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By Sreeram
In Medieval-early modern times, goods were transported between places mostly
by headloaders (like seen in the picture). Due to their enormous physical toll and
long distances, there were many places in such routes where their headloads
(Kettus) be offloaded on stone structures (like seen in the picture) and they could
rest for a bit, with some refreshments being provided as well.
One such town in Kerala derived its name from such a structure that existed in the
region evolving into a market town, and is today known for it’s multicultural
nature with it’s Wikipedia page suggesting as such: “one can see a miniature form
of India and of course Kerala when you just walk through the street”,
It cites two reasons for such, one being the influx of North Indian manual laborers
and a 2nd reason as well. Which town?
Despite being set in a Galaxy set far far away, Star Wars often uses this earth-
like terminology in a specific context. While they aren't technically accurate
for outer space, they are used to help the audience relate to the settings and
environments in the Star Wars universe, much like they are used in
storytelling on Earth.
One good example of this practice can be seen in one of the 10 core regions of
the galaxy being named _______ Reaches (which would not make sense in
outer space).
However note that when the characters are on a specific planet or moon, they
may use them correctly based on the planet's own geographical features and
it’s stars.
Primarily concentrated in Pulwama and Anantnag districts which
have groves growing a certain British imported tree (Salicaceae Salix)
in the wet highlands nearby, this 200+ year old industry in Kashmir
witnessed a huge surge in both production and demand due to a
certain event this year.
What Industry, what event?
One of the earliest instances of a certain well known activity
today was schemed in the Great Britain in 1930 by Unigate
Dairies, which was later spread on and generally associated
with the dairy companies, earning it the nickname “Milk
round” as their representatives visited certain entities at
specific times of the year for a certain purpose.
What widespread (and coveted by y’all) practice was thus
called “Milk round” in the UK?
Walkers in the UK and Ireland
Smith's in Australia
Chipsy in Egypt and Balkans
Margarita in Colombia
Sabritas in Mexico
Hostess in Canada
What name do we know it by?
The Urban Dictionary defines this word as such: “the "made-in-
china" version of story telling that was once quality, thought-out,
well designed and crafted stories written by professional media
Used as an all-inclusive blanket generalization of various formats
of media, some accuse that its usage has transcended to such a
level such that it blurs the difference between itself and real life,
and in some cases causes people to view their entire life as it (“if
you try hard enough, anything can be _______”).
What word?
The 1st instance of this meme was in relation to (motivation,
competence, and lunch breaks) and still used in various
contexts, however it was most widely adopted in football
In an attempt to mock underperforming new signings, showing
their underwhelming stats (goals, assists) when they have
played a specific number of games in a reference to a Iconic
fictional character.
What meme? (or just fill in the blanks)
This was captured on March 5, 1960 at a memorial service for victims
of the La Coubre explosion by Alberto Korda has said that at the
moment he shot it, he was drawn to the facial expression,which
showed absolute implacability as well as anger and pain. Slight
adjustments were made by cropping out a palm tree and the profile
of a man.
It has been painted, printed, digitized, embroidered, tattooed, silk-
screened, sculpted or sketched on nearly every surface imaginable so
What are we talking about?
Put funda (just explain what you see here)
Cadet Dark Glaucous Mineral Plumbeous Slate Color
Carbon Deep Glaucous Mouse Blackish Plumbeous Slate
Castor Gull Blackish Mouse Plumbeous-Black Slate Black
Cinereous Light Gull Neutral Dark Plumbeous Blackish slate
Clear Blue Green Hathi Dusky Neutral Plumbago Smoke
Court Heliotrope Olive Dark Plumbago Storm
Dawn Dark Heliotrope Payne’s Puritan Varley’s
Drab Iron Light Payne’s Purplish Vinaceous
French Lavender Pale Payne’s Pallid Purplish Deep Vinaceous
Glaucous Lilac Pearl Sky Violet
The initial zero-carbon-footprint design blueprint for something
included a hospital, community kitchen, library, and a research centre.
However the unpopularity of it’s contemporary style and the fact that it
didn’t look like a ______ resulted in it being scrapped and replaced with a
different one that had more stereotypical structures such as arches.
At the proposed location at Dhannipur, 25 kms from a certain location X,
this structure is certain to evoke different emotions in people. Once
completed it will serve as a replacement/consolation prize/imposter
depending on whom you ask.
What structure will it attempt to replace? or just identify X
Originated from Chinese word meaning ‘brine of
Derived from Latin word “salsas” that means ‘salted’
(though do not usually contain salt)
Contains a specific amount of added sugar Generally does not contain sugar.
Relatively thin and uniform texture. Can vary in viscosity depending on usage, from
chunky to smooth.
More likely to be given at a restaurant, associated
with fast foods
More likely to be found in your home refrigerator
Sold in packets and bottles. Usually sold in bottles.
The difference between which two very similar items are given below:
In Don Quixote, the narrator tells of an bartender who fashions this item
from a reed plant, because of Don Quixote’s refusal to remove his makeshift
helmet for a certain purpose.
The shift on the material used to make this common item in the last 3-5
years (enforced and voluntary) have faced serious opposition from many
circles including disability activists and statistics point out they are
responsible only for a tiny portion (0.022%) of the problem the material
In 2019, the re-election campaign of Donald Trump marketed packages of
them branded with his name and colored in the signature red associated
with the "MAGA" slogan, as a fundraising stunt. The campaign website
promoted them as an alternative to the much hated "liberal” alternative.
What item (whose present material is hated my many including myself)?
Even though they have been recorded in
history as far as the Roman Emperor
Elagabalus, the modern version of it was
invented in 1920s by Canadian named
Samuel Soren. This inflatable device is
called by various names such as Razzberry
cushions, Whoopie, etc.
Their sales usually skyrocket during the
first day of a particular month for an
obvious reason.
What does this “auditory” device do?
It is something that is so rarely found in nature with an estimation that more than 99%
of human population in ancient/middle ages died without ever seeing it. Since it’s
production involving a specific species of rock snails was costly, it was primarily
associated with royalty and positions of power. This led it to being used to symbolize
corruption and power hungry villains in animated media and video games, and
generally used to depict evil/malevolent or cursed nature. It’s rarity in nature creates a
sense of unbelonging or unnatural which adds to the effect.
