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Non-Linear Dependence in Oil Price Behavior
Semei Coronado Ramirez1, Leonardo Gatica Arreola2 and Mauricio Ramirez Grajeda3

1. Department of Quantitative Methods, University of Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, México
2. Department of Economics, University of Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, México
3. Department of Quantitative Methods, University of Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, México

Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the adequacy of GARCH-type models to analyze oil price behavior by applying two
types of non-parametric tests, the Hinich portmanteau test for non-linear dependence and a frequency-dominant test of
time reversibility, the REVERSE test based on the bispectrum, to explore the high-order spectrum properties of the
Mexican oil price series. The results suggest strong evidence of a non-linear structure and time irreversibility. Therefore,
it does not comply with the i.i.d (independent and identically distributed) property. The non-linear dependence, however,
is not consistent throughout the sample period, as indicated by a windowed test, suggesting episodic nonlinear
dependence. The results imply that GARCH models cannot capture the series structure.

Keywords: Bispectrum, time reversibility, nonlinearity, asymmetry, oil price.

    1. Introduction                                               consumers. Furthermore, volatility impacts
     In recent years, several time series analyses                 investment behavior in the oil sector. In the
have aimed to understand the behavior of the                       short run, volatility can also affect storage
crude oil market, particularly its volatility (see                 demand, the value of firms’ operation options,
for example Refs. [1-5]).                                          and, consequently, the marginal cost of
     The application of time-series methods to                     production [1, 2]. Thus, understanding the price
analyze volatility in economic variables was                       behavior and volatility of this commodity is an
recently acknowledged by the award of the                          important issue.
2003 Nobel Prize in economics to Robert Engel                           Then, a central question is the statistical
and Clive Granger, whose contributions have                        adequacy of ARCH/GARCH models to analyze
been widely employed in financial time-series                      oil price behavior. If these formulations are not
models. The simplicity of the linear structures                    adequate, then any prediction or conclusion
of these types of models lends itself to the study                 derived from the analysis can be misleading.
of financial asset returns and commodity prices                    Our goal is to advance in this important
[6-7].                                                             question. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to
     The        autoregressive         conditional                 explore the oil price behavior and its returns to
heteroskedasticity model (ARCH), and its                           analyze the adequacy of ARCH/GARCH
generalization GARCH introduced by [8] and                         specification to study these series, by the
[9] respectively, have been widely applied to                      application of nonlinearity tests.
model volatility in time series and particularly                        Since [10] seminal work presented
to model oil price volatility.                                     irrefutable evidence of nonlinear behavior by
     This issue is extremely important.                            the majority of stocks traded on the NYSE,
Volatility is an essential determinant of the                      studies of this type of behavior on economic
value of commodity-based contingent claims of                      and financial variables has become a growing
crude oil and of the risk faced by producers and                   subfield within econometric analysis (see Refs.
                                                                        Despite the growing literature that
  Corresponding author: Semei Coronado Ramirez,                    documents the existence of nonlinearity in
PhD., Department of Quantitative Methods, University
of Guadalajara, Periférico Norte 799 esq. Av. José
                                                                   financial and economic series, most models and
Parres Arias      Módulo M 2do. Nivel, Núcleo                      methods used to analyze financial series,
Universitario Los Belenes, C.P. 45100, Zapopan,                    particularly their volatility, are based on highly
Jalisco, México. Research fields: time series. E-mail:             restrictive statistical assumptions and do not

properly capture the statistical behavior of these   (STR-GARCH). This analysis finds that
series. This has been the case for most of the       fluctuations in oil prices may be due to the
analyses of the crude oil market (see for            nonlinearity of the behavior of different
example Refs. [3, 4, 7-19]).                         operators in the market [19]. For the Mexican
     In this paper, we use the Hinich                case, [18] analyze the volatility of Mexican oil
portmanteau bispectrum model to analyze the          prices     by     applying     the    Generalized
nonlinear and asymmetric behavior of the             Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
Mexican Maya crude oil price from 1991 to            (GARCH) model to study the conditional
2008. We also test for the asymmetric behavior       standard deviations and asymmetric effects in
of the series using the REVERSE test. Our            the series.
findings suggest that the oil price behavior              Comparative analyses of different types of
contains nonlinear structures that cannot be         models are also used to examine oil price
captured by any type of ARCH and GARCH               behavior.      Autoregressive      models     with
models. We find four windows in the series that      Conditional       Heteroskedasticity     (ARCH),
present nonlinear events. We also reject that the    Cointegration, Granger Causality and Vector
series is time reversible. This could be because     Autoregressive (VAR) have been compared
the underlying model is nonlinear but the            with the Data Mining model to analyze their
innovations are i.i.d. or because the underlying     suitability and to obtain information about their
innovations are produced by a non-Gaussian           statistical structures. The latter method uses a
probability distribution, although the model is      sophisticated statistical tool of mathematical
linear. Therefore, we cannot conclude whether        algorithms, fractal mechanics methods, neural
the innovations are i.i.d.                           networks and decision trees, building on
     Analyzing and predicting the price of oil is    holistic features to identify variables that
a difficult task due to the random nature of oil     determine the fluctuations in oil prices that are
prices. In recent years, studies that attempt to     not captured by other models [17].
model oil price behavior have become more                 Other studies analyze the relationship
sophisticated. In particular, a growing body of      between oil prices and other macroeconomic
literature attempts to capture the nonlinear         fundamentals, such as GDP, gas and gasoline
behavior of the series. [20] use a methodology       prices, interest rate, exchange rate and inflation.
called TEI @ I to analyze the series of monthly      [21] use a wavelet spectra method to
crude oil West Texas Intermediate (WTI) prices       decompose the oil price series in the time
from 1970 to 2003. This approach decomposes          frequency to study how macroeconomic
the series using a different method to model         changes affect oil price.
each of the components. It uses an                        [22] studies the relationship between the
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average             volatility of oil prices and the asymmetry of
(ARIMA) for the linear components that               gasoline prices using a VAR model. He
determine the trend, neural networks to              concludes that there is a negative relationship
approach the nonlinear behavior incorporated in      between oil price volatility and the asymmetry
the error term, and Web-based Tex Mining             of gasoline prices.
(WTM) techniques and the Rule-based Expert                Other analyses study the relationship
System (RES) to model the non-frequent               between oil price and other commodities. [23]
irregular effects. This study examines irregular     analyze the behavior of oil prices compared
events in the series and concludes that the series   with the prices of sugar and ethanol in Brazil
has a nonlinear behavior with short nonlinear        through a TVEECM (Threshold Vector Error
periods affecting the oil price behavior.            Correction Models) model. They find evidence
     Because it has been observed that oil price     of threshold-type nonlinearity, in which the
series present volatility clustering effects, some   three commodities have a threshold behavior.
analyses use conditional variance models to          Sugar and ethanol are linearly cointegrated, and
parameterize this fact. The relationship between     oil prices are determined by the prices of sugar
the nonlinear behavior of the oil price and other    and ethanol.
fundamentals has been studied using Smooth                Although many of these studies note the
Transition Regression with Generalized               existence of nonlinear behavior in the series,
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity        they do not identify these episodes, and they

