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Big Data and NoSQL with MongoDB &

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra


Brian Enochson
- SW Engineer who has worked as designer / developer

on NOSQL (Mongo, Cassandra, Hadoop)
- Specialize in SW Development, architecture and

Brian Enochson
Twitter @benochso
Google Plus
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Presentation Intro
Introduction to Big Data
Introduction to NoSQL
Relational Database to NoSQL technology
contrast & compare
NoSQL landscape

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




Introduction to MongoDB
MongoDB Components, capabilities and
common use cases
Json & BsON
Documents, collections, references and Mongo
Data Modeling/Schema Design
Replication & Sharding
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Data Model
Data Modeling
Application Development
Wrap-up and final Q & A

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Why are database like Mongo or Cassandra
To understand one needs to look at
• the history of databases
• How systems were built in the past


Then examine modern applications
• Web scale
• Data acquisition


Other factors like cost of H/W
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and





1960’s – Hierarchical and Network type (IMS and
1970’s – Beginnings of theory behind relational model. Codd
1980’s – Rise of the relational model. SQL. E/R Model
1990’s – Access/Excel and MySQL. ODMS began to appear
2000;’s – Two forces; large enterprise and open source.
Google and Amazon. CAP Theorem (more on that to
2010’s – Immergence of NoSQL as an industry player and
viable alternative

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Developers today are faced with Internet scale

100,000’s of users
Low cost of storage
Increased processing power
Ability to capture (and need) of millions of events. Caching
solves it to an extent but brings other complexities
• Real-time
• Need to scale out and not up. (add infinite number of low
cost machines vs. replace with a more powerful machine).



• Let’s not forget for enterprise DB’s Internet scale can become

• Open source DB’s may solve license cost, but don’t ignore
operational costs
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Some facts from

Approximately 90 percent of all the real-time
information being created today is unstructured data
Every day we create 2.5 quintillion (10 to the 18th)
bytes of data (this is 30 zeroes!!)

90 percent of the world's data today has been
created in the last two years alone
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


• Divide into tables, relate into foreign keys, DB constraints,
normalized data, the Interface is SQL


• Store in schemaless format, redundancy encouraged,
application access determines the storage format (your
queries).Interface varies and is optimized for the
implementation, no forced DB constraints.

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

Luckily, due to the large number of compromises made
when attempting to scale their existing relational
databases, these tradeoffs were not so
foreign or distasteful as they might have been.


Greg Burd
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




Eventual consistency
Application has increased responsibility such
as maintain consistency & handle transactions
Store redundant data

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

Driving force in requiring new technology is often
referred to as the “3 V’s”.

Volume – amount of data
Variety – range of data types and sources
Velocity – speed of data in and out

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NoSQL != Big Data


NoSQL products were created to help solve the big
data problem.
Big data is a much larger problem than just
storage. Analysis tools like Hadoop, messaging
systems like Kafka, real time processing engines
like Storm and machine learning (Mahout) all help
solve the big data problem.
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

Document DB



Wide Column– Column Family



Cassandra, HBASE, Amazon SimpleDB

Key Value



Riak, Redis, DynamoDB, Voldemort, MemcacheDB




Neo4J, OrientDB

Search (search can also be a persistence store)



MongoDB, CouchDB,

Lucene, Solr, ElasticSearch

Many many many, many more! (
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Choosing the right NoSQL type and eventual product
depends on…
Type of Data


One key and a lot of data?
Schema variance
High volume of data?
Storing, media, blobs,
Document oriented?
Tracking relationships?

Type of Access
Volumes of Data (there is big data and there is BIG DATA)
Need/want support/services/training
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




CAP Theorem



NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

Atomic – All or None

Consistency – What is written is valid


Isolation – One operation at a time


Durability – Once committed to the DB, it stays

This is the world we have lived in for a long time…
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Many may have heard this one
CAP stands for Consistency, Availability and
Partition Tolerance

• Consistency –like the C in ACID. Operation is all or nothing,

• Availability – service is available.
• Partition Tolerance – No failure other than complete network

failure causes system not to respond


NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

In Mongo terms you can have 2 of 3. Availability, Partition-Tolerance
or Eventual Consistency.

