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The    NEW ENGLA ND JOURNAL                                                             of   MEDICINE

Doctors on Coverage — Physicians’ Views on a New Public
Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion
Salomeh Keyhani, M.D., M.P.H., and Alex Federman, M.D., M.P.H.

         I n the past few months, a key point of contention
           in the health care reform debate has been whether
         a public health insurance option should be included
                                                                                        four groups: primary care physi-
                                                                                        cians (in internal medicine, pe-
                                                                                        diatrics, or family practice); med-
                                                                                        ical subspecialists, neurologists,
         in the final legislation. Although polls have shown                            and psychiatrists; surgical special-
                                                                                        ists and subspecialists; and other
         that 52 to 69% of Americans sup-       cians in general. Faced with this       specialties. The survey instrument
         port such an option,1 the views        absence of empirical data, we con-      we used was developed with the
         of physicians are unclear. Physi-      ducted a national survey of phy-        input of an expert panel, and we
         cians are critical stakeholders in     sicians to inform federal policy-       conducted cognitive testing and
         health care reform and have been       makers about physicians’ views          pilot testing to ensure its clarity
         influential in shaping health pol-     of proposed expansions of health        and relevance. (More detailed in-
         icy throughout the history of or-      care coverage.                          formation about our methods can
         ganized medicine in the United             In April 2009, we obtained data     be found in the Supplementary
         States.2                               on a random sample of 6000 phy-         Appendix, available with the full
             The voices of physicians in the    sicians from the American Medi-         text of this article at
         current debate have emanated al-       cal Association (AMA) Physician             Survey respondents were asked
         most exclusively from national         Masterfile, which includes current      to indicate which of three options
         physicians’ groups and societies.      data on all U.S. physicians. We         for expanding health insurance
         Like any special-interest group,       excluded physicians from U.S. ter-      coverage they would most strong-
         these organizations claim to rep-      ritories because health care reform     ly support: public and private op-
         resent their members (and often        may not be as relevant to them,         tions, providing people younger
         nonmembers as well). The result        and we excluded physicians in           than 65 years of age the choice
         is a well-established understand-      training because of their limited       of enrolling in a new public health
         ing of the interests of physicians’    experience with insurance; a sam-       insurance plan (like Medicare) or
         societies but little, if any, under-   ple of 5157 physicians remained.        in private plans; private options
         standing of views among physi-         We categorized physicians into          only, providing people with tax

                                                   10.1056/nejmp0908239                                   e24(1)

   Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
                      Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E                                                Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion

 A                                                                   B
                       70                                                                    70
                                            62.9                                                              62.4
                                                                                                  58.3 56.7                                        All physicians
                       60                                                                    60                      55.6 57.3
                                                                                                                                                   Primary care providers
                       50                                                                    50                                                    Medical specialists or subspecialists
     Respondents (%)

                                                                           Respondents (%)
                                                                                                                                                   Surgeons or surgical subspecialists
                       40                                                                    40                                                    Other

                       30                              27.3                                  30                                                                                        26.6 25.1
                                                                                                                                                                    23.0 22.6
                                                                                                                                        20.6                                    20.2
                       20                                                                    20                                  18.5          17.2 17.7 17.5
                       10                                                                    10

                        0                                                                     0
                                Public   Public and   Private                                            Support                           Unsure                          Oppose
                               Options    Private     Options
                                 Only     Options      Only