It us used to depict poisonous gases/waters, forbidden and dark magic, etc. It is also
believed to have the character of transition (as one turning to evil/dark side from good).
Some examples are such: Poison type Pokemons, Minions, Wario and Waluigi, Maleficent,
Corruption clusters (fortnite), Nether Portals (minecraft), Thanos (MCU), Joker (Various
Batman Adaptations), Ursula the octopus (little Mermaid).
What are we talking about:
What is his claim to
What are blanked?
In 7th Century, for this purpose Indian Mathematician Brahmagupta used
the word Yavat Tavat (meaning "as much as it is” in Sanskrit), as in many
other cultures where various different words served the purpose.
There are many theories that explain the its universal adoption. One of
them blames the Spanish translation of Al Khwarizmi’s work, where he
used the Arabic word “Shay” for the purpose. As the Spanish language did
not have a letter that made the could fit the the ‫(ش‬shh sound), it is
believed that the translator borrowed a Greek letter for the purpose.
Another theory suggests that it chosen purposefully by René Descartes in
La Géométrie due to its statistically low frequency.
What practice are we talking about?
Marunthuvazh Malai is a hill
located in southern Tamil Nadu,
part of the Sanjeevi Hills in
southern Tamil Nadu. The hill
which stretches for more than a
kilometer and reaches a height of
Along with the superlative
associated with it, its highest point
is known to be the only natural
location where it is possible to trace
the V shaped-ish nature of which
In 1943 Austrian zoologist and ethologist Konrad Lorenz studied this feature in
living things and put together a specific list of traits on what human beings
consider to be X.
1. Small body-size with a disproportionately large head
2. Large eyes
3. Round features in both body and head
4. Plump surfaces
These features were explained to trigger in us caretaking/nurturing behaviour
and affective orientation due to their resemblance to a certain something. The
interesting fact is that it when applied Lorenz’s traits not just living creatures
but even inanimate objects could trigger them. Some examples of it are given in
the next slide.
What is X?
Traits applied:
Guinea fowls ( sometimes called "pet speckled hens" or
"original fowl”) are a bird species endemic to west
Africa. In the late medieval/early modern ages they
were exported to Europe through the trade networks
through the Ottoman Empire, and was called by the
region they came to Europe from.
They influenced in the nomenclature of something
particular in 1502, which is an integral part of a
American tradition today.
Popular YouTube science channel Kurzgesagt compare its formation with this
“In a sense this tiny _____ is like a rogue town. Imagine a group of rebels in
Brooklyn decide that they're no longer part of New York and start a new
settlement called _____ town which happens to occupy the same space. The
new town wants to grow so it orders tons of steel beams cement and drywall.
New buildings follow no logic are badly planned, ugly and dangerously
crooked. They're built right in the middle of streets on top of playgrounds and
on existing infrastructure. The old neighborhood is torn down or overbuilt to
make room for new structures. The former residents are trapped in the
middle of it and begin to starve.
The formation of what being compared to the rebel town?
Fallout New Vegas is a well known RPG released by Bethesda
in 2010. Benjamin "Benny" Siegel is one of the first characters
the protagonist comes across in the game and also serves as
the secondary antagonist.
Later in the game you have many options to decide the fate of
the character, but however on 29th October 2023 many
players in the Gaming community/Fallout subreddit declared
they will never get themselves to kill Benny from then
onwards in their future playthroughs.
What was the reason?
Luit was a male Chimpanzee who was kept at the Burger Zoo, Arnhem,
the Netherlands in the 1970s. He is one of the main subjects in many
studies authored by Primatologist and ethologist Frans de Waal who
draw many parallels in the social behaviour of Chimpanzees with
hierarchies in human society.
Media outlets in the 90s started to use certain terminologies from his
work in Business related articles and was Majorly popularized when
during 1999 US Presidential elections, a Time magazine article used the
terminology in context of the candidature of Al Gore.
It is believed that Luit is considered to be the first ever to be
categorized/called as an _____ ____. FITB
Nivi is the most common and popular variant of it throughout India,
originally from Andhra/Deccan region it was spread throughout India in
the 1900s and it is believed that Raja Ravi Varma paintings had a great
role in popularizing it.
It involves careful hand-gathered placement of evenly placed pleats
which once wrapped around results in a graceful, decorative effect which
poets have likened to the petals of a flower.
The loose end is of multipurpose in nature as it can be repurposed for
various needs, and also adjusted to reveal/hide according to social settings
or just left alone.
“We have ____ __ we have _____ but we don’t have ____ __ _____”
- Jackie Chan
What American entity which was seen as a missed opportunity of
representation (despite the olympics that year) by many in his
country is he talking about?
This well known powerful statement originates from the title of
a 1957 article published by Philip Siekevitz in the Scientific
magazine American, which was soon picked up in most
academic circles, publications and eventually school textbooks..
The statement that has always been true, however is also used
to strike a tone of disillusionment with the school education
systems across the world for its lack of real life skills and
practical knowledge in contrast to rote learning and pointless
What very memorable statement which you all remember?
Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the thirteenth major installment in Ubisoft’s
famous video game series, set in 9th century Baghdad. In the game a new
world-mechanic was added to implemented which added much
authenticity to the game setting which resulted in high praise amongst
the players.
The new feature that happens once in the in-game day-night cycle,
however was not implemented accurately as in the real world because
that would have resulted in the mechanic being at work continuously
throughout the game non-stop (given its 15 minute day-night cycle).
What feature (lasting around 3 minutes in game and around 4-5 minutes
in real world)?
Context 1 Context 2
Depends on one player but could be anyone in the
team at a given moment
Switches depending on the attribute of one specific
player in the pitch
Size varies dynamically Fixed size
Controversial in nature Peaceful and non-controversial in general
It’s opposite is named exactly as you expect It’s opposite is named after a body part.
Which term in sports that is used in different contexts in the below table?