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


So we are talking about large amounts of data


High velocity of acquisition


A lot of variety that we need to store. Will
worry about it later how to handle (or not)


Need to scale and not break the bank


Want the database to support agile, not hinder
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Maybe consider going relational if
• Highly transactional (FoundationDB?)
• Business Intelligence Systems (Hadoop may make this not
• Don’t be fooled by fear of losing ACID….

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

And now
let’s look at MongoDB

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



high level points

Document Oriented
Storage format is JSON (actually BSON)
Replication built in
Master / slave architecture
Strong querying support
Name from "humongous"
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Open Source






Document Level Atomicity


Easy Installation


Relatively Ease Of Use


Great (!!!!) Documentation
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


No cross document transactions


No joins


Replication – master / slave



NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



* Credit – Dwight Merriman, Founder and CEO – MongoDB (was 10Gen)

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Master Slave and Secondary Reads


NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




Receives all write requests
Replica set can only have on primary
Mongo stored all changes in oplog

Replicates primary oplog
 Clients can prefer to read from secondaries
 If primary goes down a new primary is elected (after
10 seconds no response)

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




Store the data, normally in production each shard is
a replica set


Routes client operations to shards based on shard
key, can have more than one for availability
 Shard key is range based or hashed


Config Servers

Contains cluster metadata
Production there are 3 config servers
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and





At its simplest form, Mongo is a document oriented database

MongoDB stores all data in documents, which are
JSON-style data structures composed of field-andvalue pairs.
MongoDB stores documents on disk in the BSON
serialization format. BSON is a binary representation of
JSON documents. BSON contains more data types than
does JSON.
** For in-depth BSON information, see
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



"_id" :
"ratingCode" : "PG13",
"country" : "USA",
"entityType" : "Rating”

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and






Documents have the following rules:
The maximum BSON document size is 16
The field name _id is reserved for use as a
primary key; its value must be unique in the
The field names cannot start with the $
The field names cannot contain the . character.
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and






Create Data Directory , Defaults


• C:datadb
• /data/db/ (make sure have permissions)


Or can set using -dbpath
C:mongodbbinmongod.exe --dbpath
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




show dbs
show collections
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


 Insert
 Find
 Find all
 Find One
 Find with criteria
 Indexes
 Explain()
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


• Embedded documents
• Limit, Sort
• Using regex in query
• Removing documents
• Drop collection
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Mongo provides tools for getting data in and
out of the database
• Data Can Be Exported to json files

• Json files can then be Imported

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




• Also $not, $exists, $type, $in

(for $type refer to
rator/query/type/#_S_type )
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Aggregation Framework


Uses a pipeline model to perform a series of operations
on data. Common is a match phase (selection) and then
grouping (create result)

Map Reduce

Two phases
 Map that creates one or more documents from each input

 Reduce phase that combines output from Map into some
 Finalize – optional that can perform some logic (e.g. sorting)
on reduce output
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


• how dbs
• show collections
• db.stats()

• db.posts.stats()
• db.posts.drop()
• db.system.indexes.find()

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Remember with NoSql redundancy is not evil
Applications insure consistency, not the DB
Application join data, not defined in the DB
Datamodel is schema-less
Datamodel is built to support queries usually

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Your basic units of data (what would be a document)?


How are these units grouped / related?



How does Mongo let you query this data, what are the
Finally, maybe most importantly, what are your
applications access patterns?

Reads vs. writes
How structured is it

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


• Similar to relational model.
• One collection per entity type
• Little or no redundancy
• Allows clean updates, familiar to many SQL users,

easier to understand

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


From parent to child
name: "O'Reilly Media",
books: [12346789, 234567890, ...]


