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Importance of Organic Farming
The Importance of Organic Farming is as follows. So let us check it out some information on
importance of organic farming to know more about organic farming.
 The Main Aim or Organic farming it to produce food while balancing to conserve soil fertility.
 Organic Farming also prevents Pest Problems.
 We know that during regular farming, different types of Pesticides and Fertilizers are used which causes
ground water pollution. But in case of organic farming, the fertilizers used are organic.
 In this type of Organic Farming method, the soil structure and water infiltration rate are enhanced.
 The organic farming also helps to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy.
 Using organic farming the global warming and greenhouse effect are reduced.
1) Why the Price of Organic Products high compared to Inorganic Products?
 No Chemicals = More Labor
 Higher Cost of Fertilizer for Organic Crops
 Crop Rotation
 Post-Harvest handling cost
 Organic Certification
 Better Living conditions for Livestock
 Organic Food grows more slowly
2) How Organic Produce is grown?
- The term “Organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed.
- Organic crops must be grown without the use of Synthetic Pesticides, Bioengineered Genes
(GMOs), Petroleum-based Fertilizers, and Sewage Sludge-based fertilizers.
3) What foods should always be organic?
- One major dilemma we can all relate to is whether to buy organic or conventional, if and when
it matters. Mounting research suggests that organic farming may mean safer and more nutritious
produce, dairy and meat. But because organic typically costs more than conventional, not
everyone can afford to go organic all of the time.
4) What is Organic Farming?
- Organic Farming is a system, which avoids or largely excludes the use of Synthetic Inputs
(such as Fertilizers, Pesticides, Hormones, and Feed Additives etc.)
- The maximum extent feasible relies upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-
farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization
and plant protection.
5) Is there a need to practice the organic farming?
- With the increase in population our compulsion would be not only to stabilize agricultural
production but also to increase it further in sustainable manner.
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- Excessive use over years of agro-chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers may affect the soil
health and lead to declining of crop yields and quality of products.
- Hence, a natural balance needs to be maintained at all cost for existence of life and property in
farming systems
6) How do organic farmers fertilize crops and control pests, diseases, and weeds?
- Organic farmers build healthy soils by nourishing the living component of the soil, the
microbial inhabitants that release, transform, and transfer nutrients.
- Soil organic matter contributes to good soil structure and water-holding capacity.
-Organic farmers feed soil biota and build soil structure and water-holding capacity.
- Organic farmers build soil organic matter with cover crops, compost, and biologically based
soil amendments.
- These produce healthy plants that are better able to resist disease and insect predation.
- Organic farmer’s primary strategy in controlling pests and diseases is prevention through good
plant nutrition and management.
- Organic farmers use cover crops and sophisticated crop rotations to manage the field ecology,
effectively disrupting habitat for weeds, insects, and disease organisms.
- Weeds are controlled through crop rotation, mechanical tillage, and hand-weeding, through
cover crops, mulches, flame weeding, and other management methods.
- Organic farmers rely on a diverse population of soil organisms, beneficial insects, and birds to
keep pests in check.
- When pest populations get out of balance, growers implement a variety of strategies such as the
use of insect predators, mating disruption, traps and barriers.
- Under the National Organic Program Rule, growers are required to use sanitation and cultural
practices first before they can resort to applying a material to control a weed, pest or disease
- Use of these materials in organic production is regulated, strictly monitored, and documented.
As a last resort, certain botanical or other non-synthetic pesticides may be applied.
7) How are organic livestock and poultry raised?
- Organic Meat, Dairy Products, and Eggs are produced from animals that are fed Organic Feed
and allowed access to the outdoors.
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- They must be kept in living conditions that accommodate the natural behavior of the animals.
Ruminants must have access to pasture.
- Organic livestock and poultry may not be given antibiotics, hormones, or medications in the
absence of illness; however, they may be vaccinated against disease.
- Parasiticide use is strictly regulated. Livestock diseases and parasites are controlled primarily
through preventative measures such as rotational grazing, balanced diet, sanitary housing, and
stress reduction.
8) Is organic food safe?
- Yes, Organic food is as safe to consume as any other kind of food. Just as with any kind of
produce, consumers should wash before consuming to ensure maximum cleanliness.
- Organic produce contains significantly lower levels of pesticide residues than conventional
- It is a common misconception that organic food could be at greater risk of E.
coli contamination because of raw manures application although conventional farmers
commonly apply tons of raw manure as well with no regulation.
