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Mission Statement: Promote Awareness while inciting Edification and Positive progression in the U.S. and abroad through Enriching 
experiences and global travel with a Purpose. 
It’s been quite some time, since 
we have last seen you, our 
travelers, and since you have been 
gone we have been extremely busy. 
The purpose of this newsletter is to 
update you on all the new and 
exciting things going on at Global 
Many of our past travelers have 
been interested in the origins of 
Global Incite. If you were always 
curious about how it was started, 
worry no more because in this 
section you will read about the 
organization’s background. 
Global Incite was started 3 years 
ago after the founder, Carmen 
Fells, travelled abroad to Ghana 
and had an inspirational 
experience. Going to the African 
country, she became more aware of 
a reality not seen on a television 
“I saw people living with less, but 
loving life!... community was stronger, 
people danced!” 
Enjoying the Agate Primary School Children in Ghana in 2014. 
Carmen witnessed life and culture in a 
place that many people in the United 
States may considered to be desolate 
and lifeless. 
She also drew her inspiration to start 
the organization based on academic 
experiences. Going to Tuskegee 
University for her undergraduate career 
and to Duke University for her graduate 
career, many would say that Carmen 
has seen the best of both worlds by 
attending both a minority school and a 
majority school. By going to both 
schools, she noticed a significant 
difference in travel opportunities 
Noticing the gap in expectations and 
reality that were caused from television 
commercials in the US and actually 
going to an African country and 
witnessing the difference gave Carmen 
Student Experiences 
In case you were not able to see all 
of the rich culture in Ghana, or you 
were not able to experience the exotic 
rain forests of Costa Rica, in this 
section we will provide you some 
information gathered from some of the 
students who have travelled with us in 
the past. 
Nzinga Spencer 
Undergraduate Student Majoring in 
Biology at Tuskegee University 
Global Incite Founder, Carmen 
September 6, 2014 
Global Incite 
I didn't 
envision the city areas because I 
see a lot of that in the US; 
therefore, I pictured seeing people 
living in a such a way where 
everyone contributed to the well 
being of their community as a 
whole. I also pictured the kinds of 
medical centers and hospitals I 
may see and wondered if Breast 
cancer research was big in the 
Question: Were your expectations 
met when you went on the trip? 
Response: “My expectations were 
met, but in a different way. For 
example, I imagined going to a 
hospital to see different wards and 
go to the cancer ward and talk to 
doctors specialized in cancer 
treatment or research. I did in fact 
meet a surgeon at the Peace and 
Love Hospital who worked mainly 
with Breast cancer. Her name was 
Beatrice Addai Wiafe and she was 
the CEO at the hospital where she 
explained she performs surgery 
and serves as a consultant. In this 
regard I got way more out of the 
experience than I thought I 
Question: What was your funniest 
Response: “The funniest experience on 
the trip would have to be when we 
went to feed Tafi monkeys bananas. 
Right before we went to see the 
monkeys I fell while trying to jump 
across a dug out which I have to laugh 
at now because it was funny. Then we 
went to feed the monkeys and they 
were jumping on peoples shoulders 
and arms and some of the group 
members would scream and jump as a 
reaction. The entire part of that day 
was just fun and full of unexpected 
Question: What do you miss most 
about your trip? 
Response: “The thing I miss most 
about Ghana is the feeling of being in 
a place that helps you to understand 
who you truly are. I miss the people 
and the way they worked hard and 
played hard, and the children who 
observed it all. The children, it 
seemed, missed nothing as they would 
look at you in such a way that let's you 
know that they know more than you 
could imagine. It wasn't always smiles 
and laughter but it was always full of 
life. “ 
Question: What might you do 
differently if you had the opportunity 
to go again? 
Response: “If granted the opportunity 
to go back to Ghana I would like to 
meet more people and form more 
connections. The first time I went I was 
just in awe of being there and didn't 
even really take it all in, therefore if I 
go in the future I would want to 
observe more and take more pictures. 
The best part about going to Ghana 
was the way it made me feel, and so it 
would be nice to make that connection 
again with a more familiarized 
-Nzinga Spencer 
Sherlita Robinson 
Graduate Student at Tuskegee 
Universtiy going for Masters in 
Environmental Sciences 
Question: When did you travel and 
where did you travel to with Global 
Response: “I traveled to Costa Rica in 
May 2014.“ 
Question: What you expected to see on 
the trip before going? 
