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Business Idioms and Terms-Basic (Lower-Upper)

Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 10:20 PM



Narration Using Comic Strips (Begin-Low)

Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM




Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:07 AM

The attached file is the compilation of all the memos since the company started.
The memos were made for the “do's and dont's” of how the lessons should go.
Please take it to heart again and TAKE TIME TO READ IT.
Again, for your reference.



Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:59 PM

The earthquake and Tsunami has caused massive Nuclear Power Plant damage in
Government officials has announced that there will be power shortage and
power failure in some areas.

With this, tutors lesson slots will be reduced by 30-40% as our
clients drawback and inability to go online due to the power shortage.

This is just a temporary thing. This is one way to help Japan.
Everything will be back to normal operations in due time

Please take a moment of silence to pray for our neighboring country, Japan.
Thank you.



Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 9:07 PM

A massive 8.9/9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern
Japan at around 2:46pm on March 11 (JST) causing damage with blackouts, fire
and tsunami. On this page we are providing the information regarding the disaster
and damage with realtime updates.
(Updates throughout)
 * Report that nuclear building's outer structure blown off
 * Death toll from quake and tsunami put at 1,300
 * Huge trail of devastation along Japan's northeast coast
 * Quake shifted earth's axis and main island of Japan

MORE.... Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.



Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 6:04 PM

Attached is the NEW LEVEL CHECKING MATERIAL made by the company that will
be utilized on MARCH 28, 2011.
Same structure but questions were altered. The graphical contents and instructions
were improved for the student and the tutors benefit.

Level Checking Material has two sets of copies, one for the tutor and one for the





Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:01 PM

Reminder again, kindly DOWNLOAD ALL TEACHING MATERIALS to avoid complaints
from the clients. Please make sure that all of the teaching materials are in your
Laptop or PC to avoid any problems with file sending.

Skytalk Lead Manager informed again about the main problem that the tutors are
producing. Please take note.

[10:48:58 PM] Skytalk-Manager: these days , Skytalk Japan office got complains
from clients about tutor's misoperation about sending files ,and checking client info
before they start thier lessons

[10:49:54 PM] Skytalk-Manager: this can be the reason for clients to stop taking
lesson from skytalk



Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:30 PM

Starting tomorrow APRIL 2, 2011, lessons that were canceled because of tutor's
unavailability to use the webcam will not be suppressed. Please take note.

All tutors are mandated to use the WEBCAM as what is stated in our JAPAN

Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 7:14 PM

Considering the catastrophic event that took place in Japan,
our clients are still willing to learn and reserve for you.

But sad as it is, as cancellations has been rampant nowadays from the
Tutors side. This is not a very good image from us, and as most of
us wants to help Japan in our own little way... then why cancel?

Starting today, 01 April 2011, Friday, you need to furnish the undersigned
a letter of explanation regarding your sudden cancellations from the
previous night. This will go on every time you make sudden cancellations
as Japan desk needs it ASAP.

Most cancellations doesn't have any informations nor explanations given
to any 4C staff. With this, SMs are having a hard time on what to tell the
clients why you cancelled.

YOUR ABSENCE. Then will be turned over to Japan Desk.


Questions for Conversations (Beginner)

Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 1:02 AM



Questions for Discussion (Lower-Upper) SKY LIBRARY

Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 1:23 AM




Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:31 PM

The attached file is the complete SOLUTION for the SKYPE DOWNTIME PROBLEM
experienced by 8 million people as per the SKYPE MANAGEMENT.

Please follow the solution attached and for your LESSONS on MAY 26 please leave
it as it is.
Make comments on the lessons that you were able to accomplish. 4C and SM Staff
will recheck everything.

For additional inquiries, please ask Sir Alvin (cee_ey)



Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:58 PM

Skytalk Japan Office would like to request for the EXPLANATION LETTERS from

<<< MONETTE'S reallocation: She's not feeling well due to lack of sleep.
2330 - rei jiroramo - CANCELED (no available tutor)

<<< MELADY'S reallocation: She will be picking up her father from the airport.
2330 - ayakanit - CANCELED (no available tutor)

Also please write HOW TO AVOID the matter not to happen again.
such as make sure to call not text, etc etc.

Canceling lessons on the day will make you loosing clients.
its clear that you may loose your payments also.

Please send your explanation letter until
APRIL 28th 19:00 JPN
to 4C

if there are no letters, 4C will send you a message what to do or
Skytalk will close your schedules.



Mon, May 23, 2011 at 12:50 AM

This must be routinely done everyday BEFORE STARTING THE LESSONS to avoid
mishappenings that can greatly affect the company.


If you need further assistance, kindly ask Sir Alvin (cee_ey)


UNWANTED BEHAVIOR/skype down time

Sun, May 29, 2011 at 6:35 PM

Good day.

1. Recently, we are having clients with unwanted behavior (masturbating or
showing of private parts of their body).
If you encounter such client/s please click on the snaphot button found on the
upper portion of skype. If in any case your video is not on (which should always
be on) ..use your celphone or digicam to capture.
Do not panic if ever you encounter
a scenario like the one above and follow the instructions given.

I am encouraging all tutors to do what has been instructed, as Japan desk needs
evidence and will deal with client appropriately.

2. You have to check your GMAIL, YAHOO and Skype and READ ALL MAILS
directed to you. This should be done daily. And with regards to the SKYPE
DOWNTIME per Sir Shin, you will be paid accordingly, do not change anything
in the Reservations System.



Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:01 AM

Competition in this type of On-line Industry has become tough and more
With this, clients posing as students are recruiting Tutors from Skytalk during
lesson time.

Skytalk / 4Communications will be dealing with the clients and tutors accordingly
and we ask you to refrain from any such activity. If and when a case similar to this
happens (the recruiting), Management encourages you to disclose the matter the
soonest possible time as not to be implicated with Conflict of Interest.

Hence, once again I encourage you to read the Contract of Agreement that was
served to you.

The Company will have to serve the rightful legal matters about this situation. We
are protecting our Company as well as the tutors, and would not want to have any
terms violated within the Contract of Agreement as the Company has the right to
claim damage and loss from this act as a violation.

Let us work as a family and not let ourselves get involved in this dishonoring act
and show the recruiters (deceitful people) that they cannot pull us apart.

Thank you very much for being a loyal part of this family. ALL THE BEST TO US!



Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:11 AM


The URL indicated is the download link for the LEVEL TEST MATERIALS.

The company has developed 2 ADDITIONAL LEVEL TESTS to be used as a
SUBSTITUTE for LEVEL TEST 1. The Scoring system is similar to LEVEL TEST 1.
Refer to LEVEL TEST 1 for the SCORE TABLE.

A reminder for using the LEVEL TEST MATERIALS:

- If the client can't answer the question move to the next question to save time.
(Clients informed that it takes time before the test is finished because of staying in
one question without moving on)

Thank you very much for downloading the files.



Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:42 AM

Attached are the latest LEVEL TEST MATERIALS (1)(2)(3) both with tutor's and
client's copy.
The company has developed 2 ADDITIONAL LEVEL TESTS to be used as a
SUBSTITUTE for LEVEL TEST 1 but the priority is still LEVEL TEST 1.

The Materials range from SIMPLE (LEVEL TEST 1) MEDIUM (LEVEL TEST 2) and
DIFFICULT (LEVEL TEST 3). Tutor can choose from the three level test materials If
the client will request for his level to be rechecked (LEVEL UP)

The Scoring system is similar to LEVEL TEST 1. Refer to LEVEL TEST 1 for the

A reminder for using the LEVEL TEST MATERIALS:

- If the client can't answer the question move to the next question to save time.
(Clients informed that it takes time before the test is finished because of staying in
one question without moving on)

Thank you very much for downloading the files.



Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:02 PM

FYI. (for payroll purposes)

Starting today, 13 July 2011, all tutors who do not comply with the protocol in
accomplishing the comments when lessons are done shall not be counted in the
payroll system. As you have been instructed during the course of your training with
Asst. GM, Ms. Mica that undone comments will stay 'yellow' which our system in
Japan does not recognize as lesson completed.





Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:26 PM

Recently, Clients are complaining about the tutors " insufficient knowledge"
regarding their lesson request. Clients feel that the tutors are unaware of the
lesson method that they specifically asked. With these increasing complaints,
Management is reminding again to please check the CLIENT'S PROFILE before
having lessons.


If the client's are having technical and connection problems, do not emphasize to
the client's that "IT IS THEIR PROBLEM" because it offends them. Please remember
that we need to provide excellent customer service to them. If it is the client's
problem, report it to the 4CM on duty and the 4CM on duty will report the true
situation to SM.



Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:46 PM


1. Starting tomorrow for the tutor's who are late 4CM / monitoring will be calling
three times only, after that no more calls shall be done and lesson cancellation will
proceed. (Please update us will your celphone numbers)

2. For tutors who requests for lesson cancellation. 4CM needs to recheck the details
carefully (need reason), after rechecking for the time vailidity, lesson cancellation
will proceed.

3. If a tutor requests for lesson cancellation and is online, 4CM / monitoring shall
confirm with the tutor, if the tutor failed to respond within 10 mins, lesson
cancellation will proceed.

4. For the tutors who fluctuated 3x's successively, 2 lessons will be canceled

5. If a tutor is not on her pc or laptop without informing 4CM, and reallocation was
made for them, all lessons shall be cancelled the following day.

6. Tutors who asks another person to type-in their timecard (on time) for them
while tutor still out and was late, all lessons the following day shall be reallocated.
NOTE: Cancellation could be 1 - 2 days depending on the gravity of the issue).

Please think about your safety

Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:14 PM

Presenting our beloved country to the clients is much appreciated by the
management but please avoid saying "WHY DON'T YOU GO TO THE PHILIPPINES?"
because as per SM Senior Lead Manager, Majority of the MALE clients take it
seriously.The aforementioned question has a different conotation to the Japanese
Male Clients. Clients might misinterpret it and think differently about you. They
might go here in the Philippines with negative motives in mind. Please think about
your safety.



Aug 1, 2011 at 8:59 PM

The names of the client's are somehow difficult to pronounce because of its
Japanese origin but if you will mispronounce the client's name, please apologize till
you get the correct pronounciation.

