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Vol 19/No3

                   departments                f e at u r e s
                      editorial 4
                letters and Feedback 5        Cover Story:
               ProPhecy conFerences 10        8 New world order
                   World revieW 26            ...What is it?
                  radio broadcast 17          It’s back…with a vengeance! With the economic
                                              crisis and the election of Barack Obama, it seems like
                                              everybody is talking about the New World Order. So
                                              is this thing called the New World Order good? Is it
                                              bad? What are people talking about when they refer
                                              to the New World Order?
                                              by irViN baxter

                                              12 ‘HATe CrIMe’ lAwS
                                              thREatEN RELiGiOUs FREEDOM
                                              Proponents of “hate crime” laws say they are needed
                                              to protect minorities from acts of violence. However,
                                              criminal acts are already illegal. “Hate crime” laws add
                                              penalties to a criminal sentence if the person had a
                                              “hateful intent” or “thought crime” toward the victim.

                                              by robert KNiGHt aND liNDSey DoUtHit

                                              18 ToNY BlAIr’S
                                              RENDEZVOUs With ROME
                                              Geraldine Doogue, with the Australian Broadcasting
                                              Corporation, and a program named, “Compass”,
                                              conducted an interview in London with Tony Blair, and
     cover story                              said he is “a man who brought religion into power and
                                              is now bringing power to religion.” Quite a billing! Will
                                              Blair be the new Charlemagne of today’s Holy Roman
                                              by CraiG treaDwell

                                              22 world GoVerNMeNT
                                              ... FORMiNG NOW! PART II
                                              Irvin Baxter continues discussing how the World
                                              Government is forming now. Learn how international
                                              leaders have been working tirelessly to develop
                                              structures of global government, even as national
                                              sovereignty rapidly erodes.
                                              by irViN baxter

8                                        18

12                                       22

                                                           may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine          3
                                                                                               m a g a z i n e
                                                                                                        eXeCutIVe eDItOr
                                                                                                              Irvin Baxter
                                                                                                        managing editor
                                                                                                 Craig Treadwell
                                                                                                       eXeCutIVe assIstant
                                                                                                  Kara McPeak
                                                                                                        CreatiVe direCtor
                                                                                                   Lori Huntley
                                                               IrvinBaxter                           COntrIButInG eDItOrs
                                                                                           Ginger Boerkircher / Deb Bowman / Julie Cunningham
                                                                                             Dana Grohman / Julie Kidwell / Candace Mendoza
                                                                                             Gail Simmons/ Melissa Treadwell / Karina Mason
                                                                                                     Jaimé Agee

                              CONNECTION?                                                             art DIreCtOr/LayOut
                                                                                                     Robert Agee

      irvin baxter            OBAMA-GORBACHEV
                              “Perestroika is a word with many meanings...then              statement of faith
                              we can say thus: perestroika is revolution.”                  We believe that the Bible is the inspired
                                                              – mikhail Gorbachev           Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the
                                                                                            Savior of the world, and that He will
               rophetic fulfilling events are moving forward at breathtaking speed.         come again to establish a kingdom that
              The nearest thing that I can compare the presidency of Barack Obama           shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44).
              to is the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev during his six years at the         Those who are born again (John 3:3–5)
        helm of the Soviet Union. This may not be a coincidence!                            will have eternal life and rule as kings
                                                                                            and priests with Christ forever.
     Two days after the election of Barack Obama as the U.S. president, the Agence
     France-Presse carried an article, which quoted Mikhail Gorbachev saying                what is endtime?
     that he was happy with the election of Obama, and that Obama would bring               In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the
     ‘perestroika’ to America.
                                                                                            United States and other modern nations
     What does perestroika actually mean? On page 49 of his book titled                     in the Bible. He also found the Berlin
     Perestroika, Gorbachev said, “Perestroika is a word with many meanings. But if         Wall in the Bible and that one day it was
     we are to choose from its many possible synonyms, the key one which express-           to be torn down, re-uniting Germany,
     es its essence most accurately, then we can say thus: perestroika is revolution.”      and that event would be the catalyst to
     He boldly headlined that section of his book, “Perestroika is a Revolution.”
                                                                                            spark an international movement called
     On March 23, 2009, just before the G20 Summit in London, a Russian paper               the “New World Order.” These things
     disclosed that Obama had held secret talks with Mikhail Gorbachev in prepa-            have now come to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr.,
     ration for the Summit. None of the major media in the U.S. reported on the             a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime
     unannounced meeting.                                                                   Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A
     Does Gorbachev know something that we don’t know? Could this be the rea-               Message For The President, a book
     son the style of Obama’s presidency so resembles that of Gorbachev? He cer-            explaining the major prophecies of the
     tainly brought revolution to the Soviet Union resulting in its disintegration.         Bible which he had been teaching since
     Could Obama’s revolution result in the disintegration of the United States?            1968. After the fall of the Berlin Wall,
     Fearing the course that President Obama is taking, 35 states have introduced           prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly.
     legislation this year asserting their power under the Tenth Amendment to reg-
                                                                                            The decision was made to launch
     ulate all matters not specifically delegated to the federal government by the
     Constitution. Texas Governor Rick Perry has gone so far as to remind everyone          Endtime magazine. The purpose of the
     that Texas has the right to secede from the union if it would so choose.               magazine is to explain the prophecies
                                                                                            of the Bible and to show that they are
     Many globalists have said that Russia and the United States should work to-            now being fulfilled in intricate detail.
     gether to build the New World Order. They have said that Russia should adopt
                                                                                            Articles focus on the soon return of
     some of the elements of democracy and that the U.S. government should adopt
     some of the elements of socialism. Bill Clinton and Tony Blair referred to this        Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and
     idea as “The Third Way.” Could this be what we are watching right now? So far,         the need for salvation. Endtime does
     Barack Obama has certainly been doing his part to implement control over the           not deal with doctrinal controversies, as
     business affairs of the nation.                                                        valid as they may be. This will be left to
                                                                                            other publications.
     All of these world developments are leading to one outcome—a one-world gov-
     ernment. In this edition of Endtime, the article “New World Order…What Is
     It?” illustrates how certain world leaders have been working tirelessly toward         Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime,
     moving humanity into a world government. Many of them undoubtedly believe              Inc., 2701 E George Bush Turnpike Suite 100,
     this is the answer for mankind, but the Bible tells us that it will end up in un-      Plano, TX, 75074. Subscription price is $29
     mitigated disaster. The prophecies tell us that it will usher in the worst era of      for 12 issues. Copyright © 2009 Endtime, Inc.
     tyranny the world has ever known.                                                      All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in
                                                                                            part without written permission is prohibited.
                                                                                            POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
       Editor’s notE: Endtime has just released our revolutionary new                       Endtime, PO Box 940729, Plano, TX 75094-
     video “World Government…Forming now!” this video explains in undispu-                  0729. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/
     table detail what is really going on in the present economic chaos and how all         week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-
                                                                                            422-0857 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central).
     these events are leading us straight into the prophesied world government.
                                                                                            Scripture taken from the New King James
     (order at or call 1-800-EndtiME.)                                      Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson,
                                                                                            Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

4   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09                                                     SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
m a y                 /      j     u       n e

                             Letters & Feedback
QuEstion: WiLL tHE AntiCHrist BE
JEWisH? The Jews would never accept any-
one posing as the Messiah unless he was
of Jewish descent. Furthermore, since they
are still awaiting the Messiah, all of the Old
Testament prophecies would still have to
apply (Bethlehem birth, line of David).
                         – Thank you, Vicki

reply The scriptures do not say that the
Jews will accept the Antichrist as their
messiah. As a matter of fact, it is clear that
the nation of Israel will resist him. Revela-
tion 12:14 states that Israel will flee from
the Antichrist and that “her place” (the
land of Israel) will be her sanctuary dur-
ing the Great Tribulation. Furthermore, the
Antichrist will attempt to invade Israel at      reply | Jesus said there would be horrible      influence upon us. Once an individual be-
the Battle of Armageddon. If the Antichrist      tribulation in the area of Judea (the West      comes entangled in something as powerful
were Jewish, this would mean that he             Bank) when the abomination of desola-           as the CFR, it becomes very difficult to re-
would be fighting against his own people.        tion occurs. Jesus told those living in Judea   tain a sense of individual conviction and
                                                 to run for their lives. The persecution will    to resist the pressure to compromise.
Also, the prophecies indicate that the           undoubtedly be perpetrated by the Pales-
Antichrist will come from the revived Holy       tinians who will apparently be in control       QuEstion: dAniEL 11:37 - dEsirE oF
Roman Empire. All of these factors seem to       of Judea by that time. Of course, this is the   WoMEn. Daniel 11:37 says, “Neither shall
indicate the Antichrist will not be Jewish.      area that the UN and the US insist must         he (Antichrist) regard…the desire of wom-
                                                 become a state for the Palestinians.            en.” Does the fact that the Antichrist will
                                                                                                 not regard the desire of women mean that he
                                                 The question is: “What will trigger this out-   supports gay rights?
                                                 burst of violence?” Will it simply be Arabs                                  – Thanks, Jim
                                                 doing what they always do—that is killing
                                                 Jews, or will it be because a non-Muslim,             |
                                                                                                 reply It is a common belief that this
                                                 the Antichrist, claims authority over the       scripture is referring to homosexuality.
                                                 Temple Mount? The scripture doesn’t indi-       However, in the Bible, the desire of wom-
                                                 cate clearly what will actually cause the       en was to have children. Many globalists
                                                 sudden outbreak of violence.                    today believe there are too many people

                                                 Muslims do not believe their Mahdi will be
                                                 God; consequently, they will probably not
                                                 accept the Antichrist as Allah.

                                                 CoMMEnt: riCK WArrEn’s APoLoGY.
                                                 The reason why Rick Warren apologized
                                                 for supporting Proposition 8 in California
QuEstion: HoW WiLL MusLiMs rEACt                 is because he is a member of the Council
to tHE ABoMinAtion oF dEsoLAtion?                on Foreign Relations.
When the Antichrist enters the Jewish                                     – Thanks, Maria
Temple at the time of the abomination
of desolation, proclaims to be God, and                |
                                                 reply Even though you are making the
begins the Great Tribulation, what will the      assumption that membership in the CFR is
Muslim population do? Are they going to          the reason Warren apologized for backing
accept the Antichrist as Allah?                  Proposition 8, it should be noted that those
                     – Thank you, Michael        we associate with do exercise tremendous

                                                                                                  may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine      5
in the world. Consequently, they advo-                                                             “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his
cate population control. China has what                                                            palace between the seas in the glorious
is called the “one child policy.” It is very                                                       holy mountain…” referring to Jerusalem.
possible that the Antichrist will imple-
ment such a policy worldwide.                         “Iraq invaded Kuwait                         CoMMEnt: PoWEr to Hurt MEn FiVE
                                                                                                   MontHs. I was in the United States Navy
QuEstion: JErusALEM - tonY BLAir’s                    in August of 1990 and                        from 1991-1995. As I was going through
HoME? What do you think about the Daily               Gulf War I was over by                       Understanding the Endtime, Lesson 5, my

                                                      February, 1991. This is very
                                                      close to 5 months”
                                                                        Terry (Revelation 9:10)

                                                      Mail’s claim that Tony Blair considers his
                                                      hometown as Jerusalem?
                                                                             – God Bless, Ryan

                                                      reply As the Daily Mail said, Blair
                                                      signed the VIP visitors’ guest book at the
                                                      British Embassy in Washington during a
                                                      recent trip to the US, and listed his home
                                                      as Jerusalem.

                                                      If Tony Blair would turn out to be the
                                                      Antichrist (we are not saying that he is),
                                                      then this certainly would make sense.
                                                      Daniel 11:45 says about the Antichrist,        PERSIAN GULF/KUWAIT - Helicopters depicting locusts
                     Map showing location of Israel
ears perked up when I heard Revelation                                                          in the vials during the battle of Armaged-
9:10: “…their power was to hurt men five                                                        don (Revelation 15:1, 16:12-16).
months.” Iraq invaded Kuwait in August                                                          • Ezekiel 38:19 There will be a huge earth-
of 1990 and Gulf War I was over by Febru-                                                       quake. This is the same quake which takes
ary, 1991. This is very close to 5 months.      “And I saw another sign                         place in Revelation 11:13 at the sounding
                        – Thank you, Terry                                                      of the Seventh Trumpet.
                                                in heaven, great and mar-                       • Ezekiel 38:22 God will fight against the
reply | A very interesting observation!         vellous, seven angels hav-                      armies of Ezekiel 38, using pestilence and
Combine this with the things John saw:                                                          blood. These same plagues are described
Smoke from burning oil wells blocking out       ing the seven last plagues;                     under the vials of Revelation 16 during
the sun; helicopters (locusts with breast-
plates of iron) flying through the smoke; and
                                                for in them is filled up the                    Armageddon.
                                                                                                • Ezekiel 38:22 Great hailstones will fall
the name of their king was “the destroyer.”     wrath of God.”                                  from Heaven upon the invading armies of
The name Saddam means the destroyer in                                                          the Antichrist. Revelation 16:21 describes
                                                                          –Revelation 15:1
Arabic. Put this all together and you have                                                      hailstones weighing 125 pounds falling at
quite a compelling case for believing that                                                      Armageddon.
Gulf War was the 5th Trumpet.                                                                   • Ezekiel 39:17-20 Describes the fowls
                                                QuEstion: doEs EZEKiEL 38 & 39 =                of the air and the beasts of the field being
QuEstion: is LiFE insurAnCE Anti-               ArMAGEddon? Is the war of Ezekiel 38-           called by God to eat the flesh of captains
FAitH? I sent letters to our long-term life     39 the same event as the battle of Arma-        and the mighty men of the earth. In Rev-
insurance companies requesting cancella-        geddon in Revelation 16?                        elation 19:17-20, the exact same event is
tion. My motive is that I cannot afford the                           – Thank you, Bryan        described as occurring at Armageddon.
coverage. In light of what we know about                                                        • In Ezekiel 38:1-3 Russia is referred to
prophecy, is insurance even necessary?                |
                                                reply Yes. Examination of Ezekiel 38-39         using the names: Gog, Magog, Meshech
                 – Thank you, Anonymous         reveals an intriguing harmony with the          and Tubal. Webster’s defines Meshech as
                                                description of Armageddon in Revelation         the root word for Moscovi or Moscow, the
reply Any of us could die before tomor-         16–19.                                          capital of Russia. Ezekiel 38 prophesies
row. Consequently, there’s nothing wrong        • Ezekiel 38:8 The timing will be in the        that the armies of Russia, Turkey, and
with financial planning so that your fam-       latter years. Revelation reveals that Arma-     Iran, which are east of Israel, will partici-
ily would be taken care of in the event of      geddon happens during the 7th Trumpet.          pate in the invasion of Israel. Revelation
your untimely death.                            • Verse 8 also tells us that the setting will   16:12-16 states that the kings of the east
                                                be the mountains of Israel. In Rev. 16:16,      will cross the Euphrates River invading
QuEstion: tiMinG oF God’s WrAtH                 Armageddon literally means hill of Megid-       Israel at the time of Armageddon. Two
If some of the trumpets have already            do. The Plain of Megiddo is a valley in         thousand, five hundred years ago, God
sounded, does this mean that God is pour-       northern Israel, set among the mountains        prophesied that Russia and Iran would be
ing out His wrath on His people?                of Megiddo.                                     in alliance against Israel at Armageddon.
            – Thank you, Curtis & Shirley       • Ezekiel 38:18-19 This will be the time of
                                                God’s fury and wrath, which is poured out       right now! e
                                                                                                We are watching that alliance in action

reply | No. God will not pour out His
wrath on His people. The first 6 trum-
pets take place before the beginning of
the Great Tribulation. Then will come
the Great Tribulation, which is the wrath
of Satan according to Revelation 12:12,
“Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and
of the sea! for the devil is come down
unto you, having great wrath, because he
knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

The wrath of God is contained in the
vials that will be poured out right before
and during the Battle of Armageddon. In
Revelation 15:1, John said, “And I saw
another sign in heaven, great and marvel-
lous, seven angels having the seven last
plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath
of God.” Revelation 16:2 tells us that the
vials will affect those who have taken the
mark of the beast.

                                                                                                    may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine       7
By IrVIn BaXter

The term New World Order surfaces…then goes away for awhile. Then it comes back…and then recedes again.
Well, it’s back…with a vengeance! With the economic crisis and the election of Barack Obama, it seems like
everybody is talking about the New World Order.
So is this thing called the New World Order good? Is it bad? What are people talking about when they refer to the
New World Order?

8   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09                                      SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
First of all, let’s take a look at some of the statements made about
New World Order by prominent political leaders through the years:

Franklin D. Roosevelt–1935                         Henry Kissinger–1993
President Roosevelt placed the words New           On July 18, 1993, Henry Kissinger wrote in
World Order on the back of the U.S. dollar         the Los Angeles Times concerning the North
bill in 1935. Written in Latin, the words Novus    American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):
Ordo Seclorum were placed on the ribbon            “What Congress will have before it is not a
below the pyramid. Novus means new. Ordo           conventional trade agreement, but the archi-
means order. Seclorum means secular or world.      tecture of a new international system...a first
                                                   step toward a New World Order.”
Roosevelt then went on to be the driving force
behind the founding of the United Nations—         Colin Powell–1993
the only entity specifically created to become a   Concerning whether U.S. troops should
system of world government.                        remain in Somalia as part of a U.N. operation,
                                                   General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint
Pope Paul VI–1967                                  Chiefs of Staff, says that a pullout would be
In his encyclical Populorum Progressio, Pope       “devastating to our hopes for the New World
Paul VI said, “Who can fail to see the need        Order and our ability to participate in multi-
and importance of thus gradually coming to         national organizations to deal with problems
the establishment of a world authority capable     like this.”
of taking effective action on the juridical and
political planes? Delegates to international       Pope Benedict XVI–2005
organizations, public officials, gentlemen of      In his first Christmas address, Pope Benedict
the press, teachers and educators–all of you       XVI urged humanity to unite against terror-
must realize that you have your part to play in    ism, poverty and environmental blight and
the construction of a New World Order.”            called for a “New World Order” to correct
                                                   economic imbalances.
Mikhail Gorbachev–1990
“...A New World Order is taking shape so fast      Vice President Joe Biden–2008
that governments as well as private citizens       Vice President Biden’s speech in Clayton Hall
find it difficult just to absorb the gallop of     at the University of Delaware was entitled,
events...” Washington Post, February 25, 1990      “On the Threshold of the New World Order:
                                                   A Rebirth for the United Nations.”
George Herbert Walker Bush–1991
“We have before us an opportunity to forge         British Prime Minister Gordon Brown–2008
for ourselves and for future generations a New     On September 20, 2008, Prime Minister
World Order—a world where the rule of law,         Gordon Brown said, “So, in conclusion, la-
not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct     dies and gentlemen, a new world is emerging.
of nations. When we are successful, and we         It is a New World Order with significantly
will be, we have a real chance at this New         different and radically new challenges for
World Order, an order in which a credible          the future.”
United Nations can use its peacekeeping role
to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s

                                                              may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine       9
Henry Kissinger–2009                                             made Deputy Secretary of State and continued to push his
On January 5, 2009, Henry Kissinger said on MSNBC about          New World Order agenda throughout the remainder of the
President Obama, “…He can give new impetus to Ameri-             Clinton administration.
can foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so
extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop      Walter Cronkite said it best–1999
an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a   Former CBS Anchorman Walter Cronkite received the Glob-
New World Order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it     al Governance Award from the World Federalist Association
isn’t just a crisis.”                                            in 1999. The World Federalist Association is one of the
                                                                 largest organizations in the world that openly advocates one
Above is just a small sample of statements endorsing the         world government. At the award ceremony, Cronkite said
New World Order. Yet the question remains! What do these         the following:
world leaders mean by “New World Order”? Let’s allow the
world leaders themselves to explain what they mean.              “Today we must develop federal structures on a global level
                                                                 to deal with world problems. We need a system of enforce-
Strobe Talbott–1992                                              able world law and a democratic federal world government.”
In his article, “Birth of the Global Nation,” published in
Time magazine, July 20, 1992, Talbott said, “In the 21st         Hillary Clinton congratulates Cronkite
century, nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states   During the ceremony at which Cronkite received the Global
will recognize a single, global authority.”                      Governance Award, Hillary Clinton congratulated Cronkite
                                                                 by way of video. She said, “For decades, you told us the way
He was quickly rewarded for his belief in the coming world       it is. But tonight we honor you for fighting for the way it
government by then President Clinton. In 1993, Talbott was       could be.”

  location                            date/time/#                      location                            date/time/#
  leeSVIlle, loUISIANA                7/10 & 11 @ 7pm,                 SAN JoSe, CAlIForNIA                7/26 @ 6:30pm
  United Pentecostal Church           7/12 @ 10am & 6 pm               First Church san Jose               408.296.0344
  101 Nolan trace - 71446             337.239.3223                     878 Boynton ave - 95117   
  SANTA MArIA, CAlIForNIA             7/12 @ 8:30am & 10:30am          CorPUS CHrISTI, TeXAS               7/31 @ 7:30pm
  santa Maria Foursquare Church       805.922.8445                     holiday inn airport                 361.242.1171
  709 N. Curryer street - 93458         5549 Leopard street - 78408
  orCUTT, CAlIForNIA                  7/12 @ 6:30pm                    oAK CreeK, wISCoNSIN                8/2 @ 10am & 6pm
  Revival tabernacle                  805.922.6397                     Parkway apostolic Church            414.571.2680
  105 s. Broadway - 93455               10940 s. Nicholson Road - 53154
  N. BrUNSwICK, New JerSeY            7/17 @ 7:45pm                    SAN ANToNIo, TeXAS                  8/8 @ 7pm 8/9 @ 6:30pm
  New Destiny Family Worship Center   732.246.8850                     thE hOPE CENtER                     210.764.3100
  1330 Livingston avenue #5 - 08902             4545 North Loop 1604 West - 78249
  ArroYo GrANde, CAlIForNIA           7/19 @ 10:00am                   SlIdell, loUISIANA                  8/9 @ 10am & 6pm
  Gospel Lighthouse                   805.481.4673                     First Pentecostal Church            985.643.8760
  497 Fair Oaks avenue - 93421                                         384 Robert Blvd - 70458   
  JoHNSTowN, ColorAdo                 7/23 @ 7:30pm                    SPoKANe, wASHINGToN                 8/14 @ 7:30pm
  abundant Life tabernacle            970.587.5094                     Mirabeau Park hotel                 800.363.8463
  1000 Country acres Drive - 80534                    1100 N. sullivan Road - 99037
  deNVer, ColorAdo                    7/24 @ 7:30pm                    lewISVIlle, TeXAS                   8/16 @ 6:30pm
  Grant avenue Community Center       720.351.8658                     Landmark Evangelism Center          972.436.3007
  216 south Grant street - 80209                                       410 East Church street - 75057
So what is the New World Order?
                                                                By now I think we all know the answer. Strobe Talbott said
                                                                that in the 21st century, national sovereignty would cease to
                                                                exist. We would all answer to a single global authority.

                                                                Walter Cronkite said the same thing in no uncertain terms.
                                                                He said a system of world government is mandatory.

                                                                Plainly stated, New World Order is world government!

                                                                So all of these revered world leaders from Franklin Roosevelt,
                                                                to President H.W. Bush, to Colin Powell, to Pope Benedict
                                                                XVI, to Henry Kissinger, to Joe Biden, are all promoting a
                                                                system of world government when they endorse the New
                                                                World Order? Right! Absolutely right!

                                                                It’s all prophesied
                                                                Should the rapid surge toward world government that we are
                                                                experiencing at this time surprise us? Not if we are familiar
                                                                with the prophecies of the Bible. The scriptures clearly foretell
                                                                that a world government will appear on earth just before the
                                                                Battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

David Rockefeller–1994                                          Daniel 7:23 describes the world government this way:
In a statement to the UN Business Council, Rockefeller          “Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom
said, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All      upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and
we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept   shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and
the New World Order.”                                           break it in pieces.”
Rahm Emanuel–Obama Chief of Staff                               Revelation 13:7-8 also foretells the present emerging
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I         world government:
mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you
think you could not do before.”                                 “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and
                                                                to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds,
It appears that the “right major crisis” that David Rock-       and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth
efeller hoped for is being realized in the present global       shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book
economic crisis. At the G20 meeting on April 2-3, 2009,         of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
the world leaders decided to establish a global financial
oversight board, since all of the world’s economies are now     Notice that the world government will have power over all
interdependent. The first step was taken to create a world      kindreds, tongues and nations. The scripture states that all will
reserve currency instead of the U.S. dollar.                    worship the Antichrist—the leader of the world government—ex-
                                                                cept those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
When Rahm Emanuel said that a serious crisis was an
opportunity to do things that you could not do before, he       Now we know. New World Order is world government! And

was obviously serious. President Obama has used this crisis     it is the world government that will be in power at the time of
to take a 72 percent ownership in General Motors, take          the second coming of Christ. Furthermore, it is being set up
control of many banks, takeover AIG, and a host of other        right now!
socialistic actions. Most of these steps that have been taken
are probably unconstitutional. So far the American people
have rolled over and accepted them with barely a whimper!
Why? Because of fear created by the crisis we are in—just
like Rockefeller said.
bY robert kniGht and lindseY doUthit

                Editor’s note: This article is particularly important since the U.S. House of Rep-
                resentatives just passed a Hate Crimes bill. It has now been sent to the U.S. Sen-
                ate for approval. President Obama has already said he will sign the bill. (Please
                contact your senator encouraging him or her to vote “no” on this bill if it still
                has not passed when you receive this edition of Endtime Magazine.)


                Proponents of “hate crime” laws say they are needed to protect minorities from acts of violence. However,
                criminal acts are already illegal. “Hate crime” laws add penalties to a criminal sentence if the person had a
                “hateful intent” or “thought crime” toward the victim.

                In 2005, anti-war demonstrators came to the Tremont Temple Baptist Church in Boston, to disrupt the
                “Love Won Out” conference, which featured former homosexuals and how to overcome homosexual desires.
                Obscenities, shouts of, “Shut it down,” and threats of violence could be heard. Although Massachusetts law
                prohibits interfering with constitutional rights to freedom of speech, the police declined to enforce it.

12   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09                                                   SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
In 2004, “hate crime” law was used to arrest nearly a dozen      Dr. Peter Forester, Anglican Bishop of Chester, England, was
Christians in Philadelphia when homosexual activists cel-        investigated by police for saying that homosexuals “could
ebrated “National Coming-Out Day.” The Christian group           and should seek medical help to ‘reorient’ themselves.” The
“Repent America” sang hymns and carried signs encouraging        Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM) accused him
homosexuals to repent. Eleven Christians spent the night in      of advocating a “scandalous” and “offensive” argument from
jail! The next day, five of them, including a teenager, faced    a “bygone age.” The LGCM’s communications director said,
eight charges, three felonies and five misdemeanors, stem-       the Bishop’s remarks “could inflame latent homophobia.”
ming from Pennsylvania’s “hate crimes” law. Charges were         Cheshire’s chief constable criticized Forester saying, “Civic
dropped in 2005.                                                 leaders ought to promote diversity, including homosexual-
                                                                                                       ity and race, in a positive
                                                                                                       manner.” The Liverpool
ElEvEN CHRISTIANS SpENT THE NIGHT IN jAIl!                                                             Daily Post noted that the
                                                                                                       investigation occurred even
THE NExT DAy, fIvE Of THEM, INClUDING A                                                                though English hate crime
                                                                                                       laws are limited in scope:
TEENAGER, fACED EIGHT CHARGES, THREE                                                                   “Although it is illegal to
                                                                                                       incite racial hatred, there is
fElONIES AND fIvE MISDEMEANORS, STEMMING                                                               at present no ban on incit-
fROM pENNSylvANIA’S “HATE CRIMES” lAw.                                                                 ing hatred against the les-
                                                                                                       bian and gay community.”

In 2005, a militant homosexual mob threatened “Repent            NEW ZEALAND
America” with physical violence, and a city-funded event in-     A Christian group called “Living Word” made two videos
cluded simulated sex acts on floats. One float at the parade     that questioned “safe sex” slogans by exposing the link be-
featured partially dressed women bending over and being          tween AIDS and homosexual behavior. These were rejected
spanked with hands, whips, and objects. During the event,        by the New Zealand Film and Literature Board of Review for
the Christians were “surrounded, obstructed, and continu-        encouraging “hate speech.”
ously harassed”.
Dary Byczek, of Wisconsin, lost his temper and yelled at         Canada is enacting hate crime laws and legalizing same sex
four lesbians living next door. He also wrote on the side        marriage. The country’s “hate crimes” law reads: “Everyone
of a truck parked on his property, “All lesbians will go to      who, by communicating statements, other than in private
hell.” He was ordered by a Lafayette County Circuit Judge        conversation, willfully promotes hatred against any identifi-
to undergo “anger management classes” paid for with his          able group is guilty of …an indictable offense and is liable to
own money.                                                       imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.”

In 2004, Ake Green was the first pastor prosecuted after
Sweden added “sexual orientation” to its “hate crime” law.
Green was sentenced to one month in prison. The public
prosecutor said, “Collecting Bible verses on this topic makes
this hate speech.” Sweden’s chief prosecutor appealed the
verdict, and the Swedish Supreme Court ruled unanimously
to dismiss the charge. “We hope this will deter other at-
tempts to censor Christian ministers from delivering Bible-
based messages against harmful homosexual conduct,” an
Alliance Defense Fund attorney said in a press release.

The Scottish Parliament has a four-minute slot in its proceed-
ings called “A Time for Reflection.” In 2004, Cardinal Keith
O’Brien, Catholic Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edin-
burgh, gave a Christmas message that included a vague men-
tion of “sexual aberrations” as a form of human captivity.
The Parliament called this a “gratuitous insult.” A motion
was proposed to prohibit ministers from speaking against         In 2004, Canadian internet journalist Robert Jason received
homosexuality during the reflection time. In England, the        a visit from two plainclothes police officers investigating a
Public Order Act of 1986 covers hate crimes based on race.       possible “hate crime” because of Jason’s pro-family website.
Parliament is considering legislation to add religion, “sexual   “The officers were quiet and friendly, but just having them
orientation,” and age.                                           there was very intimidating to me and my wife,” Jason said.

                                                                                           may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine      13
In 2000, Christian printer Scott Brockie refused to print       Hugh Owens took out a small ad in the Saskatoon Star-
material for the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives,             Phoenix newspaper in 1997. The ad had a stick figure of two
contending that he would be abetting sin if he did so. The      men holding hands, with a circle and a line through it, and
Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ordered him to pay $5,000         a list of Bible verses on homosexuality. The Saskatchewan
in damages to the president of the Archives and to “hence-      Human Rights Tribunal ruled that both Owens and the
forth print materials for any homosexual individual or group    newspaper publisher had to pay a total of $4,500 in damages
on the same basis as all other clients.”                        to three homosexuals who were “offended” by the ad.

                                                                Dr. Laura Schlessinger, an Orthodox Jew and radio talk-
                                                                show host, was rebuked by the Canadian Broadcast Stan-
                                                                dards Council for her remarks during programs in 1999.
                                                                Schlessinger contended that people with unwanted homo-
                                                                sexual desires should seek counseling and therapy. In 2000,
                                                                the council announced that her on-air statements violated
                                                                the human rights provision of the Canadian Association of
                                                                Broadcasters’ code of ethics. “In Canada, we respect freedom
                                                                of speech, but we do not worship it,” the council said.
                                                                “It is the view of the Council that the sexual practices of
                                                                gays and lesbians are as much a part of their being as the
                                                                color of one’s skin or the gender, religion, age or ethnicity
                                                                of an individual.”

                                                                The broadcasting board also warned Dr. James Dobson’s
                                                                Focus on the Family and Dr. Jerry Falwell’s Old Time Gospel
                                                                Hour not to broadcast in Canada anything critical of

                                                                William Whatcott, a former homosexual, distributed fliers
                                                                in 2001 and 2002 in Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
                                                                that listed the medical dangers of homosexual behavior. He
Chris Kempling, a professor at British Columbia College of      was charged with a “hate speech” violation of Canada’s “hate
Teachers, was suspended from his job in 2002 for writing
letters to his local newspaper objecting to promotion of ho-
mosexuality in the public schools. The college said his views        “IN CANADA, wE RESpECT
were “conduct unbecoming of a member,” a view upheld by
the Canadian Supreme Court in 2005. Kempling appealed                fREEDOM Of SpEECH, BUT
his case twice, but both courts upheld his suspension. The
British Columbia Court of Appeals supported Kempling’s
                                                                     wE DO NOT wORSHIp IT...”

14   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09                                                 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
crimes” law. The chairman of the Saskatchewan Human
Rights Tribunal ruled that Whatcott violated the ban in
Section 14(1) of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code,
and noted that it did not matter whether the material was
true or whether it reflected Whatcott’s Christian beliefs.
Whatcott was ordered to pay $17,500 in damages to four
homosexuals who sued him for distributing the fliers.

Murray and Peter Corren, a homosexual couple, filed a
complaint against the British Columbia Ministry of
Education in 1999 claiming that its curriculum did not
adequately “address issues of sexual orientation.” In 2005,
their complaint reached the British Columbia Human
Rights Tribunal. Murray Corren is an elementary
school teacher and, along with his “husband,” is demand-
ing that schools promote homosexuality as a safe and nor-
mal lifestyle.

While proponents argue that the laws protect threatened            tribunals far too much power to decide what emotions
groups, especially homosexuals, from being targets of hate-        and beliefs are acceptable and, more ominously, which
ful acts, they more often grant a license for those groups to      are not.
abridge religious freedom. If anyone tries to point out the
Biblical truth that homosexuality is blatantly wrong, a sin like   The Bible is being deemed “hate” literature. Christians
every other sin from which Jesus Christ offers redemption,         have already been jailed for upholding traditional
that is considered “hate.”                                         morality in public places, and if hate crime laws prolif-

                                                                   erate, the freedom to speak one’s mind will be limited
                                                                   to those who celebrate and promote homosexuality.     e
Hate-crimes laws are based on the fallacious premise that          Endtime Magazine would like to thank Concerned
we may be punished for our thoughts and feelings, not just         Women for America for their permission to publish
our actions. It gives legislators, the courts, and human-rights    this article:
i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of america, and to the
   republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

        s I think about the Pledge of Allegiance, our nation’s       wonder why 40-50 percent of marriages in America end in
         history comes to mind. I am reminded of the many            divorce. We wonder why 820,000 babies are born to teenag-
           ways that God has blessed America. I think of the         ers each year in the United States. And we continue to ignore
1st Amendment – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression.              the fact that the average age of first alcohol use is 12, and
I think of the 4th Amendment – Search and Seizure. I am              the average age of first drug use is 13.
also reminded of Amendment 13 – Slavery Abolished,
Amendment 14 – Citizenship Rights, and Amendment 19 –                It is time for us to step up and put aside our worries about
Women’s Suffrage. I consider the lives of countless soldiers,        offending people by teaching a lifestyle of separation from
who made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for the freedom of         the filth our society is promoting. Endtime Youth Corps does
this great country.                                                  not force a religion on people, but rather a refreshing stance
                                                                     on righteous living. We refute music, movies, and any other
And then reality sets in. I see the annual Bible giveaway being      type of communication that would cause our minds to be
banned in the Collier County School District in Florida. I see       consumed by the negativity that our world offers today. We
the terms “father and mother” being banned in California             are rebelling against the expectation of sexual, alcohol and
schools because students with gender identification issues           drug addictions that the world media is telling us we must be
may be offended. I also see birth control being given to             a part of.
11–13 year olds in Maine middle schools. And, to top it off,
if parents ask about any type of treatment being given to            Is God out of America? Some people would like to say so. But
their pre-teen, by law, the school cannot inform them. Yet we        Endtime Youth Corps is serving notice to the powers of dark-
allow songs like “If You Seek Amy”, a song with an extreme           ness. We have just begun to fight! Hope for America and the
subliminal sexual message by Britney Spears, or “I Kissed            next generation is here!
A Girl”, by Katy Perry, to be on students’ iPods. We allow
school dances that consist of so much impurity, I can’t even
                                                                               t e s t i m o n i e s
mention the details in this article. And we encourage school
cheerleading squads and dance teams to be so graphic in
their performance and dress that they would be blurred out if                     Allison
                                                                               I started listening to EYC radio last year and since then my
shown on MTV.                                                              life has been forever changed! I have found the Truth and
                                                                        know what it really means to be born again. EYC has addressed
I am stopped in my tracks and experience what seems to be             many issues that have helped me in my Christian walk. I am so
a slap in the face. Our God, the Creator of the universe, and        thankful for EYC’s commitment to young people!
His ways are being thrown out of the schools on all levels. We       Kaitlyn
have been witnessing these types of anti-God adjustments for         The guys do a great job connecting with young people, such as
a number of decades. But we have been so concerned about             myself, by discussing the everyday issues we deal with, and giving
                                                                     solutions to help overcome the challenges we face. Listening to EYC
being politically correct that we have forsaken the values           radio motivates me to stand out from the world and be the person
upon which America was founded and established. Then we              that God is calling me to be.

                                                                     EYC has helped me whenever I just need a friend. I am always con-
                                                                     fident that their answers are the Christian answers to daily teenage
                Vince Stegall is the Director of Endtime Youth       issues. God has truly blessed me by bringing them into my life and I’d
                Corps, where he produces and hosts EYC Radio.        definitely recommend them to any teen in any situation.
                He is also Associate Student Pastor for Image        Skyler
                 Student Ministries in Garland, TX. Vince has a      EYC helped me figure out the Christian way to help a homosexual
                                                                     friend find God. Knowing that my friends at EYC are there at any
                   heavy burden for young adults and spends
                                                                     given time is comforting. No problem ever seems too big or small for
                   time counseling with students on a daily basis.   them to help with.
                            REvEaling thE futuRE thRough biblical PRoPhEcy

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syLacauga, Wyea, 1290 am, satuRday, 7-8Pm f Ft Payne, Wccv,         neW oRLeans, WLno, 1060 am, 3-3:30Pm f shRevePoRt, Kmgc
91.1 Fm, 3–4Pm f Piedmont, WJcK, 88.3 Fm, 3–4Pm                     104.5 Fm 8-8:30am

arkansas                                                            michiGan
Ft. smith, Kbhn, 89.7 Fm, 3-4Pm f LittLe RocK, KKsP, 93.3 Fm        battLe cReeK, WoLy, 1500 am, 4-5Pm f detRoit WdRJ, 1440 am,
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oRLando, Weus, 810 am, 4-4:30Pm                                     JacKson, WtWZ, 1120 am, 9:30-10:30am

GeorGia                                                             missouri
macon, WbmL, 900 am, 4-5Pm f canton, Wccv, 92.1 Fm, 3-4Pm f         PoPLaR bLuFF, KoKs, 89.5 Fm, 3-4Pm
caRteRsviLLe, Wccv, 91.7 Fm, 3-4Pm f chatsWoRth, Wccv, 94.7
Fm, 3-4Pm f daLton, Wccv, 95.1 Fm, 3-4Pm f eLiJay, Wccv, 90.9       texas
Fm, 3-4Pm f maRietta, Wccv, 92.3 Fm, 3-4Pm f RingoLd, Wccv,         daLLas, KKgm, 1630 am, 3-4Pm f coRPus chRisti, Kcta, 1030
99.9 Fm, 3-4Pm f RossviLLe, Wccv, 96.1 Fm, 3-4Pm f WoodstocK,       am, 4-4:30Pm
Wccv, 100.9 Fm, 3-4Pm
indiana                                                             sPoKane, KtRW, 970 am, 1-2Pm f sPoKane, KsPo, 106.5 Fm,1-
south bend, Whme, 103.1 Fm, 4-5Pm, f andeRson, WJcF, 105.3 Fm,      2Pm, sat. f moses LaKe, Ktbi, 810 Fm, 1-2 Pm, sat., Ktac, 93.9 Fm,
4-5Pm f conneRsviLLe, WJcF, 107.1 Fm, 4-5Pm f conneRsviLLe,         1-2 Pm f WaLLa WaLLa, Kgdn, 101.3 Fm 1-2 Pm, sat. f yaKima,
WJcF, 104.5 Fm, 4-5Pm f miLRoy, WJcF, 98.3 Fm, 4-5Pm f              Kyay, 930 am, 1-2Pm, sat.
moRRistoWn, WJcF, 88.1 Fm, 4-5Pm f muncie, WJcF, 101.7 Fm,
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WJcF, 96.3 Fm, 4-5Pm f WadesviLLe, WJcF, 90.1 Fm, 4-5Pm             f WhRi, 9.425, 5-6am est f WhRi, 15.665, 2-6 Pm est f WhRi,
                                                                    11.785, 4-5 Pm est
18   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09   SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
By CraIG treaDWeLL

Geraldine Doogue, with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and a program named, “Compass”, conducted an
interview in London with Tony Blair, and said he is “a man who brought religion into power and is now bringing power
to religion.” Quite a billing! Yet, Tony Blair expressed that he was not raised in a religious home and that his dad was a
militant atheist! How can this be?

You have heard it said that faith and politics don’t mix. Yet here we have the former prime minister of Great Britain, Tony
Blair, performing an ongoing dance with the Vatican. In addition, since leaving Number 10 Downing Street, he has been
the Quartet’s “man of peace” to the Middle East.

Tony Blair is a busy man. In addition to wearing all of these hats, he also set up his faith and globalization headquarters
at Yale University. This appeared to be fueled by his recent conversion to Catholicism, complete with the personal assis-
tance of Pope Benedict XVI himself!

So just what was behind Tony Blair’s “rendezvous with Rome” at the Vatican? Since this was his last foreign engagement
as British prime minister, was Blair planting seeds for a hopeful future crown?

                                                                                        may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine   19
who have sealed the deal, Blair actually had the boldness
                                                           to turn right around and correct Pope Benedict regarding
                                                           his stance against homosexuality! Is this the man who will
      What special relationship did Blair’s meeting with   lead Europe and the world community into a new era of
Pope Benedict at the Vatican signify? What separated       faith, coupled together with the New World Order? If Blair
his audience with the “Roman Pontiff” from all the other   is determined to lead all of Europe, then perhaps he feels
kings and presidents? The results are                                          that he needs the support of Sodom
revealed in Blair’s global interfaith                                          and Gomorrah to accomplish his
agenda. After all, what motive would                                           dream. After all, seeking the support of
he have other than the possibility of                                          the gay agenda is certainly the politi-
becoming the new Charlemagne of the                                            cally correct thing to do these days.
revived Holy Roman Empire? Remem-
ber him? He was the guy who was
crowned by Pope Leo III and made to
be the first emperor of the Holy Roman                                              So just what is Blair’s stated pur-
Empire on Christmas Day, 800 AD.                                               pose for starting the Tony Blair Faith
In this age of universal chaos, Europe                                         Foundation in partnership with Yale
and the globe are hungry for a new                                             University? What was his initial driving
Charlemagne to take center stage.                                              dream that birthed the whole deal to
      It just so happens that Blair is the                                     begin with?
top candidate for Europe’s first ever                                               A quote directly from the Tony Blair
permanent president once the Lisbon                                            Faith Foundation mission statement
Treaty (European constitution) be-                                             reveals his intended direction (straight
comes permanent law. This, of course,                                          from the mouth of the British lion): “The
is if Nicolas Sarkozy has anything to do                                       Tony Blair Faith Foundation aims to
with it! Imagine…Mr. Blair could very                                          promote respect and understanding
well become the new Charlemagne of                                             about the world’s major religions and
the resurrected Holy Roman Empire!                                             show how faith is a powerful force for
      As is common with politicians                                            good in the modern world.
Faith is vitally important to hundreds of millions of      He said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6).
people. It underpins systems of thought and of behav-           In John 10:9, Jesus said, “I am the door.” Interfaithism
iour. It underpins many of the world’s great movements          teaches that it does not matter who you worship, so long
for change or reform, including many charities. And the         as your religion promotes peace…there are many paths so
values of respect, justice and compassion that our great        why not melt them all together into one convenient, global
religions share have never been more relevant or impor-         religion! Such a subtle, yet drastic difference! One cannot
tant to bring people together to build a better world.          have it both ways! I hate to break the news about such a
     But religious faith can also be used to divide. We have    nice guy as Tony Blair, but he is dead wrong.
seen throughout history and today we still see how it can
be distorted to fan the flames of hatred and extremism.
     The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is a response to
these opportunities and challenges. We will use the full             Everyone wants peace. Nobody in his right mind
power of modern communications to support and step up           wants conflict, especially when it involves a nuclear holo-
efforts at every level to educate, inform and develop un-       caust led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-il.
derstanding about the different faiths and between them.        No one wants to live with the fear that some extremist nut-
     At the same time, the Foundation will use its pro-         case could strap bombs to his body and detonate himself
file and resources to encourage people of faith to work         in a crowded public place. Israelis live with this fear every
together more closely to tackle global poverty and conflict.    day. Of course, world leaders such as Blair want to see this
By supporting such interfaith initiatives, the Foundation       type of activity brought to a halt.
will help underline the religion’s relevance and positive
     Sound reasonable? Compassionate? Logical? Politi-
                                                                  Once a mainstream inter-
cally correct? Who can argue with causing all people, no        national system is in place,
matter their religion, to simply get along and treat each
other with respect? After all, Jesus taught His followers
                                                                designed to shut down “reli-
to love everybody. Yet Jesus did not teach that this meant
to embrace false religion. He said, “False Christs and false
                                                                gious extremism,” who would
prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to       be able to stop them from go-
seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. (Mark 13:22)
                                                                ing after true Christianity?
                                                                      Since many acts of terror stem from religious roots,
     It is tempting to go with the flow, especially with        a logical solution is to break down misunderstanding and
someone as kind and charismatic as Tony Blair at the            hate by forging a common bond. We almost have to slap
helm. Yet a deeper look at Blair’s initiative may cause us to   ourselves in the face and wake up to the reality of how the
stop and think before calling all religions equal. That’s the   most deadly poison is sweet to the initial taste. The stated
subtle, hard-to-detect error of interfaithism. Without this     goal is peace. This is why the global activities of Blair can
fundamental belief that all religions lead to the same God,     be so subtly deceptive. On the surface it appears he is
interfaithism simply will not work!                             doing a lot of good. No doubt he even believes this in his
                                                                own mind.
                                                                     While universal peace may be a noble goal, it certainly
                                                                has been greatly misunderstood by world leaders. Do they
    You see, interfaithism presents a major obstacle to         actually think true peace can be achieved simply by getting
genuine Christians because Jesus taught directly against it.    all of the major religions to understand each other?
                                                                                                         continued on pg 29

                                                                                        may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine   21
Irvin Baxter
interviewed by
Craig Treadwell
                                                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
from march/april issue

 A The G20 meeting was critical. Some people billed it as the most important meeting on international finance in the last
 sixty years. The plan was to put together a structure for a new world economic order—producing a solution for the world
 economic crisis of 2008-2009.

                                                                           Heads of State and Government of the Group of 20 (G-20) industrialized
                                                                                    and developing countries attending the financial crisis summit.
22   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09                                         London, United Kingdom - 02 April 2009 - UN Photo/Evan Schneider
Q THE MEETING HAS BEEN COMPARED                                  out there by the dump truck loads. The world is awash in
TO THE BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE                                  dollars! Wall Street foresaw that there would be a steep drop
OF 1944. WHAT’S THE CORRELATION?                                 in the value of the dollar if it were no longer the world’s
                                                                 reserve currency. When Wall Street raised its voice in pro-
A Some people actually called this meeting Bretton Woods         test, Geithner immediately started backpedaling and saying,
II. The International Monetary Fund (the IMF) was estab-         “That’s what I said, but that’s not what I meant.”
lished at the Bretton Woods Conference of
1944. The IMF is actually the federal re-                                          As far as the SDRs go, the announcement
serve bank of the world. The World Bank                                            was made at the end of the G20 Summit:
was also established at Bretton Woods.                                             “We have agreed to support a general SDR
World leaders were setting up the financial                                        allocation, which will inject $250 billion
structures in 1944 so they could launch                                            into the world economy and increase
the political structures of the United                                             global liquidity.” The G20 also agreed to
Nations the next year in 1945.                                                     put another $500 billion into the IMF’s
                                                                                   war chest to enable them to fight against
It has always been believed that economic union has to come      this global economic crisis.
first, and then political union will follow. The world leaders
attended the London G20 Summit on April 2-3, 2009, to set        Altogether, they put $750 billion dollars at the IMF’s dis-
up a new global economic structure. At this Summit, they         posal for the SDR to actually become a global currency.
referred continually to the New World Order. When they say       The way I understand it—and I’m not an expert in global
New World Order, they are referring to the system of global      finance—eventually international transactions could very
government that they hope to establish, with the UN finally      well start being done in SDRs.
becoming a bona fide one-world government.
                                                                 Q SO THESE SDR’S ARE GLOBAL
Q THEY TALKED ABOUT LAUNCHING A                                  CURRENCY?
DID THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEN AND WHAT                                A     It certainly appears that way. That’s what was said as
ARE THESE SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS?                                far as the communiqué that was issued at the end of the
                                                                 G20 Summit. The commentators that I read were saying:
A Before the G20 Summit, there were several powers               “We have now seen the birth of a global currency.” This new
that proposed launching a world currency. For example: In        global currency is in the infancy stage. You don’t make a
March 2009, Russia suggested that the G20 Summit should          switch overnight with something this massive. They’re sort
start by establishing a global currency system. A week later,    of sliding this in, easing the dollar out and creating an inter-
China suggested the establishment of a global currency. Also     national currency. They are actually projecting that the value
in March, a United Nations panel of economists proposed          of that currency will be determined by averaging out several
a new global currency reserve that would take over the           different currencies. They may include the Japanese curren-
US      dollar-based                                                                                         cy, the dollar, the
system used for de-
cades by interna-        When they say New World Order,                                                      Euro, and one or
                                                                                                             two others. This
tional banks. Then
on March 25th,
                             they are referring to the                                                       is how they would
                                                                                                             determine what the
Timothy Geithner,          system of global government                                                       value of an SDR is
the U.S. treasury
secretary and for-
                         that they hope to establish, with                                                   at a given time.

mer president of          the UN finally becoming a bona                                                    Q I HEARD
the New York Fed-
eral Reserve, said
                            fide one-world government.                                  ALAN
he had no problem                                                                       TALKING
with the establishment of the IMF Special Drawing Rights         ABOUT HOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE
(SDRs) as a global currency. So this was coming from             DIDN’T NEED THE APPROVAL OF
China, Russia, the UN, and even with a nod from Geithner.        CONGRESS OR THE WHITE HOUSE
                                                                 TO MAKE MAJOR DECISIONS. HE
A day later Wall Street said, “Wait a minute! Are you telling    EXPLAINED HOW THEY DO THIS ELEC-
me that the dollar is no longer going to be the reserve cur-     TRONICALLY BY SIMPLY INCREASING
rency of the world and that we’re switching to something         THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BANKS. WHAT
else?” They knew what that meant because there are dollars       IS YOUR TAKE ON THIS?
The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank,             Yes. It is actually becoming a world
                                        which has become America’s central           central bank just like the Federal Re-
                                        bank, has created money this way for         serve is the US central bank. Germany
                                        a long time. That’s exactly what Alan        also has a central bank, and so does
                                        Greenspan was addressing. How do you         Great Britain.
                                        create money? It used to be that you
                                        would print the money, and you had to        Our forefathers didn’t want us to have
                                        have enough gold at Fort Knox to back        a central bank because they understood
                                        it up. It said right on                                        it would be as Mr.
                                        the money that it was                                          Rothschild said many
                                        redeemable in gold.                                            years ago, “Give me
                                        However, President                                             control of a nation’s
                                        Nixon cut us loose                                             money and I care not
                                        from the gold stan-                                            who makes her laws.”
                                        dard. That was really                                          That’s what is occur-
                                        the beginning of this                                          ring here. They now
                                        horrible crisis that we are in right now.    have control of the nation’s money, but
                                        There’s nothing whatsoever backing the       they’re not content with just that. They
                                        dollar at this point except faith in the     are moving now to control the money of
                                        American people.                             the entire world. They are getting ready
                                                                                     for the New World Order.
                                        We’ve now reached the point where we
                                        don’t even have to print money any-          Q WHAT IS THE NEW
                                        more. If the federal government goes         WORLD ORDER AND
                                        to the Federal Reserve Bank and says,        WHERE DID THE TERM
                                        “We’re going to need to borrow 50 bil-       COME FROM?
                                        lion dollars for the next 30 days,” the

                                                 Mr. Rothschild said many
                                                years ago, “Give me control
                                               of a nation’s money and I care
                                                 not who makes her laws.”

                                        clerk at the Federal Reserve just types in   A     It’s not a new term. Believe it or
                                        50 billion and electronically puts that in   not, Adolf Hitler used the term while
                                        the government account.                      he was rallying the German people
                                                                                     back in the 1930s. Then Franklin D.
                                        So the G20 has empowered the Inter-          Roosevelt bought into it, placing the
                                        national Monetary Fund to do the same        term on the back of our dollar bill.
                                        thing on a global level that the Federal     It’s still there right now—on the rib-
                                        Reserve does on the United States level.     bon under the pyramid. It’s written in
                                        Therefore, they can actually create mon-     Latin, “Novus ordo seclorum.” Novus
                                        ey and lend it.                              means new, ordo means order and se-
                                                                                     clorum means secular or world.
                                        Q SO THEY’RE TAKING
                                        THE INTERNATIONAL                            As time has gone along people have
                                        MONETARY FUND AND                            resurrected the term. Mikhail Gor-
                                        TURNING IT INTO AN                           bachev used it. George H. W. Bush
                                        INTERNATIONAL FEDER-                         picked up on it. More recently, Henry
                                        AL RESERVE?                                  Kissinger talked about Barack Obama
                                                                                     having the chance to usher in a New

24   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09
                                                                                     SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
World Order. All of them simply refer to
the dream of a world without borders—
a one-world government.

A      In 1997, President Clinton was
scheduled to speak at the United Nations
to welcome the delegates from around the
world. In his speech, he said that the time
had come for the establishment of a world
criminal court. That became the hot top-
ic of discussion for the rest of the 1997
General Assembly. Having the green light
from the US President, they immediately
convened a preparatory conference. When
they had drawn up the general structure
for the new world court, they convened a global conference        This permanent international court is designed to try indi-
in Rome. From June 15 to July 17, 1998, they pounded out          viduals. Americans tried there will have no Bill of Rights
the details of the treaty establishing the International Crimi-   and no US Constitution to protect them. The World Court
nal Court Statute of Rome. When it was all said and done,         is above the law of the United States of America. At least
120 nations voted for the ICC while 7 voted against it. Even      that’s what they claim, and that’s the way they are set up
though President Clinton had initiated the launching of the       and structured.
international court, the U.S. was one of the 7 nations that
refused to sign it.                                               Sixty nations had to ratify the ICC statute before the new
                                                                  court could come into force. World planners thought the rat-
President Clinton had intended for the ICC to only try cases      ification would be a ten year process. However, ratification
that were recommended to it by the United Nations Securi-         was completed just four years later in 2002. President Clin-
ty Council, knowing that the US had veto power there. The         ton, on the last possible day, signed for the U.S. to become a
international court conference took the bit between its teeth     member of the International Criminal Court. People under-
and created an independent prosecutor who could try               stood that, in so doing, he was signing away the sovereignty
whoever he wanted, anywhere in the world.                         of the United States of America. Consequently, President
                                                                                                           continued on pg 30
m       a y           /      j     u       n e

                                      World Review
                         —world events through the eyes of bible prophecy—
                                                 By GInGer BOerKIrCher

[ 6tH trUmpet watCH ]                                                                        BLAir stEPs uP FiGHt to BE CroWnEd
                                                                                             First ‘PrEsidEnt oF Eu’
PrEsidEnt oBAMA: us ‘WEnt oFF                                                                Tony Blair has emerged as the leading
CoursE’ FiGHtinG tError                                                                      candidate to become the first permanent
President Barack Obama has defiantly                                                         president of the European Union. The
declared that the US “went off course”                                                       former prime minister stepped up his
in fighting terrorism over the past eight                                                    campaign for the job, and wants to use
years, and said his policies will “better                                                    it to build a bridge between Europe and
protect” the country against al Qaeda.                                                       the new Obama administration. Gordon
However, Vice President Dick Cheney                                                          Brown gave his grudging blessing to the
said he supported the controversial poli-                                                    plan on the basis that Britain needs to
cies “when they were made, and without                                                       have a key figure in the architecture of the
hesitation would do so again in the same                                                     “New World Order”.
circumstances. A lot rides on our Presi-
dent’s understanding of the security poli-                                                   [ marK of tHe beaSt watCH ]
cies that preceded him.”
                                                                                             MinnEsotA rEJECts rEAL id ACt oF 2005
irAn: WE suCCEssFuLLY FirEd MissiLE                                                          Minnesota Governor Timothy Pawlenty
tHAt CAn Hit isrAEL                                                                          has signed legislation that prohibits his
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad                                                        administration from turning the state
has announced that Iran successfully test-                                                   driver’s license into a national identity
fired a new advanced missile with a range                                                    card and from imposing new burdens
of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike                                                   on taxpayers, citizens, immigrants and
Israel and southeastern Europe as well as                                                    state government. The state legislature
US bases in the Gulf. US sources have                                                        overwhelmingly endorsed the bill with a
confirmed the test. The announcement         electrical grid and left behind software        unanimous House vote and a 64-1 vote in
came just days after President Barack        programs that could be used to disrupt          the Senate. Minnesota has become the 23rd
Obama declared a readiness to seek deep-     the system. The spies came from China,          state to reject the Real ID Act of 2005.
er international sanctions against Iran if   Russia and other countries. The intrud-
it shunned US attempts to open negotia-      ers haven’t sought to damage the power
tions on its nuclear program.                grid or other key infrastructure, but of-
                                             ficials warned they could try during a cri-
                                             sis or war. The espionage appeared per-
                                             vasive across the US and doesn’t target
                                             a particular company or region according
                                             to a former Department of Homeland
                                             Security official. Officials said water, sew-
                                             age and other infrastructure systems also
                                             were at risk.

                                             [ Holy romaN empire watCH ]

                                             CZECH rEPuBLiC AMonG tHosE YEt to
                                             FinisH rAtiFiCAtion
                                             The Czech Republic is one of four EU
                                             countries that is yet to finish ratifying
                                             the Lisbon Treaty. The Czech government
                                             first submitted the treaty for ratification
                                             in parliament in January 2008. Czech
                                             President Vaclav Klaus, 67, opposes
ELECtriCitY Grid in us PEnEtrAtEd            the treaty as a boon to the EU’s bigger
BY sPiEs                                     members and a threat to his country’s
Cyber-spies have penetrated the US           sovereignty.

26   endtime magazine | may ~ june 09                                                        SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
tHE G20 MoVEs tHE WorLd A stEP                 Minister Ehud Barak also gave the green
                                                CLosEr to A GLoBAL CurrEnCY                    light for the IDF to purchase the Vulcan-
                                                There will be a revolution in the global fi-   Phalanx anti-missile defense system from
                                                nancial order according to a clause in Point   the United States.
                                                19 of the communiqué recently issued by
                                                G20 leaders. It says, “We have agreed to
                                                support a general SDR allocation which
                                                will inject $250bn into the world economy
                                                and increase global liquidity.” G20 leaders
                                                have activated the IMF’s power to cre-
                                                ate money and begin global “quantitative
                                                easing.” In doing so, they are putting a
                                                de-facto world currency into play, and it’s
                                                outside the control of any sovereign body.

                                                [ miDDle eaSt watCH ]

‘rFid MArKEt to rEACH $5.56 BiLLion
BY End oF 2009’ - idtECHEX CEo
IDTechEx has announced the RFID
forecasts for 2009. Tagging of apparel is
now in roll out phase with 200 million
RFID labels being used for apparel.
Tagging of animals is growing strongly as it
becomes a legal requirement. In total, 2.35
billion tags will be sold in 2009 versus 1.97
billion in 2008.

BiLL to CLAMP doWn on FEdErAL                                                                  sHoCK Find: nEtAnYAHu diVidinG
rEsErVE GAins stEAM                                                                            JErusALEM
Rep. Ron Paul is pushing a bill (H.R.1207)                                                     The Israeli government quietly began con-
that calls for an audit of the Federal Re-                                                     structing the country’s security barrier
serve, and the bill is gaining steam as                                                        along a controversial route that effectively
more members of Congress sign on. The                                                          blocks off Jewish property and an impor-
bill is called the Federal Reserve Transpar-                                                   tant Jewish neighborhood from the rest of
ency Act of 2009. The Federal Reserve is a                                                     Jerusalem. During his candidacy, Prime
government-established private entity that                                                     Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke
can enter into agreements with foreign                                                         about the importance of maintaining and
central banks and foreign governments.                                                         developing a Jerusalem region called E1.
However, no agency has oversight over                                                          The Palestinians want that area as part of
the Fed and the Government Accounting           BiBi rEJECts oBAMA’s ‘un FLAG At               a state.
Office is prohibited from auditing or view-     KotEL stAr oF dAVid to rEMAin
ing any agreements.                             Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu              PErEs MAKEs rArE Hint At PossiBLE
                                                vowed at the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva              striKE on irAn
                                                in Jerusalem that the Israeli flag will        Israeli President Shimon Peres said some
                                                continue to fly over the Western Wall. He      aggressive words about Iran, seemingly
                                                ignored US President Barack Obama’s            threatening military action. This will be
                                                apparent trial balloon that he wants to see    if US President Obama’s overtures to the
                                                the United Nations flag fly over the Old
                                                City holy sites.

                                                CoMinG uP: tHrEE nEW Anti-MissiLE
                                                sYstEMs in Four YEArs
                                                According to a high level military
                                                assessment, Israel is planning to have
                                                three different levels of missile defense
                                                systems within the next four years. The
                                                Iron Dome system, designed to intercept
                                                Kassam and Katyusha rockets, would be
                                                operational and deployed along the border
                                                by summer 2010. A second system called
                                                David’s Sling that intercepts medium-
                                                range rockets is expected to be operational
                                                within four years. A more advanced Arrow
                                                III system against long-range missiles
                                                will be operational soon after. Defense
NWO-What Is It - may-june - 2009
NWO-What Is It - may-june - 2009
NWO-What Is It - may-june - 2009
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NWO-What Is It - may-june - 2009

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Vol 19/No3 departments f e at u r e s editorial 4 letters and Feedback 5 Cover Story: ProPhecy conFerences 10 8 New world order World revieW 26 ...What is it? radio broadcast 17 It’s back…with a vengeance! With the economic crisis and the election of Barack Obama, it seems like everybody is talking about the New World Order. So is this thing called the New World Order good? Is it bad? What are people talking about when they refer to the New World Order? by irViN baxter 12 ‘HATe CrIMe’ lAwS thREatEN RELiGiOUs FREEDOM Proponents of “hate crime” laws say they are needed to protect minorities from acts of violence. However, criminal acts are already illegal. “Hate crime” laws add penalties to a criminal sentence if the person had a “hateful intent” or “thought crime” toward the victim. Contents by robert KNiGHt aND liNDSey DoUtHit 18 ToNY BlAIr’S RENDEZVOUs With ROME Geraldine Doogue, with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and a program named, “Compass”, conducted an interview in London with Tony Blair, and cover story said he is “a man who brought religion into power and is now bringing power to religion.” Quite a billing! Will Blair be the new Charlemagne of today’s Holy Roman Empire? by CraiG treaDwell 22 world GoVerNMeNT ... FORMiNG NOW! PART II Irvin Baxter continues discussing how the World Government is forming now. Learn how international leaders have been working tirelessly to develop structures of global government, even as national sovereignty rapidly erodes. by irViN baxter 8 18 12 22 may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 3
  • 4. Editorial m a g a z i n e eXeCutIVe eDItOr Irvin Baxter managing editor Craig Treadwell eXeCutIVe assIstant Kara McPeak CreatiVe direCtor Lori Huntley IrvinBaxter COntrIButInG eDItOrs Ginger Boerkircher / Deb Bowman / Julie Cunningham Dana Grohman / Julie Kidwell / Candace Mendoza Gail Simmons/ Melissa Treadwell / Karina Mason MarKetInG/aDVertIsInG Jaimé Agee CONNECTION? art DIreCtOr/LayOut Robert Agee irvin baxter OBAMA-GORBACHEV “Perestroika is a word with many meanings...then statement of faith we can say thus: perestroika is revolution.” We believe that the Bible is the inspired – mikhail Gorbachev Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that He will rophetic fulfilling events are moving forward at breathtaking speed. come again to establish a kingdom that The nearest thing that I can compare the presidency of Barack Obama shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). to is the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev during his six years at the Those who are born again (John 3:3–5) helm of the Soviet Union. This may not be a coincidence! will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christ forever. Two days after the election of Barack Obama as the U.S. president, the Agence France-Presse carried an article, which quoted Mikhail Gorbachev saying what is endtime? that he was happy with the election of Obama, and that Obama would bring In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the ‘perestroika’ to America. United States and other modern nations What does perestroika actually mean? On page 49 of his book titled in the Bible. He also found the Berlin Perestroika, Gorbachev said, “Perestroika is a word with many meanings. But if Wall in the Bible and that one day it was we are to choose from its many possible synonyms, the key one which express- to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, es its essence most accurately, then we can say thus: perestroika is revolution.” and that event would be the catalyst to He boldly headlined that section of his book, “Perestroika is a Revolution.” spark an international movement called On March 23, 2009, just before the G20 Summit in London, a Russian paper the “New World Order.” These things disclosed that Obama had held secret talks with Mikhail Gorbachev in prepa- have now come to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., ration for the Summit. None of the major media in the U.S. reported on the a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime unannounced meeting. Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Does Gorbachev know something that we don’t know? Could this be the rea- Message For The President, a book son the style of Obama’s presidency so resembles that of Gorbachev? He cer- explaining the major prophecies of the tainly brought revolution to the Soviet Union resulting in its disintegration. Bible which he had been teaching since Could Obama’s revolution result in the disintegration of the United States? 1968. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Fearing the course that President Obama is taking, 35 states have introduced prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. legislation this year asserting their power under the Tenth Amendment to reg- The decision was made to launch ulate all matters not specifically delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. Texas Governor Rick Perry has gone so far as to remind everyone Endtime magazine. The purpose of the that Texas has the right to secede from the union if it would so choose. magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are Many globalists have said that Russia and the United States should work to- now being fulfilled in intricate detail. gether to build the New World Order. They have said that Russia should adopt Articles focus on the soon return of some of the elements of democracy and that the U.S. government should adopt some of the elements of socialism. Bill Clinton and Tony Blair referred to this Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and idea as “The Third Way.” Could this be what we are watching right now? So far, the need for salvation. Endtime does Barack Obama has certainly been doing his part to implement control over the not deal with doctrinal controversies, as business affairs of the nation. valid as they may be. This will be left to other publications. All of these world developments are leading to one outcome—a one-world gov- ernment. In this edition of Endtime, the article “New World Order…What Is It?” illustrates how certain world leaders have been working tirelessly toward Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, moving humanity into a world government. Many of them undoubtedly believe Inc., 2701 E George Bush Turnpike Suite 100, this is the answer for mankind, but the Bible tells us that it will end up in un- Plano, TX, 75074. Subscription price is $29 mitigated disaster. The prophecies tell us that it will usher in the worst era of for 12 issues. Copyright © 2009 Endtime, Inc. tyranny the world has ever known. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Editor’s notE: Endtime has just released our revolutionary new Endtime, PO Box 940729, Plano, TX 75094- video “World Government…Forming now!” this video explains in undispu- 0729. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/ table detail what is really going on in the present economic chaos and how all week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972- 422-0857 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central). these events are leading us straight into the prophesied world government. Scripture taken from the New King James (order at or call 1-800-EndtiME.) Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 4 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 5. m a y / j u n e Letters & Feedback QuEstion: WiLL tHE AntiCHrist BE JEWisH? The Jews would never accept any- one posing as the Messiah unless he was of Jewish descent. Furthermore, since they are still awaiting the Messiah, all of the Old Testament prophecies would still have to apply (Bethlehem birth, line of David). – Thank you, Vicki | reply The scriptures do not say that the Jews will accept the Antichrist as their messiah. As a matter of fact, it is clear that the nation of Israel will resist him. Revela- tion 12:14 states that Israel will flee from the Antichrist and that “her place” (the land of Israel) will be her sanctuary dur- ing the Great Tribulation. Furthermore, the Antichrist will attempt to invade Israel at reply | Jesus said there would be horrible influence upon us. Once an individual be- the Battle of Armageddon. If the Antichrist tribulation in the area of Judea (the West comes entangled in something as powerful were Jewish, this would mean that he Bank) when the abomination of desola- as the CFR, it becomes very difficult to re- would be fighting against his own people. tion occurs. Jesus told those living in Judea tain a sense of individual conviction and to run for their lives. The persecution will to resist the pressure to compromise. Also, the prophecies indicate that the undoubtedly be perpetrated by the Pales- Antichrist will come from the revived Holy tinians who will apparently be in control QuEstion: dAniEL 11:37 - dEsirE oF Roman Empire. All of these factors seem to of Judea by that time. Of course, this is the WoMEn. Daniel 11:37 says, “Neither shall indicate the Antichrist will not be Jewish. area that the UN and the US insist must he (Antichrist) regard…the desire of wom- become a state for the Palestinians. en.” Does the fact that the Antichrist will not regard the desire of women mean that he The question is: “What will trigger this out- supports gay rights? burst of violence?” Will it simply be Arabs – Thanks, Jim doing what they always do—that is killing Jews, or will it be because a non-Muslim, | reply It is a common belief that this the Antichrist, claims authority over the scripture is referring to homosexuality. Temple Mount? The scripture doesn’t indi- However, in the Bible, the desire of wom- cate clearly what will actually cause the en was to have children. Many globalists sudden outbreak of violence. today believe there are too many people Muslims do not believe their Mahdi will be God; consequently, they will probably not accept the Antichrist as Allah. CoMMEnt: riCK WArrEn’s APoLoGY. The reason why Rick Warren apologized for supporting Proposition 8 in California QuEstion: HoW WiLL MusLiMs rEACt is because he is a member of the Council to tHE ABoMinAtion oF dEsoLAtion? on Foreign Relations. When the Antichrist enters the Jewish – Thanks, Maria Temple at the time of the abomination of desolation, proclaims to be God, and | reply Even though you are making the begins the Great Tribulation, what will the assumption that membership in the CFR is Muslim population do? Are they going to the reason Warren apologized for backing accept the Antichrist as Allah? Proposition 8, it should be noted that those – Thank you, Michael we associate with do exercise tremendous may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 5
  • 6. in the world. Consequently, they advo- “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his cate population control. China has what palace between the seas in the glorious is called the “one child policy.” It is very holy mountain…” referring to Jerusalem. possible that the Antichrist will imple- ment such a policy worldwide. “Iraq invaded Kuwait CoMMEnt: PoWEr to Hurt MEn FiVE MontHs. I was in the United States Navy QuEstion: JErusALEM - tonY BLAir’s in August of 1990 and from 1991-1995. As I was going through HoME? What do you think about the Daily Gulf War I was over by Understanding the Endtime, Lesson 5, my February, 1991. This is very close to 5 months” Terry (Revelation 9:10) Mail’s claim that Tony Blair considers his hometown as Jerusalem? – God Bless, Ryan | reply As the Daily Mail said, Blair signed the VIP visitors’ guest book at the British Embassy in Washington during a recent trip to the US, and listed his home as Jerusalem. If Tony Blair would turn out to be the Antichrist (we are not saying that he is), then this certainly would make sense. Daniel 11:45 says about the Antichrist, PERSIAN GULF/KUWAIT - Helicopters depicting locusts Map showing location of Israel
  • 7. ears perked up when I heard Revelation in the vials during the battle of Armaged- 9:10: “…their power was to hurt men five don (Revelation 15:1, 16:12-16). months.” Iraq invaded Kuwait in August • Ezekiel 38:19 There will be a huge earth- of 1990 and Gulf War I was over by Febru- quake. This is the same quake which takes ary, 1991. This is very close to 5 months. “And I saw another sign place in Revelation 11:13 at the sounding – Thank you, Terry of the Seventh Trumpet. in heaven, great and mar- • Ezekiel 38:22 God will fight against the reply | A very interesting observation! vellous, seven angels hav- armies of Ezekiel 38, using pestilence and Combine this with the things John saw: blood. These same plagues are described Smoke from burning oil wells blocking out ing the seven last plagues; under the vials of Revelation 16 during the sun; helicopters (locusts with breast- plates of iron) flying through the smoke; and for in them is filled up the Armageddon. • Ezekiel 38:22 Great hailstones will fall the name of their king was “the destroyer.” wrath of God.” from Heaven upon the invading armies of The name Saddam means the destroyer in the Antichrist. Revelation 16:21 describes –Revelation 15:1 Arabic. Put this all together and you have hailstones weighing 125 pounds falling at quite a compelling case for believing that Armageddon. Gulf War was the 5th Trumpet. • Ezekiel 39:17-20 Describes the fowls QuEstion: doEs EZEKiEL 38 & 39 = of the air and the beasts of the field being QuEstion: is LiFE insurAnCE Anti- ArMAGEddon? Is the war of Ezekiel 38- called by God to eat the flesh of captains FAitH? I sent letters to our long-term life 39 the same event as the battle of Arma- and the mighty men of the earth. In Rev- insurance companies requesting cancella- geddon in Revelation 16? elation 19:17-20, the exact same event is tion. My motive is that I cannot afford the – Thank you, Bryan described as occurring at Armageddon. coverage. In light of what we know about • In Ezekiel 38:1-3 Russia is referred to prophecy, is insurance even necessary? | reply Yes. Examination of Ezekiel 38-39 using the names: Gog, Magog, Meshech – Thank you, Anonymous reveals an intriguing harmony with the and Tubal. Webster’s defines Meshech as description of Armageddon in Revelation the root word for Moscovi or Moscow, the | reply Any of us could die before tomor- 16–19. capital of Russia. Ezekiel 38 prophesies row. Consequently, there’s nothing wrong • Ezekiel 38:8 The timing will be in the that the armies of Russia, Turkey, and with financial planning so that your fam- latter years. Revelation reveals that Arma- Iran, which are east of Israel, will partici- ily would be taken care of in the event of geddon happens during the 7th Trumpet. pate in the invasion of Israel. Revelation your untimely death. • Verse 8 also tells us that the setting will 16:12-16 states that the kings of the east be the mountains of Israel. In Rev. 16:16, will cross the Euphrates River invading QuEstion: tiMinG oF God’s WrAtH Armageddon literally means hill of Megid- Israel at the time of Armageddon. Two If some of the trumpets have already do. The Plain of Megiddo is a valley in thousand, five hundred years ago, God sounded, does this mean that God is pour- northern Israel, set among the mountains prophesied that Russia and Iran would be ing out His wrath on His people? of Megiddo. in alliance against Israel at Armageddon. – Thank you, Curtis & Shirley • Ezekiel 38:18-19 This will be the time of God’s fury and wrath, which is poured out right now! e We are watching that alliance in action reply | No. God will not pour out His wrath on His people. The first 6 trum- pets take place before the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Then will come the Great Tribulation, which is the wrath of Satan according to Revelation 12:12, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” The wrath of God is contained in the vials that will be poured out right before and during the Battle of Armageddon. In Revelation 15:1, John said, “And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvel- lous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.” Revelation 16:2 tells us that the vials will affect those who have taken the mark of the beast. may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 7
  • 8. By IrVIn BaXter The term New World Order surfaces…then goes away for awhile. Then it comes back…and then recedes again. Well, it’s back…with a vengeance! With the economic crisis and the election of Barack Obama, it seems like everybody is talking about the New World Order. So is this thing called the New World Order good? Is it bad? What are people talking about when they refer to the New World Order? 8 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 9. First of all, let’s take a look at some of the statements made about New World Order by prominent political leaders through the years: Franklin D. Roosevelt–1935 Henry Kissinger–1993 President Roosevelt placed the words New On July 18, 1993, Henry Kissinger wrote in World Order on the back of the U.S. dollar the Los Angeles Times concerning the North bill in 1935. Written in Latin, the words Novus American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): Ordo Seclorum were placed on the ribbon “What Congress will have before it is not a below the pyramid. Novus means new. Ordo conventional trade agreement, but the archi- means order. Seclorum means secular or world. tecture of a new international system...a first step toward a New World Order.” Roosevelt then went on to be the driving force behind the founding of the United Nations— Colin Powell–1993 the only entity specifically created to become a Concerning whether U.S. troops should system of world government. remain in Somalia as part of a U.N. operation, General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Pope Paul VI–1967 Chiefs of Staff, says that a pullout would be In his encyclical Populorum Progressio, Pope “devastating to our hopes for the New World Paul VI said, “Who can fail to see the need Order and our ability to participate in multi- and importance of thus gradually coming to national organizations to deal with problems the establishment of a world authority capable like this.” of taking effective action on the juridical and political planes? Delegates to international Pope Benedict XVI–2005 organizations, public officials, gentlemen of In his first Christmas address, Pope Benedict the press, teachers and educators–all of you XVI urged humanity to unite against terror- must realize that you have your part to play in ism, poverty and environmental blight and the construction of a New World Order.” called for a “New World Order” to correct economic imbalances. Mikhail Gorbachev–1990 “...A New World Order is taking shape so fast Vice President Joe Biden–2008 that governments as well as private citizens Vice President Biden’s speech in Clayton Hall find it difficult just to absorb the gallop of at the University of Delaware was entitled, events...” Washington Post, February 25, 1990 “On the Threshold of the New World Order: A Rebirth for the United Nations.” George Herbert Walker Bush–1991 “We have before us an opportunity to forge British Prime Minister Gordon Brown–2008 for ourselves and for future generations a New On September 20, 2008, Prime Minister World Order—a world where the rule of law, Gordon Brown said, “So, in conclusion, la- not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct dies and gentlemen, a new world is emerging. of nations. When we are successful, and we It is a New World Order with significantly will be, we have a real chance at this New different and radically new challenges for World Order, an order in which a credible the future.” United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders”. may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 9
  • 10. Henry Kissinger–2009 made Deputy Secretary of State and continued to push his On January 5, 2009, Henry Kissinger said on MSNBC about New World Order agenda throughout the remainder of the President Obama, “…He can give new impetus to Ameri- Clinton administration. can foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop Walter Cronkite said it best–1999 an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a Former CBS Anchorman Walter Cronkite received the Glob- New World Order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it al Governance Award from the World Federalist Association isn’t just a crisis.” in 1999. The World Federalist Association is one of the largest organizations in the world that openly advocates one Above is just a small sample of statements endorsing the world government. At the award ceremony, Cronkite said New World Order. Yet the question remains! What do these the following: world leaders mean by “New World Order”? Let’s allow the world leaders themselves to explain what they mean. “Today we must develop federal structures on a global level to deal with world problems. We need a system of enforce- Strobe Talbott–1992 able world law and a democratic federal world government.” In his article, “Birth of the Global Nation,” published in Time magazine, July 20, 1992, Talbott said, “In the 21st Hillary Clinton congratulates Cronkite century, nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states During the ceremony at which Cronkite received the Global will recognize a single, global authority.” Governance Award, Hillary Clinton congratulated Cronkite by way of video. She said, “For decades, you told us the way He was quickly rewarded for his belief in the coming world it is. But tonight we honor you for fighting for the way it government by then President Clinton. In 1993, Talbott was could be.” location date/time/# location date/time/# leeSVIlle, loUISIANA 7/10 & 11 @ 7pm, SAN JoSe, CAlIForNIA 7/26 @ 6:30pm United Pentecostal Church 7/12 @ 10am & 6 pm First Church san Jose 408.296.0344 101 Nolan trace - 71446 337.239.3223 878 Boynton ave - 95117 SANTA MArIA, CAlIForNIA 7/12 @ 8:30am & 10:30am CorPUS CHrISTI, TeXAS 7/31 @ 7:30pm santa Maria Foursquare Church 805.922.8445 holiday inn airport 361.242.1171 709 N. Curryer street - 93458 5549 Leopard street - 78408 orCUTT, CAlIForNIA 7/12 @ 6:30pm oAK CreeK, wISCoNSIN 8/2 @ 10am & 6pm Revival tabernacle 805.922.6397 Parkway apostolic Church 414.571.2680 105 s. Broadway - 93455 10940 s. Nicholson Road - 53154 N. BrUNSwICK, New JerSeY 7/17 @ 7:45pm SAN ANToNIo, TeXAS 8/8 @ 7pm 8/9 @ 6:30pm New Destiny Family Worship Center 732.246.8850 thE hOPE CENtER 210.764.3100 1330 Livingston avenue #5 - 08902 4545 North Loop 1604 West - 78249 ArroYo GrANde, CAlIForNIA 7/19 @ 10:00am SlIdell, loUISIANA 8/9 @ 10am & 6pm Gospel Lighthouse 805.481.4673 First Pentecostal Church 985.643.8760 497 Fair Oaks avenue - 93421 384 Robert Blvd - 70458 JoHNSTowN, ColorAdo 7/23 @ 7:30pm SPoKANe, wASHINGToN 8/14 @ 7:30pm abundant Life tabernacle 970.587.5094 Mirabeau Park hotel 800.363.8463 1000 Country acres Drive - 80534 1100 N. sullivan Road - 99037 deNVer, ColorAdo 7/24 @ 7:30pm lewISVIlle, TeXAS 8/16 @ 6:30pm Grant avenue Community Center 720.351.8658 Landmark Evangelism Center 972.436.3007 216 south Grant street - 80209 410 East Church street - 75057
  • 11. So what is the New World Order? By now I think we all know the answer. Strobe Talbott said that in the 21st century, national sovereignty would cease to exist. We would all answer to a single global authority. Walter Cronkite said the same thing in no uncertain terms. He said a system of world government is mandatory. Plainly stated, New World Order is world government! So all of these revered world leaders from Franklin Roosevelt, to President H.W. Bush, to Colin Powell, to Pope Benedict XVI, to Henry Kissinger, to Joe Biden, are all promoting a system of world government when they endorse the New World Order? Right! Absolutely right! It’s all prophesied Should the rapid surge toward world government that we are experiencing at this time surprise us? Not if we are familiar with the prophecies of the Bible. The scriptures clearly foretell that a world government will appear on earth just before the Battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus Christ. David Rockefeller–1994 Daniel 7:23 describes the world government this way: In a statement to the UN Business Council, Rockefeller “Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom said, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and the New World Order.” break it in pieces.” Rahm Emanuel–Obama Chief of Staff Revelation 13:7-8 also foretells the present emerging “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I world government: mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, It appears that the “right major crisis” that David Rock- and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth efeller hoped for is being realized in the present global shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book economic crisis. At the G20 meeting on April 2-3, 2009, of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” the world leaders decided to establish a global financial oversight board, since all of the world’s economies are now Notice that the world government will have power over all interdependent. The first step was taken to create a world kindreds, tongues and nations. The scripture states that all will reserve currency instead of the U.S. dollar. worship the Antichrist—the leader of the world government—ex- cept those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. When Rahm Emanuel said that a serious crisis was an opportunity to do things that you could not do before, he Now we know. New World Order is world government! And e was obviously serious. President Obama has used this crisis it is the world government that will be in power at the time of to take a 72 percent ownership in General Motors, take the second coming of Christ. Furthermore, it is being set up control of many banks, takeover AIG, and a host of other right now! socialistic actions. Most of these steps that have been taken are probably unconstitutional. So far the American people have rolled over and accepted them with barely a whimper! Why? Because of fear created by the crisis we are in—just like Rockefeller said.
  • 12. bY robert kniGht and lindseY doUthit Editor’s note: This article is particularly important since the U.S. House of Rep- resentatives just passed a Hate Crimes bill. It has now been sent to the U.S. Sen- ate for approval. President Obama has already said he will sign the bill. (Please contact your senator encouraging him or her to vote “no” on this bill if it still has not passed when you receive this edition of Endtime Magazine.) BRINGING ‘THOUGHT CRIME’ TO AMERICA Proponents of “hate crime” laws say they are needed to protect minorities from acts of violence. However, criminal acts are already illegal. “Hate crime” laws add penalties to a criminal sentence if the person had a “hateful intent” or “thought crime” toward the victim. In 2005, anti-war demonstrators came to the Tremont Temple Baptist Church in Boston, to disrupt the “Love Won Out” conference, which featured former homosexuals and how to overcome homosexual desires. Obscenities, shouts of, “Shut it down,” and threats of violence could be heard. Although Massachusetts law prohibits interfering with constitutional rights to freedom of speech, the police declined to enforce it. 12 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 13. In 2004, “hate crime” law was used to arrest nearly a dozen Dr. Peter Forester, Anglican Bishop of Chester, England, was Christians in Philadelphia when homosexual activists cel- investigated by police for saying that homosexuals “could ebrated “National Coming-Out Day.” The Christian group and should seek medical help to ‘reorient’ themselves.” The “Repent America” sang hymns and carried signs encouraging Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM) accused him homosexuals to repent. Eleven Christians spent the night in of advocating a “scandalous” and “offensive” argument from jail! The next day, five of them, including a teenager, faced a “bygone age.” The LGCM’s communications director said, eight charges, three felonies and five misdemeanors, stem- the Bishop’s remarks “could inflame latent homophobia.” ming from Pennsylvania’s “hate crimes” law. Charges were Cheshire’s chief constable criticized Forester saying, “Civic dropped in 2005. leaders ought to promote diversity, including homosexual- ity and race, in a positive manner.” The Liverpool ElEvEN CHRISTIANS SpENT THE NIGHT IN jAIl! Daily Post noted that the investigation occurred even THE NExT DAy, fIvE Of THEM, INClUDING A though English hate crime laws are limited in scope: TEENAGER, fACED EIGHT CHARGES, THREE “Although it is illegal to incite racial hatred, there is fElONIES AND fIvE MISDEMEANORS, STEMMING at present no ban on incit- fROM pENNSylvANIA’S “HATE CRIMES” lAw. ing hatred against the les- bian and gay community.” In 2005, a militant homosexual mob threatened “Repent NEW ZEALAND America” with physical violence, and a city-funded event in- A Christian group called “Living Word” made two videos cluded simulated sex acts on floats. One float at the parade that questioned “safe sex” slogans by exposing the link be- featured partially dressed women bending over and being tween AIDS and homosexual behavior. These were rejected spanked with hands, whips, and objects. During the event, by the New Zealand Film and Literature Board of Review for the Christians were “surrounded, obstructed, and continu- encouraging “hate speech.” ously harassed”. CANADA Dary Byczek, of Wisconsin, lost his temper and yelled at Canada is enacting hate crime laws and legalizing same sex four lesbians living next door. He also wrote on the side marriage. The country’s “hate crimes” law reads: “Everyone of a truck parked on his property, “All lesbians will go to who, by communicating statements, other than in private hell.” He was ordered by a Lafayette County Circuit Judge conversation, willfully promotes hatred against any identifi- to undergo “anger management classes” paid for with his able group is guilty of …an indictable offense and is liable to own money. imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.” CRUSHING DISSENT IN OTHER NATIONS SWEDEN In 2004, Ake Green was the first pastor prosecuted after Sweden added “sexual orientation” to its “hate crime” law. Green was sentenced to one month in prison. The public prosecutor said, “Collecting Bible verses on this topic makes this hate speech.” Sweden’s chief prosecutor appealed the verdict, and the Swedish Supreme Court ruled unanimously to dismiss the charge. “We hope this will deter other at- tempts to censor Christian ministers from delivering Bible- based messages against harmful homosexual conduct,” an Alliance Defense Fund attorney said in a press release. UNITED KINGDOM The Scottish Parliament has a four-minute slot in its proceed- ings called “A Time for Reflection.” In 2004, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Catholic Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edin- burgh, gave a Christmas message that included a vague men- tion of “sexual aberrations” as a form of human captivity. The Parliament called this a “gratuitous insult.” A motion was proposed to prohibit ministers from speaking against In 2004, Canadian internet journalist Robert Jason received homosexuality during the reflection time. In England, the a visit from two plainclothes police officers investigating a Public Order Act of 1986 covers hate crimes based on race. possible “hate crime” because of Jason’s pro-family website. Parliament is considering legislation to add religion, “sexual “The officers were quiet and friendly, but just having them orientation,” and age. there was very intimidating to me and my wife,” Jason said. may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 13
  • 14. In 2000, Christian printer Scott Brockie refused to print Hugh Owens took out a small ad in the Saskatoon Star- material for the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Phoenix newspaper in 1997. The ad had a stick figure of two contending that he would be abetting sin if he did so. The men holding hands, with a circle and a line through it, and Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ordered him to pay $5,000 a list of Bible verses on homosexuality. The Saskatchewan in damages to the president of the Archives and to “hence- Human Rights Tribunal ruled that both Owens and the forth print materials for any homosexual individual or group newspaper publisher had to pay a total of $4,500 in damages on the same basis as all other clients.” to three homosexuals who were “offended” by the ad. Dr. Laura Schlessinger, an Orthodox Jew and radio talk- show host, was rebuked by the Canadian Broadcast Stan- dards Council for her remarks during programs in 1999. Schlessinger contended that people with unwanted homo- sexual desires should seek counseling and therapy. In 2000, the council announced that her on-air statements violated the human rights provision of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ code of ethics. “In Canada, we respect freedom of speech, but we do not worship it,” the council said. “It is the view of the Council that the sexual practices of gays and lesbians are as much a part of their being as the color of one’s skin or the gender, religion, age or ethnicity of an individual.” The broadcasting board also warned Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and Dr. Jerry Falwell’s Old Time Gospel Hour not to broadcast in Canada anything critical of homosexuality. William Whatcott, a former homosexual, distributed fliers in 2001 and 2002 in Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, that listed the medical dangers of homosexual behavior. He Chris Kempling, a professor at British Columbia College of was charged with a “hate speech” violation of Canada’s “hate Teachers, was suspended from his job in 2002 for writing letters to his local newspaper objecting to promotion of ho- mosexuality in the public schools. The college said his views “IN CANADA, wE RESpECT were “conduct unbecoming of a member,” a view upheld by the Canadian Supreme Court in 2005. Kempling appealed fREEDOM Of SpEECH, BUT his case twice, but both courts upheld his suspension. The British Columbia Court of Appeals supported Kempling’s wE DO NOT wORSHIp IT...” punishment. 14 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 15. crimes” law. The chairman of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal ruled that Whatcott violated the ban in Section 14(1) of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, and noted that it did not matter whether the material was true or whether it reflected Whatcott’s Christian beliefs. Whatcott was ordered to pay $17,500 in damages to four homosexuals who sued him for distributing the fliers. Murray and Peter Corren, a homosexual couple, filed a complaint against the British Columbia Ministry of Education in 1999 claiming that its curriculum did not adequately “address issues of sexual orientation.” In 2005, their complaint reached the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. Murray Corren is an elementary school teacher and, along with his “husband,” is demand- ing that schools promote homosexuality as a safe and nor- mal lifestyle. While proponents argue that the laws protect threatened tribunals far too much power to decide what emotions groups, especially homosexuals, from being targets of hate- and beliefs are acceptable and, more ominously, which ful acts, they more often grant a license for those groups to are not. abridge religious freedom. If anyone tries to point out the Biblical truth that homosexuality is blatantly wrong, a sin like The Bible is being deemed “hate” literature. Christians every other sin from which Jesus Christ offers redemption, have already been jailed for upholding traditional that is considered “hate.” morality in public places, and if hate crime laws prolif- CANADIAN COlUMNIST lORNE GUNTER: erate, the freedom to speak one’s mind will be limited to those who celebrate and promote homosexuality. e Hate-crimes laws are based on the fallacious premise that Endtime Magazine would like to thank Concerned we may be punished for our thoughts and feelings, not just Women for America for their permission to publish our actions. It gives legislators, the courts, and human-rights this article:
  • 16. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. a s I think about the Pledge of Allegiance, our nation’s wonder why 40-50 percent of marriages in America end in history comes to mind. I am reminded of the many divorce. We wonder why 820,000 babies are born to teenag- ways that God has blessed America. I think of the ers each year in the United States. And we continue to ignore 1st Amendment – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. the fact that the average age of first alcohol use is 12, and I think of the 4th Amendment – Search and Seizure. I am the average age of first drug use is 13. also reminded of Amendment 13 – Slavery Abolished, Amendment 14 – Citizenship Rights, and Amendment 19 – It is time for us to step up and put aside our worries about Women’s Suffrage. I consider the lives of countless soldiers, offending people by teaching a lifestyle of separation from who made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for the freedom of the filth our society is promoting. Endtime Youth Corps does this great country. not force a religion on people, but rather a refreshing stance on righteous living. We refute music, movies, and any other And then reality sets in. I see the annual Bible giveaway being type of communication that would cause our minds to be banned in the Collier County School District in Florida. I see consumed by the negativity that our world offers today. We the terms “father and mother” being banned in California are rebelling against the expectation of sexual, alcohol and schools because students with gender identification issues drug addictions that the world media is telling us we must be may be offended. I also see birth control being given to a part of. 11–13 year olds in Maine middle schools. And, to top it off, if parents ask about any type of treatment being given to Is God out of America? Some people would like to say so. But their pre-teen, by law, the school cannot inform them. Yet we Endtime Youth Corps is serving notice to the powers of dark- allow songs like “If You Seek Amy”, a song with an extreme ness. We have just begun to fight! Hope for America and the subliminal sexual message by Britney Spears, or “I Kissed next generation is here! A Girl”, by Katy Perry, to be on students’ iPods. We allow school dances that consist of so much impurity, I can’t even t e s t i m o n i e s mention the details in this article. And we encourage school cheerleading squads and dance teams to be so graphic in their performance and dress that they would be blurred out if Allison I started listening to EYC radio last year and since then my shown on MTV. life has been forever changed! I have found the Truth and know what it really means to be born again. EYC has addressed I am stopped in my tracks and experience what seems to be many issues that have helped me in my Christian walk. I am so a slap in the face. Our God, the Creator of the universe, and thankful for EYC’s commitment to young people! His ways are being thrown out of the schools on all levels. We Kaitlyn have been witnessing these types of anti-God adjustments for The guys do a great job connecting with young people, such as a number of decades. But we have been so concerned about myself, by discussing the everyday issues we deal with, and giving solutions to help overcome the challenges we face. Listening to EYC being politically correct that we have forsaken the values radio motivates me to stand out from the world and be the person upon which America was founded and established. Then we that God is calling me to be. Savannah EYC has helped me whenever I just need a friend. I am always con- fident that their answers are the Christian answers to daily teenage Vince Stegall is the Director of Endtime Youth issues. God has truly blessed me by bringing them into my life and I’d Corps, where he produces and hosts EYC Radio. definitely recommend them to any teen in any situation. He is also Associate Student Pastor for Image Skyler Student Ministries in Garland, TX. Vince has a EYC helped me figure out the Christian way to help a homosexual friend find God. Knowing that my friends at EYC are there at any heavy burden for young adults and spends given time is comforting. No problem ever seems too big or small for time counseling with students on a daily basis. them to help with.
  • 17. Politics&REligion REvEaling thE futuRE thRough biblical PRoPhEcy radio Listen to PoLitics and ReLigion daiLy. Listen Live and onLine (3Pm centRaL time). Find a LocaL Radio station neaR you. real audio & mP3 FRee veRsions oF PRevious bRoadcasts. Podcasts subscRibe to the daiLy Podcast. Recent BRoadcasts The Four horsemen • InTervIew wITh sTar Parker • The Touch and Go sysTem • chernobyl In The bIble • whaT should chrIsTIans be doInG? • lIsTener aPPrecIaTIon week day 1 InTervIew wITh Tom deweese • amerIca needs moralITy • korea breaks armIsTIces alabama louisiana syLacauga, Wyea, 1290 am, satuRday, 7-8Pm f Ft Payne, Wccv, neW oRLeans, WLno, 1060 am, 3-3:30Pm f shRevePoRt, Kmgc 91.1 Fm, 3–4Pm f Piedmont, WJcK, 88.3 Fm, 3–4Pm 104.5 Fm 8-8:30am arkansas michiGan Ft. smith, Kbhn, 89.7 Fm, 3-4Pm f LittLe RocK, KKsP, 93.3 Fm battLe cReeK, WoLy, 1500 am, 4-5Pm f detRoit WdRJ, 1440 am, 3-3:30Pm 4-4:30Pm Florida mississiPPi oRLando, Weus, 810 am, 4-4:30Pm JacKson, WtWZ, 1120 am, 9:30-10:30am GeorGia missouri macon, WbmL, 900 am, 4-5Pm f canton, Wccv, 92.1 Fm, 3-4Pm f PoPLaR bLuFF, KoKs, 89.5 Fm, 3-4Pm caRteRsviLLe, Wccv, 91.7 Fm, 3-4Pm f chatsWoRth, Wccv, 94.7 Fm, 3-4Pm f daLton, Wccv, 95.1 Fm, 3-4Pm f eLiJay, Wccv, 90.9 texas Fm, 3-4Pm f maRietta, Wccv, 92.3 Fm, 3-4Pm f RingoLd, Wccv, daLLas, KKgm, 1630 am, 3-4Pm f coRPus chRisti, Kcta, 1030 99.9 Fm, 3-4Pm f RossviLLe, Wccv, 96.1 Fm, 3-4Pm f WoodstocK, am, 4-4:30Pm Wccv, 100.9 Fm, 3-4Pm WashinGton indiana sPoKane, KtRW, 970 am, 1-2Pm f sPoKane, KsPo, 106.5 Fm,1- south bend, Whme, 103.1 Fm, 4-5Pm, f andeRson, WJcF, 105.3 Fm, 2Pm, sat. f moses LaKe, Ktbi, 810 Fm, 1-2 Pm, sat., Ktac, 93.9 Fm, 4-5Pm f conneRsviLLe, WJcF, 107.1 Fm, 4-5Pm f conneRsviLLe, 1-2 Pm f WaLLa WaLLa, Kgdn, 101.3 Fm 1-2 Pm, sat. f yaKima, WJcF, 104.5 Fm, 4-5Pm f miLRoy, WJcF, 98.3 Fm, 4-5Pm f Kyay, 930 am, 1-2Pm, sat. moRRistoWn, WJcF, 88.1 Fm, 4-5Pm f muncie, WJcF, 101.7 Fm, 4-5Pm f neW castLe, WJcF, 93.9 Fm, 4-5Pm f noRRistoWn, WJcF, shorthWave radio 102.5 Fm, 4-5Pm f RushviLLe, WJcF, 104.9 Fm, 4-5Pm f sheLbyviLLe, noRth ameRica & south ameRica, WhRi, 7.520, 4-5Pm est WJcF, 96.3 Fm, 4-5Pm f WadesviLLe, WJcF, 90.1 Fm, 4-5Pm f WhRi, 9.425, 5-6am est f WhRi, 15.665, 2-6 Pm est f WhRi, 11.785, 4-5 Pm est
  • 18. 18 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 19. By CraIG treaDWeLL Geraldine Doogue, with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and a program named, “Compass”, conducted an interview in London with Tony Blair, and said he is “a man who brought religion into power and is now bringing power to religion.” Quite a billing! Yet, Tony Blair expressed that he was not raised in a religious home and that his dad was a militant atheist! How can this be? You have heard it said that faith and politics don’t mix. Yet here we have the former prime minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair, performing an ongoing dance with the Vatican. In addition, since leaving Number 10 Downing Street, he has been the Quartet’s “man of peace” to the Middle East. Tony Blair is a busy man. In addition to wearing all of these hats, he also set up his faith and globalization headquarters at Yale University. This appeared to be fueled by his recent conversion to Catholicism, complete with the personal assis- tance of Pope Benedict XVI himself! So just what was behind Tony Blair’s “rendezvous with Rome” at the Vatican? Since this was his last foreign engagement as British prime minister, was Blair planting seeds for a hopeful future crown? may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 19
  • 20. who have sealed the deal, Blair actually had the boldness to turn right around and correct Pope Benedict regarding his stance against homosexuality! Is this the man who will What special relationship did Blair’s meeting with lead Europe and the world community into a new era of Pope Benedict at the Vatican signify? What separated faith, coupled together with the New World Order? If Blair his audience with the “Roman Pontiff” from all the other is determined to lead all of Europe, then perhaps he feels kings and presidents? The results are that he needs the support of Sodom revealed in Blair’s global interfaith and Gomorrah to accomplish his agenda. After all, what motive would dream. After all, seeking the support of he have other than the possibility of the gay agenda is certainly the politi- becoming the new Charlemagne of the cally correct thing to do these days. revived Holy Roman Empire? Remem- ber him? He was the guy who was crowned by Pope Leo III and made to be the first emperor of the Holy Roman So just what is Blair’s stated pur- Empire on Christmas Day, 800 AD. pose for starting the Tony Blair Faith In this age of universal chaos, Europe Foundation in partnership with Yale and the globe are hungry for a new University? What was his initial driving Charlemagne to take center stage. dream that birthed the whole deal to It just so happens that Blair is the begin with? top candidate for Europe’s first ever A quote directly from the Tony Blair permanent president once the Lisbon Faith Foundation mission statement Treaty (European constitution) be- reveals his intended direction (straight comes permanent law. This, of course, from the mouth of the British lion): “The is if Nicolas Sarkozy has anything to do Tony Blair Faith Foundation aims to with it! Imagine…Mr. Blair could very promote respect and understanding well become the new Charlemagne of about the world’s major religions and the resurrected Holy Roman Empire! show how faith is a powerful force for As is common with politicians good in the modern world.
  • 21. Faith is vitally important to hundreds of millions of He said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). people. It underpins systems of thought and of behav- In John 10:9, Jesus said, “I am the door.” Interfaithism iour. It underpins many of the world’s great movements teaches that it does not matter who you worship, so long for change or reform, including many charities. And the as your religion promotes peace…there are many paths so values of respect, justice and compassion that our great why not melt them all together into one convenient, global religions share have never been more relevant or impor- religion! Such a subtle, yet drastic difference! One cannot tant to bring people together to build a better world. have it both ways! I hate to break the news about such a But religious faith can also be used to divide. We have nice guy as Tony Blair, but he is dead wrong. seen throughout history and today we still see how it can be distorted to fan the flames of hatred and extremism. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is a response to these opportunities and challenges. We will use the full Everyone wants peace. Nobody in his right mind power of modern communications to support and step up wants conflict, especially when it involves a nuclear holo- efforts at every level to educate, inform and develop un- caust led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-il. derstanding about the different faiths and between them. No one wants to live with the fear that some extremist nut- At the same time, the Foundation will use its pro- case could strap bombs to his body and detonate himself file and resources to encourage people of faith to work in a crowded public place. Israelis live with this fear every together more closely to tackle global poverty and conflict. day. Of course, world leaders such as Blair want to see this By supporting such interfaith initiatives, the Foundation type of activity brought to a halt. will help underline the religion’s relevance and positive contribution.” Sound reasonable? Compassionate? Logical? Politi- Once a mainstream inter- cally correct? Who can argue with causing all people, no national system is in place, matter their religion, to simply get along and treat each other with respect? After all, Jesus taught His followers designed to shut down “reli- to love everybody. Yet Jesus did not teach that this meant to embrace false religion. He said, “False Christs and false gious extremism,” who would prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to be able to stop them from go- seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. (Mark 13:22) ing after true Christianity? Since many acts of terror stem from religious roots, It is tempting to go with the flow, especially with a logical solution is to break down misunderstanding and someone as kind and charismatic as Tony Blair at the hate by forging a common bond. We almost have to slap helm. Yet a deeper look at Blair’s initiative may cause us to ourselves in the face and wake up to the reality of how the stop and think before calling all religions equal. That’s the most deadly poison is sweet to the initial taste. The stated subtle, hard-to-detect error of interfaithism. Without this goal is peace. This is why the global activities of Blair can fundamental belief that all religions lead to the same God, be so subtly deceptive. On the surface it appears he is interfaithism simply will not work! doing a lot of good. No doubt he even believes this in his own mind. While universal peace may be a noble goal, it certainly has been greatly misunderstood by world leaders. Do they You see, interfaithism presents a major obstacle to actually think true peace can be achieved simply by getting genuine Christians because Jesus taught directly against it. all of the major religions to understand each other? continued on pg 29 may ~ june 09 | endtime magazine 21
  • 22. Irvin Baxter interviewed by Craig Treadwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from march/april issue Q WHAT TOOK PLACE AT THE RECENT G20 MEETING IN LONDON? A The G20 meeting was critical. Some people billed it as the most important meeting on international finance in the last sixty years. The plan was to put together a structure for a new world economic order—producing a solution for the world economic crisis of 2008-2009. Heads of State and Government of the Group of 20 (G-20) industrialized and developing countries attending the financial crisis summit. 22 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 London, United Kingdom - 02 April 2009 - UN Photo/Evan Schneider
  • 23. Q THE MEETING HAS BEEN COMPARED out there by the dump truck loads. The world is awash in TO THE BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE dollars! Wall Street foresaw that there would be a steep drop OF 1944. WHAT’S THE CORRELATION? in the value of the dollar if it were no longer the world’s reserve currency. When Wall Street raised its voice in pro- A Some people actually called this meeting Bretton Woods test, Geithner immediately started backpedaling and saying, II. The International Monetary Fund (the IMF) was estab- “That’s what I said, but that’s not what I meant.” lished at the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944. The IMF is actually the federal re- As far as the SDRs go, the announcement serve bank of the world. The World Bank was made at the end of the G20 Summit: was also established at Bretton Woods. “We have agreed to support a general SDR World leaders were setting up the financial allocation, which will inject $250 billion structures in 1944 so they could launch into the world economy and increase the political structures of the United global liquidity.” The G20 also agreed to Nations the next year in 1945. put another $500 billion into the IMF’s war chest to enable them to fight against It has always been believed that economic union has to come this global economic crisis. first, and then political union will follow. The world leaders attended the London G20 Summit on April 2-3, 2009, to set Altogether, they put $750 billion dollars at the IMF’s dis- up a new global economic structure. At this Summit, they posal for the SDR to actually become a global currency. referred continually to the New World Order. When they say The way I understand it—and I’m not an expert in global New World Order, they are referring to the system of global finance—eventually international transactions could very government that they hope to establish, with the UN finally well start being done in SDRs. becoming a bona fide one-world government. Q SO THESE SDR’S ARE GLOBAL Q THEY TALKED ABOUT LAUNCHING A CURRENCY? NEW GLOBAL CURRENCY AT THE G20. DID THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEN AND WHAT A It certainly appears that way. That’s what was said as ARE THESE SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS? far as the communiqué that was issued at the end of the G20 Summit. The commentators that I read were saying: A Before the G20 Summit, there were several powers “We have now seen the birth of a global currency.” This new that proposed launching a world currency. For example: In global currency is in the infancy stage. You don’t make a March 2009, Russia suggested that the G20 Summit should switch overnight with something this massive. They’re sort start by establishing a global currency system. A week later, of sliding this in, easing the dollar out and creating an inter- China suggested the establishment of a global currency. Also national currency. They are actually projecting that the value in March, a United Nations panel of economists proposed of that currency will be determined by averaging out several a new global currency reserve that would take over the different currencies. They may include the Japanese curren- US dollar-based cy, the dollar, the system used for de- cades by interna- When they say New World Order, Euro, and one or two others. This tional banks. Then on March 25th, they are referring to the is how they would determine what the Timothy Geithner, system of global government value of an SDR is the U.S. treasury secretary and for- that they hope to establish, with at a given time. mer president of the UN finally becoming a bona Q I HEARD the New York Fed- eral Reserve, said fide one-world government. ALAN GREENSPAN he had no problem TALKING with the establishment of the IMF Special Drawing Rights ABOUT HOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE (SDRs) as a global currency. So this was coming from DIDN’T NEED THE APPROVAL OF China, Russia, the UN, and even with a nod from Geithner. CONGRESS OR THE WHITE HOUSE TO MAKE MAJOR DECISIONS. HE A day later Wall Street said, “Wait a minute! Are you telling EXPLAINED HOW THEY DO THIS ELEC- me that the dollar is no longer going to be the reserve cur- TRONICALLY BY SIMPLY INCREASING rency of the world and that we’re switching to something THE ACCOUNTS OF THE BANKS. WHAT else?” They knew what that meant because there are dollars IS YOUR TAKE ON THIS?
  • 24. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Yes. It is actually becoming a world which has become America’s central central bank just like the Federal Re- bank, has created money this way for serve is the US central bank. Germany a long time. That’s exactly what Alan also has a central bank, and so does Greenspan was addressing. How do you Great Britain. create money? It used to be that you would print the money, and you had to Our forefathers didn’t want us to have have enough gold at Fort Knox to back a central bank because they understood it up. It said right on it would be as Mr. the money that it was Rothschild said many redeemable in gold. years ago, “Give me However, President control of a nation’s Nixon cut us loose money and I care not from the gold stan- who makes her laws.” dard. That was really That’s what is occur- the beginning of this ring here. They now horrible crisis that we are in right now. have control of the nation’s money, but There’s nothing whatsoever backing the they’re not content with just that. They dollar at this point except faith in the are moving now to control the money of American people. the entire world. They are getting ready for the New World Order. We’ve now reached the point where we don’t even have to print money any- Q WHAT IS THE NEW more. If the federal government goes WORLD ORDER AND to the Federal Reserve Bank and says, WHERE DID THE TERM “We’re going to need to borrow 50 bil- COME FROM? lion dollars for the next 30 days,” the Mr. Rothschild said many years ago, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.” clerk at the Federal Reserve just types in A It’s not a new term. Believe it or 50 billion and electronically puts that in not, Adolf Hitler used the term while the government account. he was rallying the German people back in the 1930s. Then Franklin D. So the G20 has empowered the Inter- Roosevelt bought into it, placing the national Monetary Fund to do the same term on the back of our dollar bill. thing on a global level that the Federal It’s still there right now—on the rib- Reserve does on the United States level. bon under the pyramid. It’s written in Therefore, they can actually create mon- Latin, “Novus ordo seclorum.” Novus ey and lend it. means new, ordo means order and se- clorum means secular or world. Q SO THEY’RE TAKING THE INTERNATIONAL As time has gone along people have MONETARY FUND AND resurrected the term. Mikhail Gor- TURNING IT INTO AN bachev used it. George H. W. Bush INTERNATIONAL FEDER- picked up on it. More recently, Henry AL RESERVE? Kissinger talked about Barack Obama having the chance to usher in a New 24 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 25. World Order. All of them simply refer to the dream of a world without borders— a one-world government. Q WHAT IS THE INTERNA- TIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, AND HOW FAR ADVANCED IS IT RIGHT NOW? A In 1997, President Clinton was scheduled to speak at the United Nations to welcome the delegates from around the world. In his speech, he said that the time had come for the establishment of a world criminal court. That became the hot top- ic of discussion for the rest of the 1997 General Assembly. Having the green light from the US President, they immediately convened a preparatory conference. When they had drawn up the general structure for the new world court, they convened a global conference This permanent international court is designed to try indi- in Rome. From June 15 to July 17, 1998, they pounded out viduals. Americans tried there will have no Bill of Rights the details of the treaty establishing the International Crimi- and no US Constitution to protect them. The World Court nal Court Statute of Rome. When it was all said and done, is above the law of the United States of America. At least 120 nations voted for the ICC while 7 voted against it. Even that’s what they claim, and that’s the way they are set up though President Clinton had initiated the launching of the and structured. international court, the U.S. was one of the 7 nations that refused to sign it. Sixty nations had to ratify the ICC statute before the new court could come into force. World planners thought the rat- President Clinton had intended for the ICC to only try cases ification would be a ten year process. However, ratification that were recommended to it by the United Nations Securi- was completed just four years later in 2002. President Clin- ty Council, knowing that the US had veto power there. The ton, on the last possible day, signed for the U.S. to become a international court conference took the bit between its teeth member of the International Criminal Court. People under- and created an independent prosecutor who could try stood that, in so doing, he was signing away the sovereignty whoever he wanted, anywhere in the world. of the United States of America. Consequently, President continued on pg 30
  • 26. m a y / j u n e World Review —world events through the eyes of bible prophecy— By GInGer BOerKIrCher [ 6tH trUmpet watCH ] BLAir stEPs uP FiGHt to BE CroWnEd First ‘PrEsidEnt oF Eu’ PrEsidEnt oBAMA: us ‘WEnt oFF Tony Blair has emerged as the leading CoursE’ FiGHtinG tError candidate to become the first permanent President Barack Obama has defiantly president of the European Union. The declared that the US “went off course” former prime minister stepped up his in fighting terrorism over the past eight campaign for the job, and wants to use years, and said his policies will “better it to build a bridge between Europe and protect” the country against al Qaeda. the new Obama administration. Gordon However, Vice President Dick Cheney Brown gave his grudging blessing to the said he supported the controversial poli- plan on the basis that Britain needs to cies “when they were made, and without have a key figure in the architecture of the hesitation would do so again in the same “New World Order”. circumstances. A lot rides on our Presi- dent’s understanding of the security poli- [ marK of tHe beaSt watCH ] cies that preceded him.” MinnEsotA rEJECts rEAL id ACt oF 2005 irAn: WE suCCEssFuLLY FirEd MissiLE Minnesota Governor Timothy Pawlenty tHAt CAn Hit isrAEL has signed legislation that prohibits his Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad administration from turning the state has announced that Iran successfully test- driver’s license into a national identity fired a new advanced missile with a range card and from imposing new burdens of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike on taxpayers, citizens, immigrants and Israel and southeastern Europe as well as state government. The state legislature US bases in the Gulf. US sources have overwhelmingly endorsed the bill with a confirmed the test. The announcement electrical grid and left behind software unanimous House vote and a 64-1 vote in came just days after President Barack programs that could be used to disrupt the Senate. Minnesota has become the 23rd Obama declared a readiness to seek deep- the system. The spies came from China, state to reject the Real ID Act of 2005. er international sanctions against Iran if Russia and other countries. The intrud- it shunned US attempts to open negotia- ers haven’t sought to damage the power tions on its nuclear program. grid or other key infrastructure, but of- ficials warned they could try during a cri- sis or war. The espionage appeared per- vasive across the US and doesn’t target a particular company or region according to a former Department of Homeland Security official. Officials said water, sew- age and other infrastructure systems also were at risk. [ Holy romaN empire watCH ] CZECH rEPuBLiC AMonG tHosE YEt to FinisH rAtiFiCAtion The Czech Republic is one of four EU countries that is yet to finish ratifying the Lisbon Treaty. The Czech government first submitted the treaty for ratification in parliament in January 2008. Czech President Vaclav Klaus, 67, opposes ELECtriCitY Grid in us PEnEtrAtEd the treaty as a boon to the EU’s bigger BY sPiEs members and a threat to his country’s Cyber-spies have penetrated the US sovereignty. 26 endtime magazine | may ~ june 09 SubscribeNow| call 1.800.endtime|
  • 27. tHE G20 MoVEs tHE WorLd A stEP Minister Ehud Barak also gave the green CLosEr to A GLoBAL CurrEnCY light for the IDF to purchase the Vulcan- There will be a revolution in the global fi- Phalanx anti-missile defense system from nancial order according to a clause in Point the United States. 19 of the communiqué recently issued by G20 leaders. It says, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn into the world economy and increase global liquidity.” G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to cre- ate money and begin global “quantitative easing.” In doing so, they are putting a de-facto world currency into play, and it’s outside the control of any sovereign body. [ miDDle eaSt watCH ] ‘rFid MArKEt to rEACH $5.56 BiLLion BY End oF 2009’ - idtECHEX CEo IDTechEx has announced the RFID forecasts for 2009. Tagging of apparel is now in roll out phase with 200 million RFID labels being used for apparel. Tagging of animals is growing strongly as it becomes a legal requirement. In total, 2.35 billion tags will be sold in 2009 versus 1.97 billion in 2008. BiLL to CLAMP doWn on FEdErAL sHoCK Find: nEtAnYAHu diVidinG rEsErVE GAins stEAM JErusALEM Rep. Ron Paul is pushing a bill (H.R.1207) The Israeli government quietly began con- that calls for an audit of the Federal Re- structing the country’s security barrier serve, and the bill is gaining steam as along a controversial route that effectively more members of Congress sign on. The blocks off Jewish property and an impor- bill is called the Federal Reserve Transpar- tant Jewish neighborhood from the rest of ency Act of 2009. The Federal Reserve is a Jerusalem. During his candidacy, Prime government-established private entity that Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke can enter into agreements with foreign about the importance of maintaining and central banks and foreign governments. developing a Jerusalem region called E1. However, no agency has oversight over The Palestinians want that area as part of the Fed and the Government Accounting BiBi rEJECts oBAMA’s ‘un FLAG At a state. Office is prohibited from auditing or view- KotEL stAr oF dAVid to rEMAin ’; ing any agreements. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu PErEs MAKEs rArE Hint At PossiBLE vowed at the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva striKE on irAn in Jerusalem that the Israeli flag will Israeli President Shimon Peres said some continue to fly over the Western Wall. He aggressive words about Iran, seemingly ignored US President Barack Obama’s threatening military action. This will be apparent trial balloon that he wants to see if US President Obama’s overtures to the the United Nations flag fly over the Old City holy sites. CoMinG uP: tHrEE nEW Anti-MissiLE sYstEMs in Four YEArs According to a high level military assessment, Israel is planning to have three different levels of missile defense systems within the next four years. The Iron Dome system, designed to intercept Kassam and Katyusha rockets, would be operational and deployed along the border by summer 2010. A second system called David’s Sling that intercepts medium- range rockets is expected to be operational within four years. A more advanced Arrow III system against long-range missiles will be operational soon after. Defense