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notes                      Summer 2007
                                                                                          vol. 25, no. 4
                                                                 A support group for parents who have experienced
                                                                 miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.

                                © UNITE Notes is a quarterly publication of UNITE, Inc.
                 P.O. Box 65, Drexel Hill, PA 19026,, 1-888-48 UNITE

           Lost and Found                                                     My Treasure
Ever since you died, I’ve been lost in a world                 I see my little boy every time I see a beautiful
trapped by sorrow and grief.                                   sunset.
                                                               I feel him whenever I hear the whispering wind
Some stand at the gate of this world                           through the trees.
and quietly whisper, “Are you o.k.?”
To which I reply, “No, I can’t find the light                  I see him when there are other children playing.
which will show me the path to healing!”                       It's the kind of feeling that drops me to my knees.

Then one day, my Mother opened the gate to this                I know he's there each night when I look up at the
world and carefully made her way to where I was                moon in the sky.
sitting.                                                       I see the brightest star and know he is there, and all
“My sweet baby, why are you here?” she asked.                  I can do is cry.
I sadly replied that ever since my child died,
I can only see darkness, sorrow and grief.                     Anything beautiful or breathtaking in this world that
                                                               gives us all such pleasure,
“My beautiful child,” she answered as she handed               And I know he is there watching over me with care,
me a copy of UNITE Notes, “All you need to do is               my beautiful boy,
realize you’re not alone and the light will be there to        my treasure.
guide you.”
                                                               Peggy Phelan
As I opened the first issue I ever received of UNITE           In loving memory of Henry Michael Phelan III
Notes, I looked up and realized for the first time--in
a LONG time--I could see the path to healing,
and I finally found the light.

For every mother who has realized, through
UNITE, that they are not alone.

Also for my son, Gabriel Jaylin Davis-Danridge,
stillborn on 12-21-2004. I love you sweet angel!                Your membership in UNITE, Inc. enables us to
                                                                provide support to bereaved parents.
Submitted by Jocelyn Danridge                                   See page 11 for details.
                                                                If you or your organization would be interested in
                                                                sponsoring an issue of UNITE Notes
                                                                please contact us at 1-888-48 UNITE or via email
                                                                at Thank
                                                                you for your support!
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                                 2

                                                                  After All These Years

                                                             For the most part
                                                             we’ve settled into ease,
                                                             you (wherever you are)
                                                             and my heart,
                                                             now I know there is
                                                             no thing unendurable.

                                                             Still, a gift exquisite:
                                                             the clear blue of winter’s sky,
                                                             a gliding heron,
           How's That Go?                                    snow on Fisher’s field

                                                             or a stab of sorrow:
       How's that go? Please tell me again -
                                                             day darkening to night,
        A broken heart in time will mend...
                                                             a lone bird’s call,
                                                             an ambulance keening
       But, what do you do with all that time -
        How do you mend what's been lost?
                                                             provokes, “Oh Anne.”
              Please ease my mind...
                                                             For Anne, born 1989
      My heart's been broken, you'd never see
       That's what it actually used to be...
                                                             Submitted by Nancy Hickman
     Shards and pieces are all that's left behind,
    there's just a hole in it's place, easy to find...

      So, how's that go? Please tell me again...

                    Dora Eaton
  (early thoughts on losing Hunter Gabriel Eaton,
              11/2/2003 - 11/28/2003)
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                               3

Without you in my life, I feel lost.

You were my guiding light.
Bright and Shining,
full of the future and the promise of a better day.

You gave me a sense of direction…a purpose…
a dream.
And for once in my life everything
made perfect sense.
                                                                          Let It Rain
Then, like a thief in the night, you were gone.
And I am sitting here all alone in the darkness            When the sun is shining and everyone's out
                                                           walking their dogs and kids all about,
Waiting…Waiting…Waiting…                                   something inside me gets turned inside out.
                                                           Those are the days that I want to pout.
Waiting for all that hope and promise of a
better day to return back into my life.                    I find myself saying God please let it rain.
                                                           Send something my way to help ease the pain.
I am so lost without you.
                                                           I know it sounds selfish and what have I to gain.
I’ll always be searching and looking for your bright       Some days the sun hurts me and I find comfort in
light!                                                     the rain.

Love now, forever and always,                              The rain and the pain somehow go hand in hand,
                                                           something that most people would never
                           Mommy                           understand.

For Gabriel Jaylin Davis-Danridge                          And as much as I can love the warmth of the sun,
Stillborn on 12-21-04                                      my heart prefers rain when it's all said and done.

Submitted by Jocelyn Danridge                              Peggy Phelan
                                                           In loving memory of Henry Michael Phelan III
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                                4

                                                            torrents of tears. Name that child? I'd named my
                                                            daughters years and years before. There, on my
                                                            knees, I had no doubt that their tiny souls had been
                                                            pestering me for all those years, to acknowledge
                                                            them. I spoke to them, now. "You are Sarah
As all of us do, during my first pregnancy, in 1969,        Elizabeth," I said, "and you are Maureen Elaine.
I envisioned the child to come . . . and in my heart,       Your mommy loved you.” And, as a peace I hadn't
this child was Sarah Elizabeth. Sadly, Sarah                felt in 15 years washed over me, I finished, telling
Elizabeth was not to be. I miscarried at 3 months.          my daughters, "go to God."
When I think back, I cannot imagine what those
around me put me through, with unsupportive                 Submitted by Jean
comments. "I hope you aren't going to lose your
mind over this," and "Grow up and accept that this
is just a part of life; miscarriages happen all the
time." (I was not a "child." I was a 23-yr-old
married woman, and less than a week from the loss.
The first quote was my husband, the second, his
mother!) A year later, a second child was
conceived…and, although I had some early                     Happy Fourteenth Birthday,
spotting, I carried this one up to nearly 5 months…
at which time, the doctor told me flatly, "the fetus             Brad Sebastian!
has died." I was devastated. In my heart, she
wasn't "the fetus." She was Maureen Elaine.                     Time does not erase what the heart
Strangely, over the coming years, although we were
to go on to have wonderful, healthy children, those                     With our love, always-
two names were to "pop through my consciousness"                        Sister Brooke Elizabeth,
like popcorn, always in tandem, and at odd times                        Brother Brian Matthew,
when my mind was at rest, "thinking of nothing at                           and Uncle Albert