base their analyses on highly restrictive                    These papers test the adequacy of GARCH
assumptions. However, there is a growing                models and detect the nonlinear episodes using
number of analyses of the nonlinear behavior of         the Hinich portmanteau model based on the
financial data. With the works of [10] and [24],        bicorrelation of the series. [48] developed a
the statistical tools needed to identify the            frequency-dominant test of time reversibility
presence of nonlinearity in financial data series       based on the bispectrum to explore the high-
have become available [25]. A growing number            order spectrum properties. This test provides
of papers analyze episodes of nonlinear                 information about the time reversibility of the
behavior in financial asset markets. Numerous           series; therefore, it is also useful to test the
studies report nonlinearity in the American             adequacy of GARCH models. Identifying
market, including [10, 26-32]. Similar findings         nonlinear episodes and asymmetric behavior is
have been reported for Asian cases by [14, 33-          important for understanding the statistical
37] and for the European markets by [25, 38-            characteristics of the oil price time series and its
46]. In the case of Latin American financial            volatility, which is the main issue of this paper.
assets, [15] and [47] find nonlinear behavior.          To our knowledge, this paper is the first to use
     [40] test the validity of specifying a             these methods to analyze oil price behavior.
GARCH error structure for financial time-series
data on the pound sterling exchange rate for a          2.             Materials and Methods
set of ten currencies. Their results demonstrate
that a structure is statistically present in the data   2. 1 The Hinich Portmanteau Test for
that cannot be captured by a GARCH model or             Nonlinearity
any of its variants. [34] study of the Taiwan
Stock Exchange and the stock indices of other
                                                             Our nonlinearity analysis is based on the
exchanges, such as New York, London, Tokyo,
                                                        Hinich portmanteau model developed by [49].
Hong Kong and Singapore, finds support for
                                                        The model separates the series into small, non-
nonlinear behavior in the data series. [36]
                                                        overlapping frames or windows of equal length
analyze various international financial indices
                                                        and applies the C statistic and the Hinich
to determine the degree of dispersion of the
                                                        portmanteau statistic, denoted as H, to test
nonlinearity. They analyze the Taiwan stock
                                                        whether the observations in each window are
market to determine whether the phenomenon is
                                                        white noise.
truly characteristic of financial time series.
Their results indicate that nonlinearity is, in              Let x(t) denote the time series where t is
fact, universal among such series and is found          an integer, t = 1,2,3,..., which denotes the time
in all studied markets and the vast majority of         unit. The series is separated into non-
stocks traded on the Taiwanese exchange. [32]           overlapping windows of length n. The kth
analyzes 60 stocks on the NYSE that represent                                {
                                                        window is x(tk ),x(tk +1),...x(tk + n-1) and          }
companies with varying market capitalizations           the       next           non-overlapping         window   is
                                                        { x(t         ),x(tk+1 +1),...x(tk+1 + n-1)} ,
for odd years between 1993 and 2001. The
results show a significant statistical difference               k+1

in the level and incidence of nonlinear behavior        where tk+1 = tk + n . For each window, the null
                                                                                       ( )
among portfolios of different capitalization
categories. Highly capitalized stocks show the          hypothesis is that x tk              is a stationary pure
greatest levels and frequency of nonlinearity,          noise process with zero bicorrelation, and the
followed by medium and thinly capitalized
stocks. These differences were more
                                                                                                   ( )
                                                        alternative hypothesis is that x tk is a random

pronounced at the beginning of the 1990s, but           process for each window with correlation not
they remain significant for the entire period.          equal to zero, Cxx (r ) = E é x(t)x(t + r ) ù , or non
                                                                                    ë               û
Nonlinear correlation increased over the course         zero                                       bicorrelation,
of the decade under study for all portfolios,           Cxxx (r ,s) = E é x(t)x(t + r )x(t + s) ù ,    in     the
whereas linear correlation declined. There were                         ë                       û
also cases of sporadic correlation among the            primary domain 0 < r < s< L , where L is the
portfolios, suggesting that the relationship is         number of lags defined in each window.
more dynamic than was previously thought.

