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Shardae Jordan
Professor Gill
Journal 1

I attended a Holiness church this week. The church is called United Church of the
living God Pillar and Ground of the Truth. The service starts off with Devotion. A deacon
sings a couple of songs. After a couple of songs the deacon reads a scripture from the bible.
After the scripture the congregation sings a couple more songs. After the songs the deacon
prays. Then the congregations sings a couple more songs. The pastor then gives the
announcements to the congregation. The announcements consists of the events going on in
the church such as when bible study is and the schedule of the church. After the pastor
gives the announcements the congregation sings a couple more songs. The deacon then
opens testimony service. Everyone that has a testimony tells it. After testimony the deacon
raises the general offering. After the offering is collected the deacon prays over the

The congregation then sings a song. After the congregations sings a song the pastor
steps up to talk. Before the pastor begins to preach he asks a young lady to come up and
sing a song. The lady comes up and sing her son. The pastor then begins to preach. This
particular Sunday was the first Sunday of the month. They call this Sunday pastor’s day. The
pastor went on preaching and when he finished he had the deacons get the table reading
for communion. While that is happening he asks another minister to read a scripture from
the bible. The minster does as the pastors says. After the reading the deacons pass out the
bread and juice. The pastor past out bread and juice to a select few. The pastor then prays
over the bread and juice. Before anyone eat the bread or drink the juice the pastor tells
everyone to examine themselves for a few seconds and then they all eat the bread and
drink the wine. After everyone is finished the pastor and the minsters sing a song and line
up to shake everyone’s hand. Then service is dismissed. Overall, I really enjoyed the service.
The members were awesome and welcoming to new guest. They blessed me with their
kindness and I really enjoyed it. The church is very loving and open to new people.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Passage 2

I attended United Church of the Living God Pillar and Ground of the Truth again this
week. This week was the third Sunday. In this church music is very important. This Sunday
was third Sunday and it was women day. The women lead devotion this Sunday and
preached this day. The songs I hear were all upbeat and uplifting. They would sing songs
and play music for hours at this church. But for the most part all of the music was upbeat. I
thought that was very interesting. At my church which is a Baptist church the music is
upbeat sometimes but sometimes the music is not upbeat it has a slow melody.

I enjoyed the music it was a nice experience. They had drum players and pianist all in
the church. At my church we don’t really have musician everything is mostly acapella. I
trying to learn how to play the piano so I can play for my church. For the most part I have it
down I just need to gain confidence in my ability. I look forward to playing for my church
one day soon. I believe this church have upbeat music because they believe that you can’t
praise the lord with music that’s not upbeat.

I actually enjoyed the upbeat tempo it was very exciting. He made the environment
fun and inviting. I loved singing along to songs I knew. I even got to play the tambourine. I
will definitely visit this church even when I’m finished with this class.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Passage 3

I attended the Holiness church again this week. The church is called United Church of the
living God Pillar and Ground of the Truth. The church members are conversing before the
service starts. All hear is everyone laughing and having a good time. It was nice seeing them
so happy while talking with each other. Everyone there have great relationships with each
other. The service starts off with Devotion. A deacon sings a couple of songs. After a couple
of songs the deacon reads a scripture from the bible. After the scripture the congregation
sings a couple more songs. After the songs the deacon prays. Then the congregations sings
a couple more songs. The pastor then gives the announcements to the congregation. The
announcements consists of the events going on in the church such as when bible study is
and the schedule of the church. After the pastor gives the announcements the congregation
sings a couple more songs. The deacon then opens testimony service. Everyone that has a
testimony tells it. After testimony the deacon raises the general offering. After the offering
is collected the deacon prays over the offering.

The congregation then sings a song. After the congregations sings a song the pastor
steps up to talk. Before the pastor begins to preach he asks that same young lady to come
up and sing a song. The lady comes up and sing her song a she blows the crowd away. She
has an amazing voice. The songs she sings are always uplifting and upbeat. I really stress
that this church knows how to keep the service going with the upbeat music. The pastor
then begins to preach. This particular Sunday was the fifth Sunday of the month. This
Sunday the pastor gave the message. The message was on not being ashamed of the word
of God. The people responded well to the message. They were shouting and speaking in
tongue. It was an amazing sight to see. I really enjoyed the message. I love to hear the
upbeat songs at this church. Singing along is also amazing I just really enjoyed myself there.
Overall, I enjoyed the church service.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Passage 4

I really enjoyed the service at the church this week. The message impacted me
greatly. I learned a lot this week from the lesson. The pastor went through the verses and
made everything very clear. The lesson was about creation. The preacher was talking about
how God created everything. He created any and everything we think of. He also talked
about how everything on this earth has a specific purpose. Most people don’t know that
everything in this earth was created for a specific purpose. I learned so much from the
message. I do believe that the message accurately reflect the scripture cited.