Answers follow
In Medieval-early modern times, goods were transported between places mostly
by headloaders (like seen in the picture). Due to their enormous physical toll and
long distances, there were many places in such routes where their headloads
(Kettus) be offloaded on stone structures (like seen in the picture) and they could
rest for a bit, with some refreshments being provided as well.
One such town in Kerala derived its name from such a structure that existed in the
region evolving into a market town, and is today known for it’s multicultural
nature with it’s Wikipedia page suggesting as such: “one can see a miniature form
of India and of course Kerala when you just walk through the street”,
It cites two reasons for such, one being the influx of North Indian manual laborers
and a 2nd reason as well. Which town?
Despite being set in a Galaxy set far far away, Star Wars often uses this earth-
like terminology in a specific context. While they aren't technically accurate
for outer space, they are used to help the audience relate to the settings and
environments in the Star Wars universe, much like they are used in
storytelling on Earth.
One good example of this practice can be seen in one of the 10 core regions of
the galaxy being named _______ Reaches (which would not make sense in
outer space).
However note that when the characters are on a specific planet or moon, they
may use them correctly based on the planet's own geographical features and
it’s stars.
The Directions:
East West North and
Primarily concentrated in Pulwama and Anantnag districts which
have groves growing a certain British imported tree (Salicaceae Salix)
in the wet highlands nearby, this 200+ year old industry in Kashmir
witnessed a huge surge in both production and demand due to a
certain event this year.
What Industry, what event?
One of the earliest instances of a certain well known activity
today was schemed in the Great Britain in 1930 by Unigate
Dairies, which was later spread on and generally associated
with the dairy companies, earning it the nickname “Milk
round” as their representatives visited certain entities at
specific times of the year for a certain purpose.
What widespread (and coveted by y’all) practice was thus
called “Milk round” in the UK?
Campus Placements
Walkers in the UK and Ireland
Smith's in Australia
Chipsy in Egypt and Balkans
Margarita in Colombia
Sabritas in Mexico
Hostess in Canada
What name do we know it by?
The Urban Dictionary defines this word as such: “the "made-in-
china" version of story telling that was once quality, thought-out,
well designed and crafted stories written by professional media
Used as an all-inclusive blanket generalization of various formats
of media, some accuse that its usage has transcended to such a
level such that it blurs the difference between itself and real life,
and in some cases causes people to view their entire life as it (“if
you try hard enough, anything can be _______”).
What word?
The 1st instance of this meme was in relation to (motivation,
competence, and lunch breaks) and still used in various
contexts, however it was most widely adopted in football
In an attempt to mock underperforming new signings, showing
their underwhelming stats (goals, assists) when they have
played a specific number of games in a reference to a Iconic
fictional character.
What meme? (or just fill in the blanks)
This was captured on March 5, 1960 at a memorial service for victims
of the La Coubre explosion by Alberto Korda has said that at the
moment he shot it, he was drawn to the facial expression,which
showed absolute implacability as well as anger and pain. Slight
adjustments were made by cropping out a palm tree and the profile
of a man.
It has been painted, printed, digitized, embroidered, tattooed, silk-
screened, sculpted or sketched on nearly every surface imaginable so
What are we talking about?
Put funda (just explain what you see here)
Cadet Dark Glaucous Mineral Plumbeous Slate Color
Carbon Deep Glaucous Mouse Blackish Plumbeous Slate
Castor Gull Blackish Mouse Plumbeous-Black Slate Black
Cinereous Light Gull Neutral Dark Plumbeous Blackish slate
Clear Blue Green Hathi Dusky Neutral Plumbago Smoke
Court Heliotrope Olive Dark Plumbago Storm
Dawn Dark Heliotrope Payne’s Puritan Varley’s
Drab Iron Light Payne’s Purplish Vinaceous
French Lavender Pale Payne’s Pallid Purplish Deep Vinaceous
Glaucous Lilac Pearl Sky Violet
Those are the
50 Shades of Grey
The initial zero-carbon-footprint design blueprint for something
included a hospital, community kitchen, library, and a research centre.
However the unpopularity of it’s contemporary style and the fact that it
didn’t look like a ______ resulted in it being scrapped and replaced with a
different one that had more stereotypical structures such as arches.
At the proposed location at Dhannipur, 25 kms from a certain location X,
this structure is certain to evoke different emotions in people. Once
completed it will serve as a replacement/consolation prize/imposter
depending on whom you ask.
What structure will it attempt to replace? or just identify X
Originated from Chinese word meaning ‘brine of
Derived from Latin word “salsas” that means ‘salted’
(though do not usually contain salt)
Contains a specific amount of added sugar Generally does not contain sugar.
Relatively thin and uniform texture. Can vary in viscosity depending on usage, from
chunky to smooth.
More likely to be given at a restaurant, associated
with fast foods
More likely to be found in your home refrigerator
Sold in packets and bottles. Usually sold in bottles.
The difference between which two very similar items are given below:
In Don Quixote, the narrator tells of an bartender who fashions this item
from a reed plant, because of Don Quixote’s refusal to remove his makeshift
helmet for a certain purpose.
The shift on the material used to make this common item in the last 3-5
years (enforced and voluntary) have faced serious opposition from many
circles including disability activists and statistics point out they are
responsible only for a tiny portion (0.022%) of the problem the material
In 2019, the re-election campaign of Donald Trump marketed packages of
them branded with his name and colored in the signature red associated
with the "MAGA" slogan, as a fundraising stunt. The campaign website
promoted them as an alternative to the much hated "liberal” alternative.
What item (whose present material is hated my many including myself)?
Straws, drinking
Even though they have been recorded in
history as far as the Roman Emperor
Elagabalus, the modern version of it was
invented in 1920s by Canadian named
Samuel Soren. This inflatable device is
called by various names such as Razzberry
cushions, Whoopie, etc.
Their sales usually skyrocket during the
first day of a particular month for an
obvious reason.
What does this “auditory” device do?
It makes farting
It is something that is so rarely found in nature with an estimation that more than 99%
of human population in ancient/middle ages died without ever seeing it. Since it’s
production involving a specific species of rock snails was costly, it was primarily
associated with royalty and positions of power. This led it to being used to symbolize
corruption and power hungry villains in animated media and video games, and
generally used to depict evil/malevolent or cursed nature. It’s rarity in nature creates a
sense of unbelonging or unnatural which adds to the effect.