Fourteen years later, by that time, happily, the                      BRAD SEBASTIAN WARREN
mother of a daughter and two sons, I attended a                            14 JUNE 1993
"Spiritual Healing Service" at my church. Although
we are Episcopalians, this service was led by a
Roman Catholic nun . . . who led the congregation
through a series of sort of "generic" events which
occur in people's lives. I'd only come to the service
because I was very active in the congregation, and I
felt my absence would be an affront to its planners.
Yet, there I was on my knees, with the rest of the
congregation as this little nun droned through a
seemingly endless list. Then, she got to "Some of
you may have lost a child before birth. Name that
child, and commit the child's soul to God."

It was as though a bolt of lightning had struck me
between the shoulder blades. The grief I'd not been
allowed to mourn now streamed down my face in
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                               5

                               Healing Power of the Pen
                                               by Alice J. Wisler
The first year after the death of a child is like          Some people think only the creative types write,
having the worst noise possible running through            when in reality, writing through the pain is available
your head each day and night. There is no way to           to anyone who has suffered the loss of a child. “I
turn the horrendous sounds off because there is no         don’t have time,” many say. “What will I write?”
off button.                                                others wonder. The blank page scares some
                                                           because they think they have to fill it with
I wrote through that noise. I wrote from the heavy         something profound.
bag of emotions bereaved parents must carry—
anger, guilt, sorrow and confusion, all the “what          But just writing a memory of your child or a few
ifs” and “how comes” and “whys.”                           lines about how you felt after he died is a notable
                                                           start. If we think of writing as a private endeavor
I wrote of longing for a blond-haired boy with blue        and an effective tool, not a paper to be graded by a
eyes whose laughter brightened hospital rooms. A           high school English teacher, we will conquer many
quiet spot under weeping willows at a local park is        of the doubts about our ability. In time, we will see
where I carried my pen, journal and pain. As I             that writing helps us become better in tune with our
wrote over the course of many months, I was,               feelings and thoughts. It clarifies our lives and
although I didn’t realize it at the time, providing        gives us understanding.
therapy for myself.
                                                           Other reasons to take the time to write are:
Some days when the weather did not permit a trip to
the park and my body and mind harbored                     •   To experience personal growth.
excruciating pain, I shut myself in a room, away
from my other children and husband. I’d grab my            •   To leave a legacy or a keepsake so that there
journal and let the experiences of the day and my              will be recordings of what and who our child
feelings freely emerge onto each white page.                   was.
Grammar didn’t matter; penmanship went out the
window. These aren’t a concern when you are                •   To demonstrate a way of cherishing our child.
writing to survive.
                                                           •   To feel a connection to our child as we
Writing the heartache, complete and honest, is a               remember the things we shared here on earth.
way of healing. Our cry is, “Help me with this
pain!” We find ourselves lamenting as King David           We also are honoring our grief, our pain and what
did in Psalm 13:2, “How long must I wrestle with           has happened to us. We are validating its existence.
my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my                As studies have shown, writing is healthy for our
heart?” David wrote many of his psalms starting            minds and bodies.
with anger and agony and gradually, ending with
                                                           Professor James Pennebaker claims that writing
                                                           actually helps the physical body when the writer is
Writing can do that for us. We enter into our              able to open up, by sharing deep feelings on paper
devastation, get a good grip on what our struggles         over a period of time. In his study, half a group of
are and something about seeing them on paper               students at Southern Methodist University in Dallas,
causes us to realize the pain is not only within us        Texas, wrote their heartfelt thoughts and feelings
anymore. It is shared, even if only on a sheet of          about a stressful event from their lives; the other
notebook paper. It is documented and the more we           half wrote about superficial topics. Each group
write, the better we are able to understand and deal       wrote for twenty minutes a day, for four
with our intense sorrow.                                   consecutive days.
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                                    6
 Before writing and immediately after writing, blood
 pressure and heart rates were tested and a galvanic
 skin response was done. Six weeks later, the
 students had their blood tested again.
 The group that had written about trivial topics
 showed no sign of changes. But the group that had
 poured their pain onto paper, claimed writing had
 actually calmed them. Their skin was drier after
 writing and both heart rate and blood pressure had
 decreased. Their blood work even showed an
 increase in lymphocytes, the white blood cells that
 work to keep the immune system healthy.
                                                                 I’d face the cold; nowhere to hide
 Writing through the heartache of losing a child is              To have you here, safe inside.
 some of the best therapy I have found on this                   I’d climb a mountain, walk for miles
 journey. I didn’t know how helpful it was, I just               Just to glimpse your toothless smile.
 knew I needed to organize my thoughts and get                   I’d give my life, all that I am
 them out on paper. Now, four years since my four-               If I could sit and stroke your hand.
 year-old son Daniel’s death, I see that when all the            But I must wait, my time’s not through…
 evidence is presented, there is no reason not to                Until the day that I’m with you…
 write. It causes dim skies to light up when not only            I’ll count the days, the hours, the years
 the pain, but also the love and cherished memories,             Until these eyes run out of tears.
 are recorded.                                                   And then I’ll come there, whisper your name
                                                                 My darling, will it be the same?
 Copyright © 2001 by Alice J. Wisler. All rights
                                                                 Will you still be my child and I your mother?
                                                                 Will you know my voice above all others?
                                                                 Can I hold and caress you and
 (used with permission from the author)
                                                                 Smell your sweet skin?
                                                                 And tell you how things should have been
                                                                 You should have had the chance to see
                                                                 A flower, a puppy, an ocean, a tree
                       Faith                                     A summer sunset, a bumble bee
                                                                 Or colored eggs at Easter time
                                                                 Springtime glory, nature’s rhyme
When you walk to the edge of all the light you have              Fuzzy puppies, I love them you know
and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown,       You should have had the chance to grow.
you must believe that one of two things will happen:             To grow and live beyond your years
    There will be something solid for you to stand upon,         And never taste such bitter tears
    or, you will be taught how to fly                            Of losing one who meant so much
                                                                 Whose very soul your life did touch.
                                                                 Be happy, my angel, and wait for me there
  © Patrick Overton                                              Until I can join you, forever to share.
  Rebuilding the Front Porch of America, 1997
  (used with permission from the author)                         I love you Taylor!
                                                                 By Kathy Shaner
                                                                 UNITE Notes, summer 1999
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007   7
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                                  8