We have also recieved multiple complaints again, about skytalk tutors watching TV,
listening to radio, chatting with someone and not concentrating during the lesson

Though some of these complaints are misinterpretation of the tutor's action, still,
you need to be careful because Japanese clients are sensitive. They tend to
misinterpret actions.

Please work professionaly during the lesson time. Client's are starting to think
about Skytalk's credibility to provide excellent tutors.



Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 7:35 PM

Attached file is the SKYTALK - EBOOKS for the download site of all the teaching

The Side By Side book has been divided per page and you need to download it one
by one in this updated Skytalk - ebooks. The advantage is, you can easily send the
Side by Side files compared to the old file that was divided per lesson.
Please download all of the teaching materials in this PDF to avoid unnecessary
delay in the lesson.


Please make it as a habit: INFORM ALWAYS

Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 11:07 PM

Reallocation is the transferance of another tutor's student to any available tutors
during each lesson slot.

Reallocation can happen anytime, even in the middle of the lesson. The nature of
reallocation happens quickly and the specific time that it can happen is
unpredictable due to different problems that can be encountered in each time

With this information, which you were also informed during the training, It is a
must that you inform the 4CM on duty if you will be out in your station at the
center or if you will be away from your PC while at home.

This must be a routine action for you to accomplish, to avoid unnecessary
reallocation and cancellation of your slot and also negligence record in your file .

Majority of the tutors fail to accomplish the aforementioned.

Please make it as a habit: INFORM ALWAYS



Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:19 PM



TOEIC Reading and Speaking Lesson 2, 3 and 4 (revised)

Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:31 PM

The files in this link are the revised lessons in the teaching material TOEIC
READING AND SPEAKING. The graphics for LESSONS 2, 3 and 4 has been
enhanced for client satisfaction.
Please download all of the attached file.



Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 8:27 PM

Please download the TOEIC READING AND SPEAKING LESSONS 26 - 50. Answer
key has been included also. = TOEIC

Thank you for downloading.


UNIFORM MESSAGE for next client

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 10:34 PM

Lately clients are complaining about the typing sounds they hear, client will wait for
a message in the chat box but will not get anything, with this a uniform message
shall be sent through copy and pasting to your next client before your lessons with
them (to avoid typing not intended for them). as follows:

1. Hi, I will be your next tutor. I will call you on time and looking forward to talking
with you later.

2. Hi, I will be your next tutor. I will call you on time and looking forward to talking
with you later. My connection is not good now, so we will use voice call instead of
video call. Thank you. (optional) ---> this will be sent only if your connection is
weal or unstable.




Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 9:05 PM

For the past few days, 4C and Skytalk Staff has been discussing about client's
privacy information, wether to give the name of the client who complained or make
it anonymous. With the discussions made, taking into account the benefit of the
client and also the tutors, the following has been decided:

1. We will not tell Client's name and Tutors do not need to write an explanation
letter about it. ( We will just relay the info)

2. When clients want explanation letter, then we will tell the name to tutors and
tutors would write an explanation letter.
- Skytalk Senior Manager

Thank you very much for reading.



Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:05 AM

You receive emails whenever a client reserves for your lesson, which the purpose
is to allow you to know when was your last lesson with the client and also the last
lesson taken... AND THE REQUEST WILL BE SHOWN below the Reservations Data.

Sometimes the client/s decides to change their lesson at the last minute and the
Reservations Data wouldn't be able to update late changes.

With this, make sure to RECONFIRM to the client the title of the Lesson shown in
the client's Reservation's Data just before the start of the lesson proper. If ever
client wants to continue or has decided to change the lesson, please make sure
that you provide what material the client would like to have. Thank you!


Skytalk Clients and 4Communication Tutor Relationships

Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:58 AM

Good Day Tutors

As you are aware, all tutors are requested to sign a contract with 4Communication
Co., Inc. in respect of their Providing Tutorial Services for the benefit of Skytalk

In the contract, it is clearly stated and agreed that there will be no relationship
between the client and tutor outside of that stated above.

Recently we have become aware of tutors offering clients the opportunity to
employ their tutorial services outside the agreed contractual terms and conditions,
using Paypal as the means of payment and charging in the region of PHP200 per

You may be aware that Skytalk staff take lessons with yourselves on a randomly
selected basis, to ascertain continued quality of service, effective communication
and establish tutor / client relationships. The one thing that you will not know is the
actual fact that you are providing a lesson for one of the Skytalk staff!

Any relationship between client and tutor outside of the Skytalk / 4Communication
protocol is strictly forbidden and should we find that a tutor is offering personal
services to any of our Skytalk clients as above or in any other form, then the tutor
will incur immediate termination from the 4Communication tutor pool.

Please be guided by the above and avoid any infringement of your terms and
conditions of employment by 4Communication, as the knock on effect of any such
event can be very severe, not only upon yourselves but also on your clients in
Japan where the laws on fraud are very harsh.

Thank you for your adherence.

Paul R Hedley
4Communication Co., Inc.



Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:09 PM

As you have noticed, when you are downloading the teaching materials, most of it
are not available. Majority of the teaching materials uploaded in send space
(SKYTALK E - BOOKS) has been automatically deleted since we are using a free
account only.

As of this time, the materials are being uploaded and organized again. Once the
materials are available in the site, 4C will send the SKYTALK E - BOOKS.pdf



Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 11:25 PM

Attached file is the revised SKYTALK E - BOOKS for the teaching materials. All of
the latest improvements with the teaching materials has been included in the

Please download the materials you need.



Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 3:30 PM



Please be informed that starting today Ms Gloria Gamboa is no longer connected
with Skytalk - 4Communication Co. Inc.

We would like to introduce to you our new General Manager, Ms. Mica Balderama.
You can address any operation-related concerns directly to her.

Please be guided.


Paul R. Hedley
President of the Company



Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 8:03 PM

Center Based Tutors,

Once you have arrived in the center 30 mins before the start of your working time,
You can have 15 mins break time before the lesson begins.

If you will go out, Please inform the 4CM on duty any staff in the center about your

If there are no present staff, please leave a note in their desk about your
whereabouts to avoid any miscommunication.

Don't forget to bring your phone with you if you will be out to take your break.
For your strict compliance. Thank you very much for your cooperation.



Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 1:11 AM

Center Based Tutors,

Please be advised to read all of the GMAILS everyday before starting to work. You
need to do this, for you to be updated with the new rules and information about
your work as a skytalk tutor.

Ladies, I'd like to clarify some issues regarding the center and knowing your
professional level, I know that you can objectively see the explanation.


Ladies, Our apologies if the changes were sudden. The rules had been laid out
before but due to some serious problems in Manila Center, which was needed to be
resolved immediately, the management wasn't able to focus implementing the
needed rules at Cebu Center.

Please do not think that the management is being biased. I am aware about the
personal issues of the tutor's with the staff but the implementation of the rules
were not based because of aforementioned.

Rules are needed to be implemented for the organization of the center.


All of the 4C Centers were required to have web cams for the management's
monitoring purposes. The main reason is Office abuse. It started in one of the
centers and the management doesn't want it to happen again. The webcam is
mainly focused at the door's direction to see any incoming persons that are not
part of the center. No one is allowed in the center except the staff and the
authorized tutors.


Compared before, we have more tutors working in the evening shift. The company
is expanding. Each night the 4CM handles 60 - 70 tutors (minimum). It takes longer
to change specially of there are more important tutor problems to be fixed and
prioritzed in that lesson time.
4CM also needs to be careful and recheck the absent lessons slots that must be
changed. It is the 4CM's common mistake of changing the wrong lesson slot which
confuses the client. We wanted to change it as fast as we can because we know
you are waiting but due to this action, mistakes are commited.

4CM's appreciate this observation by the tutors and we will take it as a challenge to
improve more.


As you are all aware, we have specific waiting time for each shift. 10 mins waiting
time in the evening shift and 15 mins waiting time in the afternoon.

If the tutor is suddenly offline we can only wait for a maximum of 2 mins.

We cannot let the clients wait longer because one of Skytalk's service is to provide
a replacement tutor immediately once their original tutor had encountered

Skytalk/4C is similar to any restaurant. In the restaurants, if you ordered a meal
and the meal given to you was burnt, smelled bad or spoiled, you want it to be
replaced, the management of that restaurant will make up for it by giving you
another meal. Like Skytalk, we need to replace problematic lessons which is done
through reallocations.

If we are not able to reallocate within the set time, clients will lose their confidence
in Skytalk. Clients might leave us.

If the tutor had connection, technical and power failure problems, there are no
definite time about the tutor's return. If the tutor fluctuated thrice we need to
reallocate the next slot immediately for stabilization of the connection.

*Power failure - 2 lesson slots immediately.


There are instances that the voice of the staff gets loud if the operation is getting
stressful or there are tutors that must be constantly checked because of certain
problems. With this I apologized, the staff will do their best to control the voice


It's 4CM Lydia's responsibility to check if the center based tutors are all present 15
mins before the lesson time. If 4CM Lydia missed to communicate properly
regarding the center based tutor's location, she will be held liable for it.


All efforts from the management had been done to fix the connection problem at
Cebu Center. This is done in order for the tutor's to utilize the web cam.
Unfortunately, majority of the center based tutors are having difficulites using the
webcam because of the connection. It has been decided to remove tutors in the
center with low performance rate (low reservation) and to maintain the effective
tutors. With this, the center based tutors can utlize their webcam and incidence of
connection problem in the center will be lessen.



-- We do not have janitors to clean the office. Therefore all of us must contribute in
cleaning. It has been done in BF and OMM centers.

OMM - Staff and Tutors clean their desks and wash the kitchen utilities used.

BF - Each Staff and tutors have an assigned day to clean the whole center.

For the Cebu Center based tutors, please clean your own area.

Thank you very much for understanding the situation and if you have more
clarifications or any issues please ask me.



Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 8:03 PM

Center Based Tutors,

Once you have arrived in the center 30 mins before the start of your working time,
You can have 15 mins break time before the lesson begins.

If you will go out, Please inform the 4CM on duty any staff in the center about your

If there are no present staff, please leave a note in their desk about your
whereabouts to avoid any miscommunication.
Don't forget to bring your phone with you if you will be out to take your break.