Response: “Through internet research 
and stories from family and friends, I 
was expecting to see a beautiful tropical 
paradise. That’s exactly what I saw 
when I arrived. I joked to my family 
about possibly missing my return flight 
home so that I could stay forever.” 
Question: Were your expectations met 
when you went on the trip? 
Response: “Yes, they were exceeded. I 
was blown away by the country’s 
sustainable practices. I was a bit 
disappointed that EARTH University 
didn’t have a graduate program yet. I 
definitely would have applied to a Ph. D 
program there. After I brushed up on 
my Spanish of course.” 
Question: What was your funniest 
Response: “Oh wow, its hard to choose 
one experience. I laughed so much 
while in Costa Rica.” 
September 6, 2014 
Global Incite 
Question: What do you miss most 
about your trip? 
Response: “I really missed the fresh 
food and beverages. Everything 
every family needs is basically in 
the their backyard. I’ve tried to eat 
a little healthier since I’ve been 
basic and incorporated more fresh 
fruits and vegetables into my diet. I 
haven’t made the full switch or 
organic yet.” 
Question: What might you do 
differently if you had the 
opportunity to go again? 
Response: “I would probably 
participate more in the 
extracurricular activities that were 
available. I really wanted to go zip 
lining and take the tour through the 
-Sherlita Robinson 
Coming Soon! More Student 
Journal Entries 
After reading the “Past 
Experiences” section and reading 
about the experiences of Nzinga and 
Sherlita, if you are interested on 
hearing more about the past 
student’s experience, you should 
read the “Collection of Student 
Journal Entries from Costa Rica 
This document holds all of the 
information submitted by the students 
who went with Global Incite this past 
May to Costa Rica. The collection 
includes first perspective experiences 
from all students from the time they 
exited the plane in Costa Rica till they 
did their last act of service for the 
community in Costa Rica. 
The purpose of the collection is to 
educate others about the lifestyle, 
culture, reforestation efforts, and other 
projects and aspects of life in Costa 
Rica. By providing entries from 
multiple students, we hope to provide 
readers a more fully developed 
experience by showing Costa Rica from 
multiple perspectives. 
The student’s provide information on 
their experiences: touring the beautiful 
campus of EARTH University, hiking 
through the breathtakingly beautiful 
rainforests, exploring the historic site at 
the base of the Arenal Volcano, touring 
the seas of Caño Negro, completion of 
reforestation projects throughout Costa 
Rica, and much more. 
The entries are being published first to 
our website at, 
and in case some viewers forget about it 
there we will link updates of the 
collection shared on our Facebook 
group at 
globalincite/ . We hope you all enjoy 
reading the entries, and hopefully you 
will join us again in the future, so that 
you can provide your voice for others 
to see and learn. 
Global Outreach 
It is important for us when we travel 
to not only properly represent the 
organization well but also our 
country. Many countries have a poor 
image of Americans instilled in their 
minds based on past experiences, or 
they have heard from others. When 
we travel we try to show others that 
we are not the “stereotypical 
Americans” that they may have. 
On Global Incite’s last trip to Costa 
Rica, students were able to show 
some acts of kindness. We visited a 
local conservationists land and 
cooked for his family. We planted 
trees in effort to promote reforestation 
in Costa Rica. We help a local family 
with their daily farm activities and 
help promote reforestation by planting 
trees on their farm land. 
For more information about what 
acts of kindness were carried out in 
Costa Rica check out the collection of 
student journal entries from the trip 
and refer back to the “Coming Soon! 
Student Journal Entries” section for 
more information about how to read 
the collection. Also check out the 
hashtag #globalinciteimpact on 
Facebook for more stories. 
Future Trips 
In case you feel left out hearing the 
past experiences, do not worry. More 
exciting trips are to come in the 
future! If you missed out on one of 
the voyages to Ghana or are interested 
in going again, you will be pleased to 
know that future trips to Ghana are to 
come! Missed out on that one 
opportunity to walk through the 
beautiful and exotic rainforests in 
Costa Rica, we will be going there 
again too! 