A Note From The Editor                                        “Seasons of Grief” -- UNITE
                                                              Poetry Anthology
A few years after my son David was stillborn, we
went on a summer vacation to the outer banks of               In honor of our 25th anniversary, UNITE has put
North Carolina. We rented a beautiful and spacious            together a poetry anthology containing all of the
home on the beach with five other families – all of           original submissions printed in UNITE Notes. The
us very good friends. All together, there were 26 of          anthology includes more than a dozen chapters with
us – 12 adults and 14 children.                               more than 400 entries by over 200 authors and is
                                                              now available for purchase. Printing of the
The house owners named their house “Santasia”                 anthology was graciously donated by Dan Duffy.
and it had 10 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, a recreation             All proceeds from your purchase will benefit
room with a pool table, a hot tub, a swimming pool            UNITE’s important work. Detach and return the
and much more! There was plenty of space for                  following form to place your order.
                                                               Please send your check or money order (made out
It was wonderful to enjoy a week, with our good                 to UNITE, Inc) in the amount of $20 per copy,
friends, at the beach. But, amidst all the fun and                 which includes shipping and handling to:
commotion, I could not help but remember that                                     UNITE, Inc.
there was one child missing. There should have                                    P.O. Box 65
been 15 children swimming in the pool and                                   Drexel Hill, PA 19026
splashing in the waves. How I wished David could                 Please allow at least four weeks for shipping.
be with us!
                                                              Please send _______copy(ies) of UNITE’s poetry
One afternoon, I was sitting in the upstairs living           anthology “Seasons of Grief,” at $20 per copy,
room admiring the beautiful ocean view and                    to:
flipping through the guest book that the owners had           Name: __________________________________
left out for all of the guests to sign. I noticed that,       Address: _________________________________
on the very first page of the guest book, the owners                   _________________________________
had written:                                                           _________________________________

    “Santasia is dedicated in memory of Sharon
        and all of the others who are gone
      but who we feel closer to at lands end.”

I thank the owners of “Santasia” for reminding me
that David really was there with me at the beach.

And even until this day,
there is no place that I feel his presence more…
than when I walk along the waters edge,
at the beach.

                Linda Nuccitelli
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                                 9

And The Winner is…                                           Acme Donations
The winner of the B&B raffle is Shay Meagher.                We would like to thank everyone who continues to
Congratulations Shay! The winning ticket was sold            participate in this fund-raiser. For a complete list of
by Chastity Bruno, UNITE Member from the                     participating ACME stores please see our web site
Lankenau support group. Thanks to everyone who               at Not online? Call us
sold and purchased tickets. With your help, we               at 1-888-48 UNITE and we’ll be happy to send you
raised approximately $2000! The money that we                a list of participating stores.
raised will help to ensure that UNITE will be here
to support grieving parents in the future.                   Safe Arrivals
                                                             We want to hear about your safe arrival. Please
New Mail Address                                             write or call us so we can share the good news!
UNITE has a new mailing address! Please send all
future mail to UNITE, Inc., PO Box 65, Drexel                Fiona and Frank Purcell announce the safe arrival of
Hill, PA 19026.                                              Wren Harrington Purcell. Fiona writes “Frank and I
                                                             have great news. On March 27th at 8:39 a.m. we
UNITE Grief Support and Facilitator                          welcomed Wren Harrington Purcell. She weighed
Training                                                     in at 6 pounds and 15 ounces and was 19 and a
UNITE will be offering grief support and facilitator         quarter inches long. She is home and her big
training this coming winter. If you are interested in        brother, Dermot, is taking to being a big brother
becoming a grief support counselor or support                well. He likes to "help" a lot and calls her "pretty
group facilitator, please call or email so that we can       baby." As always, we wish her other big brother
give you more information. Full scholarships to              Liam (10/20/03 - 12/27/03) was also here to grow
these training sessions will be given to UNITE dues          up with her, but we know that he is watching over
paying members. We hope that you will consider               both of them for us.”
helping UNITE by becoming a UNITE grief
support counselor or facilitator!                            Tom and Kris Cobey announce the safe arrival of
                                                             their daughter, Emma Theresa on June 25, 2007.
                                                             She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 20 inches
UNITE Newsletter Submissions
                                                             long. Angel brother Thomas continues to watch
Please send your original poetry, short stories,
                                                             over her every day.
articles and letters to UNITE Notes. The beautiful
writings that we receive from UNITE’s bereaved
                                                             Michael, Jennifer, and Madalyn Swartz happily
parents are what make our newsletter so special. If
                                                             announce the safe arrival of their daughter and sister
you have written poems or articles that you would
                                                             Addison Zoe Swartz born on April 11th, 2007.
be willing to share with other parents, please send
                                                             Addison is named in loving memory of her sister
them soon. See page 12 for details on submissions.
                                                             Alexa who was stillborn on December 31, 2005.
Submissions for the Fall issue must be received by
September 1, 2007.
                                                             Jennifer and Brendan Kennedy announce the safe
                                                             arrival of their triplets: Cole Joseph (5.8 lbs),
                                                             Quinn Michael (5.0 lbs), and Molly Elizabeth (5.1
                                                             lbs), born on May 25th, 2007. They are always
                                                             remembering their little angel, Jake Joseph
                                                             Kennedy, born still on February 11th, 2006.
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                             10

Amy and Joe McFarland in loving memory of
April McFarland and Hunter Eaton (who was in the
NICU with your youngest daughter, Ainsley)

Carolyn and Michael Meakim in loving memory
of Mara Meakim (2/10/03) and Michael Meakim,
Jr. (2/11/03) on their 4th Birthday.