From child to parent
_id: 123456789,
title: "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide",
publisher_id: "oreilly"
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and





Often used pattern in Mongo is to embed
information as subdocuments.
Used when there is a contains relationship
Easier querying (when related data is often
used together)
Need to keep 16 MB document size in mind
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Many or few collections
Many Collections


As seen in normalized
Clean and little redundancy
May not provide best performance
May require frequent updates to application if new types added

Multiple Collections

• Middle ground, partially normalized


Not many collections

• One large generic collection
• Contains many types
• Use type field
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Document Growth – will relocate if exceeds allocated

• Atomic at document level
• Consideration for insertions, remove and multi-document updates


Sharding – collections distributed across mongod instances,
uses a shard key.


Indexes – index fields often queries, indexes affect write
performance slightly


Consider using TTL to automatically expire documents
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


CMS Systems


Log Collection




Queues / Messaging

Capped Collections - fixed-size collections that support high-throughput
operations that insert, retrieve, and delete documents based on insertion




NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

Mongo Driver
Supplied by MongoDB Itself
Easy to setup
Housed on maven repo

Uses App Model
Handles References Well

Spring Mongo
Great if using Spring already
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Javascript (JSON), Coffeescript
MEAN Stack




Reactive Mongo

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




Mongo, Express, Angular and Node



Can install, in a VM or even in the cloud
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and





Database in the cloud

Can access using shell, GUI Mongo explorer,
mongoimport, mongoexport and use in
Amazon, Rackspace, Joyent or Azure
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
By: Kristina Chodorow
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Pub. Date: May 23, 2013
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-4493-4468-9
Pages in Print Edition: 432
MongoDB in Action
By: Kyle Banker
Publisher: Manning Publications
Pub. Date: December 16, 2011
Print ISBN-10: 1-935182-87-0
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-935182-87-0
Pages in Print Edition: 312
The Definitive Guide to MongoDB: The NoSQL Database for Cloud and Desktop Computing
By Eelco Plugge; Peter Membrey; Tim Hawkins
Apress, September 2010
ISBN: 9781430230519
327 pages

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

MongoDB Applied Design Patterns
By: Rick Copeland
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Pub. Date: March 18, 2013
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-4493-4004-9
Pages in Print Edition: 176
MongoDB for Web Development (rough cut!)
By: Mitch Pirtle
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Last Updated: 14-JUN-2013
Pub. Date: March 11, 2015 (Estimated)
Print ISBN-10: 0-321-70533-5
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-70533-4
Pages in Print Edition: 360
Instant MongoDB
By: Amol Nayak;
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Pub. Date: July 26, 2013
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-78216-970-3
Pages in Print Edition: 72
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

Let’s look briefly at Cassandra as an
alternative to Mongo

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Developed At Facebook, based on Google Big Table and
Amazon Dynamo **


Open Sourced in mid 2008


Apache Project March 2009




Commercial Support through Datastax (originally known as
Riptano, founded 2010)
Used at Netflix, eBay and many more. Reportedly 300 TB
on 400 machines largest installation
Current version is 2.0.3
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


No Single Point of Failure – highly available.
• Peer to Peer – no master


Data Center Aware – distributed architecture
Linear Scaling – just add hardware
Eventual Consistency, tunable tradeoff between
latency and consistency
Architecture is optimized for writes.
Can have 2 billion columns (cells)!
Data modeling for reads. Design starts with looking at
your queries. (sound familiar?)
With CQL became more SQL-Like, but no joins, no
subqueries, limited ordering (but very useful)
Column Names can part of data, e.g. Time Series
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




** Important Term **
Quorum : Q = N / 2 + 1.
We get consistency in a BASE world by satisfying W + R >
3 obvious ways:
1. W = 1, R = N
2. W = N, R = 1

3. W = Q, R = Q

(N is replication factor, R = read replica count, W = write replica count)
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


C* data model is made of these:

Column – a name, a value and a timestamp. Applications
can use the name as the data and not use value. (RDBMS like a

Row – a collection of columns identified by a unique key.
Key is called a partition key (RDBMS like a row).
 Column Family – container for an ordered collection
rows. Each row is an ordered collection of columns.
Each column has a key and maybe a value. (RDBMS like a table).
This is also known as a table now in C* terms.
 Keyspace – administrative container for CF’s. It is a
namespace. Also has a replication strategy – more late.

(RDBMS like a DB or schema).

