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Nancylee Myatt, creator of Nikki & Nora, answered questions submitted by
Inspector Boxer and Docwho2100 regarding Nikki & Nora. Enjoy!
Nancylee Myatt’s reply to N&N Questions Submitted by “Inspector Boxer.”
I wrote one episode (although several versions) of the original Nikki & Nora. And I
had to come up with a few story areas for the network, so that they could see where
the series might go if it got picked up. But after it didn’t get picked up, I didn’t do
any other development on the show. So a lot of what you want to know, backstory,
etc., I didn’t write or develop. However, the girls were always in my heart and on
my mind. Many of what I wrote and tried to develop since the original N&N was a
version of these women. Sometimes characters get in your heart and stay on your
mind and you can’t ever shake ‘em…
In this new version, I’ve been able to incorporate some of those ideas, especially
how they ended up as Private Investigators, what happened to the characters from
the first pilot, etc. And your questions have about the new series has forced me to
dig deeper and get more specific. But obviously, as new episodes get written things
my change, morph or be informed by production. So don’t hold me to everything.
Below are some short answers to your questions. I’m sure y’all will fill in the blanks
as you start writing the new N&N stories. Write On!
First a little backstory about the original pilot. When we first find Nikki & Nora in
the spring of 2004 they had been a couple and living together for a couple of years.
Then Dan made them partners on the force when he got his promotion. His thinking,
they were already friends/roommates it would make for a strong team of detectives
on the street. Ah, Dan… He was probably hoping he would be invited over some
night and end up in the middle of these two best girlfriends.
And in real time Katrina happened in August of 2005. So look how fast life would
have changed for N&N in a year and a half. They stayed on the force for a few years.
Trying to help put NOLA and the NOPD back together. But eventually realized that
they couldn’t fix the very broken city and system or find Bobby’s shooter. That’s
when they looked at each other and said – time to take care of each other.
So now when we find them 9 years later – it is truly a reboot of their lives and the
1. What happened to Bobby? The script suggested (to me) that something tragic
might have occurred.
First of all, sadly, real life informed the passing of “Bobby.” As the wonderful actor,
Chaney Kley,
who played Bobby passed away in July of 2007.
So I decided to take a page from some of the tragedies that happened to the law
enforcement officers who stayed behind during Katrina. I spent some time reading
about and talking to some of the men and women who were on the NOPD during the
storm. There was no good choice during that disaster. If you left, some viewed you
as leaving or deserting your post. If you stayed, you were often forced to make
decisions that you would have never had to make if the city weren’t in complete
chaos – in a city that was failed and forgotten by its country. To say it was lawless
and dangerous to all who stayed behind, including the authorities and even the
National Guard is a gross understatement. There were killings of innocent citizens
and of law enforcement officers. Some of those cases were just settled the past
winter of 2012. HBO’s “Treme” took on some of these stories. The police often lived
in the houses and apartments of their fellow officers, taking shifts to patrol the
streets to assist and try to keep the peace.
For our story, we are saying that Nikki and Nora helped their families evacuate,
including Nikki’s father, Nora’s mother and father, and her brother’s families --
While Bobby and his older brothers, Ted and Jack stayed behind. Jack a cop, Ted a
fireman. After Nikki and Nora settled their families in Houston, they returned to
New Orleans to try to assist. But sadly, could not save Bobby who was shot and
killed by an armed gunman in altercation on one of his night patrols. The gunman
was never found or prosecuted.
2. Gotta ask… What happened to the El Camino?? I have it in my head that it
went out in a blaze of glory.
Ha! The storm took the El Camino. They own an SUV now. It’s more practical for
the work they do now and life they have… and in the event of any more evacuations.
But that doesn’t mean the Nikki won’t eventually get a sexier sports car. But right
now that money is going into their house.
3. How did Nora lose her father?
If you ask Mary (his wife) she’ll say it was from a broken heart. Losing Bobby. But
the doctors will say it was from complications from pneumonia in the winter of
2012. So when we see them again, it’s all still a little fresh for Nora’s family. Also
when Bobby was killed, he and Nora were still at odds, as he had just told Nora’s
mom about she and Nikki being a couple. They had a couple of days working and
living together in the aftermath of the storm before he was killed. However, Nora
still struggles with the fact that she and her little brother had not fully repaired their
relationship before he was killed.
4. How did Mary react at first to the news about her daughter and Nikki?
Like most mothers, she had suspected. Especially when Nora moved in with Nikki
and pulled away from the family. She waited for someone to say it out loud. And
when Bobby confirmed it, she was crushed. She didn’t want her husband to know,
and somehow thought of Nora being gay would sever all relationships. Also being a
Catholic she grappled with her faith and the church’s view. But in trying to keep a
lid on it, or not recognizing it, she actually created the thing she feared most -- A
great divide. And as you’ll see in the new episodes, she and Nora will try to cross the
divide and come together.
5. How much conflict did it create between N&N over leaving the police force?
None. So many left after the storm, there was no shame or conflict. And their
relationships that survived are strong and they support each other – the NOPD to
N&N and their investigations, and vice versa.
6. Considering Nora’s family history, I would think it would have been tough for
her to walk away. Was there a particular event that made Nikki want to get
The personal and professional tragedy that happened made the decision – if not
easier – more realistic. It took almost eight years for the police force to come back,
with a new mayor and police chief, and the trials of those that crossed the line in
during the storm, and the ongoing corruption that was a matter of course for way
too long. Nikki and Nora were in the same place emotionally and professionally.
Get out alive, save your reputation and put your skills to work in a way that won’t
always put you in the line of fire.
7. What did they endure during Katrina?
If you talk to anyone in this city – no matter what the financial status or where
someone lived, everyone has a story. And most of them are amazing, tragic and
heroic. Even just getting out of town with family, pets, heirlooms, with enough cash,
gas and food was a big challenge. Who and what to leave behind? And what they
found when they came back. In N&N’s case, they got out two days before the storm.
So their stories of the storm didn’t really ratchet up until they came back. Because
they were NOPD they were let back in before most people. 2 days after the flooding.
They arrived to a wet and wild west. Their place in the FQ didn’t flood, and without
too much hurricane damage, it became one of the places that became a sub station
for the officers who no longer had an office or homes to go to.
If you want to write about this time for N&N, I would encourage you to read some of
the books and newspaper articles about the storm. Here are a few of my faves that
give you a ground zero view of the experience: “1 Dead in Attic” by Chris Rose. Chris
was a columnist for the Times-Picayune and was working for the paper during the
storm. “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers. This is a heartbreaking view of one man, one
family’s story of surviving in the city after the storm – and the broken system that
failed so many. And then you writers will love this book – “New Orleans Noir” which
is a collection of fictional stories that focus on New Orleans before, during and after
the storm. It might span some short essays for y’all.
8. How did they come to work for Hewitt?
J. Hewitt Kemp (his name is a mash up of some of our fave people here in NOLA).
Nikki’s father was the one who made this introduction. When N&N wanted to open
their own Investigation firm – Nikki’s father wanted to make sure that they were
legally protected and would have a solid voice of reason behind their decisions.
Someone who would also open some doors for them and make sure the bills were
getting paid. He appears a little stuffier than most people they associate with, and
he likes to keep his life private. But he’s the guy you want on your side. He’s not
afraid to stare down the dark forces on your behalf. He’s part of the Old Southern
Boys club, but is also learning a lot about the GRITS (Girls Raised In The South) he is
partnered with. If you get lucky enough to be invited to his Mardi Gras parties,
you’ll see he’s not so square and has a great mix of people in his life – not just those
with an Uptown address.
9. Did their relationship hit any hard times in the years since we’ve last seen
I think N&N suffer from the same relationship and life experiences we all do. But
the difference with this couple is perspective. When you’ve been a cop, when you’ve
lost a sibling or a parent – whether by death or estrangement, or had your faith in
mankind and law and order tested, it’s easier to let the smaller things roll off your
back. And in my little writer heart, I’ve always been rooting for these girls. A great
look at a great couple. Living life large. I never spent too much time focusing on
episodes about breaking up, getting pregnant, cheating, etc. But that doesn’t mean I
wouldn’t like to throw them a curve ball once in a while and see them hit it out of
the park – relationship intact. So I guess the answer is – they’ve hit some rough
patches emotionally, but it didn’t pull them apart. It made them closer and stronger.
