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Periodical newsletter published by the Support to Sustainable Regional Development (SSRD) — project funded by the European Union

Urgent need to reform the state
regional policy in Ukraine

Ukraine has not avoided globalization.
Life poses new challenges to state and
Ukrainian society that cannot be
These challenges are both of external
and internal origin. It is extremely
difficult to respond to external
challenges. On the other hand, internal
challenges due to Ukraine's status not
only worsen the situation with the
external ones, but sometimes provoke
their emergence. That is why the
conversion of the problems that pose
internal challenges to Ukraine into new          indicators, level of investment attrac-                     such as the Eastern Poland Development
opportunities has become a major                 tiveness, competitiveness and sophis-                       Program worth of EUR 16 billion for 7 years
reason for neutralizing the external             tication of innovation environment                          which aims at turning the voivodeships of
challenges.                                      continues to dramatically grow. This                        Poland neighboring with Ukraine to
                                                 challenge is explained not only by the                      highly-developed and wealthy regions; on
External challenges                              unification of the leading nations in                       the other hand, program of development
1. Expanding of global processes in a            the EU and, as a consequence, burst of                      of Belgorod Region and transformation of
way that substantially changes the               development opportunities for our                           Belgorod in the alternative of Kharkiv.
international     labor    distribution          European neighbors, in comparison to
market and promotes competition for              Ukraine, but primarily by the internal
all types of resources, especially               Ukrainian problems as well. The
energy, not only complicates the                 competitiveness score of the state with                           Round table
conditions for development of                    population of 47,000,000 people at the                            dedicated to
Ukraine, but also leads to loss of state         end of hundred of the world countries                             regional
benefits from its geopolitical position          is a shame.                                                       development in
                                                                                                                   the Verkhovna Rada
as a transit country, as a bridge                                                                                  of Ukraine
between East and West, between                   3. Build-up of a potential strain on the
North and South of Europe.                       Ukrainian border through establishing
Real projects of placing new transit             the centers of growth in the areas                               Ukraine in
routes for Russian and Central Asian             adjacent to the state border of Ukraine                          cross-border
energy to Europe bypassing Ukraine,              by the neighboring states which leads                            cooperation
as well as the construction of trans-            to an outflow of labor, intellectual and
port corridors and logistics centers of          other resources from the border
air transport outside of Ukraine only            regions of Ukraine, and additional
evidences the reality of the situation.          social tensions in these regions.                                 Cluster Initiative
                                                 Our western neighbors that became                                 Development
2. Ukraine’s lagging behind the devel-                                                                             in Vinnytsa region
                                                 full-fledged members of the EU
oped countries in living standards               adopted their own regional programs,

                          The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
2           Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine

             The situation is just the same in smaller                   regions may remain poor, however approximately at the same level
             sections of Ukrainian borders with                          of development.
             Hungary and Romania. Having become
             the EU members our western neighbors                        5. Even greater problem than the regional differences in develop-
             gained much more opportunities for their                    ment, is the gap between rural and urban areas that is also reflected
             own development and especially in the                       via social status of population and sectoral makeup of the economy
             border regions, compared to Ukraine.                        of these areas (the problem is particularly perceived in the regions
                                                                         with a mono-sectoral makeup).
             The situation is just the same in smaller
             sections of Ukrainian borders with                          6. Government grants and programs for the regions fail to support
             Hungary and Romania. Having become                          the achievement of balanced regional economic development.

             the EU members our western neighbors
             gained much more opportunities for their                    7. Lack of funding for regional development, primarily, almost
             own development and especially in the                       absent public funding, which would promote the economic poten-
             border regions, compared to Ukraine.                        tial of regions.
             Internal challenges                                         8. Low quality development planning at the regional level is
             1. Lack of the well-shaped nation-wide                      complemented by the unclear and overloaded system of govern-
             values recognized by the society that                       ment programs, policies and strategies (including sectoral ones).
             would enhance the unity of the state, as
             well as the nation-wide political,                          9. Low capacity of local and regional authorities in ensuring imple-
             economic, linguistic, cultural, information                 mentation of the local sustainable development policy. The struc-
             space. Unfortunately, ‘self-autonomation’                   ture of local government is not aimed at supporting the activities of
             of the regional communities took place in                   areas economic development, but mainly at servicing the social
             Ukraine. Own TV, newspapers, universities,                  infrastructure.
             oligarchs, the history with its own myths.
             Erosion of space commonness leads to                        10. Low level of cooperation between the localities (local adminis-
             internal confrontation for the reasons that                 trative units) in order to implement joint initiatives in the sphere of
             seem negligible to our neighbors on the                     development and solving local problems by means of concentration
             background of global challenges.                            of joint resources and efforts.
             2. The political structuring of regions and                 Ukraine’s ranking
             attempts to use it together with the prob-                  Nowadays everybody competes with everyone in the world. Com-
             lems of regional development, as well as                    petition also involves the states that compete for resources, both
             economic, social, cultural, mental and                      natural and investment and human.
             other differences between the regions for
             escalating political confrontation both at                  Ukraine’s rating among the largest 46 states of the world is rather
             the national level and in interregional                     disturbing.

             3. Lack of adequate national regional                                             Index                                        Rank
             policy has even more aggravated the risks                   Economic Development                                            41 out of 46
             and negative trends of Ukrainian life:
             growing asymmetry in levels of regional                     Resources and efficiency of their use                           39 out of 46
             development, rural degradation, crisis of                   Knowledge economy                                               23 out of 33
             urban settlement network, reduction and                     Infrastructure                                                  37 out of 46
             deterioration of the labor potential,
             increased migration of working popula-                      Environment                                                    37 out of з 46
             tion, especially young people, from many                    Institutions                                                    41 out of 43
             Ukrainian regions to abroad.                                Living and health standards                                     32 out of 46
             4. Key issues of regional development                       Inflation rate                                                  46 out of 46
             include not only significant and growing                    Domestic investments per person                                 34 out of 46
             regional      differences,   but    general                 Foreign investments per person                                  35 out of 46
             economic backwardness of regions and a
             tremendous need for regional economy
             restructuring. Therefore, the ‘regional
             differences reduction policy” is not                        The situation with the level of competitiveness in Ukraine is even
             sufficient. ‘Development policy' is more                    worse. Ukraine is in the eighth ten by the level of competitiveness!
             needed i.e. support to the development of
             all regions based on their comparative and                  Competitiveness of the state depends on the competitiveness of its
             competitive advantages. Differentiated                      regions and vice versa. It is impossible to ensure the prosperity of
             approach to financial assistance or other                   the whole country, if the disparities between the regions only
             incentives based on the level of regional                   increase.
             development calls for rather careful
             approach as development balancing                           Disparities between Kyiv and the rest of the regions are growing
             policy may reduce overall growth or cause                   dramatically.
             the situation where all (or majority) of the