For your strict compliance. Thank you very much for your cooperation.





Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 1:11 AM

Compared before, most of you might have noticed that the management has been
strict when it comes to implementing the guidelines for lesson cancellation.

The main reason for this, is the competition with the other online english schools in

In order for us to survive, we need to have discipline and organization. The
management needs your cooperation concerning this matter.

I am happy to inform you that we are surviving inspite of the competition but this
is not enough for everyone. We need the clients to stay with us and not just leave
after the free trial lessons. We need to have the clients confidence in Skytalk and
its tutors.

The weak area that Skytalk has are the lesson cancelations made due to
negligence, personal difficulties, technical and connection problem.

As a reminder again regarding the prevention of lesson cancellation. Please take
note of the following guidelines:


1. For the tutor's who are late 4CM / monitoring will be calling three times only,
after that no more calls shall be done and lesson cancellation will proceed. (Please
update us with your celphone numbers)

2. For tutors who requested for lesson cancellation via skype. 4CM needs to
recheck the details carefully (need reason), after rechecking for the time vailidity,
lesson cancellation will proceed.

3. If a tutor requests for lesson cancellation and is online, 4CM / monitoring shall
confirm with the tutor, if the tutor failed to respond within 10 mins, lesson
cancellation will proceed.

4. For the tutors who fluctuated 3x's successively, 2 lessons will be canceled.

5. If a tutor is not on her pc or laptop without informing 4CM, and reallocation was
made for them, all lessons shall be cancelled the following day.

6. Tutors who asks another person to type-in their timecard (on time) for them
while tutor still out and was late, all lessons the following day shall be reallocated.
NOTE: Cancellation could be 1 - 2 days depending on the gravity of the issue).

7. Tutors whose first class were reallocated because 4CM did not received any
information about his/her location, will be marked as NO INFO.

If the tutor (NO INFO) is still offline after the set waiting time (10 mins), 4CM will
cancel all of their scheduled classes. (Instruction from JPN Mgmt)

In addition to the Lesson Cancellation guideline, this is in response to the issue
raised about the 4CM's way of canceling the lesson which was already explained to
the center based tutors.


As you are all aware, we have specific waiting time for each shift. 10 mins waiting
time in the evening shift and 15 mins waiting time in the afternoon.

If the tutor is suddenly offline we can only wait for a maximum of 2 mins.

We cannot let the clients wait longer because one of Skytalk's service is to provide
a replacement tutor immediately once their original tutor had encountered

Skytalk/4C is similar to any restaurant. In the restaurants, if you ordered a meal
and the meal given to you was burnt, smelled bad or spoiled, you want it to be
replaced, the management of that restaurant will make up for it by giving you
another meal. Like Skytalk, we need to replace problematic lessons which is done
through reallocations.

If we are not able to reallocate within the set time, clients will lose their confidence
in Skytalk. Clients might leave us.

If the tutor had connection, technical and power failure problems, there are no
definite time about the tutor's return. If the tutor fluctuated thrice we need to
reallocate the next slot immediately for stabilization of the connection.
*Power failure - 2 lesson slots immediately.

The Management is hoping that with this information, you will understand or be
enlightened to prevent cancellations.

For your strict compliance.


Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 1:25 AM

Attached file is the EXPLANATION LETTER TEMPLATE which was made by Senior
Lead Manager.

Use this template and fill it up with the necessary information needed and send it
back to the 4CM gmail account.

Please download and save a copy of the template.

For your strict compliance.

Thank you very much for the majority of the tutors who are reading the emails.


Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:44 PM


Attached file are the compilation of 4C MEMOS in the yahoo and gmail accounts.

Please download the attachments for your reference.


For your strict compliance.


GM Mica


Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 1:26 AM


For September, the incidence of lesson cancellations had decreased and the
majority of the tutors are arriving within the specified time (30 mins before the
scheduled working time).

Majority had been informing appropriately also, but then again, there are some
tutors who are not doing so.

Now, this email serves as a reminder and encouragement for everyone about
informing ahead of time, avoiding cancellations through carefull schedule planning
and preventing late arrivals.

Everyone will benefit from these actions, once it has been acted upon (STAFF AND
TUTORS). More clients for the company (Clients who'll stay) and steady salary for
the tutors. It's a win-win situation.

The staff will be more persuasive in checking the tutors but they need your
cooperation to produce an excellent output every operation time.

Thank you again for reading this email and God Bless us All!

GM Mica

If the late arrivals will increase again, the waiting time will be reduced to 5 mins
instead of 10 mins. Kindly take note.


LI-UI Tutor's copy

Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:11 PM


Please download the attached teaching material titled as "LISTENING
EXCERCISES". This is the latest material made by the company which has an
embedded audio.
It is important that you DOWNLOAD the teaching materials instead of viewing it.
The embedded audio does not function when you view and access the file at gmail

The material has been divided into two categories:

Listening Excercises - Daily
--> Lower Intermediate - Upper Intermediate (LI - UI)

Listening Excercises - Business
--> Upper Intermediate - Advance (UI - A)

Listening excercises are recommended for clients who are interested in TOEIC and
Business Materials. You can recommend or immediately present this to them
instead of our old TOEIC and Business Materials.

The attachment contains the tutor's copy. As for the client's copy, it will be posted
in the skytalk website and an email will be sent containing the link for the client's

The tutor's copy contains the answer which is highlighted in YELLOW. If you will
notice also, each lesson has the word "KEY" at the end of the Lesson Title.

You will be informed through gmail again about the start date of the LISTENING
EXCERCISES but for now, please download all of it and wait for further advice.

For your strict compliance.


GM - Mica

It is a must that these files are downloaded in your PC's. Unavailability of the
teaching materials will be a negligence on your part.



Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 6:29 PM

A Good working relationship is needed for an organization to progress. Each party
has a specific responsiblity to accomplish and once those responsibilites are carried
out, an excellent product is produced and a symbiotic relationship is fostered.

Tutors and staff work hand in hand by communicating and coordinating to produce
a quality output. If either of the parties fail to execute the obligation assigned to
them, the end product is defective.

You are OUR responsibility and we have an obligation to the company. That is the
reason why the staff are continously checking, reminding and explaining about the
procedures and protocols of the company. It is our obligation.

If the staff would implement the rules and remind or correct you, please
understand because we are fulfilling our duties.

There are some lesson cancellations made that were unintentionall, the
management is aware about it but, it is not only the tutors that are hurt with the
cancellation but also the clients, 4C Managers and Skytalk Managers.

The simple act of informing appropriately will help and please don't forget to check
your GMAIL everyday.

Thank you very much.


GM Mica

Take note of your acknowledgement and send it on time, it is included in the
attendance activity that the 4CM's check and record everyday.



Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:27 PM


These are the download links for the LISTENING EXERCISES material:

Lower-Upper Intermediate Listening Materials Tutor's copy

Upper Intermediate-Advance Listening Materials Tutor's copy

Please download it as soon as possible before the link expires. You also need to
give time in downloading the material because of its heavy load.

For your strict compliance.


GM - Mica



Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 9:14 PM


Attached is the REVISED FORMAT OF THE COMMENT. Please download the file for
your reference.

Comment Page


This is where the format for the teaching material comment will be applied. You
can also write your evaluation to the student in this part where the client's can see


Client's can't see this box. This box will serve as a reference for your co-tutors
regarding the lesson that you had with the clients. You can truthfully write the
information deemed helpful for the next tutor.

Thank you very much for following.


GM - Mica


Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 6:10 PM


We are half way to OCTOBER and NOVEMBER is fast approaching. Undeniably,
November 1 ALL SAINTS DAY are one of those special holidays, that majority of us
Filipinos celebrate to commemorate our deceased loved ones.

Inspite of this fact, our work at 4C/Skytalk still continues. Please arrange your
important personal matters on NOV 1 and plot your working schedules. We will be
needing your full support on this matter.

Thank you very much for COOPERATING dear tutors.


GM - Mica


Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 1:23 AM


Please view and study the attached file concerning SKYPE.

The file has been made by Sir Alvin and it contains instruction regarding Skype

If you are having problems with the latest Skype version, please refer to this

Thank you very much for following.


GM - Mica


Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 7:09 PM


The basic Operational Concept is that the 4C-Manager manages the tutors and the
Skytalk Managers handles the clients. You may have observed that there are
instances wherein the assigned SM for the night will send messages to you.

Rational for doing so is to confirm your online status and to quickly inform the
clients about it. 4CM relayes your skype status to SM and rechecking is done
between the two parties but due to multiple problems encountered and skype
status unreliability between the two countries, SM needs to recheck again.

If the skype unreliability status happens, SM sends the "CHECK" message to the
For all of the tutors who receive this message, you can reply by typing ONLINE
only. The rest of your concerns must be relayed to the 4CM. The ONLINE response
is enough, no need to inform the SM.

Thank you for always cooperating.


GM - Mica



Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:43 PM


Most lesson problems encountered are the client's deficient knowledge, when it
comes to handling Skype.

Instead of proceeding with the lesson, majority of the tutors will explain about
Skype, thus consuming more lesson time. With this common problem, JPN Mgmt
provided the skype site that they forward to the clients.

Please use this site and give it to the clients when you encounter such problems. 

Thank you very much for cooperating.


GM - Mica

P.S. LISTENING EXCERCISES is not yet open for the clients. Just download it for
now and 4C will advise concerning date utilization.



Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:16 PM


The LISTENING EXERCISES material will be used tomorrow OCT. 25, 2011. The
management is expecting that you have already downloaded all of the LISTENING
EXCERCISES material since we had sent it in advance.

Please refer to the old email about LISTENING EXCERCISES.

Thank you very much for following.


GM - Mica


Listening Excercises



Please download the attached teaching material titled as "LISTENING
EXCERCISES". This is the latest material made by the company which has an
embedded audio.

It is important that you DOWNLOAD the teaching materials instead of viewing it.
The embedded audio does not function when you view and access the file at gmail

The material has been divided into two categories:

Listening Excercises - Daily
--> Lower Intermediate - Upper Intermediate (LI - UI)

Listening Excercises - Business
--> Upper Intermediate - Advance (UI - A)

Listening excercises are recommended for clients who are interested in TOEIC and
Business Materials. You can recommend or immediately present this to them
instead of our old TOEIC and Business Materials.