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Tokens – partitioner dependent element on the ring.
Each node has a single unique token assigned.
Each node claims a range of tokens that is from its token to
token of the previous node on the ring.

Use this formula
Initial_Token= Zero_Indexed_Node_Number * ((2^127) /
 In cassandra.yaml
initial token=42535295865117307932921825928971026432
 **

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Replication is how many copies of each piece of
data that should be stored. In C* terms it is
Replication Factor or “RF”.
In C* RF is set at the keyspace level:

CREATE KEYSPACE drg_compare WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy',


How the data is replicated is called the
Replication Strategy
• SimpleStrategy – returns nodes “next” to each other on

ring, Assumes single DC
• NetworkTopologyStrategy – for configuring per data
center. Rack and DC’s aware.
update keyspace UserProfile with strategy_options=[{DC1:3, DC2:3}];
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Using token generation values from before. 4 node cluster.
Write value with token 32535295865117307932921825928971026432

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



When writing, Coordinator Node will be selected. Selected
at write (or read) time. Not a SPF!
Using Gossip Protocol nodes share information with each
other. Who is up, who is down, who is taking which token
ranges, etc. Every second, each node shares with 1 to 3

Consistency Level (CL) – says how many nodes must agree
before an operation is a success. Set at read or write
• ONE – coordinator will wait for one node to ack write (also TWO,

THREE). One is default if none provided.
• QUORUM – we saw that before. N / 2 + 1. LOCAL_QUORUM,
• ANY – waits for some replicate. If all down, still succeeds. Only for
writes. Doesn’t guarantee it can be read.
• ALL– Blocks waiting for all replicas
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and




3 important concepts:
Read Repair - At time of read, inconsistencies are noticed
between nodes and replicas are updated. Direct and
background. Direct is determined by CL.
Anti-Entropy Node Repair - For data that is not read
frequently, or to update data on a node that has been down
for a while, the nodetool repair process (also called antientropy repair). Builds Merkle trees, compares nodes and
does repair.
Hinted Handoff - Writes are always sent to all replicas for
the specified row regardless of the consistency level
specified by the client. If a node happens to be down at the
time of write, its corresponding replicas will save hints
about the missed writes, and then handoff the affected rows
once the node comes back online. This notification happens
is via Gossip. Default 1 hour.
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and



Interaction with Cassandra can be done using one of
supplied clients such as CLI or CQL. Otherwise client
applications are built using a language client library.
Many clients in multiple languages. Including Java,
.NET, Python, Scala, Go, PHP, Node.js, Perl, Ruby, etc.
• Java:
• Hector wraps the underlying Thrift API. Hector is one of the most
commonly used client libraries.
• Astyanax is a client library developed by Netflix .
• Datastax CQL – newest CQL driver, will be very familiar to JDBC
• And many more … (JPA)


Also exists Datastax OPSCenter and other various
GUI’s and REST API (Virgil)
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


Many More Topics / Information Related to C*
not covered


Great for Fast Writes


No Single POF


Data Center Aware


Also Relative Ease Of Use
NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and





Thank You!!!!!!

NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and


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Big Data, NoSQL with MongoDB and Cassasdra

