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Strategy & Innovation Solutions: !
Create Your Own Success Story!
At Omelet, we believe that all business challenges are best served by solutions !
derived from solid strategy. We dig deep to understand a business challenge !
whether it be an idea, brand, artist, video game, movie or product and work !
collaboratively to create the best solution to solve that problem. !


Omelet and its team are experienced in helping both large and start-up !
companies define clear market positioning, forward thinking strategic vision, !
and creative execution of that vision using both traditional and new media solutions. !
Our goal is to create or enhance existing: ideas, products, services, brands and !
customer experiences. The end result? Superior service offerings, greater visibility !
and a clear vision for a business or product.
Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture,
Although The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was rapidly expanding, the brand still
found itself as somewhat of a stranger to consumers, in comparison to the
Goliath of the coffee world--Starbucks. Not surprisingly, most people
preferred to buy from the brand leader unless they found a genuinely good
alternative; however, most consumers outside of the Los Angeles area
didn’t seem to know what made CBTL different. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
needed Omelet’s help in articulating what the brand stood for, and
generating awareness for this emotional message among a Starbuckssaturated public. !

Brand Positioning,
Messaging Framework, Strategic
Platform, Creative Brief
Development, Target Profile, Work


What We Did:!
We started thinking of how we could increase CBTL brand loyalty and
convince people to drive or walk out of their way for a cup of coffee or tea.
We wanted to define the “CBTL difference” and we achieved this by
embracing a more genuine approach that we termed: hand - crafted
goodness. The result was heightened awareness and a consistency for
what CBTL embraces as a company and what consumers embrace as a
brand. !

*additional work examples are available upon request
Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture ,
Strategic Platform, Brand
Despite the rise in popularity of craft and specialty
import beers in the United States, Paulaner, one of
the oldest, largest and most revered German brewers
in Munich had yet to achieve relevance among
American consumers since it was first imported nearly
25 years ago. Paulaner needed a new strategic
platform informing the brand’s look, tone and feel to
establish an emotional connection among consumers
making decisions in an already fragmented beer
category. !

Positioning, Messaging
Framework, Target Profile, Creative
Brief Development, Work


What We Did:!
Through a brand DNA and consumer DNA cross
reference, we developed a unique brand positioning
establishing Paulaner Hefe-Weizen as the authentic
German wheat beer for relishing in life’s moments.
We not only leveraged Paulaner’s rich history and
aspect of time already inherent in the brand, but also
created an emotional connection with time-starved
Americans that we termed ‘Moment Relishers’ who
were seeking taste complexities to optimize their
limited free time away from work and responsibilities.

*additional work examples are available upon request
Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture ,
Outfest is the leading showcase for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and
queer film, and at 26 years old, is also responsible for the oldest and largest
continuous film festival in Los Angeles. Despite the enormous popularity of the
yearly film festival, the Outfest brand, which is also comprised of five other
business initiatives, was beginning to become overshadowed by the event. As a
result, the last few years had seen the Outfest Corporation losing its brand
identity and failing to achieve consistent brand messaging both internally and
externally. As a nonprofit organization dependent on donations and membership
fees, Outfest turned to Omelet to help them achieve a new relevance among
their diverse audiences, while simultaneously regain the value of their brand.!

Brand Identity, Brand Promise,
Brand Essence, Brand

Messaging Framework,

Strategic Platform, Naming,


What We Did:!
In understanding the value of the Outfest brand, which as a master brand would
guide the Film Festival, the Legacy Project and four other sub-brands, we
needed to agree on who Outfest was, what Outfest stood for, and what it meant
to its customers, stake-holders and Outfest itself. With these insightful results
obtained from extensive research and interviews, we created a strategic brand
key messaging framework comprised of clear benefit messaging as well as a
messaging architecture to inform all aspects of the Outfest Corporation. The
messaging framework served as brand filter to ensure all Outfest stake-holders
(from board members to sponsors to subscribers/members) spoke with one voice
and that all Outfest communications flowed from the same focused core, helping
to eliminate the perception that Outfest was solely a film festival.

*additional work examples are available upon request
Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture ,

As an 85-year-old brand focused on innovation and technology, Easton
found itself losing relevance in a world increasingly dominated by !
powerful and aspirational lifestyle brands such as Nike, Under Armour
and Reebok. With the decline of participation across popular American
sports and the increase of popular sports brands marketing aspiration
over action, we saw an opportunity to leverage Easton’s incredible history
dedicated to action and improving performance through innovation to
redefine the brand and achieve a new relevance among those involved in
sport. !

Strategic Platform, Brand

Positioning, Messaging
Framework, Target Profile, Creative
Brief Development, Work


Every big hit begins with a great bat.



massive hitting area
max energy transfer
ultimate vibration reduction


What We Did: !
Under “Bring It,” the larger idea of Easton inciting action in sport, we !
created a new strategic positioning filter that influenced all aspects of
Easton’s creative and business decisions allowing the brand to move
forward in a differentiated direction. Our idea breathed new life into
Easton, spawning communications that made people think differently
about a brand they thought they knew. !



Easton_Launch_Baseball_the_Magazine.indd 1



3/6/08 6:46:57 PM

built to win.

*additional work examples are available upon request
Brand Architecture

Budweiser was no longer the “King of Beers” in Orange County and sales had
been declining 5% a year. While Budweiser still remained the second most
popular beer in Orange County, the brand had moved away from its masculine
roots and had become more associated with being a beer for an older blue
collared crowd. We were approached by Straub Distributors to create a new
positioning for the brand in Orange County that would attract new loyalists to the
brand while strengthening the relationship with its core drinkers. !


What We Did:!
From our brandumentary and additional research, we gleamed the strategic
insight that men were grasping for alternative ways to express their manhood
and once again were becoming attracted to hard work, perseverance and
chivalry as masculine ideals. This strategic thought led us to define the
Budweiser brand position as-- Genuine is Refreshing. Using the Budweiser
brand to represent a world of genuine individuals around which men could build
a sense of identity and solidity-- a bond based on shared appreciation for their
place in the world. Building upon this positioning we were able to create a
communication plan to revive the brand for the next six months and in doing so,
create an outlet that helped resolve social anxieties by revealing the
ridiculousness of the mechanical state of today’s men.