Physicians’ Support of Options for Expanding Insurance Coverage and Medicare.
Panel A shows the proportion of survey respondents who favored public options only, those who favored both public and private options, and
those who favored private options only. Panel B shows the proportions of respondents (according to their medical specialty) who supported,
                                            AUTHOR: Keyhani                      RETAKE:     1st
opposed, or were undecided about the expansion of Medicare to include adults between the ages of 55 and 64 years. The proportion of support
was consistent across all four specialty groups (P = 0.08).2
                                             FIGURE: 1 of                                    3rd
                                                              ARTIST: ts
                            credits or subsidies, if they TYPE: Line Combo but 221 of themcol
                                                           have physicians, 4-C H/T                3x had                                       a public option (see table). Pri-
                            low income, to buy private insur- an incorrect or incomplete ad-                                                    mary care providers were the most
                                                                     AUTHOR, PLEASE NOTE:
                            ance coverage, without creating has been redrawn and type has been reset. the
                                                            Figure dress or were deceased. Of                                                   likely to support a public option
                                                                       Please check carefully.
                            a new public plan; or a public remaining 4936 physicians, 2130                                                      (65.2%); among the other spe-
                            option only, eliminating JOB: 361xx returned the survey — a response
                                                        private                                ISSUE: xx-xx-09                                  cialty groups, the “other” physi-
                            insurance and covering everyone rate of 43.2%. Women made up                                                        cians — those in fields that
                            through a single public plan like a smaller proportion of respon-                                                   generally have less regular direct
                            Medicare. We also assessed the dents than of nonrespondents                                                         contact with patients, such as
                            level of physician support for a (26.8% vs. 31.2%, P<0.001), and                                                    radiology, anesthesiology, and nu-
                            proposal that would enable adults the average age of respondents                                                    clear medicine — were the least
                            between the ages of 55 and 64 was 1 year older than that of                                                         likely to support a public option,
                            years to buy into the current Medi- nonrespondents. There were no                                                   though 57.4% did so. Physicians
                            care program — a strategy that significant differences associat-                                                    in every census region showed
                            the Senate Finance Committee has ed with practice location (census                                                  majority support for a public op-
                            proposed.                              division or urban vs. rural set-                                             tion, with percentages in favor
                               Data were also collected on ting), practice type, or specialty                                                   ranging from 58.9% in the South
                            additional variables that might be group. There were no significant                                                 to 69.7% in the Northeast. Prac-
                            associated with preferences for differences in the characteristics                                                  tice owners were less likely than
                            different expansion options, such of respondents to different sur-                                                  nonowners to support a public
                            as time spent on clinical duties vey waves (for details, see the                                                    option (59.7% vs. 67.1%, P<0.001),
                            each week, whether physicians Supplementary Appendix).                                                              but a majority still supported it.
                            owned their own practice, salary          Overall, a majority of physi-                                             Finally, there was also majority
                            status, and type of practice. The cians (62.9%) supported public                                                    support for a public option among
                            survey has been in the field for and private options (see Panel A                                                   AMA members (62.2%).
                            approximately 2 months (June 25, of graph). Only 27.3% supported                                                       Overall, 58.3% of respondents
                            2009, to September 3, 2009). All offering private options only.                                                     supported an expansion of Medi-
                            available data were analyzed on Respondents — across all dem-                                                       care to Americans between the
                            September 4, 2009. A third sur- ographic subgroups, specialties,                                                    ages of 55 and 64 years (see Pan-
                            vey wave was initiated on August practice locations, and practice                                                   el B of graph). This support was
                            27, 2009.                              types — showed majority sup-                                                 consistent across all four special-
                               The final sample included 5157 port (>57.4%) for the inclusion of                                                ty groups, with proportions in

e24(2)                                                                                       10.1056/nejmp0908239

                              Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
                                                 Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C T IV E                            Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion

                                         Physicians’ Views on Proposals for Expanding Insurance Coverage,
                                              According to Professional and Practice Characteristics.*

             Variable                              No. in Sample           Preferred Method of Expanding Coverage               P Value†
                                                                     Public and Private Private Options    Public Options
                                                                          Options             Only              Only
             Specialty‡                                                                                                           0.003
                Primary care                            499                65.2             23.9               10.8
                Medical subspecialty                    513                64.7             25.0               10.1
                Surgery                                 508                59.4             33.2                7.3
                Other                                   477                57.4             33.7                8.8
             Census region                                                                                                      <0.001
                Midwest                                 428                62.5             28.5                8.9
                Northeast                               452                69.7             18.4               11.8
                South                                   691                58.9             34.6                6.3
                West                                    426                62.6             23.9               13.3
             Practice location                                                                                                    0.57
                Rural                                   172                59.6             31.0                9.3
                Urban                                  1825                63.3             27.0                9.6
             Practice type                                                                                                        0.04
                Office                                 1543                61.5             29.0                9.4
                Hospital                                224                64.9             23.1               11.8
                Other                                   230                70.7             20.5                8.7
             Hours of patient care per week                                                                                       0.03
                ≥20 hr                                 1675                62.0             28.5                9.5
                <20 hr                                  299                68.4             20.7               10.8
             Practice owner                                                                                                       0.001
                Yes                                    1142                59.7             32.2                7.9
                No                                      829                67.1             20.9               11.8
             Source of income                                                                                                     0.001
                Salary only                             542                69.1             20.6               10.2
                Salary plus bonus                       765                60.3             32.1                7.5
                Billing only                            360                58.9             29.9               11.1
                Shift work or hourly wages               98                64.9             21.1               13.8
                Other                                   206                61.6             27.8               10.5
             AMA member                                                                                                           0.02
                Yes                                     552                62.2             30.8                6.9
                No                                     1425                63.2             26.2               10.5