It us used to depict poisonous gases/waters, forbidden and dark magic, etc. It is also
believed to have the character of transition (as one turning to evil/dark side from good).
Some examples are such: Poison type Pokemons, Minions, Wario and Waluigi, Maleficent,
Corruption clusters (fortnite), Nether Portals (minecraft), Thanos (MCU), Joker (Various
Batman Adaptations), Ursula the octopus (little Mermaid).
What are we talking about:
What is his claim to
What are blanked?
In 7th Century, for this purpose Indian Mathematician Brahmagupta used
the word Yavat Tavat (meaning "as much as it is” in Sanskrit), as in many
other cultures where various different words served the purpose.
There are many theories that explain the its universal adoption. One of
them blames the Spanish translation of Al Khwarizmi’s work, where he
used the Arabic word “Shay” for the purpose. As the Spanish language did
not have a letter that made the could fit the the ‫(ش‬shh sound), it is
believed that the translator borrowed a Greek letter for the purpose.
Another theory suggests that it chosen purposefully by René Descartes in
La Géométrie due to its statistically low frequency.
What practice are we talking about?
Marunthuvazh Malai is a hill
located in southern Tamil Nadu,
part of the Sanjeevi Hills in
southern Tamil Nadu. The hill
which stretches for more than a
kilometer and reaches a height of
Along with the superlative
associated with it, its highest point
is known to be the only natural
location where it is possible to trace
the V shaped-ish nature of which
In 1943 Austrian zoologist and ethologist Konrad Lorenz studied this feature in
living things and put together a specific list of traits on what human beings
consider to be X.
1. Small body-size with a disproportionately large head
2. Large eyes
3. Round features in both body and head
4. Plump surfaces
These features were explained to trigger in us caretaking/nurturing behaviour
and affective orientation due to their resemblance to a certain something. The
interesting fact is that it when applied Lorenz’s traits not just living creatures
but even inanimate objects could trigger them. Some examples of it are given in
the next slide.
What is X?
Traits applied:
Guinea fowls ( sometimes called "pet speckled hens" or
"original fowl”) are a bird species endemic to west
Africa. In the late medieval/early modern ages they
were exported to Europe through the trade networks
through the Ottoman Empire, and was called by the
region they came to Europe from.
They influenced in the nomenclature of something
particular in 1502, which is an integral part of a
American tradition today.
They were from Turkey and
the the Spanish mistook the
bird they found in the New
World as it and called it
Popular YouTube science channel Kurzgesagt compare its formation with this
“In a sense this tiny _____ is like a rogue town. Imagine a group of rebels in
Brooklyn decide that they're no longer part of New York and start a new
settlement called _____ town which happens to occupy the same space. The
new town wants to grow so it orders tons of steel beams cement and drywall.
New buildings follow no logic are badly planned, ugly and dangerously
crooked. They're built right in the middle of streets on top of playgrounds and
on existing infrastructure. The old neighborhood is torn down or overbuilt to
make room for new structures. The former residents are trapped in the
middle of it and begin to starve.
The formation of what being compared to the rebel town?
Fallout New Vegas is a well known RPG released by Bethesda
in 2010. Benjamin "Benny" Siegel is one of the first characters
the protagonist comes across in the game and also serves as
the secondary antagonist.
Later in the game you have many options to decide the fate of
the character, but however on 29th October 2023 many
players in the Gaming community/Fallout subreddit declared
they will never get themselves to kill Benny from then
onwards in their future playthroughs.
What was the reason?
Luit was a male Chimpanzee who was kept at the Burger Zoo, Arnhem,
the Netherlands in the 1970s. He is one of the main subjects in many
studies authored by Primatologist and ethologist Frans de Waal who
draw many parallels in the social behaviour of Chimpanzees with
hierarchies in human society.
Media outlets in the 90s started to use certain terminologies from his
work in Business related articles and was Majorly popularized when
during 1999 US Presidential elections, a Time magazine article used the
terminology in context of the candidature of Al Gore.
It is believed that Luit is considered to be the first ever to be
categorized/called as an _____ ____. FITB
Nivi is the most common and popular variant of it throughout India,
originally from Andhra/Deccan region it was spread throughout India in
the 1900s and it is believed that Raja Ravi Varma paintings had a great
role in popularizing it.
It involves careful hand-gathered placement of evenly placed pleats
which once wrapped around results in a graceful, decorative effect which
poets have likened to the petals of a flower.
The loose end is of multipurpose in nature as it can be repurposed for
various needs, and also adjusted to reveal/hide according to social settings
or just left alone.
“We have ____ __ we have _____ but we don’t have ____ __ _____”
- Jackie Chan
What American entity which was seen as a missed opportunity of
representation (despite the olympics that year) by many in his
country is he talking about?
This well known powerful statement originates from the title of
a 1957 article published by Philip Siekevitz in the Scientific
magazine American, which was soon picked up in most
academic circles, publications and eventually school textbooks..
The statement that has always been true, however is also used
to strike a tone of disillusionment with the school education
systems across the world for its lack of real life skills and
practical knowledge in contrast to rote learning and pointless
What very memorable statement which you all remember?
Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the thirteenth major installment in Ubisoft’s
famous video game series, set in 9th century Baghdad. In the game a new
world-mechanic was added to implemented which added much
authenticity to the game setting which resulted in high praise amongst
the players.
The new feature that happens once in the in-game day-night cycle,
however was not implemented accurately as in the real world because
that would have resulted in the mechanic being at work continuously
throughout the game non-stop (given its 15 minute day-night cycle).
What feature (lasting around 3 minutes in game and around 4-5 minutes
in real world)?
Context 1 Context 2
Depends on one player but could be anyone in the
team at a given moment
Switches depending on the attribute of one specific
player in the pitch
Size varies dynamically Fixed size
Controversial in nature Peaceful and non-controversial in general
It’s opposite is named exactly as you expect It’s opposite is named after a body part.
Which term in sports that is used in different contexts in the below table?