Brand Architecture, Market
Positioning, Brandumentary, Creative Brief

Strategic Platform, Brand

Positioning, Communication Plan, Target Profile

Target Profile:!
The Budweiser drinker is someone that is confident,
but not cocky. Someone that is true to themselves
and doesn’t waver between personalities or
appearances based on the social situation. They
don’t worry about the petty day-to-day issues and
believe they can be successful without lowering their
standards for 15 minutes of fame. They reject the
“stardom temptations” and revel in the absurdity of
those who are willing to lower their standards for
short-lived success. They still believe in hard work,
perseverance, honesty and chivalry as masculine
ideals and their foundation for manhood lays in the
loyalty they share with friends who support their
crazy ideas. The Budweiser man’s ultimate center of
gravity flows from a tightly knit group of people
where they can find camaraderie in making fun of
things absurd and embrace being genuine.

*additional work examples are available upon request
Market Positioning

With a company vision of delivering “the best story-driven games in the world,”
Bioware is renowned for its extensive portfolio of successful role-playing
games. Extending its reach beyond the traditional genre, Bioware was in the
process of developing Revolver--a new video game that defied traditional genre
lines, blending action, emergent and RPG elements. Bioware sought our
strategic consultation in creating a strategic marketing direction that would
influence the development and the features of the new game that is set to
break the mold for the company when it launches in 2009.!

Market Positioning, Strategic
Marketing Document, Competitive
Analysis, Cultural Landscape, Opportunity
Mapping, Strategic Platform, Brand



What We Did:!
We developed a 25-page brand bible that outlined the game’s developmental
DNA, including: the backstory to Revolver with story style elements and story
feature goals; the current market opportunity complete with thorough category,
competitive and consumer analyses as well as differentiated brand positioning.
We used our psychographic target findings as insights to support the
development of the game, rather than the traditional manner of allowing a predetermined genre to dictate the game’s features. In the end, our
comprehensive blueprint for Revolver not only helped provide internal focus for
the Bioware team, but also served as a selling tool for approaching potential

*additional work examples are available upon request
Market Positioning

Genius Products, a leading independent home-entertainment distribution
company, was planning to venture out into new territory with the launch of
their first franchise video game, SCRATCH. As the first Hip Hop music /
rhythm game to bring improvisational DJing to the masses, SCRATCH
gives players the power to control the music they create, rather than follow
a predetermined set of songs or simulate the playing of a specific track. !


Market Positioning, Strategic
Marketing Plan, Brand Positioning, Competitive
Analysis, Cultural

Landscape, Target Profile, Opportunity

Strategic Platform, Brand Essence, Brand

Promise, Messaging Framework, Marketing


Seeking to differentiate SCRATCH in a marketplace already muddied with
music / rhythm games, Genius engaged Omelet to build SCRATCH’s
positioning and create a comprehensive marketing plan that would outline
all marketing strategies and tactics in order to create the necessary impact
for launch. !


What We Did:!
We delivered a 70-page marketing plan that clearly articulated the brand
strategy, including the core positioning and messaging framework that
would be used to communicate the game to consumers and third parties. In
addition, the marketing plan detailed all competitive products within the
marketplace and, with the support of behavioral and attitudinal consumer
data, provided a review of the cultural landscape impacting the target
audience. Our consumer lifestyle research also led us to fully
contexualized target profiles which we used to derive the messaging
architecture presented in the plan. And lastly, we created a marketing
roadmap outlining all of SCRATCH’s marketing activities and corresponding
media integrations in order to guide the marketing team and coordinate their
efforts for the game’s launch. !

*additional work examples are available upon request
Market Positioning

Market Positioning,
Vivendi Games was releasing two new titles: ‘Crash of the Titans’ for the
Crash Bandicoot franchise and ‘The Legend of Spyro, the Eternal Night’ for
the Spyro franchise. They wanted to create and develop a global
communication platform for both franchises to reach and reconnect with the
Tween audience in order to sustain top-of-mind awareness for the titles
leading up to each game launch and over the next several years. !

Communications Plan, Franchise
Roadmap, Cultural Landscape, Target
Profile, Creative Brief Development,
Social Network, Work, Results


What We Did:!
In order to understand the consumer mindset, we created a cultural landscape
that took a deep dive into the live of today’s Tween. Our findings were
pervaded by a constant desire for connection that manifested itself in fun,
interactive and evolving online communities. We discovered that if executed
correctly, the reach, frequency and long-term audience engagement of an
online community could evoke a greater brand response than that of many
other forms of media. We then created detailed franchise roadmaps which we
later developed into online integrated marketing communications plans,
allowing Crash and Spyro to seamlessly integrate into the lives of Tweens.

Results for Crash Village:!
• Current Population: 328K!
• Accounts / day: 3K+
We were successful in sustaining top-of-mind awareness
for the title leading up to the game launch and in the years
(currently) following the launch. Were were able to
revitalize Crash Bandicoot and reclaim his position among
the hard to reach tween audience as an iconic figure in the
video game world.



*additional work examples are available upon request
Market Positioning

Positioning, Cultural
In 2008, the Academy Awards Oscar night telecast reached a new all-time low for
viewership, with only 32 million viewers tuning in. The devastating writers’ strike had
occurred and much of the shows previous prestige and momentum was potentially lost.
Despite the challenges, the bar was set high for 2009 81st annual show. The challenge
came head on at Omelet to reengage viewers in the Academy Awards telecast by creating a
brand campaign that built anticipation and generated excitement among younger viewers
while strengthening the relationship with its core viewers.