The next trip that is quickly 
approaching is to the beautiful 
country of Ghana! Please stay posted 
on our future plans to visit this 
wonderful country. 
Students tree planting in Costa Rica to promote reforestation.
September 6, 2014 
Global Incite 
Other places to be visited include 
Dominican Republic, China, Kenya, 
Tanzania, Brazil, and much more. 
Visit our website at for updates or 
email our travel consultant, Carmen 
Fells at 
Quick Travel Tips 
Whether you travel with Global 
Incite in the future or not, we want 
you to travel responsibly. Here are 
some helpful tips to consider in your 
future traveling experiences: 
• Check restaurants and hotels for wifi 
signals. Even the places you suspect 
the least to have wifi may have it. 
• On your mobile phone, download a 
translator app and a currency 
converter app to your phone before 
arriving to your destination. 
• Be sure to pack and always carry a 
first aid kit. 
• Pack at least one set of a clean wash 
cloth and bath towel. 
• For gifts or self, take body 
measurements before arriving to your 
We hope that these tips will help 
you on your future travel. To see 
more tips be sure go to facebook and 
type in #travelresponsibly in the 
search bar and look for the all the 
posts that are posted on to the Global 
Incite Facebook group. If you have 
more traveling tips that you would 
like to provide to Global Incite please 
send them to Carmen Fells at or feel free 
to post them on our Facebook group. 
Safe travels! 
Your Opinion 
We want to make the travelling 
experience for everyone the best 
experience in their lives that travels 
with us. In order to do this and to 
continue to improve our trips, we 
need to hear from you. If you have 
not already, please go fill out the 
two part survey and answer the 
corresponding questions. It takes 
less then 10 minutes to complete. 
You will not only be doing us a 
huge favor by completing the 
survey, but you will be doing a 
great service to our future travelers. 
Please complete the two-part survey 
ZPXSZ35 and 
58JF57X . 
Additionally please be on the 
lookout for an email requesting 
your aid in forming a short video 
for future potential travelers. The 
video will be used to provide a 
visual aid to the already written 
experience seen in the “Collection 
of Student Journal Entries from 
Costa Rica 2014”. We want future 
potential student travelers to be 
aware of all the possible 
opportunities available by traveling 
with Global Incite, and there is no 
better way to present that then by 
hearing it from those who have 
traveled with us previously. 
Want to Be More 
For those who want to become 
more involved with Global Incite, 
you are more than welcome to do 
so! For those who use Facebook 
please join our Facebook group at 
globalincite/ . In the group, feel free 
to post pictures or videos from your 
experience traveling with Global Incite so 
other members can see and enjoy the 
experience as well. If you would like to 
provide a testimonial or present some 
questions or concerns privately, please 
email that information to Carmen Fells at 
If you are interested in being more 
active, we are currently accepting 
applications for volunteers. To receive 
more information about volunteers do 
and how to apply please also send these 
emails Carmen using the email address 
listed earlier. 
Want to Travel with Us? 
If after reading all of this you are 
interested in going on another trip with us 
or know another student that may be 
interested please let us know. If someone 
is interested in what Global Incite is, 
please consider how Carmen describes it: 
“Global Incite is a bridge. We connect 
people, their experiences, ideas, ideals, 
needs and efforts. We do this through our 
international travel programs and 
domestic efforts that promote 
environmental, social and economic 
awareness and progression. Global Incite 
is a Bridge.” 
There are many opportunities that are 
available to our student travelers which 
include: international travel, field 
research, networking opportunities, 
cultural exposure, lifetime worth of 
memories, and so much more. If they are 
curious about what students we are 
looking for Carmen has also provided 
some helpful feedback: 
“I am looking for people with open minds 
and a willingness to learn and experience 
new, different, sometimes surprising 
things. I’m looking for people with 
positive attitudes and limitless 
aspirations. I’m looking for those who 
are excited to travel with this family and 
grow with this family. To add to the 
question above – Global Incite is a 
September 6, 2014 
Global Incite 
If he or she feels that this would be an 
experience that he or she may be interested 
in, please direct him or her to email Carmen 
at . They may 
also check us out on Facebook by joining 
our group 
globalincite/ or even by searching the 
hastag #globalincite. 