We          now    consider   the
                               standardized           asymptotic theory (see Ref. [50]). If the C and

                       ( )
observations, z tk , with z tk =    ( )   ( )
                                 x tk - m x
                                                      H statistics reject the null for pure noise for the
                                                      data generated by (6), then the structure of the
                                           sx         series cannot be modeled by an ARCH,
where m x is the expected value of the process        GARCH or other stochastic volatility model.
and s x is the variance. Then, the sample
                                                      2.2 Testing for Reversibility
correlation is given by the following:
             1 n-r
                 å Z(t)Z(t + r ) .
                                                            Our second approach is the analysis of the
Czz (r ) =                                     (1)
           n- r t=1                                   statistical structure of the series cycle by testing
Therefore, the C test statistic is as follows:        for time reversibility. If the time series is i.i.d.
      L                                               forward and backward, then time is said to be
C = å (Czz (r ))2 ~ c L .
                                                (2)   reversible; otherwise, it is irreversible.
     r =1                                                   As in the case of the business cycle, we
      ( )
The r ,s sample bicorrelation is given by the         expect that the oil price cycles will be
                                                      asymmetric due to their fundamentals.
                                                      Therefore, the impulse response functions
               1 n-s
Cxxx (r ,s) =     å Z(t )Z(t + r )Z(t + s) , (3)
             n- s t=1
                                                      cannot be invariant, and the commonly used
                                                      models cannot capture this. [50] developed a
for 0 £ r £ s.                                        frequency-domain test of time reversibility
     The H statistic tests for the existence of       based on the bispectrum called the REVERSE
non-zero bicorrelation in the sample windows          test. Similar to the TR test of [51], the
and is distributed in the following way:              REVERSE test examines the behavior of
            L   s-1                                   estimated third-order moments; however, it has
H = å å Gzzz (r ,s) ~ c (2L-1)( L/2)
                                                (4)   a better analysis of variance and higher power
       s=2 r =1                                       to test against time-irreversible alternatives.
with G(r ,s) = n- sCzzz (r ,s) . The number of
                                                           If x(t) represents a third-order stationary
lags is defined by L  n , with 0  c  0.5 .
                                                      process with mean zero, then the third-order
Based on the results of [49], the recommended         moment is defined by the following:
value for c is 0.4. A window is significant for       cx (r, s) = E[ x(t)x(t + r )x(t + s)],
any of the statistical C or H if the null                                                                       (6)
hypothesis is rejected at a significant threshold      s £ r, r = 0,1,2,...
level. For each of the two tests for                       The bispectrum is a double Fourier
autocorrelation and bicorrelation, the  for          transformation of the third-order cumulative
each window is a = 1- é(1- a c )(1- a H ) ù (see
                          ë                û          function. If the bispectrum is defined by
Ref. [34]). In this study, we use a threshold of      frequencies f 1 and f 2 in the domain,
0.1 percent.                                          W = {( f1, f2 ) : 0 < f1 < 0.5, f2 < f1,2 f1 + f2 <1} ,   (7)
      Examining whether ARCH, GARCH or
                                                      then the bispectrum is defined as follows:
any other volatility stochastic model can                                 ¥     ¥
adequately characterize the series using the
above test can be done by transforming the
                                                      Bx ( f1, f2 ) =   å å c (r,s)exp[ -i2p ( f r + f s)] .
                                                                                        x         1    2        (8)
                                                                        t1 =-¥ t2 =-¥
returns into a set of binary data:                           If x(t) is time reversible, then
          ì1 if z(t) ³ 0                               cx (r,s) = cx (-r,-s) ; thus, the imaginary part of
[ x(t)] = í-1 if otherwise .                 (5)
          î                                           the bispectrum is zero. More elaboration on the
                                                      imaginary part can be found in the work of [53].
     If         z  t  is generated by an ARCH,             We          divide          the       sample
GARCH or stochastic volatility process with           {x(0), x(1),..., x(T -1)} within each non-
innovation symmetrically distributed around a         overlapping window of length Q and define the
zero mean, then the binary transformed data (5)       discrete Fourier transformation as fk = k / Q . If
converts into a Bernoulli process [14] with
well-behaved moments with respect to the              T is not divisible by Q, then T is the sample size
                                                      of the last window, with some data not used.

The number of frames used is equal to
 P = [T / Q] , where the brackets signify the
                                                                                                                 If the imaginary part Im Bx f1 , f2 = 0 ,   )
                                                                                                            then the REVERSE statistic is distributed c 2
division of an integer. The resolution bandwidth
() is defined as d = 1/ Q.                                                                                 with M = T 2 /16 degrees of freedom [51].

                                (                            )
                                                                                                                  This test can be also used for nonlinear
          Let             Bx f k , f k                                be the smoothing                      time series to detect deviations in the series
                                            1            2

                                                Bx ( f1 , f2 ) ,
                                                                                                            under the assumption of Gaussianity [53].
estimator                for                                                    which           obtains           If the null hypothesis of time reversibility
      (     ) from the average of over values
  Bx f k , f k
           1         2
                                                                                                            is rejected, then the series may be time
                                                                                                            irreversible in two ways. The underlying model
    Y( f , f )
                                                                                                            could be nonlinear while the innovations are
               k1        k2
               across the P frames, where                                                                   symmetrically      distributed.    The    second
            Q                                                                                               alternative is that the underlying innovations
Y( fk1 , fk2 ) = X( fk1 )X( fk2 )X *( fk2 + fk2 ),                                                    (9)   come from a non-Gaussian probability
                                                                                                            distribution, and the model is linear. Hence, the
                                                                                                            REVERSE is not equivalent to a nonlinearity
X( fk ) = å x(t + (p.Q)exp [-i 2p fk (t + (p.Q))]                                                    (10)   test [54].