                             The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine                                                                               3
                                                                                               between Ukraine's average index and
                                                                                               that of Ternopil Region is 3.4 times.

                                                                                               Transfer policy in Ukraine is structured in
                                                                                               such a way that the motivation to
                                                                                               increase own economic potential of a
                                                                                               region or local community has disap-
                                                                                               peared. Local communities and local
                                                                                               authorities rely solely on the redistribu-
                                                                                               tion of funds from the state budget.

                                                                                               After almost 19 years of independence
                                                                                               Ukraine faces a challenge: to make a
                                                                                               breakthrough and occupy a worthy place
                                                                                               among the leading nations of the world,
                                                                                               or stay in backyards of world develop-
                                                                                               ment with a primitive economy and
                                                                                               profound irreparable depopulation.
                                                                                               This issue can only be resolved subject to
                                                                                               national unity and concentration of
                                                                                               forces and resources to adequately
Gross value added UAH/capita per year                                                          respond to global challenges faced by
                                                                                               Thus, Ukraine needs a brand new
                                                                                               national regional policy which would
                                                                                               enable to minimize the risks of current
                                                                                               global challenges and transform
                                                                                               regional differences into opportuni-
                                                                                               ties for success of the state.
                                                                                               The draft bill “On Principles of Regional
                                                                                               Policy” shall become a major legal docu-
                                                                                               ment to finally resolve the issue of
                                                                                               legislative clearance of the process of
                                                                                               formation and implementation of the
                                                                                               national regional policy.
                                                                  1. This law clearly defines hierarchy and
Low competitiveness of Ukraine inhibits foreign investments. More system of predictive and planning docu-
competitive regions show much higher level of foreign investments ments in this area:
attraction as compared to the depressed ones.                     1) national regional development
                                                                  2) regional development strategies;
                                                                  3) Implementation Plan of National
                                                                  Regional Development Strategy;
                                                                  4) implementation plans of the regional
                                                                  development strategies.
                                                                                               In its turn, the national regional develop-
                                                                                               ment strategy and regional development
                                                                                               strategies are based on the Strategy of
                                                                                               Development of Ukraine, General Outlay
                                                                                               of the Ukraine’s Territory, outlays at the
                                                                                               regional and local levels.
                                                                                               2. The law defines a system of institutions
                                                                                               responsible for development and imple-
                                                                                               mentation of national regional policy
                                                                                               and determines the powers of these
In 2007, the disparity in amount of investment per capita grew even                            institutions:
more: the level of investments in city of Kyiv and Ternopil Region                             1) central executive body for regional
amounted to $3605.3, and $46.4 per capita respectively. A 77.7-fold                            policy;
imbalance! And as of January 1, 2009 disparity by this index has                               2) central executive body for economic
increased by 92 times.                                                                         policy;
                                                                                               3) central executive body for finance;
The situation is much alike regarding tax revenues in the regions. The                         4) National Coordination Council of
difference between Kyiv and Ternopil Region in 2008 was 16.6 times, and                        Regional Development;

                       The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
4              Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine
             5) Coordination councils of regional development.                               in the Concept of National Regional Policy and trans-
                                                                                             lated into the legal language in the draft bill “On
             3. The law provides for regional development projects                           Principles of Regional Policy” is promising and meets the
             financing instrument – State Regional Development                               needs of Ukrainian regions and complies with the best
             Fund, which is new for Ukraine, but commonly used                               European practices.
             instrument worldwide.                                                           So far, the first channel of the funding of the regional
                                                                                             development remains prevalent; this situation will
             4. The law provides the opportunity to involve various                          continue to exist at least in mid term. However, the
             sectors of society in regional development, and enables                         economic crisis narrows the opportunities of both
             these sectors in the region to form preconditions for                           central government and local authorities in respect of
             economic growth and social development through                                  funding of the regional development.

             Regional Development Agencies. The direction chosen

             Round table dedicated to regional development in                                 depressed areas by establishing the mechanisms of
             the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine                                                    operation of SEZ, industrial parks, clusters and other
                                                                                              forms of fund raising;
                                                                                              •        Implementation of the investment projects on
                                                                                              modernization of the coal industry, attracting non-
                                                                                              government investments to ensure the development
                                                                                              of production potential of mining regions.

                                                                                              Tanja Zabukovec-Kovacic, head of the expert team,
                                                                                              addressed the participants of the round table with
                                                                                              information on the approaches and practical steps to
                                                                                              reform the state regional policy in Ukraine.