10. Whatever became of Georgia and Dan?
You probably don’t want to hear this, as I’m sure they’ve been good fodder for your
writing. But I haven’t thought about them. Since I knew I wasn’t going to have to
nurture those characters (or bring them back) I let go of their arcs, if that makes
sense. I know this -- in this new world they are not there, not in Nikki and Nora’s
New Orleans.
11. Can you describe the fallout you imagine occurred when Bobby told his
parents about N&N’s relationship?
I can only draw from my personal experience. Which is pretty much the root for
most of my writing. Write what’cha know. I also like this adage “Tragedy + Time =
Comedy. (Stay tuned for my next comedy…) Back on this story: I’m sure Bobby felt
like he was doing the right thing. Giving his mother a reason for Nora’s distance.
And hoping she would accept it and pull both N&N into the family. But that wasn’t
how it came down. Mary didn’t want to accept or believe or share the news with
anyone else in the family. Confused and hoping it was a phase, something that
would just go away. But in her heart and now seeing the signs from their lives, she
knows Nora belongs with Nikki. And it’s hard to deny that Nikki is good for Nora.
And that’s all a mother wants. The fallout was – a bigger divide. With Mary
confronting Nora in a not so accepting way, having rules about who could know and
how Nora was to behave, and Nora crushing her by telling her that pretty much
everyone in the family knew but her and Daddy. And that she wasn’t going to put
herself in family situations where she and Nikki weren’t accepted. Sooo… when you
find N&N again, this will be a big story point and a place to grow.
12. What other kinds of storylines do you hope to do for the characters in the
It’s a little to soon for that. I think we’ll have to see what and who pops (re: guest
cast) in this new pilot. And since I’m not writing for a network, I didn’t have to turn
in a handful of story areas to prove the series has legs. I think the most important
thing about doing this on our own, is to tell the stories we want to tell -- To focus on
the lives of these women at home and on the job in one of the most interesting and
lawless cities in America. Which I think is what the fans have wanted all along – to
be represented in a real way week in and week out – not just as an afterthought, or a
3 episode arc, or a lesbian story for sweeps week. We haven’t had that since the L
Word. And never in a procedural franchise.
13. Can you tell us about their new (old) house and how they came by it?
Oh boy… you’re talking to a woman who has owned nine houses in the last 30 years.
At times I feel like Mrs. Winchester. (Look her up if you don’t know her story. And
try not to judge me…) For the new N&N I tried to combine some of my NOLA
friend’s stories about finding housing or saving their houses after the storm,
combined with the never-ending quest for the perfect house. The one that is both a
palate to create a unique space, and one that speaks to both sides of the couple.
New Orleans is like any other city – location location location. And like so many
other old cities, the neighborhoods have very unique personalities. I know for me,
and now for us personally, I think most people are at first drawn to the French
Quarter. It is quintessential New Orleans. Dripping in history and lives spent in
courtyards and 200-year-old houses behind high walls.
When my family used to vacation in NOLA we stayed in the Quarter. And when I
came back as an adult – to enjoy the city, write and disappear – the FQ is where I
would take up residence. Yep, I was a GOOT. Gay Out Of Town. More on that
another time. It’s also a no-one-cares 10x11 blocks for the GLBTQ community. Be
sure to visit the Bourbon Pub on a Sunday afternoon for some loud and proud fun.
And as you know, the Quarter is where N&N had their house in the original pilot.
BTW that apartment, which has since been changed into condos, I hear, is featured
in a beautiful book called: New Orleans – Elegance and Decadence by Richard Sexton
and Randolph Delehanty. Here’s some trivia from the original pilot. I was very
detailed in my descriptions of houses and locations. Doug Kraner, our amazing
Production Designer, used that book to get a feel for the locations I was describing.
By an amazing coincidence we ended up shooting in one of the apartments in the
book, who was owned by a famous artist. I think he did an amazing job on their
house, incorporating the space with its layers of paint and history. The bathtub
scene, and their room where they were getting dressed to go out when Bobby was
there, are truly some of the most visually beautiful rooms I’ve ever scene in a New
Orleans film or series.
I digress… But when it came time for us to buy a house here in the Crescent City –
we first auditioned some neighborhoods by renting. I imagine N&N did that after
the storm, too. Like we did, they would have taken into consideration what places
didn’t flood and how the neighborhoods came back together and the vibe. We spent
our first year in the Irish Channel, and loved it! It’s a great community one block
below the Garden District and a short streetcar ride to Uptown or Downtown. We
have set the Delaney family home in the channel. And I’ve written two other pilots
where our heroine lives in the Irish Channel. Tracey’s is there and ground zero for
St. Patrick’s day. A must if you are in Nola during St. Pat’s week in March.
The webseries answer to your question is – we used our house, because it felt the
most right out of all the locations we looked at and the location fee was right, ha!
We are, like N&N, in the process of doing a renovation on the house. Historical old
houses are a mystery and a chore. They are ultimately a love letter to those that
went before, and a commitment and journey for a couple and their future. And a
Money Pit. It’s always laced with one million decisions from the unsexy ones like
insulation and plumbing – to the outward statement of taste and inspiration, like
paint color, landscaping, wallpaper and art. I think in this story it speaks to
14. When did Arliss come into the picture and why does he have such strong ties
to Nora?
I like to think that had N&N gone a few seasons, we’d be spending more time with
their families. Which means, Arliss would have been introduced. I like to think that
Arliss is the guy on the force who was probably partnered at some point with Nora’s
dad. And Arliss was the young guy in the beginning. Arliss dodged a lot of bullets,
literally. He was there for the Delaney family as Nora’s dad moved up and retired
and his sons and daughter came up through the ranks. He became a surrogate dad
to the Delaney kids and a shoulder and ear when they couldn’t talk to their real dad.
I also think that Arliss was one of those career husbands – went through as many
wives as he did partners on the NOPD. When we find him now, he is trying to get
out gracefully. And maintain a relationship with the one family that he never left or
traded out – the Delaneys.
15. Were either Nikki or Nora injured on the job at some point? Just wondering if
there are any fears over that happening again…
I did have an episode area where Nora got shot with her own gun. It was taken from
her in a chase and arrest. So she not only had some personal shame of that, and was
sent to the hospital with a life threatening injury. Of course, the network wanted
Dan to come in and be Nikki’s partner temporarily and for there to be some sexual
tension, etc. Not the way I would have gone, and probably would have had to fight
about it. I like the idea of the unexpected turn in a dicey situation. I’m not much on
the “will they live or not” cliffhangers. Because we’ve all been watching TV long
enough to know that if the victim is the star the chances are they will live, unless of
course there is a contract dispute or they are one HBO. Remind me to tell you
sometime about the drive by shooting season finale on “South of Nowhere.”
I think the biggest fear, and you’ll get a sense of this in the new pilot, is losing
someone you love. Risking yourself and being out there with someone who might
get hurt or killed at any given moment. But everyday we all face that every time we
walk out the door. Is this my last day? I guess this is a conversation about living
large and how it represents itself in TV, film, etc. I’d like to see N&N balancing
caution for and with the person they love, with the commitment to doing the right
thing even though there is a high risk factor.
So I’m not sure what we will play or play out on the new N&N, as again, there really
isn’t a series history. Good news, it’s what works in this context and right now there
is no one telling us we can’t tell it the way we want.
16. Why did Nikki’s mom leave and what impact did that have on Nikki, her
family, and her relationship with Nora?
I haven’t spent a lot of time on this yet, just a little set up until we get to that episode
in the future. I know that I wanted to draw from my life with regard to Nora’s
relationship with her mom. And in life, Liz and I both lost our mom’s this past year,
so we’ve spent a lot of time talking about losing that very important person in our
lives. I didn’t want Nikki to not have a mom, although we already knew (from the
original N&N) that Nikki’s folks were no longer together. So I liked the idea that
Nikki really doesn’t know what split up her folks. What she does know is that her
mother left “looking for herself,” with all the “it’s my turn” sort of behavior and that
left Nikki feeling abandoned. When we find N&N in this new pilot, both of them are
struggling understanding or redefining their relationships with their moms.