for       the            pth            frames                       of        length          Q,     for   3. Results and Discussion
 p = 0,1,..., P-1.
          [48] show that if the sequence                                                       (f ,f )
                                                                                                k1    k2
                                                                                                                 The data used in this analysis were
                                                                                                            obtained from the Economatica database. The
converges to                   ( f , f ), this is a consistent and
                                        1           2
                                                                                                            series is the daily Mexican Maya crude oil price
asymptotically normal estimator of the                                                                      from 01/01/1991 to 08/28/2008, denominated in
bispectrum Bx ( f1, f2 ) . Then, the large sample                                                           U.S. dollars. The series has a total of 4,607
                                                                                                            observations. Figure 1 shows the behavior of
variance of Bx f k , f k            (           1            2
                                                                 )   is as follows:                         the Maya oil spot price during the analyzed
      æ   ö
Var = ç 2 ÷ × Sx f k
                              ( ) S (f ) S (f                                  + fk   )    ,         (11)
      è   ( )
      çdT ÷
                    1                               x        k2       x   k1      2                           Figure 1. Maya oil prices for the period 1/01/91-
                                                                                                                         08/28/08 in U.S. dollars.
where               Sx ( f )                    is defined as a consistent                                    140

estimator with an asymptotic normal                                                                           120
distribution of the frequency spectrum f, and δ                                                               100
is the resolution bandwidth set in the
calculation.                                                                                                   80

         The normalized estimator of the                                                                       60
bispectrum is the following:
 A( fk1 , fk2 ) = P /T × Bx ( fk1 , fk2 ) /Var 1/2 . (12)
          The imaginary part of                                                       A( fk1 , fk2 ) is
denoted by Im A( fk1 , fk2 ) . Then, the statistical                                                                     1000     2000     3000       4000

REVERSE is represented below:
                                                                                                                  Before applying the different tests in our
                                 å å Im A( f , f
REVERSE =                                                                 k1      k2   )             (13)
                                                                                                            analysis, the data were transformed to the
                                                                                                            compounded returns series by the following
                              (k1 ,k2 )ÎD
                                                                                                                    æ p ö
D=    {( k ,k ) : ( f , f ) ÎW} .
               1     2              k1              k2
                                                                                                     (14)    P = ln ç t ÷ ,
                                                                                                                    è pt-1 ø

where pt is the closing price at time t. Figure 2
 shows the behavior of the logarithmic returns of                 Table 2 presents the C and H statistics
 the Mayan oil price for the analyzed period.                results for the binary transformation of the full
                                                             range. A 0.1% threshold was used for the p-
                                                             values of the Hinich portmanteau test. The null
                                                             hypothesis of pure noise is clearly rejected. In
                                                             both cases, for statistics C and H, the p-value is
                                                             practically zero. Thus, it may be inferred that
  Figure 2. Logarithmic returns of Maya oil prices for       they     are    characterized      by     nonlinear
             the period 01/01/91-08/28/08.                   dependencies, which contradicts the assumption
                                                             of independent and identical distributed
                                                                  Thus, GARCH models are not suitable to
                                                             capture the statistical structure of the underlying
       1.4                                                   process.

       1.0                                                   Table 2. C, H and REVERSE statistics for the entire
                                                                              period transformed
                                                                       Period               01/01/91-08/28/08
                                                              Number of observations                        4607
       0.4                                                    Number of lags                                  29
                 1000        2000   3000   4000
                                                              p-value of C                                 0.000
                                                              p-value of H                                 0.000
 3.1 Results

       The summary of statistics for the Mexican                  To further explore whether nonlinear
 Mayan oil price returns series is documented in             dependence is present throughout the full
 Table 1. It is apparent that the return over the            sample or within certain sub-periods, we divide
 complete series is positive and quite large                 the series into a set of 117 non-overlapping
 because the mean is 1. The median is also 1, but            windows with 30 observations each and analyze
 skewness is positive. Kurtosis is also positive             them. This process helps to clarify the nature of
 and extremely large; therefore, the distribution            market efficiency over different periods. The
 has a leptokurtic shape. This does not mean that            length of the windows should be long enough to
 the shape of the distribution has less variance,            apply statistical C and H but short enough to
 but it is more likely that this distribution offers         capture nonlinear events within each window
 larger extreme values than a normal                         [40]. We use a length of 30 observations
 distribution. The positive skewness and the high            because a month lasts 30 days, on average.
 kurtosis values imply deviations from                            For both the C and H statistics, we use a
 Gaussianity in the series [56].                             threshold of 0.1 percent. The results of the C
       Finally, as expected, the Jarque-Bera                 and H tests are shown in Table 3.
 normality test statistic is quite large, and the
                                                                        Table 3. Windows test results
 null hypothesis of normality is rejected.
                                                              Threshold                                   0.001
      Table 1. Summary statistics for Maya oil price          # of Windows                                  135
      returns over the period 01/01/91-08/28/08               Length of Window                               30
Number of Observations                           4,607        # Windows sig. C                                1
                                                              # Windows sig. H                               19
Mean                                                     1
                                                              % Windows C                                 0.740
Median                                                   1
                                                              % Windows H                                14.070
Standard Deviation                                    0.03
Skewness                                              7.21    p-value of REVERSE                          0.000
Kurtosis                                            184.62
Jarque-Bera Test Statistic                        6371923         Given the chosen threshold of 0.01, the
 p-Value                                              0.00   results show that the C statistic rejects the null
                                                             hypothesis of pure noise in a single window.

