs. Content 2 Working with children takes a certain level of adaptability in itself, but, working with children in a company that has absolutely no structure is a framework for disaster. However, planning for a process or a processā€“driven change intervention and task alignment for many companies have yielded successful results. For example, Jon Meliones, the hospital's chief medical director, was intricate in the three year turnaround and transformation at Duke University Children's more content... ProcessŠ²Š‚Ń’driven change seeks to create a context and environment in which employees at all levels of Process vs. Content 3 the organization engage in a collaborative way to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Approaches geared and focused on collaborative, participative, and problemŠ²Š‚Ń’solving efforts work to align behaviors with strategic requirements (Spector, 2013). In processā€“driven change, content is used to support rather than initiate ( Spector, 2013). Examples of successfully used change programs are Six Sigma, business process reā€“engineering, the balanced scorecard, lean enterprise, and Agile ( Spector, 2013). These processes may be utilized to reinforce as opposed to drive new behaviors and leadership roles are directed on solidifying purpose and strategic directions for the organization. As a result of unfreezing and creating new focus new patterns of behavior may emerge ( Spector, 2013). ProcessŠ²Š‚Ń’driven change seeks to create an organizational context in which employees will be motivated to adopt new behaviors consistent with the strategic direction of the organization. Content Driven Change Intervention By definition, contentŠ²Š‚Ń’driven change is programmatic change in which Get more content on
  • 11. Forces of Organizational Change Essay examples "Your success in life isn't based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business" (Sanborn). People can be involved in an organizational change in many different ways. Change is occurring in organization's techniques in ways such as training, management development programs, team building and survey feedback as well as culture, and work relationships. In order to be successful, people will have to be adaptable to new situations while sustaining productivity under the existing system. Training is designed to improve and develop an employee's job skills. Employees may be trained for many different things such as running certain machines, taught new skills, or more content... Management development programs like employee training programs, attempt to encourage certain skills, abilities and perspectives. Often times, when a qualified person is promoted to managerial position, the person needs training in how to manage and deal with people. Management development program rely most heavily on participative methods such as case studies and roleā€“playing. Participative methods allow a manager to experience real life problems that will teach them how to handle it in the future allowing them to be successful. "No matter how this change is defined, the challenge to the organization is inevitable"(Holder). Changes in the environment can make managerial skills obsolete in a very short time. Because of that, some companies are developing a management team as a career long process, which requires managers to attend refresher courses. General Electric (GE) created a training facility to develop a group of change leaders, putting more than 10,000 managers a year through a workshop series called the Change Acceleration Program. (Moorhead) The workshop taught their direct reports on how to change the way they did their jobs, in order to be more successful. With time, corporate America is investing millions of dollars in management development with evolving principles. Another important role involved in organization change is team building. When it comes to interaction among Get more content on
  • 12. Organizational Change: A Reflection Organizational Change Statistical analysis Data for this assessment originated from the responses of the sample population. The respondents answered a series of questions that aimed at capturing their qualitative values. Other data sources include secondary sources like the police register and notice boards. Change management professionals have emphasized the need to establish organizational readiness for change. The experts recommend numerous strategies for their design. The recommendation appears to be reasonable, with limited scientific base. The subject of organizational readiness for change has not received extensive research, unlike the topic of individual readiness for change (Great Britain Home Office institute, 2004). This paper tackles the issue of organizational change and readiness for that change, through an assessment of the current culture of the police department. The assessment would lead to the recommendations extracted from the field of organizational change. This paper employs the current situation of the police department to stress on the importance of organizational change. The focus on the subject of organizational change features because of my new assignment. The city manager picked me from a pool of competent senior officers because of my track record of implementing organizational change. This paper looks into the current culture of the police and suggests possible ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the police agency. My first Get more content on
  • 13. Organizational Change Essay Organizational Change Organizations today are going through constant change brought about by competition, economics, business innovation and a realization that remaining stagnant may mean organizational death. As the business environment increases in complexity and changes rapidly, organization and management consequently experiences significant transformation to cope with these changes. On a micro level (company level), these changes would include the transformation of the internal corporate culture as well as enhancements in the management of human resources in response to increasing workplace diversity and the evolving needs of the workforce. Therefore, the ability to change is an more content... It is all about human behaviour and understanding the way people and organizations behave; creating relationships; building commitment; adapting behaviours to lead in a creative and motivating way (Kets DeVries, 2001). Hence, I do believe that a radical change in leadership is essential to turn the organisation around. Assessment of Nelson Pilay's leadership competencies Having said about the importance of leadership in a changing environment, I will now assess the leadership competencies of Nelson Pilay (myself), who had been recently appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wood's Departmental Store. My task here is to effect a positive change in the company's performance. Assessing my own strengths and limitations is not an easy task. Yet, this assessment is important as it provides an evaluation of my strengths and limitations that would allow for the necessary reflections in making adjustments to my leadership styles (Myers, 2002). My background experience which includes twenty one years of working up from an audit clerk to the Head of Audit and Head of Credit had allowed me the privilege to manage the loan's department as well as the audit department of a foreign bank with international status. These vast management experiences from a banking environment have now Get more content on