  • 1. Big Data and NoSQL with MongoDB & Cassandra NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 1
  • 2. - Brian Enochson - SW Engineer who has worked as designer / developer on NOSQL (Mongo, Cassandra, Hadoop) - Specialize in SW Development, architecture and training     Brian Enochson Twitter @benochso Google Plus NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 2
  • 3. • • • • • Presentation Intro Introduction to Big Data Introduction to NoSQL Relational Database to NoSQL technology contrast & compare NoSQL landscape NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 3
  • 4. • • • • • • • Introduction to MongoDB MongoDB Components, capabilities and common use cases Json & BsON Documents, collections, references and Mongo ID Querying Data Modeling/Schema Design Replication & Sharding NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 4
  • 5. • • • • • • Cassandra Architecture Data Model Data Modeling Application Development Wrap-up and final Q & A NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 5
  • 7.  • Why are database like Mongo or Cassandra needed? To understand one needs to look at • the history of databases • How systems were built in the past • Then examine modern applications • Web scale • Data acquisition • Other factors like cost of H/W NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 7
  • 8. • • • • • • 1960’s – Hierarchical and Network type (IMS and CODASYL) 1970’s – Beginnings of theory behind relational model. Codd 1980’s – Rise of the relational model. SQL. E/R Model (Chen) 1990’s – Access/Excel and MySQL. ODMS began to appear 2000;’s – Two forces; large enterprise and open source. Google and Amazon. CAP Theorem (more on that to come…) 2010’s – Immergence of NoSQL as an industry player and viable alternative NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 8
  • 9. • Developers today are faced with Internet scale 100,000’s of users Low cost of storage Increased processing power Ability to capture (and need) of millions of events. Caching solves it to an extent but brings other complexities • Real-time • Need to scale out and not up. (add infinite number of low cost machines vs. replace with a more powerful machine). • • • • • Cost • Let’s not forget for enterprise DB’s Internet scale can become expensive • Open source DB’s may solve license cost, but don’t ignore operational costs NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 9
  • 10.  Some facts from arket-reportsresearch/ibm-cmo-study/ Approximately 90 percent of all the real-time information being created today is unstructured data Every day we create 2.5 quintillion (10 to the 18th) bytes of data (this is 30 zeroes!!) 90 percent of the world's data today has been created in the last two years alone NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 10
  • 11. • Relational • Divide into tables, relate into foreign keys, DB constraints, normalized data, the Interface is SQL • NoSQL • Store in schemaless format, redundancy encouraged, application access determines the storage format (your queries).Interface varies and is optimized for the implementation, no forced DB constraints. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 11
  • 12. Luckily, due to the large number of compromises made when attempting to scale their existing relational databases, these tradeoffs were not so foreign or distasteful as they might have been.  Greg Burd /login/2011-10/openpdfs/Burd.pdf NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 12
  • 13.    Eventual consistency Application has increased responsibility such as maintain consistency & handle transactions Store redundant data NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 13
  • 14. Driving force in requiring new technology is often referred to as the “3 V’s”. • • • Volume – amount of data Variety – range of data types and sources Velocity – speed of data in and out NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 14
  • 15. NoSQL != Big Data   NoSQL products were created to help solve the big data problem. Big data is a much larger problem than just storage. Analysis tools like Hadoop, messaging systems like Kafka, real time processing engines like Storm and machine learning (Mahout) all help solve the big data problem. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 15
  • 16. Document DB   Wide Column– Column Family   Cassandra, HBASE, Amazon SimpleDB Key Value  • Riak, Redis, DynamoDB, Voldemort, MemcacheDB Graph  • Neo4J, OrientDB Search (search can also be a persistence store)  •  MongoDB, CouchDB, Lucene, Solr, ElasticSearch Many many many, many more! ( NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 16
  • 17.   Choosing the right NoSQL type and eventual product depends on… Type of Data • • • • • • • •    One key and a lot of data? Schema variance High volume of data? Storing, media, blobs, Document oriented? Tracking relationships? Combination? Multi-Datacenter Type of Access Volumes of Data (there is big data and there is BIG DATA) Need/want support/services/training NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 17
  • 18. • ACID • CAP Theorem • BASE NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 18
  • 19. PROBABLY HAVE HEARD OF ACID • Atomic – All or None • Consistency – What is written is valid • Isolation – One operation at a time • Durability – Once committed to the DB, it stays This is the world we have lived in for a long time… NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 19