However, with the H statistic, we found 19          periods of pure noise. To complement this
significant windows. These results show that        evidence, the REVERSE test showed that the
the percentage of significant C and H windows       series was not time reversible and did not
is low. These significant windows reject the        comply with the property that the innovations
null hypothesis of pure noise, indicating the       are i.i.d.
presence of nonlinearity confined to these
windows. Although the tests find a single C               Our results indicates that GARCH models
window, it is sufficient to influence the overall   fail to capture the data generating process for
performance of the oil price. This peculiarity      the Mexican oil returns.
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Non linear dependence oil price

  • 1. Non-Linear Dependence in Oil Price Behavior Semei Coronado Ramirez1, Leonardo Gatica Arreola2 and Mauricio Ramirez Grajeda3 1. Department of Quantitative Methods, University of Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, México 2. Department of Economics, University of Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, México 3. Department of Quantitative Methods, University of Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco, México Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the adequacy of GARCH-type models to analyze oil price behavior by applying two types of non-parametric tests, the Hinich portmanteau test for non-linear dependence and a frequency-dominant test of time reversibility, the REVERSE test based on the bispectrum, to explore the high-order spectrum properties of the Mexican oil price series. The results suggest strong evidence of a non-linear structure and time irreversibility. Therefore, it does not comply with the i.i.d (independent and identically distributed) property. The non-linear dependence, however, is not consistent throughout the sample period, as indicated by a windowed test, suggesting episodic nonlinear dependence. The results imply that GARCH models cannot capture the series structure. Keywords: Bispectrum, time reversibility, nonlinearity, asymmetry, oil price. 1. Introduction consumers. Furthermore, volatility impacts In recent years, several time series analyses investment behavior in the oil sector. In the have aimed to understand the behavior of the short run, volatility can also affect storage crude oil market, particularly its volatility (see demand, the value of firms’ operation options, for example Refs. [1-5]). and, consequently, the marginal cost of The application of time-series methods to production [1, 2]. Thus, understanding the price analyze volatility in economic variables was behavior and volatility of this commodity is an recently acknowledged by the award of the important issue. 2003 Nobel Prize in economics to Robert Engel Then, a central question is the statistical and Clive Granger, whose contributions have adequacy of ARCH/GARCH models to analyze been widely employed in financial time-series oil price behavior. If these formulations are not models. The simplicity of the linear structures adequate, then any prediction or conclusion of these types of models lends itself to the study derived from the analysis can be misleading. of financial asset returns and commodity prices Our goal is to advance in this important [6-7]. question. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to The autoregressive conditional explore the oil price behavior and its returns to heteroskedasticity model (ARCH), and its analyze the adequacy of ARCH/GARCH generalization GARCH introduced by [8] and specification to study these series, by the [9] respectively, have been widely applied to application of nonlinearity tests. model volatility in time series and particularly Since [10] seminal work presented to model oil price volatility. irrefutable evidence of nonlinear behavior by This issue is extremely important. the majority of stocks traded on the NYSE, Volatility is an essential determinant of the studies of this type of behavior on economic value of commodity-based contingent claims of and financial variables has become a growing crude oil and of the risk faced by producers and subfield within econometric analysis (see Refs. [11-16]).  Despite the growing literature that Corresponding author: Semei Coronado Ramirez, documents the existence of nonlinearity in PhD., Department of Quantitative Methods, University of Guadalajara, Periférico Norte 799 esq. Av. José financial and economic series, most models and Parres Arias Módulo M 2do. Nivel, Núcleo methods used to analyze financial series, Universitario Los Belenes, C.P. 45100, Zapopan, particularly their volatility, are based on highly Jalisco, México. Research fields: time series. E-mail: restrictive statistical assumptions and do not 1
  • 2. properly capture the statistical behavior of these (STR-GARCH). This analysis finds that series. This has been the case for most of the fluctuations in oil prices may be due to the analyses of the crude oil market (see for nonlinearity of the behavior of different example Refs. [3, 4, 7-19]). operators in the market [19]. For the Mexican In this paper, we use the Hinich case, [18] analyze the volatility of Mexican oil portmanteau bispectrum model to analyze the prices by applying the Generalized nonlinear and asymmetric behavior of the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Mexican Maya crude oil price from 1991 to (GARCH) model to study the conditional 2008. We also test for the asymmetric behavior standard deviations and asymmetric effects in of the series using the REVERSE test. Our the series. findings suggest that the oil price behavior Comparative analyses of different types of contains nonlinear structures that cannot be models are also used to examine oil price captured by any type of ARCH and GARCH behavior. Autoregressive models with models. We find four windows in the series that Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH), present nonlinear events. We also reject that the Cointegration, Granger Causality and Vector series is time reversible. This could be because Autoregressive (VAR) have been compared the underlying model is nonlinear but the with the Data Mining model to analyze their innovations are i.i.d. or because the underlying suitability and to obtain information about their innovations are produced by a non-Gaussian statistical structures. The latter method uses a probability distribution, although the model is sophisticated statistical tool of mathematical linear. Therefore, we cannot conclude whether algorithms, fractal mechanics methods, neural the innovations are i.i.d. networks and decision trees, building on Analyzing and predicting the price of oil is