17. Do N&N have any particular enemies of note? A “Big Bad” that we might see
somewhere down the line?
That’s a great question. I haven’t thought that far in advance. But if we really get a
run at this thing, it might be great for N&N to find Bobby’s killer. Personally, Nikki’s
mom returning could be that emotional and personal upheaval.
18. Something I’ve always wondered… why did Nikki become a cop?
I went back and asked Liz what we had talked about before we started shooting the
original pilot. It’s always great to collaborate with your cast – they can deepen the
role and bring out things that you never expected or hadn’t explored. It’s especially
great when you go to series, so everyone has a base to work from. Here’s what Liz
said: “I believe we said that she had taken courses in and studied EVERYTHING --
since her parents had so much money and she was a curious gal. I always felt like
she took criminology course and she was "bitten" -- it's the thing that made her feel
something, the thing that made her know she could make a difference. She loved
solving the puzzles. And then she had to explain it to her rich parents, who thought
she was crazy.”
19. How did Tracey’s become their “satellite office?”
Most people in this town do business over a cocktail in a great watering hole or a
meal in a legendary eatery. And honestly, I chose Tracey’s because it’s my satellite
office. Not kidding. I wrote most of this episode and my development for this
coming year in the front booth at that great bar in the Irish Channel -- In the booth
we used for N&N. The day bartenders, like Leslie, take very good care of me (and
my stuff when I walk away from the table). Next time y’all are in New Orleans –
head to Tracey’s grab yourself a go-cup and walk the Garden District. Cool historical
and N&N historical locations there.
20. Any part of their backstory that you know about but never got to share with
the fans?
Is that a trick question? I’m sure y’all’s backstories are way more interesting than
the treatment for a network TV show…
21. The question I’ve always meant to ask… How did N&N become a couple in the
first place?? 
I didn’t spend too much time on this while developing the story in the first place. I
also developed it two ways. The first time with Fox and Regency (which is what we
are returning to with the webseries) they were PIs, playful, more Nick and Nora.
Then UPN wanted their real cop show, and Warner Bros. became the studio. So they
became cops and it got more serious. No one asked about how they got there, how
they became a couple. They really just wanted to sell a show about two women cops
who happened to be a couple. Which was kinda great considering the climate in
entertainment and the nation at that time. So I danced as fast as I could, and hit the
ground running with a couple already in place. I guess in a perfect world, in series,
we would have had some flashback eps or opportunities to see how it all began. And
now with the reinvention of N&N and New Orleans, as well, we’ll just have to see
how it unfolds. I think the key question, which every couple is asked is: How did you
two meet? And for N&N that’s easy… on the job with the NOPD.
Thanks for the questions and making me think about the big picture for Nikki and
Nora. Again, I ask y’all not to hold me to any of this. Because I’ve been known to
change my mind when the lighting and music is right… Nancylee
Nancylee Myatt’s reply to N&N Questions Submitted by docwho2100.
Hi –
The same disclaimers and set-ups from Inspector Boxer’s questions apply to this
round of questions, as well. I’m in a bit of a unique situation with Nikki and Nora, as
there is no series to speak to or as a point of reference like most of the other series
and characters that have inspired fanfic. I haven’t been writing for or about Nikki
and Nora past the one original episode since we didn’t get our pick-up in 2004.
That’s where you guys came in.
I can tell you what influenced me. I can tell you where I would have liked to have
had the stories go. Also, it’s been my experience that as a creator and writer – I
draw from my personal experience and influences for their characters, world and
stories and then smash it into the world of the characters. And I always work with
the actors for their input and experiences and try to incorporate those if they are in
concert with their character. I feel like it helps give you a more grounded and
authentic performance. And here we go!
1. What are the full names of Nikki and Nora and are there any stories behind
the names (named after someone, mother named them, etc.)
Hadn’t thought about it until you asked. I will have to think about it before I put it
out there. I know y’all appreciate the details. Which means I should probably also
come up with Nikki’s parent’s first names, as well. I’m sure if I rummage through
the three bankers boxes of development documents and early drafts I might find
some of that. So let’s put a pin in that for now.
2. Family details, anything and everything about them you wish to tell. Siblings,
aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces/nephews, what are family members doing,
their names, etc.
In the new episode you’ll see that Nora’s mom is Mary Delaney – Played by the
fabulous Tess Harper. As I mentioned in the other round of questions, when we find
N&N in this new series Bobby and Nora’s father has passed away. Nora has two
brothers, Jack – the oldest and Ted, who is younger than she is. Jack is a cop, and
Teddy is a fireman. Nora’s family is a large Irish family and they are all over
southeastern Louisiana. In series (please network gods) we can explore all of this
more. Nora’s family has creole influences in the gumbo that his her history – she
speaks French and you’ll see that in the new episode.
Nikki is an only child (or she is for now… there might be a half-sibling in her future).
And in the new episode you’ll hear more about Nikki’s divorced parents. Nikki had
all the opportunity that Nora did not in terms of getting the best education, traveling
and a world-view. (When Inspector Boxer asked how Nikki became a cop, here was
my answer)
I went back and asked Liz what we had talked about before we started shooting the
original pilot. It’s always great to collaborate with your cast – they can deepen the
role and bring out things that you never expected or hadn’t explored. It’s especially
great when you go to series, so everyone has a base to work from. Here’s what Liz
said: “I believe we said that she had taken courses in and studied EVERYTHING --
since her parents had so much money and she was a curious gal. I always felt like
she took criminology course and she was "bitten" -- it's the thing that made her feel
something, the thing that made her know she could make a difference. She loved
solving the puzzles. And then she had to explain it to her rich parents, who thought
she was crazy.” I also like to believe that maybe Nikki’s father was hoping for
another public official in the family.
3. How long have Nikki and Nora and their families lived in NOLA?
Both families have been in NOLA a long time, several generations. Nora’s family is
more working class, living in the Irish Channel. Nikki’s family are Uptown
professionals. Their paths have crossed, because after all it is a small town. They
probably knew of each other, perhaps shared a Mardi Gras day on Frenchmen or
Easter Sunday parade with all the gay boys at the Bourbon Pub. But were never
officially introduced or “set-up.” They met on the force and you know the rest.
3. How long have they been together?
(repeat question from the other batch of questions – here’s the answer) When we
first find Nikki & Nora in the spring of 2004 they had been a couple and living
together for a couple of years. Then Dan made them partners on the force when he
got his promotion. His thinking, they were already friends/roommates it would
make for a strong team of detectives on the street. Ah, Dan… He was probably
hoping he would be invited over some night and end up in the middle of these two
best girlfriends.
4. If you were to peek at Nikki and Nora's song playlists, what type of songs
would you see (what music, if any, do they groove to)?
I love this question. It’s funny, because my knee-jerk is to talk about the soundtrack
for the series vs. what the character’s listen to. The soundtrack for the series is all
about setting the mood, giving the city a voice, etc. I can tell you one thing I believe
that these two women who are NOLA natives would listen to the homegrown radio
station WWOZ. Which you can listen to online wherever you are in the world.
It was featured quite a bit in HBO’s Treme. And it is truly the soundtrack and the
keepers of the musical history of New Orleans and this region. It’s our go to station
here in the Crescent City. You’ll get a taste of everything like, Traditional Jazz, Cajun,
Blues, Irish, etc. Plus on every odd hour they tell you where you can hear live music
around the city. We use the “Live Wire” in our new episode. You’ll have to listen for
Other than that, we’ll have to ask Liz and Christina what is on their i-tunes when
they are getting into character.
5. Education? Any degrees? Went through the police academy? Good at school,
not so great? Did they play any sports in high school/college or even now in
interleague adult stuff?