                                                                                              Cluster Initiative Development in Vinnytsa region

                  The chairman of the committee on issues of industrial                       Within the framework of designing the Action Plan of
                     and regulatory policy and entrepreneurship in                            Vinnytsa Regional Development Strategy, the Support
                        the Verkhovna Rada Natalia Korolevska                                 to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine
                                with the opening speech                                       Project has begun to establish agricultural producer
                                                                                              clusters (fruit and vegetable cluster).
             On April 21, 2010 the round table was held in the
             Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on ‘New approaches to                                  There are over 25 thousand hectares of gardens in
             development of depressed regions of Ukraine’, with the                           Vinnytsia. In autumn most of the crop is sold to the
             following issues being discussed:                                                local fruit-processing companies. 5% of the crop is
             •        Depressed areas and institutional support of                            exported to Russia and Belarus. Apple production in
             their development;                                                               Vinnytsia region accounts for 42% of total apple
             •        Public approaches to promotion of the sustain-                          production in Ukraine, and apple yield of the firms of
             able regional development;                                                       Vinnytsia region is 2.3 times higher than the average for
             •        Relationship between the state and local                                Ukraine. However, there is a strategic gap in productiv-
             budgets for the introduction of instruments of state                             ity: in China and Poland the productivity is three times
             regional support;                                                                as much as in Vinnytsia region.
             •        Methods of state support to labor market at
             the regional level;                                                              The cluster aims at using shared capabilities of the fruit
                                                                                              and vegetable producers in Vinnytsia region, attracting
                                                                                              additional investments for the diversification of the end
                                                                                              product, as well as getting access to the new market
                                                                                              outlets of Vinnytsia region. The cluster is being estab-
                                                                                              lished on a voluntary basis by informing potential
                                                                                              participants about the benefits of joint operations.

                                                                                              The task of the project team involved in the cluster
                                                                                              development is to elaborate a cluster strategy specify-
                                                                                              ing overall strategic direction of the cluster develop-
                                                                                              ment, and proposals on a number of the projects within
                                                                                              the cluster (initiatives). As part of the Project operations
                                                                                              on this initiative the following events will be carried
                                                                                              out: training of the working group members at each
                      Project Team Leader Tanja Zabukovec-Kovacic                             stage of the cluster, workshops with participants
                      and regional development policy Yuri Tretyak                            (members) of the cluster; assessing and advising on key
                                                                                              elements of the cluster: mapping, needs and
             •        Promoting        investment           climate        of     the         challenges, strategy, organization and management.

                               The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine                                                                           5

Ukraine in cross-border cooperation                                             Priority 3: Networking and people-to-people coop-
In September 2004, the European Commission (EC)                                 The programme web site with full information on the
adopted a new strategic direction for its external relation-                    programme and information on the relevant calls for
ships with countries outside the EU and outlined new                            proposals (including eligible regions) can be located
instruments, with consistent rules and procedures to                            at:
govern global interventions. With the context of coun-
tries in close proximity to the EU, two new proposals for                       __________
regulations for the period 2007-2013 were elaborated: 1)
the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instru-

ment (ENPI) that will support actions in Eastern Europe,
Southern Caucasus and Central Asia, Middle East and
South Mediterranean Basin and 2) the Instrument for
Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for candidate countries
(Croatia, Turkey, fYRoM) as well as potential candidate
countries (basically the remaining Western Balkan states).                      Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Cross
These two instruments are policy driven and are intended                        Border Cooperation (CBC Programme)
to replace the numerous instruments of the previous
period. Both will have a cross-border component (CBC)                           The programme involves approximately 68 MEURO
for which complementary ERDF funding will come from                             for the period 2007-2013. Its management (Joint
the new "European Territorial Cooperation" objective,                           Managing Authority or JMA) and secretariat (Joint
currently INTERREG. Cross-border components of the                              Technical Secretariat or JTA) structures are based in
ENPI and IPA include economic and social cohesion as                            Budapest. The Programme’s identified the priorities
well as external policy objectives.                                             are:
Of the many components of the ENPI, one of the most                             Priority 1: Promote economic and social develop-
important components is the cross border cooperation                            ment - Increase knowledge transfer and practice-
(CBC) component, although this is often overlooked as an                        sharing between and promote joint developments of
important driver of regional development in the context                         businesses, local governments and the civil society
of wider Ukrainian development. Under this component,
the ENPI will finance “joint programmes” bringing                               Priority 2: Enhance environment - Enhance the
together regions of Member States and partner countries                         quality of air, waters, soil and forestry resources and
sharing a common border. It is expected that these                              reduce risks of damages on natural environment
actions will simplify procedures and substantially
enhance programme efficiency, as the procedures will be                         Priority 3: Increase border efficiency - Increase
harmonized (where in the past New Neighbourhood                                 efficiency of border management on the Ukrainian
Programme or NNP, Ukraine operated under Tacis rules                            border
and member states under ERDF procedures). Building on
the “Structural Funds” model and implemented on                                 The programme web site with full information on the
principles such as multi-annual programming (2007-                              programme and information on the relevant calls for
2013), partnership and co-financing, the CBC component                          proposals (including eligible regions) can be located
of ENPI promises to be a potent and effective instrument,                       at:
especially in the more ‘grassroots’ programme implemen-
tation. The CBC component of the ENPI will be                                   ____________
co-financed by the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF).
Ukraine participates in four (4) separate ENPI-CBC

                                                                                Romania-Ukraine-Moldova Cross Border Coop-
                                                                                eration (CBC) Programme

                                                                                Compared to the Neighbourhood Programmes
Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross Border Cooperation                                 2004-2006 the bilateral programmes between Roma-
(CBC) Programme:                                                                nia and Ukraine, and between Romania and
                                                                                Moldova, respectively have been re-grouped in new
This Programme continues and broadens the cooperation                           programme - Romania-Ukraine-Moldova (with
in the border areas of the three countries which so far has                     budget 126.7 MEURO for 2007-2013). The
been developed within the framework of the Neighbour-                           programme made a focus at the following priorities:
hood Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine CBC 2004-
2006. This Programme has the biggest budget – 186.2                             Priority 1: Towards a more competitive border
MEURO for 2007-2013, from the number of CBC                                     economy
Programmes in         which Ukraine participates. The                           Priority 2: Environmental Challenges and Emergency
Programme concentrates at the following priorities:                             Preparedness
                                                                                Priority 3: People to People Co-operation
Priority 1: Increasing competitiveness of border areas                          The programme web site with full information on the
Priority 2: Improving the quality of life                                       relevant calls for proposals (including eligible

                         The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
6            Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine

             regions) can be located at:                                  need to organize them to more effectively promote
                                                                                           community led sustainable development through civil
             ___________                                                                   society wider participation in local and regional policy
                                                                                           development and implementation. In many cases,
                                                                                           these RDAs have received support from local authori-
                                                                                           ties and/or local businesses – an attestation on the
                                                                                           RDAs’ importance as felt by many other local and
                                                                                           regional organizations.
                                                                                           In April 2001, a number of leading Ukrainian RDAs

             Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation (CBC)                                formed an association, the National Association of
             Programme                                                                     Regional Development Agencies (NARDA).