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  • 2. 1) In Medieval-early modern times, goods were transported between places mostly by headloaders (like seen in the picture). Due to their enormous physical toll and long distances, there were many places in such routes where their headloads (Kettus) be offloaded on stone structures (like seen in the picture) and they could rest for a bit, with some refreshments being provided as well. One such town in Kerala derived its name from such a structure that existed in the region evolving into a market town, and is today known for it’s multicultural nature with it’s Wikipedia page suggesting as such: “one can see a miniature form of India and of course Kerala when you just walk through the street”, It cites two reasons for such, one being the influx of North Indian manual laborers and a 2nd reason as well. Which town?
  • 4. 2) Despite being set in a Galaxy set far far away, Star Wars often uses this earth- like terminology in a specific context. While they aren't technically accurate for outer space, they are used to help the audience relate to the settings and environments in the Star Wars universe, much like they are used in storytelling on Earth. One good example of this practice can be seen in one of the 10 core regions of the galaxy being named _______ Reaches (which would not make sense in outer space). However note that when the characters are on a specific planet or moon, they may use them correctly based on the planet's own geographical features and it’s stars.
  • 5. 3) Primarily concentrated in Pulwama and Anantnag districts which have groves growing a certain British imported tree (Salicaceae Salix) in the wet highlands nearby, this 200+ year old industry in Kashmir witnessed a huge surge in both production and demand due to a certain event this year. What Industry, what event?
  • 7. 4) One of the earliest instances of a certain well known activity today was schemed in the Great Britain in 1930 by Unigate Dairies, which was later spread on and generally associated with the dairy companies, earning it the nickname “Milk round” as their representatives visited certain entities at specific times of the year for a certain purpose. What widespread (and coveted by y’all) practice was thus called “Milk round” in the UK?
  • 8. 5) Walkers in the UK and Ireland Smith's in Australia Chipsy in Egypt and Balkans Margarita in Colombia Sabritas in Mexico Hostess in Canada What name do we know it by?
  • 9. 6) The Urban Dictionary defines this word as such: “the "made-in- china" version of story telling that was once quality, thought-out, well designed and crafted stories written by professional media outlets”. Used as an all-inclusive blanket generalization of various formats of media, some accuse that its usage has transcended to such a level such that it blurs the difference between itself and real life, and in some cases causes people to view their entire life as it (“if you try hard enough, anything can be _______”). What word?
  • 10. 7) The 1st instance of this meme was in relation to (motivation, competence, and lunch breaks) and still used in various contexts, however it was most widely adopted in football communities. In an attempt to mock underperforming new signings, showing their underwhelming stats (goals, assists) when they have played a specific number of games in a reference to a Iconic fictional character. What meme? (or just fill in the blanks)
  • 11. 8) This was captured on March 5, 1960 at a memorial service for victims of the La Coubre explosion by Alberto Korda has said that at the moment he shot it, he was drawn to the facial expression,which showed absolute implacability as well as anger and pain. Slight adjustments were made by cropping out a palm tree and the profile of a man. It has been painted, printed, digitized, embroidered, tattooed, silk- screened, sculpted or sketched on nearly every surface imaginable so far. What are we talking about?
  • 12. 9) Put funda (just explain what you see here) Cadet Dark Glaucous Mineral Plumbeous Slate Color Carbon Deep Glaucous Mouse Blackish Plumbeous Slate Castor Gull Blackish Mouse Plumbeous-Black Slate Black Cinereous Light Gull Neutral Dark Plumbeous Blackish slate Clear Blue Green Hathi Dusky Neutral Plumbago Smoke Court Heliotrope Olive Dark Plumbago Storm Dawn Dark Heliotrope Payne’s Puritan Varley’s Drab Iron Light Payne’s Purplish Vinaceous French Lavender Pale Payne’s Pallid Purplish Deep Vinaceous Glaucous Lilac Pearl Sky Violet
  • 13. 10) The initial zero-carbon-footprint design blueprint for something included a hospital, community kitchen, library, and a research centre. However the unpopularity of it’s contemporary style and the fact that it didn’t look like a ______ resulted in it being scrapped and replaced with a different one that had more stereotypical structures such as arches. At the proposed location at Dhannipur, 25 kms from a certain location X, this structure is certain to evoke different emotions in people. Once completed it will serve as a replacement/consolation prize/imposter depending on whom you ask. What structure will it attempt to replace? or just identify X
  • 14. Image
  • 15. 11) X Y Originated from Chinese word meaning ‘brine of fish’ Derived from Latin word “salsas” that means ‘salted’ (though do not usually contain salt) Contains a specific amount of added sugar Generally does not contain sugar. Relatively thin and uniform texture. Can vary in viscosity depending on usage, from chunky to smooth. More likely to be given at a restaurant, associated with fast foods More likely to be found in your home refrigerator Sold in packets and bottles. Usually sold in bottles. The difference between which two very similar items are given below:
  • 16. 12 In Don Quixote, the narrator tells of an bartender who fashions this item from a reed plant, because of Don Quixote’s refusal to remove his makeshift helmet for a certain purpose. The shift on the material used to make this common item in the last 3-5 years (enforced and voluntary) have faced serious opposition from many circles including disability activists and statistics point out they are responsible only for a tiny portion (0.022%) of the problem the material causes. In 2019, the re-election campaign of Donald Trump marketed packages of them branded with his name and colored in the signature red associated with the "MAGA" slogan, as a fundraising stunt. The campaign website promoted them as an alternative to the much hated "liberal” alternative. What item (whose present material is hated my many including myself)?
  • 17. 13) Even though they have been recorded in history as far as the Roman Emperor Elagabalus, the modern version of it was invented in 1920s by Canadian named Samuel Soren. This inflatable device is called by various names such as Razzberry cushions, Whoopie, etc. Their sales usually skyrocket during the first day of a particular month for an obvious reason. What does this “auditory” device do?