The attachment contains the tutor's copy. As for the client's copy, it will be posted
in the skytalk website and an email will be sent containing the link for the client's

The tutor's copy contains the answer which is highlighted in YELLOW. If you will
notice also, each lesson has the word "KEY" at the end of the Lesson Title.

You will be informed through gmail again about the start date of the LISTENING
EXCERCISES but for now, please download all of it and wait for further advice.

For your strict compliance.


GM - Mica

It is a must that these files are downloaded in your PC's. Unavailability of the
teaching materials will be a negligence on your part.



Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 7:05 PM


In plotting your schedule STARTING OCT.27, 2011,
The reservation system will require you to RECONFIRM if you agree with the
schedule that you have created. This is to prevent any wrong plotting from the
tutor's side.

Thank you for reading.


GM - Mica


Listening Excercises

Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 5:56 PM



Please download the attached teaching material titled as "LISTENING
EXCERCISES". This is the latest material made by the company which has an
embedded audio.

It is important that you DOWNLOAD the teaching materials instead of viewing it.
The embedded audio does not function when you view and access the file at gmail

The material has been divided into two categories:

Listening Excercises - Daily
--> Lower Intermediate - Upper Intermediate (LI - UI)

Listening Excercises - Business
--> Upper Intermediate - Advance (UI - A)

Listening excercises are recommended for clients who are interested in TOEIC and
Business Materials. You can recommend or immediately present this to them
instead of our old TOEIC and Business Materials.

The attachment contains the tutor's copy. As for the client's copy, it will be posted
in the skytalk website and an email will be sent containing the link for the client's

The tutor's copy contains the answer which is highlighted in YELLOW. If you will
notice also, each lesson has the word "KEY" at the end of the Lesson Title.
You will be informed through gmail again about the start date of the LISTENING
EXCERCISES but for now, please download all of it and wait for further advice.

For your strict compliance.


GM - Mica

It is a must that these files are downloaded in your PC's. Unavailability of the
teaching materials will be a negligence on your part.



Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 8:43 PM


This is the link for the LISTENING EXERCISES CLIENT'S COPY. The material has
been included in the TOEIC section of the client's Reservation Page a.k.a MY PAGE.

If the client will ask for assitance or inquire where the LISTENING EXERCISES
material is located, please advise about checking in their reservation system (MY
PAGE), TOEIC section.

Thank you very much for following.


GM – Mica



Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:16 PM


Good Evening Home Based and Center Based Tutors. Please install google talk in
your respective units.

Click on the link below to have an access to google talk installer. Once you've
clicked it, google talk will be downloaded automatically and you can set it up in
your laptop/desktop.

Thank you for complying.

GM - Mica



Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 10:51 PM


Starting NOVEMBER 3, 2011, EA Joan will be handling the schedule. All inquiries
regarding your working schedule shall be addressed to Ms.Joan.

Majority of you are wondering about the reason for your schedule change. The
main reason for the change is the demand for the lessons slots and this demand
varies per operation.

Please refer to the EA's email account information which reminds you to check your
schedule a night before the actual operation.

This is an example of the email that the EA's had sent regarding the schedule:

Please wait for instructions from Ms. Malou (skytalk.malou) when you can start.

Plot your schedule but limit to 6 slots and it is still subject to change depending on
so kindly check your data before lessons.

For your materials and any technical problem, PC/Laptop and anti virus checking
please skype sir Alvin our IT (skype id: cee_ey)

NOTE: please check your GMAIL account everyday
Thank you very much.


GM - Mica



Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:01 PM


1. Please don't forget to inform the 4C Staff concerning your late arrival, lesson
cancellations, emergency situation or any event that will compromise your working
schedule. Only text the official three cell numbers of 4C and not the personal
numbers of the 4C Staff. As much as possible, text the three cell numbers and not
one number only.

09088686601 (BF)
09088686602 (OMM)
09088686603 (CEBU)

2. A tutor is considered late if she has not arrived in the center or if she is still
offline 30 mins before her set working time. The count time for reallocation starts
after 30 mins.

3. Even if the tutor has informed about her late arrival, 4C Staff can only wait for
the set waiting time (10 mins EVENING, 15 mins AFTERNOON).

4. Please take note that sending the acknowledgement does not guarantee that
your first class won't be reallocated. After the staff has checked you at Skype and
you are still offline, reallocation will proceed.

5. If SM sends "CHECK" message to you at skype, please reply "ONLINE" only.
There is no need to to inform SM about your lesson status. Inform the 4CM only
and not SM. For more information please read:

Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 7:09 PM

6. If the client has any skype problems, please give this link: 
10:43 PM)

7. Please report immediately if you you have any problems concerning your client.
Skytalk Senior Manager has removed 5 clients from Skytalk because of their
untoward behavior to the tutors.

8. Please utilize the EXPLANATION LETTER TEMPLATE in making you explanation
letter. The letter shall be addressed to the 4CM and must be sent to

9. All lesson materials must be downloaded in your respective units. Please refer to
the updated SKYTALK E-BOOKS for the download site.

10. Google talk must be installed in your unit to act as the notifier every time there
are new updates from 4C. It also serves as the back up once Skype is down.

For your strict compliance. Thank you very much for taking note.


GM - Mica



Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 10:52 PM


Please download the attachments. The memos had been compiled again for
everyone to have an easy access to the memos in Gmail.

Please install GOOGLE TALK also for you to be immediately informed with updates
from 4C.

For your strict compliance.


GM - Mica

To those tutors who had installed GOOGLE TALK in their PC/Laptop, thank you very


Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:16 PM


If you are planning to go to another country and continue to work in 4C/Skytalk,
You need to ask permission first from 4C Management. The Management in turn
will ask for Sir Shin's approval. Once approved, your audio, video and connection
status will be checked by the staff.

You also need to provide a means for communication in order for the staff to check

For your strict compliance.

Thank you very much.


GM - Mica



Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:58 PM


Skytalk JPN Office has been receiving numerous complaints from the clients about
lack of tutors for the succeeding month.

Please be informed that you need to make your schedule at least one week in
advance. The most ideal would be two weeks in advance so that the clients can
instantly reserve.

At the same time you can wisely plan your schedule ahead of time.

For your strict compliance.

Thank you very much.

GM - Mica



Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 10:14 PM


Clients are complaining again that most of their tutors are UNAWARE about the
REQUESTED LESSON that they had indicated in the REQUEST LIST.

Please scroll down and check the last part of the client's profile page (tutor's log-in)
which is the REQUEST LIST. You will be seeing the requested lesson of the client in
the material section.

You can also reconfirm the requested lesson to the client if he still wishes to
continue it.

For your strict compliance please.


GM - Mica

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New 4 c memos gmail 11 20-11

