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Strictly confidential report
                            of Mr Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

                            Report of the development center

                            of Mr Nuno Tasso Figueiredo
                            at UTC Fire & Security EMEA BVBA

                            Date: 2 February 2012
                            Projectmanager: Charlotte de Groot
                            Development coach: Laura Rypens
                            Administration: Eva Jansen

© Quintessence Consulting                                1/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo


Index ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

Guidelines for using the report ............................................................................................................ 3

1.          General overview ........................................................................................................................ 4
     1.1.     Summary and conclusion ....................................................................................................... 4
     1.2.     Personality characteristics ....................................................................................................... 4
     1.3.     Individual competence scores............................................................................................... 5

2.          Evaluation of the competence profile ...................................................................................... 6

3.          Detailed overview of the competence profile ...................................................................... 10

Annex 1 – Competence Profile.......................................................................................................... 13

Annex 2 – Interpretation of the scores .............................................................................................. 15

Annex 3 – Personality profile .............................................................................................................. 16

                                  © Quintessence Consulting                                                            2/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Guidelines for using the report

This report contains confidential information that will only be shared with the participant and the
principal mandatory himself.

The report is based on the profile established in consultation with the client. The competencies of the
participant have been compared against this profile. The motivation and expectations of the
participant have been examined to highlight the participant’s strengths, points for improvement and
motives. These can then serve as a basis for the further development of the participant. The results can
therefore not be used for the assessment of other job positions within different work environments nor for
any other purpose; neither can they be seen as an assessment of the proper functioning of jobholders
within their current position.

Period of validity
The report records a moment in time and presents a picture of the candidate in the way his or her
competencies relate today to the pre-defined competence profile. As people keep on developing
their skills and are liable to evolve, the report’s conclusions are limited in time. After one or maximum
two years, the report’s results need to be interpreted with the greatest circumspection.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                                    3/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

    1. General overview

On the 2nd of February 2012 Mr Nuno Tasso Figueiredo participated in a development center organized
by Quintessence Consulting.

1.1.    Summary and conclusion

We got to know you as a person who has both a good view on operational issues and who can also
take a broader and long-term view on the future direction of the company. You show a strong drive to
develop yourself further in the short term to a higher management position. Both national and
international roles are interesting you, as long as there are challenges related to the new role and you
are able to make a real contribution to the company and to others.
During the development center we saw several strong points emerge. You show the ambition to grow in
your career and the tendency to make sacrifices to get to this goal. In a conversation you show the
tendency to take a directive position and you are easily seen as a credible conversation partner based
on your expertise and the position you take. You show very much the need to change things for the
better. You are able to analyze the current situation and see where you want the organization to grow
to. This visionary view can really be seen as a real asset for you.
When we take a look at your leadership style we noticed that you mainly take a directive position. You
are less focused on developing people and thoroughly listen to their input before making statements
yourself. This is not that much in line with your ambition and your self perception, in which you state that
you are really a team player and you want to develop in roles where you want to be able to develop
others. Because of your ambition, we see it as an area in which you could develop skills in active
listening and coaching others. This will allow you to increase your impact on others and improve your
convincing style.

1.2.    Personality characteristics

In the results of your personality questionnaire, we see both average and more distinct scores emerge:

       For the scale “Neuroticism” you have a low average score. You show the tendency to be a bit
        anxious and to sometimes react more impulsively to events or reactions. Generally speaking
        you are less likely to show signals of stress.
       For the scale “Extraversion” you have a high score. You indicate that you are happy when you
        are together with other people. When you are together with others, you are more likely to take
        an assertive position and have your say in the group. We were also able to observe this during
        the development center.
       For the scale “Openness” you have a high-average score. You show an open attitude towards
        changes and new ideas. You are a bit less likely to accept different values and opinions of
       For the scale “Altruism” you also have a high-average score. You take a straightforward position
        and show a certain amount of trust in others. In relation to tender mindedness and compassion
        we see a rather average score.
       For the scale “Conscientiousness” you have a high score. You show a tenacious attitude and
        aim to obtain results and achieve better.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                                     4/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

1.3.      Individual competence scores

The competencies are assessed against the predefined profile.