  • 18. 14) It is something that is so rarely found in nature with an estimation that more than 99% of human population in ancient/middle ages died without ever seeing it. Since it’s production involving a specific species of rock snails was costly, it was primarily associated with royalty and positions of power. This led it to being used to symbolize corruption and power hungry villains in animated media and video games, and generally used to depict evil/malevolent or cursed nature. It’s rarity in nature creates a sense of unbelonging or unnatural which adds to the effect. It us used to depict poisonous gases/waters, forbidden and dark magic, etc. It is also believed to have the character of transition (as one turning to evil/dark side from good). Some examples are such: Poison type Pokemons, Minions, Wario and Waluigi, Maleficent, Corruption clusters (fortnite), Nether Portals (minecraft), Thanos (MCU), Joker (Various Batman Adaptations), Ursula the octopus (little Mermaid). What are we talking about:
  • 19. 15) What is his claim to fame? What are blanked?
  • 20. 16) In 7th Century, for this purpose Indian Mathematician Brahmagupta used the word Yavat Tavat (meaning "as much as it is” in Sanskrit), as in many other cultures where various different words served the purpose. There are many theories that explain the its universal adoption. One of them blames the Spanish translation of Al Khwarizmi’s work, where he used the Arabic word “Shay” for the purpose. As the Spanish language did not have a letter that made the could fit the the ‫(ش‬shh sound), it is believed that the translator borrowed a Greek letter for the purpose. Another theory suggests that it chosen purposefully by René Descartes in La Géométrie due to its statistically low frequency. What practice are we talking about?
  • 21. 17) Marunthuvazh Malai is a hill located in southern Tamil Nadu, part of the Sanjeevi Hills in southern Tamil Nadu. The hill which stretches for more than a kilometer and reaches a height of 800. Along with the superlative associated with it, its highest point is known to be the only natural location where it is possible to trace the V shaped-ish nature of which entity?
  • 22. 18) In 1943 Austrian zoologist and ethologist Konrad Lorenz studied this feature in living things and put together a specific list of traits on what human beings consider to be X. 1. Small body-size with a disproportionately large head 2. Large eyes 3. Round features in both body and head 4. Plump surfaces These features were explained to trigger in us caretaking/nurturing behaviour and affective orientation due to their resemblance to a certain something. The interesting fact is that it when applied Lorenz’s traits not just living creatures but even inanimate objects could trigger them. Some examples of it are given in the next slide. What is X?
  • 24. 19) Guinea fowls ( sometimes called "pet speckled hens" or "original fowl”) are a bird species endemic to west Africa. In the late medieval/early modern ages they were exported to Europe through the trade networks through the Ottoman Empire, and was called by the region they came to Europe from. They influenced in the nomenclature of something particular in 1502, which is an integral part of a American tradition today.
  • 25. 20) Popular YouTube science channel Kurzgesagt compare its formation with this analogy: “In a sense this tiny _____ is like a rogue town. Imagine a group of rebels in Brooklyn decide that they're no longer part of New York and start a new settlement called _____ town which happens to occupy the same space. The new town wants to grow so it orders tons of steel beams cement and drywall. New buildings follow no logic are badly planned, ugly and dangerously crooked. They're built right in the middle of streets on top of playgrounds and on existing infrastructure. The old neighborhood is torn down or overbuilt to make room for new structures. The former residents are trapped in the middle of it and begin to starve. The formation of what being compared to the rebel town?
  • 26. 21) Fallout New Vegas is a well known RPG released by Bethesda in 2010. Benjamin "Benny" Siegel is one of the first characters the protagonist comes across in the game and also serves as the secondary antagonist. Later in the game you have many options to decide the fate of the character, but however on 29th October 2023 many players in the Gaming community/Fallout subreddit declared they will never get themselves to kill Benny from then onwards in their future playthroughs. What was the reason?
  • 27. 22) Luit was a male Chimpanzee who was kept at the Burger Zoo, Arnhem, the Netherlands in the 1970s. He is one of the main subjects in many studies authored by Primatologist and ethologist Frans de Waal who draw many parallels in the social behaviour of Chimpanzees with hierarchies in human society. Media outlets in the 90s started to use certain terminologies from his work in Business related articles and was Majorly popularized when during 1999 US Presidential elections, a Time magazine article used the terminology in context of the candidature of Al Gore. It is believed that Luit is considered to be the first ever to be categorized/called as an _____ ____. FITB
  • 28. 23) Nivi is the most common and popular variant of it throughout India, originally from Andhra/Deccan region it was spread throughout India in the 1900s and it is believed that Raja Ravi Varma paintings had a great role in popularizing it. It involves careful hand-gathered placement of evenly placed pleats which once wrapped around results in a graceful, decorative effect which poets have likened to the petals of a flower. The loose end is of multipurpose in nature as it can be repurposed for various needs, and also adjusted to reveal/hide according to social settings or just left alone.
  • 29. 24) “We have ____ __ we have _____ but we don’t have ____ __ _____” - Jackie Chan What American entity which was seen as a missed opportunity of representation (despite the olympics that year) by many in his country is he talking about?
  • 30. 25) This well known powerful statement originates from the title of a 1957 article published by Philip Siekevitz in the Scientific magazine American, which was soon picked up in most academic circles, publications and eventually school textbooks.. The statement that has always been true, however is also used to strike a tone of disillusionment with the school education systems across the world for its lack of real life skills and practical knowledge in contrast to rote learning and pointless trivia. What very memorable statement which you all remember?
  • 31. 26) Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the thirteenth major installment in Ubisoft’s famous video game series, set in 9th century Baghdad. In the game a new world-mechanic was added to implemented which added much authenticity to the game setting which resulted in high praise amongst the players. The new feature that happens once in the in-game day-night cycle, however was not implemented accurately as in the real world because that would have resulted in the mechanic being at work continuously throughout the game non-stop (given its 15 minute day-night cycle). What feature (lasting around 3 minutes in game and around 4-5 minutes in real world)?
  • 32. 27) Context 1 Context 2 Depends on one player but could be anyone in the team at a given moment Switches depending on the attribute of one specific player in the pitch Size varies dynamically Fixed size Controversial in nature Peaceful and non-controversial in general It’s opposite is named exactly as you expect It’s opposite is named after a body part. Which term in sports that is used in different contexts in the below table?