           * Respondents who favored only private options were younger (mean age, 50.6 years) than those who wanted both public and
             private options (mean age, 51.9 years) and those who wanted public options only (mean age, 54.4 years) (P<0.001 for the
             comparison among groups). AMA denotes American Medical Association.
           † P values are for the comparisons among the three groups.
           ‡ Primary care includes internists, family practitioners, and pediatricians without subspecialty training; medical subspecialists
             include subspecialists of medicine and pediatrics, as well as neurologists and psychiatrists; surgical specialists and subspe-
             cialists include general surgeons, surgical subspecialists, and obstetrician–gynecologists; “other” includes the remaining spe-
             cialties, such as radiology, anesthesiology, and nuclear medicine.

                                                              10.1056/nejmp0908239                                            e24(3)

    Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
                       Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E                         Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion

          favor ranging from 55.6% to             financial stake in their practice,     support using both public and
          62.4% (P = 0.08).                       and members of the AMA — de-           private insurance options to ex-
              Physicians’ groups have strong-     spite that organization’s history      pand coverage. A majority of phy-
          ly influenced efforts in health         of opposition to reform efforts.2      sicians also support the expan-
          care reform throughout modern           The AMA’s 2009 platform on             sion of Medicare. Support for the
          U.S. history2 and in so doing may       health care reform originally en-      public option is consistent across
          have often obscured the collec-         dorsed an expansion of health          physician specialties, practice set-
          tive views of individual physicians     insurance through private means.3      tings, and regions of the coun-
          across the spectrum of specialties,     But the organization recently came     try, and therefore should be care-
          interests, and regional affiliations.   out in support of a House pro-         fully considered by lawmakers
          Given the enormity of the cur-          posal for reform that includes a       as they finalize legislation to re-
          rent effort to reform health care       new public option4 — a position        form health care and provide cov-
          and its potential effect on future      that our data suggest is consistent    erage for 47 million uninsured
          generations of Americans, poli-         with the views of its members.         Americans.
          cymakers need to hear the views            Some limitations of our study          No potential conflict of interest relevant
          of the whole range of physicians        deserve comment. First, our re-        to this article was reported.

          on the key elements of reform.          sponse rate was 43.2%, which is
                                                                                         From the James J. Peters Veterans Adminis-
              On one of the most critical         modest, though typical of the          tration Medical Center, Bronx, NY (S.K.); and
          elements — expansion of cover-          most recent national physician         the Department of Health Policy (S.K.) and
          age — our study of a national           surveys and surveys in general.        the Division of General Internal Medicine
                                                                                         (S.K., A.F.), Mount Sinai School of Medi-
          sample of physicians showed that        There were no significant differ-      cine, New York.
          a clear majority support a com-         ences between survey respondents
          bined public–private approach to        and nonrespondents in important        This article (10.1056/NEJMp0908239) was
          expanding health insurance. We          characteristics, such as specialty,    published on September 14, 2009, at NEJM.
          found that physicians’ support for      practice location, and practice
          including a public option in the        type. Second, physicians’ opinions
                                                                                         1. Blendon RJ, Benson JM. Understanding
          reform package largely mirrors          about strategies for expanding         how Americans view health care reform.
          the support revealed in national        health insurance coverage may          N Engl J Med 2009;361(9):e13 (Web only).
          public polls conducted through-         have evolved during the period         (Available at
                                                                                         2. Starr P. The social transformation of
          out the spring and summer of            of data collection, given the inten-   American medicine. New York: Basic Books,
          this year.1 A similar proportion        sive press coverage of the issues.     1982.
          of physicians also supported the        However, we found no significant       3. The AMA health care reform proposal.
                                                                                         Chicago: American Medical Association,
          expansion of Medicare to help           differences between respondents        2008. (Accessed September 10, 2009, at
          cover the near-elderly population.      in the first and second waves of
          Support of public and private           the survey. Finally, we did not ask    amaproposal.html.)
                                                                                         4. AMA supports H.R. 3200, “America’s Af-
          options was consistent across a         physicians their views on other        fordable Health Choices Act of 2009.” Chi-
          wide range of physicians, includ-       proposed solutions, such as insur-     cago: American Medical Association, 2009.
          ing those from the traditionally        ance cooperatives.                     (Accessed September 10, 2009, at http://
          conservative southern regions of           Nonetheless, it seems clear that    ama-supports-hr-3200.shtml.)
          the United States, those with a         the majority of U.S. physicians        Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society.