             The Black Sea Basin Programme is one of the most                              In 2002-2003 NARDA has substantially strength-
             complex, although it has a limited financial allocation                       ened capacities of its executive branch and member
             (only 17.3 MEURO for the period 2007-2013). The Black                         organizations to promote sustainable regional
             Sea Basin eligible area occupies a territory about of 800                     development in Ukraine via sponsored by the Cana-
             sq. km. and includes a population of 74.2 million people.                     dian International Development Agency NARDA
             It involves ten countries, some of which include the                          Support Network Project (UA/Z020485) implemented
             whole of their national territory (Armenia, Azerbaijan,                       by the EastWest Institute Kyiv Centre.
             Moldova and Georgia), while for some others those
             regions closest to the Basin (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania,                      The Project has contributed to NARDA’s sustainable
             Russia, Turkey and Ukraine). The Programme priorities                         development by:
             are:                                                                          •         Developing a strategic plan to guide NARDA
             Priority 1: Supporting cross border partnerships for                          that includes mission, mandate, program areas, present
             economic and social development based on common                               and long-term policies, strategies and activities related to
             resources                                                                     support and promotion of Regional Development Agen-
             Priority 2: Sharing resources and competencies for                            cies;
             environmental protection and conservation                                     •         Strengthening human resources in selected
             Priority 3: Supporting cultural and educational networks                      areas;
             for the establishment of a common cultural environ-                           •         Strengthened partnerships between NARDA,
             ment in the Basin                                                             RDAs, municipal governments, business, and NGOs at
             The programme web site with full information on the                           local (municipal), sub-national (regional) and national
             programme and information on the relevant calls for                           levels;
             proposals (including eligible regions) can be located at:                     •         Developing tools for identifying, developing,
                                                             disseminating and implementing “best practices” in
                                                                                           regional development for economies and societies in
             Information on National association of regional
             development agencies - Project’s partner                                      As result of the project the number of RDAs repre-
                                                                                           sented by NARDA has increased from 17 in April 2001 to
                            Regional Development Agencies (RDAs)                           27 in June 2003 to 33 as of today.
                              emerged in Ukraine in the mid 1990s,
                                with their position and effectiveness                      To be part of NARDA a Ukrainian RDA must meet the
                            gradually improving since the adoption                         following criteria:
                            of the Constitution in 1996 and the Law                        •           be accepted and understood by the existing
                                 on Local Self-Government in 1997.                         political structures;
                                                                                           •           translate into operational projects all its objec-
             The May 2001 Presidential Decree distinguishes RDAs                           tives;
             as potential partners and supports the involvement of                         •           coordinate its policies with other regional
             RDAs in the design of local and regional development                          organizations already in existence;
             strategies. Regional and local governments are encour-                        •           find the necessary financial resources for its
             aged to consult with RDAs in the areas of: improving                          basic structure and implement new projects;
             the environment for innovative technologies in the                            •           have the autonomy to take its own decisions, in
             regions, developing local and regional investment                             the interinstitutional regional framework;
             profiles, human resource development, coordination of                         •           have a strong commitment from their technical
             the technical assistance programs aimed at supporting                         staff, in order to obtain concrete results.
             local development.
                                                                                           Majority of the Ukrainian RDAs members of NARDA
             Today, RDAs exist in every Oblast center, as well as in                       proved to have:
             many smaller towns. Most of them have been estab-                             •          deep understanding of the problems and poten-
             lished as autonomous, non-governmental organiza-                              tial of geographical areas they represent;
             tions. The first RDA was created in the city of Zaporizh-                     •          a strong ability to work with, not to work for, the
             zhya in 1993, and most of the RDAs currently operating                        already existing economic, cultural, social and political
             were created between 1996 and 1999. They vary widely                          structures in the area;
             in terms of organizational capacity. In most cases, RDAs                      •          a real operational and concrete development
             were initiated by groups of people from small                                 programmes, that make RDA's work useful and impor-
             businesses and community organizations that saw a                             tant, through the creation of new jobs, new opportunities

                             The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine                                                                          7
and new solutions.                                                           •         Support of local and regional policy reform;
•        variable structures of partnership, promoting                       •         Promotion of participation of NGOs and SMEs
cooperation between public and private sector actors                         in local and regional policy development and implemen-
and the additional grouping together of rural and urban                      tation;
public authorities.                                                          •         Education, training and implementation of
                                                                             practical projects in energy auditing, energy efficient
RDAs members of NARDA have been promoting a                                  production, enviromental management, project
comprehensive approach to development: interdisci-                           management and business process engineering
plinary, integrated, interinstitutional, regulating the                      •         Development of consultative arrangements
internal interplay of forces, avoiding dispersion of                         and partnership protocols with government institutions

efforts and the isolation of project generators, support-                    so as to contribute to local and regional policy develop-
ing the initiatives and rendering them viable.                               ment and implementation, promote government
                                                                             accountability and transparency, promote domestic and
The central task of an RDA is to draw up a long-term                         foreign investment;
overall strategic plan, with economic, social and                            •         Familiarization of RDAs with community
cultural aspects overlapping and designed to change                          philanthropy and independent local resource mobiliza-
mentalities, a prerequisite for the competitive position-                    tion mechanisms as an important component of local
ing of each area. In most cases, Ukrainian RDAs have the                     and regional development; and,
capacity of offering guarantees of technical quality to                      •         Coordination of the exchange of information
the local measures and of conducting participatory                           between RDAs on “best practices” of civil society organi-
evaluations on the basis of their own internal compe-                        zations involvement into community and regional devel-
tence or through recourse to external expertise.                             opment in Ukraine.
NARDA’s mission is to efficiently coordinate the state                       There are five areas of NARDA’s programmatic
regional policy and its own regional development policy                      focus:
through the systematic realization of its functions by its                   1.       Strategic planning for territorial development
own efforts and coordinated actions of its members.                          2.       Small and Medium Enterprise Development
                                                                             3.       Energy-saving and development of alterna-
In fulfilling its mission NARDA provides the follow-                         tive sources of energy for community development
ing service to its members:                                                  4.       Rural development
•          Assistance in the establishment and develop-                      5.       Foreign Direct Investments attraction to
ment of RDAs as inclusive and representative organiza-                       regions
•          Advice to RDAs in working with local administra-                  Contacts: Kyiv, Khreshchatyk, 4, office 17, +38-044-
tions, the private sector, youth, media, NGOs and the                        4941896,
general public;