                        Performance motivation

Interaction             Convincing power
Information             Vision

                        Change orientation

                        Planning and organising
                        Result orientation

                        Coaching and developing
People Management
                        Providing direction

5 = Outstanding , 4 = Strongly developed, 3 = Well developed , 2 = Point for improvement, 1 = Insufficiently developed
0 = No information available

                            © Quintessence Consulting                                                 5/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

    2. Evaluation of the competence profile


                 Performance motivation


You show a strong dedication and drive to reach results. You are focused on taking actions to improve
the performance of others and of the company. Your focus is especially on looking at numbers and
processes and you show a dedication to improve the performance of your team and the company. You
could show more focus on looking at your own actions and their effect on others. In conversation with
others you take a dominant role and are especially focused on telling others what to do, therefore you
are not always able to reach the results you would like to reach. Taking a more critical focus, not only of
the performance of the company and of others, but also looking at your own input could help you
improve your impact on others.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                                   6/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo



                       Convincing power


You are able to position yourself strongly towards others. People see you as an expert and you take the
opportunity to make statements and to take a prominent role in a group and in mutual conversations. In
personal meetings you tend to use a firm style in which you impose on others what you expect from them.
You could increase the way of convincing others if you would go for a partnership relation in which you
also listen to what the other party has to say. During a one on one conversation you tend to speak for
more than 85% of the time and are less inclined to ask questions and listen to the input you receive. You
could improve teamwork if you would also give others the opportunity to interact and have their say.
Nevertheless, you are very positive about teamwork and take initiatives to improve teamwork. You could
grow further by taking a more positive attitude during interactions. You focus more on what might go
wrong than to see what is already going well for people. Taking a more appreciative attitude could
improve team spirit, motivation and collaboration.



You show a clear view on the future path you see for the department and the company. You are able to
make an analysis of different elements and can conclude this in an own view. This view is sometimes
made too quickly and you could improve in thinking about the possible pitfalls. In your approach you take
an almost philosophical view and look at the current situation critically. You are open to speak out your
own opinions and make proposals for future improvement.

                     © Quintessence Consulting                                   7/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo



                       Change orientation

You are able to analyze a diverse problem, build up a founded line of reasoning, see the possible risks and
take decisions. When taking a decision we see that you need data to found your decision or you want to
discuss it with others before speaking out your final idea. In a conversation with others we see that you
come to a decision much more easily and maybe even a bit too fast without taking the risks fully into
account. You could try to make sure you have enough data before speaking out a decision, but also not
take too much time if you need to act fast. In general, you take a very open attitude towards change.
You can see the advantages to change and you formulate innovative ideas and your vision about the
future of the organization and what could be changed to improve processes. We see you take a critical
attitude towards the current situation. Try not to look only at the disadvantages of a situation, but also try
to see what is already going well and try to build further on that. This might be a way to get faster results
and reduce resistance to change.


                  Planning and organising

                         Result orientation

We see you take a goal-oriented attitude, but how you will reach the goal exactly is stated less
concretely. In a conversation you are able to name the different tasks you need to perform or you want
others to execute. By when and how these tasks are executed is left to others, but you take a
coordinating role by telling others what needs to be done. You could grow in being more precise in what
you need, by when, and start with the most important tasks. You show the tendency to overwhelm others
with actions to be taken. That way, the focus gets lost and it is not clear any more what is really important
and what is not.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                                     8/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo


                Coaching and developing

                        Providing direction

Your most preferred leadership style is providing direction by telling others what needs to be done. You
show the intention to include the input from your co-worker, but it is you who makes the final decision. In a
conversation with a co-worker you show the tendency to immediately start talking about targets and the
problems that arise in the day to day work. You are talking most of the time and could give the other
person also the opportunity to comment. Ask more questions, listen to responses and elaborate on the
input you receive. Questions or messages from your co-worker in regard to a need for training
opportunities or lack of certain skills are left aside. Your focus is mainly on operational issues and you direct
the other what you expect from him. You could grow further in focusing on the human aspect too in a
conversation and invest more time in getting acquainted with each other first. This way, you will be able
to motivate your co-workers better and get more things done together.