  • 20.   Many may have heard this one CAP stands for Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance • Consistency –like the C in ACID. Operation is all or nothing, • Availability – service is available. • Partition Tolerance – No failure other than complete network failure causes system not to respond  ** NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 20
  • 21. In Mongo terms you can have 2 of 3. Availability, Partition-Tolerance or Eventual Consistency. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 21
  • 22. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 22
  • 23. • So we are talking about large amounts of data • High velocity of acquisition • A lot of variety that we need to store. Will worry about it later how to handle (or not) • Need to scale and not break the bank • Want the database to support agile, not hinder NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 23
  • 24. • Maybe consider going relational if • Highly transactional (FoundationDB?) • Business Intelligence Systems (Hadoop may make this not true) • Don’t be fooled by fear of losing ACID…. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 24
  • 25. And now let’s look at MongoDB NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 25
  • 27. Few • • • • • • high level points Document Oriented Storage format is JSON (actually BSON) Replication built in Master / slave architecture Strong querying support Name from "humongous" NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 27
  • 28. • Open Source • Schemaless • Scalable • Document Level Atomicity • Easy Installation • Relatively Ease Of Use • Great (!!!!) Documentation NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 28
  • 29. • No cross document transactions • No joins • Replication – master / slave • Sharding NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 29
  • 30.  - * Credit – Dwight Merriman, Founder and CEO – MongoDB (was 10Gen) NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 30
  • 31.  Master Slave and Secondary Reads ** NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 31
  • 32.  Primary     Receives all write requests Replica set can only have on primary Mongo stored all changes in oplog Secondary Replicates primary oplog  Clients can prefer to read from secondaries  If primary goes down a new primary is elected (after 10 seconds no response)  NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 32
  • 34.  Shards   Store the data, normally in production each shard is a replica set Routers  Routes client operations to shards based on shard key, can have more than one for availability  Shard key is range based or hashed  Config Servers   Contains cluster metadata Production there are 3 config servers NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 34
  • 35.  • •  At its simplest form, Mongo is a document oriented database MongoDB stores all data in documents, which are JSON-style data structures composed of field-andvalue pairs. MongoDB stores documents on disk in the BSON serialization format. BSON is a binary representation of JSON documents. BSON contains more data types than does JSON. ** For in-depth BSON information, see NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 35
  • 36.       { "_id" : "52a602280f2e642811ce8478", "ratingCode" : "PG13", "country" : "USA", "entityType" : "Rating” } NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 36
  • 37. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 37
  • 38.      Documents have the following rules: The maximum BSON document size is 16 megabytes. The field name _id is reserved for use as a primary key; its value must be unique in the collection. The field names cannot start with the $ character. The field names cannot contain the . character. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 38
  • 39.   Windows  MAC  Create Data Directory , Defaults  • C:datadb • /data/db/ (make sure have permissions)   Or can set using -dbpath C:mongodbbinmongod.exe --dbpath d:testmongodbdata NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 39
  • 41.  1_simpleinsert.txt  Insert  Find  Find all  Find One  Find with criteria  Indexes  Explain() NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 41
  • 42.  2_arrays_sort.txt • Embedded documents • Limit, Sort • Using regex in query • Removing documents • Drop collection NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 42
  • 43.   3_imp_exp.txt Mongo provides tools for getting data in and out of the database • Data Can Be Exported to json files • Json files can then be Imported NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 43
  • 44.  4_cond_ops.txt • • • • • $lt $gt $gte $lte $or • Also $not, $exists, $type, $in  (for $type refer to rator/query/type/#_S_type ) NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 44
  • 45.  Aggregation Framework   Uses a pipeline model to perform a series of operations on data. Common is a match phase (selection) and then grouping (create result) Map Reduce  Two phases  Map that creates one or more documents from each input document  Reduce phase that combines output from Map into some result  Finalize – optional that can perform some logic (e.g. sorting) on reduce output NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 45
  • 46.  5_admin.txt • how dbs • show collections • db.stats() • db.posts.stats() • db.posts.drop() • db.system.indexes.find() NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 46