  • 14. Organizational Change Essays Organizational change can be intimidating for business leaders. The internet hosts several sites for small consulting firms that specialize in helping corporate leaders initiative positive change in their organizational culture. One such firm, Change Management Solutions, Inc., (CMS) uses a fiveā€“step change model, which encompasses contemporary collective and collaborative theories and models of change and change leadership. The firm considers culture, organizational leadership, and change planning as essential tools to prevent "becoming one of the 75% of businesses who fail at change." (Puelo, n.d.) Similar to the design of the chapters in Hickman's book, the CMS website promotes "Effective (change) plans answer the critical who, more content... Change leadership, defined as, "the ability to energize groups who will be implements change projects that they may or may not fully embrace, or, the ability to understand the need for change and demonstrate a high tolerance for ambiguity and a positive attitude in the midst of change." (class lecture) CMS coaches leaders to use transformational change as well as transactional leadership to accomplish change. CMS starts sustainable change by using a fiveā€“step model similar to Schwartz or Koetter's models for change ((Hickman, 2010) The five steps of the CMS change model are planning, leading, evaluating, handling change resistance, and avoiding and overcoming burnout. CMS states, "Planning change that becomes a part of the corporate culture requires planning that considers the effects of the change to all levels of employees." (Puelo, n.d.) This is an example of empowerment and shared power concepts. Part of having shared power is creating a clear vision, developing others, and making empowerment systemic, all things CMS coaches their client organizations to embrace. (Hickman, 2010) Once change is planned, CMS implements a strategic change plan. This plan requires leaders, formal or informal, who will be trained and supported during change implementation. This type of leadership falls under the teleological theory of planned leadership with transformational leadership and collective/collaborative leadership styles where power is shared by multiple Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection Paper On Organizational Change Personal Growth Reflection As a student in the course EDDC: 618: Leading Organizational Change, I have learned a great deal of information moving forward in my career and life. I can remember first starting this course of study, and not knowing what to expect. As I continued my journal throughout this course I have learned that leading an organization is not just a job, but a skill that must be obtained. I have learned how to examine major school theories, translate knowledge into a personal synthesis, create an organization development plan, applied consistency of understanding of what is ethical, while learning leadership and management practices. As I examine the framework for diagnosing organizations and analyzing change strategies for implementation of and instructional change I found the case study of Robert F. Kennedy High School interesting. The makeā€“up of the organization was complex and challenging that needed to be carefully analyze to gain successful outcomes. The method of applying practical strategies, models and methods help me understand the concept of changes in Interpersonal group on an organizational level. EDDC: 618: Leading Organizational Change, gives students an understanding of the underlying issues many organizations are facing. Being in a leadership role is often tough, if a certain skill level is not mastered, however, this course has given me a glimpse of what I could have done better in previous situations. It is always difficult to Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Organizational Change Organizational Change Change can be a difficult transition however in the world of business whether it is planned or unplanned one can expect change to happen. The definition of change is, "the coordination of a structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve lastingchange within an organization". (BNET Business Dictionary) How the change is accepted and adapted to can be the difference of success or failure of an organization. There are different types of change and various reasons as to why change may occur. This paper will discuss the factors that drive organizational change through life experiences as well as factual information. Types of Organizational Change First order change more content... The transformation of each student from each level leads up to a licensed cosmetologist changing the individual that walked in the academy with little to no knowledge. Discontinuous change is the transformation of the core and a student beginning has changed their core of knowledge over the course of 1800 clock hours. The changes that occurred are not in the organization itself but in the individual students and the teaching staff that continually change from beginning to end. Change As with any unfamiliar situation there will be doubt and with change one can experience the same instinct of the unknown and unfamiliar. As humans we become accustomed to the status quo and why change it if it is not broken reasoning. When an organization makes changes it can be unsettling employees as the perceived conception is change is 'bad'. Change is not necessarily good or bad how change is accepted and adapted to can make it successful or a failure. Change Organizational change is a necessity without change an organization is left behind not being able to compete with the competition. There are many aspects to change such as planning, implementation, and managing each aspect is in and of itself an important step in change. Common reasons that an organization implements change can stem from downsizing, technological advances, mergers and or acquisitions. Downsizing organizations is seen as a second order change because it is a change that will affect the