  • 34. 1) In Medieval-early modern times, goods were transported between places mostly by headloaders (like seen in the picture). Due to their enormous physical toll and long distances, there were many places in such routes where their headloads (Kettus) be offloaded on stone structures (like seen in the picture) and they could rest for a bit, with some refreshments being provided as well. One such town in Kerala derived its name from such a structure that existed in the region evolving into a market town, and is today known for it’s multicultural nature with it’s Wikipedia page suggesting as such: “one can see a miniature form of India and of course Kerala when you just walk through the street”, It cites two reasons for such, one being the influx of North Indian manual laborers and a 2nd reason as well. Which town?
  • 37. 2) Despite being set in a Galaxy set far far away, Star Wars often uses this earth- like terminology in a specific context. While they aren't technically accurate for outer space, they are used to help the audience relate to the settings and environments in the Star Wars universe, much like they are used in storytelling on Earth. One good example of this practice can be seen in one of the 10 core regions of the galaxy being named _______ Reaches (which would not make sense in outer space). However note that when the characters are on a specific planet or moon, they may use them correctly based on the planet's own geographical features and it’s stars.
  • 39. 3) Primarily concentrated in Pulwama and Anantnag districts which have groves growing a certain British imported tree (Salicaceae Salix) in the wet highlands nearby, this 200+ year old industry in Kashmir witnessed a huge surge in both production and demand due to a certain event this year. What Industry, what event?
  • 40. Image
  • 42. 4) One of the earliest instances of a certain well known activity today was schemed in the Great Britain in 1930 by Unigate Dairies, which was later spread on and generally associated with the dairy companies, earning it the nickname “Milk round” as their representatives visited certain entities at specific times of the year for a certain purpose. What widespread (and coveted by y’all) practice was thus called “Milk round” in the UK?
  • 44. 5) Walkers in the UK and Ireland Smith's in Australia Chipsy in Egypt and Balkans Margarita in Colombia Sabritas in Mexico Hostess in Canada What name do we know it by?
  • 46. 6) The Urban Dictionary defines this word as such: “the "made-in- china" version of story telling that was once quality, thought-out, well designed and crafted stories written by professional media outlets”. Used as an all-inclusive blanket generalization of various formats of media, some accuse that its usage has transcended to such a level such that it blurs the difference between itself and real life, and in some cases causes people to view their entire life as it (“if you try hard enough, anything can be _______”). What word?
  • 48. 7) The 1st instance of this meme was in relation to (motivation, competence, and lunch breaks) and still used in various contexts, however it was most widely adopted in football communities. In an attempt to mock underperforming new signings, showing their underwhelming stats (goals, assists) when they have played a specific number of games in a reference to a Iconic fictional character. What meme? (or just fill in the blanks)
  • 50. 8) This was captured on March 5, 1960 at a memorial service for victims of the La Coubre explosion by Alberto Korda has said that at the moment he shot it, he was drawn to the facial expression,which showed absolute implacability as well as anger and pain. Slight adjustments were made by cropping out a palm tree and the profile of a man. It has been painted, printed, digitized, embroidered, tattooed, silk- screened, sculpted or sketched on nearly every surface imaginable so far. What are we talking about?
  • 52. 9) Put funda (just explain what you see here) Cadet Dark Glaucous Mineral Plumbeous Slate Color Carbon Deep Glaucous Mouse Blackish Plumbeous Slate Castor Gull Blackish Mouse Plumbeous-Black Slate Black Cinereous Light Gull Neutral Dark Plumbeous Blackish slate Clear Blue Green Hathi Dusky Neutral Plumbago Smoke Court Heliotrope Olive Dark Plumbago Storm Dawn Dark Heliotrope Payne’s Puritan Varley’s Drab Iron Light Payne’s Purplish Vinaceous French Lavender Pale Payne’s Pallid Purplish Deep Vinaceous Glaucous Lilac Pearl Sky Violet
  • 54. 10) The initial zero-carbon-footprint design blueprint for something included a hospital, community kitchen, library, and a research centre. However the unpopularity of it’s contemporary style and the fact that it didn’t look like a ______ resulted in it being scrapped and replaced with a different one that had more stereotypical structures such as arches. At the proposed location at Dhannipur, 25 kms from a certain location X, this structure is certain to evoke different emotions in people. Once completed it will serve as a replacement/consolation prize/imposter depending on whom you ask. What structure will it attempt to replace? or just identify X
  • 55. Image
  • 57. 11) X Y Originated from Chinese word meaning ‘brine of fish’ Derived from Latin word “salsas” that means ‘salted’ (though do not usually contain salt) Contains a specific amount of added sugar Generally does not contain sugar. Relatively thin and uniform texture. Can vary in viscosity depending on usage, from chunky to smooth. More likely to be given at a restaurant, associated with fast foods More likely to be found in your home refrigerator Sold in packets and bottles. Usually sold in bottles. The difference between which two very similar items are given below:
  • 59. 12 In Don Quixote, the narrator tells of an bartender who fashions this item from a reed plant, because of Don Quixote’s refusal to remove his makeshift helmet for a certain purpose. The shift on the material used to make this common item in the last 3-5 years (enforced and voluntary) have faced serious opposition from many circles including disability activists and statistics point out they are responsible only for a tiny portion (0.022%) of the problem the material causes. In 2019, the re-election campaign of Donald Trump marketed packages of them branded with his name and colored in the signature red associated with the "MAGA" slogan, as a fundraising stunt. The campaign website promoted them as an alternative to the much hated "liberal” alternative. What item (whose present material is hated my many including myself)?
  • 61. 13) Even though they have been recorded in history as far as the Roman Emperor Elagabalus, the modern version of it was invented in 1920s by Canadian named Samuel Soren. This inflatable device is called by various names such as Razzberry cushions, Whoopie, etc. Their sales usually skyrocket during the first day of a particular month for an obvious reason. What does this “auditory” device do?