                       © Quintessence Consulting                                      9/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

    3. Detailed overview of the competence profile

Performance motivation
Looks spontaneously for new challenges in own job or organisation.

Strives to continuously improve own performance.

Ensures that procedures are adapted or developed to improve quality or prevent specific
errors or problems in the future.

Introduces specific changes to systems, methods, procedures etc. in order to improve
performance (speed, efficiency, quality, customer satisfaction).

Motivates and inspires co-workers to pursue excellence and exceed expectations.

Assesses properly own strengths and weaknesses.

Has good insight in the influence of own behaviour on achieved results.

Has good insight in own strengths and weaknesses.

Reflects openly and in a positive-critical way on own behaviour.

Radiates self-confidence.

Has a natural prominent presence.

Makes a strong impression.

Commands credibility and authority based on expertise and experience.

Convincing power
Stresses mutual aspects and interests when defending own proposals.

Rises above the diverse or even contrary positions to look for a win-win situation.

Asks questions to acquire insight in the needs, arguments, intentions and limits of the others
and responds appropriately.

Is able to convey enthusiasm to others.

Checks explicitly whether own proposals and positions gain approval.

                         © Quintessence Consulting                                            10/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Take up conflicts for discussion.

Takes initiatives to improve teamwork.

Shares the team success with the other team members.

Makes sure that every team member has the opportunity to contribute.

Develops alternative ideas on how the organisation can develop its future advantages.

Develops a personal policy based on both essential internal and external factors.

Defines clear proposals for course and strategy.

Determines processes, structures and systems to pursue the strategy.

Takes decisions based on incomplete information.

Takes crucial decisions that have a long-term impact.

Takes independent decisions and the final responsibility for them.

Obviates the possible risks inherent to own decision.

Has a well-founded line of reasoning for the risk factor in the decision.

Change orientation
Questions existing situations, adopts a critical attitude.

Prefers innovation to maintaining the existing situation.

Formulates proposals for innovation and change.

Identifies the advantages of change.

                         © Quintessence Consulting                                        11/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Planning and organising
Develops a coherent action plan, stating needed human and other resources, timetable,
milestones, phases etc.

Anticipates potential obstacles, developments and problems (provides an emergency plan
or actions that minimise problems).

Provides for structured, systematic situation monitoring using parameters, systems, etc.

Assumes an active role in coordinating the whole process.

Provides fixed reporting meetings, channels and agreements.

Result orientation
Translates goals into feasible, realistic activities.

Mobilises people and resources, even when there is a need to convince others.

Makes firm agreements with others on the goals, the people who are expected to achieve
them and the deadlines.

Refocuses the process regularly based on the goals.

Does not give up, looking actively for alternatives in the event of obstacles and setbacks.

Coaching and developing
Gives clear and balanced feedback oriented to development.

Helps others improve their insight into their own strengths and weaknesses.

Encourages others (to allow them to develop).

Offers learning opportunities (training, assignments, monitoring).

Does not simply focus on the task or goal, but also on the person.

Providing direction
Communicates and clarifies the policy to the co-workers.

Provides leadership tailored to different co-workers and different situations.

Conveys a vision that generates enthusiasm and involvement.

Encourages open communication and consultation among the co-workers.

Develops a team with complementary competences and talents.

                           © Quintessence Consulting                                         12/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Annex 1 – Competence Profile

Competence profile

The competences specified in the competence profile are determined in accordance with the applier.
The competence profile is based on the requirements of the position and the context in which the
position will be held.

For each competence a distinction is made between three levels. The classification of the levels makes
a good differentiation between competences possible and clarifies the concrete expectations
regarding to the task and responsibilities typical for the position and the context in which the position will
be held.

Levels are not necessarily cumulative. In some instances level 3 implies level 1 and 2, in other instances it
does not. Levels are not connected with a specific hierarchic position. A higher hierarchical position
does not imply necessarily a higher level of all competences. Nor do levels form an indication or resume
of the received score.