- Organic standards set strict guidelines on manure use in organic farming: either it must be first
composted, or it must be applied at least 90 days before harvest, which allows ample time for
microbial breakdown of pathogens.
9) Is Organic Food more Nutritious than Conventional Food?
- The definitive study has not been done, mainly because of the multitude of variables involved
in making a fair comparison between organically grown and conventionally grown food.
- These include crop variety, time after harvest, post-harvest handling, and even soil type and
climate, which can have significant effects on nutritional quality.
10) What are the benefits of Organic Farming?
1. It helps in maintaining environment health by reducing the level of pollution
2. It reduces human and animal health hazards by reducing the level of residues in the
3. It helps in keeping agricultural production at a higher level and makes it sustainable.
4. It reduces the cost of agricultural production and also improves the soil health
5. It ensures optimum utilization of natural resources for short-term benefit and helps in
conserving them for future generation.
6. It not only saves energy for both animal and machine, but also reduces risk of crop
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7. It improves the soil physical properties such as granulation, and good tilth, good aeration,
easy root penetration and improves water-holding capacity.
8. It improves the soil’s chemical properties such as supply and retention of soil nutrients,
and promotes favorable chemical reactions.
11) How are weeds managed on organic farms?
- Weed Management on organic farms consists of cultural and mechanical techniques such
as the rotation of crops that suppress weeds, mulching, tillage, cultivation, water
management, and manual weeding.
- Weeds often help to conserve soil, improve organic matter, and provide beneficial habitat
for natural enemies on organic farms.
- Plastic mulches are permitted provide they are removed at the end of the season.
- Insects and diseases can help to keep certain weed populations in check.
- There are a few natural substances that are also used to manage weeds, but the efficacy of
these substances is still subject to question.
13) What Do A1 and A2 Mean?
- Casein is the Largest Group of Proteins in Milk, making up about 80% of the Total protein
content. There are several types of casein in milk, and beta-casein is the second most common.
The two most common forms of beta-casein are:
 A1 beta-casein: Milk from breeds of cows that originated in northern Europe is generally high in
A1 beta-casein. A1 milk comes from breeds like the Holstein, Friesian, Ayrshire and British
 A2 beta-casein: Milk that is high in A2 beta-casein is mainly found in breeds that originated in
the Channel Islands and Southern France. This includes breeds like the Guernsey, Jersey,
Charolais and Limousin
14) What is beta casein protein?
- The remaining 15% is the milk sugar lactose, protein, fat, and minerals. The protein portion is
80% casein and 20% whey. Why does not coagulate or make a curd as the milk acidifies. Beta-
casein is 30% of the total protein content in milk, or about 30% of the total protein content in
cow's milk.
15) What is the use of casein?
- The major proteins in milk are casein and whey. These two milk proteins are both excellent
sources of all the essential amino acids, but they differ in one important aspect— it is a fast-
digesting protein and casein is a slow-digesting protein.
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16) How much protein can I take in a day?
- Whether you need to use more than a single scoop of whey or less will depend on how much
protein you need in a day.
- According to Rice University, an average, moderately active adult needs about 0.4 to 0.6 grams
of protein per pound of body weight, which equates to a range of 60 to 90 grams daily for a 150-
pound person.
17) What is the Health Benefits of A2 milk?
18) What are the Specific Requirements for being Certified Organic?
There are a number of strict requirements for being certified organic, but here are some of the
1. Absolutely no use of prohibited materials: Antibiotics, Growth Hormones, etc.
2. Your land must have been free of prohibited materials for at least 3 years.
3. The cows must have been managed organically for at least 1 year. This means 100%
organic feed, and no prohibited materials.
4. Cows have to be at pasture for a minimum of 120 days per year, and get at least 30% of
their DMI (Dry Matter Intake) from grass.
5. Cows must be given daily access to the outdoors during the non-grazing season.
6. This includes shade, shelter, fresh air, direct sunlight, and exercise areas.
7. Animals must have clean, dry bedding.
8. Manure must be managed properly and not contaminate soil or water.
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19) Is organic food "healthier" than conventional food?
- There has not been a comprehensive trial to compare organically grown versus conventionally
grown food.
- Primarily, If we were to interpret "healthier" in a broader fashion to include the environment,
animal welfare, rural economies, farm labor health then arguably organic food production
systems are "healthier" than conventional food production systems.