(See question 2 for the education stuff) Nora was raised in a family of cops and
firemen. She knew the ins and outs and I liked to think she thought having this
“insiders view” and family connection would give her a let up to get into the Old
Boys Club and make a difference. That’s what sent her to the police academy. Check
out Inspector Boxer’s questions for more details about how Nikki ended up in the
I also think that they aren’t into sports. They do spend time staying in shape, Nora
yoga and Nikki running (you’ll see that in the new episode). And they also have to
keep up the skills that keep them safe and able to track, chase and arrest the bad
guys – firing range, tactical training, etc. I also think Nikki probably spent time
doing things you could do at the country club, tennis and golf. Nora probably played
some sports at the family get-togethers, flag football during football season, softball
leagues in the summer, etc. Just like any small town girl.
6. What would Nikki and Nora consider a fun afternoon?
You’ll see in the new episode they are working on their new house. So I know for
me, a fun afternoon is NOT working on the house or doing chores. In this great city
getting out to a festival, going to hear music, or having a great meal at one of the
amazing NOLA restaurants is always top of the list. Depending on the season, they
would be going to or hosting a crawfish or crab boil, or BBQing with friends. And as
in most neighborhoods in New Orleans, hanging on the porch with family, neighbors
and friends, watching sports at your favorite watering hole. Nikki would probably
like to make a run to the outlet malls, but that would have to be a negotiation with
Nora – who might rather go to the family camp on the lake.
7. Based on Nora's lovely dive, guessing she is a waterbug. Is that true? And is
Nikki pretty good in the water too, or not so much?
Nora is a water baby – raised in and around the river and lakes. Nikki enjoys being
out on the water, too. However, hanging out on the docks and beaches enjoying the
party and food vs. the fishing and hunting and providing supper would be her first
8. Do either of them cook worth a plug nickel or is it take out a lot of the time :)
They both know how to cook. It’s a foodie town and culture. They appreciate fine
dining and can host a killer dinner party. Nikki is learning to cook in a new and
healthier way, while still paying homage to the cuisine of this part of the world.
Nora probably has a better grasp of old school home cooking, as she had a mother
that did that 7 days a week.
9. Are they luddites or do they love themselves some technology? And with that,
for the PI need of tech skills these days, if they do not do that, do they have a
mad hacker who does some cracking for them (ok yes, I like the technology
end of crime stuff :p
I think you’ll see in this new version of the show, they are very much into technology.
After jumping out of the NOPD and hanging a shingle as Private Investigators
opened them up to all of the awesome tech stuff. Nora is a bit more of the tech
junkie (we play that in the new show and it’s very cool) and while Nikki uses the
technology at her disposal, she still uses her intuitive skills and talents to get to the
core of the situation.
10. What were the last few books they read and how long ago was that :P
I haven’t thought about it. I think I’d like to ask Liz and Christina what’s on their
nightstands or on their Kindles for some personal insight. I know that in our house
it’s a mix of old and new – some biographies, some mysteries, some historical novels
and books that focus on this area of the country. Plus the local newspapers and the
NY Times every Sunday. And every couple of years I re-read, “To Kill a Mockingbird”
just to clear the palate and reboot my voice. This summer when the backgammon
game on the porch is getting too heated, we’ve decided to read to each other.
Starting with Huckleberry Finn.
I know this isn’t answering your character questions but here’s some books that
inspired me when I was writing Nikki and Nora (both the original and the reboot)
and also on some great voices on some other projects that I’m working on now.
“Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You” by Laurie Lynn Drummond
Karin Slaughter’s crime novels set in Georgia.
“The Bayou Trilogy” by Daniel Woodrell
11. Are they drinkers? What are their beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) of
YES! They live in the Land of Cocktails, in the city where the cocktail was born. In
the new episode you’ll see Nikki serving up some Manhattans at home. I think they
have an educated palate and know some great bartenders in this city (their satellite
office is a bar), so they are open to great crafted cocktails. We have a lot of moments
in the new episode where they could have had a cocktail infront of them – but we
tried to strike the balance between work and play. Even with a reference to being
able to “punch out” after they finish up an interview on Frenchmen Street. On the
other side of “go to” beverages they like their coffee and tea drinks as a morning
12. If I asked each of them what event in life impacted them the most, what
would they say?
I will answer in context of this new episode and recent history. Nora: the death of
Bobby. Nikki: her mother abandoning her.
13. If I asked them what their most favorite thing in the world to do is, what
would they say?
Other than the thing they do with each other? I don’t know…. Yet.
14. If I asked where most do they want to visit, where would they go?
I would love to be answering that in the fifth season of this show – as it would
inform that great Paris or Rome episode. On their side of the world it would
probably we some island somewhere where they could leave the i-phones behind. I
know lots of our friends here in NOLA run to the Caribbean and Belize.
15. Building on that, have they traveled much? Or are they local grown and local
sown :)
Haven’t thought about it. But now that we are, I can’t imagine they haven’t travelled.
At the very least to get out from under the microscope that is their life in New
Orleans. Plus, Nikki is a bit of a city girl, so you know they are heading to some great
locations for a dose of the bright lights.
16. How are they around kids? Do they volunteer in any kid type clubs, or try to
stay as far away as possible (this goes into if either is an aunt, are they
involved with their nieces/nephews or not)
Nora has nieces and nephews so she’s great with kids. Her nieces and nephews love
to come and hang with Nikki and Nora. Especially the girls – slumber party! Nikki
and Nora give back to their community and I can’t imagine that the two of them
wouldn’t be front and center with local charities like Girl’s First, the Musician’s
Relief Fund, etc.
17. Cat, Dog, or keep all animals away type of person : )
Animal people for sure! After Mister and Sister passed they haven’t gotten any new
pets. They’ve supported the animal rescues and fostering, especially after Katrina.
But now that they are in a their new house, pets will be the next conversation.
18. How do they approach their work, meaning, how are they at solving the
crimes? We saw some of that in the pilot regarding Nikki's people skills and
how they pieced things together.
While I can’t answer that specifically without giving away too much about the new
series, I think you’ll see more definition of this in this reboot. When N&N left the
NOPD and the restrictions and confines of working within the system, gave them a
wide berth to use their instincts and skills in a new way as Private Investigators.
Plus in this new series – and this is a huge shift in tone – we are going back to a
lighter mystery series. More “Castle” than “Law and Order.” More “Rizzoli and Isles”
– only they are actually a couple.
We’ve been consulting with both NOPD homicide cops and some Private
Investigators to help us find the truth of what they can and can’t do – and how we
use past experience and relationships in this new job.
19. Have either of them ever shot/killed someone in the line of duty?
They have both shot people. But have not killed anyone. Inspector Boxer asked a
very similar question and here was my answer to her:
I did have an episode area where Nora got shot with her own gun. It was taken from
her in a chase and arrest. So she not only had some personal shame of that, and was
sent to the hospital with a life threatening injury. Of course, the network wanted
Dan to come in and be Nikki’s partner temporarily and for there to be some sexual
tension, etc. Not the way I would have gone, and probably would have had to fight
about it. I like the idea of the unexpected turn in a dicey situation. I’m not much on
the “will they live or not” cliffhangers. Because we’ve all been watching TV long
enough to know that if the victim is the star the chances are they will live, unless of
course there is a contract dispute or they are one HBO. Remind me to tell you
sometime about the drive by shooting season finale on “South of Nowhere.”
I think the biggest fear, and you’ll get a sense of this in the new pilot, is losing
someone you love. Risking yourself and being out there with someone who might
get hurt or killed at any given moment. But everyday we all face that every time we
walk out the door. Is this my last day? I guess this is a conversation about living
large and how it represents itself in TV, film, etc. I’d like to see N&N balancing
caution for and with the person they love, with the commitment to doing the right
thing even though there is a high risk factor
21. Do they have any phobias or deep fears (aka afraid of dark, afraid of
spaces, etc.)
Have not really had the chance to explore this. But it’s a great area to think about.
And I believe I answered it above. LOSS. Losing each other and people they love.