  • 1. 4C – MEMOS (GMAIL) Business Idioms and Terms-Basic (Lower-Upper) Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 10:20 PM (CHECK GMAIL FOR THE MATERIAL) ______________________________________ Narration Using Comic Strips (Begin-Low) Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM (CHECK GMAIL FOR THE MATERIAL) ______________________________________ THROUGH THE YEARS Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:07 AM The attached file is the compilation of all the memos since the company started. The memos were made for the “do's and dont's” of how the lessons should go. Please take it to heart again and TAKE TIME TO READ IT. Again, for your reference. ______________________________________ TEMPORARY OPERATION Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:59 PM The earthquake and Tsunami has caused massive Nuclear Power Plant damage in Japan. Government officials has announced that there will be power shortage and power failure in some areas. With this, tutors lesson slots will be reduced by 30-40% as our clients drawback and inability to go online due to the power shortage. This is just a temporary thing. This is one way to help Japan.
  • 2. Everything will be back to normal operations in due time Please take a moment of silence to pray for our neighboring country, Japan. Thank you. ______________________________________ HOW CAN WE SUPPORT JAPAN? Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 9:07 PM A massive 8.9/9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern Japan at around 2:46pm on March 11 (JST) causing damage with blackouts, fire and tsunami. On this page we are providing the information regarding the disaster and damage with realtime updates. (Updates throughout) * Report that nuclear building's outer structure blown off * Death toll from quake and tsunami put at 1,300 * Huge trail of devastation along Japan's northeast coast * Quake shifted earth's axis and main island of Japan COLLEAGUES, JAPAN HAS HELPED OUR COUNTRY IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE AND WITH THIS LET US BE ONE AND SUPPORT JAPAN. WHAT I WILL ASK IS NOT AN OBLIGATION NOR COMPULSORY... ~~~ 1 DAY/NIGHT FREE LESSONS OR MAYBE A FEW SLOTS FREE ~~~ PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE MOST AFFECTED AREA AND WHO MOST NEED IT. ONE OF OUR SKYTALK FAMILY IN JAPAN WENT TO SUPERMARKET AND COULD HARDLY GET ANYTHING - FOOD, CANDLES, WATER, GAS, ETC, NO MORE... I KNOW OUR COUNTRY HAS BEEN HIT BY NATURE'S FURY MANY TIMES AND JAPAN HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR US. NO ONE HAS ASKED ME TO DO THIS. I KNOW SOME OF YOU FEEL THE SAME AS I DO, HOW TO EXTEND OUR SYMPATHIES TO JAPAN... AND THIS IS HOW. WE CANNOT JUST SIT AND DO NOTHING. YES, WE PRAY FOR THEM, THAT IS A GREAT HELP! BUT I FEEL WE NEED TO DO MORE.... Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. ______________________________________ DISCARD THE OLD LEVEL CHECKING MATERIAL Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 6:04 PM Attached is the NEW LEVEL CHECKING MATERIAL made by the company that will be utilized on MARCH 28, 2011.
  • 3. Same structure but questions were altered. The graphical contents and instructions were improved for the student and the tutors benefit. Level Checking Material has two sets of copies, one for the tutor and one for the student. Please download and review. DISCARD THE OLD LEVEL CHECKING MATERIAL. (CHECK GMAIL FOR THE MATERIAL) ______________________________________ ALL TEACHING MATERIAL FILES, PLEASE DOWNLOAD Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:01 PM Reminder again, kindly DOWNLOAD ALL TEACHING MATERIALS to avoid complaints from the clients. Please make sure that all of the teaching materials are in your Laptop or PC to avoid any problems with file sending. Skytalk Lead Manager informed again about the main problem that the tutors are producing. Please take note. [10:48:58 PM] Skytalk-Manager: these days , Skytalk Japan office got complains from clients about tutor's misoperation about sending files ,and checking client info before they start thier lessons [10:49:54 PM] Skytalk-Manager: this can be the reason for clients to stop taking lesson from skytalk ______________________________________ NO WEBCAM NO SUPPRESSION Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:30 PM Starting tomorrow APRIL 2, 2011, lessons that were canceled because of tutor's unavailability to use the webcam will not be suppressed. Please take note. All tutors are mandated to use the WEBCAM as what is stated in our JAPAN WEBSITE.
  • 4. LETTER OF EXPLANATION Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 7:14 PM Considering the catastrophic event that took place in Japan, our clients are still willing to learn and reserve for you. But sad as it is, as cancellations has been rampant nowadays from the Tutors side. This is not a very good image from us, and as most of us wants to help Japan in our own little way... then why cancel? Starting today, 01 April 2011, Friday, you need to furnish the undersigned a letter of explanation regarding your sudden cancellations from the previous night. This will go on every time you make sudden cancellations as Japan desk needs it ASAP. Most cancellations doesn't have any informations nor explanations given to any 4C staff. With this, SMs are having a hard time on what to tell the clients why you cancelled. THE LETTER OF EXPLANATION IS A MUST THAT SHOULD BE SENT RIGHT AFTER YOUR ABSENCE. Then will be turned over to Japan Desk. ______________________________________ Questions for Conversations (Beginner) Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 1:02 AM (CHECK GMAIL FOR THE MATERIAL) ______________________________________ Questions for Discussion (Lower-Upper) SKY LIBRARY Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 1:23 AM (CHECK GMAIL FOR THE MATERIAL) ______________________________________ COMPLETE SOLUTION FOR SKYPE DOWNTIME PROBLEM Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:31 PM The attached file is the complete SOLUTION for the SKYPE DOWNTIME PROBLEM
  • 5. experienced by 8 million people as per the SKYPE MANAGEMENT. Please follow the solution attached and for your LESSONS on MAY 26 please leave it as it is. Make comments on the lessons that you were able to accomplish. 4C and SM Staff will recheck everything. For additional inquiries, please ask Sir Alvin (cee_ey) ______________________________________ READ ASAP...27APRIL Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:58 PM Skytalk Japan Office would like to request for the EXPLANATION LETTERS from tutors <<< MONETTE'S reallocation: She's not feeling well due to lack of sleep. 2330 - rei jiroramo - CANCELED (no available tutor) <<< MELADY'S reallocation: She will be picking up her father from the airport. 2330 - ayakanit - CANCELED (no available tutor) Also please write HOW TO AVOID the matter not to happen again. such as make sure to call not text, etc etc. Canceling lessons on the day will make you loosing clients. its clear that you may loose your payments also. Please send your explanation letter until APRIL 28th 19:00 JPN to 4C if there are no letters, 4C will send you a message what to do or Skytalk will close your schedules. ______________________________________ ROUTINE Mon, May 23, 2011 at 12:50 AM This must be routinely done everyday BEFORE STARTING THE LESSONS to avoid mishappenings that can greatly affect the company.
  • 6. ANTIVIRUS ONCE A DAY -- > QUICK SCAN ONCE A MONTH --> FULL SCAN If you need further assistance, kindly ask Sir Alvin (cee_ey) ______________________________________ UNWANTED BEHAVIOR/skype down time Sun, May 29, 2011 at 6:35 PM Good day. TWO THINGS PLEASE: 1. Recently, we are having clients with unwanted behavior (masturbating or showing of private parts of their body). If you encounter such client/s please click on the snaphot button found on the upper portion of skype. If in any case your video is not on (which should always be on) ..use your celphone or digicam to capture. Do not panic if ever you encounter a scenario like the one above and follow the instructions given. I am encouraging all tutors to do what has been instructed, as Japan desk needs evidence and will deal with client appropriately. 2. You have to check your GMAIL, YAHOO and Skype and READ ALL MAILS directed to you. This should be done daily. And with regards to the SKYPE DOWNTIME per Sir Shin, you will be paid accordingly, do not change anything in the Reservations System. ______________________________________ TUTOR SNATCHERS!!! BEWARE! Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:01 AM Competition in this type of On-line Industry has become tough and more competitive. With this, clients posing as students are recruiting Tutors from Skytalk during lesson time. Skytalk / 4Communications will be dealing with the clients and tutors accordingly and we ask you to refrain from any such activity. If and when a case similar to this
  • 7. happens (the recruiting), Management encourages you to disclose the matter the soonest possible time as not to be implicated with Conflict of Interest. Hence, once again I encourage you to read the Contract of Agreement that was served to you. The Company will have to serve the rightful legal matters about this situation. We are protecting our Company as well as the tutors, and would not want to have any terms violated within the Contract of Agreement as the Company has the right to claim damage and loss from this act as a violation. Let us work as a family and not let ourselves get involved in this dishonoring act and show the recruiters (deceitful people) that they cannot pull us apart. Thank you very much for being a loyal part of this family. ALL THE BEST TO US! ______________________________________ LEVEL TEST FOR STUDENT Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:11 AM LEVEL CHECK TEST The URL indicated is the download link for the LEVEL TEST MATERIALS. The company has developed 2 ADDITIONAL LEVEL TESTS to be used as a SUBSTITUTE for LEVEL TEST 1. The Scoring system is similar to LEVEL TEST 1. Refer to LEVEL TEST 1 for the SCORE TABLE. A reminder for using the LEVEL TEST MATERIALS: - If the client can't answer the question move to the next question to save time. (Clients informed that it takes time before the test is finished because of staying in one question without moving on) Thank you very much for downloading the files. ______________________________________ LATEST LEVEL CHECK TEST Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:42 AM Attached are the latest LEVEL TEST MATERIALS (1)(2)(3) both with tutor's and client's copy.
  • 8. The company has developed 2 ADDITIONAL LEVEL TESTS to be used as a SUBSTITUTE for LEVEL TEST 1 but the priority is still LEVEL TEST 1. The Materials range from SIMPLE (LEVEL TEST 1) MEDIUM (LEVEL TEST 2) and DIFFICULT (LEVEL TEST 3). Tutor can choose from the three level test materials If the client will request for his level to be rechecked (LEVEL UP) The Scoring system is similar to LEVEL TEST 1. Refer to LEVEL TEST 1 for the SCORE TABLE. A reminder for using the LEVEL TEST MATERIALS: - If the client can't answer the question move to the next question to save time. (Clients informed that it takes time before the test is finished because of staying in one question without moving on) Thank you very much for downloading the files. ______________________________________ PAYROLL Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:02 PM FYI. (for payroll purposes) Starting today, 13 July 2011, all tutors who do not comply with the protocol in accomplishing the comments when lessons are done shall not be counted in the payroll system. As you have been instructed during the course of your training with Asst. GM, Ms. Mica that undone comments will stay 'yellow' which our system in Japan does not recognize as lesson completed. ALL LESSONS COMPLETED SHOULD HAVE A COMMENT FOR IT TO TURN 'DARK GREEN' THUS SHALL BE PAID. ( DO NOT PLACE ANY COMMENT IF THE CLIENT IS ABSENT). FOR YOUR STRICT COMPLIANCE. ______________________________________ PLEASE READ:LESSON REMINDERS Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:26 PM LESSON REMINDER (1)
  • 9. Recently, Clients are complaining about the tutors " insufficient knowledge" regarding their lesson request. Clients feel that the tutors are unaware of the lesson method that they specifically asked. With these increasing complaints, Management is reminding again to please check the CLIENT'S PROFILE before having lessons. LESSON REMINDER (2) If the client's are having technical and connection problems, do not emphasize to the client's that "IT IS THEIR PROBLEM" because it offends them. Please remember that we need to provide excellent customer service to them. If it is the client's problem, report it to the 4CM on duty and the 4CM on duty will report the true situation to SM. ______________________________________ READ NOW READ NOW READ NOW!!!! Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:46 PM GUIDELINES FOR LESSON CANCELLATIONS: 1. Starting tomorrow for the tutor's who are late 4CM / monitoring will be calling three times only, after that no more calls shall be done and lesson cancellation will proceed. (Please update us will your celphone numbers) 2. For tutors who requests for lesson cancellation. 4CM needs to recheck the details carefully (need reason), after rechecking for the time vailidity, lesson cancellation will proceed. 3. If a tutor requests for lesson cancellation and is online, 4CM / monitoring shall confirm with the tutor, if the tutor failed to respond within 10 mins, lesson cancellation will proceed. 4. For the tutors who fluctuated 3x's successively, 2 lessons will be canceled automatically. 5. If a tutor is not on her pc or laptop without informing 4CM, and reallocation was made for them, all lessons shall be cancelled the following day. 6. Tutors who asks another person to type-in their timecard (on time) for them while tutor still out and was late, all lessons the following day shall be reallocated. NOTE: Cancellation could be 1 - 2 days depending on the gravity of the issue). ______________________________________