Susan Ashbaker in memory of Lindsey Nicole
Rush Ashbaker. “Your spirit continues to change
our hearts, dear girl. Mommy”

Antonio and Jennifer Tedesco in memory of
Antonio Tedesco, Jr.

John and Janice Bunting in memory of their son,
John Thomas.

Suzanne Wilson in memory of Molly Wilson

Jocelyn Danridge in memory of Gabriel Jaylin
Davis Danridge. “My little Angel. Stillborn

Susan and Joe Debro in memory of their son, Jake,
on his 7th Birthday.

Mary and Jim Doherty in memory of Thomas
Reid Doherty. “Our Tommy would have been 25
on Saturday, June 9.”

Joanne and Don Porreca in honor of Mary
Cushing Doherty for all the hard work and
dedication to UNITE as the Board Chair for 19
years and for her continued support. And in
memory of Janis L. Keyser.

Albert M. Moore in memory of Brad Sebastian
Warren on his 14th Birthday.
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                            11

Joel B. Bernbaum, Esquire and the Pennsylvania
Chapter of the American Academy of
Matrimonial Lawyers in honor of Mary Cushing
Doherty, Esquire as the outgoing President of the
Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of
Matrimonial Lawyers.

American Express Employee Giving Program
Stacey R. Diel in memory of Ava.

Verizon Foundation/Verizon Volunteer Program
Douglas Smith

AT&T Employee Annual Giving Campaign
Janet R. Morris

All State Employee Giving Campaign
Regina Tosto

United Health Group Employee Giving
Susan Miller

United Way Campaign Donors
Tami Leather
John Kennedy, Jr.

Special Thanks

UNITE, Inc. wishes to offer heartfelt thanks to
ASTM International and Marge Cassidy,
Treasurer, for the printing of our brochures and
continued support.

Donations received after 6/01/07 will be
acknowledged in the next issue. Your donations
are greatly appreciated as they make possible the
on going work of UNITE. Thank you!
UNITE Notes, Summer 2007                                        12

                                        UNITE, Inc. Support Groups
For information about the group nearest you, please contact UNITE, Inc. at 1-888-48 UNITE or 1-888-488-6483
(leave a message on the tape). Or write to UNITE Inc. at P.O. Box 65, Drexel Hill, PA 19026. Or email
New members must contact the group coordinator before attending their first meeting.
UNITE, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, marital status, religious belief, race, sexual
orientation or economic status.

Pennsylvania:                                                        New Jersey:
UNITE, Bucks County                                                  UNITE, Capital Health System
Meets 2nd Sunday at St. Mary Hospital, 7-9:00 PM                     Meets as needed at Mercer Campus, Trenton, NJ
Contact: Susan Larson, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)                   Contact: Alison Johnson, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)

UNITE, Chester County                                                UNITE, Princeton Health Care System
Meets as needed at Brandywine Hospital in Coatesville                Meets 1st Monday, 7-9 PM
Contact: Sandy Smith, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)                    Contact: Iris Rubinstein, (609) 497-4435

UNITE, Collegeville                                                  UNITE, Virtua at Voorhees
Meets 2nd Monday at St. James Church, 7:30-9 PM                      Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 7-9 PM at Barry D. Brown Health
Contact: Susan Debro, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)                    Education Center
                                                                     Contact: Lisa Shalkowski, Family Health Education Mgr.
UNITE, Holy Redeemer Hospital                                        1-888-VIRTUA 3
Meets 3rd Thursday at Holy Redeemer Hospital, 7:00-9 PM
Contact: Denise Paul, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)
                                                                     Subsequent Pregnancy:
UNITE, Jeanes Hospital
Meets 1st Thursday (on an as needed basis) at Jeanes Hospital        UNITE, Lankenau Subsequent Pregnancy Support
in NE Philadelphia                                                   Meets 4th Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM
Contact: Rita Fadako, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)                    Contact: Gerri Wismer, (610) 645-2099
UNITE, Lankenau Hospital                                             UNITE, Mercer County Subsequent Pregnancy Support
Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM                                      Meets as needed at Capital Health System, Mercer Campus,
Contact: Gerri Wismer, (610) 645-2099                                7-9 PM.
                                                                     Contact: Alison Johnson, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape)
UNITE, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7-8:30 PM
Contact: Kelly Zapata, (215) 662-2616

UNITE’s services include:
•   Support Group meetings in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
•   Hospital Inservice Programs and community education.
•   Conferences for bereaved parents, professionals and the community.
•   Literature and newsletter.
•   UNITE group development assistance and training programs for group facilitators and support counselors.
•   Referral assistance.
We invite you
                                                                                       , Inc. Membership
to become a member of UNITE, Inc. Membership is a
way of supporting the ongoing work of UNITE. UNITE,                             UNITE, Inc. is funded by your membership support and
Inc.’s work involves developing new UNITE groups and                            your tax-deductible donations. A one-year membership is
supporting existing ones, training group facilitators and                       $25 per individual/couple/caregiver. Membership includes
parent support counselors, educating the community on                           a newsletter subscription for one year-four issues. Tax
issues of perinatal death and grieving, as well as many                         deductible donations in any amount may be made in
other important projects.                                                       memory of your baby or a friend’s baby, or in honor of
                                                                                someone who has helped you along the way.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — —
 UNITE Notes Summer 2007

                                                                   , Inc,    Membership Form
     The date that appears on the mailing label above your name is the date when your membership expires.

       NAME: ___________________________________________________                                   DATE:__________________

ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________

E-MAIL: __________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________

       ______ Enclosed is $25.00 for a one year membership to UNITE, Inc. which includes a one year subscription to
       UNITE Notes. (I do not wish to receive a copy of UNITE Notes. ___)

                                   _____ new membership                                               _____ renewal

      ____ I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to UNITE Inc.:

          Enclosed is $_____, in memory of ____________________________________________________.
                            (or in honor of ____________________________________________________).
          (Your gift will be acknowledged in UNITE Notes. If donation is in memory of a friend or family member’s baby, please
          provide their address and we will send an acknowledgement.)