Landscape, Target Profile, Creative
Brief Development, Strategic
Platform, Work, Results

What We Did!
We created a call-to-action and tune-in campaign aimed
at engaging viewers in becoming enraptured in the film
world and becoming a part of what we called, “The
Biggest Movie Event of the Year.” Our campaign
centered on movie genre specific executions that were
designed to speak to a more diverse and influential
audience ranging from everyday movie lovers to diehard
film fanatics. The completely integrated campaign
employed multiple mediums, including an experiential
website, original online content, print, broadcast (TV,
cinema, viral video) and out-of-home (OOH) --- each
designed to engage and excite viewers leading up to the
live broadcast event. !
As a result, the more engaging experiential campaign
succeeded at driving tune-in to the telecast. The
television audience for the 81st Academy Awards was
up 13 percent from last year’s record-low. Janet Weiss,
the Academy’s Director of Marketing called the
campaign “a very strategic approach that was both fresh
and exciting but remained true to our brand.”
“[The campaign had] a very strategic approach that was both fresh and exciting but remained
true to our brand.”!
--Janet Weiss, The Academy Awards Director of Marketing



*additional work examples are available upon request
Market Positioning

Microsoft was launching Zumobi, a new mobile browser that revolutionizes
the way people access, retrieve and share Web-based content on their
mobile phones. In preparation, Microsoft approached Omelet to establish
Zumobi as the brand that will usher consumers into the new era of mobility-a
highly individualized mobility experience as an extension of consumers’ lives. !


Market Positioning,
Cultural Landscape, Target Profile,
Creative Brief Development, Strategic

What We Did:!
To ensure that Zumobi would be positioned for a successful launch, we
worked to clarify the strategy by understanding the evolving world of mobility
and the perspectives and needs of the people who live in that world. Through
this process we were able to strengthen the brand identity and tap into the
consumer mindset to establish messaging that helped to build synergy
around the new brand.



*additional work examples are available upon request

Beyond basic game play, the gaming lifestyle is a relatively unknown world.
We have all wondered what the life of a gamer is really like - what their
gaming environment is like, what their interests are outside of their gaming
system, what their house looks like, and if or how their experience of gaming
impacts other areas of their life. Pandemic asked us to deliver an engaging
view of the casual and RPG gamer audiences, which they would use to
improve game development. They were looking to further their understanding
of casual and RPG gamers’ perceptions, opinions and attitudes associated
with gaming and interests beyond gaming. !

Brandumentary, Target Profile


What We Did:!
Through an 8-minute MTV Cribs-style video, we exposed the lifestyle of a
gamer and showed the world what they are really about. Enlisting the help of
Academy Award winning director, Carl Pfirman and his crew, we spent 4
hours with each gamer (four casual gamers and four RPG gamers) in their
homes as well as on their shopping excursions at their favorite game stores.
The end product - two eight minute brandumentaries showcasing the lifestyles
and interests of today’s Casual and RPG gamers.



*additional work examples are available upon request
Related Posts:!


Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy, Social
Media, Viral Seeding,

Vivendi challenged us to engage casual mobile gamers in a smart way that
would cultivate positive game awareness in a category where consumer
awareness had historically not existed, and spur mobile downloads. To do this,
we needed to get casual gamers to become advocates of the game and
encourage them to become active participants in the marketing. !

Target Profile, Creative Brief
Development, Tracking and Analysis,
Mobile, Interactive, Work, Results

! We Did:!

We launched a two-phase campaign centered around the creation of a series
of interactive and episodic videos starring a live-action, ‘70s-style, McGuyveresque heroine whose sole purpose was solving problems with whatever was at
her fingertips. The first phase involved seeding the video on social networks,
blogs and forums, formulating messages to provoke interest in each location.
Next, we placed the episodes on video sharing sites and then put out a wordof-mouth campaign to influencers among what we termed ‘Modern Moms’--the
primary target for this casual mobile game. Not only did the videos feature
gameplay from the Incredible Machine, but they also invited the audience to
produce and distribute their own ‘Farah McDaring’ videos, resulting in a flood of
Youtube submissions. !


• Active Views: 804K!
• Youtube Front Page
Placement: 5!
• Youtube 2nd page
placement: 7!
• Impressions: 340 MM!
• User generated videos: 50

Subsequently, the fusion of brand-generated content with user-generated
content allowed us to achieve the ultimate authentic endorsement from the
target consumer. We created moments that entertained the demographic and
facilitated a one of a kind social interaction that not only garnered enthusiastic
engagement, but also industry recognition in the form of a Spike TV Mobile
Game of the Year nomination.



*additional work examples are available upon request
Start-up Consulting

Sequoia Marketing Group was looking for a partner to help them create a new
health insurance company targeting individual health insurance buyers.
Sequoia tasked us with strategically and creatively assisting them with every
aspect of their pioneering business venture.!


Start-Up Consultation, Vision
Development, Brand Architecture, Brand Identity,
Competitive Analysis, Opportunity Mapping, Brand Promise,
Brand Essence, Brandumentary, Information Architecture,
Target Profile

What We Did:!
As a partner from conception to creation, we fulfilled and exceeded Sequoia’s
partnership request by clarifying the opportunity, developing the brand identity,
designing the user interface and marketing the brand. As part of the process,
we conducted a series of Brandumentary shorts to explore what users really
wanted from a new health insurance company. From our findings, we
recognized a larger challenge to shift how consumers perceived health
insurance, and we seized the opportunity to capitalize on consumers’ desire to
exert personal control not only over the level of services offered, but more
importantly over their individual wellness. As a result, we created Yuru--a
trusted advisor to consumers searching for individual and alternative insurance
policies and other wellness solutions. Yuru is a business derived from strategic
insight with a goal of putting people in charge of their own well-being. !


In addition to a strategic brand platform encompassing positioning and
messaging framework, Omelet also created an investor presentation and
website with plans to launch late 2009.



*additional work examples are available upon request
Start-up Consulting


At the end of 2008, MYMAG came to Omelet with the unique challenge of
building a business around magazines created by tastemakers for distribution
to their fan base. MYMAG envisioned innovating the magazine category by
allowing renowned tastemakers to select content from established publishers to
create a one-of-a-kind publication that offered fans more insight into the minds
of their favorite idols. !


Start-Up Consultation, Vision
Development, Strategic Platform,
Positioning, Messaging Framework, Sales

Presentation, Cultural Landscape, Target
Profile, Work

With a progressive vision and their business plan in hand, MYMAG challenged
Omelet to provide strategic leadership to position and articulate the brand,
establishing consistency in messaging to all of MYMAG’s audiences, including
consumers, advertisers, tastemakers and publishers. In addition, MYMAG
sought our help in crafting an executable strategy that would help them find
sponsors to monetize their business. !