  • 10. Please think about your safety Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:14 PM Presenting our beloved country to the clients is much appreciated by the management but please avoid saying "WHY DON'T YOU GO TO THE PHILIPPINES?" because as per SM Senior Lead Manager, Majority of the MALE clients take it seriously.The aforementioned question has a different conotation to the Japanese Male Clients. Clients might misinterpret it and think differently about you. They might go here in the Philippines with negative motives in mind. Please think about your safety. ______________________________________ MY NAME IS Aug 1, 2011 at 8:59 PM The names of the client's are somehow difficult to pronounce because of its Japanese origin but if you will mispronounce the client's name, please apologize till you get the correct pronounciation. We have also recieved multiple complaints again, about skytalk tutors watching TV, listening to radio, chatting with someone and not concentrating during the lesson time. Though some of these complaints are misinterpretation of the tutor's action, still, you need to be careful because Japanese clients are sensitive. They tend to misinterpret actions. Please work professionaly during the lesson time. Client's are starting to think about Skytalk's credibility to provide excellent tutors. ______________________________________ DOWNLOAD NOW, ALL OF THE TEACHING MATERIALS Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 7:35 PM Attached file is the SKYTALK - EBOOKS for the download site of all the teaching materials. The Side By Side book has been divided per page and you need to download it one by one in this updated Skytalk - ebooks. The advantage is, you can easily send the Side by Side files compared to the old file that was divided per lesson.
  • 11. Please download all of the teaching materials in this PDF to avoid unnecessary delay in the lesson. ______________________________________ Please make it as a habit: INFORM ALWAYS Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 11:07 PM Reallocation is the transferance of another tutor's student to any available tutors during each lesson slot. Reallocation can happen anytime, even in the middle of the lesson. The nature of reallocation happens quickly and the specific time that it can happen is unpredictable due to different problems that can be encountered in each time frame. With this information, which you were also informed during the training, It is a must that you inform the 4CM on duty if you will be out in your station at the center or if you will be away from your PC while at home. This must be a routine action for you to accomplish, to avoid unnecessary reallocation and cancellation of your slot and also negligence record in your file . Majority of the tutors fail to accomplish the aforementioned. Please make it as a habit: INFORM ALWAYS ______________________________________ Daily Life (ADDITIONAL LESSONS) Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:19 PM (CHECK GMAIL FOR THE MATERIAL) ______________________________________ TOEIC Reading and Speaking Lesson 2, 3 and 4 (revised) Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:31 PM The files in this link are the revised lessons in the teaching material TOEIC READING AND SPEAKING. The graphics for LESSONS 2, 3 and 4 has been enhanced for client satisfaction.
  • 12. Please download all of the attached file. ______________________________________ TOEIC READING AND SPEAKING LESSONS 26 - 50 Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 8:27 PM Please download the TOEIC READING AND SPEAKING LESSONS 26 - 50. Answer key has been included also. = TOEIC Thank you for downloading. ______________________________________ UNIFORM MESSAGE for next client Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 10:34 PM Lately clients are complaining about the typing sounds they hear, client will wait for a message in the chat box but will not get anything, with this a uniform message shall be sent through copy and pasting to your next client before your lessons with them (to avoid typing not intended for them). as follows: 1. Hi, I will be your next tutor. I will call you on time and looking forward to talking with you later. 2. Hi, I will be your next tutor. I will call you on time and looking forward to talking with you later. My connection is not good now, so we will use voice call instead of video call. Thank you. (optional) ---> this will be sent only if your connection is weal or unstable. FOR YOUR STRICT COMPLIANCE. ______________________________________ CLIENT'S PRIVACY INFORMATION Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 9:05 PM For the past few days, 4C and Skytalk Staff has been discussing about client's privacy information, wether to give the name of the client who complained or make it anonymous. With the discussions made, taking into account the benefit of the
  • 13. client and also the tutors, the following has been decided: 1. We will not tell Client's name and Tutors do not need to write an explanation letter about it. ( We will just relay the info) 2. When clients want explanation letter, then we will tell the name to tutors and tutors would write an explanation letter. - Skytalk Senior Manager Thank you very much for reading. ______________________________________ TUTORS ---> RECONFIRM!!! Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:05 AM You receive emails whenever a client reserves for your lesson, which the purpose is to allow you to know when was your last lesson with the client and also the last lesson taken... AND THE REQUEST WILL BE SHOWN below the Reservations Data. Sometimes the client/s decides to change their lesson at the last minute and the Reservations Data wouldn't be able to update late changes. With this, make sure to RECONFIRM to the client the title of the Lesson shown in the client's Reservation's Data just before the start of the lesson proper. If ever client wants to continue or has decided to change the lesson, please make sure that you provide what material the client would like to have. Thank you! ______________________________________ Skytalk Clients and 4Communication Tutor Relationships Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:58 AM Good Day Tutors As you are aware, all tutors are requested to sign a contract with 4Communication Co., Inc. in respect of their Providing Tutorial Services for the benefit of Skytalk clients. In the contract, it is clearly stated and agreed that there will be no relationship between the client and tutor outside of that stated above. Recently we have become aware of tutors offering clients the opportunity to employ their tutorial services outside the agreed contractual terms and conditions,
  • 14. using Paypal as the means of payment and charging in the region of PHP200 per hour. You may be aware that Skytalk staff take lessons with yourselves on a randomly selected basis, to ascertain continued quality of service, effective communication and establish tutor / client relationships. The one thing that you will not know is the actual fact that you are providing a lesson for one of the Skytalk staff! Any relationship between client and tutor outside of the Skytalk / 4Communication protocol is strictly forbidden and should we find that a tutor is offering personal services to any of our Skytalk clients as above or in any other form, then the tutor will incur immediate termination from the 4Communication tutor pool. Please be guided by the above and avoid any infringement of your terms and conditions of employment by 4Communication, as the knock on effect of any such event can be very severe, not only upon yourselves but also on your clients in Japan where the laws on fraud are very harsh. Thank you for your adherence. Paul R Hedley President 4Communication Co., Inc. ______________________________________ SKYTALK E BOOKS UNDER MAINTENANCE Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:09 PM As you have noticed, when you are downloading the teaching materials, most of it are not available. Majority of the teaching materials uploaded in send space (SKYTALK E - BOOKS) has been automatically deleted since we are using a free account only. As of this time, the materials are being uploaded and organized again. Once the materials are available in the site, 4C will send the SKYTALK E - BOOKS.pdf ______________________________________ REVISED SKYTALK E - BOOKS Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 11:25 PM Attached file is the revised SKYTALK E - BOOKS for the teaching materials. All of the latest improvements with the teaching materials has been included in the
  • 15. attachment. Please download the materials you need. ______________________________________ URGENT NOTICE!!! Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 3:30 PM ATTENTION: All Tutors Greetings! Please be informed that starting today Ms Gloria Gamboa is no longer connected with Skytalk - 4Communication Co. Inc. We would like to introduce to you our new General Manager, Ms. Mica Balderama. You can address any operation-related concerns directly to her. Please be guided. Regards, Paul R. Hedley President of the Company ______________________________________ CENTER BASED TUTOR'S BREAK TIME Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 8:03 PM Center Based Tutors, Once you have arrived in the center 30 mins before the start of your working time, You can have 15 mins break time before the lesson begins. If you will go out, Please inform the 4CM on duty any staff in the center about your location. If there are no present staff, please leave a note in their desk about your whereabouts to avoid any miscommunication. Don't forget to bring your phone with you if you will be out to take your break.
  • 16. For your strict compliance. Thank you very much for your cooperation. ______________________________________ CEBU CENTER ISSUE Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 1:11 AM Center Based Tutors, Please be advised to read all of the GMAILS everyday before starting to work. You need to do this, for you to be updated with the new rules and information about your work as a skytalk tutor. Ladies, I'd like to clarify some issues regarding the center and knowing your professional level, I know that you can objectively see the explanation. 1. WHY IS THE MANAGEMENT SUDDENLY STRICT? Ladies, Our apologies if the changes were sudden. The rules had been laid out before but due to some serious problems in Manila Center, which was needed to be resolved immediately, the management wasn't able to focus implementing the needed rules at Cebu Center. Please do not think that the management is being biased. I am aware about the personal issues of the tutor's with the staff but the implementation of the rules were not based because of aforementioned. Rules are needed to be implemented for the organization of the center. 2. THE WEBCAM IS FOCUSED TO THE TUTORS. All of the 4C Centers were required to have web cams for the management's monitoring purposes. The main reason is Office abuse. It started in one of the centers and the management doesn't want it to happen again. The webcam is mainly focused at the door's direction to see any incoming persons that are not part of the center. No one is allowed in the center except the staff and the authorized tutors. 3. IT TAKES TIME BEFORE THE 4CM CAN CHANGE THE LESSON STATUS. Compared before, we have more tutors working in the evening shift. The company is expanding. Each night the 4CM handles 60 - 70 tutors (minimum). It takes longer to change specially of there are more important tutor problems to be fixed and prioritzed in that lesson time.
  • 17. 4CM also needs to be careful and recheck the absent lessons slots that must be changed. It is the 4CM's common mistake of changing the wrong lesson slot which confuses the client. We wanted to change it as fast as we can because we know you are waiting but due to this action, mistakes are commited. 4CM's appreciate this observation by the tutors and we will take it as a challenge to improve more. 4. 4CM CANCELS THE LESSON EVEN IF THE TUTOR INFORMED NOT TO CANCEL. As you are all aware, we have specific waiting time for each shift. 10 mins waiting time in the evening shift and 15 mins waiting time in the afternoon. If the tutor is suddenly offline we can only wait for a maximum of 2 mins. We cannot let the clients wait longer because one of Skytalk's service is to provide a replacement tutor immediately once their original tutor had encountered problems (TECHNICAL, CONNECTION, PERSONAL). Skytalk/4C is similar to any restaurant. In the restaurants, if you ordered a meal and the meal given to you was burnt, smelled bad or spoiled, you want it to be replaced, the management of that restaurant will make up for it by giving you another meal. Like Skytalk, we need to replace problematic lessons which is done through reallocations. If we are not able to reallocate within the set time, clients will lose their confidence in Skytalk. Clients might leave us. If the tutor had connection, technical and power failure problems, there are no definite time about the tutor's return. If the tutor fluctuated thrice we need to reallocate the next slot immediately for stabilization of the connection. *Power failure - 2 lesson slots immediately. 5. NOISY There are instances that the voice of the staff gets loud if the operation is getting stressful or there are tutors that must be constantly checked because of certain problems. With this I apologized, the staff will do their best to control the voice volume. 6. CONSTANT RECHECKING BY CEBU STAFF EVEN IF YOU ARE CENTER BASED TUTORS. It's 4CM Lydia's responsibility to check if the center based tutors are all present 15