                                                                Please mail to:
                                                                UNITE, Inc.,
                                                              P.O. Box 65
                                                         Drexel Hill, PA 19026
UNITE, Inc. is registered as a charitable organization. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State
                        by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
UNITE Notes staff
   Editors: Linda A. Nuccitelli and Theresa M. Fisher      UNITE Notes is published quarterly by UNITE, Inc.,
                                                           a non-profit corporation. All Rights Reserved.
   Administrator: Joanne Porreca
                                                           Please correspond with UNITE, Inc. before reprinting
   Coordinator: Rita Fadako                                any material from UNITE Notes. In most cases
                                                           reprinting permission is extended, but only with
   Submissions: We welcome your original poetry and        proper credit noted, including author, “Used with
   articles. Your contributions are important to UNITE’s   permission from UNITE Notes,” date of publication,
   work of reaching out to bereaved parents. We reserve    and UNITE’s complete address and phone number.
   the right to edit and select from submissions. Please
   send all submissions to:                                The views expressed in UNITE Notes are those of the
   UNITE Inc.                                              authors, and are not necessarily shared by UNITE,
   P.O. Box 65                                             Inc.
   Drexel Hill, PA 19026
   1-888-48 UNITE or 1-888-488-6483                        UNITE, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of
   or email            gender, age, marital status, religious belief, race,
                                                           sexual orientation or economic status.