  • 47. • • • • • Remember with NoSql redundancy is not evil Applications insure consistency, not the DB Application join data, not defined in the DB Datamodel is schema-less Datamodel is built to support queries usually NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 47
  • 48. • Your basic units of data (what would be a document)? • How are these units grouped / related? • • How does Mongo let you query this data, what are the options? Finally, maybe most importantly, what are your applications access patterns? • • • • • Reads vs. writes Queries Updates Deletions How structured is it NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 48
  • 49.  Normalized • Similar to relational model. • One collection per entity type • Little or no redundancy • Allows clean updates, familiar to many SQL users, easier to understand NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 49
  • 50. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 50
  • 51. • From parent to child { name: "O'Reilly Media", books: [12346789, 234567890, ...] } • From child to parent { _id: 123456789, title: "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", publisher_id: "oreilly" } NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 51
  • 52.  • • • Often used pattern in Mongo is to embed information as subdocuments. Used when there is a contains relationship Easier querying (when related data is often used together) Need to keep 16 MB document size in mind NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 52
  • 53. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 53
  • 54.  • Many or few collections Many Collections • • • • • As seen in normalized Clean and little redundancy May not provide best performance May require frequent updates to application if new types added Multiple Collections • Middle ground, partially normalized • Not many collections • One large generic collection • Contains many types • Use type field NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 54
  • 55. • • Document Growth – will relocate if exceeds allocated size Atomicity • Atomic at document level • Consideration for insertions, remove and multi-document updates  Sharding – collections distributed across mongod instances, uses a shard key.  Indexes – index fields often queries, indexes affect write performance slightly  Consider using TTL to automatically expire documents NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 55
  • 56.  CMS Systems  Log Collection   Caching  Queues / Messaging  Capped Collections - fixed-size collections that support high-throughput operations that insert, retrieve, and delete documents based on insertion order.  Analytics  Prototyping NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 56
  • 57. Mongo Driver Supplied by MongoDB Itself Easy to setup Housed on maven repo Morphia Uses App Model Handles References Well Spring Mongo Great if using Spring already NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 57
  • 58.  Node Javascript (JSON), Coffeescript MEAN Stack    Scala   Casbah Reactive Mongo NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 58
  • 59.  Get MEAN  Mongo, Express, Angular and Node    Can install, in a VM or even in the cloud NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 59
  • 60.     Database in the cloud Can access using shell, GUI Mongo explorer, mongoimport, mongoexport and use in application Amazon, Rackspace, Joyent or Azure NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 60
  • 61. MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition By: Kristina Chodorow Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Pub. Date: May 23, 2013 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-4493-4468-9 Pages in Print Edition: 432 MongoDB in Action By: Kyle Banker Publisher: Manning Publications Pub. Date: December 16, 2011 Print ISBN-10: 1-935182-87-0 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-935182-87-0 Pages in Print Edition: 312 The Definitive Guide to MongoDB: The NoSQL Database for Cloud and Desktop Computing By Eelco Plugge; Peter Membrey; Tim Hawkins Apress, September 2010 ISBN: 9781430230519 327 pages NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 61
  • 62. MongoDB Applied Design Patterns By: Rick Copeland Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Pub. Date: March 18, 2013 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-4493-4004-9 Pages in Print Edition: 176 MongoDB for Web Development (rough cut!) By: Mitch Pirtle Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Last Updated: 14-JUN-2013 Pub. Date: March 11, 2015 (Estimated) Print ISBN-10: 0-321-70533-5 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-70533-4 Pages in Print Edition: 360 Instant MongoDB By: Amol Nayak; Publisher: Packt Publishing Pub. Date: July 26, 2013 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-78216-970-3 Pages in Print Edition: 72 NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 62
  • 64. Let’s look briefly at Cassandra as an alternative to Mongo NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 64
  • 65. • Developed At Facebook, based on Google Big Table and Amazon Dynamo ** • Open Sourced in mid 2008 • Apache Project March 2009 • • • Commercial Support through Datastax (originally known as Riptano, founded 2010) Used at Netflix, eBay and many more. Reportedly 300 TB on 400 machines largest installation Current version is 2.0.3 NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 65