Performance motivation
Voluntarily improving own performance continuously. Exceeding standards and achieving
exceptional results. Striving to be the best.

Ability to evaluate and assess self to form a self-image that corresponds to reality.

Making and building on a strong, credible first impression in different situations.

Convincing power
Obtaining approval of others with good arguments, appropriate influencing methods and

Contributing actively to a joint result or the resolution of a problem or conflict, even when the
subject of collaboration is not directly in own interest.

Examining matters from a distance and putting them in a broader context and time

Expressing a preference for a position or action unambiguously despite incomplete
knowledge of the alternatives and their risks.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                                       13/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Change orientation
Being open to (organisational) change, and effectively adjusting to new working methods
and frameworks.

Planning and organising
Bringing structure in time and space, and setting priorities for tackling problems.

Result orientation
Being focused on setting goals and achieving results according to timetable and

Coaching and developing
Guiding co-workers to optimal performance, growth in their job and a broadening of their
career opportunities.

Providing direction
Steering co-workers to allow them to achieve their goals.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                               14/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Annex 2 – Interpretation of the scores

5 – Outstanding
This competency or indicator is exceptionally strong. It is prominently expressed and has a significant
impact on how you generally perform.

4 – Strong
This competency or indicator is strongly developed. It gives you an advantage for the successful
performance of tasks.

3 – Good
This competency or indicator is well developed. You express this competence sufficiently systematically
for successful performance.

2 – Point for improvement
This competency or indicator is only moderately developed. You will need to develop this competence
further for the successful performance of tasks.

1 – Insufficiently developed
This competency or indicator is insufficiently developed for the successful performance of tasks.You will
need to invest a lot of energy to develop this competence further.

0 – No information available
There is too little information to express an opinion on this competency.

                      © Quintessence Consulting                                     15/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Annex 3 – Personality profile

                      Very Low             Low          Average            High                    Very high

Neuroticism               42
People with a low score are rather stable and difficult to throw off balance. They usually have the same
mood, are rather calm and relaxed and are able to deal with stressful situations. They get less easily

People with a high score can be rather fearful, easily get excited, appear more concerned or worry
about all sorts of problems. They will not easily see the relative nature of a problem as they see it as
extremely important.

Extraversion              62
People with a low score are rather reserved, distant and pensive. They tend to not relate to their direct
environment but are more intimately involved in their own feelings, thoughts and personal activities.
They would prefer not to be in the company of others.

People with a high score are rather social in the sense that they like being in the company of others and
like a homely atmosphere. Apart from their preference for group activities and public events, they will
also be more assertive, more active and express themselves more than low scorers. They thrive on

Openess                     59
People with a low score are rather conventional and have conservative opinions. They prefer old
trusted situations rather than new ones and prefer not to extend their boundaries beyond what they
need to achieve their objectives.

People with a high score are curious, both with regard to their inner world, the outside world and
towards others. They are usually flexible and like new or unconventional ideas. They are not that keen
on rules, schemes and fixed opinions.

Agreeableness              60
People with a low score are mainly concerned with themselves. They prefer discussion and
confrontation to cooperation and support. They are mainly concerned with their own objectives and for
this reason are competitive rather than cooperative.

People with a high score are helpful, modest, friendly and like teamwork. They can easily place
themselves in other's shoes and see situations from the other's point of view. They also tend to believe
that others will also be prepared to help them.

                     © Quintessence Consulting                                    16/17
Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo

Conscientiousness         62
People with a low score are less attached to values, norms, principles or ideals. They will try to reach
their goals in a relaxed and nonchalant way. They easily accept the lack of influence on their own
results or objectives.

People with a high score are goal-oriented and well organised in order to complete tasks. They are
supportive, ambitious, orderly and systematic. They like plans and follow them up and prefer to have
everything under control or to be able to guide situations in the right direction.