                                                           © UNITE, Inc., 2007

P.O. Box 65
Drexel Hill, PA 19026

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  • 1. notes Summer 2007 vol. 25, no. 4 A support group for parents who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. © UNITE Notes is a quarterly publication of UNITE, Inc. P.O. Box 65, Drexel Hill, PA 19026,, 1-888-48 UNITE Lost and Found My Treasure Ever since you died, I’ve been lost in a world I see my little boy every time I see a beautiful trapped by sorrow and grief. sunset. I feel him whenever I hear the whispering wind Some stand at the gate of this world through the trees. and quietly whisper, “Are you o.k.?” To which I reply, “No, I can’t find the light I see him when there are other children playing. which will show me the path to healing!” It's the kind of feeling that drops me to my knees. Then one day, my Mother opened the gate to this I know he's there each night when I look up at the world and carefully made her way to where I was moon in the sky. sitting. I see the brightest star and know he is there, and all “My sweet baby, why are you here?” she asked. I can do is cry. I sadly replied that ever since my child died, I can only see darkness, sorrow and grief. Anything beautiful or breathtaking in this world that gives us all such pleasure, “My beautiful child,” she answered as she handed And I know he is there watching over me with care, me a copy of UNITE Notes, “All you need to do is my beautiful boy, realize you’re not alone and the light will be there to my treasure. guide you.” Peggy Phelan As I opened the first issue I ever received of UNITE In loving memory of Henry Michael Phelan III Notes, I looked up and realized for the first time--in a LONG time--I could see the path to healing, and I finally found the light. For every mother who has realized, through UNITE, that they are not alone. Also for my son, Gabriel Jaylin Davis-Danridge, stillborn on 12-21-2004. I love you sweet angel! Your membership in UNITE, Inc. enables us to provide support to bereaved parents. Submitted by Jocelyn Danridge See page 11 for details. If you or your organization would be interested in sponsoring an issue of UNITE Notes please contact us at 1-888-48 UNITE or via email at Thank you for your support!
  • 2. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 2 After All These Years For the most part we’ve settled into ease, you (wherever you are) and my heart, now I know there is no thing unendurable. Still, a gift exquisite: the clear blue of winter’s sky, a gliding heron, How's That Go? snow on Fisher’s field or a stab of sorrow: How's that go? Please tell me again - day darkening to night, A broken heart in time will mend... a lone bird’s call, an ambulance keening But, what do you do with all that time - pulls, How do you mend what's been lost? provokes, “Oh Anne.” Please ease my mind... For Anne, born 1989 My heart's been broken, you'd never see That's what it actually used to be... Submitted by Nancy Hickman Shards and pieces are all that's left behind, there's just a hole in it's place, easy to find... So, how's that go? Please tell me again... Dora Eaton (early thoughts on losing Hunter Gabriel Eaton, 11/2/2003 - 11/28/2003)
  • 3. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 3 Gone Without you in my life, I feel lost. You were my guiding light. Bright and Shining, full of the future and the promise of a better day. You gave me a sense of direction…a purpose… a dream. And for once in my life everything made perfect sense. Let It Rain Then, like a thief in the night, you were gone. And I am sitting here all alone in the darkness When the sun is shining and everyone's out walking their dogs and kids all about, Waiting…Waiting…Waiting… something inside me gets turned inside out. Those are the days that I want to pout. Waiting for all that hope and promise of a better day to return back into my life. I find myself saying God please let it rain. Send something my way to help ease the pain. I am so lost without you. I know it sounds selfish and what have I to gain. I’ll always be searching and looking for your bright Some days the sun hurts me and I find comfort in light! the rain. Love now, forever and always, The rain and the pain somehow go hand in hand, something that most people would never Mommy understand. For Gabriel Jaylin Davis-Danridge And as much as I can love the warmth of the sun, Stillborn on 12-21-04 my heart prefers rain when it's all said and done. Submitted by Jocelyn Danridge Peggy Phelan In loving memory of Henry Michael Phelan III
  • 4. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 4 torrents of tears. Name that child? I'd named my daughters years and years before. There, on my knees, I had no doubt that their tiny souls had been pestering me for all those years, to acknowledge them. I spoke to them, now. "You are Sarah As all of us do, during my first pregnancy, in 1969, Elizabeth," I said, "and you are Maureen Elaine. I envisioned the child to come . . . and in my heart, Your mommy loved you.” And, as a peace I hadn't this child was Sarah Elizabeth. Sadly, Sarah felt in 15 years washed over me, I finished, telling Elizabeth was not to be. I miscarried at 3 months. my daughters, "go to God." When I think back, I cannot imagine what those around me put me through, with unsupportive Submitted by Jean comments. "I hope you aren't going to lose your mind over this," and "Grow up and accept that this is just a part of life; miscarriages happen all the time." (I was not a "child." I was a 23-yr-old married woman, and less than a week from the loss. The first quote was my husband, the second, his mother!) A year later, a second child was conceived…and, although I had some early Happy Fourteenth Birthday, spotting, I carried this one up to nearly 5 months… at which time, the doctor told me flatly, "the fetus Brad Sebastian! has died." I was devastated. In my heart, she wasn't "the fetus." She was Maureen Elaine. Time does not erase what the heart remembers. Strangely, over the coming years, although we were to go on to have wonderful, healthy children, those With our love, always- two names were to "pop through my consciousness" Sister Brooke Elizabeth, like popcorn, always in tandem, and at odd times Brother Brian Matthew, when my mind was at rest, "thinking of nothing at and Uncle Albert all." Fourteen years later, by that time, happily, the BRAD SEBASTIAN WARREN mother of a daughter and two sons, I attended a 14 JUNE 1993 "Spiritual Healing Service" at my church. Although we are Episcopalians, this service was led by a Roman Catholic nun . . . who led the congregation through a series of sort of "generic" events which occur in people's lives. I'd only come to the service because I was very active in the congregation, and I felt my absence would be an affront to its planners. Yet, there I was on my knees, with the rest of the congregation as this little nun droned through a seemingly endless list. Then, she got to "Some of you may have lost a child before birth. Name that child, and commit the child's soul to God." It was as though a bolt of lightning had struck me between the shoulder blades. The grief I'd not been allowed to mourn now streamed down my face in
  • 5. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 5 Healing Power of the Pen by Alice J. Wisler The first year after the death of a child is like Some people think only the creative types write, having the worst noise possible running through when in reality, writing through the pain is available your head each day and night. There is no way to to anyone who has suffered the loss of a child. “I turn the horrendous sounds off because there is no don’t have time,” many say. “What will I write?” off button. others wonder. The blank page scares some because they think they have to fill it with I wrote through that noise. I wrote from the heavy something profound. bag of emotions bereaved parents must carry— anger, guilt, sorrow and confusion, all the “what But just writing a memory of your child or a few ifs” and “how comes” and “whys.” lines about how you felt after he died is a notable start. If we think of writing as a private endeavor I wrote of longing for a blond-haired boy with blue and an effective tool, not a paper to be graded by a eyes whose laughter brightened hospital rooms. A high school English teacher, we will conquer many quiet spot under weeping willows at a local park is of the doubts about our ability. In time, we will see where I carried my pen, journal and pain. As I that writing helps us become better in tune with our wrote over the course of many months, I was, feelings and thoughts. It clarifies our lives and although I didn’t realize it at the time, providing gives us understanding. therapy for myself. Other reasons to take the time to write are: Some days when the weather did not permit a trip to the park and my body and mind harbored • To experience personal growth. excruciating pain, I shut myself in a room, away from my other children and husband. I’d grab my • To leave a legacy or a