  • 18. mins before the lesson time. If 4CM Lydia missed to communicate properly regarding the center based tutor's location, she will be held liable for it. 7. REMOVAL OF SOME TUTORS IN THE CENTER. All efforts from the management had been done to fix the connection problem at Cebu Center. This is done in order for the tutor's to utilize the web cam. Unfortunately, majority of the center based tutors are having difficulites using the webcam because of the connection. It has been decided to remove tutors in the center with low performance rate (low reservation) and to maintain the effective tutors. With this, the center based tutors can utlize their webcam and incidence of connection problem in the center will be lessen. *IT IS A MUST TO USE THE WEBCAM DURING THE LESSON TIME* 8. CLEANLINESS OF THE OFFICE -- We do not have janitors to clean the office. Therefore all of us must contribute in cleaning. It has been done in BF and OMM centers. OMM - Staff and Tutors clean their desks and wash the kitchen utilities used. BF - Each Staff and tutors have an assigned day to clean the whole center. For the Cebu Center based tutors, please clean your own area. Thank you very much for understanding the situation and if you have more clarifications or any issues please ask me. ______________________________________ CENTER BASED TUTOR'S BREAK TIME Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 8:03 PM Center Based Tutors, Once you have arrived in the center 30 mins before the start of your working time, You can have 15 mins break time before the lesson begins. If you will go out, Please inform the 4CM on duty any staff in the center about your location. If there are no present staff, please leave a note in their desk about your whereabouts to avoid any miscommunication.
  • 19. Don't forget to bring your phone with you if you will be out to take your break. For your strict compliance. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Sincerely, Mica ______________________________________ DISCIPLINE (LESSON CANCELLATION MUST BE AVOIDED) Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 1:11 AM Compared before, most of you might have noticed that the management has been strict when it comes to implementing the guidelines for lesson cancellation. The main reason for this, is the competition with the other online english schools in Japan. In order for us to survive, we need to have discipline and organization. The management needs your cooperation concerning this matter. I am happy to inform you that we are surviving inspite of the competition but this is not enough for everyone. We need the clients to stay with us and not just leave after the free trial lessons. We need to have the clients confidence in Skytalk and its tutors. The weak area that Skytalk has are the lesson cancelations made due to negligence, personal difficulties, technical and connection problem. As a reminder again regarding the prevention of lesson cancellation. Please take note of the following guidelines: --> GUIDELINES FOR LESSON CANCELLATIONS 1. For the tutor's who are late 4CM / monitoring will be calling three times only, after that no more calls shall be done and lesson cancellation will proceed. (Please update us with your celphone numbers) 2. For tutors who requested for lesson cancellation via skype. 4CM needs to recheck the details carefully (need reason), after rechecking for the time vailidity, lesson cancellation will proceed. 3. If a tutor requests for lesson cancellation and is online, 4CM / monitoring shall
  • 20. confirm with the tutor, if the tutor failed to respond within 10 mins, lesson cancellation will proceed. 4. For the tutors who fluctuated 3x's successively, 2 lessons will be canceled. 5. If a tutor is not on her pc or laptop without informing 4CM, and reallocation was made for them, all lessons shall be cancelled the following day. 6. Tutors who asks another person to type-in their timecard (on time) for them while tutor still out and was late, all lessons the following day shall be reallocated. NOTE: Cancellation could be 1 - 2 days depending on the gravity of the issue). 7. Tutors whose first class were reallocated because 4CM did not received any information about his/her location, will be marked as NO INFO. If the tutor (NO INFO) is still offline after the set waiting time (10 mins), 4CM will cancel all of their scheduled classes. (Instruction from JPN Mgmt) In addition to the Lesson Cancellation guideline, this is in response to the issue raised about the 4CM's way of canceling the lesson which was already explained to the center based tutors. --> 4CM CANCELS THE LESSON EVEN IF THE TUTOR INFORMED NOT TO CANCEL As you are all aware, we have specific waiting time for each shift. 10 mins waiting time in the evening shift and 15 mins waiting time in the afternoon. If the tutor is suddenly offline we can only wait for a maximum of 2 mins. We cannot let the clients wait longer because one of Skytalk's service is to provide a replacement tutor immediately once their original tutor had encountered problems (TECHNICAL, CONNECTION, PERSONAL). Skytalk/4C is similar to any restaurant. In the restaurants, if you ordered a meal and the meal given to you was burnt, smelled bad or spoiled, you want it to be replaced, the management of that restaurant will make up for it by giving you another meal. Like Skytalk, we need to replace problematic lessons which is done through reallocations. If we are not able to reallocate within the set time, clients will lose their confidence in Skytalk. Clients might leave us. If the tutor had connection, technical and power failure problems, there are no definite time about the tutor's return. If the tutor fluctuated thrice we need to reallocate the next slot immediately for stabilization of the connection.
  • 21. *Power failure - 2 lesson slots immediately. The Management is hoping that with this information, you will understand or be enlightened to prevent cancellations. For your strict compliance. ______________________________________ TEMPLATE FOR THE EXPLANATION LETTER Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 1:25 AM Attached file is the EXPLANATION LETTER TEMPLATE which was made by Senior Lead Manager. Use this template and fill it up with the necessary information needed and send it back to the 4CM gmail account. Please download and save a copy of the template. For your strict compliance. P.S. Thank you very much for the majority of the tutors who are reading the emails. COMPILATION OF 4C MEMOS GMAIL AND YAHOO Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:44 PM Tutors, Attached file are the compilation of 4C MEMOS in the yahoo and gmail accounts. Please download the attachments for your reference. *WE ARE CURRENTLY USING GMAIL AND NOT YAHOO* For your strict compliance. Sincerely GM Mica
  • 22. ______________________________________ OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 1:26 AM Tutors, For September, the incidence of lesson cancellations had decreased and the majority of the tutors are arriving within the specified time (30 mins before the scheduled working time). Majority had been informing appropriately also, but then again, there are some tutors who are not doing so. Now, this email serves as a reminder and encouragement for everyone about informing ahead of time, avoiding cancellations through carefull schedule planning and preventing late arrivals. Everyone will benefit from these actions, once it has been acted upon (STAFF AND TUTORS). More clients for the company (Clients who'll stay) and steady salary for the tutors. It's a win-win situation. The staff will be more persuasive in checking the tutors but they need your cooperation to produce an excellent output every operation time. Thank you again for reading this email and God Bless us All! Sincerely GM Mica P.S. If the late arrivals will increase again, the waiting time will be reduced to 5 mins instead of 10 mins. Kindly take note. ______________________________________ LI-UI Tutor's copy Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:11 PM Tutors, Please download the attached teaching material titled as "LISTENING EXCERCISES". This is the latest material made by the company which has an embedded audio.
  • 23. It is important that you DOWNLOAD the teaching materials instead of viewing it. The embedded audio does not function when you view and access the file at gmail documents. The material has been divided into two categories: Listening Excercises - Daily --> Lower Intermediate - Upper Intermediate (LI - UI) Listening Excercises - Business --> Upper Intermediate - Advance (UI - A) Listening excercises are recommended for clients who are interested in TOEIC and Business Materials. You can recommend or immediately present this to them instead of our old TOEIC and Business Materials. The attachment contains the tutor's copy. As for the client's copy, it will be posted in the skytalk website and an email will be sent containing the link for the client's copy. The tutor's copy contains the answer which is highlighted in YELLOW. If you will notice also, each lesson has the word "KEY" at the end of the Lesson Title. You will be informed through gmail again about the start date of the LISTENING EXCERCISES but for now, please download all of it and wait for further advice. For your strict compliance. Sincerely, GM - Mica P.S. It is a must that these files are downloaded in your PC's. Unavailability of the teaching materials will be a negligence on your part. ______________________________________ OUR RESPONSIBILITY Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 6:29 PM Tutors,
  • 24. A Good working relationship is needed for an organization to progress. Each party has a specific responsiblity to accomplish and once those responsibilites are carried out, an excellent product is produced and a symbiotic relationship is fostered. Tutors and staff work hand in hand by communicating and coordinating to produce a quality output. If either of the parties fail to execute the obligation assigned to them, the end product is defective. You are OUR responsibility and we have an obligation to the company. That is the reason why the staff are continously checking, reminding and explaining about the procedures and protocols of the company. It is our obligation. If the staff would implement the rules and remind or correct you, please understand because we are fulfilling our duties. There are some lesson cancellations made that were unintentionall, the management is aware about it but, it is not only the tutors that are hurt with the cancellation but also the clients, 4C Managers and Skytalk Managers. The simple act of informing appropriately will help and please don't forget to check your GMAIL everyday. Thank you very much. Sincerely, GM Mica P.S Take note of your acknowledgement and send it on time, it is included in the attendance activity that the 4CM's check and record everyday. ______________________________________ LISTENING EXCERCISES Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:27 PM Tutors These are the download links for the LISTENING EXERCISES material: Lower-Upper Intermediate Listening Materials Tutor's copy Upper Intermediate-Advance Listening Materials Tutor's copy
  • 25. Please download it as soon as possible before the link expires. You also need to give time in downloading the material because of its heavy load. For your strict compliance. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ REVISED FORMAT OF THE COMMENT (DOWNLOAD) Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 9:14 PM Tutors, Attached is the REVISED FORMAT OF THE COMMENT. Please download the file for your reference. Comment Page 1ST BOX (TEACHING MATERIAL AND COMMENT) This is where the format for the teaching material comment will be applied. You can also write your evaluation to the student in this part where the client's can see it. 2ND BOX (MEMO TO THE NEXT TUTOR) Client's can't see this box. This box will serve as a reference for your co-tutors regarding the lesson that you had with the clients. You can truthfully write the information deemed helpful for the next tutor. Thank you very much for following. Sincerely, GM - Mica