                     © Quintessence Consulting                                    17/17

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Nuno tasso figueiredo avaliação

  • 1. Strictly confidential report of Mr Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Report of the development center of Mr Nuno Tasso Figueiredo at UTC Fire & Security EMEA BVBA Date: 2 February 2012 Projectmanager: Charlotte de Groot Development coach: Laura Rypens Administration: Eva Jansen © Quintessence Consulting 1/17
  • 2. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Index Index ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Guidelines for using the report ............................................................................................................ 3 1. General overview ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. Summary and conclusion ....................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Personality characteristics ....................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Individual competence scores............................................................................................... 5 2. Evaluation of the competence profile ...................................................................................... 6 3. Detailed overview of the competence profile ...................................................................... 10 Annex 1 – Competence Profile.......................................................................................................... 13 Annex 2 – Interpretation of the scores .............................................................................................. 15 Annex 3 – Personality profile .............................................................................................................. 16 © Quintessence Consulting 2/17
  • 3. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Guidelines for using the report Confidentiality This report contains confidential information that will only be shared with the participant and the principal mandatory himself. Scope The report is based on the profile established in consultation with the client. The competencies of the participant have been compared against this profile. The motivation and expectations of the participant have been examined to highlight the participant’s strengths, points for improvement and motives. These can then serve as a basis for the further development of the participant. The results can therefore not be used for the assessment of other job positions within different work environments nor for any other purpose; neither can they be seen as an assessment of the proper functioning of jobholders within their current position. Period of validity The report records a moment in time and presents a picture of the candidate in the way his or her competencies relate today to the pre-defined competence profile. As people keep on developing their skills and are liable to evolve, the report’s conclusions are limited in time. After one or maximum two years, the report’s results need to be interpreted with the greatest circumspection. © Quintessence Consulting 3/17
  • 4. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo 1. General overview On the 2nd of February 2012 Mr Nuno Tasso Figueiredo participated in a development center organized by Quintessence Consulting. 1.1. Summary and conclusion We got to know you as a person who has both a good view on operational issues and who can also take a broader and long-term view on the future direction of the company. You show a strong drive to develop yourself further in the short term to a higher management position. Both national and international roles are interesting you, as long as there are challenges related to the new role and you are able to make a real contribution to the company and to others. During the development center we saw several strong points emerge. You show the ambition to grow in your career and the tendency to make sacrifices to get to this goal. In a conversation you show the tendency to take a directive position and you are easily seen as a credible conversation partner based on your expertise and the position you take. You show very much the need to change things for the better. You are able to analyze the current situation and see where you want the organization to grow to. This visionary view can really be seen as a real asset for you. When we take a look at your leadership style we noticed that you mainly take a directive position. You are less focused on developing people and thoroughly listen to their input before making statements yourself. This is not that much in line with your ambition and your self perception, in which you state that you are really a team player and you want to develop in roles where you want to be able to develop others. Because of your ambition, we see it as an area in which you could develop skills in active listening and coaching others. This will allow you to increase your impact on others and improve your convincing style. 1.2. Personality characteristics In the results of your personality questionnaire, we see both average and more distinct scores emerge:  For the scale “Neuroticism” you have a low average score. You show the tendency to be a bit anxious and to sometimes react more impulsively to events or reactions. Generally speaking you are less likely to show signals of stress.  For the scale “Extraversion” you have a high score. You indicate that you are happy when you are together with other people. When you are together with others, you are more likely to take an assertive position and have your say in the group. We were also able to observe this during the development center.  For the scale “Openness” you have a high-average score. You show an open attitude towards changes and new ideas. You are a bit less likely to accept different values and opinions of others.  For the scale “Altruism” you also have a high-average score. You take a straightforward position and show a certain amount of trust in others. In relation to tender mindedness and compassion we see a rather average score.  For the scale “Conscientiousness” you have a high score. You show a tenacious attitude and aim to obtain results and achieve better. © Quintessence Consulting 4/17