  • 66. • No Single Point of Failure – highly available. • Peer to Peer – no master • • • • • • • • Data Center Aware – distributed architecture Linear Scaling – just add hardware Eventual Consistency, tunable tradeoff between latency and consistency Architecture is optimized for writes. Can have 2 billion columns (cells)! Data modeling for reads. Design starts with looking at your queries. (sound familiar?) With CQL became more SQL-Like, but no joins, no subqueries, limited ordering (but very useful) Column Names can part of data, e.g. Time Series NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 66
  • 67.    ** Important Term ** Quorum : Q = N / 2 + 1. We get consistency in a BASE world by satisfying W + R > N 3 obvious ways: 1. W = 1, R = N 2. W = N, R = 1 3. W = Q, R = Q (N is replication factor, R = read replica count, W = write replica count) NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 67
  • 68.  C* data model is made of these:  Column – a name, a value and a timestamp. Applications can use the name as the data and not use value. (RDBMS like a column). Row – a collection of columns identified by a unique key. Key is called a partition key (RDBMS like a row).  Column Family – container for an ordered collection rows. Each row is an ordered collection of columns. Each column has a key and maybe a value. (RDBMS like a table). This is also known as a table now in C* terms.  Keyspace – administrative container for CF’s. It is a namespace. Also has a replication strategy – more late.  (RDBMS like a DB or schema). NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 68
  • 69. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 69
  • 70.    Tokens – partitioner dependent element on the ring. Each node has a single unique token assigned. Each node claims a range of tokens that is from its token to token of the previous node on the ring. Use this formula Initial_Token= Zero_Indexed_Node_Number * ((2^127) / Number_Of_Nodes)  In cassandra.yaml initial token=42535295865117307932921825928971026432  **  NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 70
  • 71. • • Replication is how many copies of each piece of data that should be stored. In C* terms it is Replication Factor or “RF”. In C* RF is set at the keyspace level: CREATE KEYSPACE drg_compare WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':3}; • How the data is replicated is called the Replication Strategy • SimpleStrategy – returns nodes “next” to each other on ring, Assumes single DC • NetworkTopologyStrategy – for configuring per data center. Rack and DC’s aware. update keyspace UserProfile with strategy_options=[{DC1:3, DC2:3}]; NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 71
  • 72. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 72
  • 73.  Using token generation values from before. 4 node cluster. Write value with token 32535295865117307932921825928971026432 NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 73
  • 74. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 74
  • 75. • • • When writing, Coordinator Node will be selected. Selected at write (or read) time. Not a SPF! Using Gossip Protocol nodes share information with each other. Who is up, who is down, who is taking which token ranges, etc. Every second, each node shares with 1 to 3 nodes. Consistency Level (CL) – says how many nodes must agree before an operation is a success. Set at read or write operation. • ONE – coordinator will wait for one node to ack write (also TWO, THREE). One is default if none provided. • QUORUM – we saw that before. N / 2 + 1. LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM • ANY – waits for some replicate. If all down, still succeeds. Only for writes. Doesn’t guarantee it can be read. • ALL– Blocks waiting for all replicas NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 75
  • 76.     3 important concepts: Read Repair - At time of read, inconsistencies are noticed between nodes and replicas are updated. Direct and background. Direct is determined by CL. Anti-Entropy Node Repair - For data that is not read frequently, or to update data on a node that has been down for a while, the nodetool repair process (also called antientropy repair). Builds Merkle trees, compares nodes and does repair. Hinted Handoff - Writes are always sent to all replicas for the specified row regardless of the consistency level specified by the client. If a node happens to be down at the time of write, its corresponding replicas will save hints about the missed writes, and then handoff the affected rows once the node comes back online. This notification happens is via Gossip. Default 1 hour. NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 76
  • 77. • • Interaction with Cassandra can be done using one of supplied clients such as CLI or CQL. Otherwise client applications are built using a language client library. Many clients in multiple languages. Including Java, .NET, Python, Scala, Go, PHP, Node.js, Perl, Ruby, etc. • Java: • Hector wraps the underlying Thrift API. Hector is one of the most commonly used client libraries. • Astyanax is a client library developed by Netflix . • Datastax CQL – newest CQL driver, will be very familiar to JDBC developers • And many more … (JPA) • Also exists Datastax OPSCenter and other various GUI’s and REST API (Virgil) NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 77
  • 78.  Many More Topics / Information Related to C* not covered  Great for Fast Writes  No Single POF  Data Center Aware  Also Relative Ease Of Use NOSQL Intro with MongoDB and Cassandra 78