keepsake so that there journal and let the experiences of the day and my will be recordings of what and who our child feelings freely emerge onto each white page. was. Grammar didn’t matter; penmanship went out the window. These aren’t a concern when you are • To demonstrate a way of cherishing our child. writing to survive. • To feel a connection to our child as we Writing the heartache, complete and honest, is a remember the things we shared here on earth. way of healing. Our cry is, “Help me with this pain!” We find ourselves lamenting as King David We also are honoring our grief, our pain and what did in Psalm 13:2, “How long must I wrestle with has happened to us. We are validating its existence. my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my As studies have shown, writing is healthy for our heart?” David wrote many of his psalms starting minds and bodies. with anger and agony and gradually, ending with Professor James Pennebaker claims that writing hope. actually helps the physical body when the writer is Writing can do that for us. We enter into our able to open up, by sharing deep feelings on paper devastation, get a good grip on what our struggles over a period of time. In his study, half a group of are and something about seeing them on paper students at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, causes us to realize the pain is not only within us Texas, wrote their heartfelt thoughts and feelings anymore. It is shared, even if only on a sheet of about a stressful event from their lives; the other notebook paper. It is documented and the more we half wrote about superficial topics. Each group write, the better we are able to understand and deal wrote for twenty minutes a day, for four with our intense sorrow. consecutive days.
  • 6. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 6 Before writing and immediately after writing, blood pressure and heart rates were tested and a galvanic skin response was done. Six weeks later, the students had their blood tested again. The group that had written about trivial topics showed no sign of changes. But the group that had poured their pain onto paper, claimed writing had actually calmed them. Their skin was drier after writing and both heart rate and blood pressure had decreased. Their blood work even showed an increase in lymphocytes, the white blood cells that work to keep the immune system healthy. I’d face the cold; nowhere to hide Writing through the heartache of losing a child is To have you here, safe inside. some of the best therapy I have found on this I’d climb a mountain, walk for miles journey. I didn’t know how helpful it was, I just Just to glimpse your toothless smile. knew I needed to organize my thoughts and get I’d give my life, all that I am them out on paper. Now, four years since my four- If I could sit and stroke your hand. year-old son Daniel’s death, I see that when all the But I must wait, my time’s not through… evidence is presented, there is no reason not to Until the day that I’m with you… write. It causes dim skies to light up when not only I’ll count the days, the hours, the years the pain, but also the love and cherished memories, Until these eyes run out of tears. are recorded. And then I’ll come there, whisper your name My darling, will it be the same? Copyright © 2001 by Alice J. Wisler. All rights Will you still be my child and I your mother? reserved. Will you know my voice above all others? Can I hold and caress you and (used with permission from the author) Smell your sweet skin? And tell you how things should have been You should have had the chance to see A flower, a puppy, an ocean, a tree Faith A summer sunset, a bumble bee Or colored eggs at Easter time Springtime glory, nature’s rhyme When you walk to the edge of all the light you have Fuzzy puppies, I love them you know and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, You should have had the chance to grow. you must believe that one of two things will happen: To grow and live beyond your years There will be something solid for you to stand upon, And never taste such bitter tears or, you will be taught how to fly Of losing one who meant so much Whose very soul your life did touch. Be happy, my angel, and wait for me there © Patrick Overton Until I can join you, forever to share. Rebuilding the Front Porch of America, 1997 (used with permission from the author) I love you Taylor! By Kathy Shaner UNITE Notes, summer 1999
  • 8. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 8 A Note From The Editor “Seasons of Grief” -- UNITE Poetry Anthology A few years after my son David was stillborn, we went on a summer vacation to the outer banks of In honor of our 25th anniversary, UNITE has put North Carolina. We rented a beautiful and spacious together a poetry anthology containing all of the home on the beach with five other families – all of original submissions printed in UNITE Notes. The us very good friends. All together, there were 26 of anthology includes more than a dozen chapters with us – 12 adults and 14 children. more than 400 entries by over 200 authors and is now available for purchase. Printing of the The house owners named their house “Santasia” anthology was graciously donated by Dan Duffy. and it had 10 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, a recreation All proceeds from your purchase will benefit room with a pool table, a hot tub, a swimming pool UNITE’s important work. Detach and return the and much more! There was plenty of space for following form to place your order. everyone. Please send your check or money order (made out It was wonderful to enjoy a week, with our good to UNITE, Inc) in the amount of $20 per copy, friends, at the beach. But, amidst all the fun and which includes shipping and handling to: commotion, I could not help but remember that UNITE, Inc. there was one child missing. There should have P.O. Box 65 been 15 children swimming in the pool and Drexel Hill, PA 19026 splashing in the waves. How I wished David could Please allow at least four weeks for shipping. be with us! Please send _______copy(ies) of UNITE’s poetry One afternoon, I was sitting in the upstairs living anthology “Seasons of Grief,” at $20 per copy, room admiring the beautiful ocean view and to: flipping through the guest book that the owners had Name: __________________________________ left out for all of the guests to sign. I noticed that, Address: _________________________________ on the very first page of the guest book, the owners _________________________________ had written: _________________________________ “Santasia is dedicated in memory of Sharon and all of the others who are gone but who we feel closer to at lands end.” I thank the owners of “Santasia” for reminding me that David really was there with me at the beach. And even until this day, there is no place that I feel his presence more… than when I walk along the waters edge, at the beach. Linda Nuccitelli
  • 9. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 9 NEWS And The Winner is… Acme Donations The winner of the B&B raffle is Shay Meagher. We would like to thank everyone who continues to Congratulations Shay! The winning ticket was sold participate in this fund-raiser. For a complete list of by Chastity Bruno, UNITE Member from the participating ACME stores please see our web site Lankenau support group. Thanks to everyone who at Not online? Call us sold and purchased tickets. With your help, we at 1-888-48 UNITE and we’ll be happy to send you raised approximately $2000! The money that we a list of participating stores. raised will help to ensure that UNITE will be here to support grieving parents in the future. Safe Arrivals We want to hear about your safe arrival. Please New Mail Address write or call us so we can share the good news! UNITE has a new mailing address! Please send all future mail to UNITE, Inc., PO Box 65, Drexel Fiona and Frank Purcell announce the safe arrival of Hill, PA 19026. Wren Harrington Purcell. Fiona writes “Frank and I have great news. On March 27th at 8:39 a.m. we UNITE Grief Support and Facilitator welcomed Wren Harrington Purcell. She weighed Training in at 6 pounds and 15 ounces and was 19 and a UNITE will be offering grief support and facilitator quarter inches long. She is home and her big training this coming winter. If you are interested in brother, Dermot, is taking to being a big brother becoming a grief support counselor or support well. He likes to "help" a lot and calls her "pretty group facilitator, please call or email so that we can baby." As always, we wish her other big brother give you more information. Full scholarships to Liam (10/20/03 - 12/27/03) was also here to grow these training sessions will be given to UNITE dues up with her, but we know that he is watching over paying members. We hope that you will consider both of them for us.” helping UNITE by becoming a UNITE grief support counselor or facilitator! Tom and Kris Cobey announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Emma Theresa on June 25, 2007. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 20 inches UNITE Newsletter Submissions long. Angel brother Thomas continues to watch Please send your original poetry, short stories, over her every day. articles and letters to UNITE Notes. The beautiful writings that we receive from UNITE’s bereaved Michael, Jennifer, and Madalyn Swartz happily parents are what make our newsletter so special. If announce the safe arrival of their daughter and sister you have written poems or articles that you would Addison Zoe Swartz born on April 11th, 2007. be willing to share with other parents, please send Addison is named in loving memory of her sister them soon. See page 12 for details on submissions. Alexa who was stillborn on December 31, 2005. Submissions for the Fall issue must be received by September 1, 2007. Jennifer and Brendan Kennedy announce the safe arrival of their triplets: Cole Joseph (5.8 lbs), Quinn Michael (5.0 lbs), and Molly Elizabeth (5.1 lbs), born on May 25th, 2007. They are always remembering their little angel, Jake Joseph Kennedy, born still on February 11th, 2006.