What We Did:!
Ultimately, we wanted to evolve MYMAG beyond a tangible magazine into a
personalized media platform for tastemakers to establish meaningful
connections with their fans in ways unlike ever before. To achieve this, our
main goal for MYMAG was to ensure that the experience of the brand and the
reader’s connection with the tastemaker would transcend the glossy pages of
the magazine and be accessible through various media. !
In redefining MYMAG’s core business, we created a new vision document that
told the MYMAG story and showed the brand’s evolution from magazine to
personal media platform. With this new vision, we crafted a sales presentation
that introduced sponsors and advertisers to the brand and enticed them to
become a part of myriad opportunities that would enable them to leverage the
tastemaker’s coveted fanbase.!



*additional work examples are available upon request
Strategic Entertainment--Television


Pulling in an average of nearly five million viewers every Thursday night, Burn
Notice was cable’s #1 new scripted original series and USA Network’s top series in
2007. Entering the second season of this espionage-themed series, USA feared
that they would not be able to maintain such impressive viewership, given a
number of obstacles that the show faced. Low awareness, historic decline in
season two viewership, the Writer’s Strike and the show’s complicated storyline
were all factors that stood in the way of Burn Notice’s continued success. Hoping
to avoid their show becoming a victim of obscurity, USA approached Omelet to help
them beat the odds and make the second season as big as the first. Specifically,
USA wanted to build buzz and get viewers engaged in the show throughout the

Strategic Entertainment,
Television Show, Brand
Integration, Serialized Challenge



What We Did:!
After conducting research on the importance of a web presence for a television show and
gleaning the insight from Burn Notice show runners about what the life of a spy is really
like, we knew that the best way for viewers to become more engaged in the show was by
becoming a a spy themselves, facing a series of challenges not unlike those that Micheal
Weston, the lead character would face. Thus, we created Covert Ops, a web-based
Alternate Reality Experience (ARE) that sent players on nine weekly covert missions that
coincided with the story arc of the show’s second season. We utilized several media
channels, including those of the traditional marketing campaign to generate awareness and
buzz for the experience on And to make participation inclusive, we
offered multiple points of entry and allowed people to discover elements of the show for
themselves in an interactive and immersive way.



*additional work examples are available upon request
Strategic Entertainment--Music

Interscope Records challenged us to tease 50 Cent’s new album
in a unique way. !


What We Did:!
We wrote, filmed, and edited an original online short-form
“mockumentary” highlighting the self-destruction of 50 Cent in an
entertaining, 60 Minutes-style format. We interviewed several of
the artist’s closest friends in the industry, purposely delivering
absurd questions and receiving equally absurd answers
regarding 50’s self-destruction. The presentation style coupled
with the content created an illusory news-style piece that focused
on the ‘real’ downfall of more than a mere man--it was the
downfall of a legend.

Interscope asked us to help them launch Eminem’s highly
anticipated and long awaited release of “Relapse” in a way that
would engage fans and get them excited about the release.!


What We Did:!
Along with Em’s manager, Paul Rosenberg, we created a multi-media,
fully integrated experiential campaign developed to embrace social
media and interactivity in a way that Eminem had never before done.
Using storytelling characteristic of film marketing, we aligned every
experience point with the theme of the album. To begin, we created a
fictional rehab facility called Popsomp Hills that users were led to
believe was treating the artist, after both his website and his tweets
directed them to the facility’s web page. On this site, users could opt-in
to receive more information from the facility via text message,
transitioning them to the next phase of the experience,
Here, users could interactively explore the disturbing aftermath of Em’s
visit to Popsomp Hills and experience the album first-hand.

“Working with Omelet was fantastic. They completely understood what we were trying to
accomplish with the album. Omelet captured the DNA of this project perfectly and created a
seamless campaign that is already wildly successful.” !
--Paul Rosenberg, Eminem’s Manager

• reached
113,868 unique visitors
during April!
•Tweet to
reached at least 41,704
people within just one week!
•Most-talked-about artist
on Twitter the week before
the album's release



*additional work examples are available upon request
Strategic Entertainment

Branded Episodic Content: Video Game Launch
EA tasked us to create Valentine’s Day-themed online, short-form content
for Burnout Paradise’s holiday push. Never backing away from a
challenge, we wrote, filmed and edited an original short-form video in the
vain of an eharmony commercial where couples compared the details of
how they met and fell in love to the high speed, car crash-laden, adrenaline
inducing thrill that is Burnout Paradise.

Intellectual Property Creation: Game Show Creation
The California Lottery approached us to create a weekly, 30 minute
television game show which would help to deliver their brand message and
build overall awareness and desire for the Lottery. Exceeding the task, we
created several shows that used the prospect of winning to motivate players
and integrated Lottery messaging to show tangible evidence of winning
happening every day.

Interactive Content: DVD Release
Warner Bros. asked Omelet to create interest and engagement in the
DVD release of RocknRolla, With a distribution strategy of both online
and mobile, we created and produced an entertainment-based idea
called RocknRollascopes—horoscopes infused with ‘sex, thugs, and
rock n’ roll,” read by none other than a genuine RocknRolla.

Short Form Serialized Mobile Content: Mobile Subscriptions
Fox Mobile was looking to create free short form episodic content to draw
traffic to Jamba/Jamster, and convert that traffic into subscriptions.
Responding with a sustainable, entertaining and sticky show concept, we
created My New Roommate--serialized mobile content that follows a
young man on his weekly mission to rid himself of a new roommate who
he mistakenly thought was normal.



*additional work examples are available upon request
Brand Identity

Brand Identity, Brand Book

Prior to the release of Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Pandemic asked
Omelet to help them define the game’s brand identity and encapsulate the
DNA of this ‘sandbox’ style sequel in a way that could be used both internally
for the teams at Pandemic, and externally to retailers and potentially


What We Did: !
Drawing upon insights from the brand platform and corresponding messaging,
we created a 36-page brand book for Mercs 2 that outlined all executional
considerations (logo, key art, etc) and conveyed existing strategies (style, tone,
target markets, etc.). We compiled the book in the form of a ‘magazine for
mercenaries’ that detailed the game’s important branding elements through
creative editorial spreads and fictitious ads. This highly visual and compelling
brand piece served as a guide for all communications regarding the brand and
was also used externally to communicate the emotional and rational hooks to
consumers and third parties.!