20) Is organic food less safe than conventional food?
- As Organic Food demands increase among consumers, there will be increased scrutiny by the
public and the media of its merits.
- Recent reports claiming that organic food is at a greater risk of E. coli contamination are false
and misleading. The claims are based on the common practice of using raw manures on food
- Yes, organic farmers are permitted to use manure on their farms, but under strict regulations.
- For example, all certifying bodies state that raw manure can only be used at least 90 days prior
to harvest. Conventional producers also capitalize on the benefits of manure, but have no such
regulations. Organic farmers usually compost their manure and the process has been shown to
greatly reduce pathogens.
21) Where can I buy certified organic food?
- Only a few years ago, Organic Food was found only at health food stores and farmers' markets.
- Increased consumer demand has placed organic foods onto the shelves of most grocery stores
and increasingly restaurants are seeking organic products for their foods.
- Many certified organic growers still rely on direct marketing whether it’s from the farm gate or
local farmers markets.
- Consumers should also be aware that there are many Community Supported Agriculture
(CSAs) organizations in which consumer buy annual shares into a farm and in return receive a
weekly supply of organic produce.
22) Does Organic Mean No Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmo)?
- The “Organic,” according to the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), is that animal products
sold or labeled as organically produced are not given any kind of antibiotics or growth hormones,
are only fed with organic feed and are not administered any type of medication aside from
vaccinations or to treat an illness.
- Fruits and Vegetables that are labeled and sold as organic are grown without using most
pesticides or fertilizers with synthetic ingredients; there is no irradiation treatment; seeds and
transplants are chemical-free; the fertilizer is natural.
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- Under organic regulations, food can be labeled as “100% organic,” “organic” (contains at least
95 percent organic ingredients) or “made with organic ingredients” (contains at least 70 percent
organic ingredients, but cannot have the USDA Organic seal on the package).
- The USDA Organic seal will not guarantee a product is free of no genetically modified
organisms—only products labeled 100% organic are guaranteed GMO-free.
23) Are Organic Fruits And Vegetables Healthier Than Conventional Produce?
- The science is mixed—and the debate continues. There is no sufficient evidence of a difference
in nutrient quality.
- Organic produce has 40% higher levels of some nutrients found that organically grown berries
and corn have 58% more polyphenols—antioxidants that help prevent cardiovascular disease.
- The 52% higher levels of vitamin C than those conventionally grown. Choosing organic
produce also lowers your exposure to pesticides.
24) Why Does Organic Produce Cost More Than Conventional Fruits And Vegetables?
- Organic produce tends to cost more than its conventional equivalent because organic farming is
more labor-intensive—due in part to fewer pesticides used—according to the Food.
- Agriculture Organization and USDA. Additionally, it’s expensive for farmers to maintain their
Organic status and organic producers tend to have smaller supplies because they don’t use
preservatives and so their products have a shorter shelf life.
25) Is It Safe To Buy Organic Produce From Other Countries?
- All Imported Organic produce has to meet the same federal standards as U.S.-Grown Organic
Produce. If you’re buying produce from a place where environmental regulations may not be
enforced, it’s a good choice to take the organic option.
26) Are the Seeds Organic or Do They Just Grow It Organically?
- According to the National Organic Program (NOP): “Preference will be given to the use of
organic seeds and other planting stock, but a farmer may use non-organic seeds and planting
stock under specified conditions.
-” Examples of “Specific Conditions” include an exception from the National Organic Standards
Board (NOSB) or if Certified Organic seed isn’t commercially available.
27) How Do You Properly Wash Organic Food to Remove Pesticides?
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), department of America recommends washing
organic produce with regular water, and drying it afterwards with a towel or a cloth to reduce
bacteria and toxic substances.
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- The FDA advises consumers to also wash food with tough skin, like cucumbers and avocados,
to ensure that bacteria won’t transfer to the food by knife.
- Scrubbing vegetables and fruits with a brush is also recommended.
- Even though there are available commercial produce washes, they haven’t been standardized
and their usefulness hasn’t been proven. Regular tap water cleans food just as well as the
commercial cleaning solutions.
28) Any, solution for the worms eating plant leaves?
- If number of infected plants is less, then these can be picked by hand and killed. Cover crop
with insect barriers. For preparation of decoctions, plant is taken and cut into small pieces
excluding roots.