This message didn’t challenge me it actually uplift me. I got a better understanding
on creation. Also reading the books from class also helped learn a little more about
creation. I am grateful for all of the resources I have for learning the word of God. Coming
to Cal Baptist has changed my life tremendously. I have learned so much from this class. I
look forward to taking more bible classes because want to be advanced in the Lord’s word. I
hope I can pass on the good news to as many people as possible.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

2 Timothy 3:14-17

In 2 Timothy 3:14-17 the passage informs our doctrine in the bible. Verse 14 says,
“But Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of,
knowing of whom thou hast learned them”. This verse is telling us to firmly believe in the
word of God. Continue to listen to him and learn from him. Lean and depend on our father
for our understanding. Don’t stray away stay with God. It is he that will lead you to eternal

Verse 15 says, “And that from child hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able
to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus”. This verse is saying
that we have known Holy Scriptures since we were young children. We should stick to those
scriptures. These scriptures will make us was and bring us to Christ which is salvation. We
need to continue to live by these scriptures and stay on the right track.
Verse 16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. Every scripture that
was ever written was inspired by God. He approves of ever message in the bible. These
scriptures will help us live out Gods doctrine for us. The scriptures will help us correct our
mistakes. The scripture also give instructions to the righteous.

Verse 17 says, “That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all
good works”. Meaning that scriptures will lead the man of God to be perfect. We will have
everything we need to please God because scriptures gives us instructions on how to do
this. We must live my every word of God.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill


My beliefs greatly affected my behavior. My beliefs taught me to be loving and kind
to everyone. I know that every day people face their own battles and struggles just like I do.
That’s why I made a vow to be kind to everyone I come in contact with. We don’t know
what people go through in their daily lives. Sometimes I have the inability to say no. When I
see someone in need I can’t help but try my best to fix their problem. I’m always willing to
help people with their issues. I go out of my way to help others. My beliefs have made me a
patient person. I often get everything I want because I have patience. I don’t react on
impulse. I think things through before I act on them. I try to live a holly life. My goal is to
please God and I try my best every day. Sure are times when I fall short but for the most
part I try to make God Proud. I think I do make God proud at time because of the lifestyle I
choose to live. I’m grateful for having a family that raised me in the church. I needed a
strong foundation like that to carry me through life. In this big and crazy world having God
in your background, foreground, and horizon is the very best thing to have.

I go to church every Sunday because of my beliefs. I want to better myself so that I
can bring forth good fruit. I strive to make others love God as much as I do. I believe that if
people see all of the marvelous thing God do in my life they will want to start following him
and leave their wicked ways.

Of the disciplines we read about in Whitney and Bridges I would choose to cultivate bible
intake in my life. Although I already read my bible I probably don’t read it as much as I
should. I think reading the bible is very important. You can’t tell about the word of God if
you don’t know it. I would go about doing this by at least reading a complete thought from
my bible every day. I do believe that my ways correspond to the ways in the bibles. Overall,
I love God and I hope to make him proud.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Genesis 1-3

The first three chapters of Genesis talks about the creation (the rise of mankind) and
the fall of mankind. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. He created light and
day and night. He also created land and sea. Then he made vegetation and plants. And then
he made all living creatures. Then God made man in his image. God created man in his
image to glorify him. His desire for us to glorify him is far greater than his desire of our
salvation. The reason God created man was for man to lift him up and glorify him.

The fall of mankind came from the first sin. The first sin was when Adam and Eve and
eve ate from the tree in the midst of the garden. God instructed them to not eat from that
tree. The serpent tempted Eve and Eve tempted Adam. They disobeyed the first rule God
had given them.