holistic features to identify variables that a difficult task due to the random nature of oil determine the fluctuations in oil prices that are prices. In recent years, studies that attempt to not captured by other models [17]. model oil price behavior have become more Other studies analyze the relationship sophisticated. In particular, a growing body of between oil prices and other macroeconomic literature attempts to capture the nonlinear fundamentals, such as GDP, gas and gasoline behavior of the series. [20] use a methodology prices, interest rate, exchange rate and inflation. called TEI @ I to analyze the series of monthly [21] use a wavelet spectra method to crude oil West Texas Intermediate (WTI) prices decompose the oil price series in the time from 1970 to 2003. This approach decomposes frequency to study how macroeconomic the series using a different method to model changes affect oil price. each of the components. It uses an [22] studies the relationship between the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average volatility of oil prices and the asymmetry of (ARIMA) for the linear components that gasoline prices using a VAR model. He determine the trend, neural networks to concludes that there is a negative relationship approach the nonlinear behavior incorporated in between oil price volatility and the asymmetry the error term, and Web-based Tex Mining of gasoline prices. (WTM) techniques and the Rule-based Expert Other analyses study the relationship System (RES) to model the non-frequent between oil price and other commodities. [23] irregular effects. This study examines irregular analyze the behavior of oil prices compared events in the series and concludes that the series with the prices of sugar and ethanol in Brazil has a nonlinear behavior with short nonlinear through a TVEECM (Threshold Vector Error periods affecting the oil price behavior. Correction Models) model. They find evidence Because it has been observed that oil price of threshold-type nonlinearity, in which the series present volatility clustering effects, some three commodities have a threshold behavior. analyses use conditional variance models to Sugar and ethanol are linearly cointegrated, and parameterize this fact. The relationship between oil prices are determined by the prices of sugar the nonlinear behavior of the oil price and other and ethanol. fundamentals has been studied using Smooth Although many of these studies note the Transition Regression with Generalized existence of nonlinear behavior in the series, Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity they do not identify these episodes, and they 2
  • 3. base their analyses on highly restrictive These papers test the adequacy of GARCH assumptions. However, there is a growing models and detect the nonlinear episodes using number of analyses of the nonlinear behavior of the Hinich portmanteau model based on the financial data. With the works of [10] and [24], bicorrelation of the series. [48] developed a the statistical tools needed to identify the frequency-dominant test of time reversibility presence of nonlinearity in financial data series based on the bispectrum to explore the high- have become available [25]. A growing number order spectrum properties. This test provides of papers analyze episodes of nonlinear information about the time reversibility of the behavior in financial asset markets. Numerous series; therefore, it is also useful to test the studies report nonlinearity in the American adequacy of GARCH models. Identifying market, including [10, 26-32]. Similar findings nonlinear episodes and asymmetric behavior is have been reported for Asian cases by [14, 33- important for understanding the statistical 37] and for the European markets by [25, 38- characteristics of the oil price time series and its 46]. In the case of Latin American financial volatility, which is the main issue of this paper. assets, [15] and [47] find nonlinear behavior. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to use [40] test the validity of specifying a these methods to analyze oil price behavior. GARCH error structure for financial time-series data on the pound sterling exchange rate for a 2. Materials and Methods set of ten currencies. Their results demonstrate that a structure is statistically present in the data 2. 1 The Hinich Portmanteau Test for that cannot be captured by a GARCH model or Nonlinearity any of its variants. [34] study of the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the stock indices of other Our nonlinearity analysis is based on the exchanges, such as New York, London, Tokyo, Hinich portmanteau model developed by [49]. Hong Kong and Singapore, finds support for The model separates the series into small, non- nonlinear behavior in the data series. [36] overlapping frames or windows of equal length analyze various international financial indices and applies the C statistic and the Hinich to determine the degree of dispersion of the portmanteau statistic, denoted as H, to test nonlinearity. They analyze the Taiwan stock whether the observations in each window are market to determine whether the phenomenon is white noise. truly characteristic of financial time series. Their results indicate that nonlinearity is, in Let x(t) denote the time series where t is fact, universal among such series and is found an integer, t = 1,2,3,..., which denotes the time in all studied markets and the vast majority of unit. The series is separated into non- stocks traded on the Taiwanese exchange. [32] overlapping windows of length n. The kth analyzes 60 stocks on the NYSE that represent { window is x(tk ),x(tk +1),...x(tk + n-1) and } companies with varying market capitalizations the next non-overlapping window is { x(t ),x(tk+1 +1),...x(tk+1 + n-1)} , for odd years between 1993 and 2001. The results show a significant statistical difference k+1 in the level and incidence of nonlinear behavior where tk+1 = tk + n . For each window, the null ( ) among portfolios of different capitalization categories. Highly capitalized stocks show the hypothesis is that x tk is a stationary pure greatest levels and frequency of nonlinearity, noise process with zero bicorrelation, and the followed by medium and thinly capitalized stocks. These differences were more ( ) alternative hypothesis is that x tk is a random pronounced at the beginning of the 1990s, but process for each window with correlation not they remain significant for the entire period. equal to zero, Cxx (r ) = E é x(t)x(t + r ) ù , or non ë û Nonlinear correlation increased over the course zero bicorrelation, of the decade under study for all portfolios, Cxxx (r ,s) = E é x(t)x(t + r )x(t + s) ù , in the whereas linear correlation declined. There were ë û also cases of sporadic correlation among the primary domain 0 < r < s< L , where L is the portfolios, suggesting that the relationship is number of lags defined in each window. more dynamic than was previously thought. 3