Other than that, these two have looked down the barrel of some dark shit and lived
to tell the story. An agent told me (she repped me during the original pilot) that the
common theme in my work, whether comedy or drama was “loss.” So I guess that’s
my big fear. Sadly I’ve personally faced too many times. Write what’cha know,
22. What are things you do not see them ever doing or they would just not
Haven’t had enough opportunity to write what they would do, much less think about
what I wouldn’t have them do. I do know this – we will never be telling stories
about Nikki and Nora having children. Marriage, however is very present in all of
our conversations these days…

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Nikki & Nora fanfic questions answered by Nancylee Myatt

  • 1. Nancylee Myatt, creator of Nikki & Nora, answered questions submitted by Inspector Boxer and Docwho2100 regarding Nikki & Nora. Enjoy! ----------- Nancylee Myatt’s reply to N&N Questions Submitted by “Inspector Boxer.” I wrote one episode (although several versions) of the original Nikki & Nora. And I had to come up with a few story areas for the network, so that they could see where the series might go if it got picked up. But after it didn’t get picked up, I didn’t do any other development on the show. So a lot of what you want to know, backstory, etc., I didn’t write or develop. However, the girls were always in my heart and on my mind. Many of what I wrote and tried to develop since the original N&N was a version of these women. Sometimes characters get in your heart and stay on your mind and you can’t ever shake ‘em… In this new version, I’ve been able to incorporate some of those ideas, especially how they ended up as Private Investigators, what happened to the characters from the first pilot, etc. And your questions have about the new series has forced me to dig deeper and get more specific. But obviously, as new episodes get written things my change, morph or be informed by production. So don’t hold me to everything. Below are some short answers to your questions. I’m sure y’all will fill in the blanks as you start writing the new N&N stories. Write On! Nancylee First a little backstory about the original pilot. When we first find Nikki & Nora in the spring of 2004 they had been a couple and living together for a couple of years. Then Dan made them partners on the force when he got his promotion. His thinking, they were already friends/roommates it would make for a strong team of detectives on the street. Ah, Dan… He was probably hoping he would be invited over some night and end up in the middle of these two best girlfriends. And in real time Katrina happened in August of 2005. So look how fast life would have changed for N&N in a year and a half. They stayed on the force for a few years. Trying to help put NOLA and the NOPD back together. But eventually realized that they couldn’t fix the very broken city and system or find Bobby’s shooter. That’s when they looked at each other and said – time to take care of each other. So now when we find them 9 years later – it is truly a reboot of their lives and the franchise. 1. What happened to Bobby? The script suggested (to me) that something tragic might have occurred.
  • 2. First of all, sadly, real life informed the passing of “Bobby.” As the wonderful actor, Chaney Kley, who played Bobby passed away in July of 2007. So I decided to take a page from some of the tragedies that happened to the law enforcement officers who stayed behind during Katrina. I spent some time reading about and talking to some of the men and women who were on the NOPD during the storm. There was no good choice during that disaster. If you left, some viewed you as leaving or deserting your post. If you stayed, you were often forced to make decisions that you would have never had to make if the city weren’t in complete chaos – in a city that was failed and forgotten by its country. To say it was lawless and dangerous to all who stayed behind, including the authorities and even the National Guard is a gross understatement. There were killings of innocent citizens and of law enforcement officers. Some of those cases were just settled the past winter of 2012. HBO’s “Treme” took on some of these stories. The police often lived in the houses and apartments of their fellow officers, taking shifts to patrol the streets to assist and try to keep the peace. For our story, we are saying that Nikki and Nora helped their families evacuate, including Nikki’s father, Nora’s mother and father, and her brother’s families -- While Bobby and his older brothers, Ted and Jack stayed behind. Jack a cop, Ted a fireman. After Nikki and Nora settled their families in Houston, they returned to New Orleans to try to assist. But sadly, could not save Bobby who was shot and killed by an armed gunman in altercation on one of his night patrols. The gunman was never found or prosecuted. 2. Gotta ask… What happened to the El Camino?? I have it in my head that it went out in a blaze of glory. Ha! The storm took the El Camino. They own an SUV now. It’s more practical for the work they do now and life they have… and in the event of any more evacuations. But that doesn’t mean the Nikki won’t eventually get a sexier sports car. But right now that money is going into their house. 3. How did Nora lose her father? If you ask Mary (his wife) she’ll say it was from a broken heart. Losing Bobby. But the doctors will say it was from complications from pneumonia in the winter of 2012. So when we see them again, it’s all still a little fresh for Nora’s family. Also when Bobby was killed, he and Nora were still at odds, as he had just told Nora’s mom about she and Nikki being a couple. They had a couple of days working and living together in the aftermath of the storm before he was killed. However, Nora still struggles with the fact that she and her little brother had not fully repaired their relationship before he was killed. 4. How did Mary react at first to the news about her daughter and Nikki?
  • 3. Like most mothers, she had suspected. Especially when Nora moved in with Nikki and pulled away from the family. She waited for someone to say it out loud. And when Bobby confirmed it, she was crushed. She didn’t want her husband to know, and somehow thought of Nora being gay would sever all relationships. Also being a Catholic she grappled with her faith and the church’s view. But in trying to keep a lid on it, or not recognizing it, she actually created the thing she feared most -- A great divide. And as you’ll see in the new episodes, she and Nora will try to cross the divide and come together. 5. How much conflict did it create between N&N over leaving the police force? None. So many left after the storm, there was no shame or conflict. And their relationships that survived are strong and they support each other – the NOPD to N&N and their investigations, and vice versa. 6. Considering Nora’s family history, I would think it would have been tough for her to walk away. Was there a particular event that made Nikki want to get out? The personal and professional tragedy that happened made the decision – if not easier – more realistic. It took almost eight years for the police force to come back, with a new mayor and police chief, and the trials of those that crossed the line in during the storm, and the ongoing corruption that was a matter of course for way too long. Nikki and Nora were in the same place emotionally and professionally. Get out alive, save your reputation and put your skills to work in a way that won’t always put you in the line of fire. 7. What did they endure during Katrina? If you talk to anyone in this city – no matter what the financial status or where someone lived, everyone has a story. And most of them are amazing, tragic and heroic. Even just getting out of town with family, pets, heirlooms, with enough cash, gas and food was a big challenge. Who and what to leave behind? And what they found when they came back. In N&N’s case, they got out two days before the storm. So their stories of the storm didn’t really ratchet up until they came back. Because they were NOPD they were let back in before most people. 2 days after the flooding. They arrived to a wet and wild west. Their place in the FQ didn’t flood, and without too much hurricane damage, it became one of the places that became a sub station for the officers who no longer had an office or homes to go to. If you want to write about this time for N&N, I would encourage you to read some of the books and newspaper articles about the storm. Here are a few of my faves that give you a ground zero view of the experience: “1 Dead in Attic” by Chris Rose. Chris was a columnist for the Times-Picayune and was working for the paper during the storm. “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers. This is a heartbreaking view of one man, one
  • 4. family’s story of surviving in the city after the storm – and the broken system that failed so many. And then you writers will love this book – “New Orleans Noir” which is a collection of fictional stories that focus on New Orleans before, during and after the storm. It might span some short essays for y’all. 8. How did they come to work for Hewitt? J. Hewitt Kemp (his name is a mash up of some of our fave people here in NOLA). Nikki’s father was the one who made this introduction. When N&N wanted to open their own Investigation firm – Nikki’s father wanted to make sure that they were legally protected and would have a solid voice of reason behind their decisions. Someone who would also open some doors for them and make sure the bills were getting paid. He appears a little stuffier than most people they associate with, and he likes to keep his life private. But he’s the guy you want on your side. He’s not afraid to stare down the dark forces on your behalf. He’s part of the Old Southern Boys club, but is also learning a lot about the GRITS (Girls Raised In The South) he is partnered with. If you get lucky enough to be invited to his Mardi Gras parties, you’ll see he’s not so square and has a great mix of people in his life – not just those with an Uptown address. 9. Did their relationship hit any hard times in the years since we’ve last seen them? I think N&N suffer from the same relationship and life experiences we all do. But the difference with this couple is perspective. When you’ve been a cop, when you’ve lost a sibling or a parent – whether by death or estrangement, or had your faith in mankind and law and order tested, it’s easier to let the smaller things roll off your back. And in my little writer heart, I’ve always been rooting for these girls. A great look at a great couple. Living life large. I never spent too much time focusing on episodes about breaking up, getting pregnant, cheating, etc. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to throw them a curve ball once in a while and see them hit it out of the park – relationship intact. So I guess the answer is – they’ve hit some rough patches emotionally, but it didn’t pull them apart. It made them closer and stronger. 10. Whatever became of Georgia and Dan? You probably don’t want to hear this, as I’m sure they’ve been good fodder for your writing. But I haven’t thought about them. Since I knew I wasn’t going to have to nurture those characters (or bring them back) I let go of their arcs, if that makes sense. I know this -- in this new world they are not there, not in Nikki and Nora’s New Orleans. 11. Can you describe the fallout you imagine occurred when Bobby told his parents about N&N’s relationship?