e24(4)                                               10.1056/nejmp0908239

            Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
                               Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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NEJM Doctors On Health Care Reform

  • 1. The NEW ENGLA ND JOURNAL of MEDICINE Perspective Doctors on Coverage — Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion Salomeh Keyhani, M.D., M.P.H., and Alex Federman, M.D., M.P.H. I n the past few months, a key point of contention in the health care reform debate has been whether a public health insurance option should be included four groups: primary care physi- cians (in internal medicine, pe- diatrics, or family practice); med- ical subspecialists, neurologists, in the final legislation. Although polls have shown and psychiatrists; surgical special- ists and subspecialists; and other that 52 to 69% of Americans sup- cians in general. Faced with this specialties. The survey instrument port such an option,1 the views absence of empirical data, we con- we used was developed with the of physicians are unclear. Physi- ducted a national survey of phy- input of an expert panel, and we cians are critical stakeholders in sicians to inform federal policy- conducted cognitive testing and health care reform and have been makers about physicians’ views pilot testing to ensure its clarity influential in shaping health pol- of proposed expansions of health and relevance. (More detailed in- icy throughout the history of or- care coverage. formation about our methods can ganized medicine in the United In April 2009, we obtained data be found in the Supplementary States.2 on a random sample of 6000 phy- Appendix, available with the full The voices of physicians in the sicians from the American Medi- text of this article at current debate have emanated al- cal Association (AMA) Physician Survey respondents were asked most exclusively from national Masterfile, which includes current to indicate which of three options physicians’ groups and societies. data on all U.S. physicians. We for expanding health insurance Like any special-interest group, excluded physicians from U.S. ter- coverage they would most strong- these organizations claim to rep- ritories because health care reform ly support: public and private op- resent their members (and often may not be as relevant to them, tions, providing people younger nonmembers as well). The result and we excluded physicians in than 65 years of age the choice is a well-established understand- training because of their limited of enrolling in a new public health ing of the interests of physicians’ experience with insurance; a sam- insurance plan (like Medicare) or societies but little, if any, under- ple of 5157 physicians remained. in private plans; private options standing of views among physi- We categorized physicians into only, providing people with tax 10.1056/nejmp0908239 e24(1) Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
  • 2. PERS PE C T IV E Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion A B 70 70 62.9 62.4 58.3 56.7 All physicians 60 60 55.6 57.3 Primary care providers 50 50 Medical specialists or subspecialists Respondents (%) Respondents (%) Surgeons or surgical subspecialists 40 40 Other 30 27.3 30 26.6 25.1 23.0 22.6 20.6 20.2 20 20 18.5 17.2 17.7 17.5 9.6 10 10 0 0 Public Public and Private Support Unsure Oppose Options Private Options Only Options Only Physicians’ Support of Options for Expanding Insurance Coverage and Medicare. Panel A shows the proportion of survey respondents who favored public options only, those who favored both public and private options, and those who favored private options only. Panel B shows the proportions of respondents (according to their medical specialty) who supported, AUTHOR: Keyhani RETAKE: 1st opposed, or were undecided about the expansion of Medicare to include adults between the ages of 55 and 64 years. The proportion of support 2nd was consistent across all four specialty groups (P = 0.08).2 FIGURE: 1 of 3rd Revised ARTIST: ts SIZE credits or subsidies, if they TYPE: Line Combo but 221 of themcol have physicians, 4-C H/T 3x had a public option (see table). Pri- low income, to buy private insur- an incorrect or incomplete ad- mary care providers were the most AUTHOR, PLEASE NOTE: ance coverage, without creating has been redrawn and type has been reset. the Figure dress or were deceased. Of likely to support a public option Please check