- One kg of this is mixed with four liters’ of water and placed in a mud pot. This is boiled and
reduced to one litre. On cooling, 500 ml of this extract is mixed with 100 ml of soap solution and
9.4 liters’ of water and sprayed on the top. Garlic, Chilly, Ginger extract Paste of 18 g of garlic, 9
g of green chili and 9 g of ginger is made. All the three pastes are dissolved in 1 litre of water.
This mixture is stirred well and filtered before spraying. 500 ml of this extract is made with 100
ml of soap solution and 9.4 liters of water and sprayed on the top. Spray the foliage of plants
with Neem Oil.
29) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic farming?
Advantages of Organic Farming:
 Organic farming method uses the natural environment to enhance the productivity of
 Organic farming uses carbon based fertilizers and biological pest control and do not use
synthetic fertilizers.
 Crop diversity can be seen in organic farming. In conventional farming mass production
of one crop in one location is focused while in organic farming it is possible to grow
multiple crops in the same place.
 Organic farming uses method like green manure and composting which replaces nutrients
taken from the soil from the previous crops, organic farming relies on natural breakdown
of organic matter and hence allows the production of nutrients in the soil.
 It improves soil fertility and feeds nutrients to the soil to feed the plant. Organic farming
is one of the effective methods for soil management.
 Organic farming uses various mechanical and physical techniques such as Tillage,
Mowing and Cutting, Flame weeding and Thermal Weeding, and Mulching to manage
 Organic Farming also controls other organisms with the help of methods such as
biological pest control and Integrated Pest Management.
 Organic agriculture improves the health of people, soil and ecosystem.
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 Organic agriculture reduces the use of non-renewable energy sources by using organic
fertilizers and reducing the consumption of agrochemicals.
 Organic farming also helps to control greenhouse effect.
 Organic stops global warming and climate change and keeps environment clean.
 Using fertilizers and pesticides groundwater is polluted, but organic farming replaces it
with organic fertilizers hence it helps to prevents water pollution.
 By using organic farming ecological services such as Soil forming and conditioning,
waste recycling, nutrient cycling, Stabilization of soil, carbon sequestration, predation,
pollination and habitats are improved.
 Organic foods are rich in nutritional value.
 Organic foods are free from harmful Fertilizers, Herbicides and Pesticides.
 Organic farming improves the taste and quality of Food and Organic Agriculture are
Climate and Ecologically Friendly
Disadvantages of Organic Farming:
 More time and hard work is required to grow crops organically.
 Not all people are aware of the benefits of organic farming.
 The productivity of food produced in organic farm is lower compared to conventional
 Skilled person is required to grow crops by organic method.
 Other alternative methods of agriculture apart from organic farming includes: Intensive
Farming, Extensive Farming, Permaculture, stock-free agriculture, sustainable
agriculture, urban agriculture, Intensive animal farming, Intensive Crop Farming,
Agricultural Engineering, Mechanized Agriculture, Free range, Farm, Animal husbandry,
Ecology, Agronomy, Agroforestry, Agro ecology, Agribusiness and Agricultural science
which are used for Agriculture.
30) What are the differences between Organic and Inorganic Products or Farming?
Organic vs. Non-Organic
Organic produce: Conventionally-grown produce:
Grown with natural fertilizers (manure,
Grown with synthetic or chemical fertilizers.
Weeds are controlled naturally (crop rotation,
hand weeding, mulching, and tilling).
Weeds are controlled with chemical herbicides.
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Organic vs. Non-Organic
Pests are controlled using natural methods
(birds, insects, traps) and naturally-derived
Pests are controlled with synthetic pesticides
Organic meat, dairy, eggs: Conventionally-raised meat, dairy, eggs
Livestock are given all organic, hormone- and
GMO-free feed.
Livestock are given growth hormones for faster
growth, as well as non-organic, GMO feed.
Disease is prevented with natural methods such
as clean housing, rotational grazing, and
healthy diet.
Antibiotics and medications are used to prevent
livestock disease.
Livestock must have access to the outdoors. Livestock may or may not have access to the
31) What are the Environmental Benefits of Organic Farming?
 Organic farming maintains the quality of the soil.
 Organic farming fosters biodiversity.
 Organic farming reduces pollution from nitrogen run-off.
 Organic farming avoids the heavy pesticide and herbicide use typical of conventional
 Organic farming uses less energy for a given yield than conventional farming.