  • 17. Get more content on
  • 18. Organizational Change My company needs serious organizational change in two areas. First is improving our vendor payment processes. We have been having problems getting the funds to our vendors on time and sometimes paid them the wrong amounts due to our current process. This problem must be fixed for the future of our relationships with our vendors, suppliers, and contractor agencies. We must establish achange that will help repair and build the relationships and ensure the we also receive our merchandise in a timely fashion. The other area that needs to be improved is our company culture by means of employee evaluation. Currently, our employee evaluations are based on a numerical scale, measuring performance in a 1 to 5 basis. This leaves almost no room for more content... Visions set forth the expected future of the company. In regards to a specific change, a vision will tell demonstrate what the expected result of this change is and essentially why anyone should care about this change. The initial creation of this vision could take several months to put together. This step involves laying out the goals that this change is trying to achieve. Our goals for changing the vendor payment process is to make it more effective. We want to ensure that our vendors are being paid on time and accurately. This in turn ensures that we receive out merchandise on time and that are contractors are paid correctly and on time. The longā€“term goal of this change is to maintain great relationships with our vendors. Our vision for changing the culture of the company by means of employee evaluation is to promote internal growth. We as a company pride ourselves on offering the tools to help our employees grow and develop within the company. The vision must also be communicated in a way that is convincing and motivating. We'll cover that a little more in the next Get more content on
  • 19. Organizational Change Essay PART ONE Understanding change Perspectives on change The ethics of organizational change Planned change and its critics Strategic change Building and developing competitive advantage 3 39 73 11 1 147 CHAPTER 1 Perspectives on change 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Perspectives on change 1.2.1 Modernity, progress, and change 1.2.2 Pathways to change 1.3 Structuralā€“functional change: changing structures and functions 1.3.1 An organization is a complex whole 1.3.2 Structural theory 1.4 Multiple constituencies: change by negotiation 1.4.1 Stakeholder interests 1.5 Organizational Development: the humanistic approach to change 1.5.1 Intervention strategies at the individual level 1.5.2 Intervention strategies at the group level more content... The multiple constituencies perspective refers to the way that complex organizations have to negotiate objectives with different groups of stakeholders who have overlapping and often conflicting needs. When we consider hospitals, health PERSPECTIVES ON CHANGE trusts, postal services, public bodies, local government, and transnational companies, then we come to recognize that the organization's needs are inextricably linked to various stakeholder groups. This affects how resources are managed and distributed, as well as how change might be facilitated to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. An investigation of how multiple constituencies bring their own interests and motivations into the organizational arena will help us to provide an informed approach to managing change by recognizing the various resource needs of different groups. We can recognize the advantage of this perspective in drawing attention to the various stakeholder needs but we can also recognize that it is limited to a partial analysis. It is less concerned with developing people. It also has a limited view of power. Consequently this reduces organizational change to consensual negotiation between pluralities of groups. Those academics and practitioners that adopt the Organizational Development perspective would share much with the two previous perspectives because it embraces both a systems approach and a focus on Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection On Organizational Change I first off would like to start by saying these past 8 weeks have been a great experience! I have been able to learn and gain new skills and tools that will not only help me in the rest of my schooling, but will be very beneficial when it comes to my career. I have really enjoyed getting to see all different experiences out there and a variety of perspectives on what one has done or not when in that situation. It certainly has opened my eyes up to the world and I feel I am more aware and ready for what might come my way now. Although after reading the "Let's Drive a Stake In the Heart of the Industrial Age!" you never really know what's going to happen next. I plan to use all the OB tools that I have been able to learn about in this term to assist the transformational process in organizational models. Using these tools will help this process go more smoothly and make it easier not only for the company but for the employees and customers. The transformational process in any company is hard and can be very challenging during a time like this. I believe that change is challenging just from my experiences and that it can take more time than one thinks or wants it to. I personally am not a fan of change, so when there is a change going on in my personal or professional life I hope it is quick and easy (which it is rarely ever). I have learned though change is good. As much as I may hate it, it is necessary and it cannot be avoided. I learned these past weeks and have seen examples where some individuals in a company will resist change, even leaders, and that is where I find the OB tools to help and make the change as easy as possible for everyone in the company. I know this is something I will do to assist the transformational process in organizational models in my future company. I will use the strategies we have learned in this course to help and be more effective. One concept in this course I have learned and it has stuck with me is focusing on employees. Without good relationships with employees and making sure they are happy and acknowledged the work within the company will not get done effectively and efficiently. As a manager, I will make sure that all employees are managed, able to express their Get more content on