These chapters are foundational for a Christian worldview. God created heaven and
earth, then he created man in his image man fell by doing the first sin. Our whole purpose is
to glorify God and live for him and when we don’t that saddens God. I believe that God
created us to please him and when we don’t do that we disappoint him. This doesn’t lessen
his love for us but it does disappoint him nonetheless. My goal is to live for God and be
someone he is proud of.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Matthew 5-7

I actually love the book of Matthew it’s my favorite book in the whole bible.
And the whole chapter of Matthew 7 is my favorite book in the bible. This chapter is the
first chapter that I actually understood. My grandfather would preach on this chapter very
often and it wasn’t until years later that it clicked. I finally figured out what it was all about.
I love all of the red in this chapter. I like reading the words that Christ himself sad.

I also love chapter six because I love the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer has helped
me through a lot. I always refer back to this prayer through good and bad times in my life. I
was actually excited about reading these chapters again because I find the book of Matthew
very interesting. Matthew 7 taught me not to judge. I learned a lot from this chapter. It also
taught me to be aware of people that say they love God but on the inside they have hate in
their heart. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this chapter and I learned a great amount.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Philippians 2

In Philippians 2:5-11 Paul relates to the instruction of the church of Philippi. In verse
five it states, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”. He is saying
transform your mind and become one with Christ. Start thinking like Christ and change your
way of life. Change the way you view things become humble and change our negative
thoughts. We should change how we think so we can be closer to God. Often times we are
all about our self and try to do things to better ourselves but never think about others.

In verse six it says, “Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God”. Though Christ is mighty he stays humble. He cream of the crop but he
doesn’t gloat about it. He humbles himself. It’s easier to convert people into believer if
you’re kind and down to earth. When you think you’re mightier than everyone you make
people see you in a negative light.
In verse seven it says, “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the
form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men”. Meaning though he is almighty he
didn’t flaunt his reputation. He made himself humble and a servant unto man. Christ used
great discipline to humble himself even though he is almighty. In verse eight it says, “And
being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death,
even the death of the cross”. Meaning he humbled himself and died on the cross to save us
from our sins. Because of his great obedience God gave him a great name and every man,
woman, boy and girl shall bow to him and confess that he is lord.
Shardae Jordan

Professor Gill

Psalms 14

The fool doesn’t believe in God therefore they live with corrupt behavior. Their
relationship the beliefs and behaviors are alike. They do abominable works in the sight of
God because they don’t seek to please him. The righteous are the exact opposite of the
fool. They seek to please God and When they don’t they change their ways in order to so.
But the fool seek to corrupt the world and have others join in with them. The righteous seek
to please God and have others join in with them. The fools don’t seek God in fact they do
the exact opposite.