  • 5. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo 1.3. Individual competence scores The competencies are assessed against the predefined profile. Performance motivation Self-Management Self-perception Demeanour Interaction Convincing power Teamwork Information Vision Decision-making Problem-Solving Change orientation Planning and organising Organisation Result orientation Coaching and developing People Management Providing direction 5 = Outstanding , 4 = Strongly developed, 3 = Well developed , 2 = Point for improvement, 1 = Insufficiently developed 0 = No information available © Quintessence Consulting 5/17
  • 6. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo 2. Evaluation of the competence profile SELF-MANAGEMENT Performance motivation Self-perception You show a strong dedication and drive to reach results. You are focused on taking actions to improve the performance of others and of the company. Your focus is especially on looking at numbers and processes and you show a dedication to improve the performance of your team and the company. You could show more focus on looking at your own actions and their effect on others. In conversation with others you take a dominant role and are especially focused on telling others what to do, therefore you are not always able to reach the results you would like to reach. Taking a more critical focus, not only of the performance of the company and of others, but also looking at your own input could help you improve your impact on others. © Quintessence Consulting 6/17
  • 7. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo INTERACTION Demeanour Convincing power Teamwork You are able to position yourself strongly towards others. People see you as an expert and you take the opportunity to make statements and to take a prominent role in a group and in mutual conversations. In personal meetings you tend to use a firm style in which you impose on others what you expect from them. You could increase the way of convincing others if you would go for a partnership relation in which you also listen to what the other party has to say. During a one on one conversation you tend to speak for more than 85% of the time and are less inclined to ask questions and listen to the input you receive. You could improve teamwork if you would also give others the opportunity to interact and have their say. Nevertheless, you are very positive about teamwork and take initiatives to improve teamwork. You could grow further by taking a more positive attitude during interactions. You focus more on what might go wrong than to see what is already going well for people. Taking a more appreciative attitude could improve team spirit, motivation and collaboration. INFORMATION Vision You show a clear view on the future path you see for the department and the company. You are able to make an analysis of different elements and can conclude this in an own view. This view is sometimes made too quickly and you could improve in thinking about the possible pitfalls. In your approach you take an almost philosophical view and look at the current situation critically. You are open to speak out your own opinions and make proposals for future improvement. © Quintessence Consulting 7/17
  • 8. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo PROBLEM-SOLVING Decision-making Change orientation You are able to analyze a diverse problem, build up a founded line of reasoning, see the possible risks and take decisions. When taking a decision we see that you need data to found your decision or you want to discuss it with others before speaking out your final idea. In a conversation with others we see that you come to a decision much more easily and maybe even a bit too fast without taking the risks fully into account. You could try to make sure you have enough data before speaking out a decision, but also not take too much time if you need to act fast. In general, you take a very open attitude towards change. You can see the advantages to change and you formulate innovative ideas and your vision about the future of the organization and what could be changed to improve processes. We see you take a critical attitude towards the current situation. Try not to look only at the disadvantages of a situation, but also try to see what is already going well and try to build further on that. This might be a way to get faster results and reduce resistance to change. ORGANISATION Planning and organising Result orientation We see you take a goal-oriented attitude, but how you will reach the goal exactly is stated less concretely. In a conversation you are able to name the different tasks you need to perform or you want others to execute. By when and how these tasks are executed is left to others, but you take a coordinating role by telling others what needs to be done. You could grow in being more precise in what you need, by when, and start with the most important tasks. You show the tendency to overwhelm others with actions to be taken. That way, the focus gets lost and it is not clear any more what is really important and what is not. © Quintessence Consulting 8/17