Modernization of municipal buildings in Sverdlovsk
(Luganska Oblast) under the Support to Sustainable
Regional Development Project
The Europe Day was celebrated in Sverdlovsk (Lugansk                        The honoured guests took part in the last bell feast at
Oblast) on May 28, 2010. On this occasion the city was                      Sverdlovsk Lyceum #1 – the first completed facility within
officially visited by Jose Manuel Pintu Teisheira, Head of                  the framework of the Project. Altogether 26 municipal
the European Commission Representation in Ukraine as                        buildings are supposed to be rehabilitated in Sverdlovsk -
well as ambassadors of the EU Member States.                                13 educational buildings and 13 healthcare ones.

        Lyceum #1 and our experts Uuno Kirsimagi                                     New plaque on the building of Sverdlovsk Lyceum #1
                  & Dmytro Gruzinskyi

                          The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
8            Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine

             Rehabilitated kindergarten “Berizka”                                               Kindergarten “Berizka”, facade works

             Kindergarten “Zhuravushka”                                                        Sverdlovsk’s secondary school #9

             Neurology department in Sverdlovsk                                                 Therapy department (day hospital)

    film dedicated to Europe Day in Sverdlovsk

                                         EU Project “Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine”
                                                                 Khreschatyk 4, office 20
                                                                   Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

                               The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

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Support to Sustainable Regional Development Project Newsletter