*additional work examples are available upon request
Omelet Strategy Credentials

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Omelet Strategy Credentials

  • 1.
  • 2. Strategy & Innovation Solutions: ! Create Your Own Success Story! At Omelet, we believe that all business challenges are best served by solutions ! derived from solid strategy. We dig deep to understand a business challenge ! whether it be an idea, brand, artist, video game, movie or product and work ! collaboratively to create the best solution to solve that problem. ! ! Omelet and its team are experienced in helping both large and start-up ! companies define clear market positioning, forward thinking strategic vision, ! and creative execution of that vision using both traditional and new media solutions. ! Our goal is to create or enhance existing: ideas, products, services, brands and ! customer experiences. The end result? Superior service offerings, greater visibility ! and a clear vision for a business or product.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Brand Architecture Brand Architecture, Situation:! Although The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was rapidly expanding, the brand still found itself as somewhat of a stranger to consumers, in comparison to the Goliath of the coffee world--Starbucks. Not surprisingly, most people preferred to buy from the brand leader unless they found a genuinely good alternative; however, most consumers outside of the Los Angeles area didn’t seem to know what made CBTL different. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf needed Omelet’s help in articulating what the brand stood for, and generating awareness for this emotional message among a Starbuckssaturated public. ! Brand Positioning, Messaging Framework, Strategic Platform, Creative Brief Development, Target Profile, Work ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! We started thinking of how we could increase CBTL brand loyalty and convince people to drive or walk out of their way for a cup of coffee or tea. We wanted to define the “CBTL difference” and we achieved this by embracing a more genuine approach that we termed: hand - crafted goodness. The result was heightened awareness and a consistency for what CBTL embraces as a company and what consumers embrace as a brand. ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 6. Brand Architecture Brand Architecture , Strategic Platform, Brand Situation:! Despite the rise in popularity of craft and specialty import beers in the United States, Paulaner, one of the oldest, largest and most revered German brewers in Munich had yet to achieve relevance among American consumers since it was first imported nearly 25 years ago. Paulaner needed a new strategic platform informing the brand’s look, tone and feel to establish an emotional connection among consumers making decisions in an already fragmented beer category. ! Positioning, Messaging Framework, Target Profile, Creative Brief Development, Work ! ! ! ! What We Did:! Through a brand DNA and consumer DNA cross reference, we developed a unique brand positioning establishing Paulaner Hefe-Weizen as the authentic German wheat beer for relishing in life’s moments. We not only leveraged Paulaner’s rich history and aspect of time already inherent in the brand, but also created an emotional connection with time-starved Americans that we termed ‘Moment Relishers’ who were seeking taste complexities to optimize their limited free time away from work and responsibilities. *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 7. Brand Architecture Brand Architecture , Situation:! Outfest is the leading showcase for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer film, and at 26 years old, is also responsible for the oldest and largest continuous film festival in Los Angeles. Despite the enormous popularity of the yearly film festival, the Outfest brand, which is also comprised of five other business initiatives, was beginning to become overshadowed by the event. As a result, the last few years had seen the Outfest Corporation losing its brand identity and failing to achieve consistent brand messaging both internally and externally. As a nonprofit organization dependent on donations and membership fees, Outfest turned to Omelet to help them achieve a new relevance among their diverse audiences, while simultaneously regain the value of their brand.! Brand Identity, Brand Promise, Brand Essence, Brand Positioning, Messaging Framework, Strategic Platform, Naming, Work ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! In understanding the value of the Outfest brand, which as a master brand would guide the Film Festival, the Legacy Project and four other sub-brands, we needed to agree on who Outfest was, what Outfest stood for, and what it meant to its customers, stake-holders and Outfest itself. With these insightful results obtained from extensive research and interviews, we created a strategic brand key messaging framework comprised of clear benefit messaging as well as a messaging architecture to inform all aspects of the Outfest Corporation. The messaging framework served as brand filter to ensure all Outfest stake-holders (from board members to sponsors to subscribers/members) spoke with one voice and that all Outfest communications flowed from the same focused core, helping to eliminate the perception that Outfest was solely a film festival. *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 8. Brand Architecture Brand Architecture , Situation:! As an 85-year-old brand focused on innovation and technology, Easton found itself losing relevance in a world increasingly dominated by ! powerful and aspirational lifestyle brands such as Nike, Under Armour and Reebok. With the decline of participation across popular American sports and the increase of popular sports brands marketing aspiration over action, we saw an opportunity to leverage Easton’s incredible history dedicated to action and improving performance through innovation to redefine the brand and achieve a new relevance among those involved in sport. ! Strategic Platform, Brand Positioning, Messaging Framework, Target Profile, Creative Brief Development, Work ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Every big hit begins with a great bat. “clutch” “reaction” (CXN COMPOSITE) massive hitting area max energy transfer ultimate vibration reduction “instinct” What We Did: ! Under “Bring It,” the larger idea of Easton inciting action in sport, we ! created a new strategic positioning filter that influenced all aspects of Easton’s creative and business decisions allowing the brand to move forward in a differentiated direction. Our idea breathed new life into Easton, spawning communications that made people think differently about a brand they thought they knew. ! “velocity” hitmat Easton_Launch_Baseball_the_Magazine.indd 1 Links:! ! 3/6/08 6:46:57 PM built to win. *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 9. Brand Architecture Situation:! Budweiser was no longer the “King of Beers” in Orange County and sales had been declining 5% a year. While Budweiser still remained the second most popular beer in Orange County, the brand had moved away from its masculine roots and had become more associated with being a beer for an older blue collared crowd. We were approached by Straub Distributors to create a new positioning for the brand in Orange County that would attract new loyalists to the brand while strengthening the relationship with its core drinkers. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! From our brandumentary and additional research, we gleamed the strategic insight that men were grasping for alternative ways to express their manhood and once again were becoming attracted to hard work, perseverance and chivalry as masculine ideals. This strategic thought led us to define the Budweiser brand position as-- Genuine is Refreshing. Using the Budweiser brand to represent a world of genuine individuals around which men could build a sense of identity and solidity-- a bond based on shared appreciation for their place in the world. Building upon this positioning we were able to create a communication plan to revive the brand for the next six months and in doing so, create an outlet that helped resolve social anxieties by revealing the ridiculousness of the mechanical state of today’s men. Brand Architecture, Market Positioning, Brandumentary, Creative Brief Development, Strategic Platform, Brand Positioning, Communication Plan, Target Profile Target Profile:! The Budweiser drinker is someone that is confident, but not cocky. Someone that is true to themselves and doesn’t waver between personalities or appearances based on the social situation. They don’t worry about the petty day-to-day issues and believe they can be successful without lowering their standards for 15 minutes of fame. They reject the “stardom temptations” and revel in the absurdity of those who are willing to lower their standards for short-lived success. They still believe in hard work, perseverance, honesty and chivalry as masculine ideals and their foundation for manhood lays in the loyalty they share with friends who support their crazy ideas. The Budweiser man’s ultimate center of gravity flows from a tightly knit group of people where they can find camaraderie in making fun of things absurd and embrace being genuine. *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 10. Market Positioning Situation:! With a company vision of delivering “the best story-driven games in the world,” Bioware is renowned for its extensive portfolio of successful role-playing games. Extending its reach beyond the traditional genre, Bioware was in the process of developing Revolver--a new video game that defied traditional genre lines, blending action, emergent and RPG elements. Bioware sought our strategic consultation in creating a strategic marketing direction that would influence the development and the features of the new game that is set to break the mold for the company when it launches in 2009.! Market Positioning, Strategic Marketing Document, Competitive Analysis, Cultural Landscape, Opportunity Mapping, Strategic Platform, Brand Positioning ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! We developed a 25-page brand bible that outlined the game’s developmental DNA, including: the backstory to Revolver with story style elements and story feature goals; the current market opportunity complete with thorough category, competitive and consumer analyses as well as differentiated brand positioning. We used our psychographic target findings as insights to support the development of the game, rather than the traditional manner of allowing a predetermined genre to dictate the game’s features. In the end, our comprehensive blueprint for Revolver not only helped provide internal focus for the Bioware team, but also served as a selling tool for approaching potential publishers. *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 11. Market Positioning Situation:! Genius Products, a leading independent home-entertainment distribution company, was planning to venture out into new territory with the launch of their first franchise video game, SCRATCH. As the first Hip Hop music / rhythm game to bring improvisational DJing to the masses, SCRATCH gives players the power to control the music they create, rather than follow a predetermined set of songs or simulate the playing of a specific track. ! ! Market Positioning, Strategic Marketing Plan, Brand Positioning, Competitive Analysis, Cultural Mapping, Landscape, Target Profile, Opportunity Strategic Platform, Brand Essence, Brand Promise, Messaging Framework, Marketing Roadmap Seeking to differentiate SCRATCH in a marketplace already muddied with music / rhythm games, Genius engaged Omelet to build SCRATCH’s positioning and create a comprehensive marketing plan that would outline all marketing strategies and tactics in order to create the necessary impact for launch. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! We delivered a 70-page marketing plan that clearly articulated the brand strategy, including the core positioning and messaging framework that would be used to communicate the game to consumers and third parties. In addition, the marketing plan detailed all competitive products within the marketplace and, with the support of behavioral and attitudinal consumer data, provided a review of the cultural landscape impacting the target audience. Our consumer lifestyle research also led us to fully contexualized target profiles which we used to derive the messaging architecture presented in the plan. And lastly, we created a marketing roadmap outlining all of SCRATCH’s marketing activities and corresponding media integrations in order to guide the marketing team and coordinate their efforts for the game’s launch. ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 12. Market Positioning Market Positioning, Situation:! Vivendi Games was releasing two new titles: ‘Crash of the Titans’ for the Crash Bandicoot franchise and ‘The Legend of Spyro, the Eternal Night’ for the Spyro franchise. They wanted to create and develop a global communication platform for both franchises to reach and reconnect with the Tween audience in order to sustain top-of-mind awareness for the titles leading up to each game launch and over the next several years. ! Communications Plan, Franchise Roadmap, Cultural Landscape, Target Profile, Creative Brief Development, Social Network, Work, Results ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! In order to understand the consumer mindset, we created a cultural landscape that took a deep dive into the live of today’s Tween. Our findings were pervaded by a constant desire for connection that manifested itself in fun, interactive and evolving online communities. We discovered that if executed correctly, the reach, frequency and long-term audience engagement of an online community could evoke a greater brand response than that of many other forms of media. We then created detailed franchise roadmaps which we later developed into online integrated marketing communications plans, allowing Crash and Spyro to seamlessly integrate into the lives of Tweens. Results for Crash Village:! • Current Population: 328K! • Accounts / day: 3K+ We were successful in sustaining top-of-mind awareness for the title leading up to the game launch and in the years (currently) following the launch. Were were able to revitalize Crash Bandicoot and reclaim his position among the hard to reach tween audience as an iconic figure in the video game world. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 13. Market Positioning Market Positioning, Cultural Situation! In 2008, the Academy Awards Oscar night telecast reached a new all-time low for viewership, with only 32 million viewers tuning in. The devastating writers’ strike had occurred and much of the shows previous prestige and momentum was potentially lost. Despite the challenges, the bar was set high for 2009 81st annual show. The challenge came head on at Omelet to reengage viewers in the Academy Awards telecast by creating a brand campaign that built anticipation and generated excitement among younger viewers while strengthening the relationship with its core viewers. Landscape, Target Profile, Creative Brief Development, Strategic Platform, Work, Results What We Did! We created a call-to-action and tune-in campaign aimed at engaging viewers in becoming enraptured in the film world and becoming a part of what we called, “The Biggest Movie Event of the Year.” Our campaign centered on movie genre specific executions that were designed to speak to a more diverse and influential audience ranging from everyday movie lovers to diehard film fanatics. The completely integrated campaign employed multiple mediums, including an experiential website, original online content, print, broadcast (TV, cinema, viral video) and out-of-home (OOH) --- each designed to engage and excite viewers leading up to the live broadcast event. ! As a result, the more engaging experiential campaign succeeded at driving tune-in to the telecast. The television audience for the 81st Academy Awards was up 13 percent from last year’s record-low. Janet Weiss, the Academy’s Director of Marketing called the campaign “a very strategic approach that was both fresh and exciting but remained true to our brand.” Comments: “[The campaign had] a very strategic approach that was both fresh and exciting but remained true to our brand.”