carefully. a new public plan; or a public remaining 4936 physicians, 2130 (65.2%); among the other spe- option only, eliminating JOB: 361xx returned the survey — a response private ISSUE: xx-xx-09 cialty groups, the “other” physi- insurance and covering everyone rate of 43.2%. Women made up cians — those in fields that through a single public plan like a smaller proportion of respon- generally have less regular direct Medicare. We also assessed the dents than of nonrespondents contact with patients, such as level of physician support for a (26.8% vs. 31.2%, P<0.001), and radiology, anesthesiology, and nu- proposal that would enable adults the average age of respondents clear medicine — were the least between the ages of 55 and 64 was 1 year older than that of likely to support a public option, years to buy into the current Medi- nonrespondents. There were no though 57.4% did so. Physicians care program — a strategy that significant differences associat- in every census region showed the Senate Finance Committee has ed with practice location (census majority support for a public op- proposed. division or urban vs. rural set- tion, with percentages in favor Data were also collected on ting), practice type, or specialty ranging from 58.9% in the South additional variables that might be group. There were no significant to 69.7% in the Northeast. Prac- associated with preferences for differences in the characteristics tice owners were less likely than different expansion options, such of respondents to different sur- nonowners to support a public as time spent on clinical duties vey waves (for details, see the option (59.7% vs. 67.1%, P<0.001), each week, whether physicians Supplementary Appendix). but a majority still supported it. owned their own practice, salary Overall, a majority of physi- Finally, there was also majority status, and type of practice. The cians (62.9%) supported public support for a public option among survey has been in the field for and private options (see Panel A AMA members (62.2%). approximately 2 months (June 25, of graph). Only 27.3% supported Overall, 58.3% of respondents 2009, to September 3, 2009). All offering private options only. supported an expansion of Medi- available data were analyzed on Respondents — across all dem- care to Americans between the September 4, 2009. A third sur- ographic subgroups, specialties, ages of 55 and 64 years (see Pan- vey wave was initiated on August practice locations, and practice el B of graph). This support was 27, 2009. types — showed majority sup- consistent across all four special- The final sample included 5157 port (>57.4%) for the inclusion of ty groups, with proportions in e24(2) 10.1056/nejmp0908239 Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
  • 3. PE R S PE C T IV E Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion Physicians’ Views on Proposals for Expanding Insurance Coverage, According to Professional and Practice Characteristics.* Variable No. in Sample Preferred Method of Expanding Coverage P Value† Public and Private Private Options Public Options Options Only Only percent Specialty‡ 0.003 Primary care 499 65.2 23.9 10.8 Medical subspecialty 513 64.7 25.0 10.1 Surgery 508 59.4 33.2 7.3 Other 477 57.4 33.7 8.8 Census region <0.001 Midwest 428 62.5 28.5 8.9 Northeast 452 69.7 18.4 11.8 South 691 58.9 34.6 6.3 West 426 62.6 23.9 13.3 Practice location 0.57 Rural 172 59.6 31.0 9.3 Urban 1825 63.3 27.0 9.6 Practice type 0.04 Office 1543 61.5 29.0 9.4 Hospital 224 64.9 23.1 11.8 Other 230 70.7 20.5 8.7 Hours of patient care per week 0.03 ≥20 hr 1675 62.0 28.5 9.5 <20 hr 299 68.4 20.7 10.8 Practice owner 0.001 Yes 1142 59.7 32.2 7.9 No 829 67.1 20.9 11.8 Source of income 0.001 Salary only 542 69.1 20.6 10.2 Salary plus bonus 765 60.3 32.1 7.5 Billing only 360 58.9 29.9 11.1 Shift work or hourly wages 98 64.9 21.1 13.8 Other 206 61.6 27.8 10.5 AMA member 0.02 Yes 552 62.2 30.8 6.9 No 1425 63.2 26.2 10.5 * Respondents who favored only private options were younger (mean age, 50.6 years) than those who wanted both public and private options (mean age, 51.9 years) and those who wanted public options only (mean age, 54.4 years) (P<0.001 for the comparison among groups). AMA denotes American Medical Association. † P values are for the comparisons among the three groups. ‡ Primary care includes internists, family practitioners, and pediatricians without subspecialty training; medical subspecialists include subspecialists of medicine and pediatrics, as well as neurologists and psychiatrists; surgical specialists and subspe- cialists include general surgeons, surgical subspecialists, and obstetrician–gynecologists; “other” includes the remaining spe- cialties, such as radiology, anesthesiology, and nuclear medicine. 10.1056/nejmp0908239 e24(3) Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