  • 1. Periodical newsletter published by the Support to Sustainable Regional Development (SSRD) — project funded by the European Union Urgent need to reform the state regional policy in Ukraine Ukraine has not avoided globalization. Life poses new challenges to state and Ukrainian society that cannot be ignored. These challenges are both of external and internal origin. It is extremely difficult to respond to external challenges. On the other hand, internal challenges due to Ukraine's status not only worsen the situation with the external ones, but sometimes provoke their emergence. That is why the conversion of the problems that pose internal challenges to Ukraine into new indicators, level of investment attrac- such as the Eastern Poland Development opportunities has become a major tiveness, competitiveness and sophis- Program worth of EUR 16 billion for 7 years reason for neutralizing the external tication of innovation environment which aims at turning the voivodeships of challenges. continues to dramatically grow. This Poland neighboring with Ukraine to challenge is explained not only by the highly-developed and wealthy regions; on External challenges unification of the leading nations in the other hand, program of development 1. Expanding of global processes in a the EU and, as a consequence, burst of of Belgorod Region and transformation of way that substantially changes the development opportunities for our Belgorod in the alternative of Kharkiv. international labor distribution European neighbors, in comparison to market and promotes competition for Ukraine, but primarily by the internal all types of resources, especially Ukrainian problems as well. The energy, not only complicates the competitiveness score of the state with Round table conditions for development of population of 47,000,000 people at the dedicated to Ukraine, but also leads to loss of state end of hundred of the world countries regional benefits from its geopolitical position is a shame. development in the Verkhovna Rada as a transit country, as a bridge of Ukraine between East and West, between 3. Build-up of a potential strain on the North and South of Europe. Ukrainian border through establishing Real projects of placing new transit the centers of growth in the areas Ukraine in routes for Russian and Central Asian adjacent to the state border of Ukraine cross-border energy to Europe bypassing Ukraine, by the neighboring states which leads cooperation as well as the construction of trans- to an outflow of labor, intellectual and port corridors and logistics centers of other resources from the border air transport outside of Ukraine only regions of Ukraine, and additional evidences the reality of the situation. social tensions in these regions. Cluster Initiative Our western neighbors that became Development 2. Ukraine’s lagging behind the devel- in Vinnytsa region full-fledged members of the EU oped countries in living standards adopted their own regional programs, The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 2. 2 Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine The situation is just the same in smaller regions may remain poor, however approximately at the same level sections of Ukrainian borders with of development. Hungary and Romania. Having become the EU members our western neighbors 5. Even greater problem than the regional differences in develop- gained much more opportunities for their ment, is the gap between rural and urban areas that is also reflected own development and especially in the via social status of population and sectoral makeup of the economy border regions, compared to Ukraine. of these areas (the problem is particularly perceived in the regions with a mono-sectoral makeup). The situation is just the same in smaller sections of Ukrainian borders with 6. Government grants and programs for the regions fail to support Hungary and Romania. Having become the achievement of balanced regional economic development. Newsletter the EU members our western neighbors gained much more opportunities for their 7. Lack of funding for regional development, primarily, almost own development and especially in the absent public funding, which would promote the economic poten- border regions, compared to Ukraine. tial of regions. Internal challenges 8. Low quality development planning at the regional level is 1. Lack of the well-shaped nation-wide complemented by the unclear and overloaded system of govern- values recognized by the society that ment programs, policies and strategies (including sectoral ones). would enhance the unity of the state, as well as the nation-wide political, 9. Low capacity of local and regional authorities in ensuring imple- economic, linguistic, cultural, information mentation of the local sustainable development policy. The struc- space. Unfortunately, ‘self-autonomation’ ture of local government is not aimed at supporting the activities of of the regional communities took place in areas economic development, but mainly at servicing the social Ukraine. Own TV, newspapers, universities, infrastructure. oligarchs, the history with its own myths. Erosion of space commonness leads to 10. Low level of cooperation between the localities (local adminis- internal confrontation for the reasons that trative units) in order to implement joint initiatives in the sphere of seem negligible to our neighbors on the development and solving local problems by means of concentration background of global challenges. of joint resources and efforts. 2. The political structuring of regions and Ukraine’s ranking attempts to use it together with the prob- Nowadays everybody competes with everyone in the world. Com- lems of regional development, as well as petition also involves the states that compete for resources, both economic, social, cultural, mental and natural and investment and human. other differences between the regions for escalating political confrontation both at Ukraine’s rating among the largest 46 states of the world is rather the national level and in interregional disturbing. relations. 3. Lack of adequate national regional Index Rank policy has even more aggravated the risks Economic Development 41 out of 46 and negative trends of Ukrainian life: growing asymmetry in levels of regional Resources and efficiency of their use 39 out of 46 development, rural degradation, crisis of Knowledge economy 23 out of 33 urban settlement network, reduction and Infrastructure 37 out of 46 deterioration of the labor potential, increased migration of working popula- Environment 37 out of з 46 tion, especially young people, from many Institutions 41 out of 43 Ukrainian regions to abroad. Living and health standards 32 out of 46 4. Key issues of regional development Inflation rate 46 out of 46 include not only significant and growing Domestic investments per person 34 out of 46 regional differences, but general Foreign investments per person 35 out of 46 economic backwardness of regions and a tremendous need for regional economy restructuring. Therefore, the ‘regional differences reduction policy” is not The situation with the level of competitiveness in Ukraine is even sufficient. ‘Development policy' is more worse. Ukraine is in the eighth ten by the level of competitiveness! needed i.e. support to the development of all regions based on their comparative and Competitiveness of the state depends on the competitiveness of its competitive advantages. Differentiated regions and vice versa. It is impossible to ensure the prosperity of approach to financial assistance or other the whole country, if the disparities between the regions only incentives based on the level of regional increase. development calls for rather careful approach as development balancing Disparities between Kyiv and the rest of the regions are growing policy may reduce overall growth or cause dramatically. the situation where all (or majority) of the The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 3. Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine 3 between Ukraine's average index and that of Ternopil Region is 3.4 times. Transfer policy in Ukraine is structured in such a way that the motivation to increase own economic potential of a region or local community has disap- peared. Local communities and local authorities rely solely on the redistribu- tion of funds from the state budget. Newsletter After almost 19 years of independence Ukraine faces a challenge: to make a breakthrough and occupy a worthy place among the leading nations of the world, or stay in backyards of world develop- ment with a primitive economy and profound irreparable depopulation. This issue can only be resolved subject to national unity and concentration of forces and resources to adequately Gross value added UAH/capita per year respond to global challenges faced by Ukraine. Thus, Ukraine needs a brand new national regional policy which would enable to minimize the risks of current global challenges and transform regional differences into opportuni- ties for success of the state. The draft bill “On Principles of Regional Policy” shall become a major legal docu- ment to finally resolve the issue of legislative clearance of the process of formation and implementation of the national regional policy. 1. This law clearly defines hierarchy and Low competitiveness of Ukraine inhibits foreign investments. More system of predictive and planning docu- competitive regions show much higher level of foreign investments ments in this area: attraction as compared to the depressed ones. 1) national regional development strategy; 2) regional development strategies; 3) Implementation Plan of National Regional Development Strategy; 4) implementation plans of the regional development strategies. In its turn, the national regional develop- ment strategy and regional development strategies are based on the Strategy of Development of Ukraine, General Outlay of the Ukraine’s Territory, outlays at the regional and local levels. 