  • 63. 14) It is something that is so rarely found in nature with an estimation that more than 99% of human population in ancient/middle ages died without ever seeing it. Since it’s production involving a specific species of rock snails was costly, it was primarily associated with royalty and positions of power. This led it to being used to symbolize corruption and power hungry villains in animated media and video games, and generally used to depict evil/malevolent or cursed nature. It’s rarity in nature creates a sense of unbelonging or unnatural which adds to the effect. It us used to depict poisonous gases/waters, forbidden and dark magic, etc. It is also believed to have the character of transition (as one turning to evil/dark side from good). Some examples are such: Poison type Pokemons, Minions, Wario and Waluigi, Maleficent, Corruption clusters (fortnite), Nether Portals (minecraft), Thanos (MCU), Joker (Various Batman Adaptations), Ursula the octopus (little Mermaid). What are we talking about:
  • 65. 15) What is his claim to fame? What are blanked?
  • 67. 16) In 7th Century, for this purpose Indian Mathematician Brahmagupta used the word Yavat Tavat (meaning "as much as it is” in Sanskrit), as in many other cultures where various different words served the purpose. There are many theories that explain the its universal adoption. One of them blames the Spanish translation of Al Khwarizmi’s work, where he used the Arabic word “Shay” for the purpose. As the Spanish language did not have a letter that made the could fit the the ‫(ش‬shh sound), it is believed that the translator borrowed a Greek letter for the purpose. Another theory suggests that it chosen purposefully by René Descartes in La Géométrie due to its statistically low frequency. What practice are we talking about?
  • 69. 17) Marunthuvazh Malai is a hill located in southern Tamil Nadu, part of the Sanjeevi Hills in southern Tamil Nadu. The hill which stretches for more than a kilometer and reaches a height of 800. Along with the superlative associated with it, its highest point is known to be the only natural location where it is possible to trace the V shaped-ish nature of which entity?
  • 71. 18) In 1943 Austrian zoologist and ethologist Konrad Lorenz studied this feature in living things and put together a specific list of traits on what human beings consider to be X. 1. Small body-size with a disproportionately large head 2. Large eyes 3. Round features in both body and head 4. Plump surfaces These features were explained to trigger in us caretaking/nurturing behaviour and affective orientation due to their resemblance to a certain something. The interesting fact is that it when applied Lorenz’s traits not just living creatures but even inanimate objects could trigger them. Some examples of it are given in the next slide. What is X?
  • 74. 19) Guinea fowls ( sometimes called "pet speckled hens" or "original fowl”) are a bird species endemic to west Africa. In the late medieval/early modern ages they were exported to Europe through the trade networks through the Ottoman Empire, and was called by the region they came to Europe from. They influenced in the nomenclature of something particular in 1502, which is an integral part of a American tradition today.
  • 75. Answer They were from Turkey and the the Spanish mistook the bird they found in the New World as it and called it Turkey.
  • 76. 20) Popular YouTube science channel Kurzgesagt compare its formation with this analogy: “In a sense this tiny _____ is like a rogue town. Imagine a group of rebels in Brooklyn decide that they're no longer part of New York and start a new settlement called _____ town which happens to occupy the same space. The new town wants to grow so it orders tons of steel beams cement and drywall. New buildings follow no logic are badly planned, ugly and dangerously crooked. They're built right in the middle of streets on top of playgrounds and on existing infrastructure. The old neighborhood is torn down or overbuilt to make room for new structures. The former residents are trapped in the middle of it and begin to starve. The formation of what being compared to the rebel town?
  • 78. 21) Fallout New Vegas is a well known RPG released by Bethesda in 2010. Benjamin "Benny" Siegel is one of the first characters the protagonist comes across in the game and also serves as the secondary antagonist. Later in the game you have many options to decide the fate of the character, but however on 29th October 2023 many players in the Gaming community/Fallout subreddit declared they will never get themselves to kill Benny from then onwards in their future playthroughs. What was the reason?
  • 80. 22) Luit was a male Chimpanzee who was kept at the Burger Zoo, Arnhem, the Netherlands in the 1970s. He is one of the main subjects in many studies authored by Primatologist and ethologist Frans de Waal who draw many parallels in the social behaviour of Chimpanzees with hierarchies in human society. Media outlets in the 90s started to use certain terminologies from his work in Business related articles and was Majorly popularized when during 1999 US Presidential elections, a Time magazine article used the terminology in context of the candidature of Al Gore. It is believed that Luit is considered to be the first ever to be categorized/called as an _____ ____. FITB
  • 82. 23) Nivi is the most common and popular variant of it throughout India, originally from Andhra/Deccan region it was spread throughout India in the 1900s and it is believed that Raja Ravi Varma paintings had a great role in popularizing it. It involves careful hand-gathered placement of evenly placed pleats which once wrapped around results in a graceful, decorative effect which poets have likened to the petals of a flower. The loose end is of multipurpose in nature as it can be repurposed for various needs, and also adjusted to reveal/hide according to social settings or just left alone.
  • 84. 24) “We have ____ __ we have _____ but we don’t have ____ __ _____” - Jackie Chan What American entity which was seen as a missed opportunity of representation (despite the olympics that year) by many in his country is he talking about?
  • 86. 25) This well known powerful statement originates from the title of a 1957 article published by Philip Siekevitz in the Scientific magazine American, which was soon picked up in most academic circles, publications and eventually school textbooks.. The statement that has always been true, however is also used to strike a tone of disillusionment with the school education systems across the world for its lack of real life skills and practical knowledge in contrast to rote learning and pointless trivia. What very memorable statement which you all remember?
  • 88. 26) Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the thirteenth major installment in Ubisoft’s famous video game series, set in 9th century Baghdad. In the game a new world-mechanic was added to implemented which added much authenticity to the game setting which resulted in high praise amongst the players. The new feature that happens once in the in-game day-night cycle, however was not implemented accurately as in the real world because that would have resulted in the mechanic being at work continuously throughout the game non-stop (given its 15 minute day-night cycle). What feature (lasting around 3 minutes in game and around 4-5 minutes in real world)?
  • 90. 27) Context 1 Context 2 Depends on one player but could be anyone in the team at a given moment Switches depending on the attribute of one specific player in the pitch Size varies dynamically Fixed size Controversial in nature Peaceful and non-controversial in general It’s opposite is named exactly as you expect It’s opposite is named after a body part. Which term in sports that is used in different contexts in the below table?