  • 5. I can only draw from my personal experience. Which is pretty much the root for most of my writing. Write what’cha know. I also like this adage “Tragedy + Time = Comedy. (Stay tuned for my next comedy…) Back on this story: I’m sure Bobby felt like he was doing the right thing. Giving his mother a reason for Nora’s distance. And hoping she would accept it and pull both N&N into the family. But that wasn’t how it came down. Mary didn’t want to accept or believe or share the news with anyone else in the family. Confused and hoping it was a phase, something that would just go away. But in her heart and now seeing the signs from their lives, she knows Nora belongs with Nikki. And it’s hard to deny that Nikki is good for Nora. And that’s all a mother wants. The fallout was – a bigger divide. With Mary confronting Nora in a not so accepting way, having rules about who could know and how Nora was to behave, and Nora crushing her by telling her that pretty much everyone in the family knew but her and Daddy. And that she wasn’t going to put herself in family situations where she and Nikki weren’t accepted. Sooo… when you find N&N again, this will be a big story point and a place to grow. 12. What other kinds of storylines do you hope to do for the characters in the future? It’s a little to soon for that. I think we’ll have to see what and who pops (re: guest cast) in this new pilot. And since I’m not writing for a network, I didn’t have to turn in a handful of story areas to prove the series has legs. I think the most important thing about doing this on our own, is to tell the stories we want to tell -- To focus on the lives of these women at home and on the job in one of the most interesting and lawless cities in America. Which I think is what the fans have wanted all along – to be represented in a real way week in and week out – not just as an afterthought, or a 3 episode arc, or a lesbian story for sweeps week. We haven’t had that since the L Word. And never in a procedural franchise. 13. Can you tell us about their new (old) house and how they came by it? Oh boy… you’re talking to a woman who has owned nine houses in the last 30 years. At times I feel like Mrs. Winchester. (Look her up if you don’t know her story. And try not to judge me…) For the new N&N I tried to combine some of my NOLA friend’s stories about finding housing or saving their houses after the storm, combined with the never-ending quest for the perfect house. The one that is both a palate to create a unique space, and one that speaks to both sides of the couple. New Orleans is like any other city – location location location. And like so many other old cities, the neighborhoods have very unique personalities. I know for me, and now for us personally, I think most people are at first drawn to the French Quarter. It is quintessential New Orleans. Dripping in history and lives spent in courtyards and 200-year-old houses behind high walls. When my family used to vacation in NOLA we stayed in the Quarter. And when I came back as an adult – to enjoy the city, write and disappear – the FQ is where I
  • 6. would take up residence. Yep, I was a GOOT. Gay Out Of Town. More on that another time. It’s also a no-one-cares 10x11 blocks for the GLBTQ community. Be sure to visit the Bourbon Pub on a Sunday afternoon for some loud and proud fun. And as you know, the Quarter is where N&N had their house in the original pilot. BTW that apartment, which has since been changed into condos, I hear, is featured in a beautiful book called: New Orleans – Elegance and Decadence by Richard Sexton and Randolph Delehanty. Here’s some trivia from the original pilot. I was very detailed in my descriptions of houses and locations. Doug Kraner, our amazing Production Designer, used that book to get a feel for the locations I was describing. By an amazing coincidence we ended up shooting in one of the apartments in the book, who was owned by a famous artist. I think he did an amazing job on their house, incorporating the space with its layers of paint and history. The bathtub scene, and their room where they were getting dressed to go out when Bobby was there, are truly some of the most visually beautiful rooms I’ve ever scene in a New Orleans film or series. I digress… But when it came time for us to buy a house here in the Crescent City – we first auditioned some neighborhoods by renting. I imagine N&N did that after the storm, too. Like we did, they would have taken into consideration what places didn’t flood and how the neighborhoods came back together and the vibe. We spent our first year in the Irish Channel, and loved it! It’s a great community one block below the Garden District and a short streetcar ride to Uptown or Downtown. We have set the Delaney family home in the channel. And I’ve written two other pilots where our heroine lives in the Irish Channel. Tracey’s is there and ground zero for St. Patrick’s day. A must if you are in Nola during St. Pat’s week in March. The webseries answer to your question is – we used our house, because it felt the most right out of all the locations we looked at and the location fee was right, ha! We are, like N&N, in the process of doing a renovation on the house. Historical old houses are a mystery and a chore. They are ultimately a love letter to those that went before, and a commitment and journey for a couple and their future. And a Money Pit. It’s always laced with one million decisions from the unsexy ones like insulation and plumbing – to the outward statement of taste and inspiration, like paint color, landscaping, wallpaper and art. I think in this story it speaks to commitment. 14. When did Arliss come into the picture and why does he have such strong ties to Nora? I like to think that had N&N gone a few seasons, we’d be spending more time with their families. Which means, Arliss would have been introduced. I like to think that Arliss is the guy on the force who was probably partnered at some point with Nora’s dad. And Arliss was the young guy in the beginning. Arliss dodged a lot of bullets, literally. He was there for the Delaney family as Nora’s dad moved up and retired and his sons and daughter came up through the ranks. He became a surrogate dad
  • 7. to the Delaney kids and a shoulder and ear when they couldn’t talk to their real dad. I also think that Arliss was one of those career husbands – went through as many wives as he did partners on the NOPD. When we find him now, he is trying to get out gracefully. And maintain a relationship with the one family that he never left or traded out – the Delaneys. 15. Were either Nikki or Nora injured on the job at some point? Just wondering if there are any fears over that happening again… I did have an episode area where Nora got shot with her own gun. It was taken from her in a chase and arrest. So she not only had some personal shame of that, and was sent to the hospital with a life threatening injury. Of course, the network wanted Dan to come in and be Nikki’s partner temporarily and for there to be some sexual tension, etc. Not the way I would have gone, and probably would have had to fight about it. I like the idea of the unexpected turn in a dicey situation. I’m not much on the “will they live or not” cliffhangers. Because we’ve all been watching TV long enough to know that if the victim is the star the chances are they will live, unless of course there is a contract dispute or they are one HBO. Remind me to tell you sometime about the drive by shooting season finale on “South of Nowhere.” I think the biggest fear, and you’ll get a sense of this in the new pilot, is losing someone you love. Risking yourself and being out there with someone who might get hurt or killed at any given moment. But everyday we all face that every time we walk out the door. Is this my last day? I guess this is a conversation about living large and how it represents itself in TV, film, etc. I’d like to see N&N balancing caution for and with the person they love, with the commitment to doing the right thing even though there is a high risk factor. So I’m not sure what we will play or play out on the new N&N, as again, there really isn’t a series history. Good news, it’s what works in this context and right now there is no one telling us we can’t tell it the way we want. 16. Why did Nikki’s mom leave and what impact did that have on Nikki, her family, and her relationship with Nora? I haven’t spent a lot of time on this yet, just a little set up until we get to that episode in the future. I know that I wanted to draw from my life with regard to Nora’s relationship with her mom. And in life, Liz and I both lost our mom’s this past year, so we’ve spent a lot of time talking about losing that very important person in our lives. I didn’t want Nikki to not have a mom, although we already knew (from the original N&N) that Nikki’s folks were no longer together. So I liked the idea that Nikki really doesn’t know what split up her folks. What she does know is that her mother left “looking for herself,” with all the “it’s my turn” sort of behavior and that left Nikki feeling abandoned. When we find N&N in this new pilot, both of them are struggling understanding or redefining their relationships with their moms.