2. The law defines a system of institutions responsible for development and imple- mentation of national regional policy and determines the powers of these In 2007, the disparity in amount of investment per capita grew even institutions: more: the level of investments in city of Kyiv and Ternopil Region 1) central executive body for regional amounted to $3605.3, and $46.4 per capita respectively. A 77.7-fold policy; imbalance! And as of January 1, 2009 disparity by this index has 2) central executive body for economic increased by 92 times. policy; 3) central executive body for finance; The situation is much alike regarding tax revenues in the regions. The 4) National Coordination Council of difference between Kyiv and Ternopil Region in 2008 was 16.6 times, and Regional Development; The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 4. 4 Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine 5) Coordination councils of regional development. in the Concept of National Regional Policy and trans- lated into the legal language in the draft bill “On 3. The law provides for regional development projects Principles of Regional Policy” is promising and meets the financing instrument – State Regional Development needs of Ukrainian regions and complies with the best Fund, which is new for Ukraine, but commonly used European practices. instrument worldwide. So far, the first channel of the funding of the regional development remains prevalent; this situation will 4. The law provides the opportunity to involve various continue to exist at least in mid term. However, the sectors of society in regional development, and enables economic crisis narrows the opportunities of both these sectors in the region to form preconditions for central government and local authorities in respect of economic growth and social development through funding of the regional development. Newsletter Regional Development Agencies. The direction chosen Round table dedicated to regional development in depressed areas by establishing the mechanisms of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine operation of SEZ, industrial parks, clusters and other forms of fund raising; • Implementation of the investment projects on modernization of the coal industry, attracting non- government investments to ensure the development of production potential of mining regions. Tanja Zabukovec-Kovacic, head of the expert team, addressed the participants of the round table with information on the approaches and practical steps to reform the state regional policy in Ukraine. Cluster Initiative Development in Vinnytsa region The chairman of the committee on issues of industrial Within the framework of designing the Action Plan of and regulatory policy and entrepreneurship in Vinnytsa Regional Development Strategy, the Support the Verkhovna Rada Natalia Korolevska to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine with the opening speech Project has begun to establish agricultural producer clusters (fruit and vegetable cluster). On April 21, 2010 the round table was held in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on ‘New approaches to There are over 25 thousand hectares of gardens in development of depressed regions of Ukraine’, with the Vinnytsia. In autumn most of the crop is sold to the following issues being discussed: local fruit-processing companies. 5% of the crop is • Depressed areas and institutional support of exported to Russia and Belarus. Apple production in their development; Vinnytsia region accounts for 42% of total apple • Public approaches to promotion of the sustain- production in Ukraine, and apple yield of the firms of able regional development; Vinnytsia region is 2.3 times higher than the average for • Relationship between the state and local Ukraine. However, there is a strategic gap in productiv- budgets for the introduction of instruments of state ity: in China and Poland the productivity is three times regional support; as much as in Vinnytsia region. • Methods of state support to labor market at the regional level; The cluster aims at using shared capabilities of the fruit and vegetable producers in Vinnytsia region, attracting additional investments for the diversification of the end product, as well as getting access to the new market outlets of Vinnytsia region. The cluster is being estab- lished on a voluntary basis by informing potential participants about the benefits of joint operations. The task of the project team involved in the cluster development is to elaborate a cluster strategy specify- ing overall strategic direction of the cluster develop- ment, and proposals on a number of the projects within the cluster (initiatives). As part of the Project operations on this initiative the following events will be carried out: training of the working group members at each Project Team Leader Tanja Zabukovec-Kovacic stage of the cluster, workshops with participants and regional development policy Yuri Tretyak (members) of the cluster; assessing and advising on key elements of the cluster: mapping, needs and • Promoting investment climate of the challenges, strategy, organization and management. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 5. Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine 5 Ukraine in cross-border cooperation Priority 3: Networking and people-to-people coop- eration In September 2004, the European Commission (EC) The programme web site with full information on the adopted a new strategic direction for its external relation- programme and information on the relevant calls for ships with countries outside the EU and outlined new proposals (including eligible regions) can be located instruments, with consistent rules and procedures to at: govern global interventions. With the context of coun- tries in close proximity to the EU, two new proposals for __________ regulations for the period 2007-2013 were elaborated: 1) the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instru- Newsletter ment (ENPI) that will support actions in Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia, Middle East and South Mediterranean Basin and 2) the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for candidate countries (Croatia, Turkey, fYRoM) as well as potential candidate countries (basically the remaining Western Balkan states). Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Cross These two instruments are policy driven and are intended Border Cooperation (CBC Programme) to replace the numerous instruments of the previous period. Both will have a cross-border component (CBC) The programme involves approximately 68 MEURO for which complementary ERDF funding will come from for the period 2007-2013. Its management (Joint the new "European Territorial Cooperation" objective, Managing Authority or JMA) and secretariat (Joint currently INTERREG. Cross-border components of the Technical Secretariat or JTA) structures are based in ENPI and IPA include economic and social cohesion as Budapest. The Programme’s identified the priorities well as external policy objectives. are: Of the many components of the ENPI, one of the most Priority 1: Promote economic and social develop- important components is the cross border cooperation ment - Increase knowledge transfer and practice- (CBC) component, although this is often overlooked as an sharing between and promote joint developments of important driver of regional development in the context businesses, local governments and the civil society of wider Ukrainian development. Under this component, the ENPI will finance “joint programmes” bringing Priority 2: Enhance environment - Enhance the together regions of Member States and partner countries quality of air, waters, soil and forestry resources and sharing a common border. It is expected that these reduce risks of damages on natural environment actions will simplify procedures and substantially enhance programme efficiency, as the procedures will be Priority 3: Increase border efficiency - Increase harmonized (where in the past New Neighbourhood efficiency of border management on the Ukrainian Programme or NNP, Ukraine operated under Tacis rules border and member states under ERDF procedures). Building on the “Structural Funds” model and implemented on The programme web site with full information on the principles such as multi-annual programming (2007- programme and information on the relevant calls for 2013), partnership and co-financing, the CBC component proposals (including eligible regions) can be located of ENPI promises to be a potent and effective instrument, at: especially in the more ‘grassroots’ programme implemen- tation. The CBC component of the ENPI will be ____________ co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Ukraine participates in four (4) separate ENPI-CBC programmes: Romania-Ukraine-Moldova Cross Border Coop- eration (CBC) Programme Compared to the Neighbourhood Programmes Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross Border Cooperation 2004-2006 the bilateral programmes between Roma- (CBC) Programme: nia and Ukraine, and between Romania and Moldova, respectively have been re-grouped in new This Programme continues and broadens the cooperation programme - Romania-Ukraine-Moldova (with in the border areas of the three countries which so far has budget 126.7 MEURO for 2007-2013). The been developed within the framework of the Neighbour- programme made a focus at the following priorities: hood Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine CBC 2004- 2006. This Programme has the biggest budget – 186.2 Priority 1: Towards a more competitive border MEURO for 2007-2013, from the number of CBC economy Programmes in which Ukraine participates. The Priority 2: Environmental Challenges and Emergency Programme concentrates at the following priorities: Preparedness Priority 3: People to People Co-operation Priority 1: Increasing competitiveness of border areas The programme web site with full information on the Priority 2: Improving the quality of life relevant calls for proposals (including eligible The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 6. 