  • 4. PERS PE C T IV E Physicians’ Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion favor ranging from 55.6% to financial stake in their practice, support using both public and 62.4% (P = 0.08). and members of the AMA — de- private insurance options to ex- Physicians’ groups have strong- spite that organization’s history pand coverage. A majority of phy- ly influenced efforts in health of opposition to reform efforts.2 sicians also support the expan- care reform throughout modern The AMA’s 2009 platform on sion of Medicare. Support for the U.S. history2 and in so doing may health care reform originally en- public option is consistent across have often obscured the collec- dorsed an expansion of health physician specialties, practice set- tive views of individual physicians insurance through private means.3 tings, and regions of the coun- across the spectrum of specialties, But the organization recently came try, and therefore should be care- interests, and regional affiliations. out in support of a House pro- fully considered by lawmakers Given the enormity of the cur- posal for reform that includes a as they finalize legislation to re- rent effort to reform health care new public option4 — a position form health care and provide cov- and its potential effect on future that our data suggest is consistent erage for 47 million uninsured generations of Americans, poli- with the views of its members. Americans. cymakers need to hear the views Some limitations of our study No potential conflict of interest relevant of the whole range of physicians deserve comment. First, our re- to this article was reported. on the key elements of reform. sponse rate was 43.2%, which is From the James J. Peters Veterans Adminis- On one of the most critical modest, though typical of the tration Medical Center, Bronx, NY (S.K.); and elements — expansion of cover- most recent national physician the Department of Health Policy (S.K.) and age — our study of a national surveys and surveys in general. the Division of General Internal Medicine (S.K., A.F.), Mount Sinai School of Medi- sample of physicians showed that There were no significant differ- cine, New York. a clear majority support a com- ences between survey respondents bined public–private approach to and nonrespondents in important This article (10.1056/NEJMp0908239) was expanding health insurance. We characteristics, such as specialty, published on September 14, 2009, at NEJM. org. found that physicians’ support for practice location, and practice including a public option in the type. Second, physicians’ opinions 1. Blendon RJ, Benson JM. Understanding reform package largely mirrors about strategies for expanding how Americans view health care reform. the support revealed in national health insurance coverage may N Engl J Med 2009;361(9):e13 (Web only). public polls conducted through- have evolved during the period (Available at 2. Starr P. The social transformation of out the spring and summer of of data collection, given the inten- American medicine. New York: Basic Books, this year.1 A similar proportion sive press coverage of the issues. 1982. of physicians also supported the However, we found no significant 3. The AMA health care reform proposal. Chicago: American Medical Association, expansion of Medicare to help differences between respondents 2008. (Accessed September 10, 2009, at cover the near-elderly population. in the first and second waves of Support of public and private the survey. Finally, we did not ask amaproposal.html.) 4. AMA supports H.R. 3200, “America’s Af- options was consistent across a physicians their views on other fordable Health Choices Act of 2009.” Chi- wide range of physicians, includ- proposed solutions, such as insur- cago: American Medical Association, 2009. ing those from the traditionally ance cooperatives. (Accessed September 10, 2009, at http:// conservative southern regions of Nonetheless, it seems clear that ama-supports-hr-3200.shtml.) the United States, those with a the majority of U.S. physicians Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. e24(4) 10.1056/nejmp0908239 Downloaded from on September 14, 2009 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.