  • 4. We now consider the standardized asymptotic theory (see Ref. [50]). If the C and ( ) observations, z tk , with z tk = ( ) ( ) x tk - m x , H statistics reject the null for pure noise for the data generated by (6), then the structure of the 2 sx series cannot be modeled by an ARCH, where m x is the expected value of the process GARCH or other stochastic volatility model. and s x is the variance. Then, the sample 2 2.2 Testing for Reversibility correlation is given by the following: 1 n-r å Z(t)Z(t + r ) . Our second approach is the analysis of the Czz (r ) = (1) n- r t=1 statistical structure of the series cycle by testing Therefore, the C test statistic is as follows: for time reversibility. If the time series is i.i.d. L forward and backward, then time is said to be C = å (Czz (r ))2 ~ c L . 2 (2) reversible; otherwise, it is irreversible. r =1 As in the case of the business cycle, we ( ) The r ,s sample bicorrelation is given by the expect that the oil price cycles will be asymmetric due to their fundamentals. following: Therefore, the impulse response functions 1 n-s Cxxx (r ,s) = å Z(t )Z(t + r )Z(t + s) , (3) n- s t=1 cannot be invariant, and the commonly used models cannot capture this. [50] developed a for 0 £ r £ s. frequency-domain test of time reversibility The H statistic tests for the existence of based on the bispectrum called the REVERSE non-zero bicorrelation in the sample windows test. Similar to the TR test of [51], the and is distributed in the following way: REVERSE test examines the behavior of L s-1 estimated third-order moments; however, it has H = å å Gzzz (r ,s) ~ c (2L-1)( L/2) 2 (4) a better analysis of variance and higher power s=2 r =1 to test against time-irreversible alternatives. with G(r ,s) = n- sCzzz (r ,s) . The number of If x(t) represents a third-order stationary lags is defined by L  n , with 0  c  0.5 . c process with mean zero, then the third-order Based on the results of [49], the recommended moment is defined by the following: value for c is 0.4. A window is significant for cx (r, s) = E[ x(t)x(t + r )x(t + s)], any of the statistical C or H if the null (6) hypothesis is rejected at a significant threshold s £ r, r = 0,1,2,... level. For each of the two tests for The bispectrum is a double Fourier autocorrelation and bicorrelation, the  for transformation of the third-order cumulative each window is a = 1- é(1- a c )(1- a H ) ù (see ë û function. If the bispectrum is defined by Ref. [34]). In this study, we use a threshold of frequencies f 1 and f 2 in the domain, 0.1 percent. W = {( f1, f2 ) : 0 < f1 < 0.5, f2 < f1,2 f1 + f2 <1} , (7) Examining whether ARCH, GARCH or then the bispectrum is defined as follows: any other volatility stochastic model can ¥ ¥ adequately characterize the series using the above test can be done by transforming the Bx ( f1, f2 ) = å å c (r,s)exp[ -i2p ( f r + f s)] . x 1 2 (8) t1 =-¥ t2 =-¥ returns into a set of binary data: If x(t) is time reversible, then ì1 if z(t) ³ 0 cx (r,s) = cx (-r,-s) ; thus, the imaginary part of [ x(t)] = í-1 if otherwise . (5) î the bispectrum is zero. More elaboration on the imaginary part can be found in the work of [53]. If z  t  is generated by an ARCH, We divide the sample GARCH or stochastic volatility process with {x(0), x(1),..., x(T -1)} within each non- innovation symmetrically distributed around a overlapping window of length Q and define the zero mean, then the binary transformed data (5) discrete Fourier transformation as fk = k / Q . If converts into a Bernoulli process [14] with well-behaved moments with respect to the T is not divisible by Q, then T is the sample size of the last window, with some data not used. 4
  • 5. The number of frames used is equal to P = [T / Q] , where the brackets signify the ( If the imaginary part Im Bx f1 , f2 = 0 , ) then the REVERSE statistic is distributed c 2 division of an integer. The resolution bandwidth () is defined as d = 1/ Q. with M = T 2 /16 degrees of freedom [51]. ( ) This test can be also used for nonlinear Let Bx f k , f k be the smoothing time series to detect deviations in the series 1 2 Bx ( f1 , f2 ) , under the assumption of Gaussianity [53]. estimator for which obtains If the null hypothesis of time reversibility ( ) from the average of over values Bx f k , f k 1 2 is rejected, then the series may be time irreversible in two ways. The underlying model Y( f , f ) could be nonlinear while the innovations are for k1 k2 across the P frames, where symmetrically distributed. The second Q alternative is that the underlying innovations Y( fk1 , fk2 ) = X( fk1 )X( fk2 )X *( fk2 + fk2 ), (9) come from a non-Gaussian probability distribution, and the model is linear. Hence, the and Q-1 REVERSE is not equivalent to a nonlinearity X( fk ) = å x(t + (p.Q)exp [-i 2p fk (t + (p.Q))] (10) test [54]. t=0 for the pth frames of length Q, for 3. Results and Discussion p = 0,1,..., P-1. [48] show that if the sequence (f ,f ) k1 k2 The data used in this analysis were obtained from the Economatica database. The converges to ( f , f ), this is a consistent and 1 2 series is the daily Mexican Maya crude oil price asymptotically normal estimator of the from 01/01/1991 to 08/28/2008, denominated in bispectrum Bx ( f1, f2 ) . Then, the large sample U.S. dollars. The series has a total of 4,607 observations. Figure 1 shows the behavior of variance of Bx f k , f k ( 1 2 ) is as follows: the Maya oil spot price during the analyzed period. æ ö Var = ç 2 ÷ × Sx f k 1 ( ) S (f ) S (f + fk ) , (11) è ( ) çdT ÷ ø 1 x k2 x k1 2 Figure 1. Maya oil prices for the period 1/01/91- 08/28/08 in U.S. dollars. where Sx ( f ) is defined as a consistent 140 estimator with an asymptotic normal 120 distribution of the frequency spectrum f, and δ 100 is the resolution bandwidth set in the calculation. 80 The normalized estimator of the 60 bispectrum is the following: 40 A( fk1 , fk2 ) = P /T × Bx ( fk1 , fk2 ) /Var 1/2 . (12) 20 The imaginary part of A( fk1 , fk2 ) is 0 denoted by Im A( fk1 , fk2 ) . Then, the statistical 1000 2000 3000 4000 REVERSE is represented below: Before applying the different tests in our å å Im A( f , f 2 REVERSE = k1 k2 ) (13) analysis, the data were transformed to the compounded returns series by the following (k1 ,k2 )ÎD relationship: where æ p ö D= {( k ,k ) : ( f , f ) ÎW} . 1 2 k1 k2 (14) P = ln ç t ÷ , t è pt-1 ø 5