  • 10. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 10 Gifts Amy and Joe McFarland in loving memory of April McFarland and Hunter Eaton (who was in the NICU with your youngest daughter, Ainsley) Carolyn and Michael Meakim in loving memory of Mara Meakim (2/10/03) and Michael Meakim, Jr. (2/11/03) on their 4th Birthday. Susan Ashbaker in memory of Lindsey Nicole Rush Ashbaker. “Your spirit continues to change our hearts, dear girl. Mommy” Antonio and Jennifer Tedesco in memory of Antonio Tedesco, Jr. John and Janice Bunting in memory of their son, John Thomas. Suzanne Wilson in memory of Molly Wilson (6/22/05) Jocelyn Danridge in memory of Gabriel Jaylin Davis Danridge. “My little Angel. Stillborn 12/21/04.” Susan and Joe Debro in memory of their son, Jake, on his 7th Birthday. Mary and Jim Doherty in memory of Thomas Reid Doherty. “Our Tommy would have been 25 on Saturday, June 9.” Joanne and Don Porreca in honor of Mary Cushing Doherty for all the hard work and dedication to UNITE as the Board Chair for 19 years and for her continued support. And in memory of Janis L. Keyser. Albert M. Moore in memory of Brad Sebastian Warren on his 14th Birthday.
  • 11. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 11 Joel B. Bernbaum, Esquire and the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in honor of Mary Cushing Doherty, Esquire as the outgoing President of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. American Express Employee Giving Program Stacey R. Diel in memory of Ava. Verizon Foundation/Verizon Volunteer Program Douglas Smith AT&T Employee Annual Giving Campaign Janet R. Morris All State Employee Giving Campaign Regina Tosto United Health Group Employee Giving Campaign Susan Miller United Way Campaign Donors Tami Leather John Kennedy, Jr. Special Thanks UNITE, Inc. wishes to offer heartfelt thanks to ASTM International and Marge Cassidy, Treasurer, for the printing of our brochures and continued support. Donations received after 6/01/07 will be acknowledged in the next issue. Your donations are greatly appreciated as they make possible the on going work of UNITE. Thank you!
  • 12. UNITE Notes, Summer 2007 12 UNITE, Inc. Support Groups For information about the group nearest you, please contact UNITE, Inc. at 1-888-48 UNITE or 1-888-488-6483 (leave a message on the tape). Or write to UNITE Inc. at P.O. Box 65, Drexel Hill, PA 19026. Or email New members must contact the group coordinator before attending their first meeting. UNITE, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, marital status, religious belief, race, sexual orientation or economic status. Pennsylvania: New Jersey: UNITE, Bucks County UNITE, Capital Health System Meets 2nd Sunday at St. Mary Hospital, 7-9:00 PM Meets as needed at Mercer Campus, Trenton, NJ Contact: Susan Larson, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) Contact: Alison Johnson, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) UNITE, Chester County UNITE, Princeton Health Care System Meets as needed at Brandywine Hospital in Coatesville Meets 1st Monday, 7-9 PM Contact: Sandy Smith, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) Contact: Iris Rubinstein, (609) 497-4435 UNITE, Collegeville UNITE, Virtua at Voorhees Meets 2nd Monday at St. James Church, 7:30-9 PM Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 7-9 PM at Barry D. Brown Health Contact: Susan Debro, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) Education Center Contact: Lisa Shalkowski, Family Health Education Mgr. UNITE, Holy Redeemer Hospital 1-888-VIRTUA 3 Meets 3rd Thursday at Holy Redeemer Hospital, 7:00-9 PM Contact: Denise Paul, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) Subsequent Pregnancy: UNITE, Jeanes Hospital Meets 1st Thursday (on an as needed basis) at Jeanes Hospital UNITE, Lankenau Subsequent Pregnancy Support in NE Philadelphia Meets 4th Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM Contact: Rita Fadako, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) Contact: Gerri Wismer, (610) 645-2099 UNITE, Lankenau Hospital UNITE, Mercer County Subsequent Pregnancy Support Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM Meets as needed at Capital Health System, Mercer Campus, Contact: Gerri Wismer, (610) 645-2099 7-9 PM. Contact: Alison Johnson, 1-888-48 UNITE (UNITE Tape) UNITE, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7-8:30 PM Contact: Kelly Zapata, (215) 662-2616 UNITE’s services include: • Support Group meetings in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. • Hospital Inservice Programs and community education. • Conferences for bereaved parents, professionals and the community. • Literature and newsletter. • UNITE group development assistance and training programs for group facilitators and support counselors. • Referral assistance.
  • 13. We invite you , Inc. Membership , to become a member of UNITE, Inc. Membership is a way of supporting the ongoing work of UNITE. UNITE, UNITE, Inc. is funded by your membership support and Inc.’s work involves developing new UNITE groups and your tax-deductible donations. A one-year membership is supporting existing ones, training group facilitators and $25 per individual/couple/caregiver. Membership includes parent support counselors, educating the community on a newsletter subscription for one year-four issues. Tax issues of perinatal death and grieving, as well as many deductible donations in any amount may be made in other important projects. memory of your baby or a friend’s baby, or in honor of someone who has helped you along the way. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — UNITE Notes Summer 2007 , Inc, Membership Form PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAILING LABEL FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE. The date that appears on the mailing label above your name is the date when your membership expires. NAME: ___________________________________________________ DATE:__________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________ ______ Enclosed is $25.00 for a one year membership to UNITE, Inc. which includes a one year subscription to UNITE Notes. (I do not wish to receive a copy of UNITE Notes. ___) _____ new membership _____ renewal ____ I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to UNITE Inc.: Enclosed is $_____, in memory of ____________________________________________________. (or in honor of ____________________________________________________). (Your gift will be acknowledged in UNITE Notes. If donation is in memory of a friend or family member’s baby, please provide their address and we will send an acknowledgement.) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Please mail to: UNITE, Inc., P.O. Box 65 Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Email: UNITE, Inc. is registered as a charitable organization. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
  • 14. UNITE Notes staff Editors: Linda A. Nuccitelli and Theresa M. Fisher UNITE Notes is published quarterly by UNITE, Inc., a non-profit corporation. All Rights Reserved. Administrator: Joanne Porreca Please correspond with UNITE, Inc. before reprinting Coordinator: Rita Fadako any material from UNITE Notes. In most cases reprinting permission is extended, but only with Submissions: We welcome your original poetry and proper credit noted, including author, “Used with articles. Your contributions are important to UNITE’s permission from UNITE Notes,” date of publication, work of reaching out to bereaved parents. We reserve and UNITE’s complete address and phone number. the right to edit and select from submissions. Please send all submissions to: The views expressed in UNITE Notes are those of the UNITE Inc. authors, and are not necessarily shared by UNITE, P.O. Box 65 Inc. Drexel Hill, PA 19026 1-888-48 UNITE or 1-888-488-6483 UNITE, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of or email gender, age, marital status, religious belief, race, sexual orientation or economic status. © UNITE, Inc., 2007 P.O. Box 65 Drexel Hill, PA 19026