  • 26. ______________________________________ NOVEMBER 1 ALL SAINTS DAY Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 6:10 PM Tutors, We are half way to OCTOBER and NOVEMBER is fast approaching. Undeniably, November 1 ALL SAINTS DAY are one of those special holidays, that majority of us Filipinos celebrate to commemorate our deceased loved ones. Inspite of this fact, our work at 4C/Skytalk still continues. Please arrange your important personal matters on NOV 1 and plot your working schedules. We will be needing your full support on this matter. Thank you very much for COOPERATING dear tutors. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ SKYPE VERSION PROBLEMS Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 1:23 AM Tutors, Please view and study the attached file concerning SKYPE. The file has been made by Sir Alvin and it contains instruction regarding Skype installation. If you are having problems with the latest Skype version, please refer to this attachment. Thank you very much for following. Sincerely, GM - Mica
  • 27. ______________________________________ SM SENDING MESSAGES TO THE TUTORS (RATIONALE) Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 7:09 PM Tutors, The basic Operational Concept is that the 4C-Manager manages the tutors and the Skytalk Managers handles the clients. You may have observed that there are instances wherein the assigned SM for the night will send messages to you. Rational for doing so is to confirm your online status and to quickly inform the clients about it. 4CM relayes your skype status to SM and rechecking is done between the two parties but due to multiple problems encountered and skype status unreliability between the two countries, SM needs to recheck again. If the skype unreliability status happens, SM sends the "CHECK" message to the tutor. For all of the tutors who receive this message, you can reply by typing ONLINE only. The rest of your concerns must be relayed to the 4CM. The ONLINE response is enough, no need to inform the SM. Thank you for always cooperating. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ CLIENTS CAN'T ADD ME IN THEIR SKYPE Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:43 PM Tutors, Most lesson problems encountered are the client's deficient knowledge, when it comes to handling Skype. Instead of proceeding with the lesson, majority of the tutors will explain about Skype, thus consuming more lesson time. With this common problem, JPN Mgmt provided the skype site that they forward to the clients. Please use this site and give it to the clients when you encounter such problems.
  • 28.  Thank you very much for cooperating. Sincerely, GM - Mica P.S. LISTENING EXCERCISES is not yet open for the clients. Just download it for now and 4C will advise concerning date utilization. ______________________________________ LISTENING EXCERCISES WILL BE OFFICIALLY USED TOMORROW OCT 25 Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:16 PM Tutors, The LISTENING EXERCISES material will be used tomorrow OCT. 25, 2011. The management is expecting that you have already downloaded all of the LISTENING EXCERCISES material since we had sent it in advance. Please refer to the old email about LISTENING EXCERCISES. Thank you very much for following. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ Listening Excercises EMAIL SENT ON OCT 6 (RE-SENDING OCT 24) ======================== Tutors, Please download the attached teaching material titled as "LISTENING EXCERCISES". This is the latest material made by the company which has an embedded audio. It is important that you DOWNLOAD the teaching materials instead of viewing it. The embedded audio does not function when you view and access the file at gmail
  • 29. documents. The material has been divided into two categories: Listening Excercises - Daily --> Lower Intermediate - Upper Intermediate (LI - UI) Listening Excercises - Business --> Upper Intermediate - Advance (UI - A) Listening excercises are recommended for clients who are interested in TOEIC and Business Materials. You can recommend or immediately present this to them instead of our old TOEIC and Business Materials. The attachment contains the tutor's copy. As for the client's copy, it will be posted in the skytalk website and an email will be sent containing the link for the client's copy. The tutor's copy contains the answer which is highlighted in YELLOW. If you will notice also, each lesson has the word "KEY" at the end of the Lesson Title. You will be informed through gmail again about the start date of the LISTENING EXCERCISES but for now, please download all of it and wait for further advice. For your strict compliance. Sincerely, GM - Mica P.S. It is a must that these files are downloaded in your PC's. Unavailability of the teaching materials will be a negligence on your part. ______________________________________ IMPROVEMENT WITH PLOTTING your SCHEDULE Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 7:05 PM Tutors, In plotting your schedule STARTING OCT.27, 2011, The reservation system will require you to RECONFIRM if you agree with the schedule that you have created. This is to prevent any wrong plotting from the
  • 30. tutor's side. Thank you for reading. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ Listening Excercises Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 5:56 PM EMAIL SENT ON OCT 6 (RE-SENDING OCT 29) ======================== Tutors, Please download the attached teaching material titled as "LISTENING EXCERCISES". This is the latest material made by the company which has an embedded audio. It is important that you DOWNLOAD the teaching materials instead of viewing it. The embedded audio does not function when you view and access the file at gmail documents. The material has been divided into two categories: Listening Excercises - Daily --> Lower Intermediate - Upper Intermediate (LI - UI) Listening Excercises - Business --> Upper Intermediate - Advance (UI - A) Listening excercises are recommended for clients who are interested in TOEIC and Business Materials. You can recommend or immediately present this to them instead of our old TOEIC and Business Materials. The attachment contains the tutor's copy. As for the client's copy, it will be posted in the skytalk website and an email will be sent containing the link for the client's copy. The tutor's copy contains the answer which is highlighted in YELLOW. If you will notice also, each lesson has the word "KEY" at the end of the Lesson Title.
  • 31. You will be informed through gmail again about the start date of the LISTENING EXCERCISES but for now, please download all of it and wait for further advice. For your strict compliance. Sincerely, GM - Mica P.S. It is a must that these files are downloaded in your PC's. Unavailability of the teaching materials will be a negligence on your part. ______________________________________ LINK FOR LISTENING EXERCISES Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 8:43 PM Tutors, This is the link for the LISTENING EXERCISES CLIENT'S COPY. The material has been included in the TOEIC section of the client's Reservation Page a.k.a MY PAGE. If the client will ask for assitance or inquire where the LISTENING EXERCISES material is located, please advise about checking in their reservation system (MY PAGE), TOEIC section. Thank you very much for following. Sincerely, GM – Mica ______________________________________ GOOGLE TALK Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:16 PM Tutors, Good Evening Home Based and Center Based Tutors. Please install google talk in
  • 32. your respective units. Click on the link below to have an access to google talk installer. Once you've clicked it, google talk will be downloaded automatically and you can set it up in your laptop/desktop. Thank you for complying. GM - Mica ______________________________________ TUTOR'S SCHEDULE EA JOAN Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 10:51 PM Tutors, Starting NOVEMBER 3, 2011, EA Joan will be handling the schedule. All inquiries regarding your working schedule shall be addressed to Ms.Joan. Majority of you are wondering about the reason for your schedule change. The main reason for the change is the demand for the lessons slots and this demand varies per operation. Please refer to the EA's email account information which reminds you to check your schedule a night before the actual operation. This is an example of the email that the EA's had sent regarding the schedule: Please wait for instructions from Ms. Malou (skytalk.malou) when you can start. Plot your schedule but limit to 6 slots and it is still subject to change depending on demand, so kindly check your data before lessons. For your materials and any technical problem, PC/Laptop and anti virus checking please skype sir Alvin our IT (skype id: cee_ey) NOTE: please check your GMAIL account everyday ALWAYS PLOT YOUR SCHEDULE A WEEK OR TWO-WEEK ADVANCED. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR PAGE A NIGHT BEFORE THE ACTUAL DAY OF OPERATION FOR YOU TO KNOW YOUR UPDATED SCHEDULE..
  • 33. Thank you very much. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ LESSON REMINDERS Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:01 PM Tutors, 1. Please don't forget to inform the 4C Staff concerning your late arrival, lesson cancellations, emergency situation or any event that will compromise your working schedule. Only text the official three cell numbers of 4C and not the personal numbers of the 4C Staff. As much as possible, text the three cell numbers and not one number only. 09088686601 (BF) 09088686602 (OMM) 09088686603 (CEBU) 2. A tutor is considered late if she has not arrived in the center or if she is still offline 30 mins before her set working time. The count time for reallocation starts after 30 mins. 3. Even if the tutor has informed about her late arrival, 4C Staff can only wait for the set waiting time (10 mins EVENING, 15 mins AFTERNOON). 4. Please take note that sending the acknowledgement does not guarantee that your first class won't be reallocated. After the staff has checked you at Skype and you are still offline, reallocation will proceed. 5. If SM sends "CHECK" message to you at skype, please reply "ONLINE" only. There is no need to to inform SM about your lesson status. Inform the 4CM only and not SM. For more information please read: SM SENDING MESSAGES TO THE TUTORS (RATIONALE) Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 7:09 PM 6. If the client has any skype problems, please give this link: 
  • 34. (CLIENTS CAN'T ADD ME IN THEIR SKYPE CONTACT LIST Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:43 PM) 7. Please report immediately if you you have any problems concerning your client. Skytalk Senior Manager has removed 5 clients from Skytalk because of their untoward behavior to the tutors. 8. Please utilize the EXPLANATION LETTER TEMPLATE in making you explanation letter. The letter shall be addressed to the 4CM and must be sent to 9. All lesson materials must be downloaded in your respective units. Please refer to the updated SKYTALK E-BOOKS for the download site. 10. Google talk must be installed in your unit to act as the notifier every time there are new updates from 4C. It also serves as the back up once Skype is down. For your strict compliance. Thank you very much for taking note. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ GMAIL MEMOS RECOMPILED AGAIN (UPDATED) PLEASE DOWNLOAD Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 10:52 PM Tutors, Please download the attachments. The memos had been compiled again for everyone to have an easy access to the memos in Gmail. Please install GOOGLE TALK also for you to be immediately informed with updates from 4C. For your strict compliance. Sincerely, GM - Mica P.S. To those tutors who had installed GOOGLE TALK in their PC/Laptop, thank you very much.
  • 35. ______________________________________ WORKING ABROAD Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:16 PM Tutors, If you are planning to go to another country and continue to work in 4C/Skytalk, You need to ask permission first from 4C Management. The Management in turn will ask for Sir Shin's approval. Once approved, your audio, video and connection status will be checked by the staff. You also need to provide a means for communication in order for the staff to check you. For your strict compliance. Thank you very much. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ CLIENTS ARE LOOKING FOR MORE AVAILABLE TUTORS Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:58 PM Tutors, Skytalk JPN Office has been receiving numerous complaints from the clients about lack of tutors for the succeeding month. Please be informed that you need to make your schedule at least one week in advance. The most ideal would be two weeks in advance so that the clients can instantly reserve. At the same time you can wisely plan your schedule ahead of time. For your strict compliance. Thank you very much.
  • 36. Sincerely, GM - Mica ______________________________________ CHECK THE REQUEST LIST BEFORE THE LESSON Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 10:14 PM Tutors, Clients are complaining again that most of their tutors are UNAWARE about the REQUESTED LESSON that they had indicated in the REQUEST LIST. Please scroll down and check the last part of the client's profile page (tutor's log-in) which is the REQUEST LIST. You will be seeing the requested lesson of the client in the material section. You can also reconfirm the requested lesson to the client if he still wishes to continue it. For your strict compliance please. Sincerely, GM - Mica