  • 6. where pt is the closing price at time t. Figure 2 shows the behavior of the logarithmic returns of Table 2 presents the C and H statistics the Mayan oil price for the analyzed period. results for the binary transformation of the full range. A 0.1% threshold was used for the p- values of the Hinich portmanteau test. The null hypothesis of pure noise is clearly rejected. In both cases, for statistics C and H, the p-value is practically zero. Thus, it may be inferred that Figure 2. Logarithmic returns of Maya oil prices for they are characterized by nonlinear the period 01/01/91-08/28/08. dependencies, which contradicts the assumption 2.0 of independent and identical distributed innovations. 1.8 Thus, GARCH models are not suitable to 1.6 capture the statistical structure of the underlying 1.4 process. 1.2 1.0 Table 2. C, H and REVERSE statistics for the entire period transformed 0.8 Period 01/01/91-08/28/08 0.6 Number of observations 4607 0.4 Number of lags 29 1000 2000 3000 4000 p-value of C 0.000 p-value of H 0.000 3.1 Results The summary of statistics for the Mexican To further explore whether nonlinear Mayan oil price returns series is documented in dependence is present throughout the full Table 1. It is apparent that the return over the sample or within certain sub-periods, we divide complete series is positive and quite large the series into a set of 117 non-overlapping because the mean is 1. The median is also 1, but windows with 30 observations each and analyze skewness is positive. Kurtosis is also positive them. This process helps to clarify the nature of and extremely large; therefore, the distribution market efficiency over different periods. The has a leptokurtic shape. This does not mean that length of the windows should be long enough to the shape of the distribution has less variance, apply statistical C and H but short enough to but it is more likely that this distribution offers capture nonlinear events within each window larger extreme values than a normal [40]. We use a length of 30 observations distribution. The positive skewness and the high because a month lasts 30 days, on average. kurtosis values imply deviations from For both the C and H statistics, we use a Gaussianity in the series [56]. threshold of 0.1 percent. The results of the C Finally, as expected, the Jarque-Bera and H tests are shown in Table 3. normality test statistic is quite large, and the Table 3. Windows test results null hypothesis of normality is rejected. Threshold 0.001 Table 1. Summary statistics for Maya oil price # of Windows 135 returns over the period 01/01/91-08/28/08 Length of Window 30 Number of Observations 4,607 # Windows sig. C 1 # Windows sig. H 19 Mean 1 % Windows C 0.740 Median 1 % Windows H 14.070 Standard Deviation 0.03 Skewness 7.21 p-value of REVERSE 0.000 Kurtosis 184.62 Jarque-Bera Test Statistic 6371923 Given the chosen threshold of 0.01, the p-Value 0.00 results show that the C statistic rejects the null hypothesis of pure noise in a single window. 6
  • 7. However, with the H statistic, we found 19 periods of pure noise. To complement this significant windows. These results show that evidence, the REVERSE test showed that the the percentage of significant C and H windows series was not time reversible and did not is low. These significant windows reject the comply with the property that the innovations null hypothesis of pure noise, indicating the are i.i.d. presence of nonlinearity confined to these windows. Although the tests find a single C Our results indicates that GARCH models window, it is sufficient to influence the overall fail to capture the data generating process for performance of the oil price. This peculiarity the Mexican oil returns. should be studied further. In any case, these results provide sufficient evidence to conclude References that the oil price series for the Mexican Mayan [1] R. H. Litzemberger, N. Rabinowitz, presents nonlinear events and therefore violates Backwardation in oil futures markets: theory and the assumptions for GARCH. empirical evidence, The Journal of Finance 50 To explore the symmetry of the behavior (1995) 1517-545. of oil prices, we use the REVERSE statistic. The bandwidth for each window was 30, with [2] R. S.Pindyck, The dynamics of commodity spot an exponent of 0.40. The result rejects the null and future markets: A primer, The Energy Journal 22 (2001) 1-29. hypothesis. Therefore, we have evidence to conclude that the series is time irreversible. [3] R.S Pindyck, Volatility in natural gas and oil This result is consistent with the findings markets, The Journal of Energy and of the nonlinear analysis. However, it is also Development 30 (2004) 1-19. possible that the underlying innovations [4] M. S. Haigh, M. Holt, Crack spread hedging: correspond to a non-Gaussian probability accounting for time varying volatility spillovers in distribution [54]. Given both results of the energy futures market, Journal of Applied nonlinearity and irreversibility, there is strong Econometrics 17 (2002) 269-89. evidence to conclude that the series behavior and its volatility cannot be captured by a [5] R. Bacon, M. Kojima, Coping With Oil Price GARCH-type process. Volatility. World Bank. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, special report, 2008. 4. Conclusions [6] W. Sharpe, Capital asset prices: A theory of Oil price volatility has become an market equilibrium under conditions of risk, The Journal of Finance 19 (1964) 425-442. important issue. Even though concern about nonlinear dependence has gained importance, [7] R. S Pindyck, Volatility and commodity price many of the analyses of oil price behavior are dynamics, Journal of Futures Markets 24 (2004) based on the assumption of linear behavior. 1029-1047. This is the case for the Mexican oil price [8] R. Engel, Autoregressive conditional analyses that use GARCH-type models. heteroscedaticity with estimates of the variance of Motivated by this concern, this paper uses the United King inflation, Econometrica 50 (1982) Hinich portmanteau test to model the behavior 987-1007. and to test nonlinear dependence in Mexican oil price behavior. [9] T. Bollerslev, Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, Journal of Econometrics 31 (1986) 307-327. The results from the Hinich portmanteau test suggested the presence of nonlinear [10] M. J. Hinich, M. D. Patterson, Evidence of dependence within oil price behavior that nonlinearity in daily stock returns, Journal of questions the GARCH assumption. However, Business & Economic Statistic 3 (1985) 69-77. the windowed Hinich test showed that the reported nonlinear dependencies were not [11] R. Tsay, Nonlinearity test for time series, Biometrika 73 (1986) 461-466. consistent throughout the entire period, suggesting the presence of episodic nonlinear [12] W. Brock, D. Dechert, J. Scheinkman J. A Test dependencies in returns series surrounded by for Independence Based on The Correlation Dimension. Department of Economics, University 7
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