6 Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine regions) can be located at: need to organize them to more effectively promote community led sustainable development through civil ___________ society wider participation in local and regional policy development and implementation. In many cases, these RDAs have received support from local authori- ties and/or local businesses – an attestation on the RDAs’ importance as felt by many other local and regional organizations. In April 2001, a number of leading Ukrainian RDAs Newsletter Black Sea Basin Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) formed an association, the National Association of Programme Regional Development Agencies (NARDA). The Black Sea Basin Programme is one of the most In 2002-2003 NARDA has substantially strength- complex, although it has a limited financial allocation ened capacities of its executive branch and member (only 17.3 MEURO for the period 2007-2013). The Black organizations to promote sustainable regional Sea Basin eligible area occupies a territory about of 800 development in Ukraine via sponsored by the Cana- sq. km. and includes a population of 74.2 million people. dian International Development Agency NARDA It involves ten countries, some of which include the Support Network Project (UA/Z020485) implemented whole of their national territory (Armenia, Azerbaijan, by the EastWest Institute Kyiv Centre. Moldova and Georgia), while for some others those regions closest to the Basin (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, The Project has contributed to NARDA’s sustainable Russia, Turkey and Ukraine). The Programme priorities development by: are: • Developing a strategic plan to guide NARDA Priority 1: Supporting cross border partnerships for that includes mission, mandate, program areas, present economic and social development based on common and long-term policies, strategies and activities related to resources support and promotion of Regional Development Agen- Priority 2: Sharing resources and competencies for cies; environmental protection and conservation • Strengthening human resources in selected Priority 3: Supporting cultural and educational networks areas; for the establishment of a common cultural environ- • Strengthened partnerships between NARDA, ment in the Basin RDAs, municipal governments, business, and NGOs at The programme web site with full information on the local (municipal), sub-national (regional) and national programme and information on the relevant calls for levels; proposals (including eligible regions) can be located at: • Developing tools for identifying, developing, disseminating and implementing “best practices” in regional development for economies and societies in transition. Information on National association of regional development agencies - Project’s partner As result of the project the number of RDAs repre- sented by NARDA has increased from 17 in April 2001 to Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) 27 in June 2003 to 33 as of today. emerged in Ukraine in the mid 1990s, with their position and effectiveness To be part of NARDA a Ukrainian RDA must meet the gradually improving since the adoption following criteria: of the Constitution in 1996 and the Law • be accepted and understood by the existing on Local Self-Government in 1997. political structures; • translate into operational projects all its objec- The May 2001 Presidential Decree distinguishes RDAs tives; as potential partners and supports the involvement of • coordinate its policies with other regional RDAs in the design of local and regional development organizations already in existence; strategies. Regional and local governments are encour- • find the necessary financial resources for its aged to consult with RDAs in the areas of: improving basic structure and implement new projects; the environment for innovative technologies in the • have the autonomy to take its own decisions, in regions, developing local and regional investment the interinstitutional regional framework; profiles, human resource development, coordination of • have a strong commitment from their technical the technical assistance programs aimed at supporting staff, in order to obtain concrete results. local development. Majority of the Ukrainian RDAs members of NARDA Today, RDAs exist in every Oblast center, as well as in proved to have: many smaller towns. Most of them have been estab- • deep understanding of the problems and poten- lished as autonomous, non-governmental organiza- tial of geographical areas they represent; tions. The first RDA was created in the city of Zaporizh- • a strong ability to work with, not to work for, the zhya in 1993, and most of the RDAs currently operating already existing economic, cultural, social and political were created between 1996 and 1999. They vary widely structures in the area; in terms of organizational capacity. In most cases, RDAs • a real operational and concrete development were initiated by groups of people from small programmes, that make RDA's work useful and impor- businesses and community organizations that saw a tant, through the creation of new jobs, new opportunities The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 7. Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine 7 and new solutions. • Support of local and regional policy reform; • variable structures of partnership, promoting • Promotion of participation of NGOs and SMEs cooperation between public and private sector actors in local and regional policy development and implemen- and the additional grouping together of rural and urban tation; public authorities. • Education, training and implementation of practical projects in energy auditing, energy efficient RDAs members of NARDA have been promoting a production, enviromental management, project comprehensive approach to development: interdisci- management and business process engineering plinary, integrated, interinstitutional, regulating the • Development of consultative arrangements internal interplay of forces, avoiding dispersion of and partnership protocols with government institutions Newsletter efforts and the isolation of project generators, support- so as to contribute to local and regional policy develop- ing the initiatives and rendering them viable. ment and implementation, promote government accountability and transparency, promote domestic and The central task of an RDA is to draw up a long-term foreign investment; overall strategic plan, with economic, social and • Familiarization of RDAs with community cultural aspects overlapping and designed to change philanthropy and independent local resource mobiliza- mentalities, a prerequisite for the competitive position- tion mechanisms as an important component of local ing of each area. In most cases, Ukrainian RDAs have the and regional development; and, capacity of offering guarantees of technical quality to • Coordination of the exchange of information the local measures and of conducting participatory between RDAs on “best practices” of civil society organi- evaluations on the basis of their own internal compe- zations involvement into community and regional devel- tence or through recourse to external expertise. opment in Ukraine. NARDA’s mission is to efficiently coordinate the state There are five areas of NARDA’s programmatic regional policy and its own regional development policy focus: through the systematic realization of its functions by its 1. Strategic planning for territorial development own efforts and coordinated actions of its members. 2. Small and Medium Enterprise Development 3. Energy-saving and development of alterna- In fulfilling its mission NARDA provides the follow- tive sources of energy for community development ing service to its members: 4. Rural development • Assistance in the establishment and develop- 5. Foreign Direct Investments attraction to ment of RDAs as inclusive and representative organiza- regions tions; • Advice to RDAs in working with local administra- Contacts: Kyiv, Khreshchatyk, 4, office 17, +38-044- tions, the private sector, youth, media, NGOs and the 4941896, general public; Modernization of municipal buildings in Sverdlovsk (Luganska Oblast) under the Support to Sustainable Regional Development Project The Europe Day was celebrated in Sverdlovsk (Lugansk The honoured guests took part in the last bell feast at Oblast) on May 28, 2010. On this occasion the city was Sverdlovsk Lyceum #1 – the first completed facility within officially visited by Jose Manuel Pintu Teisheira, Head of the framework of the Project. Altogether 26 municipal the European Commission Representation in Ukraine as buildings are supposed to be rehabilitated in Sverdlovsk - well as ambassadors of the EU Member States. 13 educational buildings and 13 healthcare ones. Lyceum #1 and our experts Uuno Kirsimagi New plaque on the building of Sverdlovsk Lyceum #1 & Dmytro Gruzinskyi The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
  • 8. 8 Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine Newsletter Rehabilitated kindergarten “Berizka” Kindergarten “Berizka”, facade works Kindergarten “Zhuravushka” Sverdlovsk’s secondary school #9 Neurology department in Sverdlovsk Therapy department (day hospital) film dedicated to Europe Day in Sverdlovsk EU Project “Support to Sustainable Regional Development in Ukraine” E-mail: tel.:+38(044)4941898 fax:+38(044)2780920 Khreschatyk 4, office 20 Kyiv 01001, Ukraine The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.