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 Organic farming stores more carbon in the soil, thus off-setting carbon dioxide emissions.

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Organic farmng q&a

  • 1. Page 1 of 11 Importance of Organic Farming The Importance of Organic Farming is as follows. So let us check it out some information on importance of organic farming to know more about organic farming.  The Main Aim or Organic farming it to produce food while balancing to conserve soil fertility.  Organic Farming also prevents Pest Problems.  We know that during regular farming, different types of Pesticides and Fertilizers are used which causes ground water pollution. But in case of organic farming, the fertilizers used are organic.  In this type of Organic Farming method, the soil structure and water infiltration rate are enhanced.  The organic farming also helps to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy.  Using organic farming the global warming and greenhouse effect are reduced. 1) Why the Price of Organic Products high compared to Inorganic Products?  No Chemicals = More Labor  Higher Cost of Fertilizer for Organic Crops  Crop Rotation  Post-Harvest handling cost  Organic Certification  Better Living conditions for Livestock  Organic Food grows more slowly 2) How Organic Produce is grown? - The term “Organic” refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. - Organic crops must be grown without the use of Synthetic Pesticides, Bioengineered Genes (GMOs), Petroleum-based Fertilizers, and Sewage Sludge-based fertilizers. 3) What foods should always be organic? - One major dilemma we can all relate to is whether to buy organic or conventional, if and when it matters. Mounting research suggests that organic farming may mean safer and more nutritious produce, dairy and meat. But because organic typically costs more than conventional, not everyone can afford to go organic all of the time. 4) What is Organic Farming? - Organic Farming is a system, which avoids or largely excludes the use of Synthetic Inputs (such as Fertilizers, Pesticides, Hormones, and Feed Additives etc.) - The maximum extent feasible relies upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off- farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection. 5) Is there a need to practice the organic farming? - With the increase in population our compulsion would be not only to stabilize agricultural production but also to increase it further in sustainable manner.
  • 2. Page 2 of 11 - Excessive use over years of agro-chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers may affect the soil health and lead to declining of crop yields and quality of products. - Hence, a natural balance needs to be maintained at all cost for existence of life and property in farming systems 6) How do organic farmers fertilize crops and control pests, diseases, and weeds? - Organic farmers build healthy soils by nourishing the living component of the soil, the microbial inhabitants that release, transform, and transfer nutrients. - Soil organic matter contributes to good soil structure and water-holding capacity. -Organic farmers feed soil biota and build soil structure and water-holding capacity. - Organic farmers build soil organic matter with cover crops, compost, and biologically based soil amendments. - These produce healthy plants that are better able to resist disease and insect predation. - Organic farmer’s primary strategy in controlling pests and diseases is prevention through good plant nutrition and management. - Organic farmers use cover crops and sophisticated crop rotations to manage the field ecology, effectively disrupting habitat for weeds, insects, and disease organisms. - Weeds are controlled through crop rotation, mechanical tillage, and hand-weeding, through cover crops, mulches, flame weeding, and other management methods. - Organic farmers rely on a diverse population of soil organisms, beneficial insects, and birds to keep pests in check. - When pest populations get out of balance, growers implement a variety of strategies such as the use of insect predators, mating disruption, traps and barriers. - Under the National Organic Program Rule, growers are required to use sanitation and cultural practices first before they can resort to applying a material to control a weed, pest or disease problem. - Use of these materials in organic production is regulated, strictly monitored, and documented. As a last resort, certain botanical or other non-synthetic pesticides may be applied. 7) How are organic livestock and poultry raised? - Organic Meat, Dairy Products, and Eggs are produced from animals that are fed Organic Feed and allowed access to the outdoors.