Thanks for 
We truly hope that this newsletter 
was informative and you are now 
more aware about what we have 
been doing. We truly want to thank 
you all for your support because we 
are all a family at Global Incite and 
without your support we would not 
be able to prosper as we are now.. 
We hope we get to hear from you 
again in the future whether it be via 
phone, email, or Facebook. Until we 
travel again… 
-Travel Responsibly 
Global Incite 

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  • 1. Global Incite Mission Statement: Promote Awareness while inciting Edification and Positive progression in the U.S. and abroad through Enriching experiences and global travel with a Purpose. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings! It’s been quite some time, since we have last seen you, our travelers, and since you have been gone we have been extremely busy. The purpose of this newsletter is to update you on all the new and exciting things going on at Global Incite! Background Many of our past travelers have been interested in the origins of Global Incite. If you were always curious about how it was started, worry no more because in this section you will read about the organization’s background. Global Incite was started 3 years ago after the founder, Carmen Fells, travelled abroad to Ghana and had an inspirational experience. Going to the African country, she became more aware of a reality not seen on a television screen: “I saw people living with less, but loving life!... community was stronger, people danced!” Enjoying the Agate Primary School Children in Ghana in 2014. Carmen witnessed life and culture in a place that many people in the United States may considered to be desolate and lifeless. She also drew her inspiration to start the organization based on academic experiences. Going to Tuskegee University for her undergraduate career and to Duke University for her graduate career, many would say that Carmen has seen the best of both worlds by attending both a minority school and a majority school. By going to both schools, she noticed a significant difference in travel opportunities provided. Noticing the gap in expectations and reality that were caused from television commercials in the US and actually going to an African country and witnessing the difference gave Carmen a reason to start Global Incite. Witnessing the culture and seeing people with so much life in Ghana gave her the inspira:on. Seeing the difference in travel opportuni:es offered to students that go to minority schools as opposed to majority schools provided her with the ini:a:ve. With reason, inspira:on, and ini:a:ve Global Incite was started. Student Experiences In case you were not able to see all of the rich culture in Ghana, or you were not able to experience the exotic rain forests of Costa Rica, in this section we will provide you some information gathered from some of the students who have travelled with us in the past. Nzinga Spencer Undergraduate Student Majoring in Biology at Tuskegee University Ques:on: How did you hear about Global Incite? Response: “I heard about Global Incite during my 6me working with Dr. Roberta Troy in Health Dispari6es for Research and Educa6on (HDIRE). Global Incite Founder, Carmen Fells September 6, 2014 __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 2. September 6, 2014 Global Incite 2 Ques:on: When did you travel and where did you travel to with Global Incite? Response: “I traveled to Ghana during my freshman year from the end of December to the beginning of January 2012-­‐2013. We traveled to Accra and Kumasi within the Volta Region where we went to the top of Mountain Gemi-­‐ one of my favorite parts of the trip.” Ques:on: What you expected to see on the trip before going? Response: “When I found out I was going to Ghana pictures plush greenery on mountains and huge skies that open up to hundreds of villages and market places. I didn't envision the city areas because I see a lot of that in the US; therefore, I pictured seeing people living in a such a way where everyone contributed to the well being of their community as a whole. I also pictured the kinds of medical centers and hospitals I may see and wondered if Breast cancer research was big in the country.“ Question: Were your expectations met when you went on the trip? Response: “My expectations were met, but in a different way. For example, I imagined going to a hospital to see different wards and go to the cancer ward and talk to doctors specialized in cancer treatment or research. I did in fact meet a surgeon at the Peace and Love Hospital who worked mainly with Breast cancer. Her name was Beatrice Addai Wiafe and she was the CEO at the hospital where she explained she performs surgery and serves as a consultant. In this regard I got way more out of the experience than I thought I would.” Question: What was your funniest experience? Response: “The funniest experience on the trip would have to be when we went to feed Tafi monkeys bananas. Right before we went to see the monkeys I fell while trying to jump across a dug out which I have to laugh at now because it was funny. Then we went to feed the monkeys and they were jumping on peoples shoulders and arms and some of the group members would scream and jump as a reaction. The entire part of that day was just fun and full of unexpected occurrences.” Question: What do you miss most about your trip? Response: “The thing I miss most about Ghana is the feeling of being in a place that helps you to understand who you truly are. I miss the people and the way they worked hard and played hard, and the children who observed it all. The children, it seemed, missed nothing as they would look at you in such a way that let's you know that they know more than you could imagine. It wasn't always smiles and laughter but