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  • 1. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Journal 1 I attended a Holiness church this week. The church is called United Church of the living God Pillar and Ground of the Truth. The service starts off with Devotion. A deacon sings a couple of songs. After a couple of songs the deacon reads a scripture from the bible. After the scripture the congregation sings a couple more songs. After the songs the deacon prays. Then the congregations sings a couple more songs. The pastor then gives the announcements to the congregation. The announcements consists of the events going on in the church such as when bible study is and the schedule of the church. After the pastor gives the announcements the congregation sings a couple more songs. The deacon then opens testimony service. Everyone that has a testimony tells it. After testimony the deacon raises the general offering. After the offering is collected the deacon prays over the offering. The congregation then sings a song. After the congregations sings a song the pastor steps up to talk. Before the pastor begins to preach he asks a young lady to come up and sing a song. The lady comes up and sing her son. The pastor then begins to preach. This
  • 2. particular Sunday was the first Sunday of the month. They call this Sunday pastor’s day. The pastor went on preaching and when he finished he had the deacons get the table reading for communion. While that is happening he asks another minister to read a scripture from the bible. The minster does as the pastors says. After the reading the deacons pass out the bread and juice. The pastor past out bread and juice to a select few. The pastor then prays over the bread and juice. Before anyone eat the bread or drink the juice the pastor tells everyone to examine themselves for a few seconds and then they all eat the bread and drink the wine. After everyone is finished the pastor and the minsters sing a song and line up to shake everyone’s hand. Then service is dismissed. Overall, I really enjoyed the service. The members were awesome and welcoming to new guest. They blessed me with their kindness and I really enjoyed it. The church is very loving and open to new people.
  • 3. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Passage 2 I attended United Church of the Living God Pillar and Ground of the Truth again this week. This week was the third Sunday. In this church music is very important. This Sunday was third Sunday and it was women day. The women lead devotion this Sunday and preached this day. The songs I hear were all upbeat and uplifting. They would sing songs and play music for hours at this church. But for the most part all of the music was upbeat. I thought that was very interesting. At my church which is a Baptist church the music is upbeat sometimes but sometimes the music is not upbeat it has a slow melody. I enjoyed the music it was a nice experience. They had drum players and pianist all in the church. At my church we don’t really have musician everything is mostly acapella. I trying to learn how to play the piano so I can play for my church. For the most part I have it down I just need to gain confidence in my ability. I look forward to playing for my church
  • 4. one day soon. I believe this church have upbeat music because they believe that you can’t praise the lord with music that’s not upbeat. I actually enjoyed the upbeat tempo it was very exciting. He made the environment fun and inviting. I loved singing along to songs I knew. I even got to play the tambourine. I will definitely visit this church even when I’m finished with this class.
  • 5. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Passage 3 I attended the Holiness church again this week. The church is called United Church of the living God Pillar and Ground of the Truth. The church members are conversing before the service starts. All hear is everyone laughing and having a good time. It was nice seeing them so happy while talking with each other. Everyone there have great relationships with each other. The service starts off with Devotion. A deacon sings a couple of songs. After a couple of songs the deacon reads a scripture from the bible. After the scripture the congregation sings a couple more songs. After the songs the deacon prays. Then the congregations sings a couple more songs. The pastor then gives the announcements to the congregation. The announcements consists of the events going on in the church such as when bible study is and the schedule of the church. After the pastor gives the announcements the congregation sings a couple more songs. The deacon then opens testimony service. Everyone that has a
  • 6. testimony tells it. After testimony the deacon raises the general offering. After the offering is collected the deacon prays over the offering. The congregation then sings a song. After the congregations sings a song the pastor steps up to talk. Before the pastor begins to preach he asks that same young lady to come up and sing a song. The lady comes up and sing her song a she blows the crowd away. She has an amazing voice. The songs she sings are always uplifting and upbeat. I really stress that this church knows how to keep the service going with the upbeat music. The pastor then begins to preach. This particular Sunday was the fifth Sunday of the month. This Sunday the pastor gave the message. The message was on not being ashamed of the word of God. The people responded well to the message. They were shouting and speaking in tongue. It was an amazing sight to see. I really enjoyed the message. I love to hear the upbeat songs at this church. Singing along is also amazing I just really enjoyed myself there. Overall, I enjoyed the church service.
  • 7. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Passage 4 I really enjoyed the service at the church this week. The message impacted me greatly. I learned a lot this week from the lesson. The pastor went through the verses and made everything very clear. The lesson was about creation. The preacher was talking about how God created everything. He created any and everything we think of. He also talked about how everything on this earth has a specific purpose. Most people don’t know that everything in this earth was created for a specific purpose. I learned so much from the message. I do believe that the message accurately reflect the scripture cited. This message didn’t challenge me it actually uplift me. I got a better understanding on creation. Also reading the books from class also helped learn a little more about creation. I am grateful for all of the resources I have for learning the word of God. Coming to Cal Baptist has changed my life tremendously. I have learned so much from this class. I
  • 8. look forward to taking more bible classes because want to be advanced in the Lord’s word. I hope I can pass on the good news to as many people as possible.
  • 9. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill 2 Timothy 3:14-17 In 2 Timothy 3:14-17 the passage informs our doctrine in the bible. Verse 14 says, “But Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”. This verse is telling us to firmly believe in the word of God. Continue to listen to him and learn from him. Lean and depend on our father for our understanding. Don’t stray away stay with God. It is he that will lead you to eternal life. Verse 15 says, “And that from child hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus”. This verse is saying that we have known Holy Scriptures since we were young children. We should stick to those scriptures. These scriptures will make us was and bring us to Christ which is salvation. We need to continue to live by these scriptures and stay on the right track.