  • 8. 17. Do N&N have any particular enemies of note? A “Big Bad” that we might see somewhere down the line? That’s a great question. I haven’t thought that far in advance. But if we really get a run at this thing, it might be great for N&N to find Bobby’s killer. Personally, Nikki’s mom returning could be that emotional and personal upheaval. 18. Something I’ve always wondered… why did Nikki become a cop? I went back and asked Liz what we had talked about before we started shooting the original pilot. It’s always great to collaborate with your cast – they can deepen the role and bring out things that you never expected or hadn’t explored. It’s especially great when you go to series, so everyone has a base to work from. Here’s what Liz said: “I believe we said that she had taken courses in and studied EVERYTHING -- since her parents had so much money and she was a curious gal. I always felt like she took criminology course and she was "bitten" -- it's the thing that made her feel something, the thing that made her know she could make a difference. She loved solving the puzzles. And then she had to explain it to her rich parents, who thought she was crazy.” 19. How did Tracey’s become their “satellite office?” Most people in this town do business over a cocktail in a great watering hole or a meal in a legendary eatery. And honestly, I chose Tracey’s because it’s my satellite office. Not kidding. I wrote most of this episode and my development for this coming year in the front booth at that great bar in the Irish Channel -- In the booth we used for N&N. The day bartenders, like Leslie, take very good care of me (and my stuff when I walk away from the table). Next time y’all are in New Orleans – head to Tracey’s grab yourself a go-cup and walk the Garden District. Cool historical and N&N historical locations there. 20. Any part of their backstory that you know about but never got to share with the fans? Is that a trick question? I’m sure y’all’s backstories are way more interesting than the treatment for a network TV show… 21. The question I’ve always meant to ask… How did N&N become a couple in the first place??  I didn’t spend too much time on this while developing the story in the first place. I also developed it two ways. The first time with Fox and Regency (which is what we are returning to with the webseries) they were PIs, playful, more Nick and Nora. Then UPN wanted their real cop show, and Warner Bros. became the studio. So they became cops and it got more serious. No one asked about how they got there, how they became a couple. They really just wanted to sell a show about two women cops
  • 9. who happened to be a couple. Which was kinda great considering the climate in entertainment and the nation at that time. So I danced as fast as I could, and hit the ground running with a couple already in place. I guess in a perfect world, in series, we would have had some flashback eps or opportunities to see how it all began. And now with the reinvention of N&N and New Orleans, as well, we’ll just have to see how it unfolds. I think the key question, which every couple is asked is: How did you two meet? And for N&N that’s easy… on the job with the NOPD. Thanks for the questions and making me think about the big picture for Nikki and Nora. Again, I ask y’all not to hold me to any of this. Because I’ve been known to change my mind when the lighting and music is right… Nancylee -------- Nancylee Myatt’s reply to N&N Questions Submitted by docwho2100. Hi – The same disclaimers and set-ups from Inspector Boxer’s questions apply to this round of questions, as well. I’m in a bit of a unique situation with Nikki and Nora, as there is no series to speak to or as a point of reference like most of the other series and characters that have inspired fanfic. I haven’t been writing for or about Nikki and Nora past the one original episode since we didn’t get our pick-up in 2004. That’s where you guys came in. I can tell you what influenced me. I can tell you where I would have liked to have had the stories go. Also, it’s been my experience that as a creator and writer – I draw from my personal experience and influences for their characters, world and stories and then smash it into the world of the characters. And I always work with the actors for their input and experiences and try to incorporate those if they are in concert with their character. I feel like it helps give you a more grounded and authentic performance. And here we go! 1. What are the full names of Nikki and Nora and are there any stories behind the names (named after someone, mother named them, etc.) Hadn’t thought about it until you asked. I will have to think about it before I put it out there. I know y’all appreciate the details. Which means I should probably also come up with Nikki’s parent’s first names, as well. I’m sure if I rummage through the three bankers boxes of development documents and early drafts I might find some of that. So let’s put a pin in that for now. 2. Family details, anything and everything about them you wish to tell. Siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces/nephews, what are family members doing, their names, etc.
  • 10. In the new episode you’ll see that Nora’s mom is Mary Delaney – Played by the fabulous Tess Harper. As I mentioned in the other round of questions, when we find N&N in this new series Bobby and Nora’s father has passed away. Nora has two brothers, Jack – the oldest and Ted, who is younger than she is. Jack is a cop, and Teddy is a fireman. Nora’s family is a large Irish family and they are all over southeastern Louisiana. In series (please network gods) we can explore all of this more. Nora’s family has creole influences in the gumbo that his her history – she speaks French and you’ll see that in the new episode. Nikki is an only child (or she is for now… there might be a half-sibling in her future). And in the new episode you’ll hear more about Nikki’s divorced parents. Nikki had all the opportunity that Nora did not in terms of getting the best education, traveling and a world-view. (When Inspector Boxer asked how Nikki became a cop, here was my answer) I went back and asked Liz what we had talked about before we started shooting the original pilot. It’s always great to collaborate with your cast – they can deepen the role and bring out things that you never expected or hadn’t explored. It’s especially great when you go to series, so everyone has a base to work from. Here’s what Liz said: “I believe we said that she had taken courses in and studied EVERYTHING -- since her parents had so much money and she was a curious gal. I always felt like she took criminology course and she was "bitten" -- it's the thing that made her feel something, the thing that made her know she could make a difference. She loved solving the puzzles. And then she had to explain it to her rich parents, who thought she was crazy.” I also like to believe that maybe Nikki’s father was hoping for another public official in the family. 3. How long have Nikki and Nora and their families lived in NOLA? Both families have been in NOLA a long time, several generations. Nora’s family is more working class, living in the Irish Channel. Nikki’s family are Uptown professionals. Their paths have crossed, because after all it is a small town. They probably knew of each other, perhaps shared a Mardi Gras day on Frenchmen or Easter Sunday parade with all the gay boys at the Bourbon Pub. But were never officially introduced or “set-up.” They met on the force and you know the rest. 3. How long have they been together? (repeat question from the other batch of questions – here’s the answer) When we first find Nikki & Nora in the spring of 2004 they had been a couple and living together for a couple of years. Then Dan made them partners on the force when he got his promotion. His thinking, they were already friends/roommates it would make for a strong team of detectives on the street. Ah, Dan… He was probably hoping he would be invited over some night and end up in the middle of these two best girlfriends.