! --Janet Weiss, The Academy Awards Director of Marketing Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 14. Market Positioning Situation:! Microsoft was launching Zumobi, a new mobile browser that revolutionizes the way people access, retrieve and share Web-based content on their mobile phones. In preparation, Microsoft approached Omelet to establish Zumobi as the brand that will usher consumers into the new era of mobility-a highly individualized mobility experience as an extension of consumers’ lives. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Market Positioning, Cultural Landscape, Target Profile, Creative Brief Development, Strategic Platform What We Did:! To ensure that Zumobi would be positioned for a successful launch, we worked to clarify the strategy by understanding the evolving world of mobility and the perspectives and needs of the people who live in that world. Through this process we were able to strengthen the brand identity and tap into the consumer mindset to establish messaging that helped to build synergy around the new brand. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 15. Brandumentary Situation:! Beyond basic game play, the gaming lifestyle is a relatively unknown world. We have all wondered what the life of a gamer is really like - what their gaming environment is like, what their interests are outside of their gaming system, what their house looks like, and if or how their experience of gaming impacts other areas of their life. Pandemic asked us to deliver an engaging view of the casual and RPG gamer audiences, which they would use to improve game development. They were looking to further their understanding of casual and RPG gamers’ perceptions, opinions and attitudes associated with gaming and interests beyond gaming. ! Brandumentary, Target Profile ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did:! Through an 8-minute MTV Cribs-style video, we exposed the lifestyle of a gamer and showed the world what they are really about. Enlisting the help of Academy Award winning director, Carl Pfirman and his crew, we spent 4 hours with each gamer (four casual gamers and four RPG gamers) in their homes as well as on their shopping excursions at their favorite game stores. The end product - two eight minute brandumentaries showcasing the lifestyles and interests of today’s Casual and RPG gamers. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 16. Related Posts:! ! Digital Strategy Digital Strategy, Social Media, Viral Seeding, Situation:! Vivendi challenged us to engage casual mobile gamers in a smart way that would cultivate positive game awareness in a category where consumer awareness had historically not existed, and spur mobile downloads. To do this, we needed to get casual gamers to become advocates of the game and encourage them to become active participants in the marketing. ! Target Profile, Creative Brief Development, Tracking and Analysis, Mobile, Interactive, Work, Results ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! We Did:! What We launched a two-phase campaign centered around the creation of a series of interactive and episodic videos starring a live-action, ‘70s-style, McGuyveresque heroine whose sole purpose was solving problems with whatever was at her fingertips. The first phase involved seeding the video on social networks, blogs and forums, formulating messages to provoke interest in each location. Next, we placed the episodes on video sharing sites and then put out a wordof-mouth campaign to influencers among what we termed ‘Modern Moms’--the primary target for this casual mobile game. Not only did the videos feature gameplay from the Incredible Machine, but they also invited the audience to produce and distribute their own ‘Farah McDaring’ videos, resulting in a flood of Youtube submissions. ! ! Results:! • Active Views: 804K! • Youtube Front Page Placement: 5! • Youtube 2nd page placement: 7! • Impressions: 340 MM! • User generated videos: 50 Subsequently, the fusion of brand-generated content with user-generated content allowed us to achieve the ultimate authentic endorsement from the target consumer. We created moments that entertained the demographic and facilitated a one of a kind social interaction that not only garnered enthusiastic engagement, but also industry recognition in the form of a Spike TV Mobile Game of the Year nomination. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 17. Start-up Consulting Situation:! Sequoia Marketing Group was looking for a partner to help them create a new health insurance company targeting individual health insurance buyers. Sequoia tasked us with strategically and creatively assisting them with every aspect of their pioneering business venture.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Start-Up Consultation, Vision Development, Brand Architecture, Brand Identity, Competitive Analysis, Opportunity Mapping, Brand Promise, Brand Essence, Brandumentary, Information Architecture, Target Profile What We Did:! As a partner from conception to creation, we fulfilled and exceeded Sequoia’s partnership request by clarifying the opportunity, developing the brand identity, designing the user interface and marketing the brand. As part of the process, we conducted a series of Brandumentary shorts to explore what users really wanted from a new health insurance company. From our findings, we recognized a larger challenge to shift how consumers perceived health insurance, and we seized the opportunity to capitalize on consumers’ desire to exert personal control not only over the level of services offered, but more importantly over their individual wellness. As a result, we created Yuru--a trusted advisor to consumers searching for individual and alternative insurance policies and other wellness solutions. Yuru is a business derived from strategic insight with a goal of putting people in charge of their own well-being. ! ! In addition to a strategic brand platform encompassing positioning and messaging framework, Omelet also created an investor presentation and website with plans to launch late 2009. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 18. Start-up Consulting Situation:
 At the end of 2008, MYMAG came to Omelet with the unique challenge of building a business around magazines created by tastemakers for distribution to their fan base. MYMAG envisioned innovating the magazine category by allowing renowned tastemakers to select content from established publishers to create a one-of-a-kind publication that offered fans more insight into the minds of their favorite idols. ! ! Start-Up Consultation, Vision Development, Strategic Platform, Positioning, Messaging Framework, Sales Presentation, Cultural Landscape, Target Profile, Work With a progressive vision and their business plan in hand, MYMAG challenged Omelet to provide strategic leadership to position and articulate the brand, establishing consistency in messaging to all of MYMAG’s audiences, including consumers, advertisers, tastemakers and publishers. In addition, MYMAG sought our help in crafting an executable strategy that would help them find sponsors to monetize their business. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