  • 10. Verse 16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. Every scripture that was ever written was inspired by God. He approves of ever message in the bible. These scriptures will help us live out Gods doctrine for us. The scriptures will help us correct our mistakes. The scripture also give instructions to the righteous. Verse 17 says, “That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works”. Meaning that scriptures will lead the man of God to be perfect. We will have everything we need to please God because scriptures gives us instructions on how to do this. We must live my every word of God.
  • 11. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Beliefs My beliefs greatly affected my behavior. My beliefs taught me to be loving and kind to everyone. I know that every day people face their own battles and struggles just like I do. That’s why I made a vow to be kind to everyone I come in contact with. We don’t know what people go through in their daily lives. Sometimes I have the inability to say no. When I see someone in need I can’t help but try my best to fix their problem. I’m always willing to help people with their issues. I go out of my way to help others. My beliefs have made me a patient person. I often get everything I want because I have patience. I don’t react on impulse. I think things through before I act on them. I try to live a holly life. My goal is to please God and I try my best every day. Sure are times when I fall short but for the most part I try to make God Proud. I think I do make God proud at time because of the lifestyle I choose to live. I’m grateful for having a family that raised me in the church. I needed a
  • 12. strong foundation like that to carry me through life. In this big and crazy world having God in your background, foreground, and horizon is the very best thing to have. I go to church every Sunday because of my beliefs. I want to better myself so that I can bring forth good fruit. I strive to make others love God as much as I do. I believe that if people see all of the marvelous thing God do in my life they will want to start following him and leave their wicked ways. Of the disciplines we read about in Whitney and Bridges I would choose to cultivate bible intake in my life. Although I already read my bible I probably don’t read it as much as I should. I think reading the bible is very important. You can’t tell about the word of God if you don’t know it. I would go about doing this by at least reading a complete thought from my bible every day. I do believe that my ways correspond to the ways in the bibles. Overall, I love God and I hope to make him proud.
  • 13. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Genesis 1-3 The first three chapters of Genesis talks about the creation (the rise of mankind) and the fall of mankind. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. He created light and day and night. He also created land and sea. Then he made vegetation and plants. And then he made all living creatures. Then God made man in his image. God created man in his image to glorify him. His desire for us to glorify him is far greater than his desire of our salvation. The reason God created man was for man to lift him up and glorify him. The fall of mankind came from the first sin. The first sin was when Adam and Eve and eve ate from the tree in the midst of the garden. God instructed them to not eat from that tree. The serpent tempted Eve and Eve tempted Adam. They disobeyed the first rule God had given them. These chapters are foundational for a Christian worldview. God created heaven and earth, then he created man in his image man fell by doing the first sin. Our whole purpose is
  • 14. to glorify God and live for him and when we don’t that saddens God. I believe that God created us to please him and when we don’t do that we disappoint him. This doesn’t lessen his love for us but it does disappoint him nonetheless. My goal is to live for God and be someone he is proud of.
  • 15. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Matthew 5-7 I actually love the book of Matthew it’s my favorite book in the whole bible. And the whole chapter of Matthew 7 is my favorite book in the bible. This chapter is the first chapter that I actually understood. My grandfather would preach on this chapter very often and it wasn’t until years later that it clicked. I finally figured out what it was all about. I love all of the red in this chapter. I like reading the words that Christ himself sad. I also love chapter six because I love the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer has helped me through a lot. I always refer back to this prayer through good and bad times in my life. I was actually excited about reading these chapters again because I find the book of Matthew very interesting. Matthew 7 taught me not to judge. I learned a lot from this chapter. It also taught me to be aware of people that say they love God but on the inside they have hate in their heart. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this chapter and I learned a great amount.
  • 16. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Philippians 2 In Philippians 2:5-11 Paul relates to the instruction of the church of Philippi. In verse five it states, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”. He is saying transform your mind and become one with Christ. Start thinking like Christ and change your way of life. Change the way you view things become humble and change our negative thoughts. We should change how we think so we can be closer to God. Often times we are all about our self and try to do things to better ourselves but never think about others. In verse six it says, “Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God”. Though Christ is mighty he stays humble. He cream of the crop but he doesn’t gloat about it. He humbles himself. It’s easier to convert people into believer if you’re kind and down to earth. When you think you’re mightier than everyone you make people see you in a negative light.
  • 17. In verse seven it says, “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men”. Meaning though he is almighty he didn’t flaunt his reputation. He made himself humble and a servant unto man. Christ used great discipline to humble himself even though he is almighty. In verse eight it says, “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross”. Meaning he humbled himself and died on the cross to save us from our sins. Because of his great obedience God gave him a great name and every man, woman, boy and girl shall bow to him and confess that he is lord.
  • 18. Shardae Jordan Professor Gill Psalms 14 The fool doesn’t believe in God therefore they live with corrupt behavior. Their relationship the beliefs and behaviors are alike. They do abominable works in the sight of God because they don’t seek to please him. The righteous are the exact opposite of the fool. They seek to please God and When they don’t they change their ways in order to so. But the fool seek to corrupt the world and have others join in with them. The righteous seek to please God and have others join in with them. The fools don’t seek God in fact they do the exact opposite.