  • 3. Page 3 of 11 - They must be kept in living conditions that accommodate the natural behavior of the animals. Ruminants must have access to pasture. - Organic livestock and poultry may not be given antibiotics, hormones, or medications in the absence of illness; however, they may be vaccinated against disease. - Parasiticide use is strictly regulated. Livestock diseases and parasites are controlled primarily through preventative measures such as rotational grazing, balanced diet, sanitary housing, and stress reduction. 8) Is organic food safe? - Yes, Organic food is as safe to consume as any other kind of food. Just as with any kind of produce, consumers should wash before consuming to ensure maximum cleanliness. - Organic produce contains significantly lower levels of pesticide residues than conventional produce. - It is a common misconception that organic food could be at greater risk of E. coli contamination because of raw manures application although conventional farmers commonly apply tons of raw manure as well with no regulation. - Organic standards set strict guidelines on manure use in organic farming: either it must be first composted, or it must be applied at least 90 days before harvest, which allows ample time for microbial breakdown of pathogens. 9) Is Organic Food more Nutritious than Conventional Food? - The definitive study has not been done, mainly because of the multitude of variables involved in making a fair comparison between organically grown and conventionally grown food. - These include crop variety, time after harvest, post-harvest handling, and even soil type and climate, which can have significant effects on nutritional quality. 10) What are the benefits of Organic Farming? 1. It helps in maintaining environment health by reducing the level of pollution 2. It reduces human and animal health hazards by reducing the level of residues in the product. 3. It helps in keeping agricultural production at a higher level and makes it sustainable. 4. It reduces the cost of agricultural production and also improves the soil health 5. It ensures optimum utilization of natural resources for short-term benefit and helps in conserving them for future generation. 6. It not only saves energy for both animal and machine, but also reduces risk of crop failure.
  • 4. Page 4 of 11 7. It improves the soil physical properties such as granulation, and good tilth, good aeration, easy root penetration and improves water-holding capacity. 8. It improves the soil’s chemical properties such as supply and retention of soil nutrients, and promotes favorable chemical reactions. 11) How are weeds managed on organic farms? - Weed Management on organic farms consists of cultural and mechanical techniques such as the rotation of crops that suppress weeds, mulching, tillage, cultivation, water management, and manual weeding. - Weeds often help to conserve soil, improve organic matter, and provide beneficial habitat for natural enemies on organic farms. - Plastic mulches are permitted provide they are removed at the end of the season. - Insects and diseases can help to keep certain weed populations in check. - There are a few natural substances that are also used to manage weeds, but the efficacy of these substances is still subject to question. 13) What Do A1 and A2 Mean? - Casein is the Largest Group of Proteins in Milk, making up about 80% of the Total protein content. There are several types of casein in milk, and beta-casein is the second most common. The two most common forms of beta-casein are:  A1 beta-casein: Milk from breeds of cows that originated in northern Europe is generally high in A1 beta-casein. A1 milk comes from breeds like the Holstein, Friesian, Ayrshire and British Shorthorn.  A2 beta-casein: Milk that is high in A2 beta-casein is mainly found in breeds that originated in the Channel Islands and Southern France. This includes breeds like the Guernsey, Jersey, Charolais and Limousin 14) What is beta casein protein? - The remaining 15% is the milk sugar lactose, protein, fat, and minerals. The protein portion is 80% casein and 20% whey. Why does not coagulate or make a curd as the milk acidifies. Beta- casein is 30% of the total protein content in milk, or about 30% of the total protein content in cow's milk. 15) What is the use of casein? - The major proteins in milk are casein and whey. These two milk proteins are both excellent sources of all the essential amino acids, but they differ in one important aspect— it is a fast- digesting protein and casein is a slow-digesting protein.
  • 5. Page 5 of 11 16) How much protein can I take in a day? - Whether you need to use more than a single scoop of whey or less will depend on how much protein you need in a day. - According to Rice University, an average, moderately active adult needs about 0.4 to 0.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight, which equates to a range of 60 to 90 grams daily for a 150- pound person. 17) What is the Health Benefits of A2 milk? 18) What are the Specific Requirements for being Certified Organic? There are a number of strict requirements for being certified organic, but here are some of the following: 1. Absolutely no use of prohibited materials: Antibiotics, Growth Hormones, etc. 2. Your land must have been free of prohibited materials for at least 3 years. 3. The cows must have been managed organically for at least 1 year. This means 100% organic feed, and no prohibited materials. 4. Cows have to be at pasture for a minimum of 120 days per year, and get at least 30% of their DMI (Dry Matter Intake) from grass. 5. Cows must be given daily access to the outdoors during the non-grazing season. 6. This includes shade, shelter, fresh air, direct sunlight, and exercise areas. 7. Animals must have clean, dry bedding. 8. Manure must be managed properly and not contaminate soil or water.