it was always full of life. “ Question: What might you do differently if you had the opportunity to go again? Response: “If granted the opportunity to go back to Ghana I would like to meet more people and form more connections. The first time I went I was just in awe of being there and didn't even really take it all in, therefore if I go in the future I would want to observe more and take more pictures. The best part about going to Ghana was the way it made me feel, and so it would be nice to make that connection again with a more familiarized mindset.” -Nzinga Spencer Sherlita Robinson Graduate Student at Tuskegee Universtiy going for Masters in Environmental Sciences Ques:on: How did you hear about Global Incite? Response: “My professor (Mr. Ron Smith) told me about opportuni6es to travel abroad. He then connected me to Ms. Fells.” Question: When did you travel and where did you travel to with Global Incite? Response: “I traveled to Costa Rica in May 2014.“ Question: What you expected to see on the trip before going? Response: “Through internet research and stories from family and friends, I was expecting to see a beautiful tropical paradise. That’s exactly what I saw when I arrived. I joked to my family about possibly missing my return flight home so that I could stay forever.” Question: Were your expectations met when you went on the trip? Response: “Yes, they were exceeded. I was blown away by the country’s sustainable practices. I was a bit disappointed that EARTH University didn’t have a graduate program yet. I definitely would have applied to a Ph. D program there. After I brushed up on my Spanish of course.” Question: What was your funniest experience? Response: “Oh wow, its hard to choose one experience. I laughed so much while in Costa Rica.” __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 3. September 6, 2014 Global Incite 3 Question: What do you miss most about your trip? Response: “I really missed the fresh food and beverages. Everything every family needs is basically in the their backyard. I’ve tried to eat a little healthier since I’ve been basic and incorporated more fresh fruits and vegetables into my diet. I haven’t made the full switch or organic yet.” Question: What might you do differently if you had the opportunity to go again? Response: “I would probably participate more in the extracurricular activities that were available. I really wanted to go zip lining and take the tour through the Mangroves.” -Sherlita Robinson Coming Soon! More Student Journal Entries After reading the “Past Experiences” section and reading about the experiences of Nzinga and Sherlita, if you are interested on hearing more about the past student’s experience, you should read the “Collection of Student Journal Entries from Costa Rica 2014”. This document holds all of the information submitted by the students who went with Global Incite this past May to Costa Rica. The collection includes first perspective experiences from all students from the time they exited the plane in Costa Rica till they did their last act of service for the community in Costa Rica. The purpose of the collection is to educate others about the lifestyle, culture, reforestation efforts, and other projects and aspects of life in Costa Rica. By providing entries from multiple students, we hope to provide readers a more fully developed experience by showing Costa Rica from multiple perspectives. The student’s provide information on their experiences: touring the beautiful campus of EARTH University, hiking through the breathtakingly beautiful rainforests, exploring the historic site at the base of the Arenal Volcano, touring the seas of Caño Negro, completion of reforestation projects throughout Costa Rica, and much more. The entries are being published first to our website at, and in case some viewers forget about it there we will link updates of the collection shared on our Facebook group at globalincite/ . We hope you all enjoy reading the entries, and hopefully you will join us again in the future, so that you can provide your voice for others to see and learn. Global Outreach It is important for us when we travel to not only properly represent the organization well but also our country. Many countries have a poor image of Americans instilled in their minds based on past experiences, or they have heard from others. When we travel we try to show others that we are not the “stereotypical Americans” that they may have. On Global Incite’s last trip to Costa Rica, students were able to show some acts of kindness. We visited a local conservationists land and cooked for his family. We planted trees in effort to promote reforestation in Costa Rica. We help a local family with their daily farm activities and help promote reforestation by planting trees on their farm land. For more information about what acts of kindness were carried out in Costa Rica check out the collection of student journal entries from the trip and refer back to the “Coming Soon! Student Journal Entries” section for more information about how to read the collection. Also check out the hashtag #globalinciteimpact on Facebook for more stories. Future Trips In case you feel left out hearing the past experiences, do not worry. More exciting trips are to come in the future! If you missed out on one of the voyages to Ghana or are interested in going again, you will be pleased to know that future trips to Ghana are to come! Missed out on that one opportunity to walk through the beautiful and exotic rainforests in Costa Rica, we will be going there again too! The next trip that is quickly approaching is to the beautiful country of Ghana! Please stay posted on our future plans to visit this wonderful country. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Students tree planting in Costa Rica to promote reforestation.