  • 9. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Coaching and developing Providing direction Your most preferred leadership style is providing direction by telling others what needs to be done. You show the intention to include the input from your co-worker, but it is you who makes the final decision. In a conversation with a co-worker you show the tendency to immediately start talking about targets and the problems that arise in the day to day work. You are talking most of the time and could give the other person also the opportunity to comment. Ask more questions, listen to responses and elaborate on the input you receive. Questions or messages from your co-worker in regard to a need for training opportunities or lack of certain skills are left aside. Your focus is mainly on operational issues and you direct the other what you expect from him. You could grow further in focusing on the human aspect too in a conversation and invest more time in getting acquainted with each other first. This way, you will be able to motivate your co-workers better and get more things done together. © Quintessence Consulting 9/17
  • 10. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo 3. Detailed overview of the competence profile Performance motivation Looks spontaneously for new challenges in own job or organisation. 3 Strives to continuously improve own performance. 2 Ensures that procedures are adapted or developed to improve quality or prevent specific errors or problems in the future. 3 Introduces specific changes to systems, methods, procedures etc. in order to improve performance (speed, efficiency, quality, customer satisfaction). 3 Motivates and inspires co-workers to pursue excellence and exceed expectations. 2 Self-perception Assesses properly own strengths and weaknesses. 2 Has good insight in the influence of own behaviour on achieved results. 2 Has good insight in own strengths and weaknesses. 2 Reflects openly and in a positive-critical way on own behaviour. 2 Demeanour Radiates self-confidence. 4 Has a natural prominent presence. 3 Makes a strong impression. 3 Commands credibility and authority based on expertise and experience. 4 Convincing power Stresses mutual aspects and interests when defending own proposals. 3 Rises above the diverse or even contrary positions to look for a win-win situation. 2 Asks questions to acquire insight in the needs, arguments, intentions and limits of the others and responds appropriately. 2 Is able to convey enthusiasm to others. 3 Checks explicitly whether own proposals and positions gain approval. 2 © Quintessence Consulting 10/17
  • 11. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Teamwork Take up conflicts for discussion. 3 Takes initiatives to improve teamwork. 3 Shares the team success with the other team members. 2 Makes sure that every team member has the opportunity to contribute. 2 Vision Develops alternative ideas on how the organisation can develop its future advantages. 4 Develops a personal policy based on both essential internal and external factors. 4 Defines clear proposals for course and strategy. 3 Determines processes, structures and systems to pursue the strategy. 3 Decision-making Takes decisions based on incomplete information. 2 Takes crucial decisions that have a long-term impact. 3 Takes independent decisions and the final responsibility for them. 3 Obviates the possible risks inherent to own decision. 3 Has a well-founded line of reasoning for the risk factor in the decision. 3 Change orientation Questions existing situations, adopts a critical attitude. 4 Prefers innovation to maintaining the existing situation. 3 Formulates proposals for innovation and change. 4 Identifies the advantages of change. 3 © Quintessence Consulting 11/17
  • 12. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Planning and organising Develops a coherent action plan, stating needed human and other resources, timetable, milestones, phases etc. 2 Anticipates potential obstacles, developments and problems (provides an emergency plan or actions that minimise problems). 2 Provides for structured, systematic situation monitoring using parameters, systems, etc. 3 Assumes an active role in coordinating the whole process. 3 Provides fixed reporting meetings, channels and agreements. 2 Result orientation Translates goals into feasible, realistic activities. 3 Mobilises people and resources, even when there is a need to convince others. 3 Makes firm agreements with others on the goals, the people who are expected to achieve them and the deadlines. 2 Refocuses the process regularly based on the goals. 3 Does not give up, looking actively for alternatives in the event of obstacles and setbacks. 3 Coaching and developing Gives clear and balanced feedback oriented to development. 2 Helps others improve their insight into their own strengths and weaknesses. 2 Encourages others (to allow them to develop). 2 Offers learning opportunities (training, assignments, monitoring). 2 Does not simply focus on the task or goal, but also on the person. 2 Providing direction Communicates and clarifies the policy to the co-workers. 3 Provides leadership tailored to different co-workers and different situations. 2 Conveys a vision that generates enthusiasm and involvement. 3 Encourages open communication and consultation among the co-workers. 3 Develops a team with complementary competences and talents. 2 © Quintessence Consulting 12/17