  • 6. Page 6 of 11 19) Is organic food "healthier" than conventional food? - There has not been a comprehensive trial to compare organically grown versus conventionally grown food. - Primarily, If we were to interpret "healthier" in a broader fashion to include the environment, animal welfare, rural economies, farm labor health then arguably organic food production systems are "healthier" than conventional food production systems. 20) Is organic food less safe than conventional food? - As Organic Food demands increase among consumers, there will be increased scrutiny by the public and the media of its merits. - Recent reports claiming that organic food is at a greater risk of E. coli contamination are false and misleading. The claims are based on the common practice of using raw manures on food crops. - Yes, organic farmers are permitted to use manure on their farms, but under strict regulations. - For example, all certifying bodies state that raw manure can only be used at least 90 days prior to harvest. Conventional producers also capitalize on the benefits of manure, but have no such regulations. Organic farmers usually compost their manure and the process has been shown to greatly reduce pathogens. 21) Where can I buy certified organic food? - Only a few years ago, Organic Food was found only at health food stores and farmers' markets. - Increased consumer demand has placed organic foods onto the shelves of most grocery stores and increasingly restaurants are seeking organic products for their foods. - Many certified organic growers still rely on direct marketing whether it’s from the farm gate or local farmers markets. - Consumers should also be aware that there are many Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs) organizations in which consumer buy annual shares into a farm and in return receive a weekly supply of organic produce. 22) Does Organic Mean No Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmo)? - The “Organic,” according to the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), is that animal products sold or labeled as organically produced are not given any kind of antibiotics or growth hormones, are only fed with organic feed and are not administered any type of medication aside from vaccinations or to treat an illness. - Fruits and Vegetables that are labeled and sold as organic are grown without using most pesticides or fertilizers with synthetic ingredients; there is no irradiation treatment; seeds and transplants are chemical-free; the fertilizer is natural.
  • 7. Page 7 of 11 - Under organic regulations, food can be labeled as “100% organic,” “organic” (contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients) or “made with organic ingredients” (contains at least 70 percent organic ingredients, but cannot have the USDA Organic seal on the package). - The USDA Organic seal will not guarantee a product is free of no genetically modified organisms—only products labeled 100% organic are guaranteed GMO-free. 23) Are Organic Fruits And Vegetables Healthier Than Conventional Produce? - The science is mixed—and the debate continues. There is no sufficient evidence of a difference in nutrient quality. - Organic produce has 40% higher levels of some nutrients found that organically grown berries and corn have 58% more polyphenols—antioxidants that help prevent cardiovascular disease. - The 52% higher levels of vitamin C than those conventionally grown. Choosing organic produce also lowers your exposure to pesticides. 24) Why Does Organic Produce Cost More Than Conventional Fruits And Vegetables? - Organic produce tends to cost more than its conventional equivalent because organic farming is more labor-intensive—due in part to fewer pesticides used—according to the Food. - Agriculture Organization and USDA. Additionally, it’s expensive for farmers to maintain their Organic status and organic producers tend to have smaller supplies because they don’t use preservatives and so their products have a shorter shelf life. 25) Is It Safe To Buy Organic Produce From Other Countries? - All Imported Organic produce has to meet the same federal standards as U.S.-Grown Organic Produce. If you’re buying produce from a place where environmental regulations may not be enforced, it’s a good choice to take the organic option. 26) Are the Seeds Organic or Do They Just Grow It Organically? - According to the National Organic Program (NOP): “Preference will be given to the use of organic seeds and other planting stock, but a farmer may use non-organic seeds and planting stock under specified conditions. -” Examples of “Specific Conditions” include an exception from the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) or if Certified Organic seed isn’t commercially available. 27) How Do You Properly Wash Organic Food to Remove Pesticides? - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), department of America recommends washing organic produce with regular water, and drying it afterwards with a towel or a cloth to reduce bacteria and toxic substances.