  • 11. 4. If you were to peek at Nikki and Nora's song playlists, what type of songs would you see (what music, if any, do they groove to)? I love this question. It’s funny, because my knee-jerk is to talk about the soundtrack for the series vs. what the character’s listen to. The soundtrack for the series is all about setting the mood, giving the city a voice, etc. I can tell you one thing I believe that these two women who are NOLA natives would listen to the homegrown radio station WWOZ. Which you can listen to online wherever you are in the world. It was featured quite a bit in HBO’s Treme. And it is truly the soundtrack and the keepers of the musical history of New Orleans and this region. It’s our go to station here in the Crescent City. You’ll get a taste of everything like, Traditional Jazz, Cajun, Blues, Irish, etc. Plus on every odd hour they tell you where you can hear live music around the city. We use the “Live Wire” in our new episode. You’ll have to listen for it. Other than that, we’ll have to ask Liz and Christina what is on their i-tunes when they are getting into character. 5. Education? Any degrees? Went through the police academy? Good at school, not so great? Did they play any sports in high school/college or even now in interleague adult stuff? (See question 2 for the education stuff) Nora was raised in a family of cops and firemen. She knew the ins and outs and I liked to think she thought having this “insiders view” and family connection would give her a let up to get into the Old Boys Club and make a difference. That’s what sent her to the police academy. Check out Inspector Boxer’s questions for more details about how Nikki ended up in the NOPD. I also think that they aren’t into sports. They do spend time staying in shape, Nora yoga and Nikki running (you’ll see that in the new episode). And they also have to keep up the skills that keep them safe and able to track, chase and arrest the bad guys – firing range, tactical training, etc. I also think Nikki probably spent time doing things you could do at the country club, tennis and golf. Nora probably played some sports at the family get-togethers, flag football during football season, softball leagues in the summer, etc. Just like any small town girl. 6. What would Nikki and Nora consider a fun afternoon? You’ll see in the new episode they are working on their new house. So I know for me, a fun afternoon is NOT working on the house or doing chores. In this great city getting out to a festival, going to hear music, or having a great meal at one of the amazing NOLA restaurants is always top of the list. Depending on the season, they
  • 12. would be going to or hosting a crawfish or crab boil, or BBQing with friends. And as in most neighborhoods in New Orleans, hanging on the porch with family, neighbors and friends, watching sports at your favorite watering hole. Nikki would probably like to make a run to the outlet malls, but that would have to be a negotiation with Nora – who might rather go to the family camp on the lake. 7. Based on Nora's lovely dive, guessing she is a waterbug. Is that true? And is Nikki pretty good in the water too, or not so much? Nora is a water baby – raised in and around the river and lakes. Nikki enjoys being out on the water, too. However, hanging out on the docks and beaches enjoying the party and food vs. the fishing and hunting and providing supper would be her first choice. 8. Do either of them cook worth a plug nickel or is it take out a lot of the time :) They both know how to cook. It’s a foodie town and culture. They appreciate fine dining and can host a killer dinner party. Nikki is learning to cook in a new and healthier way, while still paying homage to the cuisine of this part of the world. Nora probably has a better grasp of old school home cooking, as she had a mother that did that 7 days a week. 9. Are they luddites or do they love themselves some technology? And with that, for the PI need of tech skills these days, if they do not do that, do they have a mad hacker who does some cracking for them (ok yes, I like the technology end of crime stuff :p I think you’ll see in this new version of the show, they are very much into technology. After jumping out of the NOPD and hanging a shingle as Private Investigators opened them up to all of the awesome tech stuff. Nora is a bit more of the tech junkie (we play that in the new show and it’s very cool) and while Nikki uses the technology at her disposal, she still uses her intuitive skills and talents to get to the core of the situation. 10. What were the last few books they read and how long ago was that :P I haven’t thought about it. I think I’d like to ask Liz and Christina what’s on their nightstands or on their Kindles for some personal insight. I know that in our house it’s a mix of old and new – some biographies, some mysteries, some historical novels and books that focus on this area of the country. Plus the local newspapers and the NY Times every Sunday. And every couple of years I re-read, “To Kill a Mockingbird” just to clear the palate and reboot my voice. This summer when the backgammon game on the porch is getting too heated, we’ve decided to read to each other. Starting with Huckleberry Finn.
  • 13. I know this isn’t answering your character questions but here’s some books that inspired me when I was writing Nikki and Nora (both the original and the reboot) and also on some great voices on some other projects that I’m working on now. “Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You” by Laurie Lynn Drummond Karin Slaughter’s crime novels set in Georgia. “The Bayou Trilogy” by Daniel Woodrell 11. Are they drinkers? What are their beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) of choice? YES! They live in the Land of Cocktails, in the city where the cocktail was born. In the new episode you’ll see Nikki serving up some Manhattans at home. I think they have an educated palate and know some great bartenders in this city (their satellite office is a bar), so they are open to great crafted cocktails. We have a lot of moments in the new episode where they could have had a cocktail infront of them – but we tried to strike the balance between work and play. Even with a reference to being able to “punch out” after they finish up an interview on Frenchmen Street. On the other side of “go to” beverages they like their coffee and tea drinks as a morning kickstarter. 12. If I asked each of them what event in life impacted them the most, what would they say? I will answer in context of this new episode and recent history. Nora: the death of Bobby. Nikki: her mother abandoning her. 13. If I asked them what their most favorite thing in the world to do is, what would they say? Other than the thing they do with each other? I don’t know…. Yet. 14. If I asked where most do they want to visit, where would they go? I would love to be answering that in the fifth season of this show – as it would inform that great Paris or Rome episode. On their side of the world it would probably we some island somewhere where they could leave the i-phones behind. I know lots of our friends here in NOLA run to the Caribbean and Belize. 15. Building on that, have they traveled much? Or are they local grown and local sown :) Haven’t thought about it. But now that we are, I can’t imagine they haven’t travelled. At the very least to get out from under the microscope that is their life in New
  • 14. Orleans. Plus, Nikki is a bit of a city girl, so you know they are heading to some great locations for a dose of the bright lights. 16. How are they around kids? Do they volunteer in any kid type clubs, or try to stay as far away as possible (this goes into if either is an aunt, are they involved with their nieces/nephews or not) Nora has nieces and nephews so she’s great with kids. Her nieces and nephews love to come and hang with Nikki and Nora. Especially the girls – slumber party! Nikki and Nora give back to their community and I can’t imagine that the two of them wouldn’t be front and center with local charities like Girl’s First, the Musician’s Relief Fund, etc. 17. Cat, Dog, or keep all animals away type of person : ) Animal people for sure! After Mister and Sister passed they haven’t gotten any new pets. They’ve supported the animal rescues and fostering, especially after Katrina. But now that they are in a their new house, pets will be the next conversation. 18. How do they approach their work, meaning, how are they at solving the crimes? We saw some of that in the pilot regarding Nikki's people skills and how they pieced things together. While I can’t answer that specifically without giving away too much about the new series, I think you’ll see more definition of this in this reboot. When N&N left the NOPD and the restrictions and confines of working within the system, gave them a wide berth to use their instincts and skills in a new way as Private Investigators. Plus in this new series – and this is a huge shift in tone – we are going back to a lighter mystery series. More “Castle” than “Law and Order.” More “Rizzoli and Isles” – only they are actually a couple. We’ve been consulting with both NOPD homicide cops and some Private Investigators to help us find the truth of what they can and can’t do – and how we use past experience and relationships in this new job. 19. Have either of them ever shot/killed someone in the line of duty? They have both shot people. But have not killed anyone. Inspector Boxer asked a very similar question and here was my answer to her: I did have an episode area where Nora got shot with her own gun. It was taken from her in a chase and arrest. So she not only had some personal shame of that, and was sent to the hospital with a life threatening injury. Of course, the network wanted Dan to come in and be Nikki’s partner temporarily and for there to be some sexual tension, etc. Not the way I would have gone, and probably would have had to fight about it. I like the idea of the unexpected turn in a dicey situation. I’m not much on
  • 15. the “will they live or not” cliffhangers. Because we’ve all been watching TV long enough to know that if the victim is the star the chances are they will live, unless of course there is a contract dispute or they are one HBO. Remind me to tell you sometime about the drive by shooting season finale on “South of Nowhere.” I think the biggest fear, and you’ll get a sense of this in the new pilot, is losing someone you love. Risking yourself and being out there with someone who might get hurt or killed at any given moment. But everyday we all face that every time we walk out the door. Is this my last day? I guess this is a conversation about living large and how it represents itself in TV, film, etc. I’d like to see N&N balancing caution for and with the person they love, with the commitment to doing the right thing even though there is a high risk factor 21. Do they have any phobias or deep fears (aka afraid of dark, afraid of spaces, etc.) Have not really had the chance to explore this. But it’s a great area to think about. And I believe I answered it above. LOSS. Losing each other and people they love. Other than that, these two have looked down the barrel of some dark shit and lived to tell the story. An agent told me (she repped me during the original pilot) that the common theme in my work, whether comedy or drama was “loss.” So I guess that’s my big fear. Sadly I’ve personally faced too many times. Write what’cha know, right? 22. What are things you do not see them ever doing or they would just not consider. Haven’t had enough opportunity to write what they would do, much less think about what I wouldn’t have them do. I do know this – we will never be telling stories about Nikki and Nora having children. Marriage, however is very present in all of our conversations these days…