  • 4. September 6, 2014 Global Incite 4 Other places to be visited include Dominican Republic, China, Kenya, Tanzania, Brazil, and much more. Visit our website at for updates or email our travel consultant, Carmen Fells at Quick Travel Tips Whether you travel with Global Incite in the future or not, we want you to travel responsibly. Here are some helpful tips to consider in your future traveling experiences: • Check restaurants and hotels for wifi signals. Even the places you suspect the least to have wifi may have it. • On your mobile phone, download a translator app and a currency converter app to your phone before arriving to your destination. • Be sure to pack and always carry a first aid kit. • Pack at least one set of a clean wash cloth and bath towel. • For gifts or self, take body measurements before arriving to your destination. We hope that these tips will help you on your future travel. To see more tips be sure go to facebook and type in #travelresponsibly in the search bar and look for the all the posts that are posted on to the Global Incite Facebook group. If you have more traveling tips that you would like to provide to Global Incite please send them to Carmen Fells at or feel free to post them on our Facebook group. Safe travels! Your Opinion Matters We want to make the travelling experience for everyone the best experience in their lives that travels with us. In order to do this and to continue to improve our trips, we need to hear from you. If you have not already, please go fill out the two part survey and answer the corresponding questions. It takes less then 10 minutes to complete. You will not only be doing us a huge favor by completing the survey, but you will be doing a great service to our future travelers. Please complete the two-part survey at ZPXSZ35 and 58JF57X . Additionally please be on the lookout for an email requesting your aid in forming a short video for future potential travelers. The video will be used to provide a visual aid to the already written experience seen in the “Collection of Student Journal Entries from Costa Rica 2014”. We want future potential student travelers to be aware of all the possible opportunities available by traveling with Global Incite, and there is no better way to present that then by hearing it from those who have traveled with us previously. Want to Be More Involved? For those who want to become more involved with Global Incite, you are more than welcome to do so! For those who use Facebook please join our Facebook group at globalincite/ . In the group, feel free to post pictures or videos from your experience traveling with Global Incite so other members can see and enjoy the experience as well. If you would like to provide a testimonial or present some questions or concerns privately, please email that information to Carmen Fells at If you are interested in being more active, we are currently accepting applications for volunteers. To receive more information about volunteers do and how to apply please also send these emails Carmen using the email address listed earlier. Want to Travel with Us? If after reading all of this you are interested in going on another trip with us or know another student that may be interested please let us know. If someone is interested in what Global Incite is, please consider how Carmen describes it: “Global Incite is a bridge. We connect people, their experiences, ideas, ideals, needs and efforts. We do this through our international travel programs and domestic efforts that promote environmental, social and economic awareness and progression. Global Incite is a Bridge.” There are many opportunities that are available to our student travelers which include: international travel, field research, networking opportunities, cultural exposure, lifetime worth of memories, and so much more. If they are curious about what students we are looking for Carmen has also provided some helpful feedback: “I am looking for people with open minds and a willingness to learn and experience new, different, sometimes surprising things. I’m looking for people with positive attitudes and limitless aspirations. I’m looking for those who are excited to travel with this family and grow with this family. To add to the question above – Global Incite is a Family.” __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 5. September 6, 2014 Global Incite 4 If he or she feels that this would be an experience that he or she may be interested in, please direct him or her to email Carmen at . They may also check us out on Facebook by joining our group globalincite/ or even by searching the hastag #globalincite. Thanks for Reading We truly hope that this newsletter was informative and you are now more aware about what we have been doing. We truly want to thank you all for your support because we are all a family at Global Incite and without your support we would not be able to prosper as we are now.. We hope we get to hear from you again in the future whether it be via phone, email, or Facebook. Until we travel again… -Travel Responsibly OutreachTeam Global Incite Thank You! __________________________________________________________________________________________________