  • 8. Page 8 of 11 - The FDA advises consumers to also wash food with tough skin, like cucumbers and avocados, to ensure that bacteria won’t transfer to the food by knife. - Scrubbing vegetables and fruits with a brush is also recommended. - Even though there are available commercial produce washes, they haven’t been standardized and their usefulness hasn’t been proven. Regular tap water cleans food just as well as the commercial cleaning solutions. 28) Any, solution for the worms eating plant leaves? - If number of infected plants is less, then these can be picked by hand and killed. Cover crop with insect barriers. For preparation of decoctions, plant is taken and cut into small pieces excluding roots. - One kg of this is mixed with four liters’ of water and placed in a mud pot. This is boiled and reduced to one litre. On cooling, 500 ml of this extract is mixed with 100 ml of soap solution and 9.4 liters’ of water and sprayed on the top. Garlic, Chilly, Ginger extract Paste of 18 g of garlic, 9 g of green chili and 9 g of ginger is made. All the three pastes are dissolved in 1 litre of water. This mixture is stirred well and filtered before spraying. 500 ml of this extract is made with 100 ml of soap solution and 9.4 liters of water and sprayed on the top. Spray the foliage of plants with Neem Oil. 29) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic farming? Advantages of Organic Farming:  Organic farming method uses the natural environment to enhance the productivity of agriculture.  Organic farming uses carbon based fertilizers and biological pest control and do not use synthetic fertilizers.  Crop diversity can be seen in organic farming. In conventional farming mass production of one crop in one location is focused while in organic farming it is possible to grow multiple crops in the same place.  Organic farming uses method like green manure and composting which replaces nutrients taken from the soil from the previous crops, organic farming relies on natural breakdown of organic matter and hence allows the production of nutrients in the soil.  It improves soil fertility and feeds nutrients to the soil to feed the plant. Organic farming is one of the effective methods for soil management.  Organic farming uses various mechanical and physical techniques such as Tillage, Mowing and Cutting, Flame weeding and Thermal Weeding, and Mulching to manage weeds.  Organic Farming also controls other organisms with the help of methods such as biological pest control and Integrated Pest Management.  Organic agriculture improves the health of people, soil and ecosystem.
  • 9. Page 9 of 11  Organic agriculture reduces the use of non-renewable energy sources by using organic fertilizers and reducing the consumption of agrochemicals.  Organic farming also helps to control greenhouse effect.  Organic stops global warming and climate change and keeps environment clean.  Using fertilizers and pesticides groundwater is polluted, but organic farming replaces it with organic fertilizers hence it helps to prevents water pollution.  By using organic farming ecological services such as Soil forming and conditioning, waste recycling, nutrient cycling, Stabilization of soil, carbon sequestration, predation, pollination and habitats are improved.  Organic foods are rich in nutritional value.  Organic foods are free from harmful Fertilizers, Herbicides and Pesticides.  Organic farming improves the taste and quality of Food and Organic Agriculture are Climate and Ecologically Friendly Disadvantages of Organic Farming:  More time and hard work is required to grow crops organically.  Not all people are aware of the benefits of organic farming.  The productivity of food produced in organic farm is lower compared to conventional methods.  Skilled person is required to grow crops by organic method.  Other alternative methods of agriculture apart from organic farming includes: Intensive Farming, Extensive Farming, Permaculture, stock-free agriculture, sustainable agriculture, urban agriculture, Intensive animal farming, Intensive Crop Farming, Agricultural Engineering, Mechanized Agriculture, Free range, Farm, Animal husbandry, Ecology, Agronomy, Agroforestry, Agro ecology, Agribusiness and Agricultural science which are used for Agriculture. 30) What are the differences between Organic and Inorganic Products or Farming? Organic vs. Non-Organic Organic produce: Conventionally-grown produce: Grown with natural fertilizers (manure, compost). Grown with synthetic or chemical fertilizers. Weeds are controlled naturally (crop rotation, hand weeding, mulching, and tilling). Weeds are controlled with chemical herbicides.
  • 10. Page 10 of 11 Organic vs. Non-Organic Pests are controlled using natural methods (birds, insects, traps) and naturally-derived pesticides. Pests are controlled with synthetic pesticides Organic meat, dairy, eggs: Conventionally-raised meat, dairy, eggs Livestock are given all organic, hormone- and GMO-free feed. Livestock are given growth hormones for faster growth, as well as non-organic, GMO feed. Disease is prevented with natural methods such as clean housing, rotational grazing, and healthy diet. Antibiotics and medications are used to prevent livestock disease. Livestock must have access to the outdoors. Livestock may or may not have access to the outdoors. 31) What are the Environmental Benefits of Organic Farming?  Organic farming maintains the quality of the soil.  Organic farming fosters biodiversity.  Organic farming reduces pollution from nitrogen run-off.  Organic farming avoids the heavy pesticide and herbicide use typical of conventional farming.  Organic farming uses less energy for a given yield than conventional farming.
  • 11. Page 11 of 11  Organic farming stores more carbon in the soil, thus off-setting carbon dioxide emissions.