 What We Did:! Ultimately, we wanted to evolve MYMAG beyond a tangible magazine into a personalized media platform for tastemakers to establish meaningful connections with their fans in ways unlike ever before. To achieve this, our main goal for MYMAG was to ensure that the experience of the brand and the reader’s connection with the tastemaker would transcend the glossy pages of the magazine and be accessible through various media. !  ! In redefining MYMAG’s core business, we created a new vision document that told the MYMAG story and showed the brand’s evolution from magazine to personal media platform. With this new vision, we crafted a sales presentation that introduced sponsors and advertisers to the brand and enticed them to become a part of myriad opportunities that would enable them to leverage the tastemaker’s coveted fanbase.! Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 19. Strategic Entertainment--Television Situation:
 Pulling in an average of nearly five million viewers every Thursday night, Burn Notice was cable’s #1 new scripted original series and USA Network’s top series in 2007. Entering the second season of this espionage-themed series, USA feared that they would not be able to maintain such impressive viewership, given a number of obstacles that the show faced. Low awareness, historic decline in season two viewership, the Writer’s Strike and the show’s complicated storyline were all factors that stood in the way of Burn Notice’s continued success. Hoping to avoid their show becoming a victim of obscurity, USA approached Omelet to help them beat the odds and make the second season as big as the first. Specifically, USA wanted to build buzz and get viewers engaged in the show throughout the season.! Strategic Entertainment, Television Show, Brand Integration, Serialized Challenge ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
 ! What We Did:! After conducting research on the importance of a web presence for a television show and gleaning the insight from Burn Notice show runners about what the life of a spy is really like, we knew that the best way for viewers to become more engaged in the show was by becoming a a spy themselves, facing a series of challenges not unlike those that Micheal Weston, the lead character would face. Thus, we created Covert Ops, a web-based Alternate Reality Experience (ARE) that sent players on nine weekly covert missions that coincided with the story arc of the show’s second season. We utilized several media channels, including those of the traditional marketing campaign to generate awareness and buzz for the experience on And to make participation inclusive, we offered multiple points of entry and allowed people to discover elements of the show for themselves in an interactive and immersive way. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 20. Strategic Entertainment--Music Situation:! Interscope Records challenged us to tease 50 Cent’s new album in a unique way. ! ! What We Did:! We wrote, filmed, and edited an original online short-form “mockumentary” highlighting the self-destruction of 50 Cent in an entertaining, 60 Minutes-style format. We interviewed several of the artist’s closest friends in the industry, purposely delivering absurd questions and receiving equally absurd answers regarding 50’s self-destruction. The presentation style coupled with the content created an illusory news-style piece that focused on the ‘real’ downfall of more than a mere man--it was the downfall of a legend. Situation:! Interscope asked us to help them launch Eminem’s highly anticipated and long awaited release of “Relapse” in a way that would engage fans and get them excited about the release.! ! What We Did:! Along with Em’s manager, Paul Rosenberg, we created a multi-media, fully integrated experiential campaign developed to embrace social media and interactivity in a way that Eminem had never before done. Using storytelling characteristic of film marketing, we aligned every experience point with the theme of the album. To begin, we created a fictional rehab facility called Popsomp Hills that users were led to believe was treating the artist, after both his website and his tweets directed them to the facility’s web page. On this site, users could opt-in to receive more information from the facility via text message, transitioning them to the next phase of the experience, Here, users could interactively explore the disturbing aftermath of Em’s visit to Popsomp Hills and experience the album first-hand. Comments: “Working with Omelet was fantastic. They completely understood what we were trying to accomplish with the album. Omelet captured the DNA of this project perfectly and created a seamless campaign that is already wildly successful.” ! --Paul Rosenberg, Eminem’s Manager Results:! • reached 113,868 unique visitors during April! •Tweet to reached at least 41,704 people within just one week! •Most-talked-about artist on Twitter the week before the album's release Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 21. Strategic Entertainment Branded Episodic Content: Video Game Launch EA tasked us to create Valentine’s Day-themed online, short-form content for Burnout Paradise’s holiday push. Never backing away from a challenge, we wrote, filmed and edited an original short-form video in the vain of an eharmony commercial where couples compared the details of how they met and fell in love to the high speed, car crash-laden, adrenaline inducing thrill that is Burnout Paradise. Intellectual Property Creation: Game Show Creation The California Lottery approached us to create a weekly, 30 minute television game show which would help to deliver their brand message and build overall awareness and desire for the Lottery. Exceeding the task, we created several shows that used the prospect of winning to motivate players and integrated Lottery messaging to show tangible evidence of winning happening every day. Interactive Content: DVD Release Warner Bros. asked Omelet to create interest and engagement in the DVD release of RocknRolla, With a distribution strategy of both online and mobile, we created and produced an entertainment-based idea called RocknRollascopes—horoscopes infused with ‘sex, thugs, and rock n’ roll,” read by none other than a genuine RocknRolla. Short Form Serialized Mobile Content: Mobile Subscriptions Fox Mobile was looking to create free short form episodic content to draw traffic to Jamba/Jamster, and convert that traffic into subscriptions. Responding with a sustainable, entertaining and sticky show concept, we created My New Roommate--serialized mobile content that follows a young man on his weekly mission to rid himself of a new roommate who he mistakenly thought was normal. Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request
  • 22. Brand Identity Brand Identity, Brand Book Situation:! ! Prior to the release of Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, Pandemic asked Omelet to help them define the game’s brand identity and encapsulate the DNA of this ‘sandbox’ style sequel in a way that could be used both internally for the teams at Pandemic, and externally to retailers and potentially consumers.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What We Did: ! Drawing upon insights from the brand platform and corresponding messaging, we created a 36-page brand book for Mercs 2 that outlined all executional considerations (logo, key art, etc) and conveyed existing strategies (style, tone, target markets, etc.). We compiled the book in the form of a ‘magazine for mercenaries’ that detailed the game’s important branding elements through creative editorial spreads and fictitious ads. This highly visual and compelling brand piece served as a guide for all communications regarding the brand and was also used externally to communicate the emotional and rational hooks to consumers and third parties.! Links:! ! *additional work examples are available upon request