  • 13. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Annex 1 – Competence Profile Competence profile The competences specified in the competence profile are determined in accordance with the applier. The competence profile is based on the requirements of the position and the context in which the position will be held. For each competence a distinction is made between three levels. The classification of the levels makes a good differentiation between competences possible and clarifies the concrete expectations regarding to the task and responsibilities typical for the position and the context in which the position will be held. Levels are not necessarily cumulative. In some instances level 3 implies level 1 and 2, in other instances it does not. Levels are not connected with a specific hierarchic position. A higher hierarchical position does not imply necessarily a higher level of all competences. Nor do levels form an indication or resume of the received score. Performance motivation Voluntarily improving own performance continuously. Exceeding standards and achieving exceptional results. Striving to be the best. Self-perception Ability to evaluate and assess self to form a self-image that corresponds to reality. Demeanour Making and building on a strong, credible first impression in different situations. Convincing power Obtaining approval of others with good arguments, appropriate influencing methods and authority. Teamwork Contributing actively to a joint result or the resolution of a problem or conflict, even when the subject of collaboration is not directly in own interest. Vision Examining matters from a distance and putting them in a broader context and time perspective. Decision-making Expressing a preference for a position or action unambiguously despite incomplete knowledge of the alternatives and their risks. © Quintessence Consulting 13/17
  • 14. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Change orientation Being open to (organisational) change, and effectively adjusting to new working methods and frameworks. Planning and organising Bringing structure in time and space, and setting priorities for tackling problems. Result orientation Being focused on setting goals and achieving results according to timetable and agreements. Coaching and developing Guiding co-workers to optimal performance, growth in their job and a broadening of their career opportunities. Providing direction Steering co-workers to allow them to achieve their goals. © Quintessence Consulting 14/17
  • 15. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Annex 2 – Interpretation of the scores 5 – Outstanding This competency or indicator is exceptionally strong. It is prominently expressed and has a significant impact on how you generally perform. 4 – Strong This competency or indicator is strongly developed. It gives you an advantage for the successful performance of tasks. 3 – Good This competency or indicator is well developed. You express this competence sufficiently systematically for successful performance. 2 – Point for improvement This competency or indicator is only moderately developed. You will need to develop this competence further for the successful performance of tasks. 1 – Insufficiently developed This competency or indicator is insufficiently developed for the successful performance of tasks.You will need to invest a lot of energy to develop this competence further. 0 – No information available There is too little information to express an opinion on this competency. © Quintessence Consulting 15/17
  • 16. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Annex 3 – Personality profile 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Neuroticism Extraversion Openess Agreeableness Conscientiousn ess Very Low Low Average High Very high Neuroticism 42 People with a low score are rather stable and difficult to throw off balance. They usually have the same mood, are rather calm and relaxed and are able to deal with stressful situations. They get less easily excited. People with a high score can be rather fearful, easily get excited, appear more concerned or worry about all sorts of problems. They will not easily see the relative nature of a problem as they see it as extremely important. Extraversion 62 People with a low score are rather reserved, distant and pensive. They tend to not relate to their direct environment but are more intimately involved in their own feelings, thoughts and personal activities. They would prefer not to be in the company of others. People with a high score are rather social in the sense that they like being in the company of others and like a homely atmosphere. Apart from their preference for group activities and public events, they will also be more assertive, more active and express themselves more than low scorers. They thrive on excitement. Openess 59 People with a low score are rather conventional and have conservative opinions. They prefer old trusted situations rather than new ones and prefer not to extend their boundaries beyond what they need to achieve their objectives. People with a high score are curious, both with regard to their inner world, the outside world and towards others. They are usually flexible and like new or unconventional ideas. They are not that keen on rules, schemes and fixed opinions. Agreeableness 60 People with a low score are mainly concerned with themselves. They prefer discussion and confrontation to cooperation and support. They are mainly concerned with their own objectives and for this reason are competitive rather than cooperative. People with a high score are helpful, modest, friendly and like teamwork. They can easily place themselves in other's shoes and see situations from the other's point of view. They also tend to believe that others will also be prepared to help them. © Quintessence Consulting 16/17
  • 17. Strictly confidential report of Nuno Tasso Figueiredo Conscientiousness 62 People with a low score are less attached to values, norms, principles or ideals. They will try to reach their goals in a relaxed and nonchalant way. They easily accept the lack of influence on their own results or objectives. People with a high score are goal-oriented and well organised in order to complete tasks. They are supportive, ambitious, orderly and systematic. They like plans and follow them up and prefer to have everything under control or to be able to guide situations